#it's one of my fave restaurants around here!
rimouskis · 8 months
I think sid and tanger had a lunch date today, and sid also has an emotional support bottle in the pic lol https://x.com/PhishNQuips/status/1718787767327473925?s=20
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featuring: kris's pink shoes (leftovers from the failed barbie costume?), sid's Pants That Are Merch From His Agency (loser), and the expensive glass water bottles Mediterra serves (slay)
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sturniluvr · 20 days
FA cup champ
Mason Mount x fem!reader
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word count: 1.5k
warnings: some strong language, maybe some spelling mistakes, nothing other than that, lmk if I missed anything.
requested: yes/no
summary: Y/N surprises Mason at the FA cup final
A/N: shoutout to my fave mase acc on tumblr @mountttmase for convincing me to write this❤️enjoy everyone!🫶🏻
❗️semi proof-read❗️
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Today was the day, May 25th, FA cup final, Manchester derby. Y/N was nervous to say the least, having grown up a Man United fan, knowing the boys were playing arguably one of the team's biggest rivals made those nerves worse. She wanted nothing more than her club to win, especially for her boyfriend of 3 years, Mason Mount. 
She was currently in the car with Mason’s family on the way to Wembley, next to the Y/H/C woman sat Summer, who was asleep in her car seat and on the other side of the sleeping girl was Jaz, Mase’s older sister and Lewis sat behind the three girls with a sleeping Mila next to him. Y/N felt a tap on her shoulder, she looked behind at Lewis. He leaned forward as much as the seat belt would allow him. 
“Does he know you’re coming?” The older man asked. She shook her head. 
“No, I told him I had to work, but I managed to convince my manager to let me have today off, thought it’d be a nice surprise.” She replied. He nodded his head in agreement and sat back in his seat. 
*little time skip*  
They had arrived at Wembley and Y/N had the job of waking summer up while Jaz quickly changed Mila’s nappy before they all headed into the stadium. 
“Sum, wake up sweetheart. We’re here.” She whispered softly to the little girl and summer stirred in her car seat. She opened her eyes and held her arms out to her auntie. Y/N picked her up out her car seat and rested the girl on her hip until she was more awake and wanted to walk. 
The adults had collectively agreed to get some food first before heading into the stadium since everyone was hungry and they were earlier than expected so they found a little restaurant up the road from the stadium and they made their way to the restaurant and had some delicious food. 
*around 2:30* 
After they finished their food, they made their way back to the stadium and headed up the stairs. As she walked up the stairs to the entrance of the stadium, all she wanted to do was go and wait for Mason to arrive but she had to stop herself so she didn’t ruin the surprise.  
“You excited to see uncle Masey?” Y/N asked summer who was holding her hand. She looked up and nodded enthusiastically with a smile on her face and a skip in her step knowing she was soon going to see her uncle. 
*time skip to kick off* 
She watched as the teams made their way out of the tunnel, she smiled at the sight of her childhood team, on the pitch ready to play and win the FA cup. Y/N and Lewis leaned forward in their seats as the whistle blew for kick off and watched intently. 
30th minute
She cheered with the United fans as Garnacho tapped the ball into the net, scoring the first goal of the match. She certainly started feeling more confident as she watched the reds play with all they could give. 
39th minute
She bit her nails as she watched Bruno beautifully pass to Kobbie and Mainoo kicked it into the back of the net, making the score 2-0 to United before half time, she shot up and cheered once again, feeling pride fill her body at how well her team was doing. 
90+2 minute
She clapped and smiled as Mase made his way onto the pitch being subbed on alongside Lindelof for McTominay and Garnacho. She was silently praying that city wouldn’t not score again and cause the match to go to extra time, she was too nervous for that. Next to the woman, she heard chants of ‘Masey’ coming from Summer. She smiled at the young girl and picked her up and rested her on her hips so that she had a slightly better view of the game. 
*time skip to full time*  
She let out a cheer with and gently jumped up and down with summer still on her hip. Man United had won the FA cup!! She was beaming with pride for Mase and her team, she was so proud of them all.  
She already had tears in her eyes from the sight of Mase lifting the trophy with the biggest grin on his face, reaching from ear to ear and his pearly whites on show, now she was crying even more seeing her team lift the trophy behind the FA cup winner banner and confetti and champagne covering them all head to toe. She physically couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. She put summer down and quickly wiped her eyes before they headed down to the pitch, she could finally see her boy and tell him just how proud she was.  
*on the pitch*  
The players had now spread out across the pitch heading to their respective families and friends. Her Y/E/C eyes landed on the love of her life, who she’d been dying to see all day. Before anyone could catch her, summer bolted towards her uncle Masey.  
“MASEY!” Summer screamed out as she ran towards him. He turned around and smiled at the sight of his niece, he opened his arms and picked her up and spun her around before sitting her on his hip. 
“Hey sweetheart, you okay?” Mason spoke softly to her. Summer nodded and smiled at him.  
Y/N stayed behind slightly to give Mason a moment with his family. She watched with a soft smile as Mason passed Summer over to Jaz so he could hug everyone else.
“There’s someone here darling.” Debbie whispered in his ear as she hugged him. The 25 year old looked around and his brown eyes locked with the Y/E/C he fell in love with 3 years ago. He made a beeline for his girl and wrapped his arms around Y/N’s torso and lifted her off the ground, she instantly wrapped her arms around his neck, placing kisses all over his face, the last one being his lips, he deepened the kiss ever so slightly and his hands made home on her hips. 
She looked up at him with a breathtaking smile, one that he immediately reciprocated. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you mase!” The woman exclaimed. He pulled her back in for another hug. One hand cupping the back of her head and the other resting on her back, he rested his head in the crook of her neck, planting sporadic kisses to her neck.  
“Thank you, baby. I’m so glad we won!” He replied, voice slightly watery with emotion. 
He lifted his head up to look at the love of his life and he smiled at her before placing a final kiss on his favourite pair of lips. It finally set in that his girl was here and not at work like she said she would be today. He looked down at Y/N and squeezed her waist slightly. 
“I thought you had work anyway cheeky. I thought your asshole of a manager wouldn’t give you the day off?” He spoke with a confused tone, Y/N let out a little laugh at the sight of her boyfriend looking like a confused puppy. 
“I managed to convince him to give me the day off, so I thought I’d surprise you.” she replied, smiling up at her winner. 
“Cheeky.” Mase chuckled, slapping her butt gently. “But thank you darling, it means the world to me for you to be here with my family” he added on, still smiling, his cheeks had started to hurt from all the smiling he’d done in the last hour. 
Interrupting their moment, Rasmus ran over to the couple, he gave Y/N a quick hug as the older woman congratulated him. 
“We gotta get going to the after party soon mase, you coming Y/N/N?” The younger man spoke with excitement in his voice.  
“Mase we gotta get to Monaco for the Grand Prix.” she spoke looking between the two footballers.  
“Love, the race isn’t until 3 we’ll be able to fly tomorrow morning and make it for the race.” Mason reassured the woman.  
“Come on Y/N let’s have a party!” Rasmus spoke in a sing song tone causing her to laugh at him. 
“What do you say baby?” Mase looked at the girl for confirmation, she threw her head back dramatically sighing.  
“Fuck it, why not.” She replied laughing as the boys cheered and wrapped their arms around her shoulders. 
“Jaz, Lew, you coming to the after party?” The siblings nodded almost immediately.  
“Mum? Dad? You coming?” Jaz looked between her parents. 
“No it’s okay, we’ll get the girls home and in bed, you kids go have fun!” Tony replied, smiling at the younger adults. Jaz passed summer to Debbie and Tony already had Mila in his arms, they left with the young girls, and the adults all made travel arrangements to get to the after party. Y/N, Lewis and Jaz got an uber and Mason and Rasmus made their way to the party on the team coach.  
They all danced the entire night. Y/N and Mason being slightly more conscious with drinking than Rasmus as they had to travel the next morning. They all laughed at Rasmus singing Abba. Y/N made a mental note to message the younger man in the morning to see how he was feeling knowing he’d he hungover. 
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sanji-piss-hell · 7 months
Here is some of my fave zosan fics. Some of these I read years ago and so I don't fully remember what theyre about but they we're good enough that I still have strong emotional attachments when I see the name. Most of them are things I've read recently. Literally all I do all day is homework and have an app tts fanfics to me like an audio book so there's quite a few of recs here. I am not the best at summeries but just trust me bro these are GOOD SHIT. I only provide the best. What I consider a good fic: - Takes place in the one piece world (I don't like modern aus) - Characters stay in character or if they do have changes from their canon portrayal there is a justifiable reason from within the story. - Solid story telling and arcs (even the shorter fics) - The Zosan dynamic is kept mostly how it is in canon they fight and bicker. (I know some like when they're soft with eachother like a loving married couple. You won't find much of that here) - Some of these have pervy sanji, que nose bleeds and ogling. With that out of the way here's the list!! Now to my fave zosan fic of all time and ironically enough the only fic taking place in a modern setting: Life is fine series. TW: Drug abuse, heavy angst, depression I have reread this twice and forced a friend to read it too. It is so amazing not just for the zosan but for the genuinely good story telling. You follow zoro reeling from his sudden loss of relationship with Sanji and falling down a...Well uh, path. It's fucked it's dark it's depressing and its fucking riviting. Alot of the time reading this you're just like WHY DID SANJI LEAVE HIM WHAT IS GOING ON??? Honestly I need to reread this again. Onto softer fics to heal your heart after that one: Honor in limits, his strengths in weakness By Hawksbrood
“Fucking hell cook, what happened to you?” Zoro demanded, voice low so as not to disturb the others sleeping nearby.
Sanji rolled his eyes. “What do you think? I told you we got in a fight earlier.”
“Not that, your fucking feet!”
The cook snarled at that, crushing his cigarette in his teeth. “What the fuck do you mean, my feet? They’re just feet!”
Zoro’s eyes widened, looking at the bruised flesh before him. This wasn’t that.
This was just so good and cute. I appreciate watching zoro appreciate sanji. They take care of eachother but in a way where theyre both still them yeah know? I appreciate how sanji is written letting himself be vulnerable but understanding that he's always gonna be crass cause it's just a part of who he is.
come on, come on (turn a little faster) by donutsandcoffee
The one where everyone thinks they’re dating, Sanji is oblivious, and Zoro takes everything in stride.
Sometimes a love story can go in reverse.
I reread this one recently and it's just soft and sweet. I like watching sanji flounder around. The gay panic is great.
a complete guide to falling in love by ThousandSunny Sanji was trained in the Bridal Arts; this does not go unnoticed by the rest of his crew. I read this like 3 years ago and I dont remember much but I do remember loving it!
Part Timer By 8ball Sanji really, really doesn't want to give Zoro a job at his restaurant. Zoro doesn't really even want to work there in the first place, but, well, there’s this thing with Sanji, and this thing with feelings and the whole thing is pretty damn stupid all together. Zeff just wants grandkids. He’s too old for this bullshit anyways. I am sure everyone knows 8ball very well they're like zosan famous but still just in case this one is really fucking good. Also read this 3 years ago so I don't remember much but I consider this a zosan classic. Onto the rated R Grand Buffet by asyndese Drunk fic!! If there was one thing Zoro knew, it was that you could always trust Sanji's inclinations to do a beautiful 180 as soon as he was drunk. Luckily, Zoro was more than equipped to handle it. I spent. 30 minutes. Trying to find this fic again because that's how much I loved it. It altered my brain chemistry. Sanji getting a nose job during sex is just. aaaaaaaaa. Read it. Cannot suggest enough. Horrors not yet known by Trixree
Sanji doesn’t know how he didn’t notice it before, is the thing. Of all the times he has seen Zoro shirtless (in battle, mostly) he just… never noticed. The problem is, once he has noticed, Sanji can’t seem to stop noticing. And neither can anyone else.
In which Zoro has a nipple piercing and Sanji has a Problem.
I recently reread this and the first time I read it I didn't really get the whole gender sanji shit. Now though???? Yeah another fic that rewired my brain chemistry. This fic opened doors for me it exposed me to a new world. Also sanji gay panic is in here and I live for that. It can be pretty raunchy (love that too) Three rounds with a tiger by KobochaKitsune Another drunk Fic!! also in modern times damn maybe I lied sdklfj
Liquid courage, drunken decisions, terrible euphemisms, and texts from last night, or: how to think entirely with the booze (and your dick) for once.
Or: By the time Sanji got to the party, everyone was already drunk.
I read this 3 years ago (theres a trend going on can you tell??) It also rewired my brain chemistry (from this point on just assume all of these nsfw fics rewired my brain chemistry each of these opened doors for me. This one opened the doors to bottom zoro.) Fucking 20k words of just pwp. I dont even know how the author did that bro like damn. Nature of things by stark_black Tw: Sex work and prostitutes When the Sunny docks, Sanji and Zoro sometimes seek out relief in some not so savory places. After crossing paths in town on more than one occasion, the two find they have a lot more in common than they would like to admit. I hunted this down for like fucking hours a couple of weeks ago because it was that good. Stark_Black has a fucking library worth of zosan fics this one is a classic to me. But if you want more content check out his other fics I think they have like over 100 zosan its kinda insane. Coregasm by Yakarmi
Sanji discovers that sometimes, Zoro has orgasms while he lifts.
“You…” Sanji trailed off, gaze turning down as he licked his lips. Pink tongue darting out nervously. “You orgasm when you exercise?”
Zoro clenched his jaw. Shrugged. Trying to act nonchalant.
Sanji’s eye went wide, and like his mouth had suddenly been liberated from his brain, blurted out, “that’s so fucking hot,” before clamping his hands over his mouth. His cigarette fell from his mouth, bouncing soundlessly on the ground.
Bro bestie, the way this put me on nose bleed Sanji. Perv sanji. I need that gif thats like mmm cause man this is good. Ending this fic rec with a BANG we have
Contingencies and Congruencies by PeaceSignDisasterBi
Somewhere between finishing the bottles of alcohol and mugs of beer, the crew comes together to create a contingency plan for something that may-or-may-not-happen during their time on the Grand Line and beyond. Usopp thinks it's more likely than bumping into zombies, Zoro wants to stay out of this, Sanji is just going with the flow, and Nami may or may not keep things legally binding and above board with consistent consensual acquiescence. Robin finds it all amusing.
The damn chart stays in the locked drawer in her desk, split into three neat categories: Devil Fruit Powers, Science, and Magic. Each represents whatever they're hit with but also categorizes the amount of self-control the person has during.
AKA: 5 times Zoro and Sanji had to help each other as Consensual Helpers of Dubious Consent + 1 Time There Was Nothing Dubious At All
Ok this is 152k long its pretty insane. It regoes over the arcs so throughly so carefully that I literally had to question my memory because I havent experienced alot of these arcs in a while (it's one of the reasons im rewatching one piece). I will say despite how amazing and well written this is I had a hard time comprehending sometimes. now I was sick at the time of reading this so that might be why but sometimes the way things were phrased felt like yoda talking. I think it's just me though. I'm not used to big words :( And thats a wrap!! These arent even all the ones I wanted to include I have at least 20 more off the top of my head but I'll save that for another day. I hope you find joy in these fics Like i did I'll def do another one of these as cause I didnt even touch my sanji centric fics or germa 66 or just in general the best sanji fanfic writers. (Mentioned some of them like 8ball, thousand sunny and donuts and coffee.) Best of luck to yall and let me know what you think!
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inescase · 3 months
🤍 Mingyu as your boyfriend !¡ 🤍
• He's the clingiest man with you, adores everything that involves being around you, from cleaning together to just sit and watch some show with you.
• He's so caring – he likes to know what you're doing or going, not in a possessive way but in a caring one; if you go to a party with your friends and need someone to take you home, call him asap and he'll be the happiest to know he can take care of you!
• He loves to give you presents everyday, some random little note on the fridge next to a homemade breakfast or some new shoes you stared for more than thirty seconds when you both went shopping.
• His love language is cooking for you! He adores watching you eating delicious food, and he also likes to go out to try different restaurants or coffee's together!
• Puppy energy! He wants to go on dates almost every day, some picnic here, some shopping day there... always wants to try new dates ideas with you.
• He's bragging almost all the time about you "Have you seen how pretty my gf/bf is?" "Oh you like this shirt? My gf/bf choose it for me hehe".
• He has you as his wallpaper in all devices... most loyal man you've ever known for sure
• Although he seems pretty confident I feel he would a bit shy meeting your parents or friends, he wants to cause good impression.
• I mean he's big... he opens jars for you, reaches for high places for you, if you both go to the gym he helps you with weight lifting...
• Sighs and pouts when you ignore him. You're texting with friends while he's talking to you? Pouts. You ignore him watching your fave TV show when he wants to cuddle? Pouts.
• He absolutely loves to see you wearing his comfy clothes! Big sweatshirts that started being his and finished being on your wardrobe and smelling like you.
• I also feel like he likes to be cared of, he likes to feel loved. It's so important for him that you show him your love for him every day! He never goes to sleep without saying "I love you" and letting a soft kiss on your forehead, pressing you against his chest.
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norman-fucking-reedus · 2 months
Hey 👋🏽!!,
I just want to stop by and say I absolutely love your fics, you capture Daryl so well😍. I was wondering if you could write something where Norman stops by his restaurant in Senoia for a quick meeting and sees the hot new waitress working there and it's lust at first sight🥵😈 .. He has to have her.. They meet up after her shift takes her back to his home and c o m p l e t e l y ruins her 🥴🫠: Blowjob & swallow, NORMAN WHIMPERING 😩🤌🏽 as reader sucks him off, deep fingering, face sitting & squirt, eating out tongue fuck!ng, ROUGH doggie style with a sloppy creampie breeding kink ending 😮‍💨 WHEW LAWD😶‍🌫️🫣, I hope this isn't too off the rails for you 🙃 Below is an aesthetic of what I want female reader and Norman to look like
"The New Girl"
Please and thank you 🙏🏾 🤭
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I’m actually really scared because this is gonna be my first time ever writing for Norman, or an actor in general, and I’m just nervous for this to come out like super corny or I write him super out of character and it’s like your average fangirl fanfic but tbh we’re just gonna close our eyes, spin around in circles and god willing nothing bad happens
The reader is black, obvs, but it’s written in a way where everyone can still enjoy and squeeze their thighs together, you’ll just be one of us in this story 🎀
Also how did I not know Norman had a restaurant… three actually…
This definitely has a word count of atleast 4k my phone actually started to slow down everytime I opened this
@blackvelveteen1339 I hope I did you justice cause holy fucking hell this was the hottest request EVER ❤️❤️
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“Are ya' impressed yet?”
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Everyone knows that moving to another place will always be the hardest feature in life, let alone moving to a whole new city in a whole different state.
Senoia was absolutely stunning, with breathtaking views and beach perfect weather. It was totally everything that you had hoped it would be, and so was your little studio apartment, which wasn’t bad at all considering the cozy size, not to mention there were quite a few stores around, also well as the infamous main street.
You sighed, a twinge of sadness. At almost twenty-seven, this would be your first time ever living alone, having lived with your parents for a huge chunk of your life. You were still young and wanted to go out into the big world on your own, and for the longest Georgia had been calling out your name.
Some of your friends and family had discouraged you from going, claiming that it was ridiculous to move so far away from home so carelessly. For a minute, you had even thought so yourself, repeating it over and over again in your head that it wasn’t worth it, or that it was just a dumb dream, and you didn’t even have a path in mind. It was a reckless thing to do, to go into a whole new state with no clue on what you wanted to do with yourself, let alone who you wanted to be.
Yet, here you sat in your new apartment, with nothing but a suitcase, duffel bag and mattress to your name, yes, happier than you’ve ever been but lonely as well. You check your phone, swiping through your notifications before unlocking it, and opening your Instagram.
You had always been a quiet and reserved person with a bit of a wild side, which you kept hidden very well under wraps. Your feed consisted of hair tips, food, traveling, and a little heat. You followed a couple of influencers, mostly your favorite music artists, and actors. There were lots of concerts happening in Atlanta, which you found wasn't far away from Senoia at all. You'd always wanted to see some of your faves in person, but none of them had ever come out to where you used to live. Not to mention, it was expensive. Speaking of expensive, you realized that you would need to start looking for a job sooner or later if you wanted to keep your studio.
Luckily you had enough to pay rent for at least the next few months, however, groceries were quite pricey these days. You huffed and glanced over to your suitcase to where it remained unpacked in the corner, clothes spilling out of it from where you had been carelessly digging through it. You had only been in Georgia for a few weeks, and hadn't really left to go anywhere. By the looks from what you could see out the window, it was an undeniably nice day, and job opportunities were always fluttering around. You decided that it was finally time to get your shit together and show Senoia what kind of girl you really were.
Swinging off your makeshift bed, you rose to your feet, grimacing slightly and groaning softly as you stretched and walked over towards the bathroom, frowning at the tangled mess that was your hair once you stood in front of the mirror. There were also a few stains on your shirt. Yeah, a shower was definitely needed. You twisted the handle to the middle and allowed the water to heat up, padding over to your messy suitcase.
There were a couple of hangers in the closet but that was about it. Luckily there were also shelves built in which would have to do for now. You were probably going to need a small list of things, hangers being priority number one.
Going through the suitcase, you had your everyday clothes, some old work clothes, and few clubbing clothes. Your duffel bag contained your personable items, as well as a couple of important documents and paperwork for the apartment. You had already moved all your hygienic stuff into the bathroom, and decided to stress about putting away your clothes later, focusing on what you would actually wear out.
You wanted it to be a mix between comfortable yet classy, classy yet also sexy. A simple and lowcut long-sleeve matched with a pair of bootcut jeans that you could easily jazz up with some jewelry and a cute hairstyle. Draping the outfit over your bed, you began to rid yourself of your clothes, fishing a towel as well as a bra and pair of panties out of your duffel bag, and stacking them together on the bathroom counter. You played music off your phone out loud and made a mental note to also buy a speaker, letting out a satisfied groan as you stepped under the hot spray from the shower head.
The water ran down the length of your body from where it soaked in your curly hair, eyes fluttering shut as droplets began rolling down your face. It felt incredible to have days worth of bedrotting be finally washed down the drain. You wiped the water out your eyes and wringed it out your hair, reaching for the shampoo bottle and twisting the cap off, dumping a handful of the liquid into your palm. You smeared it from the top of your head, carrying it down to your ends, beginning to thoroughly scrub your way back up to your scalp, where you worked the soap into the strands.
Once your hair was completely coated and covered in suds, you rinsed the excess from your hands and grabbed your body wash to start cleaning yourself up as you let the shampoo soak into your hair. You drizzled a generous amount onto the sponge amd ran it under the hot water, rubbing it together in your hands to create the foamy bubbles. You began to work your way up one arm, scrubbing the skin as you went over your shoulder and underneath your arm, moving over across your collarbone to the other arm, eventually working down the length of your chest, as well as legs.
You squeezed the remaining soap out from the sponge, hanging it back in its spot as you started to rinse off your body, leaned your head back and wringing the sudsy water out your hair, hands working to wash all the shampoo out the coily strands. Not that you were in a rush, but it did take a little time, an ache beginning to form in your arms by the time you were done. Pumping a generous amount of conditioner into your hand, you worked it into your scalp with the tips of your fingers and rubbed it into the rest of the strands, clipping it back once there was no more left in your hands.
This time you shaved your legs, cause lord knows it’s been a minute since you’ve done that. In the process of shaving them, you noticed that your bikini area could also use some razor work.
It had been a little while since you had needed any reason to shave down there, but now that you were in a new environment with new faces, you never knew what you might stumble across. The men back in your hometown were okay, but you held your hopes up high that Senoia would toss something totally unexpected your way.
Once you were bare and smooth, you washed away the hair caught in your razor and unclipped your curly hair, rinsing off the clip before your hair, humming at how soft the strands felt under the stream of water. You squeezed and wrung out the conditioner, hearing the days of neglect run down the drain. When it was all out, you gave your body one last thorough scrub, properly washing off your skin from head to toe before shutting off the water and grabbing your towel.
You sighed as you patted your face dry, moving down your neck and chest. As you dried your hair, you stood in front of the mirror, lazily singing along to the current song playing and striking a few poses in your nude form. Although you did have a few insecurities, ones that sprouted from your late teen years and hadn't really left in your adult years, you preferred to just focus on the parts of yourself that you really liked.
It was still fairly early as you rechecked your phone, dropping the towel down on the ground and slipping on your panties, clasping your bra on shortly after. You grabbed your toothbrush and squeezed almost a little too much paste onto the bristles, giving it some water before scrubbing your teeth, mindlessly walking around your apartment as you did. The main street below your window was still bustling with cars and filled with people spilling out of shops, and music thumping from the lively restaurants. There was a nearby park that was full of squealing children, as well as other people from the community and neighboring apartment complexes. All of it was much different than what you had grown accustomed to back home, but it was such a nice change of scenery all at the same time, and you couldn't wait to throw yourself out onto Senoia's street.
Back in your little bathroom, you flicked the sink faucet on and spit the gathered foam out, filling your mouth with water and swishing it around for a little, spitting it out as well. You also brushed your tongue before taking in another mouthful of water, washing out the remaining toothpaste from your brush before dropping it back in its cup, shutting the sink off, and wiping your mouth dry. Taking a deep, but quick grounding breath, you moved to put your clothes on, hiking your fairly tight jeans up before slipping on your top. Even though it was plain black, it had a cute set of flared sleeves.
You dug through your bag for your box of jewelry as well as your makeup, setting both down heavily on the counter as you stared at your hair in the mirror, huffing in annoyance as you started to wonder if you needed to style it. Maybe a half-up half-down look? No, a full ponytail would be better. But a high bun would also be cute... or maybe a half-bun. Maybe bald. Bald would be best.
You mentally kick yourself as you flip the lid to your makeup box open to distract yourself from your hairstyle dilemma. You reassured yourself that you'd figure out something by the time you were fully ready, sighing as you prepped your face. The only times you ever really used makeup was when you were going out with intent, and wanted to make sure that your face stood out to any potential victims. It didn't take long to do as you pointedly and skillfully brushed sharp and soft lines over your honey skin, keeping your hand as steady as your body would allow you.
A few swipes of liner and mascara later, glossy lips, and the front of your hair parted to the side, you were clipping on a silver necklace paired with a bracelet, and a dangly pair of earrings. It was a bit simple, so you decided to layer another necklace on top of the other, smiling at yourself in the mirror before flipping the lights off, padding out into the bedroom, and fishing around for your purse, placing it on the bed next to you as you slid on a pair of wedged sandals. Hopefully, the foot pain later would be worth it.
You slipped your phone into your back pocket, and threw your purse onto your shoulder, tossing in a small bottle of perfume just in case. You shut the doors inside and flicked off the main room light, creaking your front door open and securely shutting it behind you, locking it with your keys before tossing them into your purse, striding down the hallway of your complex with intention hot in your steps.
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When you pushed the door of your building open, the warm and inviting air of Senoia almost immediately filling your lungs, you felt a strong sense of anticipation surge through you as you walked out onto the sidewalk, the sounds of conversations now real and more animated than ever, the thumping of music now bumped through your feet and right in your chest.
As you casually strolled down the sidewalk, taking in all the different buildings and things to do, a furniture store caught your eye. While you didn't have any money, it never hurt to look around, and maybe get some information from some of the locals.
The furniture store was filled with pieces on the much older side and vintage lamps that only old ladies would be interested in, but you continued to walk around anyway. As you were browsing a wall of intricate paintings and sculptures, a kind-looking woman approached you.
"Welcome to Hollberg's! Our newer, more modern stuff is upstairs if that's more your style" She smiled, and you gave a polite one in return. "I'm just browsing for now. Just moved here about a week ago and I don't have a job yet" You lightly laughed.
The woman gave you an excited expression, clasping her hands together. "How nice! Where are you from originally?"
"Louisiana, Chalmette. I lived there for most of my life so I just needed a fresh start somewhere totally new." You sigh, still kindly smiling at her.
"I get that, and Senoia is perfect for that, Georgia overall. Atlanta is also quite close, and there's lots of job opportunities out there."
You frown, "Unfortunately I don't have a car, and you can't Uber without money" Shaking your head at your obviously very sticky situation.
The woman seemed to think for a moment, walking quickly away to fetch something from behind a desk and coming back over, holding out a few pieces of paper. "We aren't hiring now, but here are some flyers for restaurants in this strip. Not sure how lucky you'll get, but I do wish you luck. There's a cafe right across the way" You took the flyers from her, smiling at her one last. "Thanks girl. Hopefully, next time we talk it's about furniture" She let out a small laugh, watching as you spun on your heels and walked out of the store.
On your way out, you almost immediately spotted the cafe and wasted no time walking over to it, quickly crossing the street while throwing a few quick glances to the left and right as you did. Before you entered, you slipped the restaurant flyers into your purse and swung the door open, the smell of coffee strong and a bit overwhelming. The cafe was quite large inside, and there was a small line at the registers at near front, nothing you weren't willing to stand in.
Once you reached the front, you were greeted by a young woman, smiling brightly at you. "Hi! Welcome to Senoia's Coffee and Cafe, what can I get started for you?"
"Sorry, I'm not looking to buy anything, I'm actually looking for work. I just moved here about a week ago" She made a small look of surprise, furrowing her brows as she mouthed 'one moment' and disappeared behind a wall, returning mere seconds later with a sheepish look replacing her previous one. "We, unfortunately, aren't hiring right now. I think my boss is in a bad mood, but I heard the restaurant down the street is hiring! Uh, just can't think of the name"
You fish out the flyers, "Any of these?" Holding them out to her. She tilts her head, humming quietly before tapping her finger against one. "This place! They need waitresses, especially around this time. You'd be a great fit there too" She smiled, and you smiled back, giving her a "Thanks" before walking back out of the shop, and down the sidewalk, eyeing a few of the other buildings before stopping in front of dark gray one, reading the sign before pulling the door open.
The inside of the restaurant was absolutely stunning, with clean floors, and light walls mixed with brick that complemented the expensive chandlers hanging from the ceiling, highlighted against the polished wooden furniture. There was casual jazz playing in back, loud enough to hear but loud enough to still be able to talk normally.
The restaurant was fairly small, a highly stocked bar on one side and the dining room on the other, bathrooms at the back. You weren't quite sure where to stand, awkwardly off to the side as you scanned the room for someone, feeling relieved when a woman spotted you and called that she would be right there. You watched as she cleaned a finished table, quickly walking the dirty dishes into the kitchen before coming back out, huffing when she reappeared.
"It's a lot of work, huh?" You asked kindly, and she sighed.
"Hell yes. I jus' wish I had one more set of hands" She laughed airily, tapping at something on her register. "Table fer one?"
You shook your head, "No, I'm actually here to work. Just moved here a week ago" Smiling softly at her.
She gave you a look of surprise, "Really? Where ya comin' from?"
"Chalmette in Louisiana. I just needed a different change of scenery, somewhere new where I can figure my shit out" She nodded her head at your words. "I hear that. Good fer ya' girl! Like I said, I need one more set of hands. Got any experience?"
"I worked in a sports bar for a good while back home, there wasn't really much to work with" You sighed. "I've never served tables but I was a host for a little bit"
She seemed pretty satisfied, nodding as you spoke with a smile tugging her lips. "Well, I'd say yer gonna make a pretty good damn waitress. How soon can ya' start?"
"I'd start today if you let me" You laugh lightly, and she makes a face. "I mean if you can bring me the papers I need within the hour I can get you a shift tonight"
You blinked at her, raising a brow. "Seriously?"
"I'll give ya' the uniform straight after, m'serious" She smiled, holding out her hand.
You took hers in yours with little hesitation, shaking it firmly. “I’ll be right back” Was all you said before walking out the restaurant, quickly and eagerly striding back over to your apartment building. It was maybe a five minute walk, which was not bad at all. As you entered, walking through the lobby and up the stairs, you dug in your purse for the keys to your studio, swinging them around your finger as you walked down the hallway on your floor.
Unlocking the door, you stepped inside and shut it, placing your purse on the counter and taking out the flyers, rushing over to your suit case and flipping it open, rummaging through. You grumbled as you began pulling stuff out, zipping open pockets and shaking the bag, about to freak out when the blue folder fell out. “Aha!”
You cracked it open, smiling when you confirmed the important papers such as your W2 as well as birth certificate. You rose to your feet and it in your purse, finish out your wallet to make sure you had your I.D as well as social security, tossing it back into the bag and sliding it back over your shoulder, setting out your house once again to go get your new job.
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You felt a small amount of anxiety boiling in your stomach as the sun started to set, the main street of Senoia, only get louder and louder, even through your shut window. Your eyes flickered down to your pressed uniform, sharply exhaling as you checked the time on your phone and unlocked it, rereading the schedule over and over again. It was about five-thirty, and you needed to be there at six.
Hooking your phone up to get some more charge as you stripped out your regular clothed and into your work ones, humming pleasantly as you looked the mirror. The shirt was tight but loose fit, and the pants covered your ankles. It was an all black uniform, ‘Nic & Norman’s’ in the left corner embroidered in white.
To keep your hair out the way, but still stylish, you tied it back into two high and curly space buns. You decided to go for a simple cat eye liner look, sticking on a pair of lashes instead of mascara this time. A few quick swipes of a rose pink gloss, and a couple spritz’s of your most expensive perfume, you were done and ready to go.
As you slipped a pair of black tennis shoes on, you still had a lingering feeling of nerves in your tummy. This wasn’t your first job obviously, but this was you first waitress job. The woman you had spoken too, who’s name you learned was Tyler, reassured you that you were a perfect fit.
Standing in the mirror one last time, you gave yourself a good look over to make sure you looked professional and presentable, hopefully also tippable.
You tossed your purse over your shoulder, and draped a sweater over yourself, flipping off all the lights and shutting the front door behind you, locking it and stuffing your keys inside.
Just as you expected, the air was brisk and much cooler than it had been when the sun was still high in the sky, night falling over the streets and Senoia’s street lighting itself up, restaurants now more alive than ever. As you walked with a small crowd, you observed how almost everyone was now dressed in more proper attire, nicely ironed suits paired to modestly short dresses.
The outside seating of Nic & Norman’s was already packed full when you arrived, swinging the door open to find the inside seats equally as stuffed. You felt your nerves soaring this time, and tried not to awkwardly duck your head down as you walked into the kitchen, feeling like a foreigner.
“Y/n! Thank fuck!” Tyler gasped from behind you, making you jump slightly. “I’ve got salads and burgers wedged so far up m’fuckin’ ass” She grumbled, grabbing you by thw wrist and pulling you quickly through the clamoring kitchen into a back office.
She dropped down onto a seat, sighing heavily. “Is it like this every night?” You asked, a little more scared then you should be.
“Sometimes. If m’not mistaken, one of the owners should be coming tomorrow. Boy do I sure hope it’s Norman” Tyler sighed, dreamily at the end. She stared off into space with a small smile, and you looked around the room, looking at the overflowing cubbies. “Shit sucks. Ya’ can stick yer stuff with mine” She spoke, snapped out her trance and pointing at a pile a good distance away from the rest. “It’s okay. People know not ta’ fuck with m’shit” Tyler added when she saw the wary look on your face.
“So, who exactly is ‘Nic and Norman’?” You question, and Tyler’s mouth drops.
“You don’t know who Greg Nicotero and Norman Reedus are?” You shook your head, brows furrowed in pure confusion. Maybe you did know them, you just never were very big on putting faces to names.
Tyler whipped out her phone, but frowned. “Shit girl, forgot we had a job ta’ be doin’. Don’ even stress. Ya’ look real good. Shirt fits ya’ good too. Yer gon be loaded up with tips, ‘nd m’sure ya’ can handle tha’ creeps” She rose to her feet, checking her own makeup in the camera lense of her phone before pocketing it. “And don’ try ta’ be fuckin’ superman and carry thirty plates at a time. Pro-tip, learn some Tetris” Tyler swiped a new layer of gloss on her lips, and tossed it into her pocket, pulling you back through the busy kitchen.
“Luckily they print tha’ table number tha’ food is fer on tha’ ticket, so tha’ chef’s started ta’ put tickets with plates, so when ya come here, just find yer table” She explained quickly yet simply, each word she spoke going in one ear and echoing in the other, turning themselves on loop.
Tyler poked her head out the kitchen, looking around before she beckoned someone over. A young man came jogging over, and she pulled him inside by his shirt. Damn if she didn’t play around.
“This is Javi, one of our hosts tonigh’.” Tyler gestured to his with her hands, and he waved politely. “Javi is gon’ show ya’ yer table section. From this point on, m’gon be nothin’ but a blur ta’ ya” She placed a hand on your shoulder, smiling at you before turning and picking up the plates from earlier, easily balancing them on her arms and kicking open the kitchen door, out onto the floor.
A awkward moment of silence passed between you and the young man, not really quiet, but there were no words spoken as he swiped through something on an iPad, brows slightly furrowed. “You’re um, you’re y/n right?” He mumbled, and you nodded.
Javi motioned for you to follow him with his head, and he led you out into the loud dining area, bringing you over towards the bar. “See those four tables there?” He pointed, and you had to follow his finger, nodding when you spotted the four booths he was pointing to. “All yours. They can hold up to like ten people, so good luck.” You grimaced at that, feeling your stomach do flips.
“Here. Can’t be a waitress without your notepad. Or a pen” Javi joked, and you smiled kindly at him, thanking him. As you did, a new wave of people entered, prompting Javi to go over and get them situated. You watched as he seated the new guests, and pulled a group waiting from the lobby, grabbing their menus and leading them over to your section.
He came back over, mouthing ‘all yours’ before disappearing into the kitchen.
You took a few, shaky and deep breaths, before putting on your friendliest face and approaching the table.
Luckily, it was just a simple family, mom and dad with their two kids who seemed to be well over the age of ten. You greeted them with a kind smile, “Welcome to Nic & Norman’s, my name is Y/n and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get you started on any drinks?” You clicked your pen, pressing it into the pad of paper.
The mother smiled back at you, “You guys sure are busy! I bet it’s always exciting when they come to town, huh?” She glanced back at her menu, acting as if she hadn’t left you totally clueless.
“Yeah. It’s only my first day here so I’m a little nervous” You confess, brushing off her earlier statement. “Gosh! Well, guess we’re testing you now!” She laughed, and you laughed as well, only a tad unnerved. “I think I’ll just do a simple cocktail” You nodded, writing down at the top of the pad. Her son ordered a strawberry lemonade, her daughter a soda, and her dad a beer.
“I’ll have those right out for you guys” You clicked your pen once again, and quickly walked away, retreating back into the kitchen.
You pushed the doors open, but frowned at the loud clamoring and multiple orders being shuffled out. No way in hell would your drinks be done in a reasonable time. You exited out the kitchen, glancing around when you had a lightbulb moment.
“Psst, hey muscle man” You called to the bartender, leaning against the counter. “Think you could make these real fast?” You held out the drink ticket, wiggling it as you flirtatiously smiled and batted your lashes.
He stammered for a second, “muscle man?” glancing down at himself and feeling a heat rise to his cheeks. What could you say? You knew a strong man when you saw one.
You kept your hand outstretched, motioning for him to take it.
“Do I even know you?” He raised a brow, and you shook your head. “Nope. But you should do it anyways” You smile, and he frowns, taking the paper from your hand. You spot Javi leaving your section, throwing you a glance and a thumbs up, and you tap the bartop. “I’m counting on you, Hercules”
You approach your second table, and feel a hint of annoyance surge through you as you discover it’s a group of men. Very loud ones at that. You put on your best fakest smile, clicking your pen against your leg as you spoke. “Welcome to Nic & Norman’s, my name is Y/n and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I get a round of drinks going for you gentlemen?”
One of the men whistled, “Well ain’t you just somethin’ pretty to look at” letting out a very country laugh.
A few of the other men let out laughs, and you simply smiled, more of ‘I wish I was off the clock so I could rock you’ smile, but still a smile. “Yeah. I’m also here to get you guys something to drink” You joked, knowing men tipped more when you gave into their antics.
"Let the woman do her job, Bill" Another man said to him, nudging him with his arm and he swatted them away. You tapped your pen against the paper, trying not to hurt one of them. Thankfully they made things easy and agreed to order a round of beer. You murmured that you'd be back, quickly walking out of the section to the bar.
When you walked over, you could see the family's drinks sitting on top of the counter and swapped out the drink tickets when you stopped before them. It was a little awkward trying to carry four drinks at once, struggling as you kept picking up and putting the cups downs.
“See? Wha' did I say?” Tyler spoke as she suddenly appeared next to you, placing a hand on her hip. “Tryin’ be some kind of fuckin’ avenger when yer jus’ makin’ yerself look goofy” She scoffed and held out her dish tray, watching as you placed the drinks down on it.
You took it from her with a sheepish look. "Thanks, Just a bit on edge" You told her, and she placed both her hands on your shoulders, smiling softly at you. "Don' be. Yer a natural. Jus' keep doin' wha' yer doin'" She gave you a salute and was gone as quickly as she had come.
Sighing sharply, you walk the tray of drinks over to the family with a smile and hand them, listening to the mother awe over the colors of her cocktail. "How pretty! I think we're all ready to order, right?" She glanced at her family for their confirmation, and you pulled your notepad out, tucking your tray under your arm. The mother ordered a margarita flatbread, her husband ordering a whiskey salmon, and her kids both ordering a classic hamburger. "I'll have those out for you guys shortly" You smiled once you had their order scribbled down, collecting their menus and leaving them be.
You walked past the men's table, briefly letting them know you were coming back with their beers, and dropped the menus off to the front where Javi was standing, getting the next group of people seated. "Y/n, I'm gonna stick these folks in your section. Hand me those" He said as he turned to you, taking the menus from your hand and leading them to your third table. You weren't doing too bad if you did say so yourself.
Thanks to the help of the tray, loading up the round of beers for the men wasn't much of a hassle at all. When they saw you approaching with the mugs filled to the bim, they whooped and hollered, prompting you to shush them as they began to collect eyes nearby. Instead of handing out the drinks like you did with the last table, you simply let them take their respective mug off the tray, knocking their glasses together. "I'm guessing you fellas are ready to order huh?" You give them your best show, even jutting your hip out a little. Don't get mad at a girl for using her resources.
"You bet'cha sweet ass we are, and this big boy wants a steak" The one they call Bill piped up once again, drumming on his belly as he spoke. A few laughs erupted from the table, and you felt your eye twitching. "How would you like that cooked?" You mumbled, smile just barely clinging to your face. "Medium-rare. I like mines to be pink on the inside" He laughed gravelly, and you tried to act like he wasn't comparing a steak to someone's vagina.
The same man nudged Bill, this time a little harder and more serious than last time. "Sorry 'bout him. I'll do the medallions" You nodded at him as you wrote down his order, murmuring how it was alright. The other men just started to throw their orders out there, placing their menus down in the middle once you had their request scribbled down. You gathered all the menus and dropped them off to the front, exhaling as you made your way to the kitchen in order to get your tables food started.
As you pushed the door open, you groaned when you saw how chaotically busy it was getting, loud chattering and banging filling the space. Orders were lined up and quickly being pushed out, some of the other waiters brushing past with their own trays of food in hand. Glancing around for someone, you awkwardly handed off the papers to the nearest chef. Getting ready to exit out the kitchen, feeling as though you were in the way the sound of applause rang out from the front, and all movement around seem to freeze for split second. You all looked around at each other, mirroring faces of confusion before Tyler came barreling through the doors.
"Norman fucking Reedus just fucking walked in and I swear on everythin' I love I'm gon’ go absloutely mad" She rambled, bouncing with energy.
“I thought he wasn’t supposed to come til tomorrow?” The head chef spoke, rising a brow from where he was manning a large grill.
Tyler rolled her eyes, charging towards rhe back office. “Who cares? He’s here now ‘nd I need ta’ make sure I look good!” She got about halfway, before turning back around grabbing you by the wrist, resuming her mission to the office.
Inside, she shuffled over to hee stuff, digging through a backpack and pulling out a makeup bag, plopping down in a seat and pulling up the lens of her phone. “So what’s the big deal?”
“Wha’s tha’ big deal?” Her eyes almost bulged out of her head, staring at you in shock and a bit of horror. “Oh, nothin’, jus’ tha’ he’s tha’ sexiest guy in Hollywood”
You scoffed at her, “Sexy ain’t nothing if he’s shit in the sheets” shaking your head.
Tyler groaned, curling her lashes carefully. “Ya’ don’ even know wha’ yer talkin’ ‘bout. He’s a munch, certifiable”
“Psh. I’ll believe that when I see it.” You say, turning to walk out the office and get a look at this guy for yourself.
“Wait!” Tyler held out her hand, rising to her feet. “Yer not leavin’ without a little touchup. One of us is gettin’ lucky tonight and it’s gon’ be me. If ya’ fuck him, I want all them details” She spoke as she maneuvered you to sit in the chair, tilting your your head up and insecpting your face.
“If I do fuck him it’ll just be so I can get ahold of his wallet” You murmur, closing your eyes as she dusted the lids of them with glitter, brushing some down the bridge of your nose. “Well ya’ better share some with me” She pinched your nose, and you swatted playfully at her, smirking. “I’ll think about it”
She swipes a glossy layer of gloss over your lips, before her own, tossing the contents of her makeup back into the bag and the bag back into her backpack. The kitchen has returned to loud clamoring and pots and pans being banged together, servers dashing in and out with their orders.
Nearby by, the food for your first table was waiting patiently for you, and you gasped softly. “Oh wow this stuff actually looks really good!”
Tyler held out the dish tray for you, again, holding it with both hands and verbally helping you to cram all four dishes on there, the flatbread being a long and awkward dish. “The salmon is super good. I probably done’ forced the kitchen ta’ make it fer m’bout a hundred times now” She laughed as she spoke, gingerly handing off the the tray to you. “Don’ drop nothin’”
“Now why would you even say that?” You roll your eyes at her, and lightly kick her shin, turning on your heel quickly to walk out the kitchen when she frowned your actions.
You pushed the door open with your hip and walked back out into the busy dining area, a smile on your face as you approached the family with their food, placing the tray down on the table so you could hand out their plates easily. The mother helped by taking her flatbread off, humming as she made sure it was exactly what she had wanted. “Could I get anything else for you folks tonight?” You politely asked, sliding the tray off the table and back under your arm. “Nope! Thank you, you’ve been so kind and helpful” The woman smiled back at you, and you slightly bowed your head before leaving them to their meal.
“I should be back with you guys food as well. Another round while we wait?” You stopped by the mens table, observing their almost empty mugs and giving a thumbs up at their rowdy agreement. “And my apologies for the wait. At least you had plenty of menu looking time right?” You joked lightly as you finally approached your third table for the night, a small group of friends who seemed like easy people to deal with.
“Ahaha, not much. We were pretty hung up on drinks. I think we’re all gonna try the Bloody Nicotero” One of the women spoke, glancing around the table for her friends confirmations. They all nodded in agreement, and another girl requested for a cup of water. “Would you like table water? For all of you!” They nodded, and you scribbled down the few drinks. “I’ll be right back with those” You smile at them, and as soon as you walk out the section it totally drops.
“Hey, muscle man!” You called out to him, leaning over the bartop. He eyed you from the side, finishing the drink he was currently pouring before moving over to you, a brow raised. “I have a name y’know” He pointed to the tag, but you ignored him, raising your own finger and pointing to the group’s order. “What the hell is a bloody Nekot… Nickote- Tar?-“
“Nicotero. And it really packs a punch” A man spoke suddenly from behind you, making you instinctively jump with your hands raised. “My God! Didn’t your momma teach you not to walk up behind people?” You huffed and put a hand over your thumping heart, turning back to the bartender to promptly ignore the asshole behind you.
“So like I was saying- What? Why’re you looking like that?” You glance at his stun face, and turn back to the man behind you, a curious smile tugging his lips. “Are you Nicotero?” You quirk a brow, and the bartender sputters.
The man lets out a light chuckle, shaking his head which made his wavy curls bounce. His hair was fair dark and stopped at his shoulders, his bangs attractively pushed back by a pair of sunglasses. He was pretty tall, and very well built, eyes lingering on his musclar arms longer than they should’ve. Your eyes flickered down to the skull inked on his hand, and then back up to his face.
“Nope. Nicotero is the other guy. I’m just Norman” His voice was smooth and rich, but not quite deep. It had a light and airy feel to it, very gentle on the ears.
Norman. Norman… “Reedus?” He nodded. Oh, well, shit. “Don’ know if you were aware of this pretty girl but I own this place” He spoke casually and easily.
“I wasn’t actually. I’ve only lived here for a week” You told him, watching as the bartender busied himself with your group’s drinks, as well as the men’s beers. “And this is my first day working here, and right now you, Norman, are being a distraction”
He raised a bow, smile only growing across his lips as he spoke. “That’s just what I do best darling”
You placed the tray down on the bartop and assist the man in fitting both the bloodies and waters onto the platter, slowly and very carefully picking it up.
Norman stepped out your way, and as you shuffled past him you stopped to whisper in his ear. “I feel like there’s a lot else you do best” You murmured, flirtatiously winking and walking into your section, greeting the friend group with a smile.
“Got your drinks here folks, heard these things knock your socks off so good luck” You joke as you hand out straws, clicking your pen and flipping through your notepad. “Is everyone ready to order?” You press the tip of the pen into the paper, writing down the first order shouted out and going down the line. There was a simple mix of burgers and salads, a few people had special requests on how they wanted their food to be which you wrote underneath, small but big at the same time.
You collected their menus, letting them know you'd have their food out shortly and whisking away, dropping the menus off at the front and walking quickly to the kitchen, glancing at Javi who seemed to be conversing with Norman. You pushed the door open and huffed a sigh of relief when the men's food was sitting there waiting. Placing the tray down, you loaded the plates on the best you could, having to carry two of them out with your other hand, balancing one on your forearm.
Another waitress saw you as she entered the kitchen, and she politely held the door open for you, nodding as you thanked her on your way out.
"Not gonna drop that are you?" Javi questioned when you walked back past, causing Norman to turn and glance at you.
You continue walking away, a smirk pulling your lips. "Not if you stop talking" The feeling of eyes lingering on your back makes a chill run up your spine, and part of you swears that you can feel butterflies in your stomach.
The men see you approaching their table, and at first, they start cheering but quiet down when they realize you were balancing heavy plates, resuming their celebration once the food is safely placed on the table. You call out the names of dishes to find their rightful owner, watching the men grab their plates and eagerly start eating, satisfied groans sounding from the table. With that, you left them to eat and returned back to the family, who was chatting amongst themselves and seemed finished with their food, most of it half eaten.
"Would you guys like some to-go boxes?" You smile, and the mother nods, "Yes please, and you can bring the tab as well," mirroring the kind smile you gave her.
You informed her you'd be right back with that, quickly walking out of the section and to the kitchen, glancing around. "Where's Tyler?" You asked a nearby chef, and he furrowed his brows, tilting his head in confusion. You repeated your question, a little louder this time, and he made an 'O' face, pointing to the office. You thanked him, and made your way back there, knocking before creaking the door open.
"What are you doing?" You stare at her, sitting in the chair with a tall cup and her phone in her hand. "Wha'? I needed my coffee" She shrugged, a smile playing on her lips. "Talk to my beloved husband yet?" You rolled your eyes at that, stepping inside the office, but catching yourself. "Wait! Uh, my first table is ready to pay"
"Oh!" Tyler kicked herself off the chair, stretching and taking another sip of her caffeine. "C'mere, lemme show ya'" She said as she ushered you out. She led you through the kitchen, bringing you to a section behind the door you hadn't even noticed was there.
There was a computer with a list of waiters and waitresses on them, table numbers as well as totals on it. You spotted your name, and read the first tables total, which actually wasn't a bad price at all. "Jus' click tha', and then the huge print button" Tyler pointed, tapping the screen as she explained. The machine behind the computer whizzed to life, printing out a receipt. "They want boxes?" She questioned and you nodded, watching as she reached her hand down and pulled four to-go boxes out. You took them from her silently, blinking as if she had just performed a magic trick.
Tyler tore the receipt out of the machine, clicking her pen and scribbling something down. As she did, the machine began to print once again, and Tyler pulled out a slim booklet from underneath. "It prints twice 'cause tha' second receipt is tha' one tha' customer signs" She said as she took the paper out the machine, sticking it into the booklet, and handing it to you.
You took it from her with a smile. "Thanks. I did talk to Norman, and he's alright. Nothing too special" She gawked at your words, and started to playfully smack you with her hands. "Ugh! Ya' don' know wha' yer yappin' 'bout! Tha' man will change yer life" She harped, voice fading as you walked out the kitchen, lips stuck in a smile as you brought over your first tab of the night.
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The rest of your shift went by with a breeze, the number of people coming in was now lessening and coming in pairs of two and four. It wasn't as busy anymore, and the air around seemed to be less tense.
You only had about one more hour left before you were done, and had about two tables still waiting for their food. You were ecstatic that your first night had gone by without any mishaps or complaints, having received generous tips from all your tables throughout.
On your way back to the kitchen to check on your last few orders, you spotted Norman sitting alone at the bar with a small drink in hand as he seemed to do something on his phone. You aren't sure what came over you, but you found yourself quietly approaching from behind.
"Shouldn't you be riding away in a limo back to your mansion?" He jumped slightly at the sudden sound of your voice, turning towards you with a small smile. "Maybe, but I didn't wanna leave without getting to know you better" You raised a brow at that. "Seriously? I'm just a waitress. Shouldn't you be like screwing around with models?"
Norman laughed at that, shaking his head a little. "Who's to say you aren't a model?"
"Well, aren't you just a real charmer" You giggled, feeling a heat rising to your cheeks. "What? You wanna take me home or something?" You said jokingly, standing more off to his side now.
You observed the look on his face, soft, interested, yet so dark. His piercing blue eyes shamelessly raked over your figure, tongue darting out over his lips. "Yeah. I really do" He whispered, eyes landing on yours. "Can I?"
"Not very celeb-like taking home staff don't you think?" You hummed, taking his drink and downing the rest, a mix between whiskey and coke. "It would be quite unprofessional for you to take me to your house when I get off in thirty minutes, very unprofessional indeed" You sensually mumbled, tossing him a final cheeky glance before disappearing into the kitchen, almost sprinting to the back office to go find Tyler, giddy smile tugging your lips.
Staring at his now empty glass, head resting in his hand, Norman couldn't help the way his stomach flipped, excitement and anticipation building up as your words rang out in his head.
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Thirty minutes had felt like a whole other hour, and you heaved a sigh of relief when you finally clocked out, purse slung over your shoulder and your sweater draped over yourself in a puny attempt to shield yourself from the cold.
Tyler had almost flipped the table over when you told her, jumping off the walls and excitedly shaking you, squealing as she rambled about all the things she thought were gonna happen, yelling that you needed to tell her every detail afterward. She even downright begged for you to get some pictures.
She had already left in her car to go home, slamming the digits of her number into your phone and pulling you into a tight hug, telling you to be safe and text her as soon as you got to your next destination, threatening to send out a search squad.
You stood outside, mindlessly rolling a rock under your foot and swiping through Insta, starting to wonder if a literal A-list celeb had just totally played in your face. Minutes went by and you started to feel a little offended, rightfully so, deciding to start making your way back home instead of waiting around like an idiot. As you were walking, you texted Tyler that you were leaving, that he had just left instead. Cars passed by and obviously none seemed to belong to someone who would own a restaurant. You scoffed, annoyed but not surprised.
As you rounded the corner to the street of your apartment building, you just so happened to crash into somebody smoking a cigarette, of coursing falling onto your ass like a dumbfuck.
"Damn, tryna run away from me gorgeous?" Norman's light voice sounded, and you blinked your eyes into focus. "Been looking for you" You grumbled as he easily lifted you off the ground, taking a drag from the cigarette. "Sorry. I get bored sitting still for too long" He shrugged, smiling cheekily at you. "Ready to go?"
"Go where? My house is right there" You shook your head, gesturing towards the building.
Norman waved his hand, dismissing you. "Nah. Gonna take you for a little ride. C'mon," He took a final pull, stubbing his cig out on the wall and motioning for you to follow him.
He led you back down the sidewalk and a little distance from the restaurant, making easy and light conversation. It felt like you had known him forever with the way he casually joked around with you, your heart fluttering a little each time he laughed.
He walked you over to a sleek and shiny motorcycle, standing on the other side of it with his hand held out, offering you some help with climbing onto the back of his bike. "A romantic bike ride? And here I thought you had ghosted me" You laughed when he himself straddled the bike, the engine roaring to life.
"Ghosted? Someone like you? Never doll" Norman chuckled over the rumble of his bike, kicking the stand out and rolling out the parking lot, glancing both ways for any passing cars.
You wrapped your arms around his middle when he started to pick up speed, turning off Senoia's main road and revving the engine, motorcycle quickly shooting forward. "Not so fast!" You gasp, tightening your hold. He laughed, patting one of your hands with his. You put your head on his shoulder to get a better view of the road, catching a strong whiff of his very expensive-smelling cologne, an exotic herbal smell that attracted you to him more, a heat shooting down to your core.
Norman caught a glimpse of your lust-filling eyes in his side mirror, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he knew he was in for a treat tonight, almost instinctively revving his engine again to speed up, but obeyed your request to not go too fast. He drove with the flow of traffic, listening to you awe over the lights and buildings. "Ever been to Atlanta?"
"Atlanta? Wh-why are we going there?" You stammered, taken aback since well, that was bit of a distance.
"Oh no doll, we aren't going. Yer just back there 'oh'ing and 'awe'ing I figured not" Norman chuckled, laughing when you smacked his shoulder. "Hold on, we're almost there" This time he revved his engine again, weaving between cars.
It made you feel like a teenager again, getting whisked away at night to some random guys house for an hour or two of fun, just to be dropped off somewhere unknown but close to home. It brought you back to your early twenties also, the years having been filled with nothing but hungover days and drunken nights, latching onto some poor guy who was willing to buy you every shot you down, likely in hopes of getting laid.
Sitting on the back of Norman’s bike however, something your gut told you this would be a little more than just a plain hook-up. Tyler’s words rang out in your head, and you couldn’t help but start to wonder if this really would change your life.
The traffic on the road dispersed as he drove further out, eventually turning down a quiet and dirt road.
“Whoa, I ain’t about to get murdered am I?” You joked, but you were really asking.
Norman chuckled, squeezing your hand and even looping his fingers through. “Nah. I’d take you out somewhere pretty”
“You wanna take me out or take me to bed?” You wiggled your fingers in his hold as a mock wiggle of the brows.
“Maybe I wanna do both”
Jesus, this man was something else.
The dirt road continued out for a couple of miles out, gravel and rocks crunching under the spinning tires of his bike. The road seemed to be hidden by a tall grassy field and towering trees, the only sound interrupting the peace being the rumble of Norman’s engine.
He made another turn, the tall field of grass seeming endlessly as he drove until you could barely make out what looked like houses at the top of a field. Shit, maybe he really was gonna murder you?
Norman revved the engine and the motorcycle picked up speeds, whipping the cool country air into your face and probably messing up your tied hair. The large houses came closer into view, huge properties with cars in driveways and lights on. The houses were scattered, your next-door neighbor being about five normal houses away.
Norman rolled down the street at a slower speed as to not disturb his neighbors, approaching a dark and gated house. The gates opened after the man pressed a few buttons on his phone, the outside lights of the home fading on and making it look more welcoming.
The gates closed behind the two of you when he rumbled onto the large driveway, lazily parking his bike right where he was.
This time you didn’t need any help, swinging yourself off the motorcycle and immediately tossing your arms up to stretch as you stared at the literal mansion you were about to walk into.
“C’mon. Did you get a chance to eat?” Norman placed a hand on your hip and led you to the front door, some fancy thumbprint technology letting him in.
“Not yet,” You smile softly as you enter the home, standing in the boxed-off foyer. “I got whisked away before I could escape back home”
“Well, I surely didn’t bring you here to starve you. Take your shoes off, I’ll mix something up” Norman said as he took his own shoes off, socked feet quiet against his wooden floors.
You toed off your own shoes next to his and followed, staring in awe at the midsized entrance. Two staircases descended on either side, leading to an equally large-looking upstairs with a small balcony.
Straight ahead, there was an opening that led out to the spacious main area, tall industrial windows covered the walls in the living room, paired with ceiling-to-floor navy blue curtains tied back so as to probably let in the earlier sunlight. The kitchen was big as well, with dark and wooden cabinets matched to grey ash-colored granite counters with specs of black obsidian throughout.
You had never seen such a gorgeous home, marveling at how clean it was. It had a luxurious feel while still being homely at the same time, a few paintings and sculptures hung up on the walls, sitting on table tops.
“This place is beautiful,” You said after taking a minute to fully appreciate the decor, resting your hip against the counter. “Do you live here?” You placed your purse down.
Norman laughed from somewhere, rounding a corner with an expensive-looking bottle of whiskey. “For the moment. I’m usually out in New York, but I have to be here for some work” You watched as he poured two glasses, handing you one a small smile.
You clinked the glasses together and both threw them back, the liquid burning your throat as well as your chest. “What do you do for work?” You said as you cleared your throat.
“Well right now we’re shooting,” Norman said casually, turning and opening the large fridge.
“A movie?” You question, pulling at the collar of your shirt.
The man chuckled slightly, “Do you have any ideaa who I am?” turning to you with a playful smile tugging his lips.
You scoffed, cheeks heating up a little bit because, well, “No, not really. My co-worker seemed to be a fan though”
“Oh really now? What’d she tell you?” Norman quipped, chopping and tossing the ingredients for what you could see was a really stuffed chicken salad.
“That you were the sexiest guy in Hollywood” He laughed at that, and you couldn’t help but stare at his broad shoulders from behind, watching his back muscles as he fixed the food.
“Well?” He said after a minute, and you realized you had zoned out. “What?”
Norman glanced at you, a dark look in his blue eyes. “Do you agree with her?”
You stared at him for a moment, before slowly approaching, stopping only a few centimeters short from him.
“Make me agree with her” You whispered, batting your lashes as you ran your finger up his arm.
Norman halted his movements, staring at you before his eyes flickered down to your lips, not hesitating to lean down and kiss them.
“Ya’ ain’t got no clue what you’re askin’ for, doll” He rasped, disregarding the half-made salad as he gripped your waist, lifting you off your feet and onto the island top, slotting himself between your legs as he moved to capture your lips in another kiss, this one way more eager and heated.
You moaned softly into his mouth as his hands caressed and fondled your waist, sliding down to your hips and pulling you closer against him, pressed his bulge into your clothed cunt.
He kissed you calculated yet sloppily, tongue swirling around in your mouth as his fingers slipped under your uniform. You hooked an arm around the back of his neck and bit down on his bottom lip, hard enough to where he groaned painfully. “Come on, impress me already”
“Whadd’ya want from me?” Norman started to kiss and lick your neck, but you yanked his head back by his hair, for starters yanking the pokey sunglasses off. “I wanna see what you’ve got, maybe like,” You trailed a hand down his chest, pushing him hard so he stumbled into the counter behind him. “What you’ve got in your pants?”
You kicked yourself off the island, pulling the hair ties out your hair and fluffing it out, dropping down to crawl over to Norman, evil smile taking over your lips as you scratched your nails down his denim jeans, mouthing and placing open mouth kisses over his straining cock.
Norman groaned above you, “Think ya can handle it?” a hand coming down and tangling into your hair.
“Can you handle it?” You retort, taking the zipper of his jeans between your teeth and unzipping them, popping the button open.
You tugged his boxers down, very unexpectedly getting smacked in the face by his cock, a good thick eight inches. His tip was red and leaky, the veins running along his shaft pulsating. You had been with your fair share of big guys, but Norman was quite impressive, your fingers stretching when you wrapped them around him.
You gave him a few experimental strokes, playfully looking up at him through your lashes as you run your tongue from his balls, all the way up to the head of his cock, swirling your tongue around it and taking it into your mouth, sucking the salty pre-cum off.
Norman’s hips jerked slightly, a mumble of curses falling from his lips as he tightened his grip on your hair. “M’not gonna be very nice to ya’ if you keep it up” He grunted, his face a little flushed.
“Didn’t want you to be nice in the place” You mused as you licked down the sides of his throbbing dick, smearing spit from your tongue as you went along. “Such a big cock but do you even know how to use it?”
Norman scoffed slightly, “Ya’ really don’t know who I am” rolling his hips when you took only his tip past your lips.
“Gonna show me?” You wiggled your butt a little, a surge of excitement coursing through you when rough hands gathered all your hair in one. “Yup, gon’ make you remember it too. Open that little bratty ass mouth wide” He tugged your head back, and you moaned, stretching open your lips as well curling your tongue inside your mouth.
Norman slowly slid himself inside, grunting at the warm wetness engulfing him as he leisurely rocked his hips, thrusting half his cock past your lips. There was an uncomfortable stretch the more he pushed in, a slight burning sensation as he worked himself in.
“I know this pretty throat can take a lot more, c’mon girl” Norman rasped, tilting your head further back and holding himself at his base, pushing in until his tip hit the back of your throat.
You relaxed your gag muscles, staring up at him innocently as you started to slide the head of his cock down, Norman letting out a thick hum as his grip in your hair tightened and his eyes fluttered, his hips jerking forward. He snapped the rest of his length suddenly down into your throat, a harsh grunt coming from him when your moan vibrated through him.
He pulled his hips back and sent them forward again, going smoothly back down in one thrust, repeating this action a few times. Norman watched how all his cock disappeared past your plush lips, nose nuzzled in his well-trimmed pubes before he pulls his hips back, leaving only the tip in before fully sliding right back down.
You squeezed your thighs together each time he plunged his cock into your mouth, eyes rolling shut as he started to increase his pace, only pulling himself out halfway now.
“Takin’ me so well gorgeous,” Norman said in a low, husky drawl. “S’like ya’ were made for this”
He was practically humping your face at this point, his own a bright shade of red as pants, and small gasps came from him, flat-out fucking your mouth. Each little noise that came from him made your cunt throb.
Speaking of throbbing, you could feel the way Norman’s cock was pulsating in your throat, deep and shaky grunts starting to come from him. His hips sped up, the sound of his balls slapping against your chin slightly echoing in the spaciousness, the soft gagging of his cock abusing your throat only heard between the two of you, followed soon by Norman’s heavy whimpers, grip on your hair impossibly tight.
His hips stuttered, cock twitching and spasming as he spilled deep inside your throat, trying your best to swallow but you sputtered around him, cum dribbling from the sides of your mouth.
Norman pulled himself out from your mouth, groaning softly at the cool air hitting his sloppy dick as it rested still painfully hard against your equally messy lips, gasping as you stared up at him.
“Impressed yet?” He raised a brow, out of breath himself.
You ran your tongue over your top lip, tasting his bitter release with a smile. “I thought you weren’t gonna be nice? I think you’re being quite boring if you ask me” You teasingly spoke.
Norman smirked, “Who said I was done? By the time m’done with ya’, your body will remember the shape of my cock” He said, snapping himself all the way back down into your throat, not wasting any time before he was fucking into it. He was still a little sensitive from his first orgasm, each bump of his tip pulling a husky whine from him.
It didn’t take long at all before he was already starting to get weak in the knees, each thrust feeling better than the last. He increased his pace, breathing picking up as small whimpers and gasps fell from his lips, a few final strokes before he was cumming down your throat, holding you flush against his navel as you swallowed the best you could.
He pulled out, leaving only the head of his cock on your tongue as he rutted against it, drawing out his orgasm until he was spent, cock softening when he pulled completely out.
You swallowed his load while staring right into his eyes, fluttering your lashes with your bottom lip caught between your teeth.
“Salad can wait. I wanna see wha’s hidin’ under this uniform” Norman said as he suddenly leaned down, scooping you up and tossing you over a sturdy shoulder, strong arm keeping you secure by your middle.
You let out a high yelp at the change in position, bouncing slightly as he trudged out of the kitchen, tugging at your pants as he climbed the stairs. He tossed them somewhere for you to hunt down in the morning, letting out a satisfied chuckle at your round backside, smacking a bubbly cheek. You giggled around a moan, especially when he firmly squeezed that cheek and spread it, helping himself to the view of your soaked panties, a dark red with black lace.
He pushed open a door to a huge and luxurious bedroom, the bed he dropped you on feeling like a cloud pulled straight out of the sky. Norman tore his shirt off, you doing the same as he dipped down, dragging his lips and teeth across your dark skin, sucking and biting as he explored your exposed collarbone.
You groaned and shamelessly wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him down to feel his already-hardening cock against your wet heat. Norman seemed to have something different in mind.
“Wanna sit on my face, sweet girl?” He murmured into your ear, brushing curly hair out your face. “Did so well fer me, gotta return the favor”
“You don’t gotta ask me twice,” You said in a honeyed voice, using your legs to flip your positions.
Norman landed with a small sound, looking up at you as you rolled your hips down on where you had his cock trapped between your two bodies. His hands traveled up to your waist, caressing and fondling the deep skin.
You looked like a goddess straddling him, curly hair flowing everywhere and framing your upper half, Norman’s eyes flickering down to your black bra where your tits were practically spilling out. You crawled towards his face, dragging your core heat up his abs and pressing it on his chest, towering angelically above him.
“I hope you don’t disappoint me” You tease, lifting yourself up onto your knees as you stuff your panties to the side, heart racing a little.
Norman licked his lips, hands squeezing your hips as he watched you toy with your clit. “Wouldn’t be able to forgive myself” He whispered, tugging you towards him.
You lowered yourself down, Norman more so pulling you down onto his waiting tongue, licking a warm stripe up your aching cunt, a pleased moan coming from you as you gripped the headboard, rolling your hips.
He started at your clit, flattening his tongue and giving the puffy bundle of nerves multiple hard licks, waves of electricity shooting through all your limbs, down to your tightly curled toes. He took the small bud into his mouth, sucking hard and rubbing the tip of his tongue against the raw nerves, making you gasp and rut down onto him.
Norman seemed to be enjoying himself, soft groans of his own coming from him as he started to slide his tongue between your folds, teasing your entrance before swirling around your clit, repeating the action a few more times. He used his grip on your hips to steadily rock you back and forth in time with his deep licks.
Eventually, he slid his tongue all the way inside your hole, curling it as well as thrusting it in and out. “Mmm, fuck yes, keep using that fucking tongue in me” You were almost bouncing on his face at this point, passionately moaning as he curled the wet muscle into you, harshly licking as his nose bumped against your clitoris.
His hands encouraged your movements, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your ass as he plunged his tongue as deep into you as he could. His cock twitched and needily ached, hips slightly jerking upward into the air. You ground your clit down on the tip of his nose, body rolling as he worked you closer and closer to the edge.
Norman could feel you clenching around his tongue, deciding to speed up your nearing orgasm by suddenly slipping out you, replacing his nose on your clit for his tongue, and filling your back up with two thick fingers, blissfully curling right into your sweet spot. You moaned loudly as one of your hands tangled in his hair, gripping roughly. Your body trembled as he fingered you in time with his tongue, bone-crushing weight washing over you as your hole spasmed around his wiggling digits, grinding down on his tongue until you just couldn’t take it anymore, groaning as you could feel your used cunt leaking juices all over his hand and face.
You were both gasping for air when you lifted yourself onto wobbly knees, Norman’s fingers slipping out as you kept yourself steady by gripping the headboard with both hands.
“Are ya’ impressed now?” He asked, audibly out of breath as he licked your slick from his glistening lips.
You scoff, smiling down at him. “A little, but I’d like to get to the main course now,” You said, swinging a leg and crawling off from above him. “No more side dishes”
Norman watched as you discarded the drenched pair of panties somewhere in the room, landing on the wooden floor with a small slap. You yanked your socks up, taking a needed second to ball them together before tossing them as well, starting to grab at Norman’s unbuttoned pants.
He helped kick them off, murmuring to you as he tugged his own socks off. “Forgot ta’ take yer bra doll”
“That’s your job, mister famous” You chuckle as he comes up behind you, hands exploring your bare melanin skin as they run up your sides, climbing and cupping your breast, circling to your back to unclasp the bra hooks. He threw the final piece of garment onto the floor, pulling you flush against his front.
He started sucking on your neck, one of his hands fondling your tit while the other snaked down to toy with your puffy clit. He rubbed his cock between your cheek, biting and licking his way to your shoulder. He pinched and rolled your nipple with his fingers, trailing his lips up the side of your neck and nibbling on your pulse.
You moaned softly when his hand dropped your tit, coming up to brush your hair out the way, gathering it in a tight but gentle grip as he tugged your head back onto his shoulder, dragging his tongue across your newly exposed throat, up the underside of your jaw till he reached your lips, capturing them in his.
Norman’s cock twitched against you when your hand joined the one still fingering your clit, scratching his skin with your nails gingerly as he slowly kissed you, deep and lustful. You blindly reached your hand behind yourself and felt around for his dick, a small grunt coming from him when your fingers grazed his tip. “Ya’ ready fer me?” He murmured against your lips.
“Been ready since I got here” You sass, dropping down onto your elbows with round hips in the air. “You better fuck me like you mean it”
A hand landed on your ass, Norman’s other still holding up your hair, grip a little tighter now as he burned the image of your arch into his head, the hand he spanked you with spreading your cheek, thumbing your pussy as he pressed his tip to your entrance, greedily sucking him in.
He was big, but you were so wet and dripping to the point he just completely slid in, unrestrained groan coming out his chest as his entire cock was swallowed up and wrapped in your squishy walls, almost immediately starting to find a rhythm with his hips.
Norman’s fingers curled into the fat flesh of your ass, “Takin’ all of m’so goddamn well baby girl, could fuck this pussy for fuckin’ days” spreading you apart so he could watch the way his cock was sliding into you and blissfully stretching you open.
“Pound me already, I thought you were gonna be a meanie tonight” You drawl as you roll your head from side to side, pushing back needily against him.
He gripped your hair at the roots suddenly, yanking it roughly to pull you up onto your arms, almost pulling himself all the way out before slamming right into a sensitive bundle of nerves, mewl of pleasure racking your body as he started to relentlessly and mercilessly thrust into your body, so deep that you thought he was actually in your stomach for a moment.
You gasped and sputtered as he pulled you back by your hair in time with his harsh hips, huffing as he started to fuck you with all his strength. Each slam of his hips sent his cock flying into your cervix, each one leaving you more breathless than the last. “Got real quiet all of a sudden girl. This wha’ ya’ want?”
Norman’s fingers were fisted in your hair, the sound of skin slapping against skin reverberated in the large room, bed quietly squeaking as he railed you, watching how each forward thrust of his hips made your ass bounce, a wet sound coming from where his balls slapped against your clit.
“Yes, Oh fuck yes,” You mewl, eyes rolling back as your toes curled. “Harder, I know you can fuck me so much harder” Norman groans at your words, yanking you back onto your knees flush against his front and wrapping a hand around your throat, dropping his grip in curly hair to tightly grip your hip, jamming the entirety of his cock into your body, poking spots you didn’t even know were there.
He quickly resumed his unforgiving pace, pounding into you so deep and so rough, you choked out small sobs with each hit of his tip, gasping as you started to lose air. It was everything Tyler told you it would be and more, dots starting to cloud your vision and prickle under your skin, clenching as you could feel each thrust send you further and further to the edge.
You can tell Norman can feel it too, resting his sweaty forehead against your shoulder as he starts to lose rhythm slightly, pace not faltering as his cock twitches inside you, so tight and hot, your cunt squeezing his full dick like never before. It made Norman’s head fuzzy and a little dizzy, fueling the buzz he had from the earlier alcohol, though he only had about maybe three drinks total tonight. He was purely drunk off your body, letting out a soft whimper as he throbbed, on the verge of his orgasm.
“Feels so good, don’ wanna pull out of ya’…” Norman mumbled as he rocked himself into you, grunting when his tip nudged against your cervix. “Might just hafta’ stuff ya’ beautiful”
You rolled your head back onto his shoulder, his grip around your throat loosening as you cheekily smiled. “Yes please, let’s make a mess” Norman mirrored your expression before reaching down and capturing your lips in a deep kiss, swirling his tongue around yours.
He pulled his hips back, leaving only the tip in before sliding all the way back inside, hungrily groaning into your mouth as he repeated the action, downright stroking his cock using your cunt. "Jus' gonna let me to fill this pretty pussy? Pump you full of all my cum?" Norman groaned, increasing his pace as his hot mouth landed on your neck, his teeth and beard scraping the skin as he continued his deep strokes, still pounding blissfully into you.
"God yes, give it all to me" You moan, rough fingers coming back up to your hair. Norman forcefully pinned your upper half down into the fluffy sheets, his other hand firmly gripping your ass as he fucked into you like an animal, shoving his whole dick into your cunt from tip to base. You let out a high keen with every unforgiving thrust, each one sending you a little closer to the edge.
Norman huskily panted, whimpering a little as he sped up, this time pulling you back onto his cock to meet his hips as he started to really fuck you, now railing into you with all his strength. Uncontrolled whines came from you, eyes rolling as his hand tightly gripped your scalp, each loud slap of his pelvis against your backside sent you lurching forward, only to be yanked back by the fistful of curly hair.
Your walls were practically milking his cock, so warm and wet around him, greedily sucking him in with every thrust, squeezing the entirety of his length as he increased his pace even more, letting out unrestrained gasps and grunts as his hips begin to stutter in their rhythm. “Fuck m’gonna fuckin’ cum” Norman chokes out, bottom lip caught between his teeth as he groaned with each hot drag of your cunt, cock twitching and throbbing inside you as he fucked himself closer and closer over the edge. “Jus’ keep fuckin’ takin’ me doll, takin’ me so damn well”
His words made you tighten up around him, and it was all he need to fly off the handle, tossing his head back as his hips sputtered, cock slipping out of your stretched hole with an audible pop, Norman softly groaning as he came all over your twitching pussy, suddenly pushing himself inside and letting out a loud, shaky whimper, fingers curling in your hair as he started to fuck into you again, followed by the filthy squleching of Norman’s cock sliding into your ruined cunt, his cum becoming a creamy mess were it was being pushed in and out, dribbling down your folds to your clit where his balls slapped lewdly against.
“So fucking good for me, ya’ve got such a perfect pussy ‘could fuck you all day” Norman purred, dipping his head down to latch onto the skin of your already marked shoulder, sinking his teeth into the flesh and shuddering when he seemed to slip impossibly deeper into you. His hand fell from your hair, both palms falling firmly on either side of your head. "Feels like a goddamn dream" He snapped forward, breathing hot in your ear and gently nibbling on it. One of your hands wrapped around his wrist, helpless gasps falling from you with each drag of his cock, feeling the throbbing veins which each thrust.
Your nails curled into his skin, eyes fluttering shut as your second orgasm built rapidly in your gut, whines of pleasure spilling past your lips. You couldn't even speak, each hard snap of his hips knocking the words straight out your chest. Norman roughly groaned in your ear, hotly kissing and licking at your bare shoulder. You were both so close, it only fueled his animalistic pace as he sped up.
Norman fisted the comforter in his hands, the skin tingling and raw from where you dug into it, little half-crescents decorating the back of his hand, and puffy lines sprouting blood on his arm, sweet sobs coming from you with every jab of his cock. Norman buried his sweaty face into the crook of your neck, sucking and biting the skin, his beard scratchy as he trailed his lips up to your pounding pulse. A breathy, shaky whimper came from him as he stuttered in his movements, pressing himself deep as he spilled into you for the second time, capturing your kiss in a greedy and heated kiss, moaning into each other's mouth as he drew out your shared orgasm.
When he pulled out with a slick pop, softly humming as the cold air hit his cock, you were both thoroughly fucked and completely worn out, panting heavily with Norman still halfway on top of you.
“Are ya' impressed yet?” He huffed out, a smirk forming on his face as he tugged your head back.
With a deep exhale and a small smile playing on your lips, you looked over at him with heavy, satisfied eyes. "I guess I am"
。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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Okay, I absolutely LOVED writing this request. It practically consumed my life lol. I would definitely be open to more reqs like this where there’s a little bit of a plot, even though I already have so many that are unanswered 🥲🥲🥲
I was really nervous about posting this because I’m just not a fan of the ending but at this point all I can do is hope for the best
THAT BEING SAID If people are also interested in sending in more Norman requests… 🥶🧏🏾‍♀️ y’know where to hmu babe
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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153 notes · View notes
hoodharlow · 6 months
Sleeping with the Enemy
AN: this is my first time writing Jack as a non-rapper so pls be kind 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Requested? Yes by my fave @harryshouseparty
Warnings: smut (girls kissing with slight groping, bathroom head, car head, all ending bedroom) and a 🤪 ending
Word Count: 6.6k words
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For once there was no dinner rush and Leia could step out for a quick bathroom break. She took off her apron and undid her ponytail braid. She made her way to the bathroom in her office. She did her business and took a second to fix up her office. All her diplomas, awards, accolades and certifications were neatly adorned on her wall perpendicular to her desk. The only award not in her office was her James Beard medal. She kept that safely displayed in her newly decorated condo she shared with her boyfriend. 
At twenty-five she’s accomplished so much as a chef and she couldn’t feel prouder of herself. Moving out of her hometown at eighteen to go to culinary school then working at various high end restaurants all over the US and Mexico, Leia moved back to her hometown and began working as a chef in the restaurant sister to the vineyard her parents owned. ‘Sabor a Mí’, her restaurant, went through several renovations and it quickly became one of the most popular high-end restaurants in Kentucky.
Everything was coming together. She was in a good place with her boyfriend, a lawyer, of six months and he was going to meet her parents. They’ve seen him at the restaurant when he’d invite his clients to dinner at her restaurant but haven’t been properly introduced. Her parents knew it was serious if she asked if could bring him over to the house. Hell they didn’t know if she was even interested in anyone. For a while they thought Leia was going to be a nun or something because the last time she mentioned liking someone was in high school when she planned to ask one of the most popular guys for the Sadie Hawkens dance her senior year. Though that resulted in a shit show and since then she never revealed any interest to anyone. It was also one of the reasons why she moved to New York for culinary school. 
It didn’t help that his family was the competition. Well not entirely. Jack Harlow’s family ran a successful bourbon distillery. According to her twin brother, Lucas, (their dad was a huge Star Wars fan and named them after the siblings from the franchise) he was 'chill'. Leia knew that of course. She and her brother were in the same friend group as Jack. But after that night, she left the friend group and kept to herself until she left Kentucky. 
Leai’s timer went off in her pocket, letting her know her five minute bathroom break was over. She pulled her wavy hair back into a tight ponytail braid. She did her rounds around a few tables asking if people were enjoying their meals. Everyone complimented her and her employees’ hard work. She walked back to the kitchen when a loud cackle followed up a clap, caught her attention. She turned her head and lo and behold her #1 enemy was sitting at the head of one of the large tables for groups of eight or more. Leia spotted her brother beside him and composed herself. 
“What the fuck is Jack Harlow doing here?” She asked Berenice, her best friend and pastry chef of the restaurant.
“No fucking way? My girlfriend has been–wait, why are you annoyed? It’s good for business if someone like him is here.” She shrugged. 
“Personally I don’t want the enemy at my restaurant.” 
Berenice rolled her eyes. “Just because sells alcohol like you doesn't mean he's the enemy, escandalosa.” 
“Yes it does, now go kick him out while I fight my brother.” Leia pleaded.
“Stay in the kitchen, we sent out their entrees when you took your bathroom break. They’ll be gone in half an hour tops.”
“Fine, but I'm not doing it because you told me to.” 
Leia took a meat tenderizer and went to town on some chicken breasts for milanesa de pollo. Her cooks knew of her temperament and just let do her thing when she was stressed and overwhelmed. A few minutes later she cooled down and went to the station where the cooks brought out the finished meals for her to approve and get taken to the guests. 
“It’s still overcooked for his liking.” a server came by with steak and bean puree with a salsa verde gastrique. 
“It’s a fucking thin cut of meat, obviously it won’t be rare.” a cook mumbled. 
“What table is this?” Leia asked them after sending out a plate
“Table twelve.” the server said. 
Leia poked her head out of the kitchen door and scoped out who was at table twelve. Her heart dropped to her stomach. Seated at table twelve was her boyfriend, Javier, sitting next to him was a beautiful woman. It took Leia a moment to realize it was Agnes Ngyuen, the daughter of one the partners from the law firm Javier worked at. Leia didn't think much of it. Javier always went out with partners from the law firm. It wasn't until he held her cheek and kissed her. Berenice came to see and saw her best friend’s boyfriend. 
“Leilita, I’m so–”
Leia closed the door and grabbed a large carving fork. She approached the cook that was remaking the steak for her boyfriend and grabbed the cast iron skillet with an oven mit. 
“Leia, where are you going?” Berenice asked her cautiously.
“I’m bringing our esteemed guest his rare steak.” Leia smiled.
With her back Leia pushed open the door. She strutted her way to Javier’s table with a bright smile. She caught Jack’s attention when she walked past them. 
“Where’s Lucas?” A woman dressed similar to Leia asked Jack’s table.
“He left five minutes ago.” Jack answered. 
“Fuck, I think his sister is gonna kill him.” she said
“Who?” He asked. 
“Her boyfriend…well soon to be ex-boyfriend, depending if he survives this.” 
The entire restaurant got quiet as Leia plopped a piece of meat in front of some guy. The woman sitting next to him jumped back. 
“Is this rare enough or would you like me to get a live cow and carve out a piece from it?” Leia asked the man.
“Baby,” he began but caught himself when he remembered he was sitting next to him.
“Baby? Who is this Javier?” the woman next to him. 
“‘Who is this?’” Leia mimicked her. “We’ve met a handful of times at your father’s stupid dinner parties. You would bore all the guests with stories about your overseas travels to Europe.”
“Leia, this isn’t the time or place.” Javier said, pulling her away.
“You made it that when you deci–”
“You’re embarrassing yourself.” He cut her off. He waved to the woman beside him. “Let’s go.”
They walked past Leia. she looked up and her eyes landed on Jack, but she quickly turned away. She fixed her chef’s jacket. 
“I apologize for causing a scene. All meals will be comped and we’ll be sending out desserts to go.” she said before walking back to the kitchen.
Once the restaurant went back to people being lively as if the head chef didn’t just catch her partner cheating on her in her own restaurant. 
“Excuse me.” the woman that approached Jack’s table looking for Leia’s brother said. 
“Wait,” Jack said, going after her. 
“Yes?” she turned back. 
“How much do y’all make in one night?” He asked her.
“Depends, weekdays we don’t make much. When we do reservations only, there’s more demand and people want to pay more, on weekends we make the most profit.” she explained. 
“Can you give me a ball-park estimate,” Jack read the name tag, “Berenice?”
“Tonight we were going to make about five grand. It was a pretty slow night.” 
“Okay thank you.” He said. 
“WHERE’S THE FUCKING MEAT TENDERISER?!” Leia yelled from the kitchen.
“If you’ll excuse me.” Berenice smiled. 
“I’ll be at my table.” Jack nodded.
Berenice’s smile dropped and she pushed the kitchen door open. Jack heard yelling in Spanish between both women and took it as his cue to go back to his table.
“Who’s Leia to you?” Nickie asked in a tone that implied he wasn’t asking out of curiosity.
“Lucas’s sister.” Jack answered.
“She’s also his ex from high school.” Ace said mid chew. 
“She would have been if he didn’t leave her fine ass hanging the night of our Sadie Hawkins dance because Kelly Cole asked him to chill at her place because she wanted to get her college boyfriend jealous.” Urban said nonchalantly.
“Shit why don’t you go to the middle of the restaurant and tell my fucking business to the rest of the people eating.” Jack grumbled. "Also you would have done the same. It was Kelly fucking Cole."
“No, I wouldn’t have. Leia’s fine as fuck now and she was fine as fuck then.” his best friend shook his head. 
Urban didn’t see Leia like that, but he was well aware of the fact that Jack and Leia liked each other back in high school. He knew his best friend was an idiot for ditching Leia. 
“She’s hot, if you’re into them being a bit crazy.” Nickie shrugged.
“Repeat that shit tomorrow when we meet up with Lucas.” Ace shook his head. “In her defense I’d go full Catherine Zeta Jones in No Reservations if my partner showed up to my restaurant with their side chick.”
“Honestly that guy is lucky Lucas is whipped for Harumi and left us or he’d be leaving in an ambulance instead with his two feet.” Urban sipped his exported beer.
Jack went back to his food. It had gone cold but it was still delicious. He missed Leia’s cooking. It had been almost seven years since he ate any of her cooking. The few times he’d go over to the Ruiz's after a soccer game with Lucas the food wasn’t the same. Mrs Ruiz was a phenomenal cook but Leia’s food was out of this world. 
He knew she was going to go far in cooking. To this day he still felt bad for ditching her. Even more because the night before they had sex and he knew it was Leia’s first time. He tried reaching out that night but she removed him from social media and blocked his number. She was valid for being upset with him but he still wanted to apologize. 
A server came by with a tray of desserts already packaged for the group. 
“Can I get the check?” Jack asked.
“We’re comping all meals tonight.” They said politely.
“I know but I wanna leave a tip.” He said, doing his signature grin.
The server’s cheeks flushed. “Of course, follow me.” 
Jack got up and followed them to the counter to pay. He took out five hundred dollar bills and handed them to the server. “These are for you.” 
“Oh thank you so much.” They grinned. 
They turned the iPad over to Jack with his total. It was well over $300. He put in a custom tip of ten grand and paid. He signed the e-receipt then flipped the iPad to the server so they could print it. They ripped the receipt out of the receipt printer and scribbled something on it before handing it to him. 
“We’re not accepting payments.” Leia said, snatching the receipt from the server. She caught their number written at the bottom before fisting it and tossing it on the small trash bin. “Bere is taking care of closing. Tomorrow we’ll be closed so show up on Saturday at three for prep.” 
“Yes chef.” They nodded. 
“Have a good rest of the night and see you Saturday.” she smiled. She turned to Jack. "And you, leave my property before I call the police to escort you out."
"Even you know that's extreme." Jack leaned in on the hostess booth. "I'm merely a customer of this fine establishment." 
"You're not a customer. You're the enemy and probably spying on us. Should I expect y'all to open a restaurant soon?" She crossed her arms, slightly pushing up her breasts to him. 
Jack chuckled. "I’ll see you around Leia." He shamelessly gave her a once over eyeing her chest then went back to his table.
"He's so fucking infuriating. How fucking dare he show up to my restaurant? As if there weren’t other places he could've eaten at." Leia paced around her best friend, Whitney’s closet.  
After hearing about the shit show Javier pulled on Leia through Urban, her boyfriend, Whitney invited Leia to go out for the night with some friends. But Leia was in no mood to go out. She knew at her fragile state she would either hook up with someone she would regret instantly or call Javier to take her back. But Whitney managed to  convince her and now Leia was several outfits deep with her face outlined with bronzer and liquid blush.
She was unsure of her living situation so her safest bet was to stay with her parents until she got her ducks in a row. Leia’s mind was flooded with a million things she needed to do. She first needed to get her things out of the condo she began renting with Javier. She still had a few months left on her lease from the storage unit she was renting out for her things, so she could store her things in there once more while she looked for a new place. She had enough in her savings to put in a down payment for her own place, but Javier convinced her that renting was the safer route before they could buy their own forever home. Leia felt so stupid. She fell for his bullshit lies in just six months. On paper Javier was the perfect man. But the more she thought about him and his qualities he became a piece of shit. At thirty-five he was still renting from a shabby apartment, he hadn’t made partner in the law firm he worked at despite working there for over six years and always prioritized himself and expected for Leia to drop everything to appease him. He thought the restaurant was a bad investment for her parents but he would take his clients there, drive up the bill and pretend to pay for them knowing Leia wouldn’t charge him. Not once in the six months they’ve been together has he done something for her. He always had some excuse to not to and Leia understood and hoped for ‘the next time’ that he promised every time. 
"For someone who swears they don't give a fuck about Jack Harlow, you sure bring him up a lot." Whitney teased her.
"I don't. And of course I bring him up every once in a while because he's one of my family's rivals." Leia huffed irritably. 
"Your family sells wine and tequila. Jack's family sells bourbon. The only thing in common is that y'alls companies originated in Kentucky. Well except the tequila that was in Mexico, but besides that, you don't have any sort of rivalry. You made that shit up to have an excuse to hate him because you know well that still hating him for what happened in high school is childish." Her friend explained.
Leia knew she was right but she won't admit that. She was hurt that Jack ditched her to be one of the girls that made her life a living hell in high school the day after he took her virginity but she got over it. She made a name for herself outside her parents wine and tequila company with her cooking and accomplished great things. The real reason why she’s so irritated at Jack, but she wouldn't admit it out loud, is that she's embarrassed that he was a witness to what Javier did. She would have rather had the pope sitting there instead of Jack. 
“Okay you can vent about him later, get ready so we can leave. I told Ceci that we were going to be there at ten and it's almost eleven.” Whitney said as she matched her clutches to her outfit in front of the mirror. 
Leia sighed, already agreeing to go out. She finished blending her makeup and carefully outlined her lips with a red lip liner then swiped some red gloss over them. She carefully folded all the skirt & top sets, dresses, tops and pants she was trying out and went with the sheer two piece she tried on first. She grabbed her phone off the charger and followed Whitney outside. 
There was a black SUV waiting for them in front of the apartment building Whitney lived in. They climbed in and within twenty minutes they arrived to the club. Whitney grabbed Leia’s hand and guided her to the VIP area. All their friends cheered and squealed excitedly when they saw Leia. 
It had been months since the group had properly hung out. After school they all went their separate ways but they always try to meet up once in the summer and then during the holidays. Leia went around hugging and greeting them. 
Once she settled a bottle girl in black catsuit came by and poured them a round of vodka shots. Leia took hers and grimaced. She was not a vodka kind of gal. She mostly drank wine and tequila based cocktails. As the night settled Leia found herself getting flirty with the bottle girl that served them their first round of vodka shots. Next thing she knew, Leia was perched up in the bathroom sink while the bottle girl attacked her neck. 
Leia reached up and squeezed her breasts, earning a soft moan from the bottle girl. Leia’s skirt rode up to her hips as she opened her legs wider and dug her heels into the bottle girl’s thighs. The bottle girl reached back and undid the back of Leia’s top. She bent her head down and kissed Leia’s now bare chest. 
The door abruptly opened. Leia and the bottle girl untangled themselves. Leia’s eyes met an all too familiar set of blue eyes.
“Harlow.” She greeted Jack nonchalantly. 
“Ruiz.” He nodded, quickly glancing down at her bare chest then he looked over to the bottle girl. “Kayleigh you get paid to shove drinks down the patrons’ throats not your tongue. I’m sure this could've waited until after your shift.”
“My apologies Mr. Harlow.” The bottle girl looked down at the ground embarrassed. 
“You may go back to work. Tell Clay to assign you a different section for the rest of the night.” He said dismissively. 
Kayleigh walked out of the bathroom without another word. 
Leia fixed her top and got down the sink to fix her skirt. She leaned over the sink and touched up to lips. It was the second time in less than six hours that Jack caught her doing something embarrassing. Not that kissing a woman was embarrassing, it was more the fact that she was so desperate to feel someone on her that she forgot to do the most logical thing and lock the bathroom door. 
“Even a fucking moron would’ve made sure to lock the door.” Jack commented. 
“What are you doing here?” She turned and crossed her arms to look at him. 
“This is my brother's club and I can come and go as I please.” He said, standing in front of her. 
“I meant the bathroom. I'm aware this is Clay's club.” She deadpanned. Not that she was paying attention but he didn't go into the stall to do his business. He sat on the couch while she covered herself up. 
“Don’t get in your head that I was purposely cockblocking you. I needed a break from Urban and Whitney dry humping each other. I would've gone outside but it's raining.”
“Please, I hardly think of you.” Leia rolled her eyes. 
“Neither do I, if you’re wondering.” He said.
“I wasn't.” 
“Right.” Jack smirked. 
“Does this,” Leia gestured to him, “get the women turned on?”
“I mean at one point it got you turned on.” He shrugged. 
“I was seventeen with low standards. I've evolved.” 
“Yeah, to cheaters that take their side chicks to your restaurant. What an upgrade.” he answered sarcastically. The words slipped out before he realized. “That was too–”
“Fuck you, you fucking asshole.” Leia cut him off. 
Jack caught her wrist before it met his cheek. He looked down at her. Her chest huffed angrily. Her lips were still puffy and swollen from the makeout session with Kayleigh. He did the most logical thing and kissed her. He wasn't sure why but it felt right. 
It took Leia a second to process what was going on but once she did, she kissed him with full force. Jack picked her up by the back of her thighs and carried her to the door. He pressed his hips against hers and locked the door.
“See that wasn't so hard.” He smirked. 
“Shut up.” Leia mumbled against his lips. 
Jack carried her back to the couch. They continued their makeout session. Jack's hands wandered down to her ass and he gripped her ass, holding her in place as he grinded himself onto her. Knowing he was going to bust if he kept at it, Jack dropped to his knees. 
He slowly dragged Leia’s panties down and pushed her skirt up to her waist then opened her legs to him. He placed her legs on shoulders and he teased her with his fingers. 
“If you're just going to poke around, save us both the embarrassment and let me go find the bottle girl so I can get off properly.” Leia said, trying her best to mask how needy she was for his mouth. 
“I forgot that patience is not your virtue.” Jack chuckled. He slipped his ring and middle fingers in her, earning a moan from her. “See what happens when you wait.” 
“You're annoy–” Leia was cut off by her own moans. 
Jack smirked and wiggled his tongue on her clit. He took his time with her. Leia's desperate moans and whimpers egged him on. Jack nearly came undone with how tight she gripped his curls, keeping his head in place as she grinded her hips against his face. 
After a while Jack sat up and pushed her legs to her chest, so she was more exposed to him. With one hand, he pushed up her top, exposing her breasts. He roughly squeezed them as he continued to eat her out. His nose pressed on her clit, making her a moaning mess. With his fingers still fucking her at an agonizing slow pace, he sat Leia up and brought her mouth to his. Jack's beard was dampened by her arousal, a few drops fell onto her neck, rolling down to her chest. 
She whimpered and reached down to his wrist. “I'm close…shit!” 
With that the intensity she felt disappeared. Leia had Jack's name on the tip of her tongue. She almost came undone on his hand. 
“What the fuck?!” She frowned.
“What?” Jack asked, adjusting his pants to hide the tent in them. 
“You didn't get me off?” 
“I know.” 
“Because when I do, I want you naked under me in my bed begging me to get you to come. You're going to be so desperate that you'll even beg to choke on my dick after. Okay?” He asked, holding up her panties.
Leia snatched them from him and pulled them on. “There's no way in hell I'm leaving with you and begging to have your dick in my mouth.” 
Jack gripped Leia’s hair and watched as his length disappeared in her mouth. He closed his eyes and leaned against his seat. Leia had left with him. Jack excused himself, making some excuse about having meetings. Five minutes later Leia said her Uber was waiting for her. The drive to Jack's place was relaxed. Their sexual tension oozed out of every pore they had, but it wasn’t until they entered Jack's neighborhood that Leia got handsy.
She kissed his neck while one of her hands dropped to his crotch. She sucked on his neck as she palmed his erect length. She undid his pants and stroked him until they got in his driveway. The second Jack turned off the ignition, Leia's tongue was licking the tip of his cock. She let out determined moans and choked out sounds the further she took him down her throat. 
One of his hands gripped the back of her head, keeping her in place as he thrusted into her mouth. Leia let out soft moans. Her hands gripped his legs, nails digging into his thighs, keeping her from losing balance. Minutes later he spilled in her mouth. She had pushed his hands off of her as she continued to stroke him as he came, taking all of his release. Leia swallowed every drop and licked her hand clean. 
Jack reached for the glove box and took out a small pack of wet wipes. “Here.” He passed it to her. 
“Thanks.” She said cleaning her hands.
Jack took out some Kleenex and cleaned himself. He grabbed a wet wipe and wiped his hands off. He looked over to Leia and saw her looking out the window. 
“If you don't want to hook up, we don't have to. I can take you home or wherever you're staying.” Jack said, making her look over to him.
“I was just thinking how crazy this night has been. If I hadn't caught my boyfriend– I mean ex, cheating. I probably would've gone home to him and gotten some mediocre sex and hopefully an orgasm. But instead I'm sitting in your car about to have sex with you.” She said, shaking her head in disbelief. 
“Unlike your ex I'll give you all the orgasms you deserve.” He smirked. 
“Well you did leave me hanging in the bathroom. So we'll see.” Leia shrugged. 
Jack chuckled and leaned over the center console of his car. He gently grabbed her face. He claimed her lips and his hand dropped to her breasts. He slipped his hand inside her top and ran his thumb over her pert nipples while he deepened their kiss. Leia climbed over to his lap and held onto his face as she moved her hips against his. 
“Condom?” Leia asked after she pulled away to kiss his neck.
“I have some inside.” He managed to say before moaning when Leia nipped his neck. 
“We should get inside.” She murmured against his lips.
“We should.” Jack agreed before kissing her. 
They made out in his car for another fifteen minutes. The December cold got them out of the car. They barely made it to his front door before Leia was using Jack's thigh for sort of relief while he got the door unlocked. Jack pried her off his thigh and guided her inside. He slipped off his coat and hung by its collar on the coat rack. 
The pitter patter of paws came down the hall. Jack cursed. He thought he put LouLou in her crate before leaving. He prayed to every higher power that she didn’t use the hardwood floors as her toilet. 
“And who's this cutie?” Leia crouched down to pet LouLou. 
The puppy gave in and shoved her whole face into Leia’s hand. Leia scratched the back of her ears and rubbed her face with her thumbs like she does with Canela. Her pitbull mix. Canela lived in her parents’ rancho. She originally lived with Leia but when she moved in with Javier, Canela went with her parents because the apartment didn't allow large pets. 
“That's Louise, but we call her LouLou.” Jack said. 
“We?” she asked curiously. 
She shouldn't be surprised at the possibility of Jack having a roster. In the last few years he grew into the confidence he had when they were in high school. She won't admit it outloud but he got even better looking. The beard suited him a lot. 
“My family. My mom adopted her but she kept wanting to fight her neighbor's rottweiler every time they went on their walks with their other dog.” he said. “Do you mind if I take her out in the yard real quick?” 
“No, do what you need to do.” She said. 
“Help yourself to water or whatever in the kitchen.”
Jack turned on the kitchen lights and Leia nearly came at the sight. It was her dream kitchen. It was rustic farmhouse style. The stove was backed up on a brick wall with a double oven that matched the stove. The countertops and kitchen island were made out of light brown quartz and the cabinets were cornflower blue. The kitchen was modern but had a homey vibe. 
Leia hopped on the kitchen island and closed her eyes, imagining all the meals and dishes she would make if she had this kitchen. The one at her condo was small and there was much space for her things. It didn’t help that Javier used the kitchen island as a work area because the spare room in their condo was converted into a home gym. In addition to the small space, Leia couldn't experiment in the kitchen because of the lack of equipment. There would be times where she would spend the night in her restaurant cooking new ideas. Or she'd leave early in the morning when she felt inspired. 
“All set.” Jack said, walking in the kitchen. 
He locked the sliding door and made his way to the fridge. He noticed Leia didn't get anything to drink so he took a few water bottles. At the rate they were going at it they were going to need them. 
“Ready?” He asked, kissing her shoulder. Her coat had fallen off her shoulders. 
“Yeah.” she nodded. 
Jack took her hand and tugged her down the kitchen island. He pulled her along, up the stairs all the way down the hall. He opened the door and motioned her inside. He didn't waste another second without having her mouth on his. The only time he broke their kiss was to take off his knitted sweater and the black undershirt. 
Leia did the same with hers and also took off her skirt, standing in only her panties. She let out a soft ‘oof’ when Jack tossed her on the bed. She moved towards the middle and leaned against the pillows. Jack kicked off his sneakers and pants off to the side, climbing on top of her. 
He didn’t kiss her right away. He zoned in on her chest. He licked her nipples and tugged at them with teeth, leaving her a moaning mess as he made his way down her body. Jack slowly pulled off her panties, tossing them to their pile of clothes. He pushed himself up and rolled onto his side to grab a new box of condoms. He pulled off one from the sleeve and offered it to Leia. 
“Care to do the honors?” He asked. 
“Always making me do all the work like in Mr. Sánchez’s AP econ class.” She grumbled, taking the condom. 
“I was starting to miss that bratty attitude but you know when to bring it back.” He scoffed, taking the condom from her. He got off the bed. “On all fours.”
“Wait, what?” She asked while complying. 
Jack brought her closer to the edge of the bed. 
“You were bitching about having to do all the work.” He began. He slipped his hand in between her thighs and rubbed some of her arousal on his cock. He slid the condom on and lined himself up behind her. Leia whimpered, moving her ass against his length. Without a warning he slammed his hips into her. “Now you don't have to.”
Leia gasped. She dug her nails into the comforter. She was not expecting to feel so full. She was aware of his size from having half of his dick in her mouth earlier, but she was visualizing something different for when he was inside of her. 
Javier was long but he wasn't as thick as Jack so whenever he was inside of her it felt off. The first few times they were together he'd make back handed comments that she was too loose because of the amount of past partners she had and the sex toys she used. After that he kept comments to himself and pouted when she had to get off with her fingers or vibrator. Plus, she hadn't had sex in weeks so anything more than middle and ring fingers was too much for her. 
“Good?” Jack asked, gently rubbing her ass. 
“Yeah, it's been a minute.” She said. 
“If it's too much let me know.” He said.
“What? You think I can't handle you? Please, you're not all–” 
She yelped when Jack's hand struck her ass and he thrusted into her at the same time. 
“I don't want to hear another peep from you unless it's to beg that I make you come.” 
Jack tilted her head up so he could kiss her. His lips and tongue went at the pace he thrusted in and out of her. He wrapped one of her legs around him, bringing them closer as he took her. Her breath hitched at how good it felt. Jack must have noticed, and continued thrusting in that spot. The familiar feeling came over her once more. Leia was about to come, and Jack was well aware of it. His thrusts got more precise, hitting where she needed him. He just needed her to say at least ‘please’. 
And he hoped that it was happening soon because he needed to come too. He thought she'd give in when he was fucking her from behind, but she didn’t. He almost got her off, but at the last second he pulled out of her. Leia let out a few explicit words. Jack ate her out once more, even then she didn't beg. Now he had her under him, chest to chest. 
“Please, Jack.” 
It was almost inaudible. Her voice was scratchy and exhausted. Like it was Leia’s final plea. 
“Please what, Lei?” he asked her. 
“Make me come.” She groaned. “Please.”
That was all Jack needed to hear. He motioned her to lift her hips, she obliged. He slipped the pillow under her back, so Leia's hips were elevated and he wouldn't put any weight on her. With that he continued where he left off. He wrapped one of her legs around him, bringing them closer as he took her. Since he was still kneeling, he reached forward and used one of Leia's shoulders to anchor himself as he sped up. 
“C’mon, Leia, let me hear how you come undone on my dick.” He leaned in and whispered in her ear. He softly kissed her temple and said, “You've been taking me so well. Come for me, Leia.”
The tenderness in his voice pushed her over the edge, and she repeated Jack’s name over and over until her high faded. Jack continued thrusting in and out of her. His thrusts grew sloppy. After a few minutes passed, he stilled his movements quietly moaning out her name as he came. He pulled the pillow from under her and rolled on his back. 
Leia didn't waste another second. She shot out of bed and went to the bathroom. She inspected herself in  front of the mirror. She looked thoroughly fucked. Her body was covered in hickies. Her hips still had Jack's hand prints from where he was holding her when he fucked her from behind.
“Leia?” Jack called for her from the other side. 
She went to open the door and found him in a fresh pair of boxer-briefs. She crossed her arms and averted her eyes from how low they say on his hips. “Yeah?” 
“The rain picked up again. You're gonna have to spend the night.” He said. 
“I can just Uber. I'll be fine.” She pushed past him to get her clothes. 
There was a clap of thunder followed by flashes of lighting. She hated thunder. When she lived in Acapulco she endured various thunderstorms and even a hurricane. She couldn't sleep because she'd get startled and think someone was trying to break in. 
“You can take one of the guest rooms. I'll drive you home in the morning.” Jack offered. 
“Okay, but only because Ubers charge more when it rains.” She said. 
Jack nodded. He went into his walk in closet and got her a t-shirt and a pair of compression pants that he ordered online but came in a smaller size than the one he wore. 
“Here.” He handed them to her and guided her to the guest room next to his. “There should be a toothbrush and toothpaste under the sink.” 
Another clap of thunder filled the bedroom. It was louder than the one before, making Leia curse from being startled. That was when Jack remembered how she would always ask to sleep in his bed when their old friend group would go out in the woods. 
He approached the bed and lifted the comforter. “There's no sheets on the bed.” There were. But Jack knew Leia wouldn’t straight up ask him if she could sleep with him. “It would be just easier if you slept in my room.”
Leia nodded in agreement. “Yeah whatever you think is best.” 
They retreated to Jack's room. Leai got dressed and brushed her teeth then settled in Jack's bed. While he was in the bathroom, she set up a pillow division between them and rolled onto her side, facing away from Jack. Moments later she heard him toss the pillows on the floor and got in bed.
Leia was too exhausted to tell him to put them back and closed her eyes. They were mature adults; sharing a bed for one night wouldn’t kill them. They knew how to keep their hands to themselves. 
The following morning, Leia couldn't breathe. It was like she was being held down. She opened her eyes and saw Jack's arm around her with his face nuzzled in her neck through the closet  door mirror. To make matters worse,  his dick was digging into her ass, reminding her of how her face was buried in a pillow as Jack ravished her. She pushed her ass back, testing the waters. She was about to do it again, Jack stopped her by holding her hips. 
“Don't.” he murmured in her ear. 
He rolled on to his back and stretched, pushing the comforter off them. His cock strained against his boxer-briefs, begging Leia to take him in her mouth.
“Need help taking care of that?” She asked. 
“I'm not gonna stop you if you want.” He held his hands up in surrender. 
Leia pushed her hair back and climbed on top of Jack. She kissed his lips and slowly made her way down his body until she reached his boxers. She kept her brown eyes on Jack's blue ones as she took his cock out and slowly stroked him. Her mouth practically watered at it. She sucked his tip and licked his sides.
Miriam’s eyes never left Jack’s as she took him back in her mouth. His stomach began to contract after a few bobs, letting her know that he was close. Slowly, she pulled him out of her mouth until only his tip rested on her tongue. She widened her eyes, making her look more innocent as she stroked him. 
Unbeknownst to them, someone entered Jack's home. They dropped off the food they brought in the kitchen and made their way upstairs to his room. Without knocking they entered his room.
“Jack, baby, I know I said I was going to come in the afternoon but– oh!”
Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux @cherry4everrr ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezy @youngharleezyxo ​ @babyharleezy ​ @that-90s-girllll ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhore4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs @itsyagirljaz @w1ldthoughts @vanwritesfan-fiction @xxkoolkatxx
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freemansgirl · 1 year
dating amber sfw and nsfw headcanons
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* very sweet, she loves you so much
* contact name in her phone for you is “my final girl”, your name, or “baby” with the 🖤👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 emojis
* can be clingy and overprotective (even too overprotective at times) especially when the ghostface killings happened
* loves to show you off, she is hers and you are hers, the whole school knows it
* petnames for you are “princess”, “baby”, “babe” “honey”, “sweetheart”, “love” and “darling”, she doesn’t really call you by your name that much but if she does that mean shes either mad or something serious
* very huge on pda, she loves to leave her hands on your waist, hips, thighs, hands, etc. shes very touchy and always has her hands on you somewhere. she likes to have you sit on her lap sometimes and loves to have you cuddle against her
*when people usually hit on you, she will come up from behind and grab you while giving the person in question a glare that screams “back off” or she’ll usually just tell them off herself, “she’s with me.”
or she’ll just play dumb and act like she doesn’t know what is happening, while walking up to press a kiss on your cheek, “oh who’s this?”
*you guys have definitely snuck off from class to have intense make out sessions, the main places you guys go to being the girl’s bathroom and/or the janitor’s closet
*if you’re ever stressed with school, she usually tries to get you coffee to energize and also gives you lots of words of encouragement “you’re more than just your grades, i believe you are smart with or without academic validation.” she also will help you study for anything
* big on compliments in the relationship especially when she sees you dressing up for her
* speaking of cuddles, she’s a huge cuddler, she prefers to be the big spoon majority of the time but can be the little spoon if you ask her to be
* lots of hangout session usually consist of you at her place crashing the night and watching stab a lot. if not stab then any type of horror movie/tv show, drama show, or true crime does the trick! if not watching things, then you guys may play horror games together or you watch her play some (especially dead by daylight).
*watching horror movies together, if you ever get scared or jumpy, she loves to grab you tightly to her and rub your shoulders in a soothing way to calm you down. “hey baby, it’s okay, i’m here… it’s just a movie, you’re safe with me.”
*also comforts you if you ever have nightmares about ghostface or as you watch the news about another ghostface murder has happened
* when crashing at her house (or just in general), she lets you wear her clothes such as an oversize t-shirt of hers, jacket, a hoodie, just any type of her clothing that she has. if it’s raining or cold, i feel like she’d be the type of girlfriend that’d let you’d give you her jacket to make sure you’re not wet or cold.
* LOVESSSS spoiling you! you want a new shirt? she’ll get it. jewerly? already on it. something related to one of your interests or hobbies? yes. likes to get you flowers too, bonus if its your fave. she’s the type of girlfriend that pays close detail to things you like, she knows how to surprise you. she’s very good on details and attentive, just like you are to her about her favorite things.
* as a couple, she may like to do cute things together as painting each others nails or she may let you do her makeup (if you like makeup)
* matching bracelets or lockets is a must
* date nights consist of a simple restaurant date, shopping dates, movie night dates (whether it’s at her place or the theater) haunted house, amusement parks (you’ve gotten her a ghostface plushie before once), escape rooms, walks around the park esp at night bc it’s romantic (pre-ghostface killings)
*as the ghostface killings happen, you guys have your locations shared so you always know where each other are at. sometimes, she will follow you around as ghostface to make sure you get home safely from the bus stop or just anywhere in general really.
*definitely kills for you
*she tries to keep you out of the killings (and richie) from getting involved. when it came to wes’s party, she didn’t want you to go so she hid your keys to your car so you couldn’t drive there.
*definitely has argued with richie a few times about keeping you out of their plans so you don’t get hurt.
* so first things first, shes definitely a boobs girl. like dont get her wrong, she loves all of you from the top to bottom of your body, but she gives special attention to your boobs. she doesn’t care if they’re small, big, or medium, she just loves your boobs. enjoys fondling them, sucking/licking them, etc. when you guys cuddle and she’s the little spoon, you let her lay on your boobs and she loves it. if you’re wearing a top that really shows off your bust, she might catch herself staring and checking you out🤭
*turned on by weight gain, she thinks its so sexy if she saw you gain weight in your ass, tummy, thighs, boobs, wherever! so if you ever feel insecure abt your body, ambs wouldn’t care, she loves you for you!
*loves seeing you in lingerie, it gets her in the mood so QUICKKK
* shes a switch but leans to tops and is definitely the dominant one in the relationship (top or bottom), it makes her feel like shes in control
* can be rough or very sweet but mainly rough
* has a high sex drive, she carries her strap on her all the time. in terms of g!p, she definitely can’t help but get hard when she’s around you majority of the time
* favorite positions: honestly she doesn’t care about positions, as long as she’s fucking you is what matters but she mainly likes one where she can see your face. missionary (loves to see your face and the facial expressions you give as you guys get down) and cowgirl (she loves seeing you ride her and enjoys the view of seeing your boobs bounce up and down as you ride her strap or (dick if we’re going down the g!p! route). she likes to have her hands on your hips and roughly move up and down your body. sometimes she wont touch you, and let you fuck on her as she gets to watch with a smirk.) standing missionary against the wall is another fave of hers too (she loves having your legs wrapped around her hips and giving u support with her arms)
* kinks: somnophilia, spanking, dacryphillia (gets turned on seeing you cry during her pleasuring you), roleplay (especially when you get to pretend you’re a “helpless victim” and she is portraying as ghostface chasing you down), knife kink (i mean would she really be ghostface if she didn’t hold a knife against your throat as she fucks you?), choking, loves pulling your hair, phone sex, mirror sex, praise kinks (use of “good girl” is heavily used), degrading kink (likes to call you names especially whore, that’s her favorite), daddy kink, public sex to an extent, tying kink (likes to tie your wrists up as she has sex with you occasionally), leash (i can see her putting one on reader's neck and pulling on it as she fucks)
*now about the daddy kink thing, when having sex with her she doesn’t care if you call her by her full name or whatever in sex when shes normally herself, BUT when shes mad or jealous, she prefers be called daddy, nothing else but that.
*about the video games thing, she loves seeing you ride her or suck her dick off when she plays them. she’ll return the favor when you play video games by eating you out or fingering you🫣
* enjoys facesitting (loves hearing your cute moans all for her while you ride her face, also vice versa she likes to ride yours too)
*uses sex toys while she fucks you sometimes (yes sometimes because amber wants you to feel good from her AND only her, and not the sex toy)
* dirty talker
* enjoys hate sex a lotttt, you guys just got into it and how will you repay her? fucking. the angrier she is, the better.
*has definitely taken sex toys in public when shes with you. she’ll take a remote and switch between low or high settings to just humiliate you if shes in playful or bad mood
* her strap on is DEFINITELY BLACKKK or purple lol
* loves to leave hickies and bite marks all over your body
*likes to mock your moans after sex if shes in playful mood
* fingers you with or without the ghostface gloves
*huge on sexting (mainly at school) esp if she wants to get you so flustered and embarrassed. the more flustered you are, the more she’ll tease you
*speaking of teasing, she loves to tease you too!
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mamieishere · 2 months
How to row a hook-up
disclaimer : unprotected sex, quickie, doggy style, creampie, semi public, teasing, breeding kink, no name mentioned
You met him on a dating app. You liked his profile because of his blue hair. It's not common and you love someone with their own personality. He was a traveler, coming we-don't-know-where and indicated that he was around for several days.
There was no expectation, you liked some other profiles. You got some matches and started to talk with them but they weren't interesting or too weird. You gave up for the night and went to bed. Tomorrow evening your friend will arrive and the both of you will head to the most anticipated festival of the year. How exciting is it to finally being able to enjoy music lives.
When you woke up the next morning, you were anything but a portable battery, too much energy, too much happiness... too much eve everything.
You headed to the shower and had a full body wash, hair included. Summer nights were hot and humid, so much so that you needed to wash your hair daily. After getting dressed, you picked up your phone and oh! missing notifications. It was the blue haired cutie. He liked you back! FUCK!
"Hi! I'm here for a few days. I'm going to be honest, I need someone who speaks the local language... Are you in?" 4 hours ago
"Ha ~ Finally, I wasn't that honest. I have a big event this weekend and I am very stressed. It's impromptu but could you help you to reduce this tension?" 4 hours ago
"I mean in a sexual way?" 3 hours ago
"Wait... It's impossible to erase a message on this app??? Fuck it." 5 minutes ago
"You know what? Forget it, nvw. It was unsolicited." now
You laughed. He was cute and kinda strange in a way.
"Hey :) sure I'm in, even for a tension revealed thing if you want." now
You texted back without proofreading, probably because you'd cringe at your message. You tossed your phone on your bed. after all, What are the chances that he will respond now? Obviously none.
You planned to go on a self date, one of your fave thing. You put a little make, mascara and lip gloss, grab your bag stuffed with keys, wallet, a book and your flying phone. Headphones on your ears, you headed out to a cozy restaurant nearby to the hotel.
The atmosphere was hushed, the lights were subdued and the ceiling had mouldings. A perfect place to order a fancy dish and a glass of white wine in the back corner out of sight. After the waiter has taken your order and came back with your drink, you took your book and started peacefully your me-time.
A group of about ten people took the table on the right. They were loud, chaotic dressed in expensive clothing. You sighted and turn on the headphones again. You looked for your phone to play some music. While the tracks scrolled across the screen, he popped up. You jumped on your seat, hurting the table.
- "HOLLY... ", you restrained yourself from screaming and rubbing your knees. The neighbours at the table turned around with surprised looks. "My apologies", you nodded, pressed play to the first track coming and hid behind your book.
"Hello again! Thank God, I'm glad you did answer. I'm not used to dating apps, probably because I'm not allowed to. Had I say I was relieved? Haha I'm rumbling... Anyways, I'm going to dinner in a restaurant, would you like to recommend me a dish? I'm so lost... " 3 minutes ago
You laughed softly.
"Okay, it's funny because I'm in a restaurant too currently. I order a croque madame, it's a hot sandwich studded with béchamel sauce, cheese and ham plus there's a sunny side up on the top of it. It comes with a salad. So, I guess you may order this too!" now
"THANK YOU!" now
Oh the answer came very quickly this time. You left your phone on the table with the book, as the waiter came back with your dish.
Oh it was delicious... The bread was crispy outside but still soft and buttery. The egg was perfect, the ham and cheese tasty and smoked. It was heaven,all of this combined with the jazz music playing... It was orgasmic.
"I guess you gave me a good choice. It looks yummy. *one picture attached *" now
Your eyes widen once again. The picture of his dish was exactly the same than yours, the dishes, the tablecloth, everything. You raised your head and started to search around you. He was here.
*Wait... We are in the same restaurant. Oh lol, where are you?" now
You kept looking for some blue hair but failed. Was it a joke? Where was he? After 5 minutes, your message was still unread. You decided to go to the bathroom, leaving your things under the waiter supervision.
Until someone grabbed your hand and guided you to the first nearby room. You were about to scream when your kidnapper switch on the light. Blue hair. Oh.
- "Hey... hey hey hey", he whispered "I'm so sorry, I caught you by surprise. I recognized you when I entered the restaurant earlier. I wanted to give you a hand sign but as I was with my band and the staff, it was impossible. Please accept my apologies. But jeez you're beautiful. Ah sorry I'm rambling again... Hey? Hello, Earth?"
Of course you heard him but you were shut. He was stunning, his delicate face, his bobba eyes contrasted so well with his blue hair. You were subjugated.
- "Yeah? Hi...", the words fell from your mouth.
- "Are you okay? Are you shocked?" he panicked "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.".
You put your hand on his chest. "Are you real...?" you asked randomly. He burnt out of laughter,took your hand and swapped your fingers with his own.
- "Hello sweetheart, yes I'm real", he cooed with a chuckle. He took your chin and replaced a strand of hair out of your face. "May i kiss you?"
Wow, that was bold but not as bold as you, putting your hands on his shoulders for leverage, you reached to his mouth and put a lingering kiss on his lips. He caught you and deeper the kiss, glued his body to yours.
- "Ah princess... I want you now, can I have you now?", You looked at him and nodded. "Use your words baby. ".
- "Ha.... yes, please. Are you not afraid that someone caught us?".
He cadged you between his body and the door.
- "No, I'm not. You'll have to stay quiet if you don't want to be discovered.", He leaned to kiss you again. Both of you had a little time. His hands made their path under your shirt going for the claps of your bra. You weren't wearing a bra, oops. He broke the kiss and gave you a stern look.
- "Oh my. What do we have here?", he raised your hands with one hand while his others reached up your top, exposing your chest to the cold air, making your nipples harder than they already were. He started to leave little pecks on your neck, down to your collarbone, decorating it with purple and finally reaching to your left boob.
- "Let's start with your heart side would you?", he rolled the sensitive tip between his digits, cutting off a moan of you. He urgently put his hand on your mouth. "Stay quiet baby if you don't want to get caught".
He freed your hands which ended up on his shoulders again and licked your nipple. Your chest arched, giving him more flesh. You moaned again, silently. His other hand found a place on your hips, rubbing slow circles.
- "Touch me, please...", Your voice was almost a whisper. "May I have your fingers in me?"
It was all it took for him to snap. He got back on his feet, turned you around and lifted your skirt.
- " Oh baby wants my fingers?", he teased. "Baby wants me to finger your needy hole?"
He didn't give enough time to answer before he ripped soaking panties, stuffed you with two fingers at an incredible rough pace. You felt the first sprinkles of pleasure and he added a third one. Soft moans weren't enough, louder ones erupted from your throat as he stopped them by placing a hand on your filfy mouth.
- "I told you to stop being noisy", his action hadn't the expected effect, your creamed his hand. "Fuck that's hot. May I give you my cock sweetie, uh? Want me to fill you up? Breeding you with my seeds?".
Unable to form a coherent sentence, you gave him a "Ha... y... es fuck, gimme y-your see-seeds".
While licking his digits, he undid his pants, freeing his erected dick from the confines of his underwear. One hand came to press on your back to put your pussy on display. You felt him, rubbing his cock along your folds, teasing your entrance. You tried to push your hips back on him to finally get your dream fulifilled.
- "tsk... baby no... that's not how we ask to be fucked"
- "please, I can't... oh shit!", he penetrated you in one full stroke. He snapped his hips on yours, making the head of his penis kissed your cervix, forcefully. The pace he chose left no space for mercy. You thought you were going to cum only by being penetrated until he reached your clit only to play with it. As his pace maintained a high drive, he doodled circles on your bundle of nerves.
- "Fuck baby girl, cum... cum for me. Cum on my cock, I want to feel it", he bite your ear. Then everything became colorful. You came hard around him, squeezing your insides like never you did before. He helped by guiding you through it. The only sound remained was the lewd, squishing sound of his cock entering you again and again. He took him a few pumps before he filled you full of him.
- "hhhhaaa fuck baby, I'm bringing you to my hotel room. I can't leave you like that."
hiii, it's been a while! I hope you enjoyed this story. it was supposed to be a drabble, as usual, it's a failure 🤷🏻‍♀️
Feel free to give feedback and comments (constructive ones only!) 💕
I have to be honest, im not a big mood to write rn but I felt I needed to post this one. please be nice if you find typos or grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language.
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heart-sized · 10 months
Fell in love with your domesticated Severus, so here- Sev taking reader out on a date for their birthday. To their fave restaurant, during the Christmas season. (Also readers fav season)
Go insane, all the tooth rotting simp Sev you got, I'll take it! <333
happier — s. snape
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★⺌◞ : severus snape x fem! reader
plot : your boyfriend takes you out on a date on your birthday
cw : ooc severus snape ?? none that i know of since this is pure fluff
a/n : god, im so dumb i just realized you had mentioned a date on a restaurant. maybe i will write another fic based on that bc this is not that ! im really sorry. also omg you're right, domesticated sevy is so cutie i can't
masterlist // sev masterlist
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you stared outside the glass window, watching the snow fall. dressed up in your boyfriend’s robe—because why not—you were comfy. turning around, you saw severus standing there ... with a bouquet in his hands ???
you took a moment to glance at him. surely, surely, people were so surprised when you two started dating. you get it though. he is the severus snape and you are just a common person. other wizards would ask you, “how did you even melt his heart?” you would snort and say something along “because i am very cool?” needless to say, they really didn't like your answer. not that you were lying anyway. besides, he was the one who melted your cold heart. you had sworn never to fall in love and here you were, giggling just because your man was holding a bouquet.
“happy birthday, my love,” he said, offering you the bouquet and you tried not to blush. come on, you can't blush every time your boyfriend speaks your name! “would you by any chance be up for a courtship appointment?”
“huh” such a pretty mouth. but what a shame. it only speaks.
you could see beads of sweat forming in his forehead, in the middle of december. “a date, y/n. a date.”
wide eyed, you gasped. a date with him? oh my god. oh my god. you wanted to yell. “b—but sevy, you don't like going out. you don't have to do that for me.”
he leaned in closer to you. “may i kiss you?”
you nodded and he kissed your lips, almost in a punishing way, as if daring to tell you that you shouldn't stop him from taking you on dates. “i know, darling. but there's nothing that i wouldn't do for you. even going on dates."
you smiled, a faint blush forming on your cheeks and he pinched your cheeks endearingly. “i don't want you to get bored though, sevy.”
he rested his head on your shoulder, holding his hands around your waist from the back. “don't look at me with stars in your eyes, my love. it's doing something to me.”
his soft, flirtatious voice made you giggle. “don't overwork yourself though, love. you aren't used to this.”
the dark—haired man nodded, rubbing his head against the crook of your neck.
and that's how you found yourself dressed in a white tee shirt with a denim jacket and blue jeans with converse. nothing wrong in dressing up like a muggle, alright! you smiled at severus who was still dressed in his usual attire, not that you minded. you couldn't imagine him in a tee shirt and bad boy jacket anyway. the image was enough for you to laugh.
“so, this is our date?” you asked softly, smiling as you stared at his efforts.
the park looked beautiful, solitary even. a giggly pink mat was rolled on the grass—you laughed at the image of severus rolling a pink mat— a basket of your favorite cookies and chips was there, along with your favorite masala soda. and severus had taken the effort to place a few of your favourite books there too.
“i thought this could be our version of date” he shrugged but you could see a miniscule glimpse of insecurity flashing in his eyes. “we can do what dunderhead people do if you aren't up for it.”
“and pass up a chance of getting you to sit in this pink mat?” you flashed a grin, “no way! come, come. and sit.”
you could see a mixture of scowl and blush on his face as he sat down beside you. “happy?”
“a lot” you grinned, “this is the best birthday ever!”
you could see him rolling his eyes, “you are a low maintenance dunderhead, y/n.”
“at least, i am your dunderhead” you leaned against him, “and at least, you love me.”
“indeed, y/n, indeed.”
“mhm” you closed your eyes, “your hair smells so nice, sevy!” you ran your fingers over his hair, caressing it softly. “have i told you how much i love your hair?”
“you have,” his eyes twinkled, “but i wouldn't mind listening again, love.”
“i love, love, love your hair!”
“ and i love, love, love you.” he bent down to give you a tiny kiss on your nose, then proceeded to kiss you on the eyes and then your eyebrows and then your jaw. as if memorising your face softly.
“read it to me?” you asked, giving him a copy of the pride and prejudice as you rested comfortably on his lap.
“such a baby,” he laughed, “you need me to read you a bedtime story?”
“hey!” you hit him in the chest playfully, “it's my birthday and it's my favorite book and your voice is my favorite. i deserve this!”
“anything for you” he leaned down, kissing your forehead once more as he began, “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a ... ”
and you listened to him in silence, happier. surely, he was the perfect boyfriend for you. your sevy. yours.
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ᝬ ˙.໑ ╱ © seducity 2023 — all rights reserved. property of suzu
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drabbles-mc · 6 months
Take It Down
Sydney Adamu x Richie Jerimovich Carmen Berzatto & Neil Fak
For @storiesofsvu's Holiday Bingo 2023! Prompt: decorations Also completely inspired by @withmyteeth, like so many of my favorite fics are
Warnings: 18+, language
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Shout-out to Cricket for always having a never-ending supply of inspiration for all of my fictional faves. I owe you my life and also like 50% of my masterlist lmao. This is just a fun and silly little something-something!
The Bear Taglist: @garbinge @hausofmamadas @darqchilddaydreamz @ashlingnarcos @narcolini @justreblogginfics (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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It wasn’t Christmas yet. There were still a couple weeks to go before it would be Christmas. The rest of the world was in full holiday swing, but stepping into The Bear wiped that entire slate clean. There were no decorations up in the dining room—it looked classy and beautiful the way that it always did, but it wasn’t festive. No one found the lack of décor surprising, per se, because they all knew Carmy and they knew enough about the history of Berzatto Christmas Bullshit to know that he wasn’t going to be decking the halls of the restaurant.
Just because Carmy had a deficit of Christmas spirit, though, didn’t mean that everyone else was in the same boat. No one was feeling bold enough to try and throw a tree up in the dining area, but apparently someone had been bold enough to sprinkle some holiday cheer back in the kitchen.
“What the fuck is this?” Carmen asked, standing directly below the light that was previously hanging perfectly centered above the expo.
Everyone turned to see what he was looking at. Richie stepped over to him, crossing his arms across his chest as he looked at the same spot. “Looks like mistle—”
“I know what it is, cousin,” Carmy cut him off.
“You asked,” Richie shot back with a scoff.
Carmy shook his head. Looking over at Richie, he gestured to the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. “How, how the—who put this here?”
Richie held his hands up in surrender, was halfway through taking a breath to try and defend himself from the accusations he knew were about to come his way, when he heard someone giggling in the midst of everyone. He dropped his hands back down to his sides, brows coming together as he turned and looked to see who it was, not that it was really much of a question to anyone if they thought about it for more than five seconds.
“Neil Geoff,” Richie said, trying to sound annoyed with him the way that he usually did but struggling because the only thing he enjoyed more than harassing Fak was anyone harassing Carmy. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
He forced himself to get his giggles under control as he shrugged. “I don’t need to say anything for myself.” He gestured above their heads. “It’s mistletoe!”
“Yeah, we know what it is, Fak,” Carmy said. He looked like he was ready to grab a chair from the dining room so he could climb up and take it down himself. “Why did you hang it up?”
“C’mon, it’s almost Christmas! Have some holiday cheer.”
“What the fuck does mistletoe have to do with holiday cheer?” he shot back, running his hand along his browbone like he was going to flatten the stress out of himself.
Richie piped in before Fak could. “Maybe he thought if someone planted one on you, you might loosen the fuck up a little bit.”
Carmy waved him off. “Shut the fuck up.” Looking at Fak, he pointed at him and then up at the mistletoe. “Take it down.”
“I can’t!”
“You can’t?”
“Someone’s gotta kiss under it, Carm! If I take it down before that it’s bad luck!” Fak argued.
“We don’t need more bad luck,” Richie agreed, his tone so coated with sarcastic seriousness it was hard for everyone around them not to laugh.
Carmy was looking back and forth between both of them. “You’re both gonna have some bad luck if no one takes this shit—”
“We need to open,” Sydney begrudgingly inserted herself into the conversation, “so if we could finish this argument after dinner service, that would be ideal, I think.”
“I’m not leaving that shit up for all of dinner service,” Carmy said as he shook his head.
“Why?” Richie asked with a laugh. “Afraid no one is gonna wanna step up and kiss you?”
“Or he’s afraid that everyone is gonna be too busy kissing each other to do their work,” Fak chimed in before Carmy could answer.
“I’m not afraid,” he tried to stop both of them. “I’m fuckin’ annoyed. Take it down!”
“I can’t!”
Syd rolled her eyes throwing her hands up in exasperation. “Oh my god! No one cares!” She turned to Carmy. “We open in three. Can we just let it go?”
“No. I’m not leaving it up there. It’s, it’s fuckin’ ridiculous.”
“You’re fuckin’ ridiculous,” Richie muttered.
Carmy’s gaze snapped over to Richie. “Cousin, I swear to—”
“Two minutes,” Sydney cut him off.
Carmy looked back over at Fak. “Take it down.”
“It’s bad luck!”
Carmy almost wanted to argue that there was no such thing as bad luck, but there was too much in his life and the lives of those around him that pointed to the contrary. However, he didn’t think that his luck, good or bad, was influenced by something as simple and silly as mistletoe hanging over their goddamn expo. But he also knew that if he said something to that effect, Richie was going to come right back with some comment about how he shouldn’t be so sure about that since his love life was either a fucking mess or completely nonexistent.
They also had about sixty seconds left until they had to open.
“Oh my god,” Sydney said as she looked over at Fak. “Neil, please. Just, take it down.”
“Can’t do it. Not until someone does the thing!”
Richie rolled his eyes. “Fuck me. We don’t have all day!” Stepping in, he placed his hands on the outsides of Sydney’s arms and pulled her up and into a kiss. It was short, almost harsh in the way that it knocked the wind out of Sydney’s lungs. It was over almost as soon as it started and Richie wasn’t even looking at Sydney when it was over, immediately turning to Fak and Carmy. “There! We all happy now?”
Carmy smacked Richie, the back of his hand colliding harshly with Richie’s shoulder. “Cousin! You can’t just fuckin—that’s sexual harassment! Don’t just fuckin’ take her and—”
Sydney cut him short, still trying to wrap her head around what had just happened. “Stop, Chef. It’s, uh, it’s fine. I’m good. Let’s just,” she turned to Richie, “let’s just open? Alright? We can do that now?”
Carmy sighed, shaking his head as he stared at Sydney in disbelief. He thought that if anyone was going to be on his side about Richie’s behavior it was going to be her. But there was no time to get into it all. He also had the feeling that the more he talked about it, the angrier he was going to get about it, and the more that Richie was going to give him a hard time.
“Fine, fine. Yeah.” He looked at Richie. “Go ahead and open, cousin.”
Richie nodded, the self-satisfied grin on his face enough to make Carmy want to hit him again only this time with a closed fist to his jaw. “Yes, Chef.”
Once Richie was heading out to the dining area, Carmy turned back to Fak. “Take that shit down. Now.”
“Alright! Alright. Now I can.” He fell into his half-muttering. “No more bad luck now. Would be nice if you had some holiday cheer but—”
“Fak!” Carmy shouted to stop him.
“Taking it down!” Fak said, finally stepping away to get his ladder so he could restore the kitchen to its former glory.
Carmy dismissed the rest of the small crowd that had gathered, telling them to get back to wherever the fuck they were before everything started. They were about to have people coming in to eat, after all, and none of the customers were going to wait or give a shit about their arguments back in the kitchen.
When everyone else had dispersed, Carmy returned his attention to Sydney. “Sorry about that. You, uh, you good?” He knew there must’ve been a more graceful way to ask that question but grace hadn’t ever been his strong suit.
“I’m fine,” she said, giving a small and dismissive wave of her hand. “I’m fine and we’re open now so I really gotta…” she trailed off and gestured towards where the orders were about to start flowing in.
“Right, right.”
He stepped out of the way, acutely aware that there were about a thousand other things that he could have and should have been doing, but he couldn’t quite pry himself away. He stared at her for another moment, gaze flicking over to the glass pane that let him see out into the dining area. He watched as Richie saw people to their seats, and he would have easily wasted much more time looking back and forth between the two of them if Fak hadn’t reappeared with a ladder.
“Here to strip away the only piece of Christmas The Bear has ever—”
“Just take it down,” Carmy stopped his sentence short.
“I’m going!”
Sydney was trying not to laugh at the two of them and was barely successful. She wasn’t laughing but she was still smiling. “Can’t believe you’re making him take that down now when we’re about to start—”
“I figured you of all people would want it gone,” Carmy argued, defensive already. “Keep you from getting fuckin’ harassed by Richie again.”
Syd was shaking her head as she finished getting herself settled and organized. “I’m just saying maybe it’s not the best time.”
“Am I leaving this up here?” Fak asked from the top of the ladder. “Because I’ll leave it up here.”
“No!” they both answered in unison.
“Dammit!” Fak made no move to hide his exasperation and disappointment.
Richie strode back into the kitchen just in time to hear Fak voice his feelings. He couldn’t help but to laugh. “If you want me to kiss you, Neil Geoff, you’re gonna have to find another way.”
“Yeah, right,” Fak said as he got down from the ladder, mistletoe in his hand, “like I would ever want to kiss you.” He shoved the small plant with its pretty red bow right into Richie’s chest. “Not even to avoid bad luck.”
Fak was walking away before Richie could try and come back with a clever response. Instead, Richie looked over at Carmy, waiting for him to say something. He must’ve also been struggling to come up with something pithy and cutting to say, because he just gave one last shake of his head in Richie’s direction before turning on his heel so he could go do his actual job. The one that had nothing to do with holiday decorations.
Richie looked down at the mistletoe in his hand and then looked over at Sydney who was already immersed in her work. Walking over, he stopped so that he was standing right next to her. Sydney had watched the whole thing happen in her peripheral and had made a concentrated effort to not say anything to him about anything, let alone what had happened before. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that she was still thinking about it, that she had any type of feeling in the wake of it.
“Want the good luck charm?” Richie asked with a laugh. He dangled the mistletoe in front of her, watching her shake her head and try not to burst into laughter. “Something to remember me by? Maybe even cash in on later?”
“There are plenty of things that you need to be doing right now that aren’t this, Chef,” she replied but avoided answering the question.
“Want me to leave it in your locker?” he teased.
Sydney hated the fact that she could feel warmth creeping up her neck and into her face. “Richie.”
Richie laughed and clapped her lightly on the shoulder. “I’ll leave it in your locker.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then can you run these plates?” she called after him.
“Sure thing, Chef!” he yelled back, laughing the entire time.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 9 months
Sweet Creature
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Vamp Ezra x SW!f!reader
Warnings: Dark/Dead dove, tw: sexual assault (it’s not explicit but it is there, sex work IS NOT glamorous) Vampirism, sex work(reader is a high end escort), finance bro talk (idk it’s like one sentence), boot riding, blood, p in v (wear a fucking condom my dudes), neck biting, oral (f receiving), I believe that’s it, lightly edited, all mistakes are mine.
A/n: if you can’t tell by now that I have a raging boner for vampires, well then idk what to tell you.
Moodboard made by moi 😇
The cold, winter air hits your face as you walk out of the Hilton hotel. You pull your faux fur coat tighter around your body as you make your way to the car sitting at the curb waiting for you.
Opening the back door and ducking your head as you lower yourself into the black Rolls Royce your mistress sent for you. Sliding over the black leather seat, you quickly got comfortable and relaxed as your driver pulls off to take you back to your shared townhouse. About two years ago, you met this beautiful woman named Serena and the two of you became friends. She knew of this “job opportunity” and told you how perfect you’d be for it. She explained how all you had to do was go on a date with this old, rich guy. He’d pick you up, take you to dinner and drop you back off at home after. He would pay for everything and all he wanted was your time and attention. Easy right? Wrong. You went on that date with what’s his name? Richard or something? He picked you up from her place, took you to this super fancy restaurant, ordered pasta and lobster for you and made sure to keep your wine glass full. After dinner, once the two of you were in his car instead of going towards your friend’s apartment where he picked you up from, he took a different route leading to a sketchy ass looking hotel. You weren’t in the most sober mindset so it didn’t really occur to you to be scared or nervous. Richard had been lovely all night. You followed him inside and it became a huge regret of yours very soon. You see Richard was not a nice man at all. It didn’t matter that you said no. You said yes to going to dinner with him. You said yes to spending his money just fine. After he had his fun, he left you laying on the bed covered in his spend and tears running down your face. He did leave you six thousand dollars in an envelope on the dresser for you. The money didn’t take away the pain but it did help dry your tears some. And that’s how you found yourself working for Serena as one of her girls. You’ve managed to make a name for yourself in the escort industry. Billionaires, athletes, actors, if they had money and a dick, they asked for you. By name. You had the best pussy and you weren’t this little submissive girl to them either. You had a sassy mouth on you and you weren’t afraid to tell them where,what,how and why. That was part of your appeal. You were effortlessly cool and dominating in a way that these men liked and craved from a woman. All too soon your ride came to an end as you pulled up to your townhouse. Braving the cold once again, you got out and walked up to the door and let yourself in.
Another Friday night and you unfortunately found yourself stuck going to this gala as some finance bro’s date. All you wanted to do was stay home, lay around in sweats and eat junk food and watch your fave true crime shows. But here you are in a gorgeous black, floor length strapless dress with a high slit on the side. The gala is held at the Four Seasons Hotel and you already know your date has a room ready for after the event is over. Your walking around with a flute of champagne while you listen to these old, rich dudes talk about whatever out of touch shit they talk about. That’s when you spot this little patch of blonde hair attached to these beautiful brown curls. Ezra. You’ve never gone on a date with him but he runs in the same circle as the guys who do hire you so you’ve met him before. He’s always such a mystery to you. There were rumors about him. People always said they’ve never seen him during the day, he only shows up to events at night, he refuses to be photographed, and a few have said he’s a biter. One girl you knew from working for Serena, she had gone on a date with him except she said he never ate in front of her, only drank a little wine and claimed he bit her neck. She even had these weird little puncture marks. Unfortunately like a couple of days after that she went missing. The rumors never bothered you though, a lot of the men who frequent Serena’s are very weird. You have noticed how he always seems to undress you with his eyes every time you see him. A huge part of you wished he would call for you and whisk you away from this lifestyle. Standing with what’s his face, Derek? No. Steve maybe? Anyways You get lost in your little daydream about the man you wished you came with when you suddenly feel the eyes of someone watching you.
“Well hello gentlemen and ladies.” You hear a southern, husky voice say. You turn your head to the left and see Ezra has made his way over to your little group. Standing there in an all black tux, eyeing him up and down, your cunt clenching when you saw the boots he had on. As dominant as you are with your clients, Ezra is the one man you want to submit too. The one you want to kneel down for and do as he says.
“You look extra delectable tonight birdie if I do say so myself.” Ezra says to you, causing your cheeks to heat up as you blush
“Oh thank you Ezra, your flattery is always welcomed.” You say back, doing your best to brush off the fact this man affects you greatly.
“Ah Ezra how are you? We were just discussing the current stock market situation and who should be dropping what stocks. Care to chime in?” Your date says.
“As much as I would love to discuss the stock market I actually came over to whisk your lovely date away for a quick word.” Ezra replied as he held out his hand towards you, hoping you’d take it and leave with him.
Taking his hand and thanking whatever god is out there for this rescue, “Of course, I’ll be right back honey” you tell your date, handing him your champagne flute before you walk hand in hand with Ezra out of the gala.
Once the two of you were out of the ballroom, you cleared your throat, “So what exactly did you want to talk about?”
“I saw how beautiful you looked tonight and couldn’t let you continue to go to waste out there. Those men never deserved you birdie.”
His words caused a deep blush to cover your cheeks. Finally he’s calling on you. He wants you! You’ve been waiting on this for what feels like forever. Ezra is actually whisking you away even if only for the night.
The two of you finally stop in front of suite 108, Ezra let’s go of your hand to grab the key out of his pocket and quickly unlocks the door, ushering you inside. Taking a few steps in, Ezra comes up behind you placing his hands on your hips as he guides you over to the king sized bed. As the two of you come to a stop at the foot of the bed, you notice a floor to ceiling mirror directly in front of the bed, along with these gorgeous blood red roses sitting in various vases around the room. Some roses were even laying on the bed. Turning around in his arms you lift your arms around his neck,
“What’s all t-“ Ezra cuts you off, placing a finger over your mouth.
“Shh no more questions. I’ve been watching you for awhile now birdie. Always with a different man, selling your body. I know you hate it. I’ve been waiting for the right time but unfortunately there isn’t a right time so I’m taking you. Make you mine. Mine to love and feed on and use as I please.” He says before ducking his head down and leaving a kiss on the base of your throat. He makes his way up your neck, leaving a trail of kisses, causing your brain to shut off almost instantly.
“You always smell so divine my love. I can hear your delicious blood flowing through your body, your heart beating as if to say it’s mine for the taking,” he says in between kisses, “mm yes you will be the most tasty little treat I’ve had the pleasure of having.”
Now that’s a very weird way of saying he wants you. What exactly does that even mean? He can hear my blood? You aren’t exactly vanilla when it comes to sex but blood play is a new kink for you. Tilting your head back to allow him more room, Ezra starts to suck right below your ear earning him a beautiful soft moan to tumble out of your mouth. Soon his mouth leaves your neck as he starts to guide you down towards the floor.
He’s still standing, just bent over as you are almost on your knees in front of him. He pushes the tip of his boot in between your legs.
“Sit down birdie. Go on. I’m not a patient man.”
Without hesitation, you straddle his boot, sitting all the way down. You can feel it all along your wet cunt. Looking up at Ezra, who’s now standing straight up again, you can’t help but squirm ever so slightly as he reaches down and swipes his thumb on your bottom lip.
“That’s it pretty girl. Show me how well you can ride my boot.”
You begin to rub your cunt on his boot just as he asked, taking his thumb in your mouth. You lightly suck his thumb as you hold onto his leg and ride his boot. You can feel yourself get wetter by the second. The dominance he’s showing over you is the biggest turn on ever. All you want to do is show him how good you can be. You keep your eyes locked with his the whole time. You start to feel him tap his foot up, hitting your clit as you ride. Your little red lace thong you had on was completely soaked at this point. It barely covered you to begin with, now it’s practically useless but you love it. You can feel the sleek black leather, the little ridges of the seams, all it does is make you start to ride him faster wanting to feel ecstasy.
“Oooh that’s it birdie. Rub your sweet little cunt just like that. I bet you’re soaked aren’t you? Ah yes. Yes you are aren’t you birdie? Look at you. Riding my boot and sucking my thumb wishing it was my cock. What a beautiful sight you are.”
You have drool running down your chin and you just know his boot is soaked from your juices. You’re so close it’s almost embarrassing how quick it’s taken you just from rubbing yourself on his boot. It makes you feel like a damn virgin discovering your clit for the first time. Ezra removes his thumb, pinching your face as he pulls you up off his boot and turns you in his arms to face the mirror.
Forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror that’s when you notice, you can only see yourself! But Ezra is right there! Why isn’t he in the reflection looking back at you too?
Still holding your face, Ezra runs his nose up the side of your neck, inhaling deep. “Scared yet birdie? You really should be.” He says in a low gravelly tone. Once he spoke those words, your eyes went wide as he opened his mouth wide exposing his fangs as he bites down on your neck.
You try to scream, your mouth dropping open as this searing pain heats up your whole body. You try your best to flail your arms when the pain changes to a sweet sweet sensation that you find you never want to go away. Raising your arm, you find his head and card your fingers through his hair. Gripping onto his luscious brown curls, you do your best to keep his head right where you want him.
All too soon Ezra lifts his face away from your neck, blood dripping down his chin. His entire lower face is covered in the liquid. It’s the most erotic sight you’ve ever seen. With your hand still in his hair, you push his face towards yours, kissing him deeply. You feel him push his tongue into your mouth, tasting the metallic liquid you can’t help but want more of it. You suck his tongue best you can, continuing to kiss him as if your life depended on it.
Ezra pulls away, blood colored saliva strings connecting you two. His lips all plumped and bruised from the intense kiss you two shared. You feel his hand pull on your dress zipper as his other hand roams all over your body. In an instant you feel your dress fall exposing your bare breasts and soaked thong. Ezra slowly moves down, taking a breast in each hand. He gives each nipple a gentle suck before he continues on his way down.
Ezra’s on his knees in front of you as he looks up giving you these big puppy dog eyes. You reach down and cup his messy, beautiful face. He lifts one of your legs so it bends,
“Such a sweet, beautiful creature you are birdie,” he says before placing a kiss on the inside of your knee, “Now you’re a child of the night. You’re mine for the rest of eternity.” He tells you as he goes to peel your thong off your body. You help by stepping out of it, placing your hands on his shoulders for stability.
“And you’re mine Ezra. If I’m yours, you are mine.”
He growled in response, his eyes rolling back in delight. “Of course my love. We belong to each other now.” He says as he goes to lick a wide stripe up your wet slit. His big hands gripping the globes of your ass as he starts to lick into your cunt, exploring your entrance with his tongue. Your fingers card through his hair, gripping tight and pulling him more into you as you begin to rub your pussy on his willing mouth. You’re mesmerized looking at Ezra on his knees, eating your cunt like it’s his last meal. He looks up at you as he puts his lips around your clit and sucks. You’ve been ate out before but for some reason this is the greatest feeling you’ve ever felt. In fact everything feels better than it ever has.
Just as soon as you get close once again, Ezra pulls away. It’s as if he knows your close and he’s just teasing you. You let out a frustrated whimper as he pulls you down onto the floor with him. Laying you on your back, he climbs on top of you as he goes to kiss you again. Your tongues licking into each others mouths, you can taste yourself on him making you moan out loud. You can feel Ezra’s free hand go down and start to unbuckle his pants. He pulls away as you both go to work to free his cock from their confines. As soon as you see his thick cock you let out a gasp as you go to wrap your hand around him. He’s easily the biggest you’ve ever seen, your hand doesn’t even fit around him. Giving him a few pumps, he goes to move your hand away as he takes over, rubbing his cock through your soaked folds, collecting your wetness on himself before notching himself at your entrance. He pushes into you in one swift motion before he begins just pounding the shit out of you. His heavy balls slapping on your ass as his thick cock stretch’s you out like you’ve never been stretched before. It takes your breath away, all you can do is lay there with your arms wrapped around him tight and just take what he gives you. He dips his head down and starts sucking and leaving wet open mouth kisses on your neck. The only noise in the room is the wet slapping of your bodies meeting and the soft moans and grunts coming from you both. Ezra slows his thrusting down, grinding his cock deep inside of you making your eyes roll back. The two of you lost in the all of the sweet pleasure. Ezra’s face is hovering over yours as the two of you stare deep into each others eyes. The feeling of his cock massaging your walls has you both doubled over in ecstasy.
Without speaking, Ezra picks up speed again thrusting deep in your pussy. His forehead falling on yours as his eyes close, you feel him snake his hand down and his thumb gently circling your clit is your undoing. You hit your high, screaming out loud as he lets out a loud moan, laughing a little, “That’s it birdie cum for me. Soak my fucking cock my sweet creature. Nngh that’s it baby fuck I can feel you choking my cock. Just like that baby that’s it ooh. Oh fuck,” he grunts out as he hits his high. You can feel his cock throb and pulse deep inside you, his thick load coating your walls. His face still pressed to yours, his aquiline nose smooshed next to yours as you both lay there, catching your breath. You smile, breathing out a little giggle before you kiss the side of his mouth.
“So forever huh? I get to enjoy this for the rest of my days?” You say as you open your eyes to see him above you with a silly little grin on his face.
“I told you birdie. We’re children of the night. I’ve made you mine. And I have no problem reminding you every day and night that your mine and mine only.” He said punctuating that last few words with a deep grind of his cock.
“That’s fine with me.” You say with a breathless giggle. The two of you lay like that for awhile before he got hard again. He took you in every position on every surface that night. The next day you two stayed in bed, curtains closed. Once night hit, you left with Ezra, hand in hand, ready to spend eternity with him.
A/n: okay sooo we will def be seeing more of these two again!! I hope y’all like this! Every like/reblog/comment makes my day and I appreciate every single one of you babes!
Tagging my fellow vampire lovers: @patti7dc @multiversed-daydreamer @lumoverheaven @iamasaddie @toxicanonymity @bonezone44 @survivingandenduring @neverwheremoonchild
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
OMG UR RECENT ZACK LEE WORK IS SO GOOD I NEED MORE PLS AND YES WE LOVE ZACK !!!!! i love the other boys as well but zack hits diff esp bcz he’s one of the first characters introduced 🥹
Ty!! i'm glad you liked the last Zack piece! AGREED he def hits different, part of the OG group, just makes me feel a bit nostalgic for the simpler times. How about some Lookism boys first date HC? Including my faves as well of course
Lookism First Date HC
(Zack, Goo, Gun, Samuel, Jake, Johan - a lengthier Vasco gen + romantic hc here)
Zack Lee
Classic movie and coffee/meal guy (as seen with Mira)
Honestly probably the only guy that would opt for the typical teenage stuff (which isn't a criticism!!)
Will absolutely dress up and style his hair (also as seen with Mira)
But give him absolute and complete free rein? Would LOVE cheesy and domestic shit
Matching outfits, tandem bikes, couples cooking lessons, tour of Seoul so he gets to experience everything with you, farmers market, reenacting home life in IKEA (like 500 days of summer if you've seen it)
Builds up a lot of it in his head but tbh doesn't even care. Just spending time with you? On your own? <3
Would literally want to do anything and everything with you
Goo Kim
Theme/amusement park
Thrill seeking and high-energy to suit this blonde
Tbh a bit too much for a first date as it's an ALL DAY EVENT, but Goo's a bit much anyway
Face paint, character ears, character costumes - he would happily do the whole thing. Think Vasco at Notte World.
A little bit of cash flashing with fast passes and whatever bribery required to get to the front of the queue
Takes a LOT of pictures. More of the mascots and place than you two though
Buying and feeding you all the fun character foods + snacks
Gun Park
Spa. He is so high-end, exclusive, full spa experience
The downtimes we've see him with Goo are surprisingly chill and matches Gun's vibe more than Goo's
Jacuzzis, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, massages, manis, pedis - literally anything and everything so you're a puddle at the end of it
Uses it as an opportunity to relax as much as to get to know you
He appreciates a good body, but doesn't check you out as much as you expect and NOWHERE NEAR as much as you eye him up
Keeps his sunglasses on the whole time
Samuel Seo
Tell me this guy wouldn't be out to impress
Completely dressed up, flowers, chauffeur
And there's no way you would be paying for anything at all. He'll even pay for your shopping trip for the date outfit.
Books the most exclusive restaurant in town. Not just that, either opts for a private room or just books the whole place out just for you two
Definitely will involve a helicopter - either to get you A to B, or a night time tour of the city
Will definitely put out on a first date (no judgement). This man exudes sex, let's be honest
Jake Kim
Night time drive and stargazing
Look this might sound sketchy as hell for a first date but it's Jake, he's not a stranger
You already know him but this is your first official date. You both can talk to each other without the chaos of Big Deal and revel in the peace
Super intimate and surprisingly romantic. It's soft and comfortable, he'll be making you laugh a lot
Will take you to a non-sleazy lookout point to look at the stars and maybe share a beer
It's easier for him to be vulnerable with you especially under the cloak of night
Johan Seong
Hiking or picnic or just walking around a park
If this is a first date there is no way that Eden and Miro aren't coming along
The pups might know you already, but this is a big milestone and it needs to involve his babies
Awkward but so endearing. Very skittish. He's not familiar with this sort of situation and blushes a LOT
Absolutely rubbish at small talk or making the first move - you can tell he obviously wants to and likes you though
You best make the first moves unless you want to tiptoe around forever
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stabbyfoxandrew · 26 days
🌊 WIP Wednesday (5/22) 🌊
Hello my precious ones! I am happy to report that vampjean is going swimmingly~ (fish joke for mermay) and I'm making a lot of progress on it. But since I have a long ways to go still and the deadline is very rapidly approaching, I don't want to get bogged down in wipw this week.
So... For the noble cause of Vampjean, I’m only taking the first fifteen (15) asks I get this time! So, pick your fave and… READY, SET, GO~
1. Vampire Andrew AU 2. Guardian Angel Neil AU 3. Mafia Front Restaurant AU 4. Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU 5. Mer Roadtrip AU *click the links for masterposts for each au!
In the spirirt of Mermay: Mer Roadtrip AU (Part 17):
As he falls, Nathaniel contemplates all the thrill-seekers and daredevils who jump from high places for entertainment. He hopes every last one of them rots in hell, because free-falling is not the least bit fun. Air ripples around him the entire way down, rustling at his clothes and tousling his hair, and the urge to scream is stuck in the back of his throat. The river is getting closer and closer and it’s almost enough to make his heart stop. 
But at the last possible second, Nathaniel’s instincts kick in. He screws his eyes shut, clasps his hands together above his head, and cuts through the water like he was born to make such a dive. The murky water invites him in like a friend and a second later, he bursts up out of it to take a deep, gulping breath.
Once he's confident he's still alive, he cranes his head back to look up, up, up from where he’d just jumped. Romero is looking over the edge of the bridge, but Nathaniel can’t make out his expression from here. All that matters is that he won’t dare follow.
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ab4eva · 2 years
‘Prettiest Thing’
Summary: Austin Butler x Reader / You and Austin slip away during a family dinner for a little one-on-one time in the car.
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ only! Oral (m. receiving)
Author’s note: Y’all. I wrote smut. Honestly, I tried writing this 3 weeks ago, hated it and deleted it. Thought about it yesterday, undeleted it, didn’t hate it anymore and finished it. This is my first time writing smut so….eeeeeee, I’m a little scared to put this out there but here it is. Thanks to the following for their indirect guidance (aka writing some of my fave Austin / Elvis fics that include amazing smut): @elvisabutler @dreamersparacosm @aconflagrationofmyown @missmaywemeetagain
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“This doesn’t feel pretty in my mouth,” Austin says, making a face.
“What, baby?” you say, with an amused smile, looking at him questioningly.
“This salad…I don’t like it. It doesn’t feel pretty in my mouth,” he says again.
You chuckle at the funny expression before a thought pops into your head.
You lean in and whisper in his ear, “I know something that feels pretty in my mouth,” biting your bottom lip as you look him in the eyes. You place your hand discreetly on his thigh under the table and slowly move it up, lightly squeezing his cock through his pants. He’s not wearing any underwear tonight, he doesn’t like being constricted, so he’s bare under his thin slacks.
He goes completely still, the half-smile frozen on his face as he does his best to swallow the bite of salad he’d been chewing and not choke. You give him another squeeze then release your grip and pat his thigh before returning to your own salad.
You sneak a glance over at him - he’s taking a sip of water, a faint blush tinting his cheeks, trying to rearrange his face into something resembling normal before turning to answer a question from his uncle on the other side of him.
You really shouldn’t have been so naughty just then, not at this nice restaurant with Austin’s aunts and uncles and cousins. But sometimes you can’t help yourself…let’s be honest, most of the time you can’t help yourself. You want to jump his bones 24/7 and even when you and Austin aren’t having sex, you're thinking about you and Austin having sex…like all the time.
“Babe,” you say to Austin, an idea forming, “I left my jacket in the car, and I’m a little chilly. Will you run get it for me, please?”
You lift an eyebrow enticingly, making sure he understands your meaning.
He narrows his blue eyes at you, the faint hint of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
“Of course, sweetheart. Be right back,” he says as he stands from the table, buttoning his jacket quickly to hide his growing erection. He excuses himself, glancing back at you, a look of arousal and anticipation on his face.
You wait a minute before excusing yourself to the restroom but head to the dark parking lot instead. You find your SUV and pull the back door open, finding Austin ready and waiting for you, long legs spread wide, one hand absentmindedly palming himself over his pants, anything to get a little relief while waiting for you. You smirk at the sight of him.
“So needy for me, huh babe? Couldn’t even wait one minute?” you say as you move his seat back as far as it goes, take your shoes off and step inside the car.
“Look what you do to me,” he breathes, his hands reaching for your hips in the tight space. In the darkness you can see the glint of his eyes, the quick thrum of his pulse beating beneath his jawline.
You hike your dress up around your thighs before straddling Austin and settling on his lap. You can feel how hard he is as he grabs your waist and bucks his hips up, trying to get some friction to ease his throbbing cock. But you lift your hips a little, teasing, not giving him what he wants just yet. He lets out a frustrated sigh and moves his hands up your back to your shoulder blades, and buries his face in your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin there, your sweet spot that drives you wild. You gasp as he latches on, sucking hard, using his teeth, sure to leave a mark.
You regain control of the situation, regrettably disentangling yourself from his sweet mouth on your neck and take his face in your hands, desperate to feel his lips against yours. You kiss him slowly at first, taking your time but he grows impatient and deepens the kiss with a growl, tongues and teeth clashing. You rake your hands through his sandy blonde curls and grip a handful at the nape of his neck. A moan escapes his lips and you finally grind down on him, your hot core meeting his hardness through too many layers of clothes.
Realizing you don’t have much time before people start wondering where you two are, you leave the warmth of his arms and quickly kneel on the floor of the car, between his legs. He’s already undoing his belt as you unzip his pants and pull them down a bit, reaching a hand in to grip his heavy, hot length. A sigh escapes his lips as his head rolls back, his hands clenching and unclenching into fists on his thighs.
You smirk as you plant slow, soft kisses across his stomach, blonde hairs tickling your nose, gently squeezing his cock while you do. You run your thumb over his swollen tip, precum glistening in the darkness. He whines a little, hips thrusting up a tiny bit. You’re teasing him, and he grips a handful of your hair, signaling that he needs your mouth on him, now.
“Please, baby,” he whispers, as he looks down at you.
You’re just as ready as he is, desperate to feel his velvety hardness in your mouth. You catch his eye as you lick the tip, swirling your tongue around it, again and again, before licking long, wet stripes up from the base, using your tongue to trace the vein that throbs underneath.
His grip on your hair tightens and he sucks in a hiss as you take him fully into your mouth, wrapping your hand around the rest of him that won’t fit, slick with precum and spit. You move your head and hand in a twisting tandem, a slow rhythm that has his chest heaving and his breath speeding up.
His glassy eyes are locked onto yours in the darkness, his full mouth parted, occasionally biting his bottom lip through the groans he can’t hold back any longer.
“That feels so good, pretty baby. I love you so damn much,” he says between pants.
You reach your free hand up to his and intertwine your fingers, your connection in this moment almost overwhelming you.
You hollow out your cheeks, sucking harder, working him faster with your mouth and fist, head bobbing up and down furiously now. You know he’s close by the way the muscles in his abdomen start to spasm and his breath hitches in his throat. His fingers in your hair are opening and closing in a steady rhythm, pulling at your scalp in the most delicious way.
You feel his cock swell even more and begin to pulsate on your tongue. You grab his ass with both your hands to hold him in place as he adds another hand to your hair and bucks his hips up slightly. You hum around his girth and that’s what finally sends him over the edge with a gasp and a moan that has you clenching your thighs together. His hot seed spills into your mouth and you hold still a moment before slowly swallowing in little increments.
You’re both breathing hard and you lay your cheek on his clothed thigh, still slightly jerking beneath you from the strength of his orgasm. His hand drifts over to your cheek and gently thumbs it as he smiles down at you before closing his eyes.
“Damn, baby. That was so hot. You’re so good to me,” Austin says shakily, voice raspy.
“Prettiest thing I ever felt in my mouth,” you say, and you mean it.
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bugmomwrites · 1 year
29 Sugawara Headcanons but they gradually get more unhinged
My fave turns 29 today (it's still technically the 13th here) and this is what I'm doing with my time instead of yardwork or algebra homework. Happy birthday to the OG setter and king of chaos himself. There are some time-skip spoilers in here, references to drinking, smoking, and generally just getting into trouble. Hope you guys like it.
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Floating around on the internet somewhere is a video of him at Tanaka and Kiyoko's wedding, dancing on a table and knocking the intricate centerpiece over. Nishinoya, the best man, is behind the camera laughing as his upperclassman nearly goes tumbling down a couple times over the blaring music.
He gets a pet and either names it after some random object like “cement mixer” or “armpit” or he gives it a human name like “Gregory”. Complains about his day to them like they're a little person like "That bitch Patrice stole my parking spot this morning...I know right?!"
Has one of those “women want me fish fear me” caps, and wears it proudly.
Has used Asahi to be able to take part in the “kids eat free” promotions at local chain restaurants. Is Sugawara bummed that most of his underclassmen are taller than him? Sure. Does it mean he gets free food when his close friend looks like a grown ass man with a mortgage? Absolutely.
Probably drives a little white mom van hybrid (maybe a Subaru or Prius). It has a bumper sticker that says “HONK IF YOU LOVE MILFS”
Plays with his kids at recess, but when someone starts to get cocky during Four Square or some other game, that Setter Sleeper Agent TM comes out and he has no issue spiking the rubber ball towards the little shit in question to knock them down a few pegs.
Will make the weirdest food combos, and get offended if you question him. What do you MEAN marshmallow fluff doesn’t go with pickles and shredded cheese??? Shame on you.
Some people say they “listen to all kinds of music”, but very few actually mean it. Sugawara is one of those people. You will hear Nikki Minaj, the monsters inc theme, commercial jingles from the 90’s-2000’s, all back to back. It’s enough to give anyone whiplash, and that’s exactly what he’s going for.
Suga didn’t always love extra spicy food, at least not as much as he does now. It started as a way to protect his leftovers from a hungry Daichi. Armed with nothing but a bottle of hot sauce, he eventually found the sweet spot of too spicy for his captain, but not so spicy that it wasn’t enjoyable.
After Kageyama arrived, demoting him, Sugawara found little moments of joy in shoplifting from Ukai’s store. Made awkward eye contact with Nishinoya as he was shoveling spicy chips into his school bag, worried about being caught red handed until his junior gleefully opened his jacket to reveal an unholy amount of popsicles lining the inside. A mutual understanding was made that day. Gave a few to Kageyama as an olive branch, but when Ukai recognized the packaging as the specific snack that keeps disappearing without payment, the poor guy is framed right then and there.
Sneaks into hotels and gyms to use amenities. Who cares if the pool says members only, a little confidence goes a long way.
Went to use the tennis courts, and the back of his shorts say “public enemy number one” in sparkly lettering. Some middle aged guy tried to argue with him and instead of hearing him out, he wordlessly hit the ball into his groin, with perfect aim.
Road rage but it comes out in the form of speeding and cutting people off instead of screaming out the window. But you can definitely hear him grumbling curses now and then.
Not too afraid of getting pulled over, most of the time it’s Daichi anyway. And even when it’s not, he calls him up and begs him to tell his coworker to “reconsider”.
Puts Bill Nye on the projector every Friday for his class so he can sleep at his desk, but sometimes does Kahoot! when he has more energy. Encourages the kids to come up with wild names, giving out prizes not just for highest score, but wildest shit on the board. May or may not be where he got inspiration for his cat's name.
Got on the good side of a lot of PTA moms, sometimes they have him over for dinner. Gets a bit silly after 2-3 glasses of wine though. Don't give him the nuclear codes.
Because lips are looser on nights like those, he has all the dirt on everyone. Not above blackmail if push ever comes to shove. Sure, he won't tell your husband about that affair you mentioned to the ladies over dinner- if you give him your famous cheesecake recipe, that is.
I like to think he orchestrated a fight club in his earlier years and that’s how he’s able to punch so hard.
His Twitter acc is apeshit, likes to make a game out of how quickly he can get famous people to block him. Collects them like Pokémon cards and laughs about it to his friends. Has a "hit list" except it's just which celebrity he wants to piss off next.
Also posted a video of him taking a fat bong rip, and tagged Daichi (a literal cop) before setting his phone to do not disturb.
In high school after having to play against what was probably the most unsportsmanlike team they've encountered, it was Suga’s idea to prank them with a few of his teammates. They got caught about 20 minutes in when Daichi went looking for Hinata and caught him red handed with his arms full of eggs, toilet paper rolls, and the guiltiest look on his face.
You know that cross eyed thing Pennywise from the movie It does, that turned out to not be cgi but a very real trick actor Bill Skarsgård pulled on set? Sugawara can do that too, scared the shit out of his teammates and other schools with it. Even their coach is unsettled.
The 3rd years went to a haunted house at one point after graduation, and then stopped for lunch somewhere. Daichi left to go get a couple beers for everyone, and, because the whole thing was Suga’s idea, tried to sneak up behind him when he came back. Instead of scream though, he clocked him in the face out of reflex, making Daichi drop the tray. Asahi is frantically trying to apologize to the waitress through tears for the mess of beer, blood and glass, Daichi is holding a bloody nose, and Sugawara is going red from trying not to laugh. They get their pictures taken and end up on a board that says DO NOT SERVE.
Vodka in coffee mugs have gotten him through the day on more than one occasion.
Puts his mugshot on Christmas cards, has it hung up in his house in a nice frame. Gifted one to all his friends that year. Many were horrified, some laughed, and one of them told him to hang tight while they got his gift- a mugshot of their own as well (it was probably Nishinoya).
Since his birthday is in June, when he was a kid his family was able to celebrate outside in the beautiful weather. His 15th fell on a Saturday, so they were able to have a much bigger celebration. Unfortunately, that year his older cousin brought her new boyfriend to the family barbecue, and he did NOT pass the vibe check. Maybe it was the speedo, or the douche-y attitude, but one minute Suga was grabbing the hot metal spatula off the grill, and the next thing the guy knew, there was a nasty burn mark branded onto his left ass cheek.
Skipped practice one day to look after his sick little brother, but instead of making soup and taking temperatures, they spent the whole evening playing Minecraft. Everyone is wondering where the hell their setter is, as the two of them lose track of time between building castles and fighting the wonder dragon. It wasn’t until it got dark outside and their mom came home before he realized he forgot to text the group chat. 
When it’s time for the DARE program at his school, he’s thrilled to see Daichi again, and constantly tries to distract him as he and a few other cops are trying to explain the dangers of drugs. He pretends to nod along and take everything in, like he doesn’t smoke pot every other week.
Was asked to babysit his nephew last minute, much to the relief of his brother. This would be very short lived though- a few hours later, he’s on tiktok and fretted with a clip of his older brother yeeting a slice of Kraft cheese at his son’s face. 
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glorious-imagines · 2 years
"Are you breaking up with me?" Her features are crestfallen, he could see the heartbreak forming in her eyes.
"Y/n, this just isn't working out. I feel like I'm living two different lives and I'm not doing enough for either of you."
She looks around in a haze. The nice restaurant, the amazing food, the great conversation… it felt like they were finally getting back on track. She should have known it was too good to be true. Things had always been hard since Isabel showed up and dropped a pregnancy bomb. That coupled with both of your 'jobs…' and you had an orchestra of dissonance.
"You know, Jason, the one thing I never understood is why anyone would take their soon-to-be-ex on a lovely date…" she looks him directly in the eye, "just to break up with them."
"Y/n…" he exhaled, gazing at her from across the table with regret.
"I thought we would finally find our new normal… I knew she would be our undoing." Her voice breaks at the last word and she finds herself holding back an onslaught of tears. "Why would you take me on such a nice date to break my heart? This is too cruel"
He can feel the sting in the corner of his eyes. "I'm so sorry, y/n."
Though y/n is on the verge of tears she is pissed. Her hands shake with barely controlled anger and hatred burns in her heart. "Why do we have to end?! Why can't you send that bitch packing?!"
"You know I can't do that. I'm just trying to do right by both of you--"
"By letting me go?! How the fuck is that right by me?" Y/n quickly swipes at the tears before they leave a trail. "Did you think this place would somehow soften the blow?!"
The restaurant's patrons began taking notice. Jason shifts uncomfortably at the attention. He had hoped she would accept his decision and he could still be her friend at the very least. Now, however, he could see that he wanted too much from her.
After years of the 'will they, won't they push and pull, he'd finally gotten the woman he dreamed of. And being with her was exactly that and more. Now, he had to let her go. Lately, all they seemed to do is argue the little time they had together. He knew it was because he was being so attentive to Isabel.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I just wanted to end this amicably."
"Why? So, we could still be friends?!" She scoffs in disbelief, "when she came into the picture you stopped giving a fuck about me!"
"Well, excuse me for wanting to be there for my kid."
"The kid doesn't even exist, yet!" She slammed her hands against the surface of the table.
"Y/n…" he says in a tone of warning.
This only pisses her off more. "Fuck you! I tried to keep our relationship platonic but you showed love!" She breathed in a deep shaky breath. "And now you're taking it away. You're so awful, Jason. I wish I'd never met you…"
"Um, your dessert is here…?" Their waiter appears with two plates of (fave dessert). He stands there awkwardly trying not to look at either of you.
Jason sighs and massages his temples. "I think we'll take them to go if you don't mind." The waiter nods and leaves.
Y/n suddenly stands up, her e/c irises pierce into him. "I never want to see you again. At any capacity. Stay far the fuck away from me." And with that, he watched her leave.
When the waiter returned he asked, "do you think I fucked up?" Then he downed what was left of his alcoholic drink.
I thought of this while watching an episode of Good Trouble. Yeah that whole Gael and Isabella situation pissed me off
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