#it's over for everyone
listening to my shitty urban outfitters revenge vinyl in my new room u wish. u fucking wish u were me
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hwkeyejra · 1 year
@inaredflush and I are plotting again.
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astral-from-afar · 1 year
Know that if I wrote any blp fanfics that it would be the most random bs and absolute crack you'd ever lay your eyes on
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sleepyskye · 2 years
might queue up that post to rb a few more times but other than that i don’t think i’ll log onto this account anymore :o i’m still active more on twitter than here but i AM using tumblr again and i’ve missed it :,)
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i23kazu · 7 months
how i feel when someone reblogs my stuff with a really really nice tag
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shoomlah · 8 months
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I have a feeling that beneath the little halo on your noble head There lies a thought or two the devil might be interested to know You're like the finish of a novel that I'll finally have to take to bed You fascinate me so
You Fascinate Me So, Blossom Dearie
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pigswithwings · 3 months
above all else a trans woman is a person. above all else a trans women is a woman who goes to the same grocery store as you and buys fruits in the same grocery cart as you and goes home and eats her dinner the same as you. above all else a trans woman is a woman who dresses like you do and talks the same way you do. above all else a trans woman is a woman who wants to be cared about the same way you want to be cared about and a trans woman is a woman who makes friends the same way you make friends. above all else you should care about trans women because they are people. treat her as such.
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tuituipupu · 15 days
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blairpfaff · 5 months
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Actors Roundtable | Off Script With The Hollywood Reporter
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prideprejudce · 1 year
this whole oceangate submarine fiasco has actually led to a lot of interesting talks and debates about the grey area of human empathy vs the inclination to recoil at the bizarre behaviors of the ultra wealthy and how people struggle with both ideas and is actually very interesting to watch play out in different types of people
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goldensunset · 7 months
people who go through the main tags of big and tumultuous fandoms looking for new fresh good posts to reblog are essential to any circle. they’re like true hunter gatherers leaving the safety of settlement and braving the unknown wilderness to find food for the flock. they risk their lives every day and will come back with a few scratches at best and severe psychological damage at worst
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kvtnisseverdeen · 8 months
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ninjasmudge · 3 months
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thats a red flag narinder, get that crown back while you still can
+ top panel without text below the cut
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egophiliac · 5 days
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was this anyone else's first thought, or
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bearlytolerant · 10 days
Solas: How can you be happy surrendering, knowing it will all end with you? How can you not fight?
Varric: I suppose it depends on the quality of the fermented fruit juice.
Solas: So it seems.
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Solas: You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could've been, never fighting back.
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Varric: Ha, you've got it all wrong, Chuckles. This is fighting back.
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Solas: How does passively accepting your fate constitute a fight?
Varric: In that story of yours—-the fisherman watching the stars, dying alone. You thought he gave up, right?
Solas: Yes.
Varric: But he went on living. He lost everyone, but he still got up every morning. He made a life, even if it was alone.
Varric: That's the world. Everything you build, it tears down. Everything you've got, it takes. And it's gone forever.
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Varric: The only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. He kept going. That's as close to beating the world as anyone gets.
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Solas: Well said. Perhaps I was mistaken.
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aniseandspearmint · 10 months
I am curious, bc I just ran across one of those, 'everyone remembers where they were when 9/11 happened!' things so-
This isn't meant to be a commentary on the event, just whether or not you remember where you were/what you were doing when the news hit.
As an example, I was home sick, doing dishes, when mom yelled for me to get in the living room RIGHT NOW.
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