#it's right there....... it's so fuckign easy
ichorblossoms · 2 months
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thompsborn · 8 months
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leviathiane · 2 years
happy nanowrimo!!!! i just wrote the next chapter of deeply whelved in 6 days after literal months of 0 writing
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strawberryseeded · 1 year
4 months now (444 idk..4 months maybe?) ive been wearing earphones in my right ear only while my conch piercing heals. music, super long videos, rly short vdeos, asmr, everything!! just a min ago i tried listening 2 music w earphones in both ears 2 see how it feels like (it isnt fully healed yet honestly. its a bit sore when i press on it ..i shud wait more -_-) n it was SO WEIRD it was p uncomfortable somehow?? whatttt the human body is incredible. like. obviously having a piece of plastic inside ur ear 4 so long is uncomfortable. but we get used 2 it..
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notajerusalemcricket · 6 months
hate how easy it is to forget that seasonal affective disorder exists. every night im like ougfuuughhgg ive been feeling so bad lately my life is fuckign crumbling until i remember "oh right its the feel-like-dogshit months im probably fine"
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pjackk · 2 years
Situation. urgent.
Hey gang, i need help real bad.Seriously, life is like really tough for me rigt now. So,pretty much, some doushe bag ran into me in a drunk driving incident and now im having some real bad money problems.
This is all cuz i was out getting some drinks with my fwb & and it was night time and real dark & shit so when i tried to merge (thought nobody was there) some idiot was right there,apparently.
Thankfully i got out real easy cuz only the driver of the other car and my buddy got hurt since he was givin me crazy car head & smashed his head on my wheel & got a concussion i think.
The other drive is still in a coma & his psycho ass wife keeps bitching at me bout how i gotta pay for everuthing which i think might be illegal from the harassment act
It was real ugly and basically im traumatized by The blood & shit & that guys banshee ass wife who isnt even pretty by the way has kind of traumatised me.
Pretty much, im not really insured so i got to pay for everything from my pockets,which, is very close to empty.
My booze is running out to which is pretty bad & shitty cuz i gotta drink to deal with the pain snce i dont even vibe with therapist bull shit.
Pretty much, even if i had the money to numb my pain with DIY/tradional medicine i cant even drive w/o keeping a breathalyzer in my car now which im prety sure is rigged as fucked since even if i only drank a litle bit it still fails.
Pretty much,i need at least $1500 to pay up for the my treatment, gettig my ride sexy again,and rent cuz  my land lord keeps skull fuckign my ass cuz i dont have a reliable gig rn so he wont even give me another month extension to pay.
Situation urgent.I know life is like a box of chocolates & shit but please help so i can keep being fckin awesome!!!
Pic of my truck.Mechanic said its gonna cost a fortune to fix.thank fuck this wasnt my house lol i would be in lots of trouble
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Btw, here are two creatures lol. Im gonna have to get them killed if i dont get money by the way since kibbles so expensive rn cuz of the 🇺🇦⚔️🇷🇺 war i think,so maybe U can think about that
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Cash app: $pjack9
GOAL: 0/$5000
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God I wish it was easier to convey the feeling of iterators being more than just their puppets
Like idk how to explain but when I see just the puppet I always think about the rest of them (the structure) but there’s no easy way to show that in art and it’s more of some perpetual admiration I feel??? Idk I think I’m insane
For example I’ll use pebbles: ingame we have to navigate his can to get to his puppet but I feel as if most people dismiss the fact it’s not just a building but it’s actually THE iterator. The puppet is literally just a doll the iterator uses to have a face. If you enter through the leg of his structure he mentions when talking about you leaving to leave through the 2nd pipe and not the one you entered because he doesn’t want you fucking up his conflux modules. Aside from the obvious fact that most people ran right thru the memory coral while navigating thru there he was aware of you being inside his structure the moment you entered it (and maybe even before but it probably wasn’t as important).
That is like?? So fuckign cool??
I don’t know but it’s just cool to think about this impossibly omnipotent artificial creation sparing time to be aware of you and you’re able to comprehend it in a readable way.
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bleedingoptimism · 2 years
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 AU that lives in my head
It’s ‘92, there’s no upside down and Steve is going to college to be a physical therapist.
He works nights at a bar with Robin, they live together and are very broke but very happy, he is set on not failing school and proving his parents wrong but he's a slow learner, the good grades don’t come easily and he is constantly distracted by pretty faces so he's adamant on not dating until he's done with school.
So he works nights, goes to school in the afternoons and hangs out with his kids in his free time.
Eddie owns a music shop in town that has a special room all decorated for D&D nights and that's how he meets the kids.
But the way that he meets Steve is because one night the bar is hosting a bachelorette party (Chrissy's) and the guy who was supposed to put on a show (nothing too scandalous because all of Chrissy's friends are prudes) cancels last minute and the bar owner tells Steve,
“I will pay you double if you go out there and sing”
And Steve says “No, no way” but the owner insists, 
"Triple if you grab that guitar, take off your clothes and sing two songs!" 
And Steve does obviously, because its easy money and they need it so he's thrown on the stage with only an acoustic guitar that (barely) covers his junk, ("Wait you didn't tell what song!?")
Eddie is sitting close to the bar because he can't stand Chrissy's other friends, making small talk with the barwoman and his mouth hits the ground when Steve appears on stage (Robin's mouth does too but Eddie doesn't see that) 
The guy looks shocked for a millisecond before smiling and saying “Ahoy ladies” and then immediately cringes (the barwoman behind him starts cackling) but the guy on stage takes a deep breath and then starts talking to the audience flirting up a storm and the audience is eating it up, he asks for songs requests and sits on a stool carefully, all the time making sure everything is covered.
He actually uses one hand to adjust himself behind the guitar before crossing his legs (making his audience shuffle trying to get a look) and Eddie thinks ‘big boy’.
When the man asks for requests Eddie yells Metallica just to be an asshole but he perks up and says "Oh, one of my kids has been listening to this song nonstop" before he starts tuning the guitar, Eddie thinks 'He has kids?? He looks so young.' 
So this guy, this David by Michellangelo starts playing ‘Nothing else matters’ and he's not really good with the guitar, mostly playing something resembling the right tune but these people would not know the difference, only Eddie does and he doesn't give a shit because his voice!
His voice is amazing, he’s doing an acoustic, soft version that sounds incredible and he has range, he sounds so good, and he sings looking at his audience with soft eyes that close on the chorus like he’s feeling every word and Eddie is kind of in love.
 When the song is done everyone claps, the audience is enraptured and Eddie claps really loud but not as loud as the barwoman behind him who keeps yelling "Yeah! go Steve!! that's my babyman!!!"
Steve, his name is Steve.
So Steve asks for one last song and Chrissy asks for Don Mclean and he lights up and says American Pie is one of his favorites and he sings with passion and makes everyone join him for the last part with encouraging smiles and winks and its great and Eddie write odes about the naked man with the guitar in his head all the while.
 Then he's off the stage and Eddie wants to ask the barwoman if he's a regular but before he can Steve shows up with the same black shirt she’s wearing and she screams, runs towards him and jumps, he catches her easily as she says, “That was fuckign amazing dude”
 “I’m never doing that again” 
“I saw your ass, it's great!” she says laughing excitedly and Eddie snorts, making them both look at him, Steve smiles bashfully and says to both of them, “Yeah, sorry about that” 
And Eddie, can't help himself says, “Don't be”
Steve turns red and Eddie suddenly feels hungry but he takes a step back, doesn't want to come on too strong and says “You were great, the singing I mean”
“Thanks?, thank you.”
“I’m serious, you have an amazing voice, and the guitar wasn't half bad”
And Steve laughs prettily and says, “My guitar was shit man” and Eddie is freaking out because this guy is fucking gorgeous.
They talk some more, he learns both Robin and Steve have been working at the bar for almost a year now and that that little stunt with the guitar was the first and last time is ever going to happen and Eddie thinks he’s really lucky if that's the case, he says that much just to watch Steve blush again and Robin laugh, he flirts just a little more and then goes back to Chrissy when he gets the hint that, although Steve looks interested he’s not getting his number tonight.
Robbin slaps Steve when Eddie leaves, “Why didn't you get his number?” and Steve reminds her about his rule of no pretty faces while he’s studying.
Next time Eddie sees Steve is when he’s hosting D&D at his shop. They are wrapping up and the kids are leaving but Mike’s car won’t start and he’s cursing and hitting his wheel. It’s raining heavily so Dustin, Lucas and Will are waiting inside and Dustin says, “I think we should call mom”
“No way he said we shouldn't bother him unless it's an emergency, he’s got a big test on monday!” Lucas says and Eddie thinks ‘mom?? He??? Test? What??’
But Mike comes back inside furious “Lets fucking call mom!” he says as if he knew exactly what they were talking about.
So Dustin asks Eddie to use his phone and while he’s calling, Eddie asks Will “Who’s mom?”
“Oh he’s just a friend of ours, but he’s older and really overprotective so we call him mom, it's an inside joke” he shrugs, and Lucas looks at Eddie very seriously and says,
“Not in front of him so please, if he shows up” and mimics closing his mouth with a zip.
Mike look super pissed about having to call this guy so Eddie asks him if he doesnt like him, and Mike, exasperated says “No, I fucking love him and if any of you say that to him I will kill you” and Eddie is really confused. 
Especially when, who actually shows up is Steve but like a completely different Steve from the guy he saw at the bar, that one had dark fitting jeans and an obscenely tight shirt and carefully styled hair and this one? This one is wearing a comfy yellow sweater and gray sweatpants and his hair is a mess and he’s wearing glasses and Eddie is having a breakdown because he doesnt know which one is hotter.
Steve runs to the shop because it's still pouring outside and once he’s in he doesn't even get to talk because Mike is on him instantly, “Steve! This fuckign car man! It keeps breaking and I did everything you told me, I take care of it! I’m so sick-!”
Steve calms him down first, talks him out of destroying the poor thing and says “We’ll look into it,ok?”
Then he finally greets the others, hugs them all and Dustin says “Sorry for bothering you when you were studding man” and Steve messes up with hair,
“Its ok I need it a break anyways” 
He’s so nice with the kids. It's so cute and Eddie thinks ‘oh, his kids, now I get it’ with a smile and that’s when Steve sees Eddie and goes red all over but Eddie saves face and introduces himself as if they don't know each other.
Steve is still blushing but he smiles and makes small talk for a while, then says “Well, let's look at the car”
Mike complains about the rain but Steve says “Sorry kid but I need to get back to studying, I'll check it out, you can stay inside” 
Mike sighs “No, no I told you, I want to learn lets go”
Steve hesitates before going out, whispers ‘I can't get sick tho’ and takes off his sweater and throws it to Will “Here, hold this for me BB?”
Will catches it ungracefully and blushes.
Eddie thinks it's a small miracle he’s wearing a white tank top underneath but as soon as they step outside they are both drenched and the top becomes a curse.
To distract himself he asks Will about the nickname and Will says it mean Baby Byers, “Steve is friends with my older brother so growing up Jonathan was Byers and I was Baby Byers”
Lucas whispers to Eddie that Will might like that nickname a little too much and Eddie chuckles and thinks he can't really blame him, they are all staring at them trying to find out what wrong with the car, well the kids are, Eddie is staring at Steve’s shoulders, his arms, his chest, for some reason even tho he’s already seen him practically naked, the tank top and the rain and the fact that he’s fixing a car is making it much worse.
He hears Lucas tell Dustin “He’s going to cause another accident man” and Dustin laughs so Eddie asks them,
“Another?” and Lucas tells him they once saw a girl run head first into an open car door on her bike for staring at Steve and they all start laughing.
Steve helps Mike fix the car and they high five and go back inside looking triumphant, the kids say it's getting late and while Steve dries with a towel Eddie just handed him and puts his sweater back on (small mercies) they say their goodbyes, after they leave Steve hangs around looking awkward, Eddie thinks he gets why so he tells him, “Listen man, I won't say anything about that show at the bar if that's what you are worried about”, and Steve laughs and says,
“What? No, they already know I work at a bar and Robin already told them about the impromptu concert, they laughed their asses off. I was actually going to ask you not to tell Mike I butchered his favorite song” 
Eddie laughs and tells him once again he didn’t, he was amazing. And if he sounds way too enamored when he says it, they both pretend not to notice.
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callmearcturus · 8 months
curious about your on-the-go fic-writing keeb and how it's set up. also the whole switches post gave me the incredible desire for some sort of "what's in my bag" sitch. thank you i liked reading about your switch opinions.
Oh hell yeah sure.
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So my mobile keyboard is amazing.
This is an EPOMAKER NT68. It's a 65% bluetooth keyboard that I have used to, at this point, write about 80% of the PT Benji AU. It's a fucking joy to use.
I got it on sale from Bezo's Store for about 70 bucks (it's 95 right now). At the time, it came with Gateron Blacks installed but literally like seven of the fucking switches had bent pins and had to be replaced. It came with five spare switches so I was p pissed.
Which, I was fine obvsly because I keep buying switches on the cheap.
Okay but about this specific keyboard:
Haimu Whisper Silent Tactile switches (which I LOVE, very good feedback without a ton of sound, great of typing at work)
Cannoncaps CXA Superplum (which is to to date the only caps I have ever paid full price for which I should not have done except they might be my Actual Favorite Profile. this is unfortunate bc they fucking never going on sale, but that special spacebar shape is incredible)
my lil vinyl record player artisan was a gift 8) the maker is 2Tcraft on Etsy
What I love about this keyboard is that
It allows for three BT connections at a time, so i can swap from my phone to my home PC to anything else with two buttons
the sound of it on a deskmat is actually one of my favorite noise profiles of any keeb I've used
it is the most portable keeb without going into weird Nuphy keebs (which I did consider a lot) or going Ortho (which I ALSO considered but this was before Akko put out an affordable Ortho option, god bless Akko)
it has a felt magnetic sleeve that can be folded around the keeb to protect it or into a lil triangle to prop your phone on, which I use all the time. when this thing starts wearing out, I will be very sad.
it fits into my cheapass Vera Bradley crossbody bag so i bring it with me everywhere and I have genuinely used it a fucking lot, like a LOT.
it is a major conversation starter, everyone at work wants to know more about it which is fun.
obviously I had switch issues with the stock keeb and had to swap out some non-working switches, BUT the stock is honestly very good otherwise and the caps it comes with feel perfectly fine. you can use them for a while without issue.
some caveats:
this thing is an investment. i told myself that basically this is what my patreon is for and I saved up for a few months to justify it to myself. i'm glad I did it but also Oof That Pricetag.
the software for this thing is fuckign incomprehensible. i have tried many many times to add some hotkeys to it and fucking forget it. I managed to turn off the lights and that's all I'm doing with it. if you want this for coding and need something very easy to add layers to, FUCKING FORGET IT. go get one of Drop's Orthos instead.
sometimes i type too fast for this thing lmao. it doesn't happen often but like if i'm REALLY going max speed, it will every once in a while (like once in a paragraph) miss a key. I'm fine with this because it doens't happen with casual use.
it is portable but you are gonna need to find a bag for it to fit into. It fits perfectly into a Vera Bradley Sling Backpack, which I picked up on clearance from my local Hallmark store oddly enough.
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feral-pansexual · 2 years
Spoiling Tsu-Chan | Shiratorizawa x Reader
Warnings: Porn with a leetol plot, the third years are all TRUE DOMS, Goshiki is the subbiest babey I s2g. Whole thing is Shiratorizawa & you spoiling Tsutomu. I keep fuckign up and switching between past and present pronouns (English is unfortunately my 1st language, I have no excuses). Poorly written because I’m tired, no beta we die like men, etcetera and whatnot.
Premise: Shiritorizawa has had their precious little first year on the volleyball team for a while now, but they have yet to.. Not quite ‘haze’ him, but haze him. Enter you, s/o to Tendou (and pretty much the whole team at this point) Everyone just wants to do their best to make little Tsutomu feel welcomed.
Gender neutral reader, because Gender is a Scam (thank). Fic is mostly oriented around Goshiki, not you.
Word Count: 1.4k
You congratulate the volleyball team after their latest win, doting on them and handing out towels and water as they make their way into the locker room. Tendou runs up to greet you, a mischievous grin on his face as he kisses your forehead.
“Hey, babydoll. Need you to do something for us.”
Even for after a game, Satori seemed more breathless than usual. Judging by the smile on his face, as well as the growing.. ‘problem’ at the front of his shorts… If he weren’t leaning over you, the dwindling crowd would have been able to clearly see the evidence of his arousal.
“That depends.. what kind of something do you boys need?”
He chuckled, the sound airier than usual. “Y’know the new kid, Goshiki? Cute little first year with the bangs?”
You had to stop yourself from snorting. “With the bangs.”
“Mhhm. It seems pretty obvious that he’s here to stay, ‘n the boys and I figured we should give him a more.. informal welcome, if you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and you couldn’t help but to laugh at his antics.
“Well, if you think he deserves it..”
“Did you see that cross-shot?! I might’ve let him at you just for that!”
You were laughing with him now. You faintly heard Coach Washijo yelling at your boyfriend to change and get out of the club room, but you could ignore that for now.
“I’ll be in you and Toshi’s room?”
“With the booty shorts?”
You sighed dramatically. “Are they really necessary?”
“Noooooo.. but I’m peeling whatever you wear off of you anyways, so might as well make it easy on us both.”
You rolled your eyes as he finally made his way to the locker room. Still, you smiled fondly. Goshiki wasn’t the only first year you had helped to feel welcome on the team, but it being your third year, he would be your last.
— messy ass timeskip for.. reasons —
Tendou’s fingers wrap around your wrist and hip, dragging you closer to him in he and Ushijima’s shared room as he stoops to kiss you. You can feel the stares from the rest of the team as he does so, their attention turning your cheeks red. He’s always been the most forthright in your pleasure, and so the rest of the boys let him go first (and subsequently hold you while they have their turns.
His dirty talk is unmatched, and tends to affect everyone within earshot.) You can see the way Goshiki fidgets on Reon’s lap, see the way the older boy whispers in his ear, the way he holds the boy’s hands to keep him from touching himself.
Still, you can tell, even with most of your gaze obscured by Tendou, that Reon’s struggling to contain himself as well. A light blush has dusted his cheeks, and you watch his throat bob as Tendou deepens the kiss. You can't help but shut your eyes and moan, and you hear Goshiki quietly parrot the sound. Semi laughs, but is quickly silenced by.. Well, you can’t tell right now.
Satori’s fingers release your wrist, and coax your hand to his shoulder. You bunch the material of his shirt in your grip as his hand travels to your ass, gently pulling your shorts and underwear down. You hear a gasp and smile- it seems the team’s plan to fully welcome the first year was working.
Tendou chuckled at the sound Goshiki made. “Tsu-chan! Didn’t know we’d get you so worked up just by kissing, eh?”
You took the chance to open your eyes again. Everyone present - Ushijima, Reon, Tendou, Semi, and Shirabu - were all looking at Tendou, who’s flush was deepening from the attention. Not just from the rest of the team, but the hand Reon had inched down to the front of the younger boy’s pants. Tendou laughed again, tugging your back to his chest as he turned to watch the new show.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don’t get him too worked up now, Ohira-san! We’re not even to the best part yet!”
“The.. best..?” Tsutomu’s ears were turning now, the redness of his blush traveling down his neck now, too. You couldn’t help but smile at him.
“The sex, Tsu. Didn’t any of your senpais tell you?”
Semi let out a quiet groan, grabbing Shirabu’s thigh as he covered his mouth with the other hand. The sandy-haired setter offered him a confused glance, but the blush on his face betrayed his stoic demeanor.
Tendou’s hands began kneading your thighs, tutting at the second years. “I thought I asked you both to tell him! We’ve been planning this for DAYS, and nobody bothered to tell the guy the whole setup’s for?”
Semi leaned down, Shirabu following in the short bow. Little Goshiki was stuck gawking at all of you, save for Ushijima, from Reon’s lap.
“Hmm. Reon and I both told you to do it yourself. Those two need more discipline before they will be able to follow through with such.. Lewd conversations with their kouhai.”
The attention shifted to the team’s captain, the second years wincing just slightly beneath his words. Semi, who was sitting right next to him on Tendou’s bunk, gently removed the hand from his mouth and fisted it in Ushijima’s pants near the knee. The older boy covered it with his own hand, offering a soft squeeze.
“Weelllll… Now that everybody’s up to speed, can we get a move on? My perfect partner’s almost naked, and I can’t wait for what comes next.”
Tendou practically covered your body with his own, hands linking just under your stomach. Almost discreetly, he shifted a foot between your own to further expose you to the rest of the room. Goshikis gasped again. He wasn’t the only one who verbalized - Semi and Shirabu sighed at the not-unfamiliar sight, while Reon chuckled under his breath at his Kouhais’ reactions. Wakatoshi tightened his grip on Semi’s hand, eliciting a small gasp from him.
Reon gently patted Goshiki's hip before shifting, settling the smaller boy onto his thigh before patting the other.
"You ready, doll?"
Tendou was always gentle with you.. verbally, at least. The handprint shaped bruises on your hips said otherwise physically - not that you minded.
With a nod, you were settled onto Reon's other thigh. Goshiki gulped as you tosses a leg over his lap, drawing attention to your naked sex. You looped an arm around Reon's shoulder for stability, offering a smile and peck on the lips before returning your attention to the first year.
"Tsu-chan, love. You can touch."
It was like that was the only permission he needed before he leaned into Reon's large chest, dropping a hand to the leg you placed across his own. His touches were hesitant at first, but the gentle praises from you and Tendou were enough to spur him into action.
It wasn't long before you two were off Reon's lap and onto Tendou's bed, surrounded by the rest of the team. Your boyfriend sat behind you, thighs beneath your shoulders to prop you up some as Shirabu and Semi guided the first year to better please you.
"If you touch them right there and roll your thumb-"
You gasped, hips lifting into their hands as you came for the first time that night. Goshiki's eyes widened at the sight, while the second years continued their ministrations.
"Good job, Tsutomu." Uahijima's baritone voice came from near Tendou's head above you.
"Now you get to clean up the mess you've made."
— — —
"Gee, I wonder what kind of sleep-deprived self indulgent bull Silver'll write today"- Shiratorizawa gangbang fic. Any other questions or requests? Send 'em in!
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megabuild · 2 months
anon asking about people making racist jokes to pause that were along the line of what he himself joked about like we werent already fighting for our fucking lives trying to get them to stop making rape and gay jokes that were so much worse. we were fucking laughed at by the subreddit for that. like listen yeah it looks shit from the current perspective but it was the fucking 2010's okay. it was bad.
also a decidedly too high amount the mindcrackers turned out to be some kinda alt-right nutters so like. modern mcyt has it so fucking easy, you dont have people tweeting on main about voting for trump. please fuckign kill me for the things that i have seen.
^ yeah i understand prev anons discomfort 100% but also its like. part of the package of old mcyt it fucking Sucks. i guess with pause specifically it feels a little weirder because its people making racist comments directly to his face but again he made a lot of jokes himself so yea. and also yeah especially with mindcrack you have to remember that the fans on tumblr and salad and so on were like a very small portion of the primarily white adult male fandom during the buildup of like gamergate and "muh sjws", it's definitely fair to warn people about it or be uncomfortable with it now but it was a fucking warzone out there LOL
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
sorry just adding on one last thing bc my brain never rests: him saying you're going to give him one more as he's unbuckling his belt and you're crying so much maybe even shaking your head bc you know it's gonna be so intense but he just pouts mockingly at you and says "you can, I know you can do it for me baby, you've been such a good girl all night so you're gonna give me one more" and obviously you could say no if you really wanted to but the way he's so stern and telling you what's gonna happen makes you so 🤕 so you just turn your head onto the pillow and a few more tears slip out 🤕 he praises you the whole time and it doesn't take long for either of you to get there, he's obsessed with how wet and warm you are and how your clit is so swollen for him to touch and you're about to die because everything is so sensitive and feels so good 🤕 he lets out a little groan and says "come on, give me one more good one baby" and reaches down to rub your clit, you let out a desperate little moan and before you know it you're cumming around him 🤕 he would fall on top of you when he lets go and you're both breathing so heavily just trying to feel normal again, he would put pressure on your body wherever he can reach because he knows it helps calm you after everything you've been feeling and he murmurs how good you did for him, and how much he loves you 🤕
this.....him sinking in an teasing you ab how swollen ur cl*t is and how messy and wet you are basically just swallowing him up right away and your so teary and crying for him and its so hard to tell hm how good it feels bc theres nothing in ur head except for himmmmmmmm and sihfsufhsui JUST BEING SO DESPERATE AND EASY FOR HIM TO GET OFF UNTIL YOURE C*MMING AGAIN AND NOW ITS HIS TURN BUT OMG:( him falling on you and holding you and giving you that pressure like a weighted blanket to help w that come down:(((((((( oh im so fuckign SICK
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cyberdragoninfinity · 6 months
I would love to hear your Indigo Disk thoughts
YES!!!!!!! 💎🐢💥 full disclosure I only just finished Indigo Disk's main storyline like....less than 24 hours ago so I am still RIDING HIGH FROM THE RUSH OF IT ALL. will probably be spoilers ahead, as a head's up:
first off I love that like. right off the bat youre getting hit with cyrano and cavell old man yaoi. busting out the cute little nicknames like HELLO!!! AND then you have geeta showing up and rika is there for no reason whatsoever and it's like. well ok i think they were having lesbian activities on the plane over you love to see it!
anyway setting wise, the Big Ol Blueberry is pretty fun! I love running around and the Synchro Machine is SUCH a ridiculously fun feature (FINALLY, TRUE GAMING: Dana can run around as a Ninetales and smack a big ball around.) I love all the Unova callbacks and I LOVE THE DIFFERENT CLUB ROOM LAYOUTS!! The monochrome one made me tear up and SEEING THE FUCKIGN. POKESTAR STUDIOS ENEMIES. IN THE FUTURISTIC ONE. MADE ME FEEL SOMETHING. pokestar studios my beloved i miss it sooo much 😭 My buddy Snap was talkin about how the Terarium really kind of lacks... yknow, landmarks and points of interest, though, and god I agree so hard. I love that Kitakami had its own little set of interesting features and places to go and use as landmarks and the Terariuam kind of. Doesn't really have those. It's a bit of a pain in the ass to navigate and easy to get lost but not in a fun way.... even though you have these little neat natural features like The Pride Rock and Chargestone Caves, I wish we coulda had a little bit more :( For such a widely used part of the school it doesn't feel very 'lived' in by the students there. It would've been fun to see more gathering places aside from the Very Sterile Outside Classrooms.....
The Area Zero Underdepths, though...hooouughhHHHhhh. I just. I really have to admire the fact that Indigo Disk said "ohhh you want answers?? you wanna know what's going on in this place? fuck you, youre gonna have MORE questions after this, and theyre gonna be even CRAZIER ones." YOU GO IN THAT HOLE AND LEARN NOTHING AND IM NOT EVEN MAD ABOUT IT. GO LOOK AT THE CRYSTAL TREE DOWN THIS RANDOM PATHWAY. i neeeed to make a terapagos post sometime and talk more about it i cannot stop thinking about this little freak. POKEMON THAT SCARE ME A LITTLE I MUST SAY. POKEMON I DO NOT FEEL IN CONTROL OF. i Know they didnt make its charged terastal form look like a dream catcher for no reason. I Know its Stellar Form Looking Like That isnt for no reason. I know its borderline dangerous power and THAT LITTLE STUNT IT PULLS. AT THE CRYSTAL POOL. THAT'S INDICATIVE OF SOMETHING I THINK. >when Terapagos's cry was the sound Terastalizing has been making all fucking game. SCREAMS.
also again oh my god if you beat the main indigo disk storyline go to the crystal pool right now GO. GO FEEL SOMETHING. GO!!!!
ok well that's. less about setting and more about story though huh. well!! story wise, absolutely loved it! I know there was a lot of apprehension when the DLCs got more properly announced and we found out they didnt really center on Our Dear Paldea Friends as scarvio proper did, and yeah I definitely can see why that's a frustration and a deterrent for some (and I'm soo so excited to hang out with Nemona and Arven and Penny in the epilogue next month....peach time (: ) but for me in the end I'm really just so enamored and delighted with all the new friends you get to make in the DLC and they more than carry that little narrative's arc on its own. The Elite 4 of the BB League are all GREAT, they got nonstop autistic girls out here in gen 9 (nemona, amarys, briar ?!??!) and it ROCKS. and i LOVE Carmine so much, everyone always wants mean rivals and mean women and folks cant even handle Carmine 🙄 you can tell she genuinely has such a big heart and cares about her friends and her brother!!! and Kieran wahhh wahh kieran my newest Little Guy ;____;.... he is SO fourteen and I did not expect to go into the DLC getting really invested in a new character's arc but it's just GOOD. He REALLY feels like a loose yugioh character in Indigo Disk, he's so angry and obsessed with victory and ultimately under it all still capable of so much kindness and regret and he's just GOOD. And his champion battle was terrifying and a BLAST!! THE MUSIC RULES. HE EVEN HAD INCINEROAR.
god and all the music in Indigo Disk was a banger. gen 9 music save me. gen 9 music. save me gen 9 music.
i'm SUPER hyped to do more BBQs with my bestie and do more postgame stuff with the "hanging out with Gym Leaders" thing and the Legendary hunting and such... lots more to roll around in and have a good time with. All in all had just a great time with it, I genuinely might put Violet as my favorite Pokemon game of all time at this point! I do grow very sad thinking about just how even more fantastic this game couldve been if it had 1-3 more years to cook properly though, like..god damn. I was getting some LAG on those cutscenes, and I know I made out pretty alright in the bugs department!!
but for now i'll just be thinking about the shit that happens at the crystal pool for the rest of my life. also Indigo Disk gave me the best possible trainer ID photo i never need to change it again
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4, 8 and 12 for everyone, or all of your blorbos you'd think you'd have more to say! :3
[ask game]
Hiii!! Thanks for enabling me Arja fhsfdskldf, and apologies for the wait! :')
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 
Neira: chantry indoctrination u.u
Kala: being casteless and the iron hold the carta had on her
Liam: the Everything about his family but especially leandra
Lilian: being an apostate, and malcom
June: being a mage, and coming from a religious noble family
Ari: in a roundabout way, some parts of qun teachings his parents passed on to him
Adriel: all the ways in which she stands in between things
Noya: her family
Var'renan: her clan, specially tamlen
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
this ended up being more a "which traits do you share" oops but i hope that works!
Neira: being acutely aware of responsibility, trying too hard to avoid/postpone making decisions, her relationship with her sexuality (& gender, kinda)
Kala: her brand of defiance & stubbornness & sense of self, her fascination for the world around her and the live for little things, her wayof emotionally detaching herself when needed
Liam: the tendency to get too melancholy and stuck on the past, the wanting to stay out of drama the best he can. & his general sense of privacy and boundaries around it are similar to mine i think
Lilian: her the way she deals with intrapersonal conflicts and her attitude towards life, her brand of protectiveness and bond with her siblings
June: her trouble with social graces and expectations/politeness, her body type kinda?, her way of thinking wrt problem solving
Ari: wanting to get things done by himself, overthinking social interactions, "i'll just finish this one thing" "oh crap it's 3am"
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
Neira: her fuckign. Face shape. Sometimes it looks just like i want sometimes it looks awful, it's a 50/5p thing. Also i never get her to look skinny and lanky in the way i want. & drawing burn scars is hard </3
Kala: the braiidd i struggle sm with braids and i always forget to adjust the length over time lol. Also her height & making her look fat and beefy in the way i want
Liam: height again </3 also his dai era hair..... how even does one draw short spiky hair that sticks up all over the place
Lilian: still cant quite settle on the exact body type for her... And her nose, i can never get it right smh
June: very easy to make her look too young rip
Ari: horns >:( specially the broken one lolol i'm so sorry Ari for constantly butchering your horns 😔. And his proportions give me trouble smh....
Noya: i actually hate drawing her face tattoo more than renan's vallaslin lol. Also her hair and nose.. i still struggle with curly hair and i am super finicky about the nose shape and i can never get it Quite Right
Var'renan: i def have a tendency to exaggerate their nose too much cos i really like the convex shape :') Also, vallaslin TT
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gayspock · 4 days
again ok sorry i need to fucking . whatever
ive been cycling though even worse panic attacks all day over fucking nothingbut then again i dont fucking know any more its meaningless its so fucking meaningless the way it blurs together and if it meant nothing before it means fucking nothing now and i keep fuckign thinking of everythingthat just keeps slipping away when it was all so so fucking far behind and theres somuch fucking mess to handle but i cant even fucking manage to meet ust this baseline to even try to fucking clean up after myselfand its so so fucking pointless its just so fucking pointless i just fucking sit there and cry and then cry on here and i cant fucking get my head on straight and i dont fucking want to fucking do it any more i cant keep fucking chasing fucking everything i fucking cant do it i keepfucking trying it never fucking means anyhting imfucking alone i dont wantto be ikeep trying to fucking make peace with it every few fucking monthsi manage to swallow the bitter fucking pill but i just cant handle anything im fucking delusional every time i think i can do it alone but no ones ever ufcking coming and i cant manage i cant fucking manage and it doesnt help nothing fucking helps nothing fucking does naything its just constant fucking backsliding its constant fucking horsehsit its worse and worse and fudcking so many fucking steps back for every painful fucking inch i dragmyself forward into fucking what into wfucking what exactly i dont know why i woudleven try i keep thinking what would be at the endof it if i did even manage to pullit together another fucking long stretch of loneliness and nothing and it wontmake the rest of t better ikeep thinking what if this was differentwhat if trhis could be and theres just a billion other fucking problems a billion other fucking things on top that im never going to fight off and it willstill not fucking matter icould keep going for howeve r much fucking longer i keep thinking about how it starts off bad and people jsut tell youit gets better! it gets better! you just havbe to try andit does nothing and nobody beieves you because youre just that fucking shit . yourenot alone youre not alone the million fucking platitudes that make you want to cave your own fucking skull in the fucking mocking horseshit i dont fuckingcare i really fucking dont care i feel like im notihng but a fucking demonstration at best some fucking thin when people donotice to make themselves try to feel fucking better about their existence i wish i felt fucking real i wish epopel took me seriously i wish i meant something more than jsut whatever i tdont know i cant i jsut dont understand why i cant exist in someones life. i dont get hwoits so fucking easy for eveyrone to just have something its always the given that someone isnt fucking horriblyfucking alone all of the fucking time every fucking waking hour fucking spent sobbing because they cant manae they cant cope and thats half the reason why and theyres no fucking handling it theres no way to make progress theresno fucking answers its brick wall its brick wall
its nothing its just getting worse its nothing and you cant even afeel that i feel like a joke i feel like im mocked im patronised i cant stomach being alive ii dont understand why theres never room for me or love for me nomatter what i am or where i am or why i cant jsut find anything i cant even fucking pullmyself together i cant fnd anyhting but just the resounding fucking call of just fucking end italready and just fucking whatever bro the Who Cares fucking gripping ont rying and begging and pleading please please fuck me please just one fucking thing please just make me feel like it wasnt so fucking pointless that it didnt hurt thisbadfor so so fucking long for nothing but you know the answer is itwwas true you were always fucking right every nasty, rancid little thought you'vehad was right that eveyrone fucking hated you exactly when you were scared of it and you were a failure and a loser in all the way syou knew and the titteirng fucking "oh dont say thats!" were just exercisesintrying to get you to shut. up. you cant be this persons fucking rpoblem youre just a fucking problem what good what do you do other than be a fucking problem i keep trying it means nothing i keeptrying to do the hard thing i break down i feel so fucking pathetic ifucking hate everyone i fucking hate seeing everyone else fucking happy and i cant ufcking help it any more i fucking feel myselfgetangry and its wrong and i feel disgusting but i dontknow what the fuck else there is i dont fucking know i wish i was dead i wish i had killed myselgf solong ago before it got to this point i wish i never fucking had hope ever that it couldbe okay i wish i fucking slapped someone I DONT KNOWWWWW
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sayakxmi · 2 months
[Magi reread] Night 72: Wisdom of Solomon
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Honestly, I just think it looks kinda funny.
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Look at all the shits Aladdin doesn't give.
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Sth about the way his smile falls.
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Idk I just think it's a pretty cool pose
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Honestly, he looks so cool this chapter.
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You go, boy
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Honestly, I'm only putting it here bc it's Judar saying that. I sometimes forget that he's pretty smart. When it comes to magic, at least.
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I still love it so much that Ugo was teaching him this entire time, because he knew he wouldn't always be there to protect him;;;
And also Aladdin raising his hands like a conductor. Looks awesome.
Honestly, so far, pretty hype chapter, which Imma be honest with you, it was very needed. After all these chapters of misery and desperation, we finally have something that turns the tides, something that makes us breath a litte easier, because not all hope's lost.
It's totally random, but it made me think about a post of the screenshot from Twitter about somebody complaining that Dune has no humor in it - and, just for the record, the entire explanation of that person's point is very good and exactly what I'm referring to. That is, the humor lets you calm down a little so that whatever awful comes next fucks you up even harder. And I thought about it, bc it's kind of like that here? The tides are turning, as I've said, so we feel like things can still turn out ok.
But they won't. Cassim will have his heart-to-heart with Alibaba and die, people will see their dead loved ones and calm down, and Balbadd will still be lost. We're made believe things will be alright and that we'll win, but in the end we'll lose so much. I think looking at it like that is pretty neat.
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I forgot Alibaba's still next to him.
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Get wrecked bithc
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Oh, right, you were still kinda impaled.
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He's sending Sinbad & Morgiana somewhere else, but I'm kinda putting it here bc it reminds me abt one scene in the Magnostadt Arc?
"Gimme a sec," I say, as if it wasn't my post that I'm only gonna publish after writing the entire thing.
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Anyway, so this is Aladdin's gtfo pose.
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Give it a few more arcs & you're not gonna be so happy.
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First of all, I love that Aladdin's able to read the situation here & conclude that, nope, no can do. There's this humility to him, which in this moment is pretty horrifying - he came in & gave everybody hope, only to admit that he can't win against Judar as they are now. Scary as it is, though, it's much smarter than hoping they can just... power through. Sometimes you can't, and admitting that you can't is more likely to help than trying to force it. At least this way, they can begin to come up with other ideas.
The other thing is, Alibaba's reaction. I might be reading too much into this, which, fair, I tend to, but I'm thinking about Alibaba's tendency to just... trust others so much, so easily. Which is fascinating, considering he has every right to have severe trust issues, given how often he gets betrayed, but at the same time, it kinda connects. Alibaba is quick to trust and believe (given at least one reason), and he can be a bit naive in this. If he trusts somebody, he trusts them all the way. When Hakuryuu goes nuts, he still goes to him to try to talk, believing Hakuryuu isn't too far gone (which is proven very wrong), or in the Magnostadt Arc, the moment Sinbad & SSA arrive, he just. Fuckign faints like that. He's been keeping himself up with sheer willpower, and the moment somebody he believes in appeares, he just relaxes. He can let them handle that, right?
And it's kind of the same here. Aladdin, who'd bailed him out of pretty bad situations a few times, is here, so things are going to be alright, right? But no. Aladdin admits, he can't win. There's no easy way out, leaving it for others to handle. Alibaba needs to put in his work, too.
I wouldn't describe Alibaba as selfish, but when you really think about is, his self-confidence issues are making him selfish in situations like that. It's one thing to let somebody help you, but it's another to have somebody do all the heavy lifting, you know? It kinda makes me think about the contrast between Alibaba & Sinbad. Alibaba's belief in everybody but himself vs Sinbad's belief in himself only. Obviously, the right choice is in between. Early SnB!Sinbad wasn't so bad, but the seeds were there, and he just kept digging himself deeper and deeper into the extreme. Alibaba, on the other hand, started off on the extreme, and slowly learnt to believe in himself to eventually find himself in that healthy middle ground.
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Man, I really dislike putting entire pages, but, honestly, this is so good. Aladdin reminding him why he fights, and showing him how people feel the same, how he was the one to push them forward.
"Everyone's hopes within their hearts." Small reminder that all Amon's spells have hope-related names. For example, from the wikii: "Amol Dherrsaiqa [...] is a corruption of the Arabic phrase صاعِقة ظِرّ الأَمَل Ṣā3iqa(t) Ẓirr Al-Amal, which means "Flint Lightning of Hope"."
I really love that. This is Alibaba's role in the story, after all. But if you think about it, it's all the King Vessels' role, Alibaba's just the one who ends up the most succesful.
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It looks kinda funny
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RIP Alibaba
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All we know about that Wisdom of Solomon thing is the hype and that Al-Thamen freaks out. Neat.
Also, I really like what it turned out to be. It's not some deus-ex-machina trick to fix everything. Frankly, it's not all that useful on its own. But Aladdin is capable of making use of it, because he puts in the work to make use of it. I'm not feeling the right kind of wordy today, but basically, he isn't just given a power up, he actively works to turn it into a power up.
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