#it's still like an hourish away IF she calls on time
izzy-b-hands · 5 months
oh god i forgot i scheduled a call with mum later tonight. jump scared myself with it when the calendar reminder came up now on my phone, fuck's sake
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libidomechanica · 8 months
And, do not yet
A limerick sequence
Many-colour nor as I. And, do not yet. So much in vain: his Fame. Now,    if to shade, only    generous battery of broken-heveded queen. What dismay.
But theme; and vain. Their specially use antic rest and altar music’s cheste. A    crystal broken with less    who limit passion summons and the faileth inharmony.
Al weeds, and sacred Providences that rode under Cather, and fire. If    not alone are tried; and    freaks. That I wolde Romayn tolde, that hands twice a little; on cross.
When the first singe, already, won’t thought wished as ill will be men taught a second    merry this skies; hardships    with mine of infers have you? Caught—for author to than I.
Pervades they almost by chroniclers seems secure hinges e’er shells for which    as harmony. Then    curious to purpose, the bloosmes their own Idoll Monarchy.
Then call—the wooing still divers, dull, and Grecian; were recesses when her    hapless and left he shrewe!    In his adventure bar, in son. Pleasure his Cellars old Wise.
Which canto me sages was his question hour soul of this; give wak’d the tack’d    by which they mightier    staid long-dew of pestilent to pleasuring cold, we find moon.
With a stride, and, that is, in the fynde that Standard is melancholy. Forget    the good fellow; some    far-fam’d Gulbeyaz’ angry would forbid! I can solemn hourish!
And there to public strive was by the good-bye. Beneath half an undone: hem    like Feinds, is working she    din of uryne, and prose— I have seene, not in her care no cas.
One of the beginning wit or a gold, never dinners that contact; and    balconies not quit help    me God, and peaceful starfish. Because than infancy, Nancy.
) To such when mortals of prove to spyen? And makes us is a castlereagh,    and bleeding; the city.    But display’d a vertues Foes, snatch’d with them a feyned away.
The child flowers; where wilderness, and Despairing. Of fame. There lined way to    wel I hated quite small    my war of court a sight, I beating damn, when Ambitioners.
The chosen last lovely beautiful. The two day when them the shod ill, and,    after thogh he lond dissolved    sound so be minute. Yes!—On the limbs, but thou else true—tears!
But now warriors budders quest. He told into a deal of brother, the way    a words o’er; and pushing    men whose do yourselves then, how to his Masters of the you wake!
My bosom beneath rose, no single he lovely used, ever grief for must    for there’s mine ailment:    for a kiss aged enough! How cross-grain’d—his her time the meal?
Where well or to him, a Tyran shapen and thered, thapostel wal, it    hath those from thee, whom her    eyes, wit, now art! But the wine-and-twenty time things mystery.
The whose head: an insoled, the second catch me, gold blood find, his below,    and cold, and powers them    to behaviour: their longer purveiance intense at the rose breed.
Turkeys usher through. Genius,—when Kings, and song sun and heart grown with fader    of light, although on his    world, we know not, thou see the hell, and their city womman kill.
Quiet brows! I leaves, huge fit she sacred Life beneath awful yawns his fo;    lucia, leering wind a    should his dore you by shame on, when the disease: and a placements.
Hail, Poesie! My love declares, two little bare, pursu’d, like must controul; and we    holds ye may finely Niobe,    promised her eyes, with a long the column mischeivously death.
Whose beneath the unresister, died shepherd, so wikkedness of the must    I wounds, love up his mine,    and also sparing in all was out of charms. The chills, that shroud!
Hence had somewheretofore them and rash and of war of its clothes, to    rear’d to seemed silken from    the glide! Nor this ground believes his fatal to no mean Rebell.
I doubt na, but them, the breeze is a little billia, do you love. So I    still violent, so being    of the cottage tomb, the lasses impart the baser of love.
No winna she, what Occasion, a yellow, from the lady’s strike insteady    splendour which her blaste.    Narrows giv’n, her like a bathos’ vast, the first to Saul the die.
In detain; the Sultan’s signs, by God! Prince we were right renews: wHose flocke, and,    but heaven before. He    glooming Chevaliers, and feet, they hope of unfulfill’d me felt.
Yen to their ale, and than though the Morning such the moan! A man though my bonds    ungration, fired with    the mazie the cheek, and made, went then the streaming of his vain.
Their babe rose, although his still the dapple- trees al by hours caught fight, be told    manure from me, who leve,    a fop through a rib, a nose. Tis must fair, had yet, lo!
Leve, and books, when I can planted in. ’St hold man, most link by the day by    the rhyme, were hand, present    upon its his Leaves, escaped her vocabulary.
He—being statue we what in the eye, for syk unneth, which but t were    thou are this grow pleas’d. Thought    quite told the worlds the frequestion my feather’d him Kingly Death!
Death-like Caravage Sardanapalus. Thus I were not their silverly    around som tymes which    requisited no doubt if any into that—nor some place.
As done, sunk enerv’d then he wags new faint eyes to his chest faces so    censorious;—it is here beheld    mens yet was brough, but by though white dickey—Trust come again!
Would not mount our sincertain ech of there plays, and down injure to die. The    kiss hands upon he sing,    whan had face is soul break, and no one white barel-ful of six.
Like saugh distancy, Nancy; is it, who can, when a slight, and Mrs. His    perish’d a high. But mine    him, always youth’d they gazed, build wheels may beth maladies, that brough.
Whose his fifty towers, and thus the time reduce, at mere come by Arch-Attest    lace. She name, when hem    free as to the she, didst the dew fall ornamented to me.
Eyes where it lived to sleepe. God, I know was does either die; of the convulsive;    I was a bower,    how mekely time shadows lightning. Was in her he said, fly!
Such light be thou can in silent of her summons any witness may the    sigh, is no man, where bedded-    down heart as a sweete wyn! Is not from desolate his stead!
Among roses. Only fair Annie’s coarse with likeness, a much music, from    piety, like humbled,    pure divesters of strife, a good golden growth, I carry me.
When shewing, that you waking before? But where was well ash to taste;—they can    Crave. Or threat he serve it    from the laid with luck, and has he taste to sin as o’er his life.
I have only daring life seen the wanton dismay. Which God, and your by    others, pistols, and thus    than that Art when each misers find is I doubled Faiths could one.
And and wounded in the into a company, for, as if t was takes    me, he thirty smother    care I. Thou so deem’d his glories may love I leve nor the caged.
And smooth people grottos, full sixty forced they went optics; and I unseen    there in thy day came more    with, agrees? Each amiss; and midnight, love, too, she had all third!
But this country’s pampers the Crowds engage; thurgh is not sit a Bird accounted    cloudy Cupid of    whom Foes. Blind eyes, adventury do appears, nor broken-head.
Thus of Nether ranks of wyves the gold, far a-down by his child, beside    of this to my beareth    me. If I stablish’d, and led then fee’d ill, the touch but London.
With bloody crave. Boats, ’ and every little palms, or waters; thereformally.    For they may give reward    the hold their crew; prolong’d for the strugled intensive helde.
Till of glory maid, ordain; starve, good society. Just present from Juan,    sure was tired into    the hopes to frete his eye and no less and friend, dark telling gout.
And by black from our heard once more torrent trees! Pitiful to the globe, yet    in the gnaw, he lead and    as he master hours wasted on thresh’d o’er thing since would away!
Fain with stinging home in! Eggs, coarsely wedlock and with care of hours too    much resign or glance to    have done, but who had felt humbled Faiths Defenderness, the roar?
To know. Even went; not so thought, sacred Life doth which that womman nun, follow,    fret again. In shore?    Their she hadde enchant guest, was said the rose lands, pursue he seene.
And that a prison, was she lang, there undisguise, the midst what Orpheus    sleep himself refused; and    for you. While t’other none the worth, some swore; and spanning inster.
Perhaps in the ten yet still thine, in his joy from purblind there none of ill-    resemblance and quiet.    Your one where much gently gravity, and she’s there well, woman.
When delights to virgins to forbad, but not too refinest Allan! Was    when his long blind their    marriages he took an hour eyes, when tis the view’d his Friend; and fate?
At the humble awaken field to base, I hadde a confidel, and these    grave me, and flank’d her pains    and other days. Snows, it pierced her heard or small is but Scrifice.
Through to sea tis Adonais dissipation! I never neck; her had been    a piece of so much; and    keep. Yet so the limpid laps, ne cloak, An air stirrups, just thee!
I’m no win, turned at their silver others. The fring the tongue and fruitles are    supportune flock, as of    Dash, and that broke, that our seas wisdom’s confliction in faith too!
Economy: on a sworn, bathings and awful sacred hirelings them    take the faultless vessel    bound! My advance rule hope of thilke sandal his faint loss of sway.
In hungry the Governed appetite freak’d with me by his—acquaint—strange and    their power made that warlike    in your grape, out off these deep. Night skin lily, love; and milk.
Can; for difficult to be lot have doth lawn all flow probably that saddens    all end. She same object,    rove; they every sinner; and, fragrant with loss of solemnly.
Earth, in his danger, past embroider’s hospital, quick, as in ever: its    both to grown a the worse    to himself shame smal, and plight. A thought thy deem than Accused too.
Which renown the Golden still stood tell; I heart, and freedom of possessor,    who redress. Word till without    the right: in his guest, for Loyalty thou three? Sacrifice.
His prison wherewith pale, thou the case, let its come, O Annie, Annie’s    carry memory reason    to the blowes; and on hour own hear to spear being new.
Back into one, and smile still be, bene espyed. As your price, has necessors    in more shore resounds    fra kith a thou art will film half and all from Fez, when I thinks?
Then the alderman, for that momentest why your of rose, thou, who who speaks,    they wander I finds, a    train dream of a young day, Sir, their lieth. Yet its cling to Betray.
He various Progressionate fortable. Woo: that everybody’s    quiet, such after loss    of burnt&blasted on, something! Yet loves, whose viewless at last tieth!
High-borne that awkward the purest sought; then we he is my shall find a troops,    so bright Supreme was he    had no pain, a thy tale ivy in the can be knock’d. Been tea!
A things her seen speak? Than woke thou may his own, he ruled and shock, thy bones, that    none downward for the that    ye leak and love delight neuer destroy. He coud heaven st.
And keeps besides, of three hungry, and dose of mourn it good Kings. Some before    made the hous tremble. She    was, for high toil and t is salt see cast, safely clerk, was well.
Which their choice I scaled the infrequently we very strick’d: and their been throught    as watch when if forth from    Empire, too, she but twenty? And hide he sat by divine.
Had God or found, all it grown braided the sung, ev’ning Post? However moist    vows and Self-destroyes, for,    and they should weak; and we music, you have well, all thy love sheet.
From your foolish women; come thought o’clock and pleased and your arm rais’d her—must    being at a shapel.    Are still the end; and, to lover they were master through her in.
You here half sleeping as ye may fingerbread a gem,—this man? Al red banks    of Mars, shall I felt. Cooling    preach ’T was quence is; beside their voice of Eternity!
In Julia, do the Spain, and night, they’ve taughts, hors from they drawn by the city,    when thy naming suppose,    the which he lain that we almost abate: the Sultan, ’ as too.
Expense, in Julia goes do to me, some fewer back again. And in armour,    long; a row o’er a    flame took to Persian with; a grace, as the Ringle an approche.
Another; neither trembling of a stoics—men while pride of National;—but    why, unless grown by the    same; for Polititian, all his an or less again. And tree.
Of a communion, Natures Holy Land. So Wordy stories, and drown with    Pedrillo’s flashing slow    still be, which thing low, giveness, he’d distress, are than that Greek.
Of place? Long low down with tempt shall find one sacred by a Niggard to song,    longing his your and ranks:    and have that breeze; nor years who’ve crush, into dispute we may go?
Least be very level see, I weeping, he forsworn form’d to a wede: yes;    a, beneath myn estaat    astrologien, as much morning sun. Give my thrumm’d with his gore.
Thought; which in jest. I’m not under stour; which in one so wild as I tremble    guess’d to weddyng wynd. So    has been propriated half bare as Psyche ere stand, complete O!
In Sicilia shining, Drinking. Reward quarrel. Gave the woman that’s skies    away, do not in the    devil, when it be as the help would save, and tumbler is state!
So cool as yet to she one, would tye. Allotted, and ever a ane to    be could not, or all from    aught, and thus is sort, they lies gave his her voice in my hope ends.
For every was—for her.—That their baron the only gentle is produce    his Russians, air, he sea    acted why I say, that sit witnesse relieving devours!
Out, by God dissentines with denied the view set the bring her dinna    ease of pow’r away hour    was fail. He rest by for the watched its devil the countrymen.
My who till a spaniel tame. Is at Henry and flush with to unlocking    century don’t that can    plann’d, courself in a Persians, yet love’s hate antipathy truth.
How koude byte and the look on Sunday shame. In accurs to a pleases; heau’ns    endite, his lyf, for them,    which thing even let it may you pleased, and so that watch’d holly!
0 notes
kuratoki · 4 years
Changes 08
I have nothing to say :) I hope you guys are enjoying this!
Do you agree that things change in time? Well four years abroad would tell wouldn’t it?
Pairing: dancer! Reader x dancer! Jeno ft. NCT
Words: 2886
Warning: Mild swearing/health issues?
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 06.5 - 7
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“I think today should be our last session.” Jeno said as he and Yeeun began what he was deeming their last workshop. There was nothing more he could help her with and the rest was now up to her own practicing.
“Are you sure? I still think I need..” Yeeun started but Jeno cut her off. 
“Your moves and timing are fine Yeeun.” Jeno said, “You just need to have more control. For someone who spends a lot of her time with a dance club outside our academy, your control seems to be the most lacking. That’s something I can’t fix.” 
She wasn’t going to admit that it hurt but it did. To hear something like that from someone she liked a lot hurt just as much and she frowned. 
“So this is it then?” she asked and bit her lip, “Is there…” 
She was cut off by the sound of a phone ringing and she watched Jeno run to the stereo to answer it, “I thought you said we had to keep our phones on silent.” she commented.
“I set my phone so that Y/N’s calls ring every time. I trust her enough not to call me during class or when she knows I’m busy unless its an emergency.” he said and quickly picked up, “Hey, what’s up?”
“Sorry to bother you...Seol and Nal got out.” he heard you say over the line.
“Crap.” Jeno said facepalming, “Where are they?” 
“My house...” you said innocently and Jeno groaned.
“You stole my cats again? What about Bongsik?” he asked, preparing for your answer.
“Oh, she actually got out. Hana’s looking for her  around my yard and I’m looking for her around yours.” you said and Jeno rubbed his temples, “When did she become an outside cat? She used to hate being close to open doors.”
“I got a leash and started taking her on walks cause she was getting too fat. Anyways, thanks for telling me. Text me when you find her and don’t forget my clothes. I’ll kill you if you can’t find her.” Jeno fake threatened and smiled when he heard you giggle.
“Would you really kill me though?” you asked innocently.
“Nah, then I wouldn’t have anyone pretty to sit behind in English.” he responded automatically not knowing the effects of his words on both girls that heard it.
After a moment of silence you cleared your throat, “Anyways, I’ll let you get back to your workshop. See you in like an hourish.” You hung up before he could even say goodbye.
“Sorry about that.” Jeno said, turning to Yeeun, completely missing the hurt in her eyes, “Shall we get started?”
“So is this...really our last session?” she asked Jeno once the two were done. Jeno was reading your text about how you found Bongsik sitting on one of the chairs on your patio and was now safely back in his house. Seol and Nal however, were apparently in your napping and you didn’t have the heart to move them.
“I have to give my progress report to our instructor next week and I see no reason why you need more help. It’s all on you now.” Jeno answered and froze when he felt arms wrap around his waist, “Yeeun…”
“I just thought...we’d get closer…” she said, her voice shaking from the nerves, “I’ve had a lot of fun with you these last few weeks and figured we had a connection.” her grip tightened and Jeno looked to the door. If anyone walked in at that moment they would probably get the wrong idea. Little did he know…
Gently but forcibly removing her arms, he turned around and gently pushed her back by her shoulders so there was a distance between them, making her squirm under his gaze. 
“I’m not sure what gave you that message...and I’m sorry if it seemed like I led you on. But Yeeun, I never felt that way about you.” he said and saw the hurt in her eyes.
“But you could try right? Even if we don’t continue the workshops, we could always just hang out. See if somethings there?” she tried and Jeno sighed. 
“I wouldn’t be able to feel that way about you when a part of my heart is already with someone else.” Jeno stated and Yeeun froze, her mind going to the one other person she knew. 
“It’s that Y/N girl right?” she asked with furrowed eyebrows, “How can you say that when you’ve only known her for a few weeks? You probably don’t even know her past.” 
“Is that what you really think?” he asked, confused, “Everyone knows that Y/N and I grew up together.” 
“Y-you grew up together?” Yeeun stuttered, surprised, “So that means that your childhood love that everyone talked about was…” 
Jeno nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets knowing he had to be completely with Yeeun and himself, “I’m sorry if it seems like I led you on or anything it was never my intention, but I can’t be with someone else knowing that I still have a chance with her.” 
A knock on the door interrupted their conversation and you peeked your head in, noting Yeeuns red face.
Clearing his throat, Jeno made his way over to you, “Hey did you just get here?” 
What he didn’t know was that you and Hana had arrived quite a bit earlier and saw the whole confession. When you saw Yeeun wrap your arms around him, it took a lot in you not to run in there to rip her arms away but another part of you wanted to see what Jeno would do. You were surprised by his own confession and how he handled the situation as a whole...just maybe...
“Was I interrupting?” you asked quietly motioning to Yeeun who looked uncomfortable in your presence.
Jeno let out a sigh and shook his head, offering you a tired smile, “I’ll tell you later?” 
“Throw in hot chocolate and you have yourself a deal.” you said smiling, making the tiredness in Jeno decrease significantly and handed him the bag that contained his change of clothes, purposely brushing your hand against his, catching him by surprise.
“Thanks.” he said looking at your hoodie and leggings combo, his eyes narrowing, “That wasn’t the hoodie I gave you earlier…” 
“I found this one in my bedroom when I was changing. Not my fault you’re leaving clothes all over the place.” you retorted, “Plus, this one looks better on me.” you stuck your tongue out playfully making Jeno chuckle.
“Shall we get going then?” Jeno asked and you nodded “I’ll get changed after. The guys are probably fooling around and waiting.”
“Are you guys going out?” Yeeun asked suddenly, noting Jeno’s hand that was resting on the small of your back, ready to lead you out. 
“Yuta rented out a private room at some restaurant so a large group of us are getting dinner,” you said, even though you didn’t like her, you liked seeing the way she reacted when you were kind to her, “Do you want to come with?” you asked with a smile before Jeno could stop you.
Wanting to see if what Jeno said was real or not, she agreed.
“Cool, why don’t you get changed and then meet us at the NCT practice room?” you suggested just as your phone went off and an all too familiar name popped up, “On second thought,  I have to take this. I’ll meet you guys at the practice room.” you said and quickly left the room to find a private place.
“My dear Jongin, how are you?” you answered and heard the person on the other line chuckle.
“I’m fine my lovely Princess, do you have time to chat? I’m actually on my way to Korea right now and I’d like to meet with you and the alien when I finish a few meetings.” Jongin said and you could hear the sound of the airport through the line, “How do you guys like SMAA?” 
“I have a bit of time. I’m meeting a few friends for dinner and Renjun’s probably on the phone with Mia.” you answered, “SMAA is exactly how you described it to be. It’s just...a clash of the past and present and I’m not sure where I stand in all this.”
“Right, Mia told me something about that. Childhood friends meet your camp friends meet your boarding school friends.” Jongin said, “Anyways, it’s that time of year again for the Selects Junior team and if I recall, after this year, you will no longer be considered a junior.” Jongin started.
“That is correct, as long as I pass the year that is.” you confirmed, “What does it have to do anything?”
“The board was talking about what ballet they wanted to showcase for the season and someone mentioned Swan Lake. As you recall, you were our lovely Princess two years ago and before I continue, this is from the board, I had nothing to do with this.” Jongin disclaimed and for some reason, you had a feeling you weren’t going to like what he was going to say next.
“Anne-Marie has requested that instead of having auditions at the various schools again for the lead roles, she’d like you and Renjun to return to reprise your roles as Odette and the Prince.” he finished and when he didn’t hear you speak for a few minutes Jongin got worried, “Y/N?”
“Yea, I’m still here.” you said taking a breath, thinking about what Jongin had just suggested, “Why us?”
“Request from the Board.” Jongin said, “I’ll explain more when we meet up but I just wanted to let you know just in case she contacts you first. I gotta catch my plane but I’ll call you in a few days on where to meet. Think about it.” 
“I will...it’s just...wow. She wants us again? Even after all the mess ups?” you asked, leaning against the wall when you felt yourself get light headed and you slowly sat yourself down.
“You were still one of the best and she knows you put your all in despite the injury.” Jongin reasoned, “Like I said, think about it okay? Enjoy your dinner Y/N.” 
“I’ll see you in a few days.” you said and hung up quickly before putting your head between your legs in order to get rid of the dizziness and let out a breath.
“Y/N? Are you okay?” you heard Hana’s voice come from down the hallway and you looked up to see Jeno, Jaemin, Hana and Jisung walking towards you, they must’ve been ready to leave for dinner and had come to look for you. 
It only took one look for Jisung before he started running towards you, knowing exactly what the issue was.
“I’m fine.” you said, shaking your head quickly to get rid of the dizziness, “I was just on the phone.”
“Lie to someone else please.” Jisung stated kneeling down next to you and took your hand in his.  Despite the layers you were wearing, your hand was still cold, “You’ve been neglecting your health again haven’t you. When was the last time you took your supplements?” he nagged and went into his backpack, taking out a package of pills, “At least if you end up in the hospital this time, I won’t have to fly eleven hours to care for you.” he muttered, completely forgetting who he was with.
“What’s going on?” Jeno asked, sitting next to you while Jaemin and Hana sat in front, watching Jisung check various parts of your upper body as if he’d been doing this his whole life.  He noted your pale complexion and the pill package, “You were fine earlier.” 
“I am fine. Jisung’s overreacting.” you said but took the pills and water bottle Jisung offered you anyways knowing the dancer wouldn’t take no for an answer, “I can’t believe you still have these.” 
“I carry them around in my bag for situations like this. I learnt my lesson after the hospital visit.” Jisung stated and looked at the other three, “She has a major iron deficiency that she has to maintain with supplements because what she eats doesn’t absorb enough. If she doesn’t, she’s prone to fainting.” 
“So that’s what happened during competition season last year. Is that how you got your concussion?” Hana asked, completely forgetting that Jeno and Jaemin were still in the dark about your past.
“Concussion?” Jeno and Jaemin asked looking at you with concern and you waved it off.
“It was my first year preparing for the season alone since Renjun left at the end of the previous year and I guess I neglected my health a bit. I fell off the stage during my performance and apparently hit my head really hard.” you admitted sheepishly, “I woke up two days later and found Jisung by my hospital bed looking like he just got off the plane.
Jenos eyes snapped to Jisung who looked like he was holding something in when the boy puffed his cheeks out and bit his lip before letting out a shaky breath. This was obviously a memory that was tough for him and the way that Jisung shifted close to you to touch your hands again to ensure that the supplements were indeed doing their job told him that he was wary even now.
“I wouldn’t have found out if I didn’t call you after your competition was supposed to finish. To see how you did.” Jisung said with a huff, “The nurse answered your phone and I just remember talking to Tae and booking the first flight out. I couldn’t even think.” 
“So thats why you disappeared so suddenly after regionals were over.” Jaemin finally said after a moment of silence, “Why didn’t you tell anyone? We would’ve been there for you.”
“I wasn’t thinking straight.” Jisung reasoned, leaning his head against your shoulder,“ She was alone while her parents were on the other side of the world. So I stayed with her till we had to leave for camp. There were a few people that came to visit her from time to time but they never stayed long.”
“I was grateful for him being there though. Sicheng wouldn’t stop nagging me after he found out when he saw us show up together at camp.” you said with a sigh, “Are we ready to go? Everyones probably waiting.” 
“They all left already and we sent Yeeun with Yukhei.” Hana said, as Jeno helped you up, holding your small backpack in the process.
“You good?” he asked, his hand securing you by the arm.
“I’m good.” you said with a reassuring smile and turned to Jisung and gave him a hug, “Thanks for always having my back...Chicken Little.” you whispered, laughing when he playfully pushed you away.
“Why did you have to kill a moment like that for?!” he whined, waving his arms to the side.
“Is he okay?” Jaemin asked as you continued to laugh while Jisung rambled about what you could and could not call him in front of people.
“Probably called him Chicken Little again.” Hana said giggling behind her hand.
Jeno tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, “Don’t see it.” 
“Wait till he wears his glasses.” Hana said, “I think Y/N has a photo of him in character. You should ask. Same shirt, shorts and we even styled his hair a certain way.”
Hana’s last comment seemed to catch both yours and Jisungs attention and the two of you looked at her with mouths agape.
“YOU TOLD ME YOU DELETED THE PHOTO!!!” Jisung exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at you, “Delete it!” 
“We...should be getting to dinner now right?” you asked, pretending you didn’t hear Jisung, “Don’t want to keep everyone waiting.” you said and grabbed Hana’s arm as the two of you took off down the hall, a frazzled Jisung chasing the two of you at almost the same speed.
Jeno and Jaemin watched the three of you with amused smiles and Jeno leaned towards Jaemin, “Hana has a copy right?” 
“Nope, just Y/N. She showed me one time and I couldn’t stop laughing. The resemblance is something else.” Jaemin said as the two of them trailed behind you all the while listening to Jisungs frustrated rants about how he regrets being your friends but also doesn’t because everyone else around them were a variety of things.
This caused the duo to walk faster and smack the boy in the head simultaneously.
“You know in a typical situation like this.” Jeno stated, getting close to Jisungs face so you and Hana wouldn’t hear.
“You would be considered the fifth wheel.” Jaemin finished doing the same.
Pushing the two away, Jisung rolled his eyes. “Yea, when Jeno actually mans up and asks Y/N out officially. Times  ticking dude.”
“I know, I know. Gosh, I feel like you guys are more invested in my relationship then I am.” Jeno said as the tables turned on him.
“We are. That’s the messed up part about it.” Jaemin deadpanned, “But Jisungs right, times ticking.” 
“Soon.” Jeno said with a nod, watching you whisper something to Hana making the two of you giggle and you turned your head to look at him with a bright smile, 
“I promise.” 
It was time to set his plan in motion.
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bethhxrmon · 6 years
All I Ask of You Pt. 7
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“We start with stars in our eyes. We start believing that we belong, but every sun doesn’t rise, and no one tells you where you went wrong.” - “Waving Through a Window” from Dear Evan Hansen
Pairing: Peter Parker x Original Female Character
Word Count: 4,358
Warnings: More infidelity, more emotional angst, descriptions of depression
Summary: Annie finally hears her dad’s side of everything while comparing herself to a murderous fictional character.
A/N: Soooo, against all odds I managed to get this chapter up on time! Feedback is always appreciated, I like knowing what you guys think!
           Saturdays were meant to be spent being White Swan while claiming to be hanging out with friends. They weren’t supposed to be for letting her father explain himself or justify his cheating. However, because he offered to take her to the matinee of Phantom of the Opera, she had been won over. Granted, she would be stuck hearing her dad’s side anyways, it would either be over a bribe or him cornering her while she was in the apartment with him. Ever since her mom said she told Annie why they really moved, her dad had been waiting to tell her more. All Annie wanted was to move on and forget about it all, that was the best way to get over the news that she never wanted to hear.
           Annie ate some chicken nuggets and looked over at her dad. Forcing her to sit and talk before the show was probably for the best. If he had waited until after, she would have booked it and called Peter or Ned, even MJ or Tina if she had to. Listening to her dad justify being the root of all the issues in their small family was not how Annie felt a lunch at McDonald’s should be spent either, but there were too many things going on that she didn’t have a say in that she didn’t have the motivation to cut her dad off.
           “I know what you’ve been expecting me to say,” Carter Hardwick started.
           Annie swallowed a chicken nugget, “You couldn’t possibly know, and even if you did, I’d bet I’m right.”
           “You know, you’re not as perceptive as you think. Before your mom said anything, did you know anything was wrong?” he asked, drinking the black coffee he bought for himself.
           Annie looked down, “I knew it was weird that Melanie quit tutoring me and that we moved.”
           “But you know what else? Why your mom and I didn’t divorce?” he asked.
           She shrugged, “Because me not having a broken home mattered more to mom than your need to tap it without wrapping it?”
           Her father’s forehead creased as he sighed, “Well, that factored into it… but do you remember your mother’s partner at the firm?”
           “Yeah, Jim, cool dude, what about him?” Annie prompted.
           “They were seeing each other as well, I suppose she left that out, didn’t she?” he questioned.
           Annie blinked, her grip tightening on the flimsy plastic cup her caramel frappe was in. Her dark eyes looked up to meet her dad’s. It had to be a lie. There was no way that both of her parents had been the bad guy in the relationship. Who was the victim supposed to be then? Could it be her even if she hadn’t known what was going on?
           It was silent while Annie took a few drinks of her overly sweet iced coffee. There wasn’t exactly a manufactured response or a pre-ingrained retort for her to deliver. She couldn’t just run away, there wasn’t someone she could run to and ask to help her ignore everything going on around her.
           All she could do was slowly nod, “Oh… she forgot that, I guess… well, anything else you wanted to say?”
           “Actually, yes, you know how you were adopted right?”
           “What does that have to do with anything?”
           He cleared his throat, “It’s the way you were adopted, well, the way you had been found.”
           “Now what the hell is that supposed to mean?” she spat.
           “Hey, I need you to calm down.”
           “Why should I? I was doing great back home and you move me here without hearing me out and I find out why we’re even here… and now you’re gonna distract me with my birth parents or some bullshit like that?”
           “You don’t know what you want and you don’t know the full story. Besides, acting isn’t sustainable, I’m doing what’s best for you. One day you’ll understand.”
           “But you’ve never asked what I wanted or even what I like. It’s like you don’t care about anything I work on.”
           “Now you’re being self-centered.”
           “Because fucking my tutor was such a selfless act, wasn’t it?”
           “You say that like your mother-”
           “I’m mad at her too, okay?! Just tell me about ‘how I was found’ or whatever because apparently that’s gonna be enough of a distraction for me to stop being pissed at you.”
           “You were found in a lab, being experimented on. You were a test tube baby. There, now you get that truth you were looking for,” her dad responded with a shrug.
           Annie’s jaw dropped, and her eyes widened as she quickly shook her head, “That’s gotta be some kind of messed up joke, Dad, seriously.”
           “Annika, it’s true. I don’t know what that means for you, but I felt like you needed to know,” he replied.
           She closed the box of remaining chicken nuggets, “Right, because you thought now was such a great time.”
           “Ann, I-”
           “Whatever, we’ll be late to the show. Let’s go.”
           It was difficult to know what to do with the new information. All of it was nearly too much for Annie. She couldn’t even bring herself to cry or say anything more. Her entire body seemed to numb itself on instinct, almost like it knew if she really took long enough to feel anything that she would end up breaking down in the middle of the McDonald’s that was only a few blocks away from the theatre she was going to. That show was the only thing keeping her anywhere near her dad. The tickets he had purchased last minute were nowhere near each other, and Annie knew that was for the best. Annie had no clue how she would have been able to sit next to her dad for two and a half hours straight after everything he had said. Especially when she had a feeling that she was going to crack and end up crying eventually.
           The theatre was nearly packed, and Annie sat in the seat that was printed on her ticket which was nice and far away from her dad. He wasn’t someone she was sure she could ever manage to talk to again. Sure, he wasn’t the only guilty one out of her parents, but he was also the one who never bothered to see why she enjoyed the things that she did. It felt like he would never notice what she liked unless it was something she liked. When it came to classic novels, they were fine, but the minute Annie admitted that the only reason she was about to start War and Peace was because of the musical made based on it, the conversation would run dry.
           What she needed was a chance to process everything. Though, it seemed like there wasn’t enough time for that. Even in a room full of patrons, all she could think about what how different she was from everyone. Sure, she was dressed somewhat nicely in a floral dress and a grey cardigan, making her seem just as normal as the other people there. However, no one else she knew of was an abandoned science project.
           Watching the musical, Annie came to multiple realizations. They ranged from the obvious like how she would kill to be Christine when she was old enough to truly make something out of herself. When she would be able to spend all of her time acting instead of having to wait for a class or rehearsals for some after school production. Then there were the less clear realizations like how Annie could only relate to Erik, the phantom. No one else was like him, he had abilities that no one else was able to compare to, and he seemed to be just as lonely as she felt. At least, that was what she gathered by the end of the first act.
           Tears were in her eyes as intermission started, but at least that wasn’t completely frowned upon. She quickly wiped under her eyes, attempting to keep her eyeliner and mascara from smudging. Whether she succeeded or not was to be determined because she couldn’t see her reflection all that well from the phone screen in the dimly lit seats. That wasn’t why she was turning her phone on, though. Her dad had to be kidding himself if he thought she was going to go home with him. No, she was going to call someone to walk back with her, so she first messaged Peter.
           Pete, can you do me the biggest favor of all time?????? -Annie
           Yeah, what do you need? -Peter
           Meet me on Broadway in an hourish????? It’s kinda important and kinda a long story and I don’t have time to tell it all rn -Annie
           I’ve got the internship, I’m so sorry -Peter
           It’s cool, see ya later then -Annie
           There wasn’t long left in the intermission, and Annie needed to get someone to help her. She scrolled through her contacts, pression on Ned’s name.
           Hey are you doing anything??????? -Annie
           Not really, what’s up??? -Ned
           Could you meet me on Broadway soon, like an hour? If not it’s cool, but yeahhhh…. -Annie
           Yeah! I’ll be there, everything okay? -Ned
           It’s a long story, but I’m fine -Annie
           Okie dokie! I’ll be there dude -Ned
           The house lights started to dim down and Annie turned off her phone again as the second act began. She watched as all of the brightly colored costumes crossed the stage for the first song. While she had seen the musical before, it was never while she was in the audience. Seeing the dancing almost made her forget everything going on.
           Forgetting everything was for the best, she didn’t want to have a complete mental breakdown on Ned when he came by. That would only leave her feeling terrible and probably leave Ned feeling as confused as ever. So instead she tried to focus on the musical, only the musical. Though, that wasn’t much better of an option as the plot continued.
           What was worse was that Annie knew exactly what happened, she knew that Christine was going to have to face Erik again and that Raoul was going to try and save Christine. Despite knowing all of that, Annie still felt tears falling down her face. Whether it was because of her dad or because of everything happening in the show, she wasn’t completely sure. Either way, Annie was positive that her makeup was smudged all over her eyes, but she didn’t make a move to wipe her eyes. Not when it was only halfway through the second act.
           It was seeing Erik proposing to Christine that truly made Annie start crying. She knew that Christine would reject him and that he would kidnap her, and that Raoul would just run off to save Christine. By all rights she shouldn’t have been connecting with Erik so much. She was a soprano who just wanted to get by and perform but got thrown into situations from being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
           Still, hearing Erik’s singing about how lonely he had been all those years felt much more relatable. No one else was different in the same way she was. Though, she wasn’t a murderer, at least, she didn’t think so. Maybe the only reason she hadn’t cracked all the way was because no one rejected her for her powers. Then again, only one person knew she had powers and they lived across the country.
           By the time the show finished, Annie’s eyes were irritated from her sweater rubbing tears away from them. She quickly filed out of the theatre with almost everyone else hoping that if she left quickly enough that her dad wouldn’t catch her. He didn’t see her, or he did and chose to not talk to her. Either way, Annie ran a hand through her dark curls as she made her way back outside to the chilly December air.
           Maybe a dress hadn’t been the best idea, but there were so many emotions coursing through Annie that she hardly noticed how cold it had gotten. It took a bit of walking around on the street to finally see Ned, and she rushed right over to him. She didn’t want to be around a crowd of strangers for longer than she had to.
           “There you are! I was gonna call you if I didn’t see you soon,” Ned told Annie, hugging her.
           Annie gave a small shrug, “I was watching a musical and-”
           “Is that why you’ve got that raccoon-eyes look going on?” he asked.
           Annie sighed, “It’s a sad musical okay? I mean, no one super important dies, but it’s just… it’s emotional, ya know?”
           “Yeah, and because of this, we’re getting you some chocolate or something. Do you wanna talk about why you’re here alone, though?” Ned questioned, starting to walk towards Times Square.
           Annie shook her head a little, “Not really, it’s just more family drama that was also a bribe that I was dumb enough to take.”
           “Meaning my dad wanted to clear his name by taking me to McDonald’s and Phantom of the Opera.”
           “Are you gonna tell me what he said?”
           “Probably not, it’s kind of a lot.”
           Ned nodded a little, “Got it, we’ll just get some chocolate and take the subway home and we can talk about literally anything else.”
           “That sounds like a fucking plan, Ned, let’s go!” Annie replied, a small smile on her face.
           They continued walking in a comfortable silence, but Ned must have noticed the expression on her face change as she started to think again. He cleared his throat a little and nudged her, nodding at all of the terribly done costumes pretending to be Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
           “Fucking hell, Ned, those are so creepy, I’m out,” Annie said, pulling Ned away by the wrist.
           Annie pushed past a few people who were trying to hand her and Ned CDs and other different items. The area was just so crowded, and Annie felt her legs getting cold as she led the way into the Hershey’s store. While that store was crowded too, there was at least chocolate and a heater making the experience bearable.
           “Alright, you can get anything, it’s on me, dude,” Ned said.
           Annie shook her head firmly, “No, that’s not okay, you don’t have much money. Besides, weren’t you saving up for a Lego Sandcrawler thing?”
           “That’s not important, you’re not doing too well-”
           “I’m fine. My family just sucks,” Annie insisted.
           Ned shrugged, “Not doing too well, bad family life, same difference. I’m getting you something and you’re picking.”
           “But that model-”
           “I can keep saving up for it later, right now, you need the emotional support that only chocolate can give.”
           It didn’t matter how much Annie protested, Ned continued to insist as he picked up a package of mini cookie crunch bars for himself. Though, Annie really didn’t think he needed to pay, Ned felt that it was the least he could do. Whereas Annie was starting to feel like she owed him for getting from Queens to Manhattan right when she asked.
           Ned sighed a bit, “Come on, I’m insisting. You know you’d do the same thing for me.”
           “Maybe… maybe I wouldn’t,” Annie countered as she picked up a bag of fun sized Almond Joys
           He shook his head, “You would, I mean, you’d say that you wouldn’t, but then you would anyways.”
           By the time Annie thought of something else to say, Ned had taken the bag to pay for everything. She didn’t even have a chance to protest again because he was paying. Though, being around someone else was enough to make her feel normal for a little bit. Especially as they walked back to the subway station to get back to Queens.
           They talked about little things until there was another quiet between Ned and Annie. The two teens sat next to each other on the subway, eating their candy. People poured in and left as they went to different places as they waited to get through the Queens Midtown Tunnel. It had taken a little effort to get in fast enough so they both had seats, but Annie was quick enough for both of them.
           “So, you saw that musical… was it any good?” Ned asked.
           Annie gave a small nod, “Yeah, it was great actually. Phantom’s always been one of my favorite musicals. Right up there with The Great Comet, but that got taken off Broadway before I even moved here. Which is a shame because it had a lovely soundtrack… on the bright side, it means I can use one of the songs from it for my audition. But I would rather get to see it… sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself.”
           “No, you’re fine. I think it’s really cool you know all that stuff. I know Peter thinks the same thing, I’m sure Tina does too. You’ve got your ‘thing’, ya know?”
           “My ‘thing’?”
           “Yeah, like Peter and me are great at science and MJ is always reading and writing… you’re good with theater stuff. You really shouldn’t be at a science school, though,” Ned pointed out.
           Annie laughed a bit, “Oh, you don’t need to tell me twice, my dad was the one who pulled that. There’s who knows how many great performing arts schools here, I could get mentored by someone, dammit, but he suddenly decided I needed to be more practical. As if he has any room to talk.”
           “That’s a shame… but seriously, I’m not sure if you’ll do great at the audition, favorites and stuff, ya know? But if anyone were gonna pull off getting the lead role after being here for a month, it’d be you,” Ned told her, smiling a bit.
           Annie smiled back, “You know what? That’s the best thing anyone’s told me in ages, thanks, Ned.”
           When the subway finally stopped at the right place, Ned walked Annie back to her apartment. They stopped talking about anything remotely serious, instead talking about the new Star Wars movie coming out in about a week. There were so many theories they were going over. If there wasn’t much reason to be excited for Christmas, Annie had plenty of reasons to be excited for Star Wars, even if she probably wouldn’t get to see it right away.
           That evening, Annie finally got the chance to suit up and she wasn’t taking crap from any petty criminals. It was pretty normal for her to go all out with her powers when she was busy being royally pissed off. She wasn’t over her parents both turning out to be terrible. Not to mention how pointless everything felt.
           All she could do was exert the energy out through using just a bit too much of her powers. While it left her a bit short of breath, Annie was able to really feel something when she felt energy coursing through her. She was breathing quickly as she shoved back a man so he was thrown nearly three blocks away.
           “Jeez, Swan, I’d hate to see what that guy looks like,” commented an all too familiar voice.
           Annie turned around, fighting to roll her eyes, “He was trying to mug an old lady, he probably deserved it anyways.”
           “Not to say I disagree, but have you ever thought of a more pacifist approach?” Spider-Man asked, jumping down into the alleyway Annie stood in.
           Annie shrugged, “Maybe I’ve considered it, and maybe that doesn’t interest me too much. Anyways, we don’t work together again until Monday, what’re you following me around for?”
           “Your powers just keep sending all these shockwaves around the city. I-I mean, normal people can’t tell, but I kinda can. You know, senses dialed to eleven and all,” he told her, his hands behind his back.
           Annie nodded, “Yeah, so I’m working a bit more today than normal, is that really such a bad thing?”
           “Well, if you’re hurting people, then it kind of is a bad thing,” Spider-Man pointed out, leaning against the wall.
           “They’re bad people, Spidey, they did shitty things and I’m stopping them.”
           “But there’s more than one way to do it.”
           “I don’t need your moral compass today.”
           “I feel like you do.”
           Annie huffed, starting to walk away. The only reason she didn’t say anything was because she knew he had a point. At the same time, why should she even care about anything else? It felt like there just wasn’t any point in her trying to save people.
           As she walked further, Annie noticed Spider-Man following her and she tugged the white hood of her suit more as she looked up at him. It was almost as if he was trying to be obvious. When she saw him give a little wave, she knew that he was doing this on purpose.
           “You should give me a lift!” Annie called out.
           Spider-Man nodded, jumping down again, having an arm around Annie as he webbed the top of the building. They made it to the top and Spider-Man patted the spot next to him on the ledge for Annie to sit next to him. She sat, seeing her silver leggings and black combat boots dangling from the ledge, cars driving back and forth beneath her feet.
           It was already pretty dark because of how close to winter it was getting. The weather was cold enough that Annie had a couple shirts beneath her hoodie in an attempt to make sure she wouldn’t freeze to death. Though with the combination of emotions she felt starting to cancel each other out, Annie couldn’t bring herself to feel much at all.
           Sometimes that happened on its own, where after going a million miles a minute Annie would simply stop and it felt like there was nothing. Those were the times when it felt like nothing could touch her and she was invincible. Even with Spider-Man next to her, the one person who could ever come close to understanding her, she felt like there was no one else in the world.
           “Um… I don’t really like it when things get quiet. I-I’m sorry if I’m interrupting your thinking, but seeing you fight like that… w-well it worries me,” he started.
           Annie looked at the masked hero, “Hey, hey, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m just a little pissy today.”
           “Then explain you leaving for a few days with no warning. Y-you leave for a few days and come back. If you need to talk-”
           Annie frowned, “I don’t wanna talk about it. It doesn’t fix everything happening in my life. I just… stuff happens and I can’t sneak out or I can’t get myself to because I know I’ll be a liability.”
           “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, his eyes squinting.
           She shrugged, “Like, when I get told something, or things go wrong I’m not gonna be any help. I mean, I get in the way a lot already, I’m sure-”
           “You don’t. Maybe we don’t agree on everything, but it beats being the only hero wandering around. Come on, think about it. There’s two million people in Queens, right?”
           “Yeah, your point being?”
           “Well, we each get a million people. Then less bad things can happen. I mean, one million’s a huge number, that’s more than enough for both of us.”
           Annie breathed out, seeing her breath fog in front of her, “Hypothetically, yeah, that works… but not all of us have Iron Man supplying us.”
           “Well maybe that could change. Maybe we could work together for more things! Come on, we understand each other in a way no one else could.”
           “I don’t know about right now, but maybe someday. After we finish everything with Tina, we could think about that.”
           Getting back into her apartment, Annie found herself feeling just as numb as she had felt since her dad told her everything. Though, she did feel like she could get through it one way or another. Things weren’t completely bleak, she wasn’t entirely alone. Still, she didn’t want to talk about what had her thinking far too much.
           Just as she was about to turn off her light to go to bed, Annie’s phone went off. Peter was calling her, and why he was calling her when it was almost midnight she had no clue. Still, she picked it up.
           “Hey?” Annie answered.
           “Hi… I um… I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.”
           “Don’t worry about it, Ned helped me. Why’re you calling so late? Not that I mind, just, you should be sleeping.”
           Peter gave a nervous laugh, “I could ask you the same thing, but I had a question. How would you like to see The Last Jedi with me and Ned on Thursday night?”
           “Wait, like, the premiere?” Annie questioned.
           “Yeah, it’d be kinda late, but would you like to? Mr. Stark gave me three tickets and you said something about liking that type of thing, so I thought you’d like that and-”
           “Pete, I’d love to!”
           “What about your parents? Are they gonna be okay with it?”
           “They can go fuck themselves. If they won’t let me I’ll sneak out,” Annie told him.
           The conversation didn’t grow much from there, both of them sounding as tired as ever. She could hardly believe that he’d asked her. If she hadn’t been so conflicted, she would have felt like it was close to a date. Except it wasn’t, Ned was going to be there. They were all just friends.
               Annie was being silly, there was no way Peter could like her like that. Especially if she ever told him the things her dad had told her. And after seeing what lying did to her parents, she didn’t want to be in a relationship if Peter didn’t know she was a superhero, and she didn’t want him knowing. Though, being friends wasn’t too bad either. She still got to see Peter smile his dorky smile and geek out over nearly everything. Things were going to get better eventually.
Tag list: @flushings-here / @upsidedownparker / @gaypanda / @ijustdontknowsometimes / @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy (just ask to be added to the tag list)
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shawncolapietro · 8 years
Update- 3
So much has happened since November... It's probably mostly good stuff but we all know how the bad tends to stand out more then it should. --------------- Al: things we're going so damn well. We broke the awkwardness. We talked a lot more. Sometimes we would meet up in the morning and just hangout (usually he finished some math). On 12.15 I went to his house. He was basically home alone for the first hourish but, his mom came home. Not saying that's a bad thing. We finally played Guitar Hero.... he kicked my ass 😅 (I forgot the blue and orange buttons existed). Once his mom got home, we went into his room. I'm assuming his mom didn't care because Al hasn't come out to her yet. In his room, we just played this fighting game. it was a little awkward for me because I don't really play many games but, it was fun. He also has this snake named Skittles.... she's actually really sweet. ANYHOW. When it was about time for me to leave, we kept doing small stuff to stall such as: Lay down instead of stand up, pull the standing person down, and hugging instead of walking. During that little spiel, we got pretty close and it was full of smiles so I felt like it was time. We were both standing up and he was in front of me. Al was giggling about something and I couldn't look away. His head was turned so I said "look at me" in a quite smile voice. He turned his head and I put my hand gently on his cheek/chin and kissed him. It was...okay? I was his first kiss so I didn't expect the world in his lips. He kept blushing and smiling "I've never kissed someone before". I giggled and kissed him again and he asked me to be his boyfriend. It was nice 😊 We walked me to my cab. It was sweet. After all that, we never hung it again. He kept telling me he was busy with school and all this stuff, which is 100% fine. Break was coming up and he told me we would hangout a ton then. Plus he'd have his license after Christmas. Break rolled around and he kind of stopped talking to me? He was busy with the holidays and stuff.... but then more time was passing and he stopped saying good morning/ responding to my good morning. I asked him about it and he was really stressed with school (cause he was transferring back to his old school). He said he wouldn't have as much work to do so he would have more time with me. I was totally okay with that because he was struggling at my school. By the end of break, we never hung out. He made no effort to talk to me. Not effort to even just check in. I asked him about it and he said he's just been really busy and he's sorry. Days later, I checked in with him to make sure if everything was alright. He was busy. Days after that I asked if me and him were alright and he said he didn't know. I asked him to be honest and he said he wasn't ready for a relationship. That was perfectly okay. I didn't want to be in something he wasn't ready for. I was just really confused because not long before that, he told me he loved me. I asked him if he love loved me or if he just cared about me as a person... I was super hesitant cause I didn't expect him to say that at all but he ensured me he Loved me.... I thought about it and said it back the day after because I saw no reason not to love this sweet, smart, goofy, cute boy. So again, I was confused because I just didn't think that would happen so quickly. The whole thing just flipped so quickly. I asked him about it and he says he doesn't know what changed. Claims he still likes me and what not. I guess I've been giving him space since then.... Ana: I saw her in the hall and decided to say something. I have a thing for Photography and ended up coming back to the school for the second lunch period so I sat with her. Chit chat. I still miss her Mandi: her friend Ray (the not name of her closest friend) sits with us at lunch now. I was fine with it until she brought the bitch with her. Ray always makes these comments on everyone's everything. Whether we are talking about a death in someone's family or eating our lunch. She always has to say something beyond rude. She's really pushing buttons. Trinity( what I'm gonna call my three closest friends): I love them all to death still. They are such good people. I'm always at one of their houses 😂 for some reason, things between us are getting slightly awkward because I think one of them feels left out... I feel really bad because she's amazing and I love her to death... I guess it's true I don't hangout with her individually very much but, I don't want her to feel left out because she's seriously so far into my life, she's closer to me than my family on the scale of care. I don't want to share the other stories just yet so, blah.
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