#it's still pretty insane to me sometimes that I even Have Followers tbh
bookpersonmaryj · 9 months
quick note to anyone who's following me that I don't follow back, since I'm getting a bit more active now: it's not that I don't like you or anything. it's just that I get overwhelmed very easily and don't have the spoons for so many people. it has gotten better recently, so I might start to follow back some people, but I don't have any reasons to follow one person instead of another person.
just felt like clarifying that ^-^
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I’ve been a lurker for a little bit and I love your stuff, could we pretty please get some Headcanons for Charon or Gob. I’m on my knees over here they have like no fanfic or content 😭
What a coincidence, I literally just posted headcanons for Gob here (NSFW), and our favorite bouncer is next. I also have long-form works for both in the pipe, but the Charon piece already has some serious work done on it.
Charon's writing frustrates me endlessly tbh. He's so intriguing (and fuckable, obviously), but there's so little there in the canon to answer the questions you naturally have about him. So, I may be taking a few liberties here.
Charon (Fallout 3) NSFW Headcanons
I firmly believe he's prewar, and I think he's been enslaved/"under contract" since he became a ghoul. Regardless of how the whole contract thing works, he has the same issue as Gob where he hasn't been allowed to have desires or boundaries, just in a different way (Charon is obviously able to defend himself physically, and even technically has some manner of free will, but he knows that there are often unpleasant consequences for failing to obey his contract holder). The man IS a slave, but a strangely complicated one. If you want meaningless sex, he'll give it to you. Whether or not he actually wants or enjoys it, you'll never know without a real connection or a long, long time of studying his general behavior. He's incredibly hard to read up front, agreeable but not really warm or open.
His contract is supposed to entitle the holder to his labor in combat, so he's not really required to do anything else, as far as I can tell, including have sex with them if they ask, but I think he would use it as a sort of excuse to do so if he was already inclined.
You can't give him the contract or otherwise "free" him from his enslavement in the game, but in my opinion, that's silly. Sure, I think it would take a long time of him getting used to the idea of it, but I also think he'd certainly WANT to no longer be a slave at some point. Eventually, the contract is moreso an excuse. He never takes it from you when you offer it to him; he's following you because he has nowhere else to go, because he wants to. Eventually, he's following you because he's in love with you in his own way. But as long as you physically hold that piece of paper, he has the excuse.
If he does care about you, he will resist your physical advances, at least at first. He believes he's protecting you, as he always does, by sparing you from the social consequences of choosing to be with a ghoul. However, at the end of the day, he wants you, too, and eventually he won't be able to deny himself, especially if he knows you won't deny him. Even then, he'll kind of hate himself for being too weak to not fall in love with you, and he'll feel insanely guilty and selfish for not letting you go like he should. He's a fairly morose man overall, and I think he'd spend a lot of time pondering what the consequences of you two choosing one another this way will inevitably be.
Even with that under consideration, he'd still be happy with you. Keeping you safe and happy is pleasing to him (even if he likes to feign annoyance at your little peculiarities and your choices sometimes), and you'd get to slowly, painstakingly slowly begin to see him sort of begin to become his own man again. Over time, he'll talk more, but it's still almost always to ask about you, to remark about something that isn't himself.
Speaking of which, once he begins to "wake up", so to speak, become more aware of his newly-granted autonomy and his desires, as well as your own, he's gonna be rearing to go all the time. Slowly, he's gonna become fully cognizant of the fact that you really do want him as much as he wants you, so...why shouldn't you be fucking right this second, again? Doesn't really matter where you are. Who's gonna stop him from fucking you? Who's gonna succeed if they try? What I'm saying is this: I hope you're ready to basically be a free-use pocket pussy for this big-ass ghoul.
Some ghouls, like Cooper Howard, were once pretty serious ladies' men who've developed some hard edges over their long lives; despite this, that charisma often remains buried somewhere deep inside them, waiting to jump out at the right person. Charon is not that. This man had zero game before the war and he has less than none now. If you want traditional romantic gestures from him, you are going to have to specifically explain and request them, as unromantic as that may sound on its face. He wants to see you happy, but he's never really had to think romantically, so it doesn't come naturally to him at all. He knows about foreplay as a concept, but lacks patience and finesse when it comes to getting things started. Lots of shoving his hand up your shirt, down your pants sort of awkwardly in the beginning. Roughly groping you to signal he's in the mood to the point where it sort of hurts.
You know what they say about men? The dense ones fuck the hardest. Charon IS that; he's not unintelligent, just a very straightforward thinker. But he's obviously great at following directions, including when you beg him to fuck you until you can't stand.
He's just as quiet during sex as he is normally, save for a few grunts and growls and occasionally asking if you're okay, but you may notice over time that he's more physically affectionate. Likes to stroke your face, pet your hair, pepper you with kisses in a way he usually doesn't. I think he would see you being distracted by him rearranging your guts as an opportunity to be slightly more vulnerable.
Big fan of cockwarming. Already likes to just hold you in his arms while you both do something quiet, but he likes it even more when you're doing whatever you're doing slid down on his cock. His favorite is when you climb up into his lap, naked from the waist down, sink down on him, and immediately take a nap on his chest.
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cdroloisms · 8 months
some c!dream fics don't take into account his flaws and make him like a little bit out of characther bc while he was traumatized by the prison and it affected his way of thought in much aspects he was still able to bit your hand if you looked him bad and got more focused on his revenge and after his plan. He's a more morally grey characther and sometimes people who try too hard not fell into the c!inniter caricature ended up making him unable to literally even hold a sword when that isn't true either
"revenge" lol
to be fair, c!dream was deeply affected by the prison and absolutely got nerfed like hell fighting wise. the difference between his fight with clingy before and after the prison is insane--not to mention how scrapped lore had him so damn triggered by the sight of the cell replica that c!quackity and c!sam could get him down pretty much without a fight. las nevadas five has him running away from the fight at the first main sign of danger (and then successfully being followed by c!tommy without noticing) and the scene with c!sapnap and c!george with aimsey had him barely fighting back at all, cowering behind his shield against a wall, and running away and using arrows of harming to get himself distance. like, sure, he can definitely still fight, but he was absolutely played as losing a lot of his fighting ability (c!dream's fighting style is nothing like cc!dream's--it was absolutely a deliberate character choice to have him act like this)
all that being said, i get what u mean--ooc c!dream is everywhere in every flavor. i definitely like c!dream written with a little bit of bite, especially when he's on the back foot, as you said. c!dream's declarations of revenge (as is especially evident in LN5 and daedalus, boy what the fuck is torturing a country supposed to mean IT'S A COUNTRY) are also very evidently ... often defensive in nature? c!dream bites and shows his teeth as a back off back off dont fucking touch me don't try to fuck with me gesture because he's scared moreso than angry, tbh, and i think playing with aggression due to fear is something fun to do with c!dream in fic in general bc of the ways that aggression can be perceived and then responded to
a lot of what i like about post-prison c!dream is that ... despite an alleged focus on revenge (which took him months. and fucked him over, with scrapped lore, and was badly executed both times with quackity and put him in a lot of danger and involved a hell of a lot more trying to get through to sam than actual revenge in daedalus) and The Plan (which involved ... killing people? and then he repeatedly. does not kill people?) is that he does feel quite directionless. he's still in the prison, still caught in that limbo. he's doing research (i guess) and he's letting the prison (his home base) rot around him. he's staying there and barely leaving for weeks at a time. all while he's focused on the plan, guys, #trust, he's fine, he's still moving forward moving on ... just. Just.
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hell-drabbles · 5 months
(tbh, I don't even have the angel cards cuz I'm broke lol🙃, but I'll tell a few thing's what I noticed on other people's post about them either the comics, message's, or stories and theories)
Let's start with Rafael, the dude is like that one insecure kid in the family that always get compared to their other siblings or cousins, Gabriel is the messenger, Michael is the right hand, Rafael wanted to be acknowledged as something, he sees god as kind and benevolent being and being too merciful so he wanted to be the one who punishes evil for him because he loves god and wanted to understand him in some degree, so he judges based on his beliefs wether they're innocent or not and just like other Angel's, his views are always on god and wouldn't acknowledge the God's other creations because he sees them unworthy of God's recognition, bro is already insane (and God didn't even reprimanded this type behavior idk) and had spiraled further since God disappear when peepaw Solomon died, so ever since then he sees all of his decisions and other forms of punishment as a will for/from God in hopes he will come back one day and see his work.
So, the Christmas event happened and most of us know about the chastity belts they wear as to keep them pure for god, and out all of the three seraphim, Rafael is the only one that had his successfully and actually taken off by Raon (that's what they say) and by the time our little rara came back to heaven, bro had his post nut happiness because no joke that the brother actually thought he had ascended into a higher rank than Michael and Gabriel after he experience his first nut (since Lucifer said that Angel's engaged in ecstasies and eventually stop before they climax) Rafael was in a good mood back in heaven during those days that he scared most of the other Angel's.
(that's all bro, I'm new to your blog and love your raon trash talks, sorry English is not my native language btw, you also get a follow, I'll still go a couple of research for the other seraphim)
[ and also After reading a couple of your Lucifer x Companion works I'm hooked, Raon is so rotten to the point I think he wouldn't stop even if ever one day Companion gets married to Lucifer and Raon would just insist that its for the betterment of hell lol bye]
Funny you should send me Raphael of all angels, I was actually starting to write about him. So that's how he's like huh? That's funny. I am going around and reading what I can find about him, especially his card lines because I get the strongest grasp of a character by the way they're talking. And wow, he's a delusional one, ain't he? Also, I take an interest in his relationship with Heaven, since it's pretty clear he has no love for the others that live there, and if need be, will burn that place to the ground if it aligns with his views on God. What a weirdo.
Haaa, my brain has been stuck on how the seraphim would take in interest in the Embittered Companion, and how that would descend into some good old obsession. I know for certain that they didn't take any interest in the Embittered Companion. It's only after spending time in Heaven do things start to descend. Of course, I naturally want each of their obsessions to be distinct from one another. Like, how I imagine Gabriel to take issue with anyone who keeps a feather of the Embittered Companion to themselves, regardless if they were demon or angel. And Raphael, he has a weird sense of when the Embittered Companion is about to become lucid, so he tends to be there and just, stares. And sometimes laughs for seemingly no reason. He's creeeeepy.
Michael, eh, I don't have anything on him right now. Maybe later.
And yes, yes, Ra-on is certainly a rotten little thing, because holy hell man, incel behavior is no joke and that shit is extremely hard to weed out of a person. So, Ra-on is going to be a frustrating character to deal with, but he'll get better eventually. It's just going to be a rather painful process because of how much he's gotta unpack. Thank you for liking it all!
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wayfayrr · 4 months
I first have to say that since I’ve only played Botw, some of totk, and maybe half of twilight, idk the other Links except for how people write them in fanfics and LU, so if my reason for each one doesn’t make sense, sorry!
1. Twilight - calm country boy but won’t accept being taken advantage of, also deeply cares about his friends and family (of the Links, he reminds me most of one of my best friends)
2. Four - also calm, logical, in fanfics is usually the only one holding the group’s singular brain cell lol (I’m a very logical person as opposed to emotional)
3. Sky - mother of the group, very sweet and loving (reminds me of my other best friend, but both Sky and my best friend can be a little too serious bc of this trait, I like to make jokes and mess around sometimes)
4. Tears - I think he’s a little less chaotic than Wild, I say a LITTLE lol, but idk, he can drive things so that’d help with traveling because I don’t like walking too much, but seeing scenery while flying would be pretty cool
5. Hyrule - most of the fanfics portray him as a very shy timid follower, and while I don’t want someone to dominate me in r relationship, I also don’t want to dominate, I need to have someone who can take charge but doesn’t boss me around
6. Wild - kinda already explained this one, ik he also has horses we could ride but still
7. Legend - his sense of humor being sarcasm is the same as me, I love sarcasm, I once said to someone “my sarcasm makes up for the whole population”, but while r senses of humor would be the same, I can’t see us working that well in a relationship, his abrasiveness is a lot and I’d rather have someone who’s softer and can cuddle with me w/o having to pretend it’s the worst thing ever bc eww feelings
8. Warriors - ik he has a soft side but his very flirtatious and arrogant personality would absolutely clash w me, it would turn me off immediately
Time and Wind excluded bc of age
If u want/have the time, I’d love to hear ur reasons for each one!
sorry I didn't put up the reasons on the og post, I kinda completely missed that bit 😅 but yeah there are reasons for why I've ranked them as such
1 - sky (literally no matter what au) He's insanely caring about people that he's close to, but can also be pretty snarky and rude. He and I have pretty similar senses of humor plus he's really loyal and honest to people he wants to keep close. (also I see him the most as being ace and even if I hc the others as such it just fits him the best IMO and idk if I would want to date any more allos after my experiences fbvsbfbvs)
2 - Twilight soft! country! boy!!!!! He's loyal to a T and is just so warm cuddly and oh I do love him so - I think he'd be number one for compatibility if it wasn't for my fear of dogs lmao
3 - tears I mean, besides him being like wild but more interested in technology and with more ability to cook? also I wanna help him dye his hair because that would be so fun :3
4 - wild I often get told that I'm him irl (personality and action-wise), so I hope that'd translate into us getting along? I like being outdoors and we could probably bond over eating rocks tbh
5 - hyrule soft fae boyyyyyyy, he's so sweet but I don't think I could move around as much as he does, he's none stop compared to wild.
6 - warriors So, this is more for canon and how other people see him rather than my own hcs (my hcs actually bumping him up from dead last surprisingly) he's usually shown as a playboy and knowing people in most places he goes while flirting with people to get things for reduced prices and I have pretty bad trust issues! I would wouldn't want to date him if he was showing interest in others while with me <3 also his arrogance would make me shutdown and not interact with him sdvsf
7 - four So while I don't mind being with someone shorter than me, I would like to be with someone a close height to mine whether that be a bit shorter or taller. the line is drawn when he barely makes it to my elbow when we're both standing. Plus I think our personalities simply match better to be friends rather than romantically, I could see myself being good friends with him - just no romance
8 - legend Idk I just don't think I would ever want to date him tbh, I see him as more compatible with a friend of mine and that's partly why too - I wouldn't want to nab him from her <3
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chazmcfreelyhater · 11 months
omg. so I realised that after I drew Chaz/TOBOR content one time that i haven’t actually shared how important they are to me. erm. so I have made a silly little document of background/headcanons that could have been pages long but I didn’t want to be TOO insane.
also BIG DISCLAIMER the TOBOR headcanons and art at the bottom belong to Chiptoons on Insta/Chipt00ns on Twitter. SHE IS AMAZING and helped me to edit this doc so thank u for ur service chippy. thank you for inventing tobor mysims
They became friends because we were friends and it was like dragging our children along to a function and being like “ok now go play w the other kids” lol. lmao.
We both have OCs x canon with the robots so that's pretty much where it all started from- I probably won’t do a whole timeline at least for now but basically Makoto, Naomi (Louie’s OC) and Vivian (Chippy’s OC) would all spend time together regularly until they started inviting the bohs along
TOBOR was. a bit suspicious of Chaz at first since he had some pretty bad trust issues when it came to humans, and also because that’s usually the normal reaction to meeting Chaz, but he honestly wasn’t super phased by it. Chaz was used to people being kinda cold towards him yet also had a tendency to latch onto them anyway. Even though he spent hours actively trying to annoy him and talk about bike mechanics, which was pretty much just his attempt at being friendly and having fun- the biggest thing for TOBOR was that Chaz would never use the fact that he was a robot against him. Like he would never treat him like any less of a person, to Chaz he literally was just Some cool dude with a green head
Even when they become like Friend friends they still are surprisingly careful around eachothers’ boundaries. Tbh a lot of their relationship is built off things most people wouldn’t expect from them, as in the two scary bitch boys are actually very respectful of eachother and keep secretz and look out for the other n their bffs. It’s not OOC if we make the chars. IDGAF
They actually didn’t think they’d get as close as they did: TOBOR and Chaz essentially see eachother as brothers at this point, since they (mostly through accident) found out they had a surprising amount in common, with the way people kinda assumed stuff about them beforehand and were not the nicest . Chaz considers him one of his best friends bc he is CRINGE and is still constantly out to annoy him but at this point TOBOR just effortlessly shows him up. Chaz also likes to bully him on account of he hearts Vivian and you know what who doesn’t. They both got parental issues too which they also kinda relate to each other with; sometimes there will be stuff between them that they tease eachother for RELENTLESSLY, but if anyone else were to bring it up at all they would be killed within the second. TOBOR tends to stick up for Chaz a lot since he is more naïve and struggles to see when people are actually trying to upset him instead of just being Chaz Haterz for fun. Defending people and having their backs is his love language.
There is also a whole thing in the future with him/Makoto being more closely associated with the Delarosarenas but I don’t want to overshare or b cringe but Kerry literally adores TOBOR and the fact he loves cooking :> he simply IS her new son and she displays interest in hiring him one day. If the lab thing doesn’t work out. Which it is not. Again they r like BROTHERS make no mistake we do not ship them.
Silly little HC list for the fun of it:
Chaz likes to attempt to tackle TOBOR every time he sees him and it always ends in an injury.
TOBOR is secretly very good w Chaz’s younger family members.
TOBOR attempted to teach Travis how to cook for Chaz romantic style. After it all went to shit he informed the Englishman the only way to save it would be to fake his own death.
Chaz’s favourite name for TOBOR is “Flat Head Ass”, closely followed by “Toby”. His bro name for them is “Chobor”. TOBOR is repulsed by every single thing that comes out of his mouth.
TOBOR considers Naomi a little sister. Not super relevant but when Chippy said he probably did I wept. oh how I wept
Toborviv bridal party at Chavis wedding. I may be cringe but I am free.
TOBOR succumbs to the fact he is in love with Vivian. Instead of confessing, he panics and asks Chaz, who has NO electronic experience, to program it out of him. They both damn near die, bro style
TOBOR LETS HIM INFODUMP he is happy that Chaz trusts him ahehe
WTF!!! Da gallery:
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kemalamalam · 6 months
RULES: post 5 songs associated with your OCs and 4 outfits they'd wear
i saw @bhaalsdeepbat doing the tag game and i wanna make one too i hope you dont mind 👉👈
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huehuehue this is Chevrotain, my durge bard
they got fucking wormed half way through the game and became hard to look at so i changed their hair then they look half-decent (not as good looking as the default but still)
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im gonna be sorta infodumping about their lore bc im insane for them
1. Bloody! Bloody! - Junie & TheHutFriends
so in my canon Chevrotain isnt the dark urge like the origin character but another bhaalspawn, theyre still a bhaalspawn though so their gameplay is still a durge playthrough and this song is so accurate to durge's storyline?? like
Ain't it funny how I scare myself sometimes
..You take his hand quite literally..
..I probably shouldn't have said that..
They said, the lady in red / Bloody! Bloody!
Durge being literally shocked at kicking the squirrel involuntarily?? / the Gale incident / durge saying freakish shit most of the time / literally Orin
this song is my number one go to when i think of Chevrotain 😭
2. Abbey - Mitski
i mentioned that Chevrotain is a cannibal 🥺 its funny bc they dont have any sense of taste, they also have a huge identity crisis thanks to Bhaal whispering to them on their "role" and they whole "you were created bc blah blah blah"
I am hungry I have been hungry I was born hungry What do I need? I am something I have been something I was born something What could I be?
the theme i like to go with them is "starvation", like being starved of fatherly love from Bhaal, being starved of their own identity, being starved of their own mind, being starved of a home.. so this song fits into it SO PERFECTLY
3. Our Word - 36 Questions, Jessie Shelton
GAH this song is so cool from the coolest musical i know (i only know like 6 musicals 🙃), its literally a musical podcast?? so cool.
anyways Chevrotain is a bard right, they usually manipulate people with their words, a lot of deception and persuasion bonuses, so they are a very deceitful and as a result they are a very distrusting person.
the song is about a girl who was raised to be a compulsive liar - when she accidentally broke her dad's ship in a bottle - her mom told her to lie to get out of trouble and it worked, so she kept lying and lying and lying to get herself out of situations.
the song ends with a near death experience, but all she can think in her dying moments is how her parents are going to lie about her existence just to avoid the hassle of dealing with her death.
And it's our word Yes, our word It's our word Yes, our word Against theirs
the thing about Chevrotain is that they cannot trust easily - and what they fear the most is that theyd be tricked the same way theyve been tricking others - its a constant for them and this song embodies it perfectly (・ω・)b
4. Animal Cannibal - Possibly in Michigan, Karen Skladany
haha cannibal mention
iconic song tbh, this one isnt as intricately tied to Chevrotain's character quirks in my mind as the others and its more of their whole vibe and sthick
Who knows how some people turn to strange ones Is it up to me to make them into dead ones? (Here we go again) I bite at the hand that feeds me Slap at the face that eats me Some kind of animal cannibal (Animal? Cannibal)
the tricking people into thinking theyre an unassuming bard even though theyre an experienced necromancer
and that they rebel against Bhaal pretty aggressively (well, as aggressive as you can when youre going against your literal God father without being punished by death 💀) such as never calling Bhaal as "father" pre-amnesia
5. The Milk Carton - Madilyn Mei
have i ever mentioned here that Chevrotain fell into the Feywild when they were around 9?
they were following a grinning cat named 'Alice Alice van Malice' who later became their guardian because fucking Ethel spotted baby Tain, took them in bc she realize that a bhaalspawn would make a strong hagspawn, since Alice didnt want to be responsible for a horrific fate of a child he decided to keep watch of them 😭
so this song is more to baby Tain's perspective, that they are now living in a stinky swamp in the Feywild and sleeping on a cold slab of stone instead of the cozy foster home they were in before..
I think I really miss my bed Oh when, oh when will the nightmare end? I had it good, I had it good And yet I left and can't retrace my steps Think I forgot a couple things My brain is still at home (Stop telling me all about your problems)
..but hey, at least theyre not dead!
Chevrotain's style is called classy and youthful in the DnD universe and timeline, but in todays world we call it grandmacore ❤
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ok well it has a prince-like flare to it, the embroidery would be all silver bc one thing about Chevrotain is that theyre good at commiting to the bit, also the clothes beinf airy, flowy and puffy is important bc they dont like their clothes being skin tight bc they get uncomfortable easy.
its all billowy blouse + black pants combo bc its a classic and i love it SO MUCH, i eat this combo all the time everytime
im too shy to tag anyone else for this akdnsjnd anyone who wants to join in from seeing this post.. please tag me in it bc im nosy and i want to see ur Tav/Durge :3
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karmicpunishment · 1 year
KARMIE BELOVED hear me out. ada minecraft server.
kyouka keeps taming animals (no one can bear to hit her. what if the dogs get mad at them. what if they have thorns armor. WHAT IF IT MAKES HER SAD.) and she is simply accompanied by a pack at all times
atsushi is still learning how to play and he builds these ugly-ass houses like we all did starting out but hes so proud of them (as he should be)
i was torn on dazai but i think it would be funny is hes so so bad at minecraft. he keeps walking off of inclines and dying bc he doesn't pay attention to his healthbar. he insists hes just playing on a higher level (hes actually rlly good at pvp and uses that for shenanigans but general play? he sucks so bad)
alternatively i think kunikida should be really good when he does play bc it would annoy dazai so much. i think he builds really nice houses and insists the game is just math but doesn't even play that often bc too much time gaming is unhealthy (it infuriates dazai that hes so competent despite barely playing)
i think ranpo plays exclusively for the chaos. he and dazai are a terrible combination (for everyone else) but also extremely funny. also i think he breaks minecraft in insane ways for fun when he gets bored and its a tossup whether the rest of the server suffers or benefits bc of it
tbh i think yosano should go feral in minecraft? like i think she should steal good gear from whoever has it and go kill to her heart's content. u cannot tell me she doesnt have insane amounts of repressed fury i think she should relieve that stress by going on adventures where she kills whatever she finds. yosano should 1v1 the warden powered by sheer spite i think
i think fukuzawa would not really understand minecraft?? but he gets on the server sometimes to spend time with the other members and has a minecraft cat that follows him everywhere (it took so many fish to tame. he worked so fucking hard for that ok)
OH MY GOD KENJI. I FORGOT HIM. THE BOY. i think hes so excited to play with everyone :) he can't build but he collects animals like kyouka and also provides the majority of the food for the other server members. hes like me fr just out here making massive farms of food and also collecting soo many farm animals in pens (he insists on not overcrowding the animal pens)
anyway i will end this by saying rip tanizaki hes the only remotely normal player on this fucking minecraft server
HI PAT!!! and yes yes yes to all of this
kyouka as an animal hoarder tamer is so cute and so real. kenji definitely does this too and yeah he'd totally make Massive farms. ranpo tells him he could make automated ones with redstone and he finds that amazing but also much rathers to just do it himself. they have huge buildings dedicated just to the animals they've collected and basically every name tag someone finds goes towards naming them all.
atsushi would 100% start out building the ugliest houses fr...all the dirt 4x4s and then the wooden box houses. he gradually gets better until hes a pretty decent builder. i feel like he'd also be the type to just get utterly lost in the game lol both in terms of directions (but he always writes down his coordinates) but also like he'd look up at the clock and realize he's spent 3 hours mining.
dazai being an utter disaster at the game is so funny to me. he's not allowed to go mining by himself because he will just die in a random cave and lose everything (also not allowed in the nether for similar reasons). he would be the type to purposefully hit a zombie pigmen just to make his fellow players lives worse lmao. the first thing someone gives him on the server is feather falling boots because he keeps walking off tall places (half the time on purpose the other half are complete accidents) it just makes him walk off things more but at least he's dying less because of it. he's an expert at setting up in game pranks though (usually on kunikida, the poor guy)
kunikida being great at minecraft is so near and dear to me now. i feel like he played the game a lot as a kid because lets be honest, its perfect for him but then kinda fell out of playing it as he got older. and then one of his students from when he was an assistant teacher reminded him of it and he got back into it. he definitely plays for like a couple a week to destress on his own private world where he has the most insane builds. he also is totally a resource gatherer/hoarder too, he's always giving the others supplies (though giving is a strong word, half of them just steal from him).
ranpo is also a disaster in minecraft i feel. he could build insane things but he doesn't have the patience for it honestly. same with redstone stuff, like he gets it but he doesn't usually take the time to do it. he's absolutely awful at pvp though and he gets lost ALL the time. he is the perfect person to go to when trying to find a special area or material, he always knows what someone needs. i also feel like he'd like potion making, idk why. he also really enjoys insane mod packs (though he makes other people install them for him)
yosano would totally be an insane pvp'er. she enjoys the other aspects of the game too but she gets the most enjoyment spending her nights beating mobs. she's not much of a builder but she does like to spend some time decorating the inside of ppl's bases. she's the kind of player to set off withers to defeat on her own for fun. she also plays bedwars lol and is a beast at it.
fukuzawa definitely has just a nice little house with like 5 cats in it. he logged on the first day of the server and then maybe like 3 times since but its okay. and absolutely no one is allowed to touch his house, under threat of ranpo's chaos lol. also no one really wants to destroy the presidents house, it just feels wrong.
tanizaki is just a fairly well-rounded player, like his builds aren't amazing but they're nice, he's decent at combat, he likes resource gathering etc. i feel like he and naomi have like several worlds of their own that they've kept up with for years at this point, with just like sprawling cities worth of builds. his favorite things to do in the game are probably just going on long journeys to find new biomes and fishing lol
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moe-broey · 1 year
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My Askr and Co. team!!!!!!! Sometimes I switch one of them out for story stuff (full immersion lmfao), but!!! It's them it's the OGs 🥺🥺🥺
Alfonse is still pretty much the same, but since the Dragon Flower limit was increased, I feel he no longer needs Fury! Which, removing it does synergize better with Florid Cane anyway, beyond the Canto gimmick (having an Atk/Spd bonus if kept healthy).
Biggest thing I needed to figure out though was who I was giving the special skills to (from an extra Acsended Mareeta and Felix). I WAS tempted to give them to Alfonse (head empty he means everything to me) but I came to the conclusion that Ruptured Sky works too well on him. I even think it's fun from a storytelling standpoint, where he's consistent almost to a fault -- can result in him being reliable, or juuust missing the mark (he's still adaptable as well though!). PLUS! Both are speed based skills, and even With my speedy Alfonse build, AND even with all those Dragon Flowers, Sharena outspeeds him at lower investment.
So it did come down to trying to decide which would work best between Sharena and Anna.
Sharena absolutely needed to be completely revised, since I realized I accidentally doubled up on Null Follow Up on her weapon and B slot (and her C slot was a wimpy Threaten skill lmfao). Ultimately I felt Felix's kit synergized better with Alfred's Arcane I gave to her -- espp Bulwark keeping her healthy! In this way I think I accidentally made her a tank. Especially with all the stat bonuses coming together, on top of a damage reduction special. Really my ONLY bit of grief here is she no longer has her special attack voicelines........... I'm SO sad about that 💔💔💔 (HOWEVER. IT. IS REALLY FUNNY.)
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She's just standing there..... Menacingly........... (quite literally with the Menace skill too from the Summer Dimitri manual that's up for grabs. I'm not so sure if it Suits Her storytelling-wise but tbh it's funny. GO GIRL START KILLING‼️‼️‼️)
As for Anna! I actually haven't touched Anna's build in years, she's not a unit I ever use outside of the once a month free orb and sometimes for story... last I left her was with Life or Death 3, Vantage, and a Spur skill. I wanted to keep in line with this initial build though... bc I feel like it suits her.
Outside of this one time (very early on, before I really put a lot of thought into things) I Never use Life or Death (I'm too cautious HAHAH) so I was comfortable giving her a Life or Death 4 I had laying around. BEYOND THAT. IT WAS. SUCH A NIGHTMARE. To figure out What the rest of her kit should be. A Lot of trial and error, testing, troubleshooting, everything. Because the BIGGEST THING is I wanted to keep Nóatún on her. She gets INSANE movement from it, and I felt like if I could Just Get This Right, I could pull off something as gimmicky as my Hit and Run Canto Alfonse. You have to trade SO much power for that movement, and she's already made of glass and paper the way I'm building her (but I am SO committed to this idea bc it's EXACTLY how I conceptualize her character in my mind -- strong starter, hard hitter, high movement = speedy and lots of experience on the battle field!! And SOMETHING in her C and Seal slots to communicate teamwork and commanding.)
EVENTUALLY. WHAT I THINK WORKS. Spurn helps her Not Die As Much/As Quickly (thank you damage reduction), and I think the balance between Oath/Solo skills gets the idea across.
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LOOK at this. LOOK at how STUPID this is. How by giving Alfonse Odd Tempest HE IS. SO POWERFUL. HE MAKES A KILLER OPENING (EXACTLY AS HE ALWAYS SAYS HE WILL‼️‼️‼️). Reposition into Canto into look at him fucking go. He's fucking gone. Halfway across the battlefield. AND ANNA HAS FANTASTIC SYNERGY WITH THIS!!!!! Being able to get That One Extra Space thanks to Nóatún!!!!!!!! (Unfortunately this was a terrible matchup and she died instantly, but this is more for demonstration purposes 🫡)
I am a little sad that Sharena gets left on the back lines when this works out but. I think she's still doing her part. Esp since I'm testing out Ardent Sacrifice on her, where I typically exclusively only use Reposition and always have a healer. On top of eating hits, she also covers for her allies as well! Making sure they're okay :)
Finally! Takumi! I. Have no idea how he fits in here tbh I don't even know how Pathfinder works. But I love him so much so dearly and he's here because he's a highly respected veteran member of the Order of Heroes. Also everyone say thank you Alcryst for fucking finally giving him a usable weapon and decent skills (I have gone through SO MANY ideations of base Takumi builds and they have NEVER been on the level of stronger units he was ALWAYS WOEFULLY OUTCLASSED. Which is DEVASTATING bc I really like using base forms sometimes!!!!). I'm SO happy he's finally on par w stronger units now!!!! OH. AND. THE MAJOR THING ABOUT HIM ACTUALLY. Is once he gets the ball rolling he is procing Deadeye every fucking turn. Just like in Fates... 🥺🥺🥺 (killing and maiming and violence complete with a cheeky attitude and bravado!)
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moonjxsung · 5 months
haiiii bb✨ i hope you had the best weekend!
i’m still not sure how he managed to do that tbh, i don’t think it’s too easy to achieve😅 so momo is prob safe from that. wasabi is an orange cat, we can’t expect much from him in the braincell department. im glad baby momo is getting better too🫶🏻 we stan her
frfr, idk how people abandon their pets. i’m literally so attached to every animal ever. i see a stray cat at a park and i’ll think of them forever and worry about them too. and people who don’t spay their cats and expect them to be outdoors are such assholes. i’ve had to spay/neuter 10+ cats due to overpopulation in the last two years and i have four more females to go (excluding my own 8 out of 9 cats). it’s insane and so so so sad. the fact that they took off the collar is so stupid too. it really sucks. i cannot comprehend.
star, idk how you do it!!! living where you live in the kpop era must be so hard😭 like, we love the exposure but my bank doesn’t. i sometimes wish i lived somewhere with a lot of kpop concerts but kinda not at the same time bc i just know i couldn’t afford most of them and i’d get the worst case of fomo. i wish you the best at your choice of concerts😂
anddd i didn’t know you stanned nct dream or itzy! follow up: which groups do you stan and who are your biases? i lovveeeee nct! i don’t really stan any ggs aside from twice and new jeans but i’d so love to listen to more so any recs would be gr8!!!
frfr ive never been confident with myself (and ik that’s like my biggest problem bc confidence is so attractive). kpop beauty standards kinda took a toll on me especially after my surgery, grad school, depression worsening etc etc. but ive learned to make delulu my solulu and be like “minho would love me even if im not pretty or skinny” and all is well (what he wouldn’t love about me is that i only eat meat when i absolutely have to bc i hate it😂). i love skincare though so if you ever need to discuss skincare im ur girl🔥 aside from kpop, plushies & cats my ocd also manifests at compulsively buying hundreds of dollars of skincare products🔥
i love you my darling bb. i hope you have the best week!! i’ve never had cheese danishes therefore im so glad i virtually tried them with you💕
Momo is doing so much better today (she’s currently napping on my freshly washed laundry❤️) so I think it might’ve been a weather thing! Hopefully her itching doesn’t come back but I’m still gonna look into bee pollen and see if it helps :’)
I KNOW I feel so very overprotective of every cat ive ever come across and it baffles me that people are just okay with abandoning their cats like that?? Especially after YEARS of owning them!??? How 😭 I don’t even like leaving momo alone for the day (despite her having an automatic feeder and a water fountain and cameras to watch her every move) so I don’t know how people abandon a cat indefinitely 💔 it’s fr so sad to me
HONESTLY it was so much easier to save money when there weren’t so many kpop things here but now we have kpop stores at every corner with v exclusive merch and preorder benefits and concerts every MONTH I can’t save money for the life of me 😭 I SWEARRRRR I buy some useless kpop thing at least once a week it’s so bad! I’m on a buying ban right now bc I just bought jhope’s on the street merch and that is ALLLL I am letting myself buy for the foreseeable future 🫡 hopefully
I LOOOOOOVE NCT OH MY GOSHHHHH okay list of my groups & biases (I might miss a few so bear w me):
Skz: JISUNGGGGG & Felix is my bias wrecker 🫶💖
Bts: jhope!!!!!!!!! Jin is my bias wrecker!
Nct 127: Yuta & Haechan! Wreckers always change but right now probs Taeyong (enlistment era starts today😔)
Nct Dream: I literally just started getting more serious about being into them despite listening to their music for a while LOL but deffffff Renjun & Haechan! 🫶
Wayv: Xiaojun!!!!
Shinee: Onew ofcccc 👼 and Taemin is my wrecker (he’s everybody’s wrecker tbh)
Ateez: Hongjoong & Seonghwa/Yeosang wreckers!
Seventeen: Hoshi & Minghao!!
Txt: Heuningkai 🫶
G-idle: Minnie! I need to get more into them but she’s defffff my bias oh my god she’s so pretty
P1harmony: I’ve also recently been more into them. Jiung!!
The Boyz: Changmin!
Ikon: Bobby!
Blackpink: MY GIRL ROSÉ 💞
Nmixx: Jiwoo & Lily!!!
EXO: Minseok!!!!
Twice: Dahyun!
Blitzers: Chris!!
Aespa: Winter!
I also listen to Lsrfm and New Jeans but I don’t have biases (I’m more just a casual listener) but I think that’s everyone!! I LOOOOOOVE NCT THOUGH RAHHHHHHH when I tell you I have been crying alllllll day bc of Taeyong enlistment FUCKKKK IM SO SAD 😭😭😭 did you see Mark and Haechan tried to go to his send off and missed it because their flight was rerouted?? GODDDD I’m so sad for them 😭 I brought my Ty bby to today’s coffee run I miss him already 😔💔
PLEASE kpop beauty standards hit you in the face when you least expect it frfr like I always told myself I didn’t care how I looked in comparison and all of a sudden it was like oh nvmmmm 😀 It comes and goes in waves as of now and lately I’ve been trying to work more on just liking myself as a person (and being delulu because that’s the solution to everything) and I also find that’s the best way to combat it 🫶 ALSO SKINCARE YESSSSS I will absolutely bug you for skincare recs I have the worst habit of buying skincare just for the cute packaging LMFAOOOO I need to buckle down and buy actual cute stuff 😭
I love you so much bby have the best week!!!!! Here’s today’s pc I took just for you 🫶👼 I love u!!!!!
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
jimmy and michael parallels
so i was watching the reuniting the family mission and the conversation between jimmy and m is fucking insane because they completely parallels one another. 
these ate some quotes 
“im a fat shit that you ruined!” this is said by jimmy however it works in michaels perspective too, you could argue that his family “ruined“ the old Michael. they also both clearly have low self-esteem issues.
 “your just a lame and angry psycho sometimes,” jimmy says to Michael but jimmy could be considered an angry psycho. when gaming jimmy trolls and torments others on the game to such extreme lengths that someone actually kidnaps and tries to kill him over it. and it’s pretty well known that jimmy is lame and I think tracey calls him lame multiple times. im pretty sure that her main insult to him which is far too much of a coincidence.
“I get so mad and I can’t control things.” jimmy talking about himself but this quote alone sums up Mikey’s character perfectly. although jimmy talking about the helplessness he feels in his own life probably due to his unique upbringing and his clear low self-esteem, it is far too much of a coincidence that this quote can also be about Michael and how his anger and his inability to keep in control is what sets the game into motion. he pulls down madrazos house in a blind rage which means the vangelico job and Trevor coming back. and back in Yankton he couldnt control Trevor and brad, which leads to the actual game. this quote is followed by “shit just falls on top of me.” jimmy talking about how he’s struggling to navigate his parent’s rough marriage and finding his place in the world but in therapy, michael complains that it’s all getting on top of him and he’s lost on what to do.
“I wanna say I love you and hug it out but all that wimpy shit is just...... lame” the ellipsis is where jimmy goes on about his gay friends which ill will mention in a minute but anyway. Jim has probanly picked up struggling to open up from his parents, im willing to bet money on Amanda and michael haven’t said I love you and mean it since north Yankton, which is proven to hurt kids. Michael himself also struggles to tell his family how much they mean to him when i play I thought that Amanda thinks that Michael doesnt love them, he does but just cant express it all that well. also michaels family never like hug or anything, with franklin m gives him fistbumps which he doesnt with his family the most that they’re touching one another is the occasional bump into one another. 
“I would say gay but that’s not cool anymore.” jimmy talking about his gay friends rn but if you watch the actual cutscene look at Michaels face he looks angry and a little scared. looks like denial to me. as someone who was part of the LGBTQ community i can see the gay denial ive experienced it myself. and rockstars aren’t complete idiots they knew what we would think about M and T. they hint at it themselves and the fact that jimmy talks to him about being gay?? too much of a coincidence for me. it also speaks volumes about how repressed and in the closet Mikey is, he gets angry/ scared when his family talks about being gay. I wanna shake mike until it clicks that he’s fucking gay. 
“im so upset that we can’t even see each other,” jimmy says this to mike but we know for a fact that Michael is heartbroken when Amanda and the kids move out. paralleling each other again!!
“your just a drunk lame dad.” “you know what, that’s the nicest thing anyone ever said to me.” how often is jimmy insulted in the game, not only in missions but you overhear it all the time. so swap whos speaking to who and it still makes sense. jimmy is prolly so staved from regongition from his father, look how much jimmy copies him and his ideals/ thoughts. to me? seems like he’s trying to mirror him so mike starts treating him like a son (this one kinda got away from me tbh)
then jimmy ruins the mood and asks for a car. amazing. 
I love this game so much because all of it has much-hidden meaning and it’s so fun to analyze. im not saying I like jim, in fact, i hate him cause he is so annoying but,. It shows how much effect michael's behaviour and words affect the rest of the family. im so glad that they went to family therapy. sorry that this is so long but i just had to give my thoughts on this, we analyze amanda and michaels relationship but never anything with the kids. idk really but yeah
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propertyofkylar · 9 months
hi nica (hope it's okay for me to call you that)!
I've been following your posts for a while now and I keep asking myself if I should make a dol blog, but I'm not super confident in my writing and don't know if I'd have enough motivation/inspiration to keep it going... any advice?
also do you think kylar would make standing cut outs of pc like those anime ones to put in their room and "practice" on ?
first of all you could come in here and be like "hey you stupid fucking cocksucker" and i would respond still. i ain't picky (funny, because i don't go by any nicknames irl just my given name)
MAKE A DOL BLOG!! JOIN US!!! i can't believe someone is asking me for actual advice lol. i'm not always confident in my writing but i post it anyway and i think this fandom is pretty nice (at least in my experience lol) so like no one's ever been nasty about what i write or anything. and i haven't really been super inspired lately tbh so when it happens it happens. i know some people are super prolific with fics and stuff and sometimes i'm like that but i'm in a slow season ig. the point is, it doesn't really matter! :) you can write what you want, post what you want, and if you don't that's fine too. does that make sense?? i feel like i've gotten off track.
okay here's the point i'm trying to make. if you make a blog, it's YOUR blog. you can do what you want! and if you want to be more confident in your writing, imo the best way to do that is to just write and post stuff, even if you don't think it's perfect (because you probably never will). and then if you lose motivation or inspiration (which like, i have a lot of requests sitting in my ask so once you start writing it's hard to stop because people will just send you thoughts shgfdhdg) you don't have to do anything.
anyway you should do it! you can try it out! and if you don't like it you don't have to keep going!! but i like being in this fandom and i was nervous at first too but now i have like the first actual online community i've been a part of since i was a teen and lots of new friends so i think it is a worthwhile experience :)
and yes. he 100% does. they're always insanely sticky and have weird holes all over them. weirdo
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 8 months
TAOCC IS AMAZING, and boy has it changed since I first showed up
Aka: Elsie gets really sentimental for once
I’m gonna be honest, this is not the community I expected to end up in on this site. I joined Tumblr about October 29th and expected to end up as maaaaaybe a minor artist. At best. At the time TADC was just “that glitch thing that was blowing up that I thought was pretty good” and I was much more into murder drones anyways.
…Holy crabs, looking back on that…I had no idea what I was gonna end up getting into lol
I randomly followed the @/ragatha1 ask blog at one point, kind of confused as to what an ask blog was but hey, why not? That’s how I found Soup’s gangle blog and boy did things go off the rails. I was…so confused, I showed up smack dab in the middle of the Tiger insanity with no idea who any of these characters or people were. At that point iirc, “TAOCC” wasn’t even the name for the whole thing yet. I made Easton and was like “okay I’ll just have this goofy guy who likes sandwiches, no angst here, maybe he’ll make some friends, I really hope everyone likes him!”
I joined my first ever magma at that point as well! And I vividly remember being really confused but just doodling my sona in the corner and then people were like
“Uhhhh who the frick is Elsewhere I like your art :D”
and I was like
you what”
and thus I joined magma…a lot. Lol. That’s how I got to know soup and you (Xeya) and a few others. I felt so…weirdly new. Like impostor syndrome was in full force. That feeling hasn’t…really ever gone away, tbh.
And since then I’ve figured myself out mostly with only a few embarrassments to my name. I’m really grateful for the people I’ve made friends with, especially Fei, Star, Soup, and Xeya, as well as Kumo and Candy mods. You guys have been lovely to me, and I don’t know how I ever came to deserve that. It’s been rough at times, and I had to/still have to figure out boundaries and how to be assertive basically from scratch. This website still hurts me sometimes, and I accept that I’m a bit odd in some respects. But overall, people have respected that here much more than they do in my actual life. People have respected me here more than they tend to in real life. Before this I could share my writing and art with one person. One. I would go stir-crazy because I would make art and writing and never get to show anyone, which meant I just…spent like an entire year not doing anything. It sucked. And now I will just,..make art and characters for the funsies, and not get scolded for it. I can write incredibly florid descriptions and scenes about stuff like a freaking TOWN’S DESCRIPTION, and people will like it and tell me I’m good at this. I honestly might consider becoming a writer now when I become an adult. I learned that I can be shamelessly self indulgent when writing and people will enjoy it lol. Thank you guys for dealing with that btw lol. I will just MAKE CHARACTERS FOR PEOPLE FOR THE FUNSIES, a willingness I thought I’d all but lost. Like, I saw a 3d printer in my chem class two days ago and went “hmmm yunno what I could give a character in TAOCC a 3d printer for a head and that’d be so cool! Yunno, maybe Xeya would like it if I made that for her.” AND HERE WE ARE I’M CURRENTLY MAKING YOU A CHARACTER WITH A 3D PRINTER FOR A HEAD.
Also, you guys have no idea how grateful I am that you go along with my giant overarching plotlines. Like, my first test of the idea was Dusk’s domain and Sun’s trip to see Northeast, and then I was confident enough that people would care that I made the entire Lull/dungeon thing. The dungeon has been my magnum opus of writing, I put more work into that than almost anything else I’ve ever written. And people actually…respected that. I’m terrible at writing fight scenes, and yet I carried a fight scene for multiple hours with like…20 characters! I DIDN’T THINK I COULD HAVE TWO CHARACTERS FIGHT AND MAKE IT WORK AT ALL! OH MY LANDS I HAVE ACTUAL SELF CONFIDENCE NOW!! AAAAAAAAA-
anyways, that aside lol
it’s been wonderful, really. I feel like the pros far outweigh the cons for me, and the cons for me can be mitigated anyways entirely on my side of things lol. I came to this site looking for a community of people who would appreciate me, stupid flaws, autism, anxiety, writing and all. And I think I got that. And I want to find more, I want to keep going beyond this little bubble, but I want to always come back to this little circle of people. I don’t care how many rps or writing messes I end up in, TAOCC is always going to have a special place in my heart, flaws and all. It’s helped me get through some serious mess in my life, and being excited to come home to whatever insanity these lil guys are up to today makes me happy like almost nothing else.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Thank you for letting this odd moth in, I hope I’ve earned it.
You've been literally one of the kindest people I've met on the site. One of the most talented too! I've never seen someone write like you and. Honestly. Genuinely. I look up to you in quite a few aspects.
You're funny, kind, caring, skilled, and a great person overall. and im SO FUCKING GLAD YOURE MY FRIEND EEEEE HUGS SPINS YOUUUU
... (kicks feet) and I heard something about a 3d printer head oc youre making for me.... (teary eyed) (/pos) (me when people do things for me. i love yall. sm. love you elsie sm sM SM SM SM SM!!!)
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anaesthesia-why · 1 month
question to radfems who play project sekai: what is your analysis on mizuki?
My take is going to be very "on the surface" as I tried to play the game twice (bc there are a lot of cool songs (vocaloid and not) incl 2 by mafu) but just don't like the gameplay mainly for the upward flick notes and I don't follow stories of the games I don't play so I skimmed the wiki for cards and some quick info. So (using sex-based pronouns for the character Mizuki here):
Mizuki is a crossdressing male, voiced by an actual female actress. His gender is stated to be unknown, the character himself uses "boku" which is used by males and tomboyish females, the game either avoids using pronouns or uses "kare" which is "he" but I see people say is also used gender-neutrally for "they" (male pronoun is used as gender neutral, who's surprised? Not me), eng version uses "they", the playable characters who didn't know him before he grew out his hair and started dressing in feminine clothing sometimes use "she". He is and was bullied in school for liking cute things, was/is still(?) depressed bc of it (even wanted to commit suicide), mostly skips school but not so much he'll be made to repeat a year. Good at altering/making(?) clothes and making music videos. And well the being bullied/depressed can be easily sympathised with, and his talents appreciated. Worth noting that being bullied for liking cute things bc they're "for girls" is a strictly male experience (but idk the details and can say that if a girl is bullied for that (if by other girls I mean) it usually goes w it being her hyperfixation if she's autistic, if by boys it's bc they just bully just bc.). However, the way the character is coping is... not really cool. He engages in consumerism and recreating his idea of "cute" with wearing dresses, thighhighs and heels(?)/feminine shoes and using infantile (yes mainstream cute in jp really is that) poses and face expressions such as : ○, : ↿, : - and :p and "foxy" (cunning?) expression with a slight smile and slightly lowered brows. Most of the cards have him with these expressions, but also a lot of them have him portrayed pretty happy, some are just neutral but usually include a "cute" pose. One or two looked like the character is evil/insane (glowing eyes and a wide smile without showing teeth :) ), and then like again JUST one or two look like the character is sad (younger version with short hair and masculine clothing crying and another which looks more like serious/deep in thoughts and has a pretty dark palette). He doesn't call himself a girl though and doesn't try to convince anyone that he is one, instead he hopes he can be viewed as just "Mizuki" like he is. Means he's just a gendernonconforming guy that is unfortunately imitating/perpetuating harmful stereotypes generated by the culture he currently lives in.
Edit: also he used to experience dysphoria/dysmorphia if he used to cover the mirror?
(Disclaimer about femininity: it was created and is constantly modified to opress the female part of the human population, which is punished for both following it and refusing to follow it. If a male is uncomfortable with masculine gender roles, which are used to learn to opress and tries to follow the other set of rules he is bullied for CHOOSING the "loser" position that is used for women and everything associated with them. This is an EFFECT of misogyny but is again a strictly male experience which means it isn't misogyny itself)
I'm trying to reflect what my PERSONAL gripes are here: when I chose that band bc the theme of trauma resonates with me most out of all the others (I mean the group with a (self-made)trainee and 3 ex-idols just by description sounds meh bc female idols are exploited too strongly but I hope they're characterised well ig, I didn't get to research that when choosing and tbh now too, the group about reconnection sounds ok but too slice-of-life-y, the other two are mixed, I mean have boys) and I hoped it was a group of just girls trying to be supportive of each other and to overcome hardships together and then among them saw this kinda shallow infantile character who also mostly didn't even look depressed and looked "playfully cutesy" and happy and was also a "trans girl" (which to me explained these shallow imitations of being a girl) but turns out it's the fandom shouting about trans so loudly and occasionally about nb, and shutting down any discussion about him being male. Idk if the storywriters and artists are ever trying to make a comment about gender roles or just want an actually shallow cute-pretty appealing with looks character. I do not want to research any further and if anyone actually following the story of the game can tell me if the matters are made better or worse, I'll be glad. For now I can say I don't have a strongly negative reaction to the character anymore, as intentions matter, but still remain critical of him not reflecting on why he is following what society says is cute and why is he not dropping out of high school if he doesn't need it?
Disclaimer for gender-pilled tumblr community: I reflected on my kneejerk hateful reaction to a character and softened a bit but still remain critical for slightly different reasons now. I know you don't like sex-based pronouns but if you come here to argue please read the whole thing first
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velvetineblue · 7 months
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NAME?: winter~
PRONOUNS?: any! agender hoes rise up
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: telepathy ( but seriously: i'm really bad replying sometimes, but i do appreciate im's whether on tumblr or discord ajdjj. my discord is open to any mutuals!! )
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: overall, this gremlin, by far. i have periods where i'll write a different character a lot for a couple days/weeks (mostly on discord) but tai-muse always eventually demands that the bulk of the attention be back on him u . u
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i've been roleplaying on tumblr since like....... 2011ish??? (DO NOT @ ME, I KNOW THAT'S INSANE) and i was roleplaying elsewhere even before that...
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I'm seconding what ferre said and screaming: PLOTTED GROUP VERSES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but rly, anytime we do in-depth plotting that you get really engrossed into, and go crazy world-building & expanding the lore and plotline.... that's the besttt.
RP PET PEEVES?: hmmmm........... tbh nothing is really coming to mind at this moment, probably because my dash is so small & curated to only blogs who i really like seeing on my dash, so i think i've temporarily forgotten about the annoying parts of rp??? LOL. check back with me next time i go out looking for blogs to follow; then i'm sure i'll have much to say kjhkjh
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I like all of them !! angst is prob my fav of those genres, but if i wrote too much of it, i think it would get tiring for me because it may feel less impactful/geuine?? IDK. but fluff is definitely needed sometimes. and smut can also be fun, in moderate doses! fluffy smut and/or smutty fluff tho... 👌that's good shit, LMAO
PLOTS OR MEMES?: again, both are fun! i think a balance ( maybe not 50-50, but a balanced amount ) is ideal. as much as i do love plotting, it does require a lot of energy and social battery. so meme's are perfect for times when you are running low on that, but still want to rp~ ( and i'm going to do the ones in my inbox soon I PROMISE )
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: my replies usually end up being long. but for starters or meme's, short sometimes makes the most sense... I know the fact I often write novels might seem intimidating to people who aren't novella, but I don't mind short replies . . . lengthy replies is just more of my personal 'writing style', but I don't require partners to adapt to it?? yOU DO YOU
TIME TO WRITE?: NEVER, APPARANTLY. ( jk i have time but i spend most of it rotting and watching 5 hour long video essays about pointless shit ajsjaj )
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: hmm... I don't know! but compared to my other muses, I'd say, I guess Tai is one of my characters who is more 'similar' to me in some ways. I think because he's one of my oldest; his very first incarnation as a character I wrote goes back to when I was like 12. so he does have a lot of personal touches-- things that are probably quite specific to mE & my personal tastes. as I got older, I started to make a wide variety of characters, some of which I have nothinggg in common with... but Tai isn't one of those ajsja. we're not extremely similar, but we're not complete opposites either ? I think I partially fear saying that because I don't want anyone to think he's a 'self-insert', but... meh. I would hope it's pretty obvious that he's not :sob:
tagged by: @stillresolved thank you for tagging me and thinking of me, ferre!! 🥹 tagging: UMM whoever wants it tbh, i don't know whose done it while i've been MIA !!!
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boschlowtxt · 1 year
The first "I Love You"
Willow annoys Boscha with random questions every night since they've been living together to get a dumb tired response from the mean girl. Until one day, she just so happens to ask the wrong thing, and a clingy Boscha comes out and leaves Willow feeling breathless... And so much more. contains: Fluff, Romantic Gestures, Kissing, Late Night Conversations, Cuddling & Snuggling, Light Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Feelings Realization, pretty standard stuff by me tbh wc: 1,270
Read on AO3
Willow palms her blanketed girlfriend like a cat kneading its owner. Following a similar theme, she rests her chin on Boscha’s shoulder.
Ever since they started living together, Willow’s always been the one to keep her up with questions. Even before they started dating. The most insane what-ifs and hypotheticals. Except now, she would do so in the comfort of her own bed instead of at the door frame letting light from the kitchen pour into Boscha’s room. And often, she would mostly end up making Boscha sigh or groan. Tell her to shut up and to go to sleep, she’s simply begging. Still, she would always answer. The most generic answers most of the time. And sometimes they’d have a minor quarrel, agree to disagree, kiss, and then that’s that. It was all a silly game. Sometimes, Willow would ask things that she knows would annoy Boscha as a way to tease her. But she would make sure to always ask in the most adorable tone. Gleaming at her with shiny eyes and a target on her lips.
“If there was a zombie apocalypse and I got bit, would you shoot me?” Willow oh-so-lovingly asks the half-asleep witch. To which Boscha chuckles. A sound all too familiar now.
“Haha! Babe, no! I’d let you bite me…”
That single pause already sent a harsh blush to Willow’s cheeks, coupled with Boscha’s warm hands now on her cheek. She smiles.
That look on her face was everything to her.
“So we could be zombies together.”
For a second, she wanted to kiss her. Her breath was already just inches away anyways. But no generic corny response is enough to crack her. She laughs.
“That’s so dumb! I’d blow your head off in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t survive at all!”
With that, Willow turns over and tucks herself in, almost giggling as she awaits Boscha’s annoyed response.
Except she never got it.
The bed shifts under her, the blanket pulled and pillows pushed. She can tell Boscha turned away. She can tell she’s trying to stay silent.
This made the once comfortable blanket feel so much more… Obvious? She cannot describe it, but the sudden awareness she felt of every single thing made her uneasy. Each cricket noise and each shift of the bed. She couldn’t place a finger on why everything felt so off. Why she felt the urge to turn over and peak at her.
She looked like she fell asleep…
Until she sniffled.
Immediately Willow was all over her.
“Oh, babe no no no no!”
She runs fingers through her hair, cupping her cheek and kissing away even the slightest hint of tears running down her face. Boscha doesn’t respond, just shoving her face into the crook of Willow’s neck and shoulder. Her skin dampens under her sleeveless shirt, but she couldn’t care less. She hushes and hushes, ruffling her hair more and more and squishes her harder and harder. But Boscha just quietly sobs as she barely grips Willow’s shoulder blades.
“I was just kidding, babe. I was—”
“You’d leave me?” Boscha muffles through skin and cloth.
Willow whines out each rebuke, more and more desperate.
“Baby… Boscha…”
Keep it together… Keep it together… It’s so difficult when the tears are already swelling up.
She squeaks out one final pathetic no. Deep and intimately into Boscha’s shoulder. 
They sit there quietly for who knows how long. No matter how tired or sleepy they are. No matter how much they really need to get up early tomorrow. They can’t sleep. Either they refuse to sleep on bad terms, or they care too much about the other to go to sleep peacefully, knowing the other was upset.
Finally, Willow composes herself. She sighs and sighs. If she were to catch the hiccups there and then she would most likely die of embarrassment.
With one last sniff and huff, she speaks. Tenderly.
“You’re such a sweetheart sometimes, you know? I didn’t think you’d take me so seriously.”
She feels Boscha relax as she says that, a hint of a blush rushing to the tip of her ears. Like she was contemplating what she just said. Like she just realized she just essentially called her a softie.
“Whad’ya mean?”
She can tell she meant to say that in a firmer tone. But it just came off as whiny. Breathless even. It took Willow’s breath away for sure. Somehow, such a simple question made her heart flutter and soften. If she could just melt into her, she would… She’s so… Cute… So sweet. Those aren’t things you would hear about Boscha often. Much less see. Clingy maybe. She is a bombshell for sure. Drop-dead gorgeous and exciting as well. So to see her like this? To hold her like this?
Oh gosh… She loves her. Like really loves her.
Willow never would’ve allowed herself to admit that to herself. Sometimes it was hard to believe she had changed. Or that both of them had changed even. Like in the back of her mind, they were still the same 14-year-olds fighting for the pettiest reasons. 
Don’t cry again, please, Willow.
“You can be such a mean girl sometimes. I thought you’d just brush it off. I’m really sorry…” She croaks. A hint of embarrassment, shame, as well as the sudden epiphany was all too much for her to handle now. But it all contributed to her regret at even asking Boscha stupid questions in the first place. “I was just teasing you.”
Boscha finally unclenches. She wipes away her tears elegantly with her wrists, still sniffling, but not as much. Her lips quiver still, but she finally spoke. “What would you do if I were bit then?”
She grins at her with that same damn stupid face she has when she would tease her.
Willow shoots her a look. That look of “oh I can’t believe you’d just ask me that after ALL that?!” That kind of look.
“Maybe I should just tie you up so I can still admire you daily,” Willow mocks.
She bites her lip like she’s biting back a laugh. That damn look again.
Willow blushes one last time before she yells.
“NOPE! Go to sleep! Please, Boscha!”
Boscha laughs. She tosses over again, this time putting Willow’s mind at ease, and her heart still pounding against her chest. This damn woman…
Willow smiles. She wants to stop herself from laughing. Heck, she doesn’t even know why she would laugh. It’s not like she was funny… She was just… She’s just so…
She can’t stop thinking about her. Even if she’s right next to her. She just can’t get out of her mind.
Oh gosh now her heart is beating so hard she can literally hear it in her ears.
“I thought you wanted me to go sleep? Or did you change your mind?” Boscha says, a bit too flirtingly for Willow’s liking.
“Uhm… Yeah well…”
Willow turns, now looking this woman directly in the eye.
“I love you.”
That cocky expression immediately melted into one of shock and disbelief. Willow takes the opportunity to sneak in a kiss. One that was long, tender, and maybe a little wet from tears. But it didn’t matter. Boscha was sweet on her lips, and the small squeak from her was far too adorable. She could barely keep her hands to herself anymore.
She pulls away for a shaky breath. In that second, she notices Boscha wipe away another tear. 
“...I’m sorry… I must look like a mess.”
Willow giggles… So little did she know that that was the best part…
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