#it's strange because I love him he's my brother and we have fun but im also scared of him because I know what he's capable of and I know
darkestspring · 2 years
love is the death of duty
a/n: im so excited to write for maegor again, he’s my problematic fave, he’s a garbage man, he’s my chaotic evil baby. this was requested by the lovely @frankcastleonlyfans​ for a maegor x littlesis!reader (you can find the request here because im too lazy to detail it and a little half asleep) as always, the headers i use, are made specifically by me for my writing so fun times ahead!!! thank you for all your support.
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You had always loved your elder brother Maegor, always adored him as you clung to your mother. You loved him despite his cruelty, you brushed off other people’s horrible statements of him and defended him. He was your family. Targaryen’s are closer to gods than men, so it’s not strange to do things that the people of westeros find strange, weird, unnatural to them. You were of valyria.
That much was obvious, with your white hair and amethyst eyes, a symbol of your valyrian heritage.
You loved your brother but right now? You hate his cruelty, his affinity for violence to get his way. You hated that quality about him. You no longer clung to him with bright eyes and bright smiles as you had as a child.
“Brother.” You stared at Maegor with cold eyes and a frown on your face, seeing the blood he’s covered in. “Must you slaughter this entire nation.” You scolded him with a clenched jaw.
“I won’t be denied, beloved sister.” His voice was nonchalant, entirely too bothered at what he had done. “If they refuse me, then they should forfeit their lives as recompense.”
Your mother called your name with softness as he hand touched your arm with all her gentleness and you softened as you gazed at her. How could you be mad when she was pleading with you like this?
The softness disappeared when you gazed at Maegor once more. “What has lead your massacre this time, My king?” The words were bitter upon your tongue but you forced them out regardless.
“Our marriage, my sweet sister.” Maegor walked towards you with slow steps as his hand reached up to caress your cheek. “It matters not, we can simply marry in the tradition of Valyria. There’s nothing that could ever stop me from taking you as my wife.”
You frowned at him before moving back. “You have already slaughtered crowds of Septs to become king, you now slaughter them to make me your wife?” You questioned, not necessarily surprised.
“I would do anything for you, my lovely. Slaughter masses, burn this world to the ground.”
“Please don’t. We live here.” You retorted as you pulled yourself away from him. “When?”
“My sweet?” You mother asked, voiced coated with confusion.
“When are we to marry?” You asked, eyes going in between your mother and your brother.
That conversation had happened two months ago. Maegor was still himself, with a great capacity for violence and cruelty but the soft warmth to his hands as he held you made you want to melt.
“My love.” His voice rumbled as he pressed kisses to your neck. “My beloved sister, blessed by every god that watches us.”
You arms wrapped around him as your head tilted to the side, eyes half-lidded. It was times like these, that it was hard to remember that your brother dealt death like it was nothing. He was so soft with you. So loving. So protective, like he had always been with you.
“Ask me to kill for you.” He begged you as he cupped your face. “I will, I’ll kill for you. I’ll give you everything you could ever wish for, you need only ask for it.”
You laughed softly as one of his hands left your face to press softly against your hip. “There’s no need for that.” You smiled at him sweetly. “We’re happy brother, there’s no need to set the world on fire.”
“But i would, for you.”
You hum as you reach over to kiss him, content. The thought of him being capable of great violence never left your mind but you were capable of handling it. Of staying his hand, as his queen. 
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tag-that-oc · 11 months
Do you have any Ocs you’d like to talk about??
oh boy do i
im gonna introduce my scrungly my poor little meow meow my pathetic loser the love of my life. Arvid Sheldon Moreno <3
ill add trigger tags too of course but just in case: warning for abuse, violence, death, and kidnapping
first of all i am a Terrible artist but here's a commission i got of him from the lovely jester @/ghostcasket (with commissions still open here is the info post. go commission them he's wonderful)
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anyways. ARVID. basically he's a second generation oc from the project me and the other mod have. he is like. 3/4 alien?? something like that. but he was born on earth and that's where he grew up.
his parents are lovely and perhaps very strange but they are so good to their kids. Arvid is a mama's boy in particular he is very close to her and very protective of her.
so. what's wrong with him then???? surely he has Every Problem Ever. well he does. when he was a kid he didn't really have any friends. he was outcasted and bullied from various sources but none more so than Alex. fuck Alex we hate that guy.
Alex caused problems for Arvid basically his whole life. he was harassed and followed and beaten and manipulated and. well a lot of things!!
Arvid met and became friends with Izan who was infinitely better for Arvid and nicer and they were just really close. however that didn't stop Alex from being an asshole ya know. and it got even worse when Izan broke off from Arvid due to trying to manage his own trauma of a recent event unrelated to Arvid's stuff
so what did Arvid do? he clung to Alex and they became "friends". during this time Alex really drilled into Arvid's head the idea that he shouldn't cry, that he was weak, that no one else could tolerate him, and Arvid believed it all. things escalated until Alex and one of his other friends attacked and stabbed Arvid during a time when Izan and Arvid were trying to patch things up. and they left him there.
Izan got him help, but Arvid refused to let Alex get into trouble. in fact he had a strong fondness and loyalty to him and so what did he do? he confessed that he was in love with Alex. and Alex, ever amused and delighted by the power and control he had over Arvid, accepted his confession and they started dating.
and they didn't break up for a really really long time!
however this is all the backstory info! (well not all of his backstory but Some of it) this isn't even taking into account the story events! the story events being Arvid and his entire family gets kidnapped and taken to an alien planet because these fucked up brothers were trying to get and erase information on the esp experiments that happened during the first generation (meaning the things Arvid's parents went through) and. well long story short Dawson (does anyone remember when i talked about him?) was forced by his older brothers to kill Arvid and his mom. fucked up!!
but it's okay, isn't it? yeah Arvid comes back to life thanks to a wish made by Dawson on this super powerful wish granting magical rock. and they all live happily ever after on earth!
but not really.
when Arvid gets back he discovers that in addition to being brought back to life, he's now immortal. which is the LAST thing he wants because he didn't even want to be brought back to life if he was being honest. and Alex being the wonderful person he is decides to use this to his advantage (basically isn't it fun to kill your boyfriend over and over while he remains blindly loyal to you? Alex seems to think so)
however Arvid has other relationship drama going on. he has feelings for soo many other people but didn't feel worthy enough to be in a relationship with any of them. why would anyone ever like him back ya know?
except a lot of them did like him back. a lot actually. and Arvid starts dating others and building this lovely little polycule of people who really and genuinely love and care about him. and it takes a long time, but eventually Arvid breaks things off with Alex and tries to be happy. key word being that he tries because sometimes he doesn't do a very good job of it. he's still got it in his head that he deserves to suffer and will go on self destructive spirals now that he doesn't have a boyfriend beating him to shit constantly anymore.
some fun facts about Arvid is that he's a supervillain. i mean not Really a supervillain but he's a loser and tells everyone that he's evil. type of guy to steal from large corporations but not from local places. but this is all evil deeds he swears it. he also has plans to take over the world which he only shares with people he really trusts. he's so lame <3
he's also extremely emotional and will cry really easily but. well due to Alex Reasons he will belittle himself for showing sadness. he is obsessed with people seeing him as strong when his 5'3 ass can't even open a pickle jar
Arvid is also very very soft and sensitive about bugs he loves bugs!!! they were his best friends back when he didn't have any friends and even now he still treats them so gently. it's a really cool contrast to his usual edgy personality.
also!! he has really bad luck all the time <3 constantly tripping over stuff and falling in puddles and breaking his phone and. other bad luck stuff.
anyways i hope you enjoyed my insane ramblings about my scrungy little guy
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gamblersdoll · 9 months
today was a .. interesting day.
yuuji, loved Christmas and since it was his first christmas with you, he was super excited. especially since all he had was megumi, kugisaki, todo, his teachers, and you.
when you had woke up, he was in bed already, with what he wanted was to make pancakes, but were crepes instead. it felt weird for anyone to put effort for you, but, it warmed your heart so much. when yuuji was in love, he loved hard as hell. especially since he knew his fate, and maybe yours too.
“i hope you uh.. like crepes? i tried okay!” he exclaimed, looking away in embarrassment and fear.
you only chuckled, taking the crepes and the hot cocoa he made for you.
“i love them, yuuj. thank you.” you had said, planting a smooch on his cheek with your plumpy lips. you felt his face turn hot.
“oh thank god, todo thought youd hate them.” he said, sighing. “speaking of, can we all hang out today? i know its cold and all but i promise to moisturize you before and after we leave!” he promised, he knows how dry your skin gets when its too cold, or too hot. and you had to lather yourself in lotion or soak in the bath with your choice of oil in it.
you had agreed, and fuck was todo huge.
he toward over you, he was like that one overwatch character that yuuji had told you about. but you liked how long todo’s locs were, he prided himself on that.
“its not too cold out, thank fuck.” you said happily, taking a sip of your drink. it always made you all dry and itchy. yuuji, the sweetheart, gave you his jacket, making sure to bring a spare.
“brother, shes tiny!” todo had said, confused. see, you were on the thicker side, which never is a problem for yuuji, nor for yourself. it was just fact. when todo said you were tiny, it meant that you were tiny.. between his and your height and size. what did todo expect though?
“uh.. youre like six foot two and im not.” you deadpanned, almost laughing at his stupidity. it was all in fun though. meanwhile yuuji and todo argued and bickered like “brothers,” you watched yuuji’s pocket. the fuck was he hiding? you never knew with him.
“time to leave.” you had said, noticing whatever crowd was at the stores and the commotion. whenever you said its time to leave, yuuji would sometimes question, todo would always side eye him, and it would end off with a “yes maam,” or a “okay mama!” while he smiled , because you knew he can be a cheeky shit.
todo had bid his farewell, happy holidays and went back to kyoto, and it was just you both.
“so, whatcha hiding?” you had asked, not looking at him and looking at your phone, seeing all of the romantic things going on in the internet.
“why dont you look?” he had said, using his finger to make you look at him, in all seriousness.
he just knew how to make your heartstrings tug, considering the necklace he had given you just now. it was a pretty necklace, not too small nor big, silver, and with a little diamond with it. you felt.. strange. like you had been in this situation before?
“i know how my life will end, y/n. but i want it with a promise, no matter what— even if you are strong, independent, that i will protect you, and make you happy!” he promised, a smile on his face and holding you.
tears welled in your eyes, before quickly turning away and wiping them quickly–
“oh no mama! i didnt mean to make you cry..!” yuuji had said hurriedly, frantic that he had hurt you.
“im not crying! i got an eyelash in my fucking eye!” you said, you wouldnt dare show that he made you cry from how sweet he is, from how much he shows that he cares, how much he cherishes you.
“yeah right.” he chuckled, clicking the necklace around your neck and kissing you deeply. “it looks so pretty on you, mama.” he said, pressing his forehead against yours. “i love you.”
“i love you.”
“do you like it, y/n?” sukuna had asked, folding both pairs of his big arms. he suspected you hadnt.
“ i do, thank you, master suku-“
“what have i told you about that? just call me ryomen.” he said, correcting your error.
“thank you, ryo.” ryo, a nickname only you and you alone could call him. you thought you were only in his life because of how well you could fight, cook, and how you can always strategize a plan.
but you back then, were more than that.
“good. its a promise then.” he had said, rolling his eyes away from you and to the outside world. he stood up from you, standing at a cowering nine feet tall height and his big arms still folded.
“what promise?” you had asked, tilting your head at him while trying to have his whole figure in your view.
“none of your business, yet.” he had said lowly… only planning to know when his curse on your body would take its course.
reposts, tags, comments, are deeply appreciated! happy holidays!!
honorable tags: @lisaaannna @coldbreadbouquetworld
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fyodoro · 2 years
i literally love the way you write akito so. can i request akito x fem! reader who has like a younger sister whos 4-5ish? younger sis is all over him when he comes over like always tryna be on his lap and play with him and readers just like "shit now how am i gonna spend time with my bf" LMAOO I SEE TIKTOKS ON THIS AND IM JUST LIKE "aw🥹"
have a wonderhoyful day 💙
-> 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 & 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Having a little sister can be fun, until your boyfriend starts spending more time with her than you..!?
With Akito Shinonome, fem!reader
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One of the first things Akito learned about you is that you have a little sister, really little sister. He thought it was funny that even though you were the same age, he was the youngest sibling and you were the eldest. Different upbringings that didn’t interfere with meeting each other.
You didn’t talk about her a lot, but enough for your boyfriend to wanna meet her. And since his house had a tender atmosphere due to his father and sister, why not bring him over to yours so he can meet your sister?
When you told her the news, she was just as excited as Akito. She hears you always talking about him and to him over the phone, maybe excited was an understatement. She was ecstatic. It didn’t take long before she asked what Akito’s favorite color was so she could make him a colorful card & other crafts.
“(Name) (Name), do you think he’ll like this!?”
“Of course he will (Sister’s name). If you make it I’m sure he’ll love it.”
Somehow, you were more patient for Akito’s arrival than your sister was, and she hasn’t even met the guy! She was practically bouncing off the walls, with a huge grin on her face. Deep down, you were happy that she was so happy. Some siblings wouldn’t want to meet their sister/brother’s partner in fear of them taking them away. But she wasn’t like that at all.
Every little sound outside has her looking out the window, scanning across the scenery in search of a ‘tall orange haired guy’ as you described to her. When she finally caught sight of him, she was already opening the door before he even got to it.
“I’m here- oh. Are you..?”
“It’s me! (Name’s) sister, (Sister’s name)! And you’re ‘Kito!”
Typically, only you would call him that. Anyone else who called him that even in a joking matter he told to stop. But Akito didn’t know if you referred to him as “‘Kito” to your sister or if she said it by herself. Either way, he thought it was adorable.
“Right, introductions. Akito, this is (Sister’s name), (Sister’s name), this is Akito, or ‘Kito, whatever you wanna call him!”
For some reason, Akito was okay with that. Maybe it was because it was your little sister, and he would feel terrible about telling her off. Before he knew it, she was pulling him into the living room and proudly showing the card she made. It was bright, very bright orange crayon scribbles and other colors like blue & pink. On it said “Welcome home Akito.”
Home? Although this wasn’t his real home, it felt like it. And it started feeling more like that the more time he spent with your sister. It’s been about an hour since he showed up, and he’s yet be alone with you.
Surprisingly, your boyfriend is really good with kids. He wasn’t harsh or mean with her at all, but genuinely nice. It felt strange seeing him like that, but it was relieving to see they were getting along so well. But…
“Okay (Sister’s name), I’m gonna go spend some time with (Name), do you go to sleep around this time?”
“I can stay up later, I wanna hang out with you and (Name)!”
You’re kidding… here you thought you’d get the quality time you desperately wanted with Akito. You love your sister, dearly. But man you wish she was asleep right now. It’s already past her bedtime, so usually it wouldn’t be a pain to get her to sleep. But since she’s so ecstatic, it might be harder.
“Actually, (Sister’s name), I think it’s too late for you to be up. ‘Kito will be here in the morning still, so you can see him then.”
“No buts, we can’t have you losing sleep, off to bed!”
Solemnly and tiredly, she made her way to her room. You honestly felt bad, but it was already getting late, and you’ve yet too even spend alone time with Akito. You and him quietly headed to your room, where he threw himself on the bed.
It was silent for a moment, a comfortable silence. It was clear he was a bit drained from keeping up with a kid’s energy for so long, it was also clear you missed him a bit.
“I saw that face, you were jealous, weren’t you?”
“I wasn’t jealous, just felt a little left out, y’know?”
He chuckled and patted the spot on the mattress next to him, silently asking for you to lay with him. Of course, you obliged. This was time time you’ve been looking forward to all day.
He quickly wrapped his arms around you before kicking the blankets over you two. He always did this, using his legs and feet to get the blanket over you and him because he didn’t want to let go of you.
“So now I have two (Last name)’s to focus on, huh?”
“I guess so… but y’know this alone time if gonna be less frequent now right?”
“It’s okay, we still always have my place. Besides, I think I like hanging out with your sister more than you.”
You softly punched his arm as he laughed. You could tell he enjoyed meeting your sister. Before, you never saw him interact with kids, so you had no idea he was good with them until now. It was endearing in a way.
“Goodnight Akito… love you..”
“Goodnight (Name), I love you too. Sleep well..”
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering maybe some HC’s on dating Tsuji or Shibaman would be?
Tsuji | General dating hcs
a/n: Hi, im always happy to write for my fav boy 🥺💕 Hope you like it 🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: not much just usual hnl things
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* Although most people think of Tsuji and Shibaman as like twins, their characters are pretty different.
* Tsuji is quieter, calmer and smarter than Shiba.
* Also stronger.
* But still, I'd say he's also a bit crazy, although he usually chooses to listen everything first
* He is a very cool character with his hair style that he changes frequently and his unique style
* He has a cool vibe, he seems like a bit of a shy person for being cool
* Crazier than Shiba in fights. Doesn't get angry quickly but can be pretty tough
* He's also quite loyal. We all know that Shibaman and him were with Todoroki from the very beginning and they never left him alone.
* No matter how tough and wild he may seem, I think he is very kind hearted, soft and funny to those he loves.
* For him, I think someone between would be great, rather than someone too serious or too loud.
* Someone who is calm but knows how to have fun, is not afraid to say what she thinks, helpful and cheerful.
* I think Tsuji is quite introverted and not showing his feelings. So he'll be grateful for someone who understands him without he tells
* He's pretty big and tall, so it doesn't matter to him whether you're tall or short, fat or slim.
* I don't think he is afraid to take the first step. But I think when he likes someone, he'll hide it for a while and want to be sure.
* Like I said, he's a weird man so it's not easy to figure out who he likes or him
* Not being silly or excited around the person he likes, he is pretty cool about it
* If you confess first, that's okay too. I'm sure he'll be a little nervous if he doesn’t expect this, but he won't be rude to you.
* I think he would be quite happy with someone he believes truly loves him.
* He is a simple guy
* He will walk with his girlfriend home every night and listen to how her day was along the way.
* Gives me a very good listener vibe, even if he doesn't comment much, he's a good listener
* He's okay with physical contact, always holding his girlfriend's hand or his arm on her shoulder
* I think he's a little shy. So not a PDA fan. But he loves the sweet kisses you give when you tiptoe
* He likes to embarrass you but he doesn't go too far
* Your comfort is always his priority.
* His girlfriend is his second best friend.He wants Shibaman and her to get along well. Because Shiba is like his brother.
* I definitely think he'll introduce his girlfriend to Todoroki and Shibaman's older sister. He cares a lot about their opinion.
* I think he can cook well. Sometimes he makes you a meal and comes to your school and gives it to you.
* He really likes to make you feel like a princess because he thinks you deserve the best
* I think he feels strangely insecure ,so I feel like he'll be happy when you compliment him
* He changes his hairstyle often and can do a couple style with you if you want.
* He likes to working with music. I think he is interested in digital music. And he’ll be pretty happy teaching you how to make a new beat.
* He loves your arms wrapping around his neck when he carries you on his back.
* I don't think he'll mind if you want to put makeup on him. Someone who can do masks and makeup with you when you braid his hair
* Good with remembering the special days
* He's not very good with words but he does everything to make you feel his love.
* He usually has clothes that are oversized and pretty big for you but he finds you pretty cute when he sees you get lost in them
* He wears your hair tie on his wrist, I can imagine him playing with it or the necklace you gave him when he misses you
* Like I said, he's not the type to talk about his feelings much, but he talks with Shiba about you often.
* You changed him a little. He now thinks twice before getting into a figh
* He definitely doesn't want you to see him when he's hurt. He won't even tell you about it.
* Not someone to judge you when you cry. When he sees your eyes watering, he will hug you in his arms and quietly stroke your hair until you relax.
* Definitely big spoon, he's huge so he likes to hug you tight in his arms
* I don't think he is very knowledgeable about your period, so he often asks you what you need and wants to help.
* I don't think he will be afraid of anyone or anything easily. But he is quite afraid of harming you. That's why he always wants to protect you
* The thing he fears most is that one day he will hurt you unintentionally or you will be afraid of him. That's why he doesn't want you to see him fighting
* If you belong in their world, he never wants you to see him lose control even you are fighting beside him
* He may be cold to many people but always in his most natural way around you.
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane @thatpoindexterpixy
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ask-camp-anomaly · 3 months
Intro Post!!
hi everyone!!!!! i stole a phone to make this blog, so don't tell the Head! anyway, my name is wirt, im 14, and i use they/them pronouns, and i'll be running this blog! here's a rundown of all the fun and exciting people who you'll have the pleasure of talking to.
first (the best cabin)- Cabin Esoteric!
there's me, obviously. i'm the best
then there's my older brother tammy, 21, he/him, our counselor, he's... out of it most of the time. don't ask about his eye.
there's tato ash, 16, she/they, our cit!!! shes a bitch
and then theres hector jekyll and edgar hyde, 12, he/him. hector is sooooooo stuck up, man
then theres Cabin Eldritch
theres my bff harley sasqua, 13, he/they, hes.. a bit shy. if you're a dick to him, i'll light you on fire. just because he's tall doesn't mean he isn't just a little softie!! Wirt, why would you say that? because its trueee
then there's lunar, he/him, 19!! he's the counselor, and... don't tell him i said this, a little scary. but like in a cool goth way!!
calling nessie an honorary member since she used to be in eldritch, soooo
nessie loch, she/her, 18!! she's so sweet, and does a lot to help out around camp. hiding a lot of secrets. don't ask about her full name.
then there's carmilla leeds, 9, she/her been here since birth honestly i don't know much about her, but she has a pet chicken named jersey
and finallyyyy edith terrell (but we all just call her edie t.) she/her, 8. she's the only one who is allowed outside contact so blame her if we get found out!!!
now the creepy cabin, Cabin Elysian. i don't know how old these dudes actually are, so i'm just putting the age they died
there's damien polter, 22, he/him, the counselor and the biggest sweetie around!! lily braids his hair, it's so cute
speaking of lily! lily markendaya, 16, she/her, very nice too (what's with all the dead ones being nice?), dating tato i think?
oh wait. exception to the nice rule. jesse o'moore, he/she, 13. he will throw his head at you if you're not careful (i know from expirence :( ). she's like... a sibling figure to mary, i think they knew eachother before the camp was even founded
mary red, 6, she/her. she really likes dolls. like. really likes dolls. looks creepy, but she's a sweet kid.
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(And me, The Ednis Nye! I will be watching over these children, perhaps intervening when I find it amusing.)
ooc!! hi!!
nsfw-ish asks sent to the older characters (nessie, lunar, tammy, damien, etc) are alright, but a lot of these characters are children!! dont be weird!!
simple rundown- this is a place for children with anomalies. esoteric is powers, eldritch is strange appearance, and elysian is undead
also, they all have. very extensive backstories and lore that i will be hinting at throughout. feel free to dm me (mod @the-pipster-pin) if you want a full breakdown of everything, but... there is a LOT. you can also just send ooc asks if you have just a question or two, im always happy to answer those:) just know that none of these children are at this camp consensually or legally. and they are all so traumatized. love u and have fun<3
(ALSO lunar and nessie are canonically trans, tato and harley align more with their agab but are nb, and wirt doesnt have a canon agab and probably never will)
all of ednis' interventions will be in pink, no idea if ill keep the zalgo but ill make sure to include the plain text under it
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nicegaai · 1 month
I used to not care about Sweden ships that much but then my third eye was opened to his shipping potential and I now love every Nordic ship with him.
SuFin - need I say anything? Iconic. Next.
DenSu - Enemies to friends to rivals to friends again to fuck buddies to lovers
SuNor - surprisingly sexy. Ship that's able to simultaneously bring out the best and worst in both of them.
SuIce - why just give him Ice a big brother kink? Give him a daddy kink TOO
All this to ask, any headcanons for SuNor specifically or for Swe ships in general?
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HELLO my dear my beloved my angel of the askbox. i love this journey youve been on, you are completely correct in everything and ur suice take made me scream out loud btw <3 i want my babybabyboy 2 have a daddy kink so bad <3
(edit: this was not very posthaste of me.................... enjoy anyway if u are still out there... i love you...)
hard agree that sunor is So Hot. im obsessed w them as a concept. like. you dont even know
first of all sunor has the norice problem where ppl want to assign them Platonic Sibling energy but then u look at them and its like why is there clearly sexual tension here...... i suspect its norways fault for havign that sexy voice disease where everything he says comes off flirty. and sweden is -- 🧠💥 wait wait wait wait wait
its coming together. sweden spent a lot of his life as a closeted gay man and was very uptight about it (source: look at him), claiming to humans that nations dont do sex and that he is a good asexual boy with no impure thoughts and other times pretending to have interest in women to fit in, depending.
but norway is shamelessly himself in every era—at least in comparison to sve... he wont pretend to be something hes not. and he wouldnt hesitate to fuck a strange man for fun, even in times where getting caught would severely damage his reputation. sweden even in modern day would not do one night stands. or you know. never say never, but hes LEANING never. norway is leaning Always.
what im saying is. sve would be so jealous that nor is living his best life and doesnt feel shame, even in an era(s) where he really should. and i think due to a series of cinematically coincidental outside circumstances (my brain is writing a fanfic without me rn) (edit: i have since forgotten the fanfic), they would start butting heads about it, not in the same way su and den fight... theyre passive aggressively sniping at each other. sve wants him to represent himself better, and nor is like i can literally do what i want forever.
from the outside it looks like a brotherly disagreement over differing life choices, but its 100% sexual tension fueled. nor is like lmao why are you mad? are you jealous? and would come onto him to freak him out and sve would be like STOP this is WRONG but he wants it so bad and they both know it. he hates nor because hes hot and fucking everyone but him and the one thing he can't do is admit he wants him. ...all norway has to do to win is keep teasing him until he breaks, but it would take several years. not decades, bc even if the flirting is infrequent sweden is not strong enough for this treatment.
... in general, i think they have different views of sex. to me norway has a high sex drive, lower than average standards, and doesn't feel shame as acutely as he does and sweden cant stand it. that's my sunor headcanon. they fuck anyway ofc but in modern day sve has made nor get std tested at least once. but could they be exclusively together like a monogamous ship? .............. i could be convinced.
sufin - need we say more? i want to anyway... i love them married with kids i love them divorced i love them in a 500 year unlabeled situationship i love them one-sided and i dont really prefer one dynamic over another tbh. actually wait i do have a hot take. i think finland deserves to top sometimes. FinSu nation rise up <3
densu - what can i even add to this... they should look like the happiest couple on the surface but be crazy & toxic behind closed doors. theyre perfectly normal guys when separated but when left alone together they scare me. this is a good thing to me btw
suice - jsgdk gjk s klga liwi egi j tjil 2 t. g 8aw9e gae0jo d ;gawj dp2gjawodgijl aij e 0g;eglj aw irgl ajoweg lahrigawi egji awlji dg d i need to write them together more i could get so insane ab these two & i have a scene planned for my longfic where they fuck like crazy and i think ab it once a week. suice is so cute. theyre so cute. AHH
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every-single-day · 2 months
I agree with the prev anon-Ik it sounds strange but honestly any and all things i know of him are things I’ve seen on here (and ofc from defending him against the allegations and whatnot) like most pics i find of him are on here-(the prev one i found was on a post about ‘age accurate curtis brothers’ thing-i didn’t know where the actual pic was from but yeah. it can feel like a lot sometimes and even tho i’ve never personally bothered with looking him up (most stuff i know is from june when the shitstorm happened and ppl were giving me info left and right to use as leverage to help his case) i still feel like-awful for knowing so much yknow? (this sounds like a piss poor excuse and i’m not trying to sound self righteous-i kinda just figured if we were sharing i’d hop on-you don’t have to share this if you don’t want like i know i’ve made my fair share of jokes and little commentaries but in all honesty like…most of the stuff i know/have seen is shit other people have sent to me in june-honestly even with that excuse i feel bad)
idk, you dont have to post this, but on that topic i just feel hazy yk? like i’ve never looked him up or bothered with any interviews (save from the ones in IG that have floated around ) abd the podcast
but i still feel bad knowing so much about him yknow? i dunno if im making sense-this got kind of venty so if you don’t wanna post this you don’t gotta-but at some point it does make me feel bad for knowing so much/seeing so many pictures that he himself hasn’t talked about/posted. idk where they come from and it’s not my business but it makes me feel guilty sometimes
i should clarify this isn’t a jab at anyone. this is kinda me just reflecting on a lot i guess because i’ve been thinking about it but you were right. it’s hard to differentiate fiction vs reality at some points. and at some point it makes me wonder how would he feel about it. i know he’s not gonna see it. but it just makes me wonder. (again, not a jab at anybody-i love all of the little fan club we have going on-but at some point, where is the line, yknow?)
It's okay to be a fan and do fan things!!!! Watch interviews, look at publicly posted photos and swoon, post artwork, listen to performances, make memes, joke around! That's all natural!
This little discussion is just a reminder to keep that healthy balance between having fun and staying respectful <3
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teamskull-datingsim · 7 months
okay just for my own sake heres my relationships with the undertale cast.
for context: in jeremytale, as im calling it, the Player latches onto me instead of frisk but frisk is still there. and killing someone is never a possibility. the dialogue options, whether mean or sarcastic, are something I myself would say regardless of being possessed by an Entity
frisk: thats a little sibling if ive ever seen one holy shit. in general i think theyre a cute kid and i think they look up to me but also theyre full of sass and love to backtalk (back sign??) me
chara: another little sibling. I love narrachara theory and it carries over. little dead guy (nonbinary) and their strange living cohort. chara voice Fun fact! If I was alive, I'd be your age! jeremy voice Thats really depressing dead kid
flowey: little sibling number threeee jesus christ. yes he hates me yes if something bad happens to me he will try and hurt the person who did it!! i just think hes a weird flower... until i learn the truth obviously. i try to be supportive but hes kind of a stinker
toriel: "wow this is. a bigger human than im used to having fallen here. Whatever still my child." i think shes awesome and i would love to hug her. however i do think i remind her of chara and asriel for time until she realizes that comparing me to either of them is unfair to everyone. im still her child though. Goat Mother
sans: he goes between "i need to avoid this guy at all fucking costs" and "hey it's not that bad. hes just autistic. thats cool". I do get mad at him frequently for patronizing papyrus (and he tries to do it to me too but i am not above threatening him). on the surface we relax with each other quite a bit. Especially when he realizes that me and papyrus are a good match. and also when he stops babying his brother lol
papyrus: man. cmon. you know this. i do think itd be funny that if i ever actually made jeremytale the outcome of the papyrus fight will always be the dating segment no matter what the player has me do. compliment him? "hey buddy i like your scarf! i have one just like it" "Y-YOU... SUCH A SINCERE TONE! ARE YOU... FLIRTING WITH ME?!?!" ".What". intimidate him? "(*You stand up to your full height and look down on Papyrus.)" "W-WOWIE... TRYING TO SHOW ME YOUR IMPRESSIVE STATURE... ARE YOU... FLIRTING WITH ME!?" "huh." just straight up spare him? "S-SO MYSTERIOUS AND STOIC... YOU MUST BE TRYING TO IMPRESS ME... YOURE FLIRTING?!" "WHAT!!!!!!!"
undyne: at first she hates me but once i get the undyne hang out we are. Basically siblings. she thinks me and papyrus are great and we become a trio of it. she loves noogieing me because i actually put up a fight. i also confront Her on babying papyrus but i think she already knows its bad. i also think she is so funny. most forgetful fish on the planet. WHY DIDNT YOU SIGN YOUR LETTER
alphys: im so cool to her when shes just watching my journey but when we meet face to face she quickly realizes im just as much of a dork as her. we're best friends
mettaton: i am so quirky and funny to him not in a patronizing way but like. That one video of "(excited voice) How do you keep your pants up when you perform, its incredible!" "....... belt". of course once i see EX its like. of course you have black hair and pronouns. unparalleled friend group of me, papyrus, undyne, alphys and mettaton
asgore: he is so. he thinks im an odd chap but mostly very polite and sweet. reminds him of chara much like toriel and makes him very sentimental. hes not really a dad to me but i do think he enjoys my company
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rysko · 7 months
I want more of your based takes to giggle at so for the fandom ask, Marvel please
My narcissistic ass loves the opportunity to talk about my faves Red, enjoy
This will be an amalgamation of all the 'verses', im not only sticking to the mcu.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Miles Morales! Ever since the first Spiderverse came out i loved him. I genuinely relate(d) to him a lot, and his story and struggles resonated with me a ton. I don't like saying any fictional character 'helped' me, but he really really did.
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Listen, i have my own beef with the Loki show (beef, as in, I wanna hunt whoever came up with that idea for sport) but Mobius is like the light at the end of the tunnel, like the tasty chocolate with some shitty toy inside. ITS OWEN WILSON PLAYING A NERVOUS, CUNTY, NERDY AGENT
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
An awakened AI? Who visits the internet for 5 minutes and decides its time to genocide humanity? Slay. He was also like, really sassy and snarky and you already know i'm a sucker for these kinds of characters,
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glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
I WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT THIS MAN. I LOVE HIM. I HAVE CONSUMED E V E R Y PIECE OF MEDIA HE'S IN AND I AM STARVING. For all the lore i memorised for him i might as well be hired by marvel to think about this guy
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poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I think we all know who this is gonna be.
My boy, my beloved npd having smartass (its canon because i say so), Tony.
I always was and will be Team Iron Man, RDJ is an icon that played him flawlessly. My man does not deserve the bashing he gets in the fandom nowadays.
Yes, he's selfish, narcissistic, cocky and a privileged ass, but all of it is a win in my book. If people don't like that, GOOD, more for ME.
If it wasn't Tony, then my problematic fave would probably be Redskull.
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horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Loki. There's a reason my favorite scenes with the guy are:
Him getting thrown by his brother in Ragnarok
He's pathetic, he's a loser
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eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
Doctor Strange, any iteration of him, be it comics, cartoons or Britishface Cucumberstache. I love him sm, but in a "puts you in a jar and shakes it violently" way. I'd send him there to see what tomfoolery he'd get up to.
i think what these asks do, is show that I'm a sucker for the cocky bastards with flamboyant tendencies
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cheddar-baby · 1 year
So prefacing this with no one but me cares but i've got beef with the new reboot of the Cube movie
Maybe its because im canadian and i cherish the cube series for being one of the only good horror movies to come out of canada but i personally love the series i think cube, cube 2: hypercube, and cube zero (to a lesser degree) are masterpieces of dumb horror shlock. The beauty of the cube series is that you're just plopped into this giant nightmare lifeless metal box that has traps randomly placed throughout it maybe with a little puzzle for you to solve along the way. The cube is not a character its just sorta there and the movie functions as a vessel for fun trap ideas, your characters are disposable and we know very little about them. Its an ideal dumb horror movie. Cube 2: hypercube is the jason in space varient where theres just like future space magic but its the same you're just in a giant cube that just functions on its own and is just kinda there killing people for no reason.
Now my problem with the remake... They leaned so heavily into it being some sort of character drama that the cube itself was just kind of forgotten about. They seemed so invested in building these characters that they didnt want to kill any of them off. There was very little imagination in the traps it was just kind of like 3-4 picked from the original movie but with meh cgi. Super quick they found 2 seperate ways to avoid the traps entirely so from that point on there was really no traps seen. The movie became just a vessel for this singular guy to get a strange redemption arc for not managing to save his brother from killing himself because a small child just decides hes mad at him and blames him for his brothers death, immedietly tossing himself into a trapped room to get back at him. Also theres a woman they introduce at the start who you forget is in the movie because she has a single line of dialog and then from that point is barely if ever on screen who is later revealed to just be the cube and she has magic mind palace powers. But onto my reasons for disliking this change. I really feel like the original cube film is a really clever critique of capitalist beurocracy in that the cube is just this monolithic object. It is an insane massive structure that no one knows how it really got there who built it or why, it is just there, no one really controls it. Its just this immovable object that just functions totally independantly and does not feel or care. People are placed into it against their will by unseen forces and then are unceremoniously killed and disposed of. Its an endlessly moving and restructuring beast that seemingly has no end.
But the reboot takes this and gives it a face as this random quiet lady who is doing some sort of squid games game but we never learn her motives and it kind of seems like shes just oblivious to everything. She has 0 stakes in anything happening and is just there. But the cube now has rooms that beam into your brain and show cinematic recreations of your traumatic memories (just for a single guy in a room full of 3 people) onto a wall projector. Seemingly to teach you that being a child in a traumatic situation is your fault and you should repent for not being perfect. It really muddles the themes of the original to the point it feels like a saw movie thats confused about itself and what its doing. It also brings into question why have so many people in the cube if its just a vessel for a single person to get some character arc? Are the rest of them just disposable? Do their lives not matter? What is this trying to say? Its just all so strange and muddy when the base concept of the cube movies is so stripped down and simple. You literally just need people to traverse a giant cube and get senselessly killed in fun and interesting ways and there you go. Somehow this new movie managed to mess that up and it hurts me as a cube lover.
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mossfeathers · 7 months
Thank you for answering and welcoming my questions! ^^ (I sorta tried to pre-organize my thoughts so I hope the formating of this isn't too strange, sorry if is.)
Your sirens are very neat, I think. :3 I enjoyed reading about them. I'll definitely be ready when more info on them sprouts up. 
And ooo yes sweethearts is a very cute duo name for them. I like that a lot. ^^
I haven't actually played Stardew but I did grow up playing games in the series that inspired it so I think I'm picturing the vibe right, I feel like it could be very Harvest Moon, HM: Animal Parade especially. (I liked fishing too ^^ tho idk if it was so much a skill as it was just something you can do for recipes and money and got better at w/ better fishing rods)
& the setup overall seems like fun. Love the complete oblivion to start.
And since you welcomed my questions last time and said you'd like to hear if I have any more, here's some more questions! 
Can we hear a bit more about the dynamics the characters will have with each other so far? It'd be fun to here about, if you want to share that of course. ^^
You mentioned before that Scar & B are brothers in this au and that it'd also be a whole other post. Is that anything you can share with us yet? Or is it future info, It's fine if it is.
Oh but otherwise can I ask how you decided on a lionfish for Scar?
Also, are the others(like Lizzie & them) around as less important townies and seafolk?
Thank you for your time and sharing your ideas!
HI ANON I FORGOT TO RESPOND TO THIS IM SO SORRY OMG Literally always makes my entire day and week and month and also year tbh when you send in an ask and I love you so much (/p)
I've never checked out Harvest Moon before, I'll be sure to try and find a letsplay or something like that. From what I looked up of it, it looks adorable and I can totally see how it inspired Stardew :)
I think Grian and Jimmy are closer to their livestream/non-traffic dynamics, the main difference just being Grian cares a little more for Jimmy outside of the life series (apart from limited life). Grian bullies Jimmy but would do anything for him, Jimmy despises Grian but would do the same. Plus they make each other 500 times sillier and goofier. They're just really close friends, likely either grew up together or met in their late teens and were roomies for a while. Classic bullying friendship. Grian's quick to blame Jimmy, but quicker to take the actual blame if need be. Jimmy's quick to get frustrated with Grian but they're usually fine by the end of the day.
Grian and Scar are close to third life, Grian being exasperated with his attempts to scam him and Scar just being a silly little menace. Oddly enough, I haven't thought of many specific interactions, but based on Grian and B's first in-universe interaction I'd imagine Grian just threatens Scar if he ever tries to use his voice on him and that stops Scar from using it real quick. Doesn't mean that he won't tease G a lot. They're best friends. I gotta catch that grian+scar disease so I can more thoroughly think about them, I can only make them besties and happy forever. That doesn't slide in this AU, unfortunately.
Grian and B are really interesting, actually. In their first interaction (at least I think), Grian makes a very close threat on B's life if he ever uses his voice. He's rather aggressive in this au, but this is only because of the fact that sirens don't have a super awesome reputation and also because, in the context, Jimmy is missing and Grian suspects it's to do with sirens. I think. But after that, they bond a lot over their dumbass siblings and just the fact they like each other so much. Grian's oddly fanboy-ish over B in a really silly way and B just thinks Grian is awesome.
BIGB AND JIMMY!!!!!!!!! They're so incredibly underrated. They are SO silly. They just click with one another. I'm going to try to incorporate their super long friendship by just making them hit it off straight away when they first meet (in the life series, especially, they just constantly bring up inside jokes from hanging out, especially irl. they're absolutely adorable. i'll be genuinely shocked if they don't team next life series). They really like each other, and one of the main things about their dynamic is that Jimmy just thinks B is plain cool, and B thinks Jimmy is absolutely the funniest man alive. Really liking how Jimmy, quite possibly the most clueless man alive, is besties with the sirens. Very fitting.
I can totally talk about Scar and B being siblings! One of the reasons I didn't answer this in your previous asks (sorry about that btw) was just I didn't really know how to word it? Again, this au is very self-indulgent and I just really like the Scar and Bigb dynamic, and also really like weird sibling dynamics where they don't quite like each other and probably wouldn't be besties if they were allowed to not grow up together. But they did. And they're besties. And don't quite like each other. Except it's even more weird than this because B doesn't quite like Scar but absolutely loves him but also would really rather prefer to never interact with him ever (one of my favorite clips of them is b hanging out in third life, hearing scar's voice in the distance, and instantly saying 'oh no oh no oh no i gotta get out of here'. then scar comes to swindle him. a very similar thing happened in last life but scar didnt even come to swindle him, he just showed up at the shadow tower after the fairy fort burned down and b just runs and hides behind a little stone box. bugs to me). And Scar loves B soooo much but even more than that he loves teasing him. 'Life series best friend' has been referenced every single life series. And most of those times has been during a moment B is not red and Scar is. Very untrustworthy man. But at the same time I just know in my heart of hearts that given the chance (forcing them on a team together) they would be SO dynamic and interesting with a more haphazard trust and confused devotion type thing going on. So yeah: Guys who would absolutely never talk to one another again in their life if not for the fact they're siblings, but since they are they absolutely love each other. Oddly, that's inspired by how my mom talks about her and my aunt (her sister), and kind of how I feel about my own sibling. I haven't really thought out parental/other family ties, and i'm leaning towards either just having siren culture be very independent from parents or just never explicitly addressing it, as I don't really think it's that important, even though B and Scar's childhood is (I do not know what the details of their childhood are yet. i am such a good storyteller. clearly.)
Being completely honest, I chose a lionfish because I think they're cool, I just kinda got Scar vibes from it, and I associate him with orange. As with all good decisions, it was completely random and I'm actually super happy with it! I guess it also plays into his dangerous side, with the toxic needles and all that. If you happen to have any ideas for what B's tail could be (doesn't need to be blue tbh i'm just trying to get an idea), I would LOVE to hear it!
As for side characters, I have a few townsfolk planned out and kind of forgot to think of more seafolk. I think Gem and Impulse run a bakery (impulse bakes, gem decorates), Martyn and Ren co-own a pub (look up the stardrop saloon from stardew valley, kinda looks like that but they have little shows and a stage and all sorts of little entertainment things in it), Pearl has something to do with spirits and the supernatural (I'm toying with the idea of having an arc where she gets possessed and there's a whole red pearl thing with an angry spirit), and a number of other hermits/lifers (?) are villagers. Since the town is built on fishing and farming due to how rural it is, that's a lot of their occupations. Still, very few choose to live on the beach, as we know. In terms of merfolk, I just know that Etho is a sea slug and Iskall is a manta ray. Sorting some people into 'categories', Scott, Skizz, and Cleo are merfolk (sirens or not, undecided) and Bdubs, Tango, Joel, and Lizzie are townsfolk. I kinda want to explore other "supernatural" creatures (hence Pearl's potential ghost arc), so I might make a few of the villagers some other creatures. That's all up to fate, though.
I hope you don't mind, but i'll be leaving your other ask in my inbox just so I can go back and look at it easily. Thank you so much for the kind words and interest in my silly little au! More questions and ideas are always welcome!!
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randomnameless · 2 years
As im also a big rhea fan i do have to admit i also don’t like “alone b4 u” and at least enjoyed the church moments in hopes. However, i think that can easily be fixed with a few lines of dialogue (instead of the huge revisions ykb needs lmaooo): everything was normal between seteth and rhea and flayn until the eisners arrived, and then rhea started acting strangely; she started pulling away from seteth and flayn, being distant and weird and withdrawn. It can even tie into the diary scene/seteth questioning her, since he and flayn were obviously not privy to her homunculi, until the magic green hair dance happens and they suddenly understand. It can also fix a certain s support by reframing it under “i lost sight of my present and future by focusing on the past” instead of Alone B4 U. It doesn’t even need to change the game’s timeline of events or routes!
As an aside i’m still mighty pleased beach rhealeth is a canon duo and they like spending time together with the sand and the fish. All we need now is duo beach seteth n’ flayn to match them (and cyril but feh is mean to male characters so we’ll have to settle for him being a tempest trial unit i guess) and it’ll be a fun family beach episode 🐉🐠🌴
AG is kind of an AU in an AU, but yes, in FE16 proper, I think even with Seteth who returned 20 years ago and Flayn who woke up last year, Rhea's still kind of closed of.
Like, she can goof around them because they are her family and she loves them, but there are still things, imo, she wants to do herself and she doesn't want them to know of, especially the "Rez Sothis" project.
Something like, she's more open with them than with the rest of the world and all, but they have been separated for so long that she and Seteth aren't as close as they were in Zanado, or even, in the War of Heroes.
Also there's something I noted thanks to voice line anon on their transcript of her lines in Nopes, at one point, she says this :
Flayn - "You have been working hard, Flayn. You have my utmost respect." 1,000 Enemies Defeated (same quote for Seteth) "We must strive to build a world where you need not dirty your hands in such a way."
(on pk in the jp version she says this instead "あなた方が手を汚さずに済む平穏な時代を築かなければ……" which more or less means the same thing?)
Coupled with her lines both in Golden Shower or Tru Piss - when she urges them to run away or, in Tru Piss, expected them to run away - this imo tells me Rhea takes her "duty" to protect and guide Fodlan personally.
It's not something Seteth and Flayn should do, and they shouldn't "dirty their hands" to make a better world, her own hands can be "dirtied", but theirs? She doesn't want that.
So yeah, in that sense, Billy's return and existence is somehow tied to her own duty - the one she cannot share with Seteth'n'Flayn - of watching/looking/guiding Fodlan.
And we know Rhea is desperate, because she thinks she's doing a crap job, but instead of complaining about it, she keeps it bottled. A bit like that meme "everything's fine" when the house is on fire, and Rhea has to keep pretening everything is fine, because it's her duty to watch over Fodlan, and Seteth'n'Flayn shouldn't worry about it - she's the one burdened by that, not them. Billy popping up would be her lifeline "it's fine everything is fine look Mother returned and at the end of the month everything will return to the way it was supposed to be, Sothis will fix everything wrong with Fodlan since I'm not able to do so"
and I could see the devs thinking this...
But - and this the biggest "but" - Rhea's lack of supports and ties to characters can't decently be erased by a mere "she ignores them because she hyper focuses on Billy", Rhea's close to her "brother like" figure, dotes on her niece, trains with her knight and protégée, and she'd just ditch them all due to this hyperfixation?
I don't buy it.
As you said, she could be acting weirder and weirder with Billy's signs they're awakening as Sothis's host, or something.
Maybe they could have made supports where Rhea avoids like plague to talk about the "current situation" and big events going on, and just talks about random stuff, like memories, training or picking on Seteth, encouraging Flayn and Cyril to make friends, etc etc...
And with the events of the game happening, her support convos could become more troubling, having supports where she refuses to talk to Seteth about "the demonic beasts" investigations, what's going on in the Empire and all, maybe with the final convo happening just before Jerry kicks the bucket, Seteth would try to grill her one last time, asking her to please let him in, he wants to help, and Rhea considers for a moment (with meaningful "..." points) but she doesn't and say everything's fine, Seteth seemingly abandons, saddened and when he's gone Rhea says she cannot allow him to help her again, it's her burden - (when he discovers the homonculi projet thanks to Jerry's diary he puts 1+1)
And the similar thing with Flayn would be just before the Holy Tomb map - Flayn worries about the "current state of things"and those people who took her blood, but Rhea oddly starts to talk about a celebration for the millenium year festival, how they could celebrate in the Monastery - Flayn could invite her new friends, and then she namedrops Flayn's mother who could also join, to Flayn's surprise, what the fuck is she talking about her mother's dead is she alright?? "yes everything is fine at the end of the month everything will be fine" -
And we know how it ends lol
In the end Rhea's revelation would be something more classical in the lines of her "relatives" pinching her cheeks saying she doesn't need to do everything alone, they can help her too - maybe with them telling her that both back then and now, they help her and Fodlan because it is something they want to do, not because she asks them to.
Maybe they'd tell her to stop feeling bad for what happened during the WoH, sure they lost people dear to them, but they do not regret it at all (with a bonus "Rhea feels like crap because if she never asked for their help during the WoH Cethleann would still have a mom and Cichol a wife and this ate her for 1000 years").
As for Billy -
instead of the "alone b4 u" maybe we could get a Billy centric piece about them feeling kind of bad Rhea apologises for... their existence? No matter the reasons behind their birth or heart transplant, they exist thank to her, right? So they'd tell her thanks, and it breaks her, because everything she thought she did wrong and her biggest sins - creating life - weren't sins since the people who were created were and are grateful to be alive?
I like your idea of "stop being so fixated on the path, look at the present and the future" and it's doubly nice if Billy is the one to say it, because they're Billy, not Sothis!
And it'd make a nice parallel in Nopes - Nopes is supposed to be a kind of bad AU where people don't develop as ideally as they do in FE16 without Billy - because in Nopes Rhea's all on the nostalgia trip, which prompts Seteth to remind her that 1000 years passed since she "borrowed" his shield or since Indech was last here (or since Willy died), they have to focus on the present.
Back to Billy, I'd think they'd be important as the person who tells Rhea that no, she didn't "royally screw up" since they exist thanks to her, and they're grateful + she can rest now, they will take up her job, or even better : since no one can guide the world etc etc alone, will she help them?
Revamped SS without "alone b4u" would still imply slightly tweaking some CGs and cutscenes, instead of having only Billy be present, Seteth and Flayn are here too - when she tells them they're in charge before transforming? Have Seteth with her (maybe saying Flayn already ran away, so what the frick is she doing, they should go, and Rhea nods, talks to Billy, and transforms). The cutscene when she's freed from the prison? Have Seteth pick her up, instead of Billy, maybe Flayn working some sort of magic, and Billy in the scene, visibly relieved as she thanks them and everyone for coming to rescue her. Shambala? More scenes with Cyril and Catherine, asking her if she's alright, if she needs to rest, maybe a CG of Catherine supporting her to walk or something similar with Cyril.
The final scene in the Cathedral ? Seteth enters first with his weapons, because he is the one who said they should kill her (even if i hate this plot mandated fight lol) so he feels like he has to be the one to do it, but Billy catches her and the scene goes as it does in the game.
Anyways - yeah I also like how FeH, Engage (and Cipher to a lesser extent?) represent Billy as liking to be with his lizard family, popping up with them, let it be for a swimsuit alt or for a Halloween alt - sure Gremlin!Sothis ruins the thing - but M!Billy's still on a event with Rhea, just like F!Billy. In canon they need to work a bit on their relationship, but there's no mistake were intended to be on good terms!
(even if in canon you have to be sad to fight against Supreme Leader, so Rhea must be sus, and everyone must tell you Church BaD else Rhea won't be sus, and Supreme Leader might not have a point, and we can't have that + FE16 made Billy the avatar/self-insert so they have to be empty enough to be able to pick each route and support every character)
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
bun, oat and ai di 2, 10, 13 and 14
character ask game 🌸
kali im biting you these are such good chars and questions
2 🌸 Favorite canon thing about this character?
Bunn - I adore his wit and attitude. He's smart (and also a little dumb) and he knows it and he knows just how to get under people's skin while also being the most endearing person in the room. (And he's a little bit of a slut, we stan.)
Oat - He's so fucking genuine and so sweet. He's almost always smiling and he can't get away with anything (until it matters most.) Golden retriever energy for days.
Ai Di - Ai Di feels things so intensely. He comes off as this feral wild person but all of this energy stems from the fact that he feels everything so intensely all the time, all that love and devotion and loyalty and protective instinct has to come out somewhere because he's certainly not communicating it to Chen Yi.
10 🌸 Could you be best friends with this character?
Bunn - I think it would be a strange friendship. I have a friend in real life that's a lot like Bunn, brilliant and kind of a snarky ass. He's like my brother, I adore him and I'd give him a kidney without question if he needed it, but we also fight like siblings and get into disagreements and grate on each others nerves and want to beat the hell out of each other. I think Bunn and I would have a friendship very similar to his friendship with Inspector M.
Oat - God yes, but to be fair I think Oat is one of those people anyone could easily be friends with. I think we'd have a lot of fun teasing people, teasing each other, and just have one of those friendships that's easy.
Ai Di - This one is hard. I want to say yes? But we're both so fucking feral I think things might get overwhelming from time to time. I do think we'd have one of those relationships where you message each other and go "Can I be a hater for a minute?" and just unleash all the opinions you don't want to post publicly because like, they aren't that big of a deal, and it doesn't need to be A Thing. We'd also enjoy spicy food together.
13 🌸 What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Bunn - 🙄🤔😩
Oat - 🥰😭😊
Ai Di - 🔪🔫🌶️
14 🌸 Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Bunn - Business casual 24/7, does not own a pair of jeans.
Oat - Average, jeans and some kind of graphic tee with a ridiculous phrase or design. Maybe the occasional flannel or button up to go out.
Ai Di - Absolute chaos. Patterns and neon colors for days, probably experimented with Pastel Goth. He is always the brightest one in the room and you can always gauge his mood by his clothes.
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finagled · 1 year
so speaking to my mom on the phone this morning, i asked her something ive asked her before, but im always hungry for more details.
'what was i like as a kid?'
i dont remember what i was like before 20 or so
so i ask her again, only this time, she asks me a follow up question.
'which ages are we talking?'
i like this answer. shes engaged with me. i like moments like these, where i feel like im actually speaking to my mother, and shes actually hearing me. usually it feels like im being written off.
'what was i like when we lived in south dakota, and compared to how i was when we moved?'
we lived in south dakota until i was seven. after around my seventh birthday, i was bombarded with thing after thing after thing until i was a different child, she's told me before.
she tells me something similar, but i get more details this time around.
when we lived in south dakota, she tells me, i was very happy. i had an abundance of energy and curiosity, i never ran out of things to say, and i was convinced to make friends with anybody i saw. i was really outgoing, she tells me.
she cant see me, but im nodding along.
i remember these times. life really was idyllic, from my point of view. i had two loving parents, and we lived in a pretty nice house in a beautiful neighborhood. i had a baby sister i adored, a dog and a cat, a swing set and a bike. i had friends in the neighborhood, at school, in girl scouts, at gymnastics. i was active. i had so, so much fun. and i really was happy.
when i was seven a cascading series of events turned everything i knew over, and the catalyst was the day i remember a knock at the door.
when i answered, i was met with a tall, lanky man who looked unfamiliar to me. but he was happy to see me, so i suppose i was happy to see him.
this was my dad, they told me.
i remember not really understanding. what do you mean, this is my dad?
i have a dad, he's right there.
but this is my real dad, they said. we were going to go hang out for a bit, so we did. he took me to the mall to play in the arcade, he took me to the fair, and i had fun.
this is my brother, he told me. this made me happy. i really like family, i was happy to have more. he was a little older than my baby sister. i havent talked to him in over ten years at this point, but thats a story for another time.
things were strange and new, but i still had fun.
that fall, i started at a new school.
my mother had gotten out of the air force and it wasn't convenient to drive me to my old school by the base, so i started taking the bus to school. i really didnt like it, leaving all of my friends at school. but id make new friends, i thought.
school wasnt very fun from that point, i had a hard time making friends. i didnt have to experience that long. a couple months into the school year, my mom told me we were moving to california.
so we loaded everything up. my grandmother flew out to help us make the drive. we took the cat, and left the dog and fish. my mother, grandmother, sister, and i began the couple days drive to the west coast.
nobody told me my dad, the one i had always known as my dad, would never be coming with us.
i ask my mom what i was like after we moved.
i grieve the person i was before, because i never got to be them again, and i dont know who they are anymore. i miss them, and im trying to get back.
she says i changed.
i no longer made friends. i came home crying from school every day. every day. when, months later, my mother finally told me that she and my dad were divorcing and he was never coming to california with us, i was crushed. my mom took a job in san diego, about an hour commute, and so i began to barely see her.
my new school was really bad.
i dont know why i was made the target. maybe it was the speech impediment. maybe its because im neurodivergent, and they could pick up on it, maybe in ways younger kids couldn't. maybe it was because i was one race, and that race was by and large a minority in this school.
all i know is my entire class bullied me. the teachers were complicit. the administration was complicit. and i was a little kid who was so scared.
one day in third grade, my mom finally got the chance to come to an open house. i was so excited, she didn't get to come to the school often. it was hard to get off work.
this next bit i dont remember, this is a story she told me. my heart breaks for the child that had to endure this.
we walked into my open house and the entire class, in unison, turned and faced us and exclaimed, "Ew, it's ____!"
and then... everyone just went back to the open house. all the children, all their parents, the teacher, like nothing had happened. even me. everyone except for my mother, who looked on in horror as she tried to process what had just happened.
she didn't say anything. she made it through the open house. ig bc i was so happy to have her there and she didnt want to ruin it.
she phone the administration the next school day. this was not the first time she had called. she demanded to know why nothing was being done about this.
the principal told her that maybe if i didnt wear dirty clothes to school, i wouldn't get picked on.
as if it was my fault.
im sorry, i really loved that casper hoodie. it wasn't dirty, it was just stained, and i loved it, and it was not a valid reason to make me feel like scum.
leading up to this, i had a rough go of it. the summer before third grade i had inexplicably gained a lot of weight, which just egged the kids on more. i cried at school, so they made fun of me for that.
after that open house and that phone call with the principal, my mom pulled me out of the rest of the school year.
i returned at some point for a field trip, where the kids were eerily nice to me, but they couldn't take back how they made me feel.
i wish this was something that only happened at school, but it didn't. in my neighborhood, kids i thought were my friends eventually started bullying me, too. i remember one valentines day in particular, i went to a friends house, only to be ambushed by the neighborhood boys who hid in trash cans to surprise me and they all started pelting me with spiky Sweet Gum balls.
this wasnt the worst thing to happen in that neighborhood.
all of this to say, by the time i finally moved to a new district for 4th grade, i had a lot of emotional problems. something she told me today is that i had a deal with my new teacher, that i would get a prize if i could make it to the end of the day without crying.
i wonder then... if she saw me cry so much, why did my mom never get me help?
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Strings of fate chapter 9!!
Goodness I am so late. I need to catch up with your updates. A new chapter of glass and your Mermay fic (congrats on the 3-year streak btw!)
But anyway I am here to sing my praise to you Bee so get ready!
I love how you described the missing piece in Tommy's life. He doesn't remember Wilbur but there is still a sadness that lingers with the loss of him and the life he lived as Wilbur. And I like how Tommy describes it as a bother lol
Tubbo and Ranboo are very understanding. It's sweet to see them try and help Tommy sort out his dream situation. Even though what Tommy is telling them sounds a bit strange they still try to provide possible explanations. Like Ranboo suggesting that Tommy's unfulfillment comes from his mother's absence.
Jack and cellphone Niki lets gooo!!! I savor every rocket duo moment you give us. I love them so much<3
It's a bit sad that Tommy doesn't recognize Jack. It was more deja vu than anything for him. It's alright though. I'm sure they will have plenty of time to get to know each other! And this time Tommy won't need to impersonate Wilbur:)
Techno too! Ah yes. Bedrock bros. It never fails to make me smile. Just the mental image of this calm, sarcastic dude interacting with a kid that excessively curses and threatens to punch his face is just so funny. And then Tommy just thanks him after! It's wonderful
I'm so proud of Tommy! He got accepted into the university he wanted most!
But despite that, he still feels like he is missing something. Something important. or perhaps...someone????
And then of course he sees Wilbur. Ughhghdhdh gosh Bee!! This is when it hit me that strings is finally coming to an end.
I like how your ending is different from the movie's. Don't get me wrong I still think it was a good way to end the movie. It's just that yours feels a bit more complete with the boys talking about their dreams and the missing pieces in their lives.
Oh and the relief! They found each other and it's so satisfying! They hug and get all the sweet sappy stuff that we all love out of the way before falling back into their natural banter and insults.
brothers <33 i could not agree more
thank you so much for this fic bee! i know how difficult it was for you to push through and finish it! we appreciate all the hard work that you put into writing it<3
now im off to get caught up on the new stuff you've posted! you're amazing as always!!
compass anon hello!!! yes I have been busy with posting lately lol I'm going out of town next week so I'm trying to get my posting in gear because I'm definitely not getting any writing done while i'm gone
(it's very surreal to think that I now have a 3 year streak of mermay even if the first one only counts on a technicality like wtf how has it been that long)
describing the missing part of tommy's life as very challenging because tommy couldn't be too specific about it but at the same time his subconscious knows exactly what happened so it could be specific? kind of? it was a very hazy space to work with and that made it fun to write about tommy's mindset after everything
tubbo and ranboo are just trying to make their buddy feel better so he doesn't run off to the abandoned ruins of a city that got destroyed by a comet again
yeah jack and niki lets gooooo!! unfortunately yeah tommy couldn't recognize jack, but he'll definitely get to know him and niki both all over again now that he's found wilbur and wilbur will no doubt introduce him to his friends and family. everyone in their respective circles are gonna have deja vu meeting the other since they were literally impersonating each other for so long lol
I had so much fun writing that bedrock bros bit the two of them have the best banter
even though everything is going right for tommy he's still missing something... someone...
yeah I didn't want to make the ending exactly like the movies. while I love the movie with my whole heart, and I understand why the end is the way it is, I do wish we'd gotten slightly more. just an extra five minutes or so to see mitsuha and taki talking to each other. again, I understand why they didn't and I don't think it's a flaw on the movie's end at all, but it was something I knew I didn't wanna do for this fic. I wanted to give the brothers a more tied up sort of ending
I didn't want them to completely remember each other because I feel like that would just defeat the purpose of forgetting in the first place. but I wanted to get that deja vu "have we met before?" kind of vibe, and the knowledge that something happened between them in the past even if they can't fully know what it was. it doesn't matter if they can't remember everything, because they know they're the other half they've been searching for for so long. the brothers have found each other and that's what's important.
tysm i'm so glad you enjoyed!! I seriously got to a point where I almost abandoned it several times so I'm very glad I didn't, especially bc now I get to see all your kind words about it!! so ty guys <3
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