#it's the more personal equivalent of like
canisalbus · 9 hours
When did Machete realize he was gay? Was it only when he met Vasco, or was it earlier and he just repressed it?
If you asked him, he might admit that in retrospect he must've had a vague inkling earlier (thinking of all the times he let his gaze linger on a painting of some handsome nobleman a little longer. Which almost makes it like... a 16th century equivalent of having a secret fictional crush). But I think it probably would've been more of a detached, aesthetic attraction than anything he recognized as distinctly gay, bad and worth of repressing. It's not a sin to quietly appreciate art and the beauty of the human form.
I'd say Vasco, his best friend at the time, was most likely the first real person he had actual feelings for. The realization was so distressing he stayed in denial about the whole thing for a good while.
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andy-wm · 2 days
It’s a soft launch, right? I mean first the documentary where JK comes over and cooks, and now the crossword today. It’s them being domestic. It’s giving married.
Thank for this ask, anon 💛💜
(short answer to this ask: it's not a soft anything).
Before i answer i have to FIRST say....
<< I'm not directing this at you anon, so please don't take it personally - i dont know who you are for starters and i really appreciate this ask! 🌈🥰🏳️‍⚧️ >>
... I hate the term soft launch being applied to real humans and their personal lives.
Yes i know ... PR bla bla and celebrity bla bla. It's a handy bit of jargon (and buzz words make us feel like we're in the know, right?)
But i especially i hate it being used for queer people coming out. Let's compare it to a similar level of personal reveal in a hereronormative relationship...
You don't call an engagement the soft launch of a wedding, right?
It's dehumanising to see such a momentous aspect of his life reduced to the equivalent of a marketing plan. He's a person. This this is his relationship, not a political campaign.
Let's not talk about the lives of these two beautiful people in love, in business terms.
We aren't their PR agents., we are their confidants and supporters. Let's keep it that way 🙂
Now as to the question, i think this isn't soft in any way. I think this is a freight train.
This is the transcontinental, stopping all stations, heavy cargo hauler.
In the sweetest possible way, Jimin is saying to the world "Listen to me. I am telling you my truth...
Get aboard or get out of the way."
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and mabe more importantly, i think this is not just an album and it's not just for ARMY.
Look at this:
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These all sound like love songs, and the imagery used is cassette tapes. It's a mixtape... old fashioned, romantic, time consuming and unique to the individual you're (he's) making it for. Its a gift to someone special.
It's a declaration of love.
Who do you think he's really making it for?
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coffe-and-tea-time · 3 days
Hey, I know the vote isn't done yet but I was wondering what our first interactions would be like with them all?
We can certainly arrange that!! Ask related to this post!
*Internally kicking his feet like a little girl seeing so many interactions with our post* ( • ᴗ • )
although maybe it’s a little short since we would rather leave more context for the actual posts - Tea
I read wrong a comment and thought they were requesting a shop owner when in truth they were talking about the seller, now the shop has an extra character *look into the abyss in poor reading comprehension*
In my defense, google said 'shopkeeper' was an equivalent to shop owner *disappointed of herself in non-native english speaker* but oh well, the more the merrier (ʃƪ^3^)~♡- coffee
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ ↔ ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪ ⬅ representation of the twins receiving incentives to post
Word count: 2k
tw: yandere behavior, nonhuman yanderes, human yanderes, delusional, RIP self-preservation, written in you/yours, willing reader
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-`♡´- Dizie -`♡´-
You walk into your house, still submerged in your own thoughts as you walk through the door.
"Uh, maybe I should arrange something to welcome Dizie when he arrives? I hope I don't come off as awkward..."
But... Why is your place so dark?
 You hear the door being slammed shut and as you attempt to turn towards it, a hand snakes over your mouth with a delicate yet firm touch as another coils around your waist from behind. 
"You were worried about my first impression of you? That's… really cute"
The voice of a man purrs near your ear and then you feel his face gently nuzzling with the top of your head like an affectionate cat, a rather deadly one.
"I took the liberty of checking around your home, you know, to make sure everything is like it's supposed to be, to make sure nobody else is lurking around… I'm so glad that isn't the case, you're all mine to cherish… only mine"
You feel his nuzzling being replaced by a soft kiss on the top of your head, as the slender hand covering your mouth moves to gently hold your face while his thumb gently rubs your cheek. 
[Clarification: Dizie is NOT stuck in his past or still in love with the last “darling” he was bought by. He doesn't see the reader as a replacement of any sort. We want to get that out of the way from the get go, he's just traumatized (as he probably should be ngl) - the twins]
-`♡´- Gabriel -`♡´-
Tossing your keys onto your couch cushion you let out a soft sigh, the walk back home was rather awkward, well, as awkward as can be with a man following behind like a lost puppy, his eyes practically piercing the back of your head. You wondered why he kept walking behind you but brushed the thought out quickly as you felt him let out a veery faint sigh of awe while glancing around your home.
“it smells just like you-”
The man whispered to himself, his words quiet yet the silence of you both being alone allowed you to hear him very clearly. flattering, but also a little unnerving. 
How did he manage to smell you when he was walking like a meter away from you?
His hands fidgeted as you glanced back at him, his eyes landing on your form still basking in the sight like you were some sort of divine entity before him.
 “This must be Gabriel then” 
you thought, connecting your choice with the man that just randomly started following you which you didn't have the heart to scare away.
 When the seller said he was a worshiper… he wasn't exaggerating.
Shakily, he reaches for one of your hands, clasping it tenderly with both his hands, completely engulfing yours with the warmth of his nervous fidgeting. His cheeks blaze red by the mere idea of touching your skin.
He leans down, pressing his forehead to the back of your hand, taking a shaky breath, then looking up to meet your gaze with pure adoration.
“I'm so incredibly thankful to be in your presence, darling. I'm so glad you chose me…”
(A person called him and Grier 'pathetic little mew mews' and now that lives rent free on my head; if you read this, I love your energy - coffee)
-`♡´- Oliver -`♡´-
This man is eager, that's for sure. There's no denying it as he practically drags you with him to his bakery as soon as your finger grazed his name on that paper.
You couldn't say a thing though, that wide smile on his face was just as sweet as the scent that wafted through the air as you entered the shop with the jingle of the welcome bell.
You were ordered to sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee with some butter cookies for the wait. He wanted to make something special, he said, quickly diving into the kitchen without saying another word.
You took a small bite of the cookie thinking perhaps there was something in it, but if you were his darling now then it shouldn't be anything harmful, should it? The cookie was… just any normal cookie, it was delicious even, buttery and crumbly, mixing perfectly with the rich flavor of the coffee. 
Your mind drifted to the man’s appearance as he gave you constant glances, peeking from the kitchen a little too often, it was adorable in a way, like he was checking if you were still there. There was no need to check though, he had locked the entrance as soon as you walked in and you had totally noticed. You weren't going anywhere. 
A few minutes later he peeked again, though this time with a tray in his hands, he approached and placed it in front of you, a delicious slice of cheesecake greeting you. He smiled proudly as he saw your mouth water and as you eyes scanned the delicious treat you couldn't help but notice the fresh cut on his finger already bandaged up yet still bleeding a bit through the gauze… how deep was the cut? The blood was so red it didn't look like a superficial wound.
“I'm just a bit nervous, Dear, i wanted to cut it perfectly for you… my hand must have slipped”
He reassured you, dismissing the severity of it but quickly hiding the cut from you. His sheepish smile though made you forget about it for a hot minute- how was this bulky man such a sweetheart? 
Your fork soon dug into the creamy goodness of the cheesecake, the raspberry sauce that sat on top dripping a bit, its rich red color almost resembling that of his blood. What a passionate baker…
(...I love him, okay? -Tea)
-`♡´- singer  -`♡´-
The door of the car is opened before you get the chance to even lift a finger and you are greeted by the angelic face of a man, worthy of praise and worship, smiling down at you and offering his hand as to help you get out of the car
"Hi~, welcome welcome, how are you feeling on such a joyful day as today? I hope that you are as thrilled as I am"
He says with a charming smile, holding your hand delicately for you to exit the car then  guides you into his house, his eyes ogling you like a three course meal.
"Would you like something to drink? A water perhaps? I don't really have much sugary drinks since i take care of my vocal cords, but if that's what you'd like then I'll absolutely find a way to get it for you"
"Oh, I'm really fine, don't wor-"
His step falters before stopping dead in his tracks, his smile softening in… awe? He shuffles closer as your voice trails off by the sudden action.
"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry to interrupt your words, I just couldn't help but get closer… you speak so softly, I'd wish to hear you more clearly"
He puts his hand on your shoulder reassuringly, though it quickly moves up to your neck, his thumb caressing your throat.
"You shouldn't overthink too much, your duty here is being happy with me, and when I'm not around, feel free to enjoy your free time as you wish; my only condition here is you take care of yourself and… to not look at anyone else in the eye for too long… but well, you should’ve already expected that, you signed for it, honey"
-`♡´- Myotis -`♡´-
You feel your heart on your throat as the butler opens the door for you, as you make your way inside, you feel like you walked straight into a historical movie of some sort, if the outside looked already out of a gothic fairytale, you can't find the words to describe how impressive the inside is.
"I'm glad you seem to like the place, Amore, that makes things easier for both of us. I hope you can forgive my eagerness to meet you"
You can't help but get surprised when you notice him right beside you, speaking to you dearly as he grabs your hand as if it was made of glass to softly kiss the back before giving you a smile.
"Fear not, you can always indulge yourself and wander around to enjoy the mansion, but I rather that the precious focus of your gaze be on me, I’d be delighted to spend as much time with you as possible, don't you think so?" 
-`♡´- Lior -`♡´
You enter your home excited, wondering if you should get some fairy lights and stuff for the yandere you chose when a rustling in the distance disturbs your thoughts, grounding you back to reality.
You make your way in the direction of the noise and find yourself standing in front of your bedroom window where the poor moth boy flutters his wings trying to squeeze past the small gap, half of his body still hanging outside the window. This must be Lior.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb you, I just thought I would be able to fit in the open gap"
You truly can't help but giggle at the situation, okay, he is really cute for a yandere, the seller sure speaks the truth.
He grumbles uncomfortably, wiggling his way inside your home. His satchel almost falling out the window, but he manages to grab it mid air. Fast reflexes, that's a plus.
"I brought a present with me!"
He sighed out in relief while holding his satchel. With some effort due to his limited movement, he is quick to lift his bag and rummage through it, proudly lifting in the air a big cinnamon scented candle.
“Some light for my daylight! I-I thought you'd like it, though I'm not allowed to use candles… I always burn myself with the wax”
(he's my baby and i love him, thank you very much. -tea)
-`♡´- Tarak -`♡´
"Huh, what a gorgeous being…for a human… I will accept your proposal"
The dragon says in a low husky voice, gazing at you with a smirk, his hand gently lifting your chin so that your eyes meet his.
"You were the one that got chosen, not the other way around"
The seller quickly remarks, the humanoid dragon clicking his tongue in response.
“Same difference... the order of the factors does not alter the product after all, we are united either way”
Even if the humanoid acts roughly with the seller, Tarak gently puts your hand on his arm and holds it there as he walks outside of the store with you. What a gentleman.
"You are going to love the forest, of course, my cave is most enchanting, but I did in fact go out of my way and make a cabin next to it, everything is already taken cared of, I know not every species has the resilience to prosper in my environment, but, well, your ancestors used to live in caves... so maybe you can manage"
“Is my home not an option from the beginning?”
You say a little nervous, not sure if you can actually survive in a forest without being eaten alive by the wildlife, although you must admit that is kind of a silly thought if you think of the power of a dragon like him.
He looked like he was about to protest your request, but just your scent in the air was all he needed to sense your feelings and give you a look as he relaxed his shoulder in defeat.
"... alright, I'll indulge you, we have a lot of time in our hands to adjust to the changes around us anyways, I'll stay at your home until you are comfortable enough to come to mine, I will make sure to adorn it in any way you please for when that time comes"
He gently messes with your hair as a way to reassure you before he resumes walking, following you to your home.
-`♡´- Grier -`♡´ 
The seller goes down the wooden ladder after taking the tape off the camera lense and signs for you to come closer to it.
"The cameras here don't have sound but showing you to him should be enough of a clue all by itself"
You freeze as the security camera focuses on you, standing there, you wave awkwardly and the camera starts moving side to side abruptly before freezing,  like the person behind it moved away from it.
"Well, either he fainted or he is coming right away!"
The seller says in a cheerful voice as he goes to cover the camera lense again with a strip of tape. A couple of minutes pass before you hear the screeching stop of a car parking in front of the shop hurriedly, soon followed by a panting man who barges inside like his life depended on it.
“I’m here! I'm here!!” 
He says almost tripping on his own feet as he shoves in your face a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
"Oh, those are my favorites! Thank you"
"I-I know, don't worry, I made sure to do a quick background check on your medical history so I don't trigger any allergies, I promise I will gather more information tonight! Don't worry"
-`♡´- The seller -`♡´
"I already told you, I'm not a yandere"
"How did you know I don't go out?"
"You're practically chronically online! It's just a lucky guess"
"My screen time is something even weirder for you to know!"
"... don't tell management"
[Clarification: yes, the seller’s is shorter, that's because as far as we can tell, he's most likely to win first place in the survey so we are saving up most of his character and interactions for his main post (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ - the twins] 
-`♡´- …owner? -`♡´
"Oh, that's an interesting turn of events, so many options yet the button you press is not even part of the survey..? How experimental”
The owner let out a rich laugh as he spoke his usual nonsense to catch your attention through the speakers of the shop.
"Ah yes, 'nonsense'. What a disappointing excuse.."
The owner argued with himself under his breath before he sights.
"Want something to drink?"
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*Ejem* little clarification (it's the third one now in this post, get a grip. - tea to himself), characters that aren't in this survey have already been requested in asks or comments or, well, won the first survey. we haven't forgotten about them, we are already working on their posts 💚 - tea
Don't forget! If you like something specific, you can ask freely! As I said before, we love interactions! (Attentions seekers? More like validation seekers lol) - coffee
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
Divider by tea ✌️ (i know I'm amazing/j)
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 days
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Name: Traffikrab
Debut: Cassette Beasts
Cassette Beasts is a game where one of the most common battle monsters around is a traffic-themed hermit crab creature! Isn't that wonderful? The traffic cone is not actually part of its body, but it fits oh so well, considering its traffic light-like face! I think the light is its eye, but it is possible that its angry eyebrows are actually eyestalks. Either way is good!
Another wonderful thing about Traffikrab and friends is that they are Plastic type! This game has most of the classic elemental types, along with a few fun surprises like Plastic, which probably has my favorite creatures overall. I love when fictional creatures have very artificial/created vibes! It's like these things are robots but also not at the same time!
Traffikrab can be remastered (equivalent of evolution) into a few different options...
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Lobstacle is the defensive choice, and has the best name of the line! This crustacean wants to be in the way, and is good at it. It wears a construction barrel rather than a cone, and I don't think I've ever really seen construction barrels given a media spotlight, so that is very cool! Its antennae/eyebrows are now striped with caution colors with a big ol "no" sign in the middle. This is the logical extreme of a traffic hermit crab! But not the end of the concept's creativity!
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Weevilite is the result of a Traffikrab remastering to a ranged attack-focused form instead, and it is my personal favorite of the two options! The traffic cone seems to have transformed into a more proper abdomen, and the focus is now on its traffic light head and neck, which is so cool! From the name and the long neck, you may recognize this as being inspired by a giraffe weevil, yet another thing I don't think I've ever seen as a monster design basis. If the light was its eye, it now has a second eye, right under the first. When people record video with their phone vertically, they're not doing it for fellow humans. They're doing it to show Weevilite!
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Finally we have the most special crab of all in this game! Not a Traffikrab, but Magikrab, who inhabits a wizard's hat and has a purple eye that perhaps evokes a crystal ball! Traffic cones and wizard hats are similar things, really. Once I saw an fire hydrant gushing water, with a traffic cone on top of it. You better believe I immediately recognized it as a metal wizard casting a Water Blast Spell!
Magikrab appears throughout the game as a friendly NPC, who can talk, and is very polite and enthusiastic! It is always very happy to open up train stations for you to travel between. I wish the government was much more like this magical crustacean! Or better yet, replaced entirely by it!
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82mitsu · 3 days
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Previously translated pair names that had been posted to Twitter. However corrections had to be made (misinterpretations & an instance of mistranslation), so this is version 2.
Note: This is the only translated thing I will be posting, I am not off hiatus. I had been meaning to archive this before my hiatus, but I also had to fix some things, which is why there was a delay.
Please consult to this post only regarding pair name translations done by me (82mitsu), any other posts or reposts you might see of this chart is the older version. (Previous version has been deleted, but I'm unaware how far the information had spread.)
If any other corrections need to be made, feel free to contact me and I'll make them as soon as possible.
Below follows an extreme lengthy TL note breaking down some pair names, it's a lot of text, so be warned once you unfold the read more.
A lot of research went into these due to 18TRIPs tendency to mix up words, use Gen-Z slang that hasn’t been picked up by everyone yet (or limited to TikTok) and make up their own words (“Omotenashisto” -> “Hospitalister”). I used dictionaries, searched forum results, looked up how people use these words on social media, went TikTok digging, etc.
I tried my best to localize in a way that should make sense even without added context. I only explained the ones that I thought might needed some more back-up in a cultural sense or because it was a specific JPN thing. Thus, not everything has been explained. However, I hope things are clearer compared to the first version that was posted. For Renga & Yukikaze: For ぽゆぽゆ (poyupoyu) there is no definition or anything for this word, but from context clues and digging through how people used it, I deduced that it means something soft and squishy like a plushie or cheeks, so to say. For Renga & Liguang: かりそめの宿縁 (karisome no shukuen) is a Japanese saying about a fated connection of bond that only lasts for a brief moment, but leaves a deep impact on your life. For Renga & Raito: Party is mispelled in the katakana as “paachii” and not the usual “paatii”. Renga has a tendecy to say English words wrong. While “friends” is spelled the correct way, both words have been “mispelled” to drive the point home. For Renga & Kinari: なぁぜなぁぜ (naaze, naaze) is JPN Gen-Z slang from Tiktok. It’s a statement made as an act for complaining, with a bit of sarcasm and irony thrown in at times. Like, “I said I wanna diet but I ate a big meal anyway! なぁぜなぁぜ” or “I’m an idol but I get more anxious doing improv than performances! なぁぜなぁぜ”. Best way I can describe the usage in this context is Renga is throwing a bit of a self-aware tantrum as to why Kinari would correct him. (As mentioned earlier, he isn’t good at English). I guessed a close equivalent would be “nuh-uh”, since that is a dismissal of someone else’s opinion without actual good reason, even if the other person has a point. For Renga & Netaro: まんまん (manman) means “a lot” but I also believe it’s a reference to meatbuns (nikuman). For Kafka & Yodaka: Hanbei is Takenaka Shigeharu, a Japanese samurai from the Sengoku era. He was known for being Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s strategist. For Liguang & Yodaka: 闘牌伝 (touhaiden) is related to Mahjong stuff. 闘牌伝 seems to be an old timey Mahjong video game with RPG elements. Rekka is a fighting game term, and I will quote the website The Fighting Game Glossary by Infil on this: “A type of special move that has multiple stages, as long as you input more commands to continue the sequence. Not all multi-part specials can be called rekkas though; a rekka tends to have exactly three distinct parts and will move your character forward along the ground with each new input.”  For Akuta & Nanaki: They went to the same kindergarten and were grouped together in the “Oden Class”. Japanese kindergartens, from my understanding from researching, tend to have a name for their class, rather than a number. To give an idea what such names could be, in 2019 the website hyenasclubs hosted a poll of most commonly used names for classes, and the top 3 were “baby chick” (hiyoko), “peach” (momo) and “dandelion” (tanpopo). For Akuta & Muneuji: My take on はっけよい輝矢部屋 (hakkeyoi kaguya heya) is a bit of an elaborate bit joking with Princess Kaguya of the Moon (from Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) because I was wondering why they suddenly opted for Muneuji’s last name instead of first. (I might’ve also just overestimated Kaguya Heya being some joke on Kaguya Hime). Hakkeyoi is what a referee shouts at the start of a sumo wrestling match. For Akuta & Ushio: I think ポジティブに腕押し (positive ni ude oshi) is a take on 暖簾に腕押し (noren ni ude oshi) that means something has no effect or is pointless. Lit. it means “pushing a curtain with one's arm”.    For Akuta & Tao: Akuta Nine is a joke on the baseball movie Gyakkyo Nine which is an adaptation of the manga of the same series, I believe. The movie is referred to as GK9, hence I made it AKT9.  For Akuta & Ryui: The original is OYAxKOBU which comes from 親分子分 (oyabunkobun) meaning “boss and his underlings”. Akuta also calls Ryui by “Oyabun”.
For Kiroku & Nanaki: Weebs who watch highschool anime should be familiar with this, but emergency staircase refers to the hallway stairs in a JPN highschool that are sometimes used as chilling out spots by students. For Kiroku & Chihiro: TuRyStA is the clothing brand they wear. 18TRIP has a various selection of clothing brands, which each character having a preference for one or another. For Kiroku & Yodaka: Zhao Yun, as quoted by Wikipedia, “was a military general who lived during the late Eastern Han dynasty and early Three Kingdoms period of China.” For Ushio & Raito: Some heavy freedom was taken with バスボムしゅわリスト (basubamu shuwaristo). After considering how to approach it in the most sensical way, I decided to translate it as “bubblist” due the other options being “hand sign list” or “bubble list”. I thought リスト might function as in -ist, like dentist, artist, guitarist. しゅわ comes from しゅわしゅわ which means bubbly. Although bubblist isn’t not that common, it is sometimes referred to entertainers that do bubble performances (in English). And I think it made more sense than “hand sign list” or “bubble list” to say the least. This was also taking in consideration how 18TRIP, as explained in the intro, gets very creative with its language usage. For Raito & Nagi: Mandarin ducks symbolize “soulmates” of some kind in China. In other words, Mandarin Duck Touring is more along the lines of “Motorcycle touring soulmates”. However, I find the mandarin duck reference and interesting pull compared to just “soulmates”, so it was kept as is. For Kinari & Ryui: “Super Darling Gap Inspection” is more along the original lines. “Gap” in Japanese is usually used in the context of when someone acts one way, but unexpectedly, can act a different way. Ex. A very shy person shows they can be super vulgar, that can be considered a “gap” of some kind. In English, people are more familiar with “gap moe”, thus gap moe was used. For Tao & Nagi: Might be a reference to Yokohama’s Zo-no-hana (Elephant Nose) Park. For Toi & Yodaka: The original is more along the lines of, in the most literal sense, “going around raisins circle (of friends).” Toi likes raisins, but Yodaka doesn’t, so Yodaka passes them onto Toi. I’ve turned into on a play on “sharing is caring” since that’s a common concept in English.
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You've talked about Lucio’s forgiveness before but specifically speaking, Do you think the M6 could ever forgive Lucio for what he did to them ( Besides Portia )?
If they could how do you think it would go and what do you think would happen afterwards? Would they be friends? Would they remain on neutral ground? “ I forgive you but I don't want to see you for a long time”? Etc
OR Do you think there is absolutely no way in the Arcana Realms that they could ever forgive Lucio for the actions ( and crimes ) he committed? ( He did a LOT )
I'm going to go on a tangent about unreliable narrators here which I promise is relevant to the story -
And before I go on, yes, I know the production of the different routes was messy. There's a lot of inconsistencies that can be chalked up to rushed planning, poor work environments for the creators at the time, etc. That doesn't stop me from over-analyzing it though!! :D
Who Lucio is changes pretty significantly from route to route, which feels like inconsistent writing until you take into account the way that who MC is attached to is going to influence their perspective. From Nadia's perspective, he's an incompetent fool. From Asra's, a despicable villain, from Julian's, a scary nuisance, from Portia's, completely irrelevant, from Muriel's, the Devil incarnate, and from his own, the equivalent of a kicked puppy. Forgiveness is much more nuanced process than we like to think it is, and the concept of empowerment and injustice play heavily into it.
When it comes to genuine forgiveness, I personally think Nadia is the closest we get to seeing it happen, and I'm referencing the events of her own route. She's able to go through the process of unpacking the effect of Lucio's actions on her and the people she cares about and addressing it. By her final confrontation with him, she's established and reclaimed the narrative of his involvement in her life, she's able to openly express her feelings to him about it, and once she's toppled their old power dynamic once and for all in a duel, she's ready to put him out of her life on her own terms. Lucio goes running off into the realms and she's able to move on with closure.
Forgiveness in this case looks less to me like "it never happened" or "it happened but I'm not holding it against you anymore." Rather, it looks like "the past has been resolved and now I'm going to rebuild what you tore apart." Both Nadia and Lucio are freed in their own ways. It's a fairly appropriate resolution in my opinion because they chose to have each other in their lives as peers and the processing Nadia did was **roughly ** proportional to the amount of personal harm Lucio caused.
Asra's route has a slightly more typical ending for Lucio as the story's villain. There isn't one point in which the ex-count shows any kind of remorse, self-awareness, or concern for his actions. He's irredeemable. However, Asra doesn't harbor fear towards him as much as they harbor hatred and disgust. They knew Lucio was somehow responsible for their parent's disappearance and assumed death and for the death of their love, but they also saw how easy it was to make a fool of him from a very young age. For them, forgiving Lucio doesn't involve self-empowerment like it does for Nadia or Muriel. It requires a courage to acknowledge the personal pain that someone they hate so much was able to cause.
There's a moment in Asra's route as they lure Lucio into the trap that ultimately causes his death where we see the beginnings of this. Asra turns after running away to face their tormentor down, lists the ways Lucio hurt them, acknowledges that there is still a way for Lucio to hurt them, and then declares their own resolve to work through it regardless. While it doesn't reach the point of forgiveness, it's enough resolution on that front for life without Lucio in it to be free of the previous bitterness. Wrongs were acknowledged, justice was done, and life can continue. I imagine if Lucio had survived falling into the frozen lake, forgiveness would've taken another ten years and proof that Lucio had no further intention of harming anyone important.
Julian's route doesn't get into matters of "right" and "wrong" as much as it gets into "worth" and "guilt". Lucio still blames an inexperienced Julian for cutting off his arm way back when, and Julian in turn chooses to commit to finding a cure for the plague and taking the infected Lucio as his patient. Julian's own poor self-esteem twists all his very real misfortunes into a blame game designed to further trap him. The first step towards forgiveness requires acknowledging that someone else has acted unjustly towards you, but with Julian convinced he's not worthy of being treated with love, he's unable to see the injustice of Lucio's hateful behavior towards him.
Julian's sense of betrayal towards Lucio stems from the hopeless situation he ended up in and all the other lives lost to his selfish choices, but even towards the end of his route he still struggles to acknowledge how Lucio wronged him as a person. He's angry on other's behalf, not his own, but he's only able to forgive Lucio on his own behalf and not other's. The process can't start for him until he's able to hold onto his own worth regardless of how he's treated or what others think.
Muriel's route shows Lucio as something akin to demonic, even having him merge with the Devil later on in the route. Muriel doesn't seem to have ever had some kind of relationship with Lucio, which left the Count without anything to temper his malice. Lucio didn't know who Muriel was as a person and frankly didn't care, as long as he was able to leverage "entertainment" out of him. It's a connection built purely on exploitation, trauma, and ego-fueled malice, and not something to be taken lightly.
The only circumstance in which forgiveness could be healthy and real for Muriel would be if it was part of enabling him to leave Lucio in the past and flourish with as little of it weighing him down as possible. Given what a monumental task that would be, and how thoroughly Muriel likes to take his time to process things, that process would take decades and might never reach completion.
Finally, in Lucio's own route, I'll be honest and say I'm pretty dissatisfied with how the topic of forgiveness was broached. Rather, the word "forgive" seemed to be substituted for the sentiment "it's the in the past and there's bigger/more urgent things to worry about which unfortunately require cooperating with you". We do get the setup for a poignant scene where Lucio has to fight the younger version of himself, but it's more focused on forcing him to recognize what a terrible person he was. Furthermore, as long as Lucio is unable to see himself as a perpetrator or being capable of filling a perpetrator's role, he won't be able to see himself as someone who needs to be forgiven.
With the weight of all the harm he's done, there will come a point in the distant future will Lucio will have to forgive himself. However, that can't happen until the full effect of his actions have completely sunk in and he's matured enough to feel proportional levels of guilt. Even then, there's a necessary period of time where he has to find closure by addressing those wrongdoings before the process of self-forgiveness can start. There's none of that in his route, but I like to hope he makes it that far down the line.
Again, these are all just my opinions (and I'm so sorry it took me days to finish this!) but I hope they help!
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boomthemoon · 2 days
I've already said I think Rogue is part of the pantheon, but here is a much more worked on (and insane) theory about how he is in fact the God Mercury/Hermes, or putting it more simply, the God of Travelers.
Basically knowledge on Hermes here to help you understand it better, Hermes is the Greek equivalent of the Roman God Mercury. He is the God of Travelers and Thieves, Trade and Wealth and many other things. He the messenger/herald of the Gods, and guide of the souls to the underworld. Hermes is considered smart, creative and cunning, he's famous for playing pranks (specially on Apollo) and for being really fast, he is the inventor of the lyre, often connected to birds, and known for his ability to constantly cross from the realm of the Gods to the realm of the mortals. As Mercury, he is represented by Wednesday.
There is much more but I'm keeping it short and relevant to the subject.
By now most people made the connection that the ring Rogue gave the doctor had the symbol of Hermes (his Caduceus) in it, so we will start here, but that is just the most obvious of many references made to the God through the episode. There are so many meaning and myths to the Caduceus (being a gift from Apollo, being a symbol of peace, being able to bring people back from the dead) that I wouldn't know which one to go for, so we are sticking with the basics that is represents Hermes and Mercury and their deities. The Caduceus is a staff, with two intertwined snakes and a pair of wings.
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The second main point is Rogues ship. Let's talk about the bird theme, Hermes/Mercury is often connected to birds, mostly due to the fact that he is described to wear a hat and shoes with wings (those symbolizing his speed and ability to travel). And then we have an episode all about birds, the villans are alien birds, there are birds in the decoration, but most importantly, his ship is a bird, but more than that, his ship can be invisible. One of the many itens Hermes is know to possess is a cap that allows him to become invisible, in my interpretation, his ship seens to be a reference to some of his accessories, the bird wings that allows him to travel, the cap that turns him invisible, all applied on his ship.
Then there is the third main point, that convinced me of this theory because is too much of a coincidence to be just a coincidence. When the Doctor and Rogue are talking for the first time, you can clearly see a statue of Mercury behind them. And I say Mercury specifically not Hermes because I went to a lot of trouble to find a statue to match this one to prove my point and I could only find it by searching Mercury specifically.
Here is a screenshot of the statue in the episode vs two statues I found, you can see they are very similar.
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Now about what happens in the end, Rogue is very calm about the possibility of Ruby being sent to another dimension, and still very calm when he sents himself, you could just argue he doesn't care about her or himself, but the way he acts feels like he was testing the Doctor to see if he could sacrifice Ruby, specially since he knew you could just replace the person that was stuck in the trap but he didn't replace Ruby with Emily when he put her there. So like I mentioned before, Hermes can travel through realms, what in the show context, would just be different dimensions, so maybe the reason Rogue is so indifferent about being sent to another dimension with a bunch of murder bird aliens is because he knows he can just get out of there easily.
Maybe "find me" isn't in some random barren dimension, maybe is just "find me out there in the stars".
Other things it might be worth noting:
"Mercury is sometimes represented as holding a purse, symbolic of his business functions. Artists, like followers of Roman religion themselves, freely borrowed the attributes of Hermes and portrayed Mercury also wearing winged sandals or a winged cap and carrying a caduceus (staff)"
His ring represented his Caduceus as it has it's symbol, the ship represented his winged hat and shoes, and he literally wears a purse.
This one might be a bit of a stretch, but the lines "Fast mover" and "Run!" "I'm normally the one who says that" feels like small reference to him being to fast even for the Doctor (Just like Hermes/Mercury are known to be really fast). I just think that if he is some sort of equivalent of Hermes and Mercury and I'm not going crazy here, the "fast mover" line is actually hilariously clever.
The last bit is how we don't see anyone placing the two first pieces of the trap, we can only presume it was Rogue, but the only way I can think he did it without anyone noticing, is either he was incredibly fast, or invisible, which both track back to my theory.
Look, I'm not a specialist on Hermes and Mercury, I just know some things and did some research, so this might be a reach here but it make sense to me, so I'm sharing. And let's be honest, what is more God of Travelers and Thieves than falling in love with the guy that stole a ship from his own people to travel through space and time?
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in1-nutshell · 1 day
Hey I saw that your requests are open so I decided to send one your way. A while ago you did a request for tfa character’s reaction to a spider-buddy. I was wondering if you could do something similar to that. Specifically, I’d like your take on how the tfa elite guard (Jazz, Jetfire, Jetstorm, and Sentinel) would react to spider-buddy.
Spidey Buddy lives!!!!
Hope you enjoy!
Spidey Buddy meeting Jazz, Jettwins, and Sentinel
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
Spidey and Jazz met through Prowl once the Guard came back to Earth.
He finds Spidey to be an interesting person.
At first, he thinks that Spidey is a new type of human he hasn’t met.
Color him surprised when he finds out that they are just like an outlier on Cybertron.
Reminds Jazz of the Jettwins.
Has a lot of respect for the tiny human trying to do good for their community while helping Optimus’s team.
Loves watching them swing around the city with their webs.
Jazz has tried seeing how strong the webs can be.
Jazz hanging upside down from the top of a building. Spidey drops down a bit hanging upside down from a single web. Spidey: “Do you have any more doubts, Jazz?” Jazz: “Just one question.” Spidey: “Yeah? And that is…?” Jazz: “How do I get down?” Spidey: "Hold that thought.” Spidey climbs back up the roof and beings to pull the Autobot up. Jazz has a priceless face seeing Spidey pulling him up. Spidey: “Oh yeah, I’m also really strong!” Jazz: “Coulda fool me.”
Jazz love testing the Spidey sense, especially when they do mock spar sessions.
Never in his imagination would he think he’d be sparing at an almost equal with a partner smaller than any minibot back home.
If Spidey ever needs help, Jazz will do one of two things.
If he is available, Jazz is rushing to their side ready to help.
But, if he is under strict orders from Sentinel, he’ll make sure to send any available bot to go help Spidey out.
They met Spidey through Bumblebee.
The yellow minibot claimed to know a human outlier and they wanted to meet them.
The twins quickly become fans of Spidey after seeing their powers and how much good they had brought with them.
Jetfire wants to know more about the action-packed patrols and missions Spidey has gone through.
Jetstorm wants to go on patrol with them.
They have had a moment with Spidey’s web weapons.
Spidey and Jazz looking at the web mummified Jettwins. Spidey: “What did I say about going through my stuff?” Jetfire: “This is an easy fix, watch!” There is a faint glow, but it quickly goes off. Spidey: “Did I mention that these webs are highly fire resistant? And don’t even try and use the wind, Stormy.” Jetstorm: “Can you get us out?” Spidey looks at Jazz. Spidey: “After 15-minute time out then we’ll start with the webs. Fun fact did you know it takes hours to get that gunk off? You can ask Bee.” Frustrated Jettwin noises increase.
The twins love it when the Spidey sense goes off.
So much that they like to throw random things at Spidey to see them dodge or catch it.
Jazz and Optimus do tell them to stop after they chucked a trashbot at them.
Will drop everything if Spidey calls them for back up.
They have a plethora of excuses on why they had to leave their post for Sentinel anyways.
Poor Spidey…
Sentinel is screaming once Spidey deploys the webs.
Spidey hanging upside down from their web, waving happily. Spidey: “Hi! You must be Sentinel—” Spidey narrowly escapes the blast and the rapid fire of fist. Spidey: “WHAT DID I DO!?” Sentinel: “Take this you filthy organic—”
Sentinel falls to the floor with Optimus standing over him venting a bit. Out of pure reaction, Optimus had punched Sentinel in his asteroid sized chin to stop him from trying to hit Spidey. Spidey lands on Optimus’s shoulder. Spidey: “Yeesh! And I thought you were bad when the webs came out.”
Optimus does have a shred of sympathy for his friend, but at the same time finds it a bit funny.
It’s the equivalent of a person hanging from a chandelier to get away from a mouse.
Sentinel refuses to get to know Spidey or even acknowledge them.
No matter how much the tiny hero tries, Sentinel refuses to budge.
His prejudice against organics increases tenfold when Spidey is in the room.
Can not stand the tiny ‘hero’.
Refuses to answer the question about him screaming into his room after catching a glance at Spidey’s fangs.
Hates the Spidey sense with every fiber of his being.
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Sentinel, did in fact, scream and ran to his room hiding for a total of 5 hours after Spidey yawned.
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cynthiav06 · 2 days
I can Almost imagine how Impressive you have to be To Pull THE percy Jackson. Like pulling any Demi-God is great but PERCY?!? The son of posiden?!? THE SAVIOR of Olympus?!?
I headcanon that Percy is really just out of Anyone's League And You gotta be Pretty damn Special to be able to Pull him
Like imagine Fumbling him or breaking his heart
Like come on Rick you are telling me Percy the greatest demigod of all time Jackson has to be paired up with someone who has nothing in common with him, frequently condescends him, literally forces her own views on him, hates his father, has a mother who tried to kill Percy, is controlling and toxically possessive of him and most importantly someone who has completely different life goals than him?? It doesn't even make sense when you look at it rationally.
I think Rick himself was trying to put Percy down in post Son of Neptune books by making his personality all about Annabeth.
We are talking about the Savior of Olympus, the bearer of Achilles Curse, the strongest demigod, the man who denied immortality from the King of Gods, Poseidon's favorite son, the only demigod to have been approached by other Pantheons first and well respected among their demigod equivalents, the only male demigod to have respect of Artemis, only one to be favored by so many Gods on the Olympian Council and that's only pre-Heroes of Olympus.
The Survivor of Tartarus, the demigod whose blood even Gaia wanted to wake to due to his power, the first and only Greek to be made a Praetor and now two times savior of Olympus. This is all without mentioning his singular and unique feats, and he has many.
Had Rick not been so obsessed with shoving Percabeth down our throats, he could have totally made Seafam Arc, and all our fics would have not been fics. We wouldn't even have needed headcanons for seafam cause Amphitrite and Triton and all of Atlantis would have absolutely loved him cause come on, it's Percy. It's impossible not to love him. So let's assume that's exactly what happened.
So the whole of Atlantis, Seafam, and most of the Olympian Gods love Percy and not to mention Sally and Paul, who are also very protective of Percy.
The new Lord of the Wild is his best friend, The Lieutenant of Artemis is his other best friend and cousin, both the children of Hades/Pluto are his best friends/cousins, the only other demigod to be blessed by Poseidon with a rare gift is also his very close friend not to mention other members of the Seven also respect him greatly and owe him quite a bit.
Hestia, Apollo, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis,Hades, Hepheastus, and even Dionysus and River gods either openly favor him or have much respect for him. (Poseidon and the Seafam are implied, Bob and Damasen as well).
This isn't even taking into account all the pegasi and nymphs and sea creatures who love him and that he has a literal hell hound.
Percy not only has friends in high places and the favor of literal gods on top of being Poseidon's favorite son as told by Poseidon himself, all the people with special abilities are all close friends with him.
In Riordanverse, Percy is like the only person you don't want to cross like ever.
So you know logically if anyone needs an explanation as to why Annabeth isn't a good match for him and someone like Rachel would have fit much better. A mortal blessed with sight much like his Mother later turned Oracle of Delphi, the girl who saved his life in literally the very first two encounters they have, a girl under protection of Olympians and blessed by Apollo?
Apollo could have definitely waived the celibacy rule as there have been mentions of married women later becoming oracles in Greek mythology( May Castellan too if you count the books) and that the rule is only to prove devotion to the God nothing more. And if Apollo can't, then Delphi, who is a spirit older than Gods themselves, could just change allegiances. She once belonged to Poseidons' domain, so there's that.
But since I am biased in favor of Rachel, literally any other ship but Percabeth would have been logical and fitting and better off compatibility wise.
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genericpuff · 3 days
When it comes to a drawing tablet do you recommend a beginner get one with a screen or one without specifically for webcomics?
So what you use the tablet for ultimately doesn't matter. Webcomics, illustration, animation, they're just different expressions of the same overall skillset. I've gone from using desk tablets to screen tablets and then back to desk tablets again. My current setup is a Huion Inspiroy Giano which is a very large desk tablet (no screen) with a Huion Kamvas 22 Plus as my display (screen).
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(hi jim lol)
Now this obviously seems INCREDIBLY redundant but the reason why it's like that is because I used to use the Huion Kamvas 22 Plus as my screen tablet... until the pen input stopped working :)""" But it still works perfectly fine as a display! When I was shopping around for new drawing tablets though, I wasn't sure if I wanted to take the financial risk on another screen tablet. The Huions are a lot cheaper than the Wacom models which is great for people looking for inexpensive options, but if it meant I'd have to replace my screen tablets more often than my old Wacom Cintiq, then it wasn't gonna be worth it (but I didn't want to dump $2k on a tablet again LOL)
So I wound up getting a desk tablet instead! I had used Wacom desk tablets a lot prior to screens, and while it had been a few years, I re-adjusted in no time. The Huion Inspiroy Giano is, so far, a very reliable tablet. It just connects with a USB, no crazy 3-in-1 cables like the screen displays. It satisfies my need for a large tablet (seriously, if I can offer any piece of advice in regards to tablets, size does often matter because if a tablet is too small you'll be over-relying on your wrist for motions which isn't good for line integrity or your hand health!!!!) but it didn't break my budget like the Wacom tablets (and didn't feel as risky as buying another Kamvas 22 Plus after what happened the last time).
The only downside to it is that it has a bit of a rough surface to it which I find does a lot of initial wearing down on the nibs. I mean fr look at this thing-
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And that will happen after only like, a few hours of use LOL that said, I've been using this nib for like 2 months now and it hasn't worn down more than that, so if you don't mind your nibs having a visible slant to them, it really doesn't cause any other issues.
That said, I've only had this tablet for about half a year now. I also used to sing praises for the Kamvas 22 Plus until it suddenly decided it wasn't going to work anymore without explanation, so... take my review of the Inspiroy Giano with grains of salt. At least though if this thing mysteriously stops working like the Kamvas did, I'll only have to pay $200-$300 to replace it vs. the Kamvas' $700+. It's still not a small amount of money, but it pays itself off quickly (and it's a lot cheaper compared to the equivalent Intuos Pro line from Wacom, which costs upwards of $500+ for a decently sized one).
Screen tablets are definitely helpful to have though, and I wouldn't object to returning to the screen displays once I can justify dropping money on one again. I still use a screen display on the go via my iPad Pro. But I don't think desk tablets should be taken for granted as a perfectly viable tool either, I think the initial learning curve tends to intimidate people a lot, but they're really quite comfortable to use once you adjust to the translation of desk tablet to monitor. You can also adjust the screen settings through the tablet driver anyways, which is what I did for my tablet because it was a little too big in spots where I had to reach really far to get to the color wheel tab on the right... so I just reduced the screen ratio to make up for it :)
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I find once you learn how to use both - and learn your foundations in digital art - the desk tablet vs. screen tablet debate just boils down to personal preference rather than any real difference in what they can do for your art. I've drawn stuff like Rekindled on screen displays, desk tablets, iPads, etc. You might try a desk tablet and not like it after a while (though again, with the initial skill ceiling of adjusting to it, give it a few weeks of trying if you can, you will not immediately get used to it overnight!!!) and decide that screen tablets are more up your alley.
It really depends on what you're wanting to pay for a tablet. Though like with any new skillset that you're just getting into, I wouldn't recommend dropping money on the most expensive tool because ultimately the differences between expensive and cheap aren't going to be noticeable to you until you actually learn the skill itself, and it's not uncommon at all for people to pick up a new skill, shell out shitloads to learn it, and then get discouraged when it takes a while and makes the expense feel like a waste. Those higher end tablets are often more suited for professionals, not because they're "only meant for pros", but because pros will be able to fully utilize all their upper-skill features in a way a newbie who's still learning how to use a desk tablet won't.
Thankfully, it's easier than ever to get an affordable tablet that's easy to learn and Wacom is no longer the "only option", so I highly recommend looking into brands like Huion, XP-Pen, and Gaomon, as they offer very inexpensive tablets with a wide array of options from desk tablets to screen displays. Make sure you do your research on them, check out places like reddit for actual human reviews, note that every brand and tablet will come with their pros and cons, so it's really just about weighing out what you feel will work best for you and what you're trying to achieve!
And of course, if you're looking to draw comics specifically, look into Clip Studio Paint! It goes on sale at least twice a year, the PRO version is literally all you need to get started (EX comes with some helpful features like Teamwork, but like those fancy high end tablets, they won't necessarily be useful to someone who's just starting out). The PRO version comes with all the rulers, panel cutters, text tools, etc. that you need to get into making comics, it's a great piece of software !!!
I hope that helps!!! Best of luck!! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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phemiec · 2 hours
I like to think jervis is the only person who can make  Jonathan genuinely show emotion out of the burlap, anyone else telling him to smile gets a facial expression more equivalent a threat display, but one  Dad joke from Jervis  gets a smile so sweet it could give you instant  diabetes
the many incredible expressions of Jonathan Crane:
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smidgen-of-hotboy · 2 days
I'm not the person who asked but 👁👁 may I inquire as to the spoilery season 5 problems
Understand that everything I'm about the say Under the Cut, comes from a place of bias. Bias that truly does love the Juno Steel storyline, bias that absolutely hates the plot direction Kabert took with the last two seasons
Slip Jackson. He is the plothole they wrote, the corner Kabert backed themselves into and had to write themselves out of. The one NO ONE ASKED FOR but they wrote in anyways to explain "this is what happened After Nureyev saved NK and killed Mag". I cannot stress enough how pissed off and annoyed Slappery Junkyard makes me from a plot standpoint.
Too many plot devices disguised as characters. Every other episode the listener and Juno is introduced to someone new. And every other episode they are forgotten about and we move on to the next. This is the equivalent I feel to early TMA and early WTNV monster of the week and even early TPP where Juno is solving one case after the next-
Only this time Juno's chasing after Nureyev across the fucking galaxy. I love Juno with all my heart, but it still is super annoying that all of season 5 is spent of him chasing after Nureyev, getting tripped up, chasing after Nureyev, getting tripped up, wash rinse repeat. Especially more annoying and upsetting when you factor in that Nureyev blatantly does not want to be followed (but me and every other listener is a fucking sucker for a hopeful fool and dramatic love story. If this happened to someone you actually knew, you wouldn't encourage or condone Juno's behavior, but because the Lady isn't real and it's all a work of fiction and Juno is the Hero, ofc we're all cheering him on)
Grandpappy's recipe. We're given a hint of worldbuilding to the rest of the galaxy, and Juno shows some appreciation towards Rita, but it is not her storyline. It is not Rita-centric. And the depiction of Nureyev in these couple of episodes (i don't know how anyone else felt) came so far out of left field for me, that I almost didn't believe what Juno and Rita were saying about him. Something along the lines of Nureyev is a con, and he sweet talks and seduces all of his targets into falling for him, before ultimately turning on them and stealing from their pockets. The Homme Fatale thing gets really pushed, and it's like everything discussed in Man in Glass never happened.
The amazing moment in Heart of it All when he reminds Buddy "a legend is a dead thing" (and by extension the discussion he had with her in Man in Glass) might as well never fucking happened. Peter goes the entirety of season 5 with his head so far up his own ass, he can't see past his own bullshit, until it's literally 10 minutes too late.
Nureyev is deliberately rude towards Juno (who did cross a boundary MULTIPLE TIMES) but is also extremely fucking dismissive of the Ruby7 being anything but a car (it's not, it's an alien from outside of this galaxy and Nureyev cannot accept that for some reason, but he can totally get behind reviving his long lost first love???)
OH AND RITA!!! POOR POOR FUCKING RITA OMG- Juno is a massive fuckin dick to her in Season 1, he promises to do better for her at end of Season 2, and she is the first Aurinko he rescues in Season 4 because he knows without her he won't be of much use. Rita is supposed to be Juno's backbone, but she's more like the brace he wears when he needs it. The Rita episode in Season 3 is framed as a good thing for her character and meant to be a confidence boost, but it's really not. And Season 4 I don't remember, but literally in Season 5 Rita is sidelined and put over on the bench because she "makes too many mistakes" on missions. Juno dresses it up as "You're our ace in the hole" but cmon. Come the fuck on.
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spanishskulduggery · 3 days
I love scrolling through your blog because of all the great resources and explanations! I’ve been speaking Spanish with my partner (who only started learning English a year ago) everyday since 2020 but I took a little CEFR test today online and got B1, which seriously shook my confidence. How do I start filling in the gaps in my knowledge and learning all the stuff I’ll never pick up just speaking at home?
This can be difficult because it's partially skills and partially knowledge, and each person is different
(Also can be difficult when speaking with native speakers who use "incorrect" grammar aka the way they speak is correct but not how formal Spanish wants you to speak, like saying "ain't" in English isn't correct but it is what sounds natural)
Like if you take the test and you're great at everything but the listening part (that was me on my exam years ago) then it's a skill thing
Knowledge is easier to fix. It depends on what your gaps are though. There are some big things like understanding subjunctive or preterite/imperfect that are common missteps... and there are minute details that trip people up. Like they always try to make sure you know y/e or o/u
In practically every major competency exam for Spanish, you'll see something like siete _ ocho horas "seven (or) eight hours" or something equivalent and it wants you to put "or", but it should be siete u ocho horas because o "or" turns to u when it precedes a word with O- or HO-
Spanish Grammar Online: Contents (Enrique Yepes, Bowdoin)
This is what I usually recommend for people who are more intermediate because it gives an overview of the major things you should know. There are some minor things that aren't addressed though
I would also recommend WordReference, Linguee, and Contexto Reverso which are my usual go to resources for finding the right words / seeing how something is translated
Also don't knock Wikipedia in Spanish - the amount of times I've had to look up specific geographical names/spellings or especially looking up names of specific animals/plants/minerals... it's truly a lifesaver and you get to practice your reading
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fancyfade · 2 days
Could you please explain what is ableist about Zur-En-Arrh? (Not trying to be a dick, I genuinely don’t know.)
Ok so this is my best explanation:
a lot of batman villains are neurodivergent or mentally ill in a way that has the mental illness or neurodivergence be responsible for their evil. like... two face is evil because his face got scarred and now he has two personalities*, one of which wants to hurt people and do bad things and the other of which is good harvey dent. the ventriloquist has schizophrenia and his 'evil side' is manifested in a puppet he uses to kill people. joker is crazy so he's evil**
now bruce is responsible for all of these awful things because he has an alternate personality. we have an equivalent of a real world neurodivergence and that is specifically responsible for bruce's evil acts. if he was neurotypical, he wouldn't have done that.
it creates a narrative that pathologizes evil (treats it as something as a result of a sickness) and stigmatizes people in the real world who may have the same neurodivergences or mental illnesses as the characters. like there are so many stereotypes about schizophrenia or psychosis or DID due to ableist tropes in fiction that people hear about it and automatically assume whoever has it must be dangerous, which often justifies bad treatment against them.
I see some fans say like "Oh well Bruce/batfam members are still mentally ill so its not bad" but often they mistake their headcanons for canon (like. AFAIK no batfam member has a diagnosed mental illness in main continuity comics, and many portrayals in terms of depression/trauma vary based on writer) or act as if all mental illnesses and neurodivergences are stigmatized equally. the characters being traumatized but still able to function in accordance with the demands of neurotypical society doesn't mean that the writers doesn't mean that the writers aren't portraying various more stigmatized mental illnesses or neurodivergences badly.
*yes i know there are stories re-telling it as 'he was always going to wind up as two face'/connecting it to childhood abuse and anger, and IIRC one tec story treated the big bad harv as someone who protected harvey... but like. i'm talking about the basic set up of his character and how he is used in many stories
**i'm a bigger fan of stuff where joker's not really treated as crazy but like.... many writers lean into that
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lady-morrigen · 2 days
Why do they keep infantilizing Helaena because she is autistic coded and also the magical element of being a dreamer? It's like she's stupid and has no agency because of the mystical and autism stuff. Helaena is a dreamer etc in the book but she knows what's going on and is not this helpless female who is not present mentally. I can't phrase this correctly but like that's how I feel. It's like it's bad and less to be different and people have to be gentle and patient and infantalize her. In the book b and c Helaena offered up her life etc she fought back in her way. Phia did a great job with the shit scenes they gave her but it's a huge insult to Helaena to think she refers to her children as the boy or offering a necklace. Book Helaena knew people were going to die in that room that night and she tried to prevent it with her own life as she is queen and high value, not a fucking necklace as if they would care about that. She did it to make the b and c pause because it would be the equivalent but it came back to a son for a son and she was forced to make terrible decisions that she tried to think strategically. Also Alicent was there and their staff were killed including a guard I think. Suddenly there's no guards in the TV version when tensions of assassination are at an all time high especially around Aegon's heirs. They're all gone or fucking Alicent all of a sudden. Also Aegon suddenly showing interest in his kids... Unless it's because he's king he sees the kids in a new light as his responsibility and heirs. That was badly handled. Helaena is intelligent and has agency etc but Condal totally dumbed her down
i let this sit for a bit, because i wasn't sure that i was the person to give an opinion on it. i am not really a Helaena-focused blogger and i, admittedly, haven't read the book. but i do agree.
as someone who only knows her from what Condal has shown us, i do tend to feel that sense of "must protect the sweet baby" because that's how she's portrayed. like you said, phia has done a phenomenal job with the material she was given.
as a show-only viewer (for now), i have to say that i was still very tense during b&c, and i did cry a lot after the episode was over. (i still blame @vampire-exgirlfriend for this because she made me feel endeared to Jaehaerys more than the show could have.)
in terms of Aegon, i think it's beautiful to see him show interest in his children. his father was a shitty king and an even shittier father who never showed more than a surface-level interest in his children, especially Aegon. i don't blame him for wanting to be better and do better for his children than his parents did for him. please remember, he was forced to marry his own sister and have children with her. he's already set up to fail.
anyway, i feel like i've lost the plot here... one thing i want to point out is that referring to Helaena as "dumb" is a bit of a stretch and lowkey pretty offensive, ngl. i can see both sides of the argument in terms of how she responded to being held at knife point. however, disassociation is a thing and a lot of neurodivergent people revert to similar behavior in moments of high stress.
tldr; the way b&c was handled by Condal et al. has been insanely polarizing and, as someone willfully ignorant of how it's handled in the text, i am not sure i can offer much insight. all in all, i enjoyed the episode and wasn't watching it to find little details to nit pick until i hated it. idk.
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goqmir · 2 days
thinking about latex cat burglar tf now personally
really glad you are too bestie cuz i cannot get these concepts out of my mind :3 okay hear me out right what if the permanent latex bondage tf binds its arms uselessly behind it forever (or maybe binds it in useless paw bondage so it has no fine hand motion) BUT its new latex kitty tail becomes able to be moved finely. so it now has to use its latex tail to steal everything. and like. also it has to use its latex kitty tail to make pasta and play video games now too
what if the permanent latex footpaws make its footsteps silent but are more slippery and difficult to control than the shoes that it was used to. what if they had attachment points permanently affixed to them so that if the rogue was caught their captor could easily make it very difficult for it to walk,,
what if during the tf some sort of curse was put on it that increases its arousal and desperation equivalent to the value of the items in its built-in rogue's satchels. and so if it does a big heist it probably cant get away very quickly without cumming its brains out
maybe it has some sort of custom-made attachment that goes on its tail thats like,, multi-tool? it keeps it off generally but on heists it can flick out a small knife or lockpick from the multi-tool that helps it do finer rogue tasks. that would be pretty cool
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