#it's time to Vent oh boy
mozzaremi · 5 months
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nichiperi · 1 year
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having a body is weird sometimes
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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sometimes. a bitch wanna be Held. that is it. I cannot change this
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hplonesomeart · 1 month
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Heyyy….so I’m back to posting arts momentarily I guess (not like I went anywhere though. Still spending my life staring at a iPad screen for nine hours straight….hate this routine I loosely call “living” so much hahahahaha chronically online potato sack. Not doing so hot I can’t even anymore!)
Anyways uh-so I have a lot of scraped things because I’m loosing energy to do creative works I can’t keep pushing myself. Kinda accepted that I’ve weighed myself down exhausted myself with all this pressure and I need to let go. But it’s hard and honestly the last thing I want is fatigue again. But guess it’s a cycle for a reason huh. Can’t fight it off, just stuck powerless and letting it happen begrudgingly
So I made this unfinished gif (you can tell because the hand is missing and the background looks unidentifiable. Plus cigarette smoke just gave up on existing wow so relatable). Honestly I kinda set myself up to get stuck on the process of this anyways since I don’t like animating on Procreate. The layering frames system is a pain to navigate. Only reason I wanted to animate Mr. Puzzles using Procreate is for some level of gained “experience” and added brush diversity for the glitch effect. But guess it wasn’t enough to keep my attention. Started it on August 5th, probably abandoned it two days later or so. I don’t know it feels like a long long time ago by now but that’s just because I’ve been overwhelmed mentally and can’t keep track of days passing bye
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And this is the simplified version (aka what I started with originally as a drawn base messy sketchy illustration)
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moonchild-in-blue · 4 months
#according to facebook memories (why do i even have that still??) 12 years ago today i saw Linkin Park for the first time 🥺#in a few days it'll be 10 years since the last time i saw them#and. hm. there's a lot that surfaced this days since clancy dropped and i'm a bit more emotional / sensitive than usual#and this is. well. making me extremely sad.#12 years ago. i remember as if it was yesterday. i cling to that day so much and i'm scared of forgetting about it#i wonder how 14 yo me would've reacted if she knew.#they were my first gig ever! i remember the 2nd song was given up and the people around us started moshing pretty hard.#so much that my shoe came off and my dad had to shield me while i crawled and looked for it hahaha#it was so fun! i didn't really know that was a thing#that day was the first time they played Lies Greed Misery - it had been released just the day before#my videos are SO blurry but i still have them all saved 🥹#idk i've been in some typa mood these past days. not necessarily bad at all but.#me and a couple friends had a very important conversation 2 nights ago which was GOOD but. the bad thing about letting everything bottle up#is that once you spill it's hard to deal with. and yeah this is. idk. i'm just venting here like. ignore me.#it's just really hard for me. i miss him terribly and i'm really scared for myself because i *know* i'm back in the loop#and it feels so hopeless sometimes. maybe this is super silly but i'm so thankful that Clancy came out now because OH BOY i need it#maybe it's not the best strategy to put so much faith? importance? in like. music and other people but#man. i genuinely don't know if i'd be here if not for certain songs/artists etc#idk I'm rambling lol. i might delete this later#probably. maybe. i try not to talk too much about this here because i tend to deal alone but. sometimes it's nice to send things to the void#anyways. support your favs. talk to your friends - even if you much rather not. don't be like me and let things rot inside.#🤍#darya talks to herself
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nothing like a call from your mother to make that escapism feel extra sweet
#oops vent post Look Away Look Away i am once again bleeding all over my blog#ohhhhh boy am i gonna get Creatively Active tonight#we love to see my living situation crash and burn oh boy oh boy#i get three more months and then!!! back into the fire i go!#and the frying pan was just starting to get cozy....#well! time to brush up on my masking and acting skills#absolutely unprompted#yknow it was actually funny#i went on a walk right after that call#and it felt like i was in a fucking movie. symbolism was ever#literally stood and stared at the 'no connection' street sign for a solid two minutes#feeling the Irony#then a black cat stopped and stared at me from down the road?#and a hummingbird flew over to look me in the eye??#walked under an apple tree but every single apple was rotting???#a fly decided to land on me for a split second and then flew away? felt Ominous#didnt see a raven though so thats a plus. or a minus. im not superstitious and i love ravens#plus side of being forced to move: i get to keep both of my cats and ill no longer be in this damn state.#negatives: living with my mom. her boyfriend. two dogs. in a state i strongly dislike. with no positive connections. in a basement.#its gonna be so fun! (sarcastic. lying. said through gritted teeth)#agh sorry sorry#once again treating tumblr like my personal diary#just. sigh.#well if i get a job right away and save up#maybe ill be able to find somewhere with roommates!#people my ageish! fellow queers perhaps! somewhere welcoming#where i can relax and feel Understood and perhaps even content with being alive#where i have room to not just force the love of existence but truly Feel it#i have hope! i have hope... i am miserable but one day! i may not be!#ive waited and survived this long! ill make it! i will fucking make it i swear to god
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falldogbombsthemoon · 4 months
How can one stare at themselves in the mirror for hours and feel like they are the hottest mf on earth but as soon as a stranger looks at them, they feel like a shrinkled up pickle. Like God please.
#definitely not talking about myself#like maaaaan i wanna look fancy and shit but i cant stand people looking at me#someone glances at me for just a second and i feel like that person just threatened to beat the ever existing shit out of me#lets just say getting in a class full of judgemental teenage boys in 8th grade wasnt the best for my self-esteem :) haha :)))#i dont fucking feel comfortable anymore without a jacket dude#and i dont look bad. like ik that but for somereason im an anxious piece of shit#also haha lets see how imma get through fucking summer when i cant wear my jacket at all times#someone just delete grade 8 out of my mind and then put me in a new class and boom i wouldnt care at all#we just love all the wholesome humanity you get to experience as a short haired afab dont we? :)))#genuinely i want to live in my own world. which in my mind i very much do so thank whomever for creating imagination#if we were in the 1800s you could now call me romantic#or somrthing like that#we just started the romantic period in music and that shit catched me#as much as i hate my music teacher for being a complete fucking inhumane dickhead. i gotta like how fascinated he talks about that topic#oh but now hes competing with my biology teacher for the title of my very own personal wellbeing crasher#ive been yapping. im sorry. my mind is wide awake and i should be sleeping#tw vent#ig?#idk man my thoughts are a mess and i had to write them down bc i cant talk to myself rn#oh shut up already#quinns daily yapping post
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crabussy · 1 year
god I forgot how much staring at a screen for all my waking hours fucks me up and makes me miserable
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safyresky · 5 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 19/20: I gave her a cloak. bitches love cloaks! (i'm bitches)
I also drew her staff! She has one, too :)
This nearly became Sorceress-Warlock Jacqueline from THIS AU. Didn't feel like drawing that fit tho so it's just regular canon Jacqueline, lol. (but picturing the scars and the eye patch she doesn't actually need but wears for the aesthetic was a FUN mental image at the beginning of the week! then the horrors persisted and I went WHO HAS THE SPOONS. NOT ME)
Drawing the whooshy cloak was fun. Colouring it was even MORE fun. I was going CRAZY last night trying to find a post I made where I described Jacqueline's staff?? I COULDN'T FUCKING FIND IT AND I S2G I READ IT THE OTHER DAY. LIKE EARLIER THIS WEEK. So hopefully my visual memory served me WELL and I don't find the post and go FUCKING EH at a later date, lol.
this scrimbly was very much a scrimbly lol. I think it took me like 10 minutes to doodle. I'm having a LOW ENERGY WEEK. Feelin burnt out af and dreading the weekend! Woo! Almost DIDN'T scrimbly! Thinking this week's little down spin is gonna push back Frostmas crossposting which is SUPER RUDE bc like. THE AESTHETIC. UPDATING ON THE UNLUCKY DAY. BOO!
All four Frosts would pass the warlock test--the question is, do they fully embrace it? Fino does. Fiera does but like, second to the summer sprite training. Jack learns what's useful/what he wants/needs to. Jacqueline was FINE not warlocking, she's good with the snow, BUT Jack keeps nagging her to at LEAST take the test and when she passes it he's like c'mon. c'mon. warlock training. you know you want tooo I could teach youuuuu
She holds off for a VERY long time then gets schemey brain a couple of centuries down the line and goes for it. It's spoilery and I do want to keep this one close to my chest, BUT:
Essentially she learns that she has something someone needs/wants back and she can only do that by getting into the Warlock training! She uses this to try and bring two estranged people closer and when it doesn't go well she hits Jack up after hours and is like "so my plan is going. hmm. bad. let's start warlock training?" and Jack's like YEAH LET'S FUCKING GOOOO bc A) he told her so. B) he;s been wanting to get her started with the warlock biz for YEARS! AND out of ALL THE TEACHERS SHE'S COMING TO HIM (well. unofficially) and C) he is also enjoying the tea from her little scheme and about the two people in question, lol.
Anyway, enjoy the scrimble! Next week is some prohibition fun ft. Winter, I THINK. I'll have to check my notes 🤔🤔🤔
(and yes the heart clasp and pink in the staff are bc Dite)
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maxdurden · 19 days
i got that kind of mentally ill swag where everyone in my life knows that i need to be medicated except my therapist ✌️💕🌎
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skiesareblue · 8 months
so much art about being rejected romantically and not enough about how devastating it is to find out someone was only interested in you romantically and therefore your rejection of their romantic intentions is also their rejection of your platonic intentions
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rat-rosemary · 4 months
Ough vent but I'm just thinking about the friend I used to have who is a qsmp-er
Just venting under the cut
I genuinely can't belive I settled for a friendship so shitty. I'm very loud irl!! And aggressive!!! I can't belive I let them just... drag me along like that. I would accept their explanations and listen to all their rambles about the qsmp but if I even tried to take about my interests they would look at me weird.
I can't belive how much effort I put in. I have a shitty memory but I made an effort to remember their headcannons!! I drew them fanart when he was sad! God, I bended myself backwards to respect every single boundary they set (and mostly they were reasonable, but...)
It was one of the last times we talked that I fully realized they would never do any of that for me. It was at the start of the school year, after "The Truth" and before that, I had agreed I would not talk about the Dteam around them until the video dropped because the topic it was a bit of a trigger for my friend. When we talked face to face again it had dropped two months ago. But when I brought them up (after they talked about the qsmp) they looked at me weird and I realized they were never going to even attempt to match my energy. They just expected me to chance and stop liking what I liked.
(The way they hadn't even watched it or attempted to learn anything about it. It broke me a little. Just a few days their favorite CC had dropped a document talking about his abuse and I READ THAT SHIT. Even tho I didn't need to.)
Here's my advice: never put in more love then what you're being given, back out of any relationship that is hurting you and BY GOD DO NOT BEFRIEND A QSMP-ER
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writingfromruins · 11 months
Mouth full of noise
Mouth full of other sharp things
Mouth gaping around a shattersound.
Mouth full of-
The mouth is a vacant, violent thing.
The act of chewing your mouth back shut
draws blood like wick from a candle
The sense of burning isn’t fire its just
the way your body isn’t built to tear at itself
from within because of the way your body
is built like this anyways,
anyways when the lungs cant hold air
anymore you get all your ribcage
lit up in neon in your torso.
Even with your eyes closed,
Pain makes you luminescent
Over the years it has become more
and more of a conversation with yourself
that you’ve learned to decipher and this year
you spat the first sentence into existence
and responded with the grinding sound of
gravel pouring from your throat on
public transportation, on the damn train,
sitting cross legged on the floor during a delay,
cutting yourself off at the air supply.
Then apologizing with the same air
and throat and tongue convulsing as before
What else could it be but language?
Mouth’s full of wet sound.
Nothing else you can do with it
but keep your air as still as suffocation.
Shallow grave breathing, dirt in the back
of your throat and you cough
and you cough
and you cough
and all it does is lodge more and more grit
In your system
Your lungs are full too.
Thick wet mud comes coughing up tasting
like mucus and medicine. Like winter
coming back. Like it never left at all.
four meditations on a chronic condition // PD
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arbitersart · 2 months
i really oopsied taking on too much responsibility, huh
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roscoehamiltons · 2 months
small rant/thought spew about the whole zhou and zoo thing once again:
i think i said this in my post/rant yesterday about the whole zhou and zoo thing but i really doubt that every single person who called zhou 'zoo' in the grill the grid video is doing it out of endearment as a cute nickname lol. i'm not gonna name names in case if this somehow breaks out of containment but i rly doubt that certain ppl who 1) don't seem to be close to guanyu afaik and 2) have a history of being 'problematic' are calling him zoo out of endearment lol. but like i said before i could be cynical and just seeing a microaggression when there isn't one. and i will admit that i didn't know about it supposedly being a nickname from lance, so i do appreciate that lance fans are trying to correct that and defend their guy.
(also i want to say that: it's interesting to me that the majority of people, if not everyone, that i *know* for certain who are friendly with guanyu pronounced zhou as 'joe' instead of 'zoo' lol)
but i'm also seeing things about how it's disrespectful to call him 'guanyu' instead of just 'zhou' in chinese, and it's clear that they don't know chinese because that just isn't the case lol. in chinese, it's fine to call him 'guanyu' (especially if the person talking is older than him. if younger then it's better to be a little more formal but still acceptable if they're friendly) but you would never call him just 'zhou'. it's either full name 'zhou guanyu' or 'guanyu' or 'zhou *insert honourific here*' (like mr. zhou, teacher zhou or zhou-ge (ge is short for older brother)) but never just 'zhou'. i think people have a tendency to overthink about the fact that the surname is said before the given name, and then therefore everyone is just called by their last name instead of their given name since it's said first when that's not accurate lol.
i know guanyu prefers being called 'zhou' in english commentary, and it's perfectly fine to call him just 'zhou' in english ofc, since people refer to other drivers by only their last names all the time. but i suspect the reasoning behind guanyu wanting to be called 'zhou' is that it's more that it's easier for english speaking people to say than 'guanyu' especially since the 'yu' sound is not one that is in english. although here we are having discourse about his name 2-3 years later after he's joined f1 so maybe it's not that easy ~_~
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