#it's usually gnats but this time there's like this bigger bug
3-n-a · 11 months
Dear bugs,
Stop going up my nose.
Sincerely, Ti.
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
Summary: You meet a moth during a spring night.
A/N: okay this is bit of a weird concept but I had some fun writing it, and then it got reallyyyyy long so I’m splitting it up into multiple chapters! if you ever watched pixie hollow, that’s pretty much where I got the inspiration for the setting pretty much (but without magic). anyways I hope you guys enjoy! 
2nd chapter
BTW reader is gender neutral!
[Early Spring]
The wind under your wings does most of the work as you glide through the air in the direction of your home. Spring was just warming up and you were getting back into the groove of flying again. So even though you were happy, your body felt exhausted from flying from flower to flower most of the day.  
You notice a few of your nocturnal neighbors exiting their homes, most likely having woken up not that long ago. Some of them looked familiar as you had seen them before on days you had also stayed out later than usual. The ones who recognized you waved as you passed by.
Dusk was quickly fading, but with the skies clear you weren’t too worried about not being able to navigate your way back, however, you picked up your pace anyways.
Before you knew it, the soft light off the moon began to cascade over the forest floor. Naturally, your eyes drift towards a group of flowers you had flown by many times but had never seen bloom.
When you realize the petals of the flowers are unraveled, you don’t give a second thought before flying towards the funnel shaped flower. You weren’t that far from home anyways.
The moment your feet land on the edge of the curled petals, you're hit by the rich fragrance of the flower.
You already drank a decent amount today but what’s the harm in a night time “snack”. You could also take some nectar back with you. Who knew when you would get to see this flower bloom again?
You carefully crawl head first into the flower holding your arms out to the sides to prevent yourself from falling completely in. Using your bottom right arm, you grab one of your empty canisters at your hip to gather some of the flower’s nectar..
After you've had your fill and saved some to take home, you pull yourself out. Your eyes widen slightly when you realize how much darker it’s gotten. And now that you were too full, you felt even more sluggish.
While you contemplate if you could find a flower nearby to sleep in the petals of, the shadow of something above moves past you.
You flinch and shuffle a back into the petals.
What was that?
You sit in the flower for a minute before moving out to peak out behind it. Although you were curious, this could obviously be something dangerous.
Your eyes search the area until it lands on a bug standing on a flower similar to yours. You had seen moths before albeit rarely as most were nocturnal, but this was the first you'd seen up close.
They were somewhat alike to yourself--four arms, two legs, similar wings--but they were devoid of any bright colors and looked much more...fluffy. Their antennae was much bigger than any butterfly you'd ever seen too.
The intensity of your stare must have been enough to be tangible because the moth’s gaze turns directly towards you.
Their eyes quite literally glowed and you struggle to look away.
They didn't look hostile but that didn't stop you from hiding within the flower again. Staring at others wasn't exactly polite no matter how districting you found them.
You wait a couple seconds before peeking again. Part of you wanted to leave but your more curious one was winning over. It’s not like you could make a quick escape with your limited vision anyway.
It looked like they were going to gather nectar too.
"Isn’t it late for butterflies to be out?"
The sudden noise almost made you jump. His gaze was still on the flower he was on, but he must have been talking to you.
He was right, you shouldn’t be out here. But there’s all sorts of things that snacked on butterflies out here that you wouldn’t notice until it was too late. Along with that, your curiosity wasn’t sated yet.
Realizing there was no point hiding anymore, you jump down from your flower, using your wings to soften your fall, and walk towards the moth.
He continues gathering nectar, filling the multiple canisters he had, but still acknowledges you. “Is there something you need?”
“Well I was interested in this one flower and kind of got distracted and didn’t realize how late it had gotten. I can’t really leave since i can’t exactly see very clearly in the dark so I might as well say hi, right?” You realize how long winded that was the moment all the words are out of your mouth.
“Hello...” He stares intently, making you want to squirm. “Do you want me to help you back to your home?”
You shrug. “I could probably just hang out in one of the flowers.” It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve done that--not through the whole night though.
“That sounds like a terrible idea.” You raise your brows, not sure how to respond. He finishes up and lands gracefully in front of you. “I’ll lead you home.”
Being offered help by a bug you just met was….nice but a little strange. You couldn't think of any benefit he would get from this though. However, it’s not like you wanted to sleep outside so what would be the harm in agreeing. It didn’t sound like he was leaving room for you to actually decide anyway.
The trip was mostly quiet except for when you needed to describe how to get to your home.
When you're finally safely in front of your alcove, thanks to your temporary guide, you can’t help but feel relief. Following the moth through the foliage was a strain on your eyes and you thought you would lose him at times.
“Thanks a bunch. Sorry for taking up your time though.” You remove the canister you had attached to yourself and hold it out to him reluctantly.
He shakes his head. “It wasn't much trouble. It was actually pretty close by.”
You grin, happy that you would get to keep your treat. “Well thanks again…?” you trail off hoping he’ll finish your statement.
You repeat his name before giving yours.
“Hopefully, I’ll see you around!”
Once you say your goodbye, he slightly nods his head at you and takes off.
“Did you stay out late on purpose?” Bruno asks. He didn’t sound upset though.
You smile at the moth. “Well I just ran out of that night flower’s nectar and I decided why not just stay and catch two gnats.”
“What exactly was the 2nd gnat?”
You let out a hesitant laugh. “...Don't make me say it outloud.”
His brows furrow and he looks confused, so you force yourself to speak.
You sigh, “I...wanted to see you.” It was the truth but saying it outloud sounded too intense for the situation. Fortunately, Bruno didn’t seem to take it the wrong way.
“That’s what the night flower’s called.”
You hum. Interesting name.
“How do you know I'd even come here tonight?” Bruno asks.
“I didn't, but it’s a good thing that you did though cause I would have had to sleep out here.”
Bruno’s impassive expression changes to something a little more exasperated. “Please don’t do that again.”
You shake your head. “As long as I keep running out of nectar from the flowers around here I’m going to have to come back.”
“What if I just drop some off to you?”
You hum to yourself. That would be a much safer option but--. “I don’t really want to put more work on you though.”
“You're putting work on me regardless since I’ll have to lead you back home everytime you show up here.” The moth’s face didn’t say a lot but you had a feeling that you were tiring him out.
You smile a bit awkward, but you really weren’t about to give up this nectar so you needed a way to make up for Bruno’s troubles.
A light flickers above your head figuratively. “Are there any day flowers in particular that you’d want nectar from?”
And with that you and Bruno decide to start trading.
Around dusk, Bruno would show up at your front step with containers of nectar from various night flowers but, most importantly. your Datura. You’d trade, speak for a bit, and he’d head off to do his nightly business.
“He doesn't eat butterflies right?” Abilene’s frown deepens. “You wouldn't befriend someone who eats grasshoppers right?"
You roll your eyes at how high strung your friend was being.
The weather was extra nice today, so the both of you were enjoying drinks and snacks outside of Abilene's home together. It was the first time this Spring you had gotten to do this with them, and you were looking forward to all the future times you’d be able to too.
You place your drink down on the table you were sitting at. “Moths don’t eat other bugs. Well actually, I’m not completely sure. But he would have eaten me by now so you're worrying over nothing!”
Your friend shakes their head. “That just makes me more worried! Especially since you love getting into trouble.”
“It’s not like that this time I swear. Bruno’s harmless and we only really interact to trade nectar anyways. Just think of it as me accomplishing two things at once.
“More like quenching your thirst in two ways.”
You almost choke on your drink but gather yourself. “It’s nothing like that.”
They smirk, “But weren't you going on about his appearance 5 minutes ago?”
“Haven’t you ever appreciated beauty casually?”
“Sure but that was a pretty long appreciation.”
You stick your tongue out at your friend. Maybe you had a tiny crush but it was a momentary thing--the type you would get because you barely knew the person, so you were expecting it to fade away pretty quickly.
“But seriously, I might need to check out this moth for myself. I don't want any pests getting close again.”
You look down into the drink between your hands. “He’s most likely not a bad person. I feel like he's not bad at least…”
You wanted this feeling to be right, but there was always the tiny doubt you felt towards others. Abilene was the exception,  but you’d known them since you were just a caterpillar.
Your friend frowns, “Sorry I didn’t mean to make you doubtful. I shouldn't coddle you like this but please don’t go getting into any danger okay? I don’t think my heart can take it…”
“Promise.” You cross an ‘X’ across your heart then crack a smile, "But If I do die you can have my giant cotton daybed to make up for it."
“….Tempting, but you can't use that to let me let you be reckless!”
“I'm going to go get more snacks from inside. Do you want me to mix you more tea?”
“Yes please! I think you might be better at mixing my drinks than me at this point….”
“Cause whenever you come over you drink so much! I don’t know how you’re even capable of consuming that much liquid, especially with nectar in it.” They stick their tongue out in disgust.
"And I can't believe you only drink water!"
They shrug and walk into their home leaving you to wait patiently at the table.
Your mind unsurprisingly drifts to Bruno. Maybe moths like nectar as much as butterflies.
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fennopunk · 4 years
As you've probably noticed, composting has turned out to be a thing of passion for me, but as I've started really dwell into it, it has also become a great source of bafflement and frustration.
While I have really only started learning about composting this spring, my family have composted way before I was born. Sort of expected, since I branch from a long line of professional gardeners... So when I started learning about composting and joined a composting group, and what I saw was rules and rigid methods and purism, I was confused and overwhelmed because they made me feel like I don't know anything and I do everything wrong unless I do everything exactly like some dude on the opposite side of the planet.
Then I realized that I already knew the essentials by heart: assign a place or bin or something for your compostables, chug things in, and nature will do its job. Rest is just finetuning, if you want to avoid stuff like smells, leaky things or rats. There's no one-size-fits-for-all solution for composting no matter what some people want you to believe. Now, I live in an apartment building which means I need a lot of finetuning, and because I already knew the most popular choices for indoor composts, vermicompost and bokashi (also what some people claim are the only options...) didn't really work for me, I decided to turn my gaze on to the composting I knew, inspect how and why it worked, and figure out how to make it work for me. So I tortured my memory and interrogated my family on how we actually deal with our bins at our cottage.
My family's cottage currently have maybe 6 composters, 1 "all goes" bin, 2 garden bins and 3 for human manure (in others words: our toilet).
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This is the "all goes" bin. We compost all the common things, like veggie scraps and stuff, but we also compost meat, fish, cooked food, grains... The list goes on. If it's been alive at least semi-recently and is relatively unprocessed, in the bin it goes. Alas, meat and the like gets buried, of course, because we DO have some big predators here.
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The bins at my mom's garden. These mainly receive garden scraps, but sometimes we put kitchen scraps there too, because they are closest to our main building. We rotate with them, so while one is being filled, the other is left alone to do its business.
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And our composting toilet system. It's emptied from the bottom every now and then (mostly by my brother or mom, because I have the weakest stomach of us, and I think I threw up the last time I tried) to the bins behind it, and once the manure has composted on its own for a while, we mix it with compost from other bins and used gardening soil. The result we then mostly give to our non-edible plants.
Now, my own compost, the one people half a planet away are so keen to police, is in many ways very similar to the general compost at the cottage.
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It gets almost all of my kitchen waste, meat and dairy included, although I don't often have to throw those away, and when I do, the amounts are usually tiny. It's smaller, just a regular storage box, so I can keep it in my apartment and later in my storage unit at the basement, while at the cottage the bin is MUCH bigger. My bin also gets all the garden scraps, dry leaves, non-coated cardboard, newspaper, etc and it needs to be throughoutly turned at least every other week, and I need to keep my eye more closely on carpon nitrogen ratio and moisture. Also, none of the bins in the cottage are specifically aerobic or nonaerobic, but to speed up the composting process and to keep odors at the minimum, my bin is clearly aerobic (meaning, the bacteria that mostly does the composting part needs oxygen to thrive, so I need to make sure they get it).
At this stage, my compost bin is strictly experimental, I want to see if I can do the whole process in the same environment, so it's still possible it fails. But so far the results are promising. It took only couple weeks for two big pears that had gone bad, to fully decompose. The moldy fish fillet, the largest amount of meat I've tried to compost on my own, is already half gone after two weeks. I currently have to battle with invasion of fruit flies and gnats, but I'm optimistic that I soon manage to win them (we don't mind bug at the cottage, but this is indoor bin in my kitchen, so...).
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incoherentbabblings · 4 years
uhhh timsteph number 4 fluff with jealous tim set during the current young justice comic run thank you
Birthday Ask Game
I love gadfly Conner too much. Also I have theories about Tim and Steph clinginess due to trauma after that Tec run but that’s a convo for another day. Here’s Conner being a cheeky beggar. Thank you for the ask!
Fluff #4 “Oh you’re jealous!” 
Conner enjoyed being a gnat, Tim knew this. He enjoyed riling people up just because he could. Tim supposed he had picked that up from Lex Luthor over Clark Kent.
Tim and Conner both had memories of another life, and Tim knew – knew – that Conner could be a flirt. But he also just hadn’t considered that Conner would even consider making a move on Stephanie.
Well, he assumed Conner was making a move. Stephanie took off her mask after the fight, eyes only on Tim, aiming to get that kiss she had hinted at. Breathless, and allowed to finally feel to sharp relief of being home, of being reunited with her, that he also stepped forward, fully intending to pick her up, spin her round and dive in for a kiss.
He could not, as Conner cut in front of him (damn superspeed), holding a bouquet of flowers.
Where the hell?
Stephanie gasped, stopping in her tracks. Superboy was floating a couple of inches off the ground. He was cute, in a manner of speaking. Like Tim he had black hair and blue eyes, however he was broader built, and wearing a frankly fantastic outfit of a punkish leather jacket, the tightest suit she’d ever seen, foppish hair, sunglasses and chunky boots. It was a look certainly – but no worse than the brown suit Tim was wearing (who’d even given him that?).
Superboy – Conner – got down on one knee. Stephanie saw Tim behind him grow red.
“For you, madam. You may not remember me, but I remember you.”
He thrust the flowers up in her face. Stephanie squealed in polite shock, taking them from him. “Tim told me about you. You’re his best friend?”
“I would say so. Bart would disagree.”
“Because he’s wrong.” Buzzed past Stephanie’s ear, followed by a gust of wind, but she saw no hint of the speedster. She laughed incredulously.
“I’m sorry that I don’t remember you.”
“A real shame. I took you dancing once.”  
Tim came round in front of Conner. “There’s no point in recalling forgotten memories. Don’t tease her.”
Conner looked offended. “I’m not teasing! In fact, I was a bit mean sometimes, so I’m consciously being nice now. I’m a bigger man now.”
And then he wiggled his eyebrows. Stephanie smiled, but it looked to Tim’s unbiased eye like a grimace.
“Oh.” Stephanie said. “Was I mean back? Are these flowers an apology? What on earth did you do to me to make you apologise like this?”
Conner was not expecting her insightfulness, and his face cracked for a moment (to Tim’s grim satisfaction). However, Stephanie’s questions were all in good faith, and she was smiling good naturedly. This made Conner relax, and try a different angle. He stood up and shook his hand dismissively.
“Maybe Tim’s right. Maybe talking of time’s past is worthless. Let’s make new ones.”
He winked then, and Tim kicked Conner, a thousand utterly irrational thoughts bounding into his head.  
He’s doing this as a joke compared to me and Cassie. But Steph wouldn’t. She couldn’t even move on months after I was taken with Lonnie she wouldn’t ever Conner’s just being annoying he wouldn’t do this to me either but what if she does oh my God. I get my memories back just in time for my girlfriend and best friend to go off together of course no wait she wouldn’t Conner’s just being an ass.
Kick him again.
Tim did so, and once again nothing happened, apart from Tim grunting as his ankle clicked. Stephanie – completely oblivious to Tim’s meltdown – gawked, looking down at the flowers, then back at Conner.
“We weren’t... we weren’t a thing, were we?”
To Tim’s relief, she sounded distinctly uncomfortable with the thought. For once, Conner cut him some slack. “No, never. Though I do like blondes, you were not for me then.”  
“She’s not for you now.” Tim hissed, punching his arm. His knuckles cracked and he squealed.  
Stephanie looked confused, then blinked, eyes going wide in realisation,
“Oh, you’re jealous!”
Neither Tim nor Conner knew for certain which of the boys she was referring to. Conner shoved Tim away, which made him stumble and fall on the floor. Stephanie gasped, throwing the flowers up in the air, and got down with Tim.
“Don’t be mean! Silly boys.”  
Conner watched as she sat on the floor with Tim. She kissed Tim’s knuckles better and he smiled dopily at her.  
That was different, Conner noted. Tim didn’t used to be so open with his affections for his girlfriend. There had not been much time for catching up whilst they were reality hopping, but Conner caught the jist that whatever had happened this past year, had created in a bond that had resulted in Tim being nervous from not being by her side for three days. Something about an inter-dimensional space dungeon? Evil AI bugs? Conner didn’t pretend to get it, but honestly, it sounded like a lot. As usual for Tim.  
But still. Three days! Tim used to go weeks without speaking of Steph.  
Watching the little scene before him, Conner chuckled, then decided to leave them to it. Stephanie tugged Tim back to his feet, then turned to Conner, getting in his way. She looked miffed.
“You are being mean, aren’t you? I don’t like bullies, Conner.”
Conner was affronted and put his charm on full offense. “As if! I am genuine in my apologies and flirtations. My intentions are good, I swear. You should hang out with us more Stephanie. Don’t let Tim keep you locked up in Gotham.”
The charm offensive worked. Stephanie laughed. Her moods changed as often as he remembered. Her smile was just as nice.  
Conner kissed her cheek, seeing she was open to it, and Tim squawked like the duck he was named after.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Wave 1 Draculaura Diary
Another great day to be alive... okay technically it’s a great day to be undead but it’s still a great day and I’m going to enjoy it.
It rained today which means I didn’t have to wear so much sunscreen when I went out for a walk. It’s also nice for my garden. Mmmm fresh tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. Count Fabulous loves it too - not the vegetables but all the bugs they attract, it’s like a bug buffet for a bat.
Father “surprised” me by buying my school clothes this year. I love my father but you’d think after 1,599 years he’d realize there’s more to fashion than whalebone corsets and black velvet lined hooded capes. At least he left the tags on everything this year so I can return it all for something splashed with a little color. I reeeaaallly hope he didn’t bite the clerks this time. That’s sooo gross and embarrassing. 
We got new human neighbors today which I thought was a little strange cause my father is kind of intimidating to humans... and monsters too actually, but it doesn’t seem to bother Mrs. Jekyll, and her son Jackson Jekyll who is my age... well, I mean technically he’s really not but we’re going to be in the same class. When he gets moved in I’m going to give him the entire lowdown on Monster High. 
I took a casketberry pie over to the Jekyll’s today as a haunted house warming gift and Jackson answered the door. Wow! He is scary cute and really sweet. I got bats in my stomach an ghost bumps just standing there talking to him. I don’t know what it is but there’s something a little mysterious about him.... I like it!
Clawdeen Wolf came over yesterday. We were supposed to be going through my closets to collect some of my out of date fashion and give them away to Ghoul Will. It also gave me a chance to give some of them away to Clawdeen. She has a big family and I have almost 1600 years of clothing - it would be selfish of me not to share with my best friend. Clawdeen has a lot of pride though and so I had to combine the two. After we pulled out a bunch we cranked the music and started trying outfits. We had such a good time that it woke father up. What a grump! Anyway, I can’t believe chain mail was ever in style. It’s so 15th century. Of course Clawdeen looked fabulous in it.
Jackson came over tonight to return my pie plate. Father got to the door before I could and totally went all Transylvania on him. “Good evening. Vat can I do for you?”
I was like “Oh no!” but then Jackson asked to borrow a hammer cause he needed to drive a stake into something. It flustered my dad so much I think he turned a shade whiter. Then Jackson said, “Gotcha!” and my dad regained his composure, barely. “Draculaura you have a visitor!” Later on I heard father muttering something about Jackson being more than he appears to be. I don’t know about that but he is sweet, funny, cute and not afraid of my father! Perfect!
I went to The Maul with Clawdeen Wolf today to exchange some of the new school clothes father got me. We met Mrs. Stein and her new daughter Frankie Stein while we were there. Frankie is going to be in our class at Monster High and her mother was taking her back-to-school shopping. Mrs. Stein is really, really sweet but her fashion sense is well... not really current. Anyway, we were able to rescue Frankie for a couple of hours and show her the best of what this century’s fashions had to offer. We had a great time and Frankie Stein is definitely built for fashion. I think Clawdeen might have even been a little jealous... I also suggested that Frankie should try out for the fearleading squad! She was really excited about that and I think we’re all going to be great friends.
Cleo de Nile was unhappy with me because I had to miss fearleading practice this morning =( but Count Fabulous got another mothball and I had to take him to the vet. I scolded him for being such a pig but he looked so miserable I couldn’t be mad at him for long. If he’s not going to be a vegetarian he should at least stick to eating something smaller like gnats or mosquitoes.
So my Sweet 1600 birthday is coming up soon which I’m really looking forward to but it also means something I am not looking forward to and this is having “The Talk” with my father. We do this every year around my birthday and it usually bums me out for at least a couple of days. “The Talk” goes like this, “Draculaura I have been extremely tolerant of your keeping daytime hours, our friendship with that pack of mangy werewolves and your insistence on being happy. But I believe it is imperative that you return to your roots and give this ridiculous idea that a vampire can be a vegetarian. It is unnatural, un-monster like and I think it is time you return to what you once were.” Then he stands there with his arms crossed looking very serious.
I used to get mad and tell him that it was my life and I could choose to live it however I wanted to, which caused an even bigger fight, but then I started just giving him a kiss on the cheek and big hug which totally disarms him and he doesn’t bring it up for another year. My father is the most scary cool monster ever and I know it’s hard on him, but being my own monster makes me happy and I’m never going back to the way I used to be.
Jackson Jekyll asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him today which was totally creeperific until he asked me to bite him! I thought he was just kidding but he was totally serious. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t want to be the only human at Monster High and that if he were a vampire he would fit in and we could hang out. He was so sweet about it but I told him why I became a vegetarian and how that meant I couldn’t possibly bite him. I could tell he was disappointed but I told him just because he was human didn’t mean he wouldn’t fit in or that we couldn’t hang out. That seemed to make him feel a little better but I don’t think he’s giving up on the idea of me biting him.
I just finished working on a newsletter for V.A.M.P. which stands for Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins. I put in some recipes, a short story and some poetry. I think it’s a great organization although I’m the only member so far. I even gave a copy to father who circled some spelling errors and gave it back to me. Well, at least he read it close enough to find mistakes!
Clawdeen Wolf’s family always has an end of the summer boo-b-que and they always invite me even though, in the past, our families haven’t always gotten along but since Clawdeen and I are like best monster friends forever I always get invited. Of course they are all like total carnivores so I usually bring my own food. At least they don’t tease me... too much... about the tofu dogs and veggie burgers I bring =). This year I invited Jackson Jekyll to go with me and I think he had a good time although Clawdeen has a really big family and they can be pretty rowdy when they’re all together.
As much fun as I had at the cook out yesterday, it was still a sign that summer is ending and school is about to start. I mean I don’t dislike school and I love seeing all my friends every day but there’s nothing like summer time and the freedom of just being able to do whatever I want whenever I want to. 
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thewirewitch · 4 years
MEGA plant update!
This is gonna be a LONG one, so it will be under the ~Keep Reading~ to make sure things don’t get too cluttered.
Morning Glories
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There are now 6 blues ones sprouted. Two more may sprout, or they may have been dud seeds. One is much bigger than the others, but two of them are older than the other four.
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Three are quiet large while two sprouted very recently.
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I planted two from the mix, one blue, and one blue picotee seed in this planter. All four sprouted, but one (one from the mixed) didn’t sprout correctly and died, so I replaced it with (hopefully) the right seed as a replacement. Once they are about to bloom in the future, I will take it inside and cross-pollinate them as an experiment. Also, the blue picotee one in this pot is the only one I have that is alive. I have two more that I planted in pots inside, but I don’t know if they’ll sprout or not.
“Mystery” plants
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The one I have in a pot is pretty big right now. I learned that they usually need to be outside to flower, so once it blooms I may take it in.
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The first one I planted outside recently sprouted.
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The last one I planted is still growing more leaves.
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The second to last one I planted seems to be growing a stalk for flowers.
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So far, one has sprouted. I planted only 4 since they will get VERY long.
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A few of each type sprouted, but most of them are damaged a bit. I hope they’ll make it since I don’t have much luck with sunflowers.
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The bleeding heart plant is going well in the death corner it’s mostly shaded spot.
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The (I forgot the name of this plant) hasn’t bloomed for some time, but it seems like it’s about to, so I hope it will be alright.
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Some of the convolvulus I planted sprouted, but you can only see 4 in the picture, but 5 sprouted.
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Petunias were planted here, but I can’t tell what is a weed and what is a petunia, so I decided to leave it alone and wait to see what happens.
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Forget-Me-Nots were planted here, but just like the petunias, I don’t know what’s flowers and what’s weeds.
Potted plants
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Sprayed them all (except Bean) with this in order to kill mites, fungus gnats, and whatever else they may have that I don’t know about.
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I only sprayed the dirt for the sage. Luckily, they’re still doing well despite me cutting the majority of their leaves off.
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Bean is growing a new leaf while the two oldest ones are wrinkling.
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Harold is still on the floor and has been growing new leaves lately. I hope that there will be flowers again next year.
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Rose, Rosy, and Rosa did infact have mites, so I gave ‘em a good ol’ spray down with the neem oil. I cat some leaves off that had mites as well. I read that curled rose petals could mean that the plant does have some kind of bug or fungus, so I now know the reason the flowers are so weird this time. Also, all 3 bushes now have had a bud.
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Good news for Monty II, there are new sprouts coming from the roots, unlike what happened with Monty.
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audriestorme · 5 years
It’s been a while since I’ve written a post about plant care, so I figured this was long overdue. My previous beginner’s guide to caring for your houseplants has some advice that I still believe to be helpful (which you can read here), but I was still pretty new to caring for plants, so I felt like I should put together an updated guide on what I find helpful today.
Remember that not all plants are the same. For the longest time, I always thought that as long as I watered my plants every day and gave them a lot of light, that they would survive. From years of experience, believe me when I say that that mindset is 100% wrong. Different plants need different amounts of water, sunlight, and even soil. Do your research on what plants you have to determine what they need to survive. You’d be surprised to know that some plants will perish if given too much sunlight and water.
Watch the leaves. Sort of building off of the first tip, watching the condition of the leaves on each of your plants can tell you a lot about its health. This might not apply to every plant out there, but for me, I usually follow this guide when it comes to watering:
Brown crispy leaves = Needs more water
Wilted or yellowing leaves = Overwatered or lacking nutrients
Black spots/holes = Sick or diseased
Growing towards your windows = Needs more sunlight
Adjust with the seasons. Just like we adapt to the weather, our plants need to as well. The amount of water and sunlight that works for one plant in the summer will not be the same in the winter.
Overwatering leads to bug infestation. The number one question I get in regards to my plants (considering I have so many) is “How do you deal with all of the bugs?!“ The simple answer is: I don’t have that problem. The more complicated answer is that most people tend to overwater their plants, leaving a puddle of still water within their pots (which is a breeding ground for gnats). Check whether or not your pots are draining properly, and if they’re not, cut back on the watering to see if that helps your bug problem.
Not too hot or too cold. I’m talking about water. You don’t want to scald your plant friends or give them an ice bath. Warm/room temperature is perfect. Like tropical rain shower temperature.
Pick the right pot. Plant pots aren’t just meant to look pretty - having the right one for your plant is actually pretty key to its survival. When picking out a pot, the first thing I do is check the bottom to see if it has a drain hole. Do all plants need pots with a drain hole? YES. Unless you’re a master of knowing exactly how much water your plant needs. When watering, I always give enough until I can see the water coming out of the bottom drain hole. This water needs to escape out of your pot, otherwise it just sits there at the bottom, rotting your roots and giving bugs the opportunity to flourish.
Repot those puppies. Weird as it sounds, my plants are my babies. I want them to grow big and strong enough to fill my apartment to jungle status. Just kidding. (Maybe.) So, rather than holding them back from their full potential by keeping them in the same pot they’ve always been in, once they start to grow, I repot most of my plants into bigger ceramic pots. As your plants age, their roots need to spread out in order to grow larger, and the only way they can do that is by having more room. If you’re wondering why your itty bitty houseplant is healthy (but isn’t growing any bigger or longer), it might be time to upgrade your pot.
Shop with your home in mind. I can’t tell you how many plant species I wish I had for my apartment. However, considering I live in a studio with medium, indirect sunlight, I know for a fact that there are certain plants that would just not work with the amount of light I have. Furthermore, I also have pets, so even though they don’t eat any of plants, I try to stay away from pet-toxic breeds or keep any of those types of plants in a place that won’t tempt them. Trust me, shopping for plants that conflict with your living situation leads to failure.
Avoid supermarket or department store plants. Honestly, you do you. If you want to buy that IKEA palm tree for $20, go for it! Though I will say, most of the time, those plants are not very healthy or treated well to begin with. You could be bringing home a sick plant that’s already on its way to the grave, regardless of whether or not you’re doing everything else right. Most of my plants come from the flea market, my family, or specialty shops where I can pester the owners with all of my questions. Knowing everything I need to know about my plant before bringing it home helps me make sure I’m caring for it properly.
Don’t get discouraged if your plant dies. First, I’d like to say that I’m incredibly proud of my 8ft. philodendron named “Planty“, my one-year-old Maranta leuconeura named “Maranta Stewart“, and an Aloe vera plant that I’ve cut down so many times when my husband gets sunburned that I’m surprised it’s still alive. Second, and I hate to admit this, but I’ve killed SO many plants over the last three years. Being a plant mom is truly trial and error for me, but it’s one of the best feelings - almost therapeutic for me in a way. If you’re determined to be a plant owner, don’t let a couple of duds gets you down. Be prepared for the next plant and try again!
xx Audrie
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Cute one-shot about teen Mycroft and small Sherlock please 💙
“Mycroft hurry up!” Sherlock complains loudly as like a bull in a china shop he tries in vain to keep up with the barn owl flying overhead while traipsing over the abundant dry brush.
For one so small he makes short work of the terrain hidden under the darkness that it almost seems comical for him to be armed with a troch as he more or less went without it swinging wildly on at his left hand.
While not having the advantage of height to slip past the worst of the thicket Mycroft struggles to push forward as not to lose his only brother in the darkness of the forest.
He finds that even with the lantern shifting its light between the ground and the overhead limbs pushing out into his face Mycroft can’t seem to catch a brake let alone Sherlock.
“Sh…Sherlock, don’t stray too far ahead,” Mycroft called after him lamely as he struggled to make headway over a fallen tree.
Its limbs may have given Sherlock enough room to crouch under but for Mycroft-he was liable to get stuck and given at Sherlock’s pace trying to go around it would separate them further.
The night was unbearably muggy in a way that made his hairs stick to his face in a most irritating way that rivaled that of the bugs that were attracted to the torch and his blood.
“Blasted things,” Mycroft grumbles as he tries in vain to crawl through the limbs that kept the tree from falling indefinitely to the forest floor only to have his knees scraped, his sleeves dirtied and gnats dive bombing his eyes causing him to blink rapidly in defense.
“MYCROFT YOU BETTER KEEP UP OR MUMMY WILL BE CROSS THAT YOU LEFT ME,” Sherlock shouts from somewhere in the darkness up ahead. .
And oh wasn’t mummy one to blame for this predicament?
Father had finished reading to them about owls as per usual of their studies. Of course Eurus and Sherlock were fascinated if not for different reasons; Sherlock for the bird’s anatomy (can you REALLY see their eyeballs from behind their ears??!) and Eurus (They spit out their preys bones WHOLE.)
Mycroft already had an appreciation for the animal as it alludes to more scholarly learning and introspect but when mummy decided it would be a great idea to go out looking for owls at night Mycroft was less than pleased.
“Mummy but the bugs will be out.”
“The bugs are always out Mycroft.”
“But we could get lost in the woods.”
“Mycroft the woods are hardly that big behind the house and I’ll leave the lights on  the upper story to help guide you back.”
“But mummy we could get injured and die out there.”
“Mycroft if you die in our backyard then there’s really no hope for you.”
It was little compensation that Mummy and Father had taken Eurus east to look for any owls while he was tasked with Sherlock but Mycroft had to preserve or they would both be cross with him.
And Lord knows Sherlock was already cross for being paired with him,
There is crunching, tripping and shrieks from Sherlock that follow along with the tiny torch light swaying madly in the trees but Mycroft counts it as a good thing until the noise becomes more stressed.
Finally free from the branches and dusting himself off Mycroft is greeted by a disgruntled Sherlock.
His face is wild as it is marred with dirt, debris, leaves, and strangely enough war paint (when had he done that?) as Sherlock badgers him thusly.
“Are we done making ourselves all prim and proper,” he sneers (Mycroft of this is sure even with the torch pointed at him directly) , “This is the wilderness Mycroft. There’s no need for formalities out here!”
Sighing at the attitude Mycroft corrects him. “No, this is our backyard.”
“Which is a forest-”
“In our backyard,” Mycroft interjects giving Sherlock the eye, “but regardless of it being our backyard I would still appreciate that you stay close to me rather than running up ahead.”
“Well if its our backyard then it shouldn’t be so ‘dangerous’ and what’s taking you so long anyway? Can’t get your elephant legs over a pebble?”
Its times like this that Mycroft starts to reconsider his position as the oldest. To what could he possibly hope to gain out of a relationship such as this? A complex? Control issues?
Even for an overly mature teenager such as himself it got to Mycroft so much so that upon resting his elbow on a nearby stump to rethink his life an white barn owl had decided to perch on his arm.
If Sherlock’s eyes could get any bigger Mycroft was sure that they would engulf their best china plates held in the cabinet by the dinning area and if the muffled shrieking was anything to go by Sherlock was likely to explode.
Now Mycroft while knowing everything you could ever want to know about owls had limited physical knowledge on how to deal with them.
Hell, the last time Mycroft had attempted to hold a bird it was at Jamie’s 10th birthday party and to impress a girl that he found intelligent and that had ended up with his parents buying the birthday boy a whole flock of parakeets to replace the one that escaped through his fingers.
But he wasn’t going to let Sherlock know that. Sure this bird could potentially scalp him, destroy his face with its talons or worse however the twinkle in Sherlock’s eyes as the owl continued to do its grooming on his arm was priceless.
So in an effort to ignore the talons on the owl digging into his arm and the free of the wild beast attacking either of them Mycroft began to narrate.
“And here we have the Bubo scandiacus, native to Arctic regions in North America and Eurasia.”
Unlike most times that Mycroft attempted to talk to Sherlock was riveted.
He was listening onto every word as Mycroft described the bird’s habits and facts while watching the bird in childlike fascination.
It wasn’t until Sherlock asked the dreaded question: “Can I pet it?” that Mycroft started to realize how dangerous this could be.
The owl could be carrying foreign bacteria that could get Sherlock sick, the bird could attack Sherlock and scar him or worse but the look on his face made Mycroft want to risk it if only to have this brotherly bonding.
“Of course but be very careful Sherlock while I distract our avian friend,” Mycroft says a bit nervously.
If the bird was to bit he would rather it be at him so taking his free hand Mycroft distracts the bird as Sherlock slowly comes from behind to stroke its feathers.
Gently, slowly, please don’t bite my brother…
Mycroft found it a miracle that the bird allowed Sherlock to stroke its feathers briefly before letting out an ear shattering shriek and flew off into the night.
Considering how brief the petting was Mycroft expected Sherlock to be miffed but it was the contrary.
“MYCROFT THAT WAS SO COOL I PETTED A WILD OWL AND EVERYTHING,” Sherlock  continued to gush as they walked back to the house.
“Yes, indeed you did,” Mycroft adds while he absently rubs his arm that served as a perch for what felt like an hour. The bird didn’t break the skin thank God but there will be marks in the morning he was sure of it.
When they get closer to the house Sherlock grabs his hand and says so very softly, “Thank you for taking me out  here.”
“What was that?”
“I said thanks! What? is all that fat clogging up your ears?” Sherlock bursts out before he thinks better of it and tries again with, “I mean, thank you for taking me out. I know you don’t like playing outside but what you did with the owl-that was wicked.”
“Like wicked cool?”
“Don’t ruin the moment Mycroft,” Sherlock says pointedly as he releases his hand and runs full speed at the back door.
Mycroft watches fondly as he follows at a more sedate pace. These are what happy memories are made of.
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Preparing For Your First Backpacking Trip
Visit Explore-North-Georgia.com for the full post!
Per my experience, you can never be 100% prepared for your first trip. There’s always going to be that one thing you forgot, that one thing you didn’t prepare for, or the one thing you didn’t even know that you would need.
I remember my very first backpacking trip to the Chattooga River Trail. It was a bit of a crazy trip, to say the least. It was three of my close friends and me, all at the age of sixteen. I wasn’t sure what I needed to pack, or how to pack light.
I hiked the 6-mile trail with an overly heavy sleeping bag (for “car camping”) that my parent’s handed down to me from years before, I wore a pair of heavy work boots, a 60L pack that was so full I had to start hanging things off of the back of it, and way more food (and not substantial food), all for a two-day summer trip. I swear for a week my entire body ached in ways that I never knew it could.
This all being said, don’t misunderstand me and think that you have to go out and spend a fortune on gear, especially on your first trip. The best way to get started is to do several day hikes to make sure that you like hiking, get a good feel for how many miles you can do in a day, and most important make sure your footwear performs the way that you need it to. I’ve included several links in the article to give you a good idea of what I use, and what prices are going to be!
After you’ve decided that you’re ready for your first overnight (or multi-night) backpacking trip, that’s when you start deciding what gear you want to invest in.
I hope that this post will help you out in planning trips, being prepared for the unexpected, and not break your back with unneeded weight.
At the end of this post, I’ll also have a link to the basic list of gear I usually take, even if not covered in this post.
Usually, when I’m planning a trip I plan it per meal, that tends to help me out a whole lot when it comes to deciding how much I’m going to need to take.
For instance, If I’m going on a simple weekend trip, I’ll plan breakfast on the drive up and dinner on the drive back, so that’s two meals that I don’t have to pack. That leaves me with two lunches (Sat & Sun), one dinner (Sat), and one breakfast (Sun).
• Nutrients – I know, I know, we all love our candy bars, and that’s fine in moderation on hiking trips, but the big picture is that you need carbs and proteins. Quick snacks such as granola bars with nuts, dried fruits, crackers and tuna, and even jerky provide more nutrients that you’ll need to keep you from being worn out too quickly on the trail.
• Water – ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS bring more water than you need. If you think you have enough, pack one more bottle. If you’re old enough to be backpacking, you know that you’re not going to make it back out of the woods without water. Make sure to pack some type of filtration system too, just in case you run out. Don’t drink straight out of rivers or streams, no matter how clean the water seems.
• Calories – Don’t try cutting back on your diet during a multi-day hike. Your body will need lots of calories (and water) to avoid fatigue and headaches.
• Taste – Pack what you’re used to eating. If you pack new things and don’t like them, or they don’t agree with your stomach, you’re not going to have a good trip, and hiking out could be miserable if it’s the latter.
• Weight – As you read my story about my first backpacking trip, I didn’t know how important it is to pack light. Make sure you pack food that is as lightweight as possible. Canned food is a no-go unless it’s only a one night trip and you’re prepared to carry the weight of it. Repackaging food also helps with bulk. Use small baggies for things like granola, nuts, and beef jerky. If you pack something in a baggie that you have to prepare, make sure to write the directions on the bag!
• Ease of Preparation –Through my experience, I’ve learned that even if you have the best camp stove on the market, use it as little as possible. If you use cooking dishes, remember you have to wash them, or you risk getting sick. Also make sure that you have food that doesn’t have to be cooked, just in case your camp stove fails.
Stove – I use a Jetboil Cooking System for both cooking and boiling water. It’s very packable, lightweight, and the price is reasonable. It’s self-contained, it includes the pot to cook in, and the stove, lid, and base fit in the pot when you pack it. It can also be used as a bowl or cup to eat out of as it comes with an insulated cover to prevent you from burning your hand.
Water Purification – I use an MSR MiniWorks Filter for purifying water on the trail. Although I highly recommend packing all the water you need, sometimes that’s not an option on trips that last more than a couple of days, especially in the summer when you sweat more. The MSR filter is an excellent choice as it filters 99.9% of bacteria and 99.9% of protozoa in even very contaminated water. You can also clean the filter on the trail.
Utensils – Make sure to pack light when choosing eating utensils, and make sure to pack out any trash that you may produce. Many outdoor brands offer lightweight titanium eating utensils (I use these), but you can take just a standard fork and spoon with no issues if you’re not ready to invest in these things.
As I was saying in the list, sometimes it’s a bit of a pain using a camp stove on the trail, and it should be a last resort, but if you prefer to use one, just remember it’s much easier to use for dinners. If you have to cook your lunch, you’re going to have a lot more downtime off the trail trying to unpack your cooking gear, preparing the food, cleaning dishes, and then repacking. In other words, it’s much easier to pull out a pouch of tuna, crackers, and a granola bar, than to go through the headache of cooking for lunch.
Shelter is a bit of an easy category to figure out, as there aren’t that many options (of shelter, not products). I use two different setups on my trips, almost always depending on the season and what the weather is forecasted to be.
Tent – The best all-around option is (in my opinion) going to be a tent, but the tricky part is finding one that doesn’t weigh too much, as well as the tent not being too large to pack. I know we all like our space, but when you have a long hike ahead of you, remember how much heavier and bigger the four-person tent is than the one-person tent. Weight really matters with this. Make sure your tent has a good rain fly, especially during rain, or wintertime. In the wintertime, the rain fly not only helps keep you dry but also helps the temperature inside the tent stay a little warmer, as it blocks the wind. I use the REI Quarterdome 3 tent. I wouldn’t recommend it for a single person though, as it’s a bit heavy and large for one person (I typically only take it when I plan to share a tent and split the weight between different people)
Hammock – My personal favorite (at least in the summertime) is a hammock & rainfly setup. This is usually a relatively light set up, and it’s super comfortable. Always make sure that if you decide to go with the hammock option that you have a rainfly and a bug net. Although it may not rain, you’ll still wake up wet from the morning dew. A bug net is definitely important as well, in the summertime in Georgia the gnats and mosquitos are terrible. Although it’s a little bit pricey by the time you get all of the components, I use the ENO Hammock setup, which includes an ENO Hammock, ENO ProFly, ENO Bug Net, and Atlas Straps.
When it comes to sleeping while on a backpacking trip, many, if not all of the luxuries of sleeping at home will be left behind. This doesn’t mean at all that you won’t sleep nice and soundly.
Sleeping Bag – Be sure to plan accordingly to the weather you plan to camp in. Sleeping bags come with a temperature rating. Be sure to choose a sleeping bag with a temperature rating that you plan to sleep in. If you get one that’s not quite as warm as you need it to be, sleeping bag liners are offered that help lower what the sleeping bag is rated. Another consideration is weight, which we’ve already explained is very important. Many sleeping bags are designed for “car camping.” These bags will be heavier and take up much more space. Make sure when choosing a sleeping bag for backpacking to stick to small and lightweight, all while staying within your temperature rating. Sleeping bags can get quite expensive when you look into lightweight bags, but still at the temperature rating that you need. Check out this Marmot 15-Degree Mummy Bag, it’s not too hard on the wallet, and it’ll definitely keep you warm. It’s a little heavy, but any lighter will go up in price rapidly.
Liners – Sea To Summit offers a wide variety of sleeping bag liners that can add up to 25 degrees of warmth to a sleeping bag. Another great thing about liners is that they can be used in place of a sleeping bag in the summer when you don’t need as much warmth. Sea-To-Summit Extreme Reactor is an excellent choice if you’re planning a trip in very cold weather, or if you want to use a liner as a sleeping bag in the summer!
Ground Pad – If you’ve ever been camping or any sort, you’ll understand the importance of a ground pad. Ground pads not only provide comfort from the hard ground, but they also provide extra warmth from the cold ground. I personally prefer a self-inflating ground pad, but they come in all shapes, sizes, and materials. Therm-A-Rest makes an excellent ground pad, and they aren’t too hard on the wallet. Ground pads are also a great option in the bottom of a hammock if you don’t have an underquilt. It will provide a little bit of extra stability and comfort in the hammock, as well as provide extra insulation on cooler nights.
Pillow – Although I wouldn’t recommend packing a pillow from home due to the weight and size, you can purchase inflatable pillows that are lightweight, packable, and designed for backpacking. If you don’t want to bother with purchasing one, take a lightweight fleece pull-over jacket and fold it up to use as a pillow.
One thing that I’ve noticed in first-time backpackers (including myself) is that they always pack too much, too little, or too heavy of clothing.
Picking clothing for backpacking has a lot of factors that are very obvious but are very important to consider. What the weather going to be like is the most prominent consideration – How high or low will the temperatures be? Is there a chance of rain on the forecast? Is there snow or other inclement weather on the forecast? Will you have to cross any water at all?
The second consideration is what material the clothes are made of – Are the clothes you’ve chosen going to get wet? What material are the clothes made of that you’ve chosen to hike in?
Last but not least, how heavy are the clothes are that you’ve chosen, and do you have too much or too little?
Summertime Backpacking
Synthetic nylon/polyester or merino wool fabric is your best option. These are very durable, quick drying, and moisture wicking. Try to stay away from cotton unless it’s just for lounging around the campsite.
Consider how many days your trip is. If it’s a simple weekend trip, take one pair of pants/shorts to hike in and out in. Take another pair for lounging around the campsite in and sleeping in. Sleeping in dirty clothes is never pleasant. Zip-off pants are also a good option for more versatility.
Underwear is a personal preference. In the summer months I usually only pack shorts that have a built-in brief. This gives you the option of packing less weight, makes the shorts work as a swimsuit, and it keeps you cool in hot weather. If you do choose to bring underwear, make sure that it is made of a breathable material, and are not made of cotton.
Wintertime Backpacking
Layers are very important when it comes to staying warm in the winter months. This allows you to shed layers as you get heated while hiking and also to stay warm while around the campsite. Bring “next-to-skin” synthetics or merino wool for a base layer to wear under your main clothing.
When choosing a jacket (or jackets), make sure that its a lightweight material what still provides insulation. On colder days a fleece pullover is excellent for hiking in, and on warmer nights you can fold it up and use it as a pillow. If the weather is going to be very cold or snowy consider a substantial puffy down jacket.
If the weather is going to be very windy or wet, make sure you have a soft-shell jacket. These are typically water resistant (not waterproof), block some wind, and usually have a fleece type lining for added warmth. Be sure to still pack a solid rain jacket to keep dry in heavy rain.
Be sure to bring two hats, one for warmth, and one for UV protection.
Be sure to bring warm gloves, and a gaiter as well if the temperature is going to be cold.
Footwear can be the making or breaking point of a backpacking trip. Don’t cut corners with expense on hiking boots. When you decide to get your first pair of boots, I highly recommend trying them on in store, don’t order them.
Be sure hiking boots are lightweight and don’t break them in on the trail. If you haven’t hiked before and you’re planning a trip, make sure to wear your hiking boots for about a week before the trip to ensure they don’t hurt or blister your feet.
Wear socks that are a wool/synthetic blend material, again this will help wick moisture and it’s quick drying. Take one pair for hiking and one pair for campsite lounging. Once your done hiking for the day, make sure to lay your socks and boots out to dry. Check out Smartwool Socks or Darn Tough Socks. I use both of these on the trail and off, they are very durable and comfortable.
I hope this post has helped in planning your first trip! Sign up for our newsletter at the top of this page to stay updated with the latest gear, news, and tips to get the most out of your backpacking trips!
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mhdiaries · 4 years
Diary of Draculaura
Volume one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine... and three quarters
Another great day to be alive... okay technically it’s a great day to be undead but it’s still a great day and I’m going to enjoy it.
It rained today which means I didn’t have to wear so much sunscreen when I went out for a walk. It’s also nice for my garden. Mmmm fresh tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. Count Fabulous loves it too - not the vegetables but all the bugs they attract, it’s like a bug buffet for a bat.
Father “surprised” me by buying my school clothes this year. I love my father but you’d think after 1,599 years he’d realize there’s more to fashion than whalebone corsets and black velvet lined hooded capes. At least he left the tags on everything this year so I can return it all for something splashed with a little color. I reeeaaallly hope he didn’t bite the clerks this time. That’s sooo gross and embarrassing.
We got new human neighbors today which I thought was a little strange cause my father is kind of intimidating to humans... and monsters too actually, but it doesn’t seem to bother Mrs. Jekyll, and her son Jackson Jekyll who is my age... well, I mean technically he’s really not but we’re going to be in the same class. When he gets moved in I’m going to give him the entire lowdown on Monster High.
I took a casketberry pie over to the Jekyll’s today as a haunted house warming gift and Jackson answered the door. Wow! He is scary cute and really sweet. I got bats in my stomach an ghost bumps just standing there talking to him. I don’t know what it is but there’s something a little mysterious about him.... I like it!
Clawdeen Wolf came over yesterday. We were supposed to be going through my closets to collect some of my out of date fashion and give them away to Ghoul Will. It also gave me a chance to give some of them away to Clawdeen. She has a big family and I have almost 1600 years of clothing - it would be selfish of me not to share with my best friend. Clawdeen has a lot of pride though and so I had to combine the two. After we pulled out a bunch we cranked the music and started trying outfits. We had such a good time that it woke father up. What a grump! Anyway, I can’t believe chain mail was ever in style. It’s so 15th century. Of course Clawdeen looked fabulous in it.
Jackson came over tonight to return my pie plate. Father got to the door before I could and totally went all Transylvania on him. “Good evening. Vat can I do for you?”
I was like “Oh no!” but then Jackson asked to borrow a hammer cause he needed to drive a stake into something. It flustered my dad so much I think he turned a shade whiter. Then Jackson said, “Gotcha!” and my dad regained his composure, barely. “Draculaura you have a visitor!” Later on I heard father muttering something about Jackson being more than he appears to be. I don’t know about that but he is sweet, funny, cute and not afraid of my father! Perfect!
I went to The Maul with Clawdeen Wolf today to exchange some of the new school clothes father got me. We met Mrs. Stein and her new daughter Frankie Stein while we were there. Frankie is going to be in our class at Monster High and her mother was taking her back-to-school shopping. Mrs. Stein is really, really sweet but her fashion sense is well... not really current. Anyway, we were able to rescue Frankie for a couple of hours and show her the best of what this century’s fashions had to offer. We had a great time and Frankie Stein is definitely built for fashion. I think Clawdeen might have even been a little jealous... I also suggested that Frankie should try out for the fearleading squad! She was really excited about that and I think we’re all going to be great friends.
Cleo de Nile was unhappy with me because I had to miss fearleading practice this morning =( but Count Fabulous got another mothball and I had to take him to the vet. I scolded him for being such a pig but he looked so miserable I couldn’t be mad at him for long. If he’s not going to be a vegetarian he should at least stick to eating something smaller like gnats or mosquitoes.
So my Sweet 1600 birthday is coming up soon which I’m really looking forward to but it also means something I am not looking forward to and this is having “The Talk” with my father. We do this every year around my birthday and it usually bums me out for at least a couple of days. “The Talk” goes like this, “Draculaura I have been extremely tolerant of your keeping daytime hours, our friendship with that pack of mangy werewolves and your insistence on being happy. But I believe it is imperative that you return to your roots and give this ridiculous idea that a vampire can be a vegetarian. It is unnatural, un-monster like and I think it is time you return to what you once were.” Then he stands there with his arms crossed looking very serious.
I used to get mad and tell him that it was my life and I could choose to live it however I wanted to, which caused an even bigger fight, but then I started just giving him a kiss on the cheek and big hug which totally disarms him and he doesn’t bring it up for another year. My father is the most scary cool monster ever and I know it’s hard on him, but being my own monster makes me happy and I’m never going back to the way I used to be.
Jackson Jekyll asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him today which was totally creeperific until he asked me to bite him! I thought he was just kidding but he was totally serious. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t want to be the only human at Monster High and that if he were a vampire he would fit in and we could hang out. He was so sweet about it but I told him why I became a vegetarian and how that meant I couldn’t possibly bite him. I could tell he was disappointed but I told him just because he was human didn’t mean he wouldn’t fit in or that we couldn’t hang out. That seemed to make him feel a little better but I don’t think he’s giving up on the idea of me biting him.
I just finished working on a newsletter for V.A.M.P. which stands for Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins. I put in some recipes, a short story and some poetry. I think it’s a great organization although I’m the only member so far. I even gave a copy to father who circled some spelling errors and gave it back to me. Well, at least he read it close enough to find mistakes!
Clawdeen Wolf’s family always has an end of the summer boo-b-que and they always invite me even though, in the past, our families haven’t always gotten along but since Clawdeen and I are like best monster friends forever I always get invited. Of course they are all like total carnivores so I usually bring my own food. At least they don’t tease me... too much... about the tofu dogs and veggie burgers I bring =). This year I invited Jackson Jekyll to go with me and I think he had a good time although Clawdeen has a really big family and they can be pretty rowdy when they’re all together.
As much fun as I had at the cook out yesterday, it was still a sign that summer is ending and school is about to start. I mean I don’t dislike school and I love seeing all my friends every day but there’s nothing like summer time and the freedom of just being able to do whatever I want whenever I want to.
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