#it's very addictive
thegreatyin · 2 years
integrated strategies costing no sanity is actually dangerous for my health. i look up after my 50th failed run (that i'm happily retrying anyway) only to realize it's 5am and i've spent a whole night playing anime tower defense
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spockblanket · 5 months
i am Finally watching deadloch
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dash-n-step · 6 months
catching myself chewing on the bottle cap again and trying to pull it out like some kind of dog
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unseelieblackdog · 7 months
I haven't been posting because I've been playing Subeta nonstop. I finally unlocked the Blue Building last night so I have more time for other things now.
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huccimermaidshirts · 1 year
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kazuromi · 8 months
so i made this groundbreaking discovery: if you mix together the juices from panera bread it unironically tastes really good.
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pimsri · 2 years
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Hades is a stupidly funny game 😭
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ttec77 · 1 month
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I love these silly cowboys
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therecipelibrary · 11 months
So I get an email a few weeks ago from Tillamook, apparently years ago I had asked on their website if they could please considering making a havarti style cheese.
I might love cheese, just a bit.
I've been an avid admirer of them since I was a small thing in Alaska, in a rural town with one grocery store that carried mostly, yes Tillamook. This love followed me down the west coast and to every place I have ever lived, though it is harder to come by here.
Anyway, so I think great, they emailed me to alert me that this product is available so I can go forth and purchase it.
Oh no.
Not only did they keep insanely good records from what must be millions of submissions, they tell me I submitted in 2015, 8 years ago?! And I had forgotten by now. Of course. Not only do they want to tell me this cheese exists, they want to send me some.
I think great. I'm getting a coupon for free cheese and proceed to perform a not so short dance of getting all the cheese.
They ask for my address and tell me it will arrive within ten days, it does not.
I wait for 2 long weeks, checking every letter. It does not come. I give up all hope, assuming perhaps it was a scam or a fever dream.
Until today.
I received a full sized cooler box with not one but four packets of havarti cheese. To say I am in cheese heaven is an understatement.
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I love it, what other company would ever? They not only exceeded, but shattered every expectation.
(If you haven't made a trip to their factory near the oregon coast, let me just say it is pure magic.)
And yes it is delicious, and it melts very, very well and I dearly hope I can find more to buy eventually because I am hooked.
Not that I wasn't before, I almost always have some of their cheddar on hand. If you haven't tried their cheese, you should, and if you have an idea for them, well, it might just pan out in copious amounts of free cheese.
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trans-zag · 1 month
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i don't think im going to post this one to my main blog but i don't want it to rot in my folders either. so woe waxwitch be upon ye
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transjudas · 3 months
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House telling Wilson he loves him
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superhell · 1 year
house md is wild because house tells wilson that he’ll sacrifice many things but never himself and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he sacrifices himself for wilson. and then he
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toughtinkart · 2 years
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“Tell me how to do it, and I’ll do it.”
been having a grand old time puzzling out Nona the Ninth and rereading the whole Locked Tomb series. here’s some warm and cool color variants:
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likeafolkssong · 17 days
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spacedlexi · 1 year
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started a dnd campaign with some friends!! playing a silly little druid wood elf that seeks guidance from the stars because she’ll live longer than anything else
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shirecorn · 8 days
I want to vape water so bad. It looks like fun and I remember sucking the mist from my mom's miniature rock fountain and laughing out clouds of distilled water and a little bit of dirt.
Tiny horses we dipped in and out of the fog, mistepped and broke their tiny legs, left them too close to the little motor which somehow sprouted blisters on their plaster hides.
Spinning sticks in the embers trying to make smoke rings before we get scolded for playing with fire.
Ok I'm an adult now can I play with fire? Can I play with water?
What are they packing into those pens that rots our lungs and blisters and scars and does such fun things we call "popcorn" like it's a snappy bright flavor of addiction?
Can I just play with it?
I don't trust anyone to make toys in an industry whose mission statement is to hurt and harm in 10 colorful new flavors!
Literally it's just clouds. You made clouds into polkadot poison and gave it to kids like bubbles and a wand.
We have to laugh and mock and boo and try to make it uncool to somehow stop the damage but fuck, it IS cool! It's dragon's breath without the biting cold of winter but you went and made it sick.
Man what the hell. Imagine if bubbles could kill you.
Why did they do that?
I'm going outside to find cool sticks. I just wish I could bring the clouds with me.
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