#itm interview
pressure-machine · 2 years
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BRANDON FLOWERS on TVNZ Breakfast, November 22nd 2022
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entreldolorylanada · 2 years
‘ you can’t keep blaming yourself… ‘ 
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“I can.“ He already almost regretted telling her and letting her so close. He wished people stopped saying these useless and annoying things even they didn’t believe in. It wasn’t your fault. Move on. What would she want? As if they knew, as if they could understand. As if they could feel what he felt. People wanted to be kind and sympathetic, he wanted to be left alone with his pain, and it didn’t matter that sometimes it was unbearable. It was all that was left in him from her. Even his memories were wrong. Yes, sometimes he knew they were, but he was too afraid to look beyond the screen because there was hidden something even worse than he decided to make the truth. Liv was a good friend, but he didn’t need her to save him. “That’s what I do... and I can.“
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teacasket · 1 year
skz as contestants on the bachelorette
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genre: unserious nonsense  au: non-idol au, reality tv au?, bachelorette au? warnings: swearing   word count: 1k   pairing: none but it could be f!reader x ot8 if reader is the bachelorette background info: the bachelorette is a reality tv show where a bunch of men compete to get engaged to the bachelorette. contestants are eliminated every week in a rose ceremony where the bachelorette will hand out roses to the men she wants to move forward with. there are group dates (a bunch of men and the bachelorette) and one-on-one dates (one guy with the bachelorette). the person on the one-on-one has a chance to receive a rose before the rose ceremony, and one contestant on a group date can receive an early rose. itm stands for “in the moment” and where the contestant being interviewed will go over their thoughts and the day in present tense. men tell all is a reunion episode where the men will discuss things that aired on the show with a little more depth and bring up grievances. bachelor in paradise, or paradise, is a spin-off show comprised of past contestants from the bachelor and the bachelorette. it’s another reality tv dating show, but this time it’s a free-for-all in regards to dating options.
bang chan - the bachelor edit
➵ if he doesn’t win, he’s going to be the next bachelor. the audience loves him and starts a petition in case the producers haven’t gotten the message already (they have) ➵ has an instant connection with the bachelorette, constantly reassures her during their conversations, is the first one the bachelorette says, “i’m starting to fall in love with you,” to ➵ tangentially related to the drama because he plays mediator (and loses like a year off his life because of it), unofficially the dad of the house because everyone keeps calling for him whenever shit goes down ➵ absolutely stuffs his face with shrimp at the cocktail party on the second night and has to lie down, almost misses the rose ceremony ➵ most memorable moment: disappointedchan.jpg
lee minho - sir, how are you still here??
➵ more reserved so he gets zero screen time but still manages to squeak by every rose ceremony before being eliminated before hometowns ➵ really didn’t think he was going to make it this far, and he didn’t pack that many suits with them, so he’s wearing borrowed suits in nearly every scene ➵ super close with jisung, they come in a pair and everyone refers to them as “minsung,” cutest friendship in the franchise ➵ is the mvp of the team on the football-themed group date, doesn’t know how it happened because he’s not usually this good at sports ➵ most memorable moment: talking about how much he misses his cats in his itm
seo changbin - here for the right reasons
➵ his sister nominated him to go on the show, and he’s super into the idea, actually willing to trust the process ➵ first one out of the limo, gives the bachelorette a construction paper heart because “you have my heart always” ➵ tries to stay out of the drama but really needs to his piece because they’re pissing him off and cutting into his time with the bachelorette ➵ accidentally breaks the ice cream parlor’s ice cream machine on his one-on-one date (production covered the repair costs, but he was so afraid he would have to fork out the money) ➵ most memorable moment: lip syncing and dancing to oops!... i did it again by britney spears during the swimsuit fashion show
hwang hyunjin - if hot, why villain?
➵ the source of all of the drama, overreacts when something doesn’t go his way (e.g. he didn’t get the one-on-one and complains about it all day) and brags when things do go his way (e.g. when he receives the group date rose, he reminds everyone that he got the rose and that they need to step it up) ➵ is the first person to tell the bachelorette that he’s falling in love with her, later reveals that he said it without thinking about it so he must be have real feelings about her ➵ falls into the pool after running from a bee ➵ cries when he gets eliminated and cries during the men tell all when he rewatches his elimination, audience actually feels bad for him ➵ most memorable moment: when seungmin asks him if he hates jisung, hyunjin says, “no, i don’t hate anyone.” cut to an itm where hyunjin explicitly says, “i hate jisung. fuck that guy.”
han jisung - snitches get stitches to go on paradise
➵ the other person involved in the drama, is not afraid to tell off hyunjin and almost ends up in a fist fight with him (the other contestants intervened before it could go too far) ➵ only lasts as long as he does because he tells the bachelorette everything that’s going on in the house, there's no romantic connection between them ➵ is on every single group date and is always hyped for the event, no matter what it is ➵ the producers mainly cast him so he could be on paradise, but he does try to campaign to be the bachelor for like a week before giving up ➵ most memorable moment: running into the ocean after getting the group date rose and immediately getting knocked over by the tide
lee felix - here to make friends
➵ the bachelorette is cool but the boys?? even cooler; getting eliminated is sad, not because he loves the bachelorette but because he’s going to miss hanging out with his new friends ➵ lowkey has no idea what’s going on with hyunjin and jisung, shit always goes down when he’s not in the room ➵ compliments the bachelorette’s eyes and when she replies that his own eyes are dreamy, he gets flustered ➵ eats during the food during the night portion of his one-on-one even though he’s not supposed to because he’s starving, cue the asmr ➵ most memorable moment: roundhouse kicking jeongin into a pile of plushies during a sleepover-themed group date
kim seungmin - here to make enemies
➵ planned to be villain of the season the minute he got cast, but hyunjin is doing too good of a job, so he settles for being a shit stirrer instead ➵ everyone tells him everything for some reason?? he comes off as a good listener when he’s really saving all of this knowledge for later ➵ serenades the bachelorette during his limo entrance, continues to sing throughout the season because he's trying to get instagram followers and then a record deal ➵ makes up the worst poem in the world during the shakespeare-themed date and wins the contest anyway because he sings his poem and adds unnecessary runs, everyone hates him for it ➵ most memorable moment: smiling and drinking champagne in the background while chan is visibly stressed by the drama
yang jeongin - clout is king
➵ is a well-known fashion influencer and aspiring model when he’s cast on the show, only here to increase his following and for future opportunities ➵ gets into a minor scuffle with some of the contestants on the first night because he jokes that everyone else dresses like garbage compared to him ➵ has a very playful relationship with the bachelorette, likes to egg her on to do stupid things (e.g. racing to see who can go down a hill the fastest on a bike [jeongin won]) ➵ tries to insert himself into the drama during the men tell all for more screen time, gets called out for it by seungmin of all people ➵ most memorable moment: hiding underneath a pile of pillows and blankets and scaring anyone who walks by
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
what do you think about old words like FtM and MtF? (and I guess FtX, MtX, ItX, ItF, ItM)
it would be cool if young trans people share their thoughts too!
are they still comfortable for someone?
idk I just realized it's less dysphoric than AGAB form.
AGAB sounds like it's forever with you, meanwhile XtX sounds like escaping/transitioning from "not you" to "you"
of course it also sounds like if person "was" female (FtM) or male (MtF), which it not true
I personally just found out recently I'm okay with ?tX lol
hello, thanks for asking!
FTM and MTF aren't very old terms, they are still widely used and in fact the primary subreddit for trans men, transmascs and other masc aligned trans folk is r/FTM. i noticed you said it sounds like the person "was" female if FTM or "was" male as MTF, which is not what the terms mean, and also, some trans people do identify as having been female before transitioning to male or male before transitioning to male. if you read the interviews contained within To Survive on This Shore you will read the stories of a lot of trans people who did in fact love their lives as the other gender before they transitioned. while a lot of people do not like that rhetoric, some do, and it's not fair to try to erase their experiences for the sake of 'inclusive language'. people can define these terms or not use them as they please
FTM and MTF are not offensive, bad, or outdated terms in any way shape or form.
keep in mind that this line of thinking is a fundamental misunderstanding of what FTM and MTF actually mean. the the "F" in FTM refers to that person's biological sex marker- as in, you are changing your biological sex in some way to go from what was assigned/viewed as F to M. the opposite is true for MTF.
FTM is not a term that's just for trans men and MTF is not just for trans women. these terms refer to the changing of your biological sex, so an FTM person could be anything from a trans man to an FTM identifying transsexual butch lesbian. MTF people can be trans women or drag queens who take hormones and get surgeries. it can be a wide range of things, and while i can see it being uncomfortable for some, in others, they are loved and appreciated terms with a lot of history and are inclusive. i am not AFAB in the sense that i have a 100% "biologically female body" and I still identify with the term FTM because I find the X/I terms clunky. i have been using FTM for a decade now, i'm not going to trash it just because of a misinterpretation of what it means
also AGAB just literally refers to the gender you were assigned at birth. it's not really "permanent" it's a snap decision that was made when you were underdeveloped as a newborn baby. biological sex can be altered freely at will. to be brutally honest with you anon, i actually really detest the logic that the XtY labels are "escaping" something "to become your true self" for every trans person- i really would not apply this logic to anyone but yourself. this sounds very much like a you thing and not something that suits the entire trans community and this could be very offensive to some trans folk. many FTM butches are still women. many FTM drag queens are still men. p
i am very glad to hear you are okay with that term! I personally find the ?/X terms clunky so i don't use them for myself. i am FtMtF or FtMF. i'm glad it you found what works for you. I'm not a fan of implying FTM and MTF are bad or outdated, and i think it's exhausting to try to cycle them out of the common vernacular or do a big reach and assume it means something that it doesn't. it's a term that people can use if they want to, but trans men are under no obligation to use FTM and trans women are under no obligation to use MTF. they're terms you can use if they find they suit you, and folks who are made happy by them deserve to get to keep terms that weren't offensive to begin with
hope this makes sense, take care
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rinasunny · 1 year
Red Eye (2005) Early Screenplay Trivia
First of all, I'm very sorry for clogging your Red Eye/Jackson x Lisa feed with DVD commentary. I was planning to do the same with the final shooting script but I guess it will just one post with the juiciest stuff (and just give the link to the script with highlited Jackson/Lisa stuff).
Now, to the main topic of the post. In 2011 someone nicknamed "cougarlady" posted a link for Red Eye's early script draft by Carl Ellsworth on Cillian Murphy's fan forum (https://cillianforum.proboards.com/thread/4257/original-red-eye-script). The bad news is the link currenty doesn't work. The good news is one printed copy of that script still exists. If you have spare 169$ you can purchace it on e-bay (https://www.ebay.com/itm/353755359870). Another good news: some lucky fellas on the forum shared their impressions regarding the script so we have some bits and pieces of the early movie script, which is quite different from the final product. So here's what they
One more important thing to consider (it wasn't discussed on the forum) - Lisa and Jackson were meant to be older (5-10 years) than Rachel and Cillian were at the time of shooting. Especially given that Wes' first dream casting were Sean Penn and Robyn Wright (who were married at the time btw).
Lisa's backstory was different: she wasn't raped but lost her husband instead (he died). Also she had an affair with Keefe at some point. (accoriding to Cyraus)
Speaking of Keefe, he was meant to be a businessman, he only became a polititian after test screenings. (this wasn't mentioned on the forum, but you can find it out in DVD commentary and interviews maybe).
Rippner was the one to stand up to irritated passanger (Lisa didn't take part in it, I guess). (accoriding to Cyraus)
Jackson seems to be much more cruel and cold-hearted than Cillian's rendition. Users described him as narcissist and sociopath. "Also, this Script-Rippner seemed very inconsequent about his feelings for Lisa. He seems to REALLy hate her at some parts." (quote by iseebutterfly)
Jackson threatens Lisa to kill not only Joe, but her entire family. It seems like he killed her grandmother, unfortunately no context, 'cause in the movie the last part would make no sence. (according to cougarlady)
Funny enough Jackson has no tangible evidence that he can order kill anyone (unlike the movie). (according to cougarlady)
And despite this the chemistry is still present. "I love the scene where he kisses her forehead, even if just to unsettle her, but I hate that the took away this thing they had, this weird chemistry, neither of them could explain." (quote by iseebutterfly)
The early script doesn't have the lavatory scene yet. (accoriding to Cyraus)
"The part where he has her in his clutches ready to break her neck with his mouth crawling over her almost makes up for not having the lavatory scene." (quote by Cyraus)
A little bit about Jackson's name. Given his "No Lie" rule (at least when it comes to Lisa) the watchers assume it is his real name. However, Wes said in one of interviews that it is made up (to suit Lisa's father initials). A this is quite confusing tbh. Anyway the early draft suggests that Jackson's real name is... George King. And you thought Jack Rippner was bad... Although there is no consensus on whether or not "George" is his real name either. (according to Cyraus, cougarlady and iseebutterfly)
Jackson and Lisa had a dialogue where Lisa said that his is fucked. His replies are "Lisa, that language doesn't suit you." and "If you don’t look at me, you’ll get a glimpse of just how f*cked I am." There's no context unfortunately. (according to Cyraus and Cait)
The ending was different. They do not specify it. But from what we know from DVD commentary, the final fight in the Reiserts' house was Wes's idea.
P.S.: I probably missed something, so I suggest to check out the forum page yourself.
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hyba · 9 months
⭐I'm really proud of this issue's In the Margins segment.⭐
ITM was always supposed to be a way to look at examples of real, successful writing and elicit from it writing techniques and practical lessons that writers can then turn around and put to good use immediately.
I'm not so sure I accomplished that with the previous ITM, but I've certainly done a lot better with this one. 🤩
So if you're interested in writing humour, do not miss this issue!!!
Also included are worksheets with humour writing exercises and an interview with the writer of the humourous As Good As Dead web fiction, which you can read online for free!
(Obligatory 'Subscribe to Scrittorio for free here!' 💙)
Spread the word! Scrittorio will be the last gift in your inboxes this year 😊
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ghostpaynes · 2 months
Oh was waiting till I was actually done with interview with the vampire but I want to do more 1x1 rp on stiff
Catwin anti dni with this post I don't wanna hear itm
20+ inquiries only preferably though don't really want to do NSFW
Down for mostly anything when it comes to interview as long as you it's for the show
Also Dead Boy Detectives and Sandman would be good! Mostly looking for Catwin and Dreamling and Crowin
And Quantum Leap!
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tiffanytoms · 1 year
Hiii hope you are doing well! Just dropping by to say that I was thinking about your "Right Reasons" story and that I'm looking forward to the next chapter! 🥰 (but no pressure!)
Gaaaahhhhh, you’re so sweet ☺️☺️☺️
You know, I was just watching the new season premiere of the Bachelorette, and explaining to my husband how the guy on the chopping block being interviewed couldn’t be going home bc if he was… production wouldn’t have had time to interview him for his ITM after…. And it made me miss the fic!!
Sorry, I got really into spring cleaning, and if you’re like, Tiff, it’s summer now: I know 😳 I gotta rein it in!
New chapter up this week. I promise❣️🌹 Thanks for checking in 😘
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admissionshalapune · 3 months
Navigating Success with ITM Navi Mumbai: Admissionshala's Guide to Top Management Education
In the dynamic world of management education, ITM Navi Mumbai stands out as a beacon of excellence. Known for its robust curriculum and industry-oriented approach, this institution has become a preferred choice for aspiring managers. Admissionshala, a premier education consultancy, is dedicated to helping students navigate their journey to ITM Navi Mumbai, ensuring they make the most of this opportunity.
Why Choose ITM Navi Mumbai?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
ITM Navi Mumbai offers a diverse range of programs designed to cater to various interests and career goals. From finance and marketing to operations and human resources, the institute provides specialized courses that are continuously updated to reflect the latest industry trends. This ensures that students are well-prepared to tackle real-world challenges upon graduation.
2. Experienced Faculty
The faculty at ITM Navi Mumbai consists of seasoned professionals and academicians who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom. Their practical insights and academic rigor ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that combines theoretical foundations with practical applications.
3. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
ITM Navi Mumbai boasts modern facilities that enhance the learning experience. Equipped with advanced technology, spacious classrooms, and comprehensive libraries, the campus provides an environment conducive to both academic and personal growth. This infrastructure supports a holistic approach to education, encouraging students to engage in various extracurricular activities and projects.
Admissionshala: Your Partner in Securing Admission
1. Personalized Guidance
Admissionshala understands that each student's journey is unique. Their team of experienced counselors provides personalized guidance to help students navigate the admission process at ITM Navi Mumbai. From selecting the right program to preparing for interviews, Admissionshala ensures that every step is handled with expertise and care.
2. Application Assistance
The application process can be daunting, but Admissionshala makes it seamless. They assist students in compiling and submitting all necessary documents, ensuring that each application is complete and stands out. Their attention to detail and thorough understanding of ITM Navi Mumbai's requirements increase the chances of a successful admission.
3. Interview Preparation
Securing a spot at ITM Navi Mumbai often involves a rigorous interview process. Admissionshala offers comprehensive interview preparation, including mock interviews, feedback sessions, and tips on how to present oneself effectively. This preparation boosts students' confidence and helps them perform their best during the actual interview.
Student Success Stories
Many students have achieved their dreams of studying at ITM Navi Mumbai with the help of Admissionshala. These success stories highlight the impact of dedicated guidance and support. Students have praised Admissionshala for their professionalism, expertise, and the personalized attention they received throughout the admission process.
Choosing the right management program is a critical step in shaping one's career. ITM Navi Mumbai offers an exceptional educational experience that prepares students for success in the competitive world of business. With Admissionshala by your side, securing admission to this prestigious institution becomes a smooth and rewarding journey. Let Admissionshala help you navigate the path to ITM Navi Mumbai and embark on a fulfilling career in management.
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kccitmblog · 5 months
Which college has the best placement for B Tech?
Placement is the foundation of a better career for B Tech colleges in Delhi NCR. The best colleges for B Tech in Noida and NCR prioritize placing their graduates in the leading tech businesses upon completion of the B Tech degree.
Placement is the final step in your studies at the BTech Colleges in Noida. After completing an interview, students who participate in campus placement drives hosted by colleges in Greater Noida for B Tech can be hired by many companies. It implies that before students permanently leave college, they will hold jobs. Students are chosen after going through multiple rounds of evaluation to determine their abilities and knowledge. Employers hire the brightest students for a range of career jobs, and if they show they are a good match for the company, they provide lucrative salary packages.
Therefore, placement is a key component of B Tech Colleges for B Tech in Noida since it is the driving force for students to pursue engineering as a career. It is crucial to select Best colleges for B Tech in Noida that provide pupils with good employment opportunities.
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Why KCC Institute of Technology and Management is Best for B Tech?
KCC Institute of Technology and Management is the best destination for engineering degrees among the top B Tech colleges in Delhi NCR. It is proud to have the best placement success rate. Many of their B Tech alumni have been placed in prestigious companies in Noida thanks to their commitment to career-building techniques and an excellence-focused culture. They give excellent instruction under the guidance of skilled teachers.
The "Placement Cell," a dedicated team at KCC ITM, seeks to ensure that students have access to the best employment opportunities. They also provide preparation for the written and interview tests that businesses use to hire students on campus. By selecting the KCC Institute of Technology and Management, students can achieve the best available professional growth.
This blog post will go over the top B Tech colleges in Delhi NCR as well as how KCC Institute of Technology and Management can help you secure a successful career after B Tech following your graduation.
The best B Tech colleges in Noida are listed here:
Indian Institute of Technology
KCC Institute of Technology and Management
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology
Delhi Technological University
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Indian Institute of Information Technology
Skills Required To Be an Engineer
Strategic Mindset
Analytical Thinking
Interest In Technology
Intrigue And Curiosity To Learn
Mathematical Ability
Statistical Competence
Basic Computer Literacy
Critical Reasoning
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Problem-solving Attitude
Passion For Learning
Leadership Skills
Attention To Detail
Project Management Skills
Communication Skills
Team Spirit And Networking Framework
Among the Top private B Tech colleges in Noida with Separate Teams for Placements
With a 90% placement rate for B Tech students, KCC Institute of Technology and Management is regarded as one of the best colleges in Greater Noida for B Tech. This clearly indicates how committed we are to the future of our students. We stress how important it is that our placement rates have an impact on our students' careers. To ensure that our students have access to the greatest employment opportunities after completing their B Tech program, we have established a separate placement cell whose main mission is to bridge the gap between our graduates and the tech employment industry.
Our knowledgeable staff members work tirelessly to ensure that our pupils are ready for any queries the interviewer may have. Enrolling at KCC ITM assures students that their corporate careers will be fantastic.
Leading Organizations that Employ B Tech Students from KCC ITM in Greater Noida
One of the best colleges for B Tech in Noida, KCC ITM has consistently maintained a high placement percentage, and our students have been hired by some of the best companies in the nation as well as abroad.
Over the years, our graduates have held positions with respectable companies like Microsoft, Google, TCS, Wipro, Infosys, IBM, Cognizant, Accenture, and many more. Many of our alumni have found success in their chosen fields, and we are proud of this network.
The excellent placement record we have attests to our commitment and the quality of instruction KCC ITM provides.
Getting students ready for interviews on Campus
The B Tech students of KCC Institute of Technology and Management receive intensive training to be selected for campus placement by top organizations. We not only give our students the best education possible, but we also help them develop the essential skills necessary to ace campus interviews. The goal of the KCC ITM placement team is to help students acquire the following skills so they can succeed in the workforce.
Learn new skills
Communication Skills
Commitment to work
Problem-solving skills
Willingness to take answerability and Initiative
Team spirit
so on.
What does KCC ITM teach that others don't?
One of the best B Tech computer science engineering institutions in Noida, KCC ITM, provide extracurricular activities to help students cultivate important character attributes outside of the classroom. We expose our students to the business world through programs including company tours, expert lectures, industry-academy collaboration, and other activities. To ace the campus interview, students can strengthen their personalities and confidence through all of these techniques. A dedicated Training and Placement Cell at KCC Institute of Technology and Management works closely with businesses. It acts as a bridge between gifted students and esteemed companies seeking to employ them.
With each year that goes by, KCC ITM's placement rate improves, offering students increasingly exciting and worthwhile new opportunities. With each new business that opens up, the number of companies that recruit our students gets longer.  These companies are well-known in India as well as in other countries. Thus far, a large number of students have been placed successfully both locally and internationally, which is evidence of our unwavering efforts and innovative approach to helping students grow their careers.
All things considered, the KCC Institute of Technology and Management is an excellent place to study data science and artificial intelligence for a B Tech. It's a facility with a lot to offer whether or not you wish to become a specialist. The placement staff has been working very hard to provide all of the students with top-notch instruction and placements.
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thecaduceusclay · 6 months
someone send me $500 for this
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riya2312 · 9 months
From Classroom to Career: ITM University Vadodara's Blueprint for Future-Ready Professionals
In today's fast-paced world, ITM University Vadodara stands out for its innovative approach to ensuring students are not just well-educated but also well-prepared for their future careers. Here are the key elements of the university's blueprint for creating future-ready professionals:
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Seamless Transition:
Industry partnerships facilitate internships and co-op programs.
Real-world projects mirror professional challenges.
Experiential Learning:
Hands-on experiences bring classroom lessons to life.
Industry visits, simulations, and workshops enhance practical understanding.
Industry Exposure:
Regular interactions with industry leaders and experts.
Panel discussions provide insights into industry trends and demands.
Holistic Skill Development:
Integration of soft skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving into the curriculum.
Diverse skill set development beyond academic excellence.
Career Guidance and Support:
Workshops on resume building and interview skills.
Networking events and guidance for informed career choices.
In essence, ITM University Vadodara is not just an academic institution; it is a launchpad for students' careers. The university's holistic approach ensures that graduates possess the knowledge, practical experience, and skills needed to excel in the ever-evolving professional landscape. It's not just about getting a degree; it's about becoming a future-ready professional.
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pro-blogger · 11 months
Throwing light on placements of KCC ITM
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In 2022, the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) branch at KCC ITM reported an average placement salary of INR 6.5 LPA, with the highest placement reaching INR 95 LPA. Impressively, over 90% of CSE students found placements in prestigious companies like TCS, Infosys, HCL, Accenture, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, and PwC.
The success extends to other branches as well. The average placement salary for the Mechanical Engineering branch was INR 5.5 LPA, with the highest placement at INR 12 LPA. Similarly, the Civil Engineering branch recorded an average placement salary of INR 5 LPA, with the highest placement touching INR 10 LPA.
Several factors contribute to this commendable placement scenario at KCC ITM:
1. **Industry-oriented education:** KCC ITM prioritizes industry-aligned education, shaping its curriculum in consultation with industry experts. Students engage in real-world projects and case studies to gain practical insights.
2. **State-of-the-art facilities:** The institute boasts a well-equipped campus featuring state-of-the-art facilities. Students have access to the latest software and hardware, coupled with guidance from experienced faculty members.
3. **Dedicated placement team:** KCC ITM maintains a specialized placement team that collaborates closely with students, offering tailored preparation for job interviews. This includes training on aptitude tests, technical interviews, and group discussions.
4. **Strong alumni network:** The robust alumni network at KCC ITM plays a pivotal role in connecting students with job opportunities. Alumni regularly visit the campus, engaging with students and providing valuable career guidance.
In summary, KCC ITM emerges as an excellent choice for students seeking a college with a stellar placement record. With its emphasis on industry-oriented education, state-of-the-art facilities, dedicated placement support, and a strong alumni network, KCC ITM stands as a beacon for those aspiring to secure promising career prospects.
Conclusion: For students in search of a college with a promising placement scenario, KCC ITM stands as an exceptional option. The institute’s track record of placing students in renowned companies, coupled with a diverse range of courses, makes KCC ITM a compelling choice for prospective students.
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oldster2 · 11 months
Check out Nitty Gritty Dirt Band – Stars And Stripes Forever - United Artists Records – https://www.ebay.com/itm/166405448984?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_l4hYEaHQ12&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=_l4hYEaHQ12&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=TW #eBay via @eBay
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iamatish · 1 year
ITM IDM Institute in Mumbai: A Comprehensive Guide to Pursuing Design Education
Pursuing a career in design can be an exciting and fulfilling path, and choosing the right institute is a crucial step toward success. In the vibrant city of Mumbai, the ITM IDM Institute stands out as a premier destination for design education. With its comprehensive programs, experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and industry connections, the institute offers an enriching environment for students to develop their creative talents.
This comprehensive guide will delve into the various aspects of pursuing design education at the ITM IDM Institute in Mumbai.
Overview of the ITM IDM Institute
The campus is an incubator for aspiring designers, housed in a cutting-edge facility with sophisticated and concurrent amenities. It is a fascinating venue to explore your creative side, with AV-equipped classrooms, studios, unique CAD laboratories for VFX & Animation, a well-stocked library, a computer lab, a canteen, and more.
Wide Range of Design Programs
Students can apply to diverse design programs offered at the ITM IDM Institute. From IDM Bachelor of Design in Fashion Design, IDM Bachelor of Design in Interior Design, IDM Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication to IDM Bachelor of Design in Animation and VFX courses are available. These courses integrate theory, practical skills, and industry exposure.
Experienced and Accomplished Faculty
The faculty members at the ITM IDM Institute emphasize their expertise, industry experience, and contributions to the design field. They play an important role in guiding and mentoring students, fostering a nurturing and supportive learning environment. 
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State-of-the-Art Infrastructure
Discuss the institute's state-of-the-art infrastructure, including design studios, computer labs, fabrication labs, and dedicated spaces for creative exploration. Emphasize how these facilities provide students with a platform to bring their ideas to life and encourage hands-on learning.
Industry Connections and Collaborations
The institute has partnerships with design firms and hosts guest lectures by industry professionals, workshops, and internships that provide students with real-world exposure and networking opportunities. These collaborations bridge the gap between academics and industry, preparing students for professional success.
Student Experiences and Success Stories
ITM IDM has a vibrant community and offers opportunities for personal and professional growth. Students can take part in projects, exhibitions, and extracurricular activities that enhance creativity, teamwork, and leadership skills. Successful ITM IDM alumni illustrate how the institute's education has helped launch successful design careers.
Admission Process and Scholarships
ITM IDM has a simple admission process that students can easily follow. Students have to appear for ITM IDM Common Intelligence Test ( CIT) and then for Portfolio screening and interview round. Shortlisted candidates will receive an offer letter. Students can also apply for scholarships to pay ITM IDM fees. By offering these services, the institute promotes inclusivity and accessibility.
The ITM IDM Institute in Mumbai offers a comprehensive platform for aspiring designers to pursue their passion and develop their skills. Through its well-structured programs, experienced faculty, top-notch infrastructure, and industry connections, the institute provides students with the necessary foundation to excel in the dynamic field of design. By choosing the ITM IDM Institute, students can embark on a transformative educational journey that prepares them for successful and fulfilling design careers.
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riyavermablog · 1 year
Exploring Unique Careers at the Intersection of Psychology and Fashion
When we think of the fashion industry, we often imagine designers, models, and stylists. However, the realm of fashion offers a diverse range of career paths that extend beyond the traditional roles. In this blog, we will delve into fascinating careers that combine psychology and fashion, where professionals investigate the impact of clothing choices, analyze trends, illustrate fashion designs, and engage in fashion journalism. These unique roles showcase the multidimensional nature of the fashion industry and the diverse opportunities it offers for individuals with a passion for both fashion and psychology.
Fashion Psychologist: Decoding the Influence of Clothing Choices
A fashion psychologist with a degree from ITM IDM explores the psychological impact of clothing choices on how we perceive and judge one another. This dynamic profession goes beyond apparel and extends to other products that express self-identity, such as home furnishings, cosmetics, and automobiles. By understanding the psychological factors that drive change within the garment industry, a fashion psychologist with a degree from ITM IDM provides valuable insights into consumer behavior and the evolving dynamics of fashion.
Fashion Trend Analyst: Unveiling the Pulse of the Industry
For those who thrive on staying ahead of the curve, a career as a fashion trend analyst is an ideal choice. This profession involves meticulously scanning the latest designs released by brands and analyzing consumer buying trends. It demands both hard work and long hours but offers an exciting opportunity to shape the future of fashion with a degree from ITM IDM. By identifying emerging trends and predicting consumer preferences, fashion trend analysts play a crucial role in guiding the industry's creative direction and commercial success. 
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Fashion Illustrator: Bringing Designs to Life
A fashion illustrator with a degree from ITM Institute of Design and media Nerul employs their artistic skills to visually communicate fashion designs. They create drawings based on their own concepts or ideas developed by fashion designers, incorporating clothing, accessories, and footwear. These illustrations find application in various mediums, such as magazines, catalogs, advertisements, websites, and newspapers. Whether working as a freelance illustrator or collaborating with fashion designers, clothing manufacturers, or retail establishments, fashion illustrators contribute to the visual storytelling and promotion of fashion.
Fashion Journalism: Bridging Fashion and Communication
Fashion journalists are responsible for writing about clothing and accessories in newspapers, magazines, and websites. Their work transcends regular office hours, encompassing attending fashion shows, studying designer and celebrity fashions, and conducting interviews and market research. Fashion journalists play a vital role in documenting and analyzing trends, providing insights into the creative process behind fashion collections, and engaging with the industry's key figures. Their work contributes to shaping public discourse and influencing consumer perceptions.
The intersection of psychology and fashion offers unique career opportunities for individuals with a passion for both fields. From fashion psychologists investigating the impact of clothing choices to trend analysts shaping industry directions, fashion illustrators bringing designs to life, and fashion journalists documenting and analyzing trends, these roles highlight the multifaceted nature of the fashion industry. By blending creativity, analytical skills, and an understanding of human behavior, professionals in these careers contribute to the ever-evolving world of fashion, creating engaging experiences and influencing consumer perceptions. For those seeking non-traditional paths in fashion, these roles provide exciting avenues to combine their interests and make a meaningful impact within the industry. Head over to ITM website to know more on ITM IDM fees.
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