#itpe 2023
flowerparrish · 9 months
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[Podfic Link] | written by tereox_x | Length: 7 minutes
Star Wars: Cody/Obi-Wan
There's nothing more romantic for Cody than getting to use the lightsaber and protecting his cyare.
Podded for @mistbornhero & @kbirbpods for ITPE 2023!
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kbirbpods · 9 months
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Original Work: not a haven but a home, and your arms to shelter within by ninemoons42
Rating: General Audiences
Relationships: Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Shara Bey & Jyn Erso
Tags: Alternate Universe - Dragon Age Fusion, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Star Wars meets the Inquisition, Jyn is a human female rogue Inquisitor, Cassian is commander of the Inquisition's forces, Kissing, Kissing in the Rain, Introspection, Female Friendship
Audio Length: 14 minutes, 30 seconds
Headed back to her home -- the mountain fortress of Skyhold -- after a series of sorties and far too many unwelcome revelations about the power that she reluctantly carries within her, Inquisitor Jyn Erso tries to steal a moment to find herself once again. Fortunately, she gets that moment -- and someone she loves finds her, too.
Podded as a mod treat for @blackestglass during ITPE 2023 | thank you to @flowerparrish for editing during crunch time!!
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koontyme · 8 months
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Finally remembered to promo my final ITPE treat! An omegaverse Wangxian fic by @youhideastar where WWX goes into heat at the Wen Indoctrination and seeks LWJ out. Also includes an extremely sweet WWX & JYL scene.
🔗 Link! Rated E. ~1hr 7min. CW for dubcon, mpreg, abortion.
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esbielle · 9 months
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Podfic of i'm the one for your fire written by @microcomets
Rating: E
Length: 4:56:33
Versions with and without music and effects available. Also available as one sinle file or divided into chapters.
An ITPE gift for @revolutionaryjo
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[Podfic Link] | fic by @wanderingjedihistorian | Length: 8 minutes
Star Wars: Rebels Ghost Crew
Kanan laughed at the antics. For a night at least, his family was together and happy.
Podded as an ITPE treat for @kbirbpods and @reena-jenkins
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wilfriede · 9 months
Murderbot Podfics: FlipSpring's Murderbot Becomes Old Guard Immortal Series
My gifts for @mistbornhero for ITPE: the first three instalments of FlipSpring's series of crossover between Murderbot and The Old Guard.
@livisalibi helped me with the soundscaping and I'm so proud of how it all turned out.
[Podfic of] Unmade
Yes. ART said, patiently. The patience felt a little condescending, but to be fair to ART I had barely been managing to output coherent strings until about thirty-three minutes ago, at which point the coherent strings had started coming a little easier. Approximately 33% of the organic parts of your brain had been destroyed. I have some of the remains stored in the lounge fridge. I mulled that over for a moment. How the fuck am I alive? I don’t know. But according to the med scanner your brain has grown back. Now, I may not know much in my current compromised state, but I’m pretty sure brains don’t do that. ~ Day: 0
Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Body Horror Characters: Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries), Asshole Research Transport (Murderbot Diaries), dr. mensah says hi Length: ~38 minutes
[Podfic of] Cookies
“You died again,” ART’s med-drone said. “But you got better. Again.” “How did this happen?” Iris asked, voice shaky, “You’re human?” Well, shit. ~ Day: 1
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries), Asshole Research Transport (Murderbot Diaries), misc ART crew in the background Length: 18:29
[Podfic of] The River Fate: Target Status Found
Andro: «We should launch some fully equipped intel-strike teams into the probable CR locations of this newborn. For the non-corporate leads, we can just send pairs or solos, maybe with some mundane support. I’ll get back to you guys when I’ve figured out some logistics.» With that, Andro signed off. Nile opened a private channel with her, as the rest of the Old Guard continued to discuss in the shared feed. Nile: «I want to follow up the lead at the Pansystem University of Mihara and New Tideland.» ~ Day: 0 - 98
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Nile Freeman, Murderbot (Murderbot Diaries), some assorted Old Guard Length: ~20 minutes
Listen to them all on AO3!
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eyes-of-nine · 1 year
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ppl who would straight up die if a woman topped them
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queretarotv · 1 year
ITP Aero refrenda confianza en Querétaro y anuncia crecimiento del 30%
Como parte de su agenda de actividades en el  Paris Air Show 2023, el gobernador, Mauricio Kuri González, sostuvo un encuentro con el CEO de ITP Aero, Carlos Alzola, quien anunció el crecimiento de la actividad de la compañía en el estado en 30 por ciento, lo cual se traducirá en nuevos empleos y mayor inversión, gracias a la alta productividad y eficiencia que se encuentra en el capital humano…
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myslodsiewniav · 10 months
10 grudnia 2023 r.
Chyba do rozkminy o rodzeństwie wrócę jutro xD
Zaczęły mi się zajęcia, które miały być lajtowe (myślałam, że będę sobie pisać i słuchać w tle), a które okazały się być bardzo ćwiczeniowe i to na programie, który mnie wywalał i się wieszał. Musiałam przesyłać na bieżąco zadania, Pani je oceniała, zadawała poprawki lub nowe tematy (NIE ZNOSZĘ TAK PRACOWAĆ, to jest cholernie stresujące - tu wchodzi aspekt szkolny, bo gdyby analogiczna sytuacja wydarzyła się w pracy miałabym większy luz, tak myślę, a tu chodzi o ocenę mojej osoby, o średnią itp).
Chciałam napisać - ku pamięci - o zajęciach z "jezyka polskiego", tych, których się cholernie boję. Których wykładowczyni to służbista i ortonazisktka. No to za mną weekend z 9h ćwiczeń z tą Panią. Uśmiałam się. Mega sympatyczna. Mega fajnie uczy. Inne rzeczy są dla niej ważne niż dla mnie, inne rzeczy uważa za definitywnie ważne, zakazane czy istotne, ale przede wszystkim ona KOCHA zabawę jezykiem polskim.
Nadal nie wiem czy to zdam, ale ocenę podnosi zgłaszanie się, więc nakurwiam z ręką do góry nawet jak się mylę xD (bo coś mi podpowiada intuicja) i jest beka, bo ona ma miliona przykładów, protipów, żartów i ciekawostek w zanadrzu. I zapisuje plusik za każde wzniesienie ręki.
Okazuje się, że nawet straszny przedmiot nie musi być straszny.
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coochiequeens · 2 months
Women's sports is for women. Subpar or older male athletes can try something else or just retire with dignity
By Amy HammJuly 30, 2024
The Canadian Powerlifting Union (CPU) has issued a six-month suspension to Anne Andres, a trans identified male competing in women’s powerlifting, for uttering threats and engaging in a campaign of harassment towards several women and sports officials.
Andre’s six-month suspension was recommended by ITP Sports, an arbitrator brought in by the CPU after Andres targeted several women, as well at the Alberta Powerlifting Union (APU), and the CPU, with abuse, death threats, and harassment. In their disciplinary ruling, made based on the decisions of a panel, the CPU deemed Andres’ words “harmful, disparaging, insulting, or otherwise negative.”
In his response to the original complaint which led to his suspension, Andres simply said “Fuck the APU.” They noted that Andres demonstrated “a lack of remorse” despite having removed several of his harassing posts from his social media accounts.
Andres’ conduct included threatening to commit suicide if the APU refused to comply with his demands, lying about having been banned from the female sports category, and bullying and harassing the APU’s executive board.
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By Sarah Ditum AUGUST 2, 2024   
It looked like a man punching a woman. Algeria’s Imane Khelif, at 5’10”, is only two inches taller than Italy’s Angela Carini; but watching the two in the ring of the women’s 66kg boxing at the Olympics, the difference between them was painfully obvious. Khelif’s hard, rangy body had more reach, and more power. After taking two ferocious blows, Carini abandoned the bout, receiving the final result in devastated tears.
It looked like a man punching a woman because, according to the International Boxing Association, Khelif is not a woman. In 2023, Khelif was disqualified from the World Boxing Championships along with Taiwan’s Lin Yu-ting  — “a result of their failure to meet the eligibility criteria for participating in the women’s competition”. This decision was based, not on testosterone levels, but on “a separate and recognised test, whereby the specifics remain confidential”.
A Russian-language statement (the IBA is Russian-led) put it more bluntly: “Based on the results of DNA tests, we identified a number of athletes who tried to deceive their colleagues and pretended to be women. Based on the results of the tests, it was proven that they have XY chromosomes.” Lin did not appeal, while Khelif initiated an appeal and then withdrew it, meaning that in both cases, the judgement became legally binding.
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flowerparrish · 9 months
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[Podfic Link] | fic by @wanderingjedihistorian | Length: 8 minutes
Star Wars: 212th's Ghost Company Troopers (gen)
Cody and Obi-Wan are both injured. Waxer decides that means he and some others need to help with all the flimsiwork.
Podded for lattice_frames for ITPE 2023!
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kbirbpods · 9 months
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Relationships: Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham
[Podfic of: Preparations]
Original Work: Preparations by peaktotheocean (@peaktotheocean)
Audio Length: 13 minutes, 44 seconds
Rating: General Audiences
For the longest time, Eddie’s soulmate instincts had him gathering normal items: hairspray, peanut M&M’s, a Queen cassette tape, etc. But lately, he’s found himself picking up four-inch nails, hearing aid batteries, and a distressing amount of first aid supplies. At this point, he just hope his soulmate survives long enough for the two of them to meet.
[Podfic of: Ties]
Original Work: Ties by peaktotheocean
Audio Length: 37 minutes, 15 seconds
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Robin Buckley had been so panicked about how her lesbian soulmate would never find her unless she moved out of Hawkins that she failed to realize that she had her platonic soulmate scooping ice cream right next to her. or, the Robin & Steve platonic soulmate prequel to Preparations
Podded for the Informal Twitter Podfic Exchange (ITPE) 2023 as two of my main gifts for @greedydancer
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kwiatuszksworld · 11 months
🎀 O moim blogu 🎀
Cześć jestem kwiatuszeks-world zbanowali mi konto gdzie miałam prawie 1500 motylków ;-;
O mnie o mnie:
Moje prawdziwe imię to Amelia możecie na mnie mówić jak chcecie :) z ED jestem od 4 lat zaczęło się od BED później bulimia a od 1 listopada 2022.r anoreksja… bloga prowadzę od 5 maja 2023.r ale jak już mówiłam zbanowali mnie T-T
Rzeczy z mną związane nie związana z Aną:
Znak zodiaku: bliźnięta
Gdzie po za tumblerem można się z mną skontaktować ?
Najlepiej na dsc bo na snapie nie będę wiedzieć o kogo chodzi ://
Dsc: akine69
Chętnie się z kimś poznam, pomogę itp ^^
Powodzenia kochane!!!
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leatherdyketerror · 11 months
hejka kochani! jak może niektorzy z was wiedzą, 11.11.23 będę mieć swój pierwszy dj set przed większą publiką! będę otwierać wydarzenie jakim jest SABAT, feministyczna, multidyscyplinarna, queer-friendly impreza w olsztyńskim browarze warmia, którą rok w rok organizuje moja znajoma FLORA.
INDUSTRIAL // TECHNO // EBM // BROWAR WARMIA OLSZTYN // 11.11.23 // 23-5 // TAX: 40 PLN //
osobiście powiem że sytuacja wygląda tak, że po byciu wykorzystaną przez promotorów lokalnej sceny i opowiedzeniu o tym publicznie FLORA została bezceremonialnie odrzucona z lokalnej sceny elektronicznej przez co kompletnie straciła zasięgi i wsparcie sceny złożonej z kilku tych samych cishet vhłopów po czterdziestce, i z jej własnym sklepem vintage gdzie uczyłem się od niej podstaw djowania też nie jest finansowo najlepiej, więc jeżeli możecie, byłbym mega wdzięczny za jakiekolwiek reblogi, kliknięcie że jesteście zainteresowani eventem udostępnianie itp bo wiadomo jak z internetowymi algorytmami. pozdrawiam kochani i do zobaczenia xoxo
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[Podfic Link] | fic by CeruleanTactician | Length: 1 minute
Star Wars: Din & Grogu
Grogu gets his hands on something he shouldn’t.
Podded as an ITPE treat for @blackestglass
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mistpodfics · 9 months
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Podfic Stats 2023 by MistbornHero. Included some covers I liked that had no reason to be put on the Stats page.
Descriptions & Links under the Read More.
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Total Works: 152 Total Words: 207,838
122 solo works
9 multivoices (edited or produced by me)
13 multivoice roles (works where I participated in a voice only role)
2 not!fics
5 repods (which are also solo works)
1 filk
Total Time: 33 hours with 38 minutes. (Or, one day and 9 hours with 38 minutes)
Authors Podficced: 148
Fandoms Podficced: 56
Longest Chaptered Work: Like Fire in our Bones | +4 hours | Incomplete
Longest One-Shot Work: "Twin Flame" written by @insi | 1 hour 30 minutes
Shortest One-Shot Work: "Trapped" written by @melimegreenleaf | 56 seconds
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All Time Totals & Comparison between each year
Total “Solo” Works: 420
2018 - 6 podfics
2019 - 21 podfics
2020 - 73 podfics
2021 - 60 podfics
2022 - 111 podfics
2023 - 152 podfics
Total “Solo” Works Time: 131 hours and 56 minutes
2018 - 1 hour and 34 minutes
2019 - 12 hours and 25 minutes
2020 - 21 hours and 12 minutes
2021 - 22 hours
2022 - 1 day and 16 hours
2023 - 1 day and 9 hours
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Top 3 Ships:
CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood
Top 5 Fandoms:
33 | 9:17 hours | Star Wars
6 | 2:30 hours | Bungou Stray Dogs
11 | 2:00 hours | DCU / Batman
4 | 1:40 hours | One Piece
7 | 1:20 hours | Lockwood & Co (this could have been Zelda by 3 mins, but Zelda is only here from ITPE and L&Co is here by my own obsession)
Rating Divisions:
82 General
47 Teen & Up
7 Mature
3 Explicit
1 Not Rated
57 Gen
44 M/M
25 F/M
20 Multi
12 F/F
7 Other
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Significant Works:
First: "in which Qui-Gon Jinn learns why he should not make Obi-Wan upset" written by MiriRainbowitz | @dammmithardison | 11 minutes
Last: "The Air That I Need" written by FunkyinFishnet | @dinomighty | 21 minutes
300th: "Explosion" written by yeaka | @yeaka | 9 minutes (I also got to 350)
Most Music: "Domestic Trappings" written by zombified_queer | @zombified-queer | 26 minutes (I know it sounds like 2ish songs, but I under-laid like 3 extra ones under it)
Most SFX: "Divide & Conquer" written by impersonal_villain | @impersonal-villain | 31 minutes (this might have been Death Wish if that fic had been longer lmao)
Most Kudos: "I've never made it with moderation" written by Trixree | @trixree | 3 hours and 11 minutes
Most Words In Top Ship: "Kill Me With Desire" written by jynx | @bluemaskedkarma | 1 hour and 12 minutes (I'm manipulating my stats to make this fic show up, yes)
Drabbles made: "its", "Trade Secrets", "After the Rescinding", "Cicatrix", "Not for Us", "Protection", "Reason to Live", "tea, milk & honey", "Infinite", "Looking Good", "Ruffled Feathers", "keep out", "string", "tri-confession showdown", "video game night", "Pull Me Closer", "Friends", "Skip", "The Unspoken Hour", "mi hijo", "Three", "Go Jump in a Lake", "Dia de muertos", "Trapped", "A Familiar Scent", "dream", "Fallout", "Olives", "Sound", "Spells", "not a third-wheel", "New Resolve", "A List of Ordinary Miracles", "Is That a Weird Cucco?", "Just a princess", "be the lightning in me"
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