#its 4am and Ive been staring
Maybe I should just start assuming that I’m always grounded in my dr
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loverboybitch · 1 year
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warming back up to the idea that maybe im slightly pretty or at least could be.//.
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AITA for turning off a plant light?
so i (25nb) have been staying at a friend of mines (A, 28m) house (which he also rents out to 3 other people, also friends of ours, B, C, and D) for a while now while i look for an apartment. i pay A $250 a month in "rent" which is a courtesy thing more than anything for internet use and to sleep in his living room and am not considered a tenant (plus no rental agreement or lease has ever been offered to me or signed by me). i also help around with household chores (dishes and keeping the living room and kitchen tidy).
in his living room he has this wall of plants set up on shelves with lights and the whole shebang. he has the lights set to 12 hour timers so they have their own sort of day/night cycle. where i sleep normally is a daybed in the corner so the lights dont really bother me when they turn on (around 9). he recently purchased a really bright LED that has a brightness setting that the package has to warn you to not look at directly even at low settings. its genuinely comparable to staring directly at the sun in the summer at noon it's so bright. this light is also on a 12 hour timer (comes on at 10).
here's where the problem is. when my girlfriend comes over the daybed is too small for both of us to sleep comfortably in so we sleep on the pullout couch... which is directly under the Bright Ass Light. we were up pretty late that night (4am) and didnt really want to be woken up by the light shining directly in our eyes so before we went to sleep i turned the light off. i planned on turning it back on when we woke up (around noon) but got distracted and forgot to. A came downstairs while i was showering for work and chewed B and my gf out for the light being off before he went to work. he sent me a message saying "don't touch my fucking light" a few minutes later and i responded by telling him that if it wasnt so bright directly in our faces i wouldnt have to turn it off. he told me the light was for a desert plant so it had to be bright and that i would just have to deal with it as it was non negotiable. i told him to put it in a renter's agreement if he wanted to make demands like that and he told me he would deal with me when he got home from work.
when he got home from work i asked him how work was and he responded by flipping me off, talking at me for about 10 minutes about how i had a lot of nerve telling him what he could and couldnt do in his own home, especially since i was (according to him) making threats and demands. he said it wasnt his problem that we wanted to stay up late so it wasnt his problem that we didnt get enough sleep because it was shining in our faces in the morning and that id just have to deal with it. B, who was in the room at the time, asked if A would like it if a light woke him up like that, and A said no he wouldnt, but that the plant light is different because "the plants need the light cycle". B pointed out that the light was only off for 4 hours, not the whole day, and that plants in the wild dont get that kind of exact sunlight. didnt seem to matter to A, since while he set the timer back an hour so it would come on at 11, he also said he didnt want me ever touching the light again. i was (still am) completely astonished by this whole thing because its... just a plant light. it wasnt off all day and it doesnt happen all the time (this is the second time ive turned it off, again because i was sleeping under it).
so... aita for turning off the Bright Ass Light?
What are these acronyms?
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quinnonimp · 1 year
Please tell us more about your tntduo priest/vampire fic I am literally begging you
SORRY THIS IS SO FUCKING LATE LMFAO I NEVER CHECK MY INBOX i rly need to check more often i have so many asks fuck
but aaaa im so glad u wanna know more 👉👈
for once i dont rly have super many thoughts abt an au ? tbh ? like its been very difficult for me to come up with ideas since i dont know that much abt vampires n i dont know that much abt catholicism/christianity
a little of what ive had in mind so far though is cwil is this very lonely priest with no family left who took over the church for his late father - but doesnt actually believe in god all that much, just pretends for the sake of keeping something
then one night some mysterious guy shows up near closing hours and wilbur is already pretty scared for no other reason than just the vibes . they dont talk but after a while of wil staring the pretty guy just gives him a big smile and leaves
the mysterious guy is vampire cquackity, hes just here cause he was hiding away from a hunter (probably ctechno filling this role)
in this universe vampires arent particularly affected by religion itself but just weakened by faith . quackity couldnt feel anything coming from the church, so he assumed it was empty since it was late anyway . turns out there is someone there ! but it doesnt effect him, and quackity realizes the priest himself has no faith, and becomes very interested
because of this new found fascination quackity decides to come back at a similar hour every day, and luckily for him barely anyone is there on weekdays/past 6pm, so he doesnt have to worry about being weakened (and especially not for hunters since they wouldnt expect a vampire to be in a church) . wilbur and him still havent talked but quackity still has fun observing his behaviour, and wilbur just feels a teensy bit less lonely having someone come back so consistently and every single day while he closes
one day however when wilbur decides hes finally gonna talk to this guy, quackity isnt there, and wilburs so confused as to why he feels so sad about it . why does he miss the presence of this stranger hes never even talked to ? he spends the whole rest of the night distracted thinking about the mysterious guy
the next day at around 3-4am when wilbur enters the church to start his day, he sees the presence he missed so much yesterday
though wilburs not as happy as he should be, as the stranger is covered in blood next to a corpse and about to jump him
so yea idk ive been trying to work on the fic, hopefully i actually manage to get smth cool outta it and post it but we'll see !! for now im just drawing the blorbos
if anyone has extra ideas n whatnot or wanna ask more abt the au feel welcome to do so, i cant promise ill be very interesting but i will be very glad to answer lmao
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denjilvrr · 11 months
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“im going to be so tired for work tomorrow.” you thought as you walked into the local corner store. it was 4:15 am and you had work tomorrow morning at 6 but these past few nights have been sleepless.
you walked through the isles searching for your go-to “midnight” snack. grabbing cup ramen, a few candy bars, and a slurpee. not the best mix but it sure put you to sleep with a stomach ache waiting in the morning.
you go up to the counter and patiently wait as the cashier rings up youre items. “8 dollars and 56 cents.” he says. you pull out your wallet and hand him 6 dollars in cash, maybe he’ll let it slide because you come here all the time.
he looks at you kind of funny, “um.. youre 2 dollars and 56 cents short.” you smiled, “can you let it slide this once, please. i dont have cash on me and my card is at home. i come here all the time, me and you are practically friends! so please, just let it slide..?”
“nope! sorry i cant do that,” he laughed, “also we’re not friends.” “oh please just this once ill pay you back tomorrow!” he just shook his head no as you sighed in defeat, grabbing the stuff to put it back, when suddenly you ran into someone who was standing a little to close.
“oh sorry about that, excuse me.” you said as you picked up the candy that had fallen out your hands. “no, my fault, i was standing too close.” the guy said, “by the way if you dont have the money i can pay for it.”
was he listening to the conversation? “oh i couldn’t do that, no thank you!” you said already feeling embarrassed because you didnt have enough cash to pay, but now you couldnt have a stranger pay for it!
“no its alright, theres a deal with the ramen anyways, so just put it with my stuff and give me the cash you have.” you obliged and set your stuff back onto the counter. “thank you..”
“of course, i couldnt have a person go hungry.” he said so casually. you didnt know what it was but something about his attitude made you feel happy.
he paid for his and your stuff and you thanked him again before walking out and sitting at the near by table to eat your ramen, when suddenly the chair infront of you was pulled out.
it was the guy who paid for your stuff. he didnt say anything but ate his ramen comfortably as you kind of just stared at him. “umm thank you again, i really appreciate it.” you said trying to break the silence.
“oh no problem, but whats someone like you are you doing up at this hour? its late you know.” he questioned. “oh! i just couldnt sleep for some reason and this usually helps me, because i get full.” you answered, “also whats youre name?”
“my name is aki, ive seen you around these last couple nights, are you new to the area?” he asked. “oh no, im not,” you laughed, “i lived here for quite a while now but just been coming here these last couple of nights because my sleeplessness.”
aki nodded and took another bite of his ramen, before you spoke up. “i could give you what i owe you another day, just give me contact information.” you said pushing youre phone towards him.
“is this your way of asking for my number?” he chuckled, “but you dont have to repay me in cash, just keep coming here and having some ramen with me, it gets a little lonely eating here by myself at 4am.
you agreed and aki put his information on your phone. the rest of the time you 2 just talked about nonsense until it was 4:45 and you had to leave.
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hi guys im back ! (kind of) this has been in my head the last couple of days and decided to write it really quickly since i have nothing better to do lol. might start writing again, who knows ⇨ REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED <3
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honeyhuii · 2 years
for the ask game! 💖🌞🤲🏼
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing?
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Duckie thank you so much for sending in an ask! So I prefer to writing late night at like midnight to like 4am cuz its when im the most creative and awake.
Ive been a very avid fanfic reader and have been reading it since was like 11 or 12. I actually wrote anime fanfiction when i was like 13 😭 but I didnt start writing for kpop idols until last year because some friends influenced me to write and I just have loved writing my entire life.
So for the wip snippet, I'll give you a fic I have been working on since last year! Its called Rosez and Sellouts which is a Yeonjun x Reader fic that I started to write because of his artist of the month on studio choom! I also am trying to write in a new pov so tell me what you think of first pov!
Force started to play as Yeonjun goes backstage while everyone is singing to retrieve the rose. He came out a second later, with the flower behind his back. He sings his part and hops off the stage. He walks around for a second, pretending like he wasn’t going to go to me. He knew exactly where I was sitting and the path to get to me, but he had to put a little show on first. He slowly walked to me and continued to sing.
“君と未来を守りたいんだ (I want to protect my future with you),” Yeonjun looks deeply into my eyes as he sings those words and hands me a lavender rose. His rose colour. He’s never actually given someone his representative rose. He usually gives them a peach coloured rose as a sense of gratitude for loving him as a fan. But with the lavender rose meaning being such a strong embodiment of emotion, he’s never been able to give someone the colour that represents him.
I knew the meaning of the rose colour. A lavender rose represents enchantment or love at first sight. That’s why it represents him, one glance at Yeonjun and people usually are enchanted by his talent and fall in love at first sight by his personality. It meant a lot for Yeonjun to be giving me his flower. What I expected from him was to hand it to me and walk away, but Yeonjun had other plans.
Yeonjun grabbed my hand that wasn’t holding the rose and pulled me in closer. He kept singing...to me. I felt as if we were the only two people in the stadium. Staring into my eyes、 “草原のような force だな ( Just like the meadows. It’s the force).” I could feel the sparks between us, it was electrifying. It’s just like magic.
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francebaby · 6 months
im going to hit my movie quota of the year by hanging out with my hill friend and our newish friends, how are we watching a movie every time we hang out
does everyone else do this.... wait actually yeah. i guess i did watch shows and movies when hanging out with everyone i know. god the brain worms.
it's nice though. we watched the grey man last night and that was fun. i like action movies where its just one guy kicking ass for a few hours. and chris evans character with the ridiculous mustache was fun. god everyone in that movie except the little girl was so deranged. classic cia.
watched the boy and the heron the night before. and last week we watched the invitation. good horror movie. i really liked it, it was almost like i was at the dinner party myself getting incredibly anxious over the awful atmosphere. it was a very maybemaybemaybe kind of movie.
they hung out without me a few days ago (nbd, i was battling my inner demons anyway) and they watched scott pilgrim cuz my friend somehow hadnt seen it all these years. again, chris evans.
we were joking that we were becoming a movie club. ive been telling people all year that as much as i like movies, i tend to not watch anything unless im forced to (ie im hanging out with ppl and they put a movie on). probably the depresso... but i seem to be doing ok. like i actually got through a few chapters of higu? soon i can start umineko lol
we started the movie at midnight and my friend crashed on his redbull like 5 minutes into the movie... and he drove us there. i didnt mean to spend the night but i didn't mind tbh. it had been a while since i slept over at someone's place. the problem was we drank wine and i didnt bring my meds and i guess that combo made me Incredibly Awake. me and my other friend were like wide eyed staring at each other at 4am like "i am not sleepy."
hanging out with them made me realize i need to leave my house more often hhhh. sorry guys.... i miss u.... when finals is over this week ill be free from the shackles of stress and ill bug da group chat more...
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mcneyhoney · 3 years
I keep a kind of journal and today when I sat down to write my nightly entry I accidentally made myself so sad and its been a while since I've felt so helpless and alone. Work today was actually really good and it sucks to leave an environment where I'm surrounded by love to come home and sit in silence with nothing to pull me out of it.
I might be online at some point tomorrow but I'm making no promises x
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sadiiomane10 · 4 years
Fuck, staying up all night is boring af
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rotshop · 3 years
Oh geez long ask, take it easy. Uh, well an idea I’ve had for a little that I really like but have not really many ideas for is like an s/o who just doesn’t purr. They can and there’s nothing wrong with their ability to purr, but for some reason they just never do it, they don’t get why either. It’s just a thing. I don’t know who to pair the s/o with, all I had for the idea is that s/o is with someone and that someone in a moment gets to hear them purr. I think the idea makes sense? -Echo
CNANNOT stop thinking abt this so im answerig it now so i can excorcise whatever fuckgin demon u put in me with this ask /pos
pls consider ; s/o makes some noise other than purring (ex. squeaking / squealing, huffing, chirping, etc etc) to show they're happy and their respective partner just has no fucking clue what it means / it takes them a bit to go 'oh hey wait a minute , THATS their version of purring.' or whatev ,,,,
i did a two short lill hc sets w/ this in mind lol ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ignore typos its 4am and im jetlagged <33333
-chances are you don't purr because you're just that exhausted / stressed out. sure, others are able to most times but for one reason or another the stress seems to effect that part of you a little more than it does others. you've just kinda. been like that for so long now bc of all the stress working under phobos brings and so ur body / mind is always just kinda (at least somewhat / distantly) in panic mode so u never calm down / relax enough to rlly purr
-hof is the opposite !! he doesn't full on purr too too often but he makes a lot of trills / chirrup noises when he's particularly excited / happy. chances are when he notices u walk into a room he unintentionally starts purring lmao ,,, it DOES make him a little sad that you don't purr or make a whole lot of 'happy noises' like he does but!! that's ok ,, he's just kinda learned to accept it over time
-there was one time you were REAALLL burnt out. you'd been working on some little project phobos had given you for days and days on end now and it was tearing you to shreds. you had it mostly done by this point but given how you could just barely remember things from 5 minutes ago and you kept dropping shit it was gonna take a lot longer to finish in this state ,,,, he manages to drag you away from your work and make you get some rest. ur stubborn tho and make him stay with you so u knw he's resting too lol
-you're laying with your face in the crook of his neck while he's tracing little patterns on your back, focusing on making sure he isn't pressing too hard or anything like that
-it takes him a while to notice the newer, quieter noise alongside your little breaths. it's shaky and kinda fades in and out, unsteady with lack of use but as SOON as he realizes what it is he has to stop himself from kissing you right then and there or waking you up with some trill or whatever
-it makes him so so happy knowing he's probably one of the few people you've purred around and that you feel comfortable enough to, he's riding the high for the next few days and he keeps thinking about it ,,,, hope u like purring bc he's gonna try and make you do it again and again /hj
-ur probably an agent / soldier of his who ranks real high, ur kinda like his second in command or whatev its called. same kinda deal ; ur way too stressed and constantly in fear of your life being taken to really chill out enough to purr. he doesn't do it very often either except when he's watching some plan of his come to fruition or when he's asleep ,,,
-he's gotten used to ur guys' relationship being pretty professional (aside from the banter and the fact that he definitely doesn't care this much about someones hobbies or interests if they arent you and that he most certainly wouldn't ask one of his soldiers were doing if they werent you, of course) and so he just kinda. randomly notices it. ur both just hanging out and talking with one another and it just clicks that 'huh. ive never heard them purr'
-it makes him a little insecure SFHFRJVSWVSFKEF 'what do you MEAN you aren't so head over heels for me that you're little more than a purring content little mess for me, what am i doing wrong .' like at first he doesn't think too deep on it but then he just keeps remembering and it keeps putting him on edge
-he tries his best to get you to purr as soon as he can but like ,,, it just doesn't work ,,,, even having dinner with him or something your brain is still vaguely just kinda in danger / kill mode on the back burner of itself. it just makes him dig himself deeper lol
-BUT. there's a specific night where you're just kinda staring out one of the windows in your guys' little shared home of sorts. no real reason or anythign behind it you're just kinda. looking down at the scenery. the distant lights of the city outline you in color and luminescence like a halo and he's just kinda stuck staring at you from across the room
-after a breath or two he's walking over and wrapping his arms around your waist and tightening his grip till you're pulled up securely against him. as he's placing a little kiss between your shoulder and your neck he notices the sound and freezes up immediately
-he has to like. process it for a solid minute or too. hope u arent the type to get nervous / paranoid bc it's!!! a little nerve wracking for ur bf to hear u purr for the first time and then just go into like shock abt it with no comment or anything for a solid few minutes
-you know you're good though when he's tightening his hold on you further and you can feel his teeth against your skin as he buries his face into the crook of your neck with a grin
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simpsiren · 4 years
about the roommate
park seonghwa x reader
main masterlist
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description. you talk about your weird relationship with the roommate you’ve been with for so long yet still dont know much about
genre. roommates au, fluff, seonghwa hinting at reader that they like them
warnings. nonee
a/n. hihii so i wanted to try writing for ateez since ive been doing a lot of nct ff already. its my first time so i doubt that it’ll be accurate but i got the idea from this post by @darling-akaashi so i hope it will be decent. i never thought that it would be this long but oh well HAHA enjoyy :D
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how did you even become roommates with someone like him? you dont even know. all you knew was that you were finding someone to share the apartment rent with and it just so happens that your friend at college, wooyoung, has a friend who was looking for an apartment.
and now here you are. a year and a half of sharing an apartment with seonghwa yet the two of you are in your separate rooms. the only interaction you ever made today was at breakfast where seonghwa cooked for you scrambled eggs and toasted bread.
there’s wasn’t much you knew about him at first. but as you slowly but surely try to accomplish your mission of getting to know seonghwa (since you didn’t like being awkward with people all the time), you start to learn a thing or two about him.
you were glad that after a year and a half of staying with him, you got to know more about him, despite the fact that the interaction between the two of you still needed some work.
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[ONE] : he’s a clean freak.
you were feeling tired from a long day of school and all you thought of doing while walking home was to sit on the couch and resume your anime marathon.
you unlock your door to find seonghwa mopping the floor. you nod your head slowly as you close the door and take off your shoes before taking any step further.
“didnt you mop the floor yesterday?” you ask, placing your keys on the kitchen counter along with your bag on the chair of the dining table.
“yeah.” was all you heard from seonghwa as you pour yourself a glass of grape juice. “you dont have to mop again-“
“its a habit.” seonghwa replies simply. with your cup in hand, you make your way to the living room, where seonghwa is currently mopping. you take a seat on the couch and grab the controller to turn on the tv. “hey wanna watch attack on titans with me?” seonghwa was mopping the floor in between the couch you’re sitting on and the coffee table and stops in front of you, raising an eyebrow.
“i dont watch anime?” you furrow your eyebrows and frown. “come on its fun! stop your cleaning and at least watch one episode.” you grab seonghwa’s arm and pull him down to sit next to you, making him flinch a little and quickly placing the mop beside the couch.
“how am i suppose to watch when i dont know what happened before?” you roll your eyes.
“if you find this episode good then you can watch it from the start in your free time.”
seonghwa sighs and and stands up, walking away to keep the mop before taking a seat beside you again and getting comfortable. “this better be worth it. im suppose to clean the toilet right now.”
“that can wait.” you nudge your arm into his chest, making him let out another long sigh before watching the show silently.
it was a saturday morning as you went to sleep at 4am. hence, making you wake up at 11am in the morning. however, you have always been laying around in your bed for about an hour or so before getting out of your room. when the clock striked 12, you thought that it would be a good idea to get out of your room and have lunch. gathering up all your energy, you brought yourself out of bed and lazily walk out of your room.
as you walked down the hallway, the first thing you saw was seonghwa cleaning the counter top of the kitchen. you clicked your tongue and walked over to where seonghwa was.
“did you make lunch yet?”
seonghwa looks up at you and shakes his head. “its a saturday so im spring cleaning the house.” you rolled your eyes and shake your head.
“you do that every single day!” you whine. seonghwa raises his eyebrow. “i like to keep the house neat unlike you.” you let out a soft ‘tsk’.
you have to admit, you were not a clean person at all. the only reason why the apartment is clean is because of seonghwa’s habit of being well organised and meticulous. basically everything in the apartment but your room is squeaky clean. although you see seonghwa staring at your room and looked like he’s holding back the strong urge to clean it for you, he doesn’t really do anything about the fact that you are the complete opposite of him. you dont know why but you only shrug it off.
“ill help you today, alright? then you can quickly cook something up for us. im hella hungry right now.”
seonghwa lifts his head up from the table and scoffs with a slight smile. you furrow your eyebrows and frown. “what’s that face for, huh?”
“this is the first time you offered to help. id say thank you but i know you’re only doing it because we both know im the only one that can cook.” seonghwa says confidently. you purse your lips and nodded your head.
“you’re right. but i’ll still help. so, what should i do?” seonghwa tosses the cloth that he was using to clean the kitchen counter. you took a step back as you quickly got a hold of it.
“wash it and wipe the bookshelf.” you let out a long sigh before flashing him a bright smile and headed over to the bookshelf. while you were wiping the sides of the bookshelf, you could have sworn that you saw seonghwa looking at you with a smile and a light blush of pink on his cheeks. you pretended not to notice though, and shrug it off.
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[TWO] : he’s a great cook.
you still remember the first day you came to the apartment. the first thing you see your new roommate doing was cleaning. like intense cleaning. it was late at night and you didn’t bother to even greet the stranger since you felt awkward and wanted to rest for the night.
however, at about two in the morning, you were laying down in your room when you felt the need to have a night snack. you stepped out of your room and went to the kitchen. the whole apartment was dark except for the dimly lit lamp at the kitchen. you jumped a little when you hear seonghwa’s voice coming from the living room.
“y/n?” you turn around to see seonghwa chilling on the couch with his phone. the living room was completely dark and you could only see his face from the light illuminating from his phone.
“i was just getting a snack to eat.” you said as you opened the fridge to look for something to eat. unfortunately, there wasnt anything that looked like it would fill your midnight appetite. you hear seonghwa standing up from the couch at the back and walking towards you. you tilted your head to the back and see seonghwa standing behinf you. you tale a step back.
“i can cook something if you want.”
“no no its fine i just need a simple snack.” seonghwa kept quiet for a moment as you went back to the fridge to look for food again, as if something might magically pop up. but of course nothing did.
“well i didnt think of getting any snacks when i moved in. ill make something.” seonghwa walks over to the fridge and nudges your arm, making you move to the kitcen counter and leaning your hip against it as you watch seonghwa get to work.
you were looking through your phone, distracted when you heard the noise of two bowls being olaced on the table. you lift your head up and noticed that seonghwa made yoghurt with cherries and raspberries. it wasnt your idea of a midnight snack but at this point, anything could go in your stomach.
“thanks.” you whisper softly as you drag the bowl near to you. seonghwa only hums in response as the two of you take a bite at the same time. your mouth gapes open as your head slowly tilts up from your bowl to look at seonghwa. he was casually eating when his raises an eyebrow at your weird expression.
“how.. how does this taste so good? what did you do it? did you poison it?!” seonghwa blinks at you a few times and shakes his head slowly. your forehead creases as you look at him suspiciously. “i never really liked yoghurt but holy shit.” you quickly take another bite.
“i think you’re just hungry. it tastes fine to me.” seonghwa says in a monotoned lazy manner and grabs the bowl and taking a seat at the dining table. you purse your lips into a straight line and grab your bowl as well and walking down the hallway to your room. before you open your door to go in, you quickly turn your head to the dining table.
“thanks for the yoghurt! ill wash the bowl later.” seonghwa doesnt react, keeping his eyes on his phone. you gave a weird look before heading inside. you sigh.
he’s going to be hard to talk to.
“its your birthday, right?” your jumped in your seat when seonghwa suddenly appeared beside you on the couch. “uhuh.. how’d you know?” you say softly, nodding your head.
“wooyoung told me. lll make you a cake or something. anything you want to eat?” you blink at him a few times, your mouth still gaping open as you were shocked about a few things. 1. he talking to you in a more open matter and 2. he actually want to make you something for your birthday.
“make me mac and cheese, please! i love the way you cook it!” you smiled brightly. seonghwa smiled back and coughed, only to return to his monotoned face. you laugh softly. you found it cute somehow.
“i wouldn’t have allowed it since its unhealthy but since its your birthday-”
“thank you!” you leaned in to hug seonghwa. the didnt hug you back, so you quickly pulled away. you noticed him blushing again, this time it was more obvious. you shook it off, despite knowing you felt butterflies in your stomach. “ill go out to get groceries then.” seonghwa stands up from the couch and heads inside his room to get ready.
you smiled to yourself constantly as you waited for seonghwa to finish making the mac and cheese. you sigh in satisfaction as the smell of the delicious food fills the air in the apartment. you tapped your feet excitedly as you had your eyes glued onto seonghwa with the pan in his hands. your face lit up the moment the starts walking towards you. you clap your hands as he places it down on the dining table.
“fuck it smells and looks to good.” you moan out. seonghwa lets out a soft laugh, making you blush just from hearing him do that. “if i made this any other day, i would’ve asked you to pay for the groceries.” you roll your eyes.
“come on dont be rude to me.” you grab a fork and spoon, bringing your plate near the pan and cutting out a slice for yourself. “thanks for the mac and cheese.” seonghwa only nods his head and took a slice for himself before the two of you ate together slowly, indulging the savoury and amazing taste of one of seonghwa’s best dishes he has ever made dor you.
you appreciated times like thae with seonghwa. alrhough not much interaction was made during meal times, you really felt that he cared for you. making meals you like on special occasions, and he’s always asking you what you want to eat, despite the fact that he might not be comfortable with the idea, he doesn’t fail to whip up a great meal. you liked that about seonghwa.
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[THREE] : he’s a great listener.
you basically the worse day that day. for some reason, everything just had to go wrong. the only thing you felt the whole day were anger and sadness, more so towards anger. it was late at night yet you were still fuming in anger, only wanting to let it all out the moment you stepped into the apartment.
you unlocked the door and dropped your bag beside you and slammed the door shut. of course the piercing sound of the door made seonghwa lift his head up in an instant. you notice him laying down on the couch with his phone and usual.
stomping over to the kitchen, you pour yourself a glass of cold water. you chugged the whole cup of water fast and forcefully place the cup on the counter. you clearly felt seonghwa’s eyes on you. you look up from your cup and notice him looking shocked, his mouth gaping open slightly.
“what?” you said, running your hand through your hair in frustration.
“you okay...?” you hear seonghwa ask. “does it look like im okay? today felt as if i entered a shit hole.” you huff. you made your way over to the couch, leaving your empty cup on the counter.
“move your ass.” you hiss at seonghwa. he raises an eyebrow and gets up from his laying position, proceeding to sit up and let you take a seat beside him.
you sit down and let your body sink into the couch, laying your head back as you sigh to calm yourself down. “what happened?” seonghwa whispers, putting away his phone and turning his attention to you.
you purse your lips into a thin line and slowly looked up at him. his eyes were filled with concern and his voice was gentle too. he hasn’t been this concerned about you before.
“apparently i got my best friend to dress up all cute and fancy so that she can have a date with my boyfriend behind my back.” you scoff in disbelief, shaking your head. you see seonghwa licking his lips nervously as he nodded his head.
“a shit show if you ask me. i saw him waiting for her in front of the shop i was working at.” you grab the pillow behind you and hug it close to your chest with you digging your face into it. “just how cruel can people get?” your voice was muffled but you knew seonghwa heard you loud and clear. you felt his hand resting on your back, patting it gently.
“its fine. rant all you want.” you took a deep breath and slammed the pillow onto your lap. you felt that it made seonghwa jump a little but he never fails to keep his composure in check. you could never be like him.
the night, all you did was talk, cried and screamed your heart out. and seonghwa was there to just listen to you. he didn’t react much, but he did nod a few times hear and there to let you know that he understood what you were saying. he wasnt so affectionate that he would hug you when you cried, but it felt good to just have him sit there with you while you let out all your anger and frustration. you figured that having him as your listener was his way of showing comfort for you.
it was 4am. you and seonghwa have been drinking since 2am. why? you had a bad day and you felt rhe need to destress with some alcohol. seonghwa wouldn’t have allowed you to get drunk but he was apparently having a bad day too and felt like he wanted to get a little drunk to forget everything that day.
“dont you know how fucking stupid that is? it only happens to me. why?!” you groan as you take down another shot. seonghwa fills up your cup again.
“just forget them. they’re being idiots.” seonghwa whispers. you gap your mouth open and roll your eyes. “how can i forgot something like that?!” you shout angrily, slamming your hand on the table. seonghwa laughs in a lazy manner.
“you’re cute when you’re mad.”
“excuse me?” you tilt your head to the side, wondering if you heard seonghwa’s words clearly.
“nothing.” you shrug it off and shake your head.
“by the way..” you started off. seonghwa lifts his head up from the table and lets out a ‘hm?’
“why arent you telling me why you’re drinking? you don’t normally do this. you dont even let me drink unless its a special occasion. i rarely see you drunk.”
seonghwa raises both his eyebrows and sigh. “i had a bad day. but yours sounds worse so ill let you do all the ranting.” seonghwa starts playing with his shot glass, circling his index finger around its rim.
you clicked your tongue. “but its always been about me. you cook me my favourite meals, you do all the cleaning and you’re always here for me when im pissed. i feel bad about it..” you quickly glance at seonghwa. its the blushing again. you started to accept the fact that you had an effect on him, instead of avoiding the fact that he might have feelings for you.
“i guess im always doing those things because...” he leans forward over the table, getting close to your face. you start to grow nervous and your heart started beating quickly. you held a fist to your chest, breathing slowly to calm you down, but it failed. its the first time you’ve seem seonghwa like this. he looked... hot?
“do you know the answer?” seonghwa asks, tilting his head to the side as you watch his eyes glaze over you whole face as if he’s admiring every inch of it.
“no?” your breathing stopped for a moment when seonghwa gets even closer. this time, your noses were touching. seonghwa chuckles lowly. why did that sound so good all of a sudden?
“i know that you know. i wonder why you’re shying away.” seonghwa’s lips immediately connected with yours. you blinked your eyes rapidly as you tried to process the situation. you couldn’t hold back. his lips felt great against yours. its like all the worries that have been piling up in you have been washed away from a simple kiss.
who knew you’d get this close to your mysterious roommate? its a drastic start to a good relationship nonetheless.
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Sweater- Remus Lupin
Request: Hey boo! Love your writing, and that prompt list? Aaaaamazing. Maybe you could do one with remus with 54,64 and 79 from prompt list #2?? If not that's totally cool, I Don't know, just got that idea last night:) Lots of loveee.
54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
64. “Your bedhead is really cute”
79. “No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
Word count: 1.6K
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You where so Absolutely, Undeniably, Indubitably tired. You had stayed up the previous night studying, and you had to pull n all nighter later tonight to study for a shitty potions exam, my god you hated N.E.W.T.S. The rest of your friends, the Marauders, Lily, Marlene, Dorcas, everyone had already studied and got an early night, while you procrastinated, so you had to cram the night before. This is hell, why do you do this? But you decided to take full advantage of the empty common room and decided to set up shop down their for the night. It was 10Pm, you where fresh faced, full from supper and have a cup of tea. How hard could Potions be to grasp?
It turns out very hard. All of the stuff that actually went into your brain just got muddled up, and it just wasn't going well. Your tea had been left to go cold, and the entirety of your notes had been spilled out over the common room table. It was getting chilly, and you needed some more tea anyway, so you decided to take a break. How you hadn't gotten colder earlier is a mystery, as you where wearing biker shorts and a tank top. You grabbed your cup, and stood up, when the cold sent a shiver down your spine and goosebumps rose on your skin. Then an idea popped into your head. Every day since you met him, Remus Lupin had worn the exact same, comfy looking, sweater, day in, day out. And to be honest, that's something you could use right now. You crept up the stairs, closer to the boys dorm, and quietly knocked on, you waited a few seconds, but there was no reply.
“Rem?” You whisper-shouted.
Then almost instantaneously, the door swung open, revealing none other than Remus Lupin, with no shirt, plaid pyjama pants and a book in his hand. Of course. He gave you a warm smile as he opened the door for you to step into the room. Man he looked so damn adorable in the low light.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing up, its like 2Am?” He gave a questioning look.
“I'm sorry, its what?” Since when did it get that late, you could've sworn you'd only started studying an hour ago. He nodded toward the clock on his night stand, which, in classic Remus fashion, was also drowned in old books and chocolate. You let out a quiet giggle.
“Guess the time just got away from me. I was wondering...” You chuckled nervously, why was it so damn hard to ask this man for a sweater. Right, he was Remus. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you, and I could really use the comfort right now?” He just kinda stood there, jaw slack, fumbling over his words, trying to explain how much he would love to give you any sweater he owned, without sounding creepy of course.
“If you two are gonna shag, could you maybe do it quietly? I'm trying to sleep here” The grumbled voice of Sirius came from the end bed. Remus threw a pillow at him as you both blushed profusely.
“Yeah.” He said abruptly. “I mean yeah, of course you can, yeah, yeah, of course, yeah” He repeated, with a nervous laughter.
“So, can I borrow it?” You questioned sarcastically with a laugh.
“Yeah, ill go get it” He laughed lowly. He tried to be as smooth as he could but when you where around, he had the function of a paper plate. Trying to retrieve the jumper from his trunk, he slipped a few times, laughing and mumbling a quiet ‘sorry’. How can one man be so cute.  He quickly jogged back over to you, about to hand you the sweater, when he stopped to admire your beauty for a second, your face lit by the candle light. Well what he thought to be a second but was more closer to a minute, being snapped out of his daydream by a quiet ‘Rem?’ Coming from you. God he loved that nickname. He laughed and apologised, handing you the sweater.
“Don't stay up too late though, love, you wont be able to focus if you have no sleep” he lectured. “You want some chocolate to take down with you?” You gratefully accepted his offer, marvelling at the mass amounts of chocolate he had. He gave you a variety. You knew he had given you his expensive chocolate he had gotten for his birthday. But you pretended not to notice and thanked him for the gesture with a kiss on the cheek as you quickly ushered out of the room. Scared if you stayed too long, you'd do something you regret. Of course, you left so quick, you just missed the deep blush that appeared on Remus’ face as he held a hand against his cheek where you had just kissed. He heard a low “Man, you are soooooo whipped” From Sirius, but just threw a pillow at him. He lay back down on his bed, dreaming of you.
After your sweater and chocolate exchange with Remus, you decided to duck back into the kitchens for some more tea. A quick caffeine top up is just what you needed. As you got back to the common room it was quickly approaching 2:30Am, You decided to get a few more hours of study done, but now in Remus’ comfy sweater. Obviously it was wayyy to comforting, because you ended up nodding off on the common room couch at 4Am, engulfed by the sweater and surrounded by the smell of Remus.
While you slept soundly downstairs, Remus looked up at his clock. 4:45Am. Sleep alluded him lately much to his chagrin. His dreams were usually filled to the brim with you, wondering what his life would be like if you two where together. But recently, he had been thinking about doing something about it, causing him some sleepless nights. He though you liked him, he was 90% sure, okay more like 60%. But the marauders had him convinced that she liked him back. Hell even lily knew that the Gryffindor princess was smitten for Werewolf Boy. He just wanted you to be his, and for him to not be a bumbling, stammering, blushing mess around you He lay in his own head space for about 45 minutes, until he realised you where still downstairs. He was worried you might work yourself to death at this rate. So he quietly shuffled out of his bed, making his way down the stairs. What he saw when he got down there was, perhaps, the one thing he’d want to see for the rest of his life. You where curled up around a pillow on the common room couch, Remus’ sweater drowning you. You where bathing in the Dawn sunlight, and you looked absolutely ethereal. He thought if there was heaven on earth this would be it. If there where big, cartoon heart eyes in real life, he’d definitely have them right bout now. He stood there staring at you, with his big, cartoon heart eyes for a solid five minutes, until you began to stir and wake up. He tried to busy himself looking over your papers and other miscellaneous things on the table.
“Hey, Remmy, not stealing my notes are you?” You giggled in your cute morning voice. He stood, frozen and slack jawed. How could one woman be so perfect? “Rem? Oh no, what's wrong? Is it my terrible bed head?” You panicked trying to flatted your crazed hair. He quickly shook himself from his daydream.
“No, its… Your bed head is cute” He mumbled lowly, you giggled. “Its just… I cant believe your wearing my clothes.”
“Well yeah, that was why I asked for it, it smells good” You breathed In the scent of his sweater, and Remus looked at you. Sat there, with a bed head, sleep deprived, having just woken up, still looking like an angel on earth. Why was he doing nothing about it? To hell if he was gonna let some douche get you before he could.
“Rem?” You questioned, blushing under his abnormally long stare. And before you knew it he had immediately rushed to you, his lips attaching to yours, passionate but hungry. He pulled away, his forehead resting against yours. “Ive been wanting to do that for a while” He laughs and you giggle. But you where cut short by a slow clap ensuing from behind you, you both turned to see Sirius on the staircase, classic smirk and everything. Remus was about to scold Sirius and warn him not to tell the boys but Sirius already knew it. “Don't worry. ‘Remmmmyyyy’” He said in a dreamy voice. “I wont tell the boys” Remus released  breath and started counting down.
“3...2...1...” You furrowed your brows to question him, but it was soon answered by Sirius clamouring up the stairs screaming James’ name, probably about to tell him what just happened.
“Back in a sec, love” He said before rushing after Sirius, his werewolf traits no match for Sirius’ dog ones. You just stared after him, before shrinking down into the couch, sighing dreamily.
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saethepaperclip · 3 years
the bros as things i feel                      (or something, i wrote this a 4am)
-lol forgot to post cause ive been working on a fem! belphie cosplay-
Luci- walking into the kitchen late at night while everyone's asleep, seeing the bottle of red wine left out and fearing for your life for a short second
- watching the roses left as a centerpiece on the table slowly wilt and die despite anyone's best efforts to keep them alive
Mammon-the feeling of knowing you could do crime but won’t like it would be so easy to slip that object up your sleeve and leave or to set something on fire, but you don’t actually do it 
-picking up any object off the ground or in a store to inspect it and putting it in the wrong place cause crow brain go brrrr
Levi-wading out into the ocean until you cant reach the bottom but wanting to continue going forward because something draws you out there despite logical dangers
- staring any deep/large body of water for so long you start to feel like you’re drowning on land
Satan- flipping through a book written in a language you cant read and understanding  its beauty while simultaneously being frustrated because it wont disclose its secrets
- waking up in the middle of the night with the sense that you no longer exist and the universe has ended you
Asmo- wearing something such as makeup or a nice outfit and staring at yourself in the mirror until you no longer recognize who you are looking at
- feeling light like a creature of grace and beauty then falling down the stairs
Beel- finding comfort in dangerous things such as fire and large undomesticated cats (lions, cheetahs, tigers, etc.)
- feeling so hungry that you no longer feel hunger, just void
Belphie- waking up before you alarm and burrowing back under the blankets and feeling so warm an at peace than ever before, with not a single thought in your mind
- walking outside at night and staring at the stars before the silence gets too loud and you go back in
-does anyone else get these feeling or is it just me?-
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 4 years
Can we PLEASE get some todoroki fluff I miss your writing 🥺
hI IM SO SORRY I KNOW THESE PAST FEW MONTHS IVE BEEN SHIT AT WRITING/POSTING BUT IVE BEEN CONSTANTLY BUSY, also I wrote this like 2 weeks ago at 4 am and I don't even know if it's the kind of fluff you wanted lmao dont mind me 😊 (also I guess this is a college au?)
'Do you love me?'
Shoutos eyebrows furrowed at the random text you had sent him late at night, or early in the morning he supposed. You had told him a few hours ago that you were feeling extra sleepy tonight and were gonna head to bed early, and there was literally an 'I love you too' message above yours, the one he had sent through your nightly 'I love you' before bed. But apparently that wasnt enough.
'Of course I do, why?'
He tried focusing his attention back onto the show he was watching, but the uneasy feeling in his gut told him that you needed him right now - and he chose to pause the show and impatiently wait for your response. Shouto couldnt help but get slightly annoyed as the 3 dots kept appearing and disappearing, but still, he kept his eyes focused on the bright screen, ready to read whatever it was you were going to send him.
'Just.... Idk... its dumb... I know you love me, I really do, but sometimes I cant help but think you're just staying because you feel bad... it wouldnt be the first time someones used me for affection..."
Shouto found himself staring at your message for a while. Did you think he was using you?
'Baby... you dont really think I'm with you because I feel bad... you know me, I'm not willing to stay with someone for something as dumb as that. I love you y/n, I love you more than anyone I've ever met, please believe me. Do you want me to come over?'
Letting out a long sigh as he sent his reply, he jumped up out of his bed and went to slip his shoes on. Even if you said you didnt want him to come, he was going to.
'No! Well - if you do.... can you come in like an hour?'
'I dont want you to see me crying."
Its official now, hes definitely coming over. He even grabbed an extra hoodie for good measure, knowing that no matter what his hoodie would cheer you up at least a bit. Your apartment was very luckily pretty close by, only a 15 minute walk that he could push down to 10 if he moved quickly - so it wasnt long before a slightly panting Shouto was knocking on your door.
You knew who it was, who else in their right mind would come over at 4am (although you did have some highly crackheaded friends that wouldnt surprise you if they suddenly showed up this late, but right now you just wanted Shouto so you didnt even consider that).
"You weren't supposed to come for another 40 minutes."
Shouto gave you a teasing smile as he made his way through your door, even though your tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes almost had him tearing up himself. And you really thought he didnt actually love you.
"Hmm really? I didnt notice, I was too busy missing my darling."
Not even giving you the chance to roll your eyes at his remark, he grabbed your hand and pulled you back into your bedroom, barely kicking off his shoes before sitting down and holding out the hoodie he brought for you.
"If you wanna lie down you have to put this on."
This time you were able to fully give him your eye roll, pulling a snicker from his lips - apparently even sad you still found joy in messing with him. Once the hoodie was on, Shouto wasted no time in wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into him, falling backwards himself so that you would end up lying on his chest.
"Now, you wanna talk about it baby? Why'd you think that all of the sudden?"
He felt you nuzzle closer into him, your fists bundling up his own hoodie as you breathed in his comforting scent. Even if you were nervous to talk about what going on, Shouto always had a way of keeping you calm.
"I was just thinking about how much my life has changed since I moved here, I guess I was being sentimental. First I was all happy thinking about how I got to meet you and all our friends, and how I felt included and cared about for once. But then I remembered my whole reason for moving out here in the first place - before college, no one gave a damn about me. Not my parents, not my friends, no one. I realized how many people that were close to me had never cared about my wellbeing, but stayed because they knew that I would care about theirs. So I moved here for a new start, hoping I'd find people who did care, and I did! But I cant help but wonder if they only care because they're using me too..."
Shouto rubbed your back gently as you rambled on, listening intently to every word you said. It hurt hearing you say these things, he knew you didnt have much back home, but he didnt think that you had really never had people genuinely care about you.
"Baby, you're with good people now. We all love you, even Katsuki loves you. And you better get it through that thick skull of yours that I absolutely adore you. No one here is using you, and if they are you know I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of them."
He smiled when he heard your soft giggle, happy he was able to help lift your spirits.
"Shouto, you cant just go beating people up."
"I can if they hurt you."
"Only if they punch me or something. Otherwise, no. I cant risk you getting actually hurt."
Shouto didnt respond to that, instead pulling you closer into his chest and rolling onto his side, lacing your legs together and making it so that you couldnt leave even if you wanted to as a soft smile made it's way onto his face.
"Yeah babe?"
"I love you. More than anything."
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aggressiveviking · 4 years
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its 4am but im posting this anyway because ive just been staring at it since i finished it
Billy Hargrove as a Witcher from the School of the Bear (in Undvik Armor)
its also a SPEEDPAINT:
witcher au masterpost [x]
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coffeeshopmuse · 3 years
It is November. Somewhere between the first and the fifth. Probably. It could be the seventh, but im too far gone to know the date in the moment.
I can see my breath as it floats down over the balcony railing where you lean, eyes faded, staring at something that no one sees but you. The door behind us opens and shuts, over and over, while the electronic bumps filter in and out - a ringtone on a call we will not answer. 
We left the rave over an hour ago. Youve been crying, on and off, which was more welcome than the silence we both sink into. People walk behind us, laughing, joking, dancing, singing. They are still present in the moment. At some point they will filter back into the dance, more than likely, or they will disappear back into the hotel until dawn emerges. 
Ive been awake 48 hours.  You had the luxury of a nap on my chest less than ten hours ago. Neither of us can see straight. Your cosplay sleeve is ripped, I had noticed earlier but said nothing. It is definitely getting worse now. You wont look at me. My eyes cannot close and yet they cannot reach yours.
A sniffle breaks the silence. 
I pretend to ignore it. 
Someone starts smoking directly next to us. Weve been frozen in time for 70 minutes at least at this point. I refuse to speak, you refuse to speak. Its a game of chicken to see who will break first. 
I played it all back. I ran into you for the first time in two years the previous night at the first rave. You lowered your neon mask and took off your goggles and smiled at me. You remembered me. You looked the exact same as you did the first time. I complimented your outfit. Dark red hair falls, white contacts. Goggles identical to the ones I owned, our first shared experience. A light pink push up bra (that didnt really push much up) underneath dark pink fishnet. A short pink skirt. Bright green belt overtop but not connected. Moon boots that made you slightly taller than before, but still not my height. I teased you for still being shorter than me. You kissed me on the cheek and we danced for hours. 
We went out to the same balcony that night. I had been awake 24 hours but it was ok, it was worth it to catch up. You popped a pill, maybe a mint actually, and told me about the last two years of your life. I told you about mine. We both shared heartbreak. I held your face in my hands. You recoiled, I was cold. I apologized and stepped away. You grabbed my hands, grinned at me, your face red and frozen. I kissed you for the first time. A girl told us to get a room and you politely told her to fuck off and kissed me again. Your lips were cold, but I didnt recoil. It quickly became 4am. 5. 6. 7.
We ate breakfast for free in a hotel we werent staying in. You lamented having a more expensive and fancier hotel but not free breakfast. I asked you to show me your room to prove it was better. You told me your friends were in the room and they didnt know me. Fine, ill show you my room, all my friends are going out for the morning, we can sleep.
You can sleep.
I can stay awake. Its been 36 hours. 
The fishnet and the skirt come off. I asked if you wanted a shirt to sleep in, in case my friends came back. You took your bra off and slid my anime shirt on. Which anime? I dont even know. I wasnt focused on it at the time. It was way too big on you, but a medium could have eclipsed you. You snuggled up to me, and I realized you felt safe .I felt needed. You put your hand into my pants and fell asleep. I moved it out, interlocked our fingers and watched you for a while.
You woke up when my friends came back. They slinked out of the room and apologized for interrupting, disappeared into the living room area. You kissed me, hard. I looked into your eyes. The next few hours I explored your body, and many things I wont put here and I thought things were ok. 
You left for your room, still wearing my shirt, your hair disheveled, both of us sticky and in need of a shower. You wanted to put on your cosplay. My friends made some comment and then came into the room while I fumbled for glasses and clothing.
You cough and im right back on the balcony with you. Youre looking at me. Youre crying. Again. Its noise so I can handle it. I try to grab your hand and you pull away. Im trying to take you seriously, as Kyoko from Madoka Magica. Your teal hoodie is still ripped. I hadnt dreamed it. Your jean shorts barely cover areas im still thinking about, but this is the wrong time. You wont explain whats wrong. 
I sit. Im looking out into the water and you sit behind me, and wrap around me. I again reach for your hand, you give it to me. You kiss my ear and whisper sorry. I am internally screaming. Im exhausted, im seeing double, triple, quadruple of every light in a ten mile radius. You tell me youre moving to the west coast. How you wanted to stay. How seeing me again felt perfect. I close my eyes. You bury your face into my neck and sob. 
It quickly became 4am. 5. 6.
We go to breakfast but we do not eat. We sip coffee and orange juice and apple juice and pineapple juice and milk and we laugh about how ridiculous this all is. A roller coaster. Today is the last day we will more than likely see each other, a small little con fling. Weve both ignored our friends the entire weekend save for a few minutes. I cant stop staring. I push my foot into your chair and slide your legs apart, resting my foot on the inside of your thigh. You blush. You ask if im out of condoms. Im not.
The goal is to be out. 
Ive been awake 60 hours. I want to breathe you in, I want to fall asleep, I want to be gentle and kiss you and hug you. I tell you I dont know what love is but that I have had a great time. That maybe this feels like love. You cry a little and hand me back my shirt. I tell you to keep it. I hold your hand all the way down to the car. My friends tease me. I dont care.
I see you again, almost five years later, at the same venue.  Youre still short. Youre still cute. You havent aged one bit. You have a guy with you and hes beautiful. I see the ring on your finger. I put my head down, my hoodie up, and disappear out onto the balcony without letting you see me.
Its November. Somewhere between the first and the fifth. This time Im sure of it.
 Im still too far gone.
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