#its a christmas miracle
redstonedust · 2 years
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an n.h.o reference??? in MY 2022??????
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themuskrater · 2 years
They did it. Those absolute mad lads, they did it! THEY MADE A LIVE ACTION
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moonchildsorcery · 7 months
so the new halsin kisses are absolutely exquisite
and his point and click lines are ALSO FIXED???
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cup0fcocoa · 9 months
Hi TMS fandom guess who's been dragged back to hell!
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Anyways have some finalists in the holiday spirit
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onearmedlegend · 2 years
I’m just imagining that Billy’s finally free of his father’s clutches; he’s gone to jail. The Mind Flayer is gone. Max was invited to the Byers for what they called a family dinner. But what didn’t make sense was that people unrelated to them were there? The little Byers’s friends and big Byers’s girlfriend. Oh, and the Police Chief. And Harrington. Basically everyone who hated him, great.
Except for that weird girl El. Who helped him more than he can ever say.
Max said she wanted to go, and Billy had no problem with that; there wasn’t a horrendous ‘curfew’ to be home by anymore. There wasn’t going to be any slurs and punches and throws and things (Billy) thrown around if they were late anymore. No skipping school for injuries or pretending bruises were from someone on the basketball team anymore.
But people were still scared of Billy around town. They knew of his father’s actions and were worried he’d be the same. Or they looked at him with pity as if they had any idea what happened between closed doors.
What used to be unfiltered, flirtatious, and longing stares and empty conversations—now were rapid flashes of glances before scurrying away to the safety of their homes. As if Hawkins was safe. Everybody was too scared to be out on the streets for too long before something in the nights, or god forbid day, swept them off to someplace terrible.
After that summer, more people were afraid. Billy understood. They didn’t, not really. But Billy did. And he was afraid for himself. Of what he could do, now that he saw what that thing did to him without permission. Without fear. Without care. Without a second thought.
So Billy kept his distance when they arrived. Max took off towards the Party, who were all hanging out in the living room. They were setting up the game of D&D or something, but Max watched and pretended to listen. She was pleasantly comforted by their presence. El looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, and her head dropped to the board game at hand. Nobody else noticed.
Harrington was sitting on the ground next to the kids. Harrington took him by surprise; he wasn’t related to anyone here. He dated older Wheeler a while ago (a year now?), and she was with older Byers. Was he invited by Mrs. Byers? That got Billy’s head scratching.
But then he saw the curly-haired kid named Dustin look back at him and yell something. (It was more of a squawk, but whatever). Max shushed him and apologized to Steve with a smile, and Harrington shrugged her off, softly grinning. Sinclair, little Byers, and little Wheeler asked if he wanted to join, and he calmly said, “Nah, this isn’t my game. You kids go right on ahead.”
The older Byers was cozying older Wheeler on the couch. It was like they were in their own little world. Both of their eyes were glimmering at each other, or maybe that was all the Christmas lights shining from the Christmas tree. No matter what, Billy could tell they were where they wanted to be.
Mrs. Byers and the Chief were huddled in the kitchen arranging everything accordingly. It made Billy charmingly confused that a broad, intimidating man like the Chief was being fussed around by this anxious woman slapping his hand when he took a cookie off the plate. Billy slipped a chuckle but covered it up with a fake ‘clearing of the throat’.
That was when they all realized Billy was there. Time seemed to come to a halting scratch when they saw him. He offered a little wave and small, “Hello.”
The kids mumbled, “Hi, Billy.”
Older Wheeler and Older Byers almost glared at him behind their acknowledgments.
Harrington was more in shock rather than anything else.
Mrs. Byers ran up to him and greeted him with a squeeze of the shoulder.
The Chief took an apple, bit into it, and strode over to him with an unreadable but questioning stare. “How are you tonight, kid?”
“Good, sir. Yourself?”
“Good. Have you tried the cookies yet?”
Billy was frozen. “Oh, um. No?”
“Even better.” He leaned in and patted Billy’s shoulder. “There’s still plenty left.”
“Hopper!” Mrs. Byers exclaimed. “No eating cookies before dinner!”
Billy chuckled when the Chief shrugged and walked back into the kitchen.
A pair of arms wrapped around his waist. A little voice could be heard into his jacket. “Hello, Billy!” Billy looked down and saw a little girl with blonde hair put into two ponytails hiding at his side.
Older Wheeler hopped off the couch and ran towards the little person hugged into Billy’s jacket. She pulled the girl off and got down to her eye level. “I’m so sorry! Holly, you can’t just ran up and hug people like that, it can scare them!”
“But,” her voice squeaked, “we were supposed to say hello with hugs!”
“Yes,” older Wheeler agreed, “but he didn’t see you!”
Billy cleared his throat. “It’s um…it’s okay. She’s all good.”
Older Wheeler looked surprised and relieved that Big Bad Billy wasn’t going to be pissed at her little sister. Her shoulders dropped as she sighed and got back up. Mrs. Byers called her into the kitchen just then. She walked away, with one last glance saying, “Thank you.”
Harrington walked up to the little girl, Holly, and swooped her into his grasp. He said, “Lookie here! Whatcha doin’, Holly? Hm?”
Holly giggled into his chest as she mumbled, “Nothing.”
Seeing Harrington being good with kids was one thing. Harrington being good with little kids made Billy’s heart skip something awful.
Billy’s face flushed as Harrington’s hair fell forward with a soft giggle. Harrington looked up at Billy and then Holly. She reached out towards Billy.
Steve’s eyes went big. “Ope, looks like she wants you to hold her. You got her?”
“Oh, um…I think so?”
“Billy!” Holly exclaimed and leaned forward, almost completely out of Steve’s hold. Billy held his arms out and arranged himself to hold her properly.
Billy looked at Holly as she started messing with her sweater sleeves. He smiled at her and asked, “That better, Holly?”
“Yes!” she laughed and hid in his neck.
“Yeah?” Billy asked in a lighter voice to meet hers.
“Yeah!” Holly leaned forward and hugged her little arms around his neck. Billy was caught off-guard by the gesture.
Harrington hid his smile behind his hand. His eyes softened when he realized Billy was hugging her a little tighter than before.
Billy’s eyes were tearing up faster by the minute. Harrington reached out his hand and wiped away a stray tear with his thumb. They both shared a sad stare.
Because if Billy was crying over the fact a little kid trusted him, even after all of his actions that summer, that wasn’t anybody’s business but his and Harrington’s.
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spearxwind · 2 years
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I straight up got an egg named “doctor cock” in dragon cave
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sexynetra · 1 year
Did someone ask for a WIP Wednesday?
(No, nobody did but I'm posting one anyways :) )
“Are you ready to go? Anyone you want to say goodbye to first?”
She shook her head again, setting the bottle down on the counter. “No, I think… I think the cool air will do me some good.”
The adrenaline of the situation had kept her semi-functional, but now that her body realized it was safe, the liquor she had consumed with reckless abandon was coming back to bite her. And she still couldn’t stop herself from staring.
“I think it might too, Marsh. You’ve been swaying since we got to the kitchen… how much did you have to drink anyways?”
Marcia shrugged, carding a hand through the now-wild curls she’d so carefully styled all afternoon. “Dunno. I stopped counting after a while.”
Anetra crinkled her nose and Marcia almost missed what she said because the action was so cute, so delicate, and innocent in a way she didn’t really associate with the girl.
“Um. Sorry. Can you say that again?” She stuttered with a blush, her lower lip finding its way back between her teeth.
“I said I don’t envy you the hangover you’re gonna have tomorrow. I have some Advil back in our room that you can take,” Anetra offered as she moved to put her hand to Marcia’s back, leading her back toward the door. “You’re gonna freeze out there in that. Did you bring a jacket?” she asked with a frown, grabbing her own jacket off the coat rack with her free hand.
Marcia nodded, reaching for her own coat. She glanced enviously at Anetra, whose jacket looked thick and warm and high quality, compared to the thin flimsy one she had gotten for this costume. It looked cute but it wasn’t going to keep her very warm on the walk.
Anetra looked over at Marcia, brows furrowed slightly as she watched her. Marcia had her jacket in her arms but was making no move to put it on, eyes locked on the coat Anetra had just shrugged onto her own shoulders.
It took Anetra a second to understand. She shrugged her jacket off with a sigh. “You can wear mine. We’re basically the same size anyways.” 
She draped the warm leather over Marcia’s shoulders, carefully extricating the other jacket from her grip to throw over her arm so Marcia wouldn’t have to hold it. The leather was soft and worn, clearly well-loved. It felt like butter against her skin and smelled like a mixture of weed and something that she was pretty sure was jasmine. It shouldn’t have smelled as good as it did. She nuzzled against the fabric, pulling it tighter around herself before looking up, giving Anetra a warm smile.
“Thank you. You’re secretly really sweet, aren’t you?”
Anetra smiled back, ducking her head a little. “I didn’t realize I was keeping it a secret.”
“You totally are. You play the tough guy with the brooding silence and the smoking and the sexy scar on your eye. But it’s all a lie and you’re not actually tough. You’re soft,” Marcia announced decidedly. It wasn’t necessarily that she thought Anetra wasn’t tough or intimidating. After all, she vividly remembered how dangerous Anetra had looked the one time she made her angry. But she was certainly second-guessing her concept of Anetra as mean and aloof. After all, how mean could a girl who had literally given her the jacket off of her back be?
“I think I can be tough and soft… wait, did you say my scar is sexy?” She cut her own comment off, face twisting in a funny way Marcia didn’t recognize. If it were on anyone other than Anetra, she would say it looked shy. She had colored in the scar when she did her makeup, a far cry from the usual attempts to make it blend in as much as possible. Marcia wasn’t sure exactly why she had decided to do that, but she thought it made her look like an action hero, some sort of brave knight or powerful spy. It made Anetra even more striking, to Marcia at least.
“That’s surprisingly nice to hear. I’ve always hated it,” she said quietly as she pulled open the door, smiling back at Marcia. “Now let’s go, I’m sick of being in this apartment right now.” 
Even drunk, Marcia could tell Anetra was trying to cut off the conversation, which only piqued her curiosity, but she obediently stepped through the doorway, shoving her hands in the pockets of Anetra’s jacket and looking up at the night sky.
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elitehoe · 10 months
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
I looked over at the crab tank and saw a familiar tan shell... GURKLE LIIIIIIIIIIVES!
He's been AWOL for a couple months now and I was really sure he had passed on/was raptured like Speedy (I didnt smell anything in the tank but I hadn't with speedy) and this motherfucker just shows up like nothing happened!
😭 I'm sure Scupa will be thrilled when he gets up and sees his buddy is back ❤❤❤
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thebananadiplomat · 2 years
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Guess who got accepted into university
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sullisuu · 2 years
everyone in byler tumblr is either mike wheeler coded and in love with will byers or will byers coded and in love with mike wheeler and i think that says a lot about how society should run
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floridafeatflorence · 9 months
thought i didn't have midol at my parents house but i do!!
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echoes-lost · 10 months
Okay that's a first
Both kids are napping at the same time o.o
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pagetorn · 2 years
when work says “go to lunch at 12 and don’t come back” 😌😌😌
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udurghsigil · 2 years
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I said I wanted to make more content again and by god I'm gonna do it. Persi badly needed a touch up to his design anyway
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