#its a solid 6.5/10
thebewilderer · 11 months
Probably gonna try to see Oppenheimer sometime this week
Maybe that half of the meme will be less... disappointing...
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gorgynei · 9 months
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my animal, dir. jacqueline castel / the werewolf pride movement, writ. caitlin b. giacopasi
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justastoryteller · 4 months
NATLA is fine, y'all just forgot how offensively terrible the movie was and think adaptation always means 1:1
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
What its like hugging the creepypasta characters
jeff and ben and toby are the only ones written as strictly platonic but the others can be seen either or! kind of wanted to do something easy for creepypasta characters (+ masky and hoodie) since i missed writing for these bozos </3 that said requests for creepypasta are open so crp fans go ham! return to this blogs roots! rah! written more as a rating as well as how it actually feels to hug them and not really a scenario that leads to you guys hugging yk?
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very tall and skinny, maybe even boney. im still trying to decide if slenderman/slenderbeings have internal organs/bones/ect... though i can say that slenderman is fairly cold. hes not ICE cold, but hes noticeably cooler than your average person. can adjust his height to better suit his needs, so you dont have to worry about literally climbing him like a tree if you want to give him some affection... likes wrapping some of his tentacles around you during an embrace. not bone crushing, but not... well now its hard to explain, he seems odd with affection, not too sure how long or how tight to hold you... but hes learning! 7/10 love him, my tall wife
very similar to slenderman in the regard that hes also very skinny and tall, though i do think hes just a teeeeeeny tiiiiiiny warmer than his brother! not by much but its a noticeable difference! loves lightly swinging you around before tugging you close to his chest, sometimes sways a little while holding you! holds you a little tighter than slenderman does. perhaps even nests his head on top of yours when you guys hug. honestly i can see him having a habit of just picking you up and carrying you around, platonic or romantic it doesnt matter, hes going to do it unless you express that you dont like it... 8/10 due to him being a little less cold (emotionally and physically)
now this ones ice cold, like youre going to need to bundle up if you want to cuddle up next to him since hes going to just snatch the heat out of you in a few minutes. admin personally hcs him to be on the shorter and thicker side, so theres that at least! very soft! generally not the type to seek out affection, though, so youre going to need to step up and initiate a lot of that stuff. not that he doesnt want it, he just doesnt really think about it all that much + he may or may not fear taking a bite out of you. shrugs... though i like to think that despite that, he can give some solid hugs! 6/10
very warm, always seeking attention and affection from you so hugs are not in short supply. sometimes purrs when you guys hug, and similar to splendorman hes going to swing you around a bit.. though sometimes he gets too into it or too excited and it comes off more as thrashing you around. probably when hes feeling a little sillier than usual he pokes his cone nose into your cheek (gently). wraps his arms around you, like. totally around you since his arms can stretch and they dont really have.... bones... you know? probably sometimes hugs you from behind, typically after sneaking up behind you/poofing behind you from his smoke thing 8/10, would say 10/10 but i think he might accidentally crush you to death
not... very.. good at hugs. at most youre going to get one of those side hugs from him, at least when hes awake. sometimes when you two cuddle and he falls asleep, hes wrapping his arms around you and locking you in to his chest. normal body heat, maybe a little above average, but nothing too insane since hes still a human... hmm... doesnt really give those two armed hugs unless hes sleeping or you were just in danger. adrenaline and fear can do a lot to someone, you know... 6.5/10 masky gets a higher score than EJ since hes warmer
as for tim, hes a little more open to giving you affection, i think! while masky only really does it when you ask, i like to think that tim might be more likely to do it unprompted! likes resting his head/chin/jaw on your shoulder or head, depends on the height difference! 7/10
i think in general i tend to type hoodie as a touch more open/social than masky.. masky tends to be a little... eh... he expresses stuff less than hoodie, at least in my take. shrugs. i do think hoodie likes to hug you from behind when youre doing something. very tall, personally hc him to be roughly 6 feet tall. neither buff nor skinny, have some pudge. generally very comfy, plus his hoodie is sometimes nice and soft, sometimes warm if you've managed to get him to wash it! likes swaying you a little while he looks over your shoulder to see what youre doing, only occasionally letting go to sign something to you.. 8/10
brian is more or less the same, but hes verbal so his hands are staying put on you. i also think hes a little bolder and more willing to just hold you whenever, let that man be affectionate with the reader! if this is romantic he likely puts his hands on your hips.. also 8/10
very affection starved, i think, but he also doesnt really initiate anything due to a deep rooted fear of rejection. so youre going to need to take the lead here! skin and bones, very cold since skinny people tend to be colder (at least in my experience with hugging!). when you guys do hug he does tend to hold you a little too tight. he doesnt mean anything malicious by it, its just that hes truly not used to hugging people and also subconsciously he doesnt want the hug to end, you know? 7/10 me thinks
very short very cold and... damp? i personally headcannon that the most of the time hes in a digital device, but on the rare chance hes in the real world... hes very cold and as previously mentioned damp. might also have a general electric buzz about him, too. kind of like holding a cold soggy plushie straight from a washing machine. not at all pleasant but he cant help it :( 4/10 the ghost boy does not make a good hugger there isnt much else to be said
very lanky, admin also headcannons him to be very tall. like 6'2. lanky fucker. probably a "where's my hug" person but not in the gross neckbeard way and more so mocking those kinds of people because the look you give him makes him lose his shit and cackle. his jacket kind of smells, youre going to have to get him to go wash it. it doesnt smell putrid or anything but it definitely needs a wash. what being a dude on the run after committing homicide does to a mf 5/10 only because he has a weird aura
VERY lanky and VERY cold, kind of rigid thanks to his weird puppet joints. kind of like hugging a wooden puppet. i dont think thats a pleasant thing.... hm... is usually slightly levitating off of the ground so its even harder to get a hold of him, given that hes also already really tall as is... you have to make him stop hunching over so you can actually get in there. absolutely basks in the fact that youre giving your time and energy to him, kind of gets annoying with it sometimes but thats just him being an ass. 6/10 but only because i fuck with him sometimes when i remember him
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carouselunique · 1 month
I had no idea you were a fan of Doctor WHO! Although I haven't been following you for that long. Saying that, what ranking would you give the overall season so far, also just BOOM in general?
Personally, sitting at 6.8/10, with BOOM a solid 8/10. - A random Doctor WHO fan.
Yeah! I’d make more art for it but it’s a fairly niche fandom of mine all things considered, really the only people following me in that fandom are people who I’m just friends with cause we fought in the trenches during the worst of the Tumblr Whovian Fandom Era. Not that that should stop me. In fact adding it to my list!
S14/S1: Solid 6.5/10 so far! It’s not my favorite yet, I’ve never been the biggest fan of Rusty (though I softened on him a lot after Chibnall came in and showed me it could always get worse…) and admittedly I have to give it all a watch when it’s over to see if it holds up or if it has been given extra goodwill because this is the first time I’ve enjoyed watching Doctor Who since the end of Twice Upon a Time. On its own merits though it’s colorful, camp, a bit silly in that way RTD can be and it clearly hasn’t settled in its own skin yet but it has a vision I think. Plus a lot of it in its worse moments is so far saved by just how utterly charming Gatwa and Gibson are as a doctor and companion duo even if I felt they skipped over the necessary companion growth a wee bit.
Boom: 9.5/10 that episode was a goddamn powerhouse. Maybe not Moffat’s best outright because I think the man is a stone cold genius the likes of which Doctor Who has yet to find another but this is in his pantheon I would even right now be willing to call it top ten that’s how excited I am. And it gave me easily the best Gibson and Gatwa so far. Moffat is the schmaltiziest motherfucker on the planet so I’m surprised but thrilled at how fucking viscerally angry this episode is. Like yeah, fuck thoughts and prayers actually, go off king.
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the-owl-house-takes · 8 months
character hotness rankings are IN !!!!!!!!!!!!
belos: 10/10. literally nothing could convince me to lower that number. somehow all the sexualities at once. somehow both a top and bottom at once. attractive voice, relaxed demeanor, gorgeous hair. the evilness is a plus. (magical in its forbiddenality.)
titan: 10/10. absolutely feral for this big ass creature of a man. and DO i mean 'big ass'. could probably snap any of his partners like a twig. for those looking to get into metallurgy, ship him with belos for maximum heat. your standard bear.
piniet: 9.5/10. for those undiscerning viewers who might struggle to recall this individual - this was the hot evil lizard man from the fanfiction-book-writing episode. fucking obsessed with his voice and you just can't go wrong with lizards. your standard token scaly.
eda: 9/10. she's hot for sure, with an attractive voice and gorgeous hair as well. points off bc she gives too many shits about children. (possibly i like milfs only in theory, not in practice.) but she regains points bc of her harpy form. gawd dayum!
darius: 9/10. suffers much the same fate as eda, in that he's hot normally with an extra hot super form, but unfortunately he cares about kids. your standard gay hunk.
warden wrath: 8/10. hot af in the first episode. good banter with eda as well. points off since he becomes pathetic later on. your standard himbo.
bump: 7.5/10. just a touch too old for my tastes, but he has a great voice and is just generally pretty attractive. competent, too. solid man.
camila: 7/10. manny was a lucky man.
alador: 6.5/10. i like him more than his exwife but he doesn't care enough about his children. still, your standard moderately hot dilf.
salty: 6/10. again, no shade to those who don't remember. this was the pirate guy from the selkidomus hunting ep. he was actually reasonably hot. nothing nuclear, but i'd prob smash if i was at sea with him for a while.
odalia: 5.5/10. good level of evilness present, but she just isn't my style. nothing 'gainst her though.
raine: 5/10. your perfectly average gnc twink.
lilith: 5/10. she just looks like a regular person to me, sorry.
terra: 2.5/10. she's just kind of old and not hot. points for evil i guess.
statistics characters rated: 14 total hotness: 100.5/140 (71.78% potential hotness achieved) average hotness: 7.18/10
thanks for reading
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allgremlinart · 4 months
thoughts on natla? Still unsure if i should give it a go (like I’ll watch it if I can get something out of it, even if taking the piss out if it. It just seems bland and heartless)
see for me its OFFICIALLY ! a solid 6-6.5/10
I dont get bland ! and I dont get heartless ! There are additions that I think really add flavor to the world, to the worldbuilding, even some character decisions that I think are interesting or fit well for this version of the story ! I can tell from how the cast and director talk about it that they put a lot of love into it !
what it DOES lack. is a sophisticated script. well written dialogue. it has its moments, maybe, but the entire time I was watching it I kept thinking... I bet I could think of a way to get this information across quicker and more naturally.... and thats BAD cus I do NOT consider myself the best writer sdhsd
would I recommend it ? for people who want to have fun watching some good live action fanfiction, absolutely. for someone who likes action/fantasy/c-dramas on in the background, sure. but not for anyone else.
do I want a second season of this ? yes. because frankly, I think a second season will make or break this show. if they dig their heels in on the script/writing style choices then the narrative, the tension, the characters, they'll just fall apart.... If they build on the good stuff they already have going on and pay attention to the right stuff writing wise, they'll have a hit !
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jovoy · 10 months
hello everyone welcome to cheese review with jovoy today we are reviewing mimolette cheese. now this is a cheese i have seen in the fancy open refrigerated deli cheese section of the grocery store for years and yearned for for some reason but never bought..and today for whatever reason i decided was the day i was going to try it. its orangeness finally became too enticing for me and i had to buy it
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let me preface this by saying im no cheese expert ok. but this is very orange. and it has a very weird hard greyish rind that is apparently from cheese mites. so if you are weirded out by the artisanal cheesemaking process this is certainly probably not a cheese for you. and its very firm and a bit waxy i would say you need some sort of cheese knife to cut it. it has a very salty and slightly sharp flavor but not like cheddar sharp mostly just salt…slightly nutty but not quite in a parmesan way. and the internet told me to pair it with super dark chocolate but all i had were these extra dark guittard chocolate chips so i ate it with those. and i was like that seems weird i dont think that will taste good at all…but it did! it was very good in a way that i cant really describe and i felt a little like remy from ratatouille. and i dont drink wine usually so i did not pair it with a wine but im sure that would have been just fine. overall i would give mimolette cheese like a solid 6.5 out of 10 and like probably an 8 with some dark chocolate. it would be a conversation starter on a cheese board and you can tell them your friend jovoy told you to try it maybe
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sunsolii · 6 months
Napoleon's Marshals and their Birthstones Part 1
This is a three-part series where I'll be listing the birthstones of all 26 marshals. Part one will cover months January-April, the next post will cover March-August and the last post will cover the remaining 4 months. I'll mainly be focusing on the gemstone's physical and chemical properties as well as writing "short" facts about each gemstone. Before starting the list, I'll provide the definitions of some terms that will be used through the post.
Mineral: A naturally occurring solid which contains a crystalline structure that is made up of a single native element or multiple chemical compounds.
Mohs Scale: A scale system used to measure the scratch resistance of a mineral ranging from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest). This is done by scratching a mineral with another mineral or with another object like a penny or nail.
Cleavage: The way in which a mineral breaks along the softest plane. Classification of a cleavage ranges from perfect, good, poor, indistinct, to none. A mineral can have a basal, prismatic, cubic, rhomboherdal, octahedral, or dodecahedral cleavage.
Fracture: The texture or shape of a mineral's surface. Some types of fractures are described as conchoidal (ripples), earthy (resembles broken soil), hackly (jagged fractures), uneven, and splintery (resembles splinters).
Luster: The way which light reflects off of a mineral. Minerals can have vitreous (glassy), dull (earthy), adamantine (shiny), greasy, silky, metallic, non-metallic, pearly, resinous, or waxy lusters.
Streak: The color of the powder left behind by a mineral when it is scratched on a piece of unglazed porcelain. The color of the powder is usually different from the mineral's color.
Now, onto the list!!
Garnet (January)
Marshals-Ney and Bernadotte
Type: Mineral
Group: Silicate (SiO₄)₃
Color: red, orange, pink, green, yellow blue (rare)
Cleavage: Indistict
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Mohs Scale: 6.5-7.5
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Garnet is its own family that contains six main species divided into two groups: pyrope, almandine, and spessartine species, which are part of the aluminum group (aluminum is present in its structure). Colors in the Aluminum group range from red to pink; these are the garnet species people think of when looking for jewelry. When pyrope is mixed with almandine, it creates rhodolite, and when mixed with spessartine, it creates malaya. Grossular, uvarovite, and andradite species are part of the calcium group (Calcium is present in structure) and are composed of green to yellow garnet. Uvarovite is the rarest of the calcium group because it grows in small chunks, making it hard to work with when making it into a gemstone.
Amethyst (February)
Marshals- Mortier
Type: Mineral
Group: Silicate (SiO₂)
Color: Purple to Violet
Cleavage: Indistict to none
Fracture: Conchoidal
Mohs Scale: 7
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Amethyst is part of the quartz family and it used to be part of the cardinal or most valuable gemstones, along with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, because it was available in small amounts. Its value dropped after large deposits were discovered in Brazil during the 18th century, making it one of the more affordable gemstones.
Aquamarine (March)
Marshals- Brune, Murat, Soult, Suchet
Type: Mineral
Group: Beryl (Be₃Al₂Si₆O₁₈)
Color: Pale blue, light green, bluish-green, sometimes yellow
Cleavage: Indisticnt to none
Fracture: Conchoidal to uneven
Mohs Scale: 7.5-8
Luster: Vitreous
Streak: White
Fun Fact: Aquamarine got its name because its color resembles the sea. It contains small traces of iron, which (depending on the oxidation state) can change its bluish color to green or yellow. These oxidation states are ferrous iron, which gives Aquamarine its blue color, and ferric iron, which gives it a greenish/yellowish color. Heating the mineral removes the greenish color to restore its blue color[1]. Aquamarine also has weak to moderate flourescent properties under UV light [2].
Diamond (April)
Marshals- Jourdan, Lannes, Oudinot, and Saint-Cyr
Type: Mineral
Group: Native mineral (Carbon (C))
Color: Yellow, brown, gray, white, colorless,
Cleavage: Octahedral, Perfect on all sides
Fracture: Uneven
Mohs Scale: 10
Luster: Adamantine
Steak: Colorless
Fun Facts: Diamonds are formed within the Earth's mantle when carbon-rich materials or carbon dioxide are subjected to extreme temperatures and pressure. It reaches the surface via volcanic eruption and gets trapped inside igneous rocks after the magma cools off. The formation of diamonds takes thousands of years, contributing to their high value [3]. Diamonds seen as potential gemstones have little to no impurities or foreign objects within their structure. In contrast, diamonds with high impurities, irregular shapes, and defects are used in commercial industries due to their durability and hardness. Diamonds are the hardest minerals, and are very difficult to scratch or break, but it's not impossible to do so. They also has a high dispersion of white light that creates a rainbow-like effects, also known as 'fire.[4]'
Garnet: King, H. M. (n.d.). Garnet. geology. https://geology.com/minerals/garnet.shtml
Amethyst: Geary, T.F.; Whalen, D. (2008). The Illustrated Bead Bible: Terms, Tips & Techniques. Sterling Pub. p. 69.
Aquamarine: [1]King, H. M. (n.d.). Aquamarine. geology. https://geology.com/gemstones/aquamarine/
[2]MAT, M. (2023, June 3). Aquamarine: Properties, formation, occurrence " Gemstone. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/gemstone/aquamarine/?amp
Diamond: [4]King, H. M. (n.d.). Diamond. geology. https://geology.com/minerals/diamond.shtml
[3]MAT, M. (2023, September 25). Diamond: Properties, formation, occurrence, deposits. Geology Science. https://geologyscience.com/minerals/diamond/
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wreckingtickles · 8 months
The Auction - Bundle 6 (NSFW)
The sixth chapter of a spicy tickle fic starring 8 (sort of) boys from MHA/BnHA, and the final chapter of the first part. After this, it's 1-on-1 with the highest bidder.
The Auction Masterlist
Words: 2,725
“Bakugo, stop,” advised Todoroki, his voice hoarse. “There’s no point.”
“He knows, he’s just too sensitive to take what’s coming next,” sneered Shindo.
“Oh, is someone a little ticklish on his tootsies? Can’t wait to see you break. How long before you’ll be begging, I wonder.”
“Hey, save some of the trash talk for me! We get it, you’re super horny and embarrassed, but teasing you is MY job!”
That actually shut Shindo up for a moment. Someone more perceptive than Bakugo would have noticed that even though the Ketsubutsu hero was already very flushed, his ears got the tiniest bit redder.
At the same time, the spotlight that had been dark for a while was switched back on. A panting, exhausted Kaminari was back in his seat.
“Kaminari! Are you ok?!” exclaimed a very hoarse Kirishima, somehow managing to muster concern for others while he himself was a wreck, his spiky red hair but a memory as it hung damp in his face.
“Y-You guys… you h-have no i-idea… what I’ve b-been through…” panted Kaminari. After a second, he sensed the chill coming from the other heroes. “W-What?”
“Now, since bidding for this bundle always reaches the highest tier, I say let’s let our auctionees know exactly what they’re in for. The luckiest of the bunch is, once again, Black, scoring only a 6.5. Boo.”
Shindo’s smirk was back. He made to flex his long soles, almost as big as Inasa’s, albeit much slenderer, though the toe restraints prevented him.
“Next we have Gray and Yellow, both with a 7. Though we can all guess which one will be louder.”
Kaminari blushed, to which Ojiro said “Don’t listen to him.”
“Right afterward, we have White with a 7.5… except for one very specific spot we’re not going to disclose except to the highest bidder. Oooh, mysterious!”
“I would like to know too,” commented Inasa.
“Sure you would. Then we have our beloved Red, the poor guy can’t catch a break!”
Kirishima said noting, he only, fruitlessly, attempted to cover one of his broad, squat soles with the other.
“At 9, we have a tie! Green – big shocker, I know – and Orange! Though technically speaking, Orange is at a 9.5 right now… or should I say, only at a 9.5. What does that mean? He doesn’t know either, though he may suspect it! Bid on him to find out!”
“YOU #@ç°#!!!”
“Yeah, yeah. And finally, drum roll for… Pink! Right is a solid 9, while left is a 10!”
The audience aahed and oohed, and Bakugo thought he could see Todoroki blush one shade pinker.
“And since we don’t want to deprive the auctionees of the pleasure of seeing each other go nuts, let’s do a staggered start, what do you say, folks? Shall we say, 1 minute part?”
The shadowy audience loudly murmured its assent.
“But who to start with? Eeny… meeny… miny… you.”
All of the auctionees, who’d been on the edge of their seats, clenched at the announcer’s ominous proclamation. After a moment, they looked at each other: they didn’t know who had been picked.
That was until Bakugo heard Midoriya mutter a worried “Kirishima!” and the redhead to his left flinched. Bakugo noticed two spectral hands rub the squat soles, leaving a glistening film in their trail, before disappearing back into the darkness.
“It’s ok,” said Kirishima nervously, “I don’t mind.”
“Oh, we know you don’t, Red! I wonder, will everyone get to see your not-so-little friend pop up before their turn comes? Will it still be with us when your turn is over, and you see and hear everyone else? Won’t it be too much for you?”
Bakugo saw Kirishima’s expression go from apprehensive but encouraging to embarrassed and terrified. He reflexively closed his eyes. “I’m sorry, everyone!” he yelled, way too loud, as usual.
“It’s… it’s ok, Kirishima…” said Midoriya from across the hall.
“Yeah, weird ain’t a crime,” chimed Pikachu, finally not useless.
“’Sides, none of this is real, right?” chimed in Inasa, seeking a confirmation. Todoroki shrugged, while Ojiro nodded.
Bakugo also wanted to say something to put his friend at ease, but…
“Eijiro,” tumbled out of his lips before he could stop it. Kirishima lifted his head and looked at him expectantly.
“Keep your eyes open,” was all that Bakugo was able to say. Kirishima looked like he was about to say something, but before he could, two hairbrushes shot out of the darkness and started savagely scrubbing his soles. The redhead instantly burst into laughter, the tamed spikes of his mane whipping left and right as he shook his head as if to reject what was happening, as if his dissent could stop it.
Kirishima’s feet were kind of goofy: on the big side, and very broad, so much so he sometimes had to buy shoes that were one size too big. Squat to the point of being almost blocky, with a shallow arch, they looked like they’d make their owner harder to knock down, solid and dependable like Kirishima himself. But now, they were his undoing as the hairbrushes scrubbed side to side, starting at the ball of his foot, down the arch, to the heel, and then back up.
The readhead laughed whole-heartedly. He wasn’t one to try to keep it in, as Bakugo knew firsthand, but the fact that he wasn’t even attempting to protest, or letting out involuntary exclamations… he’d given up. He’d given in to the sensation and the shame. Bakugo wanted to say something, but when, for the briefest instant, Kirishima locked eyes with him, he came up with nothing; and the redhead closed his eyes, a moment before Kaminari shrieked next to him.
Loud, and overdramatic, the usual Kaminari. Exhausted though he was, the vigorous scrubbing of the brushes seemed to fill him with new energy, which he let out by vibrating on the spot. His feet looked tiny between Kirishima’s and Inasa’s, but they were regular size, maybe a bit smaller than average. They looked surprisingly plump: the ball of the foot was very pronounced, and his toes were large and round, like very ripe grapes. But while his toes were spared the torment, the rest of his feet wasn’t, as the brushes made circular motions up and down his soles.
It didn’t take long for both the shrieks and the thrashing to die down as Kaminari ran out of steam, but the hall only got louder as Inasa joined the guffawing chorus. The brushes looked tiny on his massive soles, which, in spite of their size, didn’t look look disproportionate, which in a weird way made the look even bigger. They were on the broad side, and the round toes looked a little too small, except for the big toes.
Inasa’s villainous cackling sounded almost ominous as the brushes, though dwarfed by his soles, still proved to be very effective at wreaking havoc upon them. Someone so big and strong, at the mercy of his nerves… Bakugo would have never expected to see something like that, Inasa reacting to tickling wasn’t something he cared nor would have been able to imagine.
“Ah, who doesn’t love to see a big strong man crumble? An extra-large serving of dolt, even down there… by which we mean his feet. Although, you know what they say about big feet?”
Difficult to tell how Inasa would have reacted to the crass commentary, as he was otherwise preoccupied. Bakugo saw Ojiro look at his neighbor with mild apprehension, knowing he was going to be next.
Athletic and a bit rough from the barefoot training, Ojiro’s feet would be completely unremarkable if not for the pink buds on his toes: plump, little toe beans.
“Not so average now! Is our Gray here the cutest?”
Ojiro tried to hide his face by looking down, though everyone knew he was blushing; only to jolt when he suddenly felt the oil being applied to his soles, with the devious hands pausing for a moment after they were done to poke at the toe beans. But that moment of mischief was soon swallowed by the assault of yet another pair of hairbrushes, which no amount of callus could ward Ojiro against.
The martial artist tried to hide his face again, his ears a bright shade of pink, and shifted in his bonds for a moment before beginning to let out a staccato of giggling and laughter, its volume and intensity ebbing and flowing. As announced, it didn’t seem to be a terribly sensitive spot, but the combo of oil and brushes was brutal nonetheless, and Ojiro’s timid mirth spilled forth. “Hahahaha… HAHAHAHAHAHahahah… hahaahHAHAAH… hahahahahaahahaha!”
Bakugo’s gaze shifted from Ojiro to Kirishima and then to Kaminari, whose laughter had already subsided a bit. So he didn’t notice that Todoroki was already squirming and giggling as the hands rubbed oil into his slender, dainty soles.
“Ohohoho, even that is tickling him! Drum roll, please! I give you… the – currently – most sensitive feet, Pink!”
As soon as the announcer called his nickname, Todoroki exploded with laughter, the two hairbrushes digging in enthusiastically.
Bakugo was almost positive he’d never heard Todoroki laugh before tod-- whatever time that was. And for it to happen while he was also doing to desperately, producing energy he no longer had to fight against his bonds, flushed and still bearing the red marks of previous touched, that felt even more surreal. If anything, it lent credence to the fact that none of that was real, whatever that meant.
“Now, this is already working too well, but if we wanted to be extra mean to Pink, we could do this!”
Both hairbrushes focused on his left foot, one covering his heel and part of his arch, the other the rest of his arch, the ball of his foot, and even the base of his toes.
Todoroki’s boyish laughter rose to a feverish pitch, then went silent. Eyes shut, mouth agape, hair sticky with sweat slinging to his forehead, he nodded his head as if in disbelief.
“But he’s already been through enough, so… we’ll leave that joy to his bidder.”
The second hairbrush moved back to his right foot, and Todoroki’s laughter resurged after a few moments with a coughing fit. And someone else’s joined it, a laughter Bakugo was far better acquainted with.
The two hairbrushes took up most of Midoriya’s soles, which maybe looked a little big for his size, but were overall quite small. His toes, however, were relatively big, and they looked like they wanted nothing more than to be out of those restraints to wiggle freely, yet another part of Deku that was transparently expressive.
“I think we’re reaching maximum cuteness with Green Bean here! I should warn bidders that you might feel compelled to let him go. Or to never let him go, I suppose.”
Midoriya’s eyes would have been obscured by his sweaty shock of hair, but since he had stamina in spades, he was still flailing it about, regaling the audience with glimpses of his half-astonished, half-desperate stare.
Bakugo was too transfixed looking at a sight that wasn’t quite so unfamiliar to notice that Shindo had begun to fidget next to him.
“Ah- Uh- T-That kihind ohof ti-ticklehehs… Ngh!”
The hairbrushes had begun to slide up and down the long soles.
“It uh- Ihihit’s not s-suhupposed toho tihihiclke this muhuhuch! Hehehehehey!!”
“Yes, welcome to the oil and hairbrush combo. Your physiology won’t protect you from that.”
Bakugo’s enjoyment of his next-chair auctionee’s plight was marred by the sudden realization that he was going to be next. And as Shindo went from puffing, to giggling, to laughing, Bakugo unleashed a new string of expletives and curses, which only increased in vulgarity when he saw the hairbrushes approach – slowly, teasingly, without rushing, feasting on his anger.
“Yep, no oil for him. He makes his own, as his bidder will get to see. But also, we wanted to make sure he knew that what’s about to happen to him now is entirely due to how sensitive he is.”
The string of curses cut off abruptly when Bakugo felt the bristles touch down on his soles. They hadn’t started moving yet. They were just there, threatening him with their mere presence. And he knew right away he was in trouble.
“Oh? Finally quiet, are you? You can’t trust yourself not to laugh, I take it.”
Bakugo was about to break his silence, but the bristles began to move. Slowly, incredibly slowly, pressing hundreds of ticklish lines into his skin at a snail’s pace. Shit.
Bakugo’s feet were just like him: flawless (debatably) and V-shaped. The slender arch grew wider towards the ball of his foot, very plump and clearly demarcated. His toes were prototypical, neither too long nor too short, neither too big nor too small, resting, round, on a gently curved stem. Perfectly pink his soles and toes were, and no matter how much he ran, his Quirk kept them smooth and soft. He couldn’t do anything about his ribs being horribly ticklish, but there was a reason he almost never went barefoot in common areas, why he’d kept his shoes on during the cavalry battle.
The bristles reached the base of his toes, then started their descent, slightly faster than before, Bakugo was certain of it. He wouldn’t cuss, he wouldn’t threaten. He wouldn’t say anything, nothing would escape his sealed lips. And once again, the clanging of his restraints was an outlet for the sounds his mouth wouldn’t make, but once again, that struggle was futile. Maybe he wasn’t even trying to break free, he was just channeling the mirth in a different direction.
The bristles reached the bottom of his heel, and they started back up, slightly faster. Then back down, faster. Up, faster. Down, even faster.
Bakugo vibrated in place, snarled, then bellowed like a bull. The scrubbing pace kept getting faster, and it tickled more and more.
It was intense. Far too intense. And as the traveling pressure transformed into a cloud, Bakugo was made acutely aware of exactly where it tickled most, and how much. The top of his heel, where it connected to the arch, was bad enough, but the ball of his foot, that was the pain point, the spark that lit a fire under his diaphragm. Where? Right underneath, right in the middle, or right at the top, at the base of his toes? Bakugo didn’t want to know, he only knew the cloud compelled him to laugh, but he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t… He wouldn’t!
And then, he heard the announcer again – not loud, like a whisper, as if it was coming from right next to his ear – and he hung from every word, as his mind searched for anything else to wrap itself around, “Just let it go. Because this is only the beginning. And none of this is real. So when I say that you’ll lose, it doesn’t even matter.”
Bakugo didn’t notice when his close-mouthed mooing began to break up. He didn’t notice when his lips parted, consumed by the sensation and his desperation to fight it. He didn’t realize he had broken. He didn’t realize his laughter was pouring out, louder than anyone else’s, bursting forth, finally unchained.
He burned, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed, a mere instrument in the hands of those tools. He didn’t even notice it had ended at first, as he just kept laughing. And when he did, and he was able to rein in his reactions, he noticed everyone else staring at him, and he finally understood why they left him for last: so that everyone would see and hear him after he’d broken.
Shindo was the only one who dared to speak. “Like I said. Ticklish tootsies.”
There was no more blood in Bakugo’s body that could pour towards his face, but before he could resume screaming, the announcer piped up again.
“And we’re done here! I trust this demonstration has been most informative. Now, bidding commences. Best of luck, everyone!”
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lailoken · 3 months
Gilded Hawthorn Pendant (24k Yellow Gold or .999 Fine Silver)
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These unique devotional pendants are made with real segments of Hawthorn wood, which have been lovingly hand-gilded using either 24k Yellow Gold Leaf or .999 Fine Silver Leaf. 
Every piece of wood used was hand-harvested from an old, propitiated Hawthorn Tree, before being slowly hearth-dried. Thereafter, each piece was gently smoothed with sandpaper and coated with a thin layer of ritually empowered wood varnish (composed from an array of potent arboreal resins, such as Dragon's Blood, Storax, and Black Fankincense), which was used to carefully adhere precious the metal leaf. Once fully dried, all excess metal was brushed away and the entire surface was meticulously burnished with agate stone in the traditional manner, before being lightly sealed with a final layer of protective lacquer. Finally, each piece was outfitted with Sterling Silver jewelry fittings and hallowed in a simple rite.
Between the rich and powerful history of folklore attributed to the Hawthorn—particularly where the Otherworld and its Denizens are concerned—and the preciousness of the metals used, I believe these will make lovely pendants for any who claim one; particularly those who follow the holy mysteries of the Whitethorn Tree.
Each piece is made to order—harvested especially for the client—and so each segment of thorn wood will be unique. However, each piece will bear two spines and measure approximately 2.5 inches / 6.5 centimeters in length. Additionally, each piece comes with a solid Sterling Silver box chain measuring approximately 18 inches / 46 centimeters. If you want pictures of your thorn segment for final approval before I begin working on it, simply reach out and I will be glad to provide them. 
If interested in acquiring one of these, you can reach out to me here on Tumblr, or you can purchase it directly from my shop, Wending Wares. Please allow up to 10 days following purchase for your order to be crafted and shipped.
[Care Instructions: Handle with care. Avoid scuffing the precious leaf or being pricked on the thorns, and avoid prolonged exposure to high heat or moisture.]
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gorgynei · 5 months
finally watched the wolfman 2010 and it was pretty good as far as modern werewolf films go! i know its borrowing some stuff from the wolf man 1941 (which i havent seen. sorry), but it really feels like a movie steeped in werewolf film canon. plus referencing aawil made me very happy. the dialogue felt SO close to being amazing at times but never quite got there and i reallllyy feel like they underutilized the fact that larry was an actor who did a lot of shakespeare. make that man poetic!!! werewolf design isnt my favorite but it grew on me and the transformations are pretty good for cgi. solid 6.5/10 at least. maybe even 7/10
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vonlipvig · 2 months
Rating the flags of Suzerainverse, based not on any existing vexillological principles, but purely on vibes™
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Agnolia: 3/10 this flag...makes me mad. i don't know why, it's not egregiously bad or anything, but there's just something about it that just grinds my fucking gears. like, i look at it and i'm instantly filled with the need to deny their sovereignty over helji island.
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Anrakan Isles: 8/10 this one is soooo pretty, i love it a lot (and it's one of the flags that won the community flag contest, a very deserved win!). the green is so lovely, and i love the pop of red, really gorgeous. good amount of detail without going overboard, very lovely.
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Arcasia: 6/10 of course arcasia has its stars and stripes. i don't know, it's definitely pretty, but i feel like it's a bit too tryhard. like, ok arcasia we fucking get it. but the color scheme is nice and it's certainly pleasant to look at, so i guess i'll allow it THIS TIME...
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Derdia: 3/10 look, i respect the aesthetic, but it's not for me. i don't like too much black in a flag, and i don't like text in a flag, so you can see how we're off to a bad start here, but the symbol is really pretty so i will definitely give them that. the little sword is cute too, they really said warrior culture, huh.
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Free Cities: 8/10 honestly? they kind of ate with this one, not gonna lie. it's not a simple flag by any means--i'm imagining the little kids going to school in the free cities crying trying to draw their flag--, but it's just really pretty. the green and yellow color combo looks so striking here, i love it (<-- remember this bit, it will be important later), and the symbol is absolutely gorgeous.
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Kyrute: 100/10 OH KYRUTE STOP IT THEY'RE ALREADY DEAD this is so cunty (sorry, KUNTY). i love this one so much, it's simple, elegant, interesting to look at, unique, they really cracked the code with it. it fits kyrute so well, too. amazing job, sweetie, no notes.
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Lespia: 7/10 i don't want to admit it, but it's rather pretty, you win this time lespia. again, not a big fan of text, but it's so small it doesn't even register as. the color scheme is very pleasant, i love the red flower and the abundance of yellow, even if it does look a bit too vatican-y. but this is fake europe, so who cares!
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Morella: 2.5/10 oh alma saltana my queen (sorry, comrade), i love you girl but your country's flag...it's just a lot. i know i said the green/yellow combo was nice, but this green with that yellow? and then the stripes with the very kiki stars...i don't know, it's not my fave i have to say.
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Pales: 7.5/10 respectfully? they also ate with this one, yup. the symbol? okay grand duchy of graphic design, slay! i think it's very pretty, very harmonious, the colors look good together, the logo is clear and definitely gives that royal vibe without being too over the top. i like it.
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Qinal: 7/10 oh they really said let's get CREATIVE with this shit, and surprisingly i kind of dig it quite a bit. the colors are so original and somehow work together very well. the form? inspired, honestly. cool symbolism too, honestly pretty good work. i don't know how i feel about the dark stripe, but it's a cool damn flag.
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Rizia: 6.5/10 our beloved kingdom, and a pretty solid flag to go with it! i'd say it channels its vibes very effectively. it's not my favorite color scheme, but cmon, they really said 'we want the 6 stars of st. wruhec, we want the crown, we want the bull, we want the shield with the leaves and all that royal shit', and it looks fucking good, so i'll support them.
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Rumburg: 6/10 listen, before the rumburgian spies get my ass, it's not bad, ok? it's totally fine, it works, it just scares me somehow. i look at it and immediately think 'rumburg' but i also feel an acute sense of dread. it is so ominous.
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Sordland: 1000000/10 BEST FUCKING FLAG IN THE WORLD BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD A MORGNA WES CORE VECTERN SIS DA BITCHESSSSS. bias aside, this flag is SO pretty i love it so much it's so gorgeous. the maroon with the yellow? OH it's lovely. the symbol is tasteful and fits perfectly. god bless sordland i love you so much.
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United Contana: 6.5/10 simple, but it gets the point across, i'd say. pretty and effective, nothing more and definitely nothing less.
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Valgland: 5.5/10 it's fine, i guess? it's an odd color combo (say i, whose flag has the same color combo), but the addition of the pop of red with the star is pretty striking AND significant, so i'll definitely give them that. why do you even add text like that, guys, cmon.
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Wehlen: 7/10 ugh, you hate to see a bitch you despise thriving, i do like this flag. it just looks cool, they don't deserve to have a cool flag (well, no, smolak doesn't deserve it). i will say that it's a bit too much white space, but it still looks so cool.
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Yarktralis: 10/10 I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH TOO (another of the flag contest winners! great job!). it fits them so well and it's so visually stunning and OH i just love it a lot. gorgeous to look at, absolutely stunning.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Knubbler hcs (Fluff alphabet edition)
Ik I just posted a fluff list to do with CRP characters last post but I also wanna do it with Knubbler because this fucker has been on my mine for WEEKS and I gotta feed my fellow dick enjoyers
Obvious heads up on heavy hc stuff since we don't have much on this dude RAAAAAAAH + still developing my hcs
Long since its A-Z, not proof read and I wrote this in one sitting I need to be put down
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Torn between wanting to say he has high standards but I'm a dickface shipper sooo (/lh)
I can't explain it but I feel like he'd be into the feistier people; more dominant and outspoken, that sort of thing, ballsy. Also balancing with being chill so it's not just. Constant energy
Balance, you know
Appearance wise? I'm stumped tbh so maybe I'll revisit this later some day
While he enjoys dragging you around and spoiling you (getting into that for D + G), he does enjoy time spent at home with you! Knubblers always been the type of person to sit by a fire reading a book with a glass of wine; in a robe of course
At least he does to me
Calm stuff like that is a must
Oh how I crave domestic life hcs with this man
I don't have PDA on this list so imma let it be said, this man loves affection, giving and receiving. Absolutely adores being all over you at all times and not at all afraid to show you off
Going to the actual prompt he doesnt care if you're larger or smaller than him, if you sprawl yourself over his chest he will melt!!!! Hold each other!!!
This man is going to pour so much money into these dates
Could just be because we saw him take Abigail out to dinner but my brain defaults to restuarant dates, but otherwise I feel he's also a museum enjoyer (historical, art, ect)
Of course since this for reader insert stuff I can't exactly say who's more emotional so we're relying on Knubbler
I feel like. He's moderate, based on his interactions with Dethklok
He's patient by a considerable amount but has his limits
Absolutely pours his heart and guts out to you when hes drunk, though, not that he doesnt already shower you with compliments and affirmations
Wanna put him at a 6.5/10 when sober, and solid 8/10 when drunk
He doesn't strike me as the type to want kids, honestly, not that he has anything against them though, it's simply not what he wants
I saw someone hc a while back that he would have a bunch of siblings and I'm HARD agreeing on that + adding my own thing that hes an uncle
Need to write a silly fic where he's assigned as babysitter for a day (I desperately need more solo/knubbler centered stuff)
Gift Giving-
Nearly every week or so he will buy you something from flowers to jewelry to stuffed animals to fancy chocolates to really anything
If you so much as mention vaguely wanting something hes pulling out his wallet
This dude is likely loaded (based on working for Dethklok and being successful prior judging by the newspapers at the end of episode 2) so he's not afraid to drop some cash for you
As for receiving gifts he doesn't hold you to the same standard regardless of your income but he would be thrilled with anything you give him, I feel like hes a jewelry guy but maybe that's just because I like drawing him with rings
I feel like he'd go bonkers for baked good though
You guys may butt heads but you guys probably wouldn't argue too much outside of the basic disagreements that happen in every relationship!! Usually apologies for lashing out (if he does that in that particular argument) but will refuse to apologize if there's an actual problem that needs to be addressed (if said problem is on your end)
King of compromises (learned trait from working with bands me thinks)
Depends on the severity
Knows very very basic first aid (cleaning, applying pressure if it's an open bleeding wound, cool water if it's a burn, ect) but more than that he's lost
Swearing and a bit of panic if it's something more serious, this is true for if hes the one hurt as well
If you're the one hurt hes going to hover all over you. Oh nooo please dont tell him hes your savior/hero, please don't make him reel good for pampering you oh NOOOOOOO (stares)
If hes the ome hurt hes going to bask in the attention if he needs to be taken care of, hypes up splinters/j
This stuff also applies to sickness
Oh this is one jealous motherfucker. He will *glare* with those red pin prick robotic eyes of his
If someone's flirting with you he will saunter over and wrap an arm around you, loudly and sharply calls you babe to get the point across
^Kinda cliche but I feel like this man is a sucker for tropes
But if you're like actively uncomfortable I think he might have to intervene
See: his criminal record and the fact he "knows people who can 'take care of someone'", whether he'd actually follow through depends
Recieving he loves when you kiss his face; mouth, cheeks, nose
Giving, really everything is fair game if you give the go ahead; has a particular fixation on your hands (backs and knuckles), cheeks, and neck
Love anything from quick pecks to full on make out sessions
Love Language-
Physical touch and gift giving! Sometimes the gift giving can get intense since hes so ready to treat you like royalty but he doesnt mean anything malicious by it
As for receiving he has a soft spot for affirmations
He goes either way I think, but leans further to no marriage
That doesn't mean hes any less committed to you, though
You guys probably get matching rings even if there isn't a ceremony or legal thing, I think
A deal breaker is like. If you're genuinely a bad person or a threat to his career
Like theres a difference between the shit Dethklok gets into and what you would have to do for him to cut you off full stop
Though I'm stumped on what exactly would call for that outside of being a genuinely horrible person, maybe I'll revisit this later
His laugh is the first thing I can think of. While I think the original is silly and cute in its own way, I'm kinda glad they changed it in the movie
He laughs at his own jokes and has a killer hair routine he follows religiously. Shitty innuendos, too. I am not going to let this man live down the hot dog thing and I KNOW it ain't a one off thing there is no way, this man gets no bitches (using Nathan's "you're horrible with women" comment as leverage)
Outside of that I dont think there's many quirks or habits that are worth mentioning
By law he has to call you Baby/Babe but I can also see him saying Hon/Honey, maybe even Sweetheart
Loves being called things like Dear and Darling
Loves coming to you to ask if you wanna give a second opinion on something hes working on, work related or not! Hes more than confident in his skills regarding sound engineering, but he likes getting the attention and time from you
Skipping this because I'm truly stumped on trying to figure out how far hes willing to go in a relationship in terms of taking risks
Has a few secrets, ranging from personal stuff to things that ultimately don't concern you
And that's okay, as long as it's not anything that can screw you or the relationship over, privacy is necessary
Probably has a lot of secrets surrounding dumb or embarrassing stuff hes done before and during the relationship
Obligatory I have a funky sense of music and while I want to choose a song that fits the time period of the main show to the decades before I'm a bit lost. Also I dont generally listen to love songs/songs that can be passed off as ones if you squint. So you guys get 2 songs that give me knubbler x (reader/oc insert) vibes
When Knubbler is upset he shuts himself off and tries to get over whatever funk hes in, usually a glass or two is involved
Occasionally he'll seek you out for comfort or validation
If you're the one upset he's already lending you an ear and offering a shoulder to lean on (metaphorically and literally), gets mad on your behalf if someone upset you and offers solutions if it was something else
I like to think that you guys dedicate nights for venting and unloading on drama and bullshit. Like two gossiping moms
He is not holding back
You wake up to breakfast and gifts. He takes you out all day for shopping, you guys come home to get ready for dinner and a movie
Things definitely get.. intimate
But this is a SFW blog so I am not going to elaborate
If there is a wedding you guys make sure it's straight out of a storybook; dream wedding basically
Since he's not too worried about getting married I'd assume it makes sense that he lends most the power to you when it comes to decorating
Urges you to communicate your feelings outwardly and verbally since hes not a mind reader, but he does pick up on certain behaviors to give him a general idea of how you're feeling
He doesn't want to push too hard, though, so he tries to offer an environment where there's open communication
Stealing this from my friend but hc that Knubbler actually would not know how to react to someone genuinely having an interest in him, at least in the beginning
Like he knows he's not the ugliest or the most horrible person but he doesnt think hes a heartthrob
So when you come along and actually get him to sit and settle down with someone he kinda. Doesn't know how to feel about being on his own/seperated
Like he can still function but hes finding himself thinking about you a lot; from wondering how your day is to things he wants to tell you when you guys are reunited
As mentioned before he loves cuddling so be ready for him to hold onto you
Prefers soft and light covers compared to heavier ones
Probably yoinks the blanket while he's sleeping
Probably snores
Bonus hc I think his robo eyes can be taken out, like for charging and he has a lil case for them. Has a sleeping mask so nothing gets into his sockets + he understands how it looks to others (especially if they wake up half asleep in the dark and arent used to the empty sockets yet)
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lareinadelplata · 2 years
¡FELIZ DÍA DEL MATE! Ya pasaron tres años y medio desde que se incorporó el emoji de mate a unicode y dos años desde que me puse a evaluarlos- en este tiempo salieron algunos nuevos y algunos cambiaron! hora de discutir al respecto
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Google cambió el suyo por este gordito más parecido a los demás. El anterior era más arriesgado y en ese sentido este es ua opción más conservadora, pero está ok me gusta es bonito. representa perfectamente la idea. matecito. 8.5/10
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-10000000/10 what the fuck is this. what is this... mountain of solid monster energy drink with a paper straw stuck in. disgusting i hate it. the one they had before was already ugly pero esto va más allá por qué eligieron hacer dos versiones igual de espantosas las odio con toda mi alma.
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ugly but ive seen worse (see above). Insistieron en que fuera deforme, se ve muy incómodo de tomar y no sé qué brebaje raro habrá ahí adentro. 3/10
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they changed it a little i think its a definite improvement se ve menos lavado y ya no tiene todo el pico dorado. Es medio feucho, DEMASIADO redondo, y hasta el tope de yerba, pero la competencia es miserable así que. solid 6.5/10
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-100000/10 un coco relleno de pasto sintético. disgusting. me ofende particularmente la pajita de mierda esa que le pusieron. qué es esto. dato de color en la versión original de febrero del 2022 ni siquiera tiene el pasto sintético es literalmente sólo un coco. make an effort.
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lo amo..... simplista pero exactamente lo que tiene que ser. very cute 10/10
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4.5/10 horrendo pero al menos se asemeja a lo que tiene que ser. cómo querés que le ponga la yerba si la boca del mate es del mismo tamaño que la bombilla más o menos. y los colores son bastante feos.
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Methotrexate Update
Doctor got back to me about my labs. My absolute monocytes are high but she isn’t concerned. She didn’t explain why (my best guess it’s bc my exercise has increased so drastically in such a short amount of time but idk) She says I can stay at the same dose and she doesn’t need another lab for three months. I have been doing GREAT on it. Hardly any negative side effects.
The stomach pain I’ve had every night for a year is gone.
My post-exercise chest pain that I’ve been going to cardiologist and ER for since Oct 2022 is completely gone (playing and shoveling snow 100% would have set that off)
TMI // My period has been freaking purple since Sept 2022 and I’ve been bleeding so much that the OBGYN thought I had a fibroid rupture. Well I just had my first period on Methotrexate and it’s all back to normal now and the amount was 1/3 what it has been which is a huge relief. It still hurt but I was able to eat and drink which I usually struggle with for the first few days. Maybe the pain will get better over time.
My gums don’t bleed any more when flossing. It just stopped as soon as I started methotrexate.
I’m able to eat and drink a lot more than I was which is great.
I have way more range of motion in my joints (which is making me have more problems with my hypermobility but whatev)
I still have muscle and joint pain but I honestly think most of it is bc I’ve been able to do so much more. I was taking 600 mg ibuprofen 2-3 times a day and my pain was still 7-7.5/10 and now I’m not taking any ibuprofen except maybe once every couple days and it’s a solid 6-6.5/10
Oh and I can take deeper breaths. Like I’m still having low oxygen show up on my oxymeter but for most of my life my ribs have felt like I’m wearing a corset and they can’t expand when I breath in and that has improved so much that I just walk around the house thinking “wow. I can take a breath. Wow” I’m not sure if this is due to my joints and ribs having more range of motion or if it’s connected to the hyperinflation of my lungs that showed up on the X-ray. Idk but it’s awesome and I’m making an appointment with pulmonologist again to double check lung stuff
The only con I’m currently having is the high absolute monocytes which my dr says is fine and I’ve been having really bad night sweats (actually I’m sweating a ton all the time) but I think my body is just like…recalibrating. Usually effects are really seen after a few months so I’m super excited for 2024!
Mandana’s Health Update
Surprise surprise the new vet doesn’t want to prescribe LDN/s
I get why. There are no studies on using LDN for pain in dogs (there are a few cancer studies in dogs which include LDN for pain relief and QOL but whatev) I humored her and tried to use Carprofen but Mandana doesn’t do well on pain meds and always gets an upset stomach after a couple days. This time was no different and she was miserable and vomiting so I took her off it. We discussed all of our options which I’ll list now for reference:
Decrease carprofen from 75mg twice a day to 75mg once a day // not gonna work bc the original dose wasn’t even very effective for managing her pain and I imagine if she’s already having problems with NSAIDs then taking even a small dose every day for years will hurt her.
Try a different NSAID called Meloxicam // we expect the same problem we have with carprofen
Try a different type of pain relief called Amantadine // Used along side NSAIDs (which we can’t do) so not very effective on its own and can have a side effect of urine retention which Mandana is prone to (she gets this as a “rare” side effect of both apoquel and Benadryl so I would rather not risk it, esp since Proin gave her high blood pressure and we had to discontinue it so there would be no back up if she got incontinence again)
Try the new type of pain relief that was just approved in the US called Librela // This is what we’re going to do next. She has an appointment for her first injection 1.5 weeks from now.
Consult with a Neurologist and get an MRI // After we get her back pain approved by our PetsBest insurance we will make an appointment for a neurologist consult and MRI. The two X-rays we have are 9 months apart and show a narrowing of the disc space between L4-5 but the general consensus is that it shouldn’t be causing as much pain as she is in so an MRI will give us a better idea of what’s going on and the Neurologist might have more treatment options for us.
We really want to wrap up some of these big health concerns for both of us before 🐾2025🐾👀 and we are already making a lot of progress so I’m super hopeful!
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