#its already weird thay i take it home if i had checked i could have simply gone into the mcdonalds
saulbaby · 2 years
The autism never fuckin hits harder than after somebody gets my order wrong
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 14: Day Tripping
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, rated E
Mulder awakes the next morning with his face crammed into his pillow, squeaky leather couch cushions groaning, and for the first time in years he thinks maybe he should get a bed. For his own sake, of course; sofas aren’t meant for long term sleeping, and his joints aren’t getting any younger. It seems prudent to invest in a bed frame, a good mattress, maybe some nice sheets.
And hell, if a certain small redhead happens to come by…
He has a slight crick in his neck, but it fades into the background as his memory replays the night before. Pad Thai, Scully’s big blue eyes, ice cream, soft lips under the cover of branches. Requited affection at last.
He doesn’t know where they’ll go from here, but he’s eager to find out.
He waltzes into the basement office, freshly showered and shaved and wearing his least offensive tie. Scully’s already there, digging through her briefcase.
“Morning, Scully,” he says cheerily, dropping into his chair and searching her face, attempting to make eye contact.
“Morning,” she replies, not looking up.
“I had a, uh, good time last night,” he says in a low voice. “Best night I’ve had in years.”
She nods, cheeks faintly pink. “It was nice,” she says carefully.
Something’s wrong.
“Scully, are you okay?” he asks, leaning in.
“I’m fine, Mulder,” she replies, exhaling softly. “But I don’t want to talk about this now.”
Disappointment and dread creep into his chest, spreading a chill like midnight frost.
“Are you having second thoughts?” he asks, voice suddenly small.
“No,” she clarifies, finally meeting his eyes. “I’m not, I promise. It’s just that things look different in the light of day, and I’m adjusting.”
“That doesn’t really make me feel better,” he says, worrying the end of a pencil between his teeth.
“It’s not meant to,” Scully replies. She sits down opposite him and reaches into their inbox on the desk, hauling out a stack of files. “It’s just the truth.”
They’re quiet for a long moment before she reaches out and places a hand atop his on the desk, squeezing gently before withdrawing it and returning to leafing through files.
She knows exactly how to comfort him, to communicate that things are alright, they’re alright, and that he doesn’t need to worry right now. A paragraph in the touch of a hand. Their eyes meet, and she gives him a tentative smile, causing warmth to bloom in his chest once more.
They sort through potential cases for an hour before Mulder makes a triumphant sound in his throat.
“Got one, Scully,” he announces, handing her a file. “Equine mutilations in Gettysburg. Wanna go check it out?”
Scully opens the folder and immediately frowns. “Not really, but if I say no you’ll go anyway,” she sighs, flipping through the pages. “And then when you get lost in some cave or stuck in the bottom of a well or something and are in need of a rescue, who’ll inform the local authorities? Oh god,” she says in realization. “I’m Lassie.”
“There’s a filthy joke in there somewhere, Scully-”
“-And right now’s not the time to find it,” she cuts in, giving him a patented eyebrow arch.
“Let me know when that time’ll be,” he says in a low tone. “I’ll clear my schedule.”
“Dead horses, Mulder,” she reminds him, waving a gruesome photo. She sighs. “Let’s get this over with.”
Mulder’s in a great mood. The sun is out, they have a case, and he kissed Dana Scully last night. Twice. He’s actually humming as he drives, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Nothing lights you up quite like mutilated livestock, Mulder,” Scully observes, shaking her head. “What are you hoping to find? More vampires?”
“Civil War ghosts, actually,” he replies, adjusting his mirrors. “Think about it, Scully. Those wounds lacked the consistent placement and patterns we usually see in ritualistic killings, nor did they resemble animal attacks. I’ll bet if we compared the wounds with weapons and ammunition from the era, we’d get some matches.”
“To what end?” Scully asks.
“If I’m right, we’ll see some ghosts. If I’m wrong, we’ll stop some sicko from slaughtering more horses. We can’t lose.”
“Hm,” Scully replies, the brief exhalation steeped in skepticism. He knows the meaning of each little hum and sound of hers at this point.
Well obviously not all of them, he thinks, pulse quickening. But soon.
“So,” he says, cracking a sunflower seed between his teeth, “About last night.”
“It happened, if you were unsure,” she confirms. “It was real. I was there.”
“Funny,” he quips. “No, I know it happened. I just wanted to make sure you were okay that it did. You seemed a little uncomfortable when I came into the office this morning.”
Scully sighs deeply, and Mulder braces himself for a rejection he’d always feared would come.
“Mulder, yesterday I told you that I spent years repressing certain facets of how I feel about you,” she reminds him. “And only yesterday I found out that… that I don’t need to do that anymore. I’m simply adjusting. It’s all very new, and seeing you this morning in our office… you looked the same, everything looked the same, but I felt different. Frankly, it was jarring. It was like watching two planets collide; Mulder the colleague and friend, and Mulder the… the lover,” she says quietly.
Lover. The words gives him a thrill. “Am I your lover, Scully?” he asks softly.
“Well, you did kiss me twice,” she replies matter-of-factly, “So I think you’re on your way.”
“Then that makes you my lover,” he says, almost to himself. “You’re right; this does feel kind of weird.”
“Not a bad weird,” Scully clarifies. “Just… new. I think we just need practice.”
“Lots and lots of practice,” Mulder agrees, flashing her a grin.
Scully rolls her eyes, turning to look out the window as though to hide the smile creeping across her face. “Just drive, Mulder.”
They get to East Cavalry Field at half-past noon, just in time to enjoy the sights. Namely, the latest victim, a Clydesdale named Morris. The warm spring sun pours down on them and the fallen animal, illuminating the gore spilling from its lifeless body.
“Well, Mulder,” Scully says flatly, snapping on a pair of gloves, “You sure do know how to show a girl a good time.”
They drive home six and a half hours later, having gathered little new information. A musket ball, borrowed from a local museum, rolls around one of the cupholders.
“Mulder, are you sure they said you could take that thing back to DC?” Scully asks, glancing at the ball. “Why didn’t they put it in some kind of bag or envelope?”
“What are you implying?” Mulder asks, plucking the ball out of the cupholder and awkwardly tucking it into his pants pocket.
She just gives him a look.
“Civil War musket balls aren’t that rare, Scully,” he informs her. “You can buy them off history buffs for a couple bucks.”
“Mulder, my feet hurt, and I’m exhausted. At this point I don’t care anymore.” She doesn’t even bother to stifle her yawn. “And I spent the day poking around dead horses, even though I’m not a veterinarian or a munitions expert. You owe me.”
“Alright, what do you want in reparation?” he asks. I can think of a few things, but we’re not there yet…
“I don’t know. Take me out on a date,” she says flippantly. “We never do anything nice. Preferably something with no mutilated corpses.”
“Damn, that really narrows down the options,” he jokes. “But sure; we’ll go do something nice.”
“Let me know what it is ahead of time,” she adds. “So I know what to wear.”
God, she’s adorable.
“It’s a date,” he confirms, and he can feel his heart pulse.
They’re doing this for real.
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
The phone call
Here's some notices or warnings before reading!
A trans man giving birth, Seungchuchu, Trans Phichit, Haikyuu x Yuri on Ice.
Seung-gil pov-
I entered the rink, sat down my bag and took a sip out of my thermos of coffee, "Hi coach." I greeted, tired and already done with my coach for the day.
"Greetings Seung-gil, sit down we need to figure out your skating routine for the next competition."
I nodded at my coach and sat down. I sat there, listening to my coach's instructions.. Well I wasn't really listening, I couldn't bring myself to focus... Phichit, my husband, had been really sick recently. I knew that he knew why but he wouldn't tell me, while some secrets were fine, it just felt to serious to be kept a secret. But if he wants to keep that stuff to himself, then I have no wish to pry into his business.
My coach, Min-so Park, must have noticed. She gave me a light flick on the ear and raised her voice by a inch, "Pay attention." She said.
I had to restraint myself from saying something else other then sorry, "Sorry, stuff has been happening at home."
"Don't carry that onto the ice, Seung-gil."
"..Sorry.." I said, trying to sound like I was actually sorry which I wasn't.
"Alright, now how about we do this song?" She said pointing to a list of songs she had written down.
"Sure, when are we going to figure out outfits though?"
"Probably tomorrow, we need to make sure this song is good for you before we figure out costumes."
She put the list down and walked over to the music-playing setup, "Lets start practice, Seung-gil."
I nodded as I re-tied my skates and went onto the ice, ready for a tiring day of practice. I just hope Phichit is doing alright.. I'm worried, so fucking worried.
Phichit pov-
I flushed the toilet, washed the disgusting taste out of my mouth out and exited the bathroom, I took my time walking down the stairs, holding onto the handle for dear life even though my feet were fine. I still don't wanna fall. Eventually after what felt like a lifetime, I made it to the couch where I flopped and grabbed my phone. As I massaged my headache, I hit Yuuri's contact, his nickname in my phone being 'bestie' I let out a silent swear as a sting of pain came but I hit the 'call' button and sucked up the pain.
Thankfully he picked up, even though he is at practice
"Hey Phichit, did you need something?"
I let out a small fake sob, "I feel like shit.."
"Oh, is Seung-gil with you?"
"No, he wanted to stay home but his coach made him come in.."
I could tell the Japanese skater was rolling his eyes, "Have I told you how much I hate his coach?"
After snickering I went back to the original topic, "But I wanted to ask you what you think I've come down with. Its been a week! I have never been sick for more then 2 days and I am scared!"
Yuuri clicked his tongue, "Ok.. Tell me more, I think I have an idea.."
"Well, I have been puking a lot.."
"That happens when you're sick typically.." Now that I think about it, yeah I do puke a bunch when I rarely get sick.
"Yeah.. And you know how I hate pickles?"
"I now wanna dip those in chocolate and have it for breakfast."
"Any body pain?"
"Well my stomach and hurt like a bitch and my back wants to break."
"...." Yuuri went silent.
"Uh, Yuuri? Bestie? What's wrong?"
"Don't think I'm weird for saying this alright?"
"We've been friends for like 19 years, nothing you say will make me weirded out."
"You never got a bottom surgery when you transitioned right?"
"No, I still wanted kids so I never got much done, you know, minus getting my breasts removed."
"So, I think you should go get a pregnancy test.."
My eyes went wide, "Wha?! Why?!"
"I just think that you have a lot of the symptoms that pregnant people have. I may be wrong but its better now then later, right?"
I went quiet before speaking again, "...What will Seung-gil think?"
Yuuri went out a little chuckle, "Well, if he's as good a husband as you say, he'll stay there and help you."
I chuckled along, "Yeah.. I'll talk to you later."
When I hit the end call button, I threw my phone to the other side of a coach. Upon hearing that, Seung-gil's Siberian Husky came running over and hopped on the couch to try and make me feel better by rubbing his head against my hand.
I smiled bright "Hi buddy.."
"You may be getting a human friend in a few months if Yuuri was right.." I chuckled.
This made the dogs head perk up, his tail started wagging and he went out a bork of excitement.
"I know! so exciting!" I gave him head scratches before walking to the door and grabbing my keys
I turned back to Snow, "Dads gonna go out for a bit, don't cause too much havoc while I'm gone, ok?"
After hearing another bark from the grey-white dog, I left the large apartment and started to walk down the hallway. Even when I was in the lobby and out the front door to my car, I couldn't stop opening and closing my husbands contact.. 'Save it until you actually know..' After taking a breath and by that I mean about 10 breathes, I put the keys in and drove to the store to get the test.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I unbuckled slowly and got my hat and my mask. I did everything slowly, I was just nervous.. I then thought of how lucky I would be to have a kid.. All the happy moments, seeing Seung-gil falling asleep with a baby atop his chest, and that babies adorable face.. With those ideas in my head I opened my car door and practically ran into the store.
Once I entered, I walked to the pharmacy section and after scanning the shelf like 4 times, my eyes finally landed on the pregnancy test, "Damn I must have been staring at it for like 2 minutes." I joked, I grabbed it and walked to the counter to pay, I walked back out to my car and went about 9 miles over the speed limit to get home.
Seung gil pov-
It was coming to be the middle of practice, which was when I was allowed a really quick water break before starting practice again.
"Ok Seung-gil! You can have a water break!" Coach shouted
I nodded and walked over to the bench, right when I was about to grab my water, I heard my phone ringing. When I checked the name.. It was my husband, Phichit.
"I told you to not have your phone out during practice!"
"My husbands really sick so I couldn't really NOT have it on or out." I retorted
"Just answer it."
I rolled my eyes and answered, "Hello?"
Phichit's voice on the other line was nervous, "Uh.. Hey Seung-gil.. Can you come home? Like right now?"
"Why? Are you ok?"
"We just need to talk."
"Now?" I repeated
"Yeah, sorry for interrupting your practice dear.." He sighed
"No, no! It's ok, I don't wanna be here anyway."
Phichit laughed which made my heart glow, "Alright, see you soon."
"See you soon." And with that I ended the call, grabbed my stuff and walked to the exit.
My voice went back to being cold instead of sweet like when I was on the phone, "Home."
The brown haired woman started running in my direction, "Oh hell no!" But by the time she said that the door was open and I was walking to my car and quickly on the road.
--When he got home--
Once I opened the door I hear the muffled tv in the background, I kicked off my shoes at the door gave the dog some love and went to sit on the couch next to my husband.
"Welcome home.." The Thai's boy was quiet.
"So what did you wanna talk about dear? You never call me back from practice...."
"Uh.. You know how I said I was trans? How I was born a girl not a male?"
Phichit stood up and walked in the direction of the bedroom, "Its best I show you, wait here.."
I nodded and waited. he came back a minute later, holding a something that looked familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Once he sat down he handed the long stick to me,
"Guess what.. You're a dad.." His voice was nervous
I looked at the pregnancy test.
Then back to him.
"I get it if you are mad if I didn't tell you sooner that this could happen but, I have always wanted to start a family with you so, please, help me parent our child."
I couldn't even speak, I just wrapped my arms tightly around Phichit, "There is no universe where I would pass up to take care of a child with you." I breathed before continuing to speak, "I love you so much. We are going to have a happy family here, ok? I will do whatever I can to support our family."
When I finally looked up at my husband, tears were streaming down his face, I panicked, "Why are you crying?! Did I say something?!"
He laughed, wiping his small tears away, "No, you're just fine. I'm just.. happy."
I gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Are you hungry? I was thinking of ordering pizza."
"Can you get me pineapple pizza..?"
I let out a snort, "Sure."
--After ordering pizza--
Once we sat down, we happily ate, I smiled as I watched Phichit devour his pizza and his cute little face have pizza sauce get dotted on the cheeks and his chin. After he chewed he started to speak
"Hey I have a question about your coach."
I put down my pizza and looked at the cute boy, "What of her?"
"Well, I think you either need to talk to her, or get a new coach."
"I mean I would love to, but why?" I asked
"She never lets you have any holidays off or anything, no special days, no calling in before hand, no calling in sick, nothing! The only way you get out of practice is just walking out. I feel like when the kid is born, that wont be an option anymore."
I nodded my head, taking a bite from my pizza, "Yeah, you're right. I wanted to find a new coach anyway, I just needed a reason."
Phichit chuckled before gasping, "Hold on! I need to go call some people!"
I rubbed my forehead, giving a small smile, "Who are you calling?"
"Y'know, Guang-Hong, Leo and Yuuri! Imma tell them they're uncles now!"
"Alright! Don't take too long!"
A few minutes later I could hear excited gasps and congratulations coming from the kitchen
---A few months later--
Phichit pov-
I was on the phone panicking, Seung-gil couldn't be here, his coach wouldn't let him leave no matter how hard he tried so I was on the phone with Yuuri.
"Stay calm till I get there! I'll get you to the hospital Phichit."
"It fucking hurts!"
"I know just hold on!"
A few minutes later of trying to talk to keep the pain away, the door swung open with Yuuri behind it, he came over, helped me up and we got into the car.
"You're going to be a dad.. Mom? What do you wanna be called anyway?" Yuuri asked
"Whatever the child prefers."
"Do you know the gender yet?"
"No we decided to wait till he's born, which I guess is soon!" I was excited but also nervous.
"..Seung-gil will find a way to get to the hospital to see you, even if he has to jump out a window or something."
I snorted, "Victor did that didn't he?"
"I mean, yeah~"
We finally made it to the hospital and after circling the parking spot a few times, we got out and walked through the entrance.
"When I come out my life's gonna be so different.."
"Mhm! But that's a good thing!" Yuuri reminded me
--About 15 minutes later--
Seung gil pov-
Once I finally got away from my coach by jumping out the window of the boys locker room and was able to maneuver my ass through the rush hour traffic, I arrived at the hospital. When I entered I instantly spotted Yuuri Katsuki, my husbands best friend and ran over to him.
"How is he?!"
"Thank god you're here."
I sat down and panted, "Yeah, my coach forced me to stay at practice, I had to crawl out through a window."
"Knew it."
"Anyway, is Phichit doing ok?"
Yuuri nodded, "Yes, they have him back there now."
"Can I not go in?"
I started tapping my foot from nervousness I didn't notice Yuuri get up but when I did he was holding coffee in his hand, "Here. They had a coffee cart over there, I figured you would want something to drink."
I took it from his hand, "Thanks."
"So what are you hoping for?"
"Heh, Phichit was hoping for a boy and I would be dead if I said a girl." I laughed
"Do you have a name in mind?"
"Not really, we know we want to change his last name so he can live a normal life though."
"Any ideas for that?"
"We'll figure it out. Phichit is a spur of the moment person, y'know?"
"Oh I know that too well." Yuuri took a sip of his drink before speaking again
"So, you remember when I was watching your dog at my house?"
"Our dogs cuddled."
My mouth went wide, "Do you have photos?!"
about 4 hours later-
"Family and friends of Phichit Lee may come in now." The doctor called
I looked at Yuuri, "You go by yourself first Seung-Gil he wants to see you more then me."
I got up and walked to the room and sat on a chair next to the hospital bed,
"Say hello to your son!" Phichit said, a smile from ear to ear on his face.
"He's adorable." I said, reaching out my pointer finger, which the little boy grabbed and held onto with his tiny hands.
The child blinked a bit, "He has your eyes." I pointed out
"Just as cute too." Phichit added
"So, what are we thinking for names?"
"Uhh.. I was actually thinking about it in the car."
"Oh? What did you come up with?
"I was thinking of naming him Sakusa Kiyoomi."
"That sounds good."
"Do you want to hold him?"
I reached my hands out and Phichit handed me my son, "I'm really a father.."
"Mhm. I love you so much."
"I love you too dear," He reached out and booped Sakusa nose
"And I love you too, Sakusa."
-16 years later-
Sakusa pov-
I was texting Atsumu, my boyfriend about practice and such.
'Tsumu: Hey sweet, adorable love of my life ♥♥! I have a question
Omi: Please use normal pet-names
'Tsumu: Nah
Omi: 😶😑Yes, dear?
'Tsumu: When am I gonna meet your parents? 🤔
Omi: You can come over after practice, if you want.
'Tsumu: Woah! 😲 Really?!
Omi: Sure, I don't care.
'Tsumu: Wait, aren't you at practice too?
Omi: Yeah we're taking a water break
'Tsumu: Well, I'll leave you alone! Love you! See you later tonight Omi-Omi! 😍😘💗💓
Omi: See you then, 'Tsumu <3
When I turned off my phone I didn't realize my cousin, Kimori, was standing right over me reading my texts.
"So, hows the married life?
"CHRIST!" I yelped
I regained my composure as the rest of the team looked over, "Great, how are you and that snake boy?" I was referring to Suguru Daishou, who was the captain of the Nohebi Academy volleyball team.
Kimori let out a gasp of betrayal, "Rude!"
The coach called us back onto the court, I stood up and ran back to the court with my team.
--After practice--
I sat there at the train stations coffee shop and sipped on a thing of tea while working on my laptop. I wanted to finish up school work before 'Tsumu got here, after all. While I was typing away on a writing assignment, my phone buzzed, it was one of my dads, Phichit Lee. I finished typing the paragraph, I placed a period, picked up my phone and went to answer the message.
Pops: Hey Kiddo👋, me and your dad will be late coming home from practice. Stop by the rink ⛸⛸ if you need anything! ♥♥
Kiyoomi: Will do. Also I will be having my boyfriend over.
Pops: Oh! 😲 Me and your dad can stay out later if you need us to😁
Kiyoomi: No, he wanted to meet you and dad.
Pops: We'll try to get home early in that case!
Kiyoomi: Alright good luck with that pair skate practice
Pops: We're gonna need it 😗
After about 15 minutes I looked out of the store and saw that Tsumu's train was pulling in, I got in and waited closer to the train for him. Once he got out I called out for him.
"'Tsumu!" I called
When I did that he ran full speed at me and wrapped his hands around my neck, with my hands wrapping around his waist.
He started placing kisses on my cheeks, "Its been so long!"
I laughed, "Its been a week."
"Same difference!"
I gave a final smile before I grabbed the fake blondes hand and led him to my car.
"So, I'm meeting your parents today?"
I nodded, "They may be late home, but yes."
We got into the car and kept talking about what was going to happen tonight,
"I'm so nervous, y'know?"
"Heh, you don't need to be, don't worry."
I then remembered something, "Also my uncle is dropping by so you'll get to meet them."
"Oo! Cool!"
I plugged my aux cord and handed the phone to 'Tsumu, "Its your turn for music this weekend dear, please don't play The Bee Movie sound track the whole way home."
"Awh! You're lucky I love you Omi!"
He put on Shinedowns new album Amaryllis, so I was happy.
"Nice song choice."
Tsumu rested my hand on top of mine which was already resting on his thigh.
"Do you want me to stop and get coffee or something? Or do you wanna head straight to my place?"
"Meh I had coffee earlier, we can head to your place."
"Oh you haven't been to my place before have you? It's always me visiting you."
"Yeah! That just makes me more excited!"
I smiled.
We finally pulled into the garage of the apartment complex and exited the car. When we entered the lobby Atsumu spoke up, "This is a really nice looking place."
"Yeah my folks make good money so we have a good sized apartment." I explained as we walked to the elevator
I hit the '8' button and waited till the doors re-opened, we exited as an elderly couple entered and walked to the apartment as the numbers went up across the doors, 801, 802, 803, 804... Finally we reached the apartment, with the silver plaque reading 810. I twisted the key and was instantly greeted by Snow and Makkachin. Makkachin was staying here just because Victor and Yuuri were in Russia and Makkachin was getting too old to travel, y'know, being 15 and all.
Atsumu instantly got down on his knees to give Snow head scratches, "Oh my god! You have dogs! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Snow is my parents and Makkachin," I said pointing to the dogs as I mentioned them, "Is just staying here till my uncle comes to get them today."
"They're so pretty!"
Me and Atsumu took off our shoes, I went to the kitchen, filled up the dogs bowls, washed my hands and then crashed on the couch.
Once Atsumu noticed my presence he laid his head on my lap "Your place is nice, Omi-Omi."
"..Can I change positions so we can both be comfy?" I asked
Atsumu nodded and sat up so I could lay down, Atsumu then laid onto my chest, listening to my breathing and heart beat.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
-10 minutes later-
After we laid there and watched tv for a bit, I heard a knock on the door, "That must be my uncle." Atsumu shot up, and followed me to the door.
When I opened it, I saw my uncle, Nikiforov-Katsuki Yuuri and his husband Victor standing to his left. Once they took a step in the door Makkachin came bolting towards them
"Makkachin! My baby!" Victor called out as he lifted Makkachin into his arms.
Atsumu stood in surprise for a minute while I talked to them. Does he know that they're famous figure skaters? No, I think his twin brother Osamu and his team captain Kita are into that stuff.
"So, before you go I want you to meet someone," I started, I gestured to my boyfriend as I spoke, "This is my boyfriend, Atsumu Miya."
Yuuri smiled and shook his hand, "Its a pleasure to meet you, Atsumu."
After Victor did the same they turned to leave before Atsumu spoke up, "Wait! Can I get your autographs? My captain and brother are big figure skating fans and they would kill me if I passed this up."
Victor and Yuuri laughed and nodded, "Sure! We'd love to!"
Victor and Yuuri signed the autograph to Osamu and wrote below it, "Your brothers cool!" and the one to Kita with "The best captain ever! Kita!"
"Thank you."
"Of course! Your family now after all!"
After we said our goodbyes, Yuuri and Victor left me and my boyfriend alone again. I looked at Atsumu, grabbed his hand and we walked back over to the couch to watch tv while Snow slept on her bed near us. Atsumu kept insisting that we watch Gilmore Girls until I finally gave in and we ended up binging to season 3.
"I'm telling you! Luke is the best!"
"Aand why do you think that?"
I shrugged, "Meh Lorelai is better."
We kept bickering like children for a few minutes before I pulled my lover in for a kiss, that managed to shut him up. But his red face was too cute to not kiss over, and over, and over again. So that's exactly what I did.
"A kiss here." I said giving a kiss on his cheek, "And a kiss for the other side," "A kiss here," "And a kiss here,"
I laughed, stopping my kissing spree after I kissed every spot on his face, "I love you."
"I love you more, baby dearest."
I smiled, "Just call me baby or dear. Baby dearest sounds weird."
"Awh but its cute!"
Snow barked as they awoke from their nap
"See? Even snow agrees that its cute!"
I looked over at Snow with a deadpan look, "Really? I know you like my boyfriend because he gave you belly rubs, but, really?"
--When Seung-gil and Phichit got home--
I was too focused on the snoring Atsumu on my chest to hear the clicking of the front door, the removal of shoes, or the hanging of keys. It was only when I was a flash off a camera did I know that my parents saw my boyfriend laying on my lap.
My dad started rapidly typing on his phone, "Seung-gil! Get in here! This is adorable!"
The black haired Korean walked into the room, "Phichit, lets let them relax and get dinner started ok?"
"OK!" After that, Seung-gil was walking to the kitchen and Phichit speed walking to keep up.
After a few more minutes Atsumu woke up from his nap with a yawn, "Hey Omi-kun."
"Good morning dear."
I started petting his head when spoke, "Did your parents come home?"
"Shh.. I just wanted you to sleep, its fine."
Then I heard a gasp from the kitchen
My dads had came peaking out from the corner 2 seconds later, "Atsumu, this is my dad."
The cheerful boy sat up and shook my dads hand, "Hi, I'm Atsumu Miya."
"Im Phichit Lee."
"Hold on im gonna go get your other dad." My dad said before leaving the room to go grab his husband.
"You never asked."
"Humph." Atsumu huffed, turning his head.
"Oh come on.. Look at me dear."
"I'll let you see baby pictures of me later." I offered.
I sighed and grabbed his hand, "We'll go get fatty tuna tomorrow with Kimori and his boyfriend."
Atsumu head perked up, "Yes! I love you!"
After that, my dad came in the room with my other dad, "My name is Seung-Gil Lee." He greeted before shaking Atsumu's hand.
After that we sat down at the dinner table, with me and Atsumu on one side and my parents on the other.
"So how long have you two been together?" Phichit asked
"Since our first year of Highschool." I answered
My dads smile grew, "Wait! Are we the first ones in the family to know?!"
"Nah, Uncle Leo and Guang-Hong know."
He gasped dramatically and put a hand on his chest, "My own squad betraying me like that, so tragic~"
"Also heres a question." Atsumu started
"Whos your favorite character in Gilmore Girls?"
"Luke." Seung-Gil said
This caused my dad to look at him with bewilderment, "Am I just getting betrayed tonight?! Lorelai is SO much better!"
After we finished eating we went to the living room and chatted.
"So what happened at practice?"
"Oh I got a story," Seung-gil started, putting his cup down.
"So you know how me and your dad are skating on the same rink as the Russian team till our rink gets redone?"
"So apparently Georgi is dating that one French skater."
"Which one?"
"Jean.. Douche? Y'know that Akaashi boys dad."
That comment made Atsumu nearly spit out his drink, Phichit's dark eyes went wide, "Are you ok?!"
"Yeah, my best friends just dating Akaashi so it was just surprising that he's part French."
"Wait, I thought Oikawa was your best friend?"
"I have multiple best friends, Omi."
"Anyway, so, I heard that Kimori got a boyfriend~"
"Phichit, dear, love of my life, please don't tell me your using your sisters kids life as blackmail."
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Yeah he does." I answered
"Do you have photos?!"
"Dad, I wouldn't be your child if I didn't have blackmail."
I quickly pulled up a photo and showed it to my dads,
(Here's the photo, credit to the artist)
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And with that my dad started gushing over the photo, "Awh! Thats so cute!"
"Speaking of cute, do you have Sakusa's baby photos?"
"Oh you bet I do!"
For the next half an hour they looked at baby photos.
Once Atsumu got ready to leave, he asked for a final thing, "Can I get your autographs? My captain and twin brother love figure skating and you two are some of their favorites."
They nodded and signed the papers, and with that, I gave Atsumu a kiss on the cheek and he left.
"Sooo whens the wedding?"
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ninzied · 4 years
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i saw there would be no peace in here tonight
euneirophrenia (n); the peace of mind that comes from having pleasant dreams
for @frank-kastle.
rated a gentle m. word count: 2.6k.
The nightmares are a part of him now.
He’ll never get used to them – to the spine-wrenching shock of waking from them like his very soul has just been gutted beyond all recognition. But Frank has come to accept that they’re never going away, and he will live with them, and he will one day die with them, too.
All of that changes, the first time he takes Karen to bed.
She is – everything.
She is fierce, and good, and unforgiving, and when he shows up at her door for what he thinks is going to be the last time, all it takes is one look from her for Frank to realize just how wrong he was.
Everything he owns, he’s thrown into a well-worn duffel, and there’s a car in a lot that Curt had left him with the key wedged into the groove of a tire. It’s going to be days before Frank remembers to let Curt know he won’t be needing that car anymore.
His duffel bag will have long since been unpacked by then.
His books, the photo of Maria and the kids, will be propped up on one of the shelves, and half his clothes tossed because that rusted smell of old blood doesn’t belong anywhere near Karen’s apartment. His gun will find a spot in the nightstand, and he’ll snort out a laugh when she stores his Ka-Bar with all her utensils. The duffel itself is going to get shoved into some corner of her closet, forgotten.
There’s one thing that wouldn’t have fit in there, and that’s a life – that’s a future – with Karen.
A part of him knows that if he had any real intention of leaving, he wouldn’t have come here. He wouldn’t have risked having to hurt her again just so he can do the selfish thing and see her one last time. He knows what she was offering him, that day in the hospital. And he knows what it cost him to turn her away.
So when Karen opens the door, and it’s clear from the look on her face that she knows he’s there to say goodbye—
Frank opens his mouth, and asks her if she’ll still have him.
She invites him to stay for dinner.
He offers to cook, but there’s next to nothing in her fridge when he checks, so they end up ordering take-out instead. The conversation flows easily over Thai food and wine, but there’s a tentativeness between them that’s never been there before. Every once in a while, he catches her looking away just to smile, and the inside of his chest feels like it might expand to the point of breaking.
It’s as close to a date as anything they’ll ever get to, this shy kind of softness, in a way that makes him wish he could just reach over and touch her. But he doesn’t want this to end either – the ache of this moment, where the want of it alone is almost too exquisite to bear.
It’s late into the evening by the time they think to clear the dishes away. Frank is working his way up to asking her when he can see her again – which also begs the question of where he’s going to stay until then. He’s essentially homeless, and he doesn’t want to assume anything – he could always crash over at Curt’s, at least until he—
Her face is closer than he’d realized, as she moves around him to put a dish on the rack to dry. There’s a soap bubble stuck to her hair, and he thumbs it away without thinking. His hand lingers there, as she looks up at him.
He doesn’t know who is the first to lean in.
It will probably embarrass him later, how desperate he is to just – kiss her, and then keep on kissing her, at first. They make out by that kitchen sink for what could have been hours, and it feels a bit like being a teenager again, like stealing a kiss from his crush by the bleachers while trying to be careful about where he’s putting his hands.
Karen, it turns out, is not so concerned as he is.
At her gentle insistence, they eventually stumble their way over to the couch, and here too Frank will look back later and cringe.
He means to take his time. He wants to savor every first that they have – the first time that he sees her bare, the first time she kisses the scars on his skin, the first time his breathing bottoms out as he sinks his dick into her – but it’s over too painfully soon, as he feels his orgasm shudder through him before she’s had a chance to finish.
’S’been a while, he grimaces by way of apology, and even though she tells him she doesn’t mind, he vows to make it up to her anyway. He splays her out on the couch, hooks those long legs of hers over his shoulders, and goes down on her in earnest.
He’s hard as nails again, after he’s had her come at least twice, and this time – this time, he’s more than ready to make it count.
They don’t make it to her bed until much later.
The middle of the night finds him reaching for her again.
He doesn’t mean to wake her, but she stirs when his knuckles brush over her side, and she turns into him, notching her forehead beneath his chin.
Can’t sleep? she murmurs. He feels her words against his throat, and the kiss that soon follows, soft and warm to the skin just under his jawline.
He doesn’t know how to tell her that this is the most restful he’s felt in a long, long time – with her in his arms, and the memory of their lovemaking still so very alive in every light touch of her skin, or the slightest graze of her body against his.
And he doesn’t know how to tell her that this – all of it – is going to be gone the moment he falls asleep. That his dreams take him to a place where his love for Karen cannot follow, and he’s terrified that when he wakes up, and looks for Maria with Karen lying beside him, it will be something that he won’t know how to forgive himself for.
But he wonders if Karen doesn’t understand all this anyway, even while he’s still figuring out how to say it.
She nudges closer, and he gathers her up against him, making a low sound in his throat as she trails her mouth up the side of his neck.
It’s okay, Frank, she says. He’s already half-gone with desire, and he will believe anything she tells him right now. It’s okay.
She rides him this time, her skin a pale glow in the moonlight. His hands are all over her – silk strands of her hair getting caught in his fingers, her breasts soft and full in his palms – and then he’s gripping her hips, pumping in and out of her as she leans over him. Her mouth finds his, tongues tangling, and he kisses her hard as they both gasp for release.
They hold each other, after. Karen has his head cradled close, the side of his face pressed into the crook of her shoulder. His arm’s slung over the front of her body, thumb stroking slow circles to the inside of her elbow. He burrows further into her with a soft groaning sound as her nails scrape lightly over the back of his scalp.
Her lips graze his forehead, and it’s the last thing he remembers before falling into a deep and dreamless sleep.
Frank blinks out the sun in his eyes.
It’s been a long while since he slept in this late, and he marvels at that for a moment, letting the rest of his body take its time catching up. He’s pleasantly sore all over, and there’s a crick in his spine that pops satisfyingly as he stretches. Last night – Christ, last night was…
He turns in the bed. “Hey,” he rasps, and reaches for Karen.
His hand finds the sheets, but they’re cool to the touch, and there’s something else about them that’s – off. That feels too familiar, somehow.
He freezes in place, staring at the empty space beside him. At the single, plain pillow wedged under his arm as he props himself up and puts his other hand out, grasping blindly at the thin comforter.
He doesn’t understand it, for a moment. And then a cold, horrible sensation is filling up his insides, until it’s enough for him to choke on.
He’s in his own bed.
He’s in his own bed, and last night with Karen had all just been a goddamn dream.
It’s a different kind of low that his subconscious has stooped to.
Frank spends the morning with his head full of a weird kind of static, like it’s seconds away from short-circuiting if just the wrong thought crosses into its path.
He tries not to think about it. Karen, right there, in his arms – and then not. But every stray thought finds it way back to her, and it’s pointless, now, to resist any longer.
He doesn’t need a psychologist to tell him what that dream was supposed to mean.
He knows.
He knows.
The only question he can’t bring himself to answer right now is what he’s going to do about it.
He drinks his coffee without tasting it, and drives to work as if on autopilot. It’s his day off, but the other guys aren’t unhappy to see him – he’s efficient, and doesn’t take many breaks. Still, they give him a wide berth as he picks up the sledgehammer, seeming to sense that he’s not just here to knock some bricks over.
It’s exactly the kind of anonymous, mind-numbing work that had drawn Frank to it in the first place. But waking up from that dream had left him in such a deep state of unrest that no matter how hard he swings, he can’t seem to shake himself out of it.
Maybe it’s time.
The thought comes unbidden, and Frank pauses mid-swing, reeling a little as he sets the sledgehammer down.
Maybe this was his body’s own way of telling him. That it’s not all going to be nightmares, waking up in a wild-eyed sweat and searching for someone he’s already lost. That there’s something else – something more – and maybe it’s okay to believe it.
You cannot keep loving people in your dreams.
And just as surely as he’d known, those years ago, when it was time to come home from deployment – come home to Maria, the kids – Frank knows now. He’s ready. He’s ready, for an after, with Karen.
The ache settles like something permanent into muscle and bone, and it hurts, Christ does it hurt, but he thinks – he thinks that maybe this is what hope is supposed to feel like.
If anything, at least he can know what it’s like to have that again.
He showers after work, and tries to make himself look halfway decent before heading out.
He keeps waiting to get hit by some urge to turn back, but then he’s standing in front of Karen’s place, and the only thing he feels is that there’s no other place he’d rather be.
He comes close to pinching himself once or twice, just to make sure he’s not dreaming again. But he’s here – he’s here, and he’s going to tell her he’s here to stay, if she’ll have him.
She answers on the second knock.
He registers the shock in her eyes at seeing him there. Shock, and confusion, and maybe a flash of anger before something else is winning out, her gaze going soft at the edges. The rest of her face is unreadable, but those blue eyes have never lied to him.
She’s always been more than he ever deserved.
He clears his throat and says, “Hey. Karen.”
She draws in a breath. It sounds as shaky as he feels. “Frank,” she says, then, “You…brought take-out?”
He raises the bag somewhat self-consciously. “I, uh – just had this feeling you might not keep a lot of food around.”
“Not sure what gave you that impression,” she says, but she’s smiling, a little.
Frank nods. He owes her more of an explanation than that, why he’s suddenly here and wanting some place in her life. “Listen, I—”
“Come in,” she says.
He knits his brow. Somehow, he’d been expecting more resistance from her. “Yeah?”
Karen takes the bag from him. He doesn’t relinquish his hold right away, letting her tug him across the threshold with it. “Who am I to turn down free food?” she asks, and there’s definitely a smile there now as he follows her the rest of the way inside.
“Like what you’ve done with the place.”
She looks over her shoulder at him, brow arched. “You mean compared to the last time you were here? When you stayed for about three and a half seconds?”
Frank grimaces at her. “Okay. I deserved that. For a lot of reasons.” He walks over to the kitchen with her. “Was kind of hoping to stick around a little longer this time.”
She hands him the food, eyes warm. “Good thing you won’t starve.”
He sets everything down as she grabs some drinks from the fridge. If she turns and finds him staring a little too hard at her kitchen counter, which had featured so prominently in last night’s dream, she doesn’t comment on it, apart from offering him one of the beers.
She glances sideways at him, expression soft. “Does this mean you’re going to drink more than two sips of that this time?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He bites his lip, crooks a smile at her.
They both reach for the bag at the same time. The backs of their hands brush together, and she doesn’t pull away when he gently touches a finger to hers, letting it linger there as he turns.
They’re standing closer together than either of them realized. As he moves into her, he feels the hitch in her breath, and the look that she gives him is all the invitation he needs before cupping a hand to her cheek and easing his mouth over hers.
The food never makes it to the table. And they still take their time before winding up in her bed for the night, kissing, and talking. Kissing some more, amongst other things.
They eat their pad Thai around two in the morning, but Frank keeps dropping small bites of noodle every time the bed sheets slide a little too revealingly down Karen’s body. It earns him a light scolding, and so he resolves to eat her out instead, to much more satisfying results.
He tells her, later, that he’d dreamt about this. About them.
She’s quiet for some time, processing.
Finally, she says to him wryly, “Guess a Ka-Bar would’ve been overkill, for Thai food.”
He noses a kiss to her forehead, then confesses in a low tone, “Got a bag packed and ready at my place, if you…you know.” The words stick a little on their way out, but it feels right, to say them.
Karen looks up at him. “I think we could make that work,” she says.
Frank doesn’t remember falling asleep, but he wakes to the sensation of hair tickling its way up his chest to his neck. He tightens his arms around Karen on instinct, making her laugh, and then he’s hauling her up against his body as he opens his eyes. He squints into a stream of sunlight that makes the air around her glow, and she smiles, and leans down to kiss him good morning.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Sip: A GNR Modern Day AU
Chapter 6: Just Friends
Previous Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Chapter Summary: Alanah gets a call from her manager and Duff surprises her with some help.
Warning: Fluff
I sat on the couch in Sandy’s and my apartment wishing I was anywhere else.
Declan had surprised Sandy for dinner and they were currently out eating at some fancy restaurant.
A couple hours earlier, Declan showed up at our door with a dozen roses dresses in a full suit. Apparently it was their six month anniversary, but you wouldn’t know that if you saw Sandy at the party last night. There are times I wonder if she knows what the definition of committed relationship is. I can’t judge though, my last relationships was borderline fake.
Originally we were supposed to record, but they both looked so excited to go. Before Sandy could break the news to him on how she couldn’t go, I told her we could reschedule. We had some prerecorded stuff, so we could just post that instead. She was still hesitant, so I added on that I could livestream cooking. Eventually she caved and left for her dinner with Declan. I hope she didn’t cheat on him, but the way that stranger’s arm was wrapped around her led me to believe the worst. She was supposed to be the smart one out of the two of us. She didn’t leave without making a comment on how I should invite Duff over for the stream. I swear she just wanted me to get in a relationship again, so we could go on double dates and couples vacations.
I continued to stare in the mirror as I finished applying my foundation. My heart skipped a beat as the sound of my phone ringing echoed through my apartment. Duff?
To my disappointment, it was only my media manager..well both Sandy’s and my media manager. We hired her a while back to help us with the legal side of YouTube and to help with our social presence.
“Hey Alanah, hows it going?”
“Good, Good...preparing to do the livestream I just texted you about,” I began to begin working on my eyes as I spoke.
“Okay well...you know how I hate getting into your personal life Alanah, but...” God I wish she would just spit it out. I knew she was going to ask about if I was dating Duff or not. I know we’re not, but I....I don’t know. After this morning’s bathroom event, I needed to know what that meant to him. No way that was just two friends hanging out, or maybe that’s how a rockstar hangs out with girls? Fuck.
“Are you dating Duff,” I let a fake laugh escape me once she finally got around to asking the question.
“No, just friends.” Yup, just friends would had sex multiple times in the past 24 hours and then relaxed in a jacuzzi together. Just casual friend things.
My manager went silent for a couple seconds. Was she expecting me to say yes?
“Things just ended with Mark, and I just want to enjoy being single. I won’t lie, I shed a couple tears when I heard he said Alanah who....but I’ve heard worst things. Why are you asking?” I stopped applying my makeup and focused on my manager. She went silent again, and that wasn’t ever a good sign.
“Well, you were tagged in some social media posts.....” she once again paused causing my patience to go extinct. SPIT IT OUT.
“There was a video from the paparazzi, Ill send it your way. I know Mark is a celebrity, but he wasn’t a household name like Duff. If you two do start dating you are aware that you are going to lose your sense of privacy right? You’ll be added to his list of ex’s. That’s what you will be known for,” I let out a sigh as she finished talking. Jesus Christ, we aren’t even dating and I was already getting this talk.
“Just friends,” I faked the confidence in my voice before I heard her mumble something.
“Well I’m glad you’re doing well, I’ll send you a link to the video I was referencing. If you and Duff are JUST FRIENDS you should ask him to help cook for your stream tonight,”
“Really?” I sounded like a nervous middle schooler as I spoke. Why was I nervous?
“Yeah, could be fun. Have a good one Alanah,” she hung up before I could even say goodbye...typical.
I opened up Instagram and was immediately met with a bunch of notifications. Whoever ran the Gun’s Instagram page had tagged me in a couple of photos. Most of them consisted of photos from earlier in the night of us around the BBQ. I was surprised to see that I looked decent in most of them, and in a couple...only a couple of the photos...Duff and I did look like we were dating. He had is arm wrapped around my waist or I was sitting on his lap. We aren’t dating though just friends.
I went over to his page to message him, and that’s when I froze. I immediately clicked on the most recent post and scrolled through the photos. There was one photo that caught my attention. It was from when we were eating dinner last night. It must have been cropped because it was just the two of us, but I remembered this moment. He had just made a joke that was so stupid I couldn’t help, but laugh. Yesterday I didn’t notice it, but he was smiling down at me as I giggled in the photo and he had his hand wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t read into that much more. We are just friends. We are nothing more than friends. FRIENDS.
I logged into the Instagram account specifically for Sandy’s and my YouTube channel and began to record a video.
“Hey guy! Hope you’re haveing a great Tuesday. Sandy is out celebrating an anniversary so you’re stuck with me tonight!”
“Tonight I will be live-streaming me attempting to cook something you guys comment below! So comment your ideas and hopefully I won’t burn them!”
I then when to share the video on twitter and Tumblr to try to gain traction.
I put some music on and began to scroll through the comments trying to find an idea of what to cook. The comments started out as helpful but after some scrolling a lot of the comment were about Duff....I placed my phone out and let out a sigh.
“Are you and Duff dating?”
“Wow, talk about a rebound”
“Duff + Alanah... #upgrade”
Why did I have to deal with this bull shit? Not that I wouldn’t mind being his girlfriend....but he was a rockstar and we were JUST FRIENDS.
I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone began to ring. Speaking of the devil, it was Duff.
“Hey, what’s up?” I smiled as I looked at my screen. His hair was all over the place and he looked exhausted. It must had been a long practice.
“I’m about 30 seconds away from killing my bandmates, you?”
“Well I’m currently trying to chose what to cook for my livestream,” I quickly checked what I looked like on the screen. I was thankful that I put makeup on and did my hair, I looked pretty good..not to toot my own horn or anything.
“How about Thai Salmon?” I was caught off guard by his recommendation.
“Ohhh uhhh I don’t know how to bake that.....and umm...I don’t want to look like a fool on livestream,” I was tripping over my words, unable to cease talking.
“Well if you need help, I’m actually a decent cook. I could even show you some stuff if you want,” he wanted to help me cook?
“Yeah sure!” I could feel a smile growing on my cheek from ear to ear as I spoke. I watched a smile flash on his face as I answered.
“Great! So I’ll bring the ingredients we need and we also have to soak the salmon for two hours before it’s cooked!”
My stomach was performing backflips as Duff talked. He was excited. He was excited to hang out with me. Holy shit.
Time flew by as I began to setup the two cameras. The first was on a rather large tripod allowing you to see the entire kitchen, which wasn’t much, and the second was a small camera that would be used for more close up shots.
I practically jumped out of my skin when I heard my apartment’s doorbell ring. I bolted towards my intercom to the lobby, “Hello?”
“Hey Alanah, it’s Duff I got the stuff, wanna let me in or we can try to cook in the lobby?” I chuckled as I hit a button on my intercom and buzzed in. What if he thinks less of me because of my small apartment? What if he thinks I’m below him? Is my apartment too dirty? Is it too clean?
A knock at the door pulled me out of my chaotic merry-go-round of thoughts.
I took a deep breath and opened my door.
“So this is what your apartment looks like,” he had a small smile on his face as he walked around looking at the photos that hung on the wall.
“It’s not much, but it’s home,” I shrugged leaning against the table for support.
“Its cozy! I got the food, shall we begin?”
“Umm...yeah..uhhh..yeah..so since the salmon needs to marinate I’m doing a little prerecording for the video to post later in the week if that’s fine,” I wanted to kick myself repeatedly for stumbling over my words. God! I felt like such a baffoon.
“How can I help?” I watched as he looked at my camera positioned to look at the entire room.
“You can do whatever you want! If you wanna help with the cameras it’s up to you. If you want to sit on the couch and be on your phone that’s fine too,” I shrugged watching his body language as I spoke. He actually wanted to help....the rockstar was looking to help..weird okay.
“So that camera there is for overall shots while this one is for like close up,” I held up the second camera showing him how to properly hold it.
“So this first part isn’t live?”
“Yeah, I don’t want to make everyone wait two hours. I usually take live-streams and create highlight videos,” I began to pull the items out of Duff’s cloth bag.
I looked over to see Duff fiddling with the second camera and eventually turning it on. Out of the corner of my eye I then watched as he turned on the second one. Maybe he wasn’t as unfamiliar with cameras as I expected him to be.
I then felt him wrap his arms around my waist.
“Hey...Duff,” I could feel my heart rate about to explode through my chest. I’ve had sex with him before, why was I nervous around him? Why the hell was him being so close to me making my stomach become an Olympic gymnast?
“Don’t mind me, I’m just turning on your mic,” and with that I hear a faint click from a small switch that turned my mic on. He then clapped once and went to pick up the second camera.
“I’m ready when you are,” I could feel my cheeks turning red as he spoke. His damn smirk never leaving his stupid face. He knew what he was doing.
“Alright, welcome to another cooking with Alanah and Sandy, but this time there is no Sandy so we will see what happens! My current goal is to not burn the food,” before I could continue Duff’s laughter echoed through my apartment.
“What? Also cameramen should be quiet!” I teased back pointing at the camera, only making his laugh harder.
“Alanah, babe, I’ve seen your previous cooking videos and I think your goal should be to not burn down your apartment,” I froze as I tried to make out what he said between laughing.
I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t get rid of the smile that had grown on my face.
“Alright so tonight we are making teriyaki salmon! The first step is to create the marinate!” I pulled out the cooking instructions I had made Duff write before he came over.
“Alright so for the sweet chili sauce we will combine water, white vinegar, cornstach, garlic clove, and.......maple syrup,” I looked over at Duff as I read the last ingredient.
“Are you messing with me Duff?” His laughter filled the room once again and I couldn’t help but join him. His laugh was contagious.
“If I was messing with you I would have either been more subtle or more outlandish,” I watched as he placed the camera on my mini tripod infornt of the bowls I had setup for mixing.
We spent the next thirty minutes preparing the sauce together, and I loved every second of it.
“And now we wait for two hours while the salmon soaks,” Duff said into the camera before smirking at me. He was good in front of a camera and he knew it.
“So now we have two hours,” I finished turning off the cameras and my mic as he spoke.
“Do you have anything in mind in how to spend the time?” This time I couldn’t help but let a smirk wander into my face.
Without hesitation, Duff pulled me in and we began to kiss as he dragged me to my bedroom.
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Are You Lepre-Kidding Me || Morgan & Mina
Making friends is hard. #cursed
Morgan was relieved to have another shot at a normal work friend with a normal work lunch. The whole dishonesty about magic and beautiful weirdness thing wasn’t a fun time, but it was a bargain she was familiar with. Familiar could be comforting. And Mina seemed so nice. Morgan was happy to venture to the maths and engineering quad where a thai fusion truck liked to park and catch the hungry students coming out of their four hour labs. Morgan rocked on her heels as she stood in line, trying to figure out if Mina was already there. She fidgeted with a new pendant she’d crafted for herself, amethyst wrapped in gold, and checked her phone again, sending Mina a quick message: In line! Trying to will the sun back with floral prints.
Mina had been in the quad for about five minutes (five and a half, but who was counting?) and had already ordered a bowl of shrimp and fried rice when she got Morgan’s message. She sent back quickly that she’d snagged a table in the back right corner of the quad and settled in to wait for a few more minutes. She was excited; Mina’d always had a bit of trouble making friends. She and her dad never really settled anywhere for too long, and, if they did, never for longer than a year and a half. She’d thought she’d make more friends as she settled in to White Crest, but she was always feeling that niggling in the back of her head about her promise to her father, and, yeah, there was a small (very small, so small) piece of her that didn’t want to have to fulfill it anytime soon. It made her wary and awkward around people, never knowing what to expect from them. It was time for a change, though. It was time to connect with people.
Morgan stiffened with nervousness. Mina was already here. Morgan searched the tables as the line shifted up and ordered the noodle special. She paid for her food and wandered around until she saw her. Something about the way she almost vibrated in her seat reminded Morgan of her messages. She stopped, smiling hopefully. “Are you Mina…?” She asked. “It’s Morgan. Me. I’m Morgan, hi!” She gave another cursory look around the tables, just in case she had it wrong. There was a weird sound in the bushes, she thought, but perhaps it was her own anxiety manifesting its own soundtrack. It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to happen to her lately.
Jiggling her foot, Mina’s head whipped up as the other woman walked up to her. She smiled brightly. “Hey! Hi! Hey, Morgan! Yes, I’m Mina. It’s really nice to meet you. In person. Nice to meet you in person.” Okay, stop talking, she told herself. Something rustling in the bushes caused her to pause, just for a second, before she turned her attention back to Morgan. Birds, probably, she thought, though she felt a bit… off. The off feeling wasn’t coming from Morgan, though, and Mina really couldn’t be more grateful. She’d have cried if Morgan had been Fae. She really would have. “Have you had food from the thai truck, yet? I know you’re probably usually on the other side of campus, but they’re actually really good!”
Morgan beamed with relief and took a seat across from Mina. “Oh, good! It would’ve been really awkward if I’d put all that energy out at a random person. Not that I haven’t done it a few times before, but, you know.” She smiled brightly and looked the girl over, trying to get a better sense of her. She seemed even more anxious than Morgan, even more eager. Morgan wondered what she had to be nervous about, if it was her brain working overtime or if something had happened to make her expect something to go wrong. She knew both impulses well, and it made her feel a little endeared to her. “I haven’t, actually. I’m usually at the soup place on the arts quad, but this looks so yummy! Highly recommended by my freshmen, but they eat just about anything, I think, so I’m not sure how much that’s worth.” She sniggered into her noodles and took a bite. “It’s a shame we haven’t run into each other before now. It’s so stuffy in the office space, and it’s just medievalist and modernist bros making themselves feel superior. Well, less so, now that some of them are uh, missing with this eternal night thing.” And less so since she’d threatened one with murder. Morgan hadn’t thought she’d been very convincing, but the novelty factor must have worked in her favor. This, however, didn’t seem like making-friends material. “But what about you! I don’t picture it being very different in the math department, but, you know, it’d be nice if it was.”
“I understand the feeling,” Mina said with a smile. She was constantly putting out too much energy and hoping it went out the right way, and she often ended up screwing up. One time, she’d brought her father someone that she thought was a vampire but clearly wasn’t a vampire, and he’d only barely managed to catch her mistake in time. After that, they’d stuck to having her identify Fae. Speaking off, she was feeling something strange, but… no. She was imagining things. “Oh, I know all about freshmen appetites.” She wrinkled up her nose a bit. “One of the frat boys I tutor said the other day that a friend dared him to eat spray cheese on a marshmallow, which he did, of course, and he liked it. However, the Thai truck is no joke really good! I almost always grab a bite from here unless I pack lunch.” She frowned as Morgan talked about some of her coworkers. “Yeah, the, uh, the math masters program is, I’m sure you can guess, quite small. Quite. Most of my colleagues are… very nice gentlemen at times.” Most of them really weren’t bad, but there were two or three that she really wouldn’t mind just taking home to Dark Score and not drowning them. Not completely, at least. Mina gave Morgan a big smile. “But it’s certainly nice to meet someone outside of the department and outside of tutoring! I’m all about differential equations, but… it’s nice to not think about numbers!” 
Morgan had no problem believing Mina had problems with awkward first impressions. But whatever the cause, there was something kind under it all. Morgan smirked about the frat boy, and her colleagues. It seemed pretty clear there was a whole other word besides ‘gentlemen’ that she wanted to use. She smiled warmly at her as she gathered another scoop of noodles. “That’s fair. Although I do know something about those too. And, much as I can and will talk about books all day, it’s good to just, you know, be normal sometimes.” Or normal-ish. Normal-ish for humans, anyway. “I don’t really have any gal-pals up here. And I’m not really sure the TA bros would even get some of of--” Morgan never finished her thought. With a strangled yelp, her head snapped back, and just before she hit the ground, she saw a strange, wormy-gray looking critter leap on top of her forehead and reach for her neck.
This was nice, Mina thought as she ate a bite of shrimp. Nice company, nice food, a nice day (well, night). She could do this. Really, she could. “Right, you also teach some chemistry classes, yes? That’s really cool! But, I agree, it’s very nice to be normal.” Mina felt something kindred with Morgan, especially when she mentioned not having any gal-pals around. Mina didn’t have any pals at all, really. She agreed, and she would have told Morgan as much as soon as the other woman stopped speaking, except for one (or, rather, several) small problem: leprechauns. Brave ones, too, as one immediately took to Morgan, leaping on her. “No, no, no!” Mina yelped. She looked around the courtyard and, wow, just them and the leprechauns. Lunch must be over for most. There were too far in the back for the food truck guy cleaning up to see them, not in the dark, and-- Leprechauns. Mina needed to focus on the leprechauns. “Hey! Back off!” They wouldn’t bother her, not with her Fae blood, but Morgan was another story. Mina attempted to grab the one that was on Morgan as she told the other woman, “Iron! Need iron!”
Many, many strange things were happening at once. For starters, Morgan was on the ground, staring at a new upside-down world peopled with more strange gray faces, like something out of a scary children’s movie. They were toddling towards her, making strange noises that set her teeth on edge. Then Mina was there, throwing one off her and calling for...iron? Wasn’t that just a supernatural know-how thing? But Morgan didn’t have time to think. She was too busy scrambling onto her knees and looking for something, anything, to transmute. Her catch-all bag was too far and now there was one pulling on her ankle. Morgan screamed and tore out her hair clip and slammed it on her cuff, making--one tiny rod with a pointy end, not even the full length of her hand. Morgan held onto it tight as she was dragged back by too many tiny hands. She hooked one arm around the leg of the picnic table and thrust the other out to Mina. She seemed to know what she was doing. The why part could come later. 
Mina’d already tore a section of the bottom of her sweater off and wrapped it around her hand as she watched the leprechauns bearing down on them Of course, of course, the one time she actually begins to enjoy lunch on campus, and leprechauns decided to come along and ruin it. The one that she threw off of Morgan was looking at her in complete confusion, unable to comprehend that she’d chosen the other woman over a fellow Fae. Mina snatched the rod of iron from Morgan, grateful that the other woman was a magic user as she watched the hair clip transmutate, and it felt hot even through the cloth around her hand, but it was a familiar burn, and she should be somewhat protected. And, then, she went for one of the leprechauns around Morgan’s feet, lashing out with the rod. Many of them panicked at the approaching metal but seemed resolute in hounding their quarry. In their focus, they weren’t quite as fast as normal, and Mina took her chance, grabbing one and shoving the iron rod under its jaw and through its skull. Then she went at another one. To Morgan, she said, “I don’t suppose you can find a way to do that again?”
Morgan scrambled up and onto the table as soon as she was free, pulling her bag up with her. She wasn’t sure what the plan was besides ‘don’t get maimed,’ But seeing the pointy end of her rod go through one of the little gray head made her yelp and spill everything from her catch-all bag. Less rummaging. More doing. “Uhh, sort of?” She found the rod she’d been gifted and held it up like a bat. Only-- right. They were all at her ankles, and the second Morgan jumped down from the table, they were at it again. She swung down hard, batting one away. The sound the iron made sent cringe down her arms. Cold iron really was no joke. “What are these things?” She asked, swatting away another. “What do they want?”
“They’re leprechauns,” Mina said. “And not the kind of the cereal box, unfortunately.” She grabbed one by its abnormally large head and twisted. If Morgan wasn’t around, she’d decapitate the thing with her claws. However, she just snapped its neck, knowing it probably wasn’t dead. “They like stealing things, rare things, expensive things. They’ll kill to get it, too. And they travel in packs. Iron and decapitation are the two ways to dispose of them.” She recited what she’d been taught years ago, and she’d actually put this knowledge into practice. Leprechauns were not what her father considered humanoid Fae, the kind that she should be targeting in White Crest, but they were definitely the kind that she’d gone after with him when she was younger. “They’re also quite heavy so-- oof!” Apparently, Mina was no longer Fae enough to protect as one of the leprechauns threw itself at her. She grunted under the weight and kicked it off. “So watch out!”
“Rare things?” Morgan asked, taking another swing. “But I don’t--” Shit. Morgan hopped back on the table and pulled on Mina to come with her. She took off her necklace (oh earth, and it was some of her best work, too) and dangled it on the end of her rod. “Is this what you want? Seriously?” She tossed it down to the ground and braced herself while the leprechauns inspected the newfound ‘treasure.’ Morgan waited, tense, and reached for Mina’s arm so they could make a break for together if they had to. “Will that make them go away?” She asked in a whisper.
Mina tensed as Morgan grabbed her arm, but she kept her gaze steadily on the leprechauns. Four. Eight. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fourteen of the foul creatures, all surrounding Morgan’s necklace. “I don’t know,” she said lowly. “They usually kill when they get caught.” The clicking sounds they made caused a shiver to run up Mina’s spine. Though they couldn’t speak any sort of human language, she knew that leprechauns weren’t to be underestimated. They were smart, quick, and nimble, and they had a nasty habit of making and using their own tools. Plus, there were so many of them, and though she was impressed with how Morgan had handled herself so far, Mina didn’t know how the other woman would be able to take on fourteen of the bloody creatures. 
The leprechaun critters were plotting, negotiating, maybe even laying claims on who got to eat which toe for their lunch break. Carefully, Morgan stuffed only her essentials into her bag and slipped it over her shoulder. “We should run?” She mouthed to Mina, clumsily pantomiming their great escape with one hand. She eased onto her knees and inched back, balancing the cold iron in her grip all the while. It might have even worked if it hadn’t scraped on the edge of the table. The leprechauns turned their heads her way, their grim, tiny faces unreadable. Well, so much for being sneaky about it. “Yep! We’re running!” She leapt off her perch and sprinted away, leg throbbing with each step.
Though she would have loved to stick around and tear into the rest of the leprechauns, Mina followed jerkily after Morgan. She turned around and bared sharp teeth at the wretched little creatures, hoping that would deter them. If they figured out that Morgan was under her, another Fae’s protection, they might leave her alone. Whatever the case, Mina planned to come back at a later date with one of her father’s swords and slaughter the remaining leprechauns to ensure they didn’t do this to anyone else. She followed after Morgan, and, when she felt they were far enough away, she stopped the other woman. “We’re-- I think we’re good. Are you alright? Did they hurt you at all?”
Morgan slowed, staggering, to a stop. “Uhh...not too badly, I think?” She patted herself down carefully. There were some tender spots on her back from where she’d fallen, and a nasty scrape where she’d been dragged along the ground, but given what else had happened to her lately, Morgan felt like she couldn’t really complain. “At least I don’t need another hospital visit. I can’t stand Nurse Denise judging me again. What about you? Are you--” For the first time since they’d been disrupted, Morgan actually took a good look at Mina. There was something else in her, something firm and stringently capable, something like the iron, which she held with a hand wrapped in fabric. Morgan stared, trying to make sense of the last few minutes. “Mina, are you okay after all that?”
Mina ran a hand through her hair, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh. “I’m glad you’re alright. They really tried to--” She stopped herself. What they tried to do was kill Morgan. All for a necklace. She really hated leprechauns. “I’m glad you’re alright.” She was concerned about the need for a hospital trip, though she didn’t say anything, it probably showed. Another implied that there had at least been one, in not multiple. “I’m fine,” she said. The leprechauns had barely touched her due to what she was, and the few scrapes and bruises she had would easily be taken care of when she got home. She looked at the iron rod, covered in bits of leprechaun and still in her wrapped hand. She wiped it off on her shirt. “I’m quite used to things like this. I grew up taking care of monsters like them.”
“T-tried to--?” Morgan prompted, eyes wide. She already had a decent idea from all the other times she’d almost-died recently, but there was something so strange about the prospect of getting her head dashed on the pavement over a bit of gold and amethyst. She’d heard by now of a few kinds of fae critters that subsisted on humans or thought nothing of hurting them, but it was different, feeling the ghosts of tiny leprechaun hands on her. Morgan shivered and tucked her rod back into her catch-all bag and took the one she’d transmuted from Mina. She touched it to her wrist to bring back her hair clip and distracted herself by fussing with her hair, wincing only a little in pain at the way it irritated the scrapes on her back. “Right. So, I don’t think there’s any point in pretending we’re normal by human standards,” she said, a little unsteadily. “Me, alchemist. You--? I mean how do you grow up uh…’taking care’ of leprechauns?”
“They don’t usually let people live when they get found out,” Mina said quietly. She felt uncomfortable saying the words out loud, making them real. As long as she had her way, though, those leprechauns wouldn’t be touching another person. She unwrapped her hand and flexed it. Thankfully, the iron handed touched her flesh at all, so while she’d felt a bit of discomfort, she was still fine and human, if in appearance only. She did laugh a bit as Morgan stated that they weren’t normal. “And here I thought all adjuncts had the chemical know-how to transmute a hair clip into an iron rod.” Mina played with the strip of cloth in her hand. “My father, he hunts creatures, creatures that hurt human beings. He raised me to do the same. I try to protect humans from the evils in this world, like those wretched things.” She jutted her chin in the direction that they came. “They would have killed you, Morgan. Without a thought and without a care.”
Morgan nodded. This was all kinds of not good. First leprechauns, and now--a Warden? Morgan lost her grip on her hair and had to start over. The last thing she needed was another complicated not-friendship with a kind of hunter. And yet here Mina was, young and nice and sweet in her own peculiar way. Everything had been fine until a short while ago. But who knew what she would do in front of a fae that was less critter, more person. “I um, I get that,” Morgan said at last. “And I’m grateful that we both made it out okay. Thank you, Mina,” she said. “Really.”
Mina ran a hand through her hair and sighed. From Morgan’s reaction, she had an awful feeling that she’d done or said something wrong. She couldn’t really understand it, couldn’t figure out what she’d said wrong. “Of course. There’s no need to thank me, really,” she murmured. “Just, ah, doing my job.” She gave a soft smile. “Lunch was nice, you know, before the leprechauns showed up. If you’d-- I mean, you don’t have to, obviously. But, if you’d like, we could do it again sometime?” Whether Morgan said no or not, Mina made a vow to herself that she’d watch out for the other woman, especially around campus. If she’d ended up in the hospital multiple times, she was either accident prone or a target for supernatural shenanigans, and Mina wanted to make sure she was okay. She was so kind, after all.
Morgan smiled back at Mina, if only because she didn’t know what to do. She had turned sheepish and anxious again. She knew something was wrong, maybe she knew that Morgan understood exactly what and who she was looking at. Maybe she was starting to guess Morgan knew fae, maybe other supernaturals who could end up on her menu. And she was being so earnest about it, so gentle. Morgan felt for her even as she felt the impulse to bolt cord through her body and she inched away. “Um, maybe sometime, yeah,” she said with a noncommittal shrug. She couldn’t find it in her to be harsh about leaving, no matter how rattled she was inside. “After I have a chance to uh, live all this down. A little. And somewhere probably inside. Maybe without shiny things.”
“Right, of course,” Mina said quietly. It wasn’t a no, but it was close enough. She was resigned to making sure Morgan stayed safe from afar. Whatever she’d done wrong, it was enough that the other woman likely wouldn’t want to see her again. Perhaps it was stabbing the leprechaun the way she had. She should have been less violent with it. Or maybe… Was it possible that Morgan figured out she was Fae from the way she’d had to hold the iron rod? Mina truly hoped not. She just wanted someone, anyone, to see her as human. “Do be safe, please? I think you’re right. Ah, stay inside, stay safe, avoid the maths and engineering quad. I would… it wouldn’t do, like you said, for you to end up in the hospital again.” She pretended to check her phone. “Goodness! I need-- I’ve got to-- Class! Tutoring! I should just-- It was very nice to meet you, Morgan, truly. I really do hope I see you around!” Before the other woman could say another word, Mina darted off. She could study a bit, or, she could go home and prep for the night. She was going hunting.
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mss4msu · 5 years
Call Me Doctor. (Steve’s Chapter 9)
Summary: Fresh out of graduate school, you had somehow landed a spot in the faculty of a prestigious university. The small anthropology department has too many faculty and too few offices; sharing an office does not go as you expected.
Pairing: Professor!Steve x Professor!Reader 
Words: 4295
Warnings: Language and ANGST
A/N: Another chapter, another false deadline promise. I’m sorry for how late this has come out. I got dumped at the beginning of July and have had a lot to deal with since then as my ex and I lived together and I had to get him off the lease, figure out how to afford the apartment on my own (but I got a new job so I will be able to!), and start getting my apartment clean of him. But here’s a chapter. 
Catch Up On the Story Here
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“Oh, shit,” James muttered. “We should say something to her right?” 
“I don’t know,” Steve said, his face revealing the defeat he felt. “I doubt she would trust anything I said to her now anyway.”
“We can’t just let her go out with that snake,” James flopped down into a seat next to Steve. 
“No, we can’t. But do you really think she’d believe the truth about him if I told her?”
“Probably not...shit.”
Yup,” Steve began to pack up his things, “but I have a class to teach right now. Let’s get dinner tonight and figure it out.”
“Sure, I’ll be at your place at 7. I’ll grab some takeout?” 
“Yeah, sounds good,” Steve replied, leaving the library. 
Steve spent his class unable to concentrate on what he was lecturing, his mind too preoccupied on (Y/N)’s weekend plans. He finished his class early, something he had never done before, and sped home. He tried to busy himself with work, but he couldn’t stop thinking about (Y/N). 
James let himself into Steve’s apartment and found him pacing the living room.
“Alright, I brought pad thai, pineapple fried rice, and drunken noodles. I thought that might keep you from having to get actually drunk tonight.”
“Very funny,” James responded without smiling, “I don’t plan on drinking for quite a while after last weekend.”
“So what’s our game plan?” James asked as he opened up the takeout containers on the table. 
“I don’t know,” Steve slumped into a chair at the table, grabbing a fork. 
“Well that isn’t helpful,” James said before shoving a forkful of noodles into his mouth, “So we don’t think she’ll believe the truth,” James sat back thinking, “What about doing something about his tenure? Can we try to get it canceled so he has to move away? Who runs that department? Heimdall?”
“Yeah, Heimdall just became chair two years ago. I sat on a selection committee with him last year and I think I formed a good enough connection with him that he’ll listen and help out.”
“So you think he could actually do something?”
“We would have to have a reason for him. I doubt they would just fire him and I’m not sure how much I can affect their decision on his tenure in general, but I think I could convince them to at least force him to turn in book chapters sooner? I could say that the University was pressing for me to get a new book out right away, and see if anyone in that department had something they’re already working on that could take its place. It would definitely be a favor though. But that added work might mean that Loki would have to cancel the date.”
“That could work? Seems like a valid enough reason to me.”
“Should I email him or call him? Would a text work? We need to get this to him as soon as possible.”
“Is he the kind of guy who actually checks his email on the weekends?” “Yeah he is,” Steve said, pulling out his phone and typing furiously, “I’ll do that and if that doesn’t work we’ll go to Plan B?”
“What’s Plan B?” James asked, stopping his fork before it reached his mouth.
“I don’t know yet,” Steve replied, finally taking a moment to eat. 
The two men sat in silence as they ate, both thinking about the situation. After they had finished eating, the chime of Steve’s phone broke their silence. 
“It’s from Heimdall!” Steve’s heart was racing as he opened the email and read it aloud. 
“Dear Steve,
I would be happy to help out with the book deadline situation. One of our faculty, Loki Laufeyson is currently up for tenure and working on a book. I’ll let him know immediately that he needs to adjust his schedule and get things submitted faster than originally intended. 
“Yes!” James exclaimed, clapping his hands together. “Would it be weird if I texted (Y/N) to check?”
“Yes, it probably would be,” Steve replied, although he wanted to reach out to her too. 
The two men spent the rest of the night trying to put the situation out of their minds. After James left, when Steve got into bed, he tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. As much as he tried not to, he kept thinking of last weekend. If it hadn’t been for his drunken stupidity, (Y/N) would never had agreed to go out with Loki in the first place.
After a sleepless night, Steve awoke late on Saturday already in a bad mood. He went about his day unable to concentrate on anything as he was too busy picturing the date (Y/N) was going on the next day. He hadn’t heard anything else from Heimdall, which he hoped meant that Plan A worked. As he sat on the couch watching a movie Saturday night, trying to relax just a bit, his phone vibrated. He grabbed it quickly and thought he was going to vomit after reading the message.
Nice try, smart guy. A change in deadline isn’t going to keep me away from (Y/N). Good luck finding something that will. 
Steve immediately took a screenshot and sent it to James. Less than 30 seconds after hitting send his phone was ringing. 
“What the fuck??” James yelled through the phone. 
“That about sums up how I feel,” Steve said, defeat in his voice.
“We have to think of something else to stop him.”
“What if I just beat him up? Would that solve it?”
“Do you want (Y/N) to hate you forever?” James asked. 
Steve let out a long sigh, “You’re right. Shit.”
“What if I told her the truth?” 
“She would probably think I made something up about him and told you to tell her and then she would just end up hating you too.” 
“Damn,” James said, followed by a few minutes of silence. “God, it just makes me sick to think that lying, cheating bastard is going out with (Y/N).”    
“Me too,” Steve replied, his stomach in knots. 
“Ok, I’m going to text him something.”
“James, what are you going to text him that he will listen to?”
“I don’t know, I’ll invite him out or to work on a project or something...I’ll think of something, but I know he doesn’t hate me like he hates you, so maybe it’ll work.”
“Ok, tell me how it goes,” Steve sighed before hanging up.
An hour later Steve’s phone began to vibrate uncontrollably. He unlocked the phone and found screenshots from James.
Hey, Loki! It’s James. I’m working on a new research project about the potential of Russian spies using Nordic religious terms and concepts as code. I’m hoping to really kick this project into gear so I can have something to publish by Spring. I would really like to consult you on this project as I know you have a vested interest in part of the topic. Could we meet up tomorrow and I could get some of your expertise? 
James, as interesting as this topic seems to be, doing a quick google search I have found no reason for the two topics, those being Russian spies and Nordic religion, to be connected. I would need more information before I consider changing my schedule for you. 
I’ve found information on Russians using random phrases, like “The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west,” and I’m wondering if there are “pagan” religious connotations to them. For example, I’ve talked to (Y/N) and she said that the Egyptians made connections between colors and directions, so could that be something that this code uses? So they aren’t necessarily coming right out with the religious affiliations, but I’m wondering if that was the inspiration for them. 
You talked to (Y/N) about it already?
Yes I did. So are you willing to meet tomorrow?
I guess so. However, I am busy at 2pm and likely will continue to be preoccupied through the rest of the night.
Oh, shoot. I was actually thinking 2:00 would be perfect. I have a meeting with Natasha at 1:00 to go over the spy aspect and was hoping to be able to stack the meetings. 
Well that’s too bad. I could meet in the morning, but otherwise you will have to wait. 
Are you sure there isn’t a chance you could meet at 2:00? That would really be ideal for the project.
No. I will not miss the things I already have planned for you. 
What if I asked Nat to switch times? Could you meet at 1 instead? 
That would be cutting it close.  
I’d be happy to include you as an author on it to compensate you for your time.
Fine. I will meet you at 1:00 on campus. But this meeting can not go for more than an hour.
Loki, thank you so much for making the time to help me with this project. I’ll meet you in my office on campus at 1:00pm. See you tomorrow!
Steve’s phone rang just as he finished reading the text messages. 
“So, seems like a good plan right? I’m going to have him come to the office and then hopefully make the meeting go long so that he has to stay longer than he wanted to. And then won’t be there for the date!” James said with glee in his voice. 
“God I hope so.”
“And if he’s late, I bet (Y/N) will hate him.” 
Steve’s hopes were rising for the first time since he had first kissed (Y/N), “Buck, thank you for this.” 
“I want you to know that, as much as I love you, I’m not just doing this for you, Steve. (Y/N) is a fantastic woman and she deserves so much better than Loki. She deserves someone who won’t lie to her, cheat on her, lie to her again, make it all seem like it was her fault, and then ruin her career. You definitely made an ass of yourself and her in that bar, but I know you wouldn’t do any of that shit to her.”
“Wow, thanks, just when I was feeling a bit better you had to bring me back down.”
“Sorry man, but I have to be real with you.”
“Yep, sure.”
“Steve, we’re at Plan B. You don’t think we’ll need a Plan C do you?”
“If your plan doesn’t work, I’ll go talk to him.”
“Does that really sound like a safe and productive option?”
“Buck, if your plan doesn’t work, I’m afraid it will be the only option we have left.”
After a long pause James whispered, “Fuck.”
“I feel the same way. Hopefully it won’t come to Plan C.”
“I’ll keep you posted about tomorrow’s progress, just in case. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.”
The pounding of Steve’s heart was the only thing to break the silence after James hung up the phone. He got ready for bed and flopped down on top of the covers. He just lay there, thinking and worrying. 
Steve didn’t remember having falling asleep when he awoke Sunday morning. His neck was stiff from the angle he had slept at and he had struggle sitting up from the pain. He reached around for his phone but couldn’t find it. With panic setting in, he forced his neck to bend so he could check the floor. He picked up his phone and found it to be dead, which only increased his panic. He hastily plugged it in, and started pacing the floor, his heart thumping painfully in his chest as he waited for the phone to turn back on. As soon as he saw the screen light up he raced to his phone, holding it until it turned on. The phone finally booted up and Steve hastily unlocked it. 
It’s only 8am, he thought to himself. There’s no reason why I should have any messages yet. 
After 5 minutes of waiting and staring at the phone with no new notifications aside from a few emails, he decided there were no updates that he needed to worry about. His breathing finally started to slow down and he relaxed into bed. He scrolled through the new emails, none of which demanded replies, feeling his eyelids getting heavier with each sentence he read. He dozed off with his phone still in his hand. 
Steve awoke to a buzzing on his chest. By instinct he silenced his phone, letting out a big yawn as he groggily rubbed his eyes. He picked his phone up and turned the screen on. He instantly felt sick as he read the messages on his screen. 
Steve, Loki just got here and I think it’s gonna go well (Sent 1:00pm)
Ok, I severely misjudged this. I’ve already excused myself to the bathroom to try to kill time but I think he might be on to me. I don’t know how much longer I can keep him (Sent 1:32pm)
In addition to the texts, Steve also had 5 missed calls. He looked at the time and realized he had less than 10 minutes to get to (Y/N)’s to hopefully cut Loki off before he got there. Luckily he was still in his clothes from the day before. He quickly got out of bed and ran through his apartment finding his keys, wallet, and helmet before racing out the door. He quickly jumped onto his bike and wove his way in and out of cars to get to (Y/N)’s apartment. He got to the front door with 3 minutes to spare before 2pm. Just as he was getting off his bike he saw Loki walking up the street. He took a deep breath, and walked up to the front door, standing in front of it like a club bouncer. 
“Loki,” he huffed as the other man walked up to him. 
“Steve. I wondered if I would run into you today,” Loki replied with a sly smirk twisting his lip upwards.
“We both know why I’m here.”
“Because you came to admit defeat to a real man?” Loki sneered. 
“Is there one coming?” Steve asked snidely.
“Funny,” Loki said without cracking a smile, “I’m going to need you to get out of my way now.”
“Oh really? And what are you going to do about it if I don’t?” Steve puffed out his chest. 
Loki walked up to Steve until there was just an inch between them. Although Loki had height over Steve, Steve had more muscle. 
“I am warning you one last time. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.” Loki spat. 
No sooner had Loki pushed Steve on the shoulder than Steve had grabbed his wrist and spun him so Loki’s hand was flush with his own neck. Holding Loki’s arm in a compromising position, Steve shoved him up against the apartment building, keeping him from having an exit.
“I have no problem breaking your arm right now,” Steve hissed into Loki’s ear. 
“Go ahead, tough guy. Let’s see who (Y/N) chooses if you do so.”
“Stay away from her.”
“No, I don’t want to.”
“Loki. I swear to God, you better stay away from her.”
“Good thing I don’t believe in your puny God.”
Steve tightened his pull on Loki’s arm, causing a yelp from Loki.
“Fine, fine, I’ll go,” Loki said with defeat.
Steve loosened his grip on Loki’s arm, “And where will you be going?”
“On my date!” Loki exclaimed as he took advantage of Steve’s lack of grip and broke free, spinning around and punching him in the face. 
Steve was knocked backwards and just barely grabbed the end of Loki’s shirt as he ran for the door. He didn’t get a strong enough grip on the shirt tails, and Loki made it to the door and called the intercom to (Y/N)’s apartment before Steve could stop him. 
“Hello?” (Y/N)’s voice rang through the intercom, causing Steve’s stomach to flip. 
“(Y/N), apologies for my tardiness,” Loki replied giving Steve a wink and a smirk, “Are you still wanting to go out?”
“Of course!” She replied with an excitement in her voice that made Steve feel sick, “Be right down.”
“Better luck next time, Stevie,” Loki spat. 
Steve growled and got on his bike, walking it forward so he could be concealed behind a minivan parked on the street. Moments later he heard a door open. He watched through the windows of the van as (Y/N) came out the door, a huge grin on her face as she met Loki.
“(Y/N)! Again, my deepest apologies. I was held up,” Loki cleared his throat and adjusted his shirt, trying to smooth it out from where Steve had rumpled it. 
“Well you’re here now, so all is forgiven,” she smiled at him. 
“Really? Just like that? Well perfect! Shall we?” Loki asked, nodding ahead. 
“Love to,” she replied.
Loki took her hand and tucked it through and around his arm before guiding her forwards toward the main strip of shops and restaurants. Steve felt absolutely nauseous watching the events before him. He slowly walked his motorcycle down the street, creating a safe distance between himself and Loki and (Y/N) where they wouldn’t see him, but he could still hear them. 
“So, I thought we could go to three different cafes today and get drinks at one and pastries at the others,” he said, loosening up. 
“Sounds perfect,” she said, enjoying the warmth he gave off as you walked arm-in-arm. 
Steve followed them, silently, for a few blocks, pausing behind cars when Loki would look around for him. He was incredibly thankful that there wasn’t any traffic so that he could continue on with what had now become Plan D. 
When they stopped at a cafe, Steve watched as Loki held the door open for (Y/N). He waited a few minutes before parking his bike and going in after them. He quickly grabbed a newspaper from a rack near the door and walked straight to the bathroom as he saw (Y/N) in line, staring at the menu board. After they walked to their table, Steve hastily ordered a coffee to not raise suspicions.
Steve found a seat far enough away from them that he could observe, but kept the newspaper up so that he could be concealed. Although he couldn’t hear their conversations, (Y/N)’s laugh would ring through the shop. Every time he heard it, his stomach lurched. They talked for what felt like eons. Steve had reread the newspaper 8 times when he heard them walk past him, discussing where they were going next. After hearing the door shut, he put down his paper and watched the direction they left. He waited a few moments and then followed them out, trying to keep a safe distance.
When they got to another cafe, Steve repeated the same process. He waited until they were walking away with their own drinks before he ordered. He then found a table of his own near them and resumed his reading of the paper. Steve couldn’t help but slightly drop the newspaper and watch her walk away when she went to the bathroom. The hair on the back of his neck rose, as he felt like she had seen him too. He removed himself a little farther from where they had been sitting when she was in the bathroom and pulled out his phone, concealing it with the newspaper. 
Wrap this shit up, Loki.
Or what?
Or I will talk to your Department Chair and ensure you have a new reason to leave.
Ha, yeah right. What are they gonna do? Give me a deadline of tomorrow for a chapter?
A few people owe me favors, so yes, maybe they will.
The shop was quiet enough that he could hear (Y/N) asking Loki if something was wrong. Steve slipped his phone into his pocket and waited for a moment to step in. Steve watched as Loki hurried (Y/N) out of the cafe, but quickly pulled the newspaper up as Loki began looking around for him. 
Steve repeated his previous actions from the last two cafes when he went to the final one. He felt a fire building inside of him when he realized Loki had taken (Y/N) to his own personal favorite coffee shop. He watched through the window as (Y/N) looked around the shop with wonder and excitement, which made the anger inside of him grow. He wanted to have been the one to bring her here. He should be the one with her right now. Once he saw that they were getting their drinks he went inside and snapped out an order to the waitress, his anger getting the better of him. He apologized when they gave him his coffee and he found a seat to resume his watch. 
Steve sat closer to them at this cafe than he had at the others. He listened in to their conversations, the anger causing the heat to grow in him as he listened to (Y/N)’s enjoyment at being there with Loki. He couldn’t help himself, he pulled out his phone and texted Loki. 
Alright, you son of a bitch. What is it going to take to get you away from her.
He listened as Loki exclaimed about the vibration of his phone and (Y/N) excused herself to the bathroom. Steve held the newspaper up as (Y/N) walked past him, but was afraid she would become suspicious as his hands were shaking with anger and causing the newspaper to slightly move. His phone buzzed on the table before him. 
Nothing you say or do will keep me from her, Steve. I win, you lose. Get over it.
Steve had never felt more angry in his entire life. Nothing with Sharon had ever pushed him to such an anger as this. Knowing that Loki, the man who had stolen his own brother, Thor’s, girlfriend from him, dated her for a month, and then cheated on her with James’s girlfriend, and then turned the blame on Thor and James for not being enough for the women, to the point where James had a breakdown that almost caused for removal from his job due to him skipping classes and missing deadlines, was out with (Y/N) and she was actually enjoying herself had brought Steve to his breaking point. Hearing Loki laugh with her was the final straw. Steve crumpled up his newspaper and threw it to the floor. He stood up and walked towards Loki and (Y/N).
(Y/N) looked up at him and dropped her cup, which smashed into pieces as soon as it hit the floor. 
“Steve?” (Y/N) asked with confusion in her voice.
“Steven,” Loki softly said with panic in his voice. 
Seeing the show that Loki was putting on with (Y/N) just pushed Steve even further over the edge of anger. He took a moment to think and put the right words together to not raise suspicion with (Y/N). 
“Loki, any word on tenure?” he growled out, narrowing his eyes.
“None that I would tell you,” Loki spit back, puffing out his chest.
“And none that you’ll receive,” Steve said,  with an evil smirk.
“Steve, what the fuck?! Have you been following us?” She demanded. 
“I have far better things to do than spend an afternoon off following two dimwits around coffee shops,” Steve replied, the reflection of the fire from the fireplace dancing in his eyes embodying the fire he felt within himself.
Loki sarcastically laughed in response.
“Let’s just go, Loki,” (Y/N) said, offering her hand to pull Loki up from the couch, “He isn’t worth it,” She spit at Steve. 
“Gladly,” Loki replied, taking her hand.
Loki walked over to Steve with (Y/N)’s hand held tightly in his, “Rogers, if you ever threaten me again, I will take this up with the Dean and I don’t think she would be too happy to hear of it.”
Steve just growled in reply, unable to think of anything else he could say that wouldn’t get him into even more trouble with (Y/N) than he was sure he was already in. Steve didn’t bother following them. As soon as they left the anger seemed to leave his body and he was left feeling sick, sad, and lost. It was as though his heart had been crushed and stomped on by (Y/N). He felt terrible that she had been the victim of his anger once again, but even more awful that Loki was the one to pick her up.  
He slowly walked out of the cafe, apologizing quietly to the baristas for causing a scene. He trudged to his motorcycle and drove himself straight to James’s. He didn’t want to be alone. He fumbled with his keys and got himself into the apartment building. He knocked on James’s door and waited for his friend to open it. 
“Steve? What happened?” James asked after opening the door, his face falling as he looked his friend up and down. 
“We lost,” Steve choked out before entering the apartment, slumping onto the couch, and crying. 
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chocolatemin · 5 years
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Amber's POV
"Grrr, what is a lady doing here at night? Mayhaps you don't want to be able to see the sunlight tomorrow, eh?" It growled louder and before I could talk it lunged infront of me causing me to fall to the ground. "Please, spare my life." " Ha! You wish. Now, say goodbye." The creature, which somewhat look alike to a lion and wolf at the same time, slowly brings its face closer and opened its mouth widely. Is this where I end already?
I suddenly remembered the dagger Ravn gave me. I hurriedly took it from my side, and before the creature's sharp fangs come in contact with my head, I stabbed it in the stomach very deep. The creature flinched and growled, "You think a simple stab with a little knife would kill me? Well, you're wrong! I'll behead you!" My eyes widened as the creature opened its mouth again and is coming for my face. From its stomach, I slashed the dagger up to his heart slicing it with all the force I have as fast as I can and took the dagger. It flinched for the second time and dropped to the ground. "What are you?!" It growled, looking directly at me with its glowing yellow eyes.
"Well, not your business." The creature's body wasn't bleeding but a black hole can be seen, instead it lunged at me and caused a scratch on my forearm. "Ouch, that hurts!" I looked at my bleeding wound then glared at the creature. "Serves you right." I kicked both of its leg causing the creature to drop on my body, his head is laying onto my stomach. I removed my hand under him and before it could stand up again, I stabbed its head then made a deep cut on the back of its neck earning a howl from it. I withdrew the knife, and closed my eyes thinking that it will cause a fountain of blood because of me trying to behead the wild creature. But I felt none.
Only whimpers from the wounded creature are the things that can be heard. I opened my eyes and saw thay the creature on the top of me is slowly turning into ashes that floats along with the quiet wind. It completely disappeared after some time. I stood up took the lamp beside and checked if there are any traces of blood on the dagger but there was none so I hid it back.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain coming from the wound I have, "Ouch! Ow, ow it hurts!" Oh right, I completely forgot about it. The part of the cloth was torn and stained red. The wound I got from the wild creature wasn't very deep but it hurts, of course it would because it isn't a single cut but three. I sat down along with the lamp I was carrying and cut a piece of cloth from my cloak. To stop the bleeding, I pressed the cloth on the wounded part and carefully wrapped it around tightly and tied a knot so that the cloth will not fall when I'm walking. I stood up and grabbed my things.
I dusted off my clothes and continued walking towards the deeper side of the forest. After walking for a long period of time, it is making me think that the rumors might have been wrong all along. I sighed causing my shoulders to drop along with the hope I've been holding onto. I looked to the ground and my foot played with the thick snow. I am all alone in this dark, scary forest, even almost got killed and eaten by an unknown creature to me, I'm tired already...
I was about to cry when I heard a loud thud in front of me. I looked up to see what was it and found something lying on the ground by the face. Its position is quite funny but I shouldn't be laughing right now. I hold onto the handle of the dagger tightly, ready to slash it to this creature if it tries to kill me. The creature in the cloak didn't move, so do I. I put back the dagger and I heard I shuffling sound. The creature in front of me raised its head and looked at me.
"Are you alright?" His eyes are half-opened and his voice sounded weak. "Why are you asking me that when you're the one lying on the cold ground?" The man stood up carefully and smiled cheekily, "Is it wrong to ask someone if they're hurt?" "No... I'm sorry." "Forgiven." I noticed that the man is bleeding so I rushed to him and bend down to the check upon his wound. "What are you doing?" "Mister, you're wounded and it's bleeding!" I looked up to him while he just look confused. "Sit down, I'll wrap it with a cloth to minimize the bleeding for a while." I helped him sit down and cut a piece of cloth from my cloak. I gently wrapped the cloth on his leg and tied a knot. "Mister, what happened to you?" "I got into a fight with a lion-wolf. Thankfully, I escaped from him." I remembered the creature that attacked me earlier, perhaps it is the same creature that attacked this mister.
"Do you live in this place?" He shook his head, "I'm from another realm..." "Oh, I see, so you were lost too?" "Apparently, I was heading home from the town. I was looking for something but they don't have it yet. What about you?" "You see, I'm thinking that I got lost. I am looking for an exit, someone told me that it is here. But I'm already walking here for hours!" "The exit? It's at the end of the forest and it is quite far. Do you want me to help you go there?" "Is it okay?" "Of course!" He smiled at me but I noticed that he's quite pale. "Uhm, mister, are you sick? I think you look pale or is it just me?" "Really? I neither have eaten nor drank something yet since the lion-wolf blocked my way. I left my things somewhere." His voice is still weak, attacked by a lion-wolf, haven't been able to eat nor drink anything could really make you weak. I opened my bag and gave him an apple earning a confused look from him. "What am I going to do with this?" "Eat it, you haven't eaten right? It's clean and safe..." "Thank you."
After he finished the apple, I handed him the water bladder which he hesitantly accepted and drank water from. "Thank you for helping me." He stood up and offered his hand to me. I took it without hesitation. "I'm sorry, I didn't help you earlier and was rude." "No, it's okay. Why would you help someone you don't know, right? What if they're just pretending and it's a trap? I understand how you felt earlier, it's okay." "I'm still sorry." "Don't be. By the way, my name is Hwanwoong." He stick out his hand in front of me and I gladly accepted it, "The name's Amber." "Then, let's get going? I think no one wants to be eaten by some scary creatures, right?" "Right."
We reached the end of the forest with me helping Hwanwoong walk since his other leg hurts from the deep wound. I saw a huge wooden gate and we went over to it. "Is this the exit you're talking about earlier, Hwanwoong?" "Yes." A key appeared on the keyhole out of nowhere. Why does the key always appear like that? I twisted the key and pushed the gate open. "I'm scared." I told Hwanwoong absentmindedly and quickly realized what I had done. "Don't be, I'm here with you." He reassured and I hid the key inside my bag, "Well, here goes nothing." We entered the gate at the same time.
Once we both got inside, the gate immediately shut... again. I'm getting tired and weirded out of this enter-then-close gates! "Amber, we're here on the Desert Realm." "Let's get going, shall we?" I smiled at him.
"Aren't we gonna part ways already?"
"Hmm, let me think about it..... No, we won't."
"You can't even walk properly! Do you think I would really leave you in that condition? I'll go with you."
He shook his head, "I'll be okay soo-" "Whatever you say, I'll walk with you until you get home. Nothing can change my mind!" I narrowed my eyes at him, "Got it?" He sighed before nodding. "How do we get to your house?" "You know why people always get lost? When there's no way except heading straight, they still turn right or left instead of taking the path that's in front of you." "Goodness, you could just have told me that we're walking straight ahead." I rolled my eyes earning a light chuckle from him, "Whatever, let's go!" He happily dragged me and started walking even if he can't walk properly, "Weirdo!" We both laughed at my comment.
"Hwanwoong," he hummed as response, "We've been walking for a while, don't you want to eat or drink anything? Your throat might dry, and besides it's too hot. Don't you think we should rest for a bit?" "I think you're right." "Should we rest right here?" He looked around, observing the place we set foot onto, "I think I can see an oasis there?" Hwawoong pointed to where he could see the oasis. "I don't see anything? Are you sure you can see one?" "I'm sure!" I blinked my eyes for several times but to no avail. "Woong, I think you're seeing things I can't see..." "Really? Shall we go take a look? Just to check if I'm hallucinating." "Sure."
Hwanwoong guided me to where he can see the oasis but I'm still unable to see it. "Can you now see it?" "No, I don't." "Really? But we are standing in front of it now." "What does it look like?" "It looks like an oasis." He nodded several times then smiled mockingly, "Nice answer, buddy." While I shook my head in disbelief. "There's water there, then a tree there, some large rocks there, and oh! A fox!" He pointed and pointed to nothing. "What does the fox look like?" "It is large, like the lion-wolf I encountered in the Winter Realm's Dark Forest." "Does it seem harmless?" "Yes, shall I call it over?" "I think so?"
Hwanwoong took a deep breath before shouting, "Mister Fox!!" He waved and smiled. I laughed at him causing him to turn his face to me with confused reaction painted on it, "You looked really funny, I'm sorry I couldn't help it." I covered my mouth and tried to stop the laughter. "Oh! Look! Look! It's coming!" I snapped back to reality and saw a fox coming towards us. I hid behind him and peeked, "Woah, you're really not hallucinating, I can see it!" "Told ya."
"My name is Hwanwoong, and here, behind me is Amber," Hwanwoong bowed to the magnificent fox as a sign of courtesy and so did I. "Mayhaps we could stay here for a bit?" He smiled at the quiet fox. The fox stayed silent as if he's judging the both of us. It took several seconds before a blinding light illuminated from the fox, and when the light is gone, we witnessed a tall figure in front of us. He had jet black hair and a muscular body frame based on his clothes. He is wearing a lace-up white long sleeve, black leather pants showing off his well-built physique, and black leather boots that makes him more intimidatingly beautiful. He spoke in a deep, booming voice, "I'm Leedo. I am keeper of the hidden oasis. Only few can see it so consider yourselves lucky. I am allowing you to stay for as long as you wanted to." "Thank you."
Leedo snapped his fingers in front of us, "What was that for?" "For you to be not seen by anyone while staying here. I made the two of you invisible. Now, follow me." He turned to his back and started walking while we trailed behind him. As I took each step, the oasis is becoming less invisible to my sight until I can see it clearly. "Please make yourselves comfortable." Leedo bowed before transforming back to a fox and went back to the entrance. He returned on guarding the oasis while Hwanwoong and I took a seat near the spring and leaned to the large rocks behind us.
"Hey, woong,"
"Do you know what time is it?"
"Let's see..." He looked up and observed the sky while I removed my cloak amd closed my eyes.
"It is like 11 o'clock at the Winter realm."
"What do you mean by that?" I answered him with my eyes still closed as I am embracing the peacefulness of the oasis. It is less hot in here than in the midst of walking in the desert.
"I'm not really good at explaining things but I'll try..." He chuckled before continuing, "Do you know that in the Winter Realm, the daytime is up to 12 only?" I hummed in response to him, "Daytime here lasts for 6 hours and nighttime lasts for four hours, that's a total of ten hours in a day."
"Do you have a clock?"
"Yes, it is a clock from Winter Realm."
"But why did you know that a day is equivalent to ten hours?"
"Don't laugh at me, okay? Well, I... Due to curiosity when I got into this place, I stayed for a day and a half here just to know how many hours are there in a day. Because you know, the time is different for each realm."
"Really? That's crazy!"
"Indeed. So what I am saying is that it is five o'clock here and it's equivalent to 11 o'clock in the Winter Realm."
"So you're basically saying that we've been walking for five hours and the night is nearing. And within an hour, the sun will set already. Am I correct?"
"You got it right."
Hwanwoong noticed that I, too, am wounded so he helped me clean it before cleaning his own wound. We witnessed the twilight together and shared some of the fruits I bought from the Winter Realm for dinner. He told me how does the time works in the realm he's living at. He also told me that the way out of the Desert Realm is not that far anymore since we had already reached the oasis. After some time, we thanked Leedo for letting us stay for a while before leaving the oasis by 7 o'clock. We don't want to spend a day and a half here so we left early. Hwanwoong can't still walk properly because his wound is deep so I still helped him until we reach the gate.
"Hwanwoong! Look, we made it!"
"Yeah, we reached the gate before the day passes by."
"I think we still walked for an hour or two... But that's not bad despite you being injured and not being able to walk straight, we're a bit fast."
"Yep, we should hurry so that we can both rest at my house sooner. I'm a bit tired..."
"Right." I looked in front and noticed some carvings on the gate. I leaned my face closer to the gate and illuminated it with the lamp to see the carvings clearly. It resembles a sun and it made me question it's purpose. "Hwanwoong, there is a carved sun here, and the key doesn't appear yet, do you think I need to do something first?" "Maybe? Try twisting the sun?" I shook my head at his answer, "You must be really tired, Woong. I'll take care of this, can you still hold on and wait for a bit?" He slightly nodded and weakly smiled.
The carved sun is really pretty.
It is somewhat hypnotizing so I reached for the carved sun with my index finger and traced its outline gently. I got startled when it lit up and a moon appeared beside it. Without thinking, I pressed the moon and a hole opened revealing another key. "Cool." I whispered and smiled to myself while taking the key from the hole. I inserted the key to the key hole and twisted it carefully until I heard a soft click meaning that the passage is now open. I took the key and hid it in my bag along with the other three. I twisted the knob and slightly opened the gate.
"Hwanwoong, sorry it took longer. Are you okay?" I worriedly faced him. He just smiled at me and I tightened my arms around him.
"Let's go..." Is the last thing I said before we stepped out of the Desert Realm.
[A/N: good day fellas!! I'm sorry was only able to give Leedo a brief appearance, oh and also, this fic is coming to an end, sadly...]
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lilyvandersteen · 5 years
Feeling Adventurous
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This is the smutty one-shot I teased about in Puppy Eyes: Kurt spending his lunch break in Blaine's office and the two of them getting up to all sorts of fun.
You can also read this on Fanfiction.net or on AO3.
Links to the main story, Puppy Eyes: Fanfiction.net and AO3.
“That was amazing,” Kurt sighed.
Blaine gave him a loopy smile and parroted, “Amazing.”
Kurt made to slip out of Blaine, who whined and clung on to him like a koala. “Noooo! I want you to stay in me forever!”
Kurt rolled his eyes, but secretly felt pleased. And wait a second, wasn’t that the perfect occasion to try out one of the toys they’d ordered online?
“I got you, babe,” Kurt said, contorting his body to reach the nightstand without unseating himself. He opened the drawer and got out the lube and a butt plug.
Blaine caught sight of the toy and moaned. “Oh, yes, please.”
Kurt grinned, winked and got to work lubing the plug up.
Ten minutes later, they were spooning in bed, Blaine wriggling his tush ever so often.
“How does it feel?”
“Full. And my body doesn’t seem to know if it should feel weird or turned on, so I get both reactions.”
Kurt hummed in understanding. “Want to keep it in? Or do I pull it out?”
“Leave it in. I kind of like the thought of feeling full all night. And you being able to just take it out in the morning and thrust in.”
Kurt felt his dick twitch. “Oh… Okay. We’ll do that.”
“Night, beautiful.”
“Good night, honey.”
The next morning, they overslept, and didn’t have time for the morning sex Blaine had promised.
In fact, they were so much in a hurry that Blaine didn’t realize he still had the butt plug in until they were taking their leave of each other in front of their apartment building. “Oh shoot, I still got that… thing… in me.”
Kurt’s eyes widened. “No…”
“Yes! Ugh, and I’m late already, I can’t go back upstairs.”
Kurt looked around, and when he saw the street was deserted, he slipped a hand inside Blaine’s trousers and boxers to trace the outline of the butt plug, grabbing the end and pulling it out a little, then pushing it back in.
Blaine keened beautifully, so Kurt did it again, making sure to switch the device on at the same time.
Blaine’s eyes widened.
“Oh… I forgot… This thing vibrates!”
Kurt smirked. “It does. Feeling good?”
Blaine moaned softly and nodded, unconsciously rubbing his hard-on against Kurt’s thigh.
“Unf, that’s so hot. Keep it in all morning and I’ll come to campus for my lunch break to fuck you in your office.”
Blaine’s mouth fell open.
“Too much?”
“N-no. That’s…”
Blaine’s Adam’s apple went up and down, and he adjusted himself in his pants.
Kurt chuckled and kissed Blaine. “Well, bye, then, sweetie, weren’t you in a hurry?”
“Oh… Oh, right. Bye! See you at lunch?”
Blaine ran off.
Kurt was just as late as he was, but doubled back to the apartment for the plug’s manual. It came with all sorts of features, the most interesting of which was that it could be remote controlled through a phone app. All that was needed was a wireless internet connection.
Once Kurt was at work, he checked Blaine’s schedule. Block A, classroom 315. All right. What was the wifi password again for that building?
He found it, logged in the device remotely, and then rifled through the manual to get some ideas as to what he wanted to do to Blaine.
Hmm… I can make the plug wider. Blaine, sweetie, get ready to feel even fuller…
Kurt widened the plug, and then checked his work mail and continued working on his current project.
It didn’t even take five minutes for Blaine to text him.
From: Blaine
What did you do? It’s so much bigger now. I can barely sit or walk! Switch it off. Please.
Kurt smirked.
To: Blaine
I can do that. But then I’m not coming over for lunch. Your choice.
From Blaine
I’m AT WORK. I need to walk around class and check on my students’ progress. Switch. It. Off.
Kurt pouted, but returned the plug to its previous dimensions.
From Blaine
Thank you. Don’t mean to be a bad sport, but that hurt.
Kurt bit his lip. Oh. That wasn’t the point to this. It was supposed to be fun.
To Blaine
Sorry, honey. Are we still on for lunch?
It took a bit longer for Blaine to answer this time.
From Blaine
Sure, beautiful. Looking forward to it.
Kurt grinned and called Blaine’s favourite Thai restaurant for a take-out meal for two, to be delivered at Kurt’s work address.
He left Blaine alone for most of the morning, but at a quarter to twelve, he switched the plug back on, setting the vibrations on the lowest level. When that got him no reaction, he upped it to level two, and a bit later to level three.
From Blaine
I’m sweating bullets. My students are asking me if I’m feeling ill.
Kurt smirked, but didn’t answer.
From Blaine
No, seriously, take it down a notch please? I’ve got such a raging boner that I can’t get up from my seat.
Kurt laughed out loud.
From Blaine
Kuuuuuurt!! I’ve got a wet spot! On my fave red chinos! And my coat isn’t long enough to hide it!
Kurt shrugged.
To Blaine
Hold your coat in front of your crotch instead of putting it on.
A few minutes later, the next pleading message arrived.
From Blaine
I’m about to come. I don’t wanna. Not in front of my students. Switch it off please. Please. I’ll do anything.
Kurt raised his eyebrows. Hmm, interesting. He switched the plug off.
From Blaine
Thank you.
To Blaine
From Blaine
Sigh. What do you want?
Somebody knocked on the door of Kurt’s office, and he hurried to sign and pay for his take-out meal, and then told his colleagues he was going out for lunch.
On his way to Parsons’ campus, he felt his phone buzzing again. He transferred the take-out bag to his other hand and fished out his phone.
From Blaine
What do you want? Heading to my office now.
Kurt grinned.
To Blaine
I’m on my way too. I want you to strip naked and bend over with your hands on your desk.
To Blaine
And spread your legs. I want to see your yummy tush and dick on full display when I step into your office.
Kurt rounded the corner and smiled at Paula, who was just exiting the building and held the door open for him.
“Lunch date?”
Kurt winked at her and hurried inside. “You got it!”
She chuckled and shook her head. “Anyone would think you two were newlyweds. And you’ve been married for six years!”
Kurt shot her a cheeky grin. “A bit of adventure keeps a relationship fresh. Enjoy your weekend!”
“You too!”
Kurt hastened to Blaine’s office, and was just in time to see Blaine arrive, biting his lip and his gaze skittering across the corridor before he unlocked the door and slipped in.
Quick as a flash, Kurt followed, making sure to open and close the door quietly, and shoving the sturdy deadbolt into place. He’d installed that one after Paula had caught them having a quickie, and Blaine had been so mortified that he’d refused to have sex for a week. Even at home. In their bed. With no-one else there, not even Ollie and Mollie.
Blaine, who had in the meantime discarded his sweater vest, still had his back to Kurt and hadn’t noticed him coming in. He sighed, ran a hand through his curls and muttered, “All right, then. I really hope nobody will come in.”
Kurt felt a pang of guilt. This, to Kurt, was a fantasy come true. But to Blaine, who was now undoing the buttons of his shirt and shivering a little when the cold air hit his skin, it must feel more like a nightmare. Kurt had been teasing – well, annoying – him all morning, and then he’d cajoled him into stripping in his office with the door unlocked, though Kurt knew very well that Blaine wasn’t into exhibitionism.
Kurt hurried to Blaine, hugged him from behind and stopped his hands from unzipping his trousers. “Babe, stop a minute, okay?”
Blaine visibly started and turned around. “Kurt! When did you get here?”
“Just now. Honey… I need to know. Are you okay?”
Blaine gave Kurt a heart-melting smile. “Perfect now that you’re here.”
“You’re not mad at me?”
Blaine nuzzled Kurt’s neck. “No, beautiful. Why would I?”
“Because I played with the plug. While you were working.”
Blaine shrugged. “You stopped when you had to. And I don’t think my students realized what was going on. So… No harm done.”
Kurt let out a long breath. “Oh good. You can stop stripping, though. I know you’re not really into that. And it’s kind of chilly here.”
“You’ll warm me up,” Blaine shrugged. “And I promised. Though… If you WANT me to be mad about all of this… I could play the strict professor and discipline you?”
Blaine visibly perked up at the thought, so Kurt grinned and nodded, quickly taking off his clothes as well and bending over so that his torso was on Blaine’s desk and his buttocks high in the air. He wriggled them invitingly.
“Stay still.”
“Yes, Professor,” Kurt whimpered. Blaine hadn’t held back, and it stung.
“Why am I punishing you?”
“Because I made you horny in class. Because I hurt you widening the plug. Because I made you strip here in your office.”
“That’s right. You’re getting five spanks for each of those transgressions.”
“Yes, Professor.”
“I want you to count out loud.”
“Yes, Professor.”
Blaine’s hand came down again, and Kurt choked out, “One.”
Obediently, Kurt counted to fifteen. By the time Blaine was done, Kurt’s ass felt like it was on fire, but that didn’t stop him from asking, “You want to fuck me now?”
“What? No! I want you to fuck me. I’ve been looking forward to it all morning.”
Kurt grinned. “I can do that.”
They swapped places, and Kurt played with the plug for a bit until Blaine started to squirm. “In me, Kurt. I want you in me. Now. Stop teasing me.”
Kurt fished the lube out of his trouser pocket and lubed himself up. He pulled the plug out and slid into Blaine with ease. They moaned in unison, and Blaine whispered, “So good…”
Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hips and started to thrust, slowly at first, and then faster and harder when Blaine begged for more.
It didn’t last long for either of them – they were too worked up already. Blaine came first, with a drawn-out shout he tried to stifle with his hand, and Kurt followed suit, biting down on Blaine’s shoulder to muffle his own sounds of ecstasy.
Five minutes later, Kurt sat on Blaine’s lap in his desk chair, wolfing down his Thai takeout as if he hadn’t eaten in days and occasionally accepting a bite from Blaine’s Gaeng Daeng and offering a shrimp to Blaine in return.
When they had finished eating, Kurt threw away the food containers and then straddled Blaine to get some more kisses before he had to leave for work again.
At some point, Blaine fondled Kurt’s ass, frowning when Kurt let out a hiss. “You okay?”
“A bit sore,” Kurt said. “Worth it, though.”
Blaine let out a blissful sigh. “Totally.”
A knock on the door startled them both, and Blaine checked his watch and blanched, whispering, “My consulting hours are about to start, and we’re not wearing a stitch! My hair’s probably a mess, too.”
Kurt stifled a giggle and hopped off Blaine’s lap, hunting for his clothes and putting them on as fast as he could. “Your students won’t mind waiting a little longer.”
He looked up when he heard Blaine curse under his breath, and bit back his laughter at the scene unfurling in front of him. Blaine had found his chinos and had jumped into them as fast as he could, not noticing that he was putting them on backwards and now frowning at the lack of a zipper and looking over his shoulder at his backside.
“I’ll help,” Kurt offered, and in no time, Blaine was properly attired as a professor again, his hair styled into submission with Kurt’s emergency hairspray.
“Perfect,” said Kurt, and Blaine sighed in relief. “Thanks.”
“Did we clean up the desk?” Kurt asked.
“Yup. There’s only one thing we forgot,” Blaine answered, picking up the plug. “What are we going to do with this?”
“It’s clean?”
“Yep, I washed it.”
Kurt grinned and grabbed the lube from his pocket, shoving it into Blaine’s hands. Then, he unzipped his trousers, pushing them down along with his briefs and presenting his ass to Blaine. “My turn, then.”
Blaine gaped at Kurt, and then hurried to lube the plug up. “Won’t it hurt?”
“No, sweetie, go on.”
Blaine pushed the plug in, and Kurt let out a deep breath and focused on relaxing his muscles, so that it slid in without too much resistance.
“So hot,” Blaine breathed, switching on the toy to fuck Kurt with it and watching in fascination as Kurt squirmed and moaned and became little more than a jittery bundle of nerves.
Another knock on the door made them both jump a foot in the air.
Kurt switched the toy off, put his briefs and trousers on again, kissed Blaine goodbye and slipped out of the office with a nod and a broad smile for the student who was waiting to speak with Blaine. The boy gawked at him and blushed.
“Professor Anderson will see you now,” Kurt told him, and the student’s blush deepened.
Kurt caught Blaine’s eye and mouthed, “Crushing on you. So hard.”
Blaine shook his head, chuckling. “Come on in, Justin.”
Kurt strutted down the hallway, laughing to himself when he caught the student’s awed question, “Is that your husband, Professor?” before Blaine closed the door.
The boy was clearly just out of the closet, and very impressed with Blaine, and now Kurt, too.
Had he heard them having sex? Yes, he probably had. Blaine would never realise, being his oblivious self, but Justin would look up to him even more now than he did before.
Kurt smiled at the thought, and hurried back to work, where he sank his teeth into an interesting new ad for McDonalds and didn’t look away from his computer screen until he became aware of something vibrating inside of him. His dick had taken note far earlier than his brain, and was throbbing enthusiastically, urging Kurt to free it from its skinny jean prison.
Kurt checked the time and squeaked when he saw it was nearly six p.m. He saved his work and then turned off the computer and left his office. The building was deserted – all his colleagues had already left.
When Kurt stepped outside, the vibrations suddenly became twice as intense, and then stopped entirely, and Kurt’s cell phone beeped four times in succession.
Kurt picked it up and read:
From: xxHubbyxx
Clearly you’re so absorbed in your work that you haven’t noticed it’s time to come home.
From: xxHubbyxx
And the toy isn’t working either for some reason? Does the app not work on my phone?
From: xxHubbyxx
Anyway. I’m naked and prepped and waiting for you. So hurry home already, beautiful.
The fourth message was a picture of Blaine. Naked, yes, and pouting. How did he manage to look so hot and so adorable at the same time?
Kurt smiled at the picture and quickened his pace until he was jogging. The plug inside of him bumped uncomfortably, but he paid it no mind, focusing on the lovely view that was waiting for him.
And yes, when he opened the door, there Blaine was, exactly as Kurt had described wanting to see him that morning: bent over the sofa, stark naked, his legs spread as wide as they would go, muscles straining, and his dick and balls and ass perfectly on display.
Kurt’s mouth went dry. He closed the door and locked it with shaky hands, dropped his briefcase and started to strip as fast as he could.
Then, he went up to Blaine, running a hand from his thigh up to his shoulder blade. Next, he followed the same path with his mouth, slower now, taking his time to worship Blaine’s body with his lips and his tongue, and murmuring about how everything about his sexy husband turned him on.
Blaine stayed in the same position throughout, though Kurt felt him tremble underneath his caresses.
It wasn’t until Kurt started focusing on Blaine’s balls, licking them and sucking them into his mouth one by one, that Blaine lost it. “Kurrrrt! Stop teasing. Please. Fuck me! Fuck me now! I’m so on edge, and I don’t want to come until you’re in me.”
Kurt, who was painfully hard by now, needed no more encouragement. He grabbed the nearest tube of lube, slathered some on his dick and eased it inside, plastering his whole body against Blaine’s. He stayed stock still like that for a moment, soaking in how good it felt and knowing all too well that it would all be over in a second if he moved right away.
“Move!” Blaine ordered, and Kurt laughed and started to pump in and out, fast and hard from the onset, his hands gripping Blaine’s hips so firmly that they were sure to leave bruises.
Blaine didn’t complain. His eyes closed, his head thrown back and his throat producing the most gorgeous sounds, he thrust back against Kurt, giving him as good as he got.
When Kurt felt his orgasm barreling towards him, he grabbed Blaine’s dick and started pumping it frantically, until he felt a vice-like grip on his own dick and heard Blaine cry out in ecstasy. That made him tip over the edge as well, and then slump against Blaine as if he’d just run a marathon.
“Can’t feel my legs,” Blaine complained after a while, and Kurt released him and sank down onto the floor.
“That was good,” Kurt proclaimed.
Blaine sat down next to him and put his head on Kurt’s shoulder. “The best. Why is every time we have sex the best time all over again?”
“Dunno. I like it, though. You looked good enough to eat, bent over the sofa like that. You’re so sexy.”
“You too. I love it when you take me like that.”
“Mm-hm. Hey, where are Ollie and Mollie?”
“In the spare bedroom. I didn’t want any interruptions.”
“Good thinking. Let’s take them for a walk and bring back pizza. We’ve earned the calories.”
“We have.”
“You up for another round later?”
“Always. Shower?”
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3AM Drive - Thru (JJKx You x The8/Minghao) // Chapter 9
Jungkook grab her hand.
“Y/N I need to talk to you. Please,” he then turned to Minghao who starts to stand up. “And it would be wise if you do not interfere. This is between me and her,”
“Yah Y/N. Why are you talking to MY Kookie and his oppas like that, you psychotic fan!? Dont you know who he is? Who they are? Who I am?”
“Minji, stop it. Just-”
“Its okay Jungkook-ssi. Minji-ssi, I apologize. I will asks someone else to assist all of you for the broadcast,”
“Y/N, you dont have to-”
“Let go of my hand Jungkook-ssi. Please respect Minji-ssi’s feelings. Afterall, I am not of importance to you,”
Since that night, Jungkook’s mood is noticably happier. He wakes up every morning whistling and his steps has more bounce, a smile never seems to leave his face.
Yes, he admits he feels some kind of way watching how close Y/N’s is with Minghao, but he also feels some kind of way just by seeing her. Something he will never admit to anyone else. He managed to exchange numbers with her that night, and so does the rest of the boys (to Minghao’s displeasure), and they started to text each other since then.
The conversation might consist innocents how are yous, have you eaten and random what are you doing, and most of the time she only give a one word reply, but its enough for Jungkook. He just really miss you. Y/N, after all, used to be his best friend.He justified her not too chatty reply with her being busy. She is next in line to be the CEO afterall.
Despite Jungkook texting her every day without miss, he never actually met up with her other than the occasional dinner with Minghao and the other boys. Until the manager informs Jungkook and his hyungs that they will be doing a reality variety show with the in house production from one of Y/N’s broadcasting company.
He took this opportunity to invite Y/N to hang out with him and his hyungs, using ‘You should get to know us. It will help the recording process better’ as an excuse. Its important to him that Y/N gets to know the most importabt people in his life. Y/N, naive as she is, didnt think anything of it and agreed for the sake of her work.
“Hyungs, please, please behave okay. Especially you Tae,” Jungkook point his finger to Taehyung who is doing weird things with his bowls.
“Why is it always me!?” Taehyung exclaim.
“You know why Tae. Don’t ask stupud questions,” Jin chimed in.
“Hey, but are you so nervous? I thought she is just the head producer or something? I’ve never seen you like this when we were filming before,” Namjoon rubbed his chin, confused with the maknae. “Is she-”
“Hello everyone,” Y/N who had just arrived bowed to all of them. Hoseok eyes went wide when he realize you are the Song Y/N that he saw on TV the other day. The rest of the boys also just realizing the fact.
“Hey! Aren’t you-”
“This is Song Y/N,” Jungkook cut off Taehyung. Y/N smile, bowed and shake hands with everyone. After taking a seat besides Jungkook and getiing comfortable, the other boys starts to get to know Y/N. Y/N answered every question that is thrown her way comfortably and full of charms, which the boys enjoy. Jungkook is amazed at how smooth and amazing Y/N is at handling his hyungs and making everyone she met for the first time comfortable.
“So you and Jungkook looks close. How do you guys know each other?” Namjoon asks while stuffing some beef wraps into his mouth.
“Oh we used to be-” “I’m close friends with Minghao-”
Both Jungkook and Y/N answer at the same time but with totally different answer. The rest of the boys looks at them, confused. Jimin raised his eyebrows, sensing something is off. Jungkook looks at Y/N. Y/N just avoid his eyes and continue to answer like nothing happen.
“I am close friends with Minghao from Seventeen,”
“Oh, The8?”
“Yes. He introduced me to Jungkook and the rest of their 97 liner group. That’s how we know each other,”
Jungkook cant believe Y/N didnt even want people to know that they had been friends, and even more, way before she even met Minghao. That fact alone feels like a thousand needles poking through his heart, but he guess Y/N really just wants to forget the past. Their past. He just wish she would stop mentioning Minghao’s name.
The meet up goes well. His hyungs sang praises for her, even long after she went home. Jungkook already expected it. Y/N is incredible, who wouldnt like her? I should have introduce her to them way before. Maybe even while we were still together. Jungkook sigh to himself. He excuse himself to take a walk to clear his mind.
“Okay JK. Be safe. Are you going to go see Minji?”
“Urm.. urm.. yeah,” Jungkook just nodded, to avoid more suspicious questions. Minji havent been on his mind for a while now. In fact they havent seen each other for about 2 months. She’s busy with her comeback and he’s busy with…, well, he’s busy with Y/N.
But he did see Minji posted screenshots of their text messages and sometimes his voice note wishing her 'goodnight and I love you Minji’ , which to be honest, he didnt do it as a sweet boyfriend act, but because Minji forced him to do it. She wanted something to feed the fans. Afterall, as she had mentioned a thousand times before, they are idol relationship goals.
The route of his walk seems familiar even though he didnt plan it. He realized its the way he always uses with Y/N when they walk for her 3am midnight snack , way back when they first move into their apartment after graduation.
“I wonder if you will still crave for fries and chicken nuggets when we are 60 and too old to actually walk here,”
“I dont mind walking here even when we are 70 and need a walker, as long as you are in the walker next to mine,”
“I think we need about 3 hours just to get here then,” Jungkook giggled.
“More time to spend with you then. I love you so much Kookie. I would be the happiest girl alive to just be 70 and eating McDonald’s fries as long as its by your side,” Y/N tip- toed and kiss him.
“Then I promise I will make you the happiest girl alive. I love you Y/N. I will always love you. I dont think I know how to do otherwise,”
Jungkook snapped out of his memories when he felt his cheek is wet with tears. He no longer need to hold it in and start sobbing. The memories of being with Y/N came back one by one, all of them mocking him for his stupid selfish mistake. I’m sorry Y/N. If I could turn back time I would, and I will keep my promise to make you the happiest girl alive. But I promise I will make things right again.
Jungkook stepped out from the van and enter the building. He feels great! Today was the first day of recording for the reality variety show, which means he will be spending a lot of time with Y/N. What’s not to feel great about?
“Kookie, baby!” A high shrill voice calls out to him, followed by a sound of high heels running. He whipped his head around to see his supposed girlfriend, Minji, and her group members. Both BTS and 2Hearts greeted each other.
“What are you doing here Minji?”
“Didnt they tell you? Both of our group are doing the show together Kookie. The manager thinks it would help the ratings as we are the power couple and both of our groups had toured together before,” Minji latched onto Jungkook’s arm.
This can’t be happening. Jungkook shakes his head. What if Y/N sees? Then again, what’s wrong if Y/N did see? Jungkook and Minji is officially a couple and even Y/N herself know about them. Jungkook felt a lump in his throat and the good mood he wakes up with definitely dissapeared.
“Okay, BTS and 2Hearts, this is the main studio where we will be shooting the series. Since its only 30 minutes per episode, I dont think it will take long to shoot each episode,” Y/N explained to them. Jungkook keeps on looking at Y/N, even with Minji still latching on his arm. He’s nervous and sweating like crazy. He just reconcile their friendship and he would like to keep it thay way. But Y/N acts perfectly normal and unaffected. Showing them around and briefing them regarding the shoot.
Y/N came in the dressing room to check up on them before the shoot. Due to the friendship between Y/N and BTS that has formed when Jungkook introduced them the other day, the boys had told her to just be comfortable with them. While Y/N is laughing and joking with the boys, Minji is giving her the stink eye.
“Unnie, why is she so close to them? This is so unprofessional. How can a production staff act this way. How can they hire a fan girl as a staff?”
“Yah Minji. She’s not just a staff. She’s the-” one of her group members try to explain who Y/N is since Jin has told her earlier about Y/N’s status and her forming friendship with BTS. But she was cut off by the fuming Minji.
“Yah Y/N. Why are you talking to MY Kookie and his oppas like that, you psychotic fan!? Dont you know who he is? Who they are? Who I am?” both BTS and 2Hearts members turned to look at her in shocked. “Don’t you know we are idols? International stars? I cant believe they assigned a fan girl like you to assist this production!”
“Minji, stop it. Just-” Jungkook stood up. Trying to stop his crazy girlfriend. Minji is fuming and is now standing in front of Y/N.
“And stop flirting with Jungkook! Dont you have any shame? He’s an idol and you are just a nobody. Plus, how dare you flirt with him in front of me, his girlfriend!,” Minji latched herself on Jungkook’s arm again. Y/N’s face, which was calm before, scrunched a bit when she heard the word flirting and a nobody.
“Stop it Minji,” Jungkook finally raised his voice, shrugging her off. Minji was shocked that Jungkook would use that kind of tone with her, her mouth fell wide open and her hand on her chest. “You don’t-”
“Its okay Jungkook-ssi. Minji-ssi, I sincerely apologize for my behaviour if you deem it to be inappopriate. I will asks someone else to assist all of you for the broadcast,” Y/N cut Jungkook off, bowing to apologize.
Its not that she admits that what Minji did is right and nor is she afraid of her. But she’s the soon to be CEO and she needs to handle the situation calmly and profesionally. Minji is not the first celebrity with the diva syndrome that she had ever encounter. She works in a broadcast company, she met handful of celebrities every day.
“Y/N, you dont have to-”
“Let go of my hand Jungkook-ssi. Please respect Minji-ssi’s feelings. Afterall, I am no one important to you,”
Y/N shrugged off her hand from Jungkook’s grip and went out to find another staff to assist the recording, leaving Jungkook speechless. ——————
“Miss, are you okay?” A staff rushed after her.
“Yeah I’m fine Jin Hee. But please assign two of the senior staff to assist the recording ya. We need to make sure this project runs smoothly,” she smiles at her staff. She nodded quickly.
“Aish, what a diva! Its not like she’s Taylor Swift or Beyonce. Dont she know who you are miss?” Jin Hee huffed. Y/N shakes her head.
“She doesn’t and its fine. And dont say that. Be profesional okay. Now go,”
“Miss, you are really too nice for your own good,” Y/N just chuckle to that. She grabbed her files and move towards her office. Oh well, she can just monitor the show from the updates then.
Y/N decided to take an early day and just go home. She entered her office to grab her jacket and purse and her smile turn wide by what��s waiting in her office. All her worries seems to flew away.
“Hello miss CEO. Want to grab lunch with me?”
“You will never find a day where I will say no to that, Minghao,”
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Jungkook screamed at his so called girlfriend. Once Y/N went out from the room, Jungkook immediately drag Minji outside to knock some sense into her.
“What do you mean Kookie? Everything I said in there was true. How can a mere production staff treat you and your oppas like that? And how dare she flirt with you?! You are my boyfriend Kookie! Right in front of my eyes!”
“Urghhhh. Just shut up Minji. Dont you know who she is? She’s the freaking soon to be CEO of this company!” Minji mouth dropped open.
“And even if she’s not, even if she’s just a production staff, why is it a crime for her to be friendly to us? We are just idols Minji. This is just our job. We are not Gods! And my hyungs and I are fucking friends with her!!” Jungkook is losing it.
Minji’s mouth open and close like a fish, speechless. “Fine. Maybe I was wrong about that. But it still doesnt give her the right to flirt with you Kookie! You are my boyfriend!”
“She wasn’t flirting!!” Jungkook screamed. “I would know. And even if she is, so what? That would be the happiest day of my life is she did!”
“Wha..what? What the hell did you just say? What do you mean by that Kookie?”
“Shut up. Just shut up! And stop calling me that. I hate it when you call me that. Arghhh, I don’t know anymore. I just need to get away from you!” Jungkook screamed once more and stormed off. He needs to find Y/N and explain things. What should he be explaining, he himself doesn’t know, but he just knows he needs to see her now.
He was worried and panicking. Is Y/N okay? She seems like she didn’t care back there. Does she really not care about me anymore? Jungkook pushed the thoughts away and focus on finding her.
He stormed into the huge cafeteria. With not so many people around since its past lunch hour, he saw her at a secluded corner, but she’s not alone. Sitting across of her, wiping crumbs from her chin while she’s happily laughing is Minghao. Xu freaking Minghao. Dont get him wrong, Jungkook loves all his friendd very much. He even treasures their friendship but when it comes to Y/N… its a totally different issue.
Losing all rational thoughts, Jungkook stormed into their direction and grab Y/N’s hand.
“Hey, Jungkook. What are you doing he-” Minghao greeted his friend but was rudely cut off.
“Y/N I need to talk to you. Please,” he then turned to Minghao who starts to stand up, confusion in his eyes at Jungkook’s action. “And it would be wise if you do not interfere. This is between me and her,”
———————————————————– Chapter 10 preview
“What is really going on between you and Jungkook, Y/N? Please tell me the truth. Please, please, tell me that I won’t be losing you to him,”
“All my life, all I know is how to love him. I never thought I would know how to do anything else. Until I met you Minghao. I think I’m finally ready to learn something new…”
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skamamoroma · 4 years
Meg WTF, I've been away from tumblr since the end of skam italia basically (I dont have a blog, I just check on my fave blogs to read their opinions) I randomly came back to find out you fell into the ITSAY rabbit hole I'm so happyyyyyy I miss it so much I can't wait for March 2021.. and I'm so glad you love Teh cos twitter isn't that woke about him. My confused boy. Anyway I read all your posts about it and really, I could rewatch this show countless times, what a masterpiece.
Oh we have watched a million and one things since then, my love ❤️ hahaha
But hello! And goodness. Do you mean the end of season 4? Because that took me ages to get over. I still find myself shocked how wonderful s4 was and how much I adored Sana and how well it was all wrapped up. Oh Skam It always be just so precious to me. Such a happy place!
And LORD. Where did ITSAY come from? A friend in Japan recommended it to me. She knows me pretty well and knows I’m weak as hell for a lot that the show does, mainly that type of symbolistic metaphorical writing and also the sheer god damn beauty and that type of nuanced acting... ugh all of it. So yeah I have never really watched many shows from that part of the world as I kinda rely on recommendations (kinda wanna avoid a lot of the stuff I see that screams “made purely for people to fawn over handsome guys kissing” because that just ain’t it for me and I feel uncomfortable) and I wasn’t sure what to expect from ITSAY until about 5 minutes in and it’s just blissful. It is just a v well made tv show clearly created with a lot of care and I was heartened to see it marketed really seriously and sophisticatedly. The show feels kinda weird to me and I am all about that. Weird in terms of how refreshing and surprising some of it feels even if some is kinda stuff we have seen before - a lot isn’t. I love when characters are a little weird and strange and intriguing.
Teh is 100% that for me. He’s a weirdo and he’s emotionally stunted. I wonder if people maybe don’t click with him is because he ain’t created for easy consumption as a character. He screams, to me, a character created by LGBT+ folks for that audience, same with Oh. He isn’t easy to digest! But that’s what I love. He’s a really fascinating character because of the amount of layers you have to get through to see his truth but the way the show is created, it’s like we get to see both sides of him simultaneously mainly because the acting is so nuanced. I love how some of the shots are so telling too to add to his state of mind like the tiny moment he’s trying to charge his phone and is in emotional turmoil and he’s driving in circles on the road like he just can’t make himself go home in the opposite direction to Oh and like the moments when he just can’t express himself and just collapses all over stuff 😂 how can you not love him? He’s brilliant. He’s intense, a cry baby at times, arrogant at others! He’s silly and petty and sweet and over the top and had a fabulous array of Hawaiian shirts! His journey in self discovery with Oh, his family, Tarn, himself and his dreams is just so meaningful that by the end he LOOKS different, acts so different (that whole end montage is just ever so sweet from his perspective as he’s so relaxed and not once does he do his nervous Teh thing) and is so confident in himself and sure about many things, even in terms of his dream accepting its fundamental that it exists in his heart and as his passion more than as something to prove
I genuinely adore his character and I think BK did a fucking spectacular job at portraying a complex, loveable, tricky young LGBT+ soul. I’m always down for weird characters and complex souls who are difficult to decode and isn’t that the damn title of the show?! 😂 (well, the Thai version!). Isn’t that what Oh does and what the entire show is about? It’s the foundation of the message and the story - translating your feelings and your identity and finding someone who can maybe do that when you can’t or who will try etc - but above all, working yourself out. I can see how he’d be a little bit of a marmite character at times as early on he is a bit of a dick but the writing and acting makes complete and utter sense as to why and god do I love when writing is capable of taking characters from that to the other end of the spectrum carefully and navigating the depths of a character... and using subtext and metaphors and every possible trick in the book to manage it.
I mean, Teh uses every possible method he can to express himself and try to work himself out from actually verbalising right down to flash cards, physical movement, silence, Instagram, scent, touch, food, distance, Chinese language, hidden meanings, colour, gestures, fictional characters and double meaning. There’s no way I wasn’t going to be absolutely fond of a character like that?
How can you not adore him in that moment at sunset when he’s just staring at it crying and you can SEE the relief and gratitude and peace. Ugh makes me cry just thinking about it.
So yeah, clearly I have nothing to say about this show 😂 so glad you loved it too. I had no clue it was always intended to be 2 parts and that a second part was due until I got to the end of the last episode and saw the teaser! If the last 5 episodes are even close to being as bloody magical as the first 5 then I’m down for another 5-6 hours of being emotionally compromised! I have a lot to say about this show and I doubt anyone wants to read it but when shows get to me like this all I want to do is ramble about them which obvs happened ridiculously with Skam It s2/4 and other shows but I think it’s all been said already 😂 i must ask my mum to tell me again about her time living in Phuket because I’m certain I recognised a couple of places from her photos and it made me miss when I’d receive her home videos when I was a teenager and she lived over there 🥺
Feel free to come shout at me about the show btw. I don’t know many who have watched it and so I’m kinda shouting into a void 😂
I hope you’re well though and hello again - your message made me smile a lot!
0 notes
jungnoir · 7 years
a dash of wicked;
kim seokjin | “I’m a writer and you’re my character and wtf how the heck did you just literally climb out of my first draft?” ⇢ what exactly is standard protocol when a super villain you create for a children’s book comes to life one day? well, you keep him, of course. | 2.6k words. | supernatural, fluff. requested.
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a/n: I originally struggled with coming up with an idea for this request because I had already done the same prompt for another member, but I uh… listened to we are number one from lazy town and suddenly 💡. enjoy, because I secretly love writing for seokjin and rarely get the chance to.
“Are you sure you’re not free tonight? I really wanted take you out to that new Thai restaurant on 3rd, you know.” 
Your eyes trail up tiredly from your hands’ ministrations, your fingers locating your belongings and putting them away into your bag like muscle memory even as you stare down the very attractive and very persistent Park Jimin, your cubicle mate for the last five years and the only guy who could ask you out more times in a week than he could say “hello” to you. You had gotten so used to the routine that you could fill a notebook with all of your collected responses… maybe make that two notebooks.
“As sure as I was when I texted you that I wasn’t two days ago, Jimin.” You say monotonously, closing the flap on your messenger bag before slinging the heavy thing over your shoulder. You did a quick scan of the expanse of your desk to make sure you hadn’t forgotten anything before scooting out of your place and past Jimin to make your way home. Your tired feet ached in your heels and your ponytail was starting to hurt. All you could think about at the moment was a warm, comfortable bath with a little wine and a fluffy bed to slip into in preparation for the coma you were about to induce on yourself this weekend. 
Jimin follows behind without much struggle, his legs carrying him closer and closer until he’s falling into step with you, “You used to love going out to get food with me, (Y/N). I know boss has been pressuring you nonstop about getting that first draft done for the upcoming book, but you seem more busy than usual. I’m really worried… are you alright?” 
Jimin’s voice turns soft and concerned, a tone you were more used to hearing when you had been up for more than 36 hours and were so sleep-deprived that you were starting to write out three or more paragraphs to describe a patch of wallpaper because your mind couldn’t be bothered to focus on anything important to the plot. But as far as Jimin knew, you had no heavy bags under your eyes and your stomach wasn’t growling for something other than the copious amounts of caffeine you lived off of. You looked healthy, better than ever even, but yet to him, you seemed to never have time for anything besides work these days.
Honestly, you felt bad having to turn Jimin down every time he brought up going out together, because if you were being truthful, you missed him just as much as he missed you (you even missed having to redirect his flirtatious advances in favor of having normal conversations), and despite what Jimin was probably thinking, none of it had anything to do with him. It didn’t even have anything to do with you. 
No, it was all thanks to the Commander of Terror. Or, better known as Kim Seokjin, the super villain you’d created for your company’s upcoming children’s superhero themed novel that had somehow, someway, come to life and weaseled his way into your home one day, straight out of your writing as if you had molded his physical being from the dust of the earth like you were a god or something. You could see why you had trouble giving Jimin much explanation for your need to ditch him all the time, right?
“I’m great! I promise. I’m just a bit… tied up at the house lately.” “It’s been a month, (Y/N). What could possibly keep you homebound like this?” Jimin sighs, and it’s only when he breaks his gaze with you that he realizes he can’t leave work just yet, and you’re steadily making your way to the exit without a care. 
The dark-haired man stops in the lobby of the building, watching with disappointed eyes as you reach the front doors, steps from greeting the evening world and the sun threatening to set soon. You place a hand on the handle of the door and turn to look over your shoulder at him, your heart lurching a little at the defeated, puppy-dog look in his eyes as he watched you leave him behind once again. 
But even through the regret, you knew that leaving your new friend home alone for too long would cause you more trouble than you could allow, and you had a civic duty to protect the world from evil… and bad, bad dad jokes. 
“I didn’t tell you? I got a puppy.”
You wished that was the case. Severely.
The moment you entered your home, your heart began to hammer erratically at the state of your abode. No, there was no fire in the oven, your living room didn’t look like a tornado blew straight through it, and there certainly weren’t any alerts from your local news station that there was a man running through the streets causing mayhem and distress. No, god, you wished that there was any sign of the living being you’d been practically babysitting for the last month in sight. Instead, you were greeted with a scarily clean house and utter silence - never a good sign.
You were sprinting into every part of the house, starting from Seokjin’s room and making your way into yours. You checked the living room, the basement, the bathrooms, and the kitchen, but you were rapidly coming up short. It wasn’t exactly like Seokjin didn’t know how to leave the house, but you had made it excruciatingly clear that he couldn’t leave unless it was for an emergency, and if it was an emergency, he was to contact you as soon as possible. Your phone had not blown up with nonsense messages from the super villain and you were sure he could have gotten his message to you somehow if he really needed to, which only made you panic all the more. 
Your panic came to a stutter however, when you entered the dining room.
Laid out on the average sized table was a long, draping red table cloth decorated in intricate designs, the cloth nearly brushing the floor with its length. Leaning forward to brush your fingers along it, you noted with an audible gasp that it felt very expensive and smelled very new. You could only wonder where he’d gotten it, because you sure as hell couldn’t afford that much.
In the middle of the table, there was a rather embarrassingly large bouquet of roses placed in a beautiful crystal vase, another item you definitely didn’t own, and on either side of the roses were long, skinny black candles with wicks still white and new, never burned. There was a set of gorgeous fine china on either side of the table, more things added to the list of possessions that hadn’t been there before. The longer you stared at the pretty setup, the longer your thoughts began to whirl out of control.
Seokjin was missing, nothing was destroyed or currently being destroyed, and your dining room table was decorated like a setting for two lovers on their anniversary. You almost asked yourself if you were even in the right house. 
So caught up in your own world, you didn’t notice the sound of your front door opening and closing and loafers clacking along the wood floors, nearing closer to you with every second. 
A moment passes, and then your eyesight is obstructed by delicate fingers while a minty breath ghosts your ear, “You weren’t supposed to see this until I got home. Fiddlesticks.” 
You reach up with lightning speed to yank the hand away from your face and spin around just enough to see none other than Seokjin standing there, dressed in a purple striped dress shirt and black slacks, dark hair brushed back into an immaculate style that has your breath catching for just a second, just long enough for Seokjin to notice as his lip quirks up into a pleased smile, “Cat got your tongue?”
“W-Where were you? I thought you’d gone off somewhere, probably used your powers to manipulate the president into giving you power over the country or something-” “Ridiculous, why would I only want control over South Korea? I’m looking for global domination, petal. You should know, you created me.” Seokjin chuckles at you like you’ve told him a silly joke, his upper body leaning in a bit and crowding your space with his sweet scent. 
Your words come out in choppy stammers in reaction to his proximity, this being the closest you two had ever been, and you still hadn’t gotten quite acquainted to living with a super villain, let alone one of your own creation for a children’s book no less. It did not help at all that he was unfairly handsome, looking like something you’d conjured up in your dreams while you watched friends go off with significant others, all happy and pretty and perfect. At one point, you had wondered if that’d ever be you and Jimin. And then Seokjin came along.
You’d never admit it aloud because god forbid Seokjin’s ego inflated anymore than it already did when he caught your doe-eyed look whenever he walked out of the shower in just a towel (”Like what you see?” “I bought you a robe to wear for a reason!”), but damn it… the dude was pretty much your ideal type. Minus the super villain part.
“Stop bringing that up, it still weirds me out… and you didn’t answer my question. Where’d you go?” You ask again, a little more stern this time, and Seokjin catches the hint that he should tread carefully. 
He’d been scolded by you time and time again for things like setting your rude neighbor’s garden on fire or manipulating the customer service workers over the phone for the home shopping network to give you the diamond necklace he saw for free (”It’ll make your eyes pop, petal”), but never for something like leaving the house. He had managed to keep himself more than busy enough by himself at home all day, so him leaving suddenly hadn’t been one of your biggest concerns as of late, even if it did loom in the back of your mind often.
If there was one rule you enforced with every fiber of your being, it was to never leave without you unless it was an emergency. He had broken that rule no matter which way he told it, but in his mind, he was easily able to make up for it. “I come bearing gifts from the new Thai restaurant on 3rd.”
The smell of the food only hits your nose when he tells you, and you look down to see the brown paper bag decorated with the restaurant’s logo, looking packed full with all kinds of goodies. Your irritation at him dissipates the moment you realize he has food in hand, and your mouth begins to water involuntarily, “Oh my god, Seokjin, you’re amazing,” Seokjin visibly beams at your words, setting the bag on the dining table with pride, “Here I was, starting to regret not taking up Jimin’s offer to go to that restaurant tonight, too.” 
At the mention of your coworker, Seokjin bristles, “Has he been bothering you still? I told you, I’m willing to manipulate him into giving himself a colossal super wedgie whenever you give the word.” 
You let out a sound that is a cross between a laugh and a scoff, but you can’t ignore the slight surge of affection you feel toward the villain at his concern, “No thanks, Seokjin. I told you, Jimin is just a bit of a flirt sometimes. He’s still a really good friend.”
Unconvinced but compliant, Seokjin hums and raises his chin a bit, looking down at you from over the tip of his nose, “Your wish is my command, petal. I’d rather not talk about another man when I’ve done all this for you, though, if you don’t mind. It’s only courteous.” 
Jealous. Cute.
You fail to hide your smile, tickled pink at the idea that he might start getting huffy if you mention your coworker once more. Instead, you reach into the bag and start setting out the food, smiling at Seokjin, “Of course, Jinnie,” Seokjin’s cheeks bloom a rosy color at the sound of the nickname you’d given him, “go get the drinks, I’ll set out the food.”
Seokjin, suddenly very motivated to be out of sight of your teasing gaze begins to slink toward the kitchen when something comes to mind and you quickly snatch his wrist into your hold, stopping the tall man from getting too far from you. Perplexed, the villain looks down at you with furrowed brows and looks you over for any sign of danger before he’s assured he senses none, “Yes, petal?”
God, you’d never get over that nickname as long as you lived. You swore Seokjin knew it too.
“Why’d you do all this for me? I mean, food is one thing but… a fancy, expensive new table cloth? Candles? More than a dozen roses? What’s all this for?”
Seokjin blinks for a moment, the two of you looking at each other in pure silence. Then, very carefully, Seokjin gives you a smile that has your chest thumping a little harder with the force of your own heartbeat, his wrist wriggling out of your hold only for his fingers to entangle with yours instead, “Think of it as a… a less troublesome ‘thank you’. I know stolen diamond necklaces and setting the gardens of your enemies on fire isn’t a very conventional way of showing one’s thanks, but let’s face it, none of my situation really makes sense in the first place. I just… wanted to find a way to say ‘thank you for not abandoning me’ in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling guilty. A nice dinner seemed like the way to go. It’s the least I could do for you, petal.”
Against your will, you find your eyes burning with the threat of tears, and you blame your influx of emotions on the stressful week you had piling up on you and not the fact that Seokjin had tugged at pretty much every heartstring you had. Instead of letting any of said tears fall, you shyly squeeze his hand in yours and give him a toothy grin, “I wouldn’t have the heart to abandon you, Jinnie. As strange as our dilemma is… I don’t think I could ever go back to whatever normal was for me before you came into my life. I like it too much, the way it is now.”
Seokjin’s mouth falls open suddenly and he looks shocked that you’ve even said such a thing to him, and then he closes it quickly, the rosy hue on his cheeks now taking on a darker color altogether. When the man realizes your hands are still intertwined, he pulls away awkwardly, trying and failing to discreetly wipe his sweaty palms on the backs of his pants. “Ah, don’t do that. With the way you’re smiling at me, I’m almost convinced you might like me.”
Swallowing the growing lump in your throat, you break eye contact with him to look elsewhere, subconsciously capturing your bottom lip between your teeth for a moment before replying, “You wouldn’t be terribly wrong.”
Seokjin’s eyes are burning on you suddenly, and the sheer heaviness of his gaze causes you to meet his fixed stare. He lets out an amused, breathy laugh when a question mark becomes visible in your expression. “Oh… you don’t know what you do to me, petal.”
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everyonesomething · 7 years
Session Eighteen
Capridi: "So is it time for a road trip?"
Edith Runekill: "Guess so."
Malkas: "Yep. Unless we can scrape together money for a flight."
Pepper: "We'll probably have better luck than the train trips we've had."
Edith Runekill: "Unless we run into the dreaded highway kraken."
Capridi: "What, did you hijack the trains or something?"
Pepper: "We only took over that one because the engineer got brain-jacked out the window."
Sydney Gaydos: "We then drove it into a Kraken."
Pepper: "We got on the news and everything."
Malkas: "Fewer Krakens on the road."
Edith Runekill: "Don't forget the last train, with the manticores."
Pepper shudders.
Malkas: "Oh, I remember the manticore."
I completely forgot to mention last session that Capridi is a full new party member and is played by Sewbro! Oops! I suck!
In this session we learn some valuable information. Then we teach someone a lesson. Then we do some more learning.
This write-up is pretty hefty because we got a lot of RP done.
The set-up: We're off to the Baldur's Gate museum for a history lesson on our lich buddy.
The Game: It's a somewhat relaxing morning back at the hotel, considering all of everything that happened to us the day before. Mal and Edith enjoy a nice breakfast in bed—Edith still feels awful about how things shook out between her and Grim—Mal reassures her she didn't do anything wrong. Syd and Pepper have their own conversation about how things shook out between Grim and the rest of the group—Syd is determined to have all her gumshoes get along, darn it.
Sydney Gaydos: "Hm." Thoughtful look. "Gaydos... understands the need to do one's job. So she knows where Grim is coming from. But on the other claw our newest Gumshoe didn't do anything."
Pepper: "She didn't do anything to us anyway. Except the whole 'kept us from not dying' thing."
Sydney Gaydos: "Rightly so. So conflict is very sure to arise. This is why Gaydos did this--" from her coat next to the bed as she's still in her pjs, Sydney pulls out her notebook. "--she wrote down a few ideas to better create harmony within our group."
Pepper tries to peer at the notebook--why are you so tall. "Anything good?"
Capridi lets out a jovial "GOOD MORNING" to Grim. She can't resist poking the bear.
Pepper: "'Don't shoot each other' better be high on that list."
Edith Runekill starts doing her makeup but she's very distracted and keeps on having to fix her eyeliner after she messes it up approximately 700 times.
Grim: "Mornin'."
Edith Runekill puts on a dignified dark grey dress with a white collar. She doesn't have a hat to wear. :C
Sydney Gaydos bends down and shows Pepper a few pages. "First, we will introduce ourselves and talk about who we are as people. This is Step 1 of The Great Detective Gaydos' Plan for Great Gumshoe Getting-Along."
Grim and Cap are waiting for us in the lobby, they're keeping a healthy distance from one another. For good reason, probably. We collect everyone in the hotel lobby and make our way to the museum—Edith and Mal are hoping someone will have information on where Szass Tam might keep a phylactery or at least some idea of his motivation.  He had been a high-profile public figure some centuries back, but then he disappeared from the historical record before showing up again the other week at the Fair.
An employee at the museum—Morvayn—greets us and starts talking shop with Edith. Their best guess is Szass Tam had been trapped under Thay, a city known for a large network of magical ley lines running through and under its foundations. The people in charge of Thay are wary of letting strangers dig around the city, so information is hard to come by. It's an outside chance, but if we could convince them Szass Tam is back, they might let us in to do some exploration.
Morvayn also suggests we stop by Prastuil University before going to Thay—it has a large library and more information about Thay in general than where we are currently. It's a long trip, Prastuil is far to the southeast, through Plaguewrought Land and past the Underchasm, assuming we don't want to drive through the middle of a desert to get there instead. Grim is concerned we don't have time for such a detour, but Edith assures her it will be worthwhile. Information on Szass Tam is hard to come by and any little thing could help.
Morvayn then takes us to the divination office to get our scry on.
Katalina Winemi'zer: "Do ya haff somethin' of the Liss's for me to focus on?"
Pepper: "I got a real bad first impression of him from when we met."
Katalina Winemi'zer looks at the bewildered faces.
Edith Runekill looks down, embarrassed. "No. We never got close enough to him"
Katalina Winemi'zer: "Is fine, is fine. I can do this without."
"Everyone hold hands pleass."
Malkas: "Why are your hands so sticky, Sydney?"
Edith Runekill gives Mal's hand a li'l squeeze.
Capridi sighs and holds out her hands for Edith and Pepper to hold onto
Malkas squeezes back. Saps.
Pepper makes a big show of wiping her hand off before taking Capridi's
Grim just takes people's hands jeez
Sydney Gaydos: "... oranges." She says simply.
Malkas: "Fair enough."
She scries for us a nice view of the lich flying the car, unfortunately there's few clues to be had since he's in the middle of the air. Edith manages to spot a blue shimmering reflection in the undercarriage as if he's over a body of water, but it's anyone's guess which body it could be. Our vision is cut short when he detects us and dispels the scry, leaving us with more questions than anything else but we do our best to puzzle through it.
Edith Runekill: "It could be the Sea of Fallen Stars?"
"If he kept heading east after he was through in Secomber."
Malkas: "But it could be the Sea of Swords. There's plenty of magical stuff left on the Moonshae Islands."
Pepper frowns. "I don't see what business he'd have going to the Sea of Swords."
Edith Runekill: "If he were trying to get somewhere else up or down the coast without attracting attention by flying over populated areas, maybe."
Edith Runekill: "Back to Waterdeep or Neverwinter. Further south to Velen or Tehtyr. North to Luskan or wherever."
"But-- I dunno. Heading east seems more plausible."
Grim: "He won't backtrack."
"He's looking for new sights. Doubt he'd waste his time."
Edith Runekill: "Yeah. But Secomber was a detour, remember? He might have had other business along the coast."
Edith Runekill: "I feel like eventually he's gonna be headed to Thay. But he's obviously got things he needs to square away first."
"Gathering resources for a takeover? Retrieving things he'd stowed away? I dunno."
Malkas: "Maybe he wants to have a tropical island vacation in Chult."
Grim: "So we call around, learn if there's been any sightings round the coasts."
Pepper crosses her arms. "I mean. There's a lot of elvish magic crap at Moonshae but there's also a lot of Baelnorn. And it just took one to keep him away from Candlekeep right? I mean. If he was ever even going to Candlekeep in the first place."
Grim glances at Pepper, mildly surprised for a split second
Edith Runekill: "Yeah. Maybe check the foreign papers, too. See if there's any news of unexplained disasters or mayhem."
"Hm, that's right, though. Tharnis seemed very confident about being able to hold Tam off, or keep him confined if he'd walked into the trap set for him."
Malkas: "Okay, well. I think we should continue on to Prastuil, unless we get word of Tam somewhere."
Edith Runekill: "Yeah."
Our course of action stays the same, we're heading to Prastuil and then further on to Thay. But first—shopping. Edith gets to work enchanting a wizard hat so she won't lose it after the next monster fight, Syd looks over gifts, and Grim, Mal, and Pepper scope out the local Army Surplus store.
Mal and Grim chit-chat a bit about Syd—she's a different sort of paladin than the holy-rolling assholes they're used to. While they're talking, they spot some suspicious merchandise in the store's display cases: bits of animals and humanoids of questionable legality. Pepper calls Mal over to look at some tacky hats
Pepper lets out a stifled laugh at a hat with an Elvish phrase on it.
Malkas: "What?"
Pepper: "It uh. It wouldn't really translate too well."
Pepper: "It's completely filthy though."
Pepper turns the hat around in her hands, obviously desperate to buy it, but puts it back. "I'm pretty sure you'd get kicked out of like EVERYWHERE if you wore that in public."
Malkas: "Just get it."
Pepper: "We'd never see Edith again."
Grim, meanwhile, stays to strike up a deal with the shop owner.
Grim: "That goblin hand genuine?"
Grim definitely says gen-yew-wine
Helia (GM): "Oh yeah. Got it off a gerblin trader."
"I bought it from 'im, already severed."
Grim nods and studies the case, sucking on her cigarette, then gestures at it
Grim: "How 'bout them hydra fangs?."
Helia (GM): "Can't reveal my sources on that one."
Grim: "Uh-huh."
Helia (GM): "You with the guard?"
Grim: "Shit no."
Grim looks at him
Grim: "I look like a guard to you?"
Helia (GM): The dwarf shrugs.
Grim: "You in the market for trophies, say I had a line on some unusual game?"
Helia (GM): "Maybe. Depends."
Grim: "Here's how it is. I'm a bounty hunter by trade, come into contact with a lot of...real exotic types."
Grim: "Once in a while, a perp don't make it home all in one. You know what I'm saying?"
Helia (GM): "Why don't you give me some more details about what you got a line on, eh?"
Grim regards the dwarf for a moment, then reaches into her pack and pulls out a couple of wanted notes. Specifically, Mal's and Capridi's.
Helia (GM): The dwarf examines them.
Grim: "So happens I'm, uh, travellin' with a couple folk right now as might have some interest to you."
Helia (GM): "Hm. That's a weird lookin' Dragonborn..."
Grim: "Never seen one the like've her," Grim mutters back."Pelt like a sheep, but tougher'n leather."
Helia (GM): "Hm..."
He writes a number down on the back of Malkas's bounty paper.
(2500 gp)
Grim: "Whole package, or horns 'n tail?"
Helia (GM): "Both, an' the Dragonborn."
Grim: "Shit, you gouge your clients almost as bad as your merch."
Grim straightens up and raises her voice along with her rifle
Grim: "Hey Malkas? This sorry sonovabitch just offered to buy your hide."
Malkas: "... What?!"
"... For how much?!"
Pepper: "Uh."
Grim: "2500, you an' Capridi both."
Helia (GM): "Your pal here offered to sell it!"
Malkas: "That's not nearly enough!"
Grim: "What d'you reckon on our doing with a rotten ass poacher?"
Pepper squints her eyes shut and rubs the bridge of her nose.
Malkas: "Uh... We're legally allowed to beat the hell out of him, I think?"
Grim: "That's about what I wanted to hear."
There's a minor scuffle with the shopkeeper pulling a rifle on us, but Pepper deftly panics and knocks a rack of merchandise onto his head as she dives for cover under a table. Mal and Grim only got shot a little bit. Pepper's not too happy with the turn of events, but thanks to the Baldur's Gate laws of “finders, keepers” she scores a free lewd hat out of the deal.
Success! And it only took up most of the morning!
Later that afternoon, Pepper spies Edith on the street. Mal's gone off to run an errand and she's looking for a place for lunch so she invites Pepper along into a local diner. Edith orders a burger while Pepper can't resist ordering the mushroom and spider-meat stew. Edith shows off the darkvision goggles she picked up for the road trip that might come in handy, Pepper seems to have spent her time thinking about what she's going to eat.
Edith gets in to the philosophy of the different schools of magic—she was drawn to Evocation because of the inherent excitement, but she's always admired the ways wizards can be useful with magic, even if it's less flashy.
Edith Runekill: "See, now, I went into wizardry for the excitement of it, which is why I ended up majoring in Evocation even though my school's so famous for useful schools of agricultural magic like transmutation or enchantment."
"But wizards who do useful stuff are so, so important? They're the reason Plaguewrought Land isn't so wrought with plague these days."
"Maybe I was just selfish..."
"Or too fascinated by setting things on fire."
"Both, probably."
Pepper: "Seems like being into something useful just gave my mom an unhealthy obsession with legumes."
"Which--and I'm still trying to puzzle this one out--leads to setting a lot of fires in its own right."
Edith Runekill laughs. "Well, we all got our specialties."
Edith Runekill: "Legumes and fire?"
Edith Runekill considers this.
Edith Runekill: "Culinary magic?"
Pepper eats another sugar cube and sips some coffee. "Got that in one."
Edith Runekill dumps like three sugar cubes into her coffee cup.
Edith Runekill adds an amount of cream perhaps best characterized as "too much"
Pepper says nothing to the massacre in a cup happening across the table and digs around in her soup for more legs.
Edith Runekill: "Always wanted to try something cooked up by a culinary wizard. But it won't happen with what I make as an assistant curator. Or at least not if I want to pay both rent and eat for the rest of the week."
The topic then naturally turns to family, we'll be driving straight through Plaguewrought Land where Edith's from. She's not looking forward to going back home, but she feels obligated to do so, though Pepper doesn't see it that way. At best, Edith anticipates a lot of farm chores to which Pepper jokes it's a good thing they have Grim along. Which just gives Edith something else to fret over—she's still trying to see how she could have handled the Cap situation differently, but she's at a complete loss.
Edith Runekill: "Yeah. You SEE that look she gave me? Her tone of voice when she talked to me? And. Like. I GET it, since-- like-- catching bounties and bringing lawbreakers to justice and stuff is her THING, but... but I can't really APOLOGIZE since... since she really was wrong there? That really wasn't the right thing to do?"
"But it's even more messy because like now I know WHY I care so much about what she thinks of me????????"
Pepper spoons some pie onto Edith's plate. "Settle down, it's not like she hates you. Or even dislikes you."
Edith Runekill drops a french fry in surprise. "She... doesn't?"
Edith Runekill: "I... I figured I'd burnt my bridges...?"
"Making friends with her at all was so hard... worth it, but it was hard..."
Pepper: "She doesn't strike me as the type to hang around people she doesn't like."
Edith Runekill: "Well. I mean. We all got a job to do, here..."
"And it's important to me, and it's important to HER, too, which is why how she handled things with Capridi burns my butter so much?"
"Capridi helped us NOT DIE so we can CATCH THE LICH and isn't that more important than jaywalking in High Imasker or whatever?"
"Everything's all mixed up with everything else and I'm just flying in like six different directions at once."
Pepper: "I think she's just got different priorities. She just spent 20 minutes by herself getting a shopkeep to admit to blackmarket bodyparts trafficking instead of, oh, calling the police."
"Like, if it's a law problem she can fix she just goes for it?"
Edith Runekill: "Well. That's good detective work, at least."
"And-- like-- I get that. I live by a code too, even if-- as I'm learning-- it's a pretty different one. It's just. Like. The Lich is breaking any number of worse laws in worse ways? Shouldn't we be triageing our priorities a bit? Or at least sorting things out before just shooting people?"
Pepper: "Well sure, but if you think about it, we were heading to the police station anyway, so we didn't really waste much time--" she trails off, catching Edith's expression. "I mean, it was a crummy thing to do, don't get me wrong."
Edith Runekill: "Yeah..."
Pepper scratches her chin. "But I think she's just used to doing things her own way. She doesn't seem the type to do a lot of uh, group activities, anyway."
Edith Runekill: "Yeah, that too. Which is maybe why she didn't realize that between all of us there were way better ways to keep Capridi form bolting before we got everything worked out."
Pepper: "I mean, it's hard to get used to working with a group if you've been alone for awhile." Her face flushes and she shoves a forkful of pie into her mouth. "'At's just wha' I fink, 'nyway," she mumbles.
Edith Runekill: "I guess so."
Pepper then does her best to reassure Edith that unexpected crushes aren't the end of the world and you can even still be friends and coworkers with a crush. Pepper also starts to come to terms with the fact that she's been a complete ass.
Pepper clinks her mug to Edith's, which is weird because Edith's mug is sitting on the table. "At least you figured it out with a girl you LIKE, and not one that keeps hiding your shoes at camp."
Edith Runekill: "I guess," Edith says, sounding a bit unconvinced. "Sure makes things complicated though. Also, hiding your shoes sounds pretty mean and I'm sorry somebody did that."
Pepper: "Joke's on her, I got to go home a week early because of it." She laughs, but her brow's a bit furrowed.
"Anyway. It's not complicated so much as. Hm. Wrinkled? You can pal around with someone you've got a crush on, y'know."
Edith Runekill: "You... can?"
Pepper: "I think modern society would crumble if that weren't the case."
Edith Runekill looks thoughtful as she contemplates the mysteries of modern society.
Pepper: "I mean, you work with so many people one of them's bound to've had a thing for you and kept it to themself," she says, eating another sugar cube.
Edith Runekill: "Leave some of the those cubes for me," Edith says, as she absentmindedly puts another one in her cup of coffee. Then: "Wait, really? On li'l ol' me?"
Pepper: "I guess I am taking it on faith there's more than one person out there who'd be interested in you."
Pepper pauses. "That was mean. Was that mean? That was mean."
Edith Runekill: "That... that was kind of mean. Sorry."
Pepper: "Right." She nods and eats a too-large bite of bread.
Edith Runekill: "Well. Thanks for realizing it and saying something, anyway. You... you've been nice to me, these past few days."
Pepper rubs her chin. "Yeah, I sorta had you pegged wrong from the start. I thought--" she trails off and rubs at her chin like there's a smudge she's trying to get rid of.
Pepper: "Well, nevermind what I thought."
Pepper tries to paint Edith a picture, anyway: To her, Edith was a stone-cold hardass willing to tangle with a lich and then hunt down some muggers for street justice. Edith gets upset remembering the showdown in the alley, it's something she's been avoiding thinking about. In doing so, though, she realizes that maybe she shouldn't keep these things to herself—that it's better to talk about what's bothering her. Pepper agrees, it's no good to keep your troubles bottled up inside.
On that note, Pepper asks if there really is a chance the lich is headed over the Sea of Swords—it turns out her parents live in the Moonshae Isles, just off the coast that way. Edith doesn't think it's likely, she agrees the baelnorn in the area would keep Szass Tam away and going by history, he's much more interested in the Eastern part of the world. Still, Pepper says she'll let the group know if her parents have anything lich-related to say the next time she calls them.
Pepper: "Fingers crossed pops doesn't bring up skeletons next time I call home, then."
Edith Runekill: "Or he does but it's just the friendly baelnorn next door." She smiles, but then a guilty look flickers over her face. "Wait, you been calling home? I... I haven't since the Secomber thing..."
Pepper flushes and looks up at the ceiling. "Well. Y'know. Not like EVERY day. Just every few. If I have something to say."
Edith Runekill: "Ah..." Edith wrings her hands, anxiously. "I... I know I ought to call more often, but I don't... I don't think they'd be all right with how dangerous what I'm doing is. They aren't even thrilled about me living in Neverwinter, or the little expeditions me and Mal go on, or... well, Mal at all, really. Ma was really mad,,, or-- or really worried, maybe-- when I called her during the Secomber thing. But. But if we're headed in their direction?"
"I... I guess I GOTTA call?"
Pepper: "Edith, I call my folks because I like to. You don't gotta if just thinking about it gives you a peptic episode."
Edith Runekill: "Ah..."
"Well, I still probably oughta call before we just show up unannounced. Even if that would actually be pretty funny, come to think of it."
They finish up their meal and head out. +1 to social bonding between Pepper and Edith achieved!
Edith meets up with Mal who gives her a present: a bracelet with 5 enchanted charms. Each charm can summon a different party member to Edith—useful if we get separated during the trip. A very thoughtful gift! Mal's such a good boy.
They talk about the upcoming trip, Mal is understandably nervous about visiting Edith's parents at their home. They've never been too keen on him in the past—the word “half-breed” may have come up a time or two—but it's important to Edith that she stops in. She tries to reassure Mal that things will go as smooth as possible, she's positive her parents will come around on him.
Edith Runekill: "They like you better than my high school boyfriend. Low bar, I know, but..."
Malkas: "Ha, really?"
"What did he do?"
Edith Runekill: "Tried to elope at the age of 18."
Malkas: "Wh-What!"
"You ... What?!"
Edith Runekill: "He wanted us to get married and run off together right after high school. And I'm standing there with an acceptance letter to PA&M like, what? I think he was just trying to save the relationship before I went away..."
"And. You know. My parents 100% had my back on that. They want me to marry a nice local boy, but, sweet Auril, not like that."
Malkas: "Not at eighteen, no matter how thick-necked and tow-headed he was?"
Edith Runekill: "Yeah. And not when I had a future ahead of me. Of course, turns out the future they imagined and the future I imagined were pretty different."
Malkas: "Fewer ravenous monsters in their future?"
Edith Runekill: "But at the time they were proud of me for going away to college. But I reckon they counted me on coming back with a degree in agricultural magic and ideas about how to modernize the farm. And not... well, all the things I found that've made life worth living."
Malkas: "Edi, you're gonna make me blush."
They head back to the hotel and the scene fades to black.
After waiting a polite amount of time, Grim—who had been in her room when Mal and Edith got back to the hotel—goes to pay Edith a visit. Edith is noticeably flustered to greet Grim while wearing a bathrobe, but it's not as if she's the type to pretend she didn't hear the knock at the door.
Edith Runekill opens the door. She's wearing a fuzzy hotel bathrobe, and her generally carefully-styled hair is in disarray. She has an obvious hickey on her neck; she tugs on the collar of the robe in a vain attempt to try to cover it up.
Edith Runekill: "Oh... Grim! When did you get back?"
Grim looks at her
Grim: "Bout an hour back."
"Don't mean to interrupt."
Edith Runekill: "Um... an hour, huh. Um."
Edith Runekill sweats.
Edith Runekill is having a waking nightmare.
Edith Runekill: "Um. Anyway! What can I do for you?"
Grim: "Wondered when y'all reckon on leaving. Ain't heard from none've the others."
Grim is just as completely :| as ever
Edith Runekill: "Oh! Um."
"Sometime this afternoon, depending on how long it takes for everyone else to finish getting things together."
"I've already done all the shopping I needed so... I guess... I can get ready whenever?"
Grim shrugs
Grim: "Ain't out to put a rush on the two've you." She glances across Edith's shoulder for a split second, then back at her.
"Only wonderin' is all. Got no feel for the temperature round here lately."
Edith apologizes for accidentally disregarding Grim's feelings back at the library and the museum; she feels like she took the reins on where the group should go and what they should do without taking Grim's views into account. Grim doesn't seem too upset, Edith is more equipped at dealing with libraries and museums than she is.
Edith emphasizes she thinks Grim is an important member of the group, Grim in turn tells her not to be upset if they're at odds occasionally—it's not a bad thing that Edith stood by her convictions in the library about Capridi.
Grim: "You ain't gotta like me, Edith. Or agree with half what I do. I got no place to ask that from anyone. Don't make no difference to my bein' here to see this through."
"Truth be told, I reckon it's the mark of a good person. When your conscience won't lay flat on what you see just 'cause it'd be a whole lot easier."
Grim shrugs gently
Grim: "I ain't one to do what's easy. And you ain't neither. Don't mean we always gotta agree on the right way."
Edith Runekill nods.
Edith Runekill: "Yeah..."
Grim: "I don't want you thinkin' I'm a good person, or a smart person, or the kind you gotta tear yourself in two to please. Just so long as you do what comes right to you, I got no quarrel."
Edith Runekill looks visibly relieved. Even though she's standing there in nothing but a bathrobe, with a hickey, and a look that sort of evokes the 17th century fashion concept of "romantic negligence".
Edith Runekill: "I do think you're good, though, and smart. I think I can still think that about you, even if I don't always agree with you."
Grim snorts softly
Grim: "Guess I talked myself out've arguin' you on that one."
Edith Runekill smiles a bit for the first time in this whole conversation.
Edith Runekill: "Guess you did."
Grim eyes her, considering her words again
Grim: "Didn't reckon on you carin' for me, for as much as you ever did. Ought've been different to you if I realised."
Grim isn't exactly apologising but she looks vaguely abashed
Edith Runekill blushes, and looks away. "Guess it was obvious to everyone but me."
Grim 's brow furrows
Grim: "It was, huh?"
"Didn't figure on it myself 'til I heard it out've your mouth last night."
Edith Runekill: "Ah..."
Look at these two.
But, now that it's all out in the open, Edith is a lot more comfortable with things and the situation has more or less resolved itself. They come to a mutual agreement that Edith can just say what's on her mind next time, rather than keeping it all to herself.
They chat a bit about going back to Edith's hometown—Grim seems to be the only one vaguely encouraging about her making the trip.
Edith Runekill: "I dunno. I been thinking a lot about how... how dangerous this thing we're doing is. We might not come back from it. So... so I guess I don't want to regret having missed what turned out to be my last chance to see home again."
Grim takes this in and nods, eyeing her cigarette
Grim: "You got folks there, too. For good or bad, there's a place that made you."
"I got no answer for it, all I know is it's somethin' that don't stop being true. No matter how far you go."
Edith Runekill nods. "I might spend my days in dusty tombs or overgrown temples or stuffy museum offices. But Plaguewrought Land is still in my bones, Auril's ice is in my blood, and that'll be true until the day I die."
Grim: "It's somethin' I like about you Runekill. You got feet that know the ground, hands that know the soil. Ain't met so many magic types that way."
"Ain't nobody else where you are now who came by the roads you did."
Edith Runekill nods again.
Edith Runekill: "Maybe getting back there for a bit really will do me some good. Or at least it'll be a chance to see my nieces and nephews again..."
Grim: "Worst comes to worst, you got a half decent right hook these days."
These two, I swear to God.
And with that, bridges are mostly mended and we're ready to be crammed in a car together for hours at a time. Good luck to us all.
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ablogofourown-blog · 7 years
last pizza
My first thought was to write a short story that didn’t have a twist ending. I immediately imagined a woman who knew she was going to die going out for pizza. Then I sat on it for a week and my brain started poking holes in the premise which I rushed to try to fill in within about three days of writing. I think the real lesson here is when I have an idea for a story, I need to write it right away, or at least email it. 
Also I thought of at least three twist endings that I could have written for this story and some of them were very difficult to resist, I’m just saying.
On the day she died, Thália went out for pizza.
One Eye Pizza Parlor had been at the end of her block for as long as she had lived there.  It was the sort of place she noticed on her walk home when she had already eaten or just wanted Thai take-out for the night or didn’t have any money. The kind of place she always made a note to visit but never did. That was the first reason she went to it now, but it was not the primary reason.
It was 11:00am when she arrived.  She ordered a large chicken alfredo pizza for herself and took a seat at one of the smallest tables in the corner.  While she waited, she took out a notebook, and as she ate, she began to write.  She stayed this way well into the afternoon, scarcely lifting her head above her notebook except to eat or order a refill of lemon lime soda. The three times she got up to go to the restroom, the staff must have thought with relief that she was finally leaving. But she always returned to her table and to her notebook.
At 4:30pm, her server, whose name tag read “Chinonso” made his last round before ending his shift. “Ready for your check yet?” he asked with a polite smile that only slightly wavered with his impatience.
She shook her head. “Actually, can I get a taco calzone and some cheesy bread?”
“Just for you?” She looked around the table and nodded. “You sure you’re not going to explode?” His laugh strained and his face pinched as he realized the awkward and potentially insulting joke he had just made to a customer.
“Anything’s possible.” Thália shrugged. “But it’s my last day alive, so I thought I might as well stuff my face.”
His smile twitched and he stood uncertainly for a moment. “Hah,” he said flatly, as if it might have been some joke that went over his head.  “I’ll get that right in.” He walked away a little more quickly than he had arrived. Thália had always been cautious and private.  She rarely told people about even her normal thoughts.  Now it seemed silly to worry whether a stranger thought she was weird or crazy.
A few minutes later, a new server returned with the food, and Thalia pushed the empty pizza tray that Chinonso had forgotten away to make room.  Before she could start writing again, he was back at her table, now in jeans and a hoodie for some sports team she didn’t recognize.
“Listen,” he said, sounding almost out of breath. “Are you…I don’t know you, but are you…okay?”
“I’m not going to kill myself,” she answered. “If that’s what you were wondering.”
“Oh.” His shoulders relaxed. “So, you’re…”
He blinked. “Are you the one that told my mom that a blue car would put her aura back in balance?”
“Maybe,” Thália answered, not because it was true but because it was funny. “You have an interesting name.”
“It’s an Igbo name,” he explained. “What’s yours?”
“Thália. Brazilian, not Greek.”
“Thália. Cool.”  When he didn’t move, she gestured to the seat in front of her, and he sat.  “So, you’re saying that you had a premonition or vision or whatever that you were going to die, and you…decided to go out in a blaze of thick crusts?”
She snorted. “No.  I decided to get pizza because I had a vision of myself eating pizza on the last day I was alive.”
“So wait, you didn’t have a vision of yourself dying?”
She took a bite of the calzone, made a face, and waved it. “This is terrible.”
“You ordered it. After you started off with a pizza that’s meant to be a pasta, I might add.  I don’t think your culinary preferences are very sound.”
“Not the actual event, no,” she explained. “Just a snippet of the pizza.”
“Okay, so how do you know this is your ‘last day alive?’”
She sighed and broke off a piece of cheesy bread.
“Was that insensitive? I don’t know psychic etiquette.”
“What do you care, anyway? You think I’m making this all up.”
“Hey, I never said that.”  He leaned back and scratched his close cropped curls. “Let’s just say I’m invested in the narrative.  And if it’s all some desperate cry for attention, well, someone should actually pay attention, right?”
“Gee, thanks,” Thália retorted with her mouth full. She waited a moment before speaking again.  “I’ve always had these…senses, just this vibe of how things are and what will happen, without any logical explanation. Visions are more rare.  It doesn’t matter how insignificant the vision seems, if I have it, something’s going to happen. And when I had the vision of myself here, at this table, I just knew.”
He waited, considering her story. “So look, this isn’t some elaborate way of getting out of paying, is it?
She reached into her pocket and brought out the wad of cash that she had taken from her bank account that morning.  It wasn’t enough to give bequeath to anyone, but it was more than enough to pay for pizza. She placed it on the table.
“Okay. So if your vision happened here, and it made you think you were going to die…why not go somewhere else? Why not just stay home?”
“Whatever’s going to happen will. Trust me, I’ve had this forever. You try to do something else, and you end up in the same place.  It’s better to just go with it.”
“To go with…untimely death?”
She shrugged, arms crossed.  You didn’t see me yesterday, she thought. Afraid to move, curled up in a ball, then, by turns,  tearing her room apart because it obviously didn’t matter now.  It was good to get it out.  She wasn’t calm today so much as emotionally drained. “You don’t have to believe me. I shouldn’t have told you, but you asked, and I hadn’t really said it out loud before.”
“I didn’t say—wait, not to anyone? Family? Friends?”
She shook her head.  “I don’t talk to family anymore, and I’m not going to start now. My friends are kind of spread out and I didn’t want to bother them.”
“Maybe you should have. I mean, if you really think…”
“Yeah, maybe.” She felt a lump rising in her throat and shook her head as she pushed it down.  A pitying look flashed across Chinonso’s face and it made her feel worse.
“And I take it your accuracy rate…”
“It’s pretty spot-on.” She looked at her notebook and started writing again.
Chinonso was quiet for a moment, and then asked, “What are you writing?”
“Just some memories.”
“For your friends?”
“Maybe. Mostly for me, though.  I just spent so much time focusing on the future, and now all I want to do is think about the past.”
“Makes sense,” he said.  “Like what?”
She flipped back to the beginning.  “One time when I was six, I found a baby bird alone and tried to take it back to its nest, but I dropped it.”
Chinonso pulled back and raised his eyebrow.  “That’s…sad.”
“I didn’t say they were all good memories.” She flipped through a few more.  “My first concert. That’s a good one.  I didn’t actually have tickets, but they played on the waterfront and I sat on the bridge, and at one point, when they played my favorite song, I could have sworn the keyboard player looked up at me. Which was stupid, because I couldn’t see their faces, but that’s how I like to remember it.”
“Who was it?”
She knit her brow. “Some art punk band I used to like.  They broke up and I don’t remember the name.”
She didn’t need to look at the notebook to reference the most recent. “And I ran away when I was twelve.  I was gone for a year before anyone found me.”
“Where did you go?”
“For a while, I just camped out in the woods, but then I met these…they weren’t good people. They usually had me play their daughter and we went around conning people until the police found me and assumed I’d been kidnapped.  And I let them, because no matter what I said, they’d just tell me I didn’t know what I was saying, that I’d been manipulated. Which is probably true.  But it was better than home, you know?” She frowned and closed the notebook. “Or you don’t. I don’t know why I’d assume you just know that.”
“It’s okay. I know.”
Thália looked out the window.  She hadn’t noticed the rain before, but now she saw it coming down so heavily it was hard to make out anything else.  Maybe it’s a storm, she thought, and that made her more calm than she had been all day. “I’ve always liked storms,” she said out loud.
“Me, too,” Chinonso admitted. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips.  “It’s okay to be upset. That’s…I mean, that’s human.”
She leaned back and leveled a narrowed-eye look at him.  “Don’t you have anywhere to be after work?”
He sighed.  “I don’t know. You’re the psychic.  Do I?”
“Please don’t.”
He chuckled.  “My video games and ramen packets can wait. Just for a couple hours, though, because the games get jealous.”
“You’re funny.”
“I really, really try.”
She snorted. When she looked outside again, the rain was already easing.  So much for that.  “I just mean, you don’t have to babysit me or sit with me and hold my hand. You don’t even know me.”
He shrugged. “You had a vision of the place where I work. Maybe I’m supposed to be here, too.”
“I hope not.”
“No offense, but I kind of hope not, too.”
“So, leave then.”
“Hey, no one’s holding a gun to my  head.” He winced. “Was that in poor taste?”
“I didn’t even notice until you said something.”
She ran one hand through her hair while the other tapped at the table.  “Well, look, if you’re going to stay, and I’m not asking you to, can you just…talk about something that’s not me? The trials of food service industry? Your childhood? Literally anything?”
“I’m not that interesting of a person.”
“Good. Ramble to me about as many uninteresting things as you can think of.”
So he talked about work (“Customers can be assholes sometimes, but my boss is super chill, so it’s cool,”), his family (a dramatic imitation of his grandmother’s Nigerian accent when she was  drunk, and his favorite dog that died the day after he finally moved out), his favorite games (“Games that are all shooting and combat are too much for me, I actually like the ones that are just a story, you know?”), and what he went to school for (business, but he just didn’t have the connections to get into anything yet, and anyway how is he ever supposed to get experience if people only hire applicants with experience?).  She nodded and laughed and sometimes she stopped tapping against the table as she listened. By the time he ran out of things to say, it was dark outside and Thália was scraping cheese off the empty tray where the bread once rested.
He leaned forward a bit, but he hesitated before he said, “You know they’re going to close eventually.”
“I know.” Her throat was dry and her voice was quiet.  “I thought something would have happened by now.  It be so much easier if I just knew what was going to happen, so I could expect it. Shit.” She fell back against her chair hard enough that it rocked.
“Sorry,” he offered in a mumble. He knew it was insufficient.
She sighed. “It’s just…I know whatever happens happens, but if I leave, then it becomes real.  Probably. Maybe you’re right.  Maybe I got it wrong, and I’m making a big deal about nothing.” She tried to make herself believe it, but her veins were tense with dread.  
“You don’t have to leave yet. We can stay here and talk for as long as they’re open.”
She shook her head. Chinonso waited, but her jaw was tight. She worried that if she said anything, it would just sound even more pathetic.
“Do you have anywhere else you need to go?”
She nodded. At length, she said, “I want to mail this to someone.  Just want someone to have it.”
“I know a late night post office. I can give you a ride.”
She gave him a wary look.  At this point, it seemed silly to wonder whether he was a serial killer, although the thought of dying that way was still terrifying.  He seemed honest enough, but that was not her main concern. “You’re not going to want to see that. Especially if something happens to you, too.”
“Whatever happens happens, right?” He stood up and held out his hand to her. “If you want.”
She closed her eyes and swallowed all the insufficient thanks she could have offered. She placed her hand in his.
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An In-Spectre Calls || Cassie and Morgan
Set before the potw. Morgan meets Cassie for the first time and asks for some slightly spooky help. 
There was something pathetic about drifting through Eye of Newt alone. Around Morgan teenage witches squealed over crystal balls and bundles of sage, handmade fliers for a Tarot Tuesday covered the table, taper candles of every color stared down their wicks at all the fuss, and so many purple spined books gleamed out from the shelves. It was all so curated, so proud, so...much nicer than the mess of wax and leaves around Morgan’s kitchen table where she made her own wares. Even Vera, Vera, could afford gilt labels for her smudge sticks. Bitch. Worst of all was knowing that few self respecting witches dared to roll the dice here. They had other, better outlets to send for. But Morgan had left a chunk of her self respect somewhere around trying to connect with her ancestors through a three dollar slice of birthday cake. And the shame of all this, re-stocking from her own competition, watching teenagers exercise more freedom and skill with their gel pens than she had bothered to muster lately--settled around her like the heaviest of blankets. At least if she was miserable, she was safe. Probably. 
And so Morgan lingered, bitterly taking mental notes on packaging and pining over books she would not be able to afford for another month or more (Vera saw right through any cash she tried to conjure, every time). She had almost tortured herself to the point of boredom when she spotted a familiar face. 
Oh. Oh no. Was this some kind of cosmic trick? Was that--the pro bono exorcist girl? The moon was still in Capricorn, so that was in her favor, and Friday was her lucky day, but having an expert fall into her lap, or at least someone else’s storefront, was not the kind of gift that generally came her way. Morgan stopped and stared at the girl more than was socially appropriate.
Fuck it. 
Morgan marched up to her, wares still in hand, and leaned over as unobtrusively as she could into her line of sight. She smiled brightly, too mystified at the possibility before her to contain herself. “Hi! This might be a really strange thing to say, but you’re--Cassie, right?” She lowered her voice. “Exorcist Cassie? I hear things around town. And the targeted ads in my mailbox are just--well, anyway, I could really use an expert’s help with summoning something. Someone.” 
If you couldn’t make your own grave dust store-bought was probably fine. Wincing at the price tag mark-up compared with the last place Cassie stopped at to stock up she scanned the rows of jars and tinctures for the last couple of ingredients that had been trashed in transit. Fresh out of ash and with no way to make the stuff without either looking like a serial killer or setting the smoke alarm off. Although, on second thought considering the place she was staying, whatever weirdness she brought with her was likely only the sixth strangest thing in that hotel. Speaking of, the four-dollar hole in her pocket was still stinging from shelling out for those Cheerios late last night. Next stop had to be for something that had actually seen the inside of an oven. With that thought in mind she guessed her next stop would be finding someplace to eat some point. The Thai place she passed last night seemed like a good bet.
Like most of its sister stores around the country this place might have been full of wishful thinkers, but maybe there were a couple things that could do in a pinch. Either way she was limited on options and she doubted there’d be anywhere else offering anything any different. Stooping down to read the price tag of a jar of black salt that caught her attention she registered another person in the vicinity. Assuming it was the owner stopping by she straightened up from her crouch by the jars to stand at full height and grabbed up a jar, about to ask if she had anything a little more specific when she registered her name being mentioned followed by the familiar hushed tones, exorcist. That caught her attention as she seemed to peer over at her interestedly. She seemed earnest enough. It was the eagerness that surprised her. Word got around fast, real fast. Anywhere else the whole thing, the whole business really, was a clandestine operation. The routine, ‘Hey thanks for your services, but get out and let’s never speak of this again’ followed by a swift exit was the norm. Not here though. Here it was practically encouraged almost.
“Uh, yeah. That would be me,” she nodded uncertainty, eyeing the store inventory she was holding. “A summoning? You mean to, you know, deal with something?” It was easy to get lost in translation so she tried to follow it with a gesture that she hoped implied giving the boot, “then I can check into it, sure.”
Morgan couldn’t believe her luck. A real exorcist. A real, helpful, exorcist. She bounced on her feet, resisting the urge to clap her hands with excitement. “I thought I recognized your face! And, whew, that would have been really embarrassing otherwise, accosting some poor random person with words like  ‘exorcist’ and ‘summoning.’” Was she being funny? The image played hilariously in her mind in a terrible sort of way: the total lack of understanding on the stranger’s face, the painfully awkward attempts at saving face. After so many big setbacks, the reach of this stupid, strupid curse, Morgan found herself hard pressed to believe in lucky breaks or happy cooincidences. 
(Did that mean her plan was doomed? Oh god, it might be doomed)
“Oh, but, not like--” she mimicked Cassie’s gesture, growing red and speckled with anxiety. Maybe she should have stayed home and brooded over her hot glue gun situation in quiet isolation instead. Sure,  her cat would have still given her judgement eyes from her nest in the bookshelf, but that wouldn’t be half so bad as having this blow up in her face. But like a bad piece of gum on your shoe, Morgan stuck and kept talking. 
“I mean, I’ll want them, you know,” She gestured again, “Eventually. But first I want to bring something here. After I’ve gotten the information I need, it should probably go back to wherever, I guess,  but I need to get someone first.” 
If Morgan had only sensed the ghost judging her from behind, she might have appreciated how funny her request already was, Cassie’s help or not. 
Cassie tilted her head a little, “right,” she nodded with a small laugh. “Hell of an icebreaker, right?” She offered. “Either that or they’d just tell you to call in Zak Bagans,” she mock grimaced.
She watched as Morgan repeated the gesture, still trying to wrap her head around the request.  Okay, so she did mean summoning something, inviting it. It wasn’t totally unheard of, trying to make contact. Mostly for any lingerers that were already there, but actually folding out the welcome mat? That was still a new one, but she still felt that pang of curiosity that something like that would even work, or why anybody would even want it to. 
I need to get someone first.
Looks like you already got them, she mused not unkindly, finally acknowledging the second shadow nearby. Cassie hadn’t made eye contact with the figure lurking in the background until then, but when she did it made her stop in her tracks for a second. They were there alright, but weak. Whoever they were, she couldn’t make anything out past the general humanoid shape and occasional incline of their head as they listened in. Like they were stuck in some halfway point. Weird.
They were here, but they weren’t thrilled about it, but what else was new? Cassie gave them a look that she hoped implied later and turned her attention back to Morgan as she weighed up the options. What were the chances here that whatever she said she was going to do it anyway? Pretty high she was willing to bet. Putting the jar back on the shelf decidedly, “you know what...sure,” she agreed. “I mean mostly I’m there pointing out the exit sign, “she admitted, “but can’t hurt to be around. Let you know if you’re getting warmer”, and to step in in the off chance the invisible man back there had any ideas she added after a second glance. 
“Hell of an icebreaker, right?” She offered. “Either that or they’d just tell you to call in Zak Bagans,” she mock grimaced.
“Just ‘little white crest things,’ huh?” Morgan replied with a laugh. “I do promise I’m not like this all the time. Sometimes I say things like how are you, and, I don’t know--what nice, normal weather we’re having!”
This was...nice. Almost fun. Morgan began to sweat behind her ears at the thought Fun was the sort of thing she felt she had to trick her way into. Fun was the kind of feeling that hatched big, wild bursts of ‘come and get me while my back is turned you lousy curse’ energy. And, Christ on a cracker, wasn’t she getting ahead of herself? She was talking with Cassie about what amounted to a work thing, not about making friendship bracelets, or going to the Sadie Hawkins dance. Not exactly the stuff of tragedies, even in her own family tree. Could be safe. And if she had managed to shake certain doom for awhile, and since it was doomed to catch up, maybe she should hold it together and enjoy the reprieve. Pretend to be a less disastrous version of herself until later. Hopefully much later. After they found Agnes. 
When Cassie agreed to help, Morgan reigned in the impulse to tackle her with relief. “Thank you, so much! You are amazing, and I will compensate you...somehow. I know conjuring money is pretty high on the questionable morality spectrum, but I can also fix things! If it’s in the broken vase category and not the complicated mechanical one, I can definitely fix it. Or with the right material I can make you something really nice. But, again, not too complicated. I’ve spent more time at the archive than my old alchemy books lately, so. And, drinks, or several, burgers even.” Morgan could feel herself running too fast away from her personal disasters. So fast she almost missed what Cassie added, quietly, as not to set any alarms. Invisible man? What? 
It shattered Morgan’s loop of thought and made her go rigid. She cast her gaze back, head-turning slowly. What did Cassie mean? Invisible? Was she being followed? Maybe she had triggered something in the universe and now she was going to watch this blow up in her face before she’d even started. This might be how she died-- 
Morgan looked. Nothing. Not even a shadow. Then again, that might be the whole point of ‘invisible.’ She turned back to Cassie, suddenly feeling like they needed to get somewhere not in the shop. “Um...what do you mean invisible man?” She whispered. “Like...with some kind of glamour? Or--” It came on her so slowly because until now it had seemed laughably impossible. “Do you mean a GHOST?” She squeaked.
“No kidding,” she laughed, “been here a couple days but this place…it’s something else,” she had to admit. Understatement of the new decade, twenty-four hours in and she felt like she had enough for most of her co-workers to have a field day out here. Difference was, for the most part, she had ethics. “Oh hey, no need. I have a day job,” she waved the offers of compensation off, “you’re good.” The day she accepted cash or handouts for this kind of thing would be the day—wait conjuring cash? At some point, she’d have to ask about that-about all of that, but one thing at a time.
Cassie saw the look that crossed Morgan’s expression and frowned for a second in confusion. It was only after the words were out of her mouth that she realized she’d said that last part out loud and immediately felt like backtracking. Shit, way to scare the crap out of them. She could practically see the alarm bells going off in Morgan’s head. Part of her wanted to bluff, tell her she meant as in the general sense but thought better of it. Better not to start off on a lie. It never ended well.
“Okay so, you’ve got one visitor,” she admitted tentatively, “but you’ve got nothing to worry about, they don’t look like much of a threat.” Cassie cast another glance at them as they continued to hover around nearby like a bad smell. Was that an incline of their head at that last comment? “This’d be a very different conversation if there was, trust me.” She hoped that might take a little of the edge off of it. “I’m free today, least I’ve got nothing much planned. I can stop by, deal with the mystery guest over there, try and get contact properly,” figure out if they’re who you’re looking for,” figure out what they wanted and how they even got there like that she added to herself. The longer she looked at the figure the weirder it got. For a second she thought she saw a pair of eyes take shape before they flickered out again. Interesting. “Or if you wanted to wait,” she blinked and brought her attention back to Morgan, “I can hand over some things to keep them out of your hair for a while give you my cell number and you can text me an address or something. Whichever works.” Cassie pulled her cell out from her pocket and opened her bag out to look for what was left her the black salt but came up empty-handed, “crap, the last of it’s in the car,” she murmured and picked the jar of the stuff she was about to buy again and raised her eyebrows at the price tag. Wow, not for forty dollars I’m not. “This stuff keeps them away,” she lifted the jar back up before putting it back down again. “I have some in the car, but regular salt works, just doesn’t last as long.”
 “Are you sure?” Morgan pressed. “You’re kind of doing me a big favor…” But Cassie seemed pretty sure of her stance. Morgan couldn’t figure out why. There had to be loads of people who would pay a lot for help like this. Now that the weight of making up for her services was off Morgan’s chest, she could admit she would have pushed her powers to limit to make this happen. Why wouldn’t you try and get something out of the deal?
But Morgan didn’t have time to think about this because of what Cassie said next. You’ve got one visitor. She had really done it. Maybe? Hopefully. “A visitor,” she repeated, dumbfounded. “A ghost kind of visitor, following me around.” What if it was Agnes? Or one of Agnes’ children? Morgan looked back over her shoulder again, just in case willpower alone could bring it into her sight and understanding. When looked back at Cassie, her face was glowing with held back excitement.
“I need to find out who it is,” she said quietly. “In case it’s who I’m looking for. But the other stuff would be good too. This maybe-kind-of isn’t my first time trying this, just the first time that it’s worked.” She looked at the salt jar Cassie Hefted and made a mental note to up her game in that area. Forty dollars for a little jar. Maybe she should start charging more for her candles; this family quest was getting expensive. “I’d like to see the kind of salt you roll with,” she added lightly. “I’ve been using mom’s old kosher salt, but that was before I knew I should be upgrading. What’s in your mix that makes it different? And, would it be unprofessional if I hugged you right now?”
“Just the one,” Cassie repeated as if that would somehow make it any better. “They’re hard to make out though, which means either they’re weaker, like they’re new or they’re on the out.” Another glance towards the mystery figure and she was sure she picked up the indignation coming off from their stance alone. “Okay. If I can get some stuff from the car, find somewhere quiet I can try and get a read on them. Figure out if this is your guy.” Cassie’s eyes followed Morgan’s gaze back to the discarded jar, “it’s different for everybody, but I like a mix. A little rock salt-any salt really-” she added quickly on review, “some chalk and some Obit ashes mixed in there. Helps with the ‘ashes to ashes part’ it’s not the main focus though. The main part is the words and the intent that’s there." Morgan seemed so enthusiastic and hopeful, she hoped she wasn’t setting her up for a loss. She could do it, hazy figure aside, but actually summoning something was still out of her wheelhouse. She just hoped she wasn’t about to be a let down. Cassie thought for a moment before answering, “maybe save it for when we actually ID your friend, or at least get some contact on line one.”
Morgan took out her phone and made notes as Cassie explained her salt recipe. There was a cemetery near the Traveler’s Rest, should be easy to come by the ashes. She didn’t trust her alchemy-brewed stuff to do the trick, not when it came to warding off whatever had come out of that cake. Morgan didn’t know much about what she was getting into, but she was aware she had passed the ‘in over your head’ signpost few miles behind packing up her life and moving to White Crest. 
She settled for a thumbs up at Cassie instead of the hug. “Too soon, got it,” she said, laughing it off. “But it’s not about the success. I mean, success would be great, obviously, but I’ve been at this--for good reason!--for three years now, and this is the first time I’ve gotten, like, help from anyone. Even if you have to go back to your very expert drawing board, I’m still appreciative. Really.” Something in her sombered at the truth in those words, three years banging her head against her laptop, three years trying to get out of bed, trying not to derail her life anymore than this stupid curse already had. Three years and now she was at the zero hour. Of course she was grateful for even the illusion of progress. What did she have left to lose this year except her life anyway? Her shitty jobs? But that wasn’t the right mindset. Think positive. Move forward. She pepped herself up and headed for the door. “So! Let’s go figure this out!”
Mulling over what Morgan had said. About this being the first time anybody had offered some actual help rankled a little. If you could kick them out it stood to reason there was a way to call them up. It might actually be useful for a few things. Maybe if they were lucky whoever she was trying to get hold of was actually still around, strange as that was to say considering, they could actually make contact. “Three years?” Cassie felt her eyebrows raise involuntarily at that information. “Well, least you’ve got it now, the help I mean. If at first you don’t succeed get mad and try again,” she joked. Even if this didn’t go down well first time around, she had a more than a little healthy curiosity at the idea of something like that actually working. “You must really need this guy for something.” Not about to pry, but you didn’t spend that time trying over something trivial. Following Morgan’s lead and heading outside and back out towards where her car was parked Cassie took out her keys and grabbed the duffle bag out from the trunk and draped it over one shoulder. She shifted the weight a little and used her free hand and lifted up a piece of the padding covering the spare tyre space. “One second. I just need a couple things.” Cassie grabbed up a few loose items and stuffed them inside the bag, “this might help identify Mr Mysterio. Get a better signal and figure out if this is your guy.” Closing the trunk over again she turning back to Morgan with a smile. “Okay, and we’re all set. Lead the way.”  
“L-lead the way,” Morgan repeated, hoping that repetition would rattle something into place. “To the ghost place, that--would make sense.” She began to walk in the general direction of the traveler’s rest. “But, it’s really interesting you should say that. Because, there’s my room at the Traveler’s Rest where I do most things right now, and there’s Al’s where I did the spell. Or I think I did.” Her cheeks were growing hot again. This had all seemed reasonable, even expected in the moment, but preparing to say it out loud, she suddenly felt like an idiot. “I’m working from scratch with this, but there was a spell on google that seemed to have a familiar structure to it, and I picked the right day, I checked the moon, and all that for maximum potency. But, there might have been...cake involved. And admittedly, that seemed like an interesting ask for a request from the beyond. I don’t know if I should take you to the spot where it happened, or if we just need to duck into my room so the muggles won’t stare at us since they’re supposed to be drawn to me and not the place?” Her voice rose higher as she spoke, struggling to maintain the very logical order of planning she had taken the trouble of going to. “Anyways, it’s...all the same direction. Just a little more--this way. And I can pull up the spell, if that helps.” 
“That’s where I live-well, I don’t live there. I’m staying there, or I have a room there anyway.” Cassie wasn’t staying here she reminded herself. It was temporary like everywhere else. “That works,” she looked back over at Morgan with a nod, “or if you wanted somewhere more out in the open, there’s Al’s.” That one was the least favourite option. She hated an audience to this stuff. Growing up it was something to be buried away, not broadcast in public. It was hard to get out of that way of thinking. Old habits died hard that way. “Not sure what the rules are for summoning ghosts in the diner though. Might be a no shirt, no shoes, ghosts, no service,” she joked. Cake? Wait, how did cake figure into it? Okay, that was a question for a little later. Not the time. There was her least favourite word in this kind of context; Google. Hypocritical as that was, she’d done the same thing back before she put her foot down with her parents and got someone that actually knew what they were doing to step in. Ray was a cantankerous jerk that first day, but he knew his stuff. Saved her getting fried anyway. “Google kind of sucks for anything with ghosts. First removal invocation I looked up there had a chunk of it missing,” she admitted. “I was twenty-two and stupid,” she made a brief grimace, “good thing I asked somebody else or I wouldn’t be talking to you. Looks like something might’ve worked, don’t think your friend has been hanging around here all that long. What did this spell on google look like?” Cassie asked, curious now. Maybe it was some sort of banishment circle gone wrong, like they’d copied it wrong, got the opposite effect. Who knew at this point. 
“Yeah, I guess it’s hard to call that living, huh?” Morgan said. “Home-sweet-not-home it is.” They continued the journey together, and Morgan told her everything she could about the spell. She had recognized one of the sigls as something she’d seen in an invocation book. She couldn’t remember what the book had said it was for exactly, but the sighting had given her hope. The plan had been to harness the energy of familiarity to reach out to other spirits who had that energy in common. So, her birthday, the land where the people she was looking for had lived, and a birthday cake, which commemorated the continuation of her family. A little fire, a few words, a little saliva to create a taste of life and boom, call made, familial tether climbed, ancestors summoned. She hadn’t noticed or felt anything different at the time. She had assumed she had done something wrong, or supernatural google wasn’t quite on par with her needs as she’d hoped. She showed Cassie a screenshot and went on. She was trying to get in touch with some ancestors. She had some unfinished business with them, funny, right? Only her magical department wasn’t so much in parting the veils or whatever as it was turning stuff into different stuff. As they neared the Traveler’s Rest, she fished around in her pocket for her old set of keys. She plopped them onto her pop socket and gestured. The keys shaped themselves into a metal cuff, a robot figurine. She made it float before coaxing the metal back into keys again. “Neat, right?”
Morgan’s things were splayed all over her room, two large suitcases worth, seemingly made larger by the cramped space. Morgan cleared a spot in the middle of the floor. “I have some Arizona Tea in the mini fridge if you want any. But why not first things first? How do we talk to my visitor friend?” 
They were keys. They were keys and then they weren’t and then they were in the air. Then they were keys again and that’s the moment life stopped making sense for a second.
Neat, right?
That was one word for it. Cassie couldn’t even nod, just stood there in stunned silence and stared at the keys in Morgan’s hand as she opened the door out and stepped inside. Talking about that kind of thing was once thing, but seeing it in front of her? Whole different ball game. “…Sounds-sounds, yeah,” she found herself saying, her voice sounding a little far away. Reality snapped back again with a bang and she remembered what she was even there for. Right, focus. The way Morgan had been talking and judging from the picture she saw it sounded more and more like a variation of a banishment circle. An inverted one maybe. First thing was first, making contact.
“Oh, that part’s easy,” right, get it together. The solution to that particular snag was simple. “One second,” Cassie dug out a pen and a scrap of paper and scrawled down the alphabet and placed it on the nearest flat surface she could find. “Just needed some quiet first.”
Thank you Stranger Things, Cassie stepped back and addressed the mystery guest, “if you want to just point to tell me what your-” she didn’t get to finish that sentence before the figure darted to the paper and the pen laying beside it. They jabbed their hand in an attempt to move the Biro and watched as they seemed to grow frustrated in their attempts. Wow, they really were weak. Usually most ghosts could conjure up just enough energy to move a biro a couple centimetre across a page for all of ten seconds. “Or, if you want, you can just point. If it’s easier,” seemed they took that as a challenge and the pen started to shift, “…Okay,” she gestured, giving the go-ahead and waited as they pointed over to each letter.
Cassie turned back to Morgan once she figured out the gist of it. “They want to know what you want,” when they started up again.
Oh. Fuck. Morgan took all of her attempts to get in touch with the dead very seriously, it was kind of a matter of life and death at this point, but whatever she had hoped for at the end of each attempt, it didn’t look anything like this. Cassie was sitting with a freaking piece of paper from a notebook and a ballpoint pen, nothing special or consecrated, just practical. And it was moving. Moving all by itself. It was shaking, like the hand holding it was too upset or too weak to hold it together properly. Morgan shifted away from it on the floor. Seeing this invisible force want things, demand things, show--feeling made her uncomfortable in a way she didn’t want to unpack. Wasn’t that what they had always been? And what did it really change about what she needed anyway?
“Um, okay,” she breathed, keeping her voice steady with effort. “That’s nice. Good to know. Sorry you’ve been...here, for so long. But I am going to need some information from you first before we can do that. Okay?” She squared her shoulders back and tried to adopt the kind of voice she used on her freshmen college students. “Now, who are you? What’s your name?”
Watching Morgan move away from the sheet of paper as though it was contagious Cassie realised, she had forgotten how this kind of thing might look to an outsider. What was grade school stuff to her was the stuff of nightmares to somebody else. She recognised that weird waxy looking shade Morgan had paled to and Should’ve just asked them to point. Tell, don’t show this time.
Cassie offered Morgan a look of encouragement as the mystery guest responded, Floor’s all your,s and looked over to their guest who listened and inclined their head as if they were studying her. They folded their arms over for a few moments before answering as thought they were a few moments away from doing the opposite and b an ass. Cassie shot them a look and looked at Morgan again then as the pen began to move again. A lot less stable than before as they slowly spelled the words out.
Okay, now they were getting somewhere. They had a name. “This your guy?” Cassie asked. She still didn’t understand what she did, but recognising that whatever it was it had worked somehow.
Cassie frowned at that last message and now it was her turn to look at the figure, Sean, she corrected herself, her head inclining. 
“Ooh! Sean! You’re Agnes’ nephew, right? Your dad was named Abel?” Not who Morgan was looking for, not even close, and she shook her head at Cassie in a sheepish universal signal of ‘close but no cigar.’ Still, she felt an electric rush of excitement. This was more direct contact than she’d gotten...ever. Ever-ever. The rest of his message was a lot more puzzling. Who was apologizing? Sean hadn’t done anything wrong, at least not that she’d dug up yet. “We’ll get to that Sean, but I’m wondering if you know anything about your aunt? If she...kept a secret book of magic maybe? Or if you saw her, or heard maybe…” Fuck it. “If you heard of her doing something bad enough that might make someone curse our whole family?” She felt cold all over and out of breath just from asking. She’d been nosing around ancestry sites and state records for so long, she had picked up her whole life, she had pestered Cassie in the middle of a shop, all for this, all without putting her finger on the big, awful magic button of a reason. And having to ask it out loud now, even in the most common sense of ways frustrated Morgan. It was a reminder that there was a chance the answer might be no. Maybe the afterlife had turned Sean’s memory to custard, or he just hadn’t been the kind of kid to overhear rumor. “Anything, Sean?” She pressed. “Be honest.”
Success? Cassie looked over expectantly and clocked the expression on Morgan’s face and felt her shoulders slump slightly. No, crap. That had to sting. So close, she actually had somebody here and judging by the look that passed her features they’d missed the mark by a few miles.
I’m wondering if you know anything about your aunt?
The pen continued to move and while Cassie had next to zero to compare this it seemed like who Morgan had got hold sounded like they were a family member. Close, right? Cassie sat back and kept watch and listened as Morgan reached out to Sean. Her eyes darted up again at Morgan’s words at the end there. Eyebrows raised in concern. Cursed?
 “Just answer the question and you can be on your way. Come on, man.” It was round about then that Sean decided to have a temper tantrum and managed to tear the paper a few centimetres in his answer. It seemed to take it out of him. She saw him fade further and stop .“I think he wore himself out with that one.” It was a while before he summoned up the energy to fade back to view again.
The light on one of the bedside tables clinked and the TV switched on and off for a second at that outburst.
What a baby. “Spooky. Very good,” Cassie shook her head and spoke in a deadpan tone. “I know you’re pissed but don’t be an ass, Sean, or we’re going to have a problem.”
Morgan clenched her fists in her lap to keep from shaking. This was getting very real, very quickly, and somehow not at all fulfilling in the way she’d hoped. The paper was making noises all by itself, and it was one thing to look away from the screen when things started getting weird in The Conjuring, but something else entirely when the jump scare was right in front of your face. There was nowhere to go from this. Morgan looked behind her and saw the TV flickering, like some five year old on a sugar high was going crazy with the switch, and the tables were rattling louder without anyone being there. Morgan’s eyes had been stretched open long enough to tear up. She was sure if she closed them she’d make up some excuse for what she was seeing, she’d try to tell herself that this was wrong and definitely impossible. But the only thing scarier than seeing this happen, was to never see it happen. Fuck. 
“Sean, you asshole! Cut it out!” She screamed over the noise. “You tell me what you know!”
But Sean was not remotely interested. Morgan felt down in her pocket to the salt stash she had and threw it near the paper. 
“You wanna stay here forever, Sean?” She asked. “Because I don’t give a shit if you’re stuck with me forever, okay! You can throw a fit all year for all I care, got it? So spit it out already!”
Cassie shot Sean’s general figure an exasperated look and turned to Morgan and frowned in confusion. Where was he getting this idea he wasn’t free to go here? She really wasn’t about to enlighten them any time soon. Looking at Morgan just as the ‘I want to speak to the manager theatrics’ flared up again she saw Morgan glance around looking rattled. Crap. She knew that look. Cassie saw the clenched fists and shot her a worried look.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Cassie reached over but paused when she realised then that it wasn’t all fear there. There was some anger bubbling under the surface and stopped, sitting back down beside the paper. “Just some grade school level theatrics. He couldn’t blow the fuse on a lightbulb,” Cassie shot Sean a glare. Was it really so hard for the douche to just give Morgan what she wanted so they could just drop kick him back to the beyond like he wanted here? “And if you do, I’m going to have some words you’re not going to like.” Turned out the reassurance really wasn’t needed here. Morgan was holding her own. More than; she was outright making demands, tossing salt she didn’t even remember she had on her at the paper. Fast learner.
You can throw a fit all year for all I care, got it? So spit it out already
“What she said,” Cassie shrugged and looked for a second at the salt Morgan had just tossed in Sean’s general direction, “and if she thinks about throwing any more of that there’s not a damn thing I’m doing to do to stop her. I’ll tell her where to aim. Your call.”
The pen moved, with urgency then, spelling out a name. Now, that wasn’t to hard, was it?
Morgan came back to herself with Cassie’s agreement, what she said. Oh. Shit. She’d really let loose there. Threatened her ancestor, even if he was kind of a dick, wasted some salt aiming at whichever part of the air had looked most threatening. Cassie, for her part, didn’t seem too upset about her seasoning the ghost, and Morgan didn’t know what to make of that, except that she would have to explain a lot more about her situation than she’d had to in a long time. But that could wait. Hopefully. Sean was telling them about...someone named Constance. Morgan couldn’t remember how she fit into her family story off the top of her head. Was she Constance’s mother? Her daughter? It was right on the edge of her recall, but she couldn’t reach it. But it was better than nothing. 
“Fine,” she said flatly. “Fine, go.” She still had some salt in her hand and threw it again. “Fuck you anyway, though. And tell Constance I’m coming for her.” She turned to Cassie for help, holding her sweater close around her chest, flushed with embarrassment.
Cassie watched as Morgan threw the remainder of salt in her hand towards the paper again, but something strange happened in the seconds before the salt even went airborne. Cassie didn’t get the chance to even start to send him away. There second Morgan uttered the word go the ghost that was formerly known as Sean zapped out like an old television. Blipped back to the void as if being pulled back somewhere. “That was new,” was all she could manage then with raised eyebrows. “He’s already gone,” she clarified, shaking herself out of it. What the hell was that?
“Okay,” she spoke again eventually as the quiet descended. “I have no idea what you did,” she admitted, still processing, “but that’s uh, that’s different.” Understatement, the air shifted, she felt that much. Swore she heard a faint popping sound as they went. “Did you get what you wanted? Sort of anyway? A name is a start, right?” Cassie shifted back and let out a breath. “So, um, walk me through what you did here, with the circle. Maybe we can get somebody else.”
Morgan flopped back on the floor when Cassie said he was gone. She didn’t know how she could tell, and without anything to tell by she almost didn’t believe it. This...this was good, right? This was progress...in that it was more ghost she’d spoken to in her whole life, certainly more than she had gotten out of any of her magic experiments. She would have to find out who Constance was, what she had to with all this. Agnes had been the one everyone talked about, but maybe she was just the baby monster. Oh god, if this was going to turn into a Grendel’s Mother situation-- Morgan put her head in her hands and breathed out long and hard. One thing at a time. “I um...I can send you the stuff. I have the webpage saved, but I don’t know if I can do it again, without some meaningful date and a new moon, or maybe not, maybe that was bullshit…” she was mumbling, half in a daze, as she pawed around the messy floor for her computer. She pulled it up and sent it to Cassie’s account on the town social media network. Handy, that. She stood up and dusted off a whole lot of nothing off her jeans. “I got something alright!” She said, scrambling to put her smile back on. “Thank you for helping on short notice. You’re really nice, and I’ll find a way to make it up somehow. Maybe when, um, the adrenaline is a little, uh, less, we can figure something out.” Or not. Cassie seemed like she might make a good shortcut through the mess, but she might also be fast-tracking herself into the danger zone. But if it meant not running from herself anymore, maybe it would be worth it anyway.
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E07 “Revelations”
Wow so this is the first time I’ve been able to do my #BuffyAt20 on the actual date all season! Been a hectic couple of months. And what an episode to be caught up for! Let’s dive in.
> There’s way more Dingoes this season than I remember there being the last time I watched.
> Oh god I forgot it was this teaser. “Oh it’s so crowded, why won’t Xander go near Willow?” Aren’t jokes about cheating in front of your partner funny?
> No one gets it when I say “I’m here through Saturday, enjoy the veal.”
> I love Willow noticing Buffy is acting strange.
> Cordelia almost comes across as empathetic in this scene, talking about Buffy’s trauma, except for the horrifying phraseology.
> I’m guessing Buffy/Faith shippers loved the “really, we’re just good friends” bit in this teaser?
> The look on Giles’s face when Gwendolyn says she’s the new Watcher, you have to assume some part of him wonders “Is this finally it? Am I finally fired?”
> Can I take like five seconds to talk about how great this show was? Like, it was serious but never hyper-dramatic, funny but not over-silly. It paved the way for so many teen-aimed sci-fi/fantasy series we have today. I just love it.
> I love that Eliza got an “as Faith” on her credit.
> “Hmm. academic probation’s not so funny today, huh, Giles?” Forever loving that moment.
> This woman is such a beautiful sociopath. She literally gives Giles five seconds to produce an image of demon she just mentioned before belittling him. If he was thinking rationally, he would recognize that she was being impossible, but she’s got him so frazzled that he’s just getting more and more agitated. This woman should have been a recurring villain who teamed up with Ethan Rayne.
> 12 cemeteries in Sunnydale?? Dayumn!
> “Interesting lady. Can we kill her?” “I think the Council might frown upon that.” is another exchange that made its way into my vernacular.
> Huh! Same “Thai Chi” theme this week that was introduced last week in “Band Candy.” Not a complaint.
> Oh good lord, Angel, you knew coming near her was a bad idea.
> And Buffy’s the one to pull away. Gosh, she’s just so strong. He’s so friggin’ weak.
> I gotta say, the difference between Buffy and Twilight is at least Buffy doesn’t try to pretend that the protagonist is some plain blah who people are all bizarrely attracted to. Buffy’s outside matches her inside - she’s pretty freaking gorgeous.
> Okay, Giles still hasn’t found info about Lagos hours later? That’s pretty fail there, Giles.
> I don’t find Xander’s “you’re not the Watcher of me” jab as annoying as I usually would, he’s already starting to soften. And Giles’s “then go home” is both fair and soft. Great exchange all around.
> Hey, Xander actually did stop during a speech about “no means no.” Mitigated by Willow then grabbing and kissing him, but it’s something.
> As an enormous Christophe Beck fan, I don’t even like the Xillow music theme. That’s how much I hate everything about this story and like to pretend it never happened.
> There’s some Faith spin-off book that shows all the boyfriends Faith mentions in this scene. Just a note.
> I don’t find the “life with Angel is - was complicated” slip to be as sloppy as I’d normally find stuff like that. The wound is still fresh. Makes some amount of sense.
> Is this, like, the first time we’re seeing Faith get her own scene without any of our regulars in it? Apart from her ragging on Scott in “Homecoming,” I think it might be. Interesting.
> And of course it’s Xander who first learns Angel is back FROM SEEING HIM AND BUFFY MAKE OUT. That really feels like a Season 2 idea that they kept but Xander had grown beyond by now. I really get no jealousy over Buffy and Angel from his character anymore, so all of this stuff making him an antagonist to them feels very forced.
> I really wonder who initiated this first re-kiss between Buffy and Angel. It was very smart to never show us.
> Ooh, actually, the way they take makes it sound very much like Angel did it. Yet they never showed us that. Very interesting choice.
> Also I always forget that Angel hadn’t shown her the Glove yet. In my head, I always make it that they’re celebrating him finding it. So, what, she showed up and he just went for it? HOW DID THEY GET THERE?
> “A person slips up on the little things and suddenly everything’s gone to hell in a handbasket.” She’s belittling Giles for every minor thing he’s doing wrong while he’s missing the most glaring minor thing he’s forgotten to do: CHECK WITH THE COUNCIL.
> You know, if anything, it makes sense that he wouldn’t want to check with the Council the more she belittles him. She’s the voice of the Council right now. Reaching out to them would mean hearing it from more people. GOSH, why am I fascinated by this episode today??
> Written by Doug Petrie, by the way. His first!
> I appreciate that they didn’t go for a joke of Giles shouting “WHAT?” or something while Xander is whispering in front of Post. That would have made him look really bad.
> They’ve literally set up an intervention circle for her, this scene is so intense.
> Cordelia hasn’t even spoken yet and I’m already dreading it.
> “I feel worried - about me!” Oh right, there it is.
> I love Willow in this scene. I always think about her during arguments when I try to focus on “I -” Statements.
> “But you were kissing him.” Oh Oz. But y’know, he says it so non-confrontationally. It’s a statement of fact. Making sure to say it before anyone else can lob it like a weapon, too.
> “I think lots of dead people actually constitutes a reason.” I’m, like, surprisingly pretty on board with Xander in this scene. I think he’s being a little more spiky than he needs to be but I know I do the same.
> I love Giles deescalating the scene. I forgot he does that, and he does it SO well.
> Oh but then Buffy thinks he’s on her side. Dude, NO.
> I really appreciate Giles not weaponizing Jenny’s death against Buffy in this scene here in his office. He comes pretty hard but he is entitled to go so much harder, honestly.
> “Vampires rarely knock. Especially in daylight.” No but really, Faith.
> “Wild stab, a bunch of guys from Spart?” Lol. Also this was where I and most of my friends first learned about the Spartans.
> Gwendolyn offers to train with Faith but then we don’t see it. I find it hard to picture this granny-ishly dressed woman doing physical training. But maybe that’s me.
> Willow works so hard to keep her friendship with Buffy normal over the years, it makes Buffy’s instant acceptance of Willow on her return from England in Season 7 all the more lovely.
> This pool scene where Xander talks about killing Angel was in the commercial. So was Faith saying it in the Library later.
> See, she hasn’t even changed her clothes! How did she train in that skirt??
> Does Gwendolyn Post ever change her clothes in this entire episode…?
> I can’t remember if I was surprised that Post turned out to be evil. Probably not.
> Willow making Buffy’s pain about cheating on her own boyfriend with their best friend right now is pretty gross.
> Also, asking if the secrecy made it sexier is a weird level of psychology to give Willow at this point in her character’s journey.
> I actually wish Willow had told Buffy about her and Xander here. It’s the obvious choice to make Buffy remain in the dark but imagine the dynamic if Buffy becomes the only other person who knew. Maybe Willow doesn’t even tell Xander that Buffy knows. Hm.
> Willow’s little cheer-dance when Buffy slays the demon is what this show is truly about.
> Xander and I have similar taste in weapons.
> Also Xander slowing down and realizing Angel can’t have done this is a big moment for him, tbh.
> Omigod Buffy THROWING THE SWORD away when she sees the cops is hilarious.
> Do you think the reason these EMTs are so testy is because they’re constantly being called to this location?
> Oh and here Xander ruins that moment of earlier growth by being a child at Buffy. At least Willow’s not having any of it. She knows what’s up: always follow Buffy.
> Okay, maybe Gweny can throw down in that skirt after all, with the way she turns that shove into a stake.
> “I can’t believe how much I’m gonna kill you.” “You’re not gettin’ that glove.” Wow. Angel and Faith meeting for the first time. It’s wild how linked those characters have now become.
> Plus, Buffy sort of emotionlessly shutting Faith down when she’s trying to do good also sets an ongoing tone for these two.
> Fun fact: the Glove of Myhnegon is one of the game pieces in my self-made Buffy Monopoly.
> How many Buffy/Faith fights are there this season? 3? I think it’s here, “Enemies,” and “Graduation Day, Part I.” (Or is there even one in “Enemies”?)
> Stopping Willow must’ve been all the more cathartic for Xander after years of stuff like trying to stop Buffy and Faith from fighting only to get slapped into a wall.
> The lightning was supposed to take the form of a falcon and land on the glove and it was gonna be all this cool stuff, but it was 1998. That shit would’ve been expensive AF back then. They could probably do it now.
> Gosh, that one shot of Post using the Glove from the credits! Love it.
> Ugh, but then Buffy and Faith come together to stop her! So lovely.
> “Sounds like I missed a lot of fun.” That’s a really interesting choice, having the characters absent from the scene commenting on their absence. I don’t know why.
> Omigosh I just remembered the time I watched this episode on DVD with the French language track and English subtitles. Like. Just for the experience. ...It is not one that I repeated.
> “But I trust you.” “I don’t. Just for the record.” NO ONE CARES, CORDY.
> “They swear there was a memo” is one of my favorite commentaries on bureaucracy ever.
> Giles actually composes himself fairly well throughout all of the Angel stuff, I never really give him much credit.
> UGH. Okay, one of my least favorite things about the Buffy/Faith dynamic is how many times it feels like they should break new ground and don’t. Like here or Christmas. So annoying.
> LIKE THIS. “Buffy?” “Yeah?” “Nothing.” YOU DON’T NEED TO BE SISTERS, but would it have killed you to JUST say “thanks”? Ugh. This episode is portent for the fact that they were doomed to never connect, and it just makes me sad.
ON THAT NOTE. Next week is, on the one hand, a hilarious guest spot from Spike and, on the other hand, finally the awkward choking death of Xillow. Fun times all around!
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