#its asura week so have my least asuran asura
drakeheart · 10 months
Asura Appreciation Week
(aka i saw ratposting and wanted in)
DAY ONE: Talk about one of your asura OCs! @asura-appreciation-corner
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Juggernaut Havokk, my scrapper/raid main/scrunkly lttle jerk
it all starts with him getting kicked out of college for his "unsuitable temperament" i.e. being a confrontational little bastard with unaddressed anger management issues. after a few years of doing menial grunt work and fending off inquest recruiters, he decides he's fed up with asuran society and takes off on his own.
a few years later, he finds himself in ascalon, where he accidentally gets caught up in a clash between a charr warband and some human separatists. inspired by the action and impressed with the charr's formidable ordnance, he decides to make his way to the black citadel and promptly offers himself up to the legions as an engineer.
unsurprisingly, his offer is scorned and he is turned away, but refusing to be overlooked yet again, he stubbornly settles down amongst the gladia and sets to work learning everything he can about weaponry and war machines. despite still living as an outcast, he thrives among the charr, finally passionate about his work, and even starts developing some custom projects of his own.
eventually, his effort earns him the notice of an iron legion tribune, who grants him special clearance to serve on the warfronts as a siege engineer. it's here that he first meets Amara, my main commander, during her early legion days. later on, he'll join her as a member of the pact and fight alongside her all the way from orr to the maguuma, after which he stays with the pact while she goes off to deal with dragon magic. they reunite again during the fall of kralkatorrik, and once more during the charr civil war.
as far as personality, he's generally cranky and abrasive, with a glare that could knock a minotaur flat. if you can get past his prickly shell, you'd find that he's quite witty, surprisingly talkative, and intensely loyal to those who earn it.
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thatonebirbnerd · 4 years
A Metal Rose
Word count: 1449 
Trigger warnings: Emotional/psychological abuse, sexual abuse including a non-graphic r*pe scene, forced body modification/surgery, eye trauma
This is my first time writing a story with anything remotely sexual in it, and it turns into... well... this list of TWs. What have I done...
Anyway, here’s some Silaane. Poor baby.
AO3 link
Season of the Scion, 1326
5 - Captured a young sylvari, fresh off the Tree. She seems rather malleable; a good test subject.
7 - Experiments begun. Some resistance shown at first; babbling about the Mother Tree. Displays signs of stress, including leaf loss and replacement with spines.
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What… is all this?
It’s dark. I’m scared. I can’t move, or even blink. The only light comes from the spirals of energy around me. Why do these little creatures want to examine every crevice of me? What do they want from me?
19 - Resistance seems to have ceased. Tests begun in earnest. Seems to be shaping up well as an herbaceous, living weapon.
The creatures call themselves asura. They want me to fight illusions now. I’m not sure why. Sometimes their leader puts me in the tower of energy and cuts a hole in my bark. It hurts, but… it’s not like I can react or anything. Pale Mother help me…
49 - Training going well. Preparing for augmentations. Subject S, as I have named her, is becoming proficient with daggers and pistols.
I’m better at using weapons now. Maybe I could use them to escape someday, but what if I fail? What if they put me in… no. Don’t think about that.
The leader takes me over to a table. A hood floats over it, releasing a strange vapor. He tells me to lie down and take a rest for… a couple days? Odd… I’m very sleepy…
50 - Augmentation phase one successful: the easy part. No complications apparent. Biopsied torso and removed extraneous matter. Replaced missing bark with metal plate. Prepared augment insertion sites. Must sleep now. Keeping S under anesthetic magic through phase two.
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51 - Augmentation phase two. It was a long, difficult process, but I’ve done it. Affixed elementary wiring for battery packs. Added matrix regulator at left scapula and strength amplification into both forearms. Substantial endurance enhancement system implanted throughout pelvic area. Enhanced optics in right eye. Obstructive tissue in all applicable areas… dealt with. Torso, arms, pelvis, and eye bandaged.
“Um… hello?”
Oh. He’s here. Why does everything-
Oh, Mother…
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I’m covered in wires and metal and gears and… why? Why would he do this?
And… why can’t I see out of my right eye? What happened to-
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“S. It’s alright. You’re alive. Now, let me put these batteries in. I’ll explain later.”
Ugh, this… plating feels so  wrong  . It’s like he gave me a human’s breasts. Stop treating me like a woman; sylvari are not that simple. Stop calling me a woman!
Damn it. I can’t live like this. “I… would you… hammer this chest panel down? I don’t like-”
“Oh, but you look so beautiful! And there’s essential hardware in there that I’d have to rewire...”
Essential hardware?
58 - It’s reveal day! Jubilation!
I don’t train for a week. The pain is at least going away, but what did he do?...
“Alright, let’s take the cover off this, remove the bandages…”
“I still can’t see. What did you-”
“Give me a few minutes to just unwrap you! Alchemy, I must’ve made you into a mummy. And a  gorgeous  mummy at that. My assistant took the liberty of dyeing the battery packs. and made you some  luscious  custom-fitted armor to handle the parts of you that are still arboreal. Well… wood. I hope you like it.”
The bandages come off. Underneath is… it’s awful. Bulging wires run beneath my bark, connecting to the battery packs and all that came with them. I don’t look down as he unwraps my hips. I don’t want to know what he did between my legs. And I don’t like the look in his eyes as he surveys his handiwork… 
For the first time, I am truly lost and alone. When I was kidnapped, I still had the Pale Tree. Now there is a silence in my mind, one that’s grown as I lost hope of help.
My captor switches the batteries on.
I don’t think anyone’s ever felt anything like this before. Except an asura, maybe. Energy surges through my body. I tense up, and feel so much stronger. I realize I’m shaking.
“Oh, look at you! Just perfect…”
I don’t like the way his voice sounds. There’s something so wrong about it.
My vision floods, but the left side is… different. I look closer at a tool across the room, and hear a little whir inside my head as the device focuses. Whoa, I’m dizzy! I close my remaining eye, and I realize that this strange asuran eye works like a telescope, something I saw in my Dream. I shift my focus off the wrench, and my vision returns to normal.
“And you were all worried!”
Why wouldn’t I be?
59 - Training has resumed. S has received her armor. I’m very excited now. Perhaps for a few more reasons than intended.
I’m fighting again. It’s hard to get used to this, but I’m stronger now. Too strong. I break a lot of things accidentally, so it’s a good thing that the sleek suit the asura gave me doesn’t have extra parts I could fiddle with.
But I hate the way he looks at the sheer panels over my hips…
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62 - Found Subject S fiddling with a tree branch. Unsure of branch’s provenance, but S was clearly attempting to use it as a Canthan-style fighting staff.
I have an idea not long after I return to training. What if I were to use a pole as a blunt-force weapon, perhaps to sweep it under an enemy and knock them off balance? I decide to test it out on some illusions by using this big branch I found outside. Must have fallen from one of the trees.
I’m growing… angrier. More resentful, more heartless. I switch off the suit for a bit, but no, it’s all in my mind. Is this what Nightmare feels like?
78 - S seems moody lately. I’ve tried to cheer her up, but she seems decidedly unimpressed by toys. A bit surprising considering she or any other sylvari should have about the intelligence of a progeny.
Toys? That bastard makes me into his little freak, and the only thing he gives me for it is toys? 
I think I’ve seen enough. I have to stop giving in.
90 - S has crafted a short bow out of one of my captive devourers. Smart little cabbage, she’d killed it herself.
I got some practice in on one of the lab’s other denizens. A devourer. About the same size as an asura, I figure. I make a bow out of its carapace and some practice arrows out of its legs. It takes me a few hours to figure out how to use it, but by the end of it, I’m able to use my new eye to hit targets more easily.
Everything seems fine until he shows up.
“What in the Alchemy did you do to my devourer? Ah, I’ll just have to put you in confinement again…”
“And now that you’re in here, we’re going to do something a little different this time.”
He’s smiling. Not this again.
Why is he taking off his pants?
Why is he taking off my pants?
I’d tried so hard not to think about it for weeks, but he’d reconstructed the entire area that… he’s trying to force his way into right now. He’s hit a sensor inside that… cavity he carved out of me - why -
No. Can’t think. Can’t move. No, no, no…
Season of the Colossus 1326
16 - S becoming increasingly skilled with her bow. I don’t have to push her to train at this point. Goal of living weapon achieved; now to keep her loyal, and prevent her from making her little inventions.
It took weeks, but I’m finally enjoying training again. This time, I know what to do with it. 
He’ll pay for everything.
I’m still practicing on his pets. Today, I twisted together a real fighting staff out of devourer shells. Little does he know that his biggest pet is the deadliest of all.
23 - S is becoming hostile. I fear I may be in danger. 
“S. You’ve been… angrier lately.”  
“That’s not my name, and you know exactly what you did to make me mad.”
“You don’t need to be testy about it, dear.”
He traps me in a lab, sticks tech all over me, does Pale-Tree-knows-what-else to me, and expects me to be his perfect little plaything. But of course I’m not going to tell him that, or else he’ll put me in that cage again.
No more waiting.
He dies tonight.
24 - Wee hours. Why is S awa--
[The page has been sprayed with blood.]
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poroquagganbob · 5 years
Tell me about Natasha Natalia! I don't know anything about her but I love hearing about Asuras and what different people do with them~
Oh boy.. do I EVER have some stuff on Natasha. And the canon she comes from! She’s a character that predates GW2 by at least two years.
STRAP IN, THIS IS GUNNA BE RAMBLING. I even took a few new screenshots of her for the occasion.
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So I’ve been rping as her since I was 16 years old (I’m 24 now, I was just turning 18 when GW2 came out), she’s actually a hold-over from my roleplaying group that has had an on-going storyline for nearly 10 years.
Her nicknames are Tash and Tashie, and canonically she’s around 10 years old but for the GW2 canon, I aged her up to 15, because her older adoptive sister Esme had to be aged up to 18. (Esme is only 13 in the RP canon so it was problematic )
Her actual name is Natasha Natalia Miterian.
In my group’s canon, every single mythical creature exists in a modern setting with various bureaucracies governing each, and a Ministry dealing with crimes involving magical creatures and immortals.
Demons take on a different form than hell-beasts, they are humans turned into beings with red eyes, black blood (because their hearts have stopped) , black raven-like wings with weaknesses only to fire and electrical shocks. They’re immortal and consume souls of the living.
Anyways, enough about the weird canon backstory my friends and I have created. Lets talk about Tashie!
Seacanary saved her from drowning, which killed Tashie’s mother and scarred Tashie permanently. But even so, Seacanary decided to raise her and perhaps someday train her as an assassin. 
Seacanary is a demon but has no plans on turning Natasha into one because Esme is enough of a chaotic neutral hassle . But because her adoptive mother raised her with little care and supervision, Natasha is a strange child.
Natasha has a TON of quirks. 
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Firstly: she’s afraid of water. To the point where she had to be held when taking a bath even as she got older. She never learned to swim as a result. She’s been able to take showers by herself as of late after years of working up to it. She still has to coaxed into doing it, so she only showers once a week (maybe) . She’s a bit grimy but never seems to mind.
Secondly: she’s an absolute fangirl over bladed weapons, especially knives and daggers. Her motto is “I like pointy things “ and she certainly does. She’s been around them for as long as she’s been around Seacanary and as a result can tell you everything about a particular weapon, what its used for and what its made of by looking at it. She’s always looking for new deadly bladed things to create for her mother.
Lastly: she loves explosions. If it shatters glass and makes a loud noise, she’s delighted. If it lights something on fire while doing both, she’s even happier. I decided to make her an Engineer for this reason. I think she appreciates this fact.
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Her favorite color is purple and its the only color she’ll wear. 
Her first invention was an automatic knife-launcher which she’s generally improved to the point where it can launch 10 knives in the span of 30 seconds.
No one except her adoptive mother appreciates her work.
Now you’re probably wondering: why is this character an Asura? She could have easily been made a Human... There’s practically nothing Asura about her. 
This is the part where things get a little bit.... embarrassing.
My RPing group ? We started on Neopets but have since moved to Discord to be free of the chat filter. Things have moved far beyond RPing as our pets at this point but a few of the Neopet characters have stuck around and their status as Neopets has almost been forgotten because of how they behave. 
So this is the body model I based Natasha on.
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As a result... I made her into an Asura. Thats why she canonically doesn’t have an Asuran name. She’s literally based on one of my Neopets from when I was 16.
I think I did a good job translating her from Kacheek to Asura though.
I wouldn’t get good at making Asura be canonically like actual Asura til I worked on Kira.
Thanks for this strange dive into a character I don’t really get to talk about, that was fun! 
I’m going to the corner of shame now. 
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whiskeyworen · 6 years
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Name: Tenna
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
College: Synergetics
Class: Holosmith Engineer
Allies:  Cyrus, Verula Faithbreaker, Moryggan Deralith,
Relationships:  Youngest of three siblings. Strained relationship with elder siblings Miriya and Sonnya due to personal experiments. No known relationships, though is close with all members of her team.
Weapons: Holosmith Saber and Alchemist's Shield. Has a pair of Alchemists pistols tucked away in hidden pockets for emergencies. Prefers using her battleharness with its Elixir gun, Grenade launcher and Siege Cannon mounts, though her Holosmith weapons are a delight.
Tenna is the youngest of her sisters, and perhaps the most unstable of them. She loves tinkering with things, as well as explosives, and while her skills are undeniable, she tends to alienate others with her outside-the-box lateral thinking. As tall as her oldest sister Sonnya, but as slim as her middle sister Miriya, Tenna had the unfortunate luck to be tall and lanky, even by Asuran standards. Her gangliness led her to be teased by her classmates, as well as naturally be slightly more clumsy, which earned her more derision. Even among her sisters, Tenna is still very different; with long hair the color of a deep red wine, she stood out from her siblings. A genetic quirk also flipped her skin tones, making her the figurative and literal black sheep of her family. They still love her, but in public other Asura secretly wonder if she's not of their family, and was merely adopted.
Sufficed to say, Sonnya has always managed to curtail those rumors, being the super-protective older sibling, but they still left their mark on young Tenna. Even as a Synergetics college student, she kept to herself mostly, with a small circle of friends and no actual Krewe to be part of.
Her skills with record systems and design philosophy were of interest to the Durmand Priory, who outsourced to her. A member of the Priory, she was never called on missions; her only job was to create and administer incoming data while at the same time maintaining her studies in the college. Being alone took quite a toll on her. Already edgy about being without a Krewe, she got to watch her sisters advance out of their respective colleges and go out into the world, while she was stuck in her dorm, sorting files and trying desperately to invent things that would catch the eye of the Council, or at the very least, one of her professors who might bump it up the line. Sleep was troubled, and paranoia set in; she became convinced she was so much weaker than her sisters that she was bound to die in some horrible circumstance. Whether it was a lab explosion or accident, an Inquest raid on the workshops, or the far-distant but ever present threat of a Dragon assault or something worse, her fears dug deep into her. That was when the sample rolled across her desk. A sample of tainted plasma from an unknown subject. Most of the data about it had been lost as it had bounced from lab to lab, but it finally ended up on her desk, a curiousity of the Priory. Examining it, she found potentially a solution to her problem. The blood contained a viral agent. Something half-magic, half-chaos, half-again actual virus. It was clear that whoever was infected was going to be in a lot of trouble if the virus kept up its self-metamorphic changes, but that didn't matter to her at all. All that mattered was that the virus also changed its host to suit it, to keep it alive. Stripping away the chaotic and magical aspects of the virus was simple. What was left was a crippled thing that still made genetic tweaks, but not in a fashion unmanagable. Things like enhanced strength, speed, vision... altered vision, neural modification to accomodate for those changes. It also had markers for more unique things. Like regeneration. A fully organic, non-necrotic regeneration. It wasn't long before she injected it into herself and began culturing more 'clean' virus in self-maintaining portable mechanisms. Oh, she got her wish; she was no longer weak. Not by a long shot. Wounds healed in seconds. Terrible injuries reset within minutes. Aided by an auto-injector, Tenna suspected she'd be able to regenerate from almost anything. But there was a price to pay, she found. For every injury she sustained, whether it was a cut, a burnmark, or what have you, she found herself getting hungrier. Normal food wasn't working; she could eat it and be fine, but it didn't scratch the itch. She didn't need to sleep as much anymore, but as the virus affected her, she found herself weakened again, drawn, and gaunt. Something was wrong. That was when an Inquest agent tried to raid her private dorm for Priory secrets. In a fit of fear and rage, she instinctively went for his throat. It was a horrible, terrible thing...but after it was over, she felt more alive than she'd ever felt. Was that the secret? Blood?
One quick body-disposal later, she'd checked the virus again, this time delving deeper into its structure. There it was; a marker for hemophagia, only slightly altered by her attempts to clean the virus. She couldn't remove the marker; when she tried, the virus just fell apart. It was the lynchpin. The original virus would compell its victim to seek blood to sate the virus. HER virus however, as crippled and damaged as it was, needed iron as fuel. For every injury she'd sustain, it would burn iron as a fuelsource for the regeneration, coopting the ATP production of her own body to accelerate the healing process. If she calculated right, she could lose an entire limb or more, and regenerate completely from it...but be left a ravening beast hungry for blood and meat to replace what she'd lost. At least...till she had enough. She could work with that. Easily.
By that point, a number of her inventions had come back from the Council, not with endorsements, but with strict warnings and heavy seals, Cease and Desists, and Edicts from the Tyrian Royalty as well as the Charr Imperator. Her ideas, her...weapons... were considered far too dangerous and heinous to consider. What could be used of them would be used, and she would recieve the proceeds, but her best items were under strict lock and key.
Again, that was fine. She could work with that. She didn't intend for anyone else to have her toys now, anyway. Not when she'd finally gotten the strength she needed.
She sent a note of sabbatical to the Priory, claiming 'personal issues', and left the College entirely. Already rumors were circulating about her, and the fact she hadn't slept in weeks by that point. It mattered little to Tenna. Nothing really mattered except she was finally free from her fear. It's unknown how she met the others of her group, but her contact with Cyrus is at least partially known. Both were associated with the Priory, so it's assumed she contacted him. Another outcast by choice, Cyrus agreed. He must have had some connections, because soon after Moryggan and Verula joined their team. Both seemed familiar with Cyrus, and had no issue with Tenna.
When the topic of her viral agent came up, not one of them balked. All three were outcasts of their own design, for lateral thinking, disagreement, etc. None of them were surprised or horrified by Tenna's experiment, or the price she'd pay for it. If she needed help getting meat and blood when she was low, it was just another thing that made Tenna...well... Tenna.
She had a krewe now. And for the first time, a place to belong. ---- (Notes from Me: When I made Tenna, I’d already made one of every job class. I had an extra slot and thought “Hmm...well Dhangalor is an Engie, but I kinda really specialized him as a Juggernaut Flamethrower. I wanna try out the other kits, but I don’t wanna retrait him.” Back then, retraiting cost money and time and stuff. It was before the trait trees permanently opened and stayed modifiable. So I decided to make another Engie. Choosing a race was easy; I wanted to make a demolitionist Asura. But the connection to Miriya and Sonnya... That took some thought. Initially I wanted to make a male Asura so I could keep the Male/female balance I had going. It was almost a perfect balance, but Sonnya threw it off by being one additional female. But the male Asura were just...ugly...to me. So I decided that my duo sisters were actually a Trio, and then made her. She looked exactly like them at first, until I remembered I had a Makeover kit that gives access to rare hairs and eye colors and stuff. So in a flash, gone was her chinese bun hair, her green eyes, and her skin tone that perfectly mimicked her sisters. In her place, I made the OTHER sister. The one I have grown to love because she’s so chaotic. Glowing orange-gold eyes, hair of Cabernet Sauvignon, darker completion.... Setting her story up was almost an accident. I was brainstorming for the other two, and decided that all three sisters had grown apart over the years, and that Tenna had gone through a personal breakdown crisis that resulted in her doing something to herself. When I came up with the viral infection in Maeva (who I have yet to post), I realized I had an opportunity to make a watered down version of the vampiric elementalist. Instead of being just vampiric, Tenna would also be intensely CARNIVOROUS as a result of her infection. I literally wanted her to be a cannibal, because... well, it’d creep her sisters out especially, and it made her an outcast, to be teamed up with other outcasts. It worked perfectly. Tenna in-game is a disturbingly powerful condi Engie who’s bombs, grenades, and siege cannon work phenomenally well. And when I found the trait that auto-calls an Orbital Strike laser... Oh boy, I SO had to add that to her story. That it’s a prototype weapon she designed that was kiboshed by the Council and others. That the Inquest can’t take it away because it’s too well defended in orbit, and they can’t kill her to get it because it’d wipe them out in retaliation. That, and after the infection, it’s now tremendously HARD to kill her. One of these days, I’ll commission someone to draw her, either casually lobbing an entire belt full of armed grenades, a devious, very toothy grin on her face, or in the midst of bloodthirst after a battle, armor shredded but wounds healing, and intensely HUNGRY for blood and flesh. Both images in my head are glorious. I may even commission a pic someday of her feeding more casually on someone who gave permission; neck nibbles kinda thing. If you’ve got close enough friends who are willing to do that, you treat them gently, and Tenna definitely would, if they were willing to give her a blood meal when she needed it. )
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oldlionsarch · 7 years
*cracks knuckles* here have the stupid new lion’s arch rant no one asked for, because i went on a rampage again this morning. copypasted in from discord without editing because i’m a lazy piece of shit.
this is gorgeous and atmospheric and whyyyyyyy
[friend B] Yeha new LA sucks
[friend A]  Like it's pretty...
[friend B] It's pretty like a theme park is pretty
[friend A] Yeah
No real pirate vibe
I'm eternally eternally eternally salty
And I deeply regret not taking more screenshots before it got wrecked
LA was my fave city and now it's just pain and sadness
I'm glad they added old lion's arch to the story instances but like
You can only explore a small part of it
There was so much mooooore
Navigating the vistas and doing map completion there was SUCH an adventure
Fucking rickety platforms and scaffoldings for days it was glorious
It was so. Fucking. Beautiful.
Jumping around on ships hoisted hundreds of feet in in air like BRUH. BRUH. WHY WOULD YOU TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME
I don't want to live in a fucking theme park
It's stupid and concrete and flat and boring and clean it's awful
I want rickety old wooden structures that look like they should have collapsed last year
[asshole devil’s advocate friend] It just moved closer to an ideal Asuran city
[me] I want giant sails casting shadows on the ground below
FUCK!!! YOU!!! D:<
[asshole devil’s advocate friend] u.u
[me] Rata Sum is way better than new lion's arch and you know it
[asshole devil’s advocate friend] I never said that Rata Sum was worse
[me] Their old concept artist did all the original cities
New lions arch was some new guy who doesn't know how to city 
[asshole devil’s advocate friend] Just that new LA is more structuraly sound and modern
[me] The old cities had so much LIFE and CULTURE and STORY to them
Ugh asura are more than structurally sound and modern you asshole
Asura have their own culture and art and style
[asshole devil’s advocate friend] I agree with that
[me] It's fucking obvious
And you're just being a troll to make me mad and GUESS WHAT ITS WORKING CONGRATULATIONS
[asshole devil’s advocate friend] Just that the function of new LA is greater than that of old LA whereas it lacks in form. Something like Rata Sum is certainly greater in functionality and perhaps in form than both. And I will get out of your hair then. I apologize.
[me] Asura use shittons of magitech in their calculations of "structurally sound" like dis rata Sum LOOK structurally sound to you?? Giant cube floating tiltwise above the jungle?
They care about soundness but they invest tons of resources and thought into making their soundness beautiful
It's possible to have both and new LA is a HUGE FUCKING FAILURE on that count
(lorewise it's probably because the fucking consortium was involved but STILL)
Rata Sum is hands down better than new LA on every count
Old LA was superior in form but only subjectively so, they were p neck and neck depending on personal taste
If anyone claims new LA is superior in form to ANYTHING else I will bite their head off, shove it in a jar:-* 
 And lecture the shit out of it
For a year
New LA is a fucking disaster of a city design the few suggestions of it being a city at all are shoved in the corner like so much secondary shit
All it focuses on is showing off ooooooh look I made giant sea creatures let's make them central to FUCKING EVERUHTING
The level of detail is literally like 2% of what old la boasted
Old LA had verticality it had actual fucking buildings instead of giant sea monsters sitting in a concrete wasteland peppered with gardens
Even in terms of function old la was arguably more functional!! New LA is more structurally sound but for WHAT STRUCTURES?????
Old LA had actual functional buildings it was clearly a place where people lived and worked it felt like a CITY
New la in contrast feels like a theme park and there's so much empty useless space and the only sign anyone LIVES there is off in the corners
The old town square sort of area was like ONE point of interest
Now it's like 80% of the city
Yes it's structurally sound cuz fucking concrete but what's that fucking concrete even protecting???
The fucking giant lobster with a couple of crates sitting on it?
The GIANT FUCKING EMPTY SPACE under the glass canopy?
So much value, such culture, what a pinnacle of society we must protect
It's like they modeled a concrete bowl and then just modeled some cool toys to throw in it
Rather than actually designing a city with structures that sit close together and interact with the skyline like a fucking city should
It's awful and an insult to the old city and I hate it with every fiber of my being
It's so. Much. Fucking. Wasted. Space.
The maps are ALREADY SMALL in gw2 everyone knows that so why are you gonna take this already tiny map and fucking scatter like four buildings for 80% of it???
It's a fucking prissy art gallery for some assholes half dozen pretty sculptures with plenty of space around so you can walk around them and properly admire their handiwork
City what city there's NO FUCKING CITY HERE
Also that lighthouse is a goddamn phallic middle finger to the universe it's hideous
If youre going to fucking destroy one of the best city designs in the game, at least do it the justice of designing something equal or better to replace it
This half-assed oh it was clearly done in the middle of the living story so it got like 2 weeks of work and then whoops guess it's time to release it is FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE
You can't fucking sacrifice a quality piece of  work from the base game for some shoddy one-off event it's not okay it actively lowers the overall quality of the game if only by a little bit
And yes they have since added other stuff so they've "made up' for it with more content
But that fucking EYESORE of a replacement city is STILL THERE
If you're gonna do this whole thing about how lion's arch is a strong city and it always comes back you gotta, you know, BRING IT BACK
We lost a city and we got a fucking theme park with no room to live in
That's not rebuilding a city that won't die, that's replacing it with the consortium's trash and I bet they charge common citizens to use their facilities >:(
I don't even want to know how much time went into old LA versus new LA I'd probably puke
It's not a tapestry of living beings like LA is supposed to be, it's one freaking artist's hard on given form like DOES ANYONE REALIZR THE CONTRAST HERE
UgggghI'm tired now I'm gonna stop yelling
But new LA is a fucking shoddy excuse for a city and everyone should hate it 
[boyfriend] The sad thing is that it was destroyed for months. It wasn't rushed, someone decided that was a good direction for the city and they spent time making it look like that.
And that glass plaza was clearly designed to hold festivals but like everything besides Halloween happens in other cities still.
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