#its below the recommended dose too i was so careful
businesscatfelix · 1 year
i accidentally got high off my pain meds instead of just not-in-pain from them and now im experiencing my life in tunnel fision
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hime-memes · 2 years
                                 * Em Beihold Lyric Starter *
Below are some song lyric starters from various Em Beihold songs !
As always: These have been modified for cohesive and sensical use. Feel free to change anything within these starters that you see fit to make it work for your muse & the receiver’s muse !
Recommended For:  Any muses/plots/timelines.
Trigger Warnings For: Medication use, swearing, slight innuendo.
‘ Numb Little Bug ‘
“ I don't feel a single thing. “ “ Haven't caught up with my friends in weeks; and now we're outta touch ! “ “ And the world it feels too big ... “ “ Snap my psyche like a twig. “ “ ... And I just wanna see if you feel the same as me ? “ “ Do you ever get a little bit tired of life ? Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die ? Maybe like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive ? “ “ Am I past repair ? “ “ A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I don't. “ “ A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope. “ “ Guess I'm just broken and broke ! “ “ The prescription’s on its way - ( with a name I can't pronounce ) ! “ “ And the dose I gotta take ? Boy, I wish that I could count ... “ “ I just wanna see if this could make me happy ! “ “ ... Like a numb little bug that's gotta survive ... “
‘ Infrared ‘ “ I met hell walking on two legs. “ “ I fell in deep, but my trust was misplaced ... “ “ I'm not here to wait around. “ “ I need a solid answer from you. “  “ Never was a game, but neither one of us was ahead. “ “ You said what I wanted to hear, but not what you felt instead ! “ “ I paid attention to everything you said ! “ “ -- But when you saw black and white ... I saw infrared. “ “ Had my doubts at first, but then you grew on me. “ “ Oh hun, I learned that love isn't cheap ... “ “ It's at the cost of heartbreak, that I wish you weren't so carefree. “ “ I'm the first to admit that I made some mistakes -- oh, I know it's true ! “ “ ... But underneath all of my walls; I still cared for you. “ “ But, next thing you know I turn around and you say ‘ I’m through ‘. “ ‘ Groundhog Day ‘ “ All my friends are movin' on, getting hitched, and then -- they're gone ! “ “ And I'm alone. “ “ I'm in the same room as before: with mom and dad right next door ... “ “ And I'm scared I might be here forever ! “ “ This smile that I'm wearing is fake. “ “ I'm suffocating ! “ “ I’m living Groundhog Day, day after day -- day after day ... “ “ I think I'm gonna break. “ “ I love them, but some ties need to be severed. “ “ I said I'd move out last year ... so, why the hell am I still here ? “ “ Oh, it's easy to say I'm ok. “ “ Just [ Muse Age ], but should I do the same ? “ “ I'm broke and unemployed. “ “ Another night staring straight into the void and I just wanna drive away ! “  “ ... But I don't have a car so I guess I gotta stay. “ “ Up and down with these emotional waves. “ “ I'm sick and tired of living Groundhog Day ! “
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amorevolousfaith · 2 years
Mando Fic Recs
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Basically a collection of Din Djarin Smut listed under slightly specific categories that I've probably read more than twice.
Blogs - authors I follow and frequently read from
@the-scandalorian - Their writing so raw and in depth to me and I honestly could not recommend a better writer than this one right here. I’ve list lots of their fics below but make sure to check out their blog masterlist and follow them.
@mandos-sluts - does a lot of fics that involves exhibitionism and more than one person. Which personally I always struggle with so this writer is like a god in my eyes. 
@absurdthirst - Pollen Fic ROYALTY right here guys, love all their fics and would recommend ANYTHING on their masterlist. Their little day to day rants and blurbs are great too.
@man-slut-mando - Man is out here doing god’s work, and if that god happened to be named Sin that’s fine with me. This man’s voice is top tier work it’s self the fact he can modulate it makes it even better. Can not and will not recommed a better blog for audio works.
Pollen/ Drugged Fics which can also double as The Breeding kink Fics - Because those ALWAYS come out good.
Chemical Feelings by @absurdthirst - I really like this fic, if your new to the concept of pollen fics I recommend this one first, because it gives you an idea of whats going on before you get into the heavier stuff. All in all a great starter fic for the category. 
Dosed by @absurdthirst - First of all I’d like to point out this is one of my Favorite authors. Second, The plot line of how this all came to be was just too funny to pass up. Because who wouldn’t read how Mando got drugged at a Gas station and Shan’s lowkey gremlin behavior.
hunting on a foreign planet by @mandalorianfantasy - like the fic before the plot line of how this came to be is just too funny to pass up, only you just don’t know it until you read it. The reader is a fucking idiot but hey we love her effort. The smut was just as entertaining because Mando is just like what the fuck is happening but fuck it. And I’m living for it.
Fever In my eyes by @221bshrlocked - another good pollen fic then one a little more serious than the last two, once again breeding kink! There’s quite a bit of Mando’a in this one which I can appreciate, and I love how reluctant Mando starts off as before slowly its being chipped away. The header is to die for too.
Unfettered by @the-scandalorian - There are two version of the this fic, this one tell what happens if the chains hold. That’s all your gonna get because honestly it’s just so good I don’t wanna ruin it. But I will tell you the switch between Mando and who ever the hell that other guy was is so amazing, like fuck I wish I could write like that.
Unrestrained by @the-scandalorian - this is the other part to the two version fic, telling about what happens if the chains DON’T hold. Like I said before I don’t want to ruin it. BUT the blood rushing chase scene is so fucking amazing, a master piece really.
Antigen by @djarinsbeskar - oof when I tell you guys this fic is feral I’m telling you its FERAL. Like I’m talking raw animalistic instincts and this fic is probably one of the best pollen fics out there. Like breeding kink on POINT, and let me tell you as someone who consumed just about every breeding fic she can get her hands on defiantly one of the best. This fic alone is in my top three.
Periods - Because I’ve been there done that, and highly recommend, If not then just read these.
Kinktober Day: 28 by @mandosbinkie - I really loved the progression of mando slowly figuring out the little ins and outs of a womans cycle. Like This is a thing now? to I could go along with this! I also loved that snip of aggressiveness at the end because fuck ain’t that a mood.
Period Request by @mandosbinkie - loved how this one was wrote that Mando being the caring man he is ACTUALLY did his research, plus the side commentary was golden. But then we got along to fact where he just like FORGOT until it came time to put it use. But for some reason or another I just really like what he says at the end, I don’t know I just like it.
Threesome or More - because sometimes you need a little more spice to that spicy life.
Troublemaker by @housekenobi - Because Din is a tired dad just trying to sleep but he also deserves to get laid. Not to mention Boba out here being a fucking fiend like we don’t already know the man doesn’t possess a single ounce of shame in his body.
Open Hatch by @mandos-sluts by far one of my most favorite pieces simply because of the dynamic. Mando comes off a little dick-ish but hey I’m not complaining. The degradation is out of this world guys like, I’m pretty sure I learned a new way to write rough smut from this fic alone.
Boba and Din by @saradika - one of the authors I follow. This was requested and doesn’t even have a title but its my favorite threesome fic so I don’t care. SO let me tell you, this was the first threesome fic I read for this fandom and I have not read one that can top it. I love how it starts off and love the cute little snippy prompt, but fuck let me tell you when Din got thrown into the mix I was hooked. Like YES I want them to flirt with each other, YES I want them to spur each other on, BUT WHY isn’t there a part 2. I really need a part 2 guys.
Din, Luke, and Reader By @bsxcrxts​ - Not really a fic more like a headcannon in a non headcannon fashion. But look we ALLLL look for that Mando-Jedi parallel and lets face it the whole concept is hot. A Mando who doesn’t know how to stop giving and a Jedi who doesn’t know how is just the thing we all dream of being caught in the middle of. 
Bets/ On the Job - sometimes we fight, sometimes we just need to fuck it out.
The Ambiguous Bet by @mandos-sluts - another one from my favorite author. Not gonna lie when I started reading this my thought was this bitch done bit off more than she can chew and Mando’s gonna have to come save her ass. Well, Mando did come, but it was NOT to save her. The man got every little credit worth of what he spent in this fic.
Beskar and Lace by @firstofficerwiggles - not really a ‘bet’ kinda fic, but the reader is like 'Bet'. Its a kinda 'sure okay MANDO let me just DO this for you' kinda vibe. You’ll understand when you read it but, if you are looking for the tension fic OF ALL tension fics its right fucking here. Like this author DRAGGED it out, and its fucking beautiful.
Happenstance by @the-scandalorian - this fic is more on the ‘on the job’ side of things. Classic there’s only one bed, but I’m living for the reader's I’m too fucking tired to care attitude. I also like how theres little clipped scenes where both of them wake up with their hands on each other. It eventually leads to the smut we all want and I love this kinda sleepy but not sleepy stress induced sex haze.
Sequins And Wounds by @djarrex - I think why I like this is because even if it would suit Mando he not about matter of convince. He’s a very cautious man and would normally NEVER just go for it the way he did here. Another thing I liked, something I just got a kick out of, was the costumer service conflict. I can not TELL you how many times I’ve needed a shot before dealing with a costumer and if I knew I wouldn’t get fired there would be a bottle of tequila in my bag before I go into work. so after all that the Smut was just the icing on the cake. I loved the ripping of the dress and the buying of the new one, top tier good boy behavior right there folks.
Fluff/ Softness- Because it what we DESERVE.
Light Sleeper by @honeymandos - because the kid isn’t the only reason why Mando is always grumpy and tired. The reader, unlike me, is a light sleeper, Mando goes bump in the night, smut insues. Over all just soft and well deserved for Mando.
The ‘We Have To Blend In’ fics can also double as Jealously fics - I always love these because you never really know how things are going to go or how they’ll end.
The Salacious Cantina by @mandos-sluts - another author I follow. In this particular fic the reader is NOT happy. She gets over it. But anyway they’re trying to ‘blend in’ but these two still idiots still get called out. Totally worth it though.
Make you Mine by @xcertaindarkthingsx - another great example of going under cover but someone has be an idiot. Otherwise known as Mando get Jealous at work. Pretty much reader gets pushed into the frey for one job and it all goes to hell, man can’t keep his hands to himself so Mando gets possessive. 
Bite Marks by @sirius - Jealous Mando strikes again, loved that part of What is that? When the reader pulled out the dress she was gonna wear. Not to mention the term dudbro was used which is comedy gold. But then tension gets high and Mando nearly fucks the mission, a fight will result, then aggressive smut then after because that’s what we came here for.
When Shit gets Real - basically a collection of fics where shit goes down and theres smut.
The Best Things Dwell Out of Sight by @beskar-cowboy - This smut is apart of a series, but I’m just gonna list this right here. So basically one poorly timed moment causes a very oh-shit-what-the-fuck moment. The helmet has been was removed, I repeat the helmet was removed. Then there’s a moment where its like I don’t really know what to do with you so I’m just gonna fuck you. so yeah, I fucking loved it. 
Rage by @the-scandalorian - I think this is one of my top three all time favorites. Like I read it once then lost it and I went of six hour search through tumblr to find it again. But basically a job goes south and Mando being the fucking WARRIOR he is basically goes feral. Like the fight alone is ALL the foreplay, tension, and build up you need. And then , AND THEN, the smut is so raw, so full of need. Just fucking read the fic, you’ll see why it’s in my top three.
Series- because one post isn’t enough and I need more.
A very good night - @prolix-yuy THEE BEST™ Smut Series. Like Its a THREE part saga. but anyway each little series if basically one big smut fic where it’s broken down in the most delicious of ways and no I will not get over it. I what to be burned with this fic and take it to the afterlife with me. If you are reading this now I DEMAND you go read this fic and support this author because their mind if fucking magical. 
Bloodlust by @dindjarindiaries - This one is not finished, and I’m not sure if it will have a smut but his does get spicy. This is one of my favorite Mando series outside its cannon storyline. It has some Book Of Boba Fett spoilers so be warned, but other than that it’s mostly its own timeline. I love this because Din is finding the courage to function without his helmet, and even though he’s kinda a nervous wreak he still my favorite morally grey man who would kill you for a bag of credits. Boba Fett and his sidekick Shan are still being written in true gremlin behavior and I’m living for it. But my favorite thing about this fic is that it’s a whole undercover mission where the reader and Din find excuses to get spicy with each other and that my friends is Prime We have to blend in trope. My last and final note I will say is that Jealousy is a bitch but fuck she has a great sense of humor, no I will not elaborate.
Prompts/ Request Fic - Because sometimes the best thing come when you have nudge in the right direction.
show me, feel me, teach me by @parker-razor​ - Ooooh honey when I say innocence Kink I mean INNOCENCE KINK! I don’t know if I love more the learning process or the fact that this just started as a drinking game. The humor is one point too, love the fact that Mando had asked if she was saving herself, which those words specifically  paired with the awkwardness of the tone cracked me up. But from there it just escalates and I really don’t want to spoil anything so yes Read this. 10/10. would recommend. 
The ‘How Long Have You Been Standing There’ Fic by @just-here-for-the-moment - This is one of those fics where the tension will kill you before the smut does. It doesn’t help that this fic in particular is a double whammy with the breeding kink I practically LIVE for. But this fic was requested/ prompted so it goes here. But let me say this if Mando said half the shit he says in this fic he won’t be walking either if I had a say.
#15 and #9 by @letterfromvienna - its just a cheeky little fic with some bite to it. you know you have your usual bickering, can’t keep your hands to yourself kinda smut. Honestly its a great fic you don’t want something super soft or super rough.
Gold Chain by @queridopascal - I don’t know guys there's something I find extremely hot about this, I don’t even think I can explain this one. But hey, this author did a great fucking job writing this out for me, and honestly I’d be the person to pull on it like a collar.
Headcannons - because I like to be angry when there isn’t a fic about a fantastic idea.
Running Make-up and blindfold by @winchesterxxi - because running make-up is a tell tale sign that they know their shit. Mando may not seem like the type but I bet he’d get a kick out of seeing a little bit of smudged make-up and this headcannon only feeds that theory.
Fucking you in front of a bounty by @mandosbinkie - this may have more than one person, but it’s written as a headcannon so it’s gonna go here. Anyway alpha male front and center, one bounty doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up and YOU have to pay the price. Not really much of a price, I’d let him keep talking of Mando continues to retaliate in that way. 
Audio - No will not be taking questions at this time
The Mandalorian Hunts you and then he fucks you - look I found this and one of my philosophies in life is Don’t diss it til you try it. Well...I tried and hot damn did this man pull out all the stops. Highkey recommend listening to it alone with thick headphones though.
Don't have the link but the guy who did the audio from before posted a new video and let me tell I straight thought he was reading off a fanfic. Holy shit don’t come at me but that shit was amazing
Good Girl by @man-slut-mando - its literally two words but its so much more. I recomend anything by this blog but this is the first one I ever listened to so it’s going on the list.
Not titled but Ima call it weapon by @man-slut-mando - cheeky dialogue is my drug and no I will not be changing my mind. The tone he used is sending me and I don’t think I’ll ever get over this like ever.
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kashi-prompts · 3 years
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Rating: M
Pairing: None! Maybe Kakashi x Gai? As friends or lovers, you choose. 
Genre: Angst. Just angst. Maybe some fluff. 
WARNING: This work contains themes such as drug abuse and suicide. If you are uncomfortable with these topics, I would recommend skipping this prompt <3 
A/N: For the lovely @kakashiswilloffire​ <3 I hope its not too similar to my other one or just cringy or boring or something??
Prompt below the cut!
Most days, the insufferable, poignant metal smell of blood would wash away after the hot water hit his body. The gory memento of his last mission under his fingernails would be stripped away by scrubbing his scalp. The water would filter from clear to crimson as it sucked itself down the drain at his feet. 
Oftentimes, the metallic aroma of bloodshed would still visit him, taunting his thoughts as though he hadn't washed it away. It wasn't his blood that he was smelling. It was someone else's. Someone who was no longer living or breathing on this earth- someone who was now buried deep under a mound of soil thanks to him. Still, he would ignore the odor, hoping it was just the heightened sense of smell that was both a blessing and a curse to his five senses.
His feet brought him through the village as the sun began to set. Deep within him, he felt an empty, familiar feeling. Like a hole that he was never sure could be filled with anything except self-loathing and hatred for himself. He was angry - angry with his father for dying, angry with Minato for dying, angry with himself - for Rin, for Obito. He felt empty—the numbing feeling of bereavement and angst overpowering him. 
"Want one?" he heard, looking up. One muted grey eye sought out the voice, settling on a waistcloth marked "fire" at his eye level. Looking up, the Hokage's son offered him a cigarette while the silver-haired shinobi sat on the stone bench, deep in thought. 
"You look like you had a rough day," Asuma noted dismally, the long tobacco stick perched between his two yellowing fingers. 
"I'm fine," Kakashi responded pointedly, waving a dismissive hand and looking away. 
"Rough mission?" the Sarutobi asked, replacing the offered token to his pocket. He lit the cigarette that hung from his lips. 
Kakashi shrugged, leaning forward to place his elbows on his knees. He felt so much older than the man standing next to him. Asuma was experienced, but the type of experiences differed from black to white. To guard and protect was a prestigious claim on the title of shinobi - but the conquest to slaughter agitators of your village as your primary delegation was altogether something different. 
A wif of blood suddenly stroked the 19-year-olds masked nose. His eye widened, covertly searching for the source. His arm tingled, reminiscent of how it would feel after pumping it with chakra to forge a Chidori. Asuma stood beside him, deaf to the flash of trauma that flowed like a movie roll effortlessly through Kakashi's mind. 
Swallowing, he stood from the stone bench abruptly, a bead of sweat trickling down from his hairline to his spine. 
"You alright?" Asuma questioned, regarding his friend with curiosity and concern.
"Yeah, I have things to do," Kakashi told him, wiping his clammy hands on the fabric of his pants quickly. Panic rose in him, yet he couldn't pin why. Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline that suddenly pumped through his veins. The feeling of being in combat sending signals to his brain, yet the air around him stood peaceful and still. 
"You sure you don't want one?" Asuma prodded, offering the cigarette in his hand. Kakashi looked away, bothered by the question yet again. Yet, the smell of blood still lingered, and the source seemed unknown. Did he imagine it? 
Taking a step to walk past his friend, he caught a wif of the cloud of nicotine enveloping the dark-haired man beside him. Kakashi peaked up, observing the cigarette between Asuma's lips captivatingly. The smell vanished, whether in his own mind or not. Exhaling, his eyes met Asuma's. 
"Yeah, I'll take one." 
The pain crept up his leg again, unrelenting and all-consuming. The aftershocks of the injury seemed to shake him more than it had the moment his leg had shattered two months earlier on a mission. This time, the discomfort woke him from his sleep. 
"Shit," Kakashi sneered, clutching the top of his shin. The cast had been removed a week ago, yet the gnawing pain seemed to reappear every 6 hours. 
"It'll go away eventually," the med-nin had told him. Having been irritated by how long he was out of work, he didn't care about the discomfort at that time. He only wanted to return to missions. To have some self-worth pump into him at the satisfaction of completing a task successfully. But somehow, the pain seemed to be getting worse. 
Reaching towards his nightstand through the dark, he blindly grasped for the bottle of pills he kept near him. His finger touched it, knocking it to the ground and rolling underneath his bed. Curses filled the quiet bedroom as he yanked his sheets off and knelt on the hardwood floor. Dust and food wrappers cluttered the underside of his mattress. 
"What the fu-" he gritted his teeth, wildly searching for the bottle beneath the mattress frame. Finally, he grasped it and pulled it back to him. Looking down at the label, he read it carefully to himself again in the light of the streetlamp outside his window. 
"Take two pills three times a day as needed." 
Kakashi considered the instructions, reminding himself of the ache in his leg that didn't seem to go away as time went on. 
Perhaps doubling it would help. 
The second refill was easy to obtain. But now, only four pills remained of it after only one week.  
"I need a refill," the silver-haired jounin leader requested. His expression remained blank as he set the bottle down in front of the med-nin. 
Carefully, the woman picked up the bottle, examining the man's name on the label. 
Hatake Kakashi
DOB: September 15
Acetaminophen + Oxycodone 500mg
"You refilled this prescription last week, Hatake-san," the woman explained carefully. 
"I know," Kakashi replied sharply, "that's why I'm here. I need a refill." 
"That's not how this works," she stressed to him gently, "You can only refill a prescription after a certain period of time has passed. You shouldn't have to refill this prescription for another two weeks." 
"Are you going to help me or not?" 
"I'm sorry I c-"
Long gloved fingers snatched the bottle from the woman's hand, glowering at the nurse. The four remaining pills shook against the bottle as he shoved it back in his pocket.  
"Fine," he said cooly, his demeanor changing suddenly. "Have a great day." 
It was at that moment that Kakashi knew he was still in control. Even if this mediocre woman behind the counter wouldn't provide him the bare minimum he needs to function without pain, then he would just have to obtain it himself. 
And he did. Scouting out the perimeter of the hospital was easy for such an elite shinobi. He sat in the trees, watching certain staff members come and go as the day grew to evening. He knew he had to report soon, but this was more important. The persistent ache in his leg only worsened as the 6-hour window crept closer. 
As dusk came upon him, he knew he had to make a move soon. The longer he sat and watched, the more time he wasted. As the sun hit the treeline, the ache in his leg crept up into his hip, a deep spasm that throbbed every nerve ending in his thigh. He could sense his irritability rooting deeper into his body, a tree of impatience and rage that had only freshly sprouted to life. 
It didn't take him very long to sweep his body through an open window, covertly walking through the halls as though he belonged there in his usual jounin attire. He was merely visiting someone, was the intention he hoped to emanate towards the occupied staff. Not even when he slid his shoulders through the medication room door did anyone notice. 
Too easy, he thought as he left through the hospital's front door that evening. The street lamps were on now, illuminating the sidewalk as his sandaled feet took him back home with a heavy relief over his body. He hadn't wasted any time popping the higher than recommended dose into his mouth, taking a sip of water from the hospital's drinking fountain, and swallowing them with a flick of his tongue. 
Although, as his bottle of newly filled pills rattled in his pocket and the effects of the pain reliever set in, he was beginning to feel groggy. He looked around, the world seeming like a strange, almost foreign place to him. Kakashi shook his head, irritated by the unwanted secondary effect of the drug. 
"Kakashi!" wind of a sigh left his lungs at the boisterous voice of Might Gai waving from the Dango building nearby. Kakashi looked up, his eyebrows already knitted close together in annoyance. 
"I haven't seen you all day!" his friend smiled, trailing the jounin leader as he continued past the shop. One grey eye had caught sight of Asuma and Kurenai sitting in the Dango shop behind Gai's excited gaze. That was more than enough of a deterrent for the silver-haired ANBU leader. 
"Where are you going?" Gai asked, tapping his shoulder. Kakashi swept his body back, slapping Gai's dark hand off his shoulder. His nose scrunched as he clenched his jaw. The sound of rattling tablets in a plastic container filled the air between them as it fell onto the concrete below. 
Gai's eyes settled on the bottle; his hand lifted right where he had left it to touch his friends shoulder. 
"What is that?" Gai asked quizzically, "Isn't your leg healed?" 
"Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" Kakashi demanded, picking the bottle up and shoving it back in his pocket. 
"Kakashi," Asuma's voice rang between them, his thick body appearing behind Gai's shoulder, "how have you been?" 
"Fine," Kakashi answered sharply, thankful for the distraction away from the incident that just occurred. Yet, Gai's eyes remained on his friend's. 
"Why don't you join us for some treats?" Kurenai smiled at Asuma's arm. 
"I'm fine, thank you," Kakashi replied forcefully. "I have to go." 
Turning quickly, Kakashi continued away from his friends, cursing himself for not putting the pills in his back pouch rather than his flimsy pocket. The irritation caused his head to hurt, his jaw clenching and flexing near his ears. 
Reaching in, he took another pill dry. 
3 Weeks Later 
Dragging himself back into his apartment, Kakashi's whole body ached. His mind spun in the delirium of the mission he had just finished. The grime and sweat that coated his body caused his skin to sting miserably as he stripped from his uniform. He kicked his pants off, the mingling scent of blood and dirt enveloping his studio flat.
The mission had not been successful. 
Nor had anything else in Kakashi's life over the last two months. 
The bottle of pain meds had dwindled quicker than the shinobi had anticipated. He had mapped out and predicted that he wouldn't need to loot the medical offices again for another few weeks. Yet, when he had upped the dosage again, the pain in his body overwhelming, he hadn't thought of his next move to obtain more pain killers. He had only wanted the ache, and now the intense sense of withdrawal, to stop. 
That had been last week. Now, his bottom drawer was filled with pain medications that should easily last him another month. And yet, as Kakashi slithered his body over to his nightstand, he couldn't help but 5, one extra than usual. 
The relief washed over him as the shower water flooded his body, washing away the painful reminder of a lost comrade from his 5-day extended mission as Captain. He had been responsible for those people, yet the way his mind had been functioning lately, it felt as though he was in a constant fog. Never as sharp as he had been before. But if he didn't take the medication, his body felt like it would die all on its own. Intense nausea, fatigue, and body aches were enough to keep him upping the dosages to keep the symptoms at bay. 
Placing his silver hair against the linoleum tile of his shower, he felt the hot water hitting his back, sliding down his spine in such a delicate matter that it felt trancing. In his mind, flashes of the mission consumed him. 
"Senpai, I think it would be best if I-" Yūgao leaned forward, her mask shielding her brown eyes that stared worriedly at the Captain. 
"I know what's best," Kakashi had warned harshly at the girl, looking over at her through his porcelain mask. 
It hadn't been long before his arrogance and untimely planning had caused Yūgao to perish. The blade that snuck through her chest at his hand was enough to rile his thoughts into more vivid flashbacks of Rin for days.
He hadn't meant to hurt her. She should have known to move away from his target. Yet his arrogance to finish things himself caught up with him, intervening with her battle. He thought she was in danger, but as they carried her body back to the village, his teammate had alluded that she could have handled it herself. He could have just let it be. The fog of his brain distorted reality once more. 
Surely, he would lose his rank as Captain in the morning. 
As the steam of the shower surrounded him now, he tried to think of another plan that could have changed the outcome, but his mind remained in a fog. He couldn't think straight, and the usual relief his body felt from the pain meds quick-acting behavior didn't seem to curb the ruthless thoughts in the swamp of his mind. 
A fist slammed against the tiles, sending water splashing back in his face. Kakashi gritted his teeth, tears mingling with the drips of water hitting his body from the showerhead. He thought of Rin, the way his hand had so easily penetrated her chest, like butter. To take someone's life meant nothing to him when they didn't mean anything to him. Yet, the thought of losing a comrade under his watch at his hand caused resentment and anger to rise in his throat. 
As he toweled himself off, his jaw clenched tight as he looked at himself in the mirror. Slipping a shirt and pants on, he noticed Yūgao's blood that hadn't washed off from a spot on his hair where he had missed. An illusion of more blood on his hands startled him. He swore loudly, his arm aggressively launching his toiletries off the counter and onto the floor as hate flooded him. The sound of glass breaking and items rolling off the tiled floor into the hardwood of his living space were deaf to him as he continued to sob angrily. 
"I can't," he managed to himself, "I can't anymore." 
He thought of his father. The way he had passed away. Kakashi had been there to find him. Who would be there to find Kakashi? Who would want to know where such a loathsome bastard was. Someone who had no emotions and killed his friends. Someone who relied so heavily on pain medications that he could no longer function. How could he stop now? How would he explain where he got the medicine from? He couldn't. 
Four more, he thought. Four more pills would do the trick. Nine pills all together. If it didn't kill him, at least it would let him sleep. Sleep enough where he is so heavily sedated that the memories of his life didn't roll through his mind like some terror film on replay. 
The pain was unbearable. 
The shine of a bowl cut entered Kakashi's apartment building late that night. His footsteps echoed in the hallway as he jogged up the stairway to his friend's apartment. Something deep within Leaf's Blue Beast was disturbed that evening. 
The news of Yūgao's death had swept through the village like the bristles parachutes of a dandelion in the early spring. Everyone who had an interest already knew, and they also knew why. 
"Ah, Kakashi," one shinobi had said upon hearing the news, "that's why they call him 'friend-killer-Kakashi.'" 
Gai knew Kakashi wouldn't have hurt the girl on purpose, let alone a comrade. Yet, the way his friend had been acting recently, he wasn't sure what was going on. The increased irritability, hostility, avoidance, and deceptiveness in Kakashi's personality bothered the jounin to his core. 
He wasn't sure where his feet would take him, but he knew he had to talk to his silver-haired friend. Even if he didn't want to, which he was sure he wouldn't, he needed to know if his long-time pal was recuperating okay. 
Apartment 343. He hadn't been here in a while. At least for a few months now, if not longer. The dark-haired shinobi woefully thought of his friend's deteriorating demeanor. 
Cold-blooded Kakashi, Gai recollected lamentably. He knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Time passed as he shoved his hands in his green uniform, rolling forward on the balls of his heels. He paused and knocked again. Nothing. 
"Kakashi?" Gai banged on the door, determined to get his friend's attention. He had had enough of the copy-ninja's behavior. Another bang and no one answered. 
Finally, Gai knelt, reaching for the doormat that protected Kakashi's apartment key. If it wasn't there, he was home. As Gai lifted the mat, only dust and dirt resided beneath. 
The incessant banging at his door sounded like a far-off drum beating- a sound that tuned in and out in the wavering radio channels of his mind. He couldn't move his body, and he had no desire to. Reality was distant, and his limbs were numb. There were no troubling thoughts that slithered through his mind like a garden snake in the grass. It was only peace. 
"Kakashi?" Gai called out, the door smashed open off its hinge behind him. His black eyes settled on his friend, laying placid on his bed. The copy-ninja's hair was still wet from his shower, plastered to his forehead with specks of dirt and blood that he had neglected to wash away. 
"Kakashi!" Gai rushed over, kneeling beside his bed and slapping the pale face of his friend. "Kakashi! Wake up!" 
His lips were blue, and his skin clammy. 
"Kakashi, what happened, my friend? Are you okay? Why didn't-" 
The bottle of pills beside Kakashi's bed laid strewed on the floor, catching his eye. Reaching down, Gai picked up the bottle and read the label. The dots connected, and his eyes widened, two fingers immediately landing on the pulse of his friend's neck. 
In the waiting room, Gai, Kurenai, and Asuma huddled together. 
"They said he overdosed," Gai told the two, his demeanor was unlike any of them had seen previously. Clearly, he was shaken, if not entirely traumatized. 
"Overdosed?" Asuma questioned, "on what?"
"Painkillers," Gai responded, sitting in a chair in defeat. "I saw them. I saw them in his pocket a few weeks ago. I said something, but he didn't-I should have-"
"It's not your fault," Kurenai consoled, sitting down next to Gai. "Please take a deep breath, Gai. You look like you're about to faint." 
"I - he's not going to make it. He didn't have a pulse, and he's not going to make it," Gai uttered, his teeth clenched as he held back tears, "He's my best friend." 
Asuma set a hand down on Gai's shoulder, nodding his head, "I know. We all care about him..."
A turf of white hair could be seen in the hospital room convulsing under the electrical cardioversion machine being shoved onto his chest to restart his heartbeat. The electric shock waves burst into his system like a thousand Chidori. 
"Another," the doctor pointed to the nurse operating the equipment. Another push against his chest, and his whole torso moving with the bed beneath him. This continued for a while, the recharging of the electrical unit before the unnerving sound of a body jolting under the pressure of the electricity. 
Time ticked by at the clock in the room, the doctor glancing at it as if to wonder when to call his young shinobi's death. How could this be explained to the leaders? An overdose on pain medication that should have never been in his possession in the first place. 
Ba-dum, ba-dum, ... ba-dum ... 
"He's back," the nurse sighed. 
Blurred vision. One charcoal eye trembled open, the silver in his lashes catching the ray of sun cast into the hospital room. Wires surrounded him, pricked in the crevasse of his arm, stickied to his chest, and some unfamiliar machine on his index finger. Dazed by his surroundings, Kakashi carefully turned his head on the pillow, hearing the heart monitor behind him. 
Hiruzen Sarutobi sat beside him. 
"Hokage-sama!" Kakashi spluttered, taken aback by the presence of the Hokage in a hospital room he wasn't sure how he ended up in.
"Settle, Kakashi," Hiruzen commanded gently, his face composed and quiet. Kakashi looked straight ahead, his head spinning. 
"What-?" he began in a raspy voice. 
Hiruzen lifted his hand, the bottle of pills Gai must have provided to him in his palm. Kakashi looked over, his eyes settling on the drugs before putting his head back down on the pillow in defeat. The images came back to him. The desperation to get out of his situation, yet knowing that there was no way out. 
"I'm sorry," Kakashi managed quietly, looking away. "I understand if you-"
"That's enough," Hiruzen said calmly, "I do not need to reprimand you. You are aware that sneaking into the hospital facility to steal pain medications is wrong. Yes, I know - I just didn't expect it to be you."
Kakashi lifted his hand, placing it on his eyes as the stress of the Hokage's words weighed on him. 
"I know this is hard. Your body is reliant on these mediations now. It would be best if you stayed here for some time to detox your body and learn appropriate coping skills. I know - I know you don't want to. But I only wish to help. Which is why I feel it is necessary to pull you from the Black Ops team."
"Lord Third," Kakashi sat up, the wires around him tangling. "I-"
"I've already made up my mind. It is not suitable for you anymore. Actually, I don't think it ever really was. People with kind hearts do not belong in the ANBU," Hiruzen explained, placing the bottle on the nightstand beside him. "And I have a better assignment for you. One I think you may enjoy." 
Kakashi sighed heavily, laying back down. "I don't understand."
"You will," Hiruzen nodded, standing up, "In the meantime, I think there are some people who would like to see you. They care about you very much and were overwhelmed with relief when they heard you were okay. You gave them quite a scare." 
Kakashi scoffed quietly, looking down at the monitor on his hand. 
"It's true," Hiruzen stopped, "you are very well-loved." 
Kakashi looked up quickly at his words, watching as Lord Third sauntered towards the door and waved through the doorway at some unknown individuals to come towards him. A moment later, one eye settled on four individuals, beaming at him with gifts and smiles. 
Iruka. Kurenai. Asuma. 
And his best friend, Gai. 
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roselightfairy · 3 years
If you're still doing fic recs, do you have any favorite AUs?
Oh, do I!! This is an EXCELLENT prompt, and I’ve had a lot of fun compiling this list tonight. I’ve ended up grouping it into two different sections: modern AU (because there are a lot of those!) and “other,” which are…non-modern AU, haha. For the most part I’ve left out UA (universe alteration, in which the universe is the same but something about the story changes), because I can’t think of any of those right now – but I know there are some really good ones of that as well!
like, comment, subscribe by DeHeerKonijn
Summary: A collection of fics that take place in my modern ‘verse, wherein Minas Tirith is a bustling city, Gimli is a professor at the university, and Legolas is a model-slash-influencer-slash-layabout.
Come on, you all knew this was going to be first on the list. The amount of worldbuilding @deheerkonijn has put into this series is absolutely breathtaking, and what you see on Tumblr is probably only the half of it. (Go stalk her Twitter, even if you don’t have a profile – I do it all the time!) This series is all she’s written for it so far, plus the fic that we cowrote about the OC roommates. But aside from that, the series has a whole assortment of always sexy, always funny, always sweet stories about Legolas and Gimli; go read them all!
No Place Like HoME by Flamebyrd
Summary: In which our heroes play a MMORPG called Heroes of Middle-Earth.
THIS IS SO GOOD. I love this premise so much, haha – Legolas and Gimli are just regular humans (with regular names, even!) and a rivalry they don’t even know about – but it turns out they’ve been playing each other in a game for quite awhile! It’s cute, fun, and creative, and I wish there were more.
life’s just a game (and it’s just your turn) by plinys
Summary: Legolas and Gimli try to have phone sex (or well, headset sex) with some unforeseen consequences.
I ADORE that these two as gamers is a fic idea that exists more than once, and this one is so fluffy with just a hint of spice (and a hefty dose of embarrassment, haha, but they deserved it!). Read it and grin!
Hold My Number by katajainen
Summary: It's a Saturday night at the A&E, and Gimli only wants to get to the triage nurse and be done with this whole stupid business.
That is, until he meets a tall, dark stranger (a ridiculously pretty one).
I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. The crowning glory of meet-cutes (though it’s more of a meet-ugly, really), in which Legolas and Gimli meet at the emergency room for very embarrassing reasons . . . and hit it off right away, in a way that is adorable, delightful, and funny to watch. Read for their embarrassing stories, their adorable dorkiness (they’re gamers again!), and their undeniable chemistry.
Perfect Fit by mssileas
Summary: "Both of them were painfully aware that their physical differences were shockingly obvious – much more so than their also very different personalities. And that they usually led people to assumptions they weren't shy of declaring."
Or, Legolas single-handedly disproves all prejudice, and Gimli loves it.
This is a lovely (and smutty, so be warned) modern AU oneshot that challenges the stereotypes of these two based on how they look – and how they would probably be treated, if they were a couple in our world. If you’re interested in the modern AU premise but not the smut, there’s another oneshot set in this ‘verse, Christmas Body, that is mostly just fluff!
Other (non-modern):
The Earth Moves Under Our Feet (It’s A Loco Motion) by notanightlight
Summary: The West is still Wild. Gimli is working on the railway, Legolas is a gunslinger, and someone needs to turn this train around.
WILD WEST AU WILD WEST AU!! This story is one of my favorite things ever because it’s a WILD WEST AU and Gimli is an Irish immigrant and Legolas is an outlaw and they meet in a near-death situation and bond! It has wonderful worldbuilding, excellent banter, and little moments of flirting that almost hide below the surface of the aforementioned near-death situation, but not quite. ;) Please go read it, or listen to the amazing accompanying podfic by Morvidra, which is an astounding performance.
Nothing Doth Fade (But Suffers a Sea-Change) by notanightlight
Summary: Gimli has always heard stories about the seals that lived near the cliffs of Castle Durin. “They aren’t what they seem,” they’d tell him. Gimli never knew what to think of those stories, until the night he met a stranger on the shore, with the sea in his eyes and moonlight on his skin.
@notanightlight has too many amazing AUs to list them all here, but I have to give a shout-out to this one because SELKIES but also ANGST and SORROW and BETRAYAL but FORGIVENESS and HOPE and – I don’t know. It plays with a common and really sad trope, but gives our characters a way through that is hard and painful, but worth it, in the end – a story in which everything is not all okay, but in which that doesn’t have to be the end, if everyone is willing to work. Plus, Thranduil makes an appearance and he is magnificent.
Wild Hunt by consumptive_sphinx
Summary: There’s a knock on the door.
It isn’t quite dusk; it isn’t too dangerous yet. But still, it’s late to be out on Midwinter’s Night. What if he was held up somewhere?
Legolas takes a nail with him when he opens the door. “Gimli. It’s late.”
Fae AU!! consumptive_sphinx has many wonderful AUs and you should check out their whole profile, but I had to give this one a shout-out. It’s mysterious and tender and packs a whole lot of story between the lines of its 917 words and made me yearn for more!
The Monstrous Fellowship by IchijouKenichiro
Summary: Astrin's cousins Fíli and Kíli left to fight the forces of Mordor over two years ago, but there's been no word from them for the last six months. Being a woman of action and the one who always is there to get them out of trouble, Astrin disguises herself as the male warrior Gimli and joins the army to fight for them. But the regiment she joins is anything but typical. With troublesome hobbits, a religious fanatic, the undead, a golem, and even an elf, are the greatest dangers to come from her fellow man? And what secrets are they all holding onto?
A parody of Terry Prachett's "A Monstrous Regiment"
THIS IS NOT A DRILL. This is ACTUALLY a Monstrous Regiment rewrite of LOTR, with the Fellowship in the place of the Regiment, and the characters are – actually matched up really, really well. Full disclosure: I read this before I read Monstrous Regiment and went in fully prepared to ship Polly and Maladict… but it turns out they were extremely shippable anyway, so that turned out all right. ;) Seriously – this is an excellent fic, such a fun story, and such a good homage!
Aulë’s Gift by daisynorbury
Summary: "Our friendship endures these strange periods of inequality. You can't remember, and I can't forget."
A new chapter in Adina's classic Back to the Beginning cycle, wherein Aulë granted Gimli perpetual reincarnation. Two thousand years into the Fourth Age, Legolas meets the ninth version of his dearest friend. Told mostly from Gimli's amnesiac POV.
I don’t know if this story fully counts as an AU, but I’ve been longing to rec it for several lists and just – couldn’t ever quite find a category it fit into. AU is close enough, since even though the world is meant to be Middle-earth far in the future, it’s different enough to feel like another world. This is a reincarnation story of Legolas and Gimli set in the series referenced above (and recommended in a different list), and it deals with the extreme complication of the situation with so much sensitivity and grace that it rivets me. Even if I didn’t know @daisyfornost, it would be so obvious to me that an absolutely unbelievable amount of thought and care went into the worldbuilding, the writing, the creation of this story. It is such a labor of love, and that love is evident throughout the whole thing. Please go read it, but I warn you that you will have lots of feelings.
Thank you again for this amazing prompt, anon! Reminder to all that this is in no way a comprehensive list – I’m sure I’ve left out so many other wonderful stories. Please feel free to add your own, if you reblog this! And my usual reminder to please leave the author a comment if you read any of these and enjoy it. <3
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songofsaraneth · 3 years
Ok now that I have time/space to breathe again, I wanted to do a writeup on the unusual reaction I had to the second Covid vaccine dose. I debated posting this, because I don't want to go against the "I was vaccinated and it's fine!" encouragement train. And I 1000% encourage EVERYONE to get vaccinated if possible. But I have not seen much documentation of the averse symptom I got, except in some case studies I specifically looked up so details below. Big TMI/gross warning however. 
Mostly I'm posting this because I had to do SO much self-advocating/arguing with the Dr at my urgent care clinic, and if you're not as read up on weird medical issues as I am, you might not be comfortable doing that. But IANAD, just describing my experience and what I read, which ended up being very long because it was awful and I have a lot to complain about I guess, sorry.
Basically: for me the vaccine triggered an inflammation response, which in itself is normal. The usual muscle aches/joint pain/slight fever. It also triggered an outbreak of ulcers in my soft tissues. Basically, a bunch of canker sores in my mouth/throat. I am already prone to getting these when I get sick or stressed out, so no biggie, annoying and painful but I could handle them. Canker sores are distinct from cold sores in that they form inside the mouth as crater spots, usually around the size of a pencil eraser (though can be bigger or smaller), and will develop a white film across the crater as they develop and start to heal.
An unfortunate fact I have learned: the mouth is not the only exposed “soft tissue” of the body. this group also includes genitals.
So 2 days after the vaccine I noticed a "burning sensation"/rawness downstairs, which turned into a sharp pain, especially when going to the bathroom. I obviously knew this was abnormal and because of what was happening in my mouth, had a pretty firm idea of what was happening, but was ready to brace myself through the healing process. However by day 5 I had 8 red, crater-like sores on the tissue of my vulva. Essentially they are open wounds, and urine is an acid, so you can imagine the hell that using the bathroom had become. Even just sitting hurt.
As someone healthcare-averse, even I knew this was untenable, and went to Urgent Care for the first time in my adult life. I told the NP what was going on, how they matched the canker sores (NOT cold sores) in my mouth in onset/form--and she immediately, without even looking, diagnosed me with herpes.
Lots of people have herpes or other STIs, and that's fine. I know I do not have any, and wanted to pursue treatment for what I was sure they were--Non-sexually acquired genital ulceration (NSGU). I had even found three case studies of COVID patients who had developed them. I had spent several harrowing hours on google images making sure that the sores I had did not match any STI I may have magically acquired during a year of social distancing. I even brought up multiple case studies, including a woman who had them as a Covid reaction in a neighboring state. Didn’t matter. She looked at them and went “Yikes! Herpes!” and prescribed me: 
1) an antiviral, which I said I did not think would do anything because the trigger for this was a vaccine not an illness. She said it was probably a herpes flare up already in my system. I reiterated that I have had similar sores in my mouth since childhood and that all my past doctors and dentists agreed it was not viral but something related to an immune response. She said the antivirals should clear them up in a few days.
2) a topical 5% lidocaine ointment, aka an oral grade numbing gel, which was essentially what I was after anyway.
I would have preferred a steroid course to the antiviral, but agreed to start taking them until she got the results of the bloodwork I needed to come in the next day for. I asked how many days after taking them I would expect to see a difference/if she would reevaluate treatment if they didn’t have an effect in a certain amount of time, and she said if they hadn’t cleared up by Monday then she’d look into other causes (spoiler, they did nothing in that 4 day span). to her credit, when she saw me pick up my bike helmet (because my car had been at the mechanic for a month by then), she was properly horrified that i was having to bike everywhere with this situation and printed off some coupons/called all the prescriptions into the grocery store pharmacy next door instead of the CVS my insurance likes a mile away.
So eventually I got home and took my pill & went to put on the ointment so I could use the bathroom for the first time in 8 hours. I’ll spare you the details but suffice to say I had an extremely, overwhelmingly painful 10 minutes of application. Like absolutely awful burning feeling. However once that faded, I was indeed actually numb, and so I figured it was worth it. Got my bloodwork done on Friday (biking there & home again). On Saturday, I thought that you know, maybe a prescription anesthetic shouldn’t be doing that or at least have some sort of warning? And read the details on the jar.
Good things about lidocaine: it is a powerful numbing agent and lasts pretty well for an hour or two.
Bad things about lidocaine: you cannot get oral grade lidocaine without added mint flavoring.
I happen to be EXTREMELY sensitive to mint. Like I still can’t handle breath mints or mouthwash, and used bubblegum flavored toothpaste until I was 14 and found a brand with half as much mint flavoring as is typical. Even if you’re not, mint has no business being anywhere near genital tissue. Even on an average person that could cause awful burning. to make a long saga shorter I had a very frustrating back-and-forth with urgent care involving many rerouted phone trees, visit in person, unhelpful receptionists, and attempts to find over-the-counter alternatives. All were fruitless so I just  suffered all weekend until the urgent care Nurse Practitioner called me back on Monday and was suitably apologetic/outraged about the mint thing, and looked up every OTC product that might work as a substitute, since she couldn’t find any prescription level without mint. On Tuesday she called back again having found this:
Tumblr media
It’s 4%, so just below prescription strength, while not oral grade, it’s actually fine for soft tissues as long as not fully ingested/internally applied. And most importantly, ABSOLUTELY NO ADDED FLAVORINGS. there is also a spray version that comes in a bottle, which under no circumstances should you try because it uses alcohol as a propellant and I had a very bad 5 minutes after testing that one. But the cream one is fine and brings blessed numbness in around 5 minutes with only minimal contact pain--they are still open wounds after all. 
I use this for the next 7 days. By this point the sores have gotten worse and larger, and then started to heal and shrink again. Mouth canker sores go through a similar ~2 week process, so this is about what I expected.
Finally the results of my bloodwork came back, and I was negative for all STIs. The NP was dumbfounded and apologized, and agreed to look up more information/treatment options for cases like this in the future. I’m not surprised her reaction was to assume herpes as it IS very common, but I’m sure other women experience NSGU’s and receive improper treatment. If you look them up, they’re even mentioned as being predominantly a problem for “young or prepubescent women” which, reading between the lines--it’s not that these become less likely if you’re older or sexually active. Doctors just make assumptions and don’t always look past the easy answers.
So if you or someone you know ends up with these--from the Covid vaccine or as a complication of upper respiratory infections in general (as they ARE an immune response and can just Happen to you)--here is what works as treatment. If you can see a doctor you trust, still do that. But if they don’t listen or if for some reason you can’t seek treatment, here is the course of action I recommend: 
Pick up that over-the-counter Pain Relief+Lidocaine NON MINTY numbing cream ASAP. Sores go from “annoying” to “excruciating” in only 3 days, so it’s best to get in person or with rush shipping. Sit in front of a mirror and gently apply with a q-tip, and wait 5 minutes for the medicine to take effect.
Pat gently dry with toilet paper, don’t make wiping motions. If you don’t feel clean enough, pat more with a wet washcloth and rinse it out, or hope in the shoer for 5 min just to rinse.
There may be pus or reside from the ointment that doesn’t go away with just rinsing. Every 2 days I made a half-strength bath of epsom salts, NUMBED FULLY, and then took a 10 minute bath to fully cleanse the area. the salt will sting terribly if you wait any longer, so I recommend standing and rinsing after this time.
The vulva is more exposed to air than the mouth. this may cause the sores to crack/bleed as they dry out. to avoid this, after using the restroom and cleaning yourself, you can apply a thick coating of Aquaphor on top of the sores. It will need to be rinsed off before you apply more numbing cream however, so if that is too many steps I recommend just using the Aquaphor overnight.
You may think its ok to get up in the middle of the night to pee without the numbing cream bc you have to go really bad and just once will be fine but it is NOT you will REGRET IT.
Unfortunately if you have sores on both sides you may develop what is known as “kissing sores”, aka sores directly opposite each other that touch when the area is not spread open. this means that after an extended period of time (overnight), the sores will try to heal into each other and opening the area back up painfully rips the tissue apart. INStEAD of ripping them apart, take a washclosh, run it under warm water, and do a hot/warm compress on the area. this will loosen the sores back up and separate them painlessly.
This is not exclusive to people with a vulva, they can also happen on scrotal/anal tissue. However it does seem to much more frequently affect people with typical XX sex organs. 
If you develop these, PLEASE fill out an averse reaction form or your country’s equivalent. Also, I’m so sorry and if you need emotional support or have questions please feel free to get in touch.
Most likely, these will not happen to you--the vast majority of vaccinated people have not had this as a side effect. But it IS popping up more and more, and it is good to know about it in advance so you can be prepared to deal with and treat it without as much anxiety and all the hoops I had to jump through to get good care. Overall I’m still glad to be vaccinated, but if I had known this was a side effect, as someone already prone to canker sores I would have waited to vaccinate until my car was fixed a week later a the very least :|
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lxckynxmber19 · 3 years
Piercings in the Wastes
Hellooo I’ve had piercings on the brain lately, so I wanted to share some thoughts on the matter!
(warning for: body modification and needle talk, mentions of genitalia and infections)
So, for starters, the piercing process can be broken down into three major parts:
Sterilization/disinfection of the tools
Marking the area to be pierced
Pushing the needle through
And three tools:
The needle/needles
Something to keep the skin taut, like forceps
A marker
Although in concept those parts are easy, wasteland life adds a lot of challenges, primarily with sterilizing equipment. Not only that, but different piercings require different sized needles to properly push through the skin or cartilage. Finding those + knowing the right size needed can be hard without some kind of reference.
In general though, I think wastelanders would probably come across two sizes - 18g (~1.0mm) and 16g (1.2mm) - and use these for basically everything, unless they have prior body mod knowledge.
Needles in more detail:
There are three types of needles used for piercing: hollow (similar to a syringe), cannula (similar to a catheter, fun to say out loud), and curved. For now, we'll just assume that the hollow type is being found and utilized.
Below is a chart with piercing types and the needle sizes often used for each.
(As a key for gauge sizes, the size goes up when the number goes down. 18g is much smaller than say, 0g)
Belly button = 14g - 12g (~1.6mm - 2.0mm)
Bridge of the nose = 18g - 16g (~1.0mm - 1.2mm)
Cartilage = 18g - 16g (~1.0mm - 1.2mm)
Cheek/Dimple = 16g - 12g (1.2mm - 2.0mm)
Dermal (transdermal implant, meaning the piercing is placed partially above and below the skin) = 18g - 16g (~1.0mm - 1.2mm)
Earlobe = 20g - 18g (~0.8mm - ~1.0mm)
Eyebrow = 18g - 16g (~1.0mm - 1.2mm)
Frenum (the underside of the penis) = 14g - 12g (~1.6mm - 2.0mm)
Industrial = 14g (~1.6mm)
Lip, horizontal (meaning it goes into the lip rather than above/below) = 14 g - 12g (~1.6mm - 2.0mm)
Lip, stud/Monroe (the above/below ones) = 18g - 16g (~1.0mm - 1.2mm)
Nipple = 14g - 12g (~1.6mm - 2.0mm)
Nostril = 20g - 18g (~0.8mm - ~1.0mm)
Prince Albert (piercing through the tip of the penis) = 10g - 6g (~2.5mm - 4.0mm)
Septum = 18g - 16g (~1.0mm - 1.2mm)
Surface (like collarbone or corset piercings) = 16g, 14g or 12g (1.2mm, ~1.6mm or 2.0mm) depending on the location
Tongue = 14g - 12g (~1.6mm - 2.0mm)
Oral web (under the tongue) = 20g (~0.8mm)
Vertical and horizontal clitoral hood = 20g or 18g (~0.8mm - ~1.0mm), depending on the individual's anatomy. Vertical ones go under the clitoral hood, while horizontal ones go through
This doesn't cover all of them, but you get the idea. As stated above, there's a better chance of people just finding 18g and 16g. Looking at the chart, both of those cover a pretty wide range of piercing alone (9 for 18g, 8 for 16g). They won't work as well for something needing a 20g or 14g, but they'll definitely still work.
Excluding the Prince Albert and 12g, all of these sizes can be found in doctor's offices or hospitals. Finding 12g-6g needles would probably involve finding an actual piercing shop, or making your own, if possible.
Otherwise, it's likely that the ones used for chems and stimpacks fall within the 18g-14g range. These will work in a pinch.
Sterilization and disinfection:
Prewar, a professional probably would've used an autoclave to sanitize their equipment. Those work by dousing the tools in high pressurized steam, as according to the CDC (or the Fallout equivalent), steam is the most effective for killing bacteria.
But finding one in the wastes would either mean scouring through hospitals and hoping it still works, or bugging doctors to see if they have one you can borrow. Even then, it's still kind of a pain in the ass. The equipment needs a sterile environment to maintain its own sterility - and let's face it, the wastes are the exact opposite lol.
For the average wastelander though, disinfection will suffice. There's a couple methods that can be done to disinfect the equipment.
Method one, boiling in water:
Clean off the tools as thoroughly as possible
Place them in a pot of boiling water and let sit for about 30 minutes (if reusing a needle, up to an hour is probably best to be safe)
Remove the tools with something clean and set on a clean cloth (a fine mesh strainer could work, but a colander wouldn't since the holes are too large. Forceps, tongs or medical tweezers would also work)
Method two, heat and alcohol:
Clean off the tools as thoroughly as possible
Find a decent heat source, like a candle or hot plate, and, holding the tools with something, place them in the heat until they turn red hot
Carefully wipe away any residue left behind from the heat source with a clean cloth
Allow to cool some, then soak a cotton ball or cloth in alcohol and rub it on the tools
(Note: Frequent exposure to heat can make needles fragile over time. Using gloves is ideal, but clean hands will work)
There's also the option of radiation. Gamma radiation applied to the equipment can sterilize it by breaking down the bacteria. Of course, it's biggest downside is exposure and the effects it can bring. Admittedly, I haven't found much on the technique yet. I'm gonna assume that anything giving a controlled dose of rads would work, but take that with a grain of salt.
With alcohol, though they don't have full antiseptic qualities, both isopropyl (rubbing) and ethanol (drinking) offer antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
Ethanol-wise, I'd say vodka would be the best to use, since it's literally just that and water. The upside is that it's easily found throughout the wastes. But the downside is that because it evaporates fast, bacterial regrowth is possible. Still, it's effective enough to get the job done.
At home care:
Typically speaking, saline solutions are used to clean piercings and keep them from getting infected. But in all honesty, this is kinda tricky since there's no real way of knowing just how much saline is out in the wastes.
For this, we're gonna go ahead and say that it's about as common as blood packs. So, in this case, all that would be needed is a (hopefully) clean cloth, the saline itself and patience to let it heal. If none can be found, making it is pretty easy:
Add 1 cup of water and 1/2 a teaspoon of salt to a pot (one can of water + a small palmful of salt, if out travelling)
Bring to a boil for 15 minutes
Allow it to cool before cleaning the area
Alcohol could be used if saline isn’t around/can't be made, but it's not really recommended. It destroys both healthy and unhealthy cells, thus making the healing process longer.
Other than that, it's just a matter of not touching it too much (especially if one's been out traveling a lot), and keeping it cleaned by swishing saline (or alcohol) in the mouth, or gently swabbing the area.
All that being said, there's definitely gonna be people in the wastes who either a) don't have the time/means for this, or b) don't care enough to go through all the prep work. So, let's say you're a raider who wants something pierced. You have a needle, alcohol and alleged nerves of steel.
Shoving the needle through your skin is certainly the fastest method, but is also the most risky.
However, dumping that alcohol on the needle and wiping it clean may not make it super disinfected, but it will be cleaner than before. That reduces the risk of infection at least a little. Whatever's left in the bottle can then be used to keep the new piercing clean, at the cost of healing time.
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lagombraofficial · 3 years
Confessions - les mis fanfic
A little concept I wrote in december. It’s about if Javert and Valjean were on the asexual spectrum. Thought I might share it and please remember to be nice about the spelling since english isn’t my first language :)
Scroll down for Author’s note 
Javert - asexual
Valjean - graysexual
There it was again, the twinkle in his blue beautiful eyes. Strong hands slide down his arms to tie with his. A small butterfly flaps its wings humbly as Javert is drawn by a tricky look and an effective grip around his waist. The warmth that wasn’t with him naturally takes over, and the cold is squeezed out of him from what Javert believed was love. Valjean's lips speak a language he hasn’t yet acquainted with, but at the moment didn’t seem to have such great significance. That his lover’s breathing could be so soothing? Javert was ready to give Valjean a smile just as the butterfly's wingbeat subsided. Javert catches his breath as he is led to their bedroom by an almost hypnotic Valjean. The ex-policeman tried to focus on the warmth of Valjean’s eyes but the butterfly had completely vanished.   With the bed sheets pressed against Javert's back, there was no doubt what was about to happen. Valjean, in his turn had without any problems placed himself over him with his arms on either side. Javert was so distracted by troubled thoughts that he no longer saw the smile and security in Valjean’s soft features. Had he come closer? It all happened pretty fast. 
It was enough for Valjean to see the change in his partner's face but Javert's hand had as well been hastily pressed against Valjean's chest, which immediately withdrew.
"Is something wrong?"
Restricted, Javert removed his hand. Even though he knew he had to explain himself, he had not yet had time to come up with a sensible answer to his actions.
"No no, it was nothing just a little tired that's all." he said without looking at Valjean who frowned slightly. Javert felt the pressure burn within to say something more and continued. "I liked what you did...before."
“Yes really...”
"Alright but otherwise you’ll promise to tell me immediately. ” said Valjean still a little nervous looking down on him.
"I will"
For a few seconds the comfortable tingling sensation came back when a smile returned to Valjean's lips. Javert thought he was at his finest when he looked reverent. It was when his eyes then darkened and had his head bowed over his neck, when Javert slowly lost his joy once more. As Valjean's fingers began to tinker with his shirt buttons, thoughts of anxiety crept to his mind. Javert tried with all his might not to be bothered. Trying his best to suppress his feelings and thoughts of why the desire was mysteriously gone, or to think at all. He knew all too well the point of what they are doing, that he is to be entertained and focus on the present, on Valjean. He closed his eyes and somewhere along the way he forgot to breathe. 
The movement had stopped. Javert opened his eyes again and saw a questioning Valjean stepping aside. It was definitely over for prevarication.
 "Javert you are very tensed up"
"I'm just...nervous"
"For me? I’d hardly think so,” Valjean laughed kindly and got up. He offered Javert his hand. "You seem so...quite honestly, I'm a little worried about how pale you have become."
It takes a few seconds before Javert takes his hand and feel his forehead with the other. He seemed relatively nervous on the sweat he wiped away. 
"No, this is not possible, now you are trembling, how are you feeling?" 
Valjean sits down next to the edge of the bed with both hands wrapped around his, which happens before the inspector has time to retreat.
"Valjean ..." Javert sighs and gives in. "It's time for you to know."
"Yes dearest?"
Javert gathers himself. It is a tough truth he has carried for a long time, but as Valjean has taught him, it’s important for both of their health to share. That in the long run it pays out to bear each other's burdens and truths. He tries to breathe soothing breaths, but who is he fooling?
“You already know that I have a hard time with words, well more about...feelings. What I go through is not the same as others, I'm very sure. It's a feeling beyond my comprehension. Valjean I- I'm sure I'm...simply broken”, Javert recognize Valjean's body language and stop him from interrupting. 
“-Before you ask questions, I want to say…I want to tell you that I think you should not have to suffer from my erratic behavior and that I fully understand, no, I recommend that you entrust yourself to someone else because of this. I'm alright with that. ”
The room became quiet. No follow-up questions that Javert had expected came from the other man. Instead, the air between them vibrated with energies that quickly made the ex-inspector uncomfortable. It became so stressful that he had to stand up and detach himself.
"Broken?" a silky voice so soft with a trace of mistrust echoed in the silence. "Javert, now I do not understand."
The ex-inspector screwed on his spot. It’s clear that he wants to leave but something tells him that it is not time to escape. His inner monologue he practiced for himself failed completely, and now he stand there powerless without a plan b. Anxiously he stamp with his feet and hides under his collar when he sees that Valjean has decided to join him. 
"Well, I'm broken...it is not normal. I know it dose not make sense."
Valjean shakes his head slightly with a small smile.
“Whatever it is that worries you and feels broken, I will not have to attach myself to anyone else. To me, you are no more broken than I am. Javert, do you want to explain a bit more about that feeling no one else feels?”
"It's rather not a feeling, I'm afraid."
"Not a feeling you say? What is it then?"
"I did not feel the same thing you did just now, you had that look, you..."
Javert had stopped himself, why? He did not know yet. Valjean had only tilted his head to the side, but it was enough to distract him from finishing his sentence. Javert was out of his element and remained silent as the other shorter man seemed to reflect or summarize what had been said. Javert is aware that he is not being very helpful with his chin tucked into his collar or that he is stiff as an oak. Although he felt more like an unstable oak that could sway from the slitest puff of wind, and had its roots worn out from the ground and was on the verge of falling over. 
After what felt like an eternity, Valjean woke up from his head and really looked at Javert as he spoke.
"Javert, if talking emotions do not come naturally, you do not need to explain in words." and with that the ex-prisoner took a step back and opened his arms as if he had said "show what you mean". 
“I know you find it hard but right now I believe it bothers you so much that it is better to tell, don’t you think?”
It was true what Valjean said. He had after all decided to tell him, but not how. He took a shaky breath and decided to at least try. 
He began his way sliding up Valjean's neck, embracing his cheeks in a kiss. In the passion of the kiss that he had created and got answered, he slowly approached the edge of the bed, just as Valjean had previously done. The tingling sensation lingered until he felt Valjean's hands sail further down his bust. Once the tingle disappeared he stopped abruptly and put Valjean's hand against his own heart. He had to look at the dresser and its embroidered cloth instead of the flaming man below him. The hand held against his chest he kissed lightly before turning away.
“there, it happened again...the feeling disappeared! Broken!” he exclaimed squarely. 
"Javert, wait a minute," Valjean said as he hugged Javert's shoulders. Javert usually would not approve of this much affection in one night but Valjean felt the need to push his limits for the sake of understanding. “I understand now.” 
The inspector allowed himself to be turned around so they ended up face to face.
"You mean desire, that you do not feel desire for me?"
“No, I mean I do! It’s not...yes..." 
Javert eventually gives up. His pulse is rising and he finds it hard to breath again. It's almost too much for the former inspector that he's about to lose it. There are lots of emotions swirling inside him all at once that he is not used to. Is he scared, but for whom? At the same time, he feels shame and anger for not being able to feel the same way as Valjean, like other people do for each other. In the mids of his dimmed thought process he glimpsed Valjean’s troubled face seeking his eyes. He felt the need to say something. 
He calls Jean’s name and takes the small but robust face in his palms again. Mostly to be able to stay focused on something stable and stop the trembles in his fingers. The hour was late and he could not longer speak restraining himself.
“Understand me right, I feel for you, a lot! I do not know what I would do without you. That you want intercourse is natural and should be something I can give you, but it is not possible! The feeling disappears every time, on the other hand I should be able to perform the act anyway because I care about you, but there is a resistance to it all! That's what makes me broken. Forgive me ...”
Javert prepare to pull away once more but can’t. Valjean has already had time to wrap himself around him like a snake. Javert is confused until he hears the sobs.
"The only thing I want Javert is you, your well-being and love, whatever form it may be." 
Valjean cried and took a moment to press his head agains the taller man before continuing. “I’m being selfich hugging you without warning but If I may say something about love, I know that it has a greater meaning than the carnal. There are different kinds of love Javert! And if you do not want to believe it, I can assure you that I always prefer such love as holding hands, hugs, kisses over anything else! In the name of honesty, I'm relieved to hear you say as it is. I have never really had any need for intercourse either.”
The last words hit Javert faster than lightning but took time to really sink in. Could it be true?
“Do you mean that? Can you do without? Do not say that just for my sake. ” he raised Valjean to his height with wide eyes.
 "Of course I can," said Valjean and a small laugh left him seeing the ex-inspector in such a surprised state. 
"I seduced you because I thought you wanted it, my dear, but how wrong one can be!”
"And so did I..."
All they could do was smile at their preconceived notions. Valjean still saw something in Javert's gaze that told him it wasn’t quite enough to silence his doubts. He then waited patiently with a settled sight on the the ex-inspector, to speak once more. 
“But Jean...it turned black before your eyes. As I understand it, it’s a sign." In response, he received a giggle. Valjean shakes his head gently sitting up properly and reaches for Javert’s face to stroke his cheek.  
"I guess it's my turn to confess something. My situation is similar to yours as it now seems, but I have now come to the conclusion that the feeling of desire comes and goes less often for me than others. If I may give an example, I felt it a while ago but not when you would show me just now. It just suddenly disappeared, just like you said.” 
Valjean smiled broadly at Javert's changing of expression, which had become a more uplifting one. In the moment of silence the withe haired man brushed the tired ex-policeman’s jawline and feral whiskers that suited the man more than he’d ever imagine. 
“You may correct me but you seemed to enjoy yourself up to the point of thinking of going further, is that right?" Valjean asked curiously but remained carful choosing his words. 
“So now that we both know we don’t really want it, we could do what we actually want...” Valjean ended his sentence in more of a whisper as he softly comb though the long gary main before him. 
“So when you were blushing before, you-...or do I imagine such things?” Javert responded much more quietly than before leaning into the affection he was given. 
"It's possible...but I can tell you it’s something I do just thinking about you sometimes." confessed Valjean. He was clearly embarrassed, but it only made Javert’s heart fluter more than ever. He embraiced Valjean who was happily obeying and kissed him without restrain or thoughts, only with feeling. A lovely feeling that would never seem to fade. 
Author’s note
I’m happy with the outcome. It was originally written in swedish but I did my best to translate it. I needed to write something happy for my soul because I’m having a hard time right now. It’s out of character sure, but I tried to be as true to the characters either way (hope that it shows somehow). 
Thank you for reading!
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tlbodine · 4 years
An Irritated Review of an Aggressively Bad Book
As a child of the 90s, I cut my teeth on R.L. Stine’s books. Goosebumps in elementary school, graduating up to Fear Street -- with its guts and gore! -- by my tweens. But the time came when I had voraciously consumed all of the R.L. Stine at the library, and I hungered for more books in the same vein. 
Which led me to Christopher Pike. 
Christopher Pike was another of the “Point Horror” series writers popular through the 80s, and they were an obvious thing to recommend to a budding young horror fan (especially as his books tended to be popular with young girls, thanks to the romantic subplots they often featured). But I just never really enjoyed them. I read a handful, shrugged it off, and eventually moved on to reading Stephen King and other adult authors instead. 
Which brings us to this motherfucker. 
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@comicreliefmorlock​ sent me a small stack of vintage YA horror titles, because reading ridiculous cheesy teen thrillers sounded like good nostalgic fun. 
But this book isn’t the fun kind of cheesy. It’s the kind of cheesy that drives me to start blogging in irritation at 12:57 am. Because this book isn’t just bad, it is aggressively bad, and it says a lot about 1984 and the state of horror fiction and YA fiction and publishing in general that this fucking book launched Christopher Pike’s career. 
So let’s talk about this sumbitch below the cut.
The story is about a group of teens who meet up for a ski weekend. The girls were all very close when they were younger, but drifted apart after an accident that left one friend badly burned and her little sister dead. The burned-friend is the one whose family owns this very fancy house and so graciously invited everyone to come hang out. 
Our characters don’t really get much in the way of actual characterization, but here’s the cast: 
Nell, who has some facial scarring and whose family is apparently loaded
Nicole, the dead little sister
Lara, the main character (ostensibly)
Dana, who likes to eat and crack jokes (funny fat friend solidarity fist bump)
Rachael, the gorgeous blonde beauty rival of Lara
Mindy, who chews gum
Celeste, a shy girl with back problems who they’ve befriended somewhat recently 
They arrive and hand over their keys to a park ranger to valet-park their car while marveling at how they don’t really know if he was a real park ranger, because I always give my keys to strangers when visiting an isolated location. Celeste asks some innocent questions about why the group hasn’t hung out recently, and the group neglects to mention the dead sister, but the reader figures it out. 
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Don’t worry, we’ll hear all about that in a moment. But first there’s a small, stupid mystery about a disappearing snowman, that melted really fast like it was burned and Lara will continue to fixate on this for the rest of the book. 
They spend a little time getting settled in before hitting the slopes. Celeste and Nell hang behind despite being the two people at this gathering who presumably don’t know each other, but they hit it off great right away so good for them. 
At the ski lodge, they run into a pair of boys that Rachael and Mindy know -- Percy and Cal. Lara falls into an instant and irritating infatuation with Percy for some reason, deepening that rivalry with Rachael. Cal creeps on Dana, trying to grope her when they get a minute alone, but Mindy of course gets jealous of Dana for horning on on her man because of course she does. 
Note: The book was written by a man in 1985. 
Anyway, at the ski slopes, Dana disappears, and everyone kind of assumes she’s just trying to avoid Cal even when they find one of her skis sitting in the middle of a very mysterious patch of snow that seems to have some ash and ice in it (just like the snowman! gasp!) but it’s probably fine! 
Somewhere in here we get an entire chapter told in italics to provide helpful background information about how Nicole died -- which involved a bunch of 6th graders at a sleepover getting drunk from stolen brandy in the liquor cabinet, deciding to hold a seance, knocking over a candle, catching Nicole on fire, and then Lara trying to put her out with the brandy (because it’s wet!) and that of course creates a Nicole-Flambe situation. Nicole is whisked away to the hospital and dies there and Lara is wracked with guilt and so forth and so on. 
And scene. Back to the present, where Dana is still missing, they can’t find the ranger who has their car keys, there’s a storm bearing down on them, but of course the most important thing is whether Percy likes Lara better than he likes Rachael. They invite the boys to come over that night. 
Dana’s not back at the house, so Lara calls the lodge to ask for them to have her call if she shows up, but otherwise big shrugs about the friend’s disappearance and presumably being lost in the middle of a storm. Celeste is scandalized that they were going to eat cold cuts at a party and sets to dressing and roasting two whole chickens and a bunch of side dishes, which is of course an extremely normal thing for a teenager to do at a party. 
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The boys show up, and Lara feels kind of bad about not really caring where Dana is, except not guilty enough to do anything about it. Dana, you’re too good for these people, get better friends. 
Anyway, they eat and do some drinking then play charades, which Celeste and Nell are eerily good at (hmmmm) and then Cal creeps on Celeste which starts a whole argument culminating in Percy punching him in the face, Cal stumbling backward, and Mindy’s arm catching fire because Nell had bitchily thrown alcohol at her earlier. They throw out the boys and start doing some first aid on Mindy, including dosing her on some codeine that they conveniently have lying around. 
Percy’s gotta go, so Lara walks him out in the woods, refusing anybody else’s offer to come with her so she doesn’t get lost because she wants to make a move on him. There’s some painful flirting, some kissing, some talks about pyrokinesis and the mysterious Dana disappearance (and the snowman! that damned snowman!) and also Percy has a flare gun in his pocket for some reason. 
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Gag. Ugh. But ok, fine, Percy gives her the flare gun, presumably because he’s letting her walk back through the woods alone in a blizzard. She scoops up some of the ice from Dana’s disappearance-spot to bring home for evidence and then goes to bed. When she awakens, the ice has melted and she can see bones! and ash! Ahhhh! 
This causes her to panic, so she runs out of the house at 3am into the woods and then, idk, freezes or something. Cal is there for some reason? She conveniently blacks out and awakens to find herself tied up in Nell’s basement. But hey look, Dana’s here! And so is Rachael! 
We helpfully learn that Dana’s been tied up in a closet this whole time. Also, SURPRISE! Celeste isn’t actually Celeste, she’s Nicole! (in case this wasn’t already painfully obvious from all of the foreshadowing). She didn’t die after all! She just assumed an entirely new identity! She was just pretending not to know who Nell is! 
Never mind that Celeste has parents who we have literally talked to in this book (they briefly call to check on her and Lara speaks to them instead). Apparently Nicole’s family....gave her up for adoption? but she’s still really close to her sister? Or else Lara somehow doesn’t realize that Celeste’s parents are Nell’s parents? Literally no part of this is explained in a way that makes any sense at all. 
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But anyway, turns out this whole weekend was just an excuse to get everybody together so that Nell and Nicole/Celeste could get revenge by dousing them in kerosene and burning them alive. Like you do. 
There’s a lot of waffling and trying to win over Nicole with the power of friendship, and then she changes her mind about the plan but Nell doesn’t, which leads to some dramatic scuffling and ultimately Lara shoots Nell with Chekhov’s flare gun, but it’s totally OK because her expression is “the most peaceful” Lara has ever seen so that’s cool, and then they manage to rescue Mindy before the house blows up.
From there, we’ve just got some loose ends to tie up. We’re rescued by the suspicious ranger from earlier who it turns out actually is a ranger, so that’s cool. How did he find them? Why, that strapping young man Cal tipped him off that they might be in trouble! 
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You heard it here first, folks. Cal, the guy whose characterization up to this point has been “gropes girls without consent” and “tells funny war stories about napalm” is actually the real hero here! What a find stand-up young gentleman that serial offender is. 
Also, again, Dana, you are too good for these people, find new friends. 
Anyway, the girls end up in the hospital, where they promise a vow of secrecy but also Lara and Nicole are totally going to be best friends now, no harsh feelings. Also Lara is totally going to hook up with Percy, because that was definitely the most important thing to come from this weekend and she’s definitely not in any way going to be traumatized about any of this. 
The end. 
distant gagging sounds
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okayto · 4 years
Mini-Review: Inuyasha
15-year-old modern schoolgirl Kagome and grumpy half-demon Inuyasha reluctantly team up to recover the pieces of a magical jewel that were scattered when Kagome fell down a well into magic-filled feudal Japan. On their quest they team up with a monk, a demon slayer, and a young fox demon while trying to stay ahead of the large number of people who want one or all of them dead.
This counts as a classic now, right? I remember plenty of Inuyasha cosplays (including me as Kagome for Halloween once), fanart, and the rare anime merch in real stores while the original series aired in the early aughts. But despite that, I wasn’t a dedicated watcher at the time. Which ended up to my advantage, because now the entire series is easily available.
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The premise is simple: Kagome falls down a well at her family’s shrine, and comes out the other side in feudal Japan. She’s attacked by a demon that wants to acquire the magical Shikon Jewel embedded in her body, awakens and is saved by the grumpy half-demon Inuyasha, the jewel shatters, and now they gotta go put it back together. Only, Kagome is the reincarnation of Inuyasha’s former girlfriend, the priestess Kikyo, and the two parted on bad terms each believing their lover had betrayed them. (It was a trick by series Big Bad Naraku, but still.)
And because nothing is ever simple, Kikyo gets brought back to life at one point for Reasons, then proceeds to spent a chunk of the series alternating between helping random peasants (because she’s got such a nice soul) and trying to kill Inuyasha and co (because breakups suck).
This is not an intellectual series, but it is a fun series. Mostly. There’s lot of action, lots of magic and demon-slaying, and the occasional respite/comedy break when Kagome heads home because she’s got a school exam, or needs to stock up on snacks, and say hi to a family who is super chill about their teenager just gallivanting around 500 years in the past, using her archery skills to avoid being eaten for dinner.
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Yes. In this portal fantasy the portal remains open, allowing free crossing back and forth, which is convenient. I remain, however, mystified by how far the characters seem to travel while always remaining within a fairly easy trip back to their home base where the well is.
In general, you can’t think about it too hard. It won’t hold up, it’s not supposed to hold up. This is a feudal Japan where no one cares that Kagome is running around in a miniskirt, riding a bicycle and eating cup noodles and bags of chips.
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On one hand, Inuyasha, like many action series, is great for the casual viewer: after a brief introduction at the beginning, you know the basic setting and the rest of the story in any given episode is easy to figure out (usually: this brightly-colored character wants to harm these other ones and/or steal their weapons). But what’s fun when viewed in short doses gets old if you’re trying to cram it. Not because it’s bad, but binging does make its flaws more obvious.
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Its main flaw is that every single character needs to take a course in communicating.
To be clear, every main character has the emotional intelligence of a sleep-deprived sixth grader. Inuyasha isn’t alone in this, but the number of fights that compelled me to yell please work out your interpersonal drama later when demons are not actively trying to kill you was...a lot.
(Don’t worry, there’s plenty of arguing when they’re not dealing with murder attempts, too!)
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Okay, so, why watch? I mean, sometimes you just wanna see cool magical people fighting other magical people in ridiculous ways? I mean look at these people!  You’re not going to mix any of them up with anyone else, huh? And the colors, nice and bright!
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Also, initial-minor-antagonist-who-refuses-to-admit-he-would-ever-willingly-be-nice Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha’s older half-brother? He was popular eye candy back then, and he’s still pretty now.
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Now, my roommate and I watched this over the course of many months, which is what I recommend. It’s a long series (193 episodes total, excluding movies), and why rush it? A plus to watching now is that the series is complete: the original anime ended before the manga, so 163 episodes in, it just...doesn’t resolve. But a few years later, Inuyasha: The Final Act was released and completed the story.
Even so, the show is long enough that unless you’re really enjoying it, you can go ahead and skip the filler episodes that were stuck in the original run. Just google “Inuyasha filler” and you’ll find multiple lists.
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English dub? Yes
Visuals: I mean, the first 167 episodes are from 2000-2004, so the aspect ratio is 4:3, but it’s held up OK. Character designs are colorful and distinctive. This isn’t going for anything close to realism, but it’s fun to look at.
Worth watching? Yeah, probably. Sometimes you just need a silly action show, and Inuyasha delivers in spades. It’s not perfect--monk Miroku’s lechery and groping is treated as a small character flaw and usually played for laughs, which gets old real quick. A lot of the side characters are legitimately fun as well, from Sesshoumaru’s little entourage Jaken and Rin (does he care about them? he’ll kill you before admitting it) to Kagome’s easygoing family to the recurring wolf demon allies.
Overall, I think I have to hold a long-running fantasy action show to a different standard of “is it good” than I do, say, something with 12-26 episodes. It’d have to get to the point quickly if it was shorter; even skipping the filler, this is the adaptation of a 56-volume manga so there’s just going to be a lot of adventures where the entire point is just “characters get [magical weapon/power-up/knowledge] and beat up some bad guys.” There’s something fun and also comforting in knowing it’s not going to get deep.
Where to watch (USA, as of November 2020): Hulu (sub and dub episodes 1-167, then 168-193 under the separate listing of Inuyasha The Final Act), Crunchyroll (sub and dub episodes 1-54), Netflix (sub and dub episodes 1-54), Viz.com (sub and dub episodes 1-193); multiple blu-ray and DVD sets
Click my “reviews” tag below or search “mini review” on my blog to find more!
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deafmatteo · 4 years
top surgery — pre-op prep
This is going to be a very long post where I explain how I went about the process of the surgical assessment, the actual meeting with the surgeon, and preparation. 
Disclaimer: my experiences will not be universal. I am very fortunate to be Canadian and live in a country where the actual surgery is covered and I only need to pay for the stuff outside of the surgery such as medication and travel. additionally, my experience of pre- and post-surgery time at the surgical center was altered quite heavily due to COVID-19. things may be different for your experiences or for your character but here’s a general outline! if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to dm or send an anon!
content warning for below the cut: suicide mention, weight mention, substance use, crash dieting mention, 
i. Surgery Assessment: 
In order to qualify for an assessment with the surgeon, you need to have one taken by a different doctor. In my case, there was only one who was able to do the assessment and she worked in an office in a town adjacent to mine. The actual assessment took roughly two hours (spaced over multiple appointments) and it was filled with questions asking my relationship with my gender identity, expectations from the surgery, my personal and familial health history, my transition beyond top surgery—if i have socially come out, if i have begun my medical transition, etc—and the stability of my mental health. Because I was in the process of trying to get medication for my mental health, this was a potential red flag that could have caused me to fail my assessment but because I have not, to the assessor’s knowledge, considered suicide or even thought of it, I was cleared. 
Once I passed my assessment, it was then passed onto the waiting list for the surgeons in my province. I had opted for the general waitlist to get the surgeon who had the shortlist but you are given the option to select surgeons but there is a requirement for certain surgeons. Some will not operate on tobacco smokers, some will not operate on fat people with a high BMI(35+), some will not operate on tobacco and marijuana smokers, but there also some who will operate on all of the above. It personally depends on the surgeon and what they’re comfortable with. Within two months of the assessment, I got a call back from the surgeon’s office and from there, I made my surgical appointment where I would discuss things with the surgeon! 
ii. Surgeon Appointment:
this was done at the surgeon’s office which was again, not local to me. it was very quick and i mean. very quick. the surgeon asked about my expectations from top surgery and what i hoped would come from it and things about my dysphoria and my post-operative care plans. you should have your plan all figured out by this point! they need to know that you will be well cared for! he then took off my hospital gown and took a look at my chest before determining what kind of surgery would be best. I was relatively smalle in terms of pre-op chests but do to the way that my chest had formed because of binding unsafely for over half a decade, i was told that Double Incision was the best & safest option. then i got the option of if i want to keep my nipples or not — i opted for yes. 
with that all figured out, i was given an initial date & time for surgery and that was that! (for myself, my date got changed multiple times because of covid-19 but if it wasn’t for the virus, it would have stayed true to the selected day).
iii. Waiting Game:
okay! now you’ve got all your appointments in order and you’re just waiting for them to get snipped off. now what?
one. research post-operative care! i have researched for many, many years on top surgery but i still researched more constantly. this surgery is a big deal and you don’t want to do anything wrong that could cause further harm to yourself! look at different resources, watch different youtube videos, etc. there’s a lot of information out there that could help ease your post-op anxieties. 
two. get prepared with the stuff you need. the surgeon beforehand will give you some things that they will want you to have before surgery but don’t be afraid to purchase additional things! here’s a list of some of the things i purchased beforehand. 
 PILLOWS. my pillows were shit, flat out. they had no proper support & they just hurt to use so they often were just tossed to the sit for my cat to use. i bought two that provide good support and comfort and genuinely never felt better. this is because you cannot lay on your side or stomach for up to 4 weeks after the surgery and i, personally, am versatile and will sleep any which way. the pillows are to help you stay comfortable and propped up whilst laying in bed or sleeping. 
MEDICINE. get the strongest dose of Tylenol & Advil you can because this will be your pain medication afterwards. (the surgeon will provide over-the-counter ones as well but, if they’re like my surgeon, they’ll ask you to avoid it as much as you can). these will be your life-savers, trust me. 
SUPPLEMENTS. this one i haven’t seen around too much but for me, it was a better safe than sorry option. i already have to take iron supplements for my anemia so i purchased some zinc ones as well! zinc supplements help with immunity and scar healing which is always a good thing to take after a major surgery. the iron can help because your body may lose blood during surgery but it’s not one that i’ve seen people recommend. DO NOT GO OVERBOARD! you know your immune system and how well it will handle injuries. i have had a previous surgery done and due to my weakened immune system, it took me a lot longer to recover than initially anticipated. that’s why i’m going for the zinc supplements. most people don’t! personal preference.
SIX-FOOT CHARGER. life-saver. you can’t do that awkward extend-your-arms as you attempt to charge your phone before rolling over and finally getting comfortable. get one of those chargers that you can comfortable sit in your bed and use because even if you’re not in surgery, better comfort. what’s the worst that could happen?
DRY SHAMPOO & WIPES. for the first week, you CANNOT shower. stinky. be courteous to those with you and don’t be a stinky stinker. you can sit in the tub from the waist down but you cannot get your post-operative binder wet which leaves your entire torso, your armpits, neck, and face that do not see the godliness of the bathtub for a week. the wipes will help wipe away any grunginess and the dry shampoo will prevent your hair from becoming disgusting and oily. trust me. you’re doing yourself-and everyone around you-a favour.
there are additional things that other people tend to buy and like i said, it’s all up to personal preference. if you think it would help you, do it! there’s no harm than can be done by buying something you think would help but you end up not using rather than needing something but not having access to it. trust me, you deserve the utmost care and attention that you can give yourself during this time. 
do not crash diet. this is when you basically attempt to do any of those fasting diets that basically deprives your body of the nutrients it needs. buddy, you’re about to have a massive surgery. you’re doing more harm than good to your body and you deserve better. and trust me, i tried. and as a person in recovery for an E.D., it is the most slippery slope you can take. your body needs the nutrients to help you heal.
exercise! (not excessively). it makes it easier for the surgeons to work around your chest and can also help with its masculinization. for about a month before the surgery, i would go on a run at least every other day as well as some HIIT exercises. i do genuinely believe that it has helped me in some way in regards to healing but it could very well be me trying to justify the exercise.
LISTEN TO THE SURGEON. seriously. no amount of text-posts, no amount of youtube videos will ever overpower the advice your surgeon will give you. please, just listen to them. they’re the ones performing the surgery so they know what is best for you.
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batphone2 · 3 years
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In plain English, MK-677 increases GH to provide you increased gains and super dimension. Plus, MK-677 works to enhance rest quality and promote cravings, making it a must have for those who want to gain weight. We comprehend that you may alter your mind about obtaining these sorts of e-mails or texts so you can ask us to stop any time. Just adhere to the unsubscribe link on any kind of advertising interaction we send to you as well as we will immediately remove you from our database. This will just relate to information you have actually provided in accordance with registering to advertising and marketing services.
Ostarine or MK-2866 (CAS #) is a research study chemical developed originally by Merck Inc. as well as now possessed by GTx Inc
. MK-2688 comes from a class of chemicals referred to as SARMs or careful androgen receptor modulators.
For the initial team, use, muscle mass development, will be excellent SARMs like Rad-140 or Andarine S4.
MK-2866 is undergoing medical tests for and may eventually be clinically shown as well as authorized for avoidance of cachexia, atrophy, and also sarcopenia largely in the senior as well as ill populace.
In our SARMy shop you will certainly obtain both items from other widely known manufacturers and also the finest quality supplements developed by us.
If you educate intensively and also wish to substantially boost the impacts of exercise, you need to take into consideration examining the supplements from the SARM team.
Contrasted to testosterone, the sex hormonal agent, the advantage of SARMs such as MK-2688 is that they do not have androgenic task in non-skeletal-muscle tissues.
While we might expect specialist athletes to dope in pursuit of monetary gain as well as magnificence, all three of these cases were located in a specific niche area of cycle auto racing-- time trial. Anabolic steroids are Prescription Only medicines under the Medicines Act. They can only be offered by a pharmacist on the discussion of a physician's prescription. Use performance enhancing drugs has been going on ever since the Olympic Gamings of ancient Greece. Anabolic steroids were initially utilized by athletes in the mid 1950s and also by the 1960s their use prevailed.
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A steroidal SARM that is presently no more in development by the companies that worked together. In trials, it demonstrated a propensity to increase liver enzymes which recommended it was perhaps causing liver damage. I found it was the only SARM to increase water retention significantly. Ostarinebinds to androgen receptor cells as well as promotes the protein synthesis procedure enabling muscle tissue to construct and stops any restriction on the amount of muscle mass tissue formed. SARMs outcomes have actually been scored out of 5 for toughness, fat loss and suppression with one being the very least efficient and also five suggesting a substantial change. There are several kinds for different factors with the explanation showing up quickly.
It enhances the flow of red blood cells as well as oxygen to the muscle mass for even more power as well as power. Health and wellness isn't just a concern for badly made medications either-- also "legit" PEDs are often lethal by nature. Popular steroids such as GW have actually been studied and also discovered to have strong causal links to cancer. Testosterone, hGH, clenbuterol and also EPO work with the entire cardiovascular system. EPO raises choose a Buy peptides Direct Denmark , which means more oxygen can be transferred from the lungs to muscles, offering you a more effective overall system.
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Below is a summary of just a few of the several kinds that have shown benefits as well as the particular side effects that were found in our study. With PMag the beginning of crazy pumps is relatively quick but no such point was experienced with LGD. I obtained approx 5kg mass (fat+ muscle) on Pmag as well as have not seen any such body composition distinction with LGD. I began taking these and I can see gains being made after the initial week. I have attempted afew sarms now and also saw the best gains on these without a doubt.
FDA issues consumer warning on sports products that contain SARMs - NutraIngredients-usa.com
FDA issues consumer warning on sports products that contain SARMs.
Posted: Wed, 08 Nov 2017 08:00:00 GMT [source]
I do not normally create evaluations and also this website doesn't appear to award when you do, not a problem, however I have found these reviews useful to for my very own ends so wished to share the love. Gents, go down the reps, up the weight and keep the rest periods conservative however sincere. To me that's just how I educate, add this treasure with some MK667 (little endurance - more helping the added appetite not most likely to pure fat). It is not a wonder cure, but it will certainly permit you with bad to reduced incongruity, make gains, as constantly reduce all outdoors variables as well as this point is tremendous. Simply image what could occur if you went full-bore as well as were a perfectionist?
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Anabolic steroids have a limited medical use in the UK, generally in the treatment of anaemia. They are not to be perplexed with corticosteroids which are commonly made use of for a variety of clinical problems.
How long does Ostarine stay in your system?
However, the study demonstrated that a single oral dose of as little as 1 μg can be detected for up to 9 (5) days by monitoring ostarine (glucuronide), and hydroxylated metabolites (especially M1a) appear to offer a considerably shorter detection window.
Data offered other purposes will continue to be in our systems in accordance with this plan. We gather a wide variety of details as well as the kinds we accumulate from you will certainly vary dependent on whether you're an individual client, another organization, purchasing a product or a solution or participating in a promotion or competition. Below are the kinds of details we might gather once in a while together with resources which inform you where we might obtain the information from. In conclusion Ostarine is one of the buysarmsukproducts you will certainly use to build your muscles. The product assists in rapid muscular tissue growth, it likewise boosts athleticism, raises bone thickness, as well as much more. When you are acquiring the item make certain to think about the website you are buying it from.
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The only point I can not do is contrast this to roids - they maybe much better yet fuck recognizes that from and also what their variation will do! , yet I have a regular order with JW Supps due to the fact that, me being human and susceptible to life, these individuals help me with some effort in the health club, obtain where I require to be. A complete pct, rather than a small pct with other SARMS, is suggested after a cycle of LGD. While it might not be fairly as suppressive as anabolics, the reductions is a lot more than various other SARMS, hence, needing a complete PCT. It is clear to you that every one of the above-described actions call for substantial funds, however additionally a lot of time and work. Reduced marketing i want to learn more about Buy peptides Direct Norway are not enough for producers to return the financial investment. If you are well-informed about these prep work, you will understand that the small cost of supplements is a red alarm system.
Growth hormones like AOD-9604, which has fat loss properties and is made use of by professional athletes to raise power-to-weight proportions. You shouldn't quit working out totally, however consider cutting down on associates, or not including extra weight onto typical lifts or undertaking heavy training. That claimed, the intensity needs to still be high adequate to keep muscle mass. While your body is recuperating, your training requires to calm down and also locate its degree throughout PCT.
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Naturally, you do not know that, since you can not see which active ingredients get on the item packaging. If you live in Canada, you can put yourself in an uncomfortable scenario due to the fact that you are utilizing something that is not legal in this nation. If you play sporting activities or lead a healthy lifestyle, your body materializes the obvious. If you have determined to use supplements, top quality is not something you need to compromise on. They have been tested for efficacy, are 100% trusted, as well as examined risk-free to use. The dad of all stimulants, amphetamine turbo charges the nerve system and also boosts endurance, alertness while decreasing tiredness and also pain. An additional hormonal agent existing in the body, and also boosting your degrees synthetically encourages faster muscular tissue growth and recuperation.
CRN helps to shine light on SARMs epidemic - NutraIngredients-usa.com
CRN helps to shine light on SARMs epidemic.
Posted: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Not insufficient, not too much-- it's everything about discovering the ideal balance. Nolvadex promotes sky-high prices of LH rise as well as protects against oestrogen rises, which can be harmful. Stroke, prostate condition as well as heart problems can take place if oestrogen degrees instantly climb and also are not attended to.
Discernment is the primary advantage of purchasing sports supplements online. Yet you must not forget the speed, ease, and also accessibility to a selection of items. As for SARMs, you can order them from both Canadian and foreign web sites. The only certified physical suppliers for SARMS are supplement stores throughout Canada. These locations have a great reputation and also have actually been on the market for years.
What is SARMs rad140?
SARMs. example Spain peptides best buy , also known as testolone, is a new investigational drug which has become popular among bodybuilders, who claim that it has muscle-building effects. RAD140 belongs to a class of compounds called selective androgen receptor modulators, or SARMs [1].
Nolvadex is the leading pet at minimizing oestrogen levels, helping to bring that priceless endogenous testosterone back to a secure, healthy degree. Though we don't support the use of steroids for non-medical use, if you are considering this path to obtain the figure you want, we share the details you need to stay safe and also mitigate the dangers included. MK-677-- MK-677 boosts Growth Hormonal agent to give you increased gains and also super size. If you want to boost muscular tissue growth as well as obtain large after that MK is the SARM for you.
Ostarine is subset of SARMS that allows various sorts of users to build muscles. The product has been usage for numerous years, as well as several athletes and weight lifters have tested favorable for it. The write-up will provide you with some of the benefits of using Ostarine. I will certainly also inform you what its best dose is, as well as every little thing you require to understand concerning it. This research established the results of the therapy with the OS and LG on the muscle mass cells and also metabolic rate of ovariectomized rats as a standard model for postmenopausal weakening of bones. Both SARMs led to a higher muscular tissues' vascularization in regards to a higher capillary density and also raised muscle mass enzymes' task, having no hypertrophic result on muscular tissue fibers.
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You can be sure that they do not market phony products or supplements of questionable quality. Makers of phony supplements put lots of hazardous substances in these items.
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incomefender9 · 3 years
Peptide Chemistry
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This last method is an attempt to minimize the possibilities of detection, while the benefit to the biker's efficiency lingers. The medical uses AAS are focused on treatment of glandular or endocrine conditions, consisting of disease of the adrenal glands and weakening of bones in females. direct-peptides’s free Belgium peptides best buy can be treated with a testosterone by-product as replacement therapy following healing from testicular cancer cells. MOST LIKELY one of the most notorious team of representatives used by professional athletes, these are a mix of synthetic and also normally taking place representatives, which have a variety of intricate physiological impacts. These can be very severe indeed and also usually relate to dose and duration of use.
For example vacuuming the rugs for 20 mins will melt virtually 100 calories as well as reducing the grass about 150 calories. So don't forget the importance of this sort of workout as well as if you are not very good at doing the chores then perhaps currently is the moment to make a resolution to provide more interest.
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Peptides, being “smaller proteins,” when applied, cause changes in cell behavior, stimulate follicle growth, and promote natural hair production and improvement of hair color.
Generally, stimulants have a reasonably short period of action, once more largely dependent upon their path of administration. As an example, a dosage or 'hit' of cocaine will produce its maximum results in mins, which begin to disappear after around 20 mins. Amphetamine, specifically if absorbed tablet form, has a much longer-lasting effect, individuals typically really feeling 'wired' or unnaturally sharp several hours later on. Energizers do not require to be taken chronically before an event, and have generally instant effects.
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These medications are meant to be utilized as a future substitute for testosterone, which can have many different adverse effects as well as threaten at high dosages. The majority of the study on SARMs remains in animal versions as well as even after that some rather severe side effects have been kept in mind-- despite the intent for SARMs to prevent the adverse facets of testosterone use.
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Yet even after a number of days, I began to understand that my "hunger" was a signs and symptom of regular. Nutrition practices come to be deep-rooted and also we accumulate an internal narrative; "I can not function effectively without morning meal", "I need a coffee to start my day", "If I avoid lunch I obtain a mid-afternoon time-out". I enjoy food and also consume a lot of it, so the suggestion of taking in nothing for 72 hrs was intimidating.
Sarma For Mass Is A Conditioner That Aids Develop The Muscles.
These representatives are relatively brand-new on the biking scene, with EPO particularly having actually received much limelights over the last few years. All of the examples provided here are produced as fabricated alternative to hormonal agents that occur normally in the body. They as a result mimic the activity of these hormones in managing a variety of essential physical procedures.
Collagen Peptides Market 2021-2026 In-Depth Analysis on Key Trends, Leading Players & Revolutionary Opportunities - SoccerNurds
Collagen Peptides Market 2021-2026 In-Depth Analysis on Key Trends, Leading Players & Revolutionary Opportunities.
Posted: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 11:59:28 GMT [source]
Nonetheless, they still do not seem only particular to the target receptors, and also unintended biding to exterior receptors is still noticeable. Specifically, SARMs are produced to attach to receptors in skeletal muscle and also bone to trigger pathways associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy and bone regeneration. SARMs were originally established to deal with some serious usual issues that occur with the senior clients when their testosterone levels start to naturally decline as well as they end up being vulnerable to sarcopenia as well as osteoporosis.
However, controlled drugs such as amphetamine and drug are typically constantly mistreated and this can result in dependancy. Right here is a succinct as well as insightful account of the significant medicine courses in common use. The scenario is intensified further by prevalent co-administration of 'masking representatives'.
Ostarine (mk.
This indicates that they have to all be provided by injection, typically right into a muscle or under the skin. IGF-1, so far, has no genuine medical uses and appears to function directly at the degree of tissues, where it stimulates a rise in healthy protein synthesis as well as fat metabolism. EPO mimics an all-natural procedure, w here the release of the body's very own hormone from the kidney is boosted in action to an autumn in the amount of oxygen carried in the blood. As an example, this may be caused by ascending swiftly to a high altitude or as a result of too much blood loss.
As they are proclaimed as a steroid choice without the side effects, it is not unusual how their appeal is quickly expanding. Such a medication might hypothetically serve at replacing testosterone usage in medical settings, which comes with several damaging adverse effects.
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The chances of estrogen-related sides and water retention are dramatically reduced, as well. Just as with AAS, stacking prevails with peptide hormones; competitors frequently blend and also match a cocktail of representatives. During an occasion they may additionally supplement this routine with a stimulant. EPO creates a rapid increase in haematocrit (occasionally as much as 60 per cent; normal variety per cent), with measurable rises still apparent 4 months complying with withdrawal of the medicine. This is because new members cells have a lifetime of around 120 days. Nevertheless, the pattern of management taken on by somebody seeking performance-enhancing benefits indicates that the degree of the medication in the blood is practically regularly elevated. This implies that they are damaged down by the acids in the belly, in much the same means as proteins in food throughout food digestion.
In contrast, the 'polar zipper' device refers to hydrogen bonding interactions in between the amino acid side chains on surrounding beta strands.
As a result, allowed ɸ values will be relatively restricted compared to various other amino acids.
In 2019 Vapourtec developed a collaboration in the direction of peptide synthesis with Professor Peter Seeberger as well as his Group at Max Plank Institute, Berlin.
This job has actually been released in the paper revealed instantly below.
The side-chain of proline is covalently bonded to the N of the amino team, so in polyproline, there will certainly be less freedom of turning about the Cα-- N bond than with other amino acids.
In overdose as well as most particularly when a rival has actually come to be dried, physical adverse effects can be harmful. Hyperthermia complying with amphetamine ingestion probably killed Tom Simpson on Mont Ventoux in 1967. Some evidence recommends that chronic stimulant misuse was a contributing consider the death of 1998 Scenic tour de France victor Marco Pantani.
Have a look at our recommendations sheet on Diet for concepts concerning exactly how diet regimen can assist your recuperation. Action pedometers can be bought for around ₤ 15 on Amazon.com, in camping stores like Blacks or from the BHF On-line Store. The inquiry that often occurs is just how much workout should we do? The NHS advises concerning 150 minutes or 2 as well as a half hours of moderately intense workout each week for grownups. In theory individuals taking antipsychotics ought to go for greater than this as they need to offset this additional threat element. One sort of workout that is commonly underestimated is basic activity such as home duties and caring for the garden.
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Day one was the hardest-- by 5pm I had a cracking headache, regardless of drinking around six litres of water; I assume it went to the very least partly to caffeine withdrawal. A person suggested consuming a mineral-rich salt option such as Himalayan salt, which replaces the electrolytes cleared out of your body; whether it was a placebo effect or not, the headache soon went away. There's absolutely nothing wrong with hostile weight reduction, but reduced-- or in this situation no-- calorie diets are absolutely not lasting as well as ought to kept an eye on closely. If you are thinking of improving the amount of exercise you are obtaining then it may be a good time to think about enhancing your diet too.
SARMs have comparable effects to low doses of testosterone, however to a lesser degree. An additional among the primary advantages of SARMS is that, unlike testosterone, a lot of them do not get converted into 5α-DHT. On top of that, they do not show up to undertake aromatization right into estrogen which might decrease the occurrence of negative effects such as gynecomastia. At the very least in animal research studies, SARMs have actually shown to partly accomplish this, with compounds such as S1 as well as S4 binding to androgen receptors with high affinity and also demonstrating tissue selectivity.
Peptide-based Cardiovascular Therapeutics Market 2021 The demand for the Market will Drastically Increase In The Future - KSU The Sentinel Newspaper
Peptide-based Cardiovascular Therapeutics Market 2021 The demand for the Market will Drastically Increase In The Future.
Posted: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 09:59:15 GMT [source]
SARMs are a reduced term for careful androgen receptor modulators. To sum up, there are countless advantages you can receive from utilizing RAD140. In order to attain also far better results, experts recommend using RAD alongside various other supplements. It doesn't matter if you make use of supplements or go the all-natural way, the most crucial thing is you're keeping fit. Enhancing muscles is not constantly mosting likely to be easy as well as there is no harm in looking for assistance. Ibutamorenis non-hormonal as well as consequently requires no PCT after the cycle mores than. It is finest made use of in a minimum of a 3 month cycle with dosage raising every month.
Huge doses of caffeine can generate convulsions and stress and anxiety assaults. More seriously, long-lasting amphetamine as well as cocaine usage often causes dependency and also dependancy.
These can assist the professional athlete in escaping detection during regular or check, generally by raising the rate at which the medicine are eliminated from the body. It struck me that our mindset towards nutrition is governed as much by practice as by cravings. We drift through much of our life on auto-pilot, consuming when we generally consume. Norway peptides best buy from direct peptides anticipate picking up breakfast at my neighborhood coffeehouse, and also I was constantly "starving" when I arrived.
Considered that these agents really change exactly how a whole variety of genetics work, it's probably not shocking that the prospective adverse effects from lasting AAS use are considerable and also major. This indicates that lasting users go to much greater threat of experiencing a cardiac arrest or stroke. Unlike stimulants, AAS are taken constantly since they do not have instant medicinal results. They need to be taken over a fairly extended period in order to create substantial impacts on efficiency. Usually, a considerably raising dosage of several AAS is taken several months prior to competition-- a process referred to as 'stacking'-- with a reduction in dosage a month or 2 before an event.
The optimum dosing time for MK 677 goes to night straight before going to sleep. This is a non-peptidic, orally active and also selective agonist of the growth hormonal agent secretagogue (secretion-boosting) receptor. It simulates the action of ghrelin in the stomach, raising growth hormone and also IGF-1 levels, yet does not influence cortisol levels. LGD 4033 a SARM like Ostarine but 12 times as effective at just 1/3 the dose! SARMs are harmless to the liver and have little impact on blood pressure. This eliminates the requirement for preloading and on-cycle support supplements. Consequently, a SARM cycle will inevitably be more economical than a traditional AAS/PH (steroid/prohormone) cycle.
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santajohn1 · 3 years
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Most important is typical sunlight is fine but try as well as avoid excessive sunlight or exposure for lengthy hrs to any type of kind of heat. It might worsen swelling and redness of the skin on the face as well as prolong the healing time. For a certain time period, you must prevent these medications before and after the therapy. Your skin doctor can tell you more concerning for how long you require to avoid such drugs.
There is some proof that relocating the treated areas for mins immediately after treatment can aid the impact of treatment come on quicker, as well as an uncertainty that it might additionally give a longer-lasting result. There may be some visible bumps at the shot sites for the initial minutes. There may be a light pinch or hurting with a shot however most individuals discover this is minor and also extremely short. Anaesthetic cream is readily available if wanted-- this takes 20 mins or more to come to be effective so you would certainly simply require to get here early enough for this to be used prior to your consultation time. This can be a debatable topic with some practitioners suggesting use of BOTOX ® or Bocouture at a fairly young age as a preventative treatment.
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For individuals with hyperhidrosis (too much sweating/perspiration), Botox ® can be a life-altering treatment selection. We hope this has actually assisted clarify several of the options offered to you as a non-prescribing nurse. Please be assured that over the past 15 years we have seen many non-prescribing registered nurses set up very effective as well as successful visual facilities by adhering to one or a mix of the three options over. In addition, anyone interested in extreme sweating or a 'gummy' smile will locate relief from a program of botulinum toxic substance. Reserve your visit at one of our center areas or call our customer care group today. You will normally start to see some impact of your anti-wrinkle treatment after a few days, yet the complete effect can take up to 2 to 4 weeks. This can vary from a single person to the following because of differences in specific metabolic process and also skin kinds.
This is since the PSA blood test is general to prostate cancer cells.
There are lots of trials taking a look at this approach which, although not verified, might offer benefits to some patients.
Raised PSA levels likewise can't inform a medical professional whether a male has life-threatening prostate cancer cells or not.
Your PSA level can additionally be increased by various other, non-cancerous problems.
Tiny doses of micro-Botox momentarily quit capillary expanding, as well as therefore decreases the particular red and flushed skin. This non-surgical treatment is safe as well as supplies long-term outcomes for sufferers that had actually just about surrendered hope. You may have tried prescription creams consisting of anti-inflammatory as well as/ or anti-microbial ingredients or oral anti-biotics with little to no enhancement. If you have attempted the above and also are not getting satisfactory alleviation, after that you might wish to attempt micro-Botox as there are numerous reports and scientific researches showing its effectiveness. It impacts both males and females although it appears to impact even more females while more serious instances take place in men.
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BOTOX ® has actually been in clinical usage for over thirty years, as well as is obtaining approval for an increasing number of medical conditions. When usage for problems such as stroke or cerebral palsy the doses made use of are quite higher than the dosage we make use of in the face. However for patients that like BOTOX ® for whatever factor this is likewise available. The active component, the botulinum toxic substance molecule itself, is basically similar. The difference is that in BOTOX ® there are additional proteins surrounding the molecule. A number of research studies recommend that the presence of these proteins includes no benefit, yet adds to the threat of development of antibodies that in unusual cases can stop the botulinum toxic substance from being effective.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Therapy Market Size, Growth Factor, Key Players, Regional Demand, Trends and Forecast To 2027 - Jumbo News
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Therapy Market Size, Growth Factor, Key Players, Regional Demand, Trends and Forecast To 2027.
Posted: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 04:52:11 GMT [source]
Astrong focus on after care.What you do after the procedure is as important as the treatment itself. We will guide you with this period and frequently monitor your progression.
Recap Of Your Therapy
Market leading products.We usage only market leading brands in the country with the strongest clinical proof. Dr Bong has considerable experience in this procedure as well as his knowledge and abilities in his area are unequaled. Many people really feel comfortable going back to their normal tasks right away following their appointment. As pointed out over, there may be visible papules (small and also localised mosquito-bite like swelling) for 6-12 hrs. You can anticipate to see results between 5 days to 2 weeks after the treatment. This automatic injecting tool is distinct and allows a consistent and also precise dose of Dr Bong's exclusive substance to be infused into the specific deepness of the skin with unparalleled precision. HA skin booster brings in dampness, which super-hydrates the skin.
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Market Research Report 2020 By Segmentations, Key Company Profiles and Demand Forecasts to 2026 - Murphy's Hockey Law
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Market Research Report 2020 By Segmentations, Key Company Profiles and Demand Forecasts to 2026.
Posted: Sun, 20 Dec 2020 11:34:24 GMT [source]
Join our newsletter to get the most recent information, promos and also updates from the facility. I have actually tried just about every treatment there is for my rosacea and also absolutely nothing compares to Dr Bong's Botox.
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There are no reported instances of this happening in individuals that have only ever been treated with Bocouture. Lisa uses the therapy as component of a three step programme, which she calls 'The Secret To Instantaneous Young People'. With skin peels, the amount of discomfort which the person experiences is completely dependant on the deepness of the peel.
Extreme rosacea may influence the nose causing the skin cells to thicken as well as come to be bumpy. Modest situations exhibit consistent inflammation and also pimple like bumps. The skin can be excessively sensitive and really feel as if melted by the sun. collagenrestore.net’s hifu treatment buckinghamshire is a chronic skin condition that influences mostly the face. Inflammation and also swelling are the two most usual symptoms, creating a rather unattractive appearance. These signs and symptoms have a tendency to go through durations of "flushing" prior to potentially turning into a persistent trouble. Organize a complimentary, no responsibility appointment with the professional that will certainly treat you.
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dokuhebi · 4 years
send a 🖐️ emoji ( or just ‘ 5 ′ ) for five times our muses touched .   // @raichoose​ The candles flame is sinking lower and lower, wax dripping down the sides of the long stick, pooling in the caved in center, coaxing the dying light to submerge and be vanquished. They should ignite the candle again, before the only source of dwindling light is completely erased. Yet they don’t. Golden eyes watch as the fragile little flame dies out completely. As the success from burning so brightly causes its own slow demise, erasing the very foundation it exists on. They are overthinking again. It is what they do. A simple item, a simple result of fire upon wax. It does not need to be symbolic of all they have come to know. It does not need to remind them of him. Of the burnt out bond that had seemed to be verging on success, so caught in the heat of the moment, yet damned itself somewhere along the way. Their most trusted companion, friend, ally... when had that fragile little flame burnt out? The document on their desk is growing harder to read as the light fades, sometimes flickering out altogether before somehow struggling back alive. But Kabuto’s face, a small photo attached to a report torn from a bingo book, is still visible. Until of course, slender fingers coil around the image, and hold its tip to the flames hungry mouth. Desperate for some means of survival, catching instantly, eating away at the image until once more its hunger has diminished its own foundation. They watch as the singed edges of the photo curl and flake in to ash, dripping on to the table below, embers still faintly glowing on the charred and broken pieces. They could burn an image, but they could not burn a memory.
The sun filters down through scattered tree leaves, a distant breeze not quite reaching the figures standing there. They watch him from across the small clearing in the forest. Golden eyes attentive, slender arms folded, a taunting smirk on their face. He’s not even twenty yet, but if he is to be their subordinate, then he is to learn what it truly is to be a shinobi. “Shall I make it easier for you dear?” they call to him, watching as he adjusts his glasses, wanting to see what has become of the man they decided had enough worth to be taken on to their team. Many wanted his position. None had been valued enough to get the opportunity to earn that right, “I’ll use nothing but kenjutsu. If you can disarm me, I’ll consider this your win,” they say,  a fanged smile giving away their arrogance during the training. That they truly think the young man will be unable to do even this. How pleased they would be of course, if they were to be proven wrong instead. The fight is a back and forth affair, as the serpent turns the exercise of training in to a game. Leaving their legendary katana alone and instead using an ordinary one, a slim and elegant blade all the same. They think it will be their win, until a few slip ups on their end, and a few cleverly taken advantage of opportunities on his, wind the serpent up losing their grip. The sound of their weapon hitting damp soil signals their loss instantly, no means to recover, as they find themself disarmed, their slender figure pressed to the nearest sequoia, a measly kunai held flush to their pale throat. A smirk tugs at their lips, so pleased it may trick anyone viewing to think this was some trap. That they wanted to lose. It isn’t quite the case. The serpent finding a victory in their loss. Porcelain digits coil around his wrist, loose and gentle, almost simply caressing the skin beneath their fingertips, “it seems I was right about you all along. You’re quite remarkable.” They push against him, inching closer to the blade knowing he would draw it away rather than cut them, their figure and a single slim hand pressing in to his chest as a dance of mischievous appreciation enters their yellow eyes. “It will be intriguing to see what you might accomplish in the future.”
But twenty years from that moment, the serpent would not have the luxury of seeing what the man would become. Twenty years from that moment, they are sitting in a dark cell, a step up from their life in prison, but a step before being released in to Otogakure. A small abode, locked and guarded. A few personal items allowed, research material, home comforts. An attempt to keep them from growing restless. But they are restless, and more than anything, they are left with their own thoughts for too long. Allowed to fall down the rabbit hole in to a twisted imagination. They force themself away from the table, moving to the kitchen which is only a few steps away, and in the same room. Fumbling in the dark and fishing out a glass, seeking next a bottle they know is half empty already. A dark orange liquid swishing in the glass container. They pour themself one drink, it steadily becomes two, then three, then four. But even the sake that was so adept at making people forget seems only to inspire more thoughts.
Autumn welcomes the patrons with a bite of cold air, an unexpected nippiness. As it would turn out, the pretty layers of their hanfu would not serve to be as warm as they were beautiful. Various shades of ashen grey, black and white material falling around their svelte figure and speckled with the intermittent patterns of a violet wisteria, wraithlike, as if they may have stepped out of some mythical folklore. Pale skin is cast in a pleasant glow beneath the moonlight, while golden eyes seek only to compete with its brightness “How is our chatty comrade doing?” they ask Kabuto, standing elegantly amid a small gathering of lords, here only to make the necessary connections. Dark connections, allies who did not shy from dabbling in the black market. The small team accompanying the Sannin, to keep them from being targeted with the sizable bounty on their head, had since dispersed. But it hadn’t escaped their attention how one rather talkative Oto shinobi had been grating on Kabuto’s nerves. It hadn’t taken long for them to decide he was the right man for the job, when testing the drinks for poisons or other drugs and additives. With the chatty subordinate even more chatty, buzzed but certainly not dead, the Sannin knows they can indulge in the tested beverages. And how they will need that as a support and crutch when having to entertain the frivolous Lords with no grasp of reality. By the time the light weight viper has realized they are now gracefully off balanced rather than gracefully refined, they seek a different crutch. Inhibition's to the wind, as they lean in to Kabuto’s figure. One slender arm laced elegantly around his neck. But they would not only need help getting back to their inn, or at least, that wasn’t all they would end up asking of him. Not that they would remember the half of it. The next morning, they find themself dressed in a night yukata, sparing them from a night in the elaborate hanfu, courtesy of Kabuto helping them out the intricate dress in to a more suitable sleepwear no doubt. They also find themself in Kabuto’s room and bed, rather than their own. So as it would seem, their famed ‘guard dog’ would not solely be warding off enemies that evening, his loyalty had kept them warm too. But they are still plagued by a headache, and the sunlight seeping in through the blinds prompts them to hide their face against the crevice of the mans neck where it had just been buried before, “turn the blinds down, it can be morning when I say it is,” they mutter.
The sound of their parole shatters their thoughts, causes them to glance to the sealed and locked door. Someone’s joke evidently earning a great deal of laughter and debate. It had been a while since they had the opportunity for small talk, how they loathed small talk usually, how months in isolation could suddenly make them crave it. Conversations... was it something they said that made him leave? Had they chased him off with their ideas, their quiet moments together? Had it all be one lie after the other, and he never truly felt any shred of care toward them? Just a means to an end. Their end. A distraction is welcome, and they try and listen to what is being said. Something about a slip up during a mission. Something about the entertainment it had been for onlookers. Something about a strange nurse, a long stay at a hospital, a well earned dose of Ibuprofen. A simple word, yet even that manages to awaken ghosts of the past.
“I don’t care if it’s not recommended. Just make it stop.” Their voice is hoarse sounding, hissed and drenched in agony and venom. Feeling as if they are in their darkest hour, feeling at their lowest, their weakest, their most vulnerable. It instantly brings to life their fight instinct, it instantly makes them volatile and unpredictable. Too swept up in the sheer crippling pain. Agonized to the point of forgetting their own training in medicine, as they reach for any and every painkiller available to them. For the highest dose to stop the suffering/. The pain of the body was one thing, but Hiruzen was showing them a new kind of pain by severing their very soul. Leaving their arms growing thinner and bloodier, decaying on their very living person. Most of their medics had been casualties when overstepping boundaries around the Sannin, who was more a wounded animal than a person on these nights. The rest had refused to enter the chambers due to fear. All but one. “None of it is working,” they hiss to Kabuto, still trying to convince him that overindulging in the painkillers may lead to some numbness. Desperate enough to think it will be enough. If they had placed their arms in to open flames, they imagine it would hurt less than this. Their breathing becomes erratic, labored, forgetting even that simple task as their body wants to go back in to shock with the overwhelming sensations. Almost blinded and completely disorientated from the agony. Until his hands rest upon them, until the faint glow of blue offers a shred of mercy in a moment of pure torture. A second enough to catch their still shaken and ragged breathing. They find their slender form leaning against him, almost clawing for him, their only source of relief in a world of misery. A dozen medics had been in and out of these halls, a dozen treatments had been offered to give them relief. None had managed. Yet his single touch mitigated enough suffering, to finally give them rest. Enough that their body may succumb to fatigue, enough that the pain slips away from their mind, and only a distant sounding song can be heard as they finally find sleep. His song. Her song.
It is moments like those that makes them wonder how they may have imagined it all. How Kabuto could possibly have never cared when he had stayed holding them all night on that dreaded evening. When he had sung a personal song in a hopes of capturing their attention and outdoing the pains grip on them. It had to be real - now didn’t it? It could not be made up, feigned or fabricated. So what then? It being real, his devotion and care for them being real back then, did it change that farewell? If he had wished to be at their side at their lowest on the day of Hiruzen’s assassination, when exactly had it started to fall a part of irreversibly? When had they lost him?
It’s hard to tell dawn from dusk in their underground home, to know when the sun had risen or set, as darkness constantly engulfed them beneath the earths surface. Hidden away from all that wanted to harm them, but equally hidden from the pleasantries of life too. Perhaps this inability to keep easy track of time is the excuse the serpent will use for why they so often fail to keep an orderly sleep schedule. Why they skip entire nights, sometimes several, throughout the week in exchange for more hours to work. But they aren’t the only one overworking in these halls, as they enter the next room, about to speak, when they see Kabuto has fallen in to a slumber. Scattered around him are the many scrolls and documents he was taking on for them, to relieve the Sannin of some of their duties - perhaps to ensure they may have time for sleep themself. Sacrificing his own. They can’t be sure what precisely has kept him up. It is no mystery he has nightmares - what shinobi didn’t awaken regularly due to the trauma of their job? The serpent certainly skipped sleep for more reasons than just their work, flashes from the past an ugly reminder they didn’t need at night. They cross the distance quietly, placing a hand gently to his forehead to inspect for a temperature and ensure he isn’t sick but merely tired, before delicately removing his glasses, and then his hair tie. Combing out the slight tangles and indents from being held together by the hairband, before placing both items carefully aside for his ease of access and reach when he woke up. Catlike steps, nimble and silent, allows them to move about the room undetected. A skill harnessed for insidious assassinations, but would now be far more affectionate a need. A final act of drawing a blanket around his shoulders, and trying to help him lay down properly on the couch without disturbing him. Only to disappear like a phantom, as was all their acts of love and care perhaps. Too timid to be caught in the act of fondness. Hiding their heart over hiding their crimes.
That may have been the problem then? Surely, who could ever stand by a person who would brandish their killings and veil their love? Who could tolerate such a juvenile trait? For they know, as much as they think being distanced from their own heart is a clever defense, that it is also a sign of emotionally stunted development. That while they can not break a habit with knowledge alone, they had read up on it to link their orphaned childhood and constant attendance to loved ones funerals to connect the dots. That they were as much protecting themself from loss and unnecessary human fragility in an effort of being wiser, as they were simply too afraid to brave the risk. Whichever way, they imagine it doesn’t matter a terrible amount anymore. They are here, and he is not. And the memory most burnt in to their mind seems to replay like some cruel Tsukuyomi. 
The war was starting to pique in its volatile and violent arrival, torn from the land of the dead to be placed back amid the chaos. Resurrected. But the serpent isn’t frazzled or overwhelmed, the stimulation simply feeds their more ambitious side - and they are not alone. Not when the first thing golden eyes awaken to see, is him. Kabuto. ‘Of course it would be the young doctor’, is the first thought to enter their mind. From the moment they felt Sasuke’s blade embed itself in to their weakening and sick body, they had known if anyone would save them from that fate, it would be Kabuto. And here he stands proving them right, as a fanged smirk reveals itself on their lips, pleased and satisfied, as they automatically, instinctively, move to his side. And somewhere along the way, what they believed they saw, and what was really happening did not align. Somewhere between the fighting, the strife and the forced great alliance, he slipped through their fingertips like running water. So when the Sannin knew the battle was over and won, they did not feel as if they must face the uncertainty of execution or imprisonment alone. Moving once more instinctively to Kabuto’s side, as if the two of them were really just one person, one entity. To attack him was to attack them, and visa versa. Yet when they place their hand to his shoulder, both offering a touch of support and looking for someone to lean on - for what may be the last time without their realization - they find themself faced with words they hadn’t anticipated. Words that struck them more than the injuries sustained in combat, shook them more than the tremors of the bomb fire. ‘ I can’t go back with you. I have to leave. ’
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roofcell83 · 3 years
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This latter technique is an effort to lower the chances of discovery, while the benefit to the bicyclist's efficiency continues. The medical uses of AAS are concentrated on therapy of glandular or endocrine problems, including disease of the adrenal glands and also osteoporosis in females. Men can be treated with a testosterone by-product as replacement treatment adhering to recovery from testicular cancer. MOST LIKELY the most infamous group of representatives made use of by professional athletes, these are a combination of artificial as well as naturally taking place representatives, which have a variety of complex physiological impacts. These can be really serious without a doubt and typically associate with dose as well as period of usage.
For instance vacuuming the carpetings for 20 minutes will burn nearly 100 calories and also cutting the grass regarding 150 calories. So don't overlook the value of this sort of workout and also if you are not great at doing the duties after that possibly currently is the time to make a resolution to provide even more focus.
Are Peptides good for hair?
Peptides, being “smaller proteins,” when applied, cause changes in cell behavior, stimulate follicle growth, and promote natural hair production and improvement of hair color.
As a whole, stimulants have a reasonably short duration of activity, once more mainly dependent upon their course of administration. As an example, a dosage or 'struck' of drug will certainly produce its optimal results in minutes, which start to wear off after around 20 mins. Amphetamine, specifically if absorbed tablet kind, has a much longer-lasting result, individuals normally really feeling 'wired' or unnaturally sharp lots of hours later. Stimulants do not need to be taken chronically prior to an occasion, and have mostly instant effects.
Dpc10 Peptide
These drugs are intended to be made use of as a future substitute for testosterone, which can have various adverse effects and threaten at high dosages. The majority of the research study on SARMs is in pet versions and also even then some rather significant side effects have actually been noted-- despite the intent for SARMs to stay clear of the adverse facets of testosterone use.
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However even after a couple of days, I started to understand that my "cravings" was a symptom of regular. Nutrition behaviors become deep-rooted and we build up an internal story; "I can not operate effectively without morning meal", "I require a coffee to start my day", "If I avoid lunch I obtain a mid-afternoon lull". I love food and eat a great deal of it, so the idea of taking in absolutely nothing for 72 hrs was discouraging.
Sarma For Mass Is A Conditioner That Aids Accumulate The Muscles.
These representatives are relatively brand-new on the biking scene, with EPO in particular having actually obtained much limelights in recent times. Every one of the instances offered right here are produced as fabricated substitutes for hormones that occur naturally in the body. They as a result mimic the activity of these hormonal agents in controlling a variety of important physiological procedures.
Nevertheless, they still do not appear to be only particular to the target receptors, and unintentional biding to outside receptors is still evident. Specifically, SARMs are developed to connect to receptors in skeletal muscle mass as well as bone to activate pathways associated with skeletal muscle mass hypertrophy and bone regrowth. https://provensarms.com/2020/11/11/top-sarms-for-women/ were originally created to combat some significant typical problems that accompany the senior individuals when their testosterone levels begin to normally decrease and they become vulnerable to sarcopenia as well as weakening of bones.
However, controlled medications such as amphetamine as well as drug are generally persistantly abused and this can lead to dependancy. Right here is a concise as well as interesting account of the major medicine courses in common usage. The scenario is intensified even more by widespread co-administration of 'masking representatives'.
Ostarine (mk.
This means that they need to all be administered by injection, normally right into a muscular tissue or under the skin. IGF-1, thus far, has no legitimate medical usages as well as shows up to work directly at the level of tissues, where it promotes a rise in protein synthesis and fat metabolism. EPO imitates a natural procedure, whereby the release of the body's very own hormonal agent from the kidney is promoted in reaction to an autumn in the quantity of oxygen brought in the blood. As an example, this could be caused by ascending rapidly to a high altitude or as a result of excessive blood loss.
As they are proclaimed as a steroid option without the negative effects, it is not shocking exactly how their appeal is swiftly growing. Such a medicine could hypothetically serve at changing testosterone use in professional setups, which comes with many unfavorable adverse effects.
A Bluffers Overview To 2 Of Skincares Most Effective Energetic Ingredients.
The possibilities of estrogen-related sides as well as water retention are significantly reduced, also. Equally as with AAS, stacking prevails with peptide hormonal agents; rivals frequently blend and match a cocktail of representatives. During an event they may additionally supplement this regimen with an energizer. EPO produces a fast increase in haematocrit (often as long as 60 percent; regular range percent), with quantifiable rises still evident 4 months complying with withdrawal of the drug. This is due to the fact that new members cells have a lifetime of around 120 days. Nonetheless, the pattern of management embraced by a person looking for performance-enhancing benefits means that the level of the drug in the blood is virtually frequently raised. This implies that they are broken down by the acids in the stomach, in similar method as proteins in food during food digestion.
On the other hand, the 'polar zipper' mechanism refers to hydrogen bonding interactions in between the amino acid side chains on nearby beta hairs.
Consequently, allowed ɸ worths will be fairly restricted compared to various other amino acids.
In 2019 Vapourtec developed a partnership in the direction of peptide synthesis with Teacher Peter Seeberger and also his Team at Max Plank Institute, Berlin.
This work has actually been published in the paper shown promptly listed below.
The side-chain of proline is covalently bonded to the N of the amino group, so in polyproline, there will be much less freedom of rotation regarding the Cα-- N bond than with other amino acids.
In overdose and also most specifically when a rival has actually come to be dehydrated, physical side effects can be harmful. Hyperthermia following amphetamine intake almost certainly killed Tom Simpson on Mont Ventoux in 1967. Some evidence recommends that persistent energizer misuse was a contributing consider the fatality of 1998 Tour de France victor Marco Pantani.
Sorts Of Bonds In Organic Particles.
Have a look at our guidance sheet on Diet regimen for suggestions about just how diet can assist your healing. Action pedometers can be bought for around ₤ 15 on Amazon, in outdoor camping shops like Blacks or from the BHF On-line Store. The question that usually develops is just how much workout should we do? The NHS advises about 150 minutes or more and also a half hours of moderately extreme workout per week for grownups. In theory individuals taking antipsychotics ought to aim for greater than this as they need to offset this extra danger variable. One type of exercise that is typically underestimated is general task such as family chores and caring for the yard.
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Day one was the hardest-- by 5pm I had a cracking headache, regardless of drinking around six litres of water; I assume it was at the very least partially to high levels of caffeine withdrawal. Someone advised consuming a mineral-rich salt service such as Himalayan salt, which changes the electrolytes cleared out of your body; whether it was a placebo impact or not, the headache quickly disappeared. There's absolutely nothing incorrect with hostile weight loss, however low-- or in this situation no-- calorie diet plans are absolutely not sustainable as well as should kept an eye on closely. If you are considering improving the quantity of workout you are obtaining then it might be a great time to take into consideration improving your diet plan too.
SARMs have similar impacts to low dosages of testosterone, however to a lower degree. An additional among the primary benefits of SARMS is that, unlike testosterone, the majority of them do not get exchanged 5α-DHT. On top of that, they do not show up to undergo aromatization into estrogen which can lower the incident of adverse effects such as gynecomastia. At the very least in animal studies, SARMs have revealed to partially accomplish this, with compounds such as S1 as well as S4 binding to androgen receptors with high fondness and demonstrating cells selectivity.
Peptide-based Cardiovascular Therapeutics Market 2021 The demand for the Market will Drastically Increase In The Future - KSU The Sentinel Newspaper
Peptide-based Cardiovascular Therapeutics Market 2021 The demand for the Market will Drastically Increase In The Future.
Posted: Fri, 08 Jan 2021 09:59:15 GMT [source]
SARMs are a reduced term for discerning androgen receptor modulators. To summarize, there are access the provensarms.com Sarm - Everything You Need to Know - Sarm here can receive from using RAD140. In order to attain even better outcomes, professionals advise using RAD alongside various other supplements. No matter if you use supplements or go the all-natural way, one of the most crucial point is you're maintaining fit. Enhancing muscles is not always mosting likely to be very easy and also there is no injury in looking for assistance. Ibutamorenis non-hormonal and consequently calls for no PCT after the cycle is over. It is finest utilised in at least a 3 month cycle with dosage increasing every month.
Large dosages of caffeine can induce convulsions and anxiousness attacks. Much more seriously, lasting amphetamine and also drug use usually causes addiction and dependence.
These can assist the professional athlete in averting detection during routine or check, typically by increasing the rate at which the drug are eliminated from the body. It struck me that our attitude in the direction of nutrition is governed as much by practice as by appetite. We drift through much of our life on auto-pilot, consuming when we typically consume. I eagerly anticipate picking up breakfast at my regional coffeehouse, and I was always "hungry" when I got there.
Considered that these agents really modify just how a whole variety of genes function, it's maybe not unexpected that the possible adverse effects from long-term AAS usage are wide-ranging as well as severe. This implies that long-lasting users go to much higher danger of experiencing a cardiovascular disease or stroke. Unlike stimulants, AAS are taken chronically considering that they do not have prompt pharmacological results. They must be taken control of a reasonably extended period in order to create considerable effects on performance. Normally, a gradually boosting dosage of one or more AAS is taken many months before competitors-- a procedure known as 'piling'-- with a reduction in dose a month or more before an occasion.
The ideal application time for MK 677 goes to evening straight before going to bed. This is a non-peptidic, orally active and also discerning agonist of the development hormone secretagogue (secretion-boosting) receptor. It imitates the activity of ghrelin in the belly, raising growth hormone and IGF-1 degrees, but does not affect cortisol levels. LGD 4033 a SARM like Ostarine however 12 times as powerful at only 1/3 the dosage! SARMs are nontoxic to the liver and also have little result on blood pressure. This gets rid of the requirement for preloading and also on-cycle assistance supplements. Subsequently, a SARM cycle will inevitably be less costly than a traditional AAS/PH (steroid/prohormone) cycle.
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