#its geo economics and art history
nervousmonolith · 1 year
3 exams today.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Worldbuilding: The ASPIRE Method (Introduction)
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Now available to all patrons!
I will likely make a version of this available in full on tumblr for free at some point. However, as this is currently my only source of income, I would like to keep it limited to just patrons. If you are a patron, please do not share to large groups of people; encourage them to subscribe (even just a dollar a month!) instead.
So you’ve figured out your main character. You’ve designed an alien species and planet, or you’ve reinvented the vampire, or you’ve just set up your latest fantasy world. Maybe your characters are purely human. You’ve got a few cities named, a few maps, and a basic idea of how you want society to work… mostly.
It’s time to start building your world.
There are many ways to approach worldbuilding, especially when you dabble in both original fiction and derivative.
One of my preferred approaches is what I refer to as the ASPIRE method. It is derived from the PERSIA method of historical analysis, a tool taught in the International Baccalaureate and American AP courses.
A – Arts S – Social P – Political I – Intellectual R – Religion E – Economic
I’ll be going through these in order and providing both historical and fictional examples of how they apply.
A key part of this tool is to remember that any aspect of a society is influenced by any or all of the others. Any aspect you want to analyze will be through multiple lenses, and the process of building your world will be influenced by all of these.
Not every story needs to have incredibly complex worldbuilding, but the more complex you want it to be, the more use you will get out of this tool. It is somewhat biased towards a Western perspective, as I grew up in the United States.
The Power of the ASPIRE Method
Why should you use this format to develop your fictional setting?
I hesitate to describe any approach to a creative act as ‘should.’ What I do believe is that this is a process worth attempting, to see if it is one that helps you understand your own setting, and finding the possible loopholes that your readers may find distracting.
This is a process that is primarily structured to help you break down what makes for a society, and build it up on the basis of what makes for a society or culture in a real world. The bones are built on an analysis method for historical studies, and so this creative method works heavily through analysis and formalization. You very likely are already thinking of some of these things—you may have decided that this is a monarchy, in a temperate climate, following a polytheistic religion—but this process helps you refine what you’ve already decided on, and then build out the logical consequences or expansions of those decisions.
What this allows you to do is take your vague thoughts or bare bones, and build on them until you have something that, even if you do not include it in your narrative, will hold up if you do touch on one of them, or will let you hide those little easter eggs that an eagle-eyed reader will delight in. Who doesn’t enjoy recognizing that an author did research on a subject close to the reader’s heart, even if it’s just noticing that two seemingly unrelated details mean a third, cohesive thing that suggests a wider world of thought in the background?
Why is the method based on these six topics?
As mentioned, this is a reformatting of a tool that I learned as a student in high school. There are things that are invariable facts in your story, like how your main species reproduces, or what your geography and basic weather are, but the things we build on those basics are all based on the ways that people interact with one another, and that is a different beast.
I believe that a world that has thought put into the ways its people function socially will feel more ‘real’ than one that has an extensive and complex rulebook for the laws of magic or the geological history. This will vary by the genre and the consumer, because a geologist playing a tabletop game with complex magic rules will likely prefer the latter, but for someone that is consuming a narrative, character interaction is a central part of the draw.
Society is just the wider net of interaction.
The nature of a society, and thus of the world you build, is in how people relate to one another and to the world around them. These things are either greatly formalized, like politics or academia, or vague and often undefinable, like arts and social dynamics. Others are somewhere in between, like economics and religion.
Most elements of society fall into more than one of these fields. Something like fashion or textbook design will be impacted by all six in obvious ways. Other things, like banking interest rates or agricultural trade, are obviously in one field, with less obvious ties to the others.
We as a society are rarely, if ever, without connection to one another.
We communicate thoughts and feelings in words and pictures.
We find ways to be better than each other, just as often as we find ways to better each other.
We set rules and regulations for our safety, and find people who do that as a job so the rest of us can focus on making the things we need to survive.
We learn, and invent, and teach.
We find things we can’t explain, in our minds and in our worlds, and come together to tell stories of something bigger than what we can see.
We take what we have, turn it into something new, hoard and share and trade, and tell ourselves that innovation is built on the backs of the search for more capital.
(You may want to put a pin in that one.)
This is all a very flowery way to say that humans are a communal species, and the ways in which we build and then define that community mean something.
(Continue on Patreon)
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unvindiaannouncements · 2 months
Anti Nuclear Weapons Day
Hiroshima Day is observed annually on the 6th of August on the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945.
Here is the entry for Hiroshima Day from World BEYOND War’s Peace Almanac:
On this day in 1945 the American bomber Enola Gay dropped a five-ton atomic bomb — equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT — on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The bomb destroyed four square miles of the city and killed 80,000 people. In the weeks following, thousands more died from wounds and radiation poisoning.
President Harry Truman, who had assumed office less than four months earlier, claimed that he made the decision to drop the bomb after being told by his advisers that dropping the bomb would end the war quickly and would avoid the need to invade Japan, which would result in the deaths of a million American soldiers. This version of history does not hold up to scrutiny.
Several months earlier, General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in the Southwest Pacific Area, had sent a 40-page memo to President Roosevelt that summarized five different offers of surrender from high-ranking Japanese officials. The USA, however, knew that the Russians had made significant advances in the east and in all likelihood would be in Japan by September, well before the U.S. could mount an invasion. If this were to pass, Japan would surrender to Russia, not the U.S. This was unacceptable to the U.S., which had already developed a post-war strategy of economic and geo-political hegemony. So, despite strong opposition from military and political leaders and Japan’s willingness to surrender, the bomb was dropped.
Many have called this the first act of the Cold War. Dwight D. Eisenhower said years later, “Japan was already defeated . . . dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary.”
Being a day of remembrance, reflection, and action for peace and disarmament, Hiroshima Day is observed in Hiroshima and around the world with various events and activities, such as:
▪️Ceremonies at the peace memorials, where the names of the deceased are read aloud and paper lanterns are floated on the rivers.
▪️A minute of silence at 8:15 a.m., the exact time when the bomb exploded over Hiroshima.
▪️Peace marches, rallies, vigils, concerts, exhibitions, lectures, and workshops to raise awareness and educate people about the dangers of nuclear weapons and the need for their abolition.
▪️Messages and speeches from political leaders, religious figures, civil society organizations, and survivors of the bombings, known as hibakusha in Japanese.
▪️Prayers and expressions of sympathy and support for the hibakusha and their families.
▪️Attend online Hiroshima Museum of Art exhibition:
The museum hosts various exhibitions throughout the year. Although not exclusively focused on Hiroshima Day, it’s a great place to appreciate art and culture. (https://www.hiroshima-museum.jp/en/)
Check their website for current and upcoming exhibitions.
▪️Virtual tour: Virtual Video Tour of Hiroshima: Start at poignant locations in the city related to its history. Explore both somber and lighter aspects, including the iconic torii gate in the water.
▪️Virtual Tour of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum: Available for free, this virtual tour provides insights into the museum’s exhibits and the impact of the bombing. Additionally, there’s a video tour of the Peace Park on YouTube, hosted by the volunteer group Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace.
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aethslove · 3 years
-they're all (mostly) uni students at Teyvat University
-there is a huge group chat that was originally for asking for help but now its just chao incarnate
-its called "teyvats gayest mfs"
-guess who named it
-im going to list all the usernames, so bear with me
aether: protagonist lumine: waifu amber: i fly kaeya: big tiddy man lisa: witch mommy diluc: red jean: MOM venti: alcoholic #1 rosaria: alcoholic #2
albedo: chalk sucrose: glucose mona: aSTRoLogY razor: furry barbara: nun bennett: archons save him noelle: maid-sama fischl: Prinzessin der Verurteilung paimon: emergency food zhongli: geo daddy xiao: feral child childe: waterboy keqing: purple cat ganyu: cocogoat ningguang: LESBIAN #1 beidou: LESBIAN #2 hu tao: ghost girl xiangling: rordon gamsey xingqiu: bookboy chongyun: popsicle xinyan: cherry bomb
-as you can tell, some of them had no choice in their nicknames
-diluc owns a bar
-rosaria and kaeya are those two bi friends that constantly flirt with each other while simultaneously saying "we're just besties" and they really are just alcoholic besties
-ventis still a drinker. a he's a lightweight
-canonly, rosaria has GOD-like alcohol tolerance so...
-kaeya is the middle balance, but sometimes he'll get PISS DRUNK and rosaria and/or diluc have to haul him home
-zhongli is hu tao's legal guardian and is 100% done with this child
-history professor zhongli. he's practically a relic
-venti is a soundcloud rapper
-the siblings are the kids that always went to a different school in the middle of the year but they decided to stay at Teyvat for the time being
-beiguang. that's it
-xiangling always making food when some people *ahem*xingqiu and albedo forget that they need to eat to live and study into the effing wee hours
-chongyun just carries an icebox filled with popsicles everywhere and it freaks out the freshmen
-but it helps in summer, where everyone steals poor chongyuns popsicles
-xingqiu ofc is like "f off"
-zhongli is the dad. don't argue with me
-rosaria is a religion major, but she hardly shows up to class
-at 3 am you can hear a loud electric guitar (xinyan) and a loud "NO. NOT NOW" (from jean, who's trying to get some actual sleep) or a "STFU" (from albedo, who's trying to FRICKEN STUDY)
-list of majors:
(Bold means "I have no idea what major they would have")
(??? means that the major is up for debate)
aether: lumine: amber: she went to flight school, is now a pilot and doesn't go to Teyvat kaeya: psychology??? lisa: literature diluc: business jean: venti: music duh
rosaria: religion albedo: science sucrose: science mona: astrology duh razor: still a high schooler... barbara: religious studies bennett: computer science noelle: fischl: theater major zhongli: history, as i said he's practically a living relic xiao: art??? childe: keqing: ganyu: ningguang: economics and business, graduated beidou: none, didn't go to college hu tao: biology (the whole death thing) xiangling: culinary arts xingqiu: literature chongyun: xinyan: music
That's all I have for now. And my hands hurt.
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kaye-scheidsblogs · 4 years
Magus of the Library Review
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Magus of the Library as stated on the cover, but not yet confirmed to be a real thing, is based of the novel "Kafna of the Wind" By Sophie Schwimm. It is a fantasy manga set in a world heavily influenced by middle eastern culture and history. The story follows....actually it might be best to expand on this world before the story since half the story based on this highly detailed fantasy world in the first place. Here we have a world in which the written text is highly revered, but by no means limited to the high-class society. In the words of one of the most prominent in-world figures, "To protect a text is to protect the world itself." This world is full of magic, but has a very modern feel for how the written text is presented. And it is in Aftzaak, the City of Books, in which a library that is aid to hold a copy of every book in the world stands. The library is staffed by Kafna, who work to preserve the texts, and seek out other texts in the world at large. It is not in this city that we start the story, but in fact in the faraway small village of Amun. One where a young boy, bullied for his looks and economic status, finds the joy of books.
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Magus of the Library draws readers in, in much the same that every manga does at first: through it's art. Mitsu Izumi's artwork is appropriately detailed for the fantasy setting and drop dead gorgeous. Unlike a lot of fantasy story's art, I find that Izumi's style is very grounded instead of floaty and ethereal. It makes Magus of the Library's world seem more like a real place. In other words, the art itself is pulling double duty as the medium for telling the story and for world building. Izumi tends to the details of the world, fleshing out the objects, places and people, such that it becomes the easiest thing to read volume after volume of the manga.
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But of course, we've all heard at some point that the art of work isn't everything. Nay, it is the story and characters that truly matter. And Magus of the Library is just as well-written as it is drawn. First off, this is very much a plot-driven work. Since it has an intricate word complete with several cultures, languages, and races. There is geo-politics, magic, and a library that makes this world go round. As such, one could reasonably expect its main characters, Theo Fumis, to be the type of hero that is pulled into the action with not much introspective character development. While I would say that there is some of the classic Hero's Journey taking place here, Theo is far from a complicit character. In fact, the beginning of his story is almost a subversion of the so-called "Call to Action."
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Theo is a half-blood "elf" and is constantly bullied and discriminated against in his home village. He hates his life, he hates himself, and he hates how he makes life harder for his sister, Tifa. The only times he feels happy is when he has a book in hand and is reading about adventures of heroes that save children like him. Theo wants nothing more than for a hero to whisk him away from this world that only makes him feel terrible and go on an amazing adventure. This, almost happens when a group of Kafna come to his little town to investigate one particular book called a Grimoire. The Kafna, Sedona, treats little Theo with the only kindness he's ever experienced that didn't come from his sister. She's a magi with powers and knowledge and in Theo's eyes, his hero. Theo asks her why she won't take him with her? When will his hero finally come? Sedona replies that his hero won't come now or ever. Because this is his story, and only he can be his own hero. Theo takes Sedona's words and the kindness she gave him to heart, and is inspired to become a Kafna. Theo's motivations are born from a mix of internal love for books and the actions of a role model who gave him the push to overcome the adversity he faced. But as the story goes on, it becomes clear that the discrimination of the village isn't the only challenge he will face.
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I am a bit biased here because I adore fantasy stories like this. A vast world and a young character with wide-eyed optimism grows and develops as he explores more of the world and meets more people. It's a story not unlike Witch Hat Atelier and Kemono no Souja Erin. So it won't surprise you when I sing praises unto Magus of the Library to no end. The atmosphere that Mitsu Izumi creates with their art, story, and characters combined is absolutely mesmerizing. I'm not sure why there's that line on the front cover that says this manga was based off a novel when I cannot find that novel anywhere in existence. Seeing that made me want to read ahead in the novel, but it's clear that I'll have to wait for the volume 4 release. Even with just 3 volumes though, Magus of the Library has shown that it has an epic story to tell that will definitely be worth sticking around to find out more.
Bookwalker has all 3 volumes and will be putting out any future volumes as well if you want to read it! (And as far as I can tell Bookwalker is the place with the most translated chapters/volumes). https://global.bookwalker.jp/de60fb5c31-2bba-4017-bdeb-76c9dfc3311a/
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flyingcookierambles · 5 years
hguroahgouahrgo try infinite dendro im bEGGING
i keep seeing ppl be like "infinite dendro is just another sao" bc the anime came out and altho i havent watched the anime yet, since im on vol 3 rn, im like sobbing in my corner like no plz at least have the decency to compare it to log horizon or something. sao is like. dumb power fantasy. edgy loner wolf dude. log horizon was like. actual mmo stats and game mechanics! teamwork! guilds of mmo players and npcs working together! a real world where you can build things!!! log horizon is/was so gooooddd (;_;)
and like. infinite dendro's whole appeal is the ability to be a fantasy life where you can create things. and growth and stuff that's represented by your embryos. and like late spoilers but in log horizon they learned that to make actual good food you need to actually cook and not go thru the menu like you're just playing a video game. they worked their way up to making an actual working steamboat and then had this whole political arc w/ the npcs in a nearby country abt like. rights and economic trade and stuff. and like.
slight spoilers for volume 2 and 3, but in infinite dendro the country of dryfe is populated by artists and tradesmen players. like. ppl that are engineering students irl literally got together in guilds and made working mechas in the game. theres apparently a manga godframe grandmarshall that was made by a player in-game w/ a Painter/artist job skills. theres geopolitics that happen between the different countries and wars and histories and stuff. its a slower light novel than other mainstream vrmmo/isekai stories, but the world building is so good. arrrrrrghghghg
also im like so confused by comments (maybe not in tumblr specifically, but i’ve seen them on kitsu and twitter) that are like. "this game'll never work since players would just kill all the npcs and stuff bc npc permadeath" and im just like??? am i the only person to treat npcs in skyrim and stuff decently? geez whats wrong w/ you ppl? try? not killing?
(whispers also high school me did actually read the sao light novels too when they were on like. baka tsuki in 2014. up to around half way thru alicization, years before the alicization arc’s novels were even officially in english. and like. they all revolved around how cool kirito was and like i dont really remember much about if they did do any world building, even in arcs where players could have even a fraction of the creative freedom that the log horizon/dendro games give their players, in like the first sao/aicrad arc. where you were supposed to have a real second life and stuff. and ppl got trapped there for 2 whole years. like. idk. liz's a swordsmith. asuna. has cooking skills?? meh not much else. it just went “let's not explore the game features or anything abt fun world building. instead have this emo loner high schooler. look at how cool he is.” bluhhh. at least ray's an average, well adjusted college dude who can work w/ others. shiroe's also a decent guy who's just really good at math and multitasking.
i think theres some sao side novels abt other players that were trapped in aincrad and like. that would be. so much more interesting. then kirito stuff. like. the whole orphanage for the kids who were playing sao and got trapped? average ppl who made livelihoods in 2 years like liz or agil who opened shops and just wanted to live their lives and stuff? like an anthology series abt players making. idk. therapy groups, publishing books to deal w/ their shit, and creative arts guilds, going abt their lives would be soooooo much more interesting to me world building-wise.
also, the geo-political stuff? afaik, it’s non existent in sao. maybe the closest that you can get is the uhhh. race wars? (yeah wow that’s actually really awful when you put it that way holy shit thanks sao abridged) that whole conflict in alo is maybe the closest you can get to fractions and guilds and stuff fighting. 
but log horizon? elder tale has the HALF Gaia project, where the game is literally just a scaled down version of earth w/ post apocalyptic ruins of the “modern world” thats why the whole akihabara thing exists. then, it created an actual history of npcs and their countries and empires and spawned them around the world. and then, to add to the npc’s geo-politics, we also have the players’ geo-politics in terms of servers. the main cast is in akihabara. iirc, the light novel ended w/ the akihabara players in an alliance w/ the npc country/federation/city state thing the eastern league of free cities. they’re in some war against other players from minami city. 
and then infinite dendrogram vol 3 comes in with this treat about geopolitics and world building that i’m sure that you would never see in sao:
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(i’ve copy and pasted the text from the screenshots, and also some not from the screenshots for further context and put it on a seperate text post if you need it. click this -> https://flyingcookierambles.tumblr.com/post/190389803125/the-text-id-from-the-screenshots-if-you-need-it anyways this rant’s getting quite long so i’ll end it here)
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dreamperior · 6 years
NCT Dream as students
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a good student™
pays attention to the teacher
when he sees a teacher carrying bags, he’ll instantly offer to help
straight A’s
lowest percentage was 78%
neatest notes
each subject is written in a different colour
matches folders to the written colours
will often turn his revision notes into raps to remember them
hates pair work as he’s always put with the slacker to make sure they “change their ways”
does the entire thing himself
basketball captain
excels in those “write a rap about this topic” activities
overworks himself around exam period 
tutors lower years in english lit
in tutoring sessions, he makes the tutoree comfortable by buying them food
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an art child™
wow so original
always top in art
alongside art, he does well in music
member of the art club
wanted to also be in choir but the dates overlapped
always an A in art
teachers often get annoyed from him doodling on classwork
once drew an A4 sized Moomin instead of doing the maths work
gets detention for doodling instead of doing work
close to chenle, who he met in detention 
00 line study dates
tutors the 00 line about art techniques and languages
in the top few in french
has a natural talent with languages
notes are often mindmaps
will try to draw something to relate to the note
starts studying early in the year so he doesn’t have to panic near the exam period
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history nerd™
before meeting the 00 line, he’d spend his time in libraries reading about history
loves learning about how people behaved and dressed back in the day
spews out random history facts
“hey jaemin, did you know that lady jane grey was actually the one to come to throne after edward vi, and she only reigned for 9 days” “jeno pls”
in the basketball team alongside mark
classmates originally thought he was intimidating but he ruined that idea with his smile
there’s literally a fan club just for appreciating jeno’s smile
tutors 00 liners in history
brings drinks to 00 liner study sessions
writes notes on post-it notes and sticks them around his room
his room is painted blue, but the post-it notes make the walls look like a rainbow
has a different colour of post-it for each subject
spent pocket money on Super Junior post-its
in a dance team with jisung
studies a month before the exams start
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science boi™
loves all sciences but favours chemistry
jokes around a lot, but does listen
once got a detention for correcting a particularly snappy substitute
introduced most of the 00 line to each other
sometimes found hanging with mark from the year above
part of the drama club with chenle
often will get lead roles alongside chenle
usually gets the roles with singing solos
was the one to propose the idea of an 00 line study session
helps 00 line in biology, physics and chemistry
silently giggles when a certain topic arises in biology
excels in music as well as the sciences
literally made his music teacher cry about how amazing his vocals are
apart of choir
dances in his spare time, but not in a team
records himself reading his notes and will listen to said recordings whenever he can
convinced into creating a youtube channel for singing covers by 00 line
has 1mil subscribers and counting
studies whenever he has time
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worldwide cutie™
loves geography and home economics
one of the few students that actually enjoy geography
loves learning things about changes in the world and locations
always gets an A in both geography and home ec
his teacher steals his practical work in home ec and brings it to the staff-room
takes online flag quizzes 
jokingly joined the jeno smile fanclub but the president won’t let him quit
member of the football team
tutors the 00 line geography and home ec
is a patient tutor, even when the 00 line refuses to take geo seriously
close to the football coach, johnny seo
brings baked goods to 00 line sessions
because of this, 00 line studying is done in his house
had to take a break from football for a year due to injuries and was in an emotional slump
but thankfully 00 line brought him back onto his feet via cuddles and words of affection
often the main victim of jeno’s history rambling, but he doesn’t mind
is the type to write his study notes out constantly, until he can remember them by heart
every time around the exam period, he has a stack of paper in his room
studies whenever he receives the notes
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vocal king™
top in music and maths
part of the choir
often gets solos and leads 
performed a duet with haechan once and it was beautiful
has weekly piano lessions
gets detention often due to talking
met renjun in detention
close to jisung and does most things with the boy
he and jisung recreated the vine of the boy dancing to a piano
a maths whizz
helps jisung out whenever he can’t understand a certain formula
goes to jisung’s dance competions while jisung goes to his piano ones
features on haechan’s youtube channel often
part of the drama club
often gets lead roles
plays the piano for the drama club when the usual pianist is sick or unavailable 
studies by answering and creating questions 
studies a few weeks in advance
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sports legend™
part of various sports clubs
has football on mondays, basketball on tuesdays, swimming on wednesdays, volleyball on thursdays and dance on fridays
as well as being on the school’s dance team, he’s on a dance team outside school with jeno
does better in hands-on subjects like technology and design
has chenle to help him when he can’t understand maths
goes to chenle’s piano competitions and acts like a proud parent
embarrassed whenever chenle comes to his dance competitions
has a dancing youtube channel
wanted to start a dance youtube with jeno, but he rejected the idea
has 1.5mil subscribers 
his lemon dance challenge went viral
often seen dancing while chenle plays the piano
usually plays front line in sports and gets the most solos in dance
has upperclassmen asking for dancing advice
studies while moving
studies early in the year so he has time to go over everything while still going to his clubs
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astrologycity · 8 years
i really want to finish this drawing I'm doing in charcoal, but i have to do my internal assessment for geo and now I'm wasting time on tumblr
@ school: i just want to do maths, science and art why tf do i need to write a 2500 word assessment on counting cars and pedestrians 
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researchedetc · 3 years
Ceramic Flap Disc Forecast
Global ceramic flap disc manufacturing companies provide ceramic disc components and accessories. Ceramic components are designed for many applications including: packaging, industrial, medical, personal, and food service. Ceramic discs are also used in the military and for industrial and other applications requiring toughness, high performance, thermal conductivity, and chemical resistance. As such, manufactures are continuously researching for new ceramic components and developing new applications. As part of this research, companies develop research reports detailing the current state-of-the-art ceramic components and their applications.
Competitive Landscape. By identifying key factors, ceramic flap disc manufacturers can design products that complement global markets and leverage on key components. Factors related to cost, design, productivity, process, environmental impact, quality, and competition are explored in detail. As such, researchers conduct in-depth analysis to identify the factors that will ultimately shape the ceramic flap disc industry landscape.
Market Based Study. Detailed market based segment analysis is conducted to help determine which segments will experience the most growth. As such, forecasts are provided in the forecasted segments. This helps forecast the segments that are forecast to experience the fastest growth or decline. Segment analysis is typically done through yearly or monthly studies depending on the demand, supply, and profitability of the segment.
Risk Analysis. As a part of ceramic flap disc landscape forecast, researchers also conduct a risk analysis to identify the types of risks that can impact the landscape. This includes competitive threats, macro and micro economic trends, political and geo-political factors, social and environmental factors, and other factors. As such, a risk analysis determines what changes need to be made to improve or adjust current processes or procedures in order to mitigate or avoid potential risks.
Business Strategies. Next, researchers conduct an in-depth business strategy analysis to forecast the size, scope, and other important data of the global ceramic market. This includes determining the market size and scope as well as identifying the major players operating in the market space.
These ceramic flap disc landscape forecasts provide valuable data and information to both small and large companies. It enables them to optimize their strategies, develop new goals and missions, and respond to competitors and other factors that may affect their operations. As such, researchers conduct rigorous business strategies, conduct a competitive landscape assessment, perform an economic forecast, assess the threats to the US economy posed by the global economic downturn, and identify the major players operating in the global flap disc marketplace. The forecasts are created by utilizing the best available data, analyzing the market, identifying the key drivers of growth, creating business strategies, and evaluating the competitive landscape.
The research team projects that the Ceramic Flap Disc market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 ARC Abrasives
 United Abrasives
 SIA Abrasives
By Type
 Grit Below 40
 Grit 40~60
 Grit 60~80
 Grit Above 80
By Application
 Semiconductor Manufacturing
 Other industries
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Ceramic Flap Disc 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Ceramic Flap Disc Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Ceramic Flap Disc Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Ceramic Flap Disc market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Ceramic Flap Disc Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Embroidery Equipment‎ Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Frying Machine Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Industrial Cable Assemblies Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
Ceramic Flap Disc Forecast
Global ceramic flap disc manufacturing companies provide ceramic disc components and accessories. Ceramic components are designed for many applications including: packaging, industrial, medical, personal, and food service. Ceramic discs are also used in the military and for industrial and other applications requiring toughness, high performance, thermal conductivity, and chemical resistance. As such, manufactures are continuously researching for new ceramic components and developing new applications. As part of this research, companies develop research reports detailing the current state-of-the-art ceramic components and their applications.
Competitive Landscape. By identifying key factors, ceramic flap disc manufacturers can design products that complement global markets and leverage on key components. Factors related to cost, design, productivity, process, environmental impact, quality, and competition are explored in detail. As such, researchers conduct in-depth analysis to identify the factors that will ultimately shape the ceramic flap disc industry landscape.
Market Based Study. Detailed market based segment analysis is conducted to help determine which segments will experience the most growth. As such, forecasts are provided in the forecasted segments. This helps forecast the segments that are forecast to experience the fastest growth or decline. Segment analysis is typically done through yearly or monthly studies depending on the demand, supply, and profitability of the segment.
Risk Analysis. As a part of ceramic flap disc landscape forecast, researchers also conduct a risk analysis to identify the types of risks that can impact the landscape. This includes competitive threats, macro and micro economic trends, political and geo-political factors, social and environmental factors, and other factors. As such, a risk analysis determines what changes need to be made to improve or adjust current processes or procedures in order to mitigate or avoid potential risks.
Business Strategies. Next, researchers conduct an in-depth business strategy analysis to forecast the size, scope, and other important data of the global ceramic market. This includes determining the market size and scope as well as identifying the major players operating in the market space.
These ceramic flap disc landscape forecasts provide valuable data and information to both small and large companies. It enables them to optimize their strategies, develop new goals and missions, and respond to competitors and other factors that may affect their operations. As such, researchers conduct rigorous business strategies, conduct a competitive landscape assessment, perform an economic forecast, assess the threats to the US economy posed by the global economic downturn, and identify the major players operating in the global flap disc marketplace. The forecasts are created by utilizing the best available data, analyzing the market, identifying the key drivers of growth, creating business strategies, and evaluating the competitive landscape.
The research team projects that the Ceramic Flap Disc market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 ARC Abrasives
 United Abrasives
 SIA Abrasives
By Type
 Grit Below 40
 Grit 40~60
 Grit 60~80
 Grit Above 80
By Application
 Semiconductor Manufacturing
 Other industries
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Ceramic Flap Disc 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Ceramic Flap Disc Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Ceramic Flap Disc Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Ceramic Flap Disc market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Ceramic Flap Disc Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
Global Embroidery Equipment‎ Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Frying Machine Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Industrial Cable Assemblies Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
0 notes
jcoleepics · 3 years
Middle East - A Growth Area for Automatic Numbered MachinesFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the USP of the report?What are the key content of the report?What are the value propositions and opportunities offered in this market research report?Related Reports
Growth in the automatic numbering machines industry and its scope for the future are promising. Currently the automatic numbering machines market encompasses some of the major growing markets that are seeing significant growth opportunities over the coming years including increasing demand for automatic numbering machines in developing countries, the growing need for automatic numbering machines in high-end industries, and rising growth opportunity in the developed markets. In addition, automatic numbering machines have become highly efficient and have a lot of applications in manufacturing automation that help in production and quality control. Also automatic numbering machines are used in all domains of industries like military, industrial, finance and other domains of business and this shows the growing importance of automatic numbering machines in our lives today.
This report focuses on the automatic numbering machines industry and provides in depth market analysis with focus on the areas that are showing the highest growth opportunity and fastest growing markets. The automatic numbering machines market analysis discusses the areas where demand is increasing at faster than the rate of supply. It also looks at the areas that are showing the slowing down of growth, or moving towards equilibrium. With the automatic numbering machines market analysis it can be clearly understood as to where the market is headed in the future. The report provides in depth market information with respect to the types of automatic numbering machines including both desktop and automatic numbering machines and the market dynamics that drive their popularity.
Asia is the largest market for automatic numbering machines research, followed by Europe and North America. North America has consistently led the world in terms of growth in automatic numbering machines sales over the last decade. Growth in Asia was fairly flat over the same period, but there was an increase in Asia as a whole. Growth in Asia has largely been driven by Asia's economy, which is now becoming stronger than ever. Asia is now providing a wider range of services than before, driven by rapid economic growth and a need to maintain competitiveness in markets such as the USA.
The Asian markets continue to grow and expand at a rapid pace due to factors such as population growth, lower cost of living, higher levels of education and infrastructure development, more employment opportunities and an increasing presence of the 'developed' economies in Asia. There is a limited supply of labour in the Asian countries, so businesses must operate efficiently and recruit and retain the best staff to meet this ever-increasing demand. With the rising disposable income level, the number of employed people will increase substantially through the coming years. This forecast shows how automatic numbering machines industry trends will impact the automatic numbering machines industry in Asia.
Middle East is another key player in automatic numbering machines industry trends and the automatic numbering machines market in the Middle East. Middle East countries have high disposable incomes, a critical requirement for businesses and companies in the growing Middle East. The economies of Middle East are highly dependent on foreign trade and tourism, which have helped to fuel their development in recent times. Middle East countries have made significant strides in education, advanced research and deployment of private capital. The growth and potential are immense and lucrative for companies in the Middle East.
Asia is a key player in automatic numbering machines market analysis, as it holds the key to future trends and developments. Asia's economy is growing at a fast pace, creating huge opportunities for companies in the region. Companies in Asia can benefit from lower labour costs, higher salaries, better quality of infrastructure and an improved tax regime. A successful business strategy in Asia can result in further growth in the future.
The automatic numbering machines sales forecast by country is shown in the market scenario report. The most notable growth forecast comes from China, which is expected to double its sales in the next two years. Japan is also expected to increase its sales in the next five years. In twenty years' time, automatic numbering machines sales in Japan will reach US $6b, while in north America automatic numbering machines sales will be in the current amount of around US $3b. Africa too is an important region for automatic numbering machines sales; the expected sales in twenty years will reach US$5b.
China and Japan are the two fastest-growing markets in Asia Pacific, but they are not the only potential regions for automatic numbering machines sales. Africa too offers lucrative prospects, with expected automatic numbering machines sales in the region of US$4b in next five years. Middle East is another region that is potential for automatic numbering machines sales, with potentials of sales in Middle East doubling in the next decade. The most lucrative region in the Middle East for automatic numbering machines sales is the UAE, which is expected to boost its automatic numbering machines sales by around 50%. UAE is a popular destination for companies that deal with postal services, and it also offers an ideal location for companies that deal with goods in transit, shipping, and cargo transport.
The research team projects that the Numbering Machines market size will grow from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an estimated CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the study is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 50 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.
By Market Players:
 Automator International
 Ernst Reine
 Geo. T. Schmidt
 Monode Marking Products
By Type
 Automatic Numbering Machines
 Manual Numbering Machines
By Application
 Advertising and Decoration
 Printing and Packaging
 Leather and Apparel
 Model Making
 Arts and Crafts
By Regions/Countries:
 North America
 United States
East Asia
 South Korea
 United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 South Africa
 New Zealand
South America
 Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
 The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
 The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
 The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
 Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
 The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
 To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
 Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
 To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
 Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
 To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
 Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Numbering Machines 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
 Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
 Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
 Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Numbering Machines Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
 Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Numbering Machines Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
 Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
 Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
 Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
 Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Numbering Machines market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
 Global Numbering Machines Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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Global Marine Travel Lift Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Construction Travel Lift Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Global Boat Cradles Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market
Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
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gb9525295 · 3 years
What Is the Sea Salt Market?
What Is the Sea Salt Market?
As a sea salt producer, your direct competition consists of a number of sea salt distributors, co-operatives and related sea salt market players with similar production facilities and share of the sea salt market. It is thus important to identify the sea salt market players to gain an edge over them in the sea salt market. How can you identify the sea salt players? By conducting sea salt market research reports
First of all, look at the production facilities and technologies used by these sea salt market players. Do they use state-of-the-art facilities and technologies? Are they able to maintain the high quality of products despite the rising sea salt production facilities and consumer demands for more refined sea salt products? Are the facilities maintained regularly? Are new technologies being incorporated into their sea salt manufacturing plants?
Once you are done with identifying the sea salt industry players, you need to find out the sea salt supply. You can get sea salt from these sea salt market players or companies. But before you can start buying sea salt from these companies, it is important for you to understand the sea salt supply and demand. What would be the future sea salt demand? What are the factors that will push up sea salt production facilities? What are the environmental factors that will be affecting sea salt production?
These questions and more are the topics you must cover when you conduct sea salt market research. After you have covered all these topics, you need to determine the sea salt industry players. The next step is to identify those sea salt manufacturers who are closely associated with each sea salt manufacturer. These sea salt manufacturers are important sea salt market players because they are able to provide you with the sea salt products that meet all your needs and budget. The sea salt industry participants include companies like Masco sea salt, LaCava sea salt, and Blue sea salt etc.
Among the sea salt market participants, the ones who come on top are the sea salt manufacturers who have a long history in the business. For instance, Masco sea salt has been in this business since 1892. They have a sea salt manufacturing plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain and they are one of the oldest sea salt manufacturers in Europe. With such a long sea salt history, they have a lot to offer to the sea salt market and they are also continuously striving to improve their products and facilities to make them better and more effective. Masco sea salt is one of the world's most recognized brands, and they have been in the business for a long time.
LaCava sea salt is another sea salt producer that is a reputed sea salt manufacturer. They too have a long sea salt history and have been supplying sea salt to the sea traders for many years. This brand is one of the world's best known sea salt producers and they sell their products throughout the world. The LaCava sea salt brand has its own website where they reveal all about their products and customer care services.
Last but not the least is Blue sea salt. This sea salt producer too has a sea salt manufacturing plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain and they have been supplying sea salt to the sea traders for many years. If you are looking for sea salt products that are affordable, then you should definitely check out Blue sea salt. Blue sea salt has been helping people enjoy their lives and by buying sea salt products, they help them to relax, de-stress and enjoy.
These three sea salt manufacturers definitely provide high quality sea salt products to the sea salt market and the consumers can choose from these brands depending on their tastes and needs. So, what are you waiting for? Just go out and check out the sea salt market today and make your life a little more relaxed.
Further key aspects of the report indicate that:
Chapter 1: Research Scope: Product Definition, Type, End-Use & Methodology
Chapter 2: Global Industry Summary
Chapter 3: Market Dynamics
Chapter 4: Global Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 5: North America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 6: Europe Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 8: South America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 9: Middle East and Africa Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use.
Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies
Chapter 11: Market forecast and environment forecast.
Chapter 12: Industry Summary.
The global Sea Salt market has the potential to grow with xx million USD with growing CAGR in the forecast period from 2021f to 2026f. Factors driving the market for @@@@@ are the significant development of demand and improvement of COVID-19 and geo-economics.
Based on the type of product, the global Sea Salt market segmented into
Natural Fine Sea Salt 
Natural Coarse Sea Salt 
Malborough Flaky Sea Salt 
Based on the end-use, the global Sea Salt market classified into
Food Use 
Cosmetic Use 
Based on geography, the global Sea Salt market segmented into
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa]
And the major players included in the report are
Piranske Soline 
Khoisan Sea Salt 
Selina Naturally 
Sol Y Mar Sea Salt 
Dominion Salt 
Maine Sea Salt Company 
Real Salt 
Contact us - https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php
0 notes
friedtyrantllama · 3 years
What is Carpet Installation Business - How Carpet Manufacturers Is Protecting Their Revenues
 Carpet Installation Business - How Carpet Manufacturers Is Protecting Their Revenues
The carpet market has witnessed a lot of fluctuations over the years and one can safely say that the recent downturn is the most dramatic one in recent history. This has led to a great deal of confusion in terms of what the state of the carpet market is. One way of looking at it is to put it in terms of a percentage of overall market share, which indicates the current state of the carpet market and whether it is showing any signs of recovery.
The carpet market share data for the UK for the last few years can be found out on the Carpet World website. You can also access other important resources such as graphs, product price history, carpet industry news and carpet ratings. While you are doing this, it is important to note that trends can change quickly. The carpet market can either perform strongly or very poorly. So, it is important to take a long term view and not immediately react to short term fluctuations in the market.
There has been much discussion on the subject of the carpet market, so let us take a brief look at some of the facts. First of all, we have to understand that the carpet market is dominated by three carpet manufacturers. That is, if you include Home Depot and Lowes, the number of carpet manufacturers is five. Naturally, there are other smaller carpet manufacturers but they generally produce lower quality carpet.
The fact that there are so many carpet manufacturers means that competition is stiff and there are plenty of opportunities for enterprising newcomers. In fact, just a few years ago the share of carpet manufacturers was so low that new entrants would be regarded as pioneers. However, with the recent consolidation of these carpet manufacturers there has been a sudden rush for new and aggressive strategies which have seen some fantastic gains in recent years.
Now let us take a closer look at how some carpet manufacturers are achieving success. Usually carpet manufacturers will follow a pattern. The carpet market share they achieve is dependent upon the carpet installation cost being minimal, so the business will cut corners wherever possible. For example, overhead costs such as heating, air conditioning, electricity, taxes, property rent etc.
One way that carpet manufacturers can increase their share of the carpet market is to reduce the carpet installation cost. This is achieved by reducing the amount of manpower required to carry out carpet installation. For example, if carpet is to be installed in a multi-story house, rather than one story, installing carpet can be done by just one person, reducing the number of helpers needed. The carpet manufacturer then increases its share of the carpet installation market by attracting more customers who can now do carpet installations themselves. Thus, the carpet manufacturers profits from increased installations rather than from reduced carpet sales.
Another way that carpet manufacturers increase their market share is by offering carpet installation services at an extra price. The carpet installation companies or carpet installation experts provide carpet installation and carpet maintenance services at a reduced fee. Thus, if you install carpet yourself you save a lot of money on the carpet manufacturer's part. But do remember that even if they give you a discount, try to negotiate the carpet installation contract with them.
There are a few carpet manufacturers that still prefer to employ the manual labor in carpet installation business. In fact these carpet manufacturers have very experienced carpet installation technicians who know all the carpet installation tricks. These technicians use more force and less skill to install carpet, which makes their carpet products expensive. If you are thinking about starting a carpet installation business then it is advisable to first reduce the carpet installation costs. You can start small and increase your carpet sales later.
Further key aspects of the report indicate that:
Chapter 1: Research Scope: Product Definition, Type, End-Use & Methodology
Chapter 2: Global Industry Summary
Chapter 3: Market Dynamics
Chapter 4: Global Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 5: North America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 6: Europe Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 8: South America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 9: Middle East and Africa Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use.
Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies
Chapter 11: Market forecast and environment forecast.
Chapter 12: Industry Summary.
The global Carpet market has the potential to grow with xx million USD with growing CAGR in the forecast period from 2021f to 2026f. Factors driving the market for @@@@@ are the significant development of demand and improvement of COVID-19 and geo-economics.
Based on the type of product, the global Carpet market segmented into
Based on the end-use, the global Carpet market classified into
Automotive & transportation
Based on geography, the global Carpet market segmented into
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa]
And the major players included in the report are
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tautokoshannonreid · 4 years
week one reading notes
Places are made after their stories. Just as place names describe complex, and conflicted, place-making aspirations, so with all marks associated with the marking of places: tracks, the symbolic representation of these in song, dance and poetic speech, indeed all the technologies that join up distances into narratives - they all inscribe the earth's surface with the forms of stories. Of course, these are not the same as the foundational myths of imperial cultures, whose aim is to displace any prior discourse of place-making. They are stories of, and as, journeys: passages in a double sense, constitutionally incomplete because they always await their completion in the act of crossing-over, or meeting, which, of course, is endless. (Paul Carter)
Imperial cultures
Thus, the cultural imperialism is the practice of promoting and imposing a culture, usually that of a politically powerful nation, over a less powerful society; in other words, the cultural hegemony of industrialized or politically and economically influential countries which determine general cultural value
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These can be understood as geo-political issues of space and place. 
changing our relationship to our places is as important as techno-scientific solutions
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But other memories are dark and painful.” Participants were able to recreate detailed childhood landscapes, highlighting “the primacy of place in human experience”  (Schroder, 2006, p. 312).
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The place has the potential to offer alternative storylines about who we are in the places where we live and work in an increasingly globalised world. 
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place functions as a bridge between the local and the global, allowing us to comprehend the ways that global processes, such as climate change, affect local places in particular ways
  It is through placemaking and storytelling that place and identities are known and transformed.
Place studies
 place studies, a subset of cultural studies, offers insights about the relationship between cultures and environments. 
. Place studies emphasises the more-than-human aspects of our places as active participants in our knowledge-making, and explores alternative understandings of our relationship to place. Rose (1996, p. 7)
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for example, reports, that for Australian Indigenous peoples, “Country is a place that gives and receives life. Not just imagined or represented, it is lived in and lived with. … People talk about country in the same way they would talk about a person: they speak to country, sing to country, visit country, worry about country, feel for country, and long for country”. 
spaces and places, place studies offers a conceptual tool for important cultural transformations.
They are in a unique position to articulate what it means to learn about place in the newly emerging global context, “a postcolonial and reflexive contemporaneity” (Carter, 2006, p. 684).
 Education generally, and schooling in particular, is potentially an important site for learning about place. 
 schooling is the quintessential project of modernity in which we unlearn our earliest sense of attachment to places. 
he method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.
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Deconstructing such storylines is therefore part of the process of ‘decolonisation’. These dominant storylines depend for their justification and legitimation on the suppression of alternative stories that already exist, often as the shadow side of dominant stories.
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 In Volatile Bodies, feminist philosopher Liz Grosz proposed to interrogate philosophy by “putting the body at the centre of our notion of subjectivity” 
 Place learning that derives from a deep, embodied sense of connection gives rise to a different ontology, an ontology of self becoming-other in the space between self and a natural world, composed of humans and non-human others, animate and inanimate; animals and plants, weather, rocks, trees. 
The contact zone has been theorised in different ways, depending on whether the focus is on hybrid productions from ‘the third space’ (eg Bhabba, 1994) or on difference.
contact zone
91, Pratt defines contact zones as "spaces where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly. asymmetrical relations of power, such as colonialism, slavery. or their aftermaths as they are lived out in the world today" (34), and then puts the term to use in theorizing a teaching.
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 The notion of the becoming self is well developed in feminist poststructural theory. 
Such an ontology needs to incorporate elements of our past self history (ontogeny), who we imagine ourselves to be, and our embodied relationship with others. It also includes our participation as bodies in the ‘flesh of the world’ (Merleau-Ponty, 1962), a reciprocal relationship with objects and landscapes, weather, rocks and trees, sand, mud and water, animals and plants, an ontology founded in the bodies of things.
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(Firstly I want to acknowledge my Ancestors of my country and I want to acknowledge where I come from. Where I come from I owe to my parents who are both Elders who have passed their knowledge on to me. My way of knowing comes from them.
 Looking out of the window now I can see the tarook on the lake. My Indigenous knowledge tells me that in the spring, it comes back green, and that’s when you can pick the tarook. When I look out the other window, I can see the wattles are in bloom and I know through my Indigenous knowledge from my parents and Ancestors that when the wattle is out, it’s time to gather the eggs. That kind of knowledge wasn’t privileged through my education process. My schooling experiences were nonIndigenous and I really only learned one way of thinking, doing and being. )
( I found this part really interesting talking about different ways of learning and things that they have taken from their culture. And modern colonialism there's really only one way of doing things and one way of looking at things especially in the idea of knowledge and learning within the educational system. But connecting to our personal roots And ideas of indigenous cultures And their ways of learning and interpreting the world. There isn't just one way of looking at things even though Society is taught as differently. )
Many of the authors in this book address their position in relation to two major waves of globalisation - the colonisation of the world that created the nation of Australia in the eighteenth century, and the current wave of economic, cyber, and environmental globalisation. 
 In his chapter, Carter begins with the idea that we all come from another place. He uses examples from museum practice, urban design and innovative community arts projects to show how the new places where we are now located can be connected to those places where we come from. 
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Carter proposes an ethic of ‘care at a distance’ as a way of acknowledging what we bring with us from the places we have left behind. 
 Its doubling of poetic and linear logics allows for a nuanced account of historical, environmental and spiritual realities moving with the changing character of specific places. 
 These include specifically using arts practices such as quilt making and performance, but also include different ways of writing and thinking about place. 
learning between Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge systems through the methodology of ‘deep listening’. A number of Indigenous research students from different Indigenous language groups in Australia developed the methodology of deep listening in collaboration with Brearley for researching aspects of Indigenous cultural knowledge and community leadership. 
deep listening methodology in this chapter: cultural ways of knowing, reciprocal and respectful relationships, talking circles, stories in conversation, and community protocols. 
community school where Indigenous children can learn the cultures from which they have become alienated. With Laura Brearley she explores the place making practices of Peruvian indigenous quilt-makers where the quilts become narrative forms that allow for multiple meanings to emerge. 
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conclude by proposing that re-ordering our understanding of relationships is the key to co-creating a place where Indigenous and non-Indigenous people can work together. 
The act of possession is realised as “A force that maps and names but also shoots and legalises … the east coast of New Holland into Australia, a silencing into a discovery, the presence of people into an absence”
 depended upon a profound historical repression–the erasure of prior human and non-human ecologies. This was a poetic as well as a practical project.”
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 social inclusion is made possible through an unlikely arts scene that is “resilient, interesting and often low budget”. Creativity here is seen to offer a mode of resistance to the present and to an obsession with ‘the way things are’. 
Creative place-making is suggested as a way to imagine what might be possible, ‘resisting the inertia of the present’. 
 In her chapter, ‘If you see a bubble coming up’, Jennifer Rennie draws on her research in the Tiwi Islands to challenge hegemonic notions of literacy that privilege western knowledge. Rennie highlights a lack of understanding, valuing, and acknowledging of Indigenous community literacy and numeracy practices, by western schooling systems.
 School, in contrast, is a place of limitation that fails to acknowledge the literacies demonstrated by these students in reading and writing the landscape. Through stories from the Tiwi children, the multiple and creative place knowledges are made visible. 
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 Rennie concludes that understanding literacy as occurring through a range of different 
modalities, which include visual, oral, kinaesthetic, digital and written forms, requires a new approach to literacy. 
Teachers who do not recognise the opportunities of tapping into children’s rich existing knowledge risk perpetuating their exclusion. The alternative is to take a different approach and welcome the place literacies these children bring to the classroom to open up social futures for them and expand the knowledge of their classmates
 Parents who can afford to choose, send their children elsewhere, leaving behind in public schools a larger proportion of students who lack the social capital to take up the opportunities school offers.
Hayes’ research team used narrative methodologies to seek a complex hope in which schools may become places of possibility.
These particular teachers believed in their students’ abilities to learn, and in their capacity to teach them. One of the teachers was found to employ specifically spatial strategies by constructing an inviting, relaxing and stimulating music space where he would move around as a facilitator rather than a teacher. The chapter contests deficit narratives of social positioning, and identifies possibilities for teachers to exert agency. Alternative spatial practices can transform the possibilities of the classroom as learning space. 
e. The children involved in the place-making project worked across architecture, communication and education to create new learning spaces.
Through this experience the children developed new literacies of place and they learned to become social actors and agents in their own lives, active members and participants in their societies. 
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She defied warnings about her physical safety by walking home rather than being chauffeured, in a metaphor for her move from the inside space of the classroom to the outside place of East Timor. 
 In this new spatial practice the talk between teacher and students turned from the routine functions set out in the Australian textbook to talk emerging from the contingencies of place, not only alluding to past trauma, but also discussing the construction of a new nation. 
Jane entered the uncertainty of a contact zone which opened up new spatial and temporal possibilities to enable a different connection between teacher, student and the production of spatial history.
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‘How do places become pedagogical?
‘rhizosemiotic play’ 
designed to develop deep consciousness of particular places through a learning activity that involves the interweaving of knowledge about wildlife with personal stories and social relationships. The qualities of this as a pedagogical activity makes the experience more like an Indigenous way of knowing place, and less like a field trip for science or walking for sport. 
 Mayne questions a discipline where people are analysed at a remove from the places they shaped, and which shaped their lives and identities. 
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 Characterising ‘parables of place’ as global, temporal, spatial, ecological, political, imaginary and personal, Kenway argues that teachers need to be provided with opportunities to develop a nuanced understanding of place and thus of the places that they are teaching in. It is vital that they are able to rise above place prejudice and to move beyond simplistic and romantic views of place. The curriculum that guides teaching and learning needs to attend to this spatial paradox, to have an intimate global sense of place.
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xtruss · 5 years
PEPE ESCOBAR: MAGA Misses the Eurasia Train!
While China and Russia solidify their economic and political alliance, the U.S. is missing an historic chance to join a multilateral world, clinging instead to military empire, argues Pepe Escobar.
By Pepe Escobar, in Milan, Italy
February 4, 2019
We should know by now that the heart of the 21stCentury Great Game is the myriad layers of the battle between the United States and the partnership of Russia and China.
Even the U.S. National Defense Strategy says so: “The central challenge to U.S. prosperity and security is the reemergence of long-term, strategic competition by … revisionist powers.” The recently published assessment on U.S. defense implications of China’s global expansion says so too.
The clash will frame the emergence of a possibly new, post-ideological, strategic world order amidst an extremely volatile unpredictability in which peace is war and an accident may spark a nuclear confrontation.
The U.S. vs. Russia and China will keep challenging the West’s obsession in deriding “illiberalism,” a fearful, rhetorical exercise that equates Russian democracy with China’s one party rule, Iran’s demo-theocracy and Turkey’s neo-Ottoman revival.
It’s immaterial that Russia’s economy is one-tenth of China’s. From boosting trade that bypasses the U.S. dollar, to increasing joint military exercises, the Russia-China symbiosis is poised to advance beyond political and ideological affinities.
China badly needs Russian know-how in its military industry. Beijing will turn this knowledge into plenty of dual use, civilian-military innovations.
The long game indicates Russia and China will break down language and cultural barriers to lead Eurasian integration against American economic hegemony backed by military might.
One could say the Eurasian century is already upon us. The era of the West shaping the world at will (a mere blip of history) is already over. This is despite Western elite denials and fulminations against the so-called “morally reprehensible,” “forces of instability” and “existential threats.”
Standard Chartered, the British financial services company, using a mix of purchasing power exchange rates and GDP growth, has projected that the top five economies in 2030 will be China, the U.S., India, Japan and Russia. These will be followed by Germany, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey and the UK. Asia will extend its middle class as they are slowly killed off across the West.
Hop on the Trans-Eurasia Express
A case can be made that Beijing’s elites are fascinated at how Russia, in less than two decades, has returned to semi-superpower status after the devastation of the Yeltsin years.
That happened to a large extent due to science and technology. The most graphic example is the unmatched, state-of-the-art weaponry unveiled by President Vladimir Putin in his March 1, 2018 speech.
In practice, Russia and China will be advancing the alignment of China’s New Silk Roads, or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), with Russia’s Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU).
There’s ample potential for a Trans-Eurasia Express network of land and maritime transport corridors to be up and running by the middle of next decade, including, for instance, road and railway bridges connecting China with Russia across the Heilongjiang River.
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Heilongjiang or Armur river separating China and Russia. (Wikimedia)
Following serious trilateral talks involving Russia, India and Iran last November, closer attention is being paid to the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), a 7,200-km long lane mixing sea and rail routes essentially linking the Indian Ocean with the Persian Gulf through Iran and Russia and further on down the road, to Europe.
Imagine cargo transiting from all over India to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, then overland to Bandar Anzali, an Iranian port on the Caspian Sea, and then on to the Russian southern port of Astrakhan, and after that to Europe by rail. From New Delhi’s point of view, that means shipping costs reduced by up to 40 percent, and Mumbai-to-Moscow in only 20 days.
Down the line, INSTC will merge with BRI – as in Chinese-led corridors linked with the India-Iran-Russia route into a global transport network.
This is happening just as Japan is looking at the Trans-Siberian Railway – which will be upgraded throughout the next decade – to improve its connections with Russia, China and the Koreas. Japan is now a top investor in Russia and at the same time very much interested in a Korea peace deal. That would free Tokyo from massive defense spending conditioned by Washington’s rules. The EAEU free trade agreements with ASEAN can be added to that.
Especially over these past four years, Russia has also learned how to attract Chinese investment and wealth, aware that Beijing’s system mass-produces virtually everything and knows how to market it globally, while Moscow needs to fight every block in the book dreamed up by Washington.
The Huawei-Venezuela “Axis of Evil”
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Metal Truss Railroad Bridge (Kama River, near Perm city). Early color photograph from Russia, created by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii as part of his work to document the Russian Empire from 1909 to 1915. (Wikimedia)
While Washington remains a bipartisan prisoner to the Russophobic Platonic cave – where Cold War shadows on the wall are taken as reality – MAGA is missing the train to Eurasia.
A many-headed hydra, MAGA, stripped to the bone, could be read as a non-ideological antidote to the Empire’s global adventurism. Trump, in his non-strategic, shambolic way, proposed at least in theory the return to a social contract in the U.S. MAGA in theory would translate into jobs, opportunities for small businesses, low taxes and no more foreign wars.
It’s nostalgia for the 1950s and 60s before the Vietnam quagmire and before “Made in the USA” was slowly and deliberately dismantled. What’s left are tens of trillions of national debt; a quadrillion in derivatives; the Deep State running amok; and a lot of pumped up fear of evil Russians, devious Chinese, Persian mullahs, the troika of tyranny, the Belt and Road, Huawei, and illegal aliens.
More than a Hobbesian “war of all against all” or carping about the “Western rules-based system” being under attack, the fear is actually of the strategic challenge posed by Russia and China, which seeks a return to rule by international law.
MAGA would thrive if hitched to a ride on the Eurasia integration train: more jobs and more business opportunities instead of more foreign wars. Yet MAGA won’t happen – to a large extent because what really makes Trump tick is his policy of energy dominance to decisively interfere with Russia and China’s development.
The Pentagon and the “intel community” pushed the Trump administration to go after Huawei, branded as a nest of spies, while pressuring key allies Germany, Japan and Italy to follow. Germany and Japan permit the U.S. to control the key nodes in the extremities of Eurasia. Italy is essentially a large NATO base.
The U.S. Department of Justice requested the extradition of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou from Canada last Tuesday, adding a notch to the Trump administration’s geopolitical tactic of “blunt force trauma.”
Add to it that Huawei – based in Shenzhen and owned by its workers as shareholders – is killing Apple across Asia and in most latitudes across the Global South. The real the battle is over 5G, in which China aims to upstage the U.S., while upgrading capacity and production quality.
The digital economy in China is already larger than the GDP of France or the UK. It’s based on the BATX companies (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi), Didi (the Chinese Uber), e-commerce giant JD.com and Huawei. These Big Seven are a state within a civilization – an ecosystem they’ve constructed themselves, investing fortunes in big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet. American giants – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google – are absent from this enormous market.
Moreover, Huawei’s sophisticated encryption system in telecom equipment prevents interception by the NSA. That helps account for its extreme popularity all across the Global South, in contrast to the Five Eyes (U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) electronic espionage network.
The economic war on Huawei is also directly connected to the expansion of BRI across 70 Asian, European and African nations, constituting a Eurasia-wide network of commerce, investment and infrastructure able to turn geopolitical and geo-economic relations, as we know them, upside down.
Greater Eurasia Beckons
Whatever China does won’t alter the Deep State’s obsession about “an aggression against our vital interests,” as stated by the National Defense Strategy. The dominant Pentagon narrative in years to come will be about China “intending to impose, in the short term, its hegemony in the Indo-Pacific region, and catch the United States off-guard in order to achieve future global pre-eminence.” This is mixed with a belief that Russia wants to “crush NATO” and “sabotage the democratic process in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.”
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The Karakoram Highway connecting Pakistan and China, sometimes referred to as the English Wonder of the World. (Wikimedia)
During my recent travels along the northern part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), I saw once again how China is upgrading highways, building dams, railways and bridges that are useful not only for its own economic expansion but also for its neighbors’ development. Compare it to U.S. wars – as in Iraq and Libya – where dams, railways and bridges are destroyed.
Russian diplomacy is all but winning the New Cold War — as diagnosed by Prof. Stephen Cohen in his latest book, War with Russia: From Putin and Ukraine to Trump and Russiagate.
Moscow mixes serious warnings with diverse strategies, such as resurrecting the South Stream gas pipeline to supply Europe as an extension of Turk Stream after the Trump administration also furiously opposed the Nord Stream 2 pipeline with sanctions on Russia. Meanwhile, Moscow ramps up energy exports to China.
The advance of the Belt and Road Initiative is linked to Russian security and energy exports, including the Northern Sea Route, as an alternative future transportation corridor to Central Asia. Russia emerges then as the top security guarantee for Eurasian trade and economic integration.
Last month in Moscow, I discussed Greater Eurasia– by now established as the overarching concept of Russian foreign policy – with top Russian analysts. They told me Putin is on board. He referred to Eurasia recently as “not a chessboard or a geopolitical playground, but our peaceful and prosperous home.”
Needless to say, U.S. think tanks dismiss the idea as “abortive”. They ignore Prof. Sergey Karaganov, who as early as mid-2017 was arguing that Greater Eurasia could serve as a platform for “a trilateral dialogue on global problems and international strategic stability between Russia, the United States and China.”
As much as the Beltway may refuse it, “The center of gravity of global trade is now shifting from the high seas toward the vast continental interior of Eurasia.”
Beijing Skirts the Dollar
Beijing is realizing it can’t meet its geo-economic goals on energy, security, and trade without bypassing the U.S. dollar.
According to the IMF, 62 percent of global central bank reserves were still held in U.S. dollars by the second quarter of 2018. Around 43 per cent of international transactions on SWIFT are still in U.S. dollars. Even as China, in 2018, was the single largest contributor to global GDP growth, at 27.2 percent, the yuan still only accounts for 1 percent of international payments, and 1.8 per cent of all reserve assets held by central banks.
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The author at the Khunjerab pass, China-Pak border, on New Silk Road overdrive.
It takes time, but change is on the way. China’s cross-border payment network for yuan transactions was launched less than four years ago. Integration between the Russian Mir payment system and Chinese Union Pay appears inevitable.
Bye Bye Drs. K and Zbig
Russia and China are developing the ultimate nightmare for those former shamans of U.S. foreign policy, Henry Kissinger and the late Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski.
Back in 1972 Kissinger was the mastermind – with logistical help from Pakistan – of the Nixon moment in China. That was classic Divide and Rule, separating China from the USSR. Two years ago, before Trump’s inauguration, Dr. K’s advice dispensed at Trump Tower meetings consisted of a modified Divide and Rule: the seduction of Russia to contain China.
The Kissinger doctrine rules that, geopolitically, the U.S. is just “an island off the shores of the large landmass of Eurasia.” Domination “by a single power of either of Eurasia’s two principal spheres – Europe or Asia – remains a good definition of strategic danger for America, Cold War or no Cold War,” as Kissinger said. “For such a grouping would have the capacity to outstrip America economically and, in the end, militarily.”
The Zbig doctrine ran along similar lines. The objectives were to prevent collusion and maintain security among the EU-NATO vassals; keep tributaries pliant; keep the barbarians (a.k.a. Russians and allies) from coming together; most of all prevent the emergence of a hostile coalition (as in today’s Russia-China alliance) capable of challenging U.S. hegemony; and submit Germany, Russia, Japan, Iran, and China to permanent Divide and Rule.
Thus the despair of the current National Security Strategy, forecasting China displacing the United States “to achieve global preeminence in the future,” through BRI’s supra-continental reach.
The “policy” to counteract such “threats” is sanctions, sanctions, and more unilateral sanctions, coupled with an inflation of absurd notions peddled across the Beltway – such as that Russia is aiding and abetting the re-conquest of the Arab world by Persia. Also that Beijing will ditch the “paper tiger” “Made in China 2025” plan for its major upgrade in global, high-tech manufacturing just because Trump hates it.
Once in a blue moon a U.S. report actually gets it right, such as in Beijing speeding up an array of BRI projects; as a modified Sun Tzu tactic deployed by President Xi Jinping.
At the June 2016 Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Professor Xiang Lanxin, director of the Centre of One Belt and One Road Studies at the China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation, defined BRI as an avenue to a “post-Westphalian world.” The journey is just beginning; a new geopolitical and economic era is at hand. And the U.S. is being left behind at the station.
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Pepe Escobar, a veteran Brazilian journalist, is the correspondent-at-large for Hong Kong-based Asia Times. His latest book is 2030.
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wooe-in-blog · 5 years
BSEH Aarohi School Recruitment 2019 Apply Online 895 Aarohi Teacher
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(v) Proficiency in teaching in English and Hindi medium.Desirable:(i) Conversant in IT skills and effective use of new technologies as tools for learning. (ii) Teaching experience from Government/ Recognized/ Progressive Public School/ College/ Polytechnic; not below the rank of PGT3.PGT Physical Education(i) M.P.E. or M.P.Ed. or M.A. in Physical Education with 55% marks from a recognized university; and (ii) Graduate with Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.) or its equivalent from a recognized university with 50% marks; and (iii) The subject in which Post Graduation is done should be one of the subject in Graduation; and (iv) Matric with Hindi/ Sanskrit or 10+2/ B.A./ M.A. with Hindi/ Sanskrit as one of the subject; AND (v) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher’s Eligibility Test (HTET)/ CTET/ National Eligibility Test (NET). (vi) Proficiency in teaching in English and Hindi medium.Desirable: (i) Conversant in IT skills and effective use of new technologies as tools for learning. (ii) Teaching experience from Government/ Recognized/ Progressive Public School/ College/ Polytechnic; not below the rank of PGT4.PGT Computer Science(i) At least 55% in M.Tech./M.E. (Computer Science/IT) from a recognized university OR At least 55% marks in MCA/ M.Sc. (Computer Science) from a recognized university (ii) The subject in which Post Graduation is done should be one of the subject in Graduation; and (iii) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi/Sanskrit as one of the subject; AND (iv) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher’s Eligibility Test (HTET)/ CTET/ National Eligibility Test (NET). (v) Proficiency in teaching in English and Hindi medium.Desirable: (i) Conversant in IT skills and effective use of newtechnologies as tools for learning. (ii) Teaching experience from Government/ Recognized/ Progressive Public School/ College/ Polytechnic; not below the rank of PGT.5.TGT Social Studies(i) Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) from a recognized university; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Integrated Course of BA and B.Ed. from a recognized university (ii) In case of B.A./B.Com, in addition to English, a candidate should have passed a combination of at least two of the following subjects with at least 50% aggregate individually in the subjects during all the three years of study in:- (1) History (2) Political Science (3) Economics (4) Geography (5) Sociology (6) Psychology Note: At least History or Geography should have been for all the three year of Graduation. (iii) B.Ed. with Social studies as a teaching subject from a recognized, university ; AND (iv) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher’s Eligibility Test (HTET)/Central Teacher Eligibility Test(CTET); AND (v) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; AND (vi) Conversant in IT skills and effective use of new technologies as tools for learning.6.TGT Science(i) Graduation with at least 50% marks and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) from a recognized university; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Integrated Course of B.Sc. and B.Ed. from a recognized university And (ii) In case of B.Sc., a combination of at least three subjects with at least 55% marks in aggregate individually in the subjects during all the three years of study out of the following:- 1. Physics 2. Chemistry 3. Botany 4. Zoology 5. Mathematics Note: In the case of Hons. Degree,in any of the above mentioned subjects, the candidate must have studied other two subjects in the first and second year of course. (iii) B.Ed. with Science subjects as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iv) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject; And (v) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher’s Eligibility Test (HTET)/ Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) (vi) Proficiency in teaching in English and Hindi medium.(vii) Conversant in IT skills and effective use of new technologies as tools for learning.7.TGT (Hindi, English, Math, Sanskrit, Physical Education, Drawing, Music, Computer Science & Punjabi)(i) Graduation with at least 55% marks in Any Subject i.e. Hindi, English, Math, Sanskrit, Physical Education, Drawing, Music, Computer Science & Punjabi as an elective/compulsory subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education; OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Integrated Course of B.A. and B.Ed. from a recognized university AND (ii) B.Ed. with Hindi as a teaching subject from a recognized university; (iii) Matric with Hindi/ Hindi or 10+2/ B.A./ M.A. with Hindi/ Hindi as one of the subject; AND (iv) Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher’s Eligibility Test(HTET)/Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) (v) Proficiency in teaching in English and Hindi medium. (vi) Conversant in IT skills and effective use of new technologies as tools for learning8.Librarian(i) 1st Class B.Lib. from a recognized Institution. (ii) Working exposure of Digital Library will be preferred; (iii) Conversant with techniques of Digital Storage (iv) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject.9.Clerk(i) Graduate in any discipline with at least 50% marks from a recognized University. (ii) Knowledge of Computer Operation; (iii) Shall be required to pass a test in English Typing at a speed 35 words per minute on computer. (iv) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject (v) Good Writing Skills in English and Hindi/Urdu (vi) Fluency in spoken English10.Accounts Clerk(i) B.com with at least 50% marks from a recognized University. (ii) Shall be required to pass a test in English Typing at a speed 35 words per minute on computer. (iii) Basic computer knowledge with Tally (iv) Matric with Hindi/Sanskrit or 10+2/B.A./M.A. with Hindi as one of the subject Application Fee : CategoryFor One postSC and PH Candidates of Haryana DomicileRs. 0750/-For All Candidates except SC and PH of Haryana Domicile andRs. 1000/-All Candidates outside Haryana (Including SC & PH)Rs. 1000/- How to Apply : Candidates can apply ‘ON-LINE’ through BOARDwebsite –www.bseh.org.in. No other Mode of Application will be accepted. After Checking Eligibility Criteria, Age Limit, Qualification candidates can apply online through Online Application System. Important Dates : Application Started16.07.2019Last Date of Application Submission27.07.2019Date for correction in particulars etc.28.07.2019 to 30.07.2019Submit Application Fee16.08.2019 Important Link Area :- Download Advertisement Detailed AdvertisementApply Online Apply NowSyllabus Exam PatternDetailed BSEH Aarohi School SyllabusAdmit CardDownload BSEH Aarohi School TGT PGT Admit CardOfficial Websitehttp://www.bseh.org.in/ Read the full article
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