#its gotten to the point where i cant answer them all
onejellyfishplease · 9 months
I can't believe I haven't asked yet, but may I join the Mosquitello cult? (Also is it ok to send this many asks?)
You??? In the Mosquitello cult???
Please!! you practically made the thing!
i mean,,, look at this:
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That's your name up there is it not? the catalyst for the first utterance of the cults name?
Forget just 'joining the cult', you're a High Priestess now!
Boom. it's done.
This is you now
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Introducing the High Priestess of the Cult of Mosquitello! Lamps!!!
you have the glowy-est necklace short of Mosquitello himself! (id say you found a pretty good lamp)
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himexyandere · 9 months
Leaves Fall Just Like Us
Pairing: Yandere Male!Spider x Female!Reader 
Word count: 1750
Content Warning(s): Possessive behavior, manipulation, drugging (via venom), nonconsensual groping, slight mindbreak 
A/N: So this is my first post on this separate, yandere-centered blog, I hope y'all like it! 💗 (Also, our ML's name is pronounced like "rain")
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You weren’t sure how or even when you managed to get yourself lost in a mansion, which you originally assumed to be abandoned. That assumption of yours was swiftly proven false as you noted that no part of the mansion looked neglected. Aged, yes, but there were hardly any specks of dust to be found.
In contrast to the cleanliness of the place, there were spiderwebs in almost every corner, nook, and cranny that you’d laid your eyes on. The afternoon sun illuminated most of the space, but you could tell that based on the burnt oranges and light pinks decorating the marble floors, the light was fleeting and wouldn’t last for much longer. 
You had to leave—now. 
As soon as that singular thought crossed your mind, you began to backtrack immediately, feet seemingly on autopilot. You didn’t make it three steps back before you ran into something solid, eliciting a surprised-sounding grunt from whatever you’d collided with. Ignoring the fear sirens blaring in your mind, you whipped around without a second thought, only to come face-to-face (or more like face-to-chest) with a human. Or at least, that was what you would’ve liked to say—
Your eyes scaled the figure, just barely flitting to the side as inhuman appendages flooded your peripherals, continuing upward until you were gazing into the eyes—multiple pairs of eyes—of what you assumed to be a man-spider...? You were screaming before you knew it, which caused the humanoid spider’s eyes (all eight of them) to widen as he raised his arms surrenderingly, dropping a book he had been clutching onto in the process. 
“Please, don’t be afraid!” He rushed to calm your fright while attempting to make himself look as disarming as possible; which, of course, wasn’t an easy feat as he was an intimidating height equipped with six pedipalps sprouting from his back and chelicerae framing his face. “I mean you no harm, I swear!” 
“W-who—” Was all you could manage to say in response as your body trembled of its own accord. 
The man-spider gave you a little smile then took a small step back to give you some more space. That didn’t really help, though, because now you could see just how tall he really was. For the most part, he was built like a normal, human man — if it weren’t for the obvious spider-esque parts, of course.
“My name is Raigne,” The man before you canted his head a little to the side. “May I ask what your name is, my guest?” 
“[Your Name]...” You offered him your name without a second thought, leading you to wonder if it was out of politeness(?) or innate fear. Perhaps it was a mixture of both? 
Then, as if you’d only remembered where you were and that you were indeed an active participant in this conversation, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you looked at Raigne. 
“Wait, ‘guest’..?” He’d referred to you as “his guest” mere moments ago, but getting over the bizarreness of the situation was difficult, admittedly.  
“Well, yes, you are in my home. That makes you my guest, doesn’t it?” The smile on Raigne’s face widened a touch. “Though it appears we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot, dear [Your Name]. Tell me, how did you end up here?” 
Honestly, you were just as confused as he was. You remembered traveling with a group of explorers to find abandoned structures for an ongoing research project the lot of you were participating in, only to end up in this unfamiliar place. You were alone and there were no signs of your group. At one point, you tried writing it off as a convoluted dream until you came to realize that pinching yourself did not result in you waking up. 
After racking your brain for a suitable answer to give the man, whose home you’d unknowingly intruded into, you eventually came up with nothing. “I… Don’t remember…” You felt bad, but you didn’t want to lie. 
Fortunately, Raigne was pretty understanding and instead offered you a sympathetic smile. 
“That’s perfectly alright, I’m sure the answer you’re looking for will come with enough time,” He said before bending at the waist to pick up the book he’d dropped. “In the meantime, would you mind coming with me, [Your Name]? Regardless of how you got here, I would still like to treat you as a guest, if you don’t mind.” 
As apprehensive as you were to trust a complete stranger, (never mind the fact that he was, well… A spider) you didn’t see any other choice at the time being. After a few moments, you gave him a nod and a hesitant smile. 
“S-sorry, thank you for having me, Raigne…” 
The smile returned to Raigne’s face, wider than before in a way that seemed unnatural, accentuating his chelicerae. 
“Please, it is my pleasure, [Your Name].”
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You’re unsure of how much time you’ve spent with Raigne. Days? Weeks? Months? At this point, it very well could have been years, but you had no way of knowing, nor did you really care to. He provided you with a room, clothes, food, and entertainment — what more could you ask for?
Being with Raigne was a pleasant experience as well, once you overcame your initial fear of him. He was polite and accommodating, on top of understanding. He knew how scary spiders could be, so he took the time to ease your worries by reassuring you with some spider facts. 
“Most male spiders don’t bite, nor do they produce much venom, so you’ll never have to worry about that!” Was what he told you in response to you asking if he was a venomous spider.
His answer brought you a sense of relief, and you noticeably began to relax around him afterward. Not only was Raigne a gracious host, he was also an interesting person overall to conversate with and you found yourself enjoying his company quite a bit. 
As you sat with Raigne in his study enjoying a cup of coffee and chatting idly, your gaze was drawn outside the window behind him as the movement from a falling brown leaf caught your attention. 
“Huh… Looks like it’s gonna be autumn soon.” You remarked as you swirled your finger around the rim of your now-empty cup. 
Raigne stopped talking and followed your gaze out the window, staring in silence as the frequency of falling leaves increased. His odd shift in behavior should’ve been the first sign that Raigne was feeling… Off. 
After your conversation, Raigne quickly retired to his room with the excuse of “feeling a little under the weather”, and shut his door without another word. It couldn’t have been something you said, right? Your conversation up until that point was light, amicable… So what the heck was up with him? You figured you could wait until later to ask him, since now seemed to be a bad time. 
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Later that night, after getting ready for bed, you decided to go back to Raigne’s room and check on him. 
“Raigne? Are you in there?” You called out softly after knocking on his door twice. 
No response. 
You pressed your ear to the door, only to realize that it was already open. You pushed your way in, worry clouding your senses as you scanned the dark room. You’d only been inside Raigne’s room a handful of times before this, but for some reason, it was a little more… Foreboding during the night. 
“Raigne..?” You tried calling him again as you stepped fully into the room, looking around the spacious area to find him. 
A soft click sounded from behind you, but it was already too late. 
Before you could even think to turn around, you were wrapped up in a familiar pair of arms and pedipalps, holding you rigidly in place until you felt a pair of fangs sinking into your neck. Then came the injection of an unidentified fluid—venom, you presumed, even in your stunned state. Who else could it be but Raigne clutching your body, back flushed with his chest as he bit you?
“I’m sorry, [Your Name],” Were the first words out of his mouth once he was through with the envenomation, followed along by a low chuckle. “You’re sweet, did you know that? A little too trusting as well… But that’s what I love about you.”
Raigne then nuzzled into the crook of your neck, right next to the spot where he’d sunk his pincers into you not mere seconds ago. 
“W-why, d’you…” Your question was slurred and delirious-sounding, which only made Raigne coo at you in the same affectionate way one would do to a cute, struggling kitten. 
“Hmm? Do you mean to ask why I’m biting you when I told you that male spiders typically don’t?” You couldn’t even nod, but he seemed to know that he’d hit the nail on the head. 
“Well, my dear, I did tell you that most male spiders don’t bite… I never said that I didn’t,” Raigne chuckled again, still nuzzling against you. “Oh, and about the venom… It isn’t lethal, don’t worry. Why in the world would I want a dead bride? I’m a spider, not a specter~” 
As he continued speaking, the frequency of his nuzzling increased, and you still found yourself unable to move a muscle. Your entire body was paralyzed. 
“Did you know? Autumn is the mating season for most spiders,” Raigne’s unoccupied hands began to wonder then, starting from your shoulders and trailing down to your breasts. “I was wondering how I should court you... I truly apologize for not doing it properly, but I really could not help myself!” 
He bent down closer to whisper in your ear, as if his words were much too sacred to be spoken aloud, “You are so alluring… I’m surprised by how uncouth I am behaving because of how much I want you.” 
His words took on a somewhat warbly tone, entering into a raspy, dreamy-like pitch. It didn’t help that he was still groping you, hands eager and thorough in their exploration of your chest. In his mind, he had all the time in the world to do so, after all — and it wasn’t like you would be going anywhere anytime soon, what with his pedipalps still holding you and his venom in your blood.
Raigne fully intended to make you his bride.
Once that thought crossed your hazy mind, the idea of freedom slowly slipped away until you could think of nothing else...
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eclipse-rain · 1 year
'Awalie (Once; in the Past); Part 3
- Spiders not in this fic because i literally cant handle writing any kind of redemption arc for him sry
Part 1 Part 2
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Crawling through a vent wasnt something you thought you would ever do in your life once, nevermind twice.
As you had previously discovered the first time you went through it, the other end put you right inside the control room which was perfect for you, although not as much for Neteyam. This was because you had also previously discovered that although the vent could fit you, the same couldnt be said for your new seven foot tall friend.
This had been something you had thought about after seeing where the vent led to the first time you crawled through it though. Why else would you have risked your life to get the avatar who was guarding the door to the control room away from it?
Neteyam could get in through that way. What was even better was that he could once again be a distraction for the two who were left inside the room ; the pilot and co-pilot. While you suck in unnoticed through the vent to put what was hopefully the last part of your 'plan', to freaking hijack this spaceship, into action.
And thats exactly what you did. Okay maybe it wasnt the best idea you both could have come up with but what else were you suposed to do? The next thing you knew Neteyam had snuck in the control room door and was now grabbing all the pilots attention, while you crawled out of the vent and booked it towards the ship control panel where the pilots had previously been seated.
The good news was that the pilots were scared enough to flee the room when given the chance to by neteyam, unbeknownst to them who thought they had luckly eacaped. The bad news was that now they would call for back up. Sure Neteyam could have shot them as he brought the gun along with him, so as not to be completely defenceless, but by that point they had already pushed the emergency button on the control panel, sending warnings anew.
Locking the door to the room once they left, you both didnt waste anytime trying to find out just how many soilders would now be headed straight to this room. Now sitting in the pilots chair, you glanced above you only to see a computer screen desplaying the numbers 2169 in the corner.
"Oh fxck it really is 2169, you weren't kidding"
"See, i wasnt lying. I'm not as reckless as my brother." He laughed before becoming serious once again "Now how do we get this thing off the ground?" He asked you like you had all the answers
"How should i know? Try and find a manual or something"
"The pilots already started it though so cant you just fly it away now?"
"Well if its that easy then why dont you do it?" You scoffed, trying to figure out how to turn on autopilot. Of course you werent going to fly this thing, you had no idea how, you could guide it but autopilot would have to do the rest of the work.
"I thought all humans could fly a spaceship?"
"Of course not! Im sixteen, i cant fly a spaceship!"
"But all na'vi children can fly ikrans already by that age, isnt it like the same thing?!"
You paused for a split second, not knowing wheather to laugh or cry. You wondered if you should try slapping yourself to see wheather or not you would wake up from this absolutely ludicrous dream.
"...NO! When your sixteen you learn how to drive a car. A car! Not a freaking spaceship!"
"Whats a car?!"
"It doesnt matter!!" You shouted, getting off topic
You were both panicing now.
"Cant you do something? Anything?!" Neteyam questioned urgently, now seeing people start to gather outside of the control room door
"Im trying! Do you want us to die?!"
Hesitating, you finally layed your hands down on the steering wheel of the spaceship. You put them at two and ten like you had been taught when learning how to drive a car but the wheel was almost a completely diffrent shape.
"Well were going to either way so we might as well try it now that we've gotten this far." ; Was his reasoning to have you go along with him now that you both were here and in this situation together. A crowd of people gathered at the door now, along with even some avatars who wielded guns strapped to their person.
"Try what?" You asked him, trying to gat him to elaborate
Suddenly Neteyam shoved his much larger hands over your own and pulled up forcefully. Shaking violently, the ship lurched high up into the air and the two of you lunged backwards with the force. You could only imagine what happened to the crowd of people outside the room after that happened, a small smile was etched onto your face in victory but it didnt stay there for long.
Neteyam, not being seated, was almost thrown to the ground had he not been clutching onto your hands on the wheel for dear life. You guessed he really didnt want to die a second time and frankly neither did you. But at this rate you werent sure if all your struggling up till now would end in a fiery spaceship crash.
"I thought you said you weren't as reckless as your brother?!" You shouted over the sound of the spaceship bursting into action
"Desperate times call for desperate measures!" He shouted back with a nervous smile
"Isnt that a human saying?!"
"I dont know, is it?!"
"Wait thats not whats important right now! Is this really the time to be having this conversation?!"
Just then the spaceship stoped traveling upwards and leveled out. A breef second of tranquillity was all it took to make your stomach lurch as the nose of the spaceship tipped towards the waves crashing up against the cliff down below, before it went barrling downwards, the both of you screaming in unison as it went.
Before the both of you ended up dead once again in a head on collision with the ground, you fumbled around once more, soon seeing a little light ding on, indicating you had hit the right button for the autopilot.
Understanding your calling of him instantaniously, Neteyam helped you to pull the nose of the space ship up and away from the crashing waves below.
Soon you both breathed sighs of relief, thanking Eywa or whoever else that you had gotten out of that with your lives and all your limbs still intact.
Mapping out your destination was easy, for whatever reason they already had the co-ordinates of Neteyams home in the spaceship. As you rested, while autopilot took the lead with the flying, Neteyam had time to tell you why that was and everything that happened to his family and the Na'vi people.
You didnt know where you were going to go from here or what you were supposed to do to get home but one thing you were sure of was that you couldnt stay with the humans who were on Pandora. Even if there was a slim to none chance that the Na'vi where you were going would help you that didnt matter.
It wasnt just your own feelings, it was something more than that. You had been feeling it for a while now, since you woke up but you had been trying to ignore it. Your body must have been feeling wierd because of what those scientists did to you. Thats what you had thought but you even had this gut feeling that those scientists had definitely been experimented on you, even though you were asleep the whole time. Why was that? What made you so sure?
And why werent you more scared to be heading to a Na'vi settlement? You were all alone here, that was true but somehow you felt that you werent as well. That something inside of you was trying to calm you, keep you safe, guide you, for whatever reason. Maybe those experiments really had done a number on your body as well as your brain seemingly. Or maybe the adrenalin was making you delusional like how it can block out the pain.
You didnt know what was going on with you, with your family, with this world, with the humans. But you wanted to. You needed answers and for now, this was seemingly the only way to get them. Neteyam told you alot, you bet your life that the others could tell you more. It was another gut feeling to you, was it still a reckless impulse? Probably. For lack of a better word, although if you had a choice that better word you would use would be 'improvisation'.
The blaring sirens had stopped, so did the blinding red lights but the humans at the door did nothing to ease your minds. The avatars contributed to that even less so. You had made it about half way to your destination before you couldnt take it anymore. You had to get away from them and this ship now before they broke down the door.
Setting off the alarms again to give you some cover you both slipped through the vent and made your way to the exit chamber door of the spaceship, although not without a little protest from Neteyam.
"I cant fit through there"
"No time to complain, you'll be fine"
"Okay then stay here and perish, see ya"
*2 minutes later*
"Could you crawl any slower?!" You asked having worked reverse sicology to its finest
"You're the one who made me go through here"
"Thats because your lanky ass didnt wanna be left behind and i will leave you behind if you dont hurry up!" The two of you bickered in an attempt to push things along
With the humans still trying to get into the room behind you, it would not be long before they realised what had happened and came after you both once again.
And that they did, much faster then either of you had expected and so neither of you had any sort of plan. You both now stood with the door to the spaceship wide open, thousands of feet in the air, wind threatening to suck you out down to the watery depths below.
"So...whos going first?"
"Are you right in the head?" He asked in a panic without any parachute or any kind of machine around that would aid in a safe and swift landing
"No, what made you think that?" You retorted completely serious "I did just wake up from being brain dead so what gave you the impression that listening to me was a good idea?"
"Alright, point taken" he sighed in defeat
You heard the hurried footsteps of soilders rush towards you, guns clinking against their uniforms. There was only one option left and you both knew it.
"So....on three?" You shouted towards Neteyam over the wind
A banging on the latched door to the exit chamber you were both in swiftly coerced you into action.
"Three!" You shouted in usison, turning to each other with a nod before running and diving out of the wide open exit of the spaceship. The humans would be left with an unpleasant surprise once they managed to break down the door.
Now hurtling through the sky as the cold wind rushed passed you, you both turned to look back at the space ship.
"We should have done something before jumping, their gonna follow us!" Neteyam shouted over to you
"Dont worry! I got that covered!" You shouted back in reply
"So what did you do?!"
Just then a loud clanging of metal rang out indicating what was previously the spaceship you both were on turning into a fiery explosion of flames.
"That works!"
"Well since i had that one covered, do you have anything that could potentially make us not break every bone in our body when we hit the water?!" You questioned as you were both still free falling
"Maybe?! Whats maybe?!"
Suddenly Neteyam brought his fingers up to his mouth and made a high pitched sound.
"Wait for it!" He shouted
"Wait for wh-?!"
Just then something bigger than you had ever seen before jumped up from the depths of the ocean.
"What the fu-?!"
Before you could say another word, it clamped down and swallowed the both of you whole, diving straight back into the ocean where it had come from, with you both in its mouth.
The first thing you never thought you would do in your life was crawl through a vent three times, the second was getting eaten by a giant sea creature that was about ten times bigger than a whale. Oh and maybe being shot and becoming brain dead and then becoming not brain dead anymore because scientists used your body for experiments. Then being brought to an alien planet, but you were asleep for all of that so this was all definitely wierder.
What could you say? Humor was your coping mechanism, another thing you shared with Jake. And you hadnt been using it enough in this obviously stress inducing situation you were thrust into.
Having been plunged into darkness you struggled with not being able to breath and the salt water stinging your eyes. Soon enough you felt arms around you and you were pulled to the surface of the ocean, seemingly now out of the sea creatures mouth and also no longer falling to your imminent death.
You and Neteyam layed your torsos onto what seemed like a huge piece of debris to catch your breath, now feeling how tired you were as the adrenaline keeping you together left your bodies. That was until the big piece of debris started moving and making clicking sounds and you almost fell back into the ocean when you screamed in fright.
"Its okay! He's friendly!" Neteyam tried to assure you
"He just tried to eat us!"
"He was saving us, i told you i had a way to stop us falling. He's my younger brothers spirit brother, his name is Pakayan"
Pakayan blew water out of one of his many blowholes in response, sprinkling you both in a light rain as if trying to confirm he wasnt a threat.
You let out a nervous laugh "Oh righttt, nice giant whale thingy" you said patting his fin but suddenly as you looked into Pakayans eye you felt an unusually serene calmness come over you
Neteyam let out a chuckle at that "He's a Tulkun, remember i was telling you about them on the ship. About how the humans were after them"
"Oh right they wanted the stuff in their brains" you remebered that converstaion as well as many of the others
"The amrita." He confirmed for you
"Right because it stops humans from...aging..."
"Hey, Neteyam..."
"How..." you stuttered "...How did the humans find out that it stops them from aging...?" You questioned suddenly keenly aware of a certain fact
And with the way the boy next to you eyes widened you knew that he had exactly the same thought pattern as you.
"You dont think..." he started
Something the humans wanted to stop them from aging and a girl whos brain dead body was used for experiments.
A girl who's body didnt age.
In all that time of course she didnt age mentally but being in a comatose state couldnt have stopped her body from aging, especially for fifteen years.
Suddenly the light hearted atmosphere from earlier, of being free from the spaceship and alive, was now replaced with a chilly reality. The sun sunk behind the clouds and the water became dark and grey and murky, dropping a couple of degrees in temperature in the process.
"Y/n-" Neteyam started but a voice in the distance cut him off before he could finish speaking.
In the wide open ocean with seemingly nothing around for miles this caught you both off guard. Hauling yourself up onto Pakayans fin with Neteyam copying your movements you readied yourself for any attack crouching down behind the rest of his body.
Although you made sure to take into consideration that someone who was a threat to the two of you wouldnt announce themselves by calling out like that.
"Hey Pakayan why did you swim off like that?" The voice echoed from not to far away now, the person seemed to be approaching rather fast
But suddenly Neteyam grabbed your arm, stopping you from readying yourself to attack any possible threat.
"What?" You whispered at him
"Its my younger brother" he said with almost a slight tone of anxiety laced in his voice
"The one whos spirit brother this is?"
"That makes alot of sense actually" you reckoned he was nervous to see his brother again, seeing as the last time he probably watched the life drain from his eyes.
You would be too if you ever got the chance to meet either of your brothers again, it was a normal reaction. Although you werent quite sure what to do, especially since you were a human and they were the ones who killed him. His brother might think you were holding him for ransome or something like Neteyam had told you how the humans had done so to his siblings to lure out his father.
All you could do was grab his hand in reasurance and try to pull you both into a standing position on Pakayans fin. You had to briefly hold onto Pakayans body in the process to keep your balance as his fin slightly jostled in the water. You could only hope for the best in this situation.
And when you stood up and finally saw him you also saw that he wasnt alone, there were five others with him. You assumed Neteyams brother to be the one at the front since they were the same shade of blue. He was sat on a much smaller sea creature than Pakayan and behind him a girl with more of a teal blue skin colour sat with her arms around his waist.
Two boys mirroring the girls skin colour rode on two of their own sea creatures side by side, conversing before turning their attention towards us. A girl with the same skin tone as Neteyam rode on her own as well, with a child mirroring her same shade of blue holding onto her shoulders, standing up for a better view.
Silence was all there was for a painful few seconds and you sort of hoped in that moment that the sea would open up and swallow you.
"Oh shit i think im hallucinating"
"Am i the only one seeing him"
"No i see it too"
"Well we cant all be hallucinating together"
"Maybe we got sun stroke"
"We've barely been out for half an hour"
"Maybe we're dehydrated, someone get some water"
"Are they okay?" You whispered to Neteyam
"I cant take any more of this..." he whispered back "Hey skawang~ you're not hallucinating, im really here and alive" he waved turning his attention to his brother
Once again there was silence, then all hell broke lose.
"Oh my god he talked!"
"Why is their a human next to him??"
"Speak apparition"
"He's not dead you idiot"
"How do we know for sure?"
"Somebody slap him!"
"No! No! Definitely do not slap him"
"How much longer do you think this is going to go on for?" You whispered to Neteyam once again
"I'm not sure we might be dead again by the time they stop" he replied
After everyone calmed down Neteyam got to explaining how he was alive, there were tears, there were hugs and there was you standing by yourself wondering if you would ever get to reunite with your family.
"Oh and this-" Neteyam gestured to you "-is Y/n. She's the one who saved me, i probably wouldn't have made it out of that spaceship without her"
Just then you were glad that you had taken off the lab coat you had disguised yourself in when you were in the control room, that would have been a really bad look. Now you were just left in your black top, baggy cargo pants and combat boots, albet now soaked through with salt water.
Even so you felt as if Neteyam had put you under the spotlight when all heads turned in your direction. They seemingly scaned you up and down to see if what their brother and or friend told them was true.
Neteyam continued to speak once again but for your benefit this time. "Y/n, this is my brother Lo'ak-" when he gestured to him you realised you had been right in your previous assumption.
"My two younger sisters, Kiri and Tuk-" You now remebered their names from parts of the stories he was telling you when you were both in the control room of the spaceship.
"And our friends Ao'nung, Tsireya and Rotxo" he finished
He mentioned before that Ao'nung and Tsireya were the children of his new clans leaders Tonowari and Ronal, if you remebered correctly, you should probably be extra careful around them.
"It's nice to meet you all" you greeted as non-threateningly as you could, if that was even a thing
"So you really killed another human to save my brother?" Kiri asked
"Um, yes?" You answered a little caught off guard by the question
"Well i think that says enough" she replied seemingly appeased
"If both my older brother and spirit brother trust you than I will too" Lo'ak agreed
Before long they all seemed to have come to a decision to trust you for the time being after hearing what you had to say and what Neteyam had told them. But they didnt hesitate to make sure you knew that one toe out of line, one hair out of place and they wouldnt hesitate to treat you like a normal human.
Leaving from your standing position on Pakayans back, the others returned to their sea creatures which Neteyam told you they called an ilu. After they mounted them Neteyam took placement behind the Metkayina clan leaders son but not before he guided you over to sit behind the other teal skined boy. He had previously introduced him to you as Rotxo and you quickly noticed he seemed to have a keen facination with you being a human now that you were deemed non-threatening.
However, even so, soon it became apparent that, except for Rotxo, it was alot easier for the Sullys to accept you than the Metkayina kids, this was probably because they had grown up around humans and avatars according to Neteyam.
You wondered if Tommy had ended up being able to go to Pandora if he would have been one of the avatars they grew up around, but it was a useless thought. You had a gut feeling that Tommy was dead and your gut feelings were rarely wrong.
But now with you and Neteyam having come to an unsettling previous realisation another thing became more clear to you, another feeling. That feeling of relax you had felt when you had stared into that Tulkan, Pakayans, eye. How you somehow knew that he wasnt a threat to you, how you could understand the meaning in what his eye was portraying to you.
As well as the feelings that you had been having up till now that somewhat felt out of place. How you hadnt been afraid to go to a na'vi settlement, or how even if you thought Neteyams friends and siblings might lash out at you for being a human you still werent scared of them.
Your feelings that should have been there but werent and were replaced with something else, someone elses feelings. Goosebumps laced your body, you rubbed your arms in an attempt to alleviate them but to no avail.
A sound rang out in the distance as the others laughed and joked and made coverstaion all while making their way back to the place they called home.
The sound grew louder but no body else seemed to notice.
"Does no body else hear that?" You asked
Everybody now turned their attention to you, having been the first time you spoke since splitting from Pakayan and starting the journey home. They didnt speak a word only seemingly listening intently before looks were shared among them.
"I think you might be tired after everything that happened Y/n" Neteyam tried to reason
"No, listen" you urged
They did once again, but it was the same result as the first time, nothing came of it.
"You dont hear that...?" You asked breathlessly
"Hear what?" They questioned
If one stared for too long or too closely at you in that moment, even in the light of the setting sun, they might be able to make out the slight unnatural gold colour around the rims of your irises or the tips and roots of your hair that were not there before. Only if they did they never said so, perhaps that was because the next words that fell from your mouth were enough to strip all of the thoughts from their minds.
"What is it Y/n...?" Neteyam questioned, sounding worried
"The ocean...its crying."
I told you guys that the last part would be a way less bad cliff hanger and that they would only get worse from here MUAHAHAHA 👹
If you guys havent voted on my recent pole (its important to me) pls do here
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@thehoneymushroomhealer @corgicord @lovelyygirl8
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rainbowmewz · 1 month
oomf ur into enneagram stuff right? i have a question, what type would gotham ed specifically fall under? i dont know much about the enneagram but i kindaaaa dont feel like gotham ed is a enneagram five, i cant explain it well but his actions are mopre focused on convincing himself and others hes smart instead of a genuine presuit of knowledge. even if you separate ed and riddler as characters riddler has done the same, there's no logical reasoning for him to think he actually loves Lee but he does convince himself that to feel more smart and not admit she did a mindtrick, same with doing all that for oswald after he saved him too. am i going insane for thinking of them being more likely to be ones or something?????? idk i know most good riddlers are enneagram fives and this is probably from bad bad bad writing but it keeps happening to his character to the point where its kinda ???? to ignore these traits of his, idk ive only gotten into enneagrams recently let me know what you think dawg thats why im asking you
AAA this ask feels so EXCITING to answer! i will preface this by saying 1) i don't know much about enneagram as i do with mbti, but i'll try my best and 2) my basis for this choice was greatly inspired by this comment on gotham ed's personality database page
while 1 is an interesting interpretation, i don't think i can see 1 for either ed or riddler. i personally see ed as a 6, while i see riddler as an 8, 6w7 and 8w7 in specific. i'll be focusing mostly on ed instead of riddler here though
the main defense mechanism for a 6 is projection of feelings, often leading to confusing themselves and their relationships in the process. while 6s aren't devoid of a stable identity, they tend to latch onto others interpretations of them as a means for security. i feel like these character traits of projection are a big part of ed's character. that's how he got caught by jim in season 2 even. the 6s general nature of seeking security fits well into ed's characterization of just wanting a normal stereotypical life with kristen
i see riddler as an 8 because of the 8s desire for control and not being controlled by others. 8s are extremely focused on not showing weakness and vulnerability
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raspbeyes · 1 year
A bit more of a revised opinion on David lol
I did my intial thoughts post a while back but kinda realized that my initial impression was so different than how i see david now.
i pretty sure this has already been said, but yeah David's reveal is not really a reveal of true character but rather feels more like a breakdown in who he is
Now yeah, he definetely has got a flair for the dramatics but honestly, i think it makes sense why david would want to play up his cynical viewpoint to a cartoonish level like we see. But for all of his life, he's been playing a role that it seems he does not believe he actually deserves (as his hidden quote may allude to deep self hatred), so for once, david is truly acting out how he believes he really is
essentially, the reveal was not him being a liar, it was a reveal of how he believes himself to be a liar.
Not to mention ... and maybe this is that same denial i was saying before ep 11 that maybe david has the hopeless child secret but ... his motivation just doesn't add up to me.
His "mask" initially slipped in the prologue where he spoke about wanting to be in bed and not deal with people or wanting to come to hope's peak. Idk about u but that just feels like just being an introvert. Maybe a bit of a bitchy introvert lol but nothing that is a manipulative liar who wants to watch everyone kill each other for ... uhh ... shits and giggles???? I truly feel he is acting the part that his secret is.
So what exactly is his secret referring to as manipulative?? I think i agree with hu when i said its phrasing (For example, arturo does not seem as heartless as his secret ambiguously makes it seem, clearly very affected rather than how the secret implies callousness). I think the secret is really just referring to what his talent is. It is what we all guessed initially: He manipulates people, aka "inspires" them. He may just have the ability to manipulate using his words, but he has so far put that to good use.
But i think david never sees it that way. I recall seeing a few posts commenting how david must feel guilt/grief over the death of xander and arei, since he had gotten close to the both of them before their death. And i think that guilt is being amplified with arei's death:
A lot of people point to David's slip in ep 10 as either a sign of him being a good person or a bad person, as his way of talking can be interpreted as either.
(To recap, those who claim this proves this shows his truly good nature point out that he is truly upset abt the death of arei and he is showing his true distaste for the killer, something he wouldn't have said if he had wanted arei to die and didnt care for her like he said in ep 11. However others can mention how david speaks abt how she was in such a vulnerable state to be killed and his creepy smiling sprite sure doesnt help)
Personally i am leaning on the redeeming side, as i think david feels that arei's death proves why he's such a manipulator. We now know of the conversation (or really only a part of it judging by how arei is never answered) was likely when David first learned of his secret about him being a manipulator. David is completely silent, shuddering and unresponsive. I think that he may have at first viewed Arei as his usual routine of lifting someone up, but when we see arei actually hug him, he is caught off guard. And once he hears arei herself saying she really wanted to change for the better, david may have felt he did one good thing. Only then, arei reveals her knowledge of his secret and David is at a loss. Now, the one person who could have been helped by him now realizes his words are as hollow as he believes. So when arei begs david to respond, he cant seem to muster any words.
So when we see how he talks in ch 10, it is his own guilt and anger at himself combined with his grief to arei's death all muddied together. He had been able to help someone, but its because arei had put herself out there - a positive change he triggered - and got herself killed, david blames himself. After all, he can use people however he wants. So if they become worse off, he believes he is the reason behind it.
personally i want a more redeemable version of david since i just dont believe his supposed motivations. they just dont add up!!! moreover, with it being obvious he is not the killer, david has to now live with a supposed chapter 3 with everyone well aware of his "real" personality, so i wonder how david would feel about now actually being treated like a villain rather than a good person like he has for most his life. It might force him to realize that he might actually not be as bad as he thought he was, so maybe he'll slowly try to work up good faith with the group??? I think David has been trapped between two extremes: His morally good outward persona, and his self hatred making him believe he is irredeamable. So maybe david's development is him learning to gain a more nuanced look at himself :)
Or maybe he'll just die in chapter 3 lol and have an unresolved arc :'))
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princeanxious · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering about your Lost Guardian au from ages ago, do you think you’ll ever plan on updating it and if not, could someone else take up the fic?
So heres the thing. If someone wants to write a fic *inspired* by The Lost Guardian, i’m not gonna stop them, and i’d probably feel super honored so long as the inspiration was correctly credited!
As for ‘taking up the fic,’ the short answer is no.
I have active drafts and the rest of the story already planned out to its finish, notes, even a branch-off fic set post-story that will likely go up on my nsfw blog if i ever get around to editing it. The Lost Guardian hasn’t been abandoned, it’s simply on hiatus. (And yes, i recognize 3 almost 4 years so far is a really fucking long hiatus. The Chapter 9 draft doc was made in december of 2020, and last edited in July 2022)
I started writing that fic whilst still in highschool, a time where I was 17 and didnt have to worry yet about getting my license or maintaining a part time job, i had an over abundance of freetime even partially to my detriment, the fandom was booming and I had plenty of feedback, and this fic was (and still *is*) a story im proud of.
But i’m 22 now, working a full time job to pay rent and account for a number of minor ‘disabilities’(best word i have for them atm) that I cant ignore or push to the side nor treat poorly, from the lasting effects on my body of stunted growth to celiac/glutent intolerance to adhere to that directly determines how easily my body functions for the week, to dealing with glasses i cannot afford to break and taking care of teeth i cannot afford to fix, taking care of my mental health and using the free time i have to do what brings me the most joy at that time.
The sanders sides fandom has heavily quieted down with the season finale hiatus and I’d like to think I did pretty well for going six long years dedicated solely to that without cracking under the silence, because *I knew* when I caved to something else it’d be a long while before I had the drive to come back with any sort of resolution to my active works. Thats just how my hyper fixations work. I cannot focus on multiple at once, it’s too much to process simultaneously and takes away my enjoyment bc I tend to watch/consume things repeatedly to catch every little detail i missed. And it doesn’t help when one loses steam because their content barely breaks 100 notes(80% of which are likes, 15% are reblogs with the occasional comment, and 5% are self-reblogs) when back in the height of it all, a few thousand notes was pretty average interaction. This blog still has about 11.5k followers, almost all of which came from the height of the fandom period. So for now i’ve moved onto the FNAF DCA fandom, bc it is fresh and new to me.
I know you didn’t mean to poke the bear here, I get it, but like.. C’mon. Any other fic of mine likely wouldn’t have gotten the same reaction in full but, still. I’ve had to answer this question a handful of times over the years at the point, which might be why this response feels so charged, and i’m sorry.
I don’t mean to come off as snippy or rude, but it *is* kind of invasive to offer to finish one’s creative work when it’s taking too long and theres very little payback for it. I’ve got adhd, delayed satisfaction isn’t a thing I experience. Just guilt that it wasn’t finished in a way for me to post it in time before I broke and lost all motivation to share it.
In my head, TLG has been long finished and held the ending for years, theres just been no energy to put in the effort of finish writing it for others to read. I’m still trying to get my life together to change that, don’t get me wrong, but the American economy is literally in shambles so who knows how or even if i’ll manage that. Call me selfish for being content with only mentally having my creative story’s ending and a collection of rambles and notes to show for it, but at the end of the day, it’s still my story, and i dont feel comfortable with people trying to ‘take up the mantle’ to finish it, when they don’t know how it ends.
I’m glad you like it enough to want to, though, I really *really* am. I’m just sorry I haven’t been able to finish it for you all. And i just don’t know when that will be, I just know that I *want* to do so, however long it takes.
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lazypanartist · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* I gots a good one for ya.
Rise boys x Reader, once again. The brothers all became friends with Reader after April introduced them and, in all honesty...theyre p inexpressive. Reader has a bad habit of sneaking up on people because of how QUIET they are, even wondering if they simply just...couldnt talk. The boys try to get them to smile or frown or react but it never seems to work.
Turns out? They have SEVERE social anxiety. Basically sociaphobia. They find this out through text. Theyre GREAT at texting. Emojis are great for helping get tones and moods and facial expressions across for them. But anyway Reader eventually comes clean about the severe social anxiety, and how its so...Debilitating at this point. They WANT to make friends, its just that....communication is a nightmare and such a struggle.
This? This kicks our boys into gear! They want to help, theyre DETERMINED. They get that you cant just wish away something like this, and that its not solved in a day, but by golly are they going to help you.
Leo, ever the leader, tries helping Reader with showing their expressions more and opening up in that way. Sure, its mostly done via joking around, but he's gotten shockingly good at picking up your very small (but slowly growing!) facial ticks. Your nose flaring slightly when youre frustrated or upset, teeth grinding or tongue chewing when your anxiety spikes, hes picked up on it all. They all have, granted, but he's on the front lines, he knows you better and better every week.
Donnie helps by getting you set up with apps that have text to speak, and even helps get you better ways of communicating digitally. Struggling to tell everyone how you're feeling? Have no fear, Othello von Ryan has you covered. He's the most laid back about your anxiety. You know you can go in his lab any day and sit quietly to watch. He'll offer tools to help but wont push you to open up. Sometimes, the quiet is nice.
Where Nardo helps you with physically working on expressing yourself, Mikey is exceptional at helping you convey your emotions. Dr Feelings helps you work through your anxiety, helps you ground yourself and begin to relax and, ever so slowly, help you loosen your grip on your voice. Mikey, through writing, text, drawing, whatever, helps you communicate just how you feel, and if you're overwhelmed BY that feeling, he's 100% helping you work through it.
Raphael? Raphael didnt think he'd have, what he considers the hardest job, but its certainly difficult. Working on you ACTUALLY communicating verbally is ROUGH. You struggle getting sounds out, and your stutter is awful, but he comforts and soothes and encourages you to take your time, he's in no rush. Even of you're struggling with giving a simple answer of "yes" to a question bc you froze up, he never pushes or makes you rush. Take your time, and if you find yourself just unable, he lets you opt out and write.
and then, one day, you were in the lair.
It was a rather relaxed day Donnie was messing with his phone, texting you memes occasionally between bickering with April. Leo was draped upside down on the couch, reading. Mikey had brough an art project out in the tv room, wanting to share the space with you all. Raph was watching some old cheesy horror movie, wincing here and there as zombies lurched and growled.
and then
...they heard it.
It was tiny. Small. Delicate but gravelly from lack of use.
It was small and quiet, but the four heard it loud and clear.
"Th-tha-ank yo-you..."
They all snapped their gazes over to reader, who had shy, somwhat awkward but oh so very THEM smile pulling at their lips.
And the boys never felt more proud of your months of hard work.
Aww!!! Not quite nursing to health, but this feels like fundamentally the same trope.. months and months of tlc to get you to a better place than before, all because they love you 💕
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plural-culture-is · 11 months
i fear that i may be a system in denial or something along those lines.
for years of my life, ive struggled with three voices in my head, dissociation, derealization, depersonalization, way-too-over-the-top delusions, hallucinations here and there, and never feeling like who im supposed to be. a few months ago, i thought that it could have to do with undiagnosed schizophrenia or some type of schizo-related disorder (because of the delusions and hallucinations). but recently, ive noticed that these things are all getting worse.
there are more voices. its no longer just the three. and i feel like i should know these voices, even though i dont. they're still strangers to me.
my struggles with dissociation, derealization, and depersonalization have gotten worse---especially the derealization and depersonalization.
my main delusion has been growing stronger and stronger, becoming more and more severe. (though the strength of it tends to vary, so...)
nothing's gone on with the hallucinations. at least, i dont think so. i haven't been paying attention.
and my feelings of never feeling "right" or "correct" have gotten so much stronger. i cant go ten minutes without thinking, is this who i really am? am i faking who i am? if im faking my identity, who am i really? why dont i know who i truly am? will i ever learn who i truly am? am i the only one who cant figure out who they are? why do i never feel like im my true self? why do i always faking who i am? how do i act like my true self? does my true self even exist at this point? and et cetera.
i dont think im a system. i dont want to be a system. i dont want to be plural. i already struggle enough with my neurodevelopmental and physical disabilities. i already struggle enough my mental health and with trauma. i dont need the struggles of having did or osdd or something related. i dont want the struggles, either.
but the more and more i research did for my system character in one of my books, i find more that i can relate to. as i mentioned earlier, i used to think that i might be schizophrenic due to my delusions and hallucinations. but just the other day as i was doing more research about did for my character, i found out that its possible for systems and plurals to often struggle with those things. and my brain went down a deep rabbit hole, like, well fuck shit balls, could i possibly be plural? did my trauma fuck me up that much???
as i went down that rabbit hole, i realized that i dont remember a lot of my childhood. i remember a few specific memories, most of which are either traumatic or just funny memories that ive told as stories numerous times. other than that, i know next to nothing. i also have times where i cant remember shit about anything. my name, my age, my address, what schools ive gone to, what school i go to now, what i did ten hours ago, what i did five seconds ago, et cetera. ive also noticed that im constantly remembering those things wrong. "how old are you?" someone could ask. "im thirteen years old," ill say, then correct myself, "no, wait, im x years old." ive even said that im seven years old when im in fact much older than that. people could ask me, "what's your name?" and ill answer with something that's not my name. could be a nickname from school, a nickname from the many summer camps ive gone to, my pen name for my books, or a random name in general. and there are so many examples that i could give.
back to my doing research stuff for my character, i was going through one website when i found an infographic. it was a simple thing; just five common symptoms of dissociative identity disorder. it listed...
~ inability to remember large portions of your childhood
~ out-of-body experiences, hallucinations, and/or flashbacks
~ suicidal thoughts or self-harm
~ differences in handwriting and changing levels of functioning
~ episodes of memory loss
if i dont experience them now, ive experienced all of them before. the first one, i just mentioned. the second one happens all of the fucking time. the third one happens on a daily basis. the first half of the fourth i haven't really noticed, but the second half is very true. and i just talked about the fifth one.
i dont know if i just have some type of dissociative disorder or im just crazy. but i cant get it out of my head that i might be a system or a system in early development. (dont really know how to explain what i mean by "in early development," but ill try to: what i mean is that im in the early developing stages where dissociation starts happening frequently and alters start forming, but switches arent possible yet.) that or ive been forcing myself---if i am plural and in denial---to act like a normal person, just like ive been doing with autism and adhd.
do you have any advice on how to figure out if im a system or not??? i dont have access to a therapist or psychologist due to my parents not believing in mental illness and things like that.
sorry, we've just stopped accepting am I plural asks, so this one goes out to the public
also, here's our resources for questioning systems
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kosmic-arts · 7 months
It is Once Again Time To Complain About Things That Don't Matter
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358/2 days is definitely one of the better written kh games, but don't let that fool you. its not like the bar was very high to begin with (i am only partially joking).
i love days, but there is so much wasted time and space in that game. i despise how much characters fainting, falling asleep, having amnesia, and gotdamn brainblasts, are constantly used as plot devices because the writers don't know how to organically move characters along to the next plot point(this goes for all of kh, not even just days). the entire novelty of days is getting to play on the bad guy's side while getting an intimate look at all the cool badass org members, and yet you hardly get to know any of them over the course of the game. barely any time is taken to flesh them out, which is a complete travesty btw, and even axel- who is one of the major supporting characters- ultimately takes a backseat to roxas and xion's emotional angst. its good emotional angst, but theres no reason for it to overwhelm the entire game. and honestly, even roxas himself takes a backseat to xion's even bigger emotional angst! roxas hardly gets to know who or what he is, whats going on, or what for. roxas is a complete passenger, and as time goes on i struggle to see the value in that, even if it does feed into the overall themes of his story and his own emotional angst.
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because, look: xion was a passenger as well; she had no choice in her situation, only the illusion of one that riku offered her. and yet, she still was allowed a moment of agency. roxas tried to do the same after xion's death by going to kill the organization(which frankly, he could've killed every last one of them- get real), riku stops him and refuses to explain or reason with roxas to get him to consider another way. riku just proceeds to taunt him. whwhy i find it hilarious that riku took pity on xion because she reminded him of kairi, but the guy who's literally his best friend's nobody whom he is currently fighting to save-... he acts like a bitch to, and refuses to give him any of the same consideration that he gave to the girl. what the fuck is that
what is with the complete and utter disrespect of roxas in his own game- >>specifically<< by the people who should be his allies. remember that bit at the end of days where roxas is about to leave and confronts axel for answers, and practically pours his heart out begging axel to help him?? axel refuses to tell him who sora is and that he’s sora’s nobody, etc. ok.. maybe he’s afraid of getting shot by the organization because it’s classified information. no, fuck that. its a major part of axel’s character is that he puts his own desires and wants before his job or duty. and! he also cares a great deal about his friends, even above his own wellbeing. he helps xion escape the organization when he was on that mission with xigbar. he didn’t even have an excuse to protect himself when xigbar interrogated him for letting xion go- axel could’ve gotten shot then and there for helping the traitor. he straight up put his neck on the chopping block for xion’s sake.
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so then, why now with roxas, does he refuse to do anything at all to help him? he’s done shit before like lie to roxas in a vain attempt to make him happy- axel cares about him! he wants to help him, especially when hes sad- and in this final moment, roxas is in complete despair. axel could’ve very easily been like “well i cant tell you,, but maybe some other guy could… uh idk his name starts with an R”. god almighty it would’ve been so easy to just nudge roxas in a direction while still covering for himself if he was still worried about that. but no, completely out of character, axel just abandons roxas to possible execution(of which he would likely be the one to carry out) by the org for rebelling, without even giving roxas the slightest lifeline to find the answers that he deserves.
man i just lost the entire topic going on an whole ass side tangent…. what even was the topic to begin with idk im complaining about days. i'll proceed with a spicy hot take! get ready. when xion died, all memory and evidence of her existence shouldn't have been erased. yes. as depressing of an idea as it is- like, her friends aren't even allowed the luxury of cherishing her memory when she's gone, i think we all know why it was a bad move in the long run. xion getting wiped from existence was a poorly veiled excuse to avoid having to explain why nobody talks about her in other games- while also just straight up being able to get away without really mentioning 99% of what happens in 358/2 days to begin with. even as a kid i knew this was shit and i still think it's shit now, and the fact they had to pull a memory wipe trick like this is even more proof that the writers of kh are absolutely abysmal at tying their stories together or thinking ahead at all. or more like, they shot themselves in the foot daring to implement important plot details into spin-off titles in the first place. chain of memories started this trend, and even that game had to pull the memory wipe trick at the end of the game so as to not stunt players who didn't happen to own both a ps2 and a gba.
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its a really asinine trend that has indisputably ruined kh with each installment. like, you can't be serious. in order to understand the main villian's(xehanort) motivations, i have to play 2 games and a casino, to have a full understanding as to why this old fuck wants to blow everyone up. for the longest time, i didn't understand why xehanort was concocting this decade long masterplan to attain kingdom hearts, UNTIL i happened upon the kh wiki. this is so sad you cant make this shit up you can figure out within the space of kh1 why ansem wants kingdom hearts. he's a power hungry mad scientist that went batshit insane in pursuit of knowledge. a classic victor frankenstien-esque character archetype. its so easy! I understood that without issue even as a child. too bad they couldn't just do that again with the next major villian! tbf, even xemnas' goals were extremely simple-...... until they added in the bit where he was lying to the entire org about them not having hearts or the ability to feel and yadayada... what was he trying to accomplish with that stunt again? don't get me started how stupid xemnas lying is. you've gotta be shitting me. like, are you saying that intelligent scientists like zexion and vexen wouldn't figure out such an obvious lie? what about lexaeus? luxord? really?? these aren't stupid people. at least one of them would have figured it out. would've been a good opportunity to give marluxia a reason to have been trying to pull a coup(besides wanting power???) because he figured out xemnas was a manipulative fuck and marluxia decided to take initiative and overthrow him. i love marluxia, but damn, the entire time i was playing com i had no idea what the fuck his motivations were.. why does he want to take over the organization... was that ever mentioned? …huh
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but wait wait, i just went on another massive side tangent. i want to go back to talking about xion. i would've much preferred if we got to see moments of roxas and axel struggling to come to terms with losing one of their only friends. like, how would axel handle being completely powerless to save her, and frankly unable to even be there in her final moments? maybe he would've turned on the organization much sooner, because how could he ever continue working for the group that split him apart from the 2 people that really matter to him. that'd be interesting. roxas could eventually cool down, and simmer into a depression AND NOT GET THROWN INTO A SHITTY SIMULATION BECAUSE RIKU SHOULDVE BEEN NICER TO HIM. huh what- and maybe roxas might feel inclined to give up, but meeting with namine could be some reassurance to him because she tells him all that stuff about how he won't disappear and there's hope for nobodies like them!! honestly, just seeing the characters having to grapple with the pain of their past and actually talk about it instead of vaguely wincing about things they feel but can't remember would've been so much better. i get it, it's a mildly entertaining trope- characters suffering emotional wounds they don't remember receiving, or acting in strange ways in deference to old traditions they can no longer recall... yeah i get the appeal, but it doesn't make for a very strong story in the long run, especially with an event as major as xion's sacrifice. why can't characters be allowed to grow from their past and have character development. i like it when a character's history influences them in meaningful ways that isn't entirely superficial.
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heck man, idk. you get the point. days is full of amazing ideas and has a fantastic premise, but like all things in kh, it struggles to hold up as soon as you examine it with the barest amount of scrutiny. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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sapphic-agent · 8 months
Take your time to answer this but...on the intership arc...I have some things to say. I will listed it
1) ok so all eyes are on Sports Festival (more than Olympics suuuure) and Izu got, if I'm not wrong, #4 that should be amazing in itself considering he was from no big name family.
2) yet...all heroes saw Izu being "unhinged" and has a quirk that has a severe draw back(I want to inject here: it doesnt make sense for ofa to do this. "There an explanation" sure it has, but the explanation feels off...why not give a timelimit? "Izu you can only use 5% of your quirk for x time for a year as his body is getting used" this could open room to show how creative Izu can be) and no one wants to mentor him...and I ask here: so the point was to showcase your abilities on TV and hope the agencies like you? Winning is secundary)
3) If the whole thing is true...why bk got a mentor? Ah yes Beast Jeanist wanted to help him...why? Why he got a mentor who wants to help him and Izu...is saddle with Nighteye?
4) it makes me think...why make a show if the goal is to impress agencies? Sure could have a way to impress in other hands. I mean yeah the trope "time to combat" and blabla but it feel is unfair to a lot of kids...and if is by design than why ua is consider a good or the best school ever?
5) finally, what anyone learns in those interships? I ask bc Izu only learns to feel worse. Ochako learns one fight moviment (Never forget the panel where she was like "you won't fight quirkless" to Izu) and #girlboss and nothing. Really nothing. Does the intership advance their carrers...when they graduated people will hire them quickly based on their resume?
Its just the intership arc and Sport Festival arc should feel they are united but really arent. Izu didn't got one bc of his performace...he had to ask for one chance ....with creepy.
(AM is the biggest hero and cant ...help Izu intern in a nice place? "Ah but Izu wouldn't want that?" AM is the master and should be doing all on his best to make sure Izu suceed. But he trust on UA, unclear why, and does nothing )
To conclude: what is UA as academy if they do such Sport Festival and only.the fewer are reward by this? Excluding bk bc hori loves him.
You're right that Izuku got 4th place! He tied with Shiozaki, Mina, and Kirishima. It's unfair that they got plenty of internship offers and he only got one. It's weird because it's not like your intern reflects poorly on your agency. They're only there to learn and observe. It's also odd that a flaw in how Izuku uses his quirk is scrutinized, but Bakugou's behavior isn't. After seeing the absolute temper tantrum he threw at the Sports Festival, you would think he wouldn't have gotten so many offers. Izuku can learn how to control his quirk, but Bakugou's rotten attitude is another story.
I agree that winning should be secondary! The Sports Festival contributes to the toxic hero society of MHA. Though the reason that he can only use certain amounts of OFA is because his body can't handle all of it and he couldn't understand how to regulate it. Remember, it holds the strength of all 8 holders, All Might could only use it at 100% with all the muscles he had in his prime. And before that, he immediately understood how to get his body to regulate how much of OFA he was using. He probably wouldn't have been able to use 100% until he was at least 25-30. That's actually why I like that instead of pure strength, Izuku gets the other holders' quirks. It matches him better, I think, especially Blackwhip, Smokescreen, and Float. But them being turned off because he's "unhinged" makes no sense, Endeavor is (or was at the time) the #2 hero.
Well, Izuku got Gran Torino for his internship who was probably the best mentor he could have gotten. I actually like that Bakugou got Best Jeanist because he was the only one who genuinely wanted to correct Bakugou's behavior (even though it should have been more focused on his behavior than his style, but it's more than Aizawa ever did). He seemed to be the only one who actually saw an issue with the way Bakugou acted too.
I'll be honest, I think the only reason that UA is a good school is because of the prestige of their alumni. Namely, All Might and Endeavor. It's easy to be considered the best when the alumni are literally the best in the country. I'm confident most of the top 10 were also UA graduates (it doesn't say for most pros). I'm also pretty sure they get the most funding, they built entire dormitories in like 3 weeks.
I wouldn't say the internships were for nothing. They were only there for like a week(?), but Izuku did learn how to regulate OFA and learned the basis for his movement. That's quite an accomplishment. Uraraka didn't learn a lot, true, but she did learn the gist of the basics. Once you learn that, it's easy to build off of it. Would be nice if we saw her sharpening that skill, but whatever.
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kindestegg · 8 months
okay heres the thing. you guys have GOT to stop reading every poll as "WEEEE HIGHEST NUMBER WINS" because while that may work for actual polls that have the goal of electing the highest number, many of them are used as surveys.
and you cant apply that same logic to a survey type poll bc the results are almost ALWAYS going to be distributed over the different options. no that poll about how old were you when you first got drunk is not a sobriety sweep. most of the people who answered it HAVE gotten drunk, but its so divided over all of the age categories that it makes the "never got drunk" option the highest one by default. but if you add up the numbers of all of the people who answered it did happen, you would STILL get a higher number than the sober people.
same goes for that "never went clubbing" poll. actually, over half the people who answered that did go clubbing at some point in their lives, but because the results are, again, spread over their frequency of attendance, it gives the impression the 45 ish % of people who never went is the highest number. even though, by basic math, we should all know 45 is less than half.
not sure where im going with this tbh i guess its just a pet peeve of mine
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cripple-culture-is · 11 months
hi! ive a question about cripplepunk and physically disabled.
the past two years, ive had a lot of really serious injuries that all resulted in permanent damage. there's permanent damage in both of my ankles, one of my knees, one of my thumbs, both of my wrists, and one of my elbows. because of that, i have a lot of braces for when anything flares up, which can happen at any minute. when i move out and have the money, im planning on buying many different mobility aids to assist in movement because moving is hard due to the damage.
ive also been constantly in pain my entire life, especially as ive gotten older. i suspect that its some kind of chronic fatigue disorder, but im not certain. (slight possibility that its just autistic burnout that i cant treat due to an unsupportive family.) some days are really good while some days downright suck and, if i had the ability to, won't leave my bed.
ignoring the chronic pain part since i dont know what its cause is, would all of the permanent damage be considered physically disabled? (if you need more details about what the damage is and how it causes problems, just let me know.) ive been wondering about this for a while now with no answer because all of the rules are kinda vague-
Honey (meant in a gender neutral way), I don't need to know the damage to tell you that you ARE physically disabled.
I don't need to know about the chronic pain (though the chronic pain would potentially be a qualifier all on its own).
Non-physically disabled people DON'T need mobility aids to live their lives at their fullest. Now yes, those with injuries/temporary physical disabilities can and DO use mobility aids during their recovery. However, they don't consider buying them for their long term health, like you seem to be.
If you need braces and potentially a mobility aid to live your life to the fullest, the way you WANT to live it, then you ARE physically disabled. Point blank period. You belong here.
Non-disabled people don't need mobility aids long-term. They don't need braces. They don't talk about 'flare ups' because in most cases, they don't even know what a flare up is.
You have permanent joint damage. You use braces. You are considering getting a mobility aid and seemingly having it long-term. You are physically disabled, even if no doctor or anyone has said as such. And honestly, with the permanent damage, if you live in the U.S., you could probably even get an accessible parking permit for your disability.
But you ARE physically disabled.
I said in a previous submission that I am not the authority on who's disabled and who is not. But this is an instance where there is no doubt in my mind that you are physically disabled. And if I can help you understand that part of yourself, I will 🙂
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the-faketiccit0by · 1 year
MONTY AND LUNAR AU (Sorry didn't mean to yell) So effectively Lunar isn't made of nano goop Right? He gets hurt, badly, Falling off the catwalk in gator golf. Monty effectively looses their shit, all sense of reasoning goes out the fucking window, So they take parts off of Sun, Moon, Bloody, hell, Even eclipse (who doesn't have the star at this point in time) and Rebuilds Lunar. Suns eye shoved into Lunars damaged socket, Moons leg replacing the mangled mass of plastic and metal, Bloodmoons hands, and A few of Suns rays to cover some particularly bad gashes all along Lunars face. Monty removes every reflective surface they have, covers Lunars 'new' limbs up with gloves and Longer pants as well as a shirt that Lunar couldn't take off and tells Lunar that his new limbs are sensitive so it would be safest to keep the clothes on. Lunar eats it up because why would Monty lie to him? Eventually Lunar meets Foxy who is, rightfully, concerned about Lunars state and asks what happened to his face. Lunar doesn't know what Foxy is talking about and before Foxy can go get a mirror hes dragged off by Monty and sternly told that if he so much as breaths a word about Lunars new... accessories Monty will slowly break him down and use him for parts. Lunar goes back to the daycare to look for his brothers, then Panics when he cant find them, Calls for the Computer who wont answer then runs back to gator golf in hopes that Monty Is also there. Monty assures Lunar that his brothers will turn up soon. Every time Lunar find out about his condition and what exactly happens to his brothers, Monty removes the memory (They don't want Lunars Mind completely gone) effectively resetting this morbid game, Lunar finds out once again, and is quickly told by Foxy to not go running to Monty about it. It then becomes a race against time to figure out where the star is, and how Lunar can fix everything before Monty finds out and resets Lunars memory's again. Eclipse has been humbled enough to help as well (also peeved by Monty's actions) and wouldn't mind a whole redo on the big brother role. Earth is (obviously) still intact and helps kinda knock Monty down, trying to figure out where exactly they are keeping the star and how she can prevent this from happening again. All while keeping Monty out of the loop on whats going on, they daycare's still being running as well and Its much harder when your 3ft tall and you and your sister have little to no experience dealing with the whole daycare by yourself, Sun had split apart the daycare lists and children evenly among the three of them, and now both were trying to juggle their tasks and Suns while the Moon, Sun, and the Bloodmoon twins are MIA.
I'm going to be writing this soon on ao3, after I'm done with my current story I just wanted another persons thoughts on it.
Damn I don't think I've gotten something in my inbox this big... Congrats sir/madam/person you get the crown 👑👑👑
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endless-season · 2 months
3,9,10,17 for orv meme (shhh lets pretend i go here)
ORV Ask Game
3. do you have a favourite quote?
9. any popular thing in the fandom you love?
The trio being idiots - bonus points for HSY+KDJ ganging up on YJH.
KimCom sharing a big house post epilogue!
Cute 999 family art
Ngl, Secretive Plotter hissing at YJH still makes me laugh.
Seeing new readers' live reactions of certain arcs hehehe.
10. any popular thing in the fandom you cant stand?
Idk if it counts as popular, but romantic HSY x YSA. Idk if its cause I'm ace inclined or cause I'm just not as interested in YSA, but eh. Also sometimes feels like the times where people ship something to shove off the third chara in a trio.
17. any controversial takes?
Every so often there are some very loud ppl in the fandom going "Omg OP thinks ABC is XYZ and asking if FGH is a ship, urgh they're such idiots, they don't deserve ORV, that's not the point of ORV, ORV should never get / should never have gotten an adaption otherwise we'll get people like this".
The people you're complaining about literally has not read the novel so maybe stop being an asshole and expecting them to magically know everything. Let them be excited about ORV. Let them make incorrect guesses about ORV in peace. People enjoy different things, let them be instead of all this toxic gatekeeping nonsense. Grow up. /rant
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antiradqueerguy · 3 months
will try and keep this as brief as possible,
but, as someone who used to be VERY close with ciel and his girlfriend and was there a couple months back when something happened between them (a more major event, there'd been smaller events i'd witnessed but this was a bigger one i'd prefer to keep private for well, to respect their privacy lol) and i mainly hung out with his girlfriend after that event, cause i basically hated him, but she's genuinely unwell without him, i cant go into much detail there either, but basically, you are allowed to feel concern (this does not mean pitying or condemning either party), i mean its not a "typical" dynamic, i've 100% felt that concern (minus the pitying (there was a little condemning ill admit)), but even when i did, my first response when that event happened was "will you be alright", at the time i didnt really know what to do when she said she would be fine, but i trusted her and helped her look further into things, and after a bit (like literally 2 days iirc), she basically vanished (she came back 1 day to hand me ownership of a couple servers and give me a little insight of where she'd been and get updates on what had happened while she was gone, and then deleted her account) (i AGAINNN CANT GO FURTHER INTO THIS), but basically i no longer have contact with either of them (unsure if i'd wish to since that's scary (FOR MY OWN REASONS)) but, unless there were truly something you could do for either of them (there isn't) i think they should be left alone, i mean if this were any "typical" abusive relationship has it ever helped to do things like this?
basically; if the 500 people dming samson have gotten nowhere and this whole situation has served to make HER as the "victim" feel upset, what good are you truly doing, condemning and playing hero in a relationship that has nothing to do with anyone but the two of them, i've seen more than all of the people commenting on this and i can wholeheartedly say now (past me would look at me, mouth agape) that this is the best course for the both of them, ciel used to be alot worse, while that may not mean anything to you guys, this situation could be alot worse than you're making it out to be, especially when both parties have said time and time again that they're okay, with that in mind, what are you all hoping to accomplish with this?
(this is a genuine question and a bit of insight from someone who'd gotten to know the two of them)
howdy doo,
So to answer your question, "what are you all hoping to accomplish with this?"
kind of nothing? i mean your view on the situation is very very very different than mine, and It's always good to have context, I'm not trying to play hero, I'm not a keyboard warrior or something, I'm just some dude on the internet pointing out something which in my own personal opinion and biased knowledge it is something that i view as wrong,
I will not be able to change samson or ciel, and I have no motivation to do so, even when both party's say they are okay and happy, there will still be outside conflict, between maybe some angry mother in law, or some asshole on the internet, or the literal police,
what i have viewed from my outsider monocle and what has been posted publicly and what i have heard from anons, i view as negative,
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cracks knuckles. so, been just trying to gauge overall reception with this, but what are your thoughts on the fan made return to the bunker episode? i’ve noticed glowing reviews from people who vaguely describe it—hit the character vibes right, jokes were cool, i liked the art, etc, but scathing ones from people who go more into detail—stan would never be this explicit in his desperation, ford was never this outcast or terrified of himself/others nor did he consider dipper as below, the entire thing was misogynistic, etc. so, what’s your opinion?
i did say i wasnt going to talk/reblog anymore posts about return to the bunker, but ill answer this anyway
i feel its kind of important to say right off the bat that i never finished the episode and i certainly dont intend to. i never even got to one of the b plot scenes with stan and dipper. i stopped around the bit where they got into the bunker and ford started trying to warn them about the shapeshifter. the clearly-not-ford-ness radiating off of 'ford' was too much to ignore and i couldnt finish it
anyway- what was good about the episode? well, the art and voice acting, for sure. during the first part, it also seemed like they had gotten the characters down pretty well and i thought some of the jokes were good.
in the first part.
and then mabel comes in. this is around the time real ford goes missing and fake ford shows up. no there arent two fords in the actual episode, its just that the difference between them is stark enough that theyre completely separate entities in my mind. anyway
i noticed that the sweater thing was weird to a lot of people. glad im not the only one that was extremely confused by the guy wearing a sweater saying it was too hot to wear a sweater. maybe it was meant to be a joke? it really just came off as ford trying to make excuses not to wear mabel's sweater.
which- its not like him not wanting to wear the sweater cant coexist with him liking mabel. maybe its a situation where he doesnt want her to see all his scars, or maybe he doesnt want it to get ruined when he goes to beat the shit out of the hawktopus (since yknow that was kinda the whole point of him being outside)
the point im trying to make here is that it really seems like the episode is just trying to paint ford as unreasonable and not liking mabel. speaking of which-
the way ford treats mabel is uncharacteristic. the first time we ever see ford smile in the show is when he's meeting mabel. he literally says 'i like this kid, she weird!', why are we acting like he doesnt like her?? genuinely confused. who looks at the way he was treating her in the episode and goes 'yeah fords just like that'?
sorry, anyway, last thing i have to say-
the entire bit where theyre making their way through the bunker struck me as a bit odd. it sorta felt like the episode was trying to make a joke out of ford and his wariness about the place? hes trying to guide mabel and some other kids he barely knows through the place, theyre rushing ahead (which cant be good for his paranoia), and for some reason when theyre getting close to shifty and hes trying to warn them its framed as him being melodramatic?
shifty locked his friend in a cabinet and pretended to be said friend so it could catch a look at the creatures in ford's journal and start transforming into them. i think hes allowed to be a bit cautious/afraid about meeting shifty again
and some bonus stuff ive heard about below:
ive heard that ford wipes their memories with the memory gun. he was a victim of it (implied or directly stated multiple times- who wants to bet hes got brain damage from that?) and he struggled so much to use it on stan in a situation where it was necessary to keep the world from ending. no, theres no way ford could just hit them with it like that
ive also heard fiddleford shows up and ford is weirdly antagonistic to him? 'im sorry fiddleford' is a phrase running through ford's mind on the constant for over thirty years and his first reaction to seeing fiddleford again is to apologize to him and assume he hates him. according to the journal, he actually mentioned to everyone else in the shack that he was wondering what happened to fiddleford. its implied he did that several times.
i dont have anything else to say and i dont know how to end this so. thats all. thank you for the ask and sorry if anything i said here sounded aggressive at all. not my intention.
uh moral of the story: i didnt like it :(
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