#its heating up omgomgomg
tzoiiann · 6 months
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ Dazai Osamu x Fem!Reader
synopsis: you and dazai always agreed on one thing; not to get feelings involved whenever you had your certain encounters. but, did you really keep your word?
tw: brief mentions of sex, friends with benefits, eventual fluff, dazai being down bad, non-sexual nudity, dazai being a boobs guy change my mind
notes: OMGOMGOMG FIRST FIC?!?! hope you enjoy reading it because i spent a lot of time on it </3
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔
in your eyes, dazai osamu had always been a human riddle. what was really hidden behind that signature smirk he always flashed waitresses at cafes? what was his past like? just who was he? these questions would always remind you that you had half a mind about your little encounters with him. you knew for a fact that he worked as a detective in the armed detective agency, but what about in the past, how in the world did he make ends meet?
those exact thoughts were running through your head the moment you caught your breath after coming down from your high. you faced the ceiling with a blank stare, your eyes struggling to focus. taking one last breath, you turned to look at dazai who was surprisingly in the same state as you; his gaze hazy, his hair having turned into a complete mess from the intensity of it all and droplets of sweat running down his the side of temple and on the pillow. you silently stared at him, contemplating whether you should strike up a conversation or just wait for him to speak up himself. you decided on the former, the buzzing of your ears making the silence deafening.
“..uhm, are you alright? let me go get you a glass of water, or something.”—“hm? no need to ‘bella, ’m fine.” he let out a quiet giggle at that, his hand coming up and resting over his eyes as he let out a deep exhale. you merely blinked at him, unsure of what else to say, so you simply sat up on the bed, looking over to the pile of clothes left on the floor. you made an attempt to get up and gather your clothing when suddenly, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist and forcefully pull you towards its direction. you fell back on the bed with a grunt, looking over at dazai with a puzzled expression. his expression however, in contrast to yours, was nothing but innocent, seemingly harmless and only intended for good. but you knew for a fact that ‘dazai osamu’ and ‘good’ should never be in the same sentence. your eyes narrowed in suspicion, but quickly softened the moment you locked gazes. you noticed the afternoon sun casting upon his eyes, giving them the softest honey-like hue you’d ever seen in a person. your eyebrows furrowed as you kept looking at him dumbfounded, not realising you’d given him the most adorable look he’d seen in a while.
“what?” you spoke up, now genuinely confused on why he did that in the first place. his gaze shifted from yours, his eyes closing as he gave you that same signature smirk, however, this time, it was more genuine and soft. “i ripped your clothes off of you, ‘donna, what are you trynna’ retrieve?” you look at him blankly, your jaw dropping slightly as you did in fact remember him ripping your clothes to shreds in the heat of the moment, and due to his impatience. you let out a deep sigh, burying your face into your hands as you let out a loud groan. “are you fucking kidding me!? am i supposed to go out wearing what!- a cardboard box!?”—“don’t worry your pretty little head, just wear one of my shirts or somethin’. you’re tiny anyway, you’ll fit in it just fine~” he put on his sing-song voice for the last part, the same voice that made the corner of your eyes twitch every time he used it. you remained silent, maybe using his shirt as a makeshift dress wouldn’t be a bad idea right? right? “…” you blinked at him, exhaling through your nose “fine, whatever.” you got up from the bed, gathering your undergarments that were piled up on the floor, slipping them on quickly before walking over to the closet and opening. you glanced around it. finally, a white button-up shirt caught your interest. that could work, you thought, it was simple enough.
you put his shirt on, working your way up with the buttons. to no surprise, it was painfully oversized. the bottom of the shirt reached in between your upper and mid thigh, and it hanged incredibly low on your collarbone. you let out a sigh before shifting it on your body a bit, letting it hang off one of your shoulders and call it a day. the sunlight of the midday was casting upon you, with the shirt being practically transparent every curve of your body could be seen clearly. yet, the highlight of it all was your perky nipples that poked oh so obviously through the white shirt. as you were caught up in your thoughts, you noticed that dazai had been quiet for a while now. wondering what in the world could he be plotting again, you turned around to face him. you were expecting to be met either with a smirk or a whistle from him, but to your surprise, you were met with a pair of big, brown eyes that were looking you up and down in an adoring way. your eyebrows furrowed at that, arms crossing as you stared back at him with a puzzled look.
“you’re staring.” you pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone, your eyes never leaving his as you waited for an explanation at last. dazai merely blinked at you, a small chuckle leaving him as he rolls his eyes in an exaggerated way. “no i’m not.” and as you expected, you were met with his signature smirk. nonetheless, this time it was more soft and raw, more genuine. you shook your head at that, too fed up with him lying straight into your face. “then your eyes are stuck, maybe you need a firm uppercut to recover.” you replied in a voice full of mockery, your eyes never leaving his. lastly, he let out the faintest of a scoff as she fully turned to face you, his gaze intense. “can’t help it, angel. you’re too pretty not to be stared at.”
you paused at that. sure, you were used to getting a few subtle compliments from him here and there, but being called pretty? your eyebrows furrowed significantly, your lips forming into a frown. a mere comment made it obvious that he was into you that way. you gulped and let out a small sigh. you froze even more the moment you remembered your agreement: just fuck buddies, no feelings involved. the agreement you had to painfully suck up and push your feelings away for just for his sake. you remained silent, the suffocating pressure on your chest becoming heavier by the second. no, this had to stop. morally, making love is done only in between lovers, thus the name. but you? you were not even close to being classified as it. each interaction with anyone would either be considered a relationship, a friendship or nothing. you were nothing. nothing to each other, nothing to the relationship. you were just a blank space floating around in a universe full of love. after gathering your thoughts, you decided to break the silence by finally speaking up, your voice shaky.
“no- shut up, shut the fuck up. we are not lovers, we are nothing. you have no right to call me pretty when i’m a borderline stranger to you. if you want us to be something, then it’s exclusively a relationship.” you saw his grin drop the moment you spoke in a firm voice. you took a moment to think before speaking up again. “i’m tired of this, dazai. i cannot handle just being manhandled like a ragdoll in a fucking sex position like it’s the only thing i’m good for. i don’t even remember the last time you said something nice to me for anything other than my appearance, like the supposed friend you are. maybe that’s all i am to you a domesticated whore.” you remained silent after that, nervously biting on your lip as you leaned your back against the closet door. you stared back into his now slightly widened eyes. you cursed yourself for the fluttering feeling in your heart and the heat burning into your cheeks every time you gazed at him, it was ironic considering the words you had spat out a few seconds ago that were spilt like venom into an open wound, his wound. the wound of the gapping hole in his heart.
you remained silent after that. you mentally cursed at yourself for letting such words slip out. you let out a deep sigh before turning to look at dazai; he was stunned. his eyes were shifting frantically from you to the wall, he was profusely dumbfounded. you let out a faint scoff before waking over to him and sitting on the edge of the bed, one hand coming up to push his bangs out of his eyes.
“’m sorry, i’m just fed up with this situation, please forgive me.” you blinked once as your eyes shifted to his, and immediately saw them soften once you gazed at him with a hopeful look. he just remained staring at you with a half-smile, until it turned into a full-blown smirk, the same one he used to tease everyone out of their minds.
“aww, don’t tell me you have such feelings for me ’donna! oh my my my, whatever am i going to do?” he whined in his sing-song voice, his bicep placed over his eyes in a dramatic manner as he kept up with his melodramatic act. you let out a mere scoff. even though he wasn’t taking it as seriously as you would’ve liked him to, his reaction couldn’t help but make you let out a small giggle. “shut up, just tell me yes or no.” you let out a sigh, your breath shaky with nervousness as you blinked at him with anticipation.
he went silent after that, he really did seem to be considering your offer, it was a demanding one at that. “hmm, fine, whatever. buuuut! i’m expecting you to give me hourly kisses.” his lips formed into an exaggerated pout once he crossed his arms, his gaze never faltering from yours. you looked at him with a indifferent yet warm look as you shook your head. “god are you impossible, fine.” you scooted closer to him, your arms hesitantly wrapping around his neck in an embrace as you pulled his head towards your collarbone, letting it rest there. you tilted your head to the side, letting your cheek rest on top of his forehead as you pressed a small, yet lingering kiss to his temple.
“you will better have counted 30 by the end of the day.”
“oh, for fuck’s sake!”
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any relationship hcs for Rika? :) I love that woman sm AAAAA
BLESSED YES I FUCKIN DO. I HAVE SO MANY HEADCANONS FOR MISS RIKA ITS INSANE AHHHHH omgomgomg okay take food. I give nourishment in form of Rika
Warnings: SFW, fluffy fluffy fluffy, so much floof, Rika is a teasing cunt what can I say, Rika is also incredibly hot, gn! Reader. Arguments so slight angst. Lets get it boissss. This was also not beta read so aha if theres errors WHOOPSIES
Character: Rika of the Elite 4
Requests: OPEN
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You and Rika most likely met because of your gym circuit that you completed
Along with Nemona and her many random challenges of battle of course
This lead you two to constantly run into each other as Rika was quite curious about the person who was completing the gym challenges with ease and who caught even Geeta’s eye
Safe to say Rika was intrigued by you
The more you two met via Rika “just so happening to be in the area of your gym challenges and deciding to watch
That shit was on purpose do not believe her when she says its a coincidence
The more she slowly began to fall for you
By the time you finally arrived at the Elite 4 to take her on, she had admitted to herself that she had feelings for you
You kicking her ass in battle was the icing on the cake and lead to your relationship with the ground type user
As far as how Rika confessed, well lets just say her staring wide eyed at you, flushed red after you beat Geeta has Hassel shoving her forward to speak up
Thanks old man she needed a good ol push in the right direction
Safe to say Rika isnt always the confident gay she claims she is
She does indeed get flustered from time to time by you and while those times are few and far between they still happen
Usually, Rika is exactly the confident gay she says she is
She lives to tease you, loving your reactions to her touches and teasing words as she pushes every button to get you all flustered
Her favorite way to get you flustered is to sneak up behind you, wrapping her arms around your body and tugging you up against her
She relishes the way your face heats up and she will press a kiss to your forehead with a smirk
“You feelin’ okay baby? You feel really warm.”
Yeah thats your fault YOU LITTLE SHIT—
Ahem, moving on
As far as PDA goes, Rika usually keeps things on the down low
She has to keep up her professional appearances as a member of the pokemon league and the Elite 4
So typically when you two are in public she prefers to just hold your hand, have you hold her arm, or she will have an arm loosely wrapped around your shoulder or waist
Subtle things that aren’t too obviously affectionate but still get off a clear message: you are hers
So yeah surprise surprise Rika is a tad bit possessive
You are easily the most precious thing she has and she’s going to protect you and do what she can to keep you by her side
All within your consent and boundaries of course
If there are ever moments where you feel like Rika is being a touch too much, ask her to tone it down and she will
She loves you deeply and would never want to make you uncomfortable or push a boundary you set
Rika is a certified gentleman™
She always opens doors for you, opens car doors and buckles you in, pulls out your chair, offers you her arm, holds the umbrella over your head, offers you her coat when you are cold, ect
One thing Rika will never be shy about is showing you how much she loves and cares for you
She’s always using acts of service and small gifts to spoil you when she can
Like buying you your favorite drink from a cafe, getting you a sandwich exactly how you like it made, giving you flowers randomly throughout the week and months
She knows your bra size if you wear bras, she knows your clothing sizes, she knows your ring size, what length you like necklaces or bracelets to be, she knows what colors look best on you, what makeup brands you use if you wear makeup
Rika knows your allergies if you have any, what medications you take if you take any medication
She knows your favorite restaurant, favorite cafe, favorite store, what your favorite flowers are, your hobbies
Rika is incredibly observant with anything that relates to you because she loves you so deeply and wants to show you how much she cares
This level of care even bleeds into your social life as she remembers what the birthdays of your friends are so she can help you shop for gifts for them
She knows your pokemon’s favorite treats and sandwiches so she can help you care for them
Rika doesn’t date for fun, she dates to find her lifelong partner and she shows that
Rika is actively involved in any aspect of your life that you are comfortable with her being in and she will wholeheartedly support you through anything
Now this does not mean you are safe from her scoldings because she will worry about you and scold you if you do something dangerous
Such as dive head first into the crater of Paldea with your Miraidon or Koraidon because we have all done it I know we have and if you havent, you’re missing out
So safe to say, like all relationships, arguments happen
But Rika is not one to let said arguments simmer for a while
If there is something wrong in your relationship or something she feels that needs to be addressed, she tells you
Rika heavily values communication and will want you to do the same for her and if you do have so concerns she will listen intently, looking into your eyes as you speak and waiting for you to finish before she responds
So big arguments dont happen often between you both
But when they do, Rika doesn’t like to let it sit unaddressed for more than a day
She will give you any space you need but before the day ends, she will want to talk to you about it
She hates going to bed with you angry at her, and if you are still mad at her by bedtime she will offer to sleep on the couch depending on how angry you are with her
Usually though, she prefers to hold you close and cuddle you in bed even if you two were arguing
She values your time together and doesn’t want to lose out on it because of an argument and whatever discussion you two need to have will happen in the morning
Rika will not even leave for work at the league without talking to you, and if she has to, she will send you constant texts and will call you to remind you how much she loves you
Because she does, she loves you more than anything in the world
You are her angel, her baby, and she will always cherish you
Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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shimmeringlights44 · 2 years
Strawberry Wine
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part two
warnings: sexual content, fem receiving oral, mentions of alcohol
minors DNI
word count: 3k (she's hefty omg)
AN: hiiiii!!! here's part two of my beloved cowboy!Austin series!! I hope you enjoy and I will link part one here if you want to go read that one!
The summer days were passing by. Later in the month Momma started inviting him to dinner with us. Getting to see him in a more natural and recurring setting helped me feel a little more comfortable around him. He seemed reserved but interested in talking to me. 
I usually tried to avoid any one on one moments with him as I'm still trying this ‘me myself and I’ thing. It never failed though he would always find a way by me, finding a reason to come in the garage when i'm there or pulling weeds by the pond when i'm out sunbathing. I can't lie and say I didn't like the attention but he made it so hard to truly avoid him. 
This particular morning his truck was gone so I figured I could go get some alone time in the garden.
I padded to the garden and gandered at my towering sunflowers when I felt a somewhat familiar presence behind me. I turned around to find Austin looking around at all my flowers when he asked-
“How big are they supposed to get?” I think he just wanted a reason to talk to me. 
“Uhhh well they're already about 6 or 7 feet so I think they're pretty much done. I'm just waiting for the heads to finish opening.” “Should be any day now huh?” “Yea…” 
With a chuckle he asked “Well I-.. I was wondering if you'd like to help me paint your shed over there. I managed all the dirty work but it sure could use a pretty girl's touch on the paint.”
 I couldn't tell if he was being sweet or trying to genuinely flirt with me. Playing along I decided to say
 “So, you think I'm pretty?” 
He smiles and says “I do, so will you help me or not?” 
So was I supposed to just gloss over the fact that he called me pretty? Okay.
 “Oh, yea sure!” I started marching over to the shed ahead of Austin to try and hide the giddy smile forming on my face.
I came upon the shed, it looking almost brand new at this point.
 “You really out did yourself Austin! It hasn't looked this nice since daddy first built it.” I said while reminiscing on the memories of helping him put it together. 
He rubbed the back of his neck and said “Well, I'm glad I could do it justice for y'all. Now, your momma told me you specifically wanted ‘Ruby Red’ paint-”
“And that's exactly what you got!!” I exclaimed while opening the cans. 
I picked up one of the cans and grabbed a brush while saying “Well let's get going!”
 I decided to start on the front of the shed while Austin took the right side. I was focusing pretty intently on the brush strokes when once again I felt those blue eyes bore into me from around the corner of the building.
 It was endearing but still a little off putting. 
Not peeling my eyes from my work, I asked “Can I help you?” All I heard after that were some weird coughs that made me chuckle. 
After a bit of silent work I decided to go to the same side as Austin. 
Why not?
As I walked over he gave me a little smile and I shot one back. We worked for a little while before his voice broke the silence.
“Do you like to go dancing?” After thinking for a second I responded.
 “Uh I wouldn't say I'm too good at it but I enjoy it when I get to do it.”  With a gulp he asked “Well uh…Would you like to go dancing.. With me?”
 “Uh-” I dropped the brush in my hand from the surprise his question caused me. I Quickly bent down to pick it up and wavered 
“Uh yea I, I would like that.” My cheeks burned with nervousness. 
He grinned at me, his pearly whites flashing before he said “Okay, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight.” 
 We worked in silence again for another 20 minutes before I decided to end the day. I left him to clean everything up after I ran inside to make sense of what just happened.
Is this a date? Maybe? It's only a date if I make it one.
I kinda want to make it one.  
That evening I showered and barely managed to eat dinner on account of my nerves. I told momma Austin had invited me to go dancing with him and she didn't seem too surprised. She just told me to be safe and to have a good time.
 I was gonna try to.
I decided on a black dress that made me feel empowered and a pair of black cowboy boots that had been dying to be worn. I did my favorite style of hair and make up and surprisingly felt good. 
Still very nervous, but good.
Checking the clock on the wall it was just about to hit 8pm. I figured he would be right on time only coming from a couple hundred yards away. 
I walked outside to find him pulling up in that old yellow ford of his. He got out of the truck and looked me up and down.
 “You look mighty fine this evening.” He said with a smirk. 
This man I swear.
 I walked around to the side of the truck for him to open the door for me and said “Well you look mighty fine yourself.” 
He really did though. He closed my door and I took the opportunity to check him out as he walked to the driver side of the truck.
He had on a long sleeve jean shirt with the sleeves rolled up a bit and his chest peeking out. I could see a bit of his chest hair now.  Paired with light wash jeans and some alligator skin boots. And topped off with the nicest cream Stedson hat I'd ever seen. 
He had to know what he was doing. 
After he hopped in his truck the smell of his cologne hit me. I squeezed my legs together in reflex, and hoped he didn't notice. He turned the radio on softly and started driving us down the road. It was quiet but it was nice, it didn't feel awkward. 
After a little time we pulled up to the honky tonk and I started getting excited to see where the night would take us. It was loud and rowdy but it seemed like the perfect place to really break the ice with him. 
Following Austin inside he led me to the bartop and pulled out a chair for me to hop into.
Such a gentleman. 
He walked around to sit by me and asked me what I'd like to drink.
“Uh I guess a dirty shirley!” I half yelled back to him trying to converse over the music. “Alright” He flagged down the bartender and got our order in.
I started looking around the bar taking in my surroundings. The dance floor was full of people dancing and swaying to the music. I smiled to myself at the thought of everyone having a good time. I felt something cold and wet hit my hand which prompted me to whip my head back around. I looked over to Austin with a smile and thanked him for the drink. 
We sat together just drinking for a little while. He had a glass of whiskey, neat. I wondered what that said about him. 
We chatted about the bar and the people here and laughed at the expense of some of them. At this point in the night I started to feel a little more loose and warm from the liquor. It was around the beginning of our third drink when things got exciting.
Josh Turner’s ‘Why Don't We Just Dance’ started playing throughout the dance hall. I couldn't help but tap my foot along as this was one of my favorite songs. I felt Austin's eyes on me again, burning, with a want I could really feel. He placed his hand over mine on the bar and grabbed it. I finally caved and looked up at him, his eyes looking quite lustful with a blush creeping onto his cheeks and ears from the alcohol. 
Now, im not sure if it was the liquor giving us both courage, or the amount of sexual tension between us that prompted us to finally act on our needs.
He pulled me from the barstool with a haste I've never known onto the wooden dance floor. He laid his hand on my waist and I let out a gasp when he pulled me closer. So close in fact that I was straddling his thigh. Really straddling his thigh.
He held me so tight while he started whirling us around the dance floor. Leading me in every way. I've never felt so enamored before, so in a trance with the way this man was moving my body. He had to have felt me on his thigh, moving it ever so slightly as we two stepped. It felt so good. 
I was having so much fun giggling and laughing under the boom of the music, having the time of my life. I looked up to see Austin smiling at me when suddenly the song came to an end entirely too soon. As tradition calls for, he spun me around slowly then dipped me. 
“I've never danced with anybody that way before. it -.. It was amazing!” I said basically out of breath. 
We were on the floor standing still but oh-so-close to each other. I could practically feel his breath on my face. 
“I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad I had the might to pull you out here.” he said with a lick of confidence. 
All of a sudden, Tennessee Whiskey starts playing. 
As the song started, the lights went down and the DJ said  “We're gonna slow it down for you lovers out there tonight.” 
I looked up at Austin expectantly. Wondering what his next move would be.
His eyes trailed down to mine and with a small smile he grabbed my hand and placed it on his heart. He wrapped his arm around my waist once again. This time softer… as if I was delicate.
He started moving us in a slower movement, prompting me to lay my head on his broad, strong chest. In this moment I felt so safe, so cared for, by the ranch hand. 
I'm pretty sure I was drunk to be having these thoughts. I had to be.
 Drunk on Austin.
As I was caught up in the smell of his chest I could quietly hear him start to sing along to the song. 
You're as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
You're as sweet as strawberry wine
You're as warm as a glass of brandy
And honey i stay stoned on your love all the time
His deep husky voice sent goosebumps down my spine as we swayed to the song.
The night started to come to a close shortly after that last dance. He led me out of the bar to his truck once again. 
This time, on the ride home I sat close to him, thankful for no console in his old truck. He threw his arm around me as I leaned into him. The whole ride home his thumb rubbed my shoulder. 
The drive was entirely too short for my liking. He had pulled us up to the main house and I sat up to look over at him. 
I bit my lip and said “I had the best time with you tonight Austin. I didn't know I could have so much fun.”
“I did too y/n… I-... I was wonderin if I could ask ya something?
“Yea what is it?”
“I was wonderin if it'd be okay if I got to know ya better. Tonight I got a taste of you, and I'd like more of that.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck, nervous.
He wants more of a taste… of me? His words sent that oh-so-familiar feeling down into the pit of my belly. 
Not being able to help myself, I leaned into him and whispered “I think I would like a taste as well.” 
My words caused his breath to hitch in his throat.
I watched him lick his lips, my mouth watering at the thought of connecting with them. Then I looked up to see his eyes already on mine. With haste he closed the distance between us, grabbing my face and latching his lips to mine. 
He tasted so sweet with a hint of jack daniels.
His hands slowly trailed down my body feeling all that he could when he swiftly pulled me on top of him, sitting me in his lap. I took the opportunity to knock his hat off and tangle my hands in his hair and pull. I heard a soft moan emit from his throat. He squeezed my ass in approval, making me sigh in pleasure.
I could feel his bulge growing, his jeans getting tighter by the second. He released another moan after I grinded down onto him
“God you taste so good y/n.” He said between kisses. His hand reached up to my jaw, slightly pulling my head back, exposing my neck. 
He moaned into it saying “I'd love to taste you elsewhere…” 
Holy shit.
“We can't here, but I know where to go.”
I peeled myself off of him and jumped out his truck before grabbing his hand and leading him back behind the house. I stopped at the shed to grab one of the thick blankets we kept in there for the winter  before continuing further away from the house.
 I settled on the other side of the pond thinking it was far enough away from the house where we wouldn't be interrupted. He helped me spread the blanket out before laying down and pulling me to the ground on top of him in the process. 
I straddled his lap on top of him, kissing him passionately before he pulled me away.
“Are you sure this is okay baby? I don't wanna be making you uncomfortable now.” he asked with sincerity in his voice.
“Absolutely, I think I've been wanting this for a long time.”
He smirked at me before pulling me in for another kiss. I started dragging my hands down his body, trying to feel every inch of him. I lifted his shirt up to touch the taught skin underneath. As I felt around, my hands wandered down to the buckle of his jeans when he suddenly flipped us over.
“Uh uh baby, tonight is about you.” he cooed into my chest leaving kisses all around.
He breathed down my body, leaving a trail of goosebumps. When he got to the hem of my dress his eyes flicked up to mine, pleading to continue. Granting his wish I smiled and started pulling my dress up.
I could hear a deep hum of pleasure come from him as he undressed me, noticing I decided to skip a bra tonight. 
“God y/n… you’re gorgeous. Have been since I first laid eyes on you.” he said against the skin of my belly. His hands caressed the outline of my shape, landing on my thighs. 
“I've never been a man of many words so Ihope I can show you just how I feel tonight” he practically whispered onto my heat.
My eyes rolled into the back of my head at the thought.
“Please Austin, I want you” I moaned at this point. 
At the sound of my words he moaned into my underwear, it getting wetter and hotter underneath. He planted a kiss on my pussy before coming up to latch onto one of my breasts, his fingers twisting the nipple of the other one.
He’s barely touching me and I feel like cumming, he’s too powerful. 
He decided to leave a few marks before trailing his mouth south. He looped his fingers into the sides of my panties and slowly pulled them down my legs and threw them to the side. 
I looked down at him. He was almost drooling onto my core. He looked hungry. His now dark eyes flicked up to me one last time before I tangled my hands in his hair and pushed his mouth onto my pussy.
The feeling of his lips on mine was euphoric. 
Laying on his stomach he looped his arms around my thighs keeping me in an iron tight grip. He lapped at my juices and welcomed the sweet taste they brought. 
I knew I wasn't going to last long.
“Au- Austin .. slow- slow down!” I pleaded with him, but that just caused him to continue, adding a finger inside me. 
The feeling of his long finger pumping in and out of me sent me over the edge. Everything became hot and my orgasm washed over me in waves. Hearing me moan through my climax, he continued to pump and lick me bringing me to tears.
I pulled his hand from me, wincing from the empty feeling it left. He sucked on his finger, drawing every last drop of me he could. 
As I twitched, recovering, he crawled up my body to kiss me again, allowing me to taste myself on his lips.
“ Austin-“ 
“I know baby, I know.”
After laying with me and kissing me, he helped me get dressed and walked me back to the house.
“I wanted to thank you for everything tonight. I've been a little apprehensive around you, but I'm so glad you asked me out. I'm ready for more of you.” I said, gazing up to his beautiful blue eyes.
“I'm glad I did too. I've never met anyone like you.” he said back to me looking almost puzzled.
“Well, I hope not.” I coyly said with a smile. 
Since deciding to leave the night on a sweet note, I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before turning inside to revel in the night I'd just had.
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soft-bunny-agere · 3 years
may I request a one-shot where the reader wakes up and is sick so they call wilbur and wilbur comes over, makes them soup, and watch a disney movie and the reader ends up regressed and wilbur thinks its adorable? :D also do you accept emoji anons? (if so can I be 🐇 anon?) ty :))
omgomgomg i love this!! nice to meet you 🐇 anon :))
pairing: Wilbur x Reader (can be read as either platonic or romantic)
WARNINGS! Sickness (just a cold), a little bit of crying, you/yours pronouns, medicine & use of papa (let me know if there's anything else :D)
You Deserve the World
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
You woke up and immediately groaned. Your head was pounding and your throat was burning, not only that, you felt like you were coughing up a lung while your body was both too hot and too cold. You felt like crying.
With what little strength you had, you reached for your phone and called Wilbur, "Wilbur," You croaked,
"Y/N? What's up?" He asked,
"Ma throat hurts-" You interrupted yourself with a coughing fit, "'nd so does my head!" You whispered,
"Don't worry bub, I'll be there in a few minutes ok?"
"'Kay Wilbur, I love you."
"I love you too." He said and hung up.
Wilbur felt a bit bad, you and Niki had been looking after him for the previous week so he had probably gotten you sick but thankfully, Niki had brought over more soup the day before so Wilbur quickly heated it up and went over to your place.
Letting himself in, Wilbur went up to your room with the soup and his laptop, ready to turn on a Disney movie since he knew that you'd probably end up regressing.
"Hi baby," He said softly, sitting down next to you, only receiving a groan in response, "Want to watch a movie? Maybe 'Tangled'?"
"Mhm, sounds good." You slurred, not quite regressed but also not quite big, it was a weird feeling but hopefully watching a movie and being fed soup should help you slip.
Wilbur set up the movie and cuddled close to you, running a hand through your hair, making you melt further into him, the familiar fuzzy feeling taking over your sore head,
"Papa?" You ask,
"Yes, angel bug?" He asked softly, simply melting at how cute you are,
"Wuv you!"
"Aww, I love you, bug! Did the soup help at all baby? Would you like medicine and your paci?"
"Mhm, feel bit beter, bu' medcine taste icky."
"You can have some milk after to was the taste away, come on, you'll feel loads better."
"'Kay dada you know bes'." You pouted but accepted your fate, Wilbur chuckled,
"I'll be right back." He said, giving you a kiss on the forehead before heading out to make you a sippy cup of milk and grab the medicine.
When Wilbur was back in the room, he collected your favourite pacifier out of your bedside table. "Alright, sit up angel." You tried to sit up but needed some help and support from your caregiver, you swallowed the medicine, coughing and cringing at the taste, quickly latching onto the nub of the bottle.
Once you finished the bottle you had slipped a bit smaller, melting Wilbur's heart further, you whined, wanting your paci, WIlbur smiled and slipped it into your mouth, giving you a kiss on the head, then tucking you both in for a sleep.
And if you clutched at Wilbur's shirt so he couldn't move, that's no ones business but yours.
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
Thank you again 🐇 anon <3 I hope you enjoyed :]]
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dienamights · 4 years
Opia | K.Bakugou
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Opia: The ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable
» Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader.
» Word count: 2.2K
» Genre: Comfort/hurt 
» Summary: Katsuki Bakugou was a lot of things, conceited, proud and an egotistic asshole. He for the life of him was not weak. But one look at your goddamned repulsing mesmerizing eyes might actually be the cause of his crumbling resolve.
» Warning(s): comfort (?), angst (???), mentions of self-conflict, and Kacchan swearing because what else did you think?.
» Author’s notes: Hello! omgomgomg I’m so nervous writing this shit cause god knows how long its been since someone else read my writings. I’ve just been so inspired by a lot of amazing authors on here and I wanted to try my hand at writing again. 
Hugs and kisses to @hanji-is-life and @patchworkpuzzle​ for beta reading. y’all made me feel so good about myself, thanks a million! (´ε`)
» Masterlist | Requests 
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Half-past two am was read on your nightstand clock when you awoke by the annoying tapping on your balcony window. You groaned aloud, having only fallen asleep an hour ago – maybe two, fuck if you knew – due to the hassle of current events in Japan.
The No.1 hero retired; all the other heroes are running around with their tails tucked between their legs with all the added unwanted responsibilities bestowed upon their shoulders, now that All Might was nowhere to aid them during any threat that could jeopardize the lives of the citizens and their own.
Everything that transpired does rise worry when you thought about it. But, to be completely honest, all you ever wanted was a good night sleep, the dark circles under your eyes couldn't be covered even with a shit ton of concealer, and you didn’t care for the half-assed compliments your friends spewed that you looked ‘fine’, that wasn't cute, at all.
Alas, you groaned aloud and swore under your breath before popping your head out of the heat of your blanket, rubbing your eyes and squinting them at the figure that blocked the moonlight spilling from the window.
Unable to determine the person due to hazy vision, you felt around by your bedside table for the lamp, illuminating the room slightly to distinguish the intruder. You were (almost) sure that no one would be after you, after all, U.A and their dorms should be able to keep their students safe.
With a deep breath, you kicked your blanket off of your body and scuffed closer to the unknown person, swearing to make the person regret ever waking you up, by coming to the balcony of all things.
But then you saw spikes, and your shoulders dropped from their tense position before slowly dragging the balcony door open, eyes meeting crimson ones, that you tried convincing yourself that they weren’t getting more beautiful with every passing day looking at them.
Bakugou knew he was pushing his luck every time he visited, whether it be because he wanted someone to listen to him bitch complain about ‘fucking Deku standing in my way’, or ‘shitty Deku getting a quirk and thinking he’s better than me’, or ‘useless Deku thinking that by stealing my moves he’ll reach my level’, or even in this case, as he stood here in front of you, sleepy eyes slowly blinking up at him so soft – why was he here?
The boy's silence was his reply, an almost beg for you to let him in again, one more time, please, to open your door and arms and just welcome him, exactly like he was used to every time, even if he knew you weren’t obligated to, even if he knew he didn’t deserve it.
But you still did, like you always do, pushing the door wide open and welcoming him in, with the stupidest, most beautiful smile adorning your lips, that no matter how many times he told himself they were smiles of pity, he’d always shut himself up and allow a sliver of selfishness and to drown in them, lying to himself that you’d only smile like that – so annoyingly mesmerizing – to him, that you’d only look at him like he’s the sun even when he felt like he’s beneath all the scums of the earth.
"Hn," he awkwardly shuffled his feet in, dropping his head in shame for waking you up (even as you smiled at him) and entering the dorm, his shoulder – barely – grazing your exposed one, leaving him to wonder how someone so frail and (insignificant, as he kept lying to telling himself) could make him feel like he just got caught on fire from one measly touch.
You ended up trailing behind him, sitting on your bed as he looked around, eyeing how your dorm room comically looks exactly like your room back home. Just like he remembered it, the stupid uneven Best Jeanist poster that you learned to tease him about after his internship, the useless teddy bear he won you when you were eight – for God’s sake, how could it still look so fucking brand new?
Other weird crap like your All Might LEGO statue that you flex about putting together, and lastly, that scent that made him scrunch his nose, because to his vexation, it smelled exactly like what he’d want to surround himself with, rather than to be left alone suffocating by that all too familiar horrid stench of burnt caramel, attracting the demons that found shelter in his mind and heart, feasting on him insatiably.
Upon that, Bakugou's features turned from nonchalant to irritated, before dropping his expression when he looked back at you. His eyes falling on eyelashes that collected tears after your yawn, your droopy head and your sleepy smile up at him, unaware of the bird’s nest of hair sitting atop your head.
"y’look like shit.”
He didn’t know why he said that, but what was he gonna say? That despite your weary state, you looked pretty? Beautiful? Breathtaking? Hell no. So, he stuck with you looking like shit, apparently.
God, he’s such an ass, throwing insults at you so casually right after waking you up, knowing you barely slept since he was taken by those … lowlifes. He really loathed himself, for even stooping so low to vent to this – he reminded himself – insignificant being.
And to top it all off, that little shitty girl in front of him didn’t frown, didn’t get upset nor scold him.
You fucking smiled! And even gave a breathy laugh like he just told you a joke, or how when dunce face tries to – because honestly, you were too good for him, too good for any of those extras – flirt with you and your only response is to laugh it off to avoid rejecting him.
Your soft laughter suddenly died out when he growled lowly, almost dangerously, stomping his feet to face you. Looking down at you to make you feel inferior to him, to make you feel small, vulnerable and to remind your dumb ass that you won’t ever reach his level– fuck, were your lips always this kissable when you smile up at him?
Now surrounded in pure silence, the silence you don't get much around here. Bakugou huffed and kicked your feet before plopping himself next to you. Few more minutes passed before he threw himself back on the bed and looked at the ceiling, ignoring how you turned slightly to look for any sign of him cracking that godforsaken dam of a wall he liked to surround himself and his emotions with. So, with a soft bump of your knees, knowing he won’t initiate the conversation – he never does, you don’t even know why you still try – you ushered him to spill.
"I don’t even know why I’m here.”
A hum, he doesn’t know if it’s your way of telling him to keep going or to elaborate, so he chose the former.
“You should feel very privileged that I still talk to you with your sorry excuse of a quirk.”
Another hum, and the boy reminds himself why he keeps going back to you, because you always listen to him, no matter what, you’re always there he already put you in your place all those years ago, has you wrapped around his finger. But he won’t dare look at you, knowing that one look from those fucking captivating eyes would make him realize that what he always told himself was just a load of bullshit, and quite frankly he wasn’t ready to admit shit.
You really looked at Bakugou when his breath hitched, eyeing him for any sign of him regretting stepping foot into your dorm room and just booking it out – like he did a few times when his emotions got the best of him. You sometimes wished you had a mind-reading quirk, just so you could know the internal struggles the boy must have with himself. 
You sadly smiled to yourself at the thought, knowing that you don’t need such a thing to know that the boy sprawled across your bed is hesitating to meet your eyes and to lower his guard enough to speak his jumbled mind.
He was a troubled teenager with more than one thing that stood him out, but yet you weren’t able to point out which you loved the most. You well remembered how his eyes always shown with pride and the slightest hint of mischief, his trademark conceited smirk that dazzled his lips and tugged you closer; despite the dangerous aura that followed his every step. Intimidating and daring, yet you couldn’t have fallen any harder. Why wouldn’t you? When all your mind ever does is wander back to him.
Tall lean body
Hands always finding their comfort deep in his pockets
Confident wide steps
Hooded, uninterested eyes (that squint in a glare most of the day)
He had a dangerous mind
The way he carried his height with egotism and independence
The way his smirk would drop and a scowl would roll in its place whenever you caught him staring, his steps hurried and aimed anywhere away from you, failing to hide how red his ears would get at being seen by you.
Okay Y/N that’s enough.
You finally fully turned around to face him, tugging at his arm to get him to sit down and to just fucking talk. And he did sit up, before clicking his tongue and jerking his arm oh so dramatically away from your touch, only to place his hand right back between your bodies on the bed.
That’s all the vulnerability he’d allow himself to show, which was more than enough for you, your palm placing itself on the back of his hand before circling your fingers around it.
“I – “ He breathed out, looking down and barely squeezing your hand, as if it would help him talk, anything but looking at your eyes, and it did help, to an extent.
“It wasn’t my fault…” the ash-blond barely let a whisper, and if you weren’t already so damn close with that godforsaken scent of home, you probably wouldn’t hear him, but you were, and you did.
Screw baby steps with this boy, you cradled his face and brought it closer to yours, demanding him to focus those enthralling rubies for eyes on yours, your oh so boring eyes that are more than blessed to catch his sight.
“Hey, hey look at me.” You breathed. “It wasn’t your fault.” your eyebrows curled against each other and Bakugou couldn’t help but notice how much you strained your voice, in an attempt to not raise it, before exhaling and smiling again at him.
You knew what he was talking about, you weren’t stupid, you knew him so well, that he’s probably blaming himself, probably locked himself so far deep in that self-loathing state of his mind, you always wondered how someone who owned and carried mountains on his shoulder could fall and crumble so easily inside, like the tornado in his mind had finally hit him and knocked him off his feet.
And so, you did what you knew best.
“It wasn’t your fault.” You repeated, again and again in hushed whispers, a mantra being the only sound in the room, aside from the shaking uneven breaths ghosting your lips from your proximity.
Whenever Bakugou’s eyes would wander away from yours, you’re quick to squeeze his cheeks, claiming his attention on you and only you, not whatever lingered in that beautiful mess of a head of his.
He wasn’t gonna cry, damn it, it’s bad enough fucking Deku saw him weep like a little bitch and he’d be damned if this shitty girl thought any less of him because of – but he didn’t even finish that thought, as your thumb swiped a stray tear that trailed his cheek, but not without lingering it under his eye, barely caressing his soft skin that you used to be so jealous of, but now only be filled with glee upon touching it.
Your glossy eyes probably looked as pathetic as his, your sorry excuse of a smile faltering as your lips wobbled, your voice cracking like a broken vinyl that sought someone, anyone to wrench that tonearm off it and put an end to this agony, before you quieted down all together
At the pitiful repellant state you were in, Bakugou had the urge to get up, to shrug those tender hands off of him and walk out, why were you crying? He was indignant, you don’t have the right to cry, you weren’t a reckless hopeless extra, you weren’t the one who was too frail to fight, too pathetic that you needed to be rescued, and you weren’t the one who’s such a fucking worthless piece of scum for ending –  
He couldn’t handle it anymore, and he did what he was so afraid of doing, he bled the salt of his soul, and as it poured from his eyes, he clenched them, blocking all of the light and disregarding the heart-wrenching want, need, to look at you, to tell you to keep saying it, that it wasn’t his fault, until he one day believes it.
Alas, he saw the darkness that he knew will soon swallow him and he feared it, yet he welcomed it, knowing that once he escapes it, you’ll be right here, like you always are.
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I find inner peace when people cry and vent to me, and that shit shows
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borrovved · 3 years
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A/N: omgomgomg HELLO ISTG I AM NOT DEAD!!! Been thinking of writing for a while but ya girl is in college now, doing big girl tingz 💅🏻 here’s some hendery for you because he is my new muse atm, was def inspired by baekhyun’s new song bambi :)
warnings: unprotected sex (be careful and be protected at all times plz), oral female receiving, fwb, cumplay sorta, hendery x fem!reader, slight fluff????
word count: 1354
You’re so precious, I can’t take it
You are dreamy, Bambi, Bambi
Hendery resembled all those things. Preciousness, dreaminess, and tenderness. You absolutely couldn’t handle it. Gazing into his doe like eyes and hearing that laugh was a drug. Music to your ears, art to your eyes. You wouldn’t put anyone on a pedestal, but Hendery? He belongs on the throne of your heart.
There’s no definitive label on your “relationship.” It was more than friends and felt like lovers, but it wasn’t quite there. You don’t care if it doesn’t develop more. As long as you get to appreciate the time spent with him in the present is what matters most. A label feels trivial at this point.
You’re sure that it’s just lust with a side of camaraderie that fuels your need for him. It’s the time spent so often with each other that makes you want more, more, and more. It’s when you’re both on the couch of your home on your phones when he reaches over to your cunt, eyes glued on his phone still, with his hand grazing against your heat. Thumb rubbing your clit in circles, fingers pressed against the lips of your pussy.
You put your phone down on your thigh, look over to see the side of his face. He’s smiling softly at his phone.
“Hendery, what do you think you’re doing?”
He smiles a little wider, his hand still doing its ministrations on you. Still looking at that damn screen. You start getting needy, wanting all of his attention, all of him pressed up against you, and then some.
“Nothing much, really. Just felt like feeling you. Just because I can.” Hendery says. He stops his movement and looks at you right in the eyes, smile softening, eyes leveling down to your lips. He leans over, hand going inside your short pajama shorts and over your underwear, and runs slow circles. His head is resting on your shoulder, and he lets out a breath that he was holding in. He was contemplating on leaning over out of the blue and just feeling you. Just because, because why not?
You grab his hand gently and pull it away from your crotch. You bring one leg over his lap so that you’re straddling him. You bring his hands to grip at your ass, and you cup his face in your small hands. You graze your nose against his nose and close your eyes. You start grinding agonizingly slow against his bulge, and he stares at you intently with lidded eyes that haze over with a carnal lust. Then, you kiss him sweetly. He can taste the mango lip balm on you- so, so soft. Almost as soft as your velvety walls whenever he pushes his cock in you. The thought alone makes him moan breathily into the kiss, and you decide to take this opportunity to brush your tongue into his mouth when he parts his lips.
Each second passes by in slow motion. Being with Hendery like this feels like paradise on earth, and time seems to decrease in pace. You savor the feeling and lock it in the recess of your mind so you can remember the exact moment and feeling, and smile without realizing it when you do think of it.
Hendery regretfully pulls away just to say his sappy sentiments.
“Ever since I kissed your lips I couldn’t shut up about the feeling.” He says while gazing into your eyes with the utmost affection. You giggle.
“You want to fuck me so bad you look stupid.” You say softly, while smiling that devilish grin of yours. To this, he giggles too.
“You make me feel stupid. Like a stupid fool that wants to get between your legs.” He says as his warm and comforting lips press against your neck, and you tilt your head back and hum. It was more like a moan, but it felt so melodic to Hendery, he considered it as a hum.
For some reason, Hendery felt extremely cuddly and affectionate today. He lifted your shirt and attached his mouth to your nipple, sucking and tugging it with his teeth gently.
“Fuck, Hendery.” You whine. He switches to your other nipple, and the cold air hitting your now wet and free nipple makes it hard. He detaches his mouth from your nipple and kisses the valley between your breasts, looking up at you, maintaining eye contact. It felt like he was all yours and that he belonged to you in this very moment. You look down and kiss the crown of his head while he nuzzles himself in between your breasts.
“I’m more of an ass guy but your boobs are something else.” He praises. You tug at his hair so he looks you in the eye. Hendery always has something to say that would normally ruin a moment like this, but there’s no seriousness when you’re making out and feeling each other up like this. You guys are companions always, and companions always laugh together. You grin, and litter pecks all over his gorgeous face.
“Hendery?” You ask quietly.
“Yes love?” He responds.
“Make love to me.” You gently say. To that, Hendery whisks you away off the couch and you cling onto him like your life depends on it. Hendery holds you tight while your legs are wrapped around him, and walks through the small hallway to your bedroom.
When he laid you down on the bed, you felt so cared for. When he went down on you and ate you out like you were his last meal, you felt desired. More than desired- you felt loved. He discarded your clothing first and his second. He kissed you deeply while he entered his cock into you. You mewl at the feeling.
He’s thrusting and panting and all you can do is think about how cute he looks when he’s so concentrated on making you feel good. He’s getting sloppy with his thrusts but it always reaches your sweet spot. The lewd sound of skin against skin and the sloshy slick between you and his cum mixing just feels so naughty and dirty.
You felt like a little whore being ravaged like this, but it felt so good you didn’t care. You feel yourself unravel on his cock and all you can do is repeat his name over and over again, and whine loudly for him and only him. You feel him coat your walls with white warm ribbons. He pulls out slowly and you feel his cum and your essence oozing out of you. He swipes his fingers against your hole to gather the cum, and stuck his fingers in your mouth for you to suck on. You hollow out your cheeks and lick and suck. Hendery could just cum again at the sight but you already milked out what’s left of him.
There’s more dripping out of you and he has a taste for himself. He leans down and puts the flat of his tongue against your cunt to clean you up. You being sensitive from the overstimulation, shiver and mewl once again. Hendery can’t help but suck on your clit just to mess with you, because he can. He enters his tongue into your hole and you shake even harder.
“Baby stop please. I can’t take it anymore.” You pant.
He gives your clit one last slow and long lick. He has each elbow on either side of your head to hold his weight and dips down to deliver you a kiss. You can taste yourself, and you could almost drool at just how filthy the whole thing is. You wrap your legs around his torso and Hendery puts all of his weight on top of your body. You stroke his hair while he interlaces one of his hands with your free hand.
You close your eyes and savor the moment. The sun sets slowly and you feel your heart swell.
I don't want to wake up from this dream, keep this tempo
I hope the sun doesn’t rise while I keep my eyes closed.
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tavvattales · 3 years
hihi! it’s the anon who requested bennett, xiao and childe overhearing you sing to yourself the other day! i was playing genshin before and an idea for a request popped into my mind SHFJNS. could you write bennett playing with or braiding your hair after a long, stressful day? <3 ty!
Omgomgomg hihihihi. I'm sooo sorry, love. I know this took me forever to write. I had a massive writer's block and couldn't think of anything to write as of late 😰 Thank you sooo much for this cute request. I love Bennett sooooo much. I really hope you like this 🥰😊 and I really appreciate your patience.
GENSHIN IMPACT Character x gn reader fluff stories~♡♡
Scenario: Bennett playing with your hair after a long, stressful day
Characters: Bennett
Pairings: Bennett x long haired gn reader
Warnings: None
Click down below for some cutesy fluff~♡♡
● He's always trying to do things the right way with you, even though his bad luck gets in the way at times. You always remind him that his bad luck has nothing to do with him and that you guys are always in the wrong place at the wrong time. His bad luck is not his fault, you say to him. He still pulls through with the cutest appreciations of love. He'll always go out of his way to try and find you the rarest treasure, or plan really cute dates. . .even though they almost always fail. You still love and appreciate him so much.
Usually when you're out doing your own commissions you almost never have much trouble. Today seemed to be different, however. For some reason all the commissions you had lined up today were all emergency sightings. You'd normally have Bennett with you, but he had other plans to take care of today. You panted heavily, sweat trickling down your temples and your sword at the ready. The giant ruin guard in front of you was tougher than the ones you dealt with in the past. 
Frustrated, you clicked your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you charged forward, your sword clashing with the giant mechanical beast. With all your strength you lunged upwards with force, striking the ruin guard in its weak spot. It struggled to stand, but not before its massive arms struck you out of the way as it fell. You felt the air escape your lungs as you were flung out of the way. 
You hit the ground tumbling before rolling to an abrupt stop, "Ugh. . Well that didn't go as planned," You gasp, as the air fills your lungs back up. Each breath stinging your chest, you knew for a fact you were walking away from this fight with lots of bruises. You lay on the ground for a few minutes, catching your breath and calming your pounding heart. Thankfully that was the last of your commissions for the day.
Finally standing up shakily, you brush off the dirt that clad to your clothes. Bennett would be worried if you didn't head home soon, so with your chin held high you head back to Mondstadt. You were sore, frustrated, but most of all you really just wanted to be in the comfort of Bennett's warm embrace. Determined, you quickly made your way back to your home.
Little did you know, Bennett's plans today were gathering all of your favorite items for you to come home to. He had somehow gained good luck even finding all these items. He smiled to himself as he prepared a vase of windwheel asters, "I can't believe my luck today! Y/N is going to love this," He grinned proudly at himself, admiring his handiwork. He placed the vase of flowers in the middle of the table which was adorned with a lavish feast Bennett picked up from Good Hunter, including all of your favorites. 
Hearing the front door unlatch, Bennett quickly rushed over to the front door to greet you with open arms. Immediately you pushed yourself into him, arms wrapping around his neck as you nuzzled into him, breathing in his scent, "Today was such a long day. I missed you, Benny," you murmured, not wanting to let him go just yet.
He squeezed you gently, placing a small kiss to your forehead, "I missed you too, my Sweet Flower," His voice was so soft as he brushed a strand of your h/c hair behind your ear, his glimmering emerald eyes gazing into yours causing your cheeks to grow red, "I can get a bath ready for you and then we can have dinner. You can tell me all about what happened today, okay?" He smiled at you and you returned it with a nod and a smile of your own.
With your hand in his he led you to the bathroom, preparing a clean towel and clothes for you before turning his attention to the bath. Carefully using his pyro vision Bennett quickly tended to the bath water, heating it to just the perfect temperature. You were surprised to say the least, usually when he tried to do things like this they don't go as planned, "That should just about do it. Relax for a little bit, you deserve it Y/N" he said gently.
"T-thank you, Benny. . .this has been so nice. Especially with what happened today. I really needed this." You smile widely at him, your eyes full of love and appreciation for the man before you.
"Putting a smile on your face is what I always want to do," his tone of voice stayed soft as a pink blush dusted his face, "A-anyways. . I'll let you bathe before the water gets cold, " He continued, hurrying out of the bathroom. You couldn't help but stifle a small giggle. You loved how romantic he could be, but he always got so shy afterwards.
You quickly undressed and untied your long hair from its ponytail. Your h/c locks draping gracefully across your body and down your back. Carefully getting into the tub, you let yourself ease in, completely emerging yourself into the warm water. You scrub away your soreness and dirt, cleaning away at your skin. Your mind trailed off to Bennett and how kind he's always been to you. How much he makes you happy. . .and how lucky you are to have found someone like him. You give both your cheeks a gentle slap with both your hands because you felt your cheeks getting hot.
Finishing up in the tub, you dry off and get dressed, only now realizing how famished you are after the events of today. As you open up the bathroom door you were met with a tantalizing smell of sticky honey roast. It was one of your favorite dishes to get at Good Hunter and you could feel your mouth salivating. Swallowing hard you quickly made your way to the kitchen.
Your eyes grew wide, "Oh my Archons, Benny! You did all this for me?" Bennett glanced up from the sound of your voice and he smiled sheepishly at you. 
Before he had the chance to respond you rushed up to him and pulled him into a warm embrace, crashing your lips against his. He gratefully accepted, kissing you back, loving the way your lips taste. How was he so lucky today, he thought to himself, pulling you even closer to him. 
Breaking away from him, you both catch your breath from the passionate kiss you both shared, both of your hot breaths tickling each others noses. You press your forehead against his as the two of you share a small laugh, "It's the least I could do for you. . ." Bennett finally manages to say, kissing you again softly before pulling away, sitting you down on one of the chairs.
"But you already do so much for me. . .thank you. I-I love you. . ." You blush furiously as you say your confession, even though you've told him many times before. 
"I love you too, Sweet Flower. . ." He replied, kissing the top of your head, before brushing his fingers through your long locks. You hide your blush with your hands, leaning back into his gentle touch. Bennett gently pulled a strand to his lips, kissing it before going back to playing with your hair, "Why don't you tell me about your day?"
You recounted the long day you had to him, but he washed all your stress away with each soft brush of your hair. You hoped this moment would never end.
Bennett x long haired gn reader END
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A Total Boss
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV/Prompto Argentum
Rating: PG-11/T- (for minor peril + spider)
Original Idea: @welovegroot asked: Could I request a bodyguard fic? With Prompto?---coupled with This set of headcanons
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) Heck yes you can! First Prompto one-shot! Isn’t he an adorable sunshine boy? XD Enjoy this Bodyguard!AU
The moment Prompto saw you, his brain stopped working. He wasn’t aware that he was going to be assigned to protect someone so pretty! He had a hard-enough time talking to girls as it was but talking to you? Being around you all day and keeping you safe? He was going to make a complete idiot of himself. Biting his lower lip, he awkwardly approached you.
“Uh… hi. Pleasure to meet you. I'm—” He gulped and stuck his hand out. “—I'm Prompto Argentum.”
You beamed at him and shook his hand, giving him your name in return. He barely heard it over the blood roaring in his ears. “The pleasure is mine, Prompto Argentum,” you said. “I'm grateful for your service.”
OMGOMGOMG, he thought frantically. You were smiling and your smile was breathtaking.
He let go of your hand quickly when he realized his hand was sweating. He was wearing fingerless leather gloves as usual but he didn’t want to take any chances.
“Uh—yeah! Uh, no sweat,” he replied.
Nailed it. Smooth as a cactus. If he’d been alone, he would have smacked himself in the forehead.
Trying to hide the pink rising on his cheeks, he turned to your father. “I, uh, believe there’s still some business to take care of?” he asked.
Your father nodded. “There is. Right this way,” he said. The two step into your father’s study to complete the boring paperwork.
The moment the door shuts, your friend snorts and dissolves into a fit of giggles. She’s been sitting on the couch twiddling with her hair since before your new bodyguard came over. You’re used to her antics by now, but you turn a look at her. “What’s so funny?” you ask.
“He’s so adorable!” she replies. “Who would guess that he’d be a qualified bodyguard?”
You shrug. “My father, apparently,” you say.
“The five-foot-eight blond dork whose bulletproof vest looks like it was made for a man bigger than he is.” She snickers again. “Hey, at least he’s cute.”
“Oh come on, Estelle,” you protest. “That hardly matters—”
“Sure but at least the guy you’re now stuck with all day every day is nice to look at.” She kicks her feet up on the coffee table and twirls a bit of her hair around her fingers casually, her dark eyes glittering with humor. “I, for one, cannot wait to see how this turns out. Two-hundred gil says you two will be dating before he leaves service as your bodyguard.”
“I’ll take that bet,” you say impulsively. “And when it’s over, I’ll be two-hundred gil richer!”
Estelle just grins. “We’ll see.”
Prompto may have seemed flustered and embarrassed when the two of you met, but as time goes on he loosens up. Within the first week of him guarding you, you get a measure of his true personality.
He’s bright and cheerful. A bit talkative, but at least he fills the awkward silences. He gets friendlier the more time he spends with you.
He starts feeling less like a bodyguard and more like a somewhat-overly-attentive friend.
“Look! Puppies!” he exclaims as the two of you walk down the street. He scuttles away excitedly and kneels in front of the couple out walking two very small yellow dogs covered in soft hair. You laugh and jog to catch up. The smaller of the two has a cowlick on the top of its head that reminds you of Prompto’s hair.
“Aw!” the woman says. “You have a very sweet boyfriend, miss.” She smiles at you.
Prompto starts coughing. “Oh, no, no, ma’am, you’re mistaken,” he says politely, pushing himself to his feet. “We’re not… together.”
“He’s a friend,” you put in, smiling back at the woman. “We’re just friends.” It’s too complicated and personal to explain why you have a bodyguard to every stranger on the street—though how they don’t notice his bulletproof vest is beyond you since he doesn’t even wear it under his clothes—so you decide “friends” is the best way to put it.
“Oh. Sorry,” the woman says. “You two have a nice day now!” She and her companion stroll off.
Prompto’s ears and nose turn red. “OMG. I should not have done that. I am so sorry, miss. I’m not supposed to leave your side and—”
“Prompto!” you protest, grabbing his wrist to catch his attention. “It’s okay. No harm done.”
“Boyfriend, huh?” Estelle teases after you tell her what happened in town. Prompto turns a light shade of pink on the armchair in the living room. Estelle gives you a playful raised eyebrow. “I can see why people might think that initially.”
“Estelle,” you begin. “There’s really no reason to—”
“Spider!” Prompto shrieks, waving his hand and arm madly. “Spiderspiderspiderspiderspider!”
Your friend covers her mouth with both hands to hide her laughter as the spider lands on the carpet and gets crushed under Prompto’s boot. When you look up at his face, his eyes are red and tearing up and his lip is quivering. You give him a sympathetic look, get off the sofa, and throw professionalism out the window because goshdangit he looks like he needs a hug. Ignoring Estelle’s barely-muffled snickers, you wrap your arms around him.
Prompto squeaks in surprise. “Uh… miss? What are you doing?”
“This is a hug, Prompto. I'm hugging you.”
“I know what a hug is. Why are you hugging me?”
“Because you look like that spider scared you to death.”
“Well,” Prompto says, slowly prying himself from your hug, “no one likes finding out a spider crawled on their arm.”
“True that,” Estelle remarks with a snap of her fingers pointing at Prompto. She glances at her watch and gets to her feet. “Well, I gotta be off. Boyfriend and I are going out to dinner and if I don’t go put on a nicer shirt my mother will never let me hear the end of it!” She winks at you and ducks out your front door. “Oh, and bye Prompto!” she calls over her shoulder.
“Uh, bye!” Prompto replies.
You roll your eyes at your friend—and immediately rub at your eye as discomfort shoots through it. “Shoot,” you mutter.
“What’s wrong?” Prompto demands, looking around in sudden vigilance you’re not particularly used to.
“Eyelash in my eye,” you say.
“Here. Let me get it out,” he says.
Am I going to trust him with this? Your mind races as you lower your hand and open your eyes wide, looking up so he can get the eyelash out. His face is ridiculously close to yours. You can see every detail in his light blue eyes—and practically count the star-field of freckles across his nose and cheekbones.
You do trust him to remove the eyelash. He does it gently but quickly. Sure it feels wrong to have someone touching your eyeball, but one quick poke and the discomfort goes away. You rub your eye again. “Thanks,” you say.
“Anything for you, miss,” he says professionally—with just a hint of his trademark playful friendliness in his voice.
You laugh and sit back down on the sofa, flipping open the book you’d been looking at before Estelle stopped by. “Hey Prompto?” you ask.
“Yes?” he replies with a bright smile.
“Do me a favor and grab me a pen, would you?”
“You got it, gurl!” He gives you finger guns and does a front-flip over the loveseat toward the kitchen. You can’t help but giggle. He’s a funny guy. Really you couldn’t have asked for a better bodyguard right now. Sure, you were in danger, but with Prompto around life felt almost normal. Like having a friend.
A really overprotective friend who carried a gun.
“LOOK OUT!” Prompto shouted, grabbing your hand and yanking you out of the way of a car that blew through the red light right where you were about to cross. The force of his pull sends you right into his chest. His other arm closes around your back, holding you close.
After a moment of both of you panting with adrenaline and fear, he lets you go. “Oh man. So sorry. I shouldn’t have—oh wow.” He steps back and pushes his hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have touched your bare skin like that. So unprofessional—I'm so sorry—”
“Prompto! It’s okay. You’re just doing your job. And without you I would have been run over, okay?” you press.
He nods. “Okay. But… still. I'm sorry.”
“Don’t be. I'm safe.” You smile at him. “Now come on. Let’s cross.”
He twitches a bit as you cross the road, making sure you’re not going to be run over again. It’s a nice evening, turning into a warm summer night. The heat of the sun has baked the pavement and the stone that the buildings are made from, and as the sun’s power fades toward darkness, the pavement and stone radiate the heat they’ve captured. It’s fantastic weather.
Perfect for seeing a film.
One good thing about having a bodyguard twenty-four-seven is that going to the movies is easier. You don’t have to try and coordinate schedules with a friend so you don’t go alone. Prompto has a difficult time sitting still in a movie, but sometimes he does manage to relax.
“Come on,” you say, nodding toward a gap between two buildings. “This is a shortcut. Estelle and I always cut through here.”
Prompto looks wary but follows you in. You notice his hand rest on his gun. The buildings cut off the sunlight, plunging you both into near-nighttime. Prompto steps closer to you. You can almost feel him vibrating from anticipation.
“Prompto, it’s okay,” you say. “Nothing ever happ—AAAHHH!”
The scream is torn from your throat before you can stop it. It was just a reaction as Prompto grabbed your hand and yanked backward. He shoves you behind him protectively, one hand gently brushing your upper arm to make sure you’re still there and within reach should something happen.
A man almost twice Prompto’s size emerges from the shadows—how you hadn’t noticed him is beyond you. You see yellow, dirty teeth leering at the both of you and the glint in a pair of eyes too far away to really see.
And the barrel of a gun—gleaming in the half-light.
You yelp, fear catching you up.
Prompto reacts fast—and you’re reminded that he’s there to keep you safe. He’s not just a friendly dork who hangs around all the time.
He kicks the gun out of the man’s hand, using the momentum to flip backward. Sticking the landing, his hand shoots into the air and catches the gun, which he then cocks and points at the man. “Don’t try that again,” he snaps at the huge dark figure.
The man looks as surprised as you are. He puts his hands up and backs off.
Prompto reaches back and finds your wrist. “C’mon. We’re going,” he says. You don’t protest as he keeps you behind him, circles the man, and then runs through the rest of the alley. He puts the safety on the unfamiliar gun into place and shoves it into a spare holster you’d noticed but never thought much of. The two of you are standing near the side-door of the movie theater.
“That… was awesome,” you say. “Terrifying, but awesome. How did you do that?”
“Years of training,” he replies, panting. This time he takes your hand gentler and pulls you toward the front door of the theater.
You’re almost there when he starts to cry.
“Prompto… what’s wrong?” you ask quietly.
“I… I failed you, miss,” he says, voice shaking. “I couldn’t stop the threat before it happened. I'm such an idiot. Completely disposable.”
“Prompto,” you say, reaching up to brush some of his messy hair out of his face. “You are not disposable. I couldn’t ask for a better bodyguard. And look at me—I'm safe! You did not fail, okay? You’re a great bodyguard! A total boss!”
He sniffs and wipes his face on his bare arms—you’re fairly certain he hasn’t worn anything with sleeves since the day he began—giving you a melancholy smile. “You think so?”
Impulsively, you tilt up onto your toes and peck his cheek. “Absolutely. Thank you, Prompto.”
“M-my pleasure, miss,” he says. Still holding your hand, he pulls you around the corner to the front of the theater and opens the door for you, as he always does. “Your evening of entertainment awaits.” There’s his playfulness. You grin, making him smile.
“I’ve had plenty of entertainment already,” you say.
“Too much,” he says. “Hopefully you won’t have to have any more of that kind.”
“Well, with you here, at least I know I’ll be safe,” you say.
I think I might owe Estelle two-hundred gil when all this is over, you think as you give your tickets to the usher and head into the right theater to catch the film.
Surprisingly, you’re pretty sure you’re okay losing that bet.
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mysmesomefluff · 7 years
Saeran Fanfiction #5: Calculus Sucks
A/N: Wrote this as a smol pick-me-up for @dancingchestnut, my smol bean lover @saerans-ri (omgomgomg our r/s is public now 😂😂😂) and other people who might be having exams/dealing with a lot of exam stress!! This is like, such a big throw-back to my life last year lmao. Hope you enjoy~ 
Calculus sucks. 
You run your fingers through your hair again, chewing at your bottom lip as you frown at the particularly difficult question on the practice paper you’re doing. How many questions does that make, exactly? You’ve already skipped a ton of them and you’re not even halfway through the darn thing. 
You glance over at the hopelessly tall stack of notes on the table, and dread fills you immediately. The frustration that has been gnawing away at you for the past half hour begins to bubble up in your chest.
With a groan, you throw down your pen, and in the process the inky tip skids across the page that you were reading. Great. As if the dizzying, hypnotic mess of words haven’t been difficult enough to digest already. Squeezing your eyes shut, you lean back in your chair, letting your head swing back.
You need a break. A yawn escapes you and you’re reminded once again of the bitter fact that you only had a measly few hours of sleep the night before because you had so much left to finish.
What you need is a nap. A long, uninterrupted nap. A permanent one doesn’t too bad to you at this point, actually. 
You just want a break.
“Wow. 8cm, huh.”
Your eyes fly open at the sound of someone’s voice, and you find yourself staring up into the face of a certain redhead standing over you. He has an amused smirk playing on his lips at the moment, clearly pleased that he managed to give you a near heart attack. You wonder how long he’s been there for.
You feel your insides melt a little as a moment passes where you’re a little too dumbfounded to speak. That smirk and adorable dimple below the corner of his cheek always makes you go weak in the knees, it’s unfair. 
Snapping up into an upright sitting position, you spin around your chair to send him a glower. 
“Geez Saeran, don’t scare me like that,” you say with a groan. “And what are you talking about? What’s ‘8cm’?”
“You have a pretty big mouth,” he answers, smirk deepening. “Does your mouth always stretch that wide when you yawn?” 
Okay. Forget mushy insides. 
Heat rushes to your cheeks and your face pinches in disbelief and embarrassment. “H-Hey! My mouth isn’t that big, you’re just exaggerating--”
“I measured it.” He holds up a ruler in his hand, sending a smug, mocking grin your way.
You honestly can’t tell if he’s joking or if he actually used that ruler to measure how wide your mouth went when you yawned earlier. Is your mouth really that big? 
The mortification must have shown far too clearly on your face, for it pulls a chuckle from him. “Just kidding, idiot. You should see how stupid you look right now,” Saeran laughs.
You roll your eyes in response. “Stop messing with me, you big jerk,” you complain With a huff, you turn away from him, not wanting to let him have the satisfaction of seeing the embarrassment on your face any longer.
As you look away, you catch the half-done practice paper on the table from the corner of your eye. 
Right. Paper. Exam tomorrow. Gotta get it done quickly.
Quite easily, you discard the other choice retorts you had for the man and pick up your pen. And then you proceed to frown at that same question. Again. 
“What’s that?”
“Shh. Studying,” you hush, hoping it will shoo your boyfriend away. Normally, you’d love for Saeran to speak more, but today he seems to have too much to say. 
Of all days to be talkative it just has to be today when your stress level is at its peak. 
He doesn’t take the hint though. Ignoring your protests, he deftly swipes the practice paper you were looking at off table to have a look. “Calculus,” he states, eyes scanning the question you were on. From this angle, with him standing next to you, one hand on the table, his wrist barely brushing against your arm, and his brow pressed downwards in thought ever so slightly, you think he rather resembles a professor or teacher. All he needs is a pair of glasses. Black-rimmed ones, perhaps.
“So, you can’t do this question?” he asks, casting you a questioning sideways glance. 
“No,” you admit with a grimace, rubbing your temples. “I’ve been trying for the past thirty minutes, but I’m stuck. This question is so--”
“Easy,” he states in a matter-of-fact tone.
You take some time to register his words. “Sorry, did you just say this question is... easy?”
He shrugs, and the gesture makes you feel that much dumber. Then again, he is pretty much a genius, much like his older brother. He might actually be smarter than Saeyoung, though that’s just your biased opinion.
“Here, give me your notepad.”
You comply, and watch in astonishment as he scribbles down the solution, step by step, onto your messy notepad that is filled with illegible scrawls and mindless doodles. He didn’t even take two minutes to solve the problem in his head, and all he needed was another minute to write it all down neatly in a clean, empty spot on your notepad.
He’s a monster, you conclude, jaw dropping in amazement when you see his final answer that corresponds to the one on the answer sheet you were given. How did he..? 
You take the notepad from him, looking through the solution he just presented you and you realise he tackled the question from a completely different perspective, one that was much more efficient than the route you were taking.
“Wow.” There’s really nothing else you can offer in response. Finally. The question’s done and that’s that, but... 
You slump over, knocking your forehead on the cool surface of the table. 
“What’s the problem now? I solved it for you,” you hear him say. You can almost hear the frown in his voice. 
“I’m going to fail,” you deadpan, your frustration and stress starting to culminate in the form of a lump in your throat that makes it hard to breathe. “I can’t solve anything on my own. I’m going to fail all my papers. You’ll see. I’m going to be burning in a red river of crosses and angry-teacher comments by the end of this.”
He doesn’t really say anything in reply. Probably because you’re just being a drama queen right now, and you know it. You breathe out a sigh, closing your eyes when you feel some moisture gather in the back of them. Ugh. This is not the time to cry. You need to focus and keep studying. Your paper is tomorrow, for crying out loud. There’s no time to waste on meaningless tears. 
The only thing is, you’ve been trying, studying your butt off and okay, maybe you could have started just a little earlier so you wouldn’t feel as stressed as you do right now, but still. Good grades seem like a faraway dream now, and you briefly wonder if there’s even a point to this studying. 
Exhaustion grips you, and you feel an overwhelming desire to simply toss your notes and practice papers aside, plop onto your bed and go into hibernation. Maybe for a year or two. 
“Hey.”A hand on your shoulder nudges you back up so you’re sitting upright again. You’re half-expecting Saeran to tell you to get the paper over and done with, to tell you to get your shit together and to stop acting stupid.
Which is why your mind blanks completely when he leans in to plant a brief kiss on your forehead. 
The rapid increase of your heart rate and flaming cheeks indicate that you just might be close to having yet another heart attack because of this man. 
You’re rendered entirely mute when he pulls away so his face is just a few inches away from yours, his piercing gaze boring into your wide, glossy eyes.
“Get your shit together and stop acting stupid,” he says with that poker face of his. 
Knew it. Totally called it. 
But despite the bluntness of his words, you can’t help the silly smile that spreads your lips. Saeran has a unique way of making you feel better, even if it’s at the expense of your dignity. The stress doesn’t disappear entirely, but at least your chest feels a little lighter now. 
“Okay, I will,” you reply with a nod. 
“Good. You’ll be fine. If you have anything you don’t understand, I’ll help.” 
“...You’re going to regret your offer.” 
He arches a brow at that. “Why?”
Sheepishly, you scratch the back of your head, glancing over at the stack of papers you still have to do. 
For the rest of the day, Saeran does end up regretting his words, when you interrupt his LOLOL gaming session with Yoosung every five minutes to get help with another difficult question. 
Well. What can you say? 
Calculus sucks. 
A/N: Math is the bane of my existence. 
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jimchimmie-blog · 8 years
Almost got caught (Part 3)
For the first time ever, this is the best sleep i had ever have in my life. Not to exaggerate but i feel like i am floating in the air right now. Even in my sleep, i can smell the sweet scents of vanilla. I wonder why? This feels to good to be true. I can feel myself smilling in my sleep. This feels good. I don't want to ever wake up. I would not hesitate to kill anybody that try to wake me up right now. I breathe out a long and deep sigh when i feel someone pull me by the waist. I can feel some heat radiating near me. Its really near too.. wait.. what am i hugging right now? While trying to gather the strength to open my eyes and getting used to the light, i heard a soft moan. I frozed immediately. My eyes flew open as soon as i heard the noise. I slowly took a peek at the person i am cuddling so close with just to have my nose meeting with a pink fluffy hair. Soon realisation hit me. Jimin hyung slept with me yesterday!! Maybe that is why i can sleep so well. I tried to look at his face but it was covered. He is literally breathing on my neck right now or should i say that he is breathing on my adams apple? His breathing is slow and steady, slowly hitting me with his hot breath. I can hear soft snores coming from him and it sounds so adorable. I am about to combust right now. Everything is so fluffy but its giving me a tough time too with him being so near my adams apple. His lips is barely touching them. I gulped at the sensation. I can alsl feel his hand around my waist, holding me so tight. I was still holding him like the night before too. My arms is kind of sore now but i can't bring myself to wake jimin up. Its okay jeon. You can endure this. This is one of the reasons to why you started working out. Don't fail me muscles! I took this opportunity to bring jimin closer, pulling him by the waist. I left my left arm around his waist, rubbing his back from time to time. After that, i started playing with his hair. I run my hand through his hair from the back of his nape, moving upwards. I found myself smilling at how soft he is. The thought that this will all end, saddens me. I continue doing so for i don't know how long. I was so into my thoughts that i did not realise that the hand on my waist moved. Suddenly, i felt a sensation on my back. Like someone rubbing my spine. I frozed. He's awake judging from the movement. "Why did you stop?" I can feel his breath on my adams apple. It is so near to my skin. As if he was about to kiss me. Upon hearing that rough and deep voice, i let go of my grip around his waist. "Hyung? Did i wake you up?" Finally he looked up at me with his hand still around my waist, never letting go. Oh god..If he was cuter yesterday, he is more cuter cuter today. You get it? He looks so cute. His face is a bit puffy and his eyes is so cute. Oh and his lips is extra puffy after waking up. I would kiss it if i could but i have to hold myself back. "Good morning kookie" AWWWWW SO ADORABLE OMGOMGOMG KILL ME NOW. I DON'T MIND DYING!!(JK inner mind going insane) "G-good morning hyung. Did you sleep well? Did i wake you up?" Jimin hyung looked at me in the eyes for like 5 seconds before answering me. That was intense. I almost look away. "Its the best sleep i had ever have in my life. You didn't wake me up so don't worry." He immediately snuggle back like he was before. He rubbed his nose at my neck area and he breathe out a long sigh of content . I froze at the action. He is driving me insane. Park jimin is a dangerous guy. Why did fall in love with him. "H-hyung.." "Why did you stop?" I was confused at what he is trying to say here. Stop what? "Huh?stop what?" He looked up at me with a glare and a small pout on his cute lips. Its not even intimidating. More like cute? I'm whipped guys.. "Kookie~ keep playing with my hair" It sounded more like a plea than a demand. I let out a soft chuckle. "Why are you laughing?" awww that pout he is having right now is so adorable. I want to kiss it so badly. Arghh!! "Nothing hyung. You were so cute thats all" Something in jimin's eyes change for a moment when i said that. Oh shit. Is it disgusting? I shouldn't have said that.. we looked at each other for 5 seconds straight in silence. I was mentally killing myself and preparing for what jimin hyung is going to say only to see a soft smile on his lips. "I'm manly though kookie" I mentally heaved a sigh of relief. That was close.. "Yeah okay hyung, i "believe" you" Jimin lightly smacked my back when he heard the sacarsm in my sentence. "Meanie.." I let out a soft laugh at his words. Jimin also laugh along with me. Again, he snuggled so near that i almost had a heart attack. This time i continued playing with his hair. I can feel jimin hyung smilling against my skin. With our legs tangled together, he continued rubbing my back gently. My heart feels so full of love right now. Even though i knew this is just something friendly. We lay down there for about 30 minutes. All we did was just cuddling. "Kookie?" "Hmm?" "I'll be cute only for you okay?" Before i can ask what he meant by that, the bedroom door flew open. We were both shocked at the sudden intrusion and quickly let go of each other. We both sat down on the bed facing the intruder. Turns out to be jin hyung. I should have locked the door before sleeping. Jin would always invade my bedroom without warning. He stood there a bit shock at what he just saw. We were both staring at him. "Umm oops? Sorry for disturbing.." I gave my deadliest glare at jin hyung for interrupting my once in a lifetime chance. Before i can retaliate, i feel someone pulling me by my waist. What? "Jin hyung. How can you just come in like that. I was busy cuddling with kookie and you just had to.." My eyes grew two times larger at the statement. Did jimin hyung just?.. why?what? I can feel his grip around my waist tightened. Jin hyung and jimin hyung were as if talking with their eyes. What is happening? I kept looking between both of them for like 10 seconds before jin hyung finally break the ice. "Okay! Umm. Breakfast is ready. I will wait for you guys outside.. take your time.. bye.." He finally went out of the room.. i looked at jimin hyung who still have his hand around my waist. He was still looking or more like glaring at the door even though jin hyung was already gone. I wonder why? "Umm hyung? Shall we go?" "Yeah. Lets go kookie" He finally let go of his grip and slide of the bed. He slowly stretched his body when he stood up. All i can say is.. beautiful as always. I sat at the edge of my bed waiting for jimin hyung to finish stretching while admiring how he look right now. I was busy looking when jimin squat down to look me in the eye. My heart skipped a beat again. At this rate, i might really die. He gave me the sweetest smile that can legit really save the world. I smiled an awkward smile back(nice going jungkook). Suddenly his face went serious. He scoot nearer that i can see myself in his eyes. "Jeon jungkook" I gulped at how serious he sounds. His voice so low and raspy. He would always call me by my nickname but when he calls my full name, i can feel shivers running down my spine and it will always make me feel hot(?).. "Y-yeah?" My heart was beating so wildly that i bet he could hear me. What is he trying to do now? "Close your eyes" I tilt my head abit in confusion. I wonder what he is trying to really do. Without hesitation, i closed my eyes, trusting jimin. Alot of thoughts run through my mind at the moment until i feel jimin's hand at the back of my head, playing with my hair like how i did with his. I let out a sigh of content. Suddenly, i felt something warm on my forehead. My heart beat 100 times faster if that was possible when i realised that its jimin's lips all this while. He is kissing my forehead right now. It lingers there for like 5 seconds and it ends with a soft peck. I still kept my eyes closed. I can still feel his hand running through my hair gently. "Thank you jungkook" I mentally let out a sigh of dissapointment when he finally let go of me. I can bet you that i am blushing so hard right now. Jimin could even see it but who cares. The Park Jimin kissed me. Even though its just on the forehead, its still gold okay. "Lets go kookie" As soon as i opened my eyes, he took my hand in his, leading me out of the room to the dining table. Along the way, i watched jimin hyung from the back. I smiled at what just happened but again, i don't want to put any hope that we can be more than that. Its giving me some light but i don't want to walk towards it. What if its just a friendly gesture.. i can't assume anything. This is my first time ever, feeling this way. I never experienced something like this. I was never interested in other guys or girls. Its only jimin hyung who made me feel this way. It may be my first love but it will never be my last.. When we walked into the kitchen, everyone looked at us with a knowing look. I blushed when i realised that we are still holding hands. I don't want to be rude to just pull my hands off, so i made an excuse of wanting to go to the toilet. When he let go, i feel so empty.. this feels so shitty man. Love.. its beautiful at times but there would always be pain. Sucks to be me. After that, we all had our breakfast as per normal well, except yoongi hyung. Bet he is stilk sleeping. Everyone talking like they always do. Sometimes i can feel jimin hyung looking at me and we would make eye contact at times. I would get so flustered and looked down at my food. Why is he such a natural flirt. I hate him for making me so flustered. Park jimin.. born to flirt naturally. Side note: i am feeling good today, so i updated again. How is this chapter? Tell me your opinion so far. Love you guys💕
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