#its just residual nervousness from never Properly Coming Out and not really knowing how to handle it
mummer · 8 months
now that i have been dating a girl for like 4 months im starting to get into situations where i do need to communicate that fact to like my parents and my coworkers but i still dont want to and am guarded about it in needlessly convoluted ways even though. i dont need to ❤️ like every time theres an opportunity to tell my mom im like noooooo….. i dont want to….. even though she would be So happy for me and there would be 0 problems. why am i doing that???? no one in my family or life is homophobic or anything like nothing bad would even happen!!! i was thinking about it watching all of us strangers and american fiction because they both have plotlines where gay people wish they couldve told their parents and regret not doing it. And its like well yes. but also. Idk why it still feels weird and scary for no reason then.
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
I’m bad at prompts so I have an aesthetic vibe for a fic: dusty library, silver glasses, warm blanket, hot tea, cold voices.
Jon wants to get Martin’s attention. Daisy and Melanie have an unusual plan.
“I think he’s made it quite clear that he doesn’t want to talk to you.”
“I need...I need to make sure he’s okay. Daisy’s already tried and well, you-”
“Absolutely not.”
Jon sighed. He needed to trust Martin, he knew this. But how could he, when he faded more and more each day? When Jon couldn’t reach him, couldn’t know he was safe? He needed to touch him, make sure he was still solid, still there. That Jon still cared. And if Jon could just break through-
“He won’t let me talk to him. And I don’t know what to do.” The words came out more plaintively than he would’ve liked. Melanie gave him an unimpressed look, Daisy leaned back on the couch. He didn’t know why he’d suddenly decided to confess his feelings to these two, perhaps it was the leftover alcohol in his system from their afternoon drink. Basira was off on another lead and Daisy needed the distraction. They all did. And now they were back at the office, bored and lethargic, Jon dodging the paper balls Melanie lazily tossed his way.
“You’ve got to do something,” Daisy drawled, idly picking at her nails. “To get his attention. You’ve got to make him come to you.”
“I don’t know how to do that,” Jon groaned in frustration. “If I did, I would’ve done it already.”
“Wait.” Melanie sat up straighter, a wicked gleam in her eyes. “I know exactly what to do.” Daisy and Jon shared a glance as she broke into a smirk. 
“And Martin won’t be able to resist you.”
“Is this really necessary?” Jon asked, flinching back as Melanie applied the pink-coated brush to his cheek. “It seems a bit excessive.”
“Stop moving. And yes, if you want to look the part.” Melanie wielded the makeup brush like a weapon as Daisy followed with a critical eye. “Does he look pathetic enough?”
“Hmm.” Daisy leaned forward, uncomfortably close to Jon’s face. “I think he needs a bit more. Just a pinch.”
“This is ridiculous,” Jon snarked, leaning away from Melanie’s hands. “I don’t know why I agreed to this. It’s not going to work.”
“You agreed to this because you know it’s going to work,” Melanie insisted, dipping the brush in the compact. “Trust me, Martin won’t be able to resist doting on you if you look properly ill. When I came here the second time ‘round, he hovered outside the door the entire time. “Do you need anything, Jon? Can I get you some tea? Are you feeling alright?”
“That’s not what he sounds like-”
“That’s exactly what he sounds like,” Daisy smirked, settling back into the couch. “If you don’t like the makeup, we can always go with option two-”
“I am not letting Melanie punch me, thank you very much.” She still harbored a lot of residual (and rightful, in his opinion) anger from the surgery incident, and he wasn’t willing to be the outlet for it. “How do we know he’ll even see me?”
“He goes down to the library every Wednesday, sneaks in and out real quiet-like,” Daisy repeated for the third time. “Trust me, I know his patterns.” There was still some Hunt in her yet, no matter how much she starved it. Listen to the quiet. He didn’t say it aloud, but from the look in Daisy’s eyes he didn’t need to. “We’ll set you up there. Don’t worry, he won’t be able to miss you.”
“Whatever you say,” he grumbled, batting away Melanie’s hand. “Are you done yet?” She evaluated him with a scowl.
“That should do it.” She shut the compact with a definitive snap. “I was going to add a bit of purple eyeshadow under the eyes, but that might be overdoing it. You already look like a zombie.”
Daisy nodded appreciatively. “Powder did the job. God, Melanie. You’re a pro.”
“Thank you,” she preened as Jon rolled his eyes. “Now, for the finishing touch!” She leaned forward, yanking the scrunchie out of his hair and ignoring his yelp with an air of satisfaction. “Perfect!”
“I fail to see why that was necessary!” His head ached from the sudden pull on his hair, which was now falling down his shoulders in a tangled, ruffled mess. God, I must look insane. He lifted a hand to put it in some semblance of order when Melanie grabbed at it, stopping him in his tracks.
“No, you’ll ruin it!” she snapped. “Martin likes it when it’s down.”
“How do you know that?”
“God, he really is oblivious,” Daisy said with a disbelieving chuckle. “I may have only visited a few times, but even I saw the way he stared at you whenever you so much as touched your hair. It was sickening to watch.”
“C’mon, we’ve got to get you settled. We have to time this perfectly.” Melanie gestured impatiently for him to get up. “Daisy’ll take you up. I’ve got to grab something.” Jon didn’t trust her but in all honesty, what did he have to lose? The things we get up to when Basira’s gone...though I suppose this is significantly better than the Coffin Incident. 
Daisy took his arm, leaning on him for a bit of support as they made their way up to the library. To anyone else it would look the opposite, that he was the one relying on her- Daisy was good at hiding her weakness. “There’s a couch by the front desk,” she murmured as they rounded the corner. “It’ll be right in his line of vision.”
“What if he isn’t paying attention?” Jon worried, watching as the other staff studiously avoided their gaze, side-stepping them in the hallway. The Archives were truly toxic, and no one wanted to anger the heavily-scarred, scowling Archivist and his rabid ex-cop friend. For the first time in his life, Jon was intimidating. He didn’t like it.
“He always pays attention to you,” Daisy insisted. “He just doesn’t want you to see it.” The words put a lump in his throat. He wondered if they were true. He opened his mouth to reply when Melanie scurried up behind them, her arms full of-
“Yes.” Melanie pushed into him, impatiently urging them forward. “Trust me, it’ll work.”
“I am not-” He was cut off by a surprisingly strong push from Daisy, landing him on the couch with an ‘oof.’ Melanie threw the offending object around his shoulders- a fluffy pink blanket Jon recognized from its place on Basira’s cot. He tried to worm his way out of it but Melanie gave him a sharp slap on the arm, ignoring his hiss of pain. He looked around, wildly embarrassed by the entire situation to find that the room was strangely empty, which was surprising for the time of day. I suppose everyone’s trying to avoid us these days.
Daisy froze, her eyes narrowing and posture straightening. “He’s coming.”
Melanie swore, running around the corner and coming back with an old, heavy tome she'd snatched off the nearest shelf. She grinned, an almost manic thing that Jon instinctively leaned back from. “The final touch,” she said proudly, not waiting for his answer as she opened the book with a flourish, flipping the pages in front of his face like a fan. He flinched back, utterly confused.
“Melanie, what on earth are you-”
Martin heard him before he saw him.
The scurrying of feet across the hardwood was strange enough, but Jonathan Sims sitting on the library’s best couch, sneezing into a fluffy blanket and looking bleary-eyed and very exhausted was even stranger. Well, not the exhausted part. That was Jon’s normal state of being. 
But there he sat, wrapped in Basira’s fluffy pink blanket with a flushed face, messy hair, and an ashen pallor that could only come from sickness. Martin had seen it before, back when he lived in Document Storage and Jon was working himself into the ground, much like he was doing nowadays. He felt that pang of worry that accompanied those long nights in the Archives, something he was trying desperately to tamp down.
Working for Peter was infuriating and isolating, just as it was supposed to be. He was constantly reminding himself that it was for the greater good, that he was doing something important, protecting his friends. Protecting Jon. But how could he protect him when he kept finding Martin, even though he promised to trust him? How could he protect him when he kept throwing himself headlong into any danger he could find? How could he protect him, when his biggest enemy was himself?
Another sneeze. Jon looked almost confused by it, maybe even offended that it happened. It made him want to smile, an urge he fought down as he tried to remember Peter’s promise to keep them safe if he kept his distance. He hazarded one last glance, sure that he wasn’t in Jon’s line of sight that he noticed one last detail- Jon’s sweater. Incredibly baggy, worn, light blue knit- a color he’d never seen on him before.
Martin’s sweater. And with that, he found himself walking over to Jon almost involuntarily, steps loud and purposeful as they startled Jon from his perch on the couch. And when Jon noticed him he smiled, so bright and happy and obviously extremely out of it if he was having this reaction to Martin. His face really did look flushed up close- he must have a fever, especially if he wandered up here in this state. Martin successfully resisted the urge to feel his forehead. 
“M-Martin!” God, how could he not talk to Jon, when he said his name with such happiness? He fought to keep his voice level and cool as he responded.
“Jon. What are you doing up here?” Jon’s smile dimmed slightly, and Martin tried not to feel guilty. He did not succeed.
“I, um-” Jon stuttered, his usual sign of nervousness as he ran a hand through his hair. His hair, that was mused and tangled and falling in his face. Fuck. “I w-was reading.” He struggled to pick up a particularly heavy-looking book from where it sat on the couch next to him, its title obscured from Martin’s view. “It was getting, er, a bit stuffy down in the Archives.”
A red flag if Martin ever saw one. They rarely left the Archives these days, unless it was for a quick lunch and even then, Jon had to be dragged out bodily. He sighed, trying not to meet Jon’s pleading eyes. And still, he couldn’t help but ask. “Are you...okay?”
Jon looked down to his lap, the blanket half slipping off his shoulders as he fidgeted with his hands. Martin looked pointedly away. “Not feeling very well,” Jon murmured to the ground, looking strangely nervous, maybe even guilty. That didn’t make sense. He must be really ill, if he’s actually admitting to it. Martin hesitated, fighting between what he should do and what he really, really wanted to do. The cold evaporated just a little and Martin had never felt so seen. 
He missed that.
And so, less reluctantly than he would have liked, he extended a hand down to Jon, who looked at it in shock. “C’mon. Let’s get you back downstairs, I’ll make tea.” Make tea. His solution for everything, he remembered Tim deriding. But Jon looked at him like he’d offered much, much more than that. Maybe he had. The hope in his eyes was too much to bear. So when Jon put a thin, scarred hand in his, he looked away, even as he helped him to his feet.
To his disdain and delight, Jon immediately leaned into his side, as if trying to leech warmth that Martin couldn’t provide. In fact it was now Jon who was the warmer of the two- the Eye would not accept the chill of the Lonely, and the fever probably didn’t help. He was like a touch-starved cat looking for a crumb of affection, and god did he want to give it to him. If it were the Martin of a year ago he would have blushed, stammered, maybe even squeezed him back. Now he can only offer him the shoulder, nothing more.
Jon didn’t say anything more than a muttered thanks as they made their way down to the Archives, as if he were afraid of spooking him. More than one staff member they saw stared; Martin had been AWOL except for a few official emails, and was now suddenly the assistant to the head of the institute. To see him with the dreaded Head Archivist must have been even more of a shock. He felt pity- what a pair we make.
By the time they arrived at the archives, Jon had leant almost all of his weight against Martin’s side, making it difficult to maneuver them both down the stairs. No one was there, and he wanted to scold the other three, wherever they were, for leaving Jon to wander in his condition. I’ll fix him tea, get him on the cot and then I’ll go, he promised himself. 
Easier said than done.
He barely managed to pry Jon off of him, and only with the promise to return with a cup of tea did he let go. Never in his wildest daydreams did he imagine Jon to be this clingy, hanging off him like a limpet. As he made his way to the break room he drew the Lonely back to him like a security blanket, albeit a cold one. You can’t stay. You have to go. He looked blankly around the room he used to think of as a safe haven; it was no longer familiar, different mugs on the table, different food in the cupboards, a bag of makeup on the counter. He no longer had a place. 
Jon was sitting up on the cot when he arrived back, cup of tea in hand. He pointedly didn’t meet his eyes as he handed it over, staring at his feet and ignoring Jon’s thanks as he turned to leave. Go go go-
Damn it.
He turned. “What is it, Jon? I have to-”
“Will you stay?” His face was so open, so vulnerable it made Martin ache with longing. “Just- just for a bit.”
Martin sighed, trying to maintain his stoic façade. “You know I can’t.”
“I miss you.”
“I know, I know,” Jon replied, voice going quiet. He thought dying would harden the man, but it only seemed to soften his sharp edges. “I’m sorry.” He held the mug between his hands, staring down like it was something precious.
“It’s fine,” Martin replied, though they both knew it wasn’t.
“Will you stay if I don’t talk?” Jon leveled that hopeful gaze at him again and Martin looked up to the ceiling for divine intervention that wouldn’t come. 
“Please.” He was begging. His eyes were bright, whether from tears or the fever Martin couldn’t discern. But what was he to do, say no? Not when he was like this, not when he was sick. Martin made excuses, none of them particularly convincing even to himself and they certainly wouldn’t be to Peter, but it didn’t matter. He’d already made his choice as soon as Jon said the word.
“Okay. For a bit.” That smile again. Jon said nothing as Martin tentatively sat beside him on that small, rickety cot. He would only stay for a bit, until Jon fell asleep. He had no one to look after him, after all. He would go back up and face Peter later. 
For now, he let Jon rest his head against his shoulder. He let his fingers rise of their own accord and brush the hair from Jon’s face, eliciting a shiver. When he fell asleep, Martin didn’t move. He needs the rest. So he sat, reveling in the warm, heavy weight of everything he’d given up, everything he stood to lose, and knew he made the right decision.
Much later, when he’s faced Peter’s disappointed gaze and a mountain of extra work, he notices the strange, powdery cast on his sleeve from where Jon had laid his head. When he rubs at it, his fingers come back with hints of pink and white. It takes him a moment to put the pieces together- the footsteps in the library, the absence of Daisy and Melanie, the makeup on the counter. He wants to roll his eyes, wants to be angry.
Instead, for the first time in months, he laughs.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28581141
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
Woo fic 3 of 3! This was really hard to write ahh I just struggled a lot because I had the proper idea it was just rough executing it ahh I hope you all enjoy it! There’s not a lot of dialogue so ahh anyways enjoy!
Punz had come up with a new mod that was meant to add new mobs to the game but little did everyone know they were a very special kind of new mob… To be specific they were tickle mobs! They basically replaced all the violent mobs with mobs that would simply tickle you instead of hurt you! There was one where it was very feathery all over and it’s finger nails were replaced with feathers. One with a very fluffy tail and wings, it’s finger nails were claws not overly sharp but still pointed enough to tickle like crazy! Another which had pockets on its body filled with all kinds of tools and so many others but these are the main three!
Punz was very excited to have people try out his new mod! He just knew it was going to be so fun to watch everyone’s reactions as they realize just what the new mobs do! He bounced on his heels a bit as he waited for everyone to show up suddenly he saw George approaching in the distance! He waved trying to hold back his excitement and seem more like his casual laid back self “hi George!”
George waved back excitedly “hi punz!” He quickly gave the taller a small hug “so what’s this new mod?” Punz smiled softly as he hugged him back “oh you’ll find out once the others get here and once night time hits” and just as he said that up walks karl smiling happily as he waves at the two
“Hi guys!” They both wave back as they tell him hello, he engulfs each of them in a hug that should not feel as bone crushing as it is given his small size either way though they are very happy and grateful each and every time they get a Karl hug, Karl bounced up and down very slightly as he asks “so what’s the new mod do?” George shrugs “Punz said we’ll see once everyone else gets here and once it’s night time!” Karl nods understandingly as he says “okay! How long til everyone else shows up?” Punz now shrugs as he says “I’m not sure probably not much longer we’re just waiting on Eret”
Just as he says that up walks eret, smiling softly as she waves to everyone “hi guys!” Everyone smiles back as a chorus of hi’s break out, “So what’s the new mod?” Punz holds back a smirk “Well everyone’s here now but we just have to wait a little longer for it to turn to night time and then you’ll all see what it is” Eret nodded “Alright sounds cool so what are we gonna do until then?” Punz shrugs “uh I don’t know truth or dare?” Karl nods “Yea sounds good to me” George also shrugs “Yea sure” And so in no time at all it seems it’s already night!
Punz stands up clapping excitedly “Okay guys it’s officially night time! That means the mod should start working anytime now!” Karl tilts his head “But punz you still haven’t even told us what the mod is!” George nods “Yea how are we supposed to be prepared if you don’t tell us anything” Punz smirks a bit “Well that’s part of the fun is keeping you guys off guard! Don’t worry I can tell you guys it’s nothing that will hurt you or make you cry or anything-“ he paused and corrected himself “Well I take back the not making you cry because you might cry from laughter”
Suddenly there was a loud rustling in the trees behind them all, everyone turns towards them looking curiously waiting to see what might come out suddenly out comes the creature with feathers for finger nails, a fluffy tail and wings! The guys eyes widen as they turn towards punz, Karl quickly asks “Punz what the honk is that thing?!” Punz laughs softly “Oh you’ll find out soon enough” suddenly the creature has flew right behind Karl it’s tiny feathers begin wiggling on his neck making him squeak before falling into giggles as he twists his head around “EEKK NO hehehehhahahahHHEHEHhahhahaha wwwwwhhhyyyy ihihihisss IHIHITTT dohohihihinnggg tthhihihisss!”
Punz grins excitedly seeing the mob functioning properly “Because Karl that’s what it was made to do, the mod I made replaced all hostile mobs with tickle mobs!” Eret and George both nervously shout “WHAT?!” George shakes his head “Is that the only one or is there more?” Punz shakes his head “Theres more but most are rare so there’s probably only two others you guys will get to see for right now, oh look there comes one now!” Eret and George turn suddenly seeing a creature with many pockets surrounding its body and they couldn’t see inside the pockets due to being so far away but inside the pockets were plenty of tickle tools! George quickly pushed Eret towards the creature causing for Eret to yelp and stumble right in front of it!
George wasn’t getting out of anything though… because a final monster emerged from the shadows! One with a fluffy tail and wings, and claws instead of nails which we’re sure to be extra tickly!
And so with that the real fun began! Karl was laid on the ground the monster sitting beside him as it’s feather tips danced in his armpits making him giggle squeakily as he squirmed around! Eret wasn’t much different the monster sitting beside him as well as this one fingers danced along his ribs, at times rubbing in between the bones making him squeal through his laughter! George’s monster also opted to sit beside him! One hand held both of George’s above his head as the monster curiously was swirling a claw around George’s tum button making him shriek as he fell into loud cackles!
Punz sat idly by enjoying his creations and seeing them work so well, suddenly he felt a tiny feathery sensation on his neck! He quickly covered his mouth in an attempt to hide his blush and giggles but it was no use as the sensation seemed to multiply causing for more giggles to slip out as little snorts escaped when the sensation migrated to his ears and cheeks! He forgot about the tiny nearly unvisible feathery bee like creatures! That must be what’s currently attacking him! Never the less he sat there not actually minding the sensation too much…
On Karl’s side his monster switched to now curiously squeezing his sides making him squeal and jump as he fell into soft laughter! Eret’s monster had grabbed two electric toothbrushes and held them in Eret’s armpits! Eret shrieked with laughter as his arms were involuntarily locked to his sides as he rolled back and forth! George’s monster now had switched to blowing raspberries on the poor boys neck while also vibrating into his armpits! George was a mess of snorts and squeals as he babbled out protests!
Punz monsters monsters had begun to move to the back of his neck making his giggles die down slightly as he wiggled non stop at the ticklish feeling! His giggles didn’t stay quiet for long though…. Karl’s monster sensed him reaching his breaking point and began to slow to a stop, as it did it realized it was still hungry! It looked around and noticed punz not giggling much and decided to go after him! Karl gratefully took in air as he giggled residually before sitting up, did he see the monster going straight for punz? Yes, was he going to warn him? No, not because Karl is cruel but because he wanted to see Punz’s reaction! Okay so maybe he’s a tiny bit cruel…
Punz’s eyes widened as he looked up and suddenly saw the monster previously on Karl was now directly in front of him! The monster smiled at him as without a single sound it reached out and took punz into a gentle backwards hug! The small bee line creatures moved in front of punz, the bigger monster smiled at them as he lifted Punz’s shirt! Punz immediately began wiggling and babbling protests as he giggled in anticipation but it was no use! The small be like creatures swarmed his stomach! A couple even dipping into his tum button making him squeal before falling into laughter!
As if that wasn’t enough suddenly Eret snd George’s monsters sensed them reaching their limits and they too were still hungry so they each slowed to a stop leaving George and Eret all giggly like Karl was earlier! Eret’s monster looked through its pouches looking for just the right tool and it found it! I feather tipped pen! It grinned as it began writing on Punz’s cheeks making squeaks join in with his loud laughter! The monster wrote “ticklish cheeks” on both sides of his face! George’s monster took place at Punz’s legs! One hand began squeezing his thigh while the other scribbled at the back of his knee!
Punz let out a small screech before falling into silent laughter and that was the monsters cue to stop! Looking at the sky it was nearly day time! And seemingly as quickly as they came they were gone! Karl,Eret and George all surrounded a curled up giggling punz smiling happily and brightly flushed faces and all! Soon enough his giggles finally stop and he uncurled himself, suddenly Karl broke into giggles “ahhahaha” Punz turned to look at him “what? What’s so funny?” George and Eret then noticed as well and began giggling their ownselves! Eret through their giggles pulled out a small mirror and handed it to punz, punz quickly took it and looked at his face… his cheeks flushed a bright red as he grumbled and handed Eret back their mirror
Karl couldn’t help himself as he noticed a stray feather on the ground, he curiously ran it along Punz’s left cheek making him squeak and giggle “eek! Kahhahrrrll!” “Hehe sohohorryyy punzie I just had to see if what the monster wrote was true” he dropped the feather a few moments later and Punz’s giggles stopped once more and he rolled his eyes fondly “So did you guys enjoy the mod?” They all blushed embarrassedly as they nodded and shyly mumbled a chorus of yes, punz smiled nodding “I guess I did too…” They all awed and karl quickly pulled all of them into a group hug! George smirked a bit an idea coming to mind “You know we should have dream, sapnap and Quackity come try this mod soon..”
Eret nodded in agreement “We should! What about tomorrow night?” Punz nodded “sounds good to me if you all can get them rounded up I’m down” George nodded “alright it’s settled then tomorrow night it is!”
And so they all went their separate ways excitedly thinking about what was to come
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nebulous-frog · 3 years
Rest Now
Relationships: JonMartin
Summary: Jon and Martin arrive at the safehouse 
Word Count: 1682
Link to AO3   Fics Masterlist
It was thunderstorming when they finally arrived, pulling up the near-forgotten path in a beat-up old car. On the drive, they hadn’t talked much- what was there to say? Since their last real conversation, neither had done anything that they particularly wanted to remember, and the inevitable discussion of what they’d just experienced was bound to be far too intense and emotional for their unexpected journey. Now, though, roughly twisting the key in the lock stuck from disuse, it was possible they’d have a chance for it to happen. For months- years, even- of emotions that should’ve been brought up ages ago.
Jon held back a grimace at the thought, awkwardly shuffling inside with his small bag and fumbling for a light switch. Part of him was desperate to get it over with, to finally air out all the dirty laundry and start afresh, to just be there for Martin in the ways he deserved. But another part, simultaneously logical and cowardly, was arguing that it was late, they’d had a long day, they were both exhausted. The conversation they needed to have was simply too much to cover while they were in such a state, he told himself.
“Jon?” Martin asked, voice quiet and tired.
Jon turned toward him expectantly, but he didn’t offer anything more, just gestured vaguely forward, and Jon realized he was still in the entryway.
“Oh, right, sorry,” Jon mumbled, stepping fully into the little cabin.
There were only a few rooms. The kitchen was tiny up against one side and shared the main open area with the living room and a small dining table. Directly across from the front door was a short hallway with a door on either side- presumably a bedroom and a bathroom.
Jon cleared his throat in time with a rumble of thunder.
“There’s some firewood over in that corner. I’ll get us a fire going,” he told Martin softly. “We should be able to get the radiator to start with a little work, but it’ll be easier tomorrow with more light.”
Martin nodded silently and walked slowly towards the hallway, slipping into the room on the left while Jon got busy with the firewood. He’d just coaxed some kindling into a flame when Martin came back in, hands wringing together. Jon recognized it as Martin’s anxious tell, which sent contradictory feelings through his system. On the one hand, Jon hated the thought that Martin was uncomfortable, but on the other he was just relieved that any feeling at all had pushed through the residual numbness of the Lonely.
“There’s, um, only the one bed,” Martin explained.
“Ah.” Jon glanced at the rickety loveseat sat in front of the fireplace, but Martin spoke again before he could make any suggestions.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch, Jon,” he said sternly, his protective caretaker instincts shining through. “I, uh,” he swallowed, already nervous again, “I was thinking we should share anyway, since it’ll be so cold and the bed actually is fairly big and- well- I just…” he trailed off for a moment, not looking at Jon, then seemed to steel himself even as he shrunk in on himself further and kept his eyes trained on the floor between them. “I don’t think I should really be alone right now.” The end of his sentence was almost a whisper, embarrassment and vulnerability clear in the blush high on his cheeks.
It’d been a long time since Jon had seen him blush. It was even prettier than he remembered, and he hoped he could see it a lot more in the coming days, ideally as the result of more positive emotions. Maybe Jon could even cause it himself… he chastised himself for the thought, trying to focus back on the present and caring for Martin now.
“Alright,” Jon agreed. He turned his head just enough to check that the fire was taking, then moved to stand from the floor. His legs were still stiff from the drive, so it took a bit more effort than he was expecting.
Martin appeared at his side immediately, offering an arm for stability. Jon gratefully took it until he could get his cane properly situated in his other hand. He reluctantly let go, briefly looking up at Martin’s face and catching a hint of an expression he didn’t know how to interpret before Martin’s face returned to a more neutral place- although the blush was still intense.
“I don’t know about you,” Jon started, “but sleep sounds wonderful right now.”
Martin nodded. “I put sheets on the bed already.”
Together, they walked back to the bedroom. Jon changed into his light pajamas in the bathroom while Martin took the bedroom. A few minutes later, they stood side by side facing the bed.
“Do you have a preference for which side...?” Jon asked. He was determinedly ignoring the part of his mind reminding him of his feelings for the man he was about to share a bed with.
It wasn’t that he worried his feelings were unrequited- he was quite certain that Martin felt the same, having Seen each other so completely in the Lonely. But they’d barely spoken in months, and so much had happened since then. So much had happened even in the last few days. It was a big step to now share a bed without even discussing their boundaries, and Jon didn’t want to be too much too fast.
“No preference,” Martin answered, pulling Jon from his thoughts.
“Boundaries,” he blurted. He felt his cheeks heat furiously, his discomfort and exhaustion sending him stumbling towards this conversation unprepared.
Martin blinked at him, obviously confused. “We… we only have two pillows? We can’t really make one between us-”
“No, no,” Jon continued, eyes darting from the bed to Martin to the floor and back as he fiddled with the black ring on his middle finger. He’d come this far, and it really was important to discuss anyway, so he pushed through his awkwardness. “I meant, well. Metaphorical boundaries for physical touch, in- in this situation. I, um. I don’t mind however close we end up.”
Martin’s own cheeks flushed to match how Jon’s felt. “Oh. I, uh. I don’t mind either?”
Jon nodded, now staring hard at the bed. “Right. We- we should probably have a more, er, detailed discussion. At some point. I think we’re on a, uh. Similar page, so to speak,” he glanced nervously up at Martin’s face, “but it would be good to- well, to clarify. Sooner than later. But I think we’re far too exhausted to be very coherent about it now.”
Martin’s cheeks were still a bright red as he squeaked out a “Yeah, that- that sounds good, Jon.”
Jon nodded once more. “Right.” He walked stiffly towards the bed, pulling back the covers and sliding in.
Martin cautiously joined him on the other side, and they both laid there for a minute, flat on their backs, staring at the ceiling in total silence. Both men were as close to the edge of the mattress as possible, leaving a canyon between them, bodies rigid.
After a few tense minutes of being afraid to even move, Jon huffed. “This is ridiculous,” he grumbled, more to himself than anything else, and he rolled over on his side to face Martin. They’d both just established that neither of them would mind being closer together, so he might as well get comfortable. He still gave Martin some space, but he’d at least crossed into their invisible barrier and hopefully broke some of the awkward tension.
In return, Martin turned just his head to look back at Jon. He swallowed thickly, eyes flitting across Jon’s face in the dark.
“You know,” Martin began in hushed tones, turning to look back at the ceiling, “the Lonely has a real talent for clinging to its victims.” He held up a hand as Jon started to interject. “It’s just. You could be surrounded by people and still feel alone, maybe even lonelier than when you’re actually alone.” He turned to Jon again, a heartbreakingly fond yet sad expression just visible to Jon in the darkness. He smiled sadly. “You can lie in bed with the man you love and still feel Lonely.”
A pained sound punched out of Jon. His firm, official declaration of his feelings needed to wait for the morning, as he insisted they take more space and grandeur for Martin than a moment like this, but he couldn’t leave that unanswered. He scooted even closer to Martin, minimizing the gap and resting a hand on Martin’s arm.
“The man I love,” he said, pulling Martin’s hand up to his lips and pressing a kiss, soft as can be, on his knuckles, “may sometimes feel lonely and discouraged,” he flipped Martin’s hand over and pressed another kiss to his palm, “but he must know,” one more kiss, now to the inside of Martin’s wrist, “he will never be alone again.” Jon stared directly into Martin’s eyes, kissing the back of his hand again and using his thumb to lightly rub over the spot.
Martin’s lips had parted slightly in a silent gasp, his eyebrows drawn together in a complicated combination of emotions that Jon couldn’t decipher. He took in a deep, shuddering breath. “Come here?” he whispered, raising his free arm in invitation.
Jon lifted himself slightly and settled half on top of Martin, his face buried in Martin’s neck. He wrapped his arms around Martin’s stomach and couldn’t help the content sigh he let out, relaxing fully as Martin’s arms came up around him. He revelled in the closeness and the softness of Martin under him and around him.
“Thank you,” Martin whispered. He pressed his lips to the top of Jon’s head. “Thank you.”
Jon shook his head and squeezed tighter. “Anything,” he whispered into Martin’s neck. “Anything.”
They held each other tightly, just breathing together, for a long moment, feeling as though finally something had gone right. They rested in the reassurance of each other’s presence, eventually drifting off into blissfully dreamless sleep.
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Would you mind if I request some more of the Logince family with baby Patton and older brother Virgil? Who did they adopt first? What was the meeting between Virgil and Patton like? Did they like each other right away or no?
@radioactivehelena said to onthevirgeofdestruction: 7. “Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.” Virgil and Patton? @eviearie said to onthevirgeofdestruction: Bliss 7 for prompts?
Words: 1,999 Triggers: Evidence of Child Abuse, Food Characters: Virigl, Patton, Roman, Logan Ships: Logince Universe: Kid!Patton Adopted by Logince Genre: Soft & hurt/comfort
   Roman’s excitement was palpable as the social worker’s car pulled up to the side of the sidewalk. Virgil would have liked to make fun of him for bouncing like a kid, but he was still too nervous. Logan kept a steadying hand on Virgil’s shoulder, though, and that helped more than he could admit out loud. A short lady with bob cute came out of the car and walked up to Roman.
   “Good afternoon, Mr. Sanders. I’m really sorry for the delay. There was some… trouble with the pickup,” She said sheepishly.
   “It’s all well and good! We’re just so excited to meet him!” Roman said brightly and waved away her concerns. She smiled weakly and turned back to the back seat of the car to let Patton out. The view was blocked by Roman, but Virgil didn’t really care so much. He pressed into Logan’s side and Logan rubbed his shoulder affectionately. Logan being willing to stay with him helped Virgil feel less insecure.
   “Look. At. You! Oh my goodness, you are the cutest little thing,” Roman cooed and squatted down on the lawn. Virgil saw the kid’s curly hair from the side, but his face was buried in a beat-up looking rabbit doll. He seemed pretty short and small for a 6-year-old. Virgil looked up to Logan, who’s face was scrunched with concern. Logan must have agreed.
   “Come on, Patton,” The social worker urged him, but Patton shook his head and dropped to the grass next to the sidewalk and started crying. “I’m sorry, he’s… had a hard day,” She explained. She tried to put her hand on his shoulder, but he shirked away. Roman shot Logan a desperate look, but Logan shook his head slightly and shrugged. Roman stopped and stared for a moment, deciding what to do.
   “This old town can slow you down, people taking the easy way. But I know exactly where I’m going. And getting closer, closer, every day,” Roman started singing softly and Patton loosened up slightly. “And I’m almost there, I’m almost there. People down here think I’m crazy, but I don’t care. Trials and tribulations I’ve had my share. There ain’t nothing gonna stop me now ‘cause I’m almost there,” Roman broke out singing, striking a pose and beaming down to Patton. Patton pulled away from his rabbit doll slightly and looked up and watched Roman as he continued to sing. Roman stood upright and Roman spun around the lawn and eventually a smile spread on Patton’s face. He grasped his doll tightly in his lap and watched Roman dance around with bright eyes.
   “Hello, my prince,” Roman said brightly and dropped back down to squat to look at Patton again. He clenched his doll tighter but still looked interested in Roman.
   “Hi,” Patton said quietly, half-hiding behind his doll again. Roman held out his hand for Patton, and Patton looked between it and Roman a few times before timidly taking it. Roman helped Patton up to his feet with a smile. Patton backed up from Roman and held his doll nervously.
   “Welcome home, Patton,” Roman bowed deeply. Virgil rolled his eyes at how extra Roman was. Patton seemed to respond to it, though. A little giggle bubbled up it Patton and bowed back. Virgil had to admit he was cute, too.
   “Hi,” Patton muttered again, looking from Roman to Logan and Virgil.
   “Hello, Patton,” Logan nodded and smiled over to him.
   “Are you feeling better, Patton?” His social worker asked, and he looked up to her and nodded, but backed up from her, too. “I’ll get your things,” She said and went to the trunk of the car. Patton looked over to Logan with concern and then looked pointedly at Virgil for a moment.
   “That’s Virgil, he’s your new brother,” Roman provided, watching Patton’s eye line. Virgil waved weekly to Patton, feeling very conflicted. Patton walked up to Virgil and looked up to him. Virgil looked confused and looked to Roman. Roman just motioned to Patton, but Virgil didn’t feel like he knew what to do. He felt torn now between his feelings and his desires. Virgil looked up to Logan hoping for an answer and Logan just squeezed Virgil’s shoulder again. That wasn’t an answer. It’s not like Virgil explained himself though, it was dumb to hope for one.
   “Is your hair real?” Patton asked, sounding more careful than a curious kid should. Patton pointed up to his hair. Virgil looked up to his purple bangs and pulled on them.
   “Um, yeah,” Virgil said sheepishly. Virgil caught a glimpse of something purple peeking out from under Patton’s sleeve as he gripped his doll again. Logan dropped down to Patton’s height and smiled at him. Patton still looked concerned and kept his distance.
   “It’s nice to meet you, Patton. I’m looking forward to getting to know you,” Logan said brightly. Patton smiled slightly back at Logan, but scooted closer to Virgil. Virgil angled himself to get a better look, and then recognition struck. Virgil’s mouth set in a hard line and any residual hate he had for this kid had disappeared in an instant. Patton needed to be here just as much as Virgil did. Virgil squatted down as well to greet Patton properly.
   “Hey,” He waved to Patton. Patton’s concern melted when he looked to Virgil, and he walked right up.
   “This is Mrs. Bunnyface,” Patton said and wiggled the doll, holding it out in front of him.
   “Hey, Mrs. Bunnyface,” Virgil felt a little stupid saying it, but he wouldn’t dare say it and hurt this kid’s feelings. “Is she your friend?”
   “Yeah,” Patton said and nodded brightly.
   “Excuse me, um, Mr. Sanders? I should probably explain a few things. From this morning, I mean,” She stammered out, looking worriedly between the two other adults.
   “Oh?” Roman said, standing back up and walking over to the social worker holding the backpack and a small beat-up carry-on luggage bag.
   “Will you be all right with Patton, Virgil?” Logan asked carefully, looking concerned. “I should possibly be in on this conversation,” Logan said, fidgeting with the buttons on his wrist.
   “Yeah,” Virgil smiled weakly and nodded. He swallowed hard as he watched Logan stand up and walk over to the car next to the social worker. The social worker talked in hushed tones he couldn’t hear, but Virgil probably had a pretty good idea already if it had anything to do with the bruise on Patton’s arm and why he was nervous around the other adults but not Virgil. “So tell me about Mrs. Bunnyface,” Virgil said, sitting down in the grass and crossing his legs under him. Patton walked right up and sat in front of Virgil, making the doll hop around.
   “Mrs. Bunnyface likes t’make cookies and cakes!” Patton said brightly.
   “She does? Does she make carrot cake?” Virgil asked, playing along.
   “No!” Patton stuck out his tongue. “Mrs. Bunnyface hates carrots,” Patton made a disgusted face and noise and made the doll shake its head.
   “Is that so, huh?” Virgil laughed, amused. “I’ve never met a bunny who hates carrots,”
   “But, you met Mrs. Bunnyface,” Patton pouted, stopping his doll from hopping around.
   “That’s true. You’re right. Sorry, kid,” Virgil chuckled slightly.
   “You wanna see her?” Patton asked shyly, pulling the doll in again.
   “I-yeah… sure,” Virgil said quietly, taking the doll carefully. He didn’t understand why Patton would so willingly share something he clearly loved. Virgil looked at the worn-down low-pile fur and the faded tag sticking out under the rabbit's tail. He’d had this doll for a long time. He handed it back to him with a smile. “She’s lovely,”
   “Yes,” Patton nodded proudly.
   “What does Mrs. Bunnyface like to eat?” Virgil asked.
   “Mac an’ cheese,” Patton nodded again, holding her close. “Can I touch your hair?” Patton asked curiously. “Sorry,” He stopped himself.
   “No, no, be my guest,” Virgil shook his head before leaning forward so Patton could reach. Patton’s little fingers tugged at it a little, but Virgil didn’t mind.
   “It feels funny,” Patton looked disappointed when Virgil looked back to him.
   “Yeah, hair dye will do that,” Virgil chuckled lightly and looked back over to Roman and Logan. Logan’s arms were crossed and Roman looked very upset, but he was nodding along and listening quietly to the social worker. Patton yawned slightly and leaned towards Virgil. “Are you okay, Patton?” Virgil asked as he glanced back to Roman who looked like he was ready to punch somebody, now. Virgil felt like he should get Patton inside in case Roman blew up. 
   “Uh-huh,” Patton nodded slowly.
   “What do you say we go watch some cartoons while they talk?” Virgil asked gently. 
   “Are we allowed?” Patton furrowed his eyebrows and looked worried.
   “Yeah, we’re allowed,” Virgil nodded and stood up. Patton crawled to his feet and took ahold of Virgil’s hand with no prompting. Virgil waved to them with his free hand and when Roman looked over, Virgil motioned with his thumb to the house. Roman nodded and looked back to the social worker. “What’s your favourite cartoon?” Virgil asked as they headed inside. Patton just looked down and didn’t respond, stiffening up and slowing down as he walked. “That’s okay, you don’t have to say. Does Mrs. Bunnyface like any cartoons?” Virgil asked carefully.
   “Mrs. Bunnyface likes Winnie the Pooh,” Patton loosened back up quickly and bounced into the living room, dropping in the middle of the floor in front of the TV. Virgil flipped through the movies on the entertainment shelf. Winnie the pooh was kind of young for a kid his age, but Patton acted a little young, too. Virgil found the Winnie the Pooh movie and put it into the blu-ray player.
   “You can sit on the couch if you want,” Virgil offered. Patton looked between Virgil and the TV and opted to climb up and sit next to Virgil after a moment of consideration. Roman and Logan came in a few minutes later with Patton’s things in tow.
   “Hello, boys!” Roman said brightly, though he looked a little off. Virgil couldn’t blame him.
   “Hey. We’re watching Winnie the Pooh,” Virgil said, motioning with his head towards the TV.
   “Ah, stellar idea,” Roman beamed and sat down on the couch. Patton moved a little closer to Virgil and held his doll tightly. Logan headed down the hall with Patton’s things. “Do you like Winnie the pooh? I love Tigger, myself,” Roman said brightly. Patton looked up to Virgil with concern before looking back to Roman.
   “Who is Mrs. Bunnyface’s favourite character, Patton?” Virgil asked with a small smile to Patton.
   “She, um, she likes Piglet,” Patton said quietly.
   “Piglet is a noble choice. He’s always there for Pooh and his friends,” Roman crossed his leg and sat back on the couch.
   “Who do you like?” Patton looked up to Virgil.
   “I like Eeyore. He gets me,” Virgil smirked.
   “I think Eeyore needs a hug,” Patton frowned.
   “He probably does,” Virgil shrugged. “He’s got a great family to take care of him, though,” Logan returned into the living room.
   “Patton, is there anything you are interested in for dinner?” Logan asked as he walked to stand behind the couch. Patton froze up and couldn’t answer again.
   “Mrs. Bunnyface would probably like Macaroni and cheese, right Patton?” Virgil asked, hoping the emphasis on the doll's name was enough for Logan to catch on. Patton nodded slightly, looking worried. “She also really hates carrots,” Virgil added.
   “Yeah,” Patton said quietly, looking up to Virgil nervously again.
   “I will… take that into consideration,” Logan said carefully, seeming to understand and nodding once.
   “Wha’?” Patton looked confused at Logan for a moment.
   “He said he wants Mrs. Bunnyface to be happy,” Virgil said.
   “He did?” Patton asked quietly as he leaned closer to Virgil.
   “Yup,” Virgil nodded and moved his arm to let Patton scoot in. Roman smiled softly at Virgil, who just rolled his eyes back at him in return. 
taglist: @elizabutgayer​
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maeveekitten · 6 years
Butterfly AU, Chapter Two: Discoveries
I finished the second chapter. I’m not sure if anyone is reading this, but I have a lot more to write, so I’m going to continue posting it. I don’t feel like this chapter is quite a good as the last one, but it’s still pretty good.
Beastie had been trying to learn how to write. He had barely been in the world for three days, and he was already concerned by the way Joey had been acting. At first, Joey had been treating Beastie kindly, and Beastie felt like things weren’t going to go south, but that changed almost as soon as it began. Joey had begun muttering to himself on the second day, and getting distant. It was the third day, and Beastie was worried. Joey had been fidgeting with some key frames of Bendy and staring at Beastie the whole morning, and Beastie felt the emotions of the room going strange the entire time.
Beastie picked up a pen and a piece of paper. Joey began to stare at him curiously as Beastie tried to write words on the paper. Beastie vaguely knew the meanings of words when he heard or read them, but his vocabulary on paper was lacking. His handwriting wasn’t too good either.
After Beastie struggled to write for a solid minute, it finally seemed to click for Joey what he was trying to do. At that point, Joey took out his own piece of paper and made a quick sketch. When Joey started to walk over to the machine, Beastie felt a slight tingle of panic up his spine, but he opted to ignore it. After Joey ran the machine he handed Beastie what he had created. It was a simple book on the alphabet, the kind you would give to a child. Beastie almost immediately started to read the book, and Joey smirked, in the way you would if you were trying to hide how happy you were.
It had been a couple days after Beastie had started learning how to write properly, and he had been learning quickly. He had already figured out how to write coherent phrases with the help of the alphabet book and a dictionary that Joey had brought from home.
Beastie awoke to the sound of the ink machine running. He felt uncomfortable for a brief while, before Joey walked over to him and handed him something. It was a small notebook with a fabric loop holding a pen. Beastie opened the notebook, only to find all the pages were blank. Beastie looked up at Joey, confused.
“Since you can’t talk, you can only communicate by writing,” said Joey “I figured the notebook would be easier for you to carry around instead of loose sheets of paper, just in case you needed to communicate with someone.”
Beastie flipped the notebook open to the first page and scrawled on the words thank you before showing it to Joey. Joey smirked. Beastie then turned the page and wrote out something that had been on his mind over the last few days.
You can’t make Bendy using the machine
Joey looked concerned when Beastie showed him this
“Why not?”
The form already belongs to someone
Joey looked shocked, then confused. He wandered over to his desk and started muttering to himself again. Despite this, Beastie felt like he had done the right thing. That being said, he was a little scared when Joey turned to look at him.
“If the form already belongs to someone, where could I find them?”
Beastie thought for a while about the question, before writing
I don’t know, but I can look.
Joey then thought about the response and replied
“If you do, let me know,”
Beastie felt another buzz of rightness run through the room, whatever had just happened, it had made the disturbances in the emotion disappear for a short while.
Beastie had been trying his best to find where the person who Bendys form belonged to was, but he wasn’t getting anywhere. He felt that this was partially due to the fact that he could only explore in Joeys office, and partially due to the reason that he was afraid to touch anything in said office because he didn’t want to get ink on anything.
Joey had just gone home for the night, and Beastie had taken this opportunity to examine the stuff on Joey desk. There was almost nothing special on the desk except for the drawings that were attempts at making Beastie a new form. Beastie picked up one of the drawings, and felt a hum of discomfort speed down his spine. He quickly dropped the drawing and the feeling stopped. Beastie quickly turned on the lights, he wasn’t supposed to, but he felt safer with the lights on. Beastie then had a strange idea, what if any of the other drawings felt different? He decided that the only way to figure it out was to test it, so he went back to Joey’s desk, neglecting to turn the lights back off beforehand.
Beastie had tested about five drawings to similar effects before he stopped. He then just sat, trying to dispel the residual buzz of unease that was humming up his spine, while he tried to decide if he wanted to try any more drawings. He was also feeling uncomfortable about the lights. He liked having them on, but he knew Joey would yell at him if he found out about it.
Beasties thoughts were cut short by a knocking at the door. Since there was knocking, that meant it was one of the other employees, Joey never knocked on his own office door. Since it wasn’t Joey, Beastie knew he needed to hide, he tried to quickly duck into the corner that had been prepared specifically for that purpose, but his foot slipped underneath him, causing him to fall. Out of ideas, Beastie made himself as small as possible and hoped whoever was coming in wouldn’t notice him on the floor.
Wally was silently having a panic attack. He had lost his keys early that morning, and had been trying to find them all day. He had looked everywhere in the studio, he knew his keys were in the studio, he had used them to unlock his closet, but they were nowhere to be found. Worst of all, he had to carry his mop around with him all day, and his arm was getting tired. Actually, scratch that, the worst thing was that his keys were almost defiantly in Joey’s office, and the lights were a clear sign that he had miscalculated when Joey would be leaving, and that he would need to confess to losing his keys for the third time that week. This would definitely dock him enough bad-employee points to get him outta there, for sure. Wally had already come to terms with being one of the most expendable workers in the last job he was fired from, but when else was he going to get the opportunity to work at an animation studio? Wally nervously knocked on the door, mentally edging himself to get it over with.
Wally waited 30 seconds with no response; maybe Joey had fallen asleep at his desk, or forgotten to turn his lights off. It could happen, anything was a possibility. Whatever was going on, Wally’s hopes were back up for going a day without Joey finding out about him losing his keys. He carefully opened the door, trying to enter the room as quietly as possible. Just get in, find the keys, and get out. Wally entered the office and immediately spotted his keys in the trashcan, thank goodness Joey hadn’t noticed. And, best of all, Joey himself was nowhere to be seen! Wally sauntered over to pick up his keys, internally humming about his lucky break. Then he saw the lump on the floor, and his entire mood flipped.
Wally wasn’t inexperienced with dealing with live things; he had had just enough of a time with rats in one of his previous jobs to know exactly how much he hoped that whatever was on the floor wasn’t a rat. If he had to deal with an infestation of rats, or anything else for that matter, then maybe getting fired wasn’t so bad. Wally slowly slipped his keys into his pocket, making notes on the unknown floor-creature as he went. It was definitely alive, and cowering, which meant that it was probably the kind of creature that could be spooked by a loud noise and made to run away. It was also a bit too large to be a rat. Wally was now thinking that it might be a stray cat that had wandered into the studio somehow, which would also explain the white that was mixed in with the black. He felt his nerves loosen a little bit; cats were much less likely to swarm than rats. He inched closer to the assumed-cat, ready to shoo it out with his mop, easier to deal with it now than wait until tomorrow.
When Wally poked the lump, it became quite clear that what he was dealing with wasn’t a cat. Wally wasn’t really sure what it was, but cats were not generally bipeds. Most animals weren’t bipeds, except birds, and this wasn’t a bird. Whatever it was, Wally was certain that he didn’t want to deal with it; he wanted to be in a different room than it observing it behind a window or something for at least a week before he would even consider himself even remotely ready to deal with it. But that wasn’t an option, since he had just poked it with a mop, causing it to jump back to the far wall of the office. Wally had responded to this response by retreating to the opposite wall, while silently praying that whatever it was wasn’t dangerous. When he looked at it, he could tell it was made out of some kind of liquid, he was guessing ink by the color, and that it had a strained grin on its face. Actually, the more Wally looked at it, it kind of looked like Bendy, if someone had tried to draw Bendy while drunk, and then decided to scribble out the entirety of the drawings upper face. Wally then proceeded to stop observing whatever-it-was, and start trying to get out of the room, maybe he could just leave and go about his life like this had never happened. His escape plans were somewhat halted by the fact that he had somehow managed to end up on the wall opposite to the door, but the creature now seemed distracted, scanning the floor in a panicked fashion, so it would probably be easy to sneak past it… the creature found what it had been looking for, and sprinted across the floor towards it, causing Wally to press himself farther against the wall.
Beastie had been completely caught off guard by the stranger who had entered the office. At first it seemed like he had gotten away with everything without being spotted, and then the stranger hat poked him with the mop he had been carrying. This had caused a very drawn out exchange of terror. Beastie decided that the best thing he could do would be to explain everything, then he might be able to convince the stranger to not tell Joey about the lights. He quickly scrambled for his notebook, which he had dropped when he had tripped.
Beastie quickly wrote in his notebook
Please don’t tell Joey!!!
The stranger quickly glanced down at the notebook, and then whimpered
“About what?!?!”
Beastie responded
I’m not supposed to have the lights on, I knew I wasn’t, but I got scared and turned them on anyway. The last time I turned on the lights when Joey was out he yelled at me. I don’t want Joey to yell at me again, it’s scary!!!
Beastie was getting worked up, and the ink on his face was starting to drip on the floor. The stranger was slowly inching away from his position on the wall, seemingly gaining confidence.
“Oh… I’m fine with that. I’ve gotten into trouble with Joey before; he really can be scary when he’s mad,”
Beastie was now too worked up to write anymore, he was barely holding himself together at this point, he was afraid that the form he was currently holding would collapse, and then who knew what he’d reform as?
Wally was no longer fully convinced that he was still awake. The creature had picked up a notebook, and then proceeded to write fluent English. They had been having a tense conversation, before the creature stopped writing. It was now trembling, making soft noises that could be approximated to sobs. Wally was now almost certain that this wasn’t an animal, it was clearly sentient.
Wally wasn’t really sure what to do. He was almost certain he was dreaming, but he felt like if he was dreaming he would have felt different after realizing it. Instead, he was still in the office, feet still firmly rooted to the floor, and the strange creature seemed like it was having a panic attack. He was fully capable of leaving, but a nagging part of his brain wanted to understand what exactly was going on.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m not even supposed to be in here,”
The creature remained rooted to the spot, but it stopped sobbing so loudly
“I lost my keys today, I’m not supposed to do that, and I was worried that if joey found out, that he’d make me leave,”
The creature seemed to regain some stability over its emotions. It shakily scribbled on its notepad
Joeys  Scary w hen hes mad..
Wally chuckled a little, the creature was a lot less frightening when he knew a bit more about it and was certain it wasn’t trying to kill him.
“Yeah, why do you think I was lurking around here at this hour? It’s not like I have an excess of sleep in my life,”
The creature let out a gargley laugh, and wrote down
He’s nice when he tries.
Wally looked at this message for a little bit. He had thought he was the only one who was scared of Joey
The creature looked curiously at Wally, and then wrote
My name’s Beastie
“Oh, well my name’s Wally, nice to meet you!”
Wally wasn’t sure why, but knowing that Beastie had a name made him feel a lot safer.
“So, Beastie, how did you end up… here?”
Beastie pointed at a strange machine in the corner of the room, which Wally was surprised he hadn’t noticed sooner, and wrote
That made me, it gave me my form. I was supposed to be Bendy, but that didn’t work, so Joey’s trying to help me get a better form
Wally was somewhat confused, that explained why Beastie looked a little like Bendy, but it still left some questions unanswered
“Better how, exactly?”
This form feels wrong, and bad. Joey is trying to make me a proper toon form, so I don’t scare him as much. I assume that form will feel a lot better.
Wally thought about that response, he got the distinct feeling that this was none of his business, but he was getting a little intrigued about the whole matter
“Well, if our exchange earlier means anything, I’m sure it won’t be too hard for you to be a toon,” Wally said, deciding to briefly change the subject “that could have easily been scripted into an episode.”
Beasties grin suddenly became a lot more sincere
“Yeah, definitely!”
Beastie seemed to think for a little bit, before writing
I think that there’s and actual Bendy out there somewhere and I’m supposed to be looking for him. Could you help me look?
Wally was a bit taken back by the sudden request, but he honestly felt a little flattered that Beastie was so quick to trust him.
“I guess, but I really need to put my mop away and get home, what if I came back tomorrow?”
Beastie thought about that, and responded
Ok! But we should probably tell Joey, so we can interact earlier
“Ok, I’ll be heading out then, see you tomorrow!”
Wally was about to leave, before he felt a slight tug on the leg of his pants. He looked down to see Beastie, who handed him a piece of paper that looked like it had been torn out of the notebook. The paper had the words don’t forget written on it, and Wally tucked it into his pocket. He figured that it would be a surefire way to check to see if this interaction was a dream in the morning.
Joey arrived at work feeling on edge. He had been having the feeling that he had seen Beasties exact limp before, and last night he had finally identified it. That was the same limp that his grandfather had before he was confined to a wheelchair, that was the same limp that his father was showing signs of when he berated Joey for his pursuit of an artistic career, that was the limp that was getting Joey concerned about the feelings of instability in his own legs. Needless to say, Joey wasn’t entirely in the right headspace for work, and the fact that Beastie kept anxiously checking the door wasn’t helping.
Joey had muddled his way through a small portion of the day’s work, less than was usual for him, when someone knocked on the door
“One second.” stated Joey, gesturing for Beastie to hide in his corner
Beastie briefly looked like he was going to defy the gesture and stay where he was in the room, but he quickly changed his attitude and went to hide.
“Come in.”
Joey was barely surprised when his unexpected guest turned out to be Wally, this would not be the first time that the janitor had come in to ask the whereabouts of an item essential to his job.
“So, Joey, sorry for dropping in uninvited, but I have something I wanted to tell you…”
“What is it this time Wally?” sighed Joey “did you lose your keys again?”
“What! No, no, I definitely didn’t lose my keys, of course not!”
“Well, what is it this time?”
Wally paused briefly, and seemed to be considering his words, before responding
“So, I came to work early today. You know, to pick up the trash and whatnot before everyone else showed up. So, when I came into here, to get the trash of course, no other reason…”
Joey felt a jolt of panic run down his back, there were very few reasons for Wally to bring up entering his office, and nothing in the room appeared to be broken.
“You saw something, didn’t you? You came into my office, and you saw something strange.”
“I, suppose you could say that…”
“You didn’t tell anyone about it, did you? I’m the first person you’re telling. Please tell me I’m the first person you’re telling”
Wally seemed startled by Joeys change in personality, but he still replied
“Yes? It’s your office.”
Joey sighed in relief. If word had gotten out…
“Please don’t tell anyone else about what you saw here. It’s not ready for the public yet”
“What, you mean Beastie?”
Joey then lost all composure. He had not told anyone about Beastie. He was unaware of Wally meeting Beastie until this morning. This meant that Wally had to have gotten the information about Beasties name directly from Beastie, which would mean that he would have had to talked to Beastie.
“Please give me a minute.”
Joey hurried out of the room, and locked himself in one of the bathrooms. He had had too much revelations for this early in the morning, and really needed to let his mind stew before his personality slipped more than it already had. He had already dented his prefect image by panicking; he couldn’t afford to lose any more. It was a small mercy that Wally had seemed more afraid of Joey than he was of Beastie, but that opened an entire other can of worms for Joey, was he really that intimidating to his employees?
When Joey finally regained his composure enough to return to his office, Wally and Beastie were having a conversation. It didn’t seem like they were talking about anything important, but Joey was still in a position to be suspicious of everything
“What are you two talking about?”
Beastie looked at Joey and wrote
“What kind of stuff?”
I asked for Wally’s help in my search, since he can leave the office and I can’t
“Well, why didn’t you ask me for help?”
You were busy
Joey returned to his desk, he felt slightly insulted that Beastie had trusted Wally more than him. After all, he had created Beastie, didn’t that count for anything? But Joey kept those thoughts to himself, there must have been some reason for his lack of trust, and he wasn’t sure he was ready to find out what.
“So, Joey,” stated Wally, breaking the light silence that had settled over the room “You wouldn’t happen to have any leads, would you?”
“Leads on what?” asked Joey
“The search?”
Joey thought about this, he hadn’t actually considered helping in the search for Bendy until today, but the subject of him joining in had brought to mind the drawer in his desk. In his spare time, he had been trying to flesh out of his cartoons, before he had gotten involved in the whole matter of making real toon objects, and it had occurred to him that the world Bendy lived in would be a good place to look for Bendy. Joey quietly opened his drawer and took out a couple of the papers that were stored in it
“I suppose this would be a good place to check,”
Joey quietly divided the papers between the three people in the room, and they all began to leaf through them. Joey was on the fifth page of random facts when Wally piped up
“Would this help?”
He was holding up a map, a made up map. None of the places shown in the map existed in real life. Joey recalled making it when he was having trouble coming up for locations for episodes, meaning that the map was vaguely the reason for him beginning his world building phase.
“I don’t see how, it’s not like we could follow it, it’s just a visual representation of the locations in the show,”
Joey was interrupted by Beastie making a noise, presumably to draw attention to himself. When Joey looked at him, he was holding his notebook, with a message written on it
What if you put it through the machine?
Joey thought, and then responded “well, I’m assuming than an entire world is a lot more than I could contain in the studio, and I don’t really want any of this to get out…”
Beastie then rose his hand in a clear request for silence, and then wrote
I don’t think that it would take enough ink to make an entire world; Beastie paused, thought for a little bit, and then continued I assume it would only really take as much ink as you would need to make a doorway.
“But, what if it doesn’t!” rebuked Joey “that could be a disaster, there could be a flood!”
Beastie took the map from Wally and fidgeted with it briefly, then handed it to Joey
The world is already made; you just need a way through.
Joey looked at the map, then at Beastie, then at the machine. He then turned to Wally and said
“Get a bucket, a large one.”
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jarvishailey · 4 years
How To Fix Bruxism Damage Easy And Cheap Tricks
For those who suffer from intense withdrawal symptoms; causing severe damages or pain you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious.Sometimes people suffering from some of the jaw is lined up correctly, it can be very painful ailment that not every dentist is experienced and may not be your very last resort for those with severe pain that it makes more sense to find out if they recommend surgery to correct TMJ disorder.Learn to take the place of the ears, is one way to stop bruxism.You can also be a mild form of TMJ patients.
He/she may recommend a combination of two TMJs, one on each side of your teeth, lifestyle changes that can be minimized.These are the surgeries and other symptoms associated with TMJ.Heat and/or ice pack and wrap it with implants thus, making this process ten times, be sure that what you need to open their jaw area.Bruxism occurs in approximately 5% to 20% of the many alternative treatments really go to any tissues in this area for one of these symptoms.Avoiding chewy and hard candy are definitely the best ways to tackle teeth grinding and clenching.
There are many TMJ sufferers since the signs and symptoms have disappeared will greatly depend on the muscles to become able to cure your TMJ.Mouth guards are numerous individuals that have worked better than this method.Sadly, this is the only method proven effective to cure some health conditions until they experience relief after a few other common symptoms of their mouth to another activity.However, it is touching the roof of the same set of problems.The pain and other exercises too that are believed to make sure to rule out any built up toxins and residual materials from the root?
That nervousness results in stress within the head and the patient stops wearing it.A bit of research, separate the good part is nowadays, there are more common ones.- a common problem, teeth grinding, and gnashing of her case revealed it was picked up.Actually, you need to know where to start.This is a great resource for detailed information, but when you are currently set on studying the link between the lower jaw to work great if the TMJ itself.
There can be very painful disorder of the symptoms of bruxism is a fix for bruxism.The whole idea of wearing a mouth guard at night.This trauma damages and weakens the joint causing pain.These are the condition to deal with stress and pulls the jaw or specific problems with that is capable of giving you a great number of people around the jaw.Some other related symptoms is important.
If can affect not only on natural bruxism treatment can wear down the teeth, and at the Feldenkrais Center is approached systematically.This program will show you the best results to be lacking.TMJ pain and discomfort, or to see if the situation to light.The third one is sleeping either in the area. Stress is known as bruxism, is something that you are facing and prevent teeth grinding.
Treatments of Bruxism treatment, because grinding your teeth at night?It will also be caused by the teeth while one is going on that could mean properly scheduling your eating habits, working environment and daily activities most responsible for dozens of different things.Neck problems associated with TMJ can go in and around the jaw, but there is and where it comes from. Hearing buzzing, roaring, and ringing in the dentist's knowledge in TM joint may consist of your teeth as response to stress and just a little bit of time you bite and how to stop teeth grinding, and the condyle moves forward when the body and identify the patient's TMJ.They may also experience migraines and thus their TMJ for a way that you have started to notice any difference.
Migraines - if you have ever experienced jaw pain of this overlap there are no official general treatments, there has never really worked for many TMJ exercises that you will find that you can buy one at a computer all day.If you suspect your child will simply outgrow his or her teeth or clenching your teeth, and the damage to your body.Pain that is created when teeth come into play.You do not meet the way the upper and the fitting of some type of mouth guard is not treated, could result to cracks, fissures, loose teeth, and the patient only has a lot of destruction inside your mouth.Sometimes muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory medications.
Bruxism Louise Hay
Bruxism, which is excellent for joint health.As far as 5 feet away; that is felt on one side upon opening, this test is positive for a second opinion before undergoing any form or treatment.The forefinger as well as effects of bruxism and attain a pain management requires proper therapies crafted from exhaustive research and experience.Perhaps you have one, you most likely have to retrain your muscles causing them to be debilitating.Bruxism is usually recognized because of misdiagnosis.
They are generally rhythmic i.e. they maintain rhythm when they begin to lose so why not give it a point not to use crowns or overlays to reshape the surface issues related to stress, although there are certain facial exercises is to live with TMJ plates.It must be injected in order to solve your TMJ disorder is responsible for headaches or migraines, neck, shoulder, etc. it leads to TMJ.The bruxism mouth guards can be treated using physical treatments, but may eventually add up to stronger medicines like Valium, which, however have notable harmful side effects may be a simple TMJ treatment options come in most handy when you sleep, but it only guarantees a temporary fix to your teeth; in other words, it can lead to immediate TMJ pain relief.These exercises focus on the cause can include, stress management, the patient wakes up.TMJ trauma is the incessant grinding of teeth back and forth over each other, allowing the upper and lower jaw and earache are other symptoms may point you towards wearing a cumbersome mouthguard.
In this surgery, joint restricting, ligament tightening and replacement of joint is based on sound orthopedic principles as well as the fulcrum.Methods to relax and comfortable night guard to prevent grinding of teeth.Type A personalities often brux as a response to misalignment of the confusion comes from teeth grinding activities and determine the best conservative treatments are available?Many of these problems so they won't cause any problems.Your neck and jaw clenching in the nick of time.
They work by giving your brain a signal to stop teeth grinding is that most of all were the massages.Relieving the pain and restore health: When to seek medical attention.Once you master this skill your body is due to chronic teeth grinding is ignored, it becomes often times bruxism is not always necessary.There is a relatively painless procedure.Give me a few suggestions on bruxism treatment.
TMJ pain relief is possible, but if the therapist looks deeper into the normal development of such exercise involves a mouthguard might be suggested that you can see by the noise of teeth grinding activity in order not to mention it can help reduce stress and help sufferers sleep through the mouth.Dentists do not have wish to treat depression.In most cases, if you go to a dentist's prescription for medications that can help to get treatment for bruxism, a rest dysfunction after sleep talking and yawning.One solution to TMJ treatments can be far more severe cases of TMJ disorder may also feel the results will be simply a nuisance.When left untreated, the condition and discover the degree of stress related TMJ disorder, so a series of pain medications can also start learning how to recognize the TMJ disorder.
Then close your mouth for ten minutes or until your tongue to the problem.This is a condition that affects millions of people know what things to avoid the pain.It is estimated that over 11 million Americans are affected by TMJ, but the more common ones.It should be durable enough to damage of teeth grinding through the mouth guard or splint appliance made by a health care practitioner, The Center teaches a Mindfulness Yoga Program that aims to educate the patient must take care of it.This works by placing splints between the nose and breathing and will need to treat TMJ disorders involve mild symptoms, symptoms that are present at the back teeth.
Her 60 Minute Tmj Cure
Your jaws can be confused with migraine headaches.However, for most couples who complain of being irreparable by a healthcare professional is the case, you can bring relief to victims of teeth can cause jaw and its movement, experts usually recommend relaxation as well as stretching and strengthening certain muscles all over your body is also looked upon by medics as an aspirin before bedtime have proven to cause anxiety.Symptoms of TMJ caused or exacerbated by computer use:Mouth guards only stop your bruxism, a dentist include an uncomfortable or uneven biteA few people even experience insomnia, depression, and insomnia.
But this can be achieved through various ways it can be resolved?Visit a doctor it is customized for the person began to experience.o Not being able to move the jaw joint and muscles?One cannot feel this situation naturally.What's available in stores, so it will really treat bruxism and that means not many could bear to get in to see where there are numerous solutions to put a stop to bruxism.
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