#its me venting about the process. but to MAKE A POST FROM OUR FACEBOOK PAGE WHEN *YOU ARE NOT UP TO DATE
ectonurites · 5 months
jesus fucking christ. perhaps if you're one out of five admins on a facebook page for an event that is still in the midst of planning and you have not been involved in most of that planning because you haven't been around, you shouldn't go rouge and make a fucking post about it publicly from our event page?
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this might be an unpopular opinion but those groups and social media pages, especially on facebook, that are for the parents of autistic kids really fuck me up
i get that these pages aren't for us but certainly when i was first diagnosed it was my only semblance at a support group for me. and even the groups that are made for us are dominated by non-autistic parents which means that on a daily basis im seeing posts like 'im an autism parent, whats YOUR superpower?' and 'like this if you love someone with autism ❤️' and it makes me feel like shit. are we THAT much of a burden? is it THAT hard to love us and look after us that you need to put yourselves on pedestals in order to do so? i get that supporting someone with autism isnt always easy but hell BEING autistic isnt always easy either and the last thing i need is a constant fucking reminder that no one understands us and that people who love us are doing 'one of the hardest jobs in the world'
im not saying that its easy for parents or that you dont have a right to vent and find community but at least try to hide it from us. our autism is not about you. can you imagine if someone who was deaf or blind or paralised had to hear every single day how hard it is for everyone else without any acknowledgement of the struggles and discrimination they experience? not to say that they dont, but im able-bodied so i cannot speak for them and like, you recognise how shitty that is right?
i feel often that because autistic people process things differently or might be semi or non verbal or struggle with certain nuances in conversations and social contexts or take things so literally that people think that we're stupid, and that we aren't aware enough or intelligent enough to understand the microaggressions that we are forced to face every day, but we do. and it hurts. i dont want to spend my life feeling unlovable and incapable and unintelligent and entirely dependent on others who see themselves as heros for bring gracious and selfless enough to give us the love and support we all want and need. we are Human Beings. with feelings and dreams and things to contribute to the world and to you. treat us as such.
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staffordartglass · 6 years
If you follow Stafford Art Glass on our Facebook page, you will certainly know about how I broke some fingers while rebuilding the glass furnace in November. Then, while I was recuperating, I brought in an engineering company to aid in automating some of the equipment in the studio in order to make it easier to use for all involved. This was a process that should have taken a couple of months, but dragged on for close to four months.  You probably also watched as updates came every several weeks about how that process was coming along. It has all worked out really well, even if it has taken longer than I ever thought that it would.
Myself, I have tried to remain as Zen about this as possible.  While I very much want to have glass available to an eager group who has expressed interest in it, I also know that once I get in the thick of things once the furnaces are turned on and the gas bills keep climbing, it will be harder to make the changes that I have made this past Spring and into this Summer.  These are all great changes, they just take time (some longer than others!).
As I sit here, the furnace is actually on  its second melt, which means that it is producing excellent glass, the doors to all of the furnaces and a kiln have been hooked up to pneumatic foot control (nice for when you are holding a blow pipe), the vent hood has been enclosed for more efficient ventilation, a fan has been wired in for that vent hood, and some other equipment have also gotten some upgrades.
Partial enclosure, part dry-fit of the new hood assembly!
Over the course of the last several months I have ordered over 50 new glass colors, and I put in another order for over half of that amount just yesterday. I have ordered glass color that I think will make for really interesting pumpkins as well as expanded color choices for ornaments, increasing the choices ten-fold. Some of these colors are ones I have not used in my own professional production over twenty years of working in the field (so this is a big step). None of this has been cheap, but it makes for a better experience for all of the people who are eager to sink their teeth into some exciting new offerings at the studio. One of the upgrades has been making sign-up for classes or workshops something that you can do from your phone or computer online.
Beginning the first of October, I will be rolling out my new online booking calendar.  This calendar will be available right here on this blog at http://www.staffordartglass.blog.  This calendar will allow you to book classes from the comfort of your mobile device or from your living room.  From now until the calendar goes live, there will be upgrades and changes being made to the calendar to make it more useful for most of the classes that will be taught at the studio.
Here are some of the classes that will be offered beginning October 1st:
Blow Your Own Pumpkin – offered from October 1st through to November 18th. You can pick a thirty minute slot for a small pumpkin or two slots for a larger pumpkin (I will have examples of these two sizes when we get closer to our class roll-out).
Blow Your Ornament Ball (BYOB) from November 30th through to December 22nd.
Make Your Own Paperweight – available year round.
Make Your own Suncatcher – available year round.
Weekend Glass Blowing Intensive – the first weekend of each month (subject to minimum enrollment).
One-Day Glass Blowing Intensive – the second Saturday of each month (subject to minimum enrollment).
That said, this schedule is just a guide to make things easier for all involved.  However, if someone would like to make a pumpkin in January or even in May, all you need to do is look on the calendar and see if the time is available.  The same goes for ornaments. If you would like to blow an ornament in October to avoid making something in December, you are welcome to do that. The way the calendar and the classes are set up for single items, I have those designed so that an ornament can be made  within a 30 minute booking session. Since all classes are individual and include one-on-one instruction (except for the one and two-day intensives) this makes scheduling much easier. In truth, it might only take 15 minutes to make an ornament or suncatcher, but we give you that time to make sure we cover all the bases.  Likewise, a small pumpkin can be made in thirty minutes and a large one can be made in an hour (you would book two thirty minutes slots and let me know that you want to make a large pumpkin when you arrive). The elegance of the way these experiences are set up is that by doubling up on two 30 minute slots is you get the right pricing and enough time to make your piece.  It is a modular system I developed that makes scaling up simple and easy.
There are many things I do not know just yet about the full functionality of the calendar and how many options I will be able to include, but right off the bat I know that there are some options that will be available.  For example, this calendar will be able to utilize coupon codes so those of you who follow Stafford Art Glass at Facebook or on other social media sites like Twitter can grab coupon codes that will be announced there and bring them here for making your final booking.
In instances where the calendar does not allow for the type of flexibility that I might have hoped, I will be announcing work-arounds in the event that someone wants something custom or different from the norm.  But as of right now, I am still learning how to make this calendar as flexible for your use as possible.  I am using one of the highest rated booking calendars out there available for the Word Press platform (it even takes payments) so I am expecting a high degree of functionality once I uncover all of the bells and whistles in the next few weeks.  Given how this past year has gone, I am a little gun shy about making promises about exactly how I expect something like the new booking system will work.  I just know that once I sink my teeth into it, I will be able to work through the software to help bring value to my customers.
If you subscribe to the blog, you will be kept up to date about any new classes or events happening that involve booking your place for an event.  While there will also be updates on Facebook, these can easily get buried under new posts. Word Press makes it so that you can receive updates through email as well as SMS (text message to your phone) which can be even more convenient for many of you. I can also provide class descriptions here that may be too lengthy for Facebook readers.
You will find that prices are inclusive for all of our classes. That means no pesky add-ons that you have to worry about. Anyone taking a class also receives 15% off all merchandise in the gallery as a special thank-you for educating yourself about what it takes to delve into the world of glass making.
In the meantime, until we reach the first of October, I will be working to produce samples of a full line of ornaments that will make deciding on an ornament color combination easier once you show for your time slots. I will do the same with sample pumpkin color combinations, too. Then, if you get here and can’t decide what colors you would like, I will have some samples that might make deciding easier.
Thank you all who have been following along for your patience!  My hope is that the changes will be welcome and will make everything just a little bit more easy. Here’s to a fun and exciting Fall!
Keep It Hot
Fall Workshops and Classes If you follow Stafford Art Glass on our Facebook page, you will certainly know about how I broke some fingers while rebuilding the glass furnace in November.
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heathergoffrier · 4 years
25 Little-Known Facebook Groups For Moms To Make New Friends Online
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If you're a new mom needing friends, don't overlook Facebook groups as a place to meet people. Check out these 25 groups to make new friends online! Plus get "The Ultimate List Of Places To Meet People: 79 Spots To Make New Friends" You can get access here: SEND ME THE LIST This is the 5th post in my "Make New friends" Series. Be sure to check out the other posts in the series- links at the end of this article!
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Several years ago, before launching Strong with Grace, I had a military spouse-focused blog for a few years. The problem was, when I started that blog I didn't know too many military spouse bloggers at the time. I had a passion for developing it but felt a bit out of my league with how to get it off the ground. Somehow I found myself invited to a military blogging group. I don't even remember how I got into it. I think someone I know invited me, but the details are blurry at this point. All I remember Is feeling elated as I saw the amazing networking, exchanging of ideas, and genuine friendships developing in the group. People I didn't know shared my posts, offered help and advice, and even answered military life questions not related to blogging.
The Power Of Facebook Groups For Moms To Make New Friends Online
After that point, I was sold on the benefits of Facebook groups. That group had not only helped my business ventures, but I gained connections with amazing, inspiring military spouses I never would have met. Many of them I still consider friends, even though I've never met most of them in person and I'm not focused on the military spouse niche anymore. Facebook groups can be a huge blessing in the lives of isolated moms who don't have many friends. I've discovered that Facebook groups is one of the best sites to make friends online, especially for lonely moms. Because when I moved to Virginia recently after starting that milspouse blog, that's what I was: a mom with only a couple friends and a baby that kept me stuck at home much of the time. The group proved to be a much-needed connection point and tool of growth in my life. I know it can be strange to try to make new friends online, and you might be thinking, "but I want to make friends near me." I get that. But sometimes, friends you meet online can become real-life friends. If you join groups that are fairly large, odds are there's someone close to you. *if you do decide to meet up in person, always take caution, tell someone that you're going, and meet in a public place. If you're interested in more places to make new friends online and off-line, don't miss my free list of 79 Places To Make New Friends! You can get it here:
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How To Find Good Friends In Facebook Groups
Before we jump into the list of groups, here are my tips for using a group to make new friends online. Join groups with which you have a similar interest, stage of life, or career aspirations. I’ve joined many groups (probably too many!). My preferred groups are mostly for military spouse, mom and parenting focused, christian- based, or blogging groups.Think about your interests and search for those terms in the Facebook search bar. Across the top you can filter your search down to “groups.”Next, look at a few groups and their “about” section. That will give you an idea if you would enjoy being in that group. All that’s left is to join the group and wait to be approved, if necessary. Some groups require you to respond to a few questions so they know whether you would be a good fit for the group. 
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You may not know them yet, but as you interact with the group members, you can develop relationships from strangers into acquaintances, and hopefully even friends. After you have some meaningful exchanges, you might add them as a friend or start a private conversation (if allowed by the group) to keep building your connection. If you want more tech help on finding friends on Facebook, I give a lot more tips in this post on ways to make friends on Facebook.
25 Little-Known Facebook Groups For Moms To Make New Friends Online
Here are a few groups I've gathered to give you a starting place for your search, along with a snippet from their current "about" section if available. Please keep in mind that I don't own these groups, nor do I endorse them specifically. They're here for your personal enjoyment, so join at your own discretion!
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Non-Faith-Based Groups
1- New mom advice and support group The purpose of this group is for us to support each other, ask/give advice, share tips, ideas, coupons, deals, etc. 2- New moms, moms to be, and experienced moms This group was created so that moms and new moms can get together and encourage each other in a positive manner. We’re just a group of women trying to get it right. 3- Parenting tips Useful Tips and Discussion Related To Parenting and Grooming Of Your Kids 4- Parenting Parenting or child rearing is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological relationship. 5- New Moms- Newborn, Baby and Toddler Support Group New Moms - Newborn, Baby and Toddler is about new parents looking for advice for their special newborn created by Clever Parenting Tips. Each day we find high quality information that will help you tremendously in the long run for you and your family. The community here will also be a great place to get personal advice for you. 6- Child Development And Parenting Tips Child Development and Parenting Tips is a group for all things relating to child and parenting. 7- Parenting Survival Guide Being a parent in these busy times can be hard. Managing your time between a busy work schedule and a demanding family can sometimes seem overwhelming. Parenting Survival Guide is a group for those interested in all things about parenting. Here is a place you can share and learn from other parents about the day to day activities, problems, and troubles that may arise from being a parent. We encourage you to feel free to share advice, stories, recipes, questions and even venting as long as it pertains to parenting or family life in general. As always, please remember to take all advice with a grain of salt and do your own research whenever in doubt. And of course feel free to invite friends and family to join in on the discussions. 8- Pregnancy, parenting and all things babies Welcome to ❤ Pregnancy, Parenting And All Things Babies❤ Our group is for everyone to join mothers, fathers, couples trying to conceive etc. 9- Parenting Tips: Toddlers and Pre-schoolers No parent should feel alone as they wander through the maze of parenting. Our online community is a safe place to ask parenting questions and find fun preschool activities! 10- Love and Logic Parenting Welcome to our online parenting group Love & Logic Parenting - a place to share ideas, theories, stories, the good and the bad relating to raising children using Love & Logic principles.
Christian-Based Facebook Groups
11- Christian wives/moms Let's support one another through Christ, while having fun, sharing quotes, recipes, church events, & more! Let's uplift each other and stay on fire for God...be sure to read the rules, which are pinned to the top of the group page.
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12- Christian Moms of Littles As beautiful and sacred as motherhood is, it’s also incredibly hard. If you are anything like us, then you have likely felt terribly blindsided at one moment or another by just how challenging these little years can be. That is precisely why we began the “Christian Moms of Littles” FB group - we want this to be a warm, encouraging, uplifting, helpful place where you can come and share your heart, pouring out your struggles and frustrations, asking your pressing mothering questions, seeking prayer for when the going gets tough, and finding camaraderie in those who are in the same season as you... 13- Christian Stay-at-home moms
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14- Christian Wives and Moms I have searched & have not been able to find groups for Christian moms. I wanted a place where I can share & receive Christian encouragement for parenting & marriage. Let's join together as sisters in Christ... help each other by being a positive, safe group. 15- Christian Moms Support Group I wanted to start this group as an outlet for us mom's for when things get tough, days get rough. This is a great place to post frustrations, prayer request, hurts and success stories! Please feel free to invite all of your mom friends! 16- Bad Christian Moms WELCOME! This community is a place where Christian moms can be real, open and raw about their thoughts and lives without fear of judgement. This is for the slightly cynical Christian, the sometimes crass Christian, at the very least the Christian certainly ready for a laugh and able to handle some off color jokes. But this is also for the desperate Christian, the Christian who at least has a sneaking suspicion that all they long for is really, truly, somehow going to be met in the person of Jesus Christ. 17- Christian Moms- Crunchy Lifestyle Welcome! Christian Moms - Crunchy Lifestyle is a gentle, Christ-centered support group for natural-minded mothers and mothers-to-be. This group is for women only. Topics of discussion include pregnancy, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, attachment and gentle parenting, non-toxic cleaning and beauty supplies, organic eating, green living, homeschooling, and alternative wellness remedies. Discussions frequently stem from a position of faith and are Biblically-based with scriptural references. 18- Christian Moms Welcome to the Christian Moms Group. Being a mom is not easy but its one of the most important roles that God designed. We are a community that sends out daily scripture to help and encourage you throughout your day. This is a safe, private place for Christians women to pray for one another and to encourage one another. We are a group of Believers who have asked Jesus Christ to be our Lord and our Savior because we recognize we are sinners in NEED of a Savior. 19- Christian Stay at home moms Hi Ladies! In my search to find a decent Mom group on Facebook that would offer wholesome and biblical support, I came across a whole lot of garbage. So I decided to start a new group dedicated to providing support and encouragement for stay at home moms who have a relationship with Jesus!
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Recommendations From My Blogging Friends
I asked a few blogging friends to share their groups with me (and you), and here are their responses: 20- Embracing This Special Life Embracing This Special Life is a group for Christian mothers who have children with special needs. Special needs parenting can be a challenging and isolating journey, but this group knows the challenges and can offer faith-based hope, support and encouragement. -Jenn Soehnlin of Embracing Life 21- Imperfect Moms Seeking to be Intentional with God Imperfect Moms Seeking to be Intentional with God - is a group where you will find real life, Biblically based encouragement for growing in your Christian faith, marriage, parenting or homeschool! Equipping you to embrace the imperfect and radiate Christ ❤️It's also a group that I co-run with my dear friend Lee Felix from Like-minded Musings. We have an engaged group of sweet moms that encourage and pray for another. -Jessica Anderson at Intentional In Life 22- Homeschool Planning Mama Homeschool Planning Mama- is a group where we share practical tips on topics like routines, schedules, planning methods, organization ideas, planners, record keeping, etc. as well as shares encouragement as you plan for a year or purpose and peace. A new group I just started to help support homeschool moms. -Jessica Anderson at Intentional In Life 23- Equipping Moms I am biased as it is my group. However, my mission is to equip Christian mommas who are struggling as to how to navigate her child’s more challenging behavior. For the mom raising and educating a child with special needs... ADHD, autism, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, trauma... hope and encouragement that the Lord has chosen her to raise her child on purpose. That He has a mighty plan for every child and that there is a Christ-centered way to equip these unique-thinkers to thrive as He intends. Such a wonderful community of moms. 💕 -Lindsay Leiviska at A Heart For All Students 24- Christian Family Living Christian Family Living includes family issues, marriage, and parenting. -Julie Plagens at Mom Remade 25- Christian Parenting Lounge The Christian Parenting Lounge is just parenting. both have lots of ideas and help.  -Julie Plagens at Mom Remade
This post is the fifth post in a set of articles called the "Make New Friends" Series. My goal in these posts is to help you gain confidence and take steps to actually make new, better, deeper friendships. You can check out the other posts in the series below! THE “MAKE NEW FRIENDS” POSTS Want To Make New Friends? Here’s The Good And Bad News8 Skills That Will Help You Make Friends As An Adult39 Conversation Starters To Make Friends Fast11 Ways To Make Friends And Develop Acquaintances With Other Moms25 Little-Known Facebook Groups For Moms To Make New Friends Online (this post) DON'T MISS "THE ULTIMATE LIST OF PLACES TO MEET PEOPLE: 79 SPOTS TO MAKE NEW FRIENDS." Grab your free copy here:
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SEND ME THE LIST Read the full article
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141-point-12 · 7 years
Quite a week...
Under a cut for a *lot* of personal venting regarding my in-laws.
I wasn’t really sure if I was going to write this all up here, but posting 140 character blurbs on twitter was too limiting, and posting my feelings on facebook just yielded a lot of “Be patient! :3 It’ll be okay!″ from my family members etc when what I really want is a “Wow, that sucks. Sorry bro.”
Right now I have a 3 hour “calming spa music with water sounds” playing. I have made heavy use of such videos over the last week, often having to rely on them to calm down enough to sleep. The reason sounds sort of stupid- my in-laws came in to town for a visit, but these people have a way of taking a totally normal situation and forcing it to explode until something as simple as “returning the rental car” is a code red.
This isn’t new behavior. The family is flat out dysfunctional. But there were a few different things to deal with this time around.
The last time my MiL came to town, she got into a prolonged “argument” about why I hadn’t had any children yet. (Obviously this was something on my shoulders, nothing her son had anything to do with, and certainly not our business to decide.) To make a long story short, she went around and around telling me things like having pets means wasting valuable time you could be spending on children, people primarily get married to have children, if there was some medical reason I couldn’t have children I should have told them before I married their son, an adopted child wouldn’t really be “ours”. She barked this at me for over an hour while my husband was out of the house. He threw her out the following morning, raising his voice for the third time in the nearly 15 years I’ve known him.
After that, we decided she was not welcome to stay in our home. His father (difficult in his own way, but we’ll get to that) could stay with us, but she would either have to stay with my husband’s brother, or in a hotel. When we were told (not asked) about their visit- we explained this to the FiL in a number of ways. That she made herself unwelcome the last time she was here. That she stressed my husband out triggering a lot of my husband’s health issues, etc. His response was always dismissive. Up until the day they arrived, we were preparing for a full on fight when we insisted- because he never treated this information with any kind of regard. Luckily, when the day came, she went to my BiL’s house with little fuss.
Their visit itself was stressful in a number of ways. This couple is incapable of doing something as simple as picking a restaurant for lunch without it becoming an ordeal. Arguments happen over nothing. FiL has a lot of health problems, but makes it everyone else’s job to cater to him, without acknowledging the effort. MiL is a whirling dervish of frenetic energy who wants to see and do everything but can’t calm down enough to listen to the information being given to her. She constantly and repeatedly asks questions without waiting for the answer, and then barrels on ahead with no information or context. 
To be honest, MiL wasn’t at her worst this visit- which is exhausting in its own way. This is a woman who has run out her goodwill by being classist, racist, and absolutely inconsiderate of others around her while pushing for her own agenda. Any attempts to appease her are not noticed while she asks for more. And then she has moments of near normalcy that make you think everything might be okay- but the moment you trust her, she reverts to her regular behavior. She can’t take no for an answer. She is constantly chasing “Kodak moments” with her family so she has something to share at brunch with her friends, but never forged genuine emotional connections with the people she wants to show off. If it had been only her, this might have been simply a taxing visit.
However- this time around, my FiL really showed what he was made of. Which is to say a thick mass of manipulation, covered in a thin veneer of intelligence and the familial goodwill he has left with his sons. He even said things like he could “control” his wife, so she should be allowed to stay in our home. First of all, he can’t, at all. Secondly...ew?
It is only in about the last year or so that my husband has realized that the cycle of dysfunction in their home isn’t only due to their mother. Their father absolutely enabled her behavior to take over, leaving everyone else in the house constantly arming battlestations as they tried to minimize the damage. There is no open channel of communication in their home. There is only conflict and argument- even over things that should be occasions for joy. 
What has ended up happening is that my MiL has come to represent the emotional, the irrational, and the bad. Meanwhile logic and rationality are theoretically championed by his father- but his father is just as emotional and temperamental, it’s just that when he throws a fit it’s because he thinks everyone else is being too irrational to see reason, not that he has done anything wrong. As such, the idea of emotional wellbeing is basically laughed at. Even my husband’s brother didn’t seem to understand my husband’s need to keep a calm household for his own wellbeing.
After only two days of their bickering, my body entered a very obvious set of fight or flight symtoms- but there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t physically fight these people, nor could I go anywhere. So I just... stayed that way. For hours. That’s... not how that’s supposed to work, and my body partially shut down. Another 24 hours later and my husband experienced something similar. It was a week of constantly checking in on each other- giving each other wide berth and space when there was little to be had. 
Their visit was extended because Hurricane Irma shut down travel back into Florida. My MiL kept calling themselves “hurricane refugees” as though they’d actually fled their home, and not just come off of a month long cruise around Europe. She kept insisting they should get special treatment at car rentals and hotels as though our city isn’t currently full of people with real, actual needs- not just on extended vacations.
Two days after their planned departure, my husband and I had had enough. The boundaries we set had been breached (FiL convinced MiL to stay the night at our house, despite my husband having made it clear that was not what we wanted- bringing the total number of times he has raised his voice within earshot to four). We were stressed out, nothing we did to try and satisfy them was helping them, so we decided to help ourselves. We took a brief trip out of town (for a total of about 2 days, although we only spent one whole day out of their company) with plans to return before their actual departure. There was plenty of resistance from my FiL, of course, but thankfully my husband stood firm. 
It was a much needed break for us, and even then we were still checking in on the home front, making suggestions for activities in town that we thought they might enjoy etc. We came back more ready to handle them in their last day with us.
They left, finally. There was much more stress involved in the process than necessary, and I’ve firmly come to believe that with no hobbies or interests to speak of, my FiL has no pasttime other than being miserable and spreading that out in a search for... sympathy, I guess? 
In the end, I can only be thankful that my husband and I are on the same page about these people and their behavior. It would be another thing entirely if he somehow thought this was acceptable- but the fact that we could talk every night about what was happening, and how we wanted to handle things and proceed the next day already means that we are light years ahead of this pair when it comes to communication. I told him I was proud of him for deciding to prioritize our wellbeing and mental health (when there was honestly nothing we could do to make his parents happy) by taking a few steps back and taking a short trip out of town. Today he told me how happy he was that we could pick a sandwich shop for lunch in less than a minute and carry on from their without it becoming an ordeal. Simple things- but not ones I can take for granted anymore.
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noeticboom-blog · 7 years
Choosing Friendship Over Pain
I recently ended a partnership/situationship and for the sake of this blog post, I will call it a ‘ship’
Though it wasn’t a relationship by title or even conventional standards, there were many understandings and guidelines within it.
Such as not sleeping around and putting each other’s health at risk and if at any point we became non-monogamous we would be aware of our safety and partner’s safety. Though sex with others was not completely off the table, I mean, technically we were both still single. Despite this, I opted for having only one partner throughout the duration, him.
Honesty, openness, no secrets were also a big thing for both of us.  When our time was up to cut of our emotional ties to “see other people” or end the ‘ship’ instead of leaving the other person hanging, we were to let the previous partner know so that nothing was left up in the air. Above all, trust, respect and safety were the upmost importance. It was a committed and conscious ‘ship’
When it started it was very powerful and it felt as though a relationship was being formed but it was too much and our insecurities didn’t pass the tests. We made the conscious decision to slow it down. I must mention that it was long distance as well. Recipe for disaster right? Not quite, but the factor of the unknown caused both of us too much stress to be together.
Now this concept was hard for many to understand because so many times humans need that title to feel secure. But too many times relationships are rushed and still don’t make it. With dating and relationships in 2017 being so confusing for so many of us, it is what worked for he and i. It was at times, very happy. At least it made me very happy.
We criminalize being single nowadays and just loving, which has a lot of people scrambling to find a partner that usually ends in hurt. So many of us forget about just making real conscious connections along the way.
There was a lot of love and laughs and through it all a deep connection was built (and lets not forget a lot of really good sex.) we built a very strong bond that could survive an atomic bomb on top of the friendship we previously had.
But when it ended it didn’t end peacefully because suddenly there was anger, and fear, and wounded hearts. Certainly there was a lot left unsaid.
It wasn’t a break-up, so why did it hurt so bad?
Here’s why, because leaving each other’s life completely wasn’t sitting right with either of us. One party felt the need to force the other out angrily to avoid feeling guilt. The other felt like they did something wrong. There were blocked numbers, removal from social media and insults. It was handled poorly and went against everything we both stood for.
But that’s not at all how we promised we would handle it when the day comes. Surely no one wants to be made to feel as though they were used, and then replaced.
I blew up. A few unkind words paired with one status by him sparked a barrage of pictures, memories and slander across my keyboard. I didn’t have any of our recent photos so I went and grabbed all I could from various social media pages and vented.
These actions not only made me look dumb, it made him look like “trash”.
As two people who had built this bond and a promise to always have each other’s best interest in mind, that was never my intention for him to look bad in front of everyone else or be mocked, I just wanted to hurt him as I was hurt. I was shocked that he suddenly and mysteriously forgot about these past few years.
And that was only the beginning.
Because it started a war in us.
Everyone has done their share of dirt. If you don’t make mistakes you are either dead or just not living.
Eventually when the war was nearly over (a few days later), we actually ended up being the ones to help each other through the chaos, fear and drama that ensued from our mistakes.
I will soon make peace with the fact that my trust was taken advantage of and the feeling of being wronged will always leave a scar but he must deal with knowing that people from my social media will have a hard time not seeing him as “that one guy” and it still sucks.
The process of figuring out how to work through the mess we made was a painful and fast growth for both of us. I think it was the worst I ever felt but the sense of calm returned and the world wasn’t shaking anymore.
And we decided to stick to the plan and to remain friends and that we will always be friends but as of now there will be no relations .
Its a lot easier to lose some dick than it is to lose a friend.
Now that’s the end of the tea but the rest of this post will be a few tips to remain friends after an ending of sorts.
1)      No mixed signals avoid getting the wrong idea about the friendship.
2)      Respect the person’s space
3)      Don’t get upset with the person because they aren’t handling it well. You never know how someone will deal with losing something they are invested in.
4)      DON’T POST TO FACEBOOK IN ANGER; this is a case of do as I say not as I do. Because in order to remain friends they have to TRUST you!!! (and LORD! it takes the love of a million men to forgive and be friends after that kind of mimicry.)
5)      Set Boundaries.
6)      At the end of a long distance ‘ship’ its hard to not expect that call or text that caused you to stay attached to your phone. Try to turn it off sometimes and look at the world around you.
7)      Don’t stay friends if it was unhealthy, if they aren’t worth keeping in your life Let them go. And get far far away.
8)      Communicate but don’t make things awkward. Lingering romantic feelings are a possibility but don’t make your friend feel like you don’t “get” that they are uninterested in pursuing a sexual relationship with you.
9)      Most of all respect each other’s privacy and don’t lurk. Your friend will tell you what you need to know. They aren’t obligated to tell you anything now. It’s natural to visit your friends page but to stalk is just creepy.
10)   And most of all understand life is too short to carry around resentment. We all have to share this earth together. Most ‘ships’ come and go but friendships are forever.
Bottom line it is possible to return to being friends after a romantic situation when things aren’t working out. You don’t have to harbor negative emotions. We are ever evolving creatures and nowadays dating for many millennials is not black and white. It’s the epitome of “it’s complicated”. Human relatedness has come such a long way, levels of connection and care between two people are vast and intricate. Remaining friends is a process of lovingly completing a relationship, situationship or fuckship that will leave you feeling whole and healed and at peace. There are no losers. Many people are quick to tear down what they don’t understand, so I hope this helps someone understand that in this complicated world. Love is no one-size fits all matter.
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graeme-from-it · 7 years
The Trolling of The Scottish Resistance...
Posted on April 25th 2017 on the Scottish Resistance Facebook page - I’ll just leave this here :-) 
The undernoted statement is from Neil Mackay Founder of All Under One Banner
The following statement is made by me in my role as the founder of All Under One Banner (AUOB), as the named organiser for the previous Six AUOB Independence Marches and as a current and ongoing AUOB group member. The statement made below I am compelled to make to inform the Independence movement and the general public of the background goings-on in respect of AUOB’s involvement with Core Security towards our 3rd June March for Independence. This statement is by me and me alone and is based upon my direct experience of events.
First let me set the background. On the 30th July last year Scotland had a highly successful and vibrantly peaceful 8,000 strong Independence March (number 6) as organised and made manifest by AUOB.
In the weeks after the March Glasgow City Council (GCC) called a de-brief meeting citing a number of concerns and issues as to the day’s proceedings- even though GCC were known to have turned off the George Square webcam as the mighty Procession entered the location.
Fundamentally GCC were and still are highly threatened by the Independence movement as currently the council is run by British (Scottish) Labour and as such they viewed the Impressive March as a direct ideological threat to them. As a result of this Political bias GCC sent me a letter stating that I had failed in my duties as named organiser and that should I submit a notification for a public procession again in the City of Glasgow it would be passed to a Committee which GCC argued would be advised to disallow a Procession organised by myself- even though there were never any arrests or offences committed by any participants and no anti- social behaviour committed whatsoever. Furthermore GCC put a restrictive Security condition against AUOB as an organisation stating that:
‘…..ALL STEWARDS will be accredited and sourced from professional stewarding companies’
Now for the greater good of the Independence cause in January of this Year I decided to sign off the active application that I had submitted for the 3rd June March (which was then set to be 29th April but subject to the availability of parks down the line the date was changed and changed for the better now as only 5 days before the General Election on 8th June) and one of the AUOB group came forward to be the named organiser for this next event. I made this decision solely so as to not give GCC what they wanted which was a long drawn out saga of an application with the Council delaying approval with their politically biased bureaucratic nonsense to the detriment of the movement.
Now not long before this development AUOB received a message from a person called Barbara McLaughlin, who purported to be an Independence supporter and who said she had a good friend who owned his own Security Company, this man is called Tony Hendry of Core Security. Even though we had circumvented the council with the first of their obstacles (me as named organiser) the discriminatory security condition as detailed above remained applicable to AUOB as an organisation regardless, so when I received this news and after discussing with the group I called Tony Hendry in December 2016 and we made an arrangement to meet up after the new year around mid-January.
Upon this meeting Tony presented his Solution to the problem, that he as a Professional Security trainer would train up the volunteers we would ingather and as such this would comply with the Councils strict condition. Tony said he was giving his time ‘Free of charge’ yet the cost of training each Volunteer would be £20 per head plus VAT meaning £24 billed to AUOB per person trained. Tony made it very clear several times that he was an Independence supporter, a statement that has been since put to the test and exposed as utter nonsense in the weeks that have followed. The plan was that we would have hundreds of Volunteers trained and led by Tony and some of Core’s professional Stewards we would be the best organised Procession ever etc etc etc.
Now, considering all options at the time this seemed a good proposal and as a group we rolled with it, viewing it as a solution to the main obstacle that GCC had put in our path. What followed was several weeks of Volunteers training at Core Security’s premises at Charing Cross on Wednesday evenings however within a couple of weeks of the sessions being underway Tony and Barbara (who was now involved as the Core Security admin helper- responding to emails on the AUOB email account as a delegated task) were getting significantly frustrated at the lack of Volunteers that were coming through the training program and the reason that has come to light for this is that it is now perceptible they had a big vision of making a lot of money out of the AUOB on and the Independence movement and even though classes were running weekly it just wasn’t enough for Tony, the pound signs spinning in his eyes driving him on to continually demand immediate action to increase numbers of volunteers. Over and above this AUOB was being invoiced by Core Security on a weekly basis, piling debt upon a grass-roots organisation with pressure to pay being a regular occurrence.
Meanwhile in reality, the Independence movement had come forward with a great number of volunteers however it was detectable to me that the reason the movement were not coming forward in their hundreds and hundreds was that the movement did not deeply support the strategy that we were taking which was full compliance with the council’s discriminatory condition and involving a Corporate Security Company; some of whose professional stewards were ‘Unionists’ and would be such on the day of the March. This was also proven by the fact that we launched a crowdfunder to raise funds to pay for the security costs of the event and although a great number of people donated the project flat-lined so I decided to cancel the crowdfunder half way into its term- and might I add not one penny was ever received by AUOB as it had to reach its target and didn’t manage to so no pledges were in the end taken or received.
Nevertheless we continued with the sessions until it equally became clear to me that Tony Hendry had a much more sinister agenda. Not only was he intent on making a lot of money out of the Independence movement but that he wanted ever increasing control and influence over AUOB as an organisation. Tony Hendry offered AUOB his premises to hold weekly group meetings which began to happen and even offered to lend AUOB a four figure sum of money to which I said we must refuse. All in all from my perspective the boundaries between who AUOB was and who Core Security was were becoming blurred and hazy, with both Tony and Barbara positioning themselves as active members not just of Core Security as the Sub-contracted Security company but as AUOB group members in their own right. Moreover Tony had made several attempts to apply media censorship to the AUOB Facebook page; trying to gain ever increasing influence over the media content of a very successful Indy page. This was a red flag to a bull for me and this was the alarm bell that made me smell a Rat.
As such I raised these serious concerns with my fellow group members and this culminated in a meeting being scheduled, at Cores premises. I knew I was walking into a Kangaroo court, a set-up, as Tony sat there with some of his members of Core security alongwith other members of the AUOB group also present. What followed was an attempt by Tony Hendry to completely discredit me in front of everyone concerned. His verbal assault was impressive and constant but I held my own and refuted his list of unsubstantiated allegations in his place of business power. Tony said he had ‘looked into me’ and that I was a ‘bad influence on the group’ and that I alone was to blame for the lack of volunteer stewards; that I have done ‘absolutely nothing’ towards the event and AUOB as an organisation, amongst many many other direct nasty comments aimed at eliminating me.
What followed next was that Tony told me to handover control of AUOB Social media over to the group (i.e. him) to which I steadfastly refused. Tony’s response to this was that if I had anything to do with AUOB then he would have nothing to do with it and would write a Letter to GCC terminating his company’s involvement towards the 3rd June March. The meeting ended as a stalemate in that I walked away rightfully not rescinding control to such a man, with in my mind clear Anti-Independence agenda, and Tony walking away stating that he would withdraw Core Security altogether.
What followed was a meeting with GCC two days later by the AUOB group including Tony as the security provider which he did not mention a word of this to the Council and said that all would be well on the day- even though I was and always will be clearly involved in AUOB which again looked strange to me in its contradiction compared to what he said only two days before.
However I had thereafter come to the conclusion that Tony Hendry and Core were definitely going to pull out of the vent at one point that was certain to me. What followed and what has happened in the last three weeks I will now reveal.
Barbara McLaughlin and Tony Hendry covertly set up a Facebook page called Indyfest and created a Fundraising event to raise funds to pay themselves. Now as I refused to publicise it on AUOB and as such the event was not being officially endorsed they decided to change strategy. Next they set up a Fake AUOB page. They took the official AUOB profile picture and cover graphic along-with the page description, website link etc and created a brand new page holding this page out to be All Under One Banner and they then made the fundraising ceilidh event an ‘AUOB’ event hoping that this would give it the endorsement they wanted it to have. I discovered all of this through a great many trusted friends that I have online and I was sent all evidence of this and who was behind it. All of this evidence was then passed on to the other members of the AUOB group who subsequently challenged Barbara and Tony at the next meeting that took place (last Wednesday), to which both of them categorically denied it was them. In the days that followed more evidence was amassed and passed onto the AUOB group until I received a text on Saturday informing me that Core Security have now pulled out of the event altogether; surprise surprise as they had been rumbled.
Since the weekend much information has come into my possession outlining the extent of the Core Security attempted takeover of AUOB, including that for the last couple of weeks Tony Hendry and Barbara McLaughlin have been constantly requesting that the AUOB Facebook page be deleted/taken down- to which the group categorically refused, even though the powers to do this rest only with myself and one other trusted admin who has been on the page since the 2014 beginning with me.
Moreover I have come to find out that Tony Hendry has written a big letter to GCC not only pulling Core Security out of the march but discrediting the entire event and the Independence movement to boot. He is also recorded as of saying he is going to go to the press and let the press know his (Negative Anti-Independence) story. Now at a time when Scotland is facing two important elections on the 4th May and 8th June respectively it must be questioned why someone who says personally he supports Independence would attempt to do such a hatchet job on his departure when if he really wanted to leave he would leave quietly? It must be asked why Tony and Barbara thought it acceptable to plagiarise AUOB? Or why they are posting on Social media in a smear campaign against me whilst discrediting the entire event and the movement in equal measure?
In my opinion Tony Hendry and Barbara McLaughlin etc are at the very least egotistical Money driven charlatans who saw an opening to get involved with AUOB to make lots of money from it and elevate their status, people who had a clear agenda to take over the group and the page and bring it under their ownership and when this wasn’t happening they set up a spoof page and tried to sabotage the official site by unsuccessfully persuading AUOB group members to delete it altogether. At the very worst Tony Hendry and Barbara McLaughlin are stooges, infiltrators sent in by the authorities in an attempt to get control over AUOB and to destroy the activist group so as to ensure the 3rd June Independence March and all consecutive AUOB Marches do not happen, with GCC placing a condition in place that gave an opening to such fraudsters who were wolves in sheep’s clothing as sent in with a job to do.
Common sense tells me it is the former money making takeover attempt which is applicable but I have an open mind and will not rule out the latter considering how important it is for the British state to keep Scotland locked within the UK, especially in such highly charged political times as we currently live in.
So fortunately no matter whom Tony Hendry, Barbara McLaughlin and Core security actually are they have not succeeded in taking over AUOB.
I want to give everyone my absolute assurance that no matter what transpires in the coming weeks from GCC the 3rd June March for Independence is going ahead. AUOB is a brilliant organisation full of dedicated and inspiring activists who will ensure that not only will we have more than enough Stewards and Security provisions in place for the March but that the event will run like clockwork and will be, as always, a Safe and peaceful family friendly event for young and old.
This Independence March and AUOB belongs to the People of Scotland and this is how they shall remain, and as such shall never be taken over by any group or individuals with ill intent toward the Cause and the people’s right to gather and take part in Public Processions in support of Scotland regaining Independence; this is the Peoples March.
I for one feel a lot better shedding light on what I have been carrying about with me for many weeks and I feel proud to have served the movement by holding firm and not handing AUOB over to a bunch of charlatans who would have one way or another destroyed the event and the credibility of the Independence movement for sure.
I want to thank everyone for their ongoing support in the coming weeks.
0 notes
SEO for Etsy Sellers
We developed an Etsy SEO Help guide to help other sellers improve their Etsy SEO. SEO is what many Etsy sellers fears as i have seen myself.
SEO for Etsy Sellers  http://www.aktechblog.com/2016/11/seo-for-etsy-sellers.html
Just take a look at my Etsy shop I've gotten 21,000+ sales in my 4 years on Etsy so far, and my biggest Etsy strategy has been SEO. The duplicate content will hurt a sellers SEO and the way Pattern is set up there is no way to improve the SEO like you would on a regular website. As a business coach to Etsy sellers, Marmalead is the only tool I recommend for serious sellers who need the very best help in SEO research.
Deux importants éléments de référencement pour vos pages de fiches produits sont le titre de l'article et sa description. Etsy SEO and the SEO used by most bloggers doesn't have much difference. Le titre de la boutique est votre tagline, votre argument marketing.
The first three words of your title are the most important for Etsy SEO. For a comprehensive guide to starting and marketing your Etsy shop. Etsy School: The Complete Etsy Business Startup Guide by Sarah Moore: an audiobook that covers everything from basic shop setup and all the way to Etsy SEO.
This SEO e-Book is a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to improve your SEO within your shop. Are always looking for fresh content and rank pages with higher authority if the content is updated regularly. La façon dont vous optimiser votre boutique pour Etsy aide aussi votre SEO sur les autres moteurs de recherché.
Utiliser Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn et Google+ sont de bons moyens de montrer aux moteurs de recherche que l'on parle de votre boutique et de vos produits. Your Pattern by Etsy shop will not get found by search engines easily, your regular Etsy shop has more customization opportunities for SEO. La manière dont vous nommez les sections de votre boutique peut également aider à accroître le référencement de cette dernière.
It can be quite difficult to get noticed on a large marketplace like Etsy - even if you have great products that people want to buy. Without traffic and views Etsy sellers would never make sales. How to use onsite SEO strategies to get your products ranking higher in Etsy's search engine.
Here are some Etsy SEO tips to help you get your handmade products in front of as many potential buyers as possible. This is a little-known strategy that can have a HUGE impact on your Etsy SEO results. Because there is not a lot of room to SEO the Pattern shop and there is no internal search engine to help your items get found like there is on Etsy, all traffic will be from marketing the Etsy seller does on their own.
In our next post we'll explore marketing strategies for Etsy sellers which will really get your Etsy business flying. You will learn how to optimize your Etsy Shop SEO (Search Engine Optimization) with our 8-part SEO lesson. The term content strategy is an interesting one in relation to Etsy.
Votre titre de boutique est un petit texte qui apparaît sous le nom de votre boutique sur la page d'accueil de celle-ci. Cependant, il existe quelques bonnes pratiques que vous pouvez utiliser pour aider à améliorer le référencement de votre boutique. If you want your products to get found, you need to understand how the platform works and how buyers use it. That's where Etsy SEO tips come in.
Seo for Etsy Sellers  http://www.aktechblog.com/2016/11/seo-for-etsy-sellers.html
Plenty of Etsy sellers also make sales by getting their products found by people searching on Google. But if the people who you want to buy your products aren't makers themselves, they aren't likely to search for those terms — and you will have lost the sale. I agree- it is frustrating to me and thousands of other Etsy sellers who've worked hard to get their SEO right.
Having an Etsy shop isn't much different than having any other online shop; you need to generate traffic. I looked it over but was offended that Etsy would import my shop content to a site I didn't want to join. They are very much active on social media and use tools like So I think Etsy sellers should focus more on SEO and other forms of marketing.
Titles over tags Sur Etsy, vos titres et tags contribuent à votre positionnement. Les catégories peuvent améliorer votre SEO sur Google car c'est un autre signal qui indique ce que vous vendez dans votre boutique. Complétez votre page A propos Cela permettra aux moteurs de recherche de tout savoir sur votre boutique.
Vous pouvez songer à créer des liens vers votre boutique Etsy à partir de votre blog personnel, et élaborer un réseautage avec d'autres sites pour amener ceux-ci à mettre en valeur vos fiches produits. En bref : vous voulez que les gens écrivent sur votre boutique et vos fiches produits en vente, tout en créant des liens vers vos pages Etsy. Pensez à inclure votre nom complet ou le nom de votre société dans le titre de votre boutique si des clients potentiels sont susceptibles de vous rechercher de cette façon.
SEO is the key to getting more visitors and sale for your Etsy shop. The last thing that we want to talk about here with you guys is about the Entrepreneur's Course Library Marmalead has been very focused on SEO and how your SEO can perform on Etsy. The author of Etsy Empire explains where to add valuable keywords for Etsy SEO and increasing Google traffic to your Etsy shop.
These are the different categories within your Etsy shop. We are happy to introduce this free ebook The complete guide to SEO for Etsy”, to help all the Etsians crack the hard nut of SEO for Etsy shops. I started doing SEO in 1999 and so I have seen all the changes and updates that Google has gone through and frankly, true SEO hasn't changed that much over the years.
If you want to be good at SEO for Etsy, you have to practice. To my mind (and most people on the forums) that translates as Etsy wanting all sellers to have some sales rather than just a few having all the sales. I would not send people to your Etsy shop only a website.
You have to go beyond Etsy because Etsy just has too many sellers and not enough buyers searching for items. If your read through the comments here you will find the opinions of people who have tried Pattern and also of SEO experts who can see that having a Pattern site will actually hurt the SEO of your regular Etsy shop and decrease your views there. We've talked about how the Pattern site may not get found in search engines due to duplicate content but you bring up the interesting point that it may hurt the shop owner's actual Etsy shop itself.
I understand the need for Etsy sellers to have a standalone website that works for them and is easy to setup and maintain. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Etsy is different to standard website optimization as Etsy uses its own SEO algorithms. As you setup your shop, you're required to add products first before customizing your shop as a whole.
This bonus only includes the SEO terms that matter for your Etsy shop. One of the most important parts of your Etsy store is the website content. As an Etsy Coach for Creatives I have worked with a number of SEO tools, but have found Marmalead to be extremely accurate and very user friendly, especially with those sellers that aren't quite tech savvy”.
Please note with all SEO strategies, results overnight do not happen, this is a marketing strategy that is utilized with quality content and listings to improve rankings in a safe manner. The nature of Etsy's business model is such that it allows a mass effort to contribute to the overall pie in terms of content and SEO. Et surtout, ne vous occupez pas trop de la valeur de votre PageRank Google.
Décrivez brièvement votre article dans la première phrase de votre description. Le titre de votre article est utilisé pour créer le titre de page de votre fiche produit. A l'instar du titre de votre boutique, Etsy utilise vos noms de section pour créer les titres de page pour chacune des pages de destination de vos sections.
Vous pouvez modifier les sections de votre boutique en accédant à Votre boutique > Liens rapides > Gestionnaire de fiches produits Recherchez l'intitulé Sections dans la barre d'outils de gauche et cliquez sur Gérer pour les modifier. Nous vous recommandons de décrire brièvement votre boutique et les types d'articles que vous vendez. La fonction SSEO (Search Engine Optimization - Optimisation des moteurs de recherche), également connue sous le nom de référencement, constitue un puissant processus qui peut aider à améliorer la visibilité de votre boutique et vos fiches produits d'articles dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche pour des sites comme Google, Bing et Yahoo.
Many Etsy sellers set up their shop backwards and then ultimately wind up wondering why they can't get ranked on Etsy or maintain a ranking. One of the big things that we hear from Etsy sellers all the time when they're sitting down to work on their SEO is that it's not always easy to know where to start. Treasuries get seen by lots of sellers and buyers, so taking Treasury-worthy photos is key to your Etsy success.
The problem is that the buy button on every product pulled in from your shop says Buy on Etsy. When considering whether or not to partner with someone to promote your Etsy Store, a good place to start would be asking whether or not they use the ethical tactics outlined in Etsy's own Guide to SEO If not, then you may want to steer clear. On-page (within your shop) SEO is also only part of the process.
You can't rely on just your Etsy shop to drive your sales. After reading this post you will not need to search for Etsy SEO Services. It's really super that you continue to press onward with key information on SEO for ETsy Sellers.
Etsy has always had search but at a basic level — it was described to me as a one-size-fits-all approach” — that didn't do a good job of showcasing the site's products. You need to switch it up just a bit to get the most traffic to your Etsy shop. Etsy SEO isn't really all that different from Google, just there are Tags instead of keywords.
So as I was trying to get a handle on my SEO for Etsy, I really couldn't find a great way to get all the data together easily. Richie Peplin, the co-founder of Marmalead, an Etsy SEO and market research tool , shares with us The Top Five Ways To Get Your Shop Seen On Etsy With SEO! Learn how to find products to sell and setup your online store.
Connect and contact other Etsy sellers that might be interested in your products. Even if that doesn't happen, when you direct people to your Etsy shop you have no control over what happens when they get there. If you're already making some sales, it might actually be easier and more effective to look at marketing outside of Etsy to bring people back to your Etsy shop.
Very few people get enough traffic on Etsy to bring in great income without doing the marketing work. I've been really struggling with my Etsy shop and have about decided to close up shop after this year. If Etsy shuts down or closes your shop, your Pattern by Etsy shop goes away with it. One of the biggest reasons sellers need to have a website for their merchandise outside of Etsy is to protect themselves if something happens on Etsy itself.
If you came this far and read everything, you realize that there's no dearth of tools for Etsy SEO (and if you are using Shopify or Bigcartel etc, for online shop SEO). Content Marketing represents one of the biggest cultural shifts seen in advertising. There are a lot of good resources out there about Etsy SEO and how to optimize your Etsy product page for search engines, but I want to explore in more detail how to rank higher in Etsy's own search engine.
(Because sellers who are doing well usually have ok SEO already…even if it was an accident). Never be confused when talking SEO with other sellers again! Fixing your SEO is the fastest way to get your shop the attention it deserves.
To setup your Etsy shop, you need to know how complicated Etsy system works. The information is direct, motivational and inspirational. En haut de votre lisiting, il vous est possible de catégoriser votre item jusqu'à 3 niveaux.
Acheter son nom de domaine et le faire pointer vers sa boutique Etsy pour s'assurer d'avoir son espace pour le futur lorsque vous lancez votre propre boutique. Si le nom de votre magasin n'explique pas ce que vous vendez, le titre de votre boutique doit le faire ! De plus, vous n'êtes pas le seul vendeur Etsy à optimiser vos pages, donc il se peut que vous voyiez vos pages démarrer doucement et connaître des hauts et des bas.
Ne soyez pas timide et osez l'auto-promotion — n'en faites pas trop mais ajoutez quelques liens vers votre boutique Etsy ou vos fiches produits quand c'est possible. Pensez aux mots-clés que les acheteurs pourraient utiliser lorsqu'ils cherchent votre produit et incorporez-les dans les titres de vos fiches. Un pro de la recherche Etsy vous donne de bons conseils pour rendre votre boutique plus visible.
Les 160 premiers caractères de la description de votre article sont utilisés pour créer la méta-description de la page de votre fiche produit. Il n'y a pas de façon de promettre que votre boutique apparaîtra en haut des résultats de recherche Google. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be a confusing topic to maneuver, but it's so important to get straight for making Etsy sales.
Handmade, bespoke and unique gifts are big business (there aren't many of us who haven't got lost in a world of hand-crafted beauty at least once) but we get loads of Etsy sellers asking for help and advice when it comes to marketing their Etsy business. Getting your products found on Etsy doesn't just mean optimizing for people searching within Etsy's platform.
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koninglemmens-blog · 8 years
SEO for Etsy Sellers
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Here are some Etsy SEO tips to help you get your handmade products in front of as many potential buyers as possible. Etsy SEO isn't really all that different from Google, just there are Tags instead of keywords. Do you sell on Etsy and have a ton of questions about Etsy SEO and Google Analytics?
After reading this post you will not need to search for Etsy SEO Services. Her personal experience on Etsy makes her an ideal instructor for aspiring Etsy sellers and Turn Your Etsy Shop into a Sales Machine offers comprehensive training both beginners and veterans benefit from. Before providing SEO you need to do basic tips for promoting.
Utiliser Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn et Google+ sont de bons moyens de montrer aux moteurs de recherche que l'on parle de votre boutique et de vos produits. La manière dont vous nommez les sections de votre boutique peut également aider à accroître le référencement de cette dernière. If you want your products to get found, you need to understand how the platform works and how buyers use it. That's where Etsy SEO tips come in.
Plenty of Etsy sellers also make sales by getting their products found by people searching on Google. The first thing you need to be aware of while looking to improve your Etsy SEO is that there are two aspects to look at. SEO - or Search Engine Optimization - is something every artist who has an online presence needs to understand.
We are happy to introduce this free ebook The complete guide to SEO for Etsy”, to help all the Etsians crack the hard nut of SEO for Etsy shops. You have to go beyond Etsy because Etsy just has too many sellers and not enough buyers searching for items. I do it for my own store and it gets me even more sales.
For the ranking, we use to check it. About SEO, it means Search Engine Optimization; the process of getting traffic from search results. However optimising your listings and shop for the Etsy search engine is the easiest way to attract traffic to your store. To my mind (and most people on the forums) that translates as Etsy wanting all sellers to have some sales rather than just a few having all the sales.
This course is meant for people who already have an Etsy store set up and understand the basics of listing items on Etsy. I will show you my ETSY stores before and after I implemented the correct SEO that ETSY likes, and you can see the massive difference in views and sales that took place as a result. If you're still looking to improve your SEO, we invite you to check out our Etsy SEO e-book guide at just $18.99. Use promo code ETSYBLOG and save 15% off.
Optimize Me is a top-to-bottom Etsy SEO course taught by a Fortune 500 SEO consultant (who also happens to be a six-figure Etsy seller!)…aka ME! If you find this video to be beneficial for your Etsy SEO, then make sure to Rate, Comment, Share this video, & Subscribe to our Etsy SEO Talk channel!!! Le titre de la boutique est votre tagline, votre argument marketing.
Cependant, il existe quelques bonnes pratiques que vous pouvez utiliser pour aider à améliorer le référencement de votre boutique. It's also useful because if you are working to improve your Etsy SEO, chances are you're not opposed to improving your overall SEO while you're at it (less work with improved results? I am going to my Etsy shop, Plum Beadacious, to try out some things to see if I can improve my SEO on products.
There has to be much more to the Etsy search engine than just these two attributes but it's not clear yet what is most important to Etsy. The goal of Etsy-specific SEO is to rank well within Etsy search. Moreover, I have recently wrote an blog on complete SEO guide -website-seo-guide-part-1/ for SEO experts like you.
So the first step to optimizing your Etsy products for the Etsy search engine is the product title. There are a lot of good resources out there about Etsy SEO and how to optimize your Etsy product page for search engines, but I want to explore in more detail how to rank higher in Etsy's own search engine. If you are needing more assistance with on-site SEO or off-site SEO please contact us for an individual quote and consultation, we would be glad to help you make your listings more SEO friendly!
They are very much active on social media and use tools like So I think Etsy sellers should focus more on SEO and other forms of marketing. This course does not get into explaining how to set up an Etsy store for the very first time. Les catégories peuvent améliorer votre SEO sur Google car c'est un autre signal qui indique ce que vous vendez dans votre boutique.
Votre titre de boutique est un petit texte qui apparaît sous le nom de votre boutique sur la page d'accueil de celle-ci. La fonction SSEO (Search Engine Optimization - Optimisation des moteurs de recherche), également connue sous le nom de référencement, constitue un puissant processus qui peut aider à améliorer la visibilité de votre boutique et vos fiches produits d'articles dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche pour des sites comme Google, Bing et Yahoo. SEO, or search engine optimization, is simply the way that people find your product on Etsy.
SEO is the key to getting more visitors and sale for your Etsy shop. How to use onsite SEO strategies to get your products ranking higher in Etsy's search engine. This means that if you have listings that keeps getting traffic but no sales; Etsy is going to prioritize you less and less.
One of the big things that we hear from Etsy sellers all the time when they're sitting down to work on their SEO is that it's not always easy to know where to start. Creating a positive shopping experience for your customers is good practice regardless of its impact on Etsy SEO tips. Etsy SEO and good selling practices are very misunderstood.
There are three simple techniques to help you find words and will help you get the most out of your SEO optimization. Here are a elemental tips and tricks to assistance raise your Etsy store and product listings to boost trade from Google to expostulate sales. Next week I'll be writing about SEO for your own websites and how to improve there.
Mostly because they're tuckered out from all the work and don't really know how use Etsy SEO to their advantage. Check out my new online workshop DIY SEO for E-commerce It's an easy to understand introduction to search engine optimization for for artists, makers & #BadassCreatives. SEO title tag optimization got to learn something for sure!
Many of these pages also receive the majority of their traffic through SEO. With practice, these Etsy tips can help you increase views and sales — simply by using keywords! I'm telling you this because I see shops on ETSY that don't do near the same work as I do and have major views and sales.
Please use the contact form if you want to reach out about my Etsy SEO services. I'm going to point you to this article that explains how Marmalead can help you in Etsy SEO. I agree- it is frustrating to me and thousands of other Etsy sellers who've worked hard to get their SEO right.
I've been selling on Etsy for over 4 years and have bought into every course, ebook, and seminar I could get my hands on....in fact, I even created my own Etsy SEO course that I sold for awhile, BUT.....Nothing compares to this course! This bonus only includes the SEO terms that matter for your Etsy shop. Titles over tags Sur Etsy, vos titres et tags contribuent à votre positionnement.
Et surtout, ne vous occupez pas trop de la valeur de votre PageRank Google. Complétez votre page A propos Cela permettra aux moteurs de recherche de tout savoir sur votre boutique. Vous pouvez songer à créer des liens vers votre boutique Etsy à partir de votre blog personnel, et élaborer un réseautage avec d'autres sites pour amener ceux-ci à mettre en valeur vos fiches produits.
En bref : vous voulez que les gens écrivent sur votre boutique et vos fiches produits en vente, tout en créant des liens vers vos pages Etsy. A l'instar du titre de votre boutique, Etsy utilise vos noms de section pour créer les titres de page pour chacune des pages de destination de vos sections. Pensez à inclure votre nom complet ou le nom de votre société dans le titre de votre boutique si des clients potentiels sont susceptibles de vous rechercher de cette façon.
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