#its mostly about the pacing. Like geez
kawaiiers · 2 years
when a tv show looks kool but the episodes are an hour long
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upwards-descent · 2 years
Hey op, I come straight from your ao3. I parkoured tabs to get over here, imagine the dedication(? So I found your Sonic fanfiction as I was browsing, your most recent one, and I thought I'd send a message, because I'm *really* enjoying it! And I thought, 'oh, this person NEEDS to know the THINKING THOUGHTS'. So.
First of, the characters. French kiss with vanilla on top. Maybe even whip cream. Amy is great, shadow is great, Tails is great, knuckles hasn't said a word yet I think but he's great-and Sonic is somewhere away too but I adore everyone so far. They feel...so...realistically in character (from a SA2/Sonic X/ smth,smth else, perspective. Those have always been my fave Sonic mediums, so it's been FUN to read something Feels like it. There's just something soft and real about them, and you've managed to spot on the whole entire vibes.
In a lot of shadow-centered content or writing pieces of media, they play him like this...extremely no-nonsense guy. And he is! But its like that's all that he is, or let him be in most official media-which...can become tiredsome-because that's mostly not why a lot of people fell in love with his character to begin with.
The point is, that its been very, very nice to see a story such as yours, where he feels a little lost, as he should be, and a little rough around the edges, as he is, but also...you know that softness we got from his initial appearance back in from Sonic Adventure? Sort of how his voice actor is extremely soft in the way he speaks, despise being this supposedly Big Bad, Bad Guy? Well, that.
Ms Rose is absolute fantastic too. You have no idea, she's great. And Tails going: ahaha I like shadow now, he speaks no bulshit, and goes straight to the point. cool. That's such a neurodivergent thing of him to do. 'Oh FUCK yeah SOMEONE who says things as they ARE.' Amazing.
Ah, geez this is getting long- perhaps I should have sent a comment-which I..think I will-but I wanted to make sure you read this so here I am! Because its a very nice story, and I love the way you write, and how you use your brand of show-not-tell deal to get on with the story, making it feel real, but cozy and gentle and nice. It feels like...a warm sunset? I know, not a v creative example, but it's 5 am and I've not slept. Kwjsjs So. Thanks, for writing! And in the case you KEEP writing, I'll be around! More than around, so far it's been super fun and I can't wait what else you might have, or not have, planned. But, no pressure. You do you, and take care, and write OR not write at your own pace. Thanks for the content :) have an awesome day!
Words cannot describe how emotional this made me 😭 I was so ready to just drop the damn fic altogether but this gave me the push to get back on it again, thank you 💕❤️💕❤️
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schleckermaul · 2 years
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( 🍭 unprompted valentine's! )
Strangely for today's occasion, Cuscuta's approach was rather noticeable and distinct; noncaring of how much noise she made, hurried steps were quick to approach him unlike her normal pace, almost as if the girl was excited. ❝ Break … Happy Saint Bridget's Day, ❞ she greets with an attempted smile. Gingerly, she hands two items to Break, a bag of treats and a flower, notably a purple iris.
Tied with a yellow ribbon, in the plastic bag were obviously hand-made chocolates and cookies with how misshapen and even slightly burned some of them were. ❝ I gotten the idea to try making sweets for the holiday. I made sure to put sugar rather than salt this time, but I'm still not sure if they're any good … It's okay if you don't want to eat them, ❞ is what she comments when pointing them out. As much as she tried to follow her own advice and put her feelings into them, as expected, her chocolates and cookies were probably not as good as store-bought ones. Still, she can only hope Break appreciates the gesture, even if he doesn't eat them. Or that they weren't actually that horrible.
❝ As for the flower, I remember reading about it in a book ... It reminded me of you. I thought you would like it. ❞ Her statement almost made it sound like an afterthought, but for someone who liked flowers as much as her, it was clear the gift beared some significance. Rarely does Cuscuta grow anything but black or white flowers, however this felt like a special occasion; she did choose this specific flower and color for a reason.
After explaining her gifts, Cuscuta goes quiet for a moment. Shifting her weight from one foot to another, she seems almost hesitant now. ❝ Break, ❞ she finally says. ❝ If there's anything else ... specific you want for today, just let me know … I'll do my best to get it for you. ❞
( geez, break, how come you get three things from cuscuta sorry break for the horrible awful chocolates )
— @revivancy
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HE'S ALREADY SMILING THE SECOND he hears those particular footsteps approaching. it's funny, that you can tell cuscuta is in a very different mood just by the way she walks up to him. break doesn't question the change in his own mood too much, how some of the weight on his chest lifts, how he feels a bit warmer. it's nice. it's very different to feeling panicked when she speaks up, standing right behind him, without him noticing her presence at all beforehand.
   it's happened before. plenty of times, in fact. he'd like to think he's learning, or maybe he's just bridging time until he can rely on mad hatter a bit more, to tell him when even the quietest of people are getting closer.
   break takes the flower first. he doesn't know too much about what kinds there are, or what they mean, despite it being a big topic in noble circles back home. sharon certainly talked his ear off about it being a trope in one of her romance novels plenty of times. he regrets not listening to her explanations every single time, now. but, still, stroking a few of the petals carefully, he can tell the difference in shape, its fragility. as he listens to cuscuta's explanation, he lets out a soft breath, carefully tucks it behind his right ear alongside a few strands of white hair.
   ' sugar instead of salt sounds like a good idea, ' he huffs, clearly amused, but with a different note in his voice than anybody would be used to: fondness, clear as day. nibbling at one of the cookies, break's composure dissolves into a short burst of laughter.
   oh, they are horribly burnt. crunchy, one could say. there is the subtle hint of a sweet flavour in there, which must be the sugar she mentioned, but it's mostly burnt, tasting slightly of ... is that caramel? that's almost impressive. definitely better than anything he could whip up in a kitchen. it's humbling, to know that she spent time and effort doing something she hasn't done before, hasn't mastered yet. that she's here, delivering it anyways, despite the uncertainty about whether or not he'd like it. she tells him he doesn't have to eat them, she tells him she read about a flower in a book and went out of her way to collect it for him, because she thought he'd like it.
   he is reminded, vaguely, of sitting in the gardens of the rainsworths, his left eye still healing, covered by bandages. a small lady sharon approaching, shy, bouquet in hand. having gone out of her way to gather flowers, for him.
   ' well! miss cuscuta— thank you very much! ' break does not give her any warning whatsoever. scooping cuscuta up under her arms, break lifts her into his arms and twirls, in a few circles, holding onto her tightly, making sure she won't fall. when she's set back on the ground, break's grin is as wide as it can get, a delighted chuckle on his tongue, patting her head a few times.
   ' i have something for you, as well. ' he rummages once more, but is fairly quick about it this time, excitement evident. before he can think about why, he's already knelt down in front of her, paper in hand.
   ' one card, for the sweet lady. ' it's another simple design, a pastel blue card with two figures drawn on top, easily recognizable despite his lack of artistic talent, since he kept it to very simple shapes: a blue doll, looking an awful lot like emily, next to a black bunny with golden eyes. in zhilan's handwriting, it says, happy valentine's, miss, underneath the figures, with a small heart at the very end.
   break doesn't wait for her to react. in fact, he's used this moment of her looking at it to grab the second present, safely tucked away under his coat. ' and one hat! i knitted it myself, i hope it fits. ' he's tempted, immediately, to put it on her, but instead merely holds it up by the ... are those ears? oh, they certainly are. after receiving cuscuta's drawing, this is either a very smart move, or a very good joke. or maybe it'll be both. here's hoping.
   ' i made sure to include your ... ears? so you can keep them warm, in cold weather like this. can't have you getting sick. who will i spend my time with? ' it's the chunky yarn he'd bought a while ago, but in mustard yellow, this time around, expertly crafted. peeking above the hat, break squints lovingly at cuscuta. ' and as for things i'd like to do ... how about we take a walk? collect some flowers together? i can't be the only one who has one, i'd feel bad. '
   and he doesn't. he doesn't feel bad. he feels good, and happy, if a bit nostalgic. but with things to do, who has time to dwell on that?
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hqmillioncorn · 6 months
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Isn't it Lovely
"Achoo!" Babycorn let out another sneeze, when she did a wave of pain overtook her entire body. "Owwy..." What in the world had happened that had hurt so much? For some reason everyone was avoiding the topic altogether. Or actually, people were running around everywhere and she would find out exactly what happened much later. Babycorn coughed into her hands. "Ugh..." Everything really hurt. On the bright side, she wasn't hungry. When Babycorn looked down she noticed there was a white feather in her hand.
Lalapril 4/5 : Feather woah dude whats with that look its not like you killed your sister or anything geez
Cherrypit’s pace quickened down the stairs. Half because of the urgency of the whole situation and half because he wanted to get away from the person following him. No matter what.
“Wa-Wait! For me!” A tiny voice behind him cried out. The sound of it only made Cherrypit walk faster.
It was bad enough that he was being (very politely) asked to lend a helping hand to the people in Eulmore who still needed help. When what he really should have been doing was heading to Mt. Gulg by himself.
The Scions had told him that as soon as they were done helping in Eulmore they would start thinking of a way all of them could all get up there.
But he had already told them! He didn’t need their help! He had made that very clear! It would be so easy for him to just use his powers to help himself up there. Then he would make sure to make Vauthry regret everything he had done and…and…
Cherrypit sighed, he looked down at the bag of dream powder in his hands. “Why am I even doing this?” There were a number of other people that Thancred could have asked to do this. Why was he the one that was having to waste his time? When he could have just as easily spent it making sure that Babycorn woke up again.
Then again, he didn’t really want to see her looking like that anyway.
Is that why he was asked to help? Did he look as sick as he was feeling when he looked at her?
A hard tug on his braid stopped Cherrypit right in his tracks. “OW??!?!” He was one step off from walking onto the next step on the stairs. It was a very precarious position to be in but he mostly just found it annoying.
If he fell down the stairs it would just slow him down, no matter how comfy the rugs in Eulmore were.
Cherrypit didn’t have time for this. “Okay. Whoever’s back there grabbing at my hair. You have ten seconds to let go or else I’m going to drop you off the very top of this damn city and when you reach the bottom I’ll carry you back up so I can drop your ass from it again!!”
“Meep…!” The smaller Cherrypit let go of the braid. Young as he was he still understood what a threat was.
The older of the Cherrypit’s experienced a brief moment of panic when he realized that his younger self was actually the only thing stopping him from hurtling down the stairs. It only took a couple of seconds to realize that he knew how to float. “Oh. That’s right.” He calmly and slowly let himself float back onto the step he had fallen from.
He snapped his head back and glared down at the culprit below him. “What did I tell you about following me?” There was an eerie green glow in his sky blue eye.
His younger self held his hands nervously and took a step back. Regardless of how many things Cherrypit had faced in his adventures he was still very much a toddler.
And just like so many toddlers he was inexplicably terrified of people yelling at him, even more so when they looked so mad at him.
“B-Bebe…” Cherrypit managed to hiccup out. “Wanna hep’ Bebe…”
The older Cherrypit gave a heavy sigh and decided to land on one of the steps below. He continued to walk ahead without a word, hoping that his younger self from another timeline would decide to just turn back. He knew himself well, once things got too stressful he would want nothing more than to just run and be by his Babycorn’s side.
It was something that he had been waiting years to do again.
Meanwhile this little twerp could just go ahead and do that whenever he wanted to.
It just made Cherrypit that much angrier at him.
Cherrypit took one step into Eulmore’s bottom floor and froze. Without even turning around, he addressed the younger Cherrypit. “I told you to stop following me.” His words were cold and to the point. “If you’re so worried about your sister then why don’t you go and make sure nothing else happens to her?” He waved his hand condescendingly at him. Almost as if he were shooing a wild animal away.
“Not that you were ever good for that anyway…” The older Cherrypit whispered under his breath. Once he was sure that his younger self wasn’t going to follow him, he began to make his way outside.
It should be noted that Cherrypit had an acute sense of hearing.
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With the elevator working most of the team made their way up to the upper levels of Kholusia . The older of the two Cherrypits was not with them, of course. Why would he be? He didn’t want to talk, let alone see any of them.
And the sooner he was able to get away from them, the better.
Last he heard about Babycorn was that she was reluctantly staying behind. Cherrypit could hear her protests even from his hiding space. She assured everyone that her injuries weren’t as severe as they thought.
Then when she tried to stride away to show just how wrong they were, Babycorn crumpled to the ground in pain. It was pretty hard for her to argue against that.
Cherrypit couldn’t bear to watch anymore. How was it that Babycorn didn’t remember any of what happened? Then again, it made sense. None of Vauthry's other victims remembered anything of what they had done either.
But Cherrypit hadn’t fought any of those other people.
He had been responsible for at least one of Babycorn’s injuries. Maybe even more.
It had to be some sick joke. Cherrypit had vowed to save Babycorn’s life, to keep her safe. And now here he was, actively hurting her enough that she couldn’t even take a few steps without being in pain.
He had to make it up to her. He had to.
Cherrypit looked around. Specifically behind him. Thankfully it looked like his younger self had decided not to tag along. Which was for the best.
One of his friends must have called out to him. “You’re lucky…”
He made sure to avoid the main roads and traveled on the route one would find too out of the way to travel. This whole place was unfamiliar to him. Though he had snuck out of the Crystarium a numerous amount of times, the thought of traveling here never really stuck out to him.
He figured that there probably wasn’t much of a difference between the two levels of Kholusia anyway. If you had seen one rocky and hazardous terrain, you’ve seen them all was what he figured.
All of a sudden, Cherrypit heard a large crashing sound. He hadn’t just heard it, he had felt it all over his body. “Who’s there?!” It was the only thing he could think of saying. He grabbed his staff from his back and looked around.
He was visibly surrounded only by dirt and moderately sized boulders. Nothing too out of the ordinary considering where he was. There was also something to be said about the constant light from above. Which guaranteed that there was nowhere to hide where Cherrypit couldn’t see.
“Yip-yip-ho! Watch out!”
At the sound of a Calca doll shouting behind him, Cherrypit quickly turned around.
Only to be faced with a giant Talos seconds away from crushing him to a pulp.
“Woah!?” Cherrypit jumped back, just narrowly avoiding getting stomped. After the cloud of dust cleared he was able to get a good look at the thing that had attacked him. ‘Looks familiar…’ It took a second but Cherrypit was able to recognize that what was in front of him greatly resembled the Talos thing that Babycorn and the others had helped bring back to life back in Amh Araeng.
Albeit this one looked just a little different. But then what was something like that doing out here?!
Whatever. There was no time to think about that stuff. He could always think about that later or just forget about it entirely. Right now the only thing that mattered was getting up to Mt Gulg and getting rid of Vauthry once and for all.
And if he couldn’t do that if he got smushed into a pancake.
Cherrypit took aim with his staff, getting ready to jump and attack the talos head on. At least, he would have if the talos hadn’t been one step ahead and stomped the ground under them one more time. This time the shaking was enough to knock Cherrypit completely off balance.
“No!” Cherrypit could feel himself losing balance but there was nothing he could do about it. Everything hit too fast for him to react to it at all.
Something about all this, and what had happened before had made Cherrypit freeze in place. It was all hitting at once, the worry for his sister, how guilty he felt when he had been forced to hurt her, how much he wanted to tell everyone who he really was.
Cherrypit watched as the Talos raised its fist into the air, ready to bring it down on him any second.
He could hear the dolls around him running towards him as he just sat on the ground, looking up at the Talos. If they hurried, maybe they could make it in time. If not, then this would be where it would end. It was probably what he deserved anyway-
Cherrypit heard a high pitched voice scream out.
“Stop!! No!!”
Cherrypit held his hat down as a violent wind flew past him. He might have also let out a scream in surprise but if he did, he hadn’t noticed it. A wave of dust and dirt directly hit him and blinded him for a few tense seconds. When he was able to see again, Cherrypit sorta wished he had kept his eyes shut.
The talos had brought its fist down almost right over Cherrypit, if it had made contact it would have probably hurt. More than a lot. Thankfully that didn’t happen because right between the talos and Cherrypit was an even smaller Cherrypit, holding the talos back with his tiny hands.
The older Cherrypit didn’t know what to say, or what he was supposed to even do.
The younger and much smaller Cherrypit stared angrily at the big scary talos and shook his head at it. “Mean! Meanie! Don’t do that!” He had just about had enough of people being mean to his friends! Deciding that enough was enough, Cherrypit went ahead and effortlessly threw the talos over his head and off into the distance.
There was a small twinkle in the sky in the direction the younger Cherrypit had thrown talos at.
“Bye-bye!” He turned around and waved at it with a smile. Almost like he hadn’t been really mad at it a few seconds ago.
The older of the two Cherrypit’s slowly stood up, trying not to pay attention to the pain in his legs. He was grateful to his younger self for saving his life but he thought he made it very clear to the little twerp that he didn’t want to be followed. Especially by him.
Just as soon as Cherrypit was going to tell him to buzz off another voice chimed in. This one was more than a little familiar to him.
“Cherry!!” Lunya was running up to them. Her weapon was drawn.
The older Cherrypit turned and simply blinked out of reality. Like it was nothing. He was still there but invisible to just about everyone there. He didn’t want to risk Lunya seeing him smile when she called his name.
Once Lunya had reached them she bent down and talked to the smaller Cherrypit about something. The older one didn’t really care about whatever they were talking about so he just tuned them out. But if he had to guess it was probably something about not running off without letting someone know.
It was something that he had heard a hundred times in his life when he was younger.
He pushed away the thought that lingered in his head that dared to think about how he actually missed it.
‘-you don’t want Babycorn to be sad do you?”
At the mention of his sister’s name, the older Cherrypit turned his head to listen. By now he could have made the choice to just keep walking but…
The younger Cherrypit shook his head. “No! No! Don’t wanna make Bebe sad…” Cherrypit sniffled sadly. Then he looked up at his older self, who couldn’t look away fast enough. The younger Cherrypit tugged on Lunya’s shirt and pulled her towards his older self. “Help! I was helppy!” He pointed at his older self and smiled.
Of course Lunya couldn’t really see what Cherrypit was talking about. Though, she could feel that something was off. “Mhhm! I see!” Lunya gave Cherrypit a small patpat on the head. “Good job Cherry!” Hopefully Babycorn was still asleep so Lunya could bring Cherrypit back without her noticing a thing.
“Next time can you tell one of us first that something’s wrong? So we can help you!”
The older Cherrypit tried not to listen and instead tried to walk away, but he couldn’t budge.
The younger Cherrypit looked up at Lunya. By now he knew very well what ‘helping’ meant. It meant when other people were there to do things with you! Sometimes you did the same thing together!
And sometimes when there’s other people there, some things are less scary. Like the dark! If Cherrypit was scared he could always count on holding onto his sister’s hand if he ever needed to.
“Okay!” The younger Cherrypit smiled and bounced in place. “I’ll ask help!!”
“Pwomise?” Lunya held out her pinky for a pinky promise.
“Pinky pwomise!”
Cherrypit looked down at his younger self with a scowl. He tried his best to remain composed. Ever since he had first laid eyes on what he could only describe as ‘The ghosts of his friends and family’ it had been getting harder and harder to stay away from them.
But for their sakes he had to.
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The older Cherrypit sat down on the ground. After having run around and escorting Korutt he was exhausted. Probably not as tired as the Crystal Exarch was but then again he wasn’t nearly as old as him.
It made sense the old man was as tired as he was. “I told you I could handle it myself…” Cherrypit grumbled to himself. Right now there was nothing else he could do but wait and hope that no one else bothered him.
Babycorn was probably busy with everyone else, he didn’t want to bother her right now. Cherrypit sighed and looked up at Mt.Gulg. It looked so high up in the sky it felt like an impossibility for anything to carry them up there.
But now, even Cherrypit was starting to believe everyone could find a way up there.
They had to. Otherwise he would lose his patience and just head up there himself to give Vauthry a piece of his very angry mind.
Cherrypit sighed and brushed his bangs to the side. It was really annoying to have them covering up his face but it was a necessity in keeping up his disguise. When he brushed his hair aside he noticed someone standing right in front of him. To his horror it was his younger self.
“Hi!” The younger Cherrypit happily greeted his older self with a big smile on his face.
The older Cherrypit didn’t even so much as look at him. Choosing to close his eyes instead. “Get lost.” Was all that he said that proved he even acknowledged his younger self.
The smaller and younger Cherrypit didn’t seem to get the message. How could he get lost? He knew exactly where he was! “Gonna help?” He asked. The younger Cherrypit had overheard the others talking about how they needed all the help they could get so he figured he would ask the person in the cool hat to help too!
The older Cherrypit had read his younger self's mind before he knew it. “So that’s it then?” He pushed himself up, towering over himself. “You want to help too but you’re just too small to do anything else besides this. Is that it?”
“Did you even try to help? Did you try to do anything at all?”
Before the younger Cherrypit could answer at all, the older Cherrypit raised his voice. “What are you doing?!” He raised his voice. That scared the younger Cherrypit enough to hide behind a misplaced crate. He did his best to hide himself from the scary person yelling at him.
“You can’t just have other people go and do your work for you! Who do you think you are promising something like that so easily?!”
Cherrypit’s tried his best to cover his ears but the older Cherrypit’s voice cut right through his attempt to ignore him.
“You’re out here calling yourself a warrior of light and you have the audacity to actually put other people in danger so easily! What if they got hurt?! What then?! Huh?! You would have no one to blame but-”
“Shut up!”
Cherrypit’s small voice yelling at him was enough to get him to stop.
By now the smaller Cherrypit had heard enough, he didn’t even care if this person was so much bigger than him. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Cherrypit repeated over and over, he was mad at this person, absolutely furious. Acting like he didn’t know something he was already well aware of!
Though he was still a little scared his anger was quickly overtaking it. While his legs were shaking in fear, his tiny hands were trembling in fury. As young as he was however, he couldn’t find the right words to say how he really felt. All he knew was that he wanted the person with the big hat to stop talking.
The older Cherrypit took a step back. He kicked a small rock away with his foot, directly towards his younger self. “Whatever…” He couldn’t care less to see his younger self get so cross with him. As if his opinion really mattered in the first place. “You’re just a stupid baby anyway. What do you know?”
“Not stupid!”
“Suuuure you aren’t.” The older Cherrypit paused for a moment, before raising his arms and clawing his fingers toward his younger self, he let out a loud scream. “WaaAAaah!!!” This scared the younger Cherrypit enough to completely hide behind another crate and duck down behind it with a whimper.
Once Cherrypit figured out what happened he came out from behind the crate and glared at his older self.
“How do you expect to protect everyone if something like that scares you?!”
Cherrypit had just about had enough. “I’m strong! I can protect! Everyone!” He held his arms out as far as he could without scaring the people around them. “You’re stupid!” The time for not saying bad words was over. There was no one around to tell him he couldn’t and even if there were-Cherrypit was too mad now to stop.
“Why you little…” The older Cherrypit had no reservations over fighting with his younger self. He of all people knew just how strong he was at that age. What was the point of having that much power if he couldn’t use it to protect the people he loved? “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t grab you and throw you off the cliff?!”
A sudden loud screaming erupted from Mt.Gulg. Much like the first time that Vauthry had flown up there. Pretty much everyone in Kholusia knew that he was pissed but it still wasn’t fun to hear about it.
To make matters worse, a certain person in the area had a particularly bad reaction to it.
“Bebe!” Both Cherrypit’s yelled out at the same time.
They stared dumbfounded at each other for a few moments before turning away, both with a pout on their face. For the sake of helping his sister, Cherrypit would do pretty much anything . The younger Cherrypit would have been fine with this before but now, he was a little more opposed to it.
For Babycorn though, he would do anything for her. Even working together with someone really really mean.
Older Cherrypit didn’t need any more convincing. Whatever helped him fight Vauthry and help his sister the fastest worked for him. Bickering with his dumb younger self wasn’t going to help him towards either of those goals.
“Help Bebe? Fine?” Cherrypit held his tiny hand out.
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selamat-linting · 8 months
another thing i forgot about the fic, is mostly how injuries are treated? well, youre not supposed to give ice cold baths for fevers. you dont want to make them shiver more than what theyre already doing. also why is there no tylenol or aspirin in the first aid kit? even my workplace first aid kit has one.
and irl, its not wise to just patch up a wound that are cause by (real) glass (motherfucker! cry me a river). there's always a chance one of the small shards embedded deep inside the flesh and really fuck you up. in a proper medical setting, severe or really large wounds caused by glass get x-rayed to make sure nothing got inside the body. disclaimer : i did not found this out because of the drama last year. i figured it out when i was researching for a shatterbird centric fic i was making several years ago. Its a totally different fandom, and i totally never use this knowledge to win any internet arguments. promise :)
another thing is, the fic has a lot of gratituous sex scenes that despite i enjoyed, was better off written as a series of one shots after the fic was done. a sequel, basically, instead of being crammed in between the plots. kinda fucks up the pacing. its good, but it deserves to stand on its own as a stand alone.
and the final stuff, geez why is every fic always have the canonical female love interest evil and then suffer in agony before dying. I know early 2010s fandom are sexist but good god its really something else when you revisit it again. like, shut the fuck up. you dont have to make her into a complete villain to break off their relationship. also its kinda glaring that [redacted]'s other best friend (who happen to be fat) is conveniently written out despite his closeness and the fact that he was just as successful even if its in a different place. 2013 fandom amirite?
on a lighter note, this fic is also doing that bit where everyone is shipped off and the random leftover characters get randomly shipped together. it usually doesnt work for me but... dean and colt actually look cute. helps that its not a case of pairing together but also a way for [redacted] to accept his feelings and a reasonable explanation on why his bestie isnt so mad that he's fucking their supposed enemy. Obsessed that theyre just as haunted by [redacted] as they are irl. tbf i am a sucker for enemies to lovers.
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Stressful Spectres (Sweet Betrayal Part 3)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 4
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse/neglect, mentions of death, slight body gore, blood
Word count: 2,873
With hands tightly clasped behind your back, you tensely paced around your office. The Pogtopians were constantly being sighted around the borders of Manberg and it was your job to prevent this. You tried everything; setting up traps, luring mobs around the vicinity, nothing worked. They just kept coming back like pesky cockroaches following pheromones. The only way you’d be able to prevent them from spying into the borders was to rebuild a wall, and Schlatt would turn your idea down the second the word ‘wall’ would leave your mouth. He gave you only two days to completely figure everything out from the last time one of the cowards was spotted running from the borders, and it seems that those two days are nearly up. 
“You should take a break, (y/n).” Without looking at him, you kept pacing and ignored him. “Stop ignoring me, you know I don’t like when you do that… Please, take a break. I’m worried about you,” he sounded just like he did from before. You felt your eye twitch. 
“...(Y/n), remember what I used to sing to you?” He chuckled, the sound being airy and far off, “‘hey hobo man, hey dapper Dan-’”
“Shut the fuck up!” You grabbed your vase and hurled it blindly in his direction. The glass shattered against the wall and you heard nothing else from the teenager. “I don’t need you anymore.” He had been visiting you for the past week or so, ever since Schlatt found out about you taking your birthday off. You were banned from speaking to the Badlanders and got a few physical punishments that would definitely give you more scars on your arms. It was your fault anyways, you were slacking off during a war when you were one of the leaders of this country.
Your door opened when you were mid pace, making you plaster a strained smile on your face and spin around to narrow your eyes at whomever decided to not knock. You were greeted by a slightly buzzed ram hybrid raising an eyebrow at you. He must’ve just started drinking. 
Whenever he was only slightly buzzed or on the very rare chance he was sober, he was the most affectionate with you. It wasn’t much, only small praises and the occasional smile, but by Ender you ate it up like you were a drug addict getting their first hit in months. You craved any type of affection, no matter where it came from or how rarely it came. You were willing to wait for it, even if it was rare. 
His amber gaze flicked around the room before it landed on the ceramic shards embedded into the carpet. He jutted his chin towards it, “fuck happen there?” 
You ran your hand down your face and massaged your aching cheeks, “nothing. Just thought I saw a rat, but my mind was just playing tricks on me.” His calculating gaze pierced through you like a spear before he narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded. He walked over to the window and looked out at the vast city, hands neatly clasped behind his back. “...Have you come up with a solution to our... problem?”
You sighed angrily and resumed your pacing, “I’ve tried everything. They just dismantle the traps I set up, kill the mobs I lure around it, they even killed the iron golems! The only option here is to put up the walls again.” 
“I know you didn’t just say what I thought you fuckin said,” Schlatt hissed out, “there’s no way in hell I’m putting up those walls again.”
“I don’t know what you want me to do then, that’s our only option,” you mumbled under your breath only to freeze when Schlatt stomped up to you. He spun you around and grabbed your shoulders, leaning close to your face. His breath smelled like tobacco and a hint of scotch, “are you questioning my authority?” You shook your head frantically. “Really? Cuz it sure sounds like you’re questioning my authority. You seem to forget that I’m your boss and you will treat me as such. Do you understand me?”
You nodded and he let you go, slightly shoving you off to the side as he walked past you. “I-I’m sorry, Dad.” He paused in your doorway, “don’t call me that. I don’t want to be the father of someone that constantly contradicts me. I’ll be back in an hour, you better have this shit figured out by the time I get back or I swear to Ender I’ll fire your sorry ass. You’re on thin ice, (y/n).” Without a second word he left your office, the sound of his dress shoes clanking against the tile fading down the hallway. 
You could feel your heart break inside of your chest and your lungs get deflated by the shards piercing them. He was the last person that actually loved you, and you fucked it up. You always fuck everything up, you supposed that it was an innate part of you. No matter what you did or what you tried, you’re always going to be a fuck up. 
No, you can’t just sit here and ponder all of your life’s mistakes; you need to be brainstorming before you lose your connection to the person you loved the most. You paced around your office endlessly murmuring to yourself. You knew he was watching you pace again standing off in the corner, the room felt off like it always did whenever he was there. You ignored him and continued your pacing. 
Just as you came up with a solution, your door was opened and Schlatt stepped into your office once more. He was swaying slightly on his feet and his suit jacket was unbuttoned. “You figure something out?” 
You put a confident smile on your face, “yes. I think we should send patrols around the border, and I think the Badlanders and Rutabagaville members would fare nicely. We can send them in groups of two and send them once in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night.” 
He nodded to himself, satisfied. “That sounds like a decent plan, you’re keeping your job for now. But don’t think I’ll forget about what you said earlier.”
You felt extremely relieved and grinned at him, “yessir. I apologize for that once again, it just-”
“Save it, you’re still on thin fucking ice… Don’t look at me like that, ya smiling freak. Your face is absolutely disgusting.” You dropped your smile and looked at your slightly scarred fingers. Light pink raised scars littered your skin in random amounts along your right arm, leading up your neck, and becoming the most concentrated on the entirety of the right side of your face. You avoided looking in the mirror, mostly out of anger because your appearance was a constant reminder of the stain your ‘brothers’ left on your life. You were still adjusting to having a blind spot in your vision, the eye having lost its sight and now a cloudy white color from the fireworks. Your eyelid on that side was permanently half-lidded, unable to open up fully even if you tried. 
You were fully aware that your appearance was… unsightly, to say the least, to everybody that looked at you (yourself included), but Schlatt was one that never cringed away from you. Hell, even Quackity (the mere mention of his name made icy betrayal wash over your entire body) avoided looking at you in the first few weeks of your injury. Schlatt was the one that loved you for who you were, scars and all, and you fucked it up. 
He squinted at you, his eyelids blocking everything with the exception of his rectangular pupils. A snort left his lips before he moved to leave you to your own devices. “I’ll inform the others of their new duties, get your paperwork done.” 
You sat down at your desk chair with a sigh and rubbed at your aching cheeks before you picked up your pen and started on your paperwork. Well, it was yours with the exception of Schlatt’s thrown about occasionally in piles. The room was engulfed into an uncomfortable chill once more, he’s back. You honestly have no idea why he just keeps coming back to you or even if his pale spectre was just a stress induced hallucination. He just showed up in your office one day saying that he’s been looking everywhere for you. He acted and looked exactly like he did before he left, except his attitude was strangely chipper for someone that had an iron pickaxe buried deep within their forehead. 
“(Y/n), I’m back!” He sang, floating over to your desk. “Geez, that goat guy is a real jerk isn’t he?” His slightly glowing hand appeared in your vision and tried to pluck the pen out of your grasp. It swiped right through your hand, making you shiver at the uncomfortable feeling. “I’m still not used to that.”
You huffed and focused more on your paperwork. You could feel the chill getting closer, leading up to the point where he was directly behind you. The icy air gusted down your neck with every breath he exhaled. “Whatcha workin on?” He whispered in your ear. 
“Nothing that you need to worry about.” 
“So they speak! I was worried you went completely mute… Well, you did scream at me before, but I didn’t count that. That’s okay though, I knew I could get you to talk to me sooner or later. I’m irresistible, you remember how I was with the ladies.” 
“Fuck off.”
“No need to be so mean to me.” You focused on your paperwork again, furrowing your brows and trying to tune him out. “(Yyyyyyy/nnnnn), you can’t ignore little ole me forever.” 
“I can and I will.”
He gasped before laughter streamed from his lips, the sound being muffled since it was on your deaf side. “You just talked to me though! I think that’s a win for me. Do you remember when-”
“I swear to Ender, if another word comes out of your mouth I’ll make sure that the next pickaxe finds its home through your tongue and down your throat.” 
He was silent after that, leaving you to your paperwork. At least, that was until someone knocked on your office door. You sighed before plastering a smile on your face, “come in.” Your door opened to reveal the signature white smiley face mask, messy blond hair, and green hoodie.
Dream had been giving you small lessons on your swordsmanship lately, and you were getting better with each passing lesson. You were proficient on defense, so it was time for you to learn how to offensively attack. 
You saw that he placed an apple on your desk. You looked up at him in confusion. “What? You haven’t eaten anything all day, I don’t want you passing out or anything during our lesson.”
“Finally! Someone with actual sense around here! It’s so refreshing, isn’t it (y/n)? Well, it’s refreshing for me anyways.” 
Dream chuckled, “thank you.” 
Wait a damn minute.
Dream could hear him?!
Your pen froze mid sentence and rested on the paper, it’s ink pooling in one place. You slowly looked up at Dream, “you can hear him?” He looked at the teenager behind you before looking back at you, his head tilting. “Of course I can. He’s right there.” 
“Yeah (y/n), I’m right here. My name’s Lucius by the way, it’s nice to meet you!” He floated over to Dream and held out his hand, the pickaxe handle almost hitting the taller male in the chest. Dream stepped back slightly and nodded, “Dream. Eat that apple fast, we don’t have all day.” You snapped out of your stupor and grabbed the apple, taking absentminded bites while staring at your dead best friend talking animatedly to the masked man. 
So he was real after all. You were worried something might have actually been wrong with you for a moment! It was nice to know that you weren’t completely insane. 
“...meet (y/n)?” 
“Oh, I’m training them at the moment, would you like to watch?” 
“Yes! That sounds exciting, doesn’t it (y/n)?” The two looked at you expectantly, Dream’s head tilting slightly and Lucius smiling widely at you. You swallowed your bite and nodded, throwing the apple core into your trash bin. “...Yeah. Yeah it does. Uh, I’m going to get changed and then we can start our session.” 
After you got changed, you met with the two outside your door and walked out of the White House to the training grounds. The entire time you were walking, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Lucius. Every time he would turn his head, the pickaxe would move with it. The crusted blood that emanated from the wound and splattered down his pale face was perhaps the darkest color on him with the exception of his jet black hair. 
In a strange way, it wasn’t the blood or the pickaxe protruding from his head that disturbed you the most; it was his eyes. Of course they still crinkled at the edges when he smiled, but it just wasn’t the same. The black eyes that were once so full of life were a dull gray with milky pupils. 
Other than the obvious pickaxe, blood, dead eyes, and constant glowing, he looked exactly like he did before he died. His baggy sweater, albeit mudstained and wrinkled, was still a salmon color with its signature pinstripes. The mop of straight black hair was still pulled into a bun with multiple unruly strands escaping the elastic and framing his face.
Before you knew it, a pale hand was waving in your face. “Earth to (y/n)! Oh good, you’re back to the land of the living! What’s wrong? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost. Well, I mean you were just staring at me, but my point still stands.”
You moved your gaze to the dirt path, “it’s nothing, I’ll tell you later.” He huffed, but didn’t say anything else to you for the rest of the trip. Instead, he was making small comments on your surroundings. 
Eventually, you were across from Dream on the training arena holding a wooden sword in front of you defensively. Lucius was sitting in the grass a little ways away from the painted boundaries with one foot over the other and his elbows resting on his knees propping his chin up. He was watching with an intensity he always had whenever you were doing something he deemed ‘dangerous’. To be fair, sparring with the most skilled member on the server was fairly dangerous.
“Let’s see if you remember what I taught you last time.” Without giving you a warning, he charged at you with his own wooden sword raised. Your sword clashed with his and you pushed against him. The mask moved upwards on his face slightly, “good, but always expect the unexpected.” 
With a simple sweep of his foot, you were on the ground gasping for air. You could faintly hear Lucius suck in air between his teeth before he shouted “you’re doing great, sweetie, but do better!”
Thanks, Lucius. Very motivating.
You rolled away from Dream’s foot before he could pin you to the floor. Your mind flashed back to when Techno- no. None of that, you need to focus. You got back onto your feet in the blink of an eye and dodged another blow. You used his momentum against him, stepping away at the right moment sending him skidding to a stop. 
Before long, he had you on the floor again with the tip of the sword pressing into your chest. He relaxed before helping you up, “you did better than I thought you would, but there were still some obvious flaws in what you did. Using my momentum against me was smart, but with what you did the opponent would recover fast. Here, let me show you how to properly do that.” 
You improved on a few things defensively and learned a few things offensively before the sun started to set and cast shadows on the surrounding forest. Dream shook your hand, “nice work today, you’re gonna rival even the best eventually.”
“You were great, (y/n)! I didn’t know you had it in you!” I didn’t have it in me when you were alive, you mentally corrected him. “Thanks, Lucius.” You glanced at him only to be met with his body phasing through yours in an attempted hug. He fell to the ground and rolled over, crossing his arms over his chest, “I’ll never get used to that.” 
Dream snorted before he shoved his hands into his pockets and started to nonchalantly walk back towards the White House. You and Lucius looked at each other before you ran to catch up with him. Lucius floated next to you, examining the dirt on your exposed arms and the forming bruises on your calves. He wrinkled his nose, “you really need a shower.” 
“Well I can’t exactly strip now and find a shower in the woods, can I Lucius?” 
“You just reek.”
“Yeah, you kinda do.”
“Thanks Lucius, Dream. Really feeling the love.” 
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
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@zefrenchturtle  @smolgreenybeany  @wouldyoulikesomepollen  @savleftus  @bonkaloid  @prickypearpropaganda  @marceline1212  @simp-of-newyork
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twiceinadream · 4 years
Twice React- S/O Makes Them Squirt
Requested: Yup
Request: Twices reaction to their s/o making them squirt
a/u: Hey, guys! Sorry I’ve been gone for so long I just couldn’t find the time in a day to write and I’m sorry that these are kinda all over the place it took two weeks to write and I finished like 4-5 of the members reactions today alone and it’s been a few months so I’m a little rusty on reacts. I also want to say thank you so much for 2.6k+ followers I can’t believe so many people actually like me. But, thank you all again, I love you all.
Category: NSFW and Fluff
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“Oh my god.”
Nayeon gripped the bed sheets between her fingers tightly as your fingers continued pistoning in and out of her at a blinding pace. Her body shook with shocks of pure pleasure as you built her up to her third orgasm of the night, her euphoria a stone’s throw away as your fingers hooked into her frontal wall. You pressed into the spongy flesh making her scream as her nails dug into your shoulder, a surprised gasp leaving her lips as she felt liquid squirt from between her legs. Dripping down your fingers and arm as you looked up at her, “Huh, I knew I was good. But I didn’t know it was that good.”
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“That’s new.”
Your girlfriend’s head was buried in your neck as you were both naked from the waist down, as she continued to grind down on your thigh. Her face a vibrant hue as she panted hotly into your ear, “Close.” You smirked as you flexed your thigh, the muscle bulging ever so slightly as it made contact with Jeongyeong’s clit, a surprised moan leaving her lips as she ground down harder. Her brain flooded with endorphins as her orgasm ripped through her, a splatter of wetness drenching your thigh as Jeong threw her head back letting out another high pitched whine before falling back into your arms. A surprised look painted your face as you stared at her in disbelief, “Are you okay?” Jeongyeon nodded sleepily, as she hummed into your shoulder, “Tired.” You snorted a little as you gently laid her back onto the bed, “I bet, just rest here.” You leaned down to kiss her forehead, “I’ll get you cleaned up.”
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“That was hot.” (I also had to do a lot of [literal] weird ass research for this)
Momo was on her hands and knees as you eased a lubed finger in her back entrance, a low groan escaping her throat as you stretched her open. Making sure she was comfortable before lifting the string of beads, “Are you sure about this Momoring?” The Japanese girl nodded as you coated the toy in copious amounts of lube, “Okay, just tell me if you need to stop, okay?” Momo nodded again as you held the toy to her “back door”, her breath hitching as the first bead made its way into her practically virgin cavern. It took a while before you finally got the whole thing inside before picking up the remote next to you, you turned to the lowest setting sparking the beads to life as Momo moaned lowly enjoying the new feeling, “Doing okay?” Your girlfriend nodded shakily as you turned up the toy by two clicks, “Oh, god...yes.” You pressed down on the toy so it simultaneously hit her g-spot at the same time making Momo white knuckle the bed sheets, a loud moan reaching throughout the room as her body convulsed. Streams of her orgasm came shooting out as her body finally settled down, a light chuckle leaving Momo as you turned the toy off and made a move to take it out only to be stopped by your girlfriend, “You don’t want it out?” The dancer shook her head, “Leave it for now.” You chuckled as you came up to cuddle her, “Kinky.” Momo pushed you lightly, “Be quiet.”
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“I didn’t know I could do that.”
Sana squirmed relentlessly under the vibrations of the Hitachi, it was placed squarely on her clit as you edged her closer and closer to her second orgasm. Bolts of pleasure shot up and down her spine as the Japanese girl clenched her teeth as she fought off an embarrassingly loud moan, her peak a few seconds away as you brought your mouth down to her breasts. You smirked before taking a hardened bud between your lips, placing a kiss on the areola as your teeth grazed the nipple ever so lightly. A hitched gasp sounded from above you as your girlfriend’s hand shot to your head, a stuttered moaning falling from her lips as her hips bucked into the toy. A rush of liquid squirting out onto your hand as Sana’s body rolled like a wave, running out her orgasm. When she finally settled back down you threw the toy to the side as you placed a kiss to her cheek, a blissful smile on her face, “Good?” Sana nodded as she curled into you, “So good.”
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“What just happened?”
It had been a week since you had last let Jihyo cum and she was nearing the end of her rope. Your constant teasing didn’t help as she had to deal with whatever the female version of “blue balls'' was as you left her hanging for seven days straight. But as you looked at her in the lowlights of the restaurant you decided that she finally deserved her reward. She shot you a look as you picked up your phone, a devilish smile on your lips as you turned up the dial on the remote viabrator she was wearing. The brunette stifled a sudden moan as she glared at you from across the table, you cocked an eyebrow in faux concern, “Something the matter Jihyo-ah?” Your girlfriend resisted the urge to flick you off as she attempted to lift her spoon, “Not at all.” You shrugged, “Good. Cause I've been saying that you need to cum here or wait another week before we go out again.” Jihyo’s eyes widened as she understood what your words implied, you could see the apprehension in her eyes as you quickly added, “What’s your favorite color again?” The Korean girl glanced around the mostly empty restaurant, “Green.” You smiled as you turned the dial to its highest setting, her eyes fluttering closed as her grip on the spoon tightened. A week of pent up frustration about to be released in front of people as she suddenly felt a torrent of liquid rush out of her, her eyes flying open as you sensed what had happened. You cleared your throat as you turned off the toy, “You can borrow my jacket.”
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Mina stood knock-kneed in the kitchen as all plans of making dinner fell through the second you started playing with the setting of the egg vibrator you had placed inside of her earlier that evening. A scowl on her face as she held onto the countertop to prevent herself from collapsing under her weight, a sly smile on your face as you made your way towards her, “Need a little Minari.” Your girlfriend glared at you as she tried to stand up straighter only to have a surprised gasp fall from her mouth as you turned up the intensity, “Y/N, I ne...need to make din...dinner.” You shrugged, “Or, we can just skip to dessert?” Mina pursed her lips for a second before tackling you in a kiss, and before she knew it your head was between her thighs on the counter. The way your tongue suckled her clit made her squirm as it contrasted the coolness of the granite she was sitting on as you began playing with the settings again. The vibrations combined with the attention you were giving her with your tongue made the brunette let out a guttural moan as she suddenly felt like she began to pee, her body was wracked with jolts of pleasure as you felt your chin being drenched by her release. A bright blush covered Mina’s face as she saw what she had done, “Y/N I’m so sor…” before she could apologize you cut her off with a kiss, “No apologies, baby. That was hot.” Your girlfriend still hid her face with her hair, “You’re just saying that.” You shook your head as you placed a kiss to her cheek, “I’d never lie to you.”
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Dahyun’s body shook slightly as she laid back into the pillows, her fingers teasing her clit through the fabric of her panties as you sat at the end of the bed a small wet spot forming at the front of her underwear as you smirked, “Take your panties off and present yourself for me.” Your girlfriend blushed slightly but did as she was told, a small string of arousal was connected to the fabric as she threw over the side of the bed, pushing her knees up so she was spread out for you. “Now, touch yourself.” Dahyun’s hand snaked its way down her body till she made contact with her drenched opening, her breathing stuttered as she sank a finger into herself, a soft squelch filled the room as she added another finger. Her other hand coming down to play with her clit as a bright blush dusted her cheeks, her arousal building as you watched in awe. “C...can I come?” Your girlfriend looked at you with half-lidded eyes as you pondered it for a second, her peak climbing at an alarming rate, “What's the magic word?” Dahyun squeezed her eyes shut as she continued working her fingers in and out of herself, “Pl..please? Please. Pl...please!?” Her voice raised an octave as you smiled, “Cum for me Dahyunnie.” The raven hairs girl let out a load moan as her body seized, her vision filled with white as a stream of liquid shot out from between her thrusting fingers. You looked at each other in shock as she fell back into the pillows, you quickly scrambled up to her as you placed a kiss to her sweaty forehead, “Good girl.”
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“That was amazing!”
You had your girlfriend strapped down to a chair as you circled her with a Hitachi in one hand and a riding crop in the other, you ran the leather toy up Chae’s thigh making her shudder as you placed a light swat to the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh, “You’ve been a bad girl this week Chaengie. Haven’t you?” The blonde squirmed in her bonds as she hissed at the hit you landed on her other thigh, “Y..yes.” You hummed as you moved behind her, your hands running down her shoulders before you took both her breasts into your hands, squeezing the flesh lightly as Chaeyoung leaned into the touch right before you pulled away making her whimper. “Good girls get rewards,” You turned on the wand and held it down to your girlfriend’s neglected sex for the first time this evening, a surprised gasp leaving her lips as her toes curled against the hardwood, “do you deserve a reward?” Chae’s fingers curled around the silk holding her down as you continued holding the toy against her, “Only if you th..think I d..do.” You held back a smile as you leaned down to her ear, “Good answer.” The blonde heaved in a breath as she felt her peak rising, her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she held back from screaming, “May I cum?” You pretended to look up in thought as Chaeyoung begged louder, “Y/N-ah please let me cum! I can’t, I can’t, I..” Before she could continue you cut her off, “Cum Chaeng.” The idol threw her head back in ecstasy as spurts of liquid sprayed from her pussy, a guttural moan falling from her lips as her release finally died down, a relieved smile on her face as you turned off the toy, “Wow.” You laughed lightly ruffling her hair, “Wow indeed.”
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Tzuyu’s eyes fluttered close as she pushed down on your head, her pleasure building as you took her clit into your mouth. You sucked on the small bundle of nerves as she let out a loud moan, her knuckles turning white as her nails dug into your shoulder, “Y/N I’m gonna…!” Before she could finish her sentence her release came flooding out of her like a tidal wave, soaking your chin and the bedsheets. The Taiwanese girl’s eyes went wide as she stared down at you, a look of disbelief on her face as you laughed lightly, “What?” Tzuyu blinked, “Did I just?” You nodded, swiping your tongue across your lips to gather the wetness still there, “Yes you did. And it was hot.” At your words your girlfriend blushed brightly as you fell into a fit of laughter, “Not funny Y/N!”
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Henlo! Sorry abt that i kinda forgot so… can you do mikan,ibuki,maki and chiaki meeeting their s/o’s family instead sorry abt that again😊
Its okay! There was no harm done at all ^^
anyways here are your hcs!! I hope they are to your liking
(under a cut because I wrote a lotttt)
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Mikan, Ibuki, Chiaki, and Maki meeting their s/o's family
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【Mikan Tsumiki】
• Oh geez.. where to begin with this one
• This girl is super duper nervous, that's for sure. She definitely does wanna make a good impression, but what if something bad happens? What if she happens to trip like the clumsy person she is and fall? It would be even more embarrassing if she falls in a "awkward" position
• You, being the patient sweetheart, held her hand and told her that your family would like her. You also reassured her that it will be fine and to not overthink and be so hard on herself.
• When it came to her actually meeting your family, it actually went pretty well
• Whenever your family made some small talk with her at the beginning, her voice trembled and stuttered much more than usual, but she soon got more comfort as the conversation continued
• Your mom was pretty interested in Mikan's nursing talent, and this was a rare moment where Mikan actually just seemed to rant all about her medical knowledge (and to rant to someone who isn't you)
• Your dad, on the other hand, seemed more interested in her taste of movies. Once she told him that she enjoys horror movies, it surprised him a bit. He never expected someone that seems so quiet and enclosed to like horror movies
• They both ended up spending a large chunk of time talking about different horror movies, discussing plot, characters, deaths, etc. And oh you can see the joy in Mikan's face as the conversation continued
• Sadly, the night was soon coming to a close and the both of you had to leave. But your family definitely wanted you to bring Mikan back again soon. They just absolutely love her
• Mikan felt so happy that she left a good impression on them, and it was a mutual agreement that you two will come back soon enough
【Ibuki Mioda】
• Her being nervous? Hah! This girl is full on excited! Seriously she is super stoked to finally meet your family
• She basically just barged walked into your home, and just shouted that she had arrived like the loud and energetic person she is
• It was- er, a surprise definitely. But since you only live with your father, he didn't seem to mind. Your dad is actually a pretty chill dude
• Honestly him and Ibuki started bonding real quick, with him being a music fan himself and even being a fan of her music specifically
• This had started many many fast-paced and a very energetic conversation, to which even you had trouble keeping up with, and that's really saying something when you dated Ibuki, who is very fast-paced as always
• You all were talking over dinner, Ibuki basically gobbling hers all up while still speaking. Your dad found it hilarious based on his never-ending laughter. They mostly seem to chatted about music, and you just tried to keep up but didn't really engage much. You didn't really mind because seeing your girlfriend and dad get along made you so happy
• Heck, even after dinner, Ibuki basically did a full on performance in your house because she was just so happy about all this
• You and your dad enjoyed the performance, clapping and cheering. Ibuki seemed to enjoy this even more as she loved playing for a crowd, no matter the amount of people
• Overall it was a pretty good meeting and everyone was happy. Ibuki even promised to give your dad front row tickets whenever she does her next big concert
• Seeing the two get along, just filled you with joy, and you are definitely bringing your girlfriend when you visit your family again
【Chiaki Nanami】
• She is pretty chill about it. You want her to meet your family? Cool, she's down for that
• Legit, she even brought along a few boardgames and cards with her so everyone can have a good time together
• Your family, which consisted of two dads and a little sister, was pretty happy to finally have a small get together with you and Chiaki. Especially your lil sis, who was much more excited because she just gets one more person to annoy
• Pretty much the whole time, except dinner, was spent playing the boardgames Chiaki brought and just having small talk
• Chiaki seemed to doze off every five minutes of so, but for the most part was able to keep up and going a conversation between your dads
• Your lil sis did spent a good time bugging or bouncing from topic to topic when talking to Chiaki, but being friends with Ibuki had made it easy for her to follow any fast-paced conversations (albeit finding it slightly annoying)
• The funniest and most memorable part of this whole thing is when one of your dads get salty about losing at one of the games and everyone just kinda laughs at him about his childish attitude
• Your sister even tried to avenge your dad by challenging her to a good ole game of Blackjack, to which she lost not even a few minutes later
• You and your other dad had to comfort your other two family members about losing to Chiaki
• Overall, it was a pretty good time and you guys left once it hit nighttime but your dad and lil sis had declared a rematch once the two of you visit again
【Maki Harukawa】
• Honestly Maki wouldn't be one down to meet yours, or any of her s/o's family - you can understand why. Maki never had a family to call her own and she was always one to be in the shadows, so was she suppose to act when she's around someone else's?
• Despite not letting her emotions on her face show, you can just sense her fear about it on the way to your house
• You tried to calm her down by holding her hand, but in all honesty you couldn't tell if that helped or not since her face remained with that stony expression of hers
• When the two of you arrived, Maki remained silent, only talking when she was spoken to. She basically kept her wall up almost the entire time
• It actually only took your mom, showing overwhelming kindness and patience, to finally break down her walls and Maki seemed to relax a little after that
• The conversation between you all continued over dinner and it was a pretty heartwarming sight to see Maki interact with your family
• You were happy. The warmth in your heart seeing Maki get along with your family - one that could be hers too someday
Woo another request done! I didn't expect to write a lot - but I just had so much ideas
I will get to everyone's request when I can, but still feel free to leave some if you wish!
Take care everyone ♡
~ Mod Toko 💜
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persephone-plasmids · 3 years
Deacon and Sole fanfic.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Deacon and Sole walked in complete  silence through the abandoned Nuka-World park. Not because they were worried they’d attract the attention of ferals, but because neither of them seemed to be mature enough to address the incredible kiss they’d both just shared. Of course, nearly having Sole kill him when she got poisoned by HalluciGen and meeting a super dramatic Ghoul named Oswald had also distracted them. But Deacon was fairly certain the kiss was the real reason for the silent treatment he was currently getting.
I shouldn’t have done it, Deacon thought to himself. Although even as he thought this, his mind replayed the sensation of Sole’s lips against his and he felt his cheeks flush.
Sole was walking ever-so-slightly ahead of him, her hips swaying back and forth in a way that Deacon tried to ignore.
Right. He needed to fix this. To get things back to normal.
“Hey Charmer, did I ever tell you about the time I went undercover as Magnolia for an entire week?”
Sole slowed her pace a bit so that Deacon could fall in step beside her. “Go on,” she said, raising an eyebrow with an amused look in her eye.
“I did the whole shebang. Donned the red dress, wore a black wig, sang all the songs.”
“Flirted with the patrons?” She asked.
“That was my favorite part,” Deacon said. “You wouldn't believe how many free drinks I got that week. It’s amazing what people will do for a pretty face.”
A smile tugged at the corner of Sole’s lips, but the action just brought Deacon’s attention right back to the very area he was trying to forget.
He cleared his throat nervously before continuing. “I'll tell you, though. I’m not a fan of shaving my legs. I could never quite get that little area behind my knee.”
At this, Sole snorted, trying to suppress her laugh and failing miserably. “How do you even come up with these ridiculous lies?”
She still wasn’t looking at him, but he preferred it that way. If she wasn’t looking at him, then they weren’t in danger of suddenly kissing each other.
“Who says that’s a lie?” Deacon asked, his voice easily slipping back into its smooth unconcerned cadence.
“Literally anyone who’s ever met you,” she said, looking down at the ground as they walked. “I can read you most of the time. But I’m finding it harder and harder these days.”
“Oh?” Deacon asked.
He wanted to know what she’d meant by that, but he never did get his answer. Instead, he heard the familiar clomp, clomp, clomp of power armor approaching them. Deacon rolled his eyes at the Paladin’s lack of subtlety and Sole moved a bit further away from Deacon.
The motion would have been almost imperceptible to anyone but him. But it still gave him complicated feelings. Was he hurt that she didn’t want to be seen being this familiar with him? Or did it give him hope that she was feeling that same connection to him, even if she was trying to ignore it.
“Soldier,” Danse said, nodding to Sole before turning to Deacon. “Liar.”
“Ouch,” Deacon said, placing a hand over his heart and stumbling back a few paces dramatically. “Shots fired, Paladin. Right out the gate too.”
“Told you everyone knows you’re a liar,” Sole said under her breath, grinning as she looked at Danse.
MacCready appeared suddenly beside Danse, out of breath and wiping blood from his hands. “There’s a serious Bloodworm infestation here. I think we should get out of Dry Rock Gulch. It’s not worth the effort.”
“That’s just as well,” Sole said. “The Synth isn’t in Nuka-World. They’ve already made it out of The Commonwealth.”
“Is that so?” Danse asked. “Outstanding!”
“Bingo!” Deacon shouted.
Everyone stopped and turned to look at him in confusion.
“Danse said ‘outstanding’. That’s the last square I needed on my boy scout bingo card.”
No one said anything. Instead, Sole’s cheeks immediately flushed a dark shade of scarlet as her eyes grew as wide as saucers. She stared at Deacon in horror and had she not immediately looked away from him again, he would have thought there was a Deathclaw behind him.
Danse cleared his throat uncomfortably before Sole began loudly speaking. “So, I think we’re all done here. The Synth is safe and we’re all alive. Let’s head out.”
Sole’s voice sounded unnatural. And the way Danse turned away from Deacon with a stronger look of annoyance on his face than normal, told him that something was wrong.
As Sole and Danse began walking away, Mac sidled up beside Deacon and said in a low voice, “Not really your color, is it?” Before snickering and joining Sole and the tin can.
Deacon brought his hand up to his lips. When he pulled them away, he could see that they were stained with Sole’s red lipstick.
“Perfect,” he groaned.
Things back at Railroad HQ had been normal when Sole and Deacon returned to report to Desdamona. Painfully normal. The kind of normal you got when you were trying too hard to make things seem normal. Sole was still avoiding eye contact with Deacon, but when she thought he wasn’t looking, he’d catch her staring.
Again, his sunglasses proved beneficial for more than just his Railroad missions.
“Thank you both for your continued efforts on behalf of The Railroad,” Desdemona said, after they’d given her the news concerning the Synth in Nuka-World. “Charmer, you’re getting much more efficient in your debriefings.”
“Charmer can debrief me any time,” Deacon said, giving her finger guns as Sole just shook her head in exasperation.
“Deacon, do I need to refresh your memory on the no fraternization rule?” Desdamona asked.
“Oh come on, that was funny,” Deacon insisted.
“Deacon?” Desdamona was still waiting for him to answer.
“No Des. I’ll do my best to shield your ears from my incredible wit. But just know you’ll be missing out.”
“I think I’ll survive,” Des said shortly. “You’re both dismissed.”
And with that, the imposing woman walked away.
“Sheesh, tough crowd,” Deacon said, pulling on the collar of his white shirt for effect as he smiled over at Sole.
“I mean… she is right though,” Sole said, looking down at her hands instead of at Deacon. “We probably shouldn’t joke about stuff like that.”
“Are you… we joke about that kind of stuff all the time,” Deacon said incredulously. “I mean… if it makes you uncomfortable of course I’ll stop. I just… thought that was sort of our thing.”
Deacon could feel his cheeks heating up as he desperately tried to save the situation. If Sole was uncomfortable with their joking, it was news to him. She was usually the one to start the innuendos. But he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
The kiss may have tarnished their friendship a bit, mostly because it made it impossible for Deacon to keep lying to himself about his feelings. But he didn’t want it to completely ruin what they already had.
“I just… don’t want people to talk,” Sole said simply, still looking down at her hands.
“Yeah, of course, Boss. Whatever you say,” Deacon answered, rubbing the back of his neck before trying to assume a nonchalant posture. “Just trying to keep things light. I’ll resort to the old failsafes instead. You know… the nuclear apocalypse… the hopelessness of our existence… Danse’s extensive grooming routine.”
Sole almost smiled at this last bit. He could tell from the way her jaw tensed. But instead of smiling she just nodded. “Thanks, Deeks.”
Without another word, Sole gave Deacon a curt smile, turned on her heel, and walked away, leaving him totally and utterly confused about where they stood.
Idiot, he thought. Did I seriously think I could kiss Sole without things getting weird? Do I really want to throw away my closest friendship just because I… what? Feel something for her? Big deal. I feel something for Fancy Lad Snack Cakes and I’m not making moves on them.
Deacon refrained from letting out the gigantic sigh that had settled in his chest, not wanting to draw attention to himself. Instead, he ducked into the escape tunnel and out the back door into the small underground room just beyond the main section of Railroad HQ.
Pulling out a cigarette, Deacon nearly jumped out of his skin when Sole lit a match beside him.
“Geez! Are you kidding me?” Deacon whisper-shouted at her, jumping back against the wall and hitting his head in the process.
He dropped his unlit cigarette to the ground and rubbed the back of his head where it had made contact with the bricks.
“I thought you were always aware of your surroundings.”
“And I thought you were a baby Deathclaw about to drag me off to mommy like a bleeding morbid trophy,” he said, still whisper-shouting. “Why are you back here, Sole?”
“I needed some alone time,” she said, her face slightly amused as she watched him come down from his scare. “And then you just followed right behind me.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” Deacon said. “I didn’t even see you come back here. Trust me, I don’t go around looking for humiliation more than once a day.”
“Excuse me?” Sole asked, her eyes narrowing at his words.
Deacon swallowed, realizing he was being too honest again. He didn’t want her to know he was hurt. Hell, he didn’t even want her to know he had actual feelings for her.
“I mean… I have gone looking for humiliation in the past,” he began, trying to think up a lie funny enough to distract Sole from his honesty. “Like this one time--.”
“Deacon, stop,” Sole said, shaking her head. “Sorry, I just… I can’t do this.”
“Yep, no problem,” Deacon said automatically, without really knowing what she was talking about specifically.
Odds were, he probably didn’t want to know. He’d made a point of detaching himself from the people around him. It was a necessity in The Railroad. But it had also been crucial for his survival after Barbara. Sole broke down that resolve and made him feel out of control in a way that he both loved and hated.
Sole turned to leave but stopped herself and instead faced Deacon once more, looking at the ground with a deep sigh.
“I’m just going to say it, okay?” she began, now looking up to meet his eyes before frowning. “Geez, Deeks, will you please take those sunglasses off so I can actually see you?”
He needed his sunglasses. Otherwise Sole might find out just what a terrible bluffer he actually was.
“You know what? Never mind. This might actually be easier if I can’t see you.”
Her words were doing nothing to comfort him and he was desperately trying to quell the mild panic attack that was rising in his chest. “Sole, if I’m dying, you really need to just rip off the bandaid and tell me.”
He grinned at her, but they both knew it was a facade to mask his panic.
“I appreciate you telling me about Barbara. That took a lot of trust to open up to me about her.”
Well this wasn’t looking good.
“And I felt instantly connected to you because of it. We… we both knew what it was like to experience loss.” Sole frowned but pushed through it. “And honestly, after everything with Nate, I didn’t think I’d ever… feel anything for someone again.”
Deacon had to stop this conversation. He’d made her uncomfortable. And he hated himself for that.
“You don’t need to say anything else, Boss. I got it loud and clear,” Deacon said.
But Sole wasn’t letting him off the hook that easily.
“I don’t think you do,” Sole said. “I get that you flirt. It’s what you do. And it was always fine with me but… I can’t keep putting myself out there just to find out that this whole thing is a big joke to you. I’m not like that. It… it hurts too much.”
Deacon’s heart twisted inside of him. Had he misunderstood this situation completely? There was no way. Because as much as he’d dreamed about Sole reciprocating his feelings, he never thought it would actually happen.
Deacon had been a bigot back in his youth. Someone had died. He’d been a violent man. Sure he’d changed, but there was no way someone as good as Sole would be able to look completely past that. She may say his past wasn’t important, but she was just being polite. That’s who Sole was.
There was no way she could ever truly forgive him. He knew that. And he didn’t think he’d deserve that kind of forgiveness even if she did offer it.
“I respect you too much to break up our team, because we really do work well together… I just need the flirting to stop,” Sole said, looking down at her hands again as she twisted them together. “I want… I want you, Deacon. And it’s fine that I can’t have you. Really. I can learn to live with that. I’m a big girl. But… I’m not good at differentiating your joking with what’s real. I never have been. You know that.”
Deacon was staring at Sole now with the most shocked expression he’d ever worn.
She was saying that she had feelings for him. Wasn’t she?
Of course, he could just ask her for clarification, but that went against every instinct inside of him that was screaming at him to make a joke.
He realized a bit too late that he had been staring at her in silence for quite a while. She looked up at him uncomfortably with a wince. “So… are we good?” she asked. “Even though… you know… I just told you I have a crush on you like some five-year-old on the playground?”
There it was. The confirmation.
Deacon’s mouth might have actually dropped open in shock. He wasn’t sure.
“Okay, well… this has been sufficiently awkward. But I said what I needed to say. So…” she gave him a soft awkward slug on the shoulder. “Good talk, Sport.”
She instantly shook her head in embarrassment at her own words.
“Yeah, I’m going to leave now,” she mumbled, ducking her head down and turning to walk away.
“Wait, hold up just a minute,” Deacon said, finally regaining control of his brain. At least partially.
Sole turned around slowly and reluctantly.
“I swear if you make fun of me for this, Deeks, I will fill your pillowcase with cayenne pepper while you sleep.”
“Whoa,” he said, raising his hands up in surrender. “That escalated way faster than it probably should have.”
Deacon reached down and hesitantly took Sole’s hand in his own.
“I just… are you actually saying you have feelings for me?” Deacon asked.
Sole’s cheeks flushed at his straightforward words. Deacon was never straightforward. Except for the time he’d told Sole about Barbara.
“Seriously, Deacon? You’re going to make me say it again?”
“You feel things for me?” Deacon repeated, trying to rephrase his question so that there was no confusion. He wasn’t doing a great job. “Not like the way Danse has feelings for his power armor, right?”
“I mean, I’ve seen the way he looks at his power armor. So, maybe,” Sole said, that ghost of a smile returning to her lips. “Seriously, can I go now? I don’t know that I’ve ever felt this humiliated. This is worse than the dream where I show up to school naked.”
Deacon’s eyes grew wide behind his sunglasses at this statement. “Okay, well I’d definitely like to hear more about that in a minute,” Deacon began. “But I just… I feel like I need to be absolutely certain. You, the perfect, beautiful, compassionate, smart, brave, sexy, savior of The Commonwealth, have romantic feelings towards a former-bigot, current-man-child, broken, immature, and hopelessly lost human?”
Realization seemed to dawn on Sole in that moment. At his words she could see the insecurity dripping off of him, cleverly disguised by jokes and a devil-may-care attitude.
He felt the shift between them. Felt the way she squeezed his hand with confidence now, knowing that his flirting wasn’t a joke. That his casual contact wasn’t all that casual.
“Well… the jury’s still out on whether or not you’re a human or a synth,” she whispered with a grin. “I still haven’t tried your recall code on you.”
With that, Sole pressed her lips to Deacon’s. He hadn’t kissed Sole many times, so he didn’t have much to compare it to, but this kiss definitely felt different. Her hesitation was gone. Her lips were confident as they moved over his, and he smiled at her touch.
“Can we go back to that whole, dream business you were talking about a second ago?” Deacon asked, but Sole instantly silenced him with another kiss, which he was just fine with.
Her hands roamed slowly up his chest, as if she were taking her time to enjoy the moment. Goosebumps erupted all over his skin at her touch.
As she gently bit his bottom lip, something he definitely hadn’t expected from her, he couldn’t stop himself from being too aware of their surroundings. He wanted to melt into the kiss. He wanted to thoroughly enjoy this moment. There weren’t any more questions between them. They both understood each other finally.
But they were also in Railroad HQ. Anti-fraternization Zone Number 1. They may have been in the escape tunnel, but agents regularly used it as an overflow for the headquarters.
“Hey,” Deacon said, pulling away from Sole regretfully. Confusion lined her features. “So… I want this. You have absolutely no idea how much,” he began. “But… we’re not really in the best place for… grown up bonding time.”
Sole smiled up at him. “Doesn’t that sort of make it more exciting?” she asked.
What? Where had this Sole come from?
Not waiting for his response, she kissed him again, harder this time. He tried to exercise restraint.
He failed.
Instead, he pushed Sole up against the wall, parting her lips with his tongue and pressing his body against hers. Every fiber of his being burned to be even closer to her, but even with this bold new Sole that stood before him, he knew she wasn’t that type. She’d want to take things somewhat slow. And he was fine with that.
Besides, after years of being completely touch-starved, any contact was like a revelation for Deacon.
His hands found her waist, softly kneading the smooth skin there as his mouth moved against hers. She made a little noise that encouraged him further, prompting him to trail his kisses down to her collarbone instead.
She grabbed his hair in a slightly painful manner, but he didn’t mind. Instead, he focused on the very important work he was doing on her neck while her hands pulled him more firmly against her.
“Deeks,” she said breathlessly, though he hardly heard her. His lips were too preoccupied with just how perfect her neck seemed to be. How had he not noticed before? “Dea-con,” she said again, still just as breathless.
This time he heard her. And he loved the way his name sounded when she was the one saying it. The way her breath hitched at the end of the first syllable when he’d nipped at her neck. That desperate quality to her voice.
“Mmm?” he mumbled, now slowly moving his lips back towards hers.
“You…” but her words were cut off by another kiss. “Said we should be careful here?” she finally managed, between kisses. “About Des?”
This was more like the reserved Sole he knew. But he was enjoying himself too much. He was finally kissing her. Really kissing her. Not just for fun. Not as part of a ruse for a mission. Not in some psychotic funhouse where he wasn’t sure if she really wanted to or if it was just some weird trick of the drugs in Kiddie Kingdom.
Being able to touch someone after so long was like an oasis in a desert. And she saw him. Really saw him. That was normally the last thing he wanted from someone. But it was all he wanted with Sole.
“Screw it,” Sole said between another kiss before she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him harder against her body, shuddering as they crashed together.
“I already told you, I left a backup in the escape tunnel,” Tinker Tom said from somewhere near the room’s entrance. “Now if y’all would give me two seconds, I could actually go get it.”
Sole instantly broke the kiss, looking wide-eyed at Deacon in a panic. He pressed a finger against her lips and grabbed her hand. Without a word, Deacon pulled her towards the exit at the far end of the room. It would lead them out into the cool night air of The Commonwealth.
As he held her hand and pulled her behind him, he couldn’t stop the embarrassing little smile that broke across his face. He heard Sole giggle behind him and it only added to the pure unadulterated joy that was beginning to permeate his very being.
She saw him. She saw all of him. And she still wanted him.
Note: This fic makes me seem like I don’t like Danse. I actually love him! I just like to make fun of him :)
Also, if you enjoy my writing, I’m an author IRL. I’ve got 13 published books, but my favorite is Parrish. You should check it out if you like ghosts and love stories between weirdos.
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crispin-kreme · 3 years
fix you ; nishimura riki
part 7/7 of the series (final)
synopsis: riki hated the fact that you loved another person other than him. the time came you confessed to the person you admired so much. not knowing the consequence, once you got home your skin suddenly started shattering, as if you were made of glass. riki came home to you breaking on the floor, he knew the consequence of you confessing. he loves you very much thus placing back the pieces of you were not a burden to him.
genre: angst, fluff, shattered heart disease au, mutual pinning but they dont know it (?)
pairings: student! nishimura riki x gn! reader
warnings: blood, bruises, cuts, grammatical errors, and swearing
notes: so this is the final part of the series! thank you all for reading this series and supporting it <3 enjoy! also this was a bit short so i apologize for it :,D
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“i’m gonna confess to them.” you announced to riki. riki suddenly sat up from your lap, where he was laying. “what?! that’s too sudden.” he exclaims. you gave a smile “i mean- its better to risk it all. who knows what would happen?” you tell him. riki rolled his eyes “ugh. i know. that dude or bitch or whatever will break your heart.” he snaps.
truly, he loved you so much. riki did hate the fact of you confessing to another person who never really loved you back. he just wishes you noticed him more than a bestfriend.
you look at riki with furrowed eyebrows “geez, don’t go to hard on them.” you defended. riki huffed “if they’ll break you- i’m gonna rip their heads off.” he says. you laughed at his words “riki, you don’t have to.” you said. “seriously, what do you like about them? they don’t even notice you!” riki added. you rolled your eyes at him in response.
you sat up from the field and left riki sitting down “hey, where are you going?” he questioned “i’m gonna confess to them right here, right now.” you replied with all confidence “believe me, y/n! they’ll break you.” riki says, persuading you to not confess “you can’t stop me!” you teased as you walked away from him.
“y/n, come back here!” riki screams but then he sighs in defeat. “why won’t they ever listen to me?” riki mumbles in disbelief.
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riki didn’t hear from you for a concerning amount of hours thus he tries to visit your house. he knows you were home alone most of the time after school hours so he didn’t bother to just barge into the door.
he runs to your room upstairs but he was just welcomed by sobs from outside your room. “y/n? its me!” riki says, alerting you from the bathroom floor. did he hear you cry? you were in so much pain, you couldn’t speak. “okay, i’m coming in.” riki announces as he comes into your room. he sees the bathroom lights open and so he decided to get in.
you were breaking (literally) on the floor. your skin was bleeding and bruising. suddenly, you see your skin fall like shards of glass. riki was stunned and shocked by your condition. he knew of this condition that’s why he tried to stop you.
“r-riki.” you croaked out. he rushes to your lying figure on the bathroom floor and craddles you into his arms. “shit, y/n.” he curses in a whispered form. he sees your shards/pieces of skin on the ground. riki slowly tries to fix you.
surprisingly, each pieces were being sticked properly. “its gonna be alright. i’m here.” riki says in comfort as he tried to replenish your skin. the pain slowly faded away as riki finished fixing you but that moment you passed out.
riki panicked. “hey, wake up!” he shouts. “oh shit. they passed out.”
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your eyes fluttered open. you see riki pacing around your room. “hey…” you tried to speak. riki stopped pacing and rushed to your side. “y/n, you’re awake.” he says as he sits on your bed. “how are you? any pain?” he asks in worry. you shook your head in response. riki nodded “good.” he replied.
“what just happened?” you blurted out. riki sighed “shattered heart disease. it happens with a one sided love event, mostly happens when you confess to someone and they don’t love you back.” riki explained. your heart clenched at those words, and yes, your confession failed. “this is why i tried stopping you.” he added.
riki knew the confession didn’t work out so he didn’t ask questions about it. “…so do i break their neck?” riki asks as a form of threat. you gave a light chuckle “no. don’t.” you replied. “how did you fix me?” you asked. “that’s another story.” riki says, as much as possible to not admit his feelings for you.
if someone truly loves you, they can place the pieces of you back together. that’s how he did it.
you nodded in reply as you sighed. slowly, you admired riki and he fell for you more. “stay with me for a while.” you offered. riki felt like his heart jumped in joy. “of course.” riki happily replied.
maybe he was your new beginning as you felt genuine love around him. hopefully, riki tells you his feelings soon.
you have reached the end. go back?
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thenovelartist · 3 years
A Blanc Slate, Chapter 5
<Previous Next >
13. Flower Shop
She was alerted to Chat’s presence not because of a knock on her window, but rather a horrible crash on her balcony.
I swear, if that cat broke my favorite flowerpot, I’m going to skin him alive.
When she flung open the trap door, she saw Chat, sitting pitifully on the ground with his ears hung low as he lamented over what was, er… had been not her favorite flowerpot. Thankfully.
“Sorry,” he muttered, looking over the dirt splattered across the balcony with broken pieces of pottery scattered around it. “I’ll go to the flower shop tomorrow and get a replacement.”
Marinette almost opened a round of teasing on him, except something in his demeanor had her pause. “You okay, Chat?”
“You seem a little… off.”
He shrugged, then after a moment shook his head. “I mean, I will be. But not right now.”
Marinette bit her lip. Where was the ‘pry’ line versus the ‘concerned friend’ line? Because she was certainly concerned but knew better than to press for information he wasn’t going to give. “Are you not feeling well? Have you been overworking yourself or something?”
“Or something,” he muttered, slowly collecting the pieces of the pot.
Upon watching the pitiful scene, Marinette couldn’t help but bite her lip as the pain in her heart grew. “Just leave it.”
“But I broke it.”
“It’s okay,” she said, taking the pieces from his hands and setting them aside. From there, she took his cheeks in her hands, guiding his face towards her to examine. There was a hollow look in his eye, and his skin looked pale. Though, she wasn’t sure if that was just an illusion of all the white of his suit paired with the blue glow of the moon playing a trick on her. “You’re not okay.”
He didn’t even try to argue. Which proved he really wasn’t okay.
“When was the last time you slept?”
“Oh, dammit, Chat,” she muttered, gently patting his cheeks. “Focus, kitty.”
He blinked a couple times, and a little clarity came back to him.
“Have you been sleeping?”
“Uh… not well,” he eventually answered.
“And have you been eating?”
“When did you last eat?”
He fell silent again.
She sighed, standing and then pulling him to his feet. “Get up, Chat. You are coming inside, and I am forcing food into you.”
He didn’t argue. He just stood. And swayed.
Marinette tightened her grasp on him. Chat, I swear, you fall over or pass out on me, I will go full Ladybug on your ass and cage you until you recover.
14. Dancing
It took two hours, a croissant sandwich, and a short nap for Chat to mostly recover.
“You want to tell me what that was all about?” Marinette challenged, shooting the not-really-a-question question his direction.
He shrugged. “I haven’t been sleeping.”
“Yeah, I’m not going to say that wasn’t it, but there’s definitely more than that.”
Chat just stayed silent.
“Have you been eating?”
He nodded. “My friend makes me.”
That was a relief that someone was looking after her stupid cat. Although, a part of her was upset that that friend wasn’t her. “Good. Glad to hear that,” she said, forcefully shoving aside her jealousy. “Have you been overworking yourself?”
He quirked a brow in her direction. “You promised not to pry?”
“I’m not prying. I’m demanding to know what the hell happened to you that almost made you fall off my balcony and crack your head open on the sidewalk below. Because cats may normally land on their feet, but you sure weren’t going to in that state.”
Looking appropriately cowed, he turned his head away from her.
“So, you want to tell me why you looked like death warmed over up there?”
“Are you just mad that I accidently took out a flowerpot?”
“Your eyes looked completely glassed over.”
“Because I promise to fix it. That was an honest mistake.”
“Stop dancing around the subject, Chat,” she snarled. “Something is wrong. You looked a million miles away standing right next to me. You’re not sick again, are you?”
He pursed his lips, playing with his miraculous and twirling the silver band on his finger. “In a way, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I am.”
“Then what are you doing out?”
He shrugged. “I had stuff I had to do, but I wasn’t feeling great and knew I could crash here safely.”
Half of that sentence really worried her, but there was a tiny part of her that was relieved he felt comfortable at her place. She was thrilled this could be a safe space for him, and she would do everything she could to keep it that way.
And while she knew that meant not prying, this, she decided, was a perfectly reasonable exception.
“I can set up a blanket and you can sleep on my chaise to recover.”
“Thanks, but I can’t,” he said. “I really should get home.”
Her brow furrowed in worry. “Are you sure you’re up for that?”
“Trust me when I say it is for my well-being I do.��
He still seemed a little sluggish, but nothing like he was before. And she supposed it would be far better for him to go home and sleep in his own bed. “Okay. But please, for the love of everything good in this world, will you be careful?”
He gave her a small smile as he slowly got to his feet. “I promise, princess.”
She sighed. She wished he had the ability to text her that he got home safe or something of the sort, but she supposed he couldn’t do that. She would just have to trust her kitty to make it home safe and sound. “Okay. Then have a good night and take it easy, Chat.”
When he grinned, it was small but genuine. It warmed Marinette’s heart to see. “Thanks, Marinette. You have a good night, too.”
15. Moonlight
Marinette thought Chat would be better in a week’s time or so.
Marinette was wrong.
He frequently came around now with a dazed look in his eye. And sometimes, it didn’t improve by the time he was getting ready to leave, no matter if she gave him food, water, or a place to rest.
Which worried her to no end.
Then came the day he’d actually passed out in her arms, and true to her mental threat three weeks ago, Marinette went full Ladybug on his ass.
She dragged him down into her room, then transformed, ready and waiting for him to wake back up. She’d lie and say she happened to be passing by and that Marinette was downstairs. Whatever. Her cat was sick, and she was going to drag answers out of him one way or another.
The night crept on, but she didn’t leave his side, instead sitting by him on the bed as he slept. It didn’t just break her heart to see him like this but utterly destroyed it. The moonlight that shone through the windows highlighted his white suit, causing it to practically glow in the night. It just felt wrong. He was supposed to be black, his suit blending into the shadows because she was his opposite, her red suit standing out boldly in the light. And she wanted nothing more than for things to return to normal, or at least some semblance of it.
She just wanted her kitty back.
Tears prickling at her eyes, she slowly began stroking his white ears and white hair, the feeling so familiar even if the sight wasn’t. “Come back to me, kitty,” she whispered, feeling one of those tears escape and roll down her cheek.
Eventually, he stirred at her touch. Her heart stepped up its pace, both happy and relieved to see him recovering. She never stopped petting him as she waited for his eyes to open. Eventually, when they did, they seemed to be a little clearer than before, but they still had an exhausted haze hanging over them. “Marinette?”
“Not quite,” she said, mentally begging her voice to stay steady.
He blinked several times, that haze lifting a bit more as he looked up to meet her gaze. “Milady?”
At the name she had grown far too fond of over the years, a name she hadn’t heard in too long, something in her broke. “Dammit, Chat.” She flung herself over him, practically tackling him to the bed as she clung to him. “Do you have any idea how worried I was?”
He was stiff under her touch as she tried her best not to cry into his shoulder. But the moment his hand came down to rest on her head, that fight was lost.
“Sorry,” was all he said.
They stayed like that for a while before Chat slowly grabbed hold her shoulders and pushed her up and off of him, clearly creating distance between them. It hurt, but she supposed he did allow her to hug him for a little while. She would have to take the wins she could get.
Wiping the tears, Ladybug began, “Marinette told me everything.”
Chat sighed, propping himself up on his elbow. “I knew she would.”
“Don’t hate her for it, okay? Please. She’s just worried.”
“You begged her, too, I bet. And I doubt she’d tell you ‘no’.”
Ladybug decided to nod. “I did.”
He sighed again, sounding more like a groan or grunt this time. “I won’t be mad at her for it. She didn’t mean any harm, even if she’d too nosy for her own good trying to play superhero caretaker.”
The words may have sounded disapproving, but the gentleness in his tone as he spoke told Ladybug that he didn’t mean it that way. She knew her partner well enough to know those were more swords of concern for her well-being over a condemnation. “She’s kind that way.”
“Too kind,” he muttered. “She reminds me of you; both of you being so sacrificing and willing to help others at the drop of a hat. You can handle yourself as a superhero. I worry for her, though.”
His words warmed her heart more than he would ever know, endearing him to her yet again for the countless time over all the years she’d known him. “She can handle herself.”
“If you knew half the things she did, you might question that,” he muttered, fully sitting up and leaning back against the wall. “So, guess I’ll bite the bullet and concede. You cornered me, and I’m ready for the other shoe to drop.”
His eyes took on a hard glint to them, as though he was steeling himself for a fight.
Geez, kitty. I’m mad at you, but I’m not going to fight you.
With a sigh, Ladybug prepared herself for the conversation she knew they needed to have. “I know you said you wanted space,” she began. “But if you think I’m going to give you space now when you nearly passed out like that, you’re wrong. I’m your partner and your friend, and as such, I don’t think I’m entitled to know, but I would like to be by your side and bear your burdens if you’ll let me. So please, tell me. What’s going on?”
At her words, that steel in his eyes softened before his gaze fell to his lap. He was silent for a moment, playing with his miraculous again. As the time ticked on and he still didn’t speak, Ladybug had to practically bite her lip in a desperate attempt to not push too hard.
Come on, kitty. Trust me.
“When I found out who Hawkmoth was,” Chat began, answering her thoughts in such perfect time she almost questioned if she’d spoken aloud. “It hurt, more than you could ever think possible.”
“I’m sure it did.”
“And my emotions ran wild.”
Her brow furrowed. “Were you akumatized?”
“Almost,” he quietly admitted. “But I destroyed the butterfly and found out where Hawkmoth was hiding so I could face him directly. While he didn’t get a second chance to use a butterfly on me, my emotions ran rampant enough to cause a different kind of problem.”
He lifted his ring for her to see. “Apparently, you can overload a miraculous with emotion,” he explained.
Suddenly, things began to click into place. “And that’s how you became Chat Blanc.”
He nodded, turning his gaze away from her. “When you have that much hate and anger and spite raging through you, it’s possible to corrupt the miraculous when it’s so deeply tied to who you are.” He turned back to her. “And a broken miraculous is a dangerous thing. That’s why I have to give it back to you once I finish this mission.”
Her gut sank. “How dangerous? Like, do you mean it’s power is out of control?” If that was the case, she was sure they could find a way to control it again.
“In a way,” he said. “It’s not like I can’t control the power, but rather the miraculous begins to feed of the emotion its user emanates and drains them.”
“Why do I not like the sound of that?”
Chat was silent.
Which only made Ladybug worry more. “Chat,” she said, swallowing down the bitter feeling that was bubbling up from her gut. “What do you mean by ‘draining you’?”
He looked like he didn’t want to answer. “I don’t know how it’s fixed,” he admitted. “But until it is, I can’t wear it anymore.”
Her mind was on overdrive, but a thought soon popped into Ladybug’s mind made her physically ill. Don’t tell me…
“Because, basically,” Chat continued, tone somber and sad. “This ring is slowly killing me.”
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petri808 · 3 years
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Pranks Are So Revealing Sometimes…
@itafushiweek One bed prompt
After everything had finally settled and damages were assessed to Tokyo jujutsu high following the Kamo incident, the faculty decided it was time for a full renovation. They would fix the damaged areas but also update other undamaged parts. Including the dorms according to their teacher. The students were given a schedule of when each of their rooms would be worked on and given boxes to pack their belongings for temporary storage.
“Don’t worry,” Gojo grinned. “Shouldn’t take more than a day or two per room.”
“Yeah, okay,” Megumi stared back up at his teacher after reading the information. “But where are we supposed to sleep if our room is being renovated?”
“Oh, well since the unoccupied rooms will also be renovated during this process…” the man tapped his chin. “Got it! You bunk with Yuuji, then switch when it’s his rooms turn.”
“Cool! A sleepover!” Yuuji pumped his fists in the air. “We can hang out and watch movies and eat junk food and just crash from a food coma.”
Megumi swallowed thickly with a groan. “I’d rather you give me your credit card,” directing his comment to Gojo, “so I can get a hotel room.”
“No, can do buddy. Come on, it won’t be that bad.”
Yuuji threw an arm over Megumi’s. “It’ll be fine,” his brilliant smile causing the man’s cheeks to redden. “Movies and food, we’ll have fun.”
Megumi looked away and crossed his arms over his chest. “Ugh! Fine!”
“Good.” Gojo patted his student on the shoulder. “Now that’s settled, get packing young Megumi. Tomorrow we’ll be starting with your room.”
With Yuuji’s help, it didn’t take long for Megumi to pack up his belongings. There really wasn’t much, fitting everything into 3 medium sized boxes. Mostly clothes, some books, and minor items. He packed a bag with just enough to be displaced a couple of days, and if the renovations took longer, he could probably just borrow clothes from Yuuji. They were roughly the same size anyway. The boxes were then taken to Yuuji’s room and stacked in a corner out of the way.
But the full toll of the situation didn’t really hit Megumi until the morning of the renovations. He was awoken around 7 am by Gojo, letting him know the construction workers would be there in 15 minutes. Great. So, he dragged himself out of bed and walked into Yuuji’s room planning to get a couple more hours of sleep. It should be fine considering Yuuji rarely got up early on a day off.
The problem was— ‘Only one bed…’ Megumi groaned internally as he swiped his hand down his face. Duh! How could he have missed this detail?! And there was no way to fit a second bed in the room since they were only designed for single occupancy.
“Ugh…” Megumi shuffled back out of the room in irritation. Guess he’ll just go get breakfast and figure out what to do next!
Look, he didn’t have a problem sharing a bed with another person. It’s just sleeping on a bed instead of the hardwood floor, what’s the issue with that? If it was anyone else, Nobara, Toge, Maki, Yuta, whatever— no problem. The PROBLEM is it’s Yuuji. Maybe one of them will let him stay with them? Megumi put his head down on the kitchen table with his arms over his head in frustration. No… that would be weird to ask. Gojo already made all the arrangements between everyone, so if he suddenly had an issue with it, they might find that suspicious and he really didn’t need them asking questions, or worse teasing him about it.
He could hear it all too. What’s wrong with Yuuji? You worried something might happen? Too afraid to confront your feelings. Wink, wink. Aww that’s so cute you’re embarrassed. But Yuuji’s a good catch. Yada, Yada. Maki’s monotone, “just man up” tone was not something Megumi wanted to hear. ‘It’s just a night or two… no big deal. He’ll sleep on one side; I’ll sleep on the other. What could go wrong?’
Megumi’s body immediately went stiff at the sound of Yuuji voice. Damn guy was like a cat this morning, he never heard him come in! Or did he just miss it because he was too wrapped up in his mind?
“Yeah… morning,” Megumi responded as he sat up in his chair and pretended everything was fine. “Sorry, I didn’t make coffee or anything yet.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I can make breakfast. Want some?” Yuuji responded in his chipper way.
“Sure, since you’re offering.”
“I see they started working on your room. That’s what woke me up.”
“Huh? Oh yeah, That’s why I’m up too. Gojo kicked me out at 7.”
“Oh, if you were tired, you could’ve just gone back to sleep in my room.”
“Nah. I’m fine.”
“You still look tired.”
“I’m fine.”
“If you say so,” Yuuji placed a plate of food in front of his friend, then sat down across from him with his own. “So, got any plans for today?”
“Not really.”
“I was thinking of grabbing some snacks from the store for tonight.”
“Something happening tonight?”
“Movie night! Remember?”
“You were serious about that?!”
“Of course! We rarely have time to relax, so this is a perfect opportunity.”
“Well, since I’m stuck in your room… what movie are you picking?”
“You can choose. I don’t really care. How about I’m in charge of snacks and you grab the movies.”
“Fine. I’ll dig something up.”
The pair part ways for the rest of the day. Megumi felt it best to keep himself occupied so he wouldn’t think about that night. So, after breakfast he got some training in with Yuta and Maki who between the two really kept him on his toes. The construction work on his room sounded a lot more extensive than Gojo had relayed based on all the noise coming from within. Someone had placed a “do not enter” sign on the door, and so when Megumi walked past it, he didn’t bother peeking. By the time he returned from shopping around 5pm, it was silent. ‘Guess they’re done for the day.’ But since the sign was still up, it wasn’t finished. ‘Ugh, it better be done by tomorrow night.’
“Hey, Megumi!”
Megumi froze in place. Damn it with Yuuji sneaking up on him! He turned around. “Yeah?”
“I got food!” Yuuji held up two plastic bags stuffed full. “Dinner, snacks, drinks. Did you grab the movies?”
Megumi pulled three DVD cases out of his shopping bag and showed it to his friend. Three movies would kill about six hours, which meant sleeping right after they were finished, equaled less dead time to worry about.
“Sweet! Let’s get started!”
The moment of dread was upon Megumi the instant he walked into Yuuji’s room and laid eyes on that single bed. And as the dorm mate puttered around oblivious to his nervousness, he just watched quietly as the man plopped the bags onto the bed and grabbed a laptop from the desk. This was it, no turning back now.
“Why are you just standing there?” Yuuji questioned with laughter in his tone and patted the bed. “Come on, before the food gets cold.”
Megumi rolled his eyes as if nothing was wrong, but his heartbeat picked up the pace with each step towards the bed. He should be happy that Yuuji was so oblivious to emotions, and yet a part of him was annoyed… maybe disappointed… Megumi quickly shut those thoughts down as he sat on the edge of the bed.
“So, just to get it out of the way. How is this gonna work? Like which side do I sleep on?” Megumi questioned.
Yuuji stopped fusing with a food container and looked over. “Oh, hmm, doesn’t matter to me. I can sleep on either side.”
Well since he was already on one side. “I’ll just take this side I’m on then.”
Yuuji gave him a thumbs up. “Pass me the first movie.”
The first movie… all the movies he’d chosen were just action types. Megumi wanted something with as little romance as possible and knew Yuuji didn’t mind action or horror. Frankly, he thought it was funny his friend still loved horror after becoming a jujutsu sorcerer. Don’t they see enough of it in real life? Between the movies and the eating, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Yuuji became so engrossed in what was on the screen, it helped his anxieties stay lowered.
Megumi had taken up a position with his back against the wall sitting upright, and legs stretched out in front of him, while Yuuji was next to him with about a foot of space between them. Mid-way through the third movie, Megumi was genuinely paying attention since he’d never seen it before, when he felt a pressure against his shoulder. His eyes flared, cheeks heated up, and adrenaline spiked his heart rate. Yuuji had fallen asleep against his shoulder. No kidding this guy could fall asleep anywhere! Versus him who was too wide awake now to even think about it.
The last thing he wanted to do was awaken the sleeping man and make things even more awkward. So, Megumi tried to gently push his friend away to simply rest against the wall. His first several tries failed, but on the fourth, success… briefly.
“Mmm,” Yuuji stirred without waking and shifted on his own to curl up in Megumi’s lap instead!
‘Fuck, my life!’ Megumi screamed in his head. Things just went from bad to a disaster!
Again, Megumi tried to shift the man away, but every time he tried Yuuji would whine.
“Stop moving…” Yuuji mumbled and wrapped his arms around Megumi’s waist, snuggling his face deeper into the man’s leg.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Megumi gritted out in a muffled anger. By now, his whole body felt like it’d been stuck in a furnace and was being roasted alive. Ugh! Yuuji had turned into a damn octopus clinging to its meal! And yet… Megumi had to admit the man was cute as he slept. Geez, he even smiled in his sleep!
Not much he could really do, Megumi exhaled in defeat. So, he did his best to turn off the laptop screen using his foot and shift it close enough to reach. He then grabbed it and placed it onto the nightstand next to the bed, leaving them in a darkened room with only the gentle breathing of Yuuji as any sound. Okay, fine! Megumi counseled himself. Just ignore the fact there’s someone attached to you and try to get some sleep. The faster he went to sleep, the faster the nightmare would end. So, he shifted his body to lie down, then turned over onto his side hoping Yuuji would also readjust.
And the man did, just not in a way Megumi wanted. Yuuji simply snuggled up to his back and weaved an arm around his torso like he was one of those giant stuffed animals you win at a fair! He pushed the arm away, but it sprang back into place.
Megumi screamed in his head. He was so tired… ‘just ignore it, ignore it, ignore it…’
The sound of birds chirping caused Megumi to rouse the next morning. Perfect, his torture was over, it was time to get up— ‘Why was the pillow so hard—’ his eyes opened in a panic as his hand felt the unmistakable sensation of muscle beneath clothing. Without moving an inch only his eyes shifted over and saw the outline of Yuuji’s body lying on his back and he was curled up against his side! ‘Oh, fuck!’
Fight or flight kicked into overdrive as Megumi sprang from the bed like a cat and bolted out of the room. Every nerve ending along his skin was on fire and his mind freaking out, praying Yuuji had slept through it all. ‘This is gonna be so awkward if— What the?!’
As soon as he made it out of the room, Megumi almost ran right smack into Gojo. The man had one hand on Megumi’s bedroom door and the other carried a cursed doll, like the one Yuuji had trained with to practice energy control. “What is that for?”
Realizing he was busted, Gojo slipped the doll behind his back. “Nothing. I was just gonna check on the progress.”
“Uh-huh…” Megumi’s eyebrow raised, instantly suspicious. “Well, let’s just check,” he opened the door himself and walked in. “What’s going on?!” He whipped around. “Are they finished?” Because his room looked exactly like he’d left it the morning before. And he meant exactly!
“Really?!” Gojo pretended to be surprised. “That was quick! Looks like you can move back in. Well, see you at breakfast.”
Gojo turned to leave but Megumi grabbed his shoulder.
“Oi! What the hell?! There was no construction was there you prick?!”
“Nonsense! They must’ve finished yesterday.”
Megumi narrowed a menacing glare at the teacher. “That damn doll was the one making all the noise, wasn’t it?”
“Um… no…”
“And you were about to plant it for a second day!”
“Of course, not! I’m just carrying it around…”
“You’re such a shit liar!”
“Careful Megumi, might wanna keep your voice down lest wake up Yuuji.”
“What do I care if he wakes up now?”
“He’ll find you missing and the bed empty and be sad.” Gojo grinned defiantly then took off in a sprint, cackling like a mad man down the hall.
Bastard pranked him! Megumi screamed as he took off after the man. “I’M GONNA KILL YOU!”
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crystalrose555 · 3 years
Don’t make me slap you pt 31
“We’re under attack! Help, send out the royal guard!” No. 2 screamed as he burst into the garden where Diavolo and Barbatos resided with afternoon tea.
However, before he could manage to explain, Little D No. 2 was gripped tightly by an out-of-breath Mammon. As his brothers made their appearance in a gruff and hurried fashion, he squished down the little demon.
“Shut up before people start thinkin’ we’re tryin’ to take over the place!” He growled.
“Once usurpers, always usurpers, Pa-”
Little D No. 2 didn’t even have a chance to finish his taunt as Mammon threw him as hard as he could into the distance. Everyone stared at him as he heaved for breath and dusted off his hands.
“What!? The little jerk can fly and we have more important stuff, remember!?”
“For once, Mammon’s right. Lord Diavolo, do you care to explain?”
Diavolo smiled while placing his cup down on the saucer.
“Explain what, may I ask?”
Levi pushed his way to the front of his brothers as he pulled out his phone and showed its content with a fierce blush on his face.
“Don’t cast Confusion, what is with this!?”
“Ah yes, that is the Devilgram post that Marley sent to tell you all that she was alright.” He answered.
“Yeah, but what’s with that picture!?”
“Oh, Marley believed a picture would be best to announce her recovery since you weren’t answering your D.D.D.s.”
“Then why did she take it while sitting on your lap like that!?” Levi screamed while pointing at the familiar red cloth in the background of Marley who posed provocatively with a seductive cheekiness.
Diavolo scratched his face with his finger and looked away with a small chuckle.
“Ah yes, she claimed it would be a better angle and insisted on taking it that way, something about an interesting background and composition.”
“Aww, she remembered my posting lessons~”
“Asmo, you're the reason behind such a lewd picture!?”
“Yeah, I taught her some secrets of breaking into the top posts on Devilgram but I never dreamed that she would get the top rank ahead of yours truly. That cheeky little minx used Lord Diavolo’s account to promote her selfie. I’m mostly upset because I never thought about taking a picture on Lord Diavolo’s lap. Actually, Lord Diavolo, can I-”
Asmo, however, didn’t get to finish his request as the piercing gaze of his elder brothers burned holes in the back of his head. Surprisingly, the most intense stares were coming from Lucifer whose face had run cold with his full disdain for the overall situation. Diavolo, on the other hand, looked on in confusion.
“I thought you all would be happy to learn that Marley’s alive and well.”
“We were until we saw what was happening in Devilgram. The entire app has crashed three times from the sudden flux of viewers and comments on your account. Not to mention the entire rumor mill from RAD has blown up in multitudes and hasn’t decreased since the picture was posted.” Satan answered.
“The mere thought about the amount of work ahead is giving me a headache that could rival the pain of the fall.” Lucifer coldly added.
Diavolo’s eyes widened at the sudden comment.
“Wait, you still wish to follow me, Lucifer? After everything?”
Lucifer sighed heavily.
“Of course, you saved Lilith and I swore my loyalty to you for it. My oath remains just as it did before, though the burden has shifted in a way that I’ve never planned for.”
Diavolo blinked and turned his attention to the other brothers who showed a range of feelings upon their faces.
“I mean, yeah, y’all lied to all of us but all that don’t matter since Lilith got the chance to live how she wanted.” Mammon added.
“...With the human she loved. And we couldn’t be by her side but her happiness is all that counts at this point.”
“Not to mention their love brought us Mochi in the end and I’ll never regret that~” 
“Y-Yeah, it’s a little cliche but I got a best friend from all of this. A Henry that doesn’t think I’m a worthless otaku and who cares about what I care about.”
“Not to mention she made hangin’ out with y’all more tolerable.”
“You’re only saying that because she had all that gold, you money-grubber.”
“Oi, at least I wasn’t squishin’ her face whenever I saw here, ya blond little geek.”
The brothers’ unity turned to discord as they argue amongst themselves, accusing and ratting out one another’s secrets. Lucifer just held his temples as he felt a dull pain radiating throughout his head. Seeing this, Diavolo’s shoulders slumped as the tension left them upon seeing the brothers whom he took into his kingdom were now freely losing face in front of him. They were still supportive of him despite his hand in the secrets they suffered. However, he couldn’t fully relax as his eyes laid upon the reclusive twins who remained in the background.
“And you two? You both should have the most to say about all of this after everything.” Diavolo asked, directing the conversation.
Beel stood firm while Belphie avoided the prince’s gaze, clinging to his brother’s sleeve. Feeling the tightening grasp, Beel placed his large hand over his twin’s pale one.
“Marley would always snack with me and when she was with me, it didn’t feel like I was alone as much. And I will always be grateful to her for bringing Belphie back to us and letting us know the truth about our sister. Right, Belphie?”
Everyone’s gaze slowly shifted to Belphie who shrunk behind Beel further. Diavolo remained silent before asking the brothers to join him at his table as he did before, with a smile across his face.
“...As long as she’s alright, I don’t care...”
A drawn-out groan came out of some brothers while the other half held their faces. Beel, however, just placed his hand firmly on Belphie’s head while stuffing his face with cake.
“What Belphie meant to say was he wanted to thank her and apologize properly.”
“Yeah, we older brothers have to make sure the baby apologizes when he messes up.” Mammon teased as he pulled on Belphie’s cheek.
“Knock it off, Mammon or-”
“Or what? You gonna push me down the stairs and set me on fire too?”
Nearly all of his brothers gave Mammon a look of disgust and disapproval.
“Oi, I was the one who had to keep everyone’s head above water, so I get a pass!”
“Alright then, when Marley forgives Belphie we can string Mammon up and hit him until he returns all the things he owes us since we’re in a gracious mood for his steady support.” Lucifer coldly suggested.
“How is that thankin’ me!? Where’s Marley anyway, she’ll back me up on this!” Mammon demanded.
“Yes, she’s the reason we all came here, Lord Diavolo. So where is she?”
Diavolo paced his fork down next to his cake.
“Oh, she’s already back home. I sent her back after she took the pictures upon her request.”
Nearly all of the brothers frowned upon hearing the news except for Lucifer and Levi who froze in mid-drink and bite respectively.
“Aww, she went back after all of this, that’s a shame. I wanted to go shopping with her.” Asmo paused.
“And I wanted to talk about the books she left me.” 
“Yes, Lucifer?”
“You said pictures just now...” He strained out as his teacup trembled slightly in his grasp.
Diavolo blinked obliviously as he nodded with a smile while Levi roughly dropped his fork to the plate with a clang.
“Meaning more than one?”
“Yes, she took multiple pictures to use with my D.D.D.”
Satan, Mammon, and Asmo joined their brothers in astonished horror while Belphie and Beel remained as if nothing was wrong. Barbatos continued to serve with a smile on his face.
“So, the pictures, Lord Diavolo, are they still on your D.D.D.?”
“Oh no, Marley placed them in a thing called a queue.” He answered with a wonderful smile.
“...the queue for Devilgram?” 
“Yes, she then programmed it to release a post every so often so her message wouldn’t get buried.”
The only sound that was heard at the tea-table was Lucifer shattering his teacup in his hand while Levi ripped the table cloth with his own iron grip. The second, fourth, and fifth brother bit their laughing tongues to avoid becoming victim to the impending wave of rage.
“Lucifer, you shattered your teacup.”
“My apologies, my nerves are just reaching their limit. Sir, please hand your D.D.D. over to Leviathan, will you?”
With a disappointed pout, Diavolo followed Lucifer’s request as Levi snatched the device away and frantically tried to purge the possible scandalous pictures of his precious Henry.
“And do you dare save any of those pictures, Leviathan.” Lucifer coldly threatened.
“Yeah unless you’re going to share them with the rest of us~”
*Shut the fuck up! In Japanese
Marley sighed happily as her weary bones were soaked in her own tub. Taking deep breaths, she took in the residue of sea air from her open bathroom window. However, she suddenly felt her skin itching as if someone was poking her with a dull pencil, causing her to leave the bathroom with a sigh. Wrapping herself in her bathrobe, Marley made her way to the ground level of her home where the younglings continued to poke at her resting pelt. 
“Can you all knock it off, I’m trying to relax!”
“Sorry, but it’s so weird. What happened to your pelt?”  
“If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”
“True but you’ve never been gone that long before.”
“And your pelt is all fancy now. Did you trade in your old one? I wanna new skin.”
Marley chuckled as she took her pelt in hand and sat on the couch while inviting her young interrogators to join her. She then leaned back and closed her eyes.
“So where’s Nixie?”
“They went to get takeout and don’t change the subject. You left for a long time, you didn’t bring any treasure back and your pelt is completely different, so you better start talking, Marley.”
Marley sighed again as she stroke her black and white fur. She opened her eyes only to be greeted by curious eyes.
“Fine, geez, you guys are worse than seagulls. But, I’ll tell you the story when Nixie gets back with the food. For now, I’ll just give you the title.”
“And that is?”
Marley smirked happily.
“Mochi in the realm of Geeks.”
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ya-girl-mc · 4 years
Lips on Lips
Character: Kageyama Tobio × Fem Reader
Concept: Kageyama being the awkward babie that he is, has no idea how to kiss. Luckily, his girl's there to help him out (wholesome fluff!!)
A/N: So hiii,,, I finally took the plunge and decided to post my first fic here. Idk if anyone will actually read or like it, but I rly enjoyed writing this one 😅 so hope u will too
☆☆A mostly self-indulgent Haikyuu!! Fanfiction☆☆
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The ringing of the school bell signifying the end of final period had always been a highlight for the students of Karasuno High. Excited chatters filled the hallways as students pooled out of their classrooms, eager to pursue after-school activities with some making a beeline towards the exits.
As soon as the bell rang, Kageyama would usually head straight to the gym for volleyball practice, racing occasionally with Hinata as the 'quick-attack' duo turned every mundane activity into an opportunity to best the other. However, with club activities cancelled for the day, Kageyama had but one destination.
Completely oblivious to the wistful stares he got from some of the female students, his attention was fixated on only one of them as she made her way out of the classroom, her expression brightening as soon as she set her eyes on him.
His girlfriend.
Him and Y/N had known each other since middle school. What had formerly been the latter's unrequited love had now blossomed into a romantic relationship, with Kageyama eventually finding himself enamored by her as they reached high school. A couple of weeks have passed since then and everything was going great, if he could say so himself. Despite his intimidating demeanor, Kageyama did his utmost best to keep her happy, however, given his track record of social interactions, he was initially convinced that he would jeopardize their relationship. But, with Y/N’s assurance to accept him for who he is, his worries eventually dissipated.
Kageyama allowed himself the most subtle of smiles as she made her way to where he stood, looking up at him with bright eyes that he had come to adore. Completely unaware of the stares the other students threw their way, the couple continued to gaze at each other. "Tobio! No practice today?" She asked as she smiled at him.
"No, the gym's being cleaned. So, I was wondering..." He trailed off, fidgeting ever so slightly. "Do you want to go and hang out somewhere?"
At that exact moment, Hinata joined the forming group of interlopers as he witnessed his intimidating partner and sworn rival interact fondly with his significant other. Pretty soon, Tanaka and Nishinoya came across the crowd, easily spotting their tangerine-haired teammate. "What's up, Shoyo?" Nishinoya inquired.
Nodding in acknowledgement at his senpais, Hinata gestured to the couple. "It seems like Kageyama's asking her out on a date."
Tanaka let out an exasperated sigh. "It's still amazing that THAT guy managed to get a girlfriend before we did."
Sympathizing with his teammate, Nishinoya placed his hand atop Tanaka's shoulder. "And it seems like it just made his popularity shoot up. How unfair the world we live in is."
Shifting their attention back to the couple, Y/N happily responded to Kageyama's invitation. "Sure! How about at my house? My parents are out working so we'd have the house to ourselves the entire afternoon."
At her rather bold suggestion, jaws dropped in disbelief and with Kageyama completely unaware of its implications, nonchalantly accepted her invitation. "Sounds great."
Gleefully responding to his concurrence, Y/N excused herself and headed to the restroom, paying no attention to the incredulous stares that followed her. As soon as she was out of earshot, Hinata and Nishinoya scrambled towards him.
"KAGEYAMAAA!" Yelling in chorus, the duo tackled him as Tanaka proceeded to disperse the crowd.
Kageyama steadied his footing at the sudden attack, shooting his teammates an irked expression. "What was that for?"
Tanaka soon joined the trio and placed his arm around Kageyama's shoulder. "I can't believe it. Our Kageyama's finally entering the ultimate stage of manhood."
Puzzled by the sentiment, Kageyama jumped in surprise as Nishinoya slapped his lower back, his expression donning that of a proud father. "While we still can't stomach the idea of you getting there first, we salute you, comrade."
"What are you all getting so worked up about?"
Hinata gave his partner a knowing look. "You're about to hang out in a very private place with someone you're in a relationship with, it's basically a perfect situation to do THAT."
It suddenly dawned on Kageyama, his eyes widening as he began to panic, the trio watching him in disbelief. "Seriously, Baka-yama?!" Hinata exclaimed. "We both may be volleyball idiots but I can't believe that I know about more stuff in that area than you."
"Dumbass, don't compare me with the likes of you!" He growled as he harshly pinched Hinata's cheeks. In a state of uncharacteristic panic, Kageyama began pacing back and forth. "W-what should I do? It's not my intention to do THAT, it's way too early!"
"Let this senpai give you some wisdom." Nishinoya slapped Kageyama's shoulder, stilling his movements. "Listen, nothing good will come out of overthinking matters. You both just started dating after all, just trust your gut and let things flow naturally."
"Nishinoya-san..." Kageyama trailed off in thought as he digested the advice his senpai gave him.
"Noya-san SO COOL!" Hinata and Tanaka fawned over him in admiration.
At that moment, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi passed by the group. Without ceasing his stride, Tsukishima let out a lengthy sigh. "Nishinoya-san, you say that but got no experience to back it up."
Something snapped in Nishinoya as the cold, hard, and undeniable truth was given to him straight. "Ha? The hell did you say? Tsukishima, you bastard!" Nishinoya attempted to lunge at him, however, the trio scrambled to hold the seething libero back. Yamaguchi waved sheepishly at his teammates as Tsukishima held up a peace sign with his fingers which only seemed to rile up Nishinoya more.
Just then, Y/N emerged from the restroom and took in the shenanigans unfolding before her, amused yet relieved at the thought of Kageyama finally finding people he could feel comfortable with. It was a stark difference from how he was back in middle school as his peers isolated the so-called "King". Despite his reputation, Y/N saw through Kageyama and witnessed a sensitive yet unwavering person beneath. It was what drew her to him in the first place.
Shaking her head at how sentimental she had gotten, she approached the group and cleared her throat to catch their attention. She had become accustomed to the rowdiness of the volleyball team, especially with the uproar they caused when Kageyama formally introduced her to them. "Hi Hinata, Nishinoya-senpai, and Tanaka-senpai. Mind if I steal Tobio away?"
"Y/N-chan!" Hinata greeted cheerfully, letting go of Nishinoya's arm to push Kageyama towards her. "Sure, he's all yours."
He stumbled a bit as Y/N held his arm to steady him, giggling at the dagger-like glare he shot his partner. "Since when were you on a first name basis with her, dumbass?"
"Well then, we're off!" She chimed and pulled Kageyama away before he made any attempt to lunge at Hinata, waving gleefully at his teammates. "See you around!"
Bowing slightly at his senpais and shooting one last threatening glare at Hinata, Kageyama let Y/N lead him to the exits. Looking back once more, his expression turned to that of disdain at the enthusiastic thumbs-up his teammates gave him.
Once the couple was out of earshot, Nishinoya let out a whistle. "Damn, she's got Kageyama wrapped around her finger, huh? He better treasure her 'cause a girl like that's a keeper."
Nodding in agreement, the three of them fondly watched the retreating couple, silently cheering their setter on for what's to come.
"Pardon the intrusion!" Kageyama rigidly yelled to no one in particular as Y/N ushered him into her empty home. Settling himself down on the living room sofa while she headed to the kitchen, Kageyama tightly clasped his hands on his lap, not daring to move a single muscle.
To say that he was nervous was an understatement. He never felt this much nervousness before, not even during official matches as it only exhilarated him. But then, having devoted most of his life to volleyball, the dynamics of dating was somewhat uncharted territory for him.
Calm down, calm down. You're both alone in her home, with nothing to disturb you. It's just like what that idiot said, it's the ideal set-up for THAT. Is Y/N even aware? She invited me here so does that mean she wants to do...THAT?! Since when has she been that straight forward? And is she expecting me to initiate something?
Wait, don't get too ahead, that may not be her intention and maybe it's just that Tanaka-san, Nishinoya-san, and Hinata's minds are in the gutter and I'm letting them get to me. But what if she really wants to go THERE? Shit...I don't know what to do! Maybe I should look it up and do some research while she's-
"Tobio," Y/N’s sudden voice roused him from his spiraling thoughts as he flinched in surprise, nearly toppling the contents of the tray in her hands. "Hey! Geez, why are you so jumpy?" Setting down the tray of snacks on the table, she sat down next to him, and - to Kageyama's relief - allotted a reasonable distance between them as he definitely didn't want her finding out that he was on the verge of losing it.
But then again, this was his girlfriend. With a seemingly uncanny ability to see through his stoic persona, she just simply knew how to read and handle him. "So you're nervous, huh?"
Kageyama's eyes widened as he felt himself starting to sweat. "N-no, I'm not," he stuttered, practically giving himself away.
Letting out a nervous chuckle herself, Y/N placed her hands atop her lap, her posture stiffening. "Uh...well to be honest, I invited you here not with the purest of intentions."
Kageyama felt himself freeze, his face burning at her revelation. He kept his gaze trained on hers as he mustered up the courage to say something, anything.
Shit, so she definitely wants to do THAT.
As Kageyama kept staring at her dubiously, Y/N eventually caught on to what has rendered him speechless. Reevaluating her words, it was her turn to become flustered as she realized that they were barreling towards a huge misunderstanding. "N-no! Not THAT impure! Geez, it's way too soon for that! Ugh, how do I say this..."
Kageyama couldn't help but audibly sigh in relief, feeling like a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders. But if it's not about that, what's got her so bothered?
Keen on finding out the answer, he looked at her expectantly, watching as she fiddled with the hem of her skirt. Glancing momentarily at Kageyama, her cheeks burned as she forced herself to elaborate on her woes. "Well, it's just that we've been dating for a few weeks now and all we've done is hold hands."
As she fidgeted uncomfortably, Kageyama was intrigued as he prompted her to continue. "What do you mean?"
Okay Y/N, so far so good. This has been bothering you for some time now, just say it!
Tightening her grip on the hem of her skirt, she couldn't bring herself to look at Kageyama as she turned away, hiding her flustered expression from view. "I mean we haven't...k-kissed yet. So I was kind of overthinking lately that maybe...you didn't want to do that with me...?"
There! I finally said it, all that practice in front of the mirror seemed to pay off! But why isn't he saying anything?
As silence engulfed the room, Y/N subtly peered at Kageyama, taken aback at the aghast expression on his face. "Idiot! Why would you think that?"
Sighing in defeat, Kageyama eventually felt his cheeks heating up once more as he turned away, hiding his face in his hands. He couldn't help but feel guilty since his girlfriend was compelled to harbor those thoughts...well...because of him. After pausing momentarily, it was his turn to shy away. "S-sorry. It's not you, I promise. I've never been in a relationship before so I have no idea how to...k-kiss. And, I was afraid that if I try to do it and I do it wrong...you might not like me anymore."
There! You finally said it, Tobio - albeit quite lamely.
At his unexpected confession, it was Y/N's turn to gape at him as she processed his words.
The hell? What the hell was that cuteness?!
Kageyama usually carried himself with confidence and a subtle tinge of superiority. Seeing this whole new side of him was pretty bad for her heart, as her pride also swelled at the thought that she was one of the few people able to witness this endearing side of him. "Awww, Tobio!" Y/N swooned, scooching closer as she gave him a sideways-hug. Kageyama jumped at the sudden contact as he looked down at his girlfriend, his cheeks seeming to grow even warmer. "That awkwardness of yours is what makes you so adorable!"
"A-adorable?!" He reiterated aghastly.
She put a little distance between them once more which allowed her eyes to met his. "Yeah, I said what I said. So what if you don't know how to kiss? That won't change my feelings for you. I told you, right? That I'll always like you."
It was still pretty amazing how much her words affected him as he felt his insecurities gradually crumble away. Unable to find the right words, Kageyama wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close instead, hoping that that simple gesture was more than enough to convey his feelings.
After a few moments of tranquil silence, Y/N pulled back from the hug and faced him, her cheeks donning a bright shade of pink. "Say, Tobio…w-would you like to try to kiss?"
Gulping audibly, Kageyama shifted to mirror her sitting position. "O-okay." Completely at a loss at what to do, he shut his eyes tightly. With lips subtly pursed, he awaited for the much-anticipated contact, but instead, Y/N's giggling caused his eyes to fly open. "Why are you laughing?!"
"You're too adorable! Geez what am I going to do with you?" She tried to say through her laughter, stopping as soon as she noticed the irked expression he threw her.
Now that's just unfair. He's even cuter!
Clearing her throat, Y/N decided to take matters into her own hands. She scooted closer to him and recounting on all the "research" she's done, she clasped both of his hands in hers. "Where do you want to touch me?" Letting out a shaky breath, she guided his hands towards her face. "Here?" Following suit, Kageyama then found his hands on either side of her waist in one smooth motion. "Or here?"
His hands were shaking pretty badly due to nervousness, and while he was sure she could notice, she didn't pay it any attention. "T-the face," he managed to reply, gently cradling her face in his hands as the space in-between them decreased.
His hands were huge and warm against her cheeks as she leaned into its warmth. Fixating her eyes on his, Y/N proceeded to instruct him. "Now, let's try moving our faces closer until our lips touch. And close your eyes, idiot!"
Both of their hearts were going haywire as the distance between them decreased. Y/N’s eyes have fluttered close and Kageyama followed suit, steeling himself as he awaited for contact. With their lips mere centimeters away, Kageyama felt his nose bump against hers and he drew back in a panic, blushing furiously as he did. "I-I'm sorry, I messed up!"
Ugh, I swear to God this cuteness of his will definitely be the death of me someday!
Refraining herself from giggling at his embarrassed state, Y/N took his hands and placed them once more on either side of her face. "Let's try again, and uh, let's move our heads in the opposite direction. I'll go left, you go right."
Unable to speak as the nerves began building up once more, he simply nodded, the atmosphere suddenly shifting as they locked gazes. Little by little, their faces drew closer and closer, and Kageyama took the opportunity to admire her features amid their current proximity. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her cheeks faintly tinted, and her lips parted slightly as they anticipated his. At that moment, he found her utterly captivating and his eyes fluttered close. With all the courage he could muster, he finally pressed his lips on hers.
The contact was subtle, featherlight, and only lasted a second, but it was more than enough to send their hearts into overdrive. He slowly drew back and found her staring at him with wide eyes, her breathing hitching as she finally came into terms with reality.
H-he actually did it...we kissed. We finally kissed. All those shoujo manga describing the thrill of the first kiss - it comes nothing close to actually experiencing it for yourself.
Mirroring her flustered state, Kageyama slightly increased the distance between them, his eyes darting away from hers. "H-how was that?"
Dropping his hands from her face, Y/N's fingers lightly grazed the spot where his lips met hers, recounting on the enthralling sensation. "My heart feels like it's about to explode."
"Same here," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, still quite embarrassed.
"Uhm, can we do it a bit harder?" She requested in a voice so soft he almost didn't catch it. But he did hear, and his heart began racing uncontrollably as a result. Y/N sensed what she assumed was his apprehension and chuckled awkwardly, berating herself for being a bit too wanton. "Is that a weird thing to ask?"
"It's not." Kageyama's reply was a bit too immediate in an attempt to reassure her, but he once more found himself spiraling internally.
Letting out a sigh of relief and with every ounce of confidence she could muster, Y/N wrapped her arms around Kageyama's neck and pulled him towards her, their faces in such close proximity. Too surprised to respond, he simply stared back at her, his hands naturally finding their way around her waist. Her breath tickled his lips, whispering ever so slightly against them. "Follow my lead."
Their lips met once again, but it was different from the one they shared earlier. With an increase in pressure, he could feel just how soft her lips were, and pretty soon, he felt them moving against his. His heart literally close to bursting, he recalled the advice Nishinoya shared with him.
Trust my gut, huh?
Finally letting go of all of his inhibitions, he allowed his lips to move against hers naturally, his eyes fluttering shut as he reveled in the sensations. It was unbelievably sweet yet exhilarating at the same time, both of them losing themselves into the kiss. Neither wanted the moment to end but Y/N was the first to pull away as she panted slightly. Eyes fluttering open, they both smiled sheepishly, their foreheads pressing against each other. "So, how was it?"
"Better, I liked the second one better," Kageyama stated, no longer feeling as much embarrassed as he did earlier. "Where did you learn to do that?"
At his inquiry, Y/N drew back slightly and dropped her gaze, fidgeting once more. "Uh...research?" Her vague answer seemed a bit suspicious, and with Kageyama shooting her an inquisitive look, she groaned and buried her face in a pillow. "Fine! I read a lot of shoujo manga, okay? You happy?!"
"Pfftt," Kageyama couldn't help but sputter out and pretty soon, he was laughing uncontrollably as he clutched his stomach.
Too annoyed by his mirth to swoon over how adorable Kageyama was when he laughed like this, she grabbed the pillow and began hitting him. "So what of it?! The kiss turned out fine didn't it? Stupid Tobio! Idiot! Idiot!" All of a sudden, Kageyama stilled her movements as he leaned over and pecked her lips, both of them blushing profusely at the sudden gesture.
"Hey Y/N, I'd like it if maybe we practice some more?"
"You sneaky little..." Still slightly reeling from his surprise attack, Y/N looked away in embarrassment. "I'd have no problems with that...I guess."
And with that, the rest of their afternoon was filled with banter, laughs, and with a few stolen kisses here and there.
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clans part 27! @scentedcandlecryptid @selfindulgenz
Michelangelo was thoughtful. He had to figure out a way to talk to that girl without that floaty, invisible guy getting in the way. Michelangelo couldn’t see him now, but that didn't mean he wasn’t lurking nearby! The yokai could even be right in front of him, inches from his face! Michelangelo reached out into the air around him.
“What are you doing, you idiot?” Draxum growled.
“Feeling for the invisible man.” Michelangelo said simply.
“And… why would Gyoji be staring you down?”
“I don’t know his life.” Michelangelo said.
“Well, I’m sure he doesn’t spend it hanging out in teenagers’ airspace” Draxum rolled his eyes and sighed. “This is just a waste of time talking to that girl! Are you sure it’s not just, teenaged hormones or whatever?”
“Ew.” Was all Michelangelo said on that subject. “And excuse me, but whose mission is this?”
Draxum put his hands on his hips. “Excuse me, but who’s the one who asked for my help? I have far better things to be doing with my time.”
“Like what? Mutating more turtles? Kidnapping more action stars?” Michelangelo grinned.
Draxum stared at him for the longest time. “What’s the plan?”
“Uh… lemme think!” Michelangelo spent the next few minutes simply staring at the girl as she danced across the air on her hover chair, occasionally spilling off more confetti or flashing lights in a slow, steady pace. Michelangelo had to have been there for an hour already, and still she was just up there by herself… “Hey Draxum?”
“Yes, orange menace?”
“You’ve been to this party before, right?”
“They have free food and placiated party-goers, of course I’ve been here.”
“.....why did it matter that they were placiated?”
“Just ask your next question!” Draxum said quickly, brushing over his previous statement.
“Okay, okay, geeze! No need to be so rude!” Michelangelo then spoke almost sadly, his voice impossibly soft. “Have you ever seen Renet dancing with anyone…?”
Draxum hummed, lifting his head slightly higher as he took the time to consider Michelangelo’s words thoroughly. “No, I cannot say that I have. I… don’t even think I’ve ever seen her on the ground.”
Michelangelo gasped loudly and jumped onto Draxum, yanking him by the collar of his kimono so their noses pressed together. “You need to get me a megaphone!”
“A megaphone?” Draxum growled, swatting Michelangelo off of him. “Get out of my face! Do you think I just have one on hand at all times?”
Michelangelo raised an eyeridge.
Draxum narrowed his eyes and then summoned one of his portals, pulling a microphone from it and giving it to Michelangelo. Michelangelo winked, thanked him, and climbed on top of Draxum’s shoulders to get a better advantage. Draxum spat profanities at him, but Michelangelo didn't care enough to listen.
“Hey! Your name’s Renet, right?”
The Yokai stopped and looked back at Michelangelo with curious, dark eyes glinting.
“Sorry to keep bothering you, I’m not a creep I swear!”
“That’s exactly what a creep would say.” Draxum grumbled.
“I just wanted to know if you would want to dance with me during the next song?” Michelangelo smiled and hoped that she could see it from so far away. By now, quite a few eyes were turned to them, wondering what all the noise was about, but Michelangelo didn't care.
Finally, the woman addressed him. “It’s not a slow song.” Her voice was loud and almost angelic in nature, though joined with a particular, child-like charm.
“That’s okay!” Michelangelo reassured, “It doesn’t have to be! We can dance to whatever!”Michelangelo’s mind tried to force second thoughts front and center, telling him that he still had time to chicken out and find a better approach, but another part of him snubbed the thoughts out before they could fully form.
“Uh… actually…”
When Renet started to drift toward the ground, Michelangelo’s heart gave a flutter. The crowd quickly parted at the sight of her looking for a place to make a landing, though the music still bumped and some of the dancers that were further away hadn’t even noticed the disturbance. Her chair hovered as close to the ground as her hovers allowed and Michelangelo waited eagerly for her to stand, but she didn't. Instead she pressed buttons on the underside of her hand rest. The first thing deployed were two large wheels in back and two small ones in front that touched down on the ground and allowed her to press another button that retracted the inactive hover. The last button lowered the back rest so it settled in the small of her back and not against her shoulders.
Once the chair had stopped its shift, Renet motioned to it and then looked up at Michelangelo with an almost sad look in her eyes despite the fact that she was still giving that soft smile. Michelangelo stared at her trying to figure out the sadness before he climbed to the floor and said,
“That’s okay! We can still dance if you want to…?” Michelangelo held his hand out to her.
She looked at Michelangelo’s hands, and then up to meet his eyes and read his intentions. Michelangelo stayed genuine and still waiting for Renet’s decision. The song ended and the next one began, and Renet had to make her choice. She reached out and accepted Michelangelo’s hand.
Michelangelo beamed and pulled her toward him, her wheels making her glide perfectly into the dance that took form in his head. The first minute of the song was an awkward saunter, mostly Michelangelo pulling Rennet along in her chair while the two of them bumped and collided. Michelangelo gave a yelp as the wheel ran over his foot, but then recovered by twisting her into what was meant to be a dip, but became awkward and clumsy with the addition of the wheels. Not to be discouraged, Michelangelo pulled her back upright and into a spin.
Michelangelo used the existing momentum to guide Renet back to his front and attempt the dip once more. This time he was ready when the chair tried to get in the way, and though the move was still average at best, it worked. Then he pushed Renet back outward, grabbing her hand in his hand and lifting it above her head as he drifted around her on light feet. Once the circle was complete, he practically dove forward, wrapping his free arm around Renet’s waist to support her while they worked their way into a saunter.
In that moment, as dance went on and music boomed all around him, Michelangelo couldn’t remember ever feeling so happy and free. He found himself wishing the party never had to end, and then he remembered that it didn't.
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gaarasgirlfriend · 4 years
rainy days and wet shirts - naruto x reader (modern au)
in which you and naruto go back to his house after being drenched in the rain
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“hurry up y/n-chan! we gotta get to the arcade, kiba told me they got a new game!” your boyfriend of 6 months, naruto, urged you as you were packing up your school supplies and papers. the last class of the day had finally ended and you and naruto were planning on spending this friday together at the arcade. you weren’t that good at the games, but you liked to see naruto stick his tongue out from the corner of his mouth in concentration whenever he was gaming, it was adorable. also he often did this cute happy dance whenever he won a game that was especially hard. honestly, you just tagged along for moral support, and also because you wanted to be with your boyfriend.
“okay, okay! i’m ready to go!” you said as you slipped on your backpack and grabbed your thin jacket in one of your arms as naruto grabbed the other, leading you out of the classroom door. his hand was much bigger than yours, a bit rough due to all of the sports he did. his favorite sport was soccer, he loved playing it with his best friend sasuke uchiha. you made sure to come to all of their games, cheering naruto on. whenever he won the game he would break away from his team and run to you with a big grin on his face, picking you up and twirling you around while he kissed you.
“i won because you were here~” he would always say playfully before pecking you on the cheek, watching you smile as you rolled your pretty e/c eyes. 
“what’s this new game?” you asked while looking up at the blonde boy.
“it’s called ‘darkness’, kiba said that it was super good though! i can’t wait to play it! i bet i’ll get high score!” he looked down at you, a playful grin on his lips.
“i know you will! all you do is play videogames after all~” you chuckled as you saw naruto’s pout.
“y/n-channn! don’t make fun of me! i’m your boyfriend!” he said, puffing his chest out a bit.
“huh? when did you ever become my boyfriend? naruto, are you okay?”
“you’re too cruel y/n-chan, too cruel.” he shook his head while you laughed at his antics.
you guys finally made it outside and walked outside the school gates, taking a left towards the arcade. it wasn’t a long walk, maybe about fifteen minutes away from naruto’s house? you guys often went over to the arcade to hang out, sometimes meeting up with sasuke and sakura. sakura wasn’t too much into gaming either, so you two just talked and ate pizza while sasuke and naruto played the arcade games.
“naruto?” you called out to your boyfriend while looking up at the sky.
“yes?” he replied, looking at you.
“did you check the weather app today? it looks like it’s going to rain and we don’t have umbrellas.”
his cerulean eyes glanced up towards the grey sky to see you were correct, the sky was a dark grey and it looked like there was going to be some heavy rain. he groaned, “maybe if we walk faster we could still make it!”
his long legs picked up the pace, yours following his steps as you both speed walked to the arcade that naruto so desperately wanted to go to. 
unfortunately, mother nature had other plans and decided to greet you a light drizzle of water, wetting your hair and clothes.
“eek! naruto, it’s raining!” you said, as you put your jacket above your head.
that poor cotton jacket had no chance against the rain that was coming down harder with every step you and naruto took towards your destination. your clothes were drenched at this point, clinging onto your cold body. your white shirt was no doubt see-through, and your skirt was clinging onto your thighs. you glanced over at naruto to see his white uniform shirt becoming more and more transparent, exposing the tan skin hiding underneath the shirt. his hair was wet as well, with some bits clinging onto his forehead. you watched as a dribble of rainwater fell onto his soft cheek, making its way down his neck to seek haven underneath his shirt.
“y/n-chan, looks like we’re going to have to put a pause on our arcade date! my house is right there, we can stay there until the rain stops!” naruto said while tugging your hand, jogging towards the direction of his house.
he pulled out his house key and aligned it with the door knob, opening the door while his teeth were chattering. you weren’t fairing any better, you were freezing cold and wet from the rain. you both stepped inside the house, taking off your shoes and leaving them beside the door. you decided to leave your socks in your shoes; the feeling of walking in wet socks was one you did not want to experience any time soon.
“i’m sorry y/n-chan! i should’ve checked the weather before school but i guess i was too excited!” naruto said while offering a sheepish grin, hand scratching the back of his neck.
you gave a smile, “it’s okay naruto! as long as i’m spending time with you, i don’t really mind!”
oh boy did that make naruto’s heart flutter. the effect you had on this boy was unreal really. any small compliment made him short circuit, his face would get hot as well. he couldn’t help it! you were just so pretty and sweet! everyday naruto felt like he won the lottery whenever he saw your pretty face. his heart would skip a beat whenever you smiled that gorgeous smile at him. sasuke would always snort at naruto whenever the blonde boy was watching you with a love struck expression.
“oi, naruto! heh, you sure are whipped, aren’t you?”
he really was. which is why the minute he made eye contact with your see-through shirt his face exploded in a blush. your thin white shirt did little to hide the bra underneath. naruto felt his throat go dry as he gulped, was that lace? oh god, this was too much for him to handle! you two have gotten frisky before, but never have you two actually done the deed. it was just an unspoken conversation that naruto suddenly decided he wanted to have.
his eyes trailed down to see the skirt cling to your thighs, accentuating your figure. there were still droplets of water on the smooth skin of your thighs, falling down your legs until they met the floor of his house. goodness, the rain was really doing wonders today. he was suddenly thankful he didn’t get to go to the arcade.
he cleared his throat, “u-um, are you cold?”
you nodded, wrapping your arms around yourself as you shivered. naruto frowned at this.
“here, i’ll give you some of my clothes to wear, okay? we can cuddle and watch a move afterwards or something, sound good?” he smiled at you.
you only nodded, following him as he walked to his room. his room was slightly messy, with a few shirts and magazines decorating the floor. but overall it wasn’t that bad. naruto opened his closet and picked out an old graphic t-shirt of some old band he used to listen to and a pair of basketball shorts that would fit you.
“hopefully this fits you, you can go change in the bathroom. i’ll be waiting for you on the couch!” he handed the small pile of clothing to the girl, going back to the closet to pick out some clothes for himself. 
as you were walking toward the bathroom you couldn’t help but smell naruto’s clothes; it smelled of his usual laundry detergent. opening the door to the bathroom, you stepped inside, careful to stand on the mat so you didn’t wet the floor of the bathroom much. laying the clothes down on the counter of the bathroom sink, you peeled your wet clothes from your body. left in only your undergarments, you decided to take your bra off as well, the white shirt you were wearing did little to nothing at protecting your bra so it was soaked as well. 
keeping your mostly dry underwear on, you pulled on the basketball shorts that naruto sometimes donned during practice. they were a bit big on you, but luckily they didn’t fall from your waist. you then put on the shirt that fell to your mid-thigh. looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt a bit nervous. his clothes were a bit big on you; you looked so dumb.
but after deciding that these clothes were better than the wet uniform you were in, you put your clothes in the hamper. walking outside of the bathroom, you made your way to the living room.
“hey y/n-chan i got us some snacks-” naruto started to say as he heard your footsteps coming towards him. he was cut off when his eyes made contact with you. naruto felt his breath hitch in his throat as you took you in, you who was all clad in his clothing. his clothes were a bit big on you, which only made you look ten times more adorable. he could feel his face get hotter by the second and his heart beating faster against his ribcage as he saw that you were lacking a bra; you were still cold from the rain it seemed.
‘t-they’re touching m-my shirt-’ was the only thought going through his mind as he gazed at you shamelessly. he didn’t realize how good you would look in his clothes.
your hair was still wet and you seemed to have a small blush on your face. you looked too damn cute for him to handle. oh god, naruto did not think he would be able to contain himself for the rest of the night.
“i um- your clothes are kinda big on me, huh? i look pretty dumb hehe…” you said, looking away to avoid his gaze.
naruto blinked at this, ‘dumb…?’ who were you talking about? you? looking dumb? in his clothes?
“N-NO-! i mean- you look the total opposite! you look so cute in my clothes! the fact that they’re big on you just makes you look even cuter! i...i really like you wearing my clothes y/n-chan…” he said earnestly, holding your hands in his own hands.
your face flushed as you gazed up at him, “thanks naruto-!” you meekly said, embarrassed by his staring.
a moment of silence passed before naruto spoke up, “um, i had a movie ready for us to watch if you’re still interested.”
you grinned at him and naruto felt his heart burst, “of course i am! whatcha playing?” you asked as you sat down on the couch beside him.
“guardians of the galaxy volume 1 of course!” he grinned as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
you rolled your eyes, “geez naruto...you’ve seen this movie like twelve times already!”
“can you blame me? this movie is way too good!” he laughed.
ten minutes into the movie and naruto was beginning to lose his focus. how could he pay any attention to the screen when you were sitting so close to him, wearing his clothes? he could smell your shampoo and the familiar scent of his laundry detergent lingering on your clothes-- or rather, his clothes.
“naruto, this is like your favorite movie, yet you’re not paying attention to it.” you said as you looked up at him with your head on his shoulder.
“yeah… i’m fine… it’s just uh-” he coughed into his hand.
you knitted your eyebrows in confusion, “huh? naruto, are you okay?”
he gulped and nodded, “yeah it’s just…. seeing you wearing my clothes makes me really happy. you look really good.”
you raised your eyebrows in surprise. you had earlier though that you looked silly, but here naruto was, not being able to focus on his favorite movie because he thought you looked so good in his clothes.
“oh- uh- thanks naruto.” you said, a bit embarrassed because of how intensely he was staring at you.
“naruto are you oka-” you were interrupted by naruto suddenly tackling you into a hug, effectively pinning you to the couch.
“naruto!” you said with a hot face, as the said boy snuggled into your neck. he couldn’t help it, you were just too irresistible to him at the moment.
“i’m sorry y/n-chan… you just look too good in my clothes… i don’t think you realize the effect you have on me… especially when....” he trailed off, mumbling something too quietly towards the end.
“especially when what?”
“er… especially when you’re not… wearing um… a bra…” his hot breath hit your ear as he mumbled into it.
“h-huh?” you were traumatized; you hadn’t realized that your hardened buds were so visible under your shirt! naruto suddenly shifted his body so he was hovering over you, his eyes briefly meeting your chest once more.
“i just… i don’t think i can hold back any longer y/n-chan, with you looking this cute underneath me… is it okay if we take it to the next level?” the blue-eyed boy said, his face inching closer to yours.
“y-yeah. i want to take it to the next level as well naruto.” you whispered, looking into his beautiful eyes. his face broke out in a huge smile as he heard your answer, leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
his soft lips met your own, moving in a passionate dance as his hands travelled down your body, finding your hips. the space between your lips was nonexistent as naruto kissed you with a fierce fervor. naruto bit your bottom lip, relishing in the small moan you let out before he suddenly pulled away with half-lidded eyes, a small smile on his face, “let me show you how irresistible i find you.” 
and then met your lips one again, the movie in the background left unwatched as the young lovers explored each other’s bodies.
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