#its my love for hiei to this day
hello-archivist · 1 year
Why are you gay? 🎤
I watched too much Dragon Ball Z and Yu Yu Hakusho as a child.
Vegeta and Hiei awoken something within me at a young age. 😔
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hamspamandjamsandwich · 4 months
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“After days of running in circles, he’s at his wit’s end instead of his thread’s. Human civilization is proving to be more insufferable than he’d anticipated, a feat previously thought to be impossible. This concrete jungle that the Jagan has led him to is especially offensive, with its dense masses of loud, ignorant humans and asinine chatter.
But as much as Hiei can’t stand it here, his gut insists that this is where he’s supposed to be. The thread’s soft, ethereal appearance has become a radiant red glow ever since he arrived, so he’s been foolishly hopeful.
He’s in the process of letting go of said foolish hope right now.
“Damn it, damn it, damn it!” is all that Hiei has to say as he slams his fist repeatedly against the cold brick wall of some seedy bar, tucked away in a dark, dirty alley—the sort of place that sleazy men and their ilk frequent.
A solid week hunting for answers, tolerating these inferior beings walking amongst him, and he’s found nothing but more of the universe’s cruel and unusual punishment.”
Chapter 3 of my Kurahi Soulmates AU has been posted. <3 our lovely demons finally meet~!
What a labor this one was! Love how it turned out though. Sick of reading it after editing all day lol
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penguiduck · 9 months
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Chapters: 8/? Fandom: 幽☆遊☆白書 | YuYu Hakusho: Ghost Files Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kurama | Minamino Shuuichi/Reader, Kurama | Minamino Shuuichi/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Kurama | Minamino Shuuichi, Youko Kurama, Hiei (YuYu Hakusho), Urameshi Yuusuke, Yukimura Keiko, Kuwabara Kazuma, Kuwabara Shizuru, Koenma (YuYu Hakusho), Yukina (YuYu Hakusho), Reader Additional Tags: Sequel, Reader-Insert, you - Freeform, Companion Piece, Weddings, Wedding Fluff, Wedding Planning, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Friendship, POV Second Person, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Comedy, Romance Summary:
Your relationship with Kurama has been both strenuous and tender, frightening and joyful, grievous and extraordinary. You never thought you’d one day be confronted with the existence of demons and alternate worlds outside of your own—but you’re now engaged to Kurama, a fox demon of great wit and charm, and you could not be happier.
Despite the chaotic and life-threatening events that occurred since the inception of your relationship, they also brought you closer together, challenging the standard pace of affairs for human lovers. Nevertheless, you’re here today, as in love as you could be, and when you finally announce your engagement, a variety of new dilemmas arise.
Wedding planning presents its own conflicts. Florists and caterers, invitations and RSVPs, wedding registries and bachelor parties, oh my! How will you make it through the next year?
A lighthearted, post-event companion to "Embracing the Seasons."
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susannaius · 6 months
On the new Netflix YYH live action series...
Okay, so cramming two seasons worth of anime (52 episodes) into just 5 hours of live action (5 x 60 minutes) is just WILD. It was obviously possible, but it was wild. They made some bold editing choices on the way to make it happen, but they made an overall good job of it (well, as good as anything can get when you cram 52 episodes into 5 hours...). Anyway. Spoilers ahead.
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My overall impression is that I had fun. They made this series a lot more edgy and dark than the anime, but they kept a lot of its goofiness, and managed to find a good balance. The visuals were also fantastic. I honestly did not expect the drawings to translate well into film, but the animation / FX crew did a great job. I have some minor qualms against how everyone looks like (like Kurama's hair or Hiei's turtleneck, who came up with those???), but they did not matter to me that much overall.
What I really missed was something I'm not sure how they could have reproduced in just 5 hours, and this is the sense of accomplishment and stakes. How long does the first two seasons take in the anime? Half a year, maybe? (Yusuke spends the summer break training with Genkai, then there are another 2 months (?) before the Dark Tournament.) So there is a lot more time both for bonding and level-upping.
There are a lot more steps, and those are a lot smaller, progress is a lot more gradual, and each step leads to the next a lot more organically. Here, this is somewhat compensated by the editing choices, like Kuwabara following Yusuke around (I especially liked the "slice the boulder" trope), or by Hiei wanting the dagger in the first place so he can find Yukina. But this way we end up on our very first joint mission fighting Karasu and Bui as well as the Toguros, in Kurama's yokai form and with the Black Dragon. Which is again, WILD, if we consider that as far as we know Kurama has not really used his yokai powers over the last 17 years, and Hiei has just made the Jagan eye for himself (which he did not even end up using that much).
Which is all... not necessarily relevant if someone has not seen the anime and accepts that okay, these boys have a lot more in them than what we were shown at first glance. They are yokai, after all, and we are shown very little of their stories. But I still miss how in the anime we were able to follow how Kurama hones his plant magic to artistic levels and how he learns to combine the strengths of Shuchi and Kurama, or how Hiei very slowly becomes domesticated, or how Kuwabara chills down and becomes a reliable ally.
And then there is Yusuke. They really managed to capture the essence of the character, and I loved them for it. At the wake, his picture was a really nice touch, I loved that face saying "Why do I have to smile for the camera? Please leave me alone?" Or how gentle he can be when he is not ordered around. They got his priorities right, and the steps that make him who he is were all there.
But again, time was VERY short. I mean, he was training for about 3 weeks with Genkai, and for the first two weeks he was mostly slacking. How am I supposed to believe that this is enough to defeat fucking Toguro, who was one of the strongest men to start with, then sold his soul for power, and spent the last 50 years becoming stronger and stronger, to the point when not even the scariest monsters currently available in the human world could satisfy him? Yes, Yusuke got the "orb", but consider that in the anime at that point he had been fighting and training almost constantly for half a year, receiving the orb still almost killed him, and then he had to sleep it off for several days. I am just... not convinced, sorry.
If anything, I think the live action series is a good gateway to the anime. Like, if someone is new or even not yet into the "fight and level-up" anime genre, this can be a great motivation for them to check it out. YYH is almost 30 years old, after all, so there might (might!) be people who have not yet come across it, even though they would probably enjoy it.
TLDR: I think the Netflix YYH Live Action series is fun, it is gorgeous, it has some solid editing choices that help it cram fifty-fucking-two episodes of anime in just five hours of film, and if it helps some newcomers find and enjoy the anime (or even the manga, which I don't know), I'm only happier for it.
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thebeingofeverything · 4 months
Ok I’ll bite, I’m curious:
Mephisto/Amaimon - why ship it? (All 3 q’s)
Rin/Shiemi — why don’t you ship it? (I hope I’m asking this right)
I think we will probably have similar reasons but it never hurts to ask!
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Mefiama, why ship it:
1. Ok! So for the first, really my og aoex ship was amairin bc I'm a battle couple shipper first and foremost but mefiama was a close second and it's bc I'm a demon lover after everything lololol
Specifically, I've loved characters like mephisto and amaimon as long as I can remember, starting from my og fav yyh Yoko Kurama and Hiei (which in my head is a different ship than Hiei/Kurama). But, like that ship, I actually never really liked/like the ways fandom portrays them. Characters like Hiei and Amaimon both end up woobified and turned into stereotypical uke characters with the big sexy dom/seme mephisto/Kurama to seduce/play with them.
And to me that always pissed me off bc of how ooc it made them all out to be. I love Hiei and Amaimon bc they're little feral shitheads who have a massive independent streak to them and act/are totally inhuman. They both poke at each other and cause each other headaches and I live for it lololol
They're spicy as hell too and I love that in a ship. The second I saw Mephisto keeping Amaimon strung up on spears in the cuckoo prison that was it for me 😩👌🔥
2. The draw for these characters and the ship is that they're both inhuman creatures that only pretend at humanity, or in amaimons case, is forced to play nice by mephisto if he wants to be stomping around his territory.
What I really love about them, though, is that while Mephisto has the upper hand in the dynamic, Amaimon also knows his character and can see past his clown mask bullshit. He knows the demon Mephisto really is under all the sparkles and show boating. He's an observer and even when Mephisto is focusing on his goals and plots and shows, Amaimon is there on the sidelines keeping tabs and picking everything apart. I think Amaimon thinks Mephisto is interesting or has potentially interesting ideas. The thing about demons is they're constantly looking for something to keep them interested through their eternal existences and with Mephisto, Amaimon has a source of enrichment lol
I also like the fucked up premise of how Amaimon has an inherent trust in Mephisto that gets abused in canon. We saw him getting incredibly hurt by the shiemi reveal, as if Mephisto keeping that info from him meant Mephisto was treating him like one of his human pawns and not with respect as another demon king.
3. I'm not sure if there's an unpopular opinion I have for them, except that I tend to find most fandom treats them incredibly ooc and it makes it difficult for me to enjoy content of them from others. Mephisto as the over simplified seductive seme, doing typical melodramatic evil villain stuff and Amaimon being reduced to a uwu baby idiot who has never had sex despite being a who knows how old demon king. I've got a ton of bitching I've done over the years about it (and it's the same treatment Hiei always got back in the day so I'm used to the frustration) 😂
Rinshi, Don't Ship:
1. Man I feel really bad to say this but this is one of the most vanilla/boring ships in the fandom outside of bonrin. It's just so typical hot headed anime boy protag/girl next door love interest, even as much as they're both incredibly well developed characters, and as much as I love Rin.
It really just comes down to Rin being a, like, base ingredient for me as a ship. Like him being involved in a ship isn't on its own enough to make me enjoy/ship something. (Amaimon, on the other hand, immediately spices any ship up and I've even got a few rinamaishi fic aus out there lol). But I've never been interested in the sweet, hard-working character archetype. I can't help it, I'm into edgy bastard gremlin characters, the antagonists and anti heroes lololol (The exception to this in aoex is Yuri and that's bc she's got that little mischievous bad girl zing to her I love lololol). Shiemi just doesn't have that spice I need to really invest in a character.
2. What would have made me like it is just if Shiemi was a different character lololol like, she's just too sweet for me, like a marshmallow. Her in her string Independent woman era isn't really doing it for me either bc it feels like all her character development got cut out in that training arc she was just in. We missed a good opportunity to see her reconcile things with her grandma and her growth just to watch her toss an Amaimon copy and it feels like we got cheated out of her character arc.
If she just had that little spark that Yuri had it might work for me but I haven't seen it and until then it feels like every other typical anime main character/love interest ship, and it's just never been a dynamic I've never been into.
3. Positive things I have to say are that I think Kato has always done a phenomenal job making her characters feel realistic and not the usual anime shallow stereotypes. So when ppl tell me they enjoy the ship I'm like yeah, if ur into those kinds of characters and that ship dynamic, you've come to the right series to get a really well developed couple who feel fleshed out and who have had a developing relationship throughout the series. Totally understandable, just not for me.
I hope I actually answered these right 😂 thanks for the ask @philosophicalparadox 🩷
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Please, please, please would love some hiei×reader!!
ofc! i tried to stay as close to the descriptions that you gave me as possible, i hope you like it :)
Also i completely forgot to read where it said established relationship but its finished now 😭😭
Warning: blood, knife play (sword)...
Hiei x Reader - Possessive (NSFW)
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You were on the way back home from your late shift at the bar as your heels clack down the street loudly, shining in the low light emitted from the street lamps.
You can't help but release a bored and irritated sigh as you hear the not so quiet voices of drunkards from the pub following you down the street. They were always so bothersome and you just know that you're in store for some class entertainment as you saunter through the alleyways.
Hiding behind a corner, you listen to them question where you went and slut shame you as if these whores don't find themselves wishing they were in a new women's bed every other night. You're just about ready to strike, waiting for them to get into the perfect position before you execute all three of them, making quick work and pouncing from victim to victim until you've successfully crushed the last offender's skull between your thighs, a sickening 'crack' resounding through the narrow alleyway.
"Lucky bastard. Any other man would grovel on their knees and sell a kidney to die between a woman's legs, you should be more greatful..."
You could feel someone else's eyes on you, though. This one is apparently significantly better at hiding too, not that these sorry assholes had much time to try, anyway.
"Come on out, I won't hurt you~" A lie.
Hiei had been out for a midnight wander around the human world streets to clear his mind, and it was working pretty well. These streets and their lights had a certain allure to them when all is quiet and the night is young. The sky is a deep black, different to the demon world but much prettier, he hates to admit. It was actually starting to put him in a better mood.
That is until he spotted a woman being followed in the street. Usually it wouldn't be something he would care about at all, but this human girl had a strange look to her. On any other normal day he would've looked straight past these idiots. It's not his business and he doesn't really care. Human girls die like this all the time. It just goes to show how corrupt this species is.
Yusuke and Kuwabara like to paint the world as all flowers and rainbows, but it's very clear that the very race boasting about "love and peace" are also the same ones that like to slaughter eachother just because they can. They're really no different. but in this situation, he is curious. His last straw is the intrusive thought telling him that Kurama wouldn't be very impressed if he saw this and just left the girl to die. Fine, he'll help the stupid girl, but he won't be pleased about it.
Yup, she sure is strange, alright. Her hair is strange, her eyes are strange- it's all very suspicious.
"Stupid human girl. Is she trying to get herself killed in the street like a dog?"
But, as he got a closer look at her, and watched with widened eyes as she slaughtered the human trash, he realised something. Noone in the human world looks like that. Or moves like that.
"A demon, then." He notes to himself, now eager to learn more about this demon living in the human world.
As your voice rings out in the darkness he narrows his eyes and scoffs. How the hell did she know he was there?
"It's aweful late for the dangerous game you're playing, girl. You trying to get yourself killed?"
The laughter that erupts from you is pretty, and replays in his ears, yet he shows no outward reaction to your reply, if you can even call it that. Bright red hair falls from your shoulder as you look straight at him, smiling mirthfully and ignoring his question.
"Oh~ ... You're not human, are you? One of my kind, then? Ah, it's so nice to finally speak with my kin again~"
Your voice is airy and soft, setting off warning signals in Hiei's head and causing him to take a cautionary step backwards. There's also a hint of something else in your voice. A hidden undertone. Glee and... possessiveness? Hiei must be dreaming right now.
"Kin? I hardly think so. I don't associate with weaklings. I've heard enought out of you." His voice is harsh and cuts through you like a knife, leaving you seething. The drastic change in your demeanor has Hiei startled, causing him to unsheath his sword as you lunge at him.
You're fast, alright, but not nearly as fast as him, so when you aim for a precise jab at his throat, you're quickly intercepted and pinned to the floor in the middle of the dark, damp street. You freeze beneath the shadow demon as he presses his sword to your neck, drawing a little speck of blood that runs down your pale skin. You make a tempting sight beneath him, your metallic smelling blood attracting his eyes.
Arousal fills the air as you stare up at him, this whole squabble almost acting like some kind of mating dance, and now you lay with him between your legs. It's a sight that has him reeling, seeing you dishevelled after losing to him like that, and he smirks at the realisation he makes. You ran into a fight you knew you wouldn't win because you're in search of the strongest demon to mate with.
"Oh? Looking to mate, are you? What a filthy creature. Am i the first man you've lost to then? What an honour..." His sarcasm makes you giggle, uncaring of the blade pressed to your throat. You're just glad you've finally found a mate to play with.
The stranger isn't complaining so far, so you bat your eyelashes at him and he gets lost in deep indigo eyes which reflect the light in the street, twinkling up at him. It's quite a common colour for demons, and much like blue eyes in a human, they're very expressive and enchanting.
He chuckles darkly and grips the underneath of your thigh, pushing it up and over his shoulder as he grinds into you, making you squeak and clutch onto him quickly, now doing the split beneath him. A rough hand runs up and down your thigh, admiring the curves and softness, and the way that your heels complement your figure so nicely.
Before you both fuck in the middle of the street, Hiei takes the sword away from your throat, hoisting you up and flashing to somewhere more appropriate as you're thrown over his shoulder easily. you're not even given enough time to react before he's already put you down and started biting at your neck, licking at the blood needily and groping your breast with his free hand.
"You'll say my name. Hiei. I want to hear it on your tongue, weakling..."
You giggle again. "And mine is (-)... Hiei~"
Repeating his name has him grabbing his sword and as you gasp, expecting pain, you're only met with a quick and cold breeze. Oh. He's only cut your shirt off. How disappointing.
Just as this thought passes through your mind, though, you feel the cold blade pressed against your ribcage, creating a long scratch down your belly and leaving you reeling as your pussy tightens around nothing.
His cold hands squeeze your tits painfully and the feeling has your head spinning, your legs spreading needily as you beg for him. The sight has him infatuated with you, his cock twitching in interest beneath the sash of his combat pants while he stares at your very pleased expression and then down to your now exposed breasts. They're so soft and he can tell that he's going to have fun with them in the future, eyeing the nipples that peek through his fingers in interest.
When you decide that you've had enough of his staring though, you're quick to grab his hand and guide it past your slightly bloody abdomen and down to your dripping cunt, covered with a thin pair of panties that have been thoroughly soaked through. The mischievous demon smirks at you and presses directly againt your clit through the fabric, making you squirm and cry his name desperately, his expression full of sadism and excitement. It takes another minute or two of him torturing you like this for him to get bored with it and slip your drenched underwear to the side to very easily dip a finger inside of you.
Moans spill from your mouth and your head cranes back as your back arches, your legs shaking at the feeling of yor mate's fingers inside of you, your pussy clamping down on him needily.
"Easy now, you trying to suck me in, or what? Be patient. You'll get what you need soon enough, sweet thing."
Now that has you writhing, enticing a pleased groan from Hiei when you grind on him. Something inside of him snaps at this, and within seconds he's ripping his sash out of the way and pulling out his fully erect and leaking cock. His cheeks tint pink as he holds the sensitive organ in his hand, the tip red and glistening with precum.
His eyes are glossed over with lust as he climbs up your body, licking seductively at the blood from your cut and up your breasts, sucking at the mounds of skin and giving you a sadistic grin that has your legs quivering.
Long lashes brush agains his cheek as he bends over you, moving your underwear out of the way instead of bothering to remove it as he guides the tip to your wet heat, his thighs slipping under yours to position you right. Stars burst behind your eyes as he finally gives you just what you've needed, ripped muscles pressed against your bloodied stomach while he nestles his dick comfortably inside of you.
The demon groans against your neck, leaving you lovebites and bruises as he starts thrusting inside of you, moaning and pistoning his hips to bruise yours. Squealching noises fill the room along with your chorus of moans and grunts, his balls tightening at the feeling of your pussy walla clenching down on him, your throbbing warmth feeling like bliss against his starved flesh.
He rubs your clit roughly as he fucks you, moaning into your neck while his eyes roll back from the pleasure of you tightening around him, crushing him through your orgasm. He feels the surge of cum that drips out of you from around his dick and with a few more thrusts he's cumming inside of you, pushing in as deep as he can to satisfy his need to breed you.
As the two of you calm down from your orgasmic highs, you cling onto him possessively, not letting him move away and flustering him as he figures out that you want to cockwarm him. Lucky him, for scoring you before anyone else could. You'll remain as his belonging, his mate, for the rest of your life. Noone else can have you.
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yyh4ever · 2 years
Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle 4th Anniversary
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The Maji Battle game is celebrating its 4th anniversary on August 28th, 2022 (Sun)! I loved the commemorative illustration with the quartet. They have also released some cool icons on the official twitter, including Keiko!
The game's art is so faithful to the anime, and the side stories specially written and designed for it, respect Togashi's original ideas so much that it feels like I'm reading/watching the official work. I hope this game will become global one day, so fans all over the world can enjoy it.
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In the meantime, I've been translating some of the Yu Yu Hakusho stories. Here follow the list so far, which will be constantly updated in the future:
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day for the Boys?
The Strongest Couple, Bonds of Love! (Koko & Enki)
White Day
White Day Struggle Record
June Bride
Pursuing the True Identity of the Dream
The Dream I Had That Day
Memories of a Summer
Undercover Operation on the "Poaching” Beach"!
Summer Night Feast
Chase the Missing Pumpkins
A Grumpy Halloween
A Costume Demon Feast
Halloween message from Karasu
The Boss & Subordinates’ Christmas
A Bell that Echoes in the Holy Night
A Red Nose Illuminates the Holy Night…?
Keiko wishes “Merry Christmas”
New Year
Welcoming a New Year of Harmony
New Year's Mochitsuki 
Genkai and Toguro
A Demon Lives in My Heart
Thoughts of Over 50 Years
Sensui and Itsuki
The Angel Who Fell into Darkness
A Shadowy Hand Invites You Into Darkness
April's Fool Day
Red Rose Prince (Kurama)
Other events and detective stories
A Mirage Smolders in Demon Neon Smoke - Part 1
A Mirage Smolders in Demon Neon Smoke - Part 2
Invitation From The Makai Casino - Part 1
Invitation From The Makai Casino - PART 2
The Misfortune of Jorge Saotome
The Boss and Subordinates' Incognito Strange Journey
The Beginning of a Destiny
Over 10 years (Kurama's past)
A Past Dyed in Silver  (Youko Kurama VS Shunjun)
The Greatest Warriors of the Spirit World (Reikai Special Defense Force)
Before I Lost My Sight
Girls’ Secret Party
Happy Birthday By Hiei
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neverevan · 8 months
get to know me EVEN better 🫣
I was tagged by @forthewolves thank you lovely mwuah 💛
I'm gonna drop it under the cut cuz its a bit long~
also I just answered some of these in the other post, so pay no mind to the 2 copy+pastes uhhh
three ships: (I'm gonna give three different ones here though, it pays to be a multishipper hehe) chanoey, hilson, spideypool
first ever ship: I wanna say... Hiei x Kurama from YYH?? Or maybe Leon and Yuri from Kaleido Star?? idk I was like 12 it's gotta be one of these 🥲
last song: The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
last movie: still Barbie... you gotta understand that I watch TV shows all the time, but I can't make myself sit down and watch a movie that I haven't seen before, more than once every 3 years
currently reading: I am shamelessly rereading all things bright and beautiful by @forthewolves because of feels™ and because the last time I read it was just before I actually started watching the show 🤭
currently watching: you know it already and it's probably gonna be the same for the next couple of months because I'm hooked 🥲
consuming: can of diet coke ✌️
currently craving: validation and motivation ugh
nicknames: okay so I have sooo many, mainly because I used to use my first name and then my middle name for 14 years each, before I changed my name lol but also because I've been in fandom since I was like 12 so I accumulated a lot of character names that I was associated with at the time, I listen to anything at this point... that being said the ones I'm actually willing to give here are: newbs (which is 10/10 btw) and newbster haha
zodiac: pisces 🐠
fav music: goood so many but uhh indie/alternative stuff mostly, slavic electro folk, drum and bass, electro swing, newschool rockabilly/rock 'n' roll, anything good tbh, not techno though
followers: 1365
following: 273 (I've been going out of my way to follow more blogs that post stuff that I like, but I had a big cleanup there like 3 months ago)
do you get asks: sometimes, mostly about buddie lately which allows me to ramble on about them even more 😭 though I get the occasional rude asks from stupid people, but I just delete those lmao
amount of sleep: 6 hours I think??? Actually maybe less...
what are you wearing: black baggy pants with a waist string and a sinched bottom, a stripey crop jumper (white base, yellow, pink, blue and purple stripes), Looney Tunes socks
dream job: I mean, it used to be making cartoons, that's why I studied animation, but now I'm training to be an actor so wish me luck guys 🫡
languages: english, hungarian and what miniscule amount of german I still have left rattling around in my brain from school
random fact: I changed my name legally last December and I was struggling to pick a middle name for months, and as some of you may know already newbie is a nickname that Dr Cox calls JD in Scrubs and I have been using it for over a decade, so I thought if I was fine with that for so long, then I might as well give a subtle nod to the character irl too and I won't tell you what it is, but that's exactly what I did 😌
aesthetic: depending on the day; skater boy, dark academia librarian or insta mum 🥲
no pressure tagging: @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @excuseme-greentea @yelenasbuddie @icecreampotluck @notnowtobey @hawkinsleather @disasterbuckdiaz and anyone who wants to do it of course! ✨
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tackyink · 6 months
Convention haul! There wasn't barely any BG3 merch and the only thing I was interested in was gone before I found the artist's table. Still, my poor wallet...
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First is the last volume of a very cute fanzine I've been reading for years, two Ace Attorney prints and a DS charm with the least heterosexual lawyers ever, all by the Wonderpun folks, Paula and Diego, who I barely see once a year for five minutes but are really lovely and funny people. They are exquisite pun artists and regale us with fanzines solely dedicated to them, not to mention the constant stream Diego posts on Twitter. They also make assorted merch for Pokémon, Ace Attorney, Yakuza, Resident Evil... There's a ton, check them out yourselves. Here's their online shop. All the JJK stuff is from an artist that didn't include any kind of business card and now I can't send you to his social media. OTL The print and Geto charm are for a friend.
As if this were exonerating at all, I feel I should stress that the fanzine and all its extras were already paid for because I joined the crowdfunding campaign this summer.
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I also picked up a cheap set of dice and Fire Emblem cipher cards because you know, it's been a long time since I spent any real money at a convention. Prices are inflated, you can buy everything off the internet nowadays, and I had left the Artist Alley pretty unscathed, so I knew I wasn't going to spend much more.
Then I found a retro videogames stand with Japanese imports. They had Vita games. Japanese otome Vita games.
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They also had Amnesia World for the same price and I thought about going back for it if I didn't spend a lot the following three days.
One shop had a bunch of YYH figures, including two I'd never seen of Hiei and Kurama that put together replicate the cover page of the Two Shots chapter, and sent a video to a friend who's a huge Hiei fan but couldn't make it to the con to ask if I should get it for her. She took three days to make a decision. More on this later.
After this, we found a place that sold vintage haori and I kind of fell in love at first sight with one. The sign said they were 30€ and up, but I have a vintage silk haori with some damage on the sleeves and that one was already 50€. I'd never seen one in good condition for less than 60€. Knowing that the price would be way out my budget, I asked anyway.
It was just 30€.
Excuse the shitty picture, but !!!! Those cranes!!! The lining!!!!!
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And remember the lady who ran out of her stand to do my hair? This below was the result. 10/10 marketing tactic.
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At this point I'm repeating over and over inside my head "This is fine" like the dog from the meme. I'm getting extra pay this month, no harm done, it's not like I spend money the rest of the year. This is it, I've already seen the entire venue, I'm immune to temptation, I'm probably not getting that second game. <-this is not foreshadowing
Before calling it a day, I asked my friends to try and find again the retro games shop to remember exactly where it was in case I wanted to go back, because the next days were going to be much busier and it's always difficult to move with so many people.
Turns out on the way there there was another import shop I had glossed over because it sold mostly trading cards and CDs, but I went to look at the table anyway because haha what's the harm you already know where this is going. (⊙x⊙;)
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The harm was basically half the recent group discography of Quartet Night. ಥ_ಥ They were pretty cheap, but I painted over the price because I'm still embarrassed and pissed, why the hell did I have to look. I am now the not so proud owner of the Quartet Night single where they dressed the idols as bullfighters without shirts and I can't even be angry about it because the song was good. Look at this. The second hand embarrassment is killing me. Anyway! Not getting the game for sure.
The next two days passed without any further damages to my wallet, which were admittedly quickly forgotten as soon as I got tackled by the girl I totally don't have a crush on when she saw me dressed as Hancock and whose dinner I paid for only because she treated us to a lot of places when we visited her city this summer. That night, before the last day, I had to insist to my home-bound friend to make up her mind already because I couldn't be glued to the phone while wearing cosplay, pushing a wheelchair and socializing with people I only see twice a year.
I'd decided the first day I'd get the Kurama figure only if she told me to get her a Hiei as well. She sent me a text past 12 AM saying she wanted it. In the morning I receive a message from the friends I was arriving to the venue with every day saying that after three days they cannot fucking move and are tapped out. I cannot fucking move either because Hancock's shoes destroyed my feet, but I go anyway, as soon as I can, because I'm a woman on a mission to retrieve a friend's husbando.
I went straight to the shop before joining up with anybody else and the Hiei figure was gone from the display case, along with another Hiei, the only Kuwabara and one Kurama. Mission failed. I asked one of the sellers about the Kurama one and she told me all except the one on display were sold out, so there was no box, and it was for the best because I was able to store him inside my bag. Here he is. I'm jealous of his sweater.
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After that, I joined my totally-not-a-crush for the rest of the morning and went to a panel where they gave us a bit of sake and Kobe beef while we waited for our other friends. The rest of the day went well, we saw a lot of people and said goodbye to everyone, and instead of going to the Korean BBQ place we had planned, the remaining four of us moved the dinner to the sandwich/pizza/crepe place across the street from our incapacitated friends.
I am now taking a vow of poverty until April.
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sadisticyouko · 2 years
"dont be afraid to reach out im mostly normal!" number one way to directly not appeal to me JGKZJF /JKJK LMAO but u should know back when i first made my tumblr my url was weirdobsessivenerd and Weirdo was literally what i went by as my name (then i discovered kinning and started going by rouge and now also kurama lol) so like. im Absolutely one to embrace weirdness and encourage it in others, so! dont hold back that unhinged-ness! its precisely what draws me to people HFKHZKG when i say Chill i absolutely mean someone that feels like theyd probably be easy to just relax n be myself around. hang out being Cool Bros. which basically equals being unjudgemental and a bit of a freak (said absolutely positively but i wont use that again if ur uncomfortable with being called that!!)
but ANYWAYZ yeah sending out asks n responding through that feels a lot less...... contained? whatever the hell that means for Conversations but its the vibe lol. exactly like what u were saying. its like im pokin my head out of my lil fox den and yelling out across the field instead of inviting someone inside bgksbfjnzf also yea i totally get the social battery thing thats Super how it is for me too. if were ever chattin n u just drop off out of nowhere and show back up in a couple days continuing the same convo i will not judge bc i Super Relate JFKHSJF
also im not like Super exactly like my kins all the time its more like an internal thing. they may not always reflect me but i still get the feeling of Thats Me. cant always explain it tjjsbf then theres the case of some kins of being exactly how i am irl and some i connect to so hard for one reason or another that i just absorb all of their characteristics into myself bkdjfkd i have a lot of mha kins bc it was my Big Hyperfixation before yyh completely steamrolled over everything in my brain lol, most of them are lower kins tho but my bigger ones are def himiko, la brava, ochako, and shoto!
tbh i kinda wonder how into yyh i woulda been if i discovered it when i was younger, it feels like i may not have been as into it as i am now? which is weird to picture bc rn im Severely hyperfixated on it, i cant imagine having any other sort of relationship to the series jfkdhkf AND HIEI IS SO. FUCKING. ATTRACTIVE. only the second character to break through my asexuality and sex repulsion fjkdjfkd i cant believe he actually makes me so wild over his muscles when ive literally never given any fucks about abs n shit all my life. his hotness is just too powerful fjsjf AND IM ALWAYS ADORING HOW TINY HE IS BUT IN REALITY HES JUST A FEW INCHES SHORTER THAN ME TOO BC IM 5'2" LMAO. but. i always picture his height in comparison to kuramas human and youko forms and it makes me crazy HFKSJKF little man i want to pick him up and kiss him as hes frustrated and flustered about being carried so easily like that and annoyed at himself that he actually likes it 🥰
also if u do like those songs lmk owo!! im always curious to see if others will like a song i recommend hehe. and if u like aggressive music then boy do i have plenty of that bc edgy shit is like my #1 thing i love to listen to HFKSHKF
Omg pretending I’m normal is how I try to fit in ! That’s my inner shuichi trying to blend in with this classmates 😂 I’m a little bit of a weirdo too but I like pretending to be normie passing, I’m like a snail hiding all it’s weirdness under the shell 😂 my first username was tsukisbadgirl so I GET IT 😂😂 I was SUPER into bakugou I mean I still like him but he’s been replaced as my #1 since I got into Tokyo revengers 😂 I will let you know all about my weirdness tendencies but pretend its perfectly normal like 2 seconds later hehe
& yea wild open asks are the best lol IDK WHY but it’s all so true ! I’m glad u won’t judge if I can’t reply right away cuz sometimes I need to disappear and then I feel bad if I try to come back later ! Ohhh the kin thing makes sense too ! Maybe I’m not kinning too many ppl from mha rn cuz I’m hyper fixated on Tokyo revengers now ! I kin like SO MANY PPL from there but I am hopelessly obsessed with it so that might be why 😂 (especially manjiro, he is plaguing my every waking & slumbering moment now 👀)
asbfoajsos Hiei’s MUSCLES keep drawing me back like a little magnet and I am RESISTING 😂😂 why is he built like that ?? I mean I know why but omg WHY DOES IT LOOK SO GOOD ?? i hate it, if Kurama had nearly half the shirtless scenes hiei did I’d be even more unhinged but they didn’t give him the chance !! 😭 SOBBING. I like to be the one that gets manhandled tbh but I feel like even with Hiei’s height he could still get it done 😏 and then im like NO ! INTRUSTIVE THOUGHTS I WANT KURAMA ! and ahdisnsiaosndk 😂 im mostly attracted to ppl based on personality rather than physicality but once im attracted to the person it opens the flood gates and all of a sudden everything about them seems hot 😩
But yes I will let u now about the songs !! It might take me a while like my reading list lol ahdisbskdn BUT I will eventually get to it ! I do things very sporadically and depending on inspiration level so I can’t be held accountable 😂
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officecyborg · 2 years
Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: He's a classic Zoe-bait Weird Brain Stuff character who's trying to integrate two contradictory aspects of his identity. Looks human, secretly an extremely alien being, even-more-secretly the most human of them all. I like Megumi Ogata's performance, too.
Why I don’t: Crazy "you have to decapitate me" martyr complex that manifests at the drop of a hat. King cognitive dissonance re: having human emotions. Also you forget how often he is a sarcastic asshole with no compassion for anyone except his mom. Hm. Actually this has circled back to being more reasons I like him.
Favourite episode: Shigure battle. This one was extremely divisive back in the day--a lot of people really didn't like the idea of Kurama choosing to be human But imo it takes an extremely odd throwaway background event from the manga ("Kurama fought the evil surgeon from Hiei's backstory, and tied!") and turns it into a poignant, dreamlike meditation on Kurama's relationship with his human family that nicely resolves his arc. They did not need to put this much effort into a filler episode from an action show for ten-year-old boys.
Favourite season: Man, it's really a tough call. I mean what the anime does with the Three Kings arc is so moody and political, obviously I love that. But he also has a lot of good stuff in Chapter Black. The episode where he, essentially, participates in a shadow game with a little kid and the ensuing fallout was just devastating.
Favourite line: Hm most of my favourite bits with him are answering others' lines. In the dub: "Pain is not a weakness, it's a strength. It teaches a creature its vulnerabilities--and not to expose them to attack."
Favourite outfit: It is actually not any of his many fancy costumes, or his dykey leather jacket from Three Kings. It's whatever the hell this is:
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Shoulder pouches??
OTP: Don't really have one, I do think all his interactions with Kuwabara are delightful. It seems like those two guys from HxH are kind of the sequel to that.
Brotp: Kurama and Hiei
Head Canon: I just went back through my tag to try and remember what this character was about and it included the statement that manga Kurama doesn't wash his hair but "only takes dust baths". So.
Unpopular opinion: Don't really like Yoko Kurama.
A wish: They ended up granting it by having the Kurama flashback chapter as an OVA. Oh, actually the anime doesn't explain the situation with his mother, which is nuts. Wish that had been in the show
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Dunno? More content but it's Yoko Kurama. Hey sidenote did you know that his human surname is "Minamino" after the singer Yoko Minamino, for the pun?
5 words to best describe them: Ruthless, self-sacrificing, bitchy, autistic, and gay.
My nickname for them: Don't have one... uhh "my best friend in real life"
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Bucch*g*ri liveblog ep1
Alright let's start Bucchigiri!
I'll Tag it .... " Magic Carpet Slide " for now. I may change it later.
Alright let's jump in!
I would LOVE to have gyoza for breakfast! 😢
My instincts are to call MC Yusuke-lite but from the 1 review I watched the only thing that stuck in my mind is that he's not much like Yusuke despite looking so similar. So I'll just call him MC until I have his name.
Oooooooooo haunted shrine! Better run boys! Also are they skipping class after drinking all night? And sleeping in the shrine? I wonder if these two will be important? They're certainly silly! 😂
I like the OP! I like how Kazuma-lite's trio have matching hair and eye colors! Depending on how things go I may root for them as an ot3. 💖
Blonde is certainly giving off sweet sunshine with a dark side vibes and Blue is giving irritated and short fuse tsun! Very Kurahi-esque!
Idk how I feel about the main female character's design. It's a bit much for me but I may love her idk. She's certainly precious.
If character design is anything to go by then I'll be rooting for Dark Blue Buzzcut. He's got The Vibes
The teacher/Principal/Business man has a Cat Ear Butler Friend?????????
Ok that's what I'm Invested In! 💖💖💖💖 I hope Neko-mimi Butler Guy is an adult chasing after Business/Teacher/Principal guy!
It could be funny if he's like a younger sibling trying to ruin his career via family shame though. 😂
Big Blue Man with intense beard is looking like my biggest crush actually but poor MC is terrified of him.
Oof MC needs an adult! 😨😱
Oh dang he looks completely different when his hair isn't curled and gelled. I like his curled and gelled hair better though I think.
I didn't see the two from earlier in the OP so I guess they're not in the show much.
Are they really having some Brick House 3rd year fight Kazuma-lite who is apparently a 1st year???
Kazuma-Lite is on the Minato Kai team.
This school looks like its crumbling apart? There's holes in the roof and windows? (Also there's a dome and spire roof?) Why are they allowing classes in a building that can't withstand weather?
There's a big ttity redhead in a tank top (that's gotta be against dress code) and wearing the boys uniform (based), a big guy with a purple perm, and a guy wearing a keffiyah AND a cross around his neck? Confusing.
I'm just guessing that no one in this series gives a single damn about dress code.
Kazuma-Lite is named Matakara.
Lmao MC is NOT impressed by this fighting BS. Damn why does the school look so dilapidated? That's a ton of graffiti.
The business man must be a teacher or principal.
There's garbage and toys in the high school hallway???
Clearly this man isn't paid enough and he seems like a wreck. Love him. (Hope he doesn't turn out to be a creep)
Oh hey it's just like Wind Breaker! 😂👍
Those two guys in the center seem like they've been held back for 9 years!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Oh dude that one guy with the cool undercut and ponytail though! 💖💖💖
LMAO hes the prettiest boy in class good for him! 😂
I saw 2 girls!
MC is Arajin
3 girls! (Yeah uniforms seem optional or the dress code just isn't enforced)
4 girls! There's the main female character.
Dang I can tell the other girls will be non-existant. 😭
Love that in his mind He would be taking Her name lmao. Wonder why?
Blondies skirt is cute!
Matakara's shirt has a built in tramp stamp in the shape of a heart God Bless! 🤣
Oof. The other team has SS initials and their logo looks like the Nazi SS lightningbolt. 😬😞 well. That's shitty.
That unintentionally turns this guy into a skinhead.
This must be in the south of Japan to grow palm trees like that.
Aw good for Arajin! He got a girl on the first day!
You're leaving it in a room full of guys that would absolutely sell it?????
Hiei-lite tripped him and wears orange shoes. Good choice fir his teal hair.
What is at the end of blondies pigtails? It can't be his hair because it can't be locced at the end like that and flowing at the top so it's sort of like pom poms?
I can't believe that worked! 😂
Run Arajin run!
Sjeisjsj ahahahahahahahahaha lost his glasses and ran into Matakara to boot. 😂
Oh wow what a look! Work boots with thay kilt/skirt/what have you is such A Look! Love it! 💖
They're bith shocked that he knows him! CHILDHOOD FRIENDS!!!!! AAAAAAAAA
Well. Its over. That's The Ship!
Aaaaaaaaa they were PRECIOUS!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
Wait a second. His hair is NATURALLY curly. So why was it straight like that during the OP?
Does he have a Secret Twin that perms his hair straight?
Poor Arajin is in Shock from the reversed height difference. 😂😂😂😂
Blondie us now curious and Teal Terror is looking upset and insecure. Matakara is SO EXCITED!!!! Aaaaaaw! 💖 He's been hoping to see him again for years!
He introduces him as his childhood friend aw! 💖💖
Ehsidnsjsjshsisb Blondie is shocked and bewildered and curious and passive aggressive and Teal Terror is full jealous/bitter! Love it! 💖 I may root for the ot3 anyway because I bet they're cute and have middle school history!
Aw! I can't tell if he's just insecure that Matakara is so much bigger and more masculine than him now or if they parted ways on bad terms. That definitely hurt and disappointed Matakara though! :(
Hmmm he moved away for a while and considers the town bad luck. Surely if he moved away and then moved back other people should recognize him too right?
He didn't look too much when he got to the gate. It also didn't take long to get to the gate. What happened to her? I hope she's ok.
Oh no! He didn't go back for his bass/cello?????? Damn that thing is long gone. His mom is so cute! I love her!
Lmao that looks like the kind of drama I'd watch too if it existed! 😂 what corruption leads to this nun breaking her vow of celibacy? Find out next week!
I hope that wasn't him calling his mom an old hag. 😕
This nazi hideout looks so dumb. They stole playground teeter totter spring rides and put them on the roof with Buggy The Clown and a stolen McDonald's playplace slide.
Lmao it actually has either Hazi or Nazi on it are you kidding????
Counter faith man stands out front to confuse people entering
They stole a jungle gym and broke the floor with it and the word gym is spray painted on the wall.
What an interesting voice for this guy. I'd have chosen differently but. Well. He is the head of the nazi group so like. I'm not invested.
Oh he got confused and put the Butterfly on his Left Shoulder instead of his Right. Kagamine Instructions Unclear.
Oh man Skinhead was about to be saved by the power of love and a crush on Matakara before he took that boot to the face. Hopefully he'll get another chance!
I love this fictional sacrilegious drama! They ought to make it it's own anime!
Damn that must have been hard on both of them.
Theory that will likely be debunked:
Arajin has this guilt about not standing up for his friend and likely stopped talking to him because avoiding him was the only way to avoid his own cowardice. Meanwhile I bet Matakara feels like he lost his best friend because he was too weak that day and trained for years to be string enough to protect himself so that Arajin doesn't leave him behind out of embarrassment again. Since he's convinced that Arajin is awesome.
The background shots are getting funnier because today 7 background guys decided to get the same haircut.
Absolutely no one is paying attention to this poor frail man! 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔 Poor Teach!
Oh no! She's missing! What happened to her yesterday????
Teal Terror is BIG MAD that Matakara thinks so highly of this new guy and that the new guy blew Matakara off.
Oh thank goodness she was just skipping class.
She's gonna absolutely shake him down for cash. Go girl go!!!! Take him for all he's worth! (That or because she lives here and she's used to the guys here she must think he's gay and a twink on sight alone lmao)
Mahoro is her name!
lmao Matakara what timing! Teal Terror is so jealous lol.
Aw Blondie wants to do the right thing and Teal Terror said "Nah, Fuck 'im!"
They really made him go to an arcade? How do they even still have an arcade?
He's so fucking fake! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh No it's Creep from the OP's underlings. 😨
TEAL TERROR LIVES UP TO HIS TITLE DAMN!!! Just left him out to dry like that on purpose because he's so bitter! 😂
Aw dang the teacher isn't dating the greeter. 😭 Jasmine must be cute.
Oh hey what are the chances that that's where Matakara has been sleeping?
A flintlock? Oh damn a kid with a gun. OH SHIT
I wonder how they saw it? They wouldn't have been scandalized by him ending up on the ground so I wonder if it looked like he really shot himself?
The dumbest horniest teenage wish possible.
Is this gonna be a western interpretation "Be Careful What You Wish For" sort of thing where his wish is twisted into something he didn't expect? Or will his mind be read and will he end up with the girl?
Don't they have extremely strict public decency laws? How has he not been caught by a cop yet?
Why is Blondie fully naked in front of a window???????
Damn Teal Terror came by specifically to talk shit and try to take Arajin down a few pegs. 😂 Damn dude is down bad!
He didn't know just how much Matakara apparently idolizes Arajin.
All that effort and fun wasted. o7 Better luck next time my guy.
While Arajin's looking up info on if he's going crazy he doesn't question why this genie looks so similar to Matakara physique-wise? Not even for a second?
Oh his hobby is stamps. Neat.
Oh man he didn't think to practice ignoring him and not responding before the date??? 😂 maybe he thought he'd be gone before then.
Why did they choose ice cream when statistically that would be a terrible idea? Shouldn't he know by 16 that he doesn't tolerate dairy?
Damn girl just leave. This amount of secondhand embarrassment isn't worth it.
Shsusjsjsusjsh she says the meanest shit in the sweetest voice. Love it.
Also I like that they have her in accurate Lolita worn in an Otome style with a more casual petticoat and less accessories. Although I think her look could have used wrist cuffs.
Dude on the first date?????????? He's insane.
Wow they're really leaning into that SS lightning bolt huh?
Oh are he and her working together or enemies that try to fleece the same targets? That was some look.
Why are they after Arajin? What could he possibly have done? He's some frail transfer student
Well. That's certainly a reason to fight him. It also makes me look at her shenanigans less favorably for sure.
Oh damn Teal Terror really fucked up his chances with Matakara! Matakara is massively pissed and disappointed. He's off to save the day!
Go Matakara go!!!!! 💖💖💖👍
He Jingles and he Jangles as he kicks the shit out of people. All those chains. -20 to stealth
AW HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
Look. I stand for people's right to ship whatever they want for fictional ships.
That being said Incest will make me sick every single time. 🤮
Man I wanted to like her too! This sucks!
35th victim? What is wrong with the both of them????
Also he's clearly some kinda queer because before he knew Arajin was on a date with his little sister he was Making Tongue at him like......😐
Aw dude dont say it. 😣
He's gotta scream it every time in order to fight doesn't he? Aw man. I gotta get used to this quick. 😩
Man I LOVE the way they animated Head Honcho Nazi flying off though that was sick.
The ED.....
The cast likes her???? When she wants to fuck her brother???? They're into that?????
There were 3 whole other girls? Are the rest of them all lesbians exclusively?
What is going on????? What'd she do? Drink Love Potion #9????
The ED would be really cute without context. With context I kinda hate it right now.
I do like how its animated though. And the song is cute.
This is gonna be one of those 3 episodes to give it a shot type deals.
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youreaclownnow · 2 months
O, P, and X for the Fandom questions! 😃
Oversharing for the askbox meme prompts tonight!! Without further ado, here is a huge block of text
O: for a ship song I am choosing edge by reol bc it is just so domasia to me. Ofc I had to choose one for my truest OTP of all time here. https://youtu.be/FpwYVKN4w2U?si=vkRnHqOu_gIXBMUO
This was the first song that I came across after starting to ship it that made me really go "holy fucking shit... my otp"
Also I just really like reol
P: au time! I have done this in the form of the crackerbarrel posting but as far as non mostly a shitpost aus go I've been seriously considering a cracked out idea that is, combining the lore for fire force and g gundam and making some fucked up combo world where 90% of the events of each stay the same.
I really think it could work. The idea came to me like a vision when super stoned one day it was like I got a visual overlay of the events of both shows but overlayed above the other appearing in my head and it clicked into place.
X: 3 otps from 3 different fandoms
THE otp of ALL TIME: domasia
I've been going fucking insane over them for the past 7 months. Hundreds of drawings, an even larger amount of screenshots, I've watched ep 45 over 100 times at this point and ep39 around 50 times and the full shinjuku arc (12-17) at least 20 times, not to mention the fucking gunpla and other assorted merch I've acquired. Legit I've been sent into an autistic frenzy over this ship like I've never known before. I think about them so much it could qualify as a full time job. The unforseen consequences of finding a pairing that checks literally every box on your list.
Special mentions
Charmuro (I like it best when they are divorced and or at least can't stand eachother. Kissmesitude or bust TBH its really just funny to me.)
Charma (not really heavy into the actual shipping itself anymore, but I was last year. Now it's more of a cultural curiosity for me, it has a rich history that I can't really compare to any other ship I've seen. I find it really interesting and still do love seeing fanworks and such. The cultural impact goes crazy)
As far as actual char ships that I like to think about romantically I gotta say I like char/q- *I am pulled off the stage by my PR team*
Yu yu hakusho
Not in any particular order here
Kurahi (I love hiei and kurama is gay as hell. They have height gap also which I adore immensely. Cute ship and a fun dynamic. Their designs also play really nicely off the other, so whenever I see them next to eachother I get supremely hype)
Sakyo x toguro (I don't think they fuck but I think they have massive unresolved tension that I want to see explored. I think they WANT to fuck, I just don't think either of them would confess it prior to their deaths. Also I do enjoy when elder toguro joins them and acts like a creep. I don't directly ship him with either but I do think he's a freak enough to try some bullshit with both of them anyhow, and I do want to watch such an event)
Yusuke x literally anyone in the show (I don't need to say more about this he's just so extremely shippable it's super funny to me. I've yet to think up a truly awful pairing that includes him)
And for the grand finale!
HOMESTUCK ITS APRIL BITCHES WTF ELSE WOULD I CHOOSE *screams and dies and flops on the ground like a fish out of water*
DAVEREZI (Red hot power couple ngl sickbeatsmaxxed and candypilled)
Stridercest (redacted)
Vrisrezi (now THAT is what I call toxic yuri🥰)
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llycaons · 6 months
finished the LA!!!
I do find yyh's early mini-arcs to be pretty slow, so I don't mind skipping them. and for a shortened series, combining several arcs and ramping up the pacing made for a faster viewing experience and definitely streamlined hiei joining the group
making them 17 was a good change
the production value was high enough that a lot of the aspects genuinely fucking ruled
GREAT music. fantastic battle scenes. incredibly smooth cgi resulting in effective body horror and thrilling monster fights. final fight scene with the sparks looked incredible
the spirit gun, spirit sword, rose whip, and dragon of darkness flame all looked SO good. it was really cool to see them in a live-action format
I didn't dislike the wigs! I thought they were charming and stylistically perfect
I have a lot more to say about the plot below, but I will offer this praise: it could have tried to do a lot of things and it didn't. it may not have been completely faithful, but it avoided being a bad adaptation in other ways
I really liked the hiei and kuwabara. kuwabara initially disappointed me, but his earnestness and passion grew on me and I ended up really enjoying him. and hiei's actor just nailed him in every way - mannerisms, line delivery, body language, attitude
kurama was fine! there was a lot there they could have delved into but didn't. important thing is, he was a mama's boy who fights with plants.
yukina and keiko being immediate besties was really sweet! I wish they'd adapted more yukina moments but there wasn't a lot to work with anyway
keiko being more fighty was a really fun change
elder toguro RULED. younger toguro was really good too (in looks voice and body language) and so was sakyo but elder toguro stole the show. sakyo is a very stylish character who I always associate with smoking, but despite the changes I liked the LA version. but elder toguro. FREAK OF THE WEEK!!!!
some moments of genuine emotional resonance: kuwabara manifesting his spirit sword after days of hitting rocks with sticks. keiko inspiring yukina to escape by telling her she should try for the person who saved her last time. and hiei and yukina's last conversation where hiei looked like he was about to cry
it was SO well acted. and yukina looked so happy!! I think she knows. I also liked yukina and kuwabara's first encounter and kuwabara's convo with her after she heals him. it was very genuine. depsite not being into yukina/kuwabara or love at first sight, it was a sweet and well-crafted moment
the kuwameshi scraps...I heard yusuke say he wanted to eat ramen with kuwabara and then tell keiko 'it's not like that' and went 👀
ummmm what else. atsuko's first appearance was fine. in general everything in eps 1 and 2 were things I disliked and plenty in 3-5 were fun
the car crash was INTENSE
I was happy to hear smile bomb
the ending credits are cool and I like the music choices. the songs fit the vibe of the show, but the actual character writing doesn't
there was a time in my life (a few days ago) where I simply would have put 'everything else' but I'm in a different place now
but not TOO different. this show cannot stand on its own! it cut out MANY many iconic lines and character traits and jokes, even when it would have been easy to include. it's got the trappings of SOME things related to yyh, but lacks the actual soul
iconic character moments such as yusuke realizing how much people care about him and genkai falling to toguro's attack simply fail to impact the viewer in the same way because while they're incredible in concept, the execution is utterly rushed, nothing has ANY time to sink in. I don't even know what the themes of this show are, besides....protect your friends, I guess?
trying to crush everything up to three kings arc into 5 hours was ambitious, but not necessarily doomed. but they fucked it. they fucked the pacing and they fucked the characters and it feels gutless and boring and lazy. everyone seems like they've known each other for like, a day. at most. that genkai episode?!
it was cool that hiei's true motivations were secret for a little while. until the casual sibling reveal
a deeply beloved part of yyh is the core four dynamic. but these people BARELY know each other! kuwabara and yusuke are friends I guess, but they met kurama like twice and they don't even know hiei. genkai was killed TWENTY MINUTES after her introduction. who signed off on this?!
no botan oar, no jorge, koenma is a TEENAGER with a PACIFIER
and wtf was going on with yusuke!!!! his actor managed to convery anger, disgust, and boredom, and that was about it. he smiled maybe once? he almost cried in ep5 and that was HUGE to see. ugh he was robbed of his dynamism and life and passion and sense of humor as a character. I miss anime/manga yusuke so much. he was a goofy boy!!! he made that little kid smile!!! he jokes around and laughs really big and loves his friends!!!
they also failed to adapt botan. her actor was either poorly directed as I assume yusuke's was, or she's just an awkward performer. she's just a timid blue-haired cheerleader for yusuke who cows when he's mad I guess, not the fun, competent, confident, ball-busting older girl we all love. and her STYLE!!! let her dress up!!! it's 1991!!!
well, they have smartphones so I guess not 😔
I thought a lot of eps 1 and 2 were really boring...the fight scenes were way too long and not very good and I had no emotional stake
so this adaptation was too scared to really do its own thing but it also failed at recreating the true magic of yyh - the characters and their love for each other. the scene at the end was nice, but it didn't capture half of their chemistry by the DT arc
I really missed the tournament....and the character moments. atsuko screaming at yusuke and throwing things at his body!!! drunk and sobbing!!! a WRECK!!! I wanted THAT Atsuko. she was so collected and comforting to keiko, too. since when has atsuko been a responsible parent or adult?
whyyyy was his revival so easy!!! NO PUU!!!!!???? no proving himself, no emotional journey??!!
especially grieved to lose yukina crying because of her friends the birds being killed and not bc of being physically hurt. and I really wanted keiko to be more of a hero and save yusuke's body!! while giving keiko more of a character, the writing still let them down; they were relegated to Girls Needing Saving again at the end
it wasn't funny which is a crying shame given how hysterical the manga and anime dub both are (often for different reasons)
character arcs just got aborted. there was no way to explore hiei's past or his complicated feelings about his family. no way for kurama to reconcile the ancient demon and the 15 yr old boy he simultaneously is. no way for yusuke to truly overcome his anger and mature into a young man who's happy to be alive and is okay just chilling with a ramen shop. and um. well kuwabara got a spirit sword and that was pretty sick
also yoko kurama looked very silly and I didn't get his 'ancient powerful yokai' vibes ALSO it wasn't a surprise borne from kurama being poisoned to regress to himself of 20 years ago so that was a shame
I liked hiei's actor a lot but he SHOULD be 4'9!!!!
why did they spend more time on bullied kid than on the ACTUAL characters if they were so strapped for screentime?
ep1 was so bad. it was so bad guys. it was boring and not fun and I'm including the fight scene
no sensui or itsuki 😔 no shizuru, no puu, no jorge
overall the show tried to change both too much and not enough. if it only had 5 episodes, there are much more efficient ways of making the plot move forward and bonding the characters, and it doesn't requite sacrificing beloved character details. or hell, this is a new show! put IN some content, don't just take stuff away and mash other things together!
as another person on here said....it's a bit gutless
Final verdict: lots of style over substance with some good scenes and performances but ultimately a hollow shell of what it aspires to be. 6/10 will not rewatch but do not regret it
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pyrrhicraven · 7 months
Part Three of answering an ask that asked me to be nice to my fics.
Blood and Mind my first perception fanfic and boy do things get interesting. Bone and Skin Jarvis didn’t need Alice and good ridden! A better life for Jervis which is delivered lol Broken Chains its nice. The pairing ehhhhh kind of work? Captivated was a dark fic and it is really dark. The pairing is one sided and darker than my coffee which is the nicest thing I can say for them. Flare my first Invader Zim fic which is almost as crazy as the show. Follow me Kuwabara is tough, and I show that for the most part, Hiei is afraid for his big human and I always adore these two together. Hoshi no kōkai Goku and the supreme kai on a road trip why not lol Getting them to kiss? Perfect. Katherine introspective actually which was nice. Last Days of Summer Harry and Snape bond over god. No pairing. Melting Faith The first version of Comatose that I am glad I started because otherwise Comatose wouldn’t have been written and Mega gets cuddles in this one kind of? Odium Ardor Ptich and Jack learning to work as a team and a bit of flirting from the boys which was nice. Random Encounters my first NCIS fic which while it was written a long time ago still gives me fuzzy feelings. Razor Sharp sad but hopeful or at least in my opinion and that’s the nicest thing I can say about it. Recalescence Maria’s cute in this one that’s all I got lol Repair an ask fic which turned out okay and the pairing was fun to write. The Sleeping Valley Raito actually using his mind check. No pairing kind of? One sided? I don’t really talk about it much in this lol The life of a Ravenclaw Seeker has so much potential I mean it was something I liked and wanted to write. Pairing ehhh they love each other is the best I can give you lol The years after something I would have liked to see in the actual show, them all getting together and hanging out again. As for the Pairing I adore them.
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cloversdreams · 5 years
consider... hiei but in an oversized silver hoodie with fox ears on top and a matching tail in the back
no pants we die like manly demons
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