pyrrhicraven · 3 hours
We need MartianBat (Batman/Martian Manhunter) fluff!!
Bruce was dead tired, after all the nonsense of the week not only as batman but as Bruce Wayne he deserved a nice long sleep. Walking into his bedroom he paused drinking in the sight J'onn made. He was in his true form, reading a large tome of some sort, the writing on the spine gave Bruce no clue other than it seemed martian in origin.
Haphazardly throwing his clothes into the hamper he returned his path to bed. Happy J'onn was there but sadly he needed rest more than anything else. J'onn had known he was there and set the book aside when Bruce crawled into bed, arms open for Bruce to lay his head on the broad martian chest.
Sighing Bruce relaxed into J'onn's arms, glad that his lover always seemed to know just what he needed...
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pyrrhicraven · 4 hours
Can we see what else happens after Raph got his drink spiked?
Saki smirked at the fool who dared drug his husband. There were so many things he could do. But it would please him to turn this moron into a mess as he had Hun.
"You shouldn't have attempted to harm someone under my protection."
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pyrrhicraven · 22 hours
Chapter 104 of Blood and Roses is out
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pyrrhicraven · 2 days
Human Lucifer x Demon Alastor being partners in crime
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Made for 📻🍎week day 5 (Domestic/Demon)
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pyrrhicraven · 2 days
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pyrrhicraven · 2 days
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Sephiroth for @resdayn 🪽
He might look a little weird, this doesn't quite suit my style, I understand, but I really tried to figure out how to draw him (it was hard 😭)
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pyrrhicraven · 2 days
The true struggle of a writer...especially one who writes as a hobby.
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pyrrhicraven · 2 days
I see your American politics and raise you
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did I just see "American Politics" as a fandom on ao3 or am i fucking hallucinating
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pyrrhicraven · 2 days
What happens when someone in your fics ships gets hurt?
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honestly, most characters would go on a rampage if their partner was in danger or hurt. Naturally of course they would try to get them help, I could imagine both Mario and Luigi being the type to make sure their partner would be okay before going to put the fear of god into whoever hurt them.
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pyrrhicraven · 2 days
Can we have scenes where characters in your fic ships get heir drinks spiked?
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Saki frowned because this was not the way Raph usually acted. He seemed almost dazed, had someone spiked his drink? They hadn't been paying much attention. Which might have been a mistake. Saki hadn't thought anyone would have been brazen enough to pull a stunt like this on his husband.
"Princess." Raphael smiled but didn't quite meet his eyes. Something was really wrong, Saki grabbed Raphael by the waist and began moving them toward the exit, signaling Takeshi to watch their back. No doubt someone wanted to take advantage. Probably the Dragons.
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pyrrhicraven · 3 days
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pyrrhicraven · 3 days
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making art sites that don't allow NSFW is useless to me. not even to get my rocks off, i mean at this point not allowing NSFW ends up being a nightmare of random queers getting banned because the guidelines are too ill-defined and art that presents the human body, especially femme and trans, will just get obliterated for no reason despite not being sexual.
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pyrrhicraven · 3 days
Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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pyrrhicraven · 3 days
Can we have more fic ships cuddles??? 🥺🥺🥺
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Mario sighed and wrapped his arms around Peach, pressing a sleepy kiss to her neck. She murmured and shifted in his arms, her arms wrapping around his waist. She smelled lightly of her shampoo, comfortable that she was asleep he closed his eyes. Trying to go back to sleep he started when he heard a loud thud, he glanced at Peach. She was still asleep so he slowly inched out of her embrace and threw his robe on.
Unwilling to just let the sound go. He'd made that mistake a few times, and Mario wouldn't do it again. Poking his head out he saw a flash of movement at the corner of the long hallway. Gently closed the door to his and Peach's room before sneaking down the hallway.
He peeked around the corner and almost had a heart attack. Bowser had Luigi in his arms in what seemed a tender manner, Kissing his brother! He burst out from the corner and startled them, Bowser stumbling and Luigi letting out a shriek of surprise as he fell.
"What the hell are you doing here!" Mario shouted and Bowser gulped audibly. Luigi frowned at him and honestly, he knew what he'd seen-his brother had been kissing Bowser as much as Bowser had been kissing him.
"Making out with your brother?" Bowser said in a small voice and Mario burst into laughter. Yeah, yeah that was the truth.
"Lu, couldn't you two have been I donno a little more quiet?" His room was right next to them.
"Ehhh we were trying?" Luigi said with a little chuckle and Mario shook his head.
"Well try a little harder next time. I'm going back to bed see you in the morning." Mario moved away, snickering as the two had a hissing conversation behind him as he rounded the corner. He'd freak out in the morning and grill Bowser-but right now all he wanted was to get back into bed and pull Peach back into his arms.
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pyrrhicraven · 3 days
Who’s more protective in your fic ships?
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Good Question!
TMNT Last Knight: Raphael even though it might seem like Saki lol
Pac-Man: Saki once he admits how much he cares 😈
Super Mario Bros The Devil's Trap: Luigi, because I like to think of how he overcomes his fears to help those he cares for.
Brooklyn bros: Bowser, he is very protective of anyone he considers his.
Tangled Hearts: Hmm at this point I don't think anyone is protective per se.
Hazbin Hotel Red Windows: Lucifer, just because he threw a punch at Adam for trying to hurt Charlie. I feel like he'd do that for anyone he cares for.
Invader Zim Eclipse of Mercury: Eh your guess is as good as mine 🤣As far as I'm concerned these two psychos are equally protective.
Danny Phantom Unintended: Vlad, mostly because I think he's a little overly protective once he gets what he wants.
Phantom Caress and Midas Touch: Danny 1000% Because he cares, because Vlad has been a part of his life, and losing him scares Danny.
Savage: Clockwork in this case or pretty much any case considering the way I write him lol
Alchemy: Jack Fenton. He's lost already, but there is no way he's giving up again.
Star Wars Thin Air: Cody and Rex because they see tired Obi-Wan and just want him to get some goddamned rest lol
Lightning Strike: Dooku, he hates the position Obi-Wan's been stuck in and would do anything to get him out.
Dangerous Flowers: Hm, I'd have to say Obi-Wan in this case-even if Cad can take care of himself lol
Obsidian Dust: Dooku again, but in a creepy kind of way?
Dawn: I think they'd end up being equally protective honestly.
Diamond Heart: Dooku doesn't want Obi-Wan to get too deep into this madness and is actively protective throughout the whole story.
Horizon of Yesterday: Cad Bane is particularly fond of Padme and is protective to a certain degree (When she almost gets kidnapped he panics a little but he's a bounty hunter so a little more trigger happy I guess lol)
Blind And Frozen: Obi-Wan and Bail are protective of their people, and former people if you will.
Beneath The Midnight Sky: Dooku and not in a good way poor Obi-Wan.
My Hero Academia Sins: Bakugou the hot-headed little so-and-so lol
Hotel Transylvania (Movies) Dark Temptation: Dracula, he really cares about his little human Johnny 🧛
Miraculous Ladybug Angel Shrine: I'd say they're pretty much equally protective.
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pyrrhicraven · 3 days
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You are in a little white room, and every so often someone comes to your door and whispers praise or elation at something you’ve done. Suddenly one day the door to your room opens and you are blinded by sunlight, tears streaming down your face from the intensity. You are grabbed and dragged out of the little white room you’ve known for years into a brightly lit rainbow room with people chatting loudly sometimes over each other. You’re frozen because how could you have missed this all these years?
This was me. The only interaction with the fandom community I had before 2017 was people commenting on my fanfiction which was rare and far between. I’ve been writing online for over twenty years, so could you imagine how incredible it was to suddenly be part of a community you basically were isolated from? Why 2017? I began writing/reblogging on Tumblr. Pretty sure I joined it the year before but hadn’t commented or rebogged anything. Why Tumblr? People were talking about it, so I figured why not? Best decision of my life. After that point, I was interacting with people who enjoyed the fandoms I did and dragged me into new fandoms (Danny Phantom)(You know who you are) By 2019 I was actively chatting with people on a nearly weekly basis. It was like being reborn tbh, Now I had a lifeline to people who enjoyed the same stuff and egged me on to write more, to push myself to be a better writer. Unlike in IRL where I have no writing support. High school was the last time I had any IRL support. That was over ten years ago, so honestly joining sites where I could actually talk and share my crazy writing or headcanons is just amazing for me. So. Thank you, everyone, thank you for the support, or just even looking at my little blarbos 😊
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pyrrhicraven · 3 days
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