#its not common but it still makes me squick
ribbonzregretz · 2 years
urrghhh yaoi fans make me mega uncomfy, maybe im just mega ace but it just seems so... fetishy & weird, idk, but i really dislike the fact that yaoi is still around tho, wish i didnt have 2 see it
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orchestraytedkhaos · 1 year
Rexsoka. Yeah, it's my ship. Still.
I mainly just lurk here, reading fanfic and enjoying the memes. But the angst of the last few has given me the courage to dive in and say a few words.
First, let me clear the air: Rebels was when I started shipping Rexsoka. Prior to their reunion on that show, it had never ever occurred to me to ship them. Despite having read the novels.
So, yeah, look, I totally get the opposition to shipping early Clone Wars Rex and Ahsoka. She's a child. He's a child too, arguably, although his accelerated maturation makes everything super messy. The military structure and fact that Rex is basically a slave means its got power issues galore. Then for those in the US, there is the whole 18 year old age of consent thing (noting, for good or ill, it's 16 most other places). I get why this squicks people. It's the SanSan of Star Wars.
But people grow up. Even on TV.
Season 7 Ahsoka is 17 going on 18, and effectively an adult. She's commanded armies, and just spent a year living and working independently. She is also obviously mature and, frankly, animated that way. Rex is a long term friend, they love and care for each other, and by the end of the season, she basically risks everything for him, and he for her. The episodes are also written in a very obviously shippy way, with the gazing, the chats, the meaningful converstions, the hand holding and the tears. Not to mention that sad, moonlit reunion in Tales of the Jedi.
And although I dont think it matters much, by this time, even taking Rex at double chronological age, the gap is pretty mild by fantasy standards. 17-18 and about 26, roughly the same as Buffy and age-corrected Angel, and way less than Han and Leia.
Fast forward to Rebels, and we have two mature adults with a shared history and goals, who love, trust and admire each other, share common interests, and are amongst the most important people in each other's lives. It's a believable and natural thing for that to progress to something more. The challenges to their relationship are things like, for Ahsoka, the lingering memory of the Jedi code and Anakin and Padme's destructive passion, and Rex's rapid aging, status and limited life experiences. It is those kinds of emotional and external barriers and their shared trauma that make the romance so interesting.
Season 7 + and Rebels Rexsoka is classic friends to lovers, and one of the nicest, softest and most realistic relationships in Star Wars. The opposition to it, and moraliatic shaming of those who like is, is something I simply don't get. It's bizarre. There are heaps of ships that are far, far more problematic (including Anakin/Padme) that don't get this hate.
Like, anti dudes, what exactly *is* the problem here? I suspect the it's that some people just want to get their hate on.
The recent flashbacks? Yeah, that one on Mandalore complicates thing, but I doubt they had stomping on shippers in mind when they cast Ariana, as I have seen suggested elsewhere. The more likely scenario is that - at about 14 yo when this was filmed - Ariana was totally perfect for the first flashback, and is perfect for playing young Ahsoka going forward. Even setting aside that she is an amazing actress, she's insanely athletic and can duel weild light sabres while knee walking though a twist. She's also already tied to Disney. She wasn't quite right for the part, and, I agree, that does make watching it in light of the fanfic a bit uncomfortable. But, it's not just a shipper issue. Putting an Ahsoka that looks and sounds like that in the episodes with the Martez sisters and Bo Katan is weird af too, and doesn't work. I doubt it is meant to.
Story-wise, the best and only real take is that the flashbacks aren't live action replays. The Mandalore scene doesnt even chronologically match what happened (Ahsoka is so fighting Saxon in that scene, which never happened). They are visions about Ahsoka and Anakin and their relationship, not live action replays. Both remember her as a child caught up in a war. Smoke, the fog of war, flashing lights and dying, faceless clones.
And Anakin and Rex.
What I take from these is that in Ahsoka's mind, and Anakin's too for that matter, Rex is always there for her. Standing in the chaos, calm and confident in himself and in her, and looking badass as heck. With an older Ahsoka it would have absolutely been smoking scene from her pov, and no way was it written otherwise. As an older Ahsoka remembering, it's hot. As younger Ahsoka, he's there as her protector and friend.
Do I do ever think this ship will play out on screen? Not, no explicitly. And, yeah, it probably is harder now because of that vision (although if they ever do film a younger Ahsoka series, they will undoubtedly be casting a young actor for Rex, and Ariana will, by then, be 18). But I don't think that was intentional, and I don't think that much has changed. It was always intended to be an "open for interpretation" relationship, written with the possibility not excluded. And I am good with that. Perhaps I even prefer it. Star Wars has a truly dreadful record with romance and, besides, too often cementing subtle or ust-based ships kill them. I just hope this hasn't, because it's still my ship and I love it.
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unhingedkinfessions · 11 months
hi hi !!! its me again <3 kin walmart anon :)
after reading other peoples experiences, ive gotta talk about something that ive noticed is a pretty common thing amongst certain types of kin servers. and thats just… blacklists that are both user compiled and extremely strict.
this never made sense to me. especially if said blacklist is 400 miles long and has some of the wackiest shit on it. i actually still have access to the one from kin walmart, here are some of my favs:
- the word “bounce”
- the phrase “bouncing ball”
- mother mentions (all forms: mom, mother, etc)
- oranges (the fruit)
- school/mentions of schoolwork
- therapy
- Talking about private conversations/going to have a private conversation in a public setting
- any mention of the ocean
im also going to say, blacklists are fine. user compiled blacklists are okay but… i think there should be a better way to manage them. especially in spaces that have 100+ members. no hate to anyone who has these triggers either. i just think that there’s a line. there should be a line. and most times, ive found that the line is nonexistent. it should be up to user’s specifically to adjust their experience accordingly. im so sorry that i want to talk about the bouncing ball i stole from dollar general, maybe just dont read the conversation.
i understand that this take can be somewhat controversial, its why i don’t… talk about it without hiding behind anonymity. but i think, especially in kin spaces, blacklists are almost… idk.. taken advantage of?
idk this ended up being more rambly than intended, i just love talking about kin walmart and some of the whacky shit that went on there. stay tuned for our next episode; kin home depot
- kin walmart anon
NO YOU'RE SO RIGHT IS THE THING. there is a point where you need to be responsible for yourself and not place the responsibility/blame on others for not remembering every trigger on a mile long blacklist. you have to know when to step away from a conversation if there's a topic that triggers or upsets you, not demand everyone else conform to You. especially if it's extremely specific (such as the bounce example you gave) or extremely vague and frequently mentioned (moms, school, etc.). there's a lot of issues with those kinds of things and if you're in a Public space with lots of people, you gotta be responsible for your own well-being. it's different if it's a smaller group of friends, of course. there's a difference between 'friends' who continuously overstep your boundaries/comfort and large servers where people are just going to make general discussion about whatever.
the amnt of servers ive been in w mile-long user-compiled blacklists where people throw a gd Fit if you so much as allude to one of the 5000 "problematic medias" theyve put on the bl.... ok not that much actually cuz im thinking of one example in particular i was in multiple servers w. but you know. and a lot of shit can just be like. squicks or stuff they don't like, rather than something that will genuinely trigger them.
i swear some kinnies just can't manage big servers in general. once i was in a server of at Least 100 members - that was not even a kin server, it was for smth else but had a lot of kinnies - where there weren't any like, actual chat moderators (just some ppl who had permissions for unrelated reasons). there was a user-compiled blacklist that was rarely updated w requests, and one day out of boredom & frustration with the lack of organization, i went and sorted the long ass list by Category and Alphabetically. i was not even a mod i just DID THAT. the admins of that server sucked so bad they didn't know how to manage anything and were generally some of the worst people on the planet.
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punk-and-anxious · 1 year
I’m curious about your reasoning for why midam when they share a body and/or have vessels that are identical(?) and based on Adam is okay, but not if Michael is either using John as a vessel (assuming it’s only the body and John himself is not in there too) or just looks like John in AUs and such. Is it just personal squick?
(Speaking as someone who’s been shipping midam for a while. John as Michael’s vessel was pretty common pre-the s15 reveal, especially in AUs, where it’s just a hot face to give to the archangel we want Adam to kiss. Nothing wrong with disliking it, but I like hearing new opinions on this ship and comparing them to the conversations people have been having about it for a while.)
I honestly have no idea why. I made the og post exactly because i realized my preference and had no actual reason for it?
I was already in the fandom pre s 15 reveal and yes i too read shit ton of midam fics with young Johns face as Michael, so im not totally opposed to it. I just prefer the weird mind fuckery of sharing a body (might be because of my love for all cosmic horror and weird mind fuckery)
I think the preference comes from it still looking like Adams dad in a way? Even when it's not. Like have you seen pictures of your parents when they were young. They dont look like your parents at all but its still them. So id see it as weird on Adams pov. Like would he get past Michael looking like his father? Would he see only Michael or his dad?
And yes i would fuck my own clone if i could (for science) so i dont have an opposition on the whole I SWEAR ITS NOT SELFCEST PLEASE LISTEN version of Midam. Because you dont really see yourself that often, so itd be different? Idk
I have no idea why xD and im not hating on anyone who likes the young John as Michaels vessel/face. Since, like i said, been there! And if i find a really good fic like that, ill happily read it :3 (i know my og post seemed a bit harsh and stuff but thats just my humor. Dry and angry seeming about small shit. Like anwsering FUCK YOU when someone asks you to get the mail, and doing it anyway. Because why woukd i be mad? But akso i get passionate about stuff and so on. I hope it didnt come off as me hating the idea compleatly!)
Idk if this makes any sense or answers anything or if it's just rambles! Like i said i honesky dont know, and the more i think for a reason the more it makes no sense for me to have a preference on it, yet here we are
:3 ill try clear stuff up more if ya need me to <3
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kitsunefyuu · 1 year
Ask game: 16, 19, 21, please!
Choose Violence Ask Game | Accepting
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
BKDK or just honestly super baby Izuku as a result of the previous ship. I mean it more the fact that in a lot of shippy stuff they kind of make Izuku a wimp, pathetic, or kind of squick. But it's common like good lord Twitter keeps shoving this stuff into my face where Izuku the headover-heels pathetic boy and I'm cringing.
Like I wouldn't have an issue if maybe they wrote Izuku pushing back or trying to be equal. But nope, he's just 'baby' and I'm over here gesturing the dark Deku arc or when nearly died to muscular like WHAT YOU MEAN BABY!? HE'S BADASS!? IS IT BECAUSE HE CRIES? I CRY WHEN MAD TOO.
But it is common and it just a giant sigh like why?
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I hate that I like BKDK friendship if wasn't for how badly handled it was at its wasted potential. How much I adore IzuToga but good luck to me in figuring out how to make it work.
Oh and how much I like All for One makes me mad knowing isn't popular because of how evil he is but also knowing he is fated to die. Also knowing how many people despise him because he's evil and it like- That's the best part and made more awkward cause I'm also like but what if was trying to be a good dad? While still being terrible evil, man I wish I liked the other villains more but I am honed in on All for One.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
-glancing at every single shipper screaming about their ship or wanting certain characters dead-
I don't think I'm touching that part. So a thing I think is overhyped in canon is honestly whatever the heck Bakugou doing. Besides being dead currently but I think a lot of people in this circle share this kind of gripe at least in the DFO circle.
And sadly I feel like the Dark Deku Arc is over hyped because while it had potential it didn't last long enough to do a true character study. Didn't even get to hear Deku's thoughts the whole time only what others said.
Maybe one day I would like to rewrite the Dark Deku Arc to expand it a bit because I feel like could have done more before Class 1-A save. Or even drag out that section instead of making them just power of friendship in 1-2 chapters. Have them lose him a few times before make him sit his ass down to listen.
Give Ochaco, Iida, and allow Shouto to help little down his resistance. Get Bakugou to PROPERLY apologize but without an audience. Dark Deku arc makes me salty from wasted potential.
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tigger8900 · 1 year
Chrysalis, by Anuja Varghese
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A local haunting seeks the remains of her one true love. A retelling of Cinderella set in a shopping mall. A woman who finds herself drowning as she searches, seemingly endlessly, for a partner. These tales, along with twelve other short stories, range from realistic to fantastic, drama to horror. Dealing with many different subjects, the common thread that connects them all is that they center and highlight the experiences of South Asian women.
I thought this was a pretty good collection. I found the stories easy to read and understand for the most part, though the subject matter was often heavy, featuring stories of racism, infidelity, miscarriage, and loss. Several of the stories carried queer themes and characters, which is always a bonus. I found all the stories to be very vivid in my mind's eye, and the horror elements were well balanced, never overwhelming. My favorite stories were Bhupati, In the Bone Fields, Chitra (Or: A Meteor Hit the Mall and Chitra Danced in the Flames), and Midnight at the Oasis.
If there's one criticism I'd make of this collection it was, well, that it was very easy to understand. If you're looking for something thought provoking, a story that'll worm its way into your head and keep bothering you with new insights for days to come, this probably isn't the collection for you. The only story I didn't understand immediately upon reading it was Milk, and honestly that one squicked me pretty hard. So, I suspect that it's less that I didn't understand as that I didn't want to understand.
Still, I wouldn't hesitate to pick up another title by Varghese, especially one leaning into queer themes. She's entirely correct that the South Asian feminist perspective isn't very well-represented in western literature, and I believe she succeeded in her goal of offering up something worthy of consideration.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
choose violence 3 6 7 8 9 10 16 22 and 25 for total drama (and i’ve just realized that’s a lot a lot so obvi if u don’t wanna answer all of them that’s all good)
No worries! I'm happy to scream about Total Drama! Worst case scenario, I get tired and simply finish the rest later.
3.) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Shipping Raj x Wayne is somehow homophobic because Raj is in a canon gay relationship. Polyamory is a thing, and somehow I don't think homophobes would enjoy the idea of a fanon m/m ship somehow.
Honestly, any time people expect canon queer couples to be given special treatment in fandom it annoys the shit out of me. Someone will dislike the vibes of the ship. Its inevitable. Honestly, I'm surprised that someone wasn't me this time, since happy relationships like Rajbow aren't usually my jam.
6.) which ship fans are the most annoying?
Can I bash the shippers for my favorite TD ship (of Duncney) for a second?
Shut up about the love triangle. Shut up about Courtney's character derailment. Literally every ship was wronged by canon, we aren't fucking special. A vast majority of the ship tag shouldn't be bitching about canon.
7.) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
...honestly, thats a hard one. I feel like hate is a strong word, but I don't understand the hype for Noah. (and any Noah ship that isn't Nowen or Noah x Emma.)
Like, sure. He's sarcastic. So what. That makes him a 5/10 at best. He never does anything but be sarcastic and then be mindlessly in love.
I don't hate him though.
8.) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
lean in. come closer, I don't want anyone else hearing this.
Dramarama is good. and funny. and I like it. Why is it despised?
9.) worst part of canon
The fart jokes are low hanging fruit, so I won't pick them.
I hate how everyone in gen 1 had to be coupled up. What relevance Izzy/Owen have on the season as a whole? Or Geoff/Bridgette? (I like them but point still stands.)
If you introduce a canon couple and get me invested in the romance, it has to actually go somewhere. Lyler was a plot device to get you to hate Heather. Duncney went through an entire arc. Gwent was amazing.
Why do no other ships bring that energy?
I love Samkota, but Sam was just a trophy husband for Dakota after her mutation. He's a passive participant in his own romance arc.
Gens 3 and 4 improve on this I think, but it still annoys me.
10.) worst part of fanon
this is incredibly petty and personal, but WHY IS CODY EVERYWHERE? He squicks me. So much. (honestly, the fact that he reminds me of a past experience when most creep characters don't proves that he feels like a real person. but no.) Why is half the fandom Cody. Can it not be?
16.) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I answered this before and I said Lesbian Emma. Now, I'm going to go with Gwortney. These two could barely sell and interesting friendship, and somehow you expect them to carry an entire romance plotline? Its the most bland of bland ships. If you want a Sapphic way to resolve the despised love triangle, Gweather is right there. They actually have chemistry.
It feels like they took all of Duncan's hard work of getting Courtney to relax and enjoy life, and made Gwen have the same effect on her when it doesn't make sense with the characterization. If anything, Courtney making Gwen be more serious makes sense.
(that being said, I'm glad you are having fun, and will reblog cute art.)
22.) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
The episode recaps. I want Chris to recap my day. I love them.
25.) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Other than the love triangle?
Heather's plot armor.
Owen had just as much, if not more plot armor. He makes the group sleep in the woods? Fuck it, Katie and Sadie get lost.
Single-handedly blows the cooking challenge? Uh... (Total Drama writers thinking up Bullshit) Beth and the Statue pisses everyone off more, somehow!
He betrays the guys alliance? This has no concequences for him.
At least Heather's plot armor didn't cause her to win a season.
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dundeelemonade · 2 years
So you wanna get into MXTX! I would probably recommend the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation animation first and foremost. It's complete, its well paced and animated, and it's in a comparatively easy to consume media type. Grandmaster is also a pretty self contained story - you dont need a lot of outside knowledge to be able to enjoy it. A good entry pojnt. (I started with The Untamed, and am still very partial to the casting and character design, but the donghua is much better paced.)
Scum Villain is very funny if you're at all familiar with the genre it is parodying, but it can probably be pretty confusing since it's relying very heavily on certain standardized genre staples. The animation is also... um.. endearing. The animation team seemed to me to do as well as they could within a very limited budget and boy do those budget limitations show. The novels, if you read fan-translations of it those translations can range dramatically in quality, and that quality can impact a LOT, from making it difficult to focus on the plot for the weird wording, to not being able to comprehend what's going on at all.
Within all of this, if there are any squicks or relationship dynamics that eugh you out, all of MXTX's novels have some pretty common ones, and if there's any you don't wanna touch w/ a 10 ft pole, I can advise if they'd even be worth it for you in the first place!
oh my god thank you that first recommendation sounds like exactly what i am needing. i got far enough into the untamed to enjoy the characters a little, but it was still too much for me.
no need to worry about squicks and relationship dynamics because i am a terrible gremlin :) the biggest obstacle is definitely the culture clash for me.
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elvencantation · 2 years
everything everywhere all at once liveblog
okay i know she’s supposed to be evil and shit but JOY IS SO DAMN COOL AND HOT AND WOW. GODAMN
i love that she’s just straight up discovering weird ass new universes. rly don’t like the hot dogs for fingers tho everything on a bagel?? are you kidding me?
evil joy is too hot and that’s really not fair
the bagel cgi is cool too
poor this universe joy. yeah she’s not gonna be able to stab her is she
juju chewbacca 😂
glad she’s having this convo with joy but shit
WHAT THE FUCK WHY IS THIS LADY USING HER DOG AS A FUCKING BOLA?? not the right term but i cant remember it rn
is joy the key to defeating alpha joy?
god that would be so lovely if healing her relationship with joy in this horrible universe helped solve the problem
i love that her world saving skill in this case is thinking of weird ass random shit. i could probably do that. wouldn’t look as cute tho 😂
i hate this butt joke like. cant you take it out pls? for me personally cause it’s apparently a squick? thank you
wait so they can only access the skills as long as they’re connected to that universe? how’d she combine them all with the shield fight then? or was it cause she fractured
oh no oh no she’s gonna kill alpha waymond fuck fuck FUCK
is she stuck in another evelyn?
oh no the secondhand embarrassment of her messing up other universes
wait did she go back??
omg the creativity of putting them in her drawing??? HER MIND
oh it’s the weird white universe again
“the bagel will show you the true nature of things” GOD HOW DID SHE SAY THAT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE. ACTING
it’s probably a testament to the writing and acting that i actually kinda feel bad for hot dog Deirdre
also i know it’s bad that she’s fucking everything up but it’s such a cool sequence and joy’s face is fascinating to watch
okay now i wanna slow down that clip and see all the other universes!!!
if i was a rock would you still love me?
hmmm i’m a bit sad i didn’t hear their voices but i get the point
this is making me feel shrimp feelings. also i think i’m getting a headache. that’s probably just cause of not really having dinner and being on a plane 😂
oh no i forgot she stabbed him in the og universe fuck im gonna cry. and he’s still defending her
oh no she’s gonna kill waymond isn’t she. please don’t
why is the bagel here? and where did it go?
god every moment i’m afraid of totally devastating tragedy. see what cdramas done to me??
yess be the chaotic good to her chaotic evil!!
“i’m learning to fight like you” god now i’m gonna cry again
this is all so ridiculous i can’t. i love it. she’s finding these things from their lives- the things that make them who they are. what is in common in most if not all of the universes. this is really similar to my own concept of self god i love it i cant
oh god she’s racacoonie
don’t let her go
oh god it’s all between the three of them isn’t it. fuck
god the music is all so good and so eerie
god joy don’t cry i’ll just be crying with you and that won’t help my headache
god becky is so sweet help i cant. her smile!!!! fuck
oh god for some reason then hugging as two planets collide absolutely fucking ended me
yes yes yes. the other side of nothing matter is why not do the things that make your life and others lives better? why not be the one thing that matters to that person?
BECKY. IS. SO. FUCKING. PRECIOUS. as is waymond obvi
wait the end confused me. but i do like that she didn’t just pretend that she heard. oh like it’s gonna still be there in her metaphorical peripheral vision?
okay so watching prince of egypt wasn’t the best idea if i wanted not to cry again. time for my all time favorite- jupiter ascending
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enthblaze · 1 year
Good morning (or afternoon or evening or whatever but for me it's morning), here is an incoherent list of facts about Roselyn Althea Jones because I feel like gushing about her (list is subject to be added to):
- One of her go-to vocal stims is Baby Girl. The only way you are safe from being called Baby Girl by her is if you make it explicitly clear that you are uncomfortable with it.
- She is a Barbie girlie first and a person second. One of her most treasured childhood memories is finding a handwritten note from Barbie herself on top of the DVD cases with her most beloved Barbie movies, Princess and the Pauper (aka the Best Barbie Movie Ever) and Magic of the Pegasus (Barbie Comfort Movie number 1 of 4), with brand new DVDs inside because the old ones got so worn out they no longer played.
- She doesn't know what the fuck her gender is outside of the concept of pink.
- Her pronouns are she/her and pink/pinks! She usually uses she, but somedays prefers pink.
- She cried the first time she played Undertale. The first time the line "Despite everything, it's still you" came on screen, she had to physically put the controller down and put her head in her hands.
- She enjoys experimenting with eye makeup! She has yet to find a foundation that doesn't set off her sensory issues, let alone contour or concealer, so she's stuck with elaborate eyeshadow and eye art, which she's cool with.
- In a similar vein, she hates the feeling of Casey's facepaint. There's a super sick selfie of Rose and Casey with Casey's facepaint on, Rose's facepaint was photoshopped on. She despises the feeling of it, she can't even look at the containers for too long.
- She's autistic, and got diagnosed at fifteen.
- Pink owns several different pairs of rollerskates because they look pretty. Pink's better on rollerskates than pink is on the ice.
- She hates being cold.
- In addition to being a Barbie girlie, she's also an MCYT girlie! Her favorite youtubers are Shubble, LDShadowlady, and Markiplier.
- She is astoundingly good at learning languages.
- Pinks hair is long and curly and pink adores taking care of it. Seeing pinks curls be pretty and healthy makes pink happy stim from just a glance in a mirror.
- She jumpscares so. easily.
- She gets bitey, sometimes. Like she'll see a stray finger and the impulsive thoughts will win and she'll go *chomp*. *bite*. *attaka* even.
- *Slaps roof of car except its Rose and I accidentally knock her headphones off her head* This baby can hold So Much Rage In Her.
- Her brain is playing music At All Times and if she doesn't like the music her brain is providing her, she will blast different music through her headphones. It might be loud enough to give her hearing damage later down the line, but if she can't feel it rumbling through her bones than what the fuck is the point?
- Somehow, she has gotten several girls at school to crush on her without even trying. She has no idea how, and it drives Casey insane.
- When pinks emotions get really overwhelming, pinks magic will have what pinks family calls 'fits," in that she will inadvertently make things start to float and glow or pinks big emotion will literally be emanating off her.
- She hates eye contact.
- She and Casey have stupid nicknames for each other; Casey calls her Freckles, Rose calls him Bandana.
- Her most common nickname is either Rose or Ro.
- She once threatened to stab her brother if he made her fuck up her eyeliner.
- Pink and Casey have an elaborate handshake that ends with them bonking their heads together.
- Pink can do a *killer* winged eyeliner, but she has to use eyeliner pencils directly on her skin cause liquid eyeliner squicks her out, but she can handle liquid eyeliner *overtop* of pencil eyeliner.
- She once hotwired a motorcycle and stole it from the Purple Dragons, that thing has become her pride and joy and she keeps her stolen prize at her dad's mechanic shop because he's teaching her how to take care of it.
- Rose and Casey are known to unceremoniously and unexpectedly smacking the shit out of each other with pillows. The Cain Instinct is. So strong with these two.
- Casey is her favorite person.
- Despite what her grades may say, she does actually enjoy learning new things.
- Her best classes are dance, choir, and whatever language class she's taking (she's working on her third language credit).
- "You can't handle the uber instincts of my uber autism. Observe." *fails to flirt with her autistic crush*. /ref
- Her vocal range is fucking *insane*, she can go up to whistle notes and down to low tenor. Bass is where she has to draw the line tho :/
She's so baby girl, I love her sm <3
Also!! Food for thought!! What would Giovanni think of Rose? 👀 Or, whats your favorite little fact (or facts) about Vanni?
stop...if i didnt already love Rose before- THEN I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HER NOW
AND AUTISTIC??? pink and i are the same fr fr,,,like how did u make it possible to make a charactee so lovable?? i will give my life for pink
oh i am gladly taking all this info and shelving it for later, i love little details about characters, they make me so happie
as for Vanni...he's more so curious about her as to wary. Rose, i think, would intrigue him, but i think they'd be quite good friends
i will say tho, i think Van would be a bit intimidated at first lmao but then he'd find her pretty fun and honestly? they'd be a chaotic duo
Van doesn't often break out of his responsible "eldest brother" role but Rose would deffo get him to loosen up a little
Van is semi-verbal !!! (projecting onto my boy fr) as he grew up, he got better at handling it and now often appears to communicate pretty well, but there's days where speaking is a little too hard and communicating comes to a standstill
as tots, the boys and Splinter learnt sign language to help Van during those days, and during the farmhouse arc, it became a common form of communication bcs Leo had to rest his throat as well
Casey & April also learnt sign language, simply bcs it would make their lives so much easier, and also bcs whispering during missions wasn't always the best way to go about things. being silent was an important part of being a ninja, after all
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a230ventblog · 5 months
three axioms about my brain that are the reason i cant read fiction:
-cant read anything about characters who are majorly different from me because my peer pressure mechanism is broken and makes me feel like theres something wrong with me if i dont relate to a major part of a character who describes themself as alone (The Night Diary and the quiet kid in my fourth grade class started a three year war in my head about whether or not i had the right to speak at all)
-cant read anything about characters who are too similar to me because fiction is supposed to be escapism (i kin eliza from eliza and her monsters SO HARD even though she is also quiet and i cant explain why but god. i get her. and our first panic attacks were for the opposite reasons!! people online perceived her personhood and i perceived someone else’s personhood online!!!! anyway i literally cannot touch the book with my bare hands because there are too many Feelings)
-long list of squicks i don’t even know why i have that include most common YA tropes: i.e. keeping secrets from someone significant in your life
and also bonus fourth im kind of an author now and also an SCP Wiki reader so my standards for writing are pretty fucking high. who tf needs published books when you have the SCP Wiki. it and ao3 are really the only sources of fiction i can Do because i know what i’m going to get a lot better than with a published book, there are more indicators and its all a familiar setting where i understand what the general vibe will be, AND THERE ARE CONTENT WARNINGS
the ironic thing though is that the fiction that has been worst for my health overall is on ao3 it at least tripled my squick list and also i literally have one of the character’s names cut into my side where THEY used to self-harm. the fucking fic is the reason i self harm in the first place. it is why this blog exists in the first place. i am probably the first person to go to therapy over an scp fanfiction
despite this bs i will still wander into bookstores and libraries and browse the fiction section for hours only to walk out with no books and a vacant look in my eyes. because i still really fucking like books. brain doesnt understand the difference between excitement and fear and i usually feel both simultaneously about things i like or have it start out as excitement and watch helplessly as it turns into fear. and this is responsible for the vast majority of my problems rn
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Canis / Twenties / Switch / It | Its
It'd be difficult to list everything I'm into, for me it's all about context. I can safely say, however, that I am not into farting or any other smelly things from that region of the body, and im not into actual literal bugs! Sorry, not that Kind of Dog. I made this side blog to more freely express my sexuality and perhaps make some friends along the way!
OC will be Published under : Woof 🗯 and Woof 📸
Jokey Joke is for my lighthearted posts
WoofWoof for personal
Still working out Tags for specific kinks but to get some common triggers out of the way for people to block:
GottaGoOut? (Bladder Desperation/Diapers)
TheDogHasAKnife (Edgeplay and Blades)
DidYouFeedIt? (Stuffing/Feeding/WG)
PredatorialPooch: (Vore, Teeth, Bellies)
MuzzleThatThing (Biting, Horror Hunger, Primal)
SleepyWoofs (Somno)
123DropIt (Hypno)
BroodHound (Breeding, Some Preg)
PuppysPaws (Feet)
Feel free to ask for a tag if I haven't nabbed a squick or trigger yet, with the exception of petplay. This whole blog will contain lots of that ^^;
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thvndersnow · 1 year
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You can feel free to call me Ferret, Logan, or my blog name.
This blog is semi-selective and mutuals only. This is for my own comfort and safety.
Any art you see used for characters is my own unless explicitly credited otherwise. Any "alienboyfriend" watermarks you see refer to me as that is my art and streaming handle.
I will tag all common triggers with a simple "____ cw", as well as any trigger or squick specifically requested by my followers/mutuals. If I forget a tag, please feel free to let me know.
Due to mental health issues, executive dysfunction, and general adult life, I ask for patience in regards to my posting speed. If you think I've genuinely forgotten about you, please poke me.
Bigotry, hatred, and harassment will not be tolerated on this blog.
If you want my Discord and we are mutuals, ask me for it. We can use it to plot!
Personals may feel free to follow this blog but will be blocked if they reblog any roleplay posts, promos, or headcanons I make. I will not warn for this.
I have clinical anxiety and get anxious about sending in passwords. If I follow you, I promise I have read your rules. I fully understand if you still want to block me regardless.
I reserve the right to add to or edit these rules as I please. I’ll post an update on my blog every time that I do.
This blog is crossover friendly! I’ll roleplay with anyone from any fandom, but I heavily prefer fandoms I have prior familiarity with.
Non-mutuals and personals may feel free to send in asks, ask memes, and questions, the stipulation being that they can’t be asks or asks memes that would require me to roleplay with them. They could send in, for example, a symbol that requires one of my muses to answer a question for the sake of fleshing out their character, but they could not send in a sentence starter.
If you send in an ask please specify which muse it’s meant for, otherwise I’ll pick one at random.
I will only treat your characters as if my muse knows them if we’ve discussed a prior acquaintanceship beforehand, or, in the case of canon characters, if they know each other in canon. I ask that you do me the same courtesy.
Feel free to tag me in random starters IF WE HAVE INTERACTED BEFORE. If we haven’t interacted yet, I ask that you ask me first.
ANYONE can feel free to just send me random ask prompts, however.
I am over the age of 25. NSFW interactions will appear on a sideblog of this blog, which you must ask for if you're interested. I ask that minors do not follow or interact with this blog.
All nsfw interactions going further than PG-13 on this blog will be tagged “nsft” for blacklisting purposes.
All of my muses are adults. I will never roleplay sexual or romantic interactions with underage muses. If you do, I ask you do not interact with this blog.
I will never roleplay sexual or romantic interactions between characters with a familial relationship with each other. If you do, I ask you do not interact with this blog.
I can and will roleplay toxic relationship dynamics and explore darker ships. This is not endorsement or approval of this behavior.
Each muse on this blog is multiship. I will not be exclusive to any one person. Each ship will be placed in its own bubble in each relevant verse unless we’re doing a poly ship (which I am up for) or some sort of plot with the multiple ships.
Shipping is done on a case-by-case basis and I will never force a muse into a ship. I won’t go into a thread with the things I ship as a given unless you come to me OOC saying that you want to. I ask you to do the same with any of your ships.
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starlightshore · 2 years
I've only seen one Danny phantom episode in my life and it was the one where he cloned himself or something so my question for your au is how would he even achieve that is it possible???
(sequel to this post can be found here!)
ok this will. sound insane. but there's actually three "cloning" methods Danny has done in the show. so I have no idea which episode you're talking about
The methods go as such:
Vlad clones Danny, makes a 12 year old girl Dani (with an "I") among other clones who end up as failures. I feel this is a bit messy and IRL cloning as a concept makes me uncomfortable, so in my AU Dani (Ellie, as the fandom calls her to avoid confusion) is just a different timeline Danny
Danny can split his two halves into two people using the Fenton Ghost Catcher. I'll cover how i'll take this story-line in a different post (i gotta rewatch the ep first lmao)
Danny, as a ghost, naturally has the ability to make duplicates. This is what I'm going to be covering in this post
erm. this post covers #body horror and #gore (kinda, it's... cartoony ghost "gore" it's my take on a scene from the show, so nothing like, graphic but still could be upsetting to someone!) so ignore the read-more if either is a squick for ya O:
tho! that said, i write down some of my ghost biology headcanons in here as well :>
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(image descriptions are provided inside the image)
Ghosts are 100% ectoplasm while humans are 100% flesh. Danny, as a halfa, is a mix of both. He's not completely 100% nor 50% -he's 80% of one side at a time.
I like when fics give Danny more "ghostly" side effects that go past just having super powers, like being naturally colder or having a slower heartbeat and breath. Not making noises, like when walking. etc. you get the point.
in contrast, Phantom is more human than other ghosts, breathing when others don't. while Phantom floats as if unaffected by gravity, he tends to stay closer to the ground and keeps his legs more often than not. Not sure if I'll do Ghost Language or anything of the sort, but Danny struggles with learning it when its supposed to be innate to otherworldly beings.
Each both blood and ectoplasm (so you'd see green/red flecks of it) and on the surface, seem 100% normal to their forms. But inside, Danny's organs are transparent (the ectoplasm in the cell tissue makes them semi-invisible) while Phantom has a human bone structure underneath. As ghosts are usually pure ectoplasm and thus constantly shifting shape and states of matter, this skeleton can switch from organic to ectoplasm when needed. (thus, danny can still have a ghostly tail). This means Fenton is lighter than a normal human, and Phantom is heavier.
Normally ectoplasm is corrosive and reacts badly to humans (so no "the entire school gets infected with ghost powers" plot in my AU) so Danny's blood being mixed in both forms should be impossible. The chemical reaction doesn't happen because Danny's entire existence is a paradox. His body is connected to every timeline of himself, bouncing physics off him like oil to water. if his parents were to ever study him they'd get massive headaches.
ghosts are like, literally not of this world. they're from a different dimension where physics (while they mirror our world) are completely different. in a sense, you could say ectoplasm is dark matter (which contrary to common belief, is not dark, it's invisible!) it exists around us and has a gravitational pull on the universe. the portal doesn't move you to a different universe, it shifts your perspective. that's what ghosts do- they just move in a different axis than us.
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As mentioned above, Danny's body normally has a human skeleton, but becomes into pure ectoplasm goo when the body "separates." It actually is still loosely connected with a gaseous ectoplasm (so it's less like losing a finger and rather becoming a sticky hand toy with extra steps)
Danny also has 'guts" which are just more compact ectoplasm goo. He's very "human" for a ghost! Which means he can "breathe" with "lungs." They're not really functioning like actual organs -the lungs expand but the heart is a ghost core and he has no "blood" but rather the ectoplasm naturally swirls around in there. (Well, he does have some blood, just mixed in)
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Gross ghost biology aside, Danny doesn't know about any of that. He does his best to not think about it. (which, despite being a dumb teenager, still is very aware of his sci-fi horror anatomy. dude loves space and sci-fi and horror. of course he knows)
Ghosts can "filter feed" on the ectoplasm (as mentioned, it's actually dark matter!) that exists in the background of our atmosphere. Halfas can convert the energy their body has (as in, calories gained from when human) and create more ectoplasm to create ghost rays (or wail!) or even duplicates. As expected, it's a HUGE calorie burner and exhausting.
Ghosts (and halfas) can recharge with pure ectoplasm -something that Vlad doesn't tell Danny, which is why Vlad can duplicate a lot while Danny struggles to even make a single clone.
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pomrania · 2 years
Kitty Smaugust day 19: fungus
I want to draw your cats as dragons, using the Smaugust prompts by @pencilcat as inspiration, and I’m making a different post for each day and its prompt. If it’s 19 August 2022 anywhere in the world, you can make a request on this post. (If it’s no longer that date, but it’s still August 2022, check here for my list of prompts and their posts.) Reblog this post, and add in a photo of your cat and the cat’s name, and I will draw that cat as a dragon, using the current day’s prompt (shown in the title; so for today, "fungus") as inspiration.
(I realize that stuff associated with this prompt can be a common squick, so unless explicitly told otherwise, I’ll go extremely tame on the “fungus” aspect of the design, like on the level of “dragon tending a mushroom garden or eating mushroom pizza”, or possibly “wearing a hat that looks like a mushroom cap”, but no further.)
Similar rules apply as my previous art events:
Once you’ve made a request here, wait until I’ve drawn and posted it before making another request; this ensures that everyone has a chance, while not putting arbitrary limits on stuff if it’s a slow day. However, you can make a request on a new day’s post even if I haven’t yet drawn your request from the previous day’s post.
It is allowed, and encouraged, to make requests on multiple days, and to make multiple different requests of the same cat, so we can see different ways that the cat can be a dragon. I would prefer that different photos be used, but I understand if you don’t have many good photos.
Only one photo and only one cat per request. I won’t choose between multiple photos you provide, and I won’t draw multiple critters in one request. If the photo has multiple cats in it, be specific about which cat you want me to draw; if you want all of them drawn, then you’ll have to make separate requests for each one, as described in the first point.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be your current cat; it can be a past or present pet, or the cat of a friend or relative, but it needs to be a cat you have some kind of connection to, not just a random picture you found online.
I’m willing to dragonify non-cat animals, so long as you can claim with a straight face that they’re really just weird-looking cats.
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lossie92 · 3 years
The issue of rape in fiction
(Alternatively called: How not to write about problematic and sensitive topics if you don’t want to end up looking like an A-class douchebag)
Alright. So here I am taking a break and then something of course comes up that makes me want to write a post. One could say I should leave it alone if it bothers me so much and pretend I didn’t see it. After all, I do think I have said my piece. At ]the same time though this is something I have seen so.many.fucking.times that I feel like it needs to be addressed one way or another by someone and that someone may as well be me.
The thing I’m talking about? Rape in fiction. What I'm going to dive into applies to other sensitive content as well, of course, but I will be using rape as the prime example of this issue, because the mishandling of this particular subject is what prompted me to write this post.
As I will be going in depth into this subject matter, the content of this post might be triggering to people, so treat this as your warning. If discussion of rape is in any way a trigger or a squick for you, feel free to skip this post.
Also, this is not meant to be a call out post. That being said, if you feel called out by anything I wrote, it might be worth reevaluating some things, hmm?
For those who are intimidated by long posts like this: there is a tl;dr at the end if you don’t want to read the entire thing.
I have spoken a few fair times before that I am a firm believer of the “live and let live” motto. It has rarely ever failed me. Still, there are some subjects that I personally believe should be handled with extra care in fandom spaces and the problematic subjects that ring true for the real world fall into this category for sure. These would include things such as abuse (domestic or otherwise), torture, murder, violence in general, cheating, death, grief, alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse... And, of course, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape.
I do understand the appeal of for e.g. writing about these and, what’s more, I have written about those subjects myself. In fact, some of my most popular stories involve the discussion of them in one way or another. One of those fics I have actually recently deleted, because in retrospect I regret writing and posting it. I honestly hated that fic and all it stood for, and did not want it to be associated with me or my content anymore.
I would like to say here that I’m not a master of handling difficult subjects, but what I can say is that I try my best to keep my readers comfy and safe by tagging my stuff, putting up warnings in my notes, and being mindful of how the stuff I write could be interpreted. It requires some self-awareness and self-critique, I guess, but it is worth it, in my opinion.
Why, you may ask? 
Well, in this specific case, because sexual violence in all its many terrible forms is a subject that is mishandled in real life all the time, to put it mildly. It is one of the most common crimes to go on unreported as well and the perpetrators are rarely ever caught or receive any punishment for what they’ve done.
It is also a very, very triggering subject, because guess what? It happens all the fucking time. In fact, I bet you know at least one person who has been harrassed, assaulted, or raped. You may not be aware of that, but that’s the sad reality we all live in. As mentioned above, sexual violence happens all around us and it mostly goes unreported, because people are afraid of ridicule upon reporting it (this applies especially to male-presenting victims who are routinely told they should be happy someone did it to them, which is beyond disgusting and makes no freaking sense to me besides), because they feel ashamed of the fact it happened or are made to feel ashamed, because they had been taught that “things like this just happen” and that “you should just accept it” and that “it’s all your fault anyway for being xyz, doing xyz, wearing xyz”.
To see this type of shitty narrative in fiction? To see it excused time and again as some sort of headcanon, because the creator thinks it’s fine to say “oh the character wanted it anyway, so it’s not really rape” when 1) the audience have pointed out that they feel triggered by what the creator has put out and consider it rape, and 2) the context of the narrative and the way it was presented makes it read as rape, is beyond baffling to me.
I don’t think you are aware of it, but your bodily responses do not equal consent in any way, shape, or form. So if you moan, groan, get wet, orgasm, show any outward superficial sign of enjoyment, but you have never given your consent, it still counts as rape. It is still assault. It is still wrong. It is still not “good sex” as I have seen some people say, which I will maybe refrain from commenting on.
On that note, if you are intent on creating content about consensual rape/non-con play (and yes, these terms are interchangeable, because, let’s be honest, it’s the same thing), guess what? There needs to be consent - explicit one too, ideally - and there also needs to be established trust between the characters. They should have had a conversation about this at some point too. Otherwise, yes, it is rape. It’s one character forcing themselves on the other. No matter how the other character may rationalize it, if they were not interested in a sexual act and were forced into it and then made to endure it, especially if you write them as dissociating (which I’ve seen happen before too many times to count) on top of that or explain their enjoyment of the act in a way that reads like a bunch of excuses that rape victims use (such as “I can deal with it”, “I can enjoy it”, “I should enjoy it”, “it feels good, so it must be okay”, etc.), then it is rape.
The character who plays the victim in this type of scenario should also know without doubt that the person playing the aggressor will stop if they say no or use whatever other safe word/gesture/etc. was agreed on. People often go into a sexual fantasy of that kind expecting it to feel good, but end up panicking during the play and there needs to be trust enough for them to know their partner will end the play immediately upon noticing their distress. 
If the partner continues despite noticing the panic? It’s rape. If the victim says no or uses a safe word/gesture/etc., and the other person goes on? It’s rape. If they change their mind for any reason whatsoever and the other party doesn’t stop despite that? It’s rape. 
It’s simple as that. 
Also, if you want the fic to read more dubious consent, there should be a shift where it goes from the character enduring the situation to clearly finding enjoyment in it. It is usually done by the character urging the other on, saying “yes” (you know, because some consent is required in this scenario?), pulling them closer, or reciprocating during the act by touching, kissing, and bringing the other party pleasure in turn.
Then and only then, really, it would count as dubious consent. Why is it dubious in this case? Well, glad you asked. Because people who are in the middle of a sexual act in such a scenario are not really able to fully consent. It could still be considered coercion, manipulation, a result of a fear tactic used by the aggressor... Many, many different things that could make it rape or non-con just as easily. This is what makes it dubious. The lines are blurred, the consent is not explicit or clear.
I would also like to point out here, dear people of the internet, that I do not care what you headcanon. You do you and all that shit, but you also cannot convince me that rape and rape culture being a normal part of any universe is something that should be a headcanon in any way, shape, or form and, what’s more, left willfully untagged and warning-less for anyone to stumble upon. 
Which is another fucking thing. Please, for the love of all that’s holy in this thrice-be-damned world, tag your fucking shit. Not doing it is incredibly selfish and tone deaf, especially when you then go on to defend yourself with the same rhetoric that is being used to routinely discredit and shame rape victims all over the world. 
Hate to break it to you, buddy, but you are contributing to the problem big time by doing that and it’s not okay.
And yes, one could say “but Lossie, isn’t it putting too much responsibility on the content creator to expect this of them?” to which I say “fuck no”. 
People in fandom, in most cases, take no responsibility for the shit they put out. None whatsoever. They create stuff, put it out there, and don’t give a fuck what it will do or how it will affect other people. Put your big person panties on and be mature for a moment here, please, because I don’t know about you, but I would feel very shitty about myself if I learnt that something I created and left untagged has triggered someone, caused them to experience a panic attack or a flashback, made them cry because of past trauma, maybe even traumatized them, etc.
Then again, maybe it is just me.
Or maybe not, considering how many movies, books, songs, etc. get banned and taken down all over the world for being terribly insensitive and triggering for no apparent reason and with no warnings.
Also, if you tag shit and people still decide to interact with the content, and then get triggered, it is an entirely different thing too. That’s on the audience. They have been warned and they decided to ignore that warning. 
When you leave stuff untagged and warning-free, and this happens, however? Then I’m sorry so say that, but it is on you. YOU did it. YOU made someone feel like shit. 
No one else.
I can only hope likes and kudos were worth it, I guess?
Either way, feel free to ignore this. It is, at the end of the day, my personal opinion on this subject and you may not agree with me on this at all, and it’s fine.
I will say one more thing though: If you are wondering why people consider some fandoms toxic and rain hate on them, look no further. It is issues like this that people refuse to see as problematic for whatever messed up reason that create this type of reaction, my friends. You may not like it, but that’s the truth of it. Do with it what you will.
TL;DR: While curating fandom experience should be something that the consumer of it is ultimately responsible for, there are certain subjects, such as all forms of sexual violence, that should be handled with care on the side of the creator and tagged appropriately to avoid hurting others needlessly as well as perpetuating a dangerous rhetoric like the one that if you enjoyed the sexual act, if it seemed like you wanted it, or if you didn’t stop it (just to name a few) it means it wasn’t rape.
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