#its not that i hate them but like unexpected things happening doesnt have a good track record for me
jadegiantess · 11 months
I don't know how people do things like keep double lives. I literally have to keep one secret from my partners for a positive surprise and I just. Maybe it's a little bit of guilt but mostly I tell them everything and I want to talk to them about this thing!!!! I want to talk about how funny and bad I am at keeping it from them and how many close calls I've had but I would have to do that to them and they are the people I can't tell!!!
0 notes
lucigoo · 2 months
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Here are my Marauder fics. Mostly Wolfstar but I will say if they aren't. Hopefully someone likes at least one of them <3
First Wizarding War: Siriusly, what the fuck Pads! (Part of the Operation Rescue Regulus Series, Wolfstar, Past Jegulus) Summary: After finding out about James and Regulus, Sirius is going to stand back and watch him be killed by a Death Eater, whoops. Really Regulus? (Part of the Operation Rescue Regulus Series, Wolfstar, Past Jegulus) Summary: James, Sirius and Remus put their plan into place. Time to rescue the youngest Black, wether he's happy about it or not. They took my heart, I'm going to take their lives. Summary: Sirius walks in the Order meeting happy and joking with James.
He walks out with his whole life changed and a plan of death and destruction on his mind. A Lone Wolf Once Again Summary: Remus came back from the werewolves and found his whole life destroyed.
His friends dead, his nephew lost and his partner apparently being the cause of it all.
Remus looks at those around him and can't understand why they arnt as angry as him, why aren't they raging about the unfairness of it all? Death on the Other Line (Dorcas/Marlene, Background Wolfstar) Summary: It was only a fight, a fight with her girlfriend. These things happen during normal times, let alone during a war, but unbeknownst to Doras it was the last fight she and Marlene wold ever have. Months of love and work for Moony's sweet treat Summary: Remus had a rough moon, so now Sirius decides its time to share the secret project he's been working on for the last few months. Anything to treat his Moony when he isnt feeling his best. You're Floo Was My Emergency Contact Summary: Sirius is in Moody and Kingsley's custody after Halloween 1981. Dumbeldore is his emergency contct but he isn't answering his floo.... I'm bitter: You were mine first (Past Jegulus) Summary: James catches Regulus in an alley after a Death Eater attack. One thing leads to another and Regulus revels in the fact James isnt as good as he pretends to be, he never has been.
Child Aquesition:
You did what now? Summary: Sirius knew he was the reckless one in this relationship. Until he wasn't. When Remus did something crazy, he went big. Like stealing werewolf kids big. Bring Back Black: In not dead (Past Sirius/Remus, Remus/Tonks) Summary: Remus and Tonks are getting married, they are standing there, ready to say their vows when an unexpected guest turns up. Please Stay Summary: Sirius has been fighting his whole life and sometimes he doesnt always win against the intrusive thoughts that swirl in his mind. Remus hates sitting by his husbands hospital bed, but at least he's alive for him to sit there. At least, this time ... No MCD!! You're still a traitor (Past Sirius/remus, Remus/Tonks) Summary: Sirius came from the veil to find to his family. He found them, he found them ensconded in The Burrow. Harry was there and alive and still carrying on. And so was Remus. But this time the love of Sirius' life was married, to his cousin no less.
Sirius has to be the brave one, now, the mature one but he really doesnt want to be.
Harry gets a loving family: I see your monsters (Part of the The Mismatched Family of Harry Potter series, all the queer Marauder ships) Summary: Most of Harry's large, mismatched family is away at the same time. He is not happy, so his dad teaches him a new song. I'm waiting for Mummy ( (Part of the The Mismatched Family of Harry Potter series, all the queer Marauder ships) Summary: Lily is due back from her and Mary's honeymoon any time now. Harry is waiting. Everyone being apart for so long has taken a toll on them all. Not on my watch (Minerva/Poppy, eventual Sirius/Remus, part of the Who Harry should have grown up with series) Summary: Minerva stand with Albus, looking down at Baby Harry Potter, she listens to Albus and decides not a chance, not on her watch. You wont be alone Madadh-allaidh ((Minerva/Poppy, eventual Sirius/Remus, part of the Who Harry should have grown up with series) Summary: Minerva and Poppy have Harry and they are keeping him, come hell or high water. But they have another lost boy out there, a young man who feels alone and won't make the best of choices alone.
Poppy and MInerva will give him what he needs, hope and the family he craves to soothe him because of the one he has lost.
What Does The Wolf Say? (Wolfstar, Jily, Part of the Uncle Swearwolf series) Summary: It's bedtime in the Potter household, which means time to read a book for Harry.
It's Not Always Me You Know? (Wolfstar, Jily, Part of the Uncle Swearwolf series) Summary: Turns out 4 year old Harry can swear in more then one language.
Whoops, Remus thinks to himself, but its not all his fault, no matter what Lily says. I Give Up (Wolfstar, Jily, Part of the Uncle Swearwolf series) Summary: Remus is exhausted, its almost a full moon and the last thing he needs is a howler from Molly. Why did everyone always blame him. He's Marrying Me (Regulus/James, Background Remus/Sirius) Summary: Regulus is nervous, more nervous then he has ever been before. But why wouldnt he be? This is the start of his happily ever after, after all. Mummy Loves You Harry (Gen, Lily-centric) Summary: Lily knew, she knew there was something wrong with that knock on their door. She had known this would be her end, but she swore to anyone who was listening that this would not be Harry's end.
Reincarnation: 957 years and Remus loves Sirius in every one Summary: Remus has loved Sirius ever since he met him, and in every life since. But loving Sirius is never easy, especially when he manages to get some unknown deity involved in their lives. Marauders at Hogwarts: Smile Summary: Our pair of resident idiots being being oblivious and Remus being jealous. I'm coming Petite Étoile Summary: Sirius Black has heard his brother is going to get the mark. Due to The Incident with Snape, he has no one to turn to. He has been protecting his brother from their family ever since he could remember.
He would do the same today, even if it cost him his life. Heather Summary: Listening to "Heather" by Conan Grey, my brain screamed Sirius and Remus. So here is my Wolfstar interpretation with the kind of light angst that comes with our pair of resident oblivious idiots. Mama Hope's Sex ed lesson (Gen, Hope and Remus)
Summary: Hope found a dirty magazine in Remus trunk, she decides its time for her 13 year old to learn all about the birds and the bees, it turns into something else. A conversation about Remus and who he is and his mother being the supportive parent she always will be. Buzzcut Season (Why me mother?) (Gen, supportive Marauders) Summary: Sirius comes back from his first summer holidays after starting Hogwarts scared and worried, what did Walburga do to him?
It's a good job there are so many people who love him in his true home.
Older Marauders:
Happy Birthday, you old wolf Summary: Remus made it to 65, somehow, with his husband by his side. Its time to celebrate with his loved ones. Who's is the tie Harry? (Wolfstar, Drarry, part of the I finally have a family and they are all here series) Summary: Harry was late to lesson, it was ok though. Well, until someone else realised that he didnt have a red tie, but a green one .... He Is Part Of Our Family Too (Wolfstar, Drarry, part of the I finally have a family and they are all here series) Summary: Next instalment Sleep Paraylasis Summary: Sirius cant move, he cant do anyhthing, he can barely breath. Every bad thing that ha sever happened to and because of him races through his paralysied body and he cant do anything about.
But his light, his light that shines so brightly in the darkness of Sirius' life is there to hold him. The World Is Ending and Yet I Smile Summary: The Moon is broken and the moonlight fractured, and yet Sirius looks a this husband and smiles I'm real, I'm here. Open your eyes and see. Summary: Remus often dreams about Sirius and it makes him reluctant ot open his eye to the nothing he knows he will find when he does. But will he? Has he really lost everything?
Muggle Au: The Arcade (Mostly Dorlene, background Wolfstar) Summary: Its Marlene's turn to pick the groups monthly activity. This month Remus has invited along a new friend. I Want To Die Too Summary: Remus sees his worst nightmare happening before his eyes. He isnt brave like Sirius, he isnt strong like James or ruthless like Regulus. Whereas they would all rather go out in a blaze of glory hes expecting to go in a quieter way.
Remus Lupin wont leave this world with a bang, but with a whimper,
Sirius name a whisper on his lips and a shout in his heart. Judge Judy: Wolfstar edition Summary: Remus Lupin has had to take one Siirus BLack to court to pay for the damges he caused. Another fun filled day in the courtroom of one Judge Judy Scheindlin. I Will Be A Secret But Not A Dirty On Summary: Remus and Sirius have been together for 14 years, but no one knows. And now, now Sirius is getting married to appease his mother.
Remus refuses to be a cheat or to be cheated on, so where does that leave them? Red, White and Blue: I Love You Summary: Remus came back from deployment different. He has no faith in himself with the changes to his body. How could he inflict himslef upon his wonderful husband?
Unfortunatly, said wonderful husband is madly in love with Remus and just waiting for him to stop being a prat and come home to him.
Second Wizarding War:
Casual Summary: Sirius has been in an on and off again relationship with Remus for 20 years, kind of hard to always be on when you are in jail.
Still, what happens when Sirius learns he was all in but Remus was still adamnt it was all still just "casual"? I'm Sorry but your not Him (Past Sirius/Remus, Remus/Tonks) Summary:Remus was supposed to be happily married, but he wasn't. His mind swirled to Sirius every moment of every day, but Remus had a wife and an unborn child.
What was he going to do?
Afterlife fics: It Was Always You (Pst Remus/Sirius, Past Remus/Tonks) Summary: Remus has died at the Battle of Hogwarts, and yes, he is sad, and angry, after all he has left his little boy behind, but here, here is where Sirius is. A long overdue conversation needs to happen betwee the two.
After all, Remus needs Sirius to understand that no matter what, It was always him in Remus' heart. A/b/o Breeding my B.... Summary: Sirius is in heat, ready and waiting for his Alpha, so why isnt he here? Remus Lupin better hurry up. Are you a werewolf? (Jegulus, Wolfstar, part of the Are you a werewolf? series) Summary: Regulus is in love with his new boyfriend. He hasnt told James yet. The full moon is the perfect time to go tell him, especially when Regulus wants to confirm that yes, James is obviously a werewolf. Somehting that will make James very happy. Wait, you're the wolf? (Jegulus, Wolfstar, part of the Are you a werewolf? series) Summary: Sirius has just watched his brother walk away to change their lives again. Either hi brother's possibly a werewolf boyfriend would claim and protect him, or he wouldnt and Sirius will have to grab his brother and run again.
He really needs a hug, so he goes to find his possibly a boyfriend lover Moony, the idea that maybe Moony is a werewolf too has rattled around his brain, but unlike Regulus, he knows better.
Animal Au's: Im The Prettiest Thing In The Reef, Love Me Summary: Remus is a grouchy octopus, and Sirius, the most beautiful fish in the reef, is madly in love with him. Now he just has to get Remus to love him back. We Will Find Our Own Herd, Our Own Famil Summary: The Marauders are animals. Sirius and Regulus are leaving their herd, the Blackmanes, they want a new start. They will find their new family on the way as long as they stick together. Thank you for giving me the stars - Lucigoo89 - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own] Summary: Remus and Teddy are outcasts, on the edge of Axolotl society, but Teddy makes a new friend and it looks like Remus may make a something more who is willing to show him the stars.
Soulmate Au: Magic and Mayhem Summary: Soulmates are draw to one another, and their other half's family. It never mattered to Sirius, he had James, Lily and Harry after all But now its just him and Harry, and he feels so alone, so scared and terrified he wont ever meet his soulmate, after all, he knows they are near, so why aren't they looking for him like he is them? Genderswap au: Our house of stone where the ivy grows Summary: Sirius is in an arranged marrigae, one to a cruel man. If she wants to save her brother and her werewolf lover, the love of her life, she has to go through with it.
Maybe one day she will be reunited with Remus, maybe she will be wrapped up in Remus' arms and she in hers. Maybe, but until then Sirius will hope. She will hope that their dreams become reality. Creature Au: High Tide Came and Brought You to Me (Mer Remus/Siren Sirius) Summary: Remus was cursed as a child and became a wermerman. 20 years later and he still hates himself and what he becomes once a moth. Maybe some new addotions to his cove will help him feel a bit more at peace with himself? No War au: This is real, but it isnt ME! (Regulus/James, background Remus.Sirius, Even/Barty) Summary: Regulus loves his brother, something he has to remind himself, because right now he wants to murder him. This is all Sirius fault!
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
"I cannot for the love of the gods come up with a theory on why Jk is ok with getting all this nice promo while Jimin got nothing". How about u try to change your solo perspective that makes u look at jimin like a victim all the time? Jimin GOT promotions, and a big one, money related. He had 2 mv that took a lot of budget and preparations: the 2 mv needed sets to be created, and SMFPT2 set was HUGE. He promoted at korean music shows, which too took a lot of money to build those giant sets. Yes, he did have a short promotion period, for reasons we dont know but my guess is that Suga needed to do his comeback because of the tour and i hate the person who came up with those dates but ok... We all know Face promotions got some biiiig problems and im still mad about it, we just dont know what really happened, but i'm sure jimin would fight back if he thought he was being mistreated. But to say that jm got zero promotions... nah
Face, Like Crazy and Seven r different projects, with different visions and different goals. Jimin wanted to tell his story of when he was going through a hard time, and he wanted to do it in korean, promoting more in Korea, with songs that, in the end, only him and people close to him know the meaning. Yet, he did AMAZING and made history (is still making). It seems to me that the #1 on hot100 was unexpected to the company and even jm, but yet they did provided to us 2 versions of Like Crazy, one of them being an eng. ver, and promoted at Jimmy Fallon... So maybe they still hoped that the song would do well internationally? (pdogg tho... he just KNEW face would be massive and destroy kpop). But Jungkook... i think that, for a long time now, he aims to achieve western recognition, way more than jm, and thats ok. So Seven obviously is a song to the US market, and all of us know that. The song is in english, is very pop, written and produced by an american guy that is responsable to other huge hits. It is made to be stuck in our heads, not to make us think about deep things. It is breaking and will break so many records just like LC, but the difference is that the success is THE GOAL (remember all of that Scooter posts on his ig?). Jimin wanted to tell his truth with Face, Jk wants to be closer to being a big pop star with Seven. So, of course Seven would get a different type of promotion.
And btw, just because the song is doing really good and is aiming to the US market, doesnt mean it is by having deals and paying for playing. Its the Jeon Jungkook, of BTS, we are talking about. Jk seems very happy and jimin seems happy for him. I dont think jimin would support jk if he thought he was doing wrong. He didnt post anything, but he did not post about L&R and Dreamers too. He supported jk with Dreamers by posting about his presentation at Qatar, and now he supported seven by going all the way to NYC to be with him.
All of this to say: Jimin is not a victim, he is a badass and he knows how to stand up for himself. When will you come out as a solo, btw? its getting old...
Hi anon,
When will you try thinking for once instead of being a parrot and writing what you've read in other blogs?
Your entire ask is wrong. I don't even know where to start.
YOU sound like a jjk solo or delusional jikooker or Jk biased jikooker.
But you know what? Call me a solo. I don't mind. Anyone who ever defends Jimin or loves Jimin is always called a solo. Why? Because no body else defends him or loves him like solos do. So, sure. Call me a solo.
First of all, we are talking about THE Park Jimin. Of BTS. That's who are talking about.
I'm done with people who, somehow for some delusional reason, think Jimin is inferior to Jungkook. You know nothing about Jimin if you think this.
I've NEVER said that Jimin got 0 promotions. I've been screaming (into the void, apparently) that Jimin only got 9 days of promo that were too hard on his body and had to wear it kt tape for weeks after. I've been screaming that the company is sabotaging him and it's true. People who actually know things about the company know this quite well too.
Take a look at everything and the sabotage is obvious. But look let's start here:
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This same guy posts on DC gallery:
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Yes, Jimin's promo costs money. But so did everyone's. How much do you think payola costs? That's much pricier than what Jimin's promo costs. And either way, Jimin was a return investment.
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Not only did Jimin's place on the charts affect Hybe. It also affected other companies.
And right now the stock at Hybe at decreasing and foreign shareholders are selling to make it seem like Jk's position on the chart will have a bigger impact than it actually will:
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Just watch.
You are proving me right with everything else:
So sure, let's sacrifice Jimin's promo time for Suga even though Suga was the one that postponed his album because it wasn't ready.
Jimin had 2 mvs. Suga had how many? And he had a whole tour too.
Jimin didn't have any visualizers. Jk had how many?
Jimin had 5 versions of Like Crazy. Jk has how many?
Jimin's Like Crazy cd was never stocked. Jk's has been stocked how many times?
You think Jimin doesn't want international recognition? Like Crazy was released in ENGLISH for a purpose.
After Jimin's no.1, if they wanted Like Crazy to succeed in the US market, they would have at least sent it to radio. This would have avoided freefall. They would have also shipped albums on time. They would have also informed us of the rule change for online sales instead of waiting until Suga's album was coming out.
It was the fans that were begging radio to play Like Crazy and the only way to play it was from the mv on YouTube:
There are so many things they could have done differently. They can still do them but they choose not to.
Did you see what was trending today?
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Did you trend this, anon? Since you are so "mad about this"?
You think FACE wasn't created with success in mind? Pdogg came out and said it would break kpop because Pdogg knew what masterpiece FACE is.
You don't have to think deep with Like Crazy or any of the song...um just listen to them?
And don't be daft about Seven:
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And other things. Search "Seven payola" on twitter and you will find it.
So yeah. You are wrong.
If you don't see it, that's because you choose to not see it.
Stop pretending that you "are still mad about it". You don't care about Jimin and only want him for your stupid ship and for him to be Jk's cheerleader.
Ah and he went to NYC for a work thing and to support Jungkook. But he hasn't posted a single thing about Seven. He did post about Dreamers and Left and Right. But no Seven.
You think Jimin only wanted those close to him to listen to his music and know the meaning? He spent 10 months working on this album, hours practicing choreography, dieting, for stupid fans like you to say things like these?
I don't even want to see when he releases new music, appears in stuff with Jungkook, or leaves for military service. All these fake fans will be crying and uwuing when they couldn't lift a finger for him during all this.
To those that try to send others on guilt trips because we defend Jimin or point out the injustices: Are you guys even streaming Seven and Like Crazy to "support them equally"?
At least taekookers have taekook playlists and streaming parties for Jk and Tae. I haven't seen a single playlist around here that has both Jk and Jimin. But yeah, you all are supporters of jikook.
You all come and try to send me on a guilt trip but you all are worse than me. For reals.
You don't deserve Jimin. You and all the people who keep saying all this bullshit because it fits their stupid theories and shipping fantasies don't deserve him.
Jimin deserves so much more than this.
So just stop. Don't come to my blog.
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placeinthisworld · 12 days
i am relating to SO much of what im reading on ur blog rn. do not get me wrong - i LOVE ttpd and love taylor. it's kind of one of those things that's like "always have, always will." im always going to be so grateful for her work and this community, and as i said - i AM loving the music rn!
BUT. she feels different, and feels so far away. i know we are not owed her time or attention, but when you've built your entire brand on fan connection and being "different" than any other celebrity in that regards, it's going to feel off and unexpected when it suddenly stops with no explanation. most of her little interaction is on tiktok, which is half the time not with actual fans, but rather anyone who uses her song in the background (which a lot of times is influencers!) ppl say "yeah but now she does so much more for us" .... yeah... so many new THINGS to buy.
i also think she's at a place where she KNOWS she is on top of the world rn (good for her!) but it has come with a complex - she knows now she doesnt NEED to be close with her fans, doesnt NEED to use her platform for good, doesnt NEED to take constructive criticism - because the gp likes her enough to where she doesn't even need a strong centralized fanbase. as of rn, no opposition can make a dent in her fame or income and she knows it. and it feels icky, and honestly makes her feel less human (which is interesting, because the ttpd is imo some of the most raw humanlike work)
the new social circle is off too. i dont hate travis, and i was happy for her, but have come to like him less and less since realizing he's a bit sleazy and is kind of only liberal for pay. he's publicly made r*pe jokes and xenophobic comments in the past couple years (NOT from 15 year old tweets! recent!) his dad is also super transphobic and mahomes brother is a charged SAer yet taylor gallavants w both of them. travis just seems like an oaf and while im glad she had something more easy and fun, it's telling that there's been a lack of backlash towards him when he's exhibited the same behavior as matty and the only things taylor could write ab him were sports and high school references. i hate to even touch on her personal life like this but god forbid this is a forever thing :/ omg this is a lot but yeah im glad we're having this convo
yup!! bestie your feelings are so valid and i feel very very similarly about everything!!
she knows she doesn’t need to appeal to a niche audience of tween girls anymore. she knows she’s beyond that. fate worked its magic and now she’s america’s it girl without any of drama of having to censor her work. and while yes i’m very proud and happy for her, you’re exactly right, she’s more than happy to continue to push things for us to buy in order to feel close to her. she’s already established a group of life long fans by those who she’s interacted with, invited to things, sent money too etc. so she really doesn’t have to do anything else besides make more music and have the world speculate about her personal life. at the end of the day she just feels sooooo disconnected to us now, compared to how we used to have it at least.
ugh i knew icky meathead was sleazy without even needing taylor to bring him into the limelight but now everyone and their mom is obsessed and up his ass too. EVEN with all those gross things about him (we all saw the recent commencement speech excuse 🤢) he’s definitely democratic for pay. i definitely don’t think he’s gonna stick around forever, either he’ll fuck up and get caught w another girl or she’ll get bored of his ass (speculating that this is a legit relationship and not PR at least lol) she’s a girl that needs a new boy every now and then i fear.
generally i’m just disappointed in her now in a lot of aspects. but completely disconnecting from the world, acting like a whole ass genocide is not actively happening, only ever promoting of talking about herself or her own work just seems so bland and selfish. she’s mentioned voting like what, twice this year? in generic ghost written sentences on an IG story?
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oddmerit · 1 year
i try REALLY hard to like cohost dot org and there IS a lot to like about it, legitimately:
most of the staff are jewish gaytrans furries so they Get the need for firm moderation that accounts for “plausible deniability”-type bigotry, even if they slip up it’s pretty quickly rectified (see below)
good 18+ filtering, pro-posting queer hole
NO BULLSHITE ALGORITHMS. chrono timelines only
css/html/markdown crimes
that being said.
the general culture there is rough bc a lot of the prominent powerposters are friends or friends-of-friends of the devs by nature of how they conducted the closed alpha, but bc of the lack of public metrics it’s considered taboo to claim that there ARE powerposters in the first place. and because powerposters are just a few degrees removed from the devs, people who WERENT part of the alpha want to emulate that general vibe. part of which means getting extremely hostile and defensive if anybody says something that could be construed as putting the devs down and claiming they’re “twitterbrained” or whatever and that people who “expect too much” of the devs are going to be the downfall of the site
the most recent incident of this stemmed from a moderating misstep where someone i followed reported a nazi channer who followed her and was part of an antisemitic harassment campaign, but hadn’t posted anything to the site yet. the staff who handled her report said “this is concerning so we’ll wait and see BUT we don’t take action based on offsite behaviour”, despite that being untrue based on previous moderation actions (notably TERFs getting nuked from orbit before they could even start posting). the person who reported them got upset and several of her followers (including me) were like “what the fuck, that’s unexpected and shitty”, some saying that made them feel unsafe in case that ever happened to them. once the decision got traction (and other people started reporting the account) the staff went back on its decision “based on internal review” and suspended the account in question, which is where this story should have ended
except, the day after it happened, i woke up to a post on my cohost dashboard that was someone screaming their head off about people who had said “this is disappointing and makes me concerned”, and kept quoting one specific person who they claimed had overreacted and was symptomatic of the above-mentioned “twitterbrain” and that it was all “bad faith”. like, if THAT is gonna be the community reaction to someone being alarmed about inconsistent moderation, why would you ever publicly bring up moderation concerns at all?
its one thing to ask site members to be considerate of staff (its a small team and half of them were at a con AND it was a weekend AND they eventually backtracked and apologized anyways so it was all good at that point) but its another thing to go off on a rant quoting mostly one specific person while claiming its really “just general you” and claim that they’re the reason the site will go under. if you’re going to claim that you need to bite your tongue over missteps “for the good of the community” that’s a HUGE fucking red flag! bc thats how resentment will grow and eventually explode into something MUCH worse! it wouldnt turn into “intra-community infighting” if everyone was like “cool, thank you, please make sure this doesnt happen again” after the issue is solved instead of dragging it out and turning it into an example of “oooo look how PRO-HARASSMENT twitter has made you, you’re HARASSING the devs by voicing concern”!
and dont get me STARTED on the shitfits people were throwing when staff said “we don’t allow loli on this site”. people understand “cohost isnt a free speech absolutist site like twitter” when it comes to hate speech but they absolutely do NOT understand it also applies to jerking it to fictional csa lmao. cohost isnt overrun by “puritans”. the devs will not ban queer hole*. the devs post queer hole. its fine
(*the only way i can see NSFW getting banned is if stripe drops them for processing cohost+ subs or the future tipping system and even then i trust staff will fight for Queer Hole as hard as they can)
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taki118 · 2 years
SuyaLight Master Post Part 5
I really like these two there’s not a lot of content for the fandom as a whole soooo here’s my submission as I get every moment of these two royals who literally share a braincell (and I love them for it) First up this is just on the manga if you are anime only its going to have stuff you havent seen, yes even with what the anime covers (so read it) and there will be spoilers so beware. If you prefer Demon Monk/Cleric/Leo (which I don’t really get) I am sorry this isnt for you. Lets go! Part 1 is here Part 2 is here Part 3 is here Part 4 is here
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Twilight wants to make an informative manga Suya joins cause she wants the exhaustion sleep after
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I just love how he stops her cause he knows she has no tact
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Twilights problems keep increasing cause of Suya and not always directly
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The Rookie shows up again looking for help with Suya and Twilight wants to avoid problems 
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To try and get the Rookie to drop it he wants to show him Suya at her worst
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Twilight is able to correctly guess what she’s doing. 
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Despite Suya acting terribly the Rookie just continues to see the best in her.
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Again some people might see this as proof that Twilight has no interest in her but as see it as him seeing Suya for who she truly is the good and the bad, which is important in a partner.
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Suya accidentally turned the demons in the castle into children so she “helps” them continue their day as normal. Mostly because she thinks kids are cute. 
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Also look how cute little Twilight is.
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So Twilight went to the old demon castle to talk to Hades and Suya went to get supplies finding the hall of Demon King statues
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I know this is primarily a joke but I think the gag coulda worked just as well with a previous King or just like an arm. I think this adds to Suyas weird tastes in decor
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SO they are having a festival and Twilight at this point knows its better to try and work with Suya than contain her.
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He also has learned how best to bribe her but its not perfect yet. She made a Hostage themed cafe so she could still take part.
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And he’s just so weak to being an actual bad guy.
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He goes along with her nonsense 
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He tries to scold her but something unexpected happens, her acting actually kinda works.
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Twilight starts to believe Kai’s words that Suya actually did this to help him
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So they start walking around the festival like this
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(If you ignore some context its kinda like they had a date)
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But Twilight is starting to piece together that Suya is up to something
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And that was it was all for her own benefit to a contest to get a special item.
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So they try to stop her winning from the principal of it.
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The elders have hangovers and cause Cursed Musican doesnt want to bother with helping them Suya comes.
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And obviously she has no idea how to help with hangovers
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And just like that Twilights pure heart was traumatized (also this is fic fuel people don’t make me write it)
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Twilight has 99 problems and Suya is the cause of most of them and this chapter is pure gold
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I love that Twilight hears her whole explaination before telling her it wrong
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But a line of demons show up looking for her help and Suya pulls a Suya
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Seeing all these demons here and knowing they likely are too afraid to come directly to him he decides to use Suya to help, and it works out
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until it doesn’t
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And Twilight begins panicking 
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Yeah he totally just looks at Suya platonically (def not poping a boner he doesnt know what to do with)
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Demons begin questioning Suya voice so Twilight tries to get Suya to say things in her sleep.
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This pure hearted demon will be the death of me
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He’s just so overwhelmed but he’s in for another doozy by Suya 
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Suya is very perceptive sometimes and knows just how best to compliment Twilight.
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He nearly forgets any anger he had with her for a moment. But lets be real were they to date he’d be dragged along by her.
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Even though he hated it seeing everyone disappointed makes him consider doing it again. 
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ravio-rants · 6 months
11, 12, and 14 for the OC asks!
-11. Is there a specific physical feature or item that holds special significance to your character? Why is it important to them?
For my twili group: they have a special tree! its a secluded spot where the 4 of them hang out a lot. its in the middle of a field, out of the way of major roads and towns. they found it one day while just wandering around, and decided that it was Their Tree. if one of them isnt around their usual spots, they are probably relaxing at the tree. I'll probably draw it sometime!
adding a hobic option as well because its funny, his staff is probably a very significant item for him. i think he wouldve gotten it when he became a full fledged wizard, which was also around the time he transitioned and came out as gay, meaning its the first magical item he earned, and he earned it as his true self. thats significant to him, even if most other wizards dont get it.
-12. How does your character react to change or unexpected situations? Are they adaptable or resistant?
raide is probably pretty adaptable! shes a very "fuck it, we ball" type guy. whatever happens, he'll probably be fine with it, as long as nobody is hurt by it. they would probably just shrug the change off and continue on with their day.
calen on the other hand.. he would be more resistant. dont get me wrong, he's willing to accept change, eventually, but its Scary! he gets anxious about it! he wont admit that though, at least not to anyone other than raide. unexpected situations are generally Not Welcome when it comes to this boyo. he Will panic about it. (unless its one of his friends asking for help with something. he would give the world for them, even to his detriment.)
kalt.. hm. i feel like he'd be slightly anxious aboutt change and unexpected situations, but he trusts the people around them so they'd accept it. itll probably be okay, right?
vang would probably be very calm and collected about all of it. change? alright, give her a day to plan things around it and everythings fine. she can figure it out. unexpected situations? she can probably work out what to do about it, if you give her a moment. (she's most of the reason kalt is fine woth change.) shes very reliable when it comes to most things.
hobic would rather live in a house that actively hates who he is on a fundamental level than face change or unexpected situations. this is a very literal example. his house hates him, but he's lived there so long that he would rather just Not leave actually. at least the house is predictable about it, you know?
-14. What is your character's preferred method of self-expression? Do they have any artistic talents or creative outlets?
raide loves so many forms of art! if you took a peek into his house, you would find art supplies of every type all over. sewing and instrument playing and drawing and painting and crocheting and embroidery and sculpting and- (his fav is just regular old drawing though.)
calen prefers to play music or write stories! both are very calming and in the moment things, and he can just get absolutely lost in them. his preffered method of self expression is probably his music specifically. he loves how music can explain things without the need for words at all.
kalt likes painting! hes not very good at it, but they dont care. they'll paint whatever the hell they want and if someone doesnt like it? thats their problem, not his. (its usually landscapes.)
vang likes to sing, she loves all sorts of music, but if it has lyrics? you bet she's going to be humming or singing it around the castle randomly. she does write her own lyrics sometimes, and then asks calen or raide to help her add a tune to it. (or vice versa, where one of them makes a song and then asks vang for some good lyrics for it!)
do spells count as a form of art? because if so, thats hobics choice. he also writes but he really just likes casting spells. or coming up with new spells. or fucking up spells-
0 notes
betawooper · 1 year
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[ID: Three screenshots of Discord messages sent by the user AAAAAA Battery (who is me). Transcript:
ough im still thinking about orv, this is exactly what happened with mp100 honestly, where it makes you think about the message its sending and how its messages are being sent through the "unexpected" actions the characters are taking like showing compassion to enemies and never losing that core even as the plot progresses and starts getting more complicated
[10:48 PM]bc its a story about how temperamental humans can be once youve taken away their comforts and luxuries, they become "as ruthless as klingons" as star trek said, friends and family turn on each other to survive, they throw each other under the bus, they kill each other, they sabotage, they assault, they do all these horrible things when maybe they once promised they would never try to hurt you
[10:48 PM]very squid games
[10:52 PM]but then you got to other end of the spectrum where people will band together and keep a strong moral core, this wish to help others even when your own situation is bleak, that even those that were deemed irredeemable could use their second chance to help those they originally stepped on, that those deemed lost causes or burdens end up being irreplacable allies
[10:52 PM]very mp100
[10:58 PM]at no point have i ever felt that orv lost sight of the focus on human psychology or get bogged down with debates about redemption and whether someone "deserved" the fate they received (which is a very christianity-heavy subject might i add), but whether or not the person/character in the scenario has chosen to help them or abandon them completely
[11:04 PM]and the thing with dokja is that hes not your typical "yeah ill help you out of the good of my heart and bc im a nice person! ill always do that for any person in need no matter who it may be!"
[11:05 PM]kind of person
[11:05 PM]thats sangah's job
[11:07 PM]so hes free to pick and choose who he wants to ally with and it wont be such an internal struggle to leave them behind when they act all superior or think they dont need him
[11:08 PM]he even has this whole thing with huiwon later
[11:11 PM]huiwon is this lady who he saved from poisonous gas and later becomes one of his companions/friends, and he was like "do you want to be companions?" she was all "what? did you not consider me one this entire time?" and he was all "no, i actually have. i was just thinking that you might not have reciprocated the sentiment"
[11:16 PM]he wont leave behind someone who needs his help, but when someone clearly doesnt want to be his friend or just wants to manipulate him hes like "yeah ok bye" and later they get cursed by their own hubris, or not, he dont care, thats none of his business hes just a background character after all /j
well there is one exception which is junghyeok but that guy is literally THE main character of the story within orv, dokja knows literally every single little detail about this guy and he cant afford to have the dude die prematurely bc the plot isnt going his way in his current life/groundhogs day scenario
[11:28 PM]but also junghyeok is very quick to murder people he doesnt trust which is Not Ideal when dokja, once again, knows every detail of every one of his lives, past present and future
[11:30 PM]so he does kinda have to force junghyeok to work with him even though they both hate every second of it
[11:35 PM]its so interesting and i keep having to hold myself back from saying that its not a typical trait for dokja, or even a main protagonist to have bc hes literally stated multiple times that hes not the main character, hes a reader, a background character, Just Some Guy, hes not confined to whats typical of his genre at all bc he was never supposed to fill that role in the first place which makes his whole existence a paradox within the narrative since yknow, from our perspective he is the main protagonist while junghyeok is a side character
[11:39 PM]and i think thats where having one of his skills, being able to break the fourth wall within his own world, is such an integral part of his whole thing, i actually thought that he was breaking the fourth wall in our world, but no hes breaking the fourth wall in his world
End ID.]
an analysis from a month ago when i caught up to the comic
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spikesbimbo · 3 years
Their kinks/ Turn ons
- Gao, Hirugami, Suna
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Cw: Harassment, pet play furry shit, *!degradation!*, *slight* cnc
a/n: i wrote a lot for suna bc we’re the same person
18+ Minors DNI
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Doesn't have a specific one so its usually a combo of them.
And as confident as he is that doesn't necessarily mean he's also intense/rough. (tbh its gnna be rough no matter what taking his dick but he doesn't mean it, okay?)
Size kink, duh.
He also likes to see your face.
To be more specific seeing the way its twists and turns, sweat dripping down it, your baby hairs sticking to your forehead, the way your eyes can't stay open while he fucks you. 
Also lovesss kissing all over you because it gets you wet enough to take him.
“Shhh baby I got you, look at me” he cooed coming up to kiss your lips, lingering on them for what feels like forever. 
He started kissing down your neck, all the way down your body until he reached your core, slightly pushing his fingers in, making you let out a deprived moan. Your arms immediately reaching out for him, grabbing onto whatever they could get their hands on, them ultimately landing on his arms and wrists. 
“You gotta let go if you want me to make you feel good honey” he softly said, pausing his movement, his fingers now resting on your needy cunt. “Its gonna hurt without prep” 
You whined, not being able to voice your wants, instead just dragging his hands away, to which he let you, and scooting yourself up under him under you were pressed against his erection.
“You want it now baby?” he asked, already knowing how drenched you were just from kissing him. The effect he had on you made him gleam, just praising you could turn you into a puddle.
You quickly nodded, with him listening, steadily spreading your legs apart, inching himself inside you. After a few minutes he was almost fully in, you were a sobbing mess, already crying from overstimulation while he told you how much of a good girl you were being.
He started thrusting after you started rocking you hips against his, getting faster with each thrust. He was going insane looking down below him, you tiny little body accommodating his fat cock inside you, fuck.
 You couldn’t focus just hearing him whimper and moan “ah fuck” getting to you, hiding the embarssing look on your face with your hands, letting you feel special that you were making him feel this good.
He dragged your hands away from your face finally letting him see those oh so cute expressions you made while he was fucking you, making him get a little too excited as he fucked your harder until he came, him already doing the same to you multiple times. He went limp on your body, cum still in you, you wrapping your arms around him playing with his hair before he muttered  “fuck baby you drive me insane.”
Pls, put on some animal ears and watch this boy go crazyyy. pls why do you tolerate his furry shit
You can use it to your advantage too
Let's say you did something bad, and now hes upset :(
Go up to him in your little outfit with some puppy ears on accompanied by puppy eyes and boy will forgive you right then and there.
Not without having a little fun first tho ;)
“Your such a little greedy slut” he said, tugging on the tail in your ass making you squirm. Your ass was still sore, littered by his handprints. “You want some one else to fuck you huh? Fuck you with me?” 
“N-no daddy.” you cried.  “j-just want you, only you” you whimpered trying to prove your innocence, and that the guy you were talking to was just your classmate and nothing more.
“Really puppy?” He said now tugging on your leash pulling you off all fours until your face was eye to eye with his crotch. Did he already know you were telling the truth since the beginning, yes. But he also loved to play with you, getting a high out of the way you were acting.
“Mhmm” you said, nuzzling your check into his thigh, ready to do whatever it takes to make him happy again.
“I only want you daddy, you’re the only one I ever think of.” You said looking up at him with your big eyes, red from crying earlier. God you were too cute, always being his good girl, trying your best to not to disappoint him.
You were such a shy thing behind closed doors, dressing in baggy pants and jackets outside but as soon as you were home all you wore was little frilly dresses, barely covering your ass, cute little aprons, tiny tops with equally tiny booty shorts; striving for his attention in the most roundabout ways.
He turned you around, still on all fours, until your ass was facing him again. Sliding his finger down your slit before shoving them inside you, making you squeal, rocking your hips back into them.
He wasn’t afraid to show you that he was wrapped around your finger, he loved taking care of you just as much as you did him. He continued fingering you, roughly thrusting his fingers in and out of you, while tugging on your tail, suddenly hitting your g spot bringing you to an unexpected orgasm. 
Your arms gave out, him grabbing you before you fell, whispering praise into your ear while dragging you into his lap, not caring about the mess all over you.
“L-love you gami.” you muttered curling your head into his arms. One of your puppy ears falling off, the other one sliding down your hair.
“Love you too puppy.” he responded, kissing your forehead, slightly laughing at the state you were in, before taking you two to the bathroom to wash you up.
Is it obvs im a gami fucker?
Ok bby boy is most likely into everything, but doesnt care enough/ too tired to try it out
Sooooo, you have to bring it up
And hell glady follow
But deep down he just wants to get his dick wet most of the time.
So idk bout yall but that screams vanilla sex
Just sliding it in you in the morning and rocking you back and forth>>>>> some intense ass long freaky session
But this post is about their kinks so vanilla isn't enough…. sooo restraining if def one of them that you two frequently use. 
He’ll either tie up your hands, legs, etc., with whatever he can find or he’ll use his hands.
But dont think his attitude will leave with it. *!degradation!*
“rin” you sleepily groaned, not wanting to be awake at the crack of dawn, his hands working their way up your shirt grabbing your boobs. “Lemme fuck” he whispers into your ear, his chest to your back with his erection poking your ass.
“Rin” you say this time, letting out more of a moan than a groan, him sliding one of his hands down your shorts, resting his fingers on your embarrassingly wet cunt, smirking at the way he made you.
“You have a wet dream bout me princess?” he teased, his breath in your ear. No you didn't have a wet dream about him, you were just… always needy. 
You'd hate to admit it, but your boyfriend was quite the sight. You always took pictures of him instead of staring, not wanting him to “bully” you any more. In fact you've even got off to his pictures, but you'd never tell a soul, especially not him.
“Fuck off.” you quickly said, slapping his hands away while scooting away from him, hiding your now flushed face.
He doesn't take that well and moves to grab your wrists above your head with one hand while shoving his fingers in your mouth with the other to get you to shut up, not wanting to hear any more shit come out of that pretty mouth of yours.
“You gonna let me fuck you right now?” he questions, cupping your jaw with the hand that still has his fingers in your mouth, already knowing he was gonna get what he wanted. 
You couldn't respond, getting embarrassed again that this was getting you so wet, you only open your legs more letting him slide in, the burning feeling still happening even though you were dripping.
“Fuck, youre so tight.” he groaned rocking back and forth in you, his hand gripping your wrists even tighter making your whine, pushing your self back into him.
“Fuck, you’re such a little slut, arent you doll?” he said catching your movement, shoving his face into your neck. “Oh that's right, you can't talk because you were being a bad little whore earlier.” he continued shoving his fingers more down your throat making you gag, tears running down your face, your cunt swallowing him whole, being on the brink of cumming.
You body freezes, locking up as he continues fucking you, your cunt tightening around him making him groaning out a mantra of your name and curses. The both of you cum, his grip loosening around your wrists setting them free and his fingers coming out of your mouth wrapping his hands around your torso, borderline hugging you. 
You two lay there, seeing that the clock still says 6:35 am, both of you simultaneously deciding that you'll clean yourselves later, and the only thing you two want to do now is go back to sleep.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
What do you think first kiss with skz be like?
aAWH SOME FLUFF T-T OK BUT KEEP IN MIND- fluff is not my strongest pursuit hence why im not a fluff writer hahsah but HEY ITS CUTE!! and anon,,, im so sorry this took such time IM SO SO SORRY AAAAAAAAH- 
also this makes me wanna know my anons first kiss story, AAAH SPILL THEM 
warnings; none?? fluff,,, wow,, rare to say that LMAO- also gn!reader and also suggestiveee??
will only kiss you if you are REALLY ready for it and if the two of you are dating
doesnt want to rush you into things (even if its just a kiss) because he doesnt know how comfortable you are and such
basically a sweetheart
i imagine its like a cute little date
 night where you guys are stargazing, lying on a blanket on a grassy hill with his arm as a pillow for your head
“chan, look! its a shooting star! make a wish” you giggle to which he smiles, looking at your pretty features that are lit up by the moonlight
“hmm,,, dear star, i wish that y/n would kiss me” he says, laughing directly after but soon being interupted as you attach your plushy lips against his
its probably the most romantic event in your life
him smiling into the kiss as your tongues danced around softly
when you pulled away you laughed, saying; “wishes do really come true, huh?”
poor baby is blushing, his ears red but thankfully for him its too dark for you to see
the “evil roommate that secretly has feelings for you”
“lee minho i swear im gonna rip your hair off if you touch my plants again”
minho got out of his room, looking at you standing in the living room and rearranging the plants on the windowsill 
“they are all scattered, it’s ugly” he says rudely
“dont call my children ugly” you spit back at him 
there was always a weird tension between you and minho. you were glad to have found a roommate that made a good friend eventhough he was a pain in the ass sometimes
minho liked you,,, and therefore he did everything the opposite of what he felt. if he wanted to compliment you on your outfit he would instead say that you looked “overdressed” or “too much” but you always rolled your eyes towards his snarky comments
you pecked your plants, giving them the love they needed and minho just stood frozen in the doorway, without thinking he spoke
“how come you never do that to me?”
you sneered, placing down the plant you held and streched out your arms
“c’mere if you dare” you said jokingly, not expecting the boy you always thought was so devilish to run into your arms, lips touching and your eyes widening at the unexpected action
the two of you held each other, breathing shaky as wet tongues collided, the sun beaming upon your figures
“m-minho,,, it was a joke!” you laughed, slapping his arm playfully as you pulled away
“but to me it wasn’t” he remarked cockily, licking the inside of his cheek
very much giving me like “we dont like each other but we have to work with each other”
like you two are co-workers, working in a boring office and you were assigned to put together this one report and,,, lets say Changbin wasnt your favorite in the office
there was nothing wrong with him,,, its just his vibe that was off putting but sigh,,, work is work
you started compiling information, sitting in a seperate room and drawing graphs on the whiteboard, projecting some other type of research onto the board
“do you think we will need to stay late?” he asks, ruffling his hair in frustration
you sigh and nod, this wasnt going to get done anytime soon.
dawn set on horizon and the others workers packed up their belonging one by one and left until there was only you and changbin left in the now quiet office
you sat next to him, yawning as you typed something as you felt him looking at you
you looked back with a questionable expression, confused when he uttered his words
“do you hate me, y/n?”
“i mean,,, you are a dick sometimes but i dont hate you, at least you do your work”
he shrugged his shoulders, loosening his necktie as he leaned back into the office chair
“a dick, huh? maybe i try to push you away so you wont catch the same feelings i have for you”
you snapped your head towards him. you couldnt lie, he was attractive and at this point you were desperate 
“kiss me then” you said simply causing the boy to immediately cup your cheeks, latching onto your lips as if he’d waited for this moment for forever
more tongue, wants you to feel him ;))
lets just say,,, he made it up to you
i get this like,,, youthful vibe,,, like the two of you were childhood friends
and,,, eventually you catch feelings for him which you hate because,,, you dont want to ruin this friendship 
every time somebody mistook you for a couple the both of you would make retching noises, mocking each other
“you think my standards are that low?” hyunjin says pointing at you to which you raise your fist
“hwang hyunjin, you’re dead meat”
but,,, he was only in denial, it was his childhood friend afterall
probably happened at one of those night where your mom was working late and you invited hyunjin to keep you company, him bringing kkami as well. 
“dont fucking burn the pizza, hyunjin” you say, petting kkami until the little rascal ran away from your lap
“if you helped it wouldnt be burned” he replies as he comes out with two plates with the pizza burned on the edges
“but if they taste bad you can always taste my lips” he jokes and you look at him with a disgusted facial expression before laughing
“i bet they taste even worse then your mess of a pizza, i would like to see you try to even get me to peck you” you scoff and hyunjin rolls his eyes, sitting next to you on the sofa
“try it then” he taunts but is taken aback when you actually kiss him, your nose accidentally brushing against his as you purse your lips, hyunjin timidly using his tongue to test the waters
he wanted it so bad and he finally got it >:(( he could swear that he heard fireworks going off in his brain
a moment of silence appeared until hyunjin cockily uttered:
“so,,, did they taste better?”
the “i met you at a party and made out with you drunk”
he stared at you the entire night, catching glances while you looked away and the music blared in the nightclub that was packed with people.
you ordered a drink at the bar, tapping your fingers on the oak surface where you rested your arms, suddenly somebody bumped into you
turning around you saw jisung and you sighed, thinking his behaviour was starting to get annoying
“oh its you again” you said loud for him to hear as he sat down next to you, having a annoying smirk plastered on his lips
“looks like you are having fun, let me guess,,, you’re trying to get over your ex” jisung says, leaning his elbow against the bar and you glared at him because it was true
you scoffed, avoiding his question and instead sipping on the sour drink you had in your hands, trying to forget everything
he was attractive which only pissed you off even more, as if you hadnt had enough pretentious assholes in your life
the glass slammed against the table as you put it down harshly, gazing into the boys dark brown eyes
“alright, deal. make me forget then since you think you know everything about me” you stated to which jisung raised his eyebrow
the palm of his hand was firmly placed on the bar as he leaned in to kiss you, feeling the bitter liquour hitting his tastebuds as your tongues crashed against each other
it felt,,, freeing. you swung your arms around his neck, wanting him closer to your body
by the way he was kissing you, you could tell that he was there for the same reason as you. a sloppy and heated kiss to fill your thoughts with something other than your ex
safe to say that the kiss progressed ;))))
aaah cutie boyfriend that is just too shy to even give you a kiss like 3 months into the relationship (OK DONT ATTACK ME NOW, TAKE YOUR TIME, NO RUSH YOU GUYS)
he is shy with pretty much everything, it was only recently he could hold your hand without his heart jumping out of his chest.
it was a simple date night! takeout and games at his place
you layed your head in his lap as you watched him finish up the game that you had given up on a long time ago
he shifted awkwardly in his seat, not used to being so close to such a pretty person before
“ah- fuck! i lost again,,,” he says in defeat, his head rolling backwards before a frustrated sigh escaped his lips
“you did well felix! look how far you got!” you say, pointing towards the score on the screen but not getting his attention. 
you sat up, looking at him for a moment as his eyelashes lightly draped over his closed eyes, cheeks speckled with freckles
you couldnt help yourself, he looked so angelic despite being defeated and so you leaned in, lacing your fingers with his and softly placing your lips against his
he opened his eyes in panic before being swallowed by the fluffy feeling of having your lips to himself, he giggled before stroking your cheek as he tilted his head, almost setting a rhythm to the sweet kiss
felix started laughing shyly, cheeks tinged with red as he hid his face with a pillow
“but you won my kiss!” you said through a smile causing felix to blush even more
its like,,, maybe,,, your third or fourth date??
this one is more chill than the previous ones that were at like some fancy restaurang because hello dandy puppy boy wants class
but this one was like a stroll down the night streets and eating ice cream in the middle of the summer
both of you were casually dressed, holding hands as butterflies bubbled in your stomach from the contact
his hand is all warm and it engulfs yours >:(
you look at all the pretty sights of the night, eventually climbing up to some like high point and looking down at all the lights that blinked
after a good 1 1/2 hours of walking your legs were starting to ache and so you both sat down on the swings of a desolate playground, swinging gently with your legs dangling
“i dont understand how you’re able to,,, even be friends with me,,, or whatever we are,,”
seungmin hummed, looking up into the night sky
“i promise y/n, i will be your,,, friend but,,,”
you looked at him as he said “but”, imagining the worst 
“i dont wanna be friends, i wanna be more than a friend to you”
his eyes twinkled as he stood up and stood infront of you, grabbing your hand
you slowly looked up at him, his figure standing in the way of the moon as the two of you shared a long gaze, his eyes as sweet as honey, dripping with pure adoration
you pulled him closer by the hand and slowly he inched to your lips, the distance between you minimizing as his face tilted to the right, a delicate and sugary kiss landing on your tastebuds from the ice cream from earlier.
your heart skipped a beat, the slightest sound of lips smacking
“i think i love you y/n” he whispered close to your lips after pulling away. 
like,,, uni buddies! 
both being med students meant late study night, usually in school 
there’s papers and diagrams laid out all over the tables and floors along with a bunch of energy drink cans, some scribbles on the whiteboard 
the two of you were friends and met in uni and everyone had always nagged at you for not going after him since he was everything someone ever wanted
you always said that you were friends and that you couldnt imagine being in a relationship with jeongin
but studying with him alone into the deep night felt different, many times you couldnt concentrate when he looked so cute sitting right beside you
being close friends, there was nothing weird about hugging or leaning against each other and so you leaned against his shoulder and yawned as the cozy boy was rewriting some notes. 
“one hour left y/n and then- then we can go hoooome!”
you giggled as you looked at him and he diverted his attention from his papers to you, his lips only mere inches from yours
you didnt know what the fuck you were doing and neither did jeongin, it was late and the both of you were tired from studying for finals
and so your lips drew closer until they clashed, feeling a tension that you’ve never felt with him before
he’s definitely a shy,,, kisser?? not too much tongue since he doesnt know how LMAO so its like soft >:((
didnt know what to do when he pulled away, looking around the room or covering his blushing face with his hands but when you hug him he hugs you back
maybe even coming to terms that he does have feeling for you,,, and so do you~ 
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aquarii-writes · 3 years
TUA Bio Mother headcanon
Requested: No
Wc: 1,030
Warnings: discussion of bio families, a lil angst, and trigger warning for Klaus I do mention OD(not much detail but beware) so if you dont like please ignore
NOTE: This is actually inspired by @imakefircrequestsandthendisappear bio mothers post, and I really like it so Imma add onto it :)
Number One(Luther)
I also agree that Luther would’ve been one of like 7 kids making him the baby, and while his mother loved him she couldn’t afford another baby on top of her 6 kids. Also since in the comics I do believe that Luther and Five are twins so I can see that in the actual series Luther could’ve possibly been a twin to another baby who didn’t have powers(I call bs if this didn’t happen).
I can also see Luther trying to find his bio family and his bio mother seeing him and just running up to him and hugging him. Crying and just telling him that she’s sorry, that she couldn’t handle an unexpected baby. Luther just telling his bio mother that he understands that he wants to be apart of her life.
Number Two(Diego)
I can see Diego’s mother coming from a heavily religious family and she was only a teenager and that’s why he was put up for adoption. Mr. Hargreaves didn’t have a hard time getting Diego when the family didn’t want him.
I think Diego would be curious about his bio family but upset that they gave him up: not really thinking of the fact that his mother couldn’t raise him or other factors.
Number Three(Alison)
I can see Alisons bio mom being an older woman(like in her 60s by 2019) and she had a family of her own. Because of Alison her bio mom was divorced with two other kids so bio mom kinda didn’t want Alison and readily gave her away; the money was a plus.
Don’t imagine Alison trying to find her family only to find that her mother never wanted her and kinda hates her for being the end of her mother marriage. Dont imagine Alison finding her siblings having happy lives with their own kids and her bio mom having fun with her grandchildren. Dont imagine Alison hiding this from her daughter because she doesnt want Claire to know about the family that didnt want her mom and that doesnt know of her existence
Number Four(Klaus)
I can see Klaus being one of the only ones with a genuine relationship with his mother but not for the reason the others may think. For as tragic as it is I also agree that its possible that some of the kids powers could've rubbed off on their mothers and I believe that Klaus' mother would've been the hardest hit. I can see her for at least a while trying to hold on with the coping of various means(at first she tries to find a way to properly communicate with the dead but ultimately goes to drugs to shut them out). But she accidentally does too much one night and dies.
Due to this Klaus meets his mother in a very unconventional way but this was after Five was thrown into the future and after Ben died as well. From this I think he wouldve gotten ti know his mother and gotten to know how and more importantly why she died. For a little while Klaus had two ghosts constantly following him till he was put into rehab(his mother asked him constantly to get clean but he didnt listen to her)
Number Five(Five)
Five is by far the most similar to his mother than the rest. The two look scarily similar and if it werent for the fact that when Five went back in time he was 13 he would look somewhat like his mothers twin.
Five's bio mom, I have a feeling, is a physics teacher in college(prior she was a theoretical physicist)and is a weirdly harsh woman. Coffee addicted and far too smart for her own good Five's bio mom will call you stupid in so many ways you couldnt tell if the complex words actually mean stupid or if it's just her harsh tone.
Imagine Five going back in time while he was with the commission and finding his mother was working with Reginald for very different reasons(Five had been sent back to kill one of her colleagues) and ended up meeting her. He doesn't remember her first name but he does remember her last. Dr. Miracle.
Dr. Miracle initially didnt want to give up Five(she even named him Fredrick: Freddie for short) but when her office told her "give up the baby or you lose your job" she gave up Five. After words with the skills of only a genius she found Reginalds home address and would write to her son. The letters never made it to Five, but Grace has all of them.
Dr. Miracle also noticed a while after she gave up Five that her things would randomly appear and disappear; she chalked this up to her losing things but its actually a small part of Five's power that rubbed off on her
Number Six(Ben)
I feel like Ben's mother also didnt know what to do with him. She never wanted kids and a baby with monsters coming from his stomach came out of her she was, understandably so, kinda horrified at what she had given birth to. So when a man had come offering her money she wanted to give Ben away but her instincts told her not too. She did more research on Reginald, but Ben(who she had named Liam) mysteriously disappeared with about 7,000 left in his place.
Ben's mother also wrote to Ben(in her research found Reginalds former office) but the letters never found they're way to Ben or Grace; Reginald burned them all.
Number Seven(Vanya)
I can see Vanya looking for her mother in Russia, but only finding her grandmother. After Vanya was born and given away her mother kinda became ostracized and eventually ran off to Siberia. Vanya's grandmother, while the one who actually told her daughter to give up the baby, really wanted to know who her grandbaby was. So when Vanya's book came out in Russia Babushka(I'm calling her Babushka to refrain from using her over and over) read Vanya's book and actually reached out to her. The letter was in russian but Vanya got back to her and Babushka told Vanya about her mother and everything. Babushka regrets making her daughter give up Vanya.
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oh nothing in a book has ever made me as angry as fucking pissed off as i am now about the end of chain of iron and i have a lot to say on it (i have more to say on the last few chapters of chain of iron than i did on the entirety of the folk of the air series)
ill start with being glad lucie was able to raise jesse but definite reylo vibes there and im ignoring the end of that so watch me ignore if lucie dies ill be like yea ya know shes just,,, somewhere else but i hated how many secrets she kept from fucking everyone i mean she didnt tell a single person the whole truth of anything shes got secrets on top of secrets and thats not good but hey matthews drinking isnt good either and no one but the lucie and cordelia ever really say anything about that so theres that and im not counting james’ you dont love anyone as much as you love that bottle or w/e he said bc that wasnt talking to him to try to help and get him to stop drinking that was just a hit bc they were fighting and i hate that i hate that they were fighting bc they wouldnt have been if it wasnt for that fucking bracelet and which has caused so many fucking problems that i could cry in indignation bc its not its not fucking fair james spent the last what three years of his life in a fog not being able to feel and not being able to notice his parabatai slowly spiraling into a drunken depression from something thats not his fault at all i mean yes it is his fault that his mother took the potion but it is not his fault that the baby died thats no ones fault but whoever sold him the potion and yea he shouldnt have bought it in the first place but he was kid and he thought that was the only way he could get the truth and its unfair its fucking unfair and alistair god alistair he knows what he did in school was wrong but he saw it as the only way and now hes trying to make up for it and apologise and be a better fucking person and thomas sees that and thomas loves him for that and alistair wont let himself be loved and its not fair and anna oh anna talk about not letting yourself be loved she put on such a good front she did but she shouldnt have ariadne loves her and wants to be with her fully with her but anna has to understand the stigma of that and why ariadne cant come out yet hell thats still a problem today but we wont get into that because anna clearly loves ariadne but shes too afraid of getting hurt again and frankly she should just go for it i mean so what if you get hurt again at least youll finally feel something because i know she feels nothing for all those other girls i know theyre just replacements for ariadne and it isnt fair and speaking    of   replacements    fucking grace fuck grace but fucking grace just casually destroying james life listen i dont give a shit how she grew up i couldnt care less about how tatiana treated her and how scared she was of her because if shed just fucking helped then she wouldnt have to worry about a damn thing from tatiana i mean theres a number of things grace couldve done she couldve told the merry thieves everything and they couldve defeated belial like they are now and then no one would be around to help tatiana and grace couldve told anyone in the clave about all of tatianas shit and then they wouldnt have underestimated her and she wouldve been in a proper prison and thus unable to escape so damn easily and thus not fucking able to get to grace okay shes a fucking idiot and i hate her and i hate reading about her and im fucking disappointed in her for not taking the damn bracelet off okay i had very fucking low standards for her but i hoped she would take the bracelet off and at the very least i thought she could fucking not manipulate him further like god damn girl james is a much nicer and understanding person than i am and he would try to protect her from tatiana if he knew that grace was being threatened by her if grace took the bracelet off and told him the truth he would help her i fully believe that but since he had to find out on his own he was furious as he should be but i dont think he had to be nice to her when she showed up at the end there i mean i wouldve just yanked her in the house and started yelling at her right there fuck pretending his still under that enchantment fuck talking to her in private okay id chew her out in the entryway its not like cordelia doesnt need to know she fucking does and i think her finding out by overhearing james arguing with grace is actually a fantastic way to find out because she gets to hear everything all of what james feels and all of what grace did completely unfiltered not that james would try to hide it from her but hed definitely try to soften the blow and i just think she needs to hear the whole truth and AND i really fucking hate when characters overhear only part of something and assume the worst and run away its so common and i hate it so much and i hate how she ran to matthews because i knew it was going to happen and i knew matthew was in love with her and that it was already straining their bond because no one fucking realised that james was madly fucking in love with cordelia because of that fucking bracelet have i mentioned have i mentioned how much that bracelet pisses me off i dont think i have lets get into it so how james was unable to feel properly for three years and how his head was so foggy he was unable to think properly too and how because of that he missed matthew becoming a drunk and how the merry thieves look to james as their leader so if james isnt saying anything about it then there must not be anything to say and how james was already in love with cordelia before the bracelet and thats part of why grace couldnt control him and how he loved her for years how he was in love with her for years how no one knew this not even him because everyone thought he was in love with grace how cordelia was in love with him but thought he was in love with grace how cordelia got married to him knowing she was in love with him and thinking he was in love with someone else how she could tell he wanted her but thinking he just wanted her body and that he was still in love with grace how she’d rather have some of him than none of him at all how he picked out everything in their house with cordelia in mind how he remembered that she loves chess and she never thought he would how he learned a whole other language for her how he immediately checks on her after every battle how everyone, especially cordelia, just writes all this off as who knows what because he cant be in love with cordelia if hes in love with grace and hes obviously in love with grace how no one could ever notice there was something wrong because they were feeling the effects too how james was so in love with cordelia that that love unintentionally broke an enchantment made specifically for james by a Prince Of Hell one of the most powerful beings the entire species will ever meet and i think that covers the gracelet situation but i keep thinking of the scene where the bracelet cracks when grace first went to curzon street and kissed james and james’ mind literally thinking it was cordelia because who else would he be kissing and afterward grace saying ‘i dont know who you think you were kissing, james herondale, but it wasnt me’ and im like damn right bitch get fucked but back to cordelia running to matthews okay i know she didnt know matthew was in love with her so she wasnt doing anything wrong going to him but i kept thinking they were going to kiss or something because we all know matthews in love with her and there were a bunch of hints that cordelia might be attracted to matthew and she was upset about james and i just kept thinking something bad would happen and i was right but shit i didnt think id be like that i had no idea matthew was leaving for paris and even less of an idea that cordelia would join him and the thing is i cant even be mad i cant blame her i would probably do the same thing hell id probably ask to go with and im very proud of her for saying she’d go If matthew stops drinking i really appreicate that and i hope he gets better but the all those misses how james left the house only minutes after cordelia and arrived at matthews only minutes after they left and how he could see them at the train station could see them getting on the train and leaving and leaving him behind because his sister is missing and he shouldve ran and caught them and begged them to stay if not just to help find lucie because they both think of lucie as a sister and they absolutely wouldve stayed to help her and then there would be the chance for james to explain the gracelet situation and everything would be fine it would fine eventually and everything would be okay but NO and ive said a lot but i havent even mentioned cordelia being a paladin for fucking lilith yet where did that come from i was not expecting that ill tell ya see i thought it was odd that wayland the smith would still be alive and that it wasnt mentioned in any of the other books and i thought it was odd that some apparently god-like blacksmith would be wearing such an elegant jeweled necklace and i thought it was odd that magnus would be back from the spiral labyrinth for just a day and would be staying with hypatia instead of ya know his own place but shit id never have put it together as one person let alone lilith and i cant say it came out of nowhere because it said that edom used to be liliths so it would make sense that she would want belial gone so she could have it back but still that was unexpected but im not disappointed i mean im obviously upset that cordelia is now pledged to the mother of demons and feels like she cant even touch a weapon speaking of which what did she do with cortana where did she put it she said she dealt with it which makes me nervous but we know she couldnt have broken it or anything a) because i dont think she physically can and b) emma has cortana later but i think cordelia should keep cortana close since its the only thing that can mortally would belial and apparently he only needs one more before something happens im guessing before hes like gone gone so she definitely needs cortana and lilith wants her to kill belial so i think she should and if shes stuck as liliths paladin after that and never wants to touch a weapon again so be it but get rid of belial first ya know anyway i think there was something else i wanted to say but i cant remember so if you read all of this holy shit im sorry thats a lot i hope it was entertaining at least and i hope i didnt also get you pissed off
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (6) | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: A deep conversation between Tom & Y/N takes place. Tom offers a solution to Y/N’s problem, but does she take it?! Can Harrison convince her?
A/N: It’s a rather short chapter but a lot of Tom & Y/N action!! I absolutely love reading all your therories and comments! Thank you guys so much for reading & sticking around!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Its a vile word for the people you trusted your life with. Still in a state of shock, Y/N couldnt understand why Katie would have betrayed her like this. To think she was her best friend through thick and thin, always having each other’s back...it all seemed meaningless. Now here she was, packing up and trying to figure out where to go from here. London wasn’t an option and neither was the city with the rent being so high up.
As if her path was written by the stars, Tom had decided to call her the moment she started zipping up her bag. Y/N knew it wasn’t a good idea to answer, but it was almost instinctive in the moment. Truthfully, she needed someone. Someone to tell her it was going to be okay. “Hey, look. I know you probably hate me after the last time we talked on the phone like this, but I just wanted to say Im sorry.” Tom’s voice spoke softly through the phone as he let out a slight chuckle of nervousness.
Y/N smiled slightly as she listened to his voice. It was the most conforting thing she had heard, and could only imagine his voice wrapping around her to make her feel some sort of ease. “Yeah. No it’s um..it’s fine, really.” Y/N responds trying to calm her breathing after sobbing for the past hour.
“Yeah I guess, you were right. Maybe I was just jealous, because..I mean you already knownhow I feel. But you’re your own person so I can totally understand why you’d want to see new people. After all you broke up with me and—” Tom started getting more nervous as he continued to over explain his reasoning, but Y/N didnt seem to pay any attention as she lets out what was bothering her.
“Kate’s been crossing us.” She interrupts.
“Wait what? What do you mean?” Tom asks now more concerned, pushing the phone closer to his ear.
“She leaked information about Natalie staying thats where the rumors came from and she sent those pictures of Matt and I to Natalie’s publicist.” Y/N says as she closes her eyes.
Tom was more confused and in complete shock. Not understanding why Y/N’s most trusted best friend who do this to her. “Y/N...I dont know what to say..I’m sorry.” He replies, feeling defeated that there was nothing he could do, especially since she was so far away from him. Even if Y/N would have rejected his advances, he knew she needed him...now more than ever.
“Don’t be. It’s fine.” Y/N lies as she sits down on the bed, silently crying.
“No, it’s not Y/N. I know you’re hurting and I wish I could be there to do something about it.” Y/N smiles at his words. For every sad and painful moment, there would always be some sort of comfort. Tom was hers. For a moment...just one moment, she forgot about all the terrible things that happened. The betrayal, the rumors, Natalie. The moment felt like it was meant just for Tom and Y/N.
But not all moments last forever. Y/N’s phone went off, alerting her of a notification. In fear, she thought the unknown number was ready to leave another threat for talking to Tom, but it wasn’t. Though it was just a simple Twitter notification that came up, it showed that Tom and Natalie were out again on display for the Public. Casually flirting back and forth, with pictures of their social media interaction with each other. Her heart sank even more..if it was even possible.
He was still with her, even if it was pretend. Y/N thought back to when Natalie first arrived to stay with them, and how she slowly tried to flirt her way and spend time with Tom. She thought about how well they worked and looked good together, and how she left Tom saying “You’d be happier with her.” While it was all under the unknown’s plan to say those exact words, Y/N couldn’t help but feel some sort of truth to it. Certainly, she wasn’t happier with everything thats happened, but for Tom...at least he still had a chance to be happier with Natalie.
“Y/N? You still there?” Tom asked through the phone, when he didn’t hear Y/N say anything for a good while.
She shook her head to stop her thoughts as she replied, “Yeah...still here.”
“Oh okay. Good. I thought you hung up on me.” Tom laughs nervously. “Look, uhh maybe we should focus on what you’re gonna do. So do you have a place to stay?”
Y/N looks around as she sighs in defeat. “No. I’d find an apartment but the rent is so high here in the city especially for those that live alone, and I really dont feel like moving back in with my parents right now.”
Tom listened to her dilemma closely, when he offered without hesitation, “Come back here.”
“Tom, you know thats not an option nor a good idea for us. I told you we needed space, and I certainly don’t want to live under the same roof with a girl your fake dating at the moment.” She says in digust, voiced laced with anger.
“Calm down, Y/N. Im just offering you a solution and I could make sure you don’t see her. It’s a big house after all.”
“It’s not happening.” Y/N says quickly to end the dispute. Y/N stops to think about her other option, one Tom make not very well like. “Maybe I could ask Matt. I know he doesnt live too far from here.”
“Okay, now you’re being delusional. That’s definitely not happening.” Tom scoffs, as he thinks about the sickening idea. “I don’t want you near him.”
“You cant tell me what to do.”Y/N snaps at him. “Just like I’m not telling to stop being near Natalie, let alone enter a PR relationship.”
“Well at least Im being honest and open about it and not hiding it like an immature child.” Tom fires back. Y/N was at a loss with the way he responded to her. While she did keep it secret, deep down she knew it was for his own good..but he would never know. “Im sorry. I didnt mean it. It’s just...I wish you were more honest with me..with everything. It hurts you know.”
“Yeah..” Y/N whispers on the phone, feeling guilty and upset by where they’ve ended up. “I know. I’m sorry too. I want to be honest with you about everything but I cant for good reason.”
“No reason is good enough, if you have to keep secrets from people you love.” Tom says bluntly. “Look Im not gonna make you choose where you want to go from here. It’s your decision and life. Im just saying my door is always open for you...no matter how many times you hurt me.”
“It’s not your obligation Tom. I’ll be fine with whatever happens to me. I have to be, but thank you.” Y/N says as she bids him farewell.
As Y/N grabs her stuff and heads toward the door so do Harrison and Harry. “We booked a hotel for a night, if you want to stay with us.” Harry says as he tried his best to smile for her.
Y/N does in return and nods. “Yeah. Okay let’s go.”
Harry, Harrison, and Y/N made it to Aviary Hotel in silence. No one was sure what they should say to the other, when everything had gone to shit in the past month. Once everyone settled down, Harry decided to go down and grab food the group, while Harrison stayed to watch over Y/N in case she needed anything. “So, you told Tom, Im guessing?” Harrison asked, sitting across the other bed as he watched her intently.
Y/N nodded not saying anything as she brushed her hair avoiding eye contact. She thought for a moment deciding if she should tell him about what really happened in the phone conversation. “He and I fought..kinda I guess. I told him I didnt have a place to stay and he wanted me to stay with you guys, but I said it’s not a good idea and then I mentioned Matt, and everything went downhill from there.”
“Wait why not? Why can’t you stay with us?” Harrison asked.
Y/N gave him a look as if he didn’t know the reason already. His blue eyes shifting from surprise to realization. “Right, I forgot.” They sat in silence for a few seconds before Harrison interjects again. “You know, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I know Natalie and the unknown number still poses a threat, not to mention risky, but it’d be unexpected for them.” He offered.
Y/N thinks hard about it, her brows furrowing. “Yeah okay...but how does this that make it any better knowing that Im living with my ex-boyfriend who is also living under the same roof with a girl that he’s fake dating not to mention your childhood friend, and may very well be the other person terrorizing me.”
Harrison looks at her as he rubs his face in embarassment. “Well..when you put it that way.”
“Harrison, you can put it in any other way you want, it’s still going to be a bad idea.” She says.
“Look just think about it, okay. Its a big house, and you can use the attic room upstairs if you dont want to see anyone and have schedules until we can sort all of this out. And if it bothers you that much I even have a friend that lives close by who also needs a roommate herself.”
Y/N looks at Harrison skeptically, as he weighs out her options. “You really out here trying to find a way to make me stay with you guys and leave home huh?”
Harrison smiles as he combs back his dirty blonde hair. “No, Y/N. This here?” He points out arms wide, gesturing to the room to represent New York. “It was your home. Your real home, whether you want to believe it or not, it’s with us back in London. I know everything has been rough between you and Tom, but we’re going to find a way. I promise.”
Y/N sheds a tear, as she hears Harrison speak. He was right. Home just didn’t feel like home anymore. Not without them, but as much as she wanted to say yes, the odds of it being okay were against her...that couldn’t be ignored.
“So what do you say?”
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson @greatpizzascissorstaco @andievgs
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littlenekosfan · 4 years
Jugram and Bazz-b are canonly gay for eachother
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i know it looks like a meme post, but its actually a long ass post so please 
read under the cut!!!!
i have already done two analysis about jugram and bazz (which is a little more objective but not really ::)) ) if you’re intereseted, but anyways
this analysis was by pure self indulgence, please don't take it seriously actually i do make some good points so it’s not all jokes... still, i will only take shippers’ criticism :^))  
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still naming your bf by his nickname that you gave him over 1000yrs from now? gay.
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this panel literally makes me feels things every fucking time, i cant explain it, but just fucking look at it, YOU CAN FEEL THE SEXUAL(?) TENSION IN YOUR VEINS, THERE IS SOMETHING BUT I DONT FUCKING KNOW WHAT IT IS, FUCK ME
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they BOTH fucking think about their past as they fight bc despite all this happened 1000 years back, ITS STILL SO FUCKING IMPORTANT FOR BOTH OF THEM, they cannot forget about it or pretend it never happened...
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WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ??!?!?!?!? i would first say “love at first sight” but i fucking hate this trope so, ill go with “ their first unexpected meeting that ended up starting their beautiful friendship “ (bc jugo was not liking bazz when they started talking fhdfjdhf but bazz showed he liked him and jugo felt the same back after :’’)) )
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look at them, they are so baby oh myyy god, bazz is just being a cutie but has such a loud mouth shdgjdghfd, jugo is just, who the fuck is this kid shut the hell up and stop flexing
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this part makes me really sad for jugo and love bazz so much for sympathizing with him, like, im so sorry you have such a miserable childhood jugo and such a low self esteem :((  (refering to his quincy powers) and i thank bazz for using that same nickname to erase the link it has with jugo’s uncle and helping jugo out so he doesnt get hurt again :((  (he knows jugo is trying to get bazz out of his sight to do his stuff and im glad bazz just didnt listen and caught up on his situation)
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for the LOVE OF GOD, BAZZ USE THE TERM “FRIEND” INSTEAD OF “UNDERLING” YOU CLOWN, anyways, this is SUCH a key moment in their relationship, actually, its the beginnig of their friendship!! the way how jugo’s eyes become so, ahhhhhhh, he’s genuinely so happy, brb gonna cry, he finally feels like he values something to someone/being loved (also, its not really explicitly said but, bazz obviously didnt really have any friend back then considering his way to talk/flex, jugo was probably his first/only friend, and he picked him over anyone bc he knew there was something in him... he liked him before even talking :’)) )
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5 long (he says it wasnt but thats a fucking lie (my highschool was fucking long ok ?)) years with the TWO of them, TOGETHER, IN A FOREST ????, TRAINING ?????????? WHAT KIND OF TRAINING BITCH ????? ok but seriously, if there was no developpement in their relationship during that 5 years, believe me, they woud have broke up and took different path (jugo didnt even have a revenge desire like ????????) they obviously did stuff, talked, played, cared, etc. (let your mind imagine....) they also fucked but kubo didnt want to tell us, anyways, my point is, you cannot just constantly train for 5 years living with just one person in your life and tell me there was nothing between them (yes, i do hc them not knowing Love like the average ppl’s definition is of it, but still ??? they probablly have their own way of showing love and that’s just as good/valid and they’d also learn from the other’s! so bascially, they are in love with eachother but not in the “traditional” kind of love)
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anyways, bazz’ gaze at jugo? gay.
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JUGO IS SO WORRIED ABOUT HIS BF HELP AHHHHHH he also call him bazz ahhhhhhh he doesnt want him to get hurt :(( (probably bc he thinks they arent ready and bazz being so careless but i dont blame bazz for his behavior...)
NOW, i will not talk about their... break up bc: 1. i dont wanna cry 2. both of them were put under a lot of stress/trauma, traumatizing events do not define a character so... (im talking about the trauma itself, not its consequences)
back to the fight
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Dare to tell me that someone else knows bazz’s full name, its a fucking lie like, i know it doesnt seem big, but knowing someone’s full name when they never talk about is so, personal ????? i think bazz doesnt like his full name bc he likes to build up his own persona, that not even his parents define it (with a name) he always presented himself with that nickname even AS A KID, he loves his nickname and yet told jugram at some point his full name... and jugram, JUGRAM SHOUTING HIS REAL NAME TO STOP HIM ?!?!?!?!? BYE ????!?!?!*?@$9739*$&#@)(*
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bazz monologue makes me feel like shit so, no image, but whether it was before or in the future, only him, only jugram, he was bazz’s goal and he never let go, he didnt want to be the strongest, he wanted to reach him, more than anything (why ? i still have a hard time to figure that out...)  i already talked about it in my previous analysis but, i think he wants to prove him wrong for 1 his ego 2 perhaps that will open jugram’s eyes and he will finally understand all this means nothing if their relationship is not going to be like before (actually spending quality times you know ?) anyways, just read it and you will feel bazz’s pain in his words, the feeling he has lost his only true friend... he truly loved him, its just so hard for him to show it when jugram seem to be so... apathetic about it (of course he love u bazz, believe me, he really do)
and jugram... oh my god jugram i want to punch you too in the face (bc yes, i wanna punch bazz too for having such a big ego and never opening up) WHY CANT YOU JUST TELL HIM HOW YOU ACTUALLY FEEL, HOW YOU REGRET ALL THIS SHIT YOU FUCKIN-, we all know he didnt want to leave bazz back then (and if you think yes, you need to reevaluate your level of empathy/sympathy toward ppl) okok i KNOW he cant do that but i wish he could talk to bazz about all this ?!??!?!? their separation like, please ?!?!?!?!? and i wont talk about the fucking pin, THE FUCKING PIN BAZZ GAVE HIM WHEN THERE WERE JUST KIDS, HE HAD IT ON HIS SWORD THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME HE USED THAT SWORD, HE WOULD SEE THAT AND BE REMINDED OF BAZZ, god he loves him so much it hurts
i always wondered why they never settled things during a whole ass MILLENNIUM, so here i go to why (this is big hc time so, naki your whole post is hc stuff, shhhhhh): bazz is the type to direct right ? well not really with his feelings, he always seem to hide his true feelings with his loud mouth (bazz’s brain: i miss jugo :( bazz’s mouth: haha jugo u dumb bitch) there is also that time when he just joined the army, i feel like he isnt very talkative in that period, i think he didnt call him by “jugo” but rather his real name and always felt he missed too much of jugrams life, that he cant catch up with him, thus making him feel so silent and just being a little brat... with time, that gap changed (SO THEY DID STUFF, THEY DIDNT LEAVE IT BIG AS IT USED TO BE) but never closed sadly... (i wonder if something happened between them for him to call him jugo again...)
in jugram’s case, i feel like he closes himself to bazz on purpose so he doesnt hurt him, he still loves him very dearly, but if he were to show these feelings toward bazz, he might put both of them in danger (rumours, jugram being biased, a hierarchy difference etc.) or might hurt bazz even more... he kept is distance and feelings to himself so bazz wont be to heartbroken if something ever happens between them... he’s doing this in order to protect him and i mean... it kinda worked... but not really
speaking of, bazz last line was probably to tell jugram how himself he was sad/disappointed in how losing to him didnt hurt as much as he would have wished... BAZZ HIMSELF WAS HURT BY HOW HIS FLAME FOR JUGRAM DIED LIKE MUCH MORE THAN HE THOUGHT, but that also means, jugrams goal was reached, bazz wasnt too hurt by being killed by his own bf... but also failed bc bazz never stopped loving him.... like i said, bazz was hurt by the fact his feelings werent as strong as before...
and their death...
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oh fuck me. Really kubo ? you think this is funny ???? I CRY ABOUT THIS EVEN AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS, THE WAY THEY JUST BOTH THINK ABOUT EACHOTHER BEFORE DYING ?????????????
their life started to be meaningful the moment they met each other and it ended thinking about it again.... if that isnt what true love is, then i dont fucking know shit about love
there is also another thing i wanted to point out (perhaps its just me projecting but...) i feel like the main factor, among so many, that made them not open to the other about their feelings is... the feeling they dont deserve it. jugram is conscious about how badly he hurt bazz when he left him, and bazz feels he doesnt deserve jugram since he grew so much/become stronger without him (yes he still feels guilty about “using him” to enhance his power even tho its not his fault) and how he’s not part of his life anymore... they both wanna go back to what they used to be but just,, dont. not only they know they cant, but they feel like it would be selfish for them to be wishing that... (bc they dont know that feeling is mutual) ahhhh i dont know how to explain it, basically,, they wanna be together but cant bc they’re both holding back bc of their own mistakes
i just cannot explain how dearly they care about the other despite their separation and over a millennium of words left unsaid... i know actions speaks louder than words, but in their case, words would have changed everything,,,
there is also an interesting topic between them i should write about but it’s pretty...demanding, the concept of duality between them, always being the other’s opposite but also complement (unlike yhwach and jugram which is more two halves making one, (co?)dependency and not interdependency like in jugram/bazz)... but thats a whole other thing..
but i will say this. i never liked the concept of “other half”, it doesnt sounds... right to me, other half implies there is only one true love (one person) i believe love can be felt toward a lot of ppl (not everyone ofc), we just choose to let ourselves to fall for someone else, so no, one true love doesnt exist, which leads me to how i love love love jugo and bazz opposite personalities dynamic bc it made me realize about how i kinda had and have that relationship and its not always easy... bazz is the hot headed and jugo the cold one, and yet they both work out just fine, why? bc they may not be the best one for eachother, but their love is unconditional and genuine, it woudlnt have worked out if their feelings werent reciprocal... and thats why i love juazz so much (and plenty of other reasons tbh) the fact two ppl who have opposite personas and still loving their partner is just.. i cant. also, thats why i tend to never use the term "best friend" when i talk about them, i just think the best and more genuine friendships/relationships doesnt come with how compatible the ppl are, but how much they love each other no matter what, best friend implies that there is good and bad ones, and also, there is some kind of ranking... best ≠ closest best is more in a profit way closet/dearest is more about love/closeness/intimacy
i know this part isnt clear but, tdlr, juazz relationship was genuine more than anything and i fuckin live for it
i still cannot believe how kubo just wrote about their whole backstory even tho it didnt really have any impact on the main story (or very small...) or how he named it friend when bleach is all about friendship... why them (over all the characters in the series)??? how come they have never called each other friends ?? we will never know...... anyways have that little meme to conclude my shittalk:
no one in the whole bleach series:
jugram and bazz: have not 1, not 2 but 3 flashbacks about their past explaining their relationship and both had 4 chapters and half cutting the whole current battles/events for their story even tho that had nothing really to add to the main story but kubo still wanted them to have something , bc why the fuck not i guess ?!?!??!?!
so, in conclusion ? 
juazz is real.
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ariesbilly · 4 years
so it’s my wifes ( @fredheads ) birthday and im a flop who doesnt have her birthday fic ready (it’ll be done... before the end of the month. absolutely should not take that long but thats the only definite timeline i have lmao) SO to celebrate, i think you all should read her fics and leave nice comments because it’s what she deserves :)
MULTI CHAPTER (unfinished)
She's The One (fem!fredsythe)
Just Like Heaven (fredsythe, alice - fred escapes the Sisters au)
talk about a dream, try to make it real (fredsythe, gladys - college au)
quiet mercy (fredsythe - the OG fred & the sisters of quiet mercy fic)
Papa (fred and artie exploration)
wanna be your backdoor man (fredsythe - h*rny neighbor antics)
With a Girl Like You (fred and gladys friendship)
all our costliest treasures (baby fredsythe at christmas julia i would like to see more... its your birthday i should not be requesting things my apologies)
but your kids are gonna love it (archie and jughead - back to the future au i never saw that movie so i cant say for sure but they do time travel so that checks out to me)
Riverdale High's Last Annual Father-Daughter Winter Fling (fred takes veronica to the father/daughter dance because hiram is in jail =/ )
i say the phrases that keep it all going (different takes of fred fp archie and jughead dying in each others arms julia where is the fredsythe one... just asking)
MULTI CHAPTER (finished [according to ao3])
wouldn't it be good (ensemble - everyones paired up and has to raise an egg)
love is like a heat wave (fredsythe summertime antics)
burnt toffee (halice - working at an icecream shop, falling in love, v cute)
if only in my dreams (penelope lies about having a boyfriend)
let nothing you dismay (alice cooper fixing christmas)
there's a blue light in my best friend's room (hal and fred bonding hour)
The Trials of Cheerleading (or, "Throwing In The Megaphone") (the parentdale bible just read it and forget anything else anyone [ras] has ever told you)
fred andrews adopts a gang (bet you cant tell what this is about)
from the rich to the poor they are mostly unkind (i think this is a sweet pea centric fic?? julia really has something for everyone but dont expect her to do this again)
fp's adventures in domesticity (fp taking care of the andrews household while fred recovers from getting blasted in the chest)
Oblivion (all the times fred has experienced god)
west of memphis (jarchie post 107 thats all i can tell you idk)
Wherever you go i'll be with you (fp and archie - a timeline after freds death)
that's as close as i'll get to loving you (fremary - fred asks mary out)
i'm only good at being bad, bad (gladys hating her deadbeat husband <3)
and all the miles in between (fp and tom on the bus to basic training)
excerpts from the same party (freds interactions...at a party... the title is pretty self explanatory but who doesnt love a party fic ammirite ladiez)
don't you know these days you pay for everything (fred, fp, mary - i remember this being fp playing wingman to get fred and mary together cuz he likes mary better than hermione.... read more to find out if im right)
tying faith between our teeth (fredsythe - au where fp goes to college and doesnt ruin his life)
and they were roommates (fredsythe - another college au)
The Construction Tree (jarchie - idk what this is about i dont read kid fics im sorry... but julias a bomb ass writer so im sure the jarchies will love it anyway)
flowers grow through cement (fred gaining weight and feeling insecure)
night creatures call and the dead start to walk in their masquerade (HALLOWEEN FREDSYTHE BABYYYY!)
get me a prescription for that one perfect touch (fredsythe sick fic)
i don't know where else i can go (more hal and fred bonding hour)
everybody's got a hungry heart (fredsythe sexy time with food... that sounds weird.... listen either youre into it or youre not)
not so typical love song (fp and mary bonding hour)
all the redemption i can offer (fremary after the shooting... im pretty sure... listen i have a bad brain i cant remember things just read it)
Simply Irresistible (fred is a ho)
took the words (right out of my mouth) (four times fred and fp say ‘i love you’)
if you wanna get it done you gotta do it yourself (fp and mary loving fred... who is a ho)
people livin' in competition (more fp/fred/mary nonsense with fp gay pining what a good triangle i would have liked to seen it...)
buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight (mary works at youth crisis hotline and fred calls in)
that's what they say when we're together (halram post high school au)
a good old fashioned romance (hiram flaunting his wealth instead of displaying emotions)
you don't know what (you) got (fred has great friends even though hes a bit of a putz)
watch your weight (more fredsythe food shenanigans)
Valuable Lessons Learned On The Tilt-A-Whirl, or "Babe, You Ought To Quit This Scene Too" (alice hermione fred and fp go to the fair)
what once was (jughead and the andrews after freds shooting)
you must remember this (i have no recollection of what this is about but it sounds jughead centric)
takes guts to be gentle and kind (idk what this is either lmfao but i know julia saved moose and midge in it... idk midge but good for her [granted this also takes place after 202 so keep that in mind])
FP Jones and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad House Party (or, "Nothing Good Ever Happens At One Of These") (oh i remember this one.... mmmm. title tells you all really)
and so please help them with your youth ( ‘fred teaches archie to walk. archie returns the favor’)
andrews & son (more fred and archie post 201)
Blueberry Pie (fredsythe - my review of this fic is just me clutching my chest saying ‘oh god, oh fuck’)
never drill for oil on a city street (part 1 of mary working at a youth crisis hotline and fred calling in and i should put this above the other fic but like... you can figure out one and two on your own i believe in you)
The Perils of Faking Illness (or, “two times Fred Andrews faked sick to get out of class and one time he actually needed a hospital”) (read the title)
healing, in three parts (fred fp archie and jughead attempt a roadtrip)
all along the watchtower (#fredandrewsisriverdale)
guess that we were too much of the same kind (fred getting visitors in the hospital)
sometimes wonder what's beneath the mess you've become (fred and alice bonding hour)
nice day for a white wedding (fredsythe hospital times babyyyy!)
The Unexpected Perks of Feminist Activism (or, "Fingertip Rules") (fred gets fucked in a skirt by fp thats all you need to know)
Any Way You Want It (reggie x moose idk what it is but if you like them here you go)
fun, fun, fun (till her daddy takes the t-bird away) (beach antics! freds a menace but fp loves him anyway...)
hands over the ears of my heart (fred and hermione share a bed but platonically)
the apocalypse comes sooner than you think (fredsythemione antics)
small as a world and large as alone (a series of drabbles about archie jughead and fred post 104)
do a good turn daily (archie x reggie post 103)
seven minutes in heaven (archie and reggie picked for 7 minutes in heaven)
tell me every terrible thing you ever did (archie drops jughead off after the pep rally)
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cheswirls · 3 years
i had that surgery between posting abt tokrev and now n took a break from reading and so the first half of tenjiku arc is fuzzy BUT i did finish it today so heres an  update, ~190 chapters in
ive been vague b4 but this one will DEF have spoilers im talking openly abt so if you havent finished tenjiku arc dont read anymoreeee
i think i started last time abt the emma ch so to start off this one w the emma ch bc. damn. i think besides being absolutely heartbreaking this cemented kisaki as not necessary the enemy, but as someone who has done wrong. kisaki has been the main villain this entire time, but i mentioned this last time, its different being told someone has done something vs seeing it. besides him n hanma beating up chifuyu, everything kisaki has done hasnt had any proof to it. even when he says  something akin to ‘damn my plan is foiled’ its less admission when theres nothing to back it.
but emma changes that. now theres a homicide associated w kisaki. now theres a bad thing hes done right in front of the mc, and for all the viewers/readers to see. now hes equivocated w the death of emma. 
i think emmas death matters for two reasons, and one more than the other. the first is the impact it has on mikey. its shown a few times now what death will do to him, like w shinichirou and baji, but w emma it hits different. im gonna contrast her and baji on both points, not to take away from baji’s death, but to add to emmas.
if im not mistaken a majority of baji scenes were only shown after his death. i think it worked and the valhalla arc was  rly well structured, but what this left in turn was a sort of emptiness associated w baji dying. the readers didnt rly know him at all compared to some of the other toman captains, and it rly hadnt been shown yet wwhat his relationship w mikey was like. we see the effect it has in his rage towards kazu, and none of his grieving. even when at bajis grave, its chifuyu that gets a bigger focus than mikey. but w emma, it actively tears mikey up. he struggles to carry her to the hospital, hes visibly shaken when he tells takemichi shes grown cold, and hes absolutely dead inside when hina is crying at emmas corpse and drakon is yelling at him asking why he let it happen. it hits hard, and it shows, and it makes the impact that much harder, that she died in the past and theres no way tofix it. and the realization takemichi has right before, of ‘o yeah ive never seen grown emma come to think abt it’ then bam.
the second and much bigger point is the emotional impact is has on the reader. baji appears and is instantly a source of conflict. he outs himself from toman, he joins the enemy, he denounces chifuyu when questioned abt investigating kisaki. theres no reason to trust him n no reason to think he’ll turn back, and then only thing there is mikey saying he wants baji back.
emma had that amazing chapter not long before, and shes had a few focal points previously, like on her birthday, and on new years, etc. we’ve seen her as an individual first, then as mikey’s sister, and that makes a difference. seeing her even admitting izana was her brother rly hit different bc its emma, the emma that grew up w shin and mikey but had another life before that. that was the connection i kept making, even as izana explained he had more relation w shinichirou, bc it was mentioned by emma first, bc emma remembered him, after all those years. knowing izana was involved w her death made it hit harder. it hits harder in general bc its emma, someone whos been around since the beginning, and been explored more in depth. i felt sad when baji died, but i was destroyed and heartbroken when emma died.
which, going back, makes kisaki in turn absolutely despicable. deplorable. abhorrent. unforgivable. even more so when he shoots kaku, and then izana, thrice, and then izana dies. i still rly didnt. get? izanas motivations, but i started to feel for him thru mikey, when he realized it was izana shin meant when he asked abt a second older brother. kaku getting shot was unexpected and almost worse than emma in the moment, bc kisaki had a gun and even knives were kinda taboo weapons, guns were completely off the table, and he shot five times andinjured three people w every shot. im glad the tenjiku members that stayed behind told police abt kisaki bc the entire time he was running i was like um??? and even B4 that i was like hey no mikey you dont need to stay, yall jus nee to beat kisaki into submission n have him confess bc the gun is right there, the bullets are there, cmon now.
but then kisaki dies/????? the way its set up made me go crazy, thinkin someone did it purposely, but then the driver was a nobody, and then hes still alive after impact???? big surprise honestly. but then his arm n leg are emessed up, n he says he cant get up, n it took me a sec to realize he prolly lost coordination n not jus bc of one leg, like he prolly couldnt sit up at all, then he up n died rightthere. 
b4 thattho, was the confirmation. i completely always thought kisaki wasnt a timeleaper, i thought takemichi made atheory but  it was baseless, i didnt rly like it, and then the scene during the vs tenjiku when he says future stuff n kisakis like what?? are yiu talking abt??? BUT THEN then have their standoff in the same parking lot n kisaki says you are a timeleaper and i was like what? he can also??? but then he coudnt! he admitted, was like no in ever could, which means someone else is pulling strings if there is another timeleaper, andmy moneys on hanma, the only other one whos been around the whole time. maybe ill b surprised but i f its not him then theres not another one, imo.
kisaki dying caught me off guard. his whole ten year plan was absolutely nuts, ic ant believe he thought he could go up to hina n straight propose n she would say yes, like honestly would she even remember him at that point? regardless i knew from the cram school chapters that there was some connection there, but i didnt think hina dying was some jealousy-fueled hate revenge plot. wild. but now the “main” villain is dead so what goes from here? we willn see.
i am rly glad kaku made it out. tallying 3 deaths in the kanto incident was so confusing w emma being one of them but the reveal that kaku was alive was rly something. i hope more comes from him!! the setup between him n takemichi was rly rly nice!!!! i wanna see more
i am kinda sad abt coco, bc thesetup of takemichi protecting him from div5 was great, n inui is a permanant fixture in div1 now, so to see coco decide to split was kinda sad. hope he doesnt go down the wrong path. kinda expected to see more knowing how popular him n inui are?? but nontheless
and smiley and angry were so good!! souta and kawata are amazing and souta was not like what i was expecting at all, n now knowing that he cares a lot n is not rly a fighter but iss till in toman jus. rly speaks a lot abt mikeys judge of character n kawatas older brotherschtich that they would let him be vice of div4. seeing what kawata and mitsuya both did during tenjiku arc was rly nice. 
and then hina telling drakon andmikey!!! surprised they believed, but it rly will mak things move now. for ex the gun scene where hes abt to shoot kisaki, rly ready to end it, but then hina n mikey rush in. i rly like that knowing that they both know this takemici is from the future, bc they panic but their faith in him isnt lost ,y’know? like they see him desperate, n drakon has a great line abt takemichi’s desperation, theyre not seeing their friend abt toshoot someone n freaking, n they wont judge his sense of character off of that,instead theyre seeing the desperation of someone who wants things to change, and know they can talk him out of it, or if not that then at least ,like, its not going to change what they think abt him. iunno jus. nice little detail i loved while reading that.
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