#its rly short but ahhhhhhhhhhhh
ao3-crack · 1 year
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hyphypmic · 5 years
Could you do the guys doing a kabedon to or being done by a kabedon by their s/o headcanon? If it gets too long, you could just do Buster Bros first and I'll request the other divisions later
I had to google the kabedon and I like how there’s a term for it, I literally call it “anime slam on the wall”
Anyway, I hope you like this!
He’d probably be the one doing it
When he does it though, it’s either intentional or unintentional
If it’s intentional (because this boy has watched way too much anime) he really does it well and finds it cute when you’re flustered and he’s looking down at you and (ahhhhhhhhhhhh I just kinda got… ahhhhhh)
And like you can look at his red and green eyes as he smiles and shit and moves closer and leans forward…
Anyway if it’s unintentional, he’s gonna fucking trip, catch himself on the fuckin wall and then look at you sheepishly and then realise what’s going on then move away like “SORRY”
This one knows what he’s doing
He’d try to be smooth, no really he’d try
Actually no he’d… be smooth because he’d do that entire leaning forward thing and really star at you and tilt your chin up
But if it’s done to him, he’s really just highkey kinda frozen
Like he’d have a help me face on like please save me I’m a panic
He reacts exactly like in the anime
He’s the definition of
He has no idea what to do if he’s the one doing or receiving
His face gets super duper red
And like when he’d attempt to do it. He’d be a blushing mess like and it’s really cute
When it gets done to him he dies and panics and really tries to slip away
He does it and he really has a cigarette dangling from his lips and that bad boy smirk
He’s the type to just slam his hand to the wall and lean forward
Like oh god imagine him in his TDD slicked back hair and all
He also really stares at you with that smirk and it’s just… wild like honest to god you will melt
When its done to him its like he blushes and tries to be Yokohama bad boy but it just doesn’t work
Like tsundere vibes but then he melts
Practiced move really
He not only uses it for intimidation, but for romantic purposes as well
He can stare you down and close the space between you pretty efficiently
he’s the type to do it in the middle of a conversation, steering it in the direction he wants it to go
If its done to him though, he enjoys it and rly teases back like it’s nothing
Especially if you do it at a corner, damn he’d enjoy the fuck out of it
Is definitely a clueless
Like he’d do it and really, he’d not be aware until he sees you like whimpering and looking away
He’d really ask if you’re okay
Then he’d put his hand down and take you out for dinner or something
Then like if it’s done to him, he is very unaffected like he’s been intimidated before by worse things, this isn’t gonna work
He’s really too short for his own good
But he will make you bend for him
If you do end up doing it to him though, he’s really going to turn the situation around and make you feel flustered
Really, he is not to be intimidated or flustered
His height means nothing when it comes to the kabedon because he’s gonna come out on top if you know what I mean
He will do it in the middle of a conversation or while looking away or like very subtly
Like there’s no way he’d slam it against the wall
He’s also the type to use his words and make you blush even harder
Like he’s not the proximity guy, he’s the words guy
If it’s done to him, he lies and says it doesn’t work but inside his heart is beating way too fast
Oh he’d do it, like to you and he’d smile also
He’d really go at it and just stare (mostly because he can’t find the words)
Like he’d wait for you to say something as he leans closer and just talks casually about gambling and what not
Then if it’s done to him, he freezes and stares up, like his knees get weak vibes
Then he’d lowkey get stressed about it
You rly can’t… I mean he’s so tall he’s really gonna do it to you
Tbh he towers over you and like he really leans on the wall and like YOU DONT EVEN NEED A FUCKING WALL HE’S JUST ALWAYS LIKE THAT
Like you will always look up at him because he’s a skyscraper and if he does it to you, his hair will act as a fucking curtain and its like your closed off to world and you’re only his world
And like you’re just under his gaze and he’s just this calming soothing thing and you’re blushing but you also feel safe because you have your amazing doctor
Oh this man is a panic attack bro
Like dead
if he does like do it it’s gonna be so fucking a mess because he’d put his hand on the wall
Then remove it
Then put it back
Then remove it again then put it back then apologise but his hand would stay there
He’s a mess the poor boy
If it’s done to him he’ll freeze and fucking DIE like he’ll apologise and look away then apologise then look away again and just die but bite his lip
oh well, he’d panic if he’s not in his suit
if he’s in his suit, he’s very confident and he does it regularly with the girls at his club so suit Hifumi is very much confident
no girls obviously, so if he does it to a guy when he’s out of his suit he’s kind of a puppy about it, but he’s more likely to be the receiver and he’s like a fucking puppy and he’s so soft and he’d really just melt under the gaze of the s/o
He’s so happy really and cuddles and loves it when you give him the full attention
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