#its so heartshattering
k0kichiimagines · 1 year
"i suppose this is it, hershel. i have to go back to my own time... back to that day when we.. parted. (no, claire) im sorry i cant stay. (claire, wait) we had so many plans for the future. you won't forget, will you? our shared past, and our, lost future. (you cant go, i dont want to say goodbye again, i cant, i wont) i know you. and i know you'll stay strong. after all, that's what a gentleman does. i must go now hershel. thank you for everything. goodbye"
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oatm3al-c00kies · 7 months
ngl now that shadow and bone has been cancelled i actually appreciate season 2 a lot more than i did when i first watched it.. like now that i know its not messing up future storylines (like inej being a pirate already and not having her own boat, the "stay in ketterdam" lines happening, kaz beating up the dregs already, generally everything being super sped through) i can appreciate that at least we got a handful of the fun and iconic stuff!! like we got to hear those actors say those lines!!! and we got to see so many great scenes!
however. i will forever be mourning the fact that we got NOOOO matthias & crows content and never will (genuinely i'm in so much pain abt this), the fact that they killed off david already, and the fact that we'll never see zoyalai come to life on the screen :((( ALSO THE FACT THAT WE LEFT OFF WITH MALINA NOT TOGETHER that was actually so cruel of them What The Hell we deserved our cute little epilogue (i know not everyone liked it but i did!!)
BUT at the same time we also wont have to worry about them messing any of that up ANDDD we dont have to see the absolutely heartshattering scene of matthias dying onscreen!!! so maybe it's Ok
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jaffakoo · 11 months
just some thoughts of namkook as the wizards in lotr. jungkook, chief of the order of the istari and namjoon, wisest of the istari, wielder of light & fire. nj's never opposed jk's higher position, and it never got in the way of their (hidden) relationship. until the one ring.
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namjoon has heard the 1 ring has been uncovered from its hiding place and is seeking to be returned back to its master. as is custom, nj has to alert the council of this terrifying matter - alert ungjkook. they had last met only a few months ago, they didn't have a long time to be together.
and so namjoon hurries to jungkook, heart beating painfully against his chest. jungkook will know what to do, he's been so perfect as chief of the order, so strong and knowledgeable - so pure and kind. jungkook meets him at the tower, his white robes billowing beside him as he runs down barefoot.
jungkook places a soft, tender hand on namjoon's wide shoulders as they make their way inside. they've always kept their relationship a secret from the order, not sure what would happen. "is it true what i've heard?" he asks, face full of worry. namjoon nods solemnly. "we must speak, alone."
jungkook takes them to his office, all the way up the tower, away from prying eyes. only then does namjoon pull jungkook into his arms, hands around his waist, huffing out a distressed sigh as he kisses jungkook's nape. "i don't know what to do. we have to destory it, but how?"
jungkook is quiet, his hands shaking a little as he hugs namjoon back. he plays with the back of namjoon's nape, fingers and nails gently scraping against his neck. "hyung, what exactly do you know?" jungkook's eyes are so wide, so beautiful. namjoon tells him everything.
jungkook listens quietly, carefully. nodding, his eyebrows creased in concentration as he watches namjoon pace around the room. when namjoon's done he turns back to jungkook, waiting for his wise council.
"hyung..." jungkook starts. "middle earth will soon be at war. sauron is gathering all forces of evil and darkness to him. mordor is going to be unleashed."
"how do you know this?" namjoon asks. he knows jungkook is wise, but to have such valuable information of the enemy is...
"i've seen it, hyung." jungkook says, uncovering a small white cloth on his table to reveal a palantír, a seeing stone.
namjoon's throat is dry. "t-those are dangerous, jungkook. they're not all accounted for, you have no idea who could be watching! who you're talking to!" with a strangled breath he throws the cloth back on the seeing stone, turning to jungkook. there's something in his eyes, a dangerous sparkle.
namjoon can't believe what he's hearing. he shakes his head, staring at jk in front of him, his white robes tinged with black. "jungkook." his voice wobbles. "we can stop sauron, we can stop him destroying middle earth. we have to stick together."
jungkook shakes his head. "it's too late, namjoon. against the powers of mordor, there is no victory." namjoon feels a shiver run up his spine. jungkook looks so different, hauntingly so. did namjoon come here too late? how long has jungkook been haunted by mordor, being posioned with false words? if namjoon got here quicker could he have stopped this?
"jungkook, please."
"we must join with him, namjoon." only now does jungkook step forwards, grabbing hold of namjoon's hand. his skin is cold, icy. it makes namjoon jolt backwards, jungkook's hands - his body - was always so warm. "we have to join him, it's the only thing we can do."
it's with a heartshattering breath that namjoon realises, jungkook is too far gone to be saved. namjoon can't save him. he's already passed, already tangled in sauron's strings. namjoon shakes his head, tears stinging at his eyes. "that's madness jungkook - can't you see that? he's posioned you."
jungkook blinks, furious. "i'm doing this to save us!" he shouts, pushing at namjoon's chest. "the chances of winning against mordor are slim, too slim. we have to survive hyung. you & me - we're always in this together?"
namjoon takes a step back, shakes his head. he hates seeing jungkook this way.
"but what about the rest of middle earth, jungkook?" he asks softly, trying to hold back his tears. "we can't let them fall into darkness, all those innocent people. you know it's not the right thing to do, jungkook. you know it."
jungkook shakes his head, pushing namjoon to the doors.
"get out."
"get out!" he shouts this time, eyes red. "before i do something. i won't regret it, you've already chosen your side."
perhaps it's naive of him, but namjoon is certain there's still a part of jungkook that's pure, untainted. even if namjoon has to charge to mordor - he'll do whatever he can to bring jungkook back to him.
they don't say goodbye. jungkook only watches, chest heaving, tears down his cheeks as namjoon leaves.
maybe in another life, things wouldn't have ended this way.
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Hi Patchy! I recently found your blog again (I swore I was already following but I wasn't. 🥺) and I would really love a potion. I can't seem to get Eijiro Kirishima out of my head and I was hoping you could help! Lots of love! 🤗
Hello there Chris, so lovely to see you within my little shop once more; I truly enjoy seeing those from previous lives back again; truly it is a wonderful thing.
As for your request... I always make it a notion never to create love potions; for using one to gain the love of someone is not truly love at all. Though, I do suppose I can think of something...
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A love potion. That was all you asked for.
You dragged yourself to try and find however could make one, caring little for the how long or how expensive it may be, for you knew one thing was for certain; you wre in love with Kirishima Eijioru, one of the knights of the royal court, and the only way to get in him out of your head - at least in the worrisome, heartshattering, way - was to know if he loved you too.
It wasn’t as if you wanted things to be like this; that you wanted your daily thoughts to be consumed by one thing. It just… sort of happened this way. As a lady in court you would have run ins with all sorts of people within it, those that were part of the crown - lords, ladies advisors, and nobles - and those that were to protect it - knights, rangers, and scholars. 
You were always polite to those you encountered, finding that what they do, what errands they were on, to be fascinating to the grand scheme of things. And you couldn’t lie, the knights that were to protect the crown were incredibly handsome. You often found yourself giggling and gawking with the other ladies of court over them as they went about their days.
But only one stuck out to you.
The crimson haired Kirishima, the one who always worked alongside the more popular - and brooding - blonde Baakugou. They were the leaders of their troop, the strongest, most dedicated, and favoured by all.
Kirishima was always so kind to you too, in the brief run-ins you would have as you both tried to get on with your days. Always so sweet to ask you are, and if you were enjoying your evening, especially at all those fancy soiree. You would always want to ask him to dance, or to join you in another drink, but he was always dragged away by another pretty lady before you would have the chance.
And the day dreams you would have. They would flood your mind as you carried out all the mundane chores your daily life was riddled with; wonder if he was doing the same, wonder what he would do or say if he was with you, how he may distract you from it all entirely - the latter of which you would always save for when you were alone.
But now it has all gotten out of hand. And the only way to cease the plague of thoughts, to keep your heart from battering your chest of the unknown and uncertainty so you may move on in the most appropriate fashion, was to obtain a love potion. Not for its ability to coerce someone into loving you, but just to know if they do.
Which is where you are now. In the home of a potion peddler, a run almost run-down clutter mess of a home - it’s initial charm had run out when the woman before you claimed that she did not make love potions. Making your entire long journey to get to her entirely pointless.
“I am truly sorry, I do know that it upsets you to hear such things” She began to explain, her silver spoon carely spinning with her tiny teacup “I just find love potions tricky; and more often than not, those that commission them become unhappy of their situation.”
“So what shall I do then, hm?” You said through gritted teeth, trying to keep your composure - you wren’t angry, more so frustrated, as tears pricked your eyes “I’ve come all this way for your help, and it was for naught?”
“I never turn a traveler away…” She sighed, spoon coming to rest on the table as she stood from it “I shall help you, though I wish not to hear complaints if it is not what you wanted, understand?”
You merely nodded your head, fearful your next words may change her mind, as your eyes filled with slight hope as you watched her search through the many vials and bottles that littered her walls. Finally settling on, and picking up, a vial of bright red oil on that you could swear matched the colour of Kirishima’s eyes.
“Oil of Avidity” She named, holding it out for you to take “Two drops on either side of your neck shall be more than enough.”
You gingerly took the vial from her grasp, being sure to hold it to your chest once it was truly yours; nodding your head in understanding. Slowly standing from your spot, ensuring your grip on the vial was tight, as you made your exit out of her cabin; her hand dismissing you with no further words.
You knew Kirishima would be at that stables that night, he always partoled the grounds every third night - ending just before the bell tower chimed 10. So that was where you planned to meet him, for he would be alone and it would be away from prying eyes - for the last thing you needed was the endless, childish, gossip of court to be around you.
‘Two drops’ you whispered to yourself as you approached where he would be, rubbing the oil into your skin before tucking the bottle back into your bodice once you had finished; it overwhelming smelt like rose water and amber, making your mind a little dizzy as you breathed it in. You took one last deep breathe to steel your resolve before making your presence known, as casually as possible.
Kirishima greeted you with that same warm smile and it made your body flare up, heat rushing to your cheeks and ears as felt all air leave your lungs. His concern only made it worse as he came to your aide, placing his hands on your waist to steady you as he looked you over.
His hands felt like lave where they sat, further heating your body to an uncomfortable level as you shifted and panted over it all; the fire now growing stronger with your belly the longer he held onto you.
“Are you alright, m’lady?” He asked, gulping at the groan he garnered in response “Are you feeling unwell?”
You nodded in response, unsure what evil spell the peddler placed on you, you both wanted to curse her for causing you this suffer, but thank her for the delciosuly feelings that welled up inside you from pressing his body to yours.
“D-do you need me to help you?” Kirishima spoke, tone turning unsure as he felt the way you pressed his chest to his - and though he wasn’t complaining, he still was a gentleman and would never want to force himself upon a lady.
“P-please” You panted out, hands gripping tightly to his tunic and tugging on it “I-I need you so bad.”
Using the grip you had, you managed to pull him further down until your lips clumsily met his; wrapping your arms around his neck to try and keep him in place as you relished in the feeling, relished in the ache that engulfed you dimmed. 
But that dimming was merely temporary as your body burned alight once more when you felt his lips press back against yours. 
“How I waited for you to say that.”
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Hm? Did you truly think that potion was for him? As if I would provide such a thing to a stranger.
I do hope you enjoy your night, though please rest plenty tomorrow - potions like those tend to…. wear out those that use it.
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lightvixxen · 1 year
I've loved Bill since the game, and the show did him justice!!!! Bill was always one of my favs and i'm so glad he got his happy ending,im also happy they switched Bill and Frank's relationship but still keeping their fight type relationship.
that being said
im a little disappointed we didn't get the bill and ellie beef scenes but fuck they made up for it but also whoever wrote that episode is a fucking masochist or sadist and naughty dog should be PROUD of them
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booksandpaperss · 10 months
ELLI WTF THE NEW FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS AMAZING ITS HEARTSHATTERING WORLD ALTERING MIND FUCKING ITS SO GOOD!!!!!!! WHY R U SUCH A GOOD WRITER!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!! thank you sm for writing i am screaming into the void can't wait for chapter 2 <3
I’m so happy that people have been liking it I was super nervous but I’m so happy you enjoyed it and are excited for more <3
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knifekris · 1 year
im sorry im desperate to know what pages made u cry now
had to reread to find them all n now im weepy in the breakroom T_T zizis name and design off the bat make me feel so tender..
ill actually post this one since its been in ur promos. the crash in the background of these two panels is heartshattering and makes me pause every time
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the first page/panels i always think of when considering my favorites is of course the scene where zizi sees the little terrarium in the lounge and presses their face against the glass to look at the insects. "bugs! like me!" fucking gets me, especially when amalthea takes the chance to talk about how he's made attempts to feel 'more at home' specifically with fireflies-- there IS a place for zizi here, there is a home, it just needs to be found T_T
on the same note. "you hold the keys to my room and you say to me 'this is for your own good'" "i came to an entirely different planet and nothing in my tiny little world has changed at all" and zizi maintaining that "its hard not to care about where you came from. even if it hurts you. even if you hurt in it." like yeah all of these fucking. feelings exist together as one huge mess, they just want to be free, they just want to go home, they dont wanna die in there. they dont wanna die in there
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thecat-inthehat · 2 years
3. Temper
{hmmm.} yeah fuck it this’ll do. Set during the Warring Triad quests.
(505 words) [masterpost]
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The tempered cannot be suffered to live, lest they call forth their terrible eikons and lay waste to our glorious Empire.
Heartshattering as it may be, you must put them down. They are not your allies.
The remains of the VIth legion were in tatters, fighting for their lives against the Eikons’ wretched servants while the abominations themselves tried to wake up. Their legatus was making a desperate bid for help and was counting on them to hold the line. 
This mission, entrusted to them by His Radiance, had been nothing but trouble and misfortune since they had crossed the barrier into Azys Lla. The ice-witch had frozen their ship’s engines, the forbidden land was overrun with monsters none had seen for over five millennia, and yet more of their people were being lost to these wretched eikons and their thralls. 
“Get the wounded to the back, and you, guard their retreat!” Cassius snapped at the soldier next to him, who nodded and did as ordered. Their commander wasn’t there, instead choking on his own spittle with a meracydian’s spear through his gut while his mind was burned to ash by the light of the Eikon’s might. 
“Yes, sir!” The soldier’s voice shook, but he didn’t hesitate as he started to pull his comrades back behind the others. Cassius didn’t blame him -- between the meracydians, the Allagan’s accursed monsters, and the eikons themselves, he wouldn’t be sleeping for a long time. If he got out of this alive. 
The tempered cannot be suffered to live, lest they give their strength to their false gods.
A fellow soldier rushed at him, screaming something in a language neither of them knew, their eyes alight with religious frenzy. Cassius didn’t--couldn’t--hesitate, and plunged his gunblade into the soldier’s chest once he dodged the first swipe. He didn’t look at their face as he pulled the trigger, and crumpled to the ground. He didn’t stop to see the hole in the chest where the heart once lay, and couldn’t let himself mourn for one of his closest squadmates. They had died when the Eikon had gotten its claws into them. 
His hands didn’t shake as he reloaded his gunblade, but they so badly wanted to as he leapt to the fore and cut down another of the tempered. He didn’t flinch as another soldier was cut down next to him, and he took up their position to protect the wounded and ranged fighters. He was a good soldier, he would protect his people even if it cost him. 
“Valerianus, get out of there!” 
He didn’t stop to think as another one of the meracydians came rushing for him, their spear held low to drive into his gut if he was careless enough to get caught. He wasn’t, and knocked the weapon to the side so he could kill this one and move onto the next. Another tempered solder took their place, and he almost wept, the pain burning its way through his chest. 
The tempered cannot be suffered to live.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
Also I always appreciated this, AT is good for not forcing its characters to marry off.
The show always teased marriage as a sweet thing, which it is, and we had crazy ship moments in the finale like LSP with Lemongrab and Ice Gunther with Turtle Princess (lol)...
...but it isn't in a rush to marry off characters that are committed, or even to pair characters together.
Jake and Lady are together the entire show, they are absolutely committed, but they are not married. They are still boyfriend and girlfriend, but they have a huge family and are definitely life partners. I liked that it showed a type of family that doesn't need to put a ring on it to be the best couple ever. They can show them getting married at any point onwards and it would be adorable, but it's not necessary!
I apply similar feelings to Bubbline. Did you know they were heavily implied to have married in one arc in the comics, and that it was adorable except for the part where it was a doomed future timeline and marcy died horribly? But this was a time jump, and in the show they were always a bit slow burn. Not quite "will they, won't they" because we knew they'd already BEEN in a relationship, and they had no romantic tension with other characters, but it took 4 seasons of growth - including 9 episodes in a row that directly looked at their present bond - before they were comfortable to date again (which I consider confirmed in Broke His Crown).
I thought Rupphire getting married was phenomenal, it was a cartoon first, it was the perfect couple! But Ruby and Sapphire getting married wasn't a dramatic character development - it was their way of reaffirming their already-existing commitment to each other, after they had worked through a difficult few days to rebuild their relationship stronger than before.
PB and Marcy in this episode solidified their relationship to be stronger than before, too. But the way they showed their commitment to each other was different to Ruby showing it to Sapphire - Instead, Marceline came back to help PB and apologised to her, then sung to her about her true feelings. PB responded by being attentive, understanding, and demonstrating her affection for Marceline once the song was finished. And if you have been following the show, or even just this one episode, you can tell this is ENORMOUS growth for them compared to where they were at their breakup. They've overcome massive personal challenges to make this work, they're able to look past the pain to see the good times of those past years, and that is so beautiful.
Oh I also wanted to say that Finn being in an uncommitted relationship with Huntress Wizard is incredible as well. That is a young (?) couple exploring themselves, knowing they enjoy being around each other, but understanding their boundaries. It's possible they're on and off again for the rest of their lives, and that Finn dates a lot of people before he settles down, or maybe he doesn't settle down at all? That wouldn't be sad for him - every part is another step forward in his life, adventure, and self discovery. It's far ahead of a few years ago, where he would meet a girl and get heartshattered when they didn't like him back or had a breakup.
Oh right, the show's ONSCREEN horrific breakup - I was so surprised they split Finn with FP back in the day. I guess they did that for this reason - an obstacle for them both to bounce back from, no longer as partners, but as mature and more whole friends.
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hand-painted-5tars · 3 years
Song Tag Game💙🌌
I was tagged by @isearchedtheyooniverse into this song game !!! so lets go
8 Songs and 8 People Tag!
Favorite song at the moment: im not sure... probably 4 oclock by RM & V, or Seoul by RM. they are songs i keep close to my heart. the lyrics and feeling is nice.
Song you associate your favorite ship with: oh this is a hard one bcs its been a while since i had a favourite ship. but from top of my mind: AMULGOE xiuchen with Saturn by Sleeping at last (i know heartshattering but it is the authors fault) and back in HS the Piña Coladas song for Solangelo (Nico and Will of Percy Jackson saga) and wasteland baby" by hozier reminds me of a post apocaliptic Sope AU i have
A song that could be about you: mercury by sleeping at last. the lyrics just feel too much, its my favourite thing to hum as i walk. tbh theres a lot of sleeping at last that i feel close to!
A song you think is overrated: lol tbh i dont know.... probably anything on the radio... im not sure....
A song that reminds you of a good memory: i dont know by seventeen, it reminds me of my ex-partner driving our friends (and me) to class early in the morning, i was still half asleep but it was really nice
The last song i listened to: PUMA by TXT im listening to it as i write this!!!
A song that makes you laugh: this one is hard??? jajajaja i dont think i laugh much in songs or about them.... hmmmmm..... maybe in SHINees girls girls girls its so cute... mostly bcs i think of the swciii stage!
A song i want my mutuals to listen to: Saturn and Sun by Sleeping at last! and as it might be noticeable im in a big TXT mood so from them i recommend Roller coaster, maze in the mirror, DEAR SPUTNIK and fairy of shampoo
Share the top five songs you have on repeat!
tagging: @wishforsomewherenew @forever5hines @jjongalaxy @flamingdiva @singswithmicoff @taelepathysroom @iuconic and @knjarchipoet
actually the list would be entirely txt so i will lie and pretend i listen to a variety of music
Blue hour - TXT
Atlas II: Four - sleeping at last
Runaway - AURORA
Moving On - BTS
0X1=Lovesong - txt
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fl0ating-tree · 3 years
i made a post about this just now but i wanted to phrase it a little more eloquently
one of my biggest critics of the smp as of lately is the solo acting. lately it feels like the CCs are very focused on making their characters understandable and clear, which isnt necessarily a bad thing but also is starting to hurt them. its causing these awkward exposition moments where it feels like its just the characters going “i feel this because of this, so im going to do this”. 
(that doesnt even mention how a lot of the CCs are on twitter explaining their characters. i could really go off about that /nm. in the same way JK rowling saying a character is gay on twitter without ever putting that in the story doesnt make that character gay, a CC explaining their characters morals without ever having their character uphold or show those morals doesnt mean they hold those views, the CC just says they do) 
my previous post mentioned ranboos stream from today (03/02) and that stream kind of inspired me to talk about this. essentially that stream is just ranboo wandering around the smp telling the viewers how his character feels. earlier today foolish just outright says “i dont handle death well”. puffy rambles to an open book about how she feels like she failed tommy. the biggest problem with these scenes is they feel incredibly unnatural. why would foolish just say that? how does he know? why is ranboo telling himself (obviously hes telling chat but suspension of disbelief for the sake of the story) how he feels? how does puffy feeling like she failed tommy effect how she talks to tubbo, how she feels about herself? 
tommy and wilbur are both really good about having information about their characters being shown, not told. tommy doesn’t say “i have ptsd” he shakes when he sees plains biomes and blackstone. wilbur doesnt say “im suicidal” he doesnt wear armour or bring weapons and removes the railings from stairways. 
ironically i said ranboos streams are the worst perpetrator of this, but ranboo has the best example of a reaction to tommy’s death that feels incredibly natural. the scene where silently, not even on his own stream, ranboo plants flowers in front of tommys house. its heartshattering and ranboo doesnt say a word, doesnt even stop to talk to whos watching him. it shows how ranboo acknowledges tommy’s death, shows how he cares quietly for tommy still, shows how hes mourning in his own ways. 
id just really like to see the CCs having more small moments like ranboo planting flowers for tommy, rather than overexplaining themselves on twitter or rambling to chat. the characters dont have to be super understandable or clear to read, thats part of the fun. 
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liathgray · 3 years
Music anon here once again! Tonight I offer you two more heartshattering songs that physically pain me when I picture 03 Ed: Little by Little by Joel Taylor and Never Coming Back by Kane Miller...-🎧
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Both of these are beautiful Mx Muse but oh GOD the second one hit so hard.
“Did you think that i’d forget you did? Did you think i’d let go?” Licherally... Edward thinking about all the different homes hes had and having to leave it all behind over and over again just to stay alive.
“My heart is stil at war cause a soilder never rests. I can’t be at peace cause you’re never coming back.” god theres such a sense of hopelessness that fits SO WELL because he GENUINELY thinks its not possible to get back to any version of home and doesn’t want to get hurt trying IM GONNA CRY
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some genius pt Musings i’ve been having this time around
1) the question of “is mytho’s hair white just from unknown decades of Time Passage within the paused story, like, his hair pigmentation Aged but nothing else lol” or “That, but his hair is white from the stress” (it’s that one lol. plus fr why would only his hair change due to Time) but i wanna introduce a Third Element: i think we can suppose in-the-story tutu’s appearance / disappearance happens just before or v shortly before the interrupted non-ending of prinz und rabe, and it sure seems like some or all or some Version of tutu’s Essence & part of the prince’s heart are like, truly Merged, and what if it’s that the prince got white hair from That b/c it was more swan-esque. a la the white feathery part of ahiru-tutu’s (& that one design of seemingly-prinz-und-rabe tutu)’s hair
2) again w/the matter of how at least part of Original Tutu seems to exist on in the prince’s physical heart: there’s the brief mention that fakir and mytho dance b/c Mytho Likes To Dance, which like, would be one of those Traits that transcends his emotions, like how he protects everything (so does tutu? emotionally? while the prince protects everyone physically (against a Metaphor for Despair so is that not also, in a way, emotionally too) like thank you power couple) but there’s also the brief mention that tutu is a Spirit Of Dance maybe so it’s like, again, did tutu becoming part of mytho pass something along in that way which imbues him with that proclivity to dance (although you’ve also got neko-sensei saying his dancing was not that Emotional earlier, which makes sense, but also seems like tutu protecting Feelings happens via dance. by “seems” i mean “this is a key aspect of literally every part of this series” s/o to me) or on another note: maybe drosselmeyer just wrote prinz und rabe For Adaptation lmfao. he was like “fuck yes they’re gonna make this into a ballet.” what with this series’ implication that like....the nutcracker is one of his stories where he just so happens to have a full self-insert who textually uses that power to make stories become reality. and that sure is a ballet. and from looking it up just now i’m learning that it was Based on a preexisting story, and, reading the wikipedia summary, i’m also remembering i’ve read an adapted-into-another-book version of this story, and it sure has another layer of “story interwoven with / becoming Reality” to it. anyways my point is i suppose, Watsonianly Speaking, prinz und rabe involving Ballet could’ve been Written Into It throughout all the characters, or maybe it’s just tutu who dances, which then becomes part of mytho’s character when her sacrifice like, bonds (part of? all? whomst can say) her to his heart. bless. doylean reason is this is a series about ballet and stuff
3) Another Briefly Mentioned thing when mytho talks about how he apparently could just naturally draw birds to him. and ahiru having that happen in the first episode/s is like, could be b/c she’s a bird or could be because she has part of the prince’s heart, as is emphasized like, immediately during the Bird Visit in ep 1. so i just had the thought like, a duck who cares about mytho gets to become tutu, but what if it was any other bird, surely it Could be. that fledgling canary he’s saving in episode 1 gets to become tutu mid-fall
4) i had some other Thought and i’ve forgotten it. well in the meantime thinking about how everyone dunks on Prinz Und Rabe Textual Lohengrin as the useless loser failure knight lmaooo but then like, that was just re: the One mentioned fatal raven encounter & also specifically about that lohengrin can’t protect the prince with his sword. but like, sure Behearted Mytho can probably exercise a little more discretion in risking his life to save whatever needs protecting, vs unsupervised heartless mytho diving out of windows, but can we really suppose he was That much more careful about staying safe vs impulsively throwing himself into a situation to save something at all costs. how much work did lohengrin do simply making sure the prince didn’t die in that sort of way. thank you lohengrin
5) oh right. i was thinking about Magic i think. s/o to the person who had the idea that when tutu sacrificed herself and turned into Light she might’ve merged with Good Magic in the story’s world, which the prince also had access to, and that’s how she kind of literally becomes part of him / they share powers / they share their Swan / Dance visual themes & stuff. & i was sure at one point wondering about the Forbidden But Granted Only To The Prince (own...?)-heart-shattering ability, like, maybe at some point an implicitly more specific verb was used like “taught,” or did the prince simply just Have the power by virtue of being the prince, or did it like, come from tutu who has the tie to the prince & Loved him & has those abilities to protect people’s Feelings, although maybe that’s just like, a choice and not inherently part of the magic lol. and then the Real World Magic we see is just like, inherited. but wait then there’s that bridge & ghosts & stuff, although there’s Stories about those too apparently. nvm this one’s really vague i’m just wondering if the Prince alone has that heartshattering Magic Technique through tutu or what. could be anything
6) but no really i think i had some other Thought, i’m sure it was great & ig i’ll reblog if it reoccurs to me, but i got distracted down another mental track so, you know, rip. in the meantime just thinking like, i have no imagination but was trying to muse on some sort of big Attack power the prince could have, b/c the classic thing to happen in the story (whether mentioned in its text or not) is for mytho to go ham with some such Power Surge [Magic Thing] to drive the raven away after lohengrin gets Got. even after he gets his full prince Abilities back he mostly only seems to Attack with his sword. damn wait a second and when he just like crashes Into the raven the big Swan Made Of Light appears first like hang on like is that Him? was it part of his Transport, can he like, Also turn into a swan of light or is it just how he Appears, was it tutu’s Hope Manifestation again since he’s being That to rue in that moment, oh my god. a lot to consider. anyways, but then the thing is, some sort of like Energy Blast move would go outside the realm of [fighting with the sword alone] and the prince’s Magic mostly seeming to be like, a mobility Boost, and how everything abt the prince is centered around Defense and Protection rather than going on the offensive. but then, who’s to say the Heart Shattering technique couldn’t be used as an Attack but was used by the prince only as a self-sacrificial protective thing, and who’s to say the prince Doesn’t have other powerful Attacks to draw from but refrains from using them if there’s others around to be hurt or whatever. i’m just trying to think of how the prince could just really go tf off and Immediately get the raven to fuck off after lohengrin is ko’d because that’s appropriately Tragically Dramatic & Emotion-Fueled Magic, not to mention the best case scenario vs still having to continue like 23 hours of battle when your boyfriend Just died. i mean like boom Light Blasts type situation i guess. or maybe he could just land a really good sword hit like Right Away. thinking about it. anyways
7) oh wait shit lmfao idk if this was The other thought but it was Another thought. that everyone in The Story (Within Reality) is like, locked in The Town (although they can leave if they’re not a Character / if they entered from outside? presumably) but in episode one this all kicks off b/c mytho was at The Lake which is Outside the town, right? i’m pretty sure. which like, is that something he Can and has been able to Do.....is this a. a liminal space. or did/does drosselmeyer like drop him over there sometimes For Some Reason, like having “stages” available around here, a la the s1 finale.....like, didn’t seem like he Knew if he put mytho in front of waterfowl that one would become devoted to restoring mytho’s heart. probably Does Not Matter, Actually, but it sure happened and much to Think about there. shoutout to mytho dancing en pointe whenever it’s magical and he can do so, e.g. when dancing naked on the surface of a liminal lake, or midair with tutu. iconic
8) the point is i’m sure just Thinking About Him (mytho)
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soft-n-hobbit · 5 years
so about that post of all the losers,,,,, at first i didnt realize it was them, but then i recognized your artstyle and just started going oh my god,, oh my god,,, and i also thought "edward" in some sort of scolding voice bc wow you really hurt them and im so sorry for calling you edward but your username makes me think of that dshjdsj and yeah anyways its beautiful and heartshattering
sijdkak thank you so much and I'm totally cool with being called edward skskks ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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otomeduck · 6 years
Thats some grim news. Im so upset 😭😭😭 at least it didnt happen tonight. If not i never would have forgiven myself idk. But basically my aunt only has a few days left to live. this is the last stage of her cancer. This is heartshattering news.
and my teacher for my group work just used caps lock against me lol i think she must be really triggered aahhh dkawjaj
Some good news tho, is that i pushed myself again today and i studied for like 50mins on my own accord? Im quite surprised at myself and i wish i can continue surprising myself in the future c:
Plus im starting to formulate a better impression of the guys in my class. Class life is getting better, i would like to believe lol yep
Anyway im still triggered at how unethical my schoolmates are at choosing people for their event committees. It is ridiculous sighs. Why must i have so many people who hate me in this batch, and all of them being people in power? Do i really have such redeeming qualities to annoy them so much & make them jealous? Omg lol lmao
Im such a mothers daughter hahahah lol its like my mum is not back home yet from visiting my aunt so here i am, 20 minutes past midnight but unwilling to go to sleep yet. Hahaha
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minijenn · 7 years
Because I’m bored and want to distract myself from studying, here’s my personal favorite chapters from each arc of UF thus far and what chapter I’m looking forward to most in future arcs: 
Arc 1: Strong in the Real Way (idk I really enjoyed writing this one? Like it has some good early character development for both Steven and Dipper and it also has focus on Pearl too and idk why but Pearl chapters always turn out really good imo)
Arc 2:An Indirect Kiss (another really fun one, mostly because of the dynamics of the twins playing off of Garnet and Pearl (and each other) and Steven playing off Stan, Soos, and Wendy; it was a fun changeup that makes me want to do more chapters like it in the future (as will happen)
Arc 3: Revenge Trip (idk why a lot of people don’t like this one, I think for one of my first wholly original chapters it was kinda great? Especially since I got to explore the unique bond between Stan and Amethyst, which I thought was pretty significant and at times really emotionally charged so yeah)
Arc 4: Dipper and Lapis (imo this is probably my favorite chapter of UF as a whole at this point because oh god did I get struck in the feels while writing it; it hurts me even now that I look back on it, because well????? Everything has changed and nothing is sweet or fluffy anymore and this was sweet and fluffy and AUGH)
Arc 5 (so far): Sock Opera (both parts) (because well damn how could I not love my latest twisted little masterpiece, imo I went dark on that one and I’m so proud of how it turned out especially the ending to part 2, where I legit cried while writing it ahahahaha oh no)
Arc 6: Chille Tid (Holy shit this one is gonna be intense. So intense in fact that I’m probably gonna split it into two chapters and its gonna shake like EVERYTHING ya’ll thought you knew about UF up and I can’t WAIT)
Arc 7: Three’s a Crowd (I’m a sucker for emotionally charged hurt/comfort and that’s what this is gonna be; its also gonna have a lot of cute fluff in it and an original song, what more could anyone want?)
Arc 8: Rifts/Memories/Dimensions (I will forever be on the edge of my seat in anticipation for writing this arc ender because???? Its gonna be fucknig INTENSE and HEARTSHATTERING and HUGE in so many ways and I CAN’T WAIT HAHAHAH OH BOY)
Arc 9: Theory of Weirdness (more hurt/comfort angst hot off the heels of the incredibly angsty arc ender preceding it? Sign me the FUCK UP YES)
Arc 10: Mindful Education (ahhh the chapter based on my favorite episode of SU... one that’s filled with a ton of angst... what could possibly be better?)
Arc 11: The whole fucking thing (Because AHHHHHHHHHHHH)
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