#its wrinkles let it filter fruit juice <3
eridan-ampora · 1 year
ugly bats deserve recognition for all the truly fucking bizarre features theyve evolved over the last few millenia. their flagrant apathy irt human beauty standards is inspirational. also look at this thing
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369rocks · 1 year
Not Dangerous Animals : When encountering wildlife, fear often grips us, and our minds conjure up terrifying images of dangerous creatures. However, not all animals that appear scary are actually harmful. In this article, we will explore a diverse range of 14 fascinating and misunderstood creatures that may send shivers down your spine but pose no real danger to humans. Let's dive into the depths of the ocean, journey through jungles, and even encounter some peculiar critters right in our own backyards. 1. Basking Shark: The Gentle Giant Of The Seas Basking Shark: The Gentle Giant Of The Seas The basking shark is an enormous creature that roams the seas, often appearing as a daunting shadow in the water. However, there's no need to fear this gentle giant. Basking sharks are filter feeders, similar to baleen whales, and they primarily consume plankton. Unlike their toothed counterparts, these sharks lack teeth designed for hunting, making them harmless to humans. So, if you ever find yourself face to face with a basking shark, you can relax knowing that it poses no threat and is simply going about its peaceful, filter-feeding ways. 2. Wrinkle-Faced Bat: A Harmless Nighttime Encounter Wrinkle-Faced Bat: A Harmless Nighttime Encounter As darkness descends upon the Central American jungle, the flapping of wings might send shivers down your spine. However, rest assured that these nocturnal creatures are the harmless wrinkle-faced bats. Their wrinkled faces actually serve a purpose—they assist in collecting fruit pieces and juice for their meals. These adorable fruit bats, also known as fruit-faced bats, are not interested in causing any harm to humans. So, if you come across them during your nighttime adventures, you can appreciate their unique appearance and intriguing behaviors, finding them more endearing than terrifying. 3. Ghariel: The Shy River Predator Ghariel: The Shy River Predator If you ever come face to face with a crocodile in a river, take a moment to observe its snout. If it's long and narrow, you've encountered a ghariel. Despite their fearsome appearance, ghariels are actually shy river predators primarily focused on catching fish. Their snouts are perfectly adapted for efficient hunting, but this specialization also means they have less interest in humans as potential prey. So, while a close encounter with a ghariel might initially startle you, rest assured that these creatures are more concerned with their aquatic pursuits than causing harm to humans. 4. Star-Nosed Mole: Oddly Cute Underground Dwellers Star-Nosed Mole: Oddly Cute Underground Dwellers If you happen to stumble upon a small, odd-looking creature in your backyard, chances are it's a star-nosed mole. These underground dwellers boast a unique snout adorned with fleshy tendrils arranged in a star-like pattern. These peculiar appendages serve a practical purpose, helping them navigate their subterranean habitat and locate food. Star-nosed moles are harmless to humans unless provoked or disturbed. So, instead of being frightened by their alien-like appearance, take a moment to appreciate these oddly cute creatures and their fascinating adaptations for life underground. 5. Sand Tiger Shark: A Toothed Marvel Of The Sea Sand Tiger Shark: A Toothed Marvel Of The Sea As you glide through the ocean waters, you might come across the formidable presence of a sand tiger shark. With its rows of sharp, menacing teeth, it certainly looks like a toothed marvel of the sea. However, despite its intimidating appearance, the sand tiger shark is a vulnerable species and poses no significant threat to humans. In fact, there have been no reported instances of sand tiger sharks attacking humans. While it's important to respect their space and avoid any unnecessary interactions, you can appreciate the beauty and majesty of these creatures as they gracefully navigate the ocean depths.
6. Thorny Devil: Nature's Desert Warrior Thorny Devil: Nature's Desert Warrior Venturing into the arid deserts of Australia, you may encounter the thorny devil, a fascinating reptile that looks like a true desert warrior. Covered in thorns and sporting a formidable appearance, this lizard's unique exterior serves as a defensive mechanism rather than a threat to humans. These thorns provide protection from predators and birds of prey, allowing the thorny devil to navigate its harsh environment unscathed. So, if you come across this intriguing creature, admire its resilient adaptation to desert life and rest assured that it poses no danger to you. 7. Tailless Whip Scorpion: More Afraid Of You Than You Are Of It Tailless Whip Scorpion: More Afraid Of You Than You Are Of It Imagine coming face to face with a tailless whip scorpion—a sight that might send shivers down the spines of arachnophobes. However, fear not, as these intriguing creatures are actually more scared of you than you are of them. With no stinger to inject venom and a non-aggressive nature unless provoked, tailless whip scorpions pose no real threat to humans. In fact, many enthusiasts keep them as pets, appreciating their unique appearance and behavior. So, while their appearance might be unsettling at first, remember that these creatures are harmless and prefer to avoid confrontation whenever possible. 8. Naked Mole Rat: Fascinating Subterranean Wonders Naked Mole Rat: Fascinating Subterranean Wonders Venturing into the mysterious underground world, you'll encounter the fascinating naked mole rat. These subterranean wonders possess a unique physiology that enables them to thrive in diverse temperatures. With their wrinkled skin, they are impervious to pain, making them resilient in their underground habitats. Naked mole rats are highly social creatures, living in complex colonies and exhibiting remarkable cooperative behavior. Despite their unusual appearance, these creatures are harmless to humans and offer a captivating glimpse into the wonders of nature's underground realm. 9. Lemur: The Enigmatic Nighttime AI Of Madagascar Lemur: The Enigmatic Nighttime AI Of Madagascar As you immerse yourself in the enigmatic jungles of Madagascar, the presence of a lemur during nighttime may catch you off guard. These fascinating primates serve as the AI (Arboreal Investigator) of the forest, mimicking the behavior of woodpeckers. With their long, nimble fingers, they tap on tree trunks to locate and extract insects for their nourishment. Lemurs, with their shaggy faces and captivating yellow eyes, offer a glimpse into the unique biodiversity of Madagascar. While their appearance and nocturnal habits might be initially startling, rest assured that these elusive creatures pose no harm and contribute to the intricate balance of their forest home. 10. Milksnake: Nature's Master Of Mimicry Milksnake: Nature's Master Of Mimicry Encountering a slithering coral snake on your path can be a nerve-wracking experience, but don't be alarmed—it's likely a harmless milksnake. These skilled masters of mimicry imitate the vibrant color patterns of venomous snakes as a clever defense mechanism. With their red, black, and yellow bands, they create the illusion of danger without actually possessing venomous fangs. Milksnakes primarily prey on small rodents and reptiles, making them beneficial for controlling pest populations. So, next time you come across a strikingly patterned snake, remember that it's probably a harmless milksnake, playing its part in nature's fascinating game of mimicry. 11. Giant African Millipede: The Gentle Giant Of Many Legs Giant African Millipede: The Gentle Giant Of Many Legs Behold the gentle giant of many legs—the giant African millipede. While its impressive size and numerous legs may seem intimidating, fear not, as these creatures pose no threat to humans.
In fact, they are incapable of biting. When faced with danger, giant millipedes have a unique defense mechanism—they curl their bodies into a protective ball and release an irritating liquid from their pores. This liquid acts as a deterrent to potential predators. So, if you ever encounter a giant African millipede, appreciate its remarkable appearance and gentle nature, knowing that it's more interested in its leafy diet than causing harm to humans. 12. Goliath Bird-Eater: A Spider with A Misleading Reputation Goliath Bird-Eater: A Spider with A Misleading Reputation Prepare to be amazed by the Goliath bird-eater spider—a creature with a reputation that doesn't match its true nature. Despite its fearsome appearance, this spider is not as dangerous as its name implies. While it possesses the ability to bite and release irritating hairs when threatened, its primary diet consists of worms and amphibians, not birds. In fact, human encounters with this spider are rare, and it generally avoids confrontations. So, if you ever come across a Goliath bird-eater, appreciate its impressive size and unique characteristics, but rest assured that it is more focused on its preferred prey than on causing harm to humans. 13. Camel Spider: The Mysterious Desert Dweller Camel Spider: The Mysterious Desert Dweller Enter the mysterious realm of the camel spider—a creature that defies common misconceptions. Contrary to popular belief, this arachnid lacks venom and is not a true spider or scorpion. Found in desert regions, the camel spider relies on its powerful jaws and ambush tactics to capture small prey. While it can deliver a painful bite if provoked, it poses no significant danger to humans. So, if you ever encounter a camel spider in the desert, marvel at its unique adaptations and respect its role as a predator of the arid landscapes, knowing that it prefers to avoid human interactions whenever possible. 14. Giant Isopod: Unearthly Deep-Sea Giants Giant Isopod: Unearthly Deep-Sea Giants Descend into the enigmatic depths of the ocean, where giant isopods dwell. These otherworldly creatures attain colossal sizes, a result of the peculiar deep-sea gigantism phenomenon. Despite their appearance, giant isopods are not aggressive predators. Instead, they are slow-moving scavengers, feeding primarily on the remains of deceased animals that sink to the ocean floor. These deep-sea giants, with their armored exoskeletons and haunting presence, remind us of the diverse and extraordinary life forms that inhabit the mysterious realms beneath the waves. Also Read : 13 Animals With The Strongest Bite Conclusion Appearances can be deceiving, especially when it comes to these 14 creatures. From the depths of the ocean to the heart of jungles and even our own backyards, it's essential to appreciate the beauty and diversity of these creatures without succumbing to unnecessary fear. By understanding the fascinating characteristics and harmless nature of these animals, we can foster a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world. Source Image : discord.com
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dietsauthority · 4 years
37 Ways To Use Honey (And Why It`s Good For You)
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Honey is nature's finest job. It is just one of the healthiest foods ever before that provides a long checklist of health and wellness benefits. Right here are several of the most effective uses of honey!
Medicinal properties of honey
Hygroscopic property
Even though it has low tide web content in its all-natural state, when exposed to air, honey soaks up moisture. It is extremely useful for dry skin, by permitting it to better maintain dampness. It accelerates the recovery procedure as well.
Antibacterial property
Honey has glucose oxidase, an enzyme that creates hydrogen peroxide. As a result of its high material of glucose oxidase, honey has such powerful anti-bacterial and also wound-healing residential or commercial properties. It could recover injuries and also eliminate bacteria.
Antioxidant property
Honey is an exceptional resource of antioxidants that function versus free radicals and motivate brand-new tissue growth.
This will make your skin appearance younger and also extra radiant and also help expedite recovery of harmed tissue.
Honey is a dietary powerhouse
Honey likewise consists of sugar, fructose, and many minerals including magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, phosphate, potassium, manganese, and also salt chlorine.
It has vitamin B6, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, and amino acids. It has a pH in between 3.2 and also 4.5. It is loaded with antioxidants and it has the capacity to stop the development of bacteria.
38 Ways to use honey
1. Wound cleaner
According to a research study, honey can exterminate microorganisms as well as increase the recovery procedure. You need to apply honey onto a small melt or reduce, seeing to it to cover the wound like an antibiotic ointment.
2. Diaper rash cream
It has actually been revealed that Manuka honey could boost signs when it comes to soreness, itching, and inflammation. Just include equal components of honey to your normal baby diaper lotion and also make use of every day.
3. Hair conditioner
Mix 1/2 mug honey with 1/4 cup olive oil as well as cozy a little on the cooktop. Apply to your hair as well as cover your hair in a towel. When it is soaked in, just rinse your hair with cool water.
4. Natural hair remover
In a microwave-safe dish, mix 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, and also 3 tablespoons of brownish sugar. Cozy somewhat in the microwave and also allow it cool.
Then, you ought to make use of a popsicle stay with put on facial hair. Area a tiny item of muslin fabric over the area as well as rub somewhat. Apply some tea tree oil to the location where you eliminated the hair.
5. Burn treatment
According to a research, patients with honey dressings recovered in an average of 18.16 days, while those with the medicated bandages recovered in 32.68 days. Honey dressings could improve recovery time as well as make injuries sterile in a shorter time period.
Note: This treatment is only for minor burns, not serious ones!
6. Makeup remover
Mix baking soda as well as honey to prepare a paste. Add a few drops of tea tree oil and use this blend in a round movement by utilizing a warm clean cloth. Wash with cozy water.
7. Bad breath
Mix 1/4 cup water, 1 tablespoon raw honey, and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Gargle for 3 mins after that spit out. This will certainly remove the halitosis and also offer you a fresh breath.
8. Face mask
Honey is really useful for acne, eczema, and rosacea, while coconut oil could relieve dry and also inflamed skin and decrease wrinkles.
Mix 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tbsp of raw honey to prepare a paste. Use it to your face and also neck and allow it represent 20 minutes. After that, rinse it off with lukewarm water.
9. Strengthen nails
To treat weak and brittle nails, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1/4 mug of ACV in a shallow dish. Saturate your nails for 10 mins then rinse. Repeat this procedure every week.
10. Relieve acid reflux
According to a study, many individuals located remedy for reflux when they ingested five milliliters of honey. It has the ability to coat the lining of the esophagus and offer alleviation to the burning brought on by acid reflux.
11. Balance blood sugar
Even though honey is pleasant, it has a reduced glycemic index. It consists of sugars that are slowly taken in as well as metabolized.
Besides its sweetness, honey will certainly not create blood sugar degrees to spike as high or quick as various other foods high in sugar.
12. Natural cough syrup
Mix 1 cup of filtered water, 1/4 cup fresh ginger origin, 1/4 cup marshmallow root, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1/4 cup newly pressed lemon juice and 1 mug honey.
Pour the water right into a saucepan and include the dried out herbs. Bring it to a boil then simmer up until the combination is lowered by half.
To remove the herbs, pour through a cheesecloth or great mesh. Mix in the lemon juice as well as honey while the fluid is still warm. Mix well. You must keep the syrup in an airtight container in the fridge.
13. Dark circle remover
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 tsp of wonderful almond oil as well as apply the combination under the eyes. Let it act for 20 mins then clean it off and also use a light layer of organic coconut oil. Repeat this treatment a few times a week.
14. Lip moisturizer
Honey could recover and also protect against chapped lips. Simply mix 3 components olive oil and also one part of cozy, recently-melted beeswax. Include 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
15. Healthy sports drink
Mix 1/4 cup fresh lime juice, 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice, 2 cups water, 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt as well as 2 tbsps of raw honey in a Vitamix and blend till the honey dissolves.
This healthy sporting activity beverage is far better than the commercial ones that include sugar and other unhealthy ingredients.
16. Boosts healthy gut bacteria
Raw honey has the capacity to feed excellent intestine germs and also eliminate bad germs. Good germs are of utmost significance for general health and wellness.
17. Relieve morning sickness
Honey could ease early morning sickness for expecting mothers. To soothe an expectant mom's stomach, prepare a cozy tea made with honey as well as ginger.
18. Fruit-preserver
Use one component honey to 10 components water and cover your berries in the mixture!
19. Weight-loss aid
If you wish to shed some weight, replace your sugar with honey immediately! Honey could boost your metabolic process as well as enhance your energy degrees. Maintain in mind, all in moderation.
To acquire ideal outcomes, you need to exercise consistently and eat a healthy diet regimen. For an added increase, mix half a tsp of natural ground cinnamon in a cup of boiling water. Allow it high for 10 mins after that add 1 teaspoon of raw honey. Enjoy!
20. Infections in the mouth
According to researchers in India, manuka honey can offer the very same outcomes as industrial mouth wash for minimizing plaque levels.
This honey has powerful anti-bacterial residential or commercial properties as well as can reduce gingivitis and also keep your mouth healthy and without harmful bacteria.
21. Treat insect bites
To prepare a natural antibacterial service, blend some lemon juice with honey. Honey includes natural sugar that could eliminate the microorganisms, while lemon could prevent the spread of germs. This solution could also lower itching and also the swelling associated to insect bites.
To get the maximum results, you ought to press the juice of one lemon into 2 tbsps of raw honey and apply on the affected area. Allow it stand till the swelling goes down.
22. Fix fertility issues
Raw honey is additionally very helpful for fertility problems. It can be blended with raw goat milk to enhance sperm matters in men. It can raise chances of successful fertilizing in females as well.
23. Mix up caramel sauce
Everyone likes a wonderful reward once in a while, right? You could prepare a healthy sugar sauce that utilizes honey. Try it, as well as you will certainly see exactly how yummy it is!
24. Minimize the look of scars
A combination of cooking soft drink and honey could decrease the appearance of scars. You should blend 1 tbsp of cooking soda and also 1 tablespoon of honey and use the paste to a scar.
Let it substitute 30 mins after that wash with cool water and rub completely dry. Repeat this treatment until marks begin to fade.
25. Treat yeast infections
It has been shown that using raw honey around the vaginal area can get rid of yeast infections. You must apply the honey, let it mean Thirty Minutes, then clean it off.
26. Stockpile for emergency
Honey gives the perfect equilibrium of fructose and glucose for energy, in addition to many other vitamins and also enzymes. Additionally, this food never spoils. Honey has actually been located also in old Egyptian tombs.
27. Soften skin
Honey is extremely advantageous for your hair and skin. It will certainly make your skin tidy as well as soft. You need to add 2 tbsps of honey to a mug of warm water. Allow it dissolve then add 2-3 declines of lavender important oil. Pour the blend into your bath.
28. Work up healthy peanut butter
Those who love peanut butter but hate sugar, can make use of a delicious peanut butter, with a healthy dose of honey that uses natural sweetness.
29. Combat parasites
Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar as well as 1 tablespoon of honey to a glass of water and also drink it immediately!
30. Relieve a hangover
Due to its antioxidant properties, honey could neutralize the contaminants developed by alcohol. Honey consists of fructose that can help the body damage down alcohol right into harmless byproducts.
31. Treat antibiotic-resistant superbugs
Manuka honey includes phenols that could inhibit microbial development and advertise healing. These anti-oxidants are not such as synthetic anti-biotics that could only promote the spread of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
Raw honey acts as a powerful antimicrobial representative against microorganisms and also other contagious organisms.
32. Produce a simple power boost
Honey uses a nourishing carbohydrate that our body can use for prompt power. When you want an easy power boost, take a teaspoon in a mug of cozy water blended with lemon. You could additionally scoop right from the jar!
33. Make salad dressing
Mix equal parts of raw honey, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar right into a jar, as well as make certain to drink lightly. Add sea salt, pepper, and also natural herbs to taste.
34. Treat allergies
Locally generated honey is extremely valuable for seasonal allergic reactions. For added allergic reaction alleviation, include a tablespoon of local honey to a tea made with nettle leaf.
35. Topical antibiotic
For several years, raw natural honey has been made use of as an antibiotic as well as topical solution for cuts and also abrasions. Honey is a reliable remedy for individuals with diabetic person ulcers as well.
36. Homemade dark chocolate
The moderate consumption of dark delicious chocolate is in fact healthy. When preparing this delicious treat, usage honey rather of sugar. It is a better alternative.
37. Shields against stomach lesions
Honey protects against sores brought on by alcohol, NSAID medicines as well as pain killers. Individuals who make use of NSAID pain relievers or aspirin are advised to include a tsp of two in their everyday diet.
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100% natural home care for dry skin
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Dry skin needs daily care so as not to lose its luminosity and premature wrinkles. What are the natural beauty remedies to keep it hydrated and well-nourished and some nutritional tips that will help us provide everything you need from the inside out.
As we age, our bodies lose water, we get dehydrated, which is also reflected in our skin, which dies. But there are people who suffer from dry skin from an early age, and in these cases it may be due to one of the following reasons:
 ·         Diet low in healthy fats
·         Dehydration, which is when we don't drink enough fluids.
·         Excessive sun exposure or aggressive climate
·         Tobacco effects
·         Lack of facial care
·         Excessive use of conventional facial cosmetics
·         Hormonal disorders
How to reverse the process of drying out the skin?
 More healthy fats
The first step to nourishing the skin from the inside is to incorporate high-fat but healthy foods into our diet. If we want to control our weight, we need not be afraid, because good fats are properly assimilated by our body without causing fat deposits. They also keep us fuller and help create muscle, which needs a lot of energy to maintain itself, which increases our metabolism.
 On the other hand, harmful fats make us overweight. How to make the difference?
 Healthy fats
 ·         First cold pressed vegetable oils: olive, sesame, coconut, sunflower, flax, wheat germ.
·         Dried fruits, especially macadamia nuts and pine nuts.
·         Avocado, a fruit with a high (good) fat content
·         Blue fish
·         Egg yolk
 Harmful fats
 ·         Red meats and sausages
·         Margarine and other trans fats
·         Fried and processed foods
·         Dairy products: creams, ice creams, etc.
·         Drink enough water
There are people who have noticed that their skin is more hydrated simply by drinking about a liter and a half of water per day, without meals. These tips will improve the condition of our skin in a few days.
If we start the day by drinking 2 to 4 glasses on an empty stomach, it will already be very beneficial, not only for our skin but for our body in general.
How to take care of dry skin?
Although it is generally recommended to exfoliate the skin first before a treatment, in the case of dry skin, we must be very careful, as we could dry it out even more. We can do a facial massage with a natural soap that is gentle on our skin, and that will be enough.
Then we will use a facial toner and a moisturizer, steps we will take in the evening before going to bed. Each week, we will also apply a nourishing mask to our face. These steps are explained in detail below.
Homemade facial toner
Prepare your own facial toner for dry skin by mixing the following ingredients:
 ·         200 ml of water
·         2 tablespoons organic apple vinegar
·         A few drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil
·         We will mix it well and always shake it before using it. We will apply it using a cleaning disc or cotton pad, giving a soft touch to the face after washing it with fresh water.
If we opt for the most natural creams, we should not use face creams, although if they are natural, at least they do not have the risks of conventional creams, which include many toxic ingredients.
But in reality, we can use very simple and completely natural products that will deeply hydrate our skin:
Coconut oil: for slightly dry or combination skin
Almond oil: for dry skin
Rosehip or argan oil: for very dry, wrinkled and mature skin.
Apply the oil by massaging gently so that it is well absorbed. If the skin is too shiny, you can use a less oily oil, mix it with a little aloe vera gel or remove it with a wipe.
Once a week, we should also apply a mask on the face so that it deeply nourishes the skin and leaves it bright and firm. In this case, we can also use ingredients from our cooking, such as:
 ·         Lawyer
·         Ripe banana or plantain
·         Yogurt yogurts
·         Vegetal oils
Mix the ingredients you want and apply them to clean skin. Leave on for half an hour and wash your face well. Then hydrate it as usual.
Although clay masks are very well known and beneficial, they are not suitable for dry skin as they can dry them out too much. Only if we have a little dry or combination skin, we can do it once every fortnight, andmixing the clay with yogurt instead of water.
 "Homemade" masks and lotion against dry skin…
Homemade softening lotion for dry skin
This lotion is a "must", it softens dry skin, decongests blotchy skin and sometimes helps to overcome certain acne breakouts!
Boil 50 cl of spring water
Throw in 20 g of marshmallow flowers when the water is simmering.
Leave to infuse for 10 minutes
Apply this lotion on the face morning and evening
3 Special moisturizing masks for dry skin
 Specially adapted for the hydration of dry skin, these very easy to make masks will fill you.
Mix 1 beaten egg white with 2 tbsp. liquid honey
Add 100 g of oatmeal and 25 cl of linden floral water (Organic shop or pharmacy)
Apply as a mask on the face and neck, avoid the eyes and lips, rinse with lukewarm water.
Spray with linden floral water.
Apply this mask once a week
Puree 1/2 avocado and mix it with 15 cl of olive oil (1st cold pressing)
Apply as a mask on the face and neck, avoid the eyes and lips
Leave this mixture on for 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water
The last one with egg yolk
Beat 1 egg yolk with 2 tbsp. fresh cream and 1 tsp. clay
Add the juice of 1/2 lemon (organic)
Apply as a mask on the face and neck, avoid the eyes and lips
Leave this mixture on for 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water
Preparation to use immediately after preparation, because it does not keep.
BONUS: Do-it-yourself anti-aging lifting lotion
Perfect for firming and toning the epidermis, this anti-aging lotion is very easy to make.
Make a blueberry decoction by throwing 2 g of dried blueberry flowers in 100 ml of cold water.
Simmer 10 minutes and let infuse 10 minutes off the heat, filter.
Store in an airtight glass bottle in the refrigerator.
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askwhatsforlunch · 7 years
Queenscliff Apricot Jam
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“She rose  and bathed in the elegant bathroom. She wrapped herself in one of her flowing Chinese robes. There was no bell in the room so she went out in search of breakfast and met Dot on the landing. She was carrying a tray. ‘Coffee, Miss Phryne, and a nice new roll. I’ve found that apricot jam you like, too, and the Queenscliff butter is first rate. Shall I take the tray onto your balcony? There’s a nice little table and chair there.’ ‘Thanks, Dot dear, that is really kind of you. (...) To beguile her very good bread with excellent butter and superlative apricot jam, she read a few more pages of Dr Thorndyke.”
Like Phryne, Dot, Jane and Ruth in Dead Man’s Chest, I am on holidays. Not quite in Queenscliff; nor do we have a butler and cook to vanish into thin air. But like Phryne, I am fond of strong black coffee and good apricot jam, and I’m sure my Queenscliff Apricot Jam tastes just like hers.
Ingredients (makes 3 jars):
1 large lemon
1 pound and 12 ounces ripe apricots
1 cup water
1 pound caster sugar
Using a vegetable peeler, carefully peel the rind of the lemon. Then squeeze its juice on a lemon juicer and collect the pips. Place lemon rind and pips in a muslin square, or a doubled paper coffee filter, and tie with twine; set aside.
Rinse, pit and dice apricots and place in a large saucepan. Sit muslin pouch in the middle of the apricots, and add water and lemon juice. Bring to a slow boil over medium heat; then, simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes until fruit soften and mixture thickens.
Meanwhile, fill a deep baking dish with caster sugar, level with a wooden spoon, and bake at 300°, stirring from time to time until warm.
When sugar is warm, reduce heat to low, and stir in sugar, 5 minutes, until completely dissolved. Then, increase heat to medium, and boil, stirring often, for about 25 minutes.
In the meantime, place a saucer in the freezer. Cover 3 jam jars and lids with boiling water in a large pot, cover with the lid and boil, 10 minutes.
With a tablespoon, remove the foam or scum from the surface of the jam. After 25 minutes, spoon half a teaspoon of the apricot mixture on chilled saucer, and return it to the freezer to chill, 2 minutes. Then test it: if it wrinkles when you touch it, it’s set; if not, keep cooking, testing every five minutes until jam reaches setting point. 
When it does, carefully remove and dry jars and lid from the pot, remove muslin pouch from the jam, and laddle Apricot Jam into them. Close tightly and return filled jars to the pot of boiling water, making sure they are immersed. Boil, covered, 10 minutes. Remove lid and let cool before removing jars from the pot. Let cool completely. Store in a cool, dark place until using, and then up to a month in the refrigerator once opened.
You can enjoy Queenscliff superlative Apricot Jam like Phryne does, with good bread and butter. But if you want to pair it with cheese, it is also delightful with goat’s cheese or Feta. 
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liberexofficial · 5 years
Cucumber is Known as a Natural Beauty Product
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A notable feature of cucumber is its water content of 96%-98%, which is the highest among fruits and vegetables. In the summer season, the mouth is dry and dry, and a cucumber can make the population thirsty and cool. It contains very rich and delicate cellulose, which plays a very good role in promoting bowel movements, Tongli stools and intestinal tract poisoning. It also lowers blood lipids.
It is also remarkable that cucumber can lose weight, mainly because fresh cucumber contains a substance called propanol diacid, which can inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat in human body. According to research, propanol diacid has no toxic side effects. Therefore, cucumbers are called good natural diet foods by medical nutritionists.Cucumber is known as a natural beauty product.
Cucumber is a very effective natural beauty product. According to experts' research, the cucumber enzyme contained in fresh cucumber is a biological enzyme with strong biological activity, which can effectively promote the body's metabolism, expand skin capillaries, promote blood circulation, and enhance skin's redox effect. Amazing moisturizing beauty effect. Apply the skin with fresh cucumber juice daily to receive a cosmetic effect that nourishes the skin and reduces wrinkles.
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Cucumber is a good medicine, among which vines, roots and seeds can be used as medicine. Chinese medicine believes that the taste of cucumber is sweet and cold, and it has the effect of clearing heat and quenching thirst and Tongli waterway. It can treat polydipsia, sore throat, red eyes and hot fire. The fever patient population is dry and dry, eats cucumber, has a good heat, Shengjin, thirst-quenching effect. For patients with sore throat and pink eye, use one of the old cucumbers, dig the seeds, fill them with sulphate, dry them, and then grind them into tiny fines for blowing into the throat or eye. Burn the fire or long scorpion, smash with fresh cucumber and apply the affected area. Cucumber and honey pickled food can treat enthusiasm and diarrhea.
The vine, leaf and root of cucumber are beneficial to the hydrolysis and toxicity, and can treat diseases such as yellow water sore, dysentery and diarrhea.
Cucumber has a lot of effects, and cucumber beauty can be said to be a well-known secret. Cucumber contains many kinds of sugars (glucose, rhamnose, galactose, mannose, xylose, fructose) necessary for human growth and life activities, and contains more vitamins (vitamin C, A, B2, E). And rich in potassium salts and sugars, calcium, phosphorus, iron, rutin, and a variety of free amino acids, fine cellulose, chlorogenic acid and other ingredients. Among them, the content of vitamin C is five times higher than that of watermelon. It also contains soft fine cellulose, which promotes the excretion of intestinal spoilage substances and lowers cholesterol. Fresh cucumber also contains propanol diacid which inhibits the conversion of sugar into fat. Long-term food is good for inhibiting body fat. Therefore, cucumber is an indispensable food for human health and beauty. Cucumber enzyme of fresh cucumber is very strong. Active biological enzymes can effectively promote the body's metabolism, promote blood circulation, and achieve moisturizing beauty.
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Cucumber is rich in vitamins, providing sufficient nutrients for skin and muscles. It can effectively fight skin aging, reduce wrinkles, and prevent cheilitis and angular cheilitis. The fine cellulose contained in cucumber can reduce the content of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood, promote the excretion of spoiled food in the intestine, improve the metabolism of the human body, and have an indirect effect on skin and hair beauty. Fresh cucumber contains propanol diacid, which can effectively inhibit the conversion of sugar into fat. Therefore, eating cucumber often can lose weight. Rubbing the skin with fresh cucumber or cucumber juice can stretch and delay facial wrinkles, treat facial dark spots, and clean and protect the skin. This kind of cucumber beauty has already prevailed in some countries abroad, and there are many women in the country. Cucumber is called "the beauty agent in the kitchen." Cucumber into the dish, the method of production is diverse, both raw and cooked. Mix, stir, roast, simmer, slip, brew, stain, pickle, soup, etc. Representative dishes include garlic cucumber, preserved egg cucumber, cucumber sliced ??meat soup, pickled cucumber, stuffed cucumber, vinegar slippery cucumber, etc., which can be used.
Cucumber beauty method Cucumber is flat and dehumidified, which can converge and eliminate skin wrinkles, especially for people with darker skin. Cucumber (skin, meat and seeds) are squeezed into juice, and the face is rubbed with cotton balls and rubbed repeatedly. Cucumber chopped out the juice, add 1 egg white, stir together, wash your face and rub on your face, rest for 20 minutes (this method is suitable for wet skin), then rinse with water. First, raw cucumber beauty: use cucumber to mix the skin, mix with sea bream, noodles, mix belly, fluffy chicken, you can also take the whole cucumber as a fruit to eat. Second, cucumber juice: Cucumber juice has the effect of stretching wrinkles and protecting the skin. It is a commonly used juice in cosmetic surgery. Drinkable or can be rubbed directly. If there are more wrinkles, it can be done once a day. Third, cut the cucumber into thin slices, which can be attached to the face before going to sleep, and removed the next morning, you will find that the skin is smoother and more moist than yesterday.
DIY Cucumber Mask at Home
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First,the material: 2 cucumbers, 1 chicken protein, a little flour.
1. Gherkin is broken with a juicer.
2. Mix the chicken protein and cucumber juice.
3. Slowly add flour to make a paste. Second, the thicker cucumber Operation: Wash the cucumber, cut off the skin, cut the cucumber with a fruit knife, cut into thin pieces, about 1mm, slice it, and put a piece of cucumber on the face, even the neck, in the mirror, after the paste, the face is only exposed to the nostrils, (unlike the finished mask, the finished mask is not attached to the eyelids, because the skin of the eyelids is the thinnest and susceptible to irritation, the cucumber mask does not Irritating, so it can be posted).
Third, the material: a cucumber, half a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of hazelnuts, a chicken protein (mixed into a cake with a blender). Practice: first peel the cucumber and put it into the food mixer. Pour the cucumber juice into a colander or strainer and place the filtered filtrate in a bowl. Then, the lemon juice and the wolfberry are added together to the filtrate, and while being evenly mixed, the stirred protein is gently poured into the inside. Finally, apply it evenly over the entire face. Leave on for 15 to 25 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
Forth DIY Mask
The first step: fresh cucumber is crushed with a fruit juicer (the juicer can also choose the super cheap, the supermarket only sells 7 or 8 dollars, squeezed by hand, relatively small and easy to clean, can be used as a beauty ).
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Step 2: Add the right amount of flour or pearl powder to the pressed cucumber. This will not flow down, and the flour or pearl powder contains a variety of vitamins.
Step 3: wrap the hair (or the mask containing the flour is not good to wash on the hair, the pearl powder is better).
Step 4: Apply the mask to your face. Apply evenly.
Step 5: Wrap the face with plastic wrap and let the eyes, nose and mouth out of the air.
Step 6: After 10~15 minutes, uncover the plastic wrap and clean your face.
Cucumber beauty milk Cucumber not only has a good weight loss effect, but also good for the skin. It is also a good product for beauty. It is a perfect combination of milk and whitening effect. Cucumber Beauty Milk: Cucumber is rich in vitamin B. It is essential for the production of protein in the skin and hair. It also prevents dry, rough, inflamed and long scales of the skin and has excellent cosmetic effects. The method is: peeling, slicing or wiping fresh cucumber, soaking it in hot milk at a ratio of 1:10. After the milk is cool, filter the cucumber slices or silk, which is a cucumber beauty milk, which can be used for morning and evening. Wipe your face once. Suggestion: It is very convenient to do, put it in the refrigerator!
If you would like to know more beauty tips & healthy lifestyle,please follow Liberex Beauty Blog!Enjoy!
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floodflood33-blog · 5 years
Not known Details About honey face mask
Papaya is full of antioxidants, and its enzymes aid to slough absent old, dry skin cells for the glowing, healthy complexion. Jasmin Fiore of your Deva Daily life swears by papaya masks as A part of her healing program, and sings the praises of the rejuvenating question-fruit. That is made use of to gather facts on traffic to articles or blog posts and other pages on our site. Except if you will be signed in to your HubPages account, all Individually identifiable info is anonymized. Rather than employing regular drinking water, you can also use rose h2o in any of the above-explained face masks. Learn how to produce your own private Do it yourself rose drinking water in your house listed here. When these 2 impressive elements can be a blend, they function Great in managing acne, redness, scars and removing excess Filth from your skin pores. And In addition they remove many of the dead skin cells off the surface of the skin. It is rather handy in minimizing wrinkles and for receiving deep into the skin pores. We may perhaps use conversion monitoring pixels from promoting networks for example Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook to be able to detect when an advertisement has properly resulted in the desired motion, for instance signing up for the HubPages Services or publishing an article within the HubPages Support. (You could decide on and add upto five illustrations or photos in the remark. The whole dimensions of all of your photos should be under one MB. Click on button and ensure to choose all the images you need to upload.) I'm all for attractiveness guidelines and really like components which i have already got . I exploit coconut oil everyday to keep my pores and skin hydrated but will Mix it with honey and avocado . Thanks for many wonderful guidelines ! Damage free radicals that trigger premature getting old. Improve the appearence of growing older pores and skin. Lightens and fades age spots, acne scars and blemishes. In advance of I describe this mask, Watch out for the quantity of lemon juice you insert on your face mask, just don’t go overboard with much more than eight drops or one/2 tsp. Anyhow, this scrumptious smelling mask is certain to tease your flavor buds, tempting you to possess a lick, but you need to resist! This articles is precise and legitimate to the most beneficial of the creator’s awareness and is not intended to substitute for formal and individualized suggestions from a qualified Specialist. Use this DIY peel-off face mask to get rid of blackheads two times a week and forestall significant pores on your own face. Get yourself a Wrinkle Absolutely free Pores and skin with Honey Honey is an unbelievable component which can do miracles for your skin! Wondering what would make us vouch so strongly for the advantages this delicious golden liquid may have on the skin. Go through in advance to understand much more.  Why Honey? For centuries, Honey has remained an integral A part of our Way of living. Right from getting used for cooking needs to being tried out for cure of varied ailments and health problems; the track record and reliability of Honey as a magic potion for the overall exterior and internal wellness of your body has remained unwavering. would not present professional medical information, diagnosis, or cure. Any information published on this Web-site or by this model will not be supposed in its place for healthcare advice, and you should not consider any action in advance of consulting which has a Health care professional. I tried making it myself but it surely obtained messy. So I looked up some honey masks online and this was the cheapest I could obtain. Can’t conquer 4oz for $fifteen. And theirs have some great ingredients extra to it. I went forward and received a couple. Test it out:
A Secret Weapon For honey face mask
Any use of this info is at the consumer’s discretion. For health and fitness concerns or emergencies and medicine adjustments, you should talk to a Health care Specialist. Mash most of the components alongside one another, but don't puree in the blender: you would like this being spreadable, not a liquid. Apply evenly all over your face and Permit sit 8-ten minutes. Wipe off which has a warm, moist facecloth after which you can rinse with great h2o. Pat dry. You should utilize this to streamline signing up for, or signing in on your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook Except you engage with this particular characteristic. (Privacy Policy) Listed here you could learn what are the most effective beauty solutions with yogurt and the way to generate a honey and yogurt face mask for acne. As soon as you know and recognize the cause, it is time to find a get rid of. Due to the fact acne is caused a result of the blockage and subsequent infection on the sebum glands, clearing the blockage and battling the an infection should logically help treatment your acne indicators. This is when the honey mask for acne will come into Participate in. Using a honey mask for acne not merely clears the blockage but additionally gets rid of the infectious microbes, thus lowering the indications of acne. In case you have extremely delicate skin, you might like to try replacing the cinnamon powder with turmeric. For anyone who is Not sure whether you'll want to make yeast mask with the face, it is possible to normally seek advice from a dermatologist and cosmetologist. That can figure out the skin kind, problems and treatments. Mix 3 tablespoons of finely floor coffee beans with a small glass of milk. The mixture ought to have a thick regularity. This home made face mask is best When you've got delicate or dry pores and skin, as it's gentler and even more nourishing. You may need floor coffee beans, twice as much ground oats in addition to a tablespoon of honey. In a little mixing bowl, mash ¼ an avocado While using the again of a fork or Mix if it’s much more easy to suit your needs. Include 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon coconut oil and blend comprehensively. Working with clear fingers, implement a thick coat of this combination on to your face. Here are my 4 recipes for honey face masks developed with precise skin styles in your mind. They're fully food stuff-primarily based and you most likely have a lot of the components with your kitchen area at the moment. Hurray for easy! Mash every one of the ingredients alongside one another, but will not puree in a very blender: you need this being spreadable, not a liquid. Use evenly all over your face and let sit eight-ten minutes. Wipe off by using a heat, damp facecloth after which you can rinse with amazing h2o. http://malecereal30.bravesites.com/entries/general/fascination-about-strawberry-face-mask . Want to give your skin that Exclusive treatment without the problem of going to a salon? Then mud face masks are precisely what you require. This normal pores and skin ca... increase yeast on the citrus, combine and utilize on your own face, preserve the mask for 25 minutes and afterwards rinse with great h2o.
The Fact About orange face mask That No One Is Suggesting
By Mary Smith. Up to date: June five, 2018 An excellent cup of coffee is, for many people, the only thing that gets them to get up each morning. Great news, coffee lovers - your preferred noticed is additionally a fantastic Resolution to create your skin look brighter, fresher and much more important. Papaya is rich in antioxidants, and its enzymes assistance to slough away previous, dry pores and skin cells for just a glowing, healthy complexion. Jasmin Fiore in the Deva Everyday living swears by papaya masks as Section of her therapeutic routine, and sings the praises of this rejuvenating marvel-fruit. Curly, frizzy or straight hair, just about every terrific hair type begins in the shower. That’s why you’ll want to shield and handle your hair with the top hair care items which includes shampoos and conditioners. There are a variety of shampoo and conditioner formulation which will help you take care of uninteresting or weakened hair. Whether it's shampoos, conditioners, hair oils, hair colours, styling equipment or procedure products and solutions, you’ll uncover it all on Amazon India underneath a person roof to your benefit. Invest in on the net hair treatment and styling merchandise, filter success depending on brand, cost, consumer critiques or Particular gives and savings. Yeast is scarce, but Yet cause allergies,thus, ahead of implementing the mask for the face, pre-test the product or service on a little inconspicuous region of ​​pores and skin set up. When you've got any redness, itching or every other unfavorable reactions around the pores and skin, you're categorically forbidden to perform such a mask. Yogurt and honey have antibiotic Houses, and this entire Mix is nearly as good in your outsides as it can be inside a consume. Use any leftovers in the slurp-capable smoothie Along with the milk of the option. This handmade face mask is better if you have sensitive or dry pores and skin, since it's gentler and more nourishing. You'll need floor coffee beans, two times just as much floor oats and also a tablespoon of honey. Often called best natural face mask , it's made up of honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and lemon. It’s the lemon that triggers the burning sensation, but that’s if you set a lot more than 1/2 a teaspoon! To prep the skin ahead of any face mask, pour boiling incredibly hot h2o in a bowl and stand higher than it letting the steam open your pores. Blend a single tablespoon of natural raw honey and fifty percent a squeezed lemon in to the bowl and implement all over your face, avoiding the attention region. Include some milk and turmeric inside the honey and banana mask. full face mask imparts glow to the skin and provides moisture to skin. Time to say goodbye to acne and pimples. Mix orange peel powder with oatmeal and baking soda to help make the last word pimple annihilation face mask. Blend all the above elements in a little bowl. Use a thick coat from the combination onto your thoroughly clean face. Let it sit for 15 minutes or right up until it dries out. Place cucumber slices in your eyes to reduce underneath eye circles (bags) As you look ahead to the mask length to end. In a little mixing bowl, mash ¼ an avocado Along with the again of the fork or blend if it’s far more effortless in your case. Increase one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon coconut oil and blend thoroughly. Working with cleanse fingers, utilize a thick coat of the combination onto your face. This handmade face mask is perfect to exfoliate and detoxify the pores and skin. You'll need coffee beans, exactly the same number of cocoa powder, and 7 tablespoons simple yogurt.
Everything about coffee face mask
Winter climate isn’t form to pores and skin. Snow and hail lash into delicate cheeks and foreheads, cold winds chafe at us, and indoor heating programs go away us flaky, dry, and itchy. Though the rest of our bodies remain guarded (if rather neglected) by clothing over the chilly months, our faces bear the brunt of all of that ugly climate Just about every and every working day. The subjects in these web pages including textual content, graphics, films and various material contained on this Web site are for informational functions only and never being substituted for Expert health care guidance. If there’s any mask remaining more than Once you clean your face with it, add a little bit of drinking water to it and utilize it being a scrub for your backs of your respective arms and almost every other physique section which could do with some smoothing. As some time is up, gently rinse off this strawberry mask with heat water utilizing your fingers or a single warm washcloth. Quickly refreshes the skin, lessens the scale of pores, balances pH degree within the face, protects skin for trapping air pollution and mud in everyday life. Simply because silicone pores and skin patches are worn When you rest for all-night healing. You don’t must get anymore day trip within your busy schedule to mix up and use a Do it yourself face mask. Just remove the silicone pores and skin patches from their protecting packaging, press onto your skin, and fall asleep. What might be less difficult than that? Picture this mask being a smoothie for the face: strawberries have salicylic acid (which is great for acne-susceptible skin), whilst lemon juice helps you to tighten pores and take away previous, useless pores and skin cells. A handful of months again, my skin was on the lookout awful so I seemed in my fridge and I remembered I used yeast in my school decades so I said ''Permit' s attempt it yet again'' and success were being wonderful: scaled-down pores, less blackheads, a number of the blackheads were out in the pores so this is excellent if you need to extract your blackheads or use nose strips, even skin, scars ended up significantly less seen and my General complexion seemed muuuch better! I am thinking of doing often as I really like how my pores and skin appears to be like and feels following making use of it. I agree to Inhabitat's Conditions of Use and Privacy Coverage, and to the use of cookies explained therein, and I also consent to the gathering, storage, and processing of my knowledge in The usa, exactly where details safety rules could be distinct from those in my country. The composition of numerous masks for dry skin includeegg yolk. It really is no coincidence, mainly because this products are all-natural antioxidants that support to withdraw with the skin of harmful substances. To help make a beneficial mask for dry pores and skin, you must: Conquer 1 egg, insert 1 tbsp. l. yeast; Now that you have your orange peel powder, Here's a few face mask recipes that will assist you to experience their benefits: Applying orange juice on your own face is so helpful. So just visualize how far more effective it would be to apply the peel, rich in skin-boosting nutrients, on your own face! Exhibited articles is offered by corporations which have been compensated. There is a potential effect on how, what, and wherever products may perhaps look. Recommendations: Set all elements into a significant bowl and stir until it results in being sticky and thick. Use the mask for your face for five minutes and clean face comprehensively with a gentle facial soap.
The best Side of coffee face mask
Soak uncooked rice inside the drinking water. Next, take the strawberries and soaked rice and Mix them in a single blender for making a easy paste. Insert one tablespoon of refreshing yoghurt. If yoghurt is not really obtainable then you can utilize a tablespoon of curd likewise. थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? Blend the very first four ingredients within a bowl, and incorporate three tablespoons incredibly hot, robust inexperienced tea on the combination. Stir consistently for a couple of minutes, introducing tea as necessary till you’ve established a thick paste. Use to the face and neck, and clean off just after five to 10 minutes with any gentle face cleanser or rose h2o. Try out not to implement this on acne prone pores and skin but if you decide to do so then comply with it up having an acne skin face pack. On this page, we’ll attempt to deal with all appropriate areas connected with working with honey masks as being a cure for acne. for ageing pores and skin: the usage of yeast in which they restore the skin collagen is misplaced with age, leaving your skin regains its youth and elasticity; so this selfmade anti-aging face mask is incredibly effective in combat with wrinkles; Distribute the mask on the face employing a cotton pad and massage it for a couple of minutes to get rid of lifeless pores and skin cells and boost circulation. Honey, and that is Employed in each of the three masks we have been planning nowadays, hydrates your skin, retains it comfortable by preserving dampness, and encourages pores and skin cell renewal. Now, apply the mask around the face and allow it on for half an hour. Rinse your face making use of water following that. for oily pores and skin: no other beauty product or service is capable so will make slender enlarged pores and eradicate as quickly as possible unhealthy shine of your face; This straightforward yeast mask is simpler for cleaning pimples face and black heads that happen to be probably the most trending skin problems for teens. Before you decide to set a mask in your face, firstclean skin tonic, and even better - make uncomplicated peeling, for example scrub. The pores and skin just after this technique are going to be good to soak up nutrients from cooked mask you. Pots with a combination put in heat water and anticipate the fermentation. Vitamin yeast face mask in opposition to acne has testimonials only by far the most admiring and grateful.
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appliancehouse · 7 years
New Post has been published on Appliance House
New Post has been published on http://www.appliancehouse.co.uk/blog/top-tips-sparkling-clean-kitchen-appliances-spring-cleaning/
Best Tips For Sparkling Clean Kitchen Appliances - It's Spring Cleaning Time!
Spring has arrived, let the Cinderella duties commence. Pop on the marigolds and raid your stash of cleaning products it’s time for a Spring Clean….in the KITCHEN! We know many of you forget about spring cleaning your appliances so this year lets give them the pampering they deserve!
We have put together a guide full of top tips on how to look after your kitchen appliances which includes important cleaning and maintenance tasks. If you look after your appliances regularly it will make your daily chores easier, the end results will continue to be of a high standard and you will prolong the life of your appliance.
Carry on reading for tips on cleaning Dishwashers, Ovens, Washing Machines, Fridge Freezers and Microwaves. By the end of this you’ll have beautiful sparkling kitchens which smell fantastic too!
Clean Dishwashers = Sparkling Pots and Glasses;
Follow these three simple steps to significantly improve the performance of your dishwasher ensuring you’ll have sparkling, streak free pots, glasses and cutlery wash after wash.
1. Clean the filter, ideally this should be done monthly. The filter can usually be found at the bottom of the dishwasher. Simply pop it out, remove any large debris or food particles (be careful as occasionally broken glass can get caught in the filter) and wash with warm soapy water.
2. Give the dishwasher seals and soap drawer a good wipe to remove any build up that may have accumulated in these areas. Warm soapy water will do the trick.
3. Finally, pour a cup of white vinegar or sprinkle a cup of baking soda into the bottom on an empty dishwasher and run on a hot wash cycle to help to keep your dishwasher clean and smelling fresh.
For those who live in both hard and soft water areas, the build up of detergent and limescale can cause your appliances to function less efficiently. You can reduce this build up by running a Kilrock Descalene tablet through the appliances. These tablets are ideal for maintenance on Dishwashers, Washing Machines, Coffee Machines etc and are available to buy at Appliance House. 
Make Oven Cleaning Even Easier With Our 3 Step Eco Steam Clean;
Cleaning an oven is not a task most of us enjoy! To our delight appliance manufacturers have created some fantastic self cleaning ovens with models featuring catalytic liners, pyrolytic cleaning cycles and hydro cleaning functions. Take a browse through some of our self cleaning ovens and take the stress out of oven cleaning once and for all. Our oven buying guide is packed with helpful information and even explains pyrolytic and catalytic cleaning technology in more detail. For those of you who like to undertake an oven cleaning challenge we have a few tips on how to clean your oven to ensure sparkling results after every clean.
Eco-friendly oven steam cleaning;
This is an effective way to clean your oven however, if your oven is very dirty and in need of a deep clean you may need to use use a few products to help lift the grime too.
Fill a large roasting tray or oven proof container with water and place onto the lowest shelf in your oven.
Turn the oven onto the highest setting and once the temperature is achieved set the timer for 25-30 minutes. Do not open the door or the steam will escape.
Once the oven has cooled you may open the door. Wipe down the oven cavity with a damp cloth, the steam will loosen any deposits allowing you to wipe away grease with ease.
Make the cleaning process even easier with an E-cloth Kitchen Pack featuring 2 Cloths; 1 to remove grease, dirt and bacteria plus a second E-cloth which polishes all shiny surfaces with the use of water. The excellent quality E-cloths provide effective chemical free cleaning on stainless steel, worktops, cookers and glass.
To create the ultimate shine we highly recommend using Bar Keepers Friend Power Cream on the oven door and stainless steel shelves. If you are dealing with very stubborn stains the easy to use brush on, Kilrock Oven Cleaning Gel is an extremely useful and effective cleaner too.
Fresh Smelling Washing Machine In 3 Easy Steps;
No one likes to take out a wash smelling worse than it did when it when in the machine! These simple steps will help to keep your trustworthy washing machine running like a dream and will ensure your clothes come out smelling fresh after every wash.
Remove the detergent drawer and give it a good wash in warm soapy water. For tough to reach areas a toothbrush is perfect. Bacteria can easily build up around the drawer so its important to clean it regularly.
Using a clean, hot soapy cloth give the washing machine door seal a good wipe ensuring you reach into all the hidden areas. Again a breeding place for nasty smelling germs.
Finally, run a regular hot service wash and add a Kilrock Descalene Tablet to the machine every couple of months. This will ensure the internal components are kept clean and will get rid of any nasty bacteria lurking inside the machine. When running a service wash you must NOT add clothes or detergent to the cycle.
How to clean your fridge and freezers safely;
How many times do you reach into the fridge to quickly grab the milk, chances are you didn’t wash your hands, we don’t wash them each time we open the fridge! Do we?! Most fridges have a sticky spillage or two on the shelves and wedged at the bottom of the fruit and veg drawer you’re sure to find an old, wrinkled bit of veg that has been forgotten about. Sound familiar? It’s time to clean up and refresh that fridge!
Simple Fridge Cleaning;
It’s a very simple job, every few months it just needs a good clean ideally avoiding the use of chemical cleaners. Hot soapy water will work wonders. Empty one shelf at a time so you can keep the door closed as much as possible.
Fill your sink with hot water and a little washing up liquid, remove the shelf and give it a good wash. Dry using a clean microfibre cloth and replace. E-cloths are highly recommended for use on glass as they leave a streak free finish without the need to use harsh chemicals. Ensure the items going back in are clean and still in date! The drawers need the same attention; remove, wash & dry. Whilst they’re out give the fridge door and sides a good wipe down too.
6 Steps To A Frost Free Freezer;
Most modern freezers now defrost themselves and have settings to regulate the internal temperatures to avoid the build up of ice. If you have an older model why not treat yourself to a new freezer to save yourself having to regularly do the dreading defrosting! We have a great selection of freezers to suit all budgets at Appliance House. If you’d rather stick with your current model then make sure you read on about how to defrost safely. With regular maintenance you can avoid owning freezer which, internally, looks like a scene from the hit movie Frozen!
Try and eat up some of the food in the freezer, it will make life easier. Alternatively, prepare yourself for the big defrost by ensuring you have a cool box at the ready to store any remaining frozen food in.
Once emptied, unplug your freezer. Line the floor beneath and around the appliance with newspaper and towels to stop any water from melting onto the floor. Check if your freezer has a drainage hose or a tray beneath it and ensure you have the means to dispose of the water from these areas as the ice melts.
Remove all drawers and shelves. If they are stuck simply remove them once the ice starts to melt and they become loose, do not force them out.
Place a towel on the bottom of the freezer and then simply pop a bowl of boiling water in the freezer and close the door. The steam will help the ice to naturally melt off the walls. After about 30 minutes, open up the freezer and wipe away the water that has accumulated so far. Repeat the process if necessary until all the ice has melted. If required you could use a plastic scraper to gently knock any remaining ice from the walls. This process can take a few hours dependant on the amount of ice.
Clean and dry the freezer as much as possible before you switch it back on. This will help to prevent the ice from building back up.
Switch the freezer on and allow a few hours for the appliance to cool down before putting your frozen food back in.
5 Quick Steps to a clean, odour free microwave;
Is your microwave splattered with dried on food? Are unpleasant odours lurking inside? If so our super simple 5 step cleaning method will ensure your convenient microwave is sparkling and smelling fresh in less than 10 minutes.
Grab a microwaveable bowl and pour 150 ml water into the bowl.
Chop one large lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the water. Immerse the lemon halves in the water. The lemon will keep your microwave smelling clean and fresh.
Microwave on high for 3-4 minutes until the water is boiling. Times may vary depending on the power of your microwave.
Keep the microwave door shut and allow the steam to loosen the food deposits for 5-10 minutes.
Remove the water bowl and turntable. Wash the turntable with hot water. Wipe the door and whole interior of the microwave throughly with a clean, damp cloth.
Sparkling clean houses provide a sense of satisfaction but just remember that dishwashers, cookers, fridges, washing machines and many other household appliances need a little TLC too. Let’s be honest, without your trustworthy dishwasher, washing machine or refrigerator life would be much more chaotic. With a little time and care dedicated to your kitchen appliances you’ll be helping to keep them going strong for many more years to come.
Happy Spring Cleaning Everyone!
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yes-dal456 · 7 years
The Health And Beauty Benefits Of Green Vegetables
For Allure, by Ramona Emerson.
The other day, my mother asked if we should have waffles for breakfast, and my response shocked even me: “What if we had a salad?” In the weeks since Allure asked me to write about leafy greens, I’ve changed. Once a kale agnostic, I’m now a Devout Kale Orthodox. The kind of person who eats spinach for breakfast and offers unsolicited advice to strangers in line at the salad bar: “You know, romaine is actually healthier than arugula.” (I know, spoiler alert. Just sit tight for a minute.)
All the Good They’re Doing
The more I learned about leafy greens, the more of them I ate, and the more I ate, the more I wanted to eat. “It’s a virtuous cycle,” says Dean Ornish, the president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California. “You feel so much better so quickly that it becomes positive reinforcement.” While I can’t say I felt physical changes immediately, the psychological benefits were instantaneous. Nothing makes you feel more superior than pulling out a Tupperware container of collard greens in front of your colleagues. I may have become a zealot, but as cults go, the cult of greens isn’t a bad one to be in. (Although maybe every cult member feels this brand of righteousness?)
Nothing makes you feel more superior than pulling out a Tupperware container of collard greens in front of your colleagues.
It seems like every week there’s a new study telling us that a food we thought was healthy is, in fact, the sole reason for the decline of civilization. But think about the Leafies. There’s a reason you’ve never read a disparaging word about them. Research has shown, over and over again, that there’s practically no anatomical system that doesn’t benefit from more kale, more spinach, more watercress. They lower the risk of heart attack and stroke; they’re linked to lower blood pressure; they keep the digestive tract healthy; they help you see better; they’re protective against many types of cancer; and they even play a role in combating mental decline.
Here’s a gross oversimplification: They have pretty much every nutrient our bodies need, with the exception of protein and fat. But when I suggested to registered dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot that I might go on an all-green diet, she quickly set me straight: “An average woman would have to eat 50 cups of kale per day to get adequate calories.” OK, so you shouldn’t eat only greens, but they actually are a good source of one kind of fat: omega-3, which is associated with alleviating everything from mood disorders to eczema. Fish is usually the go-to for this essential fatty acid, but omega-3s originally come from greens. Fish get them from eating algae, which, as everyone knows, are the salad of the sea!
One place where greens have been shown to be more beneficial than other vegetables or fruits is in the brain. Scientists are beginning to seriously examine the effects of diet on brain function. What they’re finding is great news for anyone who thought cognitive decline was due to unlucky genes. When Martha Clare Morris, a nutritional epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, tracked the eating habits and brain health of almost 1,000 adults over five years, she found that those who ate one to two servings of green leafy vegetables per day had the mental abilities of someone 11 years younger than those who didn’t eat greens. “Of all of the different types of vegetables, green leafy appear to be most related to protection against cognitive decline,” says Morris.
So what is it about greens that make them so good for you? It probably has something to do with the tough life of a leaf. Think of the leaf as the engine of the plant: It’s where photosynthesis, the process of turning light into fuel for the plant, occurs. Photosynthesis creates something called reactive oxygen species, which are turbocharged free radicals that wreak havoc in cells. To combat this molecular chaos, leaves produce tons of antioxidants. “Antioxidants put the brakes on those free radicals and keep those electrons from bombarding everything in the plants’ cells,” says Auriel A. Willette, an assistant professor of food science and human nutrition at Iowa State University. Antioxidants do the exact same thing in our bodies and have been linked to all kinds of health benefits, including protection against cancer and heart disease.
Some of the most well studied are carotenoids, which our bodies convert to vitamin A. The amount of carotenoids correlates to the amount of chlorophyll. So the more chlorophyll you have, the more carotenoids there are. This is why you always hear that the darker green the vegetable, the more nutritious it is — specifically, it’s richer in carotenoids. Among other benefits, carotenoids have been found to accumulate in the eyes and prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. While kale may have the best PR team in the flora kingdom, according to a 2014 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s not even close to the healthiest green. In fact, it’s less nutrient-dense than romaine lettuce. Are you done screaming into the void?
The researchers looked at how much of 17 different nutrients, including vitamins B, C, and K, were in a bunch of “powerhouse” foods. Then they ranked the foods in terms of nutrient density. The big winner was watercress, which has an average of 100 percent of the daily value of each nutrient per 100 grams. Spinach came in fifth with about 86 percent, and poor kale was way down on the list with 49 percent. According to all the experts I spoke to, this doesn’t mean we should shun kale — the study didn’t measure nutrients like carotenoids and flavonoids, in which kale is particularly high. But we should cover our bases by eating a variety of greens, since they’re basically all good for you. Even lowly iceberg lettuce was ranked above almost every fruit on the list. The extreme complexity of food and how it affects our bodies is why it’s hard to get a simple answer on whether greens should be eaten cooked or raw. While cooking at low heat can break down cell walls and make nutrients easier for the body to absorb, many nutrients, especially water-soluble ones, like vitamin C, are lost during cooking. “There’s no simple rule,” says Morris. “I recommend that people try both.”
Juices vs. Smoothies
Tempting as it is to occasionally drink our meals, experts recommend against drinking your greens. There are three basic problems with green juice: First, many of the nutrients in leafy greens, including vitamins A, D, E, and K and carotenoids, are fat-soluble, meaning they are absorbed much more efficiently if consumed with fat, which green juice usually doesn’t contain. Second, the fiber is filtered out, so you’re going to feel hungry again before you finish the bottle. Third, many contain fruit juice, which ramps up the sugar content significantly. “They might contain 30 to 45 grams of carbohydrates,” says Zuckerbrot. “That’s like taking two pieces of Wonder Bread and pouring green juice on top.” These juices will often advertise that they do not have added sugar, but of course, pineapple or apple juice has plenty of sugar on its own. If you must have your greens liquefied, doctors recommend smoothies way over juices. “I would rather have the whole vegetable blended as opposed to having a juice that is filtered,” says Eric Rimm, a professor at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health. “Not only are you losing much of the fiber, but probably also some of the micronutrients and other compounds.”
Green Supplements
This idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts is also why green supplements are not recommended. “There have been several clinical trials testing supplements where they found that even if you grind up watercress or kale, supplements have either not that much of an effect or no effect at all,” says Willette. In fact, green-food supplements might even be bad for you. While lutein, a type of carotenoid, has been shown to slow the thickening of arteries, taking carotenoids in supplement form not only doesn’t reduce heart disease but in some cases increases heart-related complications.
To bastardize Michael Pollan: Eat greens, all kinds, cooked and raw. And since you’re being so virtuous, make it easy. I hate to cook and I love kale, so I eat a lot of kale salads. I also buy my greens prewashed and chopped. Yes, it’s more expensive, but for me it’s the difference between eating them and letting them wilt in the crisper drawer. The important thing is to get greens into your body by any means necessary, because most likely we are only beginning to understand how good they are for us. Says Ornish: “Study after study shows that when people eat a plant-based diet, they feel better — fast.”
Face Plants
We know that what you eat affects how you look. Studies have shown that diets that are high in antioxidants and low in sugar and fat are associated with fewer wrinkles, less sun-induced skin damage, and even reduced acne. But what about bypassing the whole eating part and rubbing kale right on your face? That’s exactly what companies like Bobbi Brown, Pacifica, and Youth to the People are hoping you’ll do with their new leafy-green-infused serums, moisturizers, masks, and cleansers. The companies claim that antioxidants found in kale, spinach, and Brussels sprouts will make your skin taut, glow-y, and generally youthful. The bottom line from dermatologists: “Vitamin C and vitamin E have been used in skin care forever. Whether the nutrients come from kale or something else, they have the same effect,” says Elizabeth Hale, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. What could potentially set these products apart is that they incorporate the whole food instead of just using individual antioxidants synthesized in a lab. “It’s just like when you eat a whole vegetable. You may be getting more nutrients than we even know about,” says Mona Gohara, a dermatologist at the Yale School of Medicine.
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imreviewblog · 7 years
The Health And Beauty Benefits Of Green Vegetables
For Allure, by Ramona Emerson.
The other day, my mother asked if we should have waffles for breakfast, and my response shocked even me: “What if we had a salad?” In the weeks since Allure asked me to write about leafy greens, I’ve changed. Once a kale agnostic, I’m now a Devout Kale Orthodox. The kind of person who eats spinach for breakfast and offers unsolicited advice to strangers in line at the salad bar: “You know, romaine is actually healthier than arugula.” (I know, spoiler alert. Just sit tight for a minute.)
All the Good They’re Doing
The more I learned about leafy greens, the more of them I ate, and the more I ate, the more I wanted to eat. “It’s a virtuous cycle,” says Dean Ornish, the president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California. “You feel so much better so quickly that it becomes positive reinforcement.” While I can’t say I felt physical changes immediately, the psychological benefits were instantaneous. Nothing makes you feel more superior than pulling out a Tupperware container of collard greens in front of your colleagues. I may have become a zealot, but as cults go, the cult of greens isn’t a bad one to be in. (Although maybe every cult member feels this brand of righteousness?)
Nothing makes you feel more superior than pulling out a Tupperware container of collard greens in front of your colleagues.
It seems like every week there’s a new study telling us that a food we thought was healthy is, in fact, the sole reason for the decline of civilization. But think about the Leafies. There’s a reason you’ve never read a disparaging word about them. Research has shown, over and over again, that there’s practically no anatomical system that doesn’t benefit from more kale, more spinach, more watercress. They lower the risk of heart attack and stroke; they’re linked to lower blood pressure; they keep the digestive tract healthy; they help you see better; they’re protective against many types of cancer; and they even play a role in combating mental decline.
Here’s a gross oversimplification: They have pretty much every nutrient our bodies need, with the exception of protein and fat. But when I suggested to registered dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot that I might go on an all-green diet, she quickly set me straight: “An average woman would have to eat 50 cups of kale per day to get adequate calories.” OK, so you shouldn’t eat only greens, but they actually are a good source of one kind of fat: omega-3, which is associated with alleviating everything from mood disorders to eczema. Fish is usually the go-to for this essential fatty acid, but omega-3s originally come from greens. Fish get them from eating algae, which, as everyone knows, are the salad of the sea!
One place where greens have been shown to be more beneficial than other vegetables or fruits is in the brain. Scientists are beginning to seriously examine the effects of diet on brain function. What they’re finding is great news for anyone who thought cognitive decline was due to unlucky genes. When Martha Clare Morris, a nutritional epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, tracked the eating habits and brain health of almost 1,000 adults over five years, she found that those who ate one to two servings of green leafy vegetables per day had the mental abilities of someone 11 years younger than those who didn’t eat greens. “Of all of the different types of vegetables, green leafy appear to be most related to protection against cognitive decline,” says Morris.
So what is it about greens that make them so good for you? It probably has something to do with the tough life of a leaf. Think of the leaf as the engine of the plant: It’s where photosynthesis, the process of turning light into fuel for the plant, occurs. Photosynthesis creates something called reactive oxygen species, which are turbocharged free radicals that wreak havoc in cells. To combat this molecular chaos, leaves produce tons of antioxidants. “Antioxidants put the brakes on those free radicals and keep those electrons from bombarding everything in the plants’ cells,” says Auriel A. Willette, an assistant professor of food science and human nutrition at Iowa State University. Antioxidants do the exact same thing in our bodies and have been linked to all kinds of health benefits, including protection against cancer and heart disease.
Some of the most well studied are carotenoids, which our bodies convert to vitamin A. The amount of carotenoids correlates to the amount of chlorophyll. So the more chlorophyll you have, the more carotenoids there are. This is why you always hear that the darker green the vegetable, the more nutritious it is — specifically, it’s richer in carotenoids. Among other benefits, carotenoids have been found to accumulate in the eyes and prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. While kale may have the best PR team in the flora kingdom, according to a 2014 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s not even close to the healthiest green. In fact, it’s less nutrient-dense than romaine lettuce. Are you done screaming into the void?
The researchers looked at how much of 17 different nutrients, including vitamins B, C, and K, were in a bunch of “powerhouse” foods. Then they ranked the foods in terms of nutrient density. The big winner was watercress, which has an average of 100 percent of the daily value of each nutrient per 100 grams. Spinach came in fifth with about 86 percent, and poor kale was way down on the list with 49 percent. According to all the experts I spoke to, this doesn’t mean we should shun kale — the study didn’t measure nutrients like carotenoids and flavonoids, in which kale is particularly high. But we should cover our bases by eating a variety of greens, since they’re basically all good for you. Even lowly iceberg lettuce was ranked above almost every fruit on the list. The extreme complexity of food and how it affects our bodies is why it’s hard to get a simple answer on whether greens should be eaten cooked or raw. While cooking at low heat can break down cell walls and make nutrients easier for the body to absorb, many nutrients, especially water-soluble ones, like vitamin C, are lost during cooking. “There’s no simple rule,” says Morris. “I recommend that people try both.”
Juices vs. Smoothies
Tempting as it is to occasionally drink our meals, experts recommend against drinking your greens. There are three basic problems with green juice: First, many of the nutrients in leafy greens, including vitamins A, D, E, and K and carotenoids, are fat-soluble, meaning they are absorbed much more efficiently if consumed with fat, which green juice usually doesn’t contain. Second, the fiber is filtered out, so you’re going to feel hungry again before you finish the bottle. Third, many contain fruit juice, which ramps up the sugar content significantly. “They might contain 30 to 45 grams of carbohydrates,” says Zuckerbrot. “That’s like taking two pieces of Wonder Bread and pouring green juice on top.” These juices will often advertise that they do not have added sugar, but of course, pineapple or apple juice has plenty of sugar on its own. If you must have your greens liquefied, doctors recommend smoothies way over juices. “I would rather have the whole vegetable blended as opposed to having a juice that is filtered,” says Eric Rimm, a professor at Harvard’s T. H. Chan School of Public Health. “Not only are you losing much of the fiber, but probably also some of the micronutrients and other compounds.”
Green Supplements
This idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts is also why green supplements are not recommended. “There have been several clinical trials testing supplements where they found that even if you grind up watercress or kale, supplements have either not that much of an effect or no effect at all,” says Willette. In fact, green-food supplements might even be bad for you. While lutein, a type of carotenoid, has been shown to slow the thickening of arteries, taking carotenoids in supplement form not only doesn’t reduce heart disease but in some cases increases heart-related complications.
To bastardize Michael Pollan: Eat greens, all kinds, cooked and raw. And since you’re being so virtuous, make it easy. I hate to cook and I love kale, so I eat a lot of kale salads. I also buy my greens prewashed and chopped. Yes, it’s more expensive, but for me it’s the difference between eating them and letting them wilt in the crisper drawer. The important thing is to get greens into your body by any means necessary, because most likely we are only beginning to understand how good they are for us. Says Ornish: “Study after study shows that when people eat a plant-based diet, they feel better — fast.”
Face Plants
We know that what you eat affects how you look. Studies have shown that diets that are high in antioxidants and low in sugar and fat are associated with fewer wrinkles, less sun-induced skin damage, and even reduced acne. But what about bypassing the whole eating part and rubbing kale right on your face? That’s exactly what companies like Bobbi Brown, Pacifica, and Youth to the People are hoping you’ll do with their new leafy-green-infused serums, moisturizers, masks, and cleansers. The companies claim that antioxidants found in kale, spinach, and Brussels sprouts will make your skin taut, glow-y, and generally youthful. The bottom line from dermatologists: “Vitamin C and vitamin E have been used in skin care forever. Whether the nutrients come from kale or something else, they have the same effect,” says Elizabeth Hale, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. What could potentially set these products apart is that they incorporate the whole food instead of just using individual antioxidants synthesized in a lab. “It’s just like when you eat a whole vegetable. You may be getting more nutrients than we even know about,” says Mona Gohara, a dermatologist at the Yale School of Medicine.
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-- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.
from Healthy Living - The Huffington Post http://huff.to/2nyHvqX
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