#its yana
gifti3 · 10 months
They really needed to do another draft for book 2
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grellssquishyhusband · 10 months
Saw a post online complaining about the new style saying that they made Sebastian look ugly
My brother in Christ this is what you're missing???
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Look, look at him with your eyes
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i do my lil dancy dance
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bibyshitsuji24k · 1 year
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o!Ciel x Lizzy - One shots collection Chapter 3 Elizabeth invites her fiancé to witness a fencing competition in order to prove to him that she is worthy of becoming his future wife.
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grellestie · 7 months
wow i really love the new chapter
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such a brave choice
also the small one hit so hard
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imviotrash · 2 months
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Hello TWST fandom!
I've recently seen some folks draw some TWST characters in the clothes of the Kuroshitsuji characters they look similar to in honour of the new season, so I wanted to give it a go as well! So here's Joanne Harcourt in Epel Felmiers new outfit, because it's very cool!
Joanne and Epel look very similar, but their personalities are very different imo. I do think they'd be friends despite that ^^
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icantdothistodaybruh · 2 months
just watched the first episode what the fuck I have so many questions
If you liked the episode pls don't read underline I don't want to ruin your day with my negativity
why the hell ending looks better then the rest of the episode??? I love it and all, they floating in the sky romantically and it's cute blablabla but why here they look decent and the whole ass episode they look like yassified versions of themselves who decided on that😭😭😭😭 the lashes are killing me the most I think I cannot look at them in close ups for the life of me they remind me of a fucking metalic shifer roofs
the opening I don't even want to talk about bro just wtf happend when they were making it. did ten different people with no idea of what kuro is about were pushed in a room and each made a part for a youtube mep? who was supervising stylistic choices?? was they ever even there????
I can tell that money was not the problem, in a sense that nothing about the episode looks cheap, there were no problems with the budget... so where so many poor artistic choices came from? There is nothing dark, gothic, mysterious or victorian left. And looking back at the opening for all I know I could be just watching some fantasy avatar anime with no clear identety. One episode is not much to judge by, but still is it even black butler anymore??
thank you for coming to my ted talk, that's all for now, I'll be crying and rewatching first seasons if you need me
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sinha-ri · 11 months
To anyone wondering why the next black butler arc uses the word "Fag" is because it's based on old British school culture, meaning Yana did not make this up or choose the word herself (as in the concept of using the word, not changing it is a choice (?))
Like you can straight up just Google it and wiki is willing to tell it all
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Less of trying to excuse the use, but trying to explain why it's used
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so-bitya · 1 month
Soma and Whitewashing in Anime:
Avoiding "Brown"
Here is an image of Soma comparing his skin tone from the first season of Black Butler and the current season airing now. As you can see, Soma's skin is noticeably lighter than it was in the past. I considered the lighting and took shade from his hand that looks relatively mid tone. However, that's not really a fair excuse if the anime continues to lighten Soma's face this way.
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I also compared his skintone from the Book of Circus season which is relatively more recent, and chose images where he's clearly in good lighting. Soma is still noticeably lighter this time around.
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Whitewashing is an incredibly common phenomenon that been happening a lot lately in anime, especially with reboots. A great example I can think of off the top of my head is One Piece where they lightened nearly everyone's skin color in the anime, despite some of the cast being characters of color?
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(^^^this character is canonly black according to Oda, the mangaka.)
"Oh but Oda gives Usopp pale skin in all his color illustrations"
One, he should know better. Two, if Oda said Usopp would be African in real life, and chose a brown, Jamaican-american actor to play him, then yes, they have been ridiculously disrespectful in how they've been portraying the character's racial features so far.
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In that sense, it's actually relief that anime studios in the past weren't afraid of giving their characters darker skin unlike mangakas who were terrified of even the lighest shade of brown.
For instance, I am happy that A-1 studios made Soma, Agni, and Mina, who are all the same race, slightly differ in skin tone. Mina's skin is cooler toned compared to Soma and Agni's warmer hues.
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HOWEVER, and other fans pointed this out, Soma and Agni's skin leaned so far from being golden brown to straight yellow in many scenes, that they were walking around like they have jaundice which is so... Of course A-1 studios found some way to mess it up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Another thing, do you guys honestly think being accurate to Yana's art style is always the best thing to do in adaptions? Angela Blanc, the secret villain in the anime original first season, pretends to be an abused maid and gets whipped in her very first scene. And according to Yana's concept sketches, she was originally brown. I'm actually glad the anime whitewashed her in that instance.
I'd like to point out, Sebastian's skin tone has also changed in the new season, and he's noticeably tanner than his previous anime appearances and yana's illustrations. So why is this okay for the anime to make creative changes for sebastian's skin tone, but have to stay accurate for Soma? (whose dark skin been established in anime viewers' eyes for decades now).
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To be fair, I did a comparison of the anime grayscaled and Soma in the manga during the Weston arc. I checked the values and while I will say that his skin is relatively in the same as the manga, only few degrees lighter, whitewashing isn't only about skintone.
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Colourism in Features
We could argue whether its just different anime styles or the way Yana draws noses, but its not a great look for Soma's nose to be made noticeably sharper compared to his flatter/rounder nose in the manga/earlier seasons of the anime.
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Talking about the Mandela effect and cognitive dissonance as well... there's also something about how manga readers seen Soma with brown skin and pure black hair years in the manga, only for the anime to lighten those features.
It doesn't help that Soma canonly has purple hair and yellow eyes (if anything, I do appreciate the more natural tones they gave Soma this season. No more highly saturated purple hair/yellow eyes and skin!)
Yes, Kuroshitsuji is a fantasy story, and YES artists of color like to play with fantasy features with characters, me included! But my point is that black/brown representation in media is so little already, character artists are also averse to drawing any defining racial features.
Yana has designed brown-skinned characters in the anime with straight white hair and light-colored eyes about three times now (ie. Agni, Angela, and Hannah). The only Indians with dark skin and hair are a bunch of homeless thugs that Soma and Agni stop from mugging Ciel, proving they're "one of the good ones", and Mina whose treatment in the manga/anime is abysmal.
Discussing Racism in Fandom
Alright, so over the past few days, I've seen some fans disappointed with Soma's skin tone change and I hope my post illustrates why they would be. But I've also seen some angry and frustrated reactions to those fans! And I want to ask, why?
Why is fans bringing up racism in anime considered "discourse" but reacting harshly towards those fans is not?
Why would fans expressing disappointment about whitewashing gets you more angry than the whitewashing itself?
Why is being disappointed that an anime lightened a character's skin tone, a character who both anime-only watchers and manga readers alike saw as dark-skinned, stupid to you?
How come the fandom gets a good laugh out of the usage of "fag" potentially canceling the anime, but talking about race is a "risk" to getting a new season?
And if you disagree with my points and believe the anime is only being accurate to Yana's work, why not just say "Soma's skintone is more accurate to Yana's color illustrations, but I understand the disappointment and shock," without being condescending towards us for being concerned in the first place?
I'd be pretty happy if the anime was just using intense lighting and that Soma is darker than he appears (in fact, if that happens I'll reblog the good news to this post!) Because this post isn't "discourse" to me, I'm discussing race regarding one of my favorite characters in the fandom. Discussions like these don't ruin the fandom, but actually help it become a more welcoming place for fans of color.
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bibyshitsuji24k · 15 days
When Othello talked to Grell in the pub, he asked her if she wasn't around 70 years ago when he joined the grim reapers division along with Undertaker (and no, she wasn't)
1889-70 ≈ 1819
Claudia was born in 1830, so Undertaker was doing his job already (impeccably btw). Was he linked with the Phantomhive's lineage before her or did his connection with the family start with her?
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He doesn't have his scars in this panel, then his scars were made after. Does everything start with Claudia then?
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tinyfantasminha · 8 months
Have you seen the new birthday card for jack? I really want to know your honest reaction about it
I was out the whole day yesterday so that's why I didn't immediately screamed in here as usual
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He's holding a macaron in his hand 😭😭😭💗💗💗I think he mentioned somewhere before that he's actually fond of sweets? Even though he's so physically active
Also he's wearing glittery eyeshadow again LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Yassify him
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Ok now putting the rot aside, I'm sure everyone is curious about what I think of the paintings they chose for his card, and I've been seeing a lot of general confusion regarding the paintings
First, I want to state that it's probably safe to assume that the painting on the right is the respective Great Seven of the dorm from which the twst boy is from; Jack from Savanaclaw has Scar, Ace from Heartslabyul had the Queen of Hearts and Jamil from Scarabia had Jafar (which, coincidentally is also the character's he's twst from).
Okay so what about the LEFT painting... This is where everyone is left confused because the fandom was speculating that the painting was meant to represent the dsny character whom the birthday boy is based off. This is merely FANDOM SPECULATION. It was never stated in any official sources that the characters shown in the paintings are supposed to be the OG dsny character whom the birthday boy is based off.
To be honest I was already expecting they'd put a random lion king character instead of a canon wolf character for Jack rip my beauty and the beast wolves but this is also confusing because there are no wolves in lion king. So they slapped Rafiki in there as a filler.
No, Jack is NOT based on Rafiki. There is little to none similarities between them, not to mention the most obvious of all, Rafiki is a mandrill and Jack is a wolf. ...There's just no sense. ''So why'd they put him in there?'' because the painting on the left isn't meant to be his origin character, it's just supposed to be the painting the birthday boy chose to talk about. In some cases, like Ace's, the painting of their choice is indeed the character they are originated from, and I'm sure it will be like that with the characters who really does have clear inspirations. So for the character with ambiguous origins or that seems to have mixed inspirations such as Lilia, Sebek, Silver, Ortho (even Epel, as he's based on an object rather than a character...) they will probably choose to talk about a random character from the movie their dorm is based on.
Clarifying it all with a picture:
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So to finish, that leaves a lot of people asking ''so are we never going to see who Jack is based on? 😭'' the truth that we don't want to admit is that he doesn't have an origin character! Jack is unique (and we love him for that) and very likely a mix of inspirations such as White Fang and the whole ''big bad wolf'' trope as a whole. It's fun to see and indulge in everyone's headcanons even if a lot of them don't make sense for Jack's inspirations because Jack is a good boy and he deserves all the attention and love and I'm eating it up.
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bapydemonprincess · 16 days
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megamindsupremacy · 4 months
Stewjon is Space Scotland: Names and Naming Conventions
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For context, I designed an entire naming system for my Stewjon is Space Scotland AU. I'm still trying to work out the cultural logistics of it, but the actual practical logistics I have down.
To break everything down:
Stewjon is a clan-centric society, with clans and clan names having a hugely important role in the culture. I therefore had clan names feature in both the first and last name of Stewjonis.
-The last name (Kenobi) is the family/clan name, and is passed down the family paternally. This is both because I'm from a western culture with a paternal naming tradition, and also because I liked how his parents names sounded when the last names transferred paternally but not maternally. "Ken" would translate to "Clan" (I don't know if this is accurate to Scots English or Scots Gaelic, but I'm working from canon Star Wars names and trying to worldbuild from nothing so work with me here), and then the clan name "Obi" is attached, so "Kenobi" translates to "Clan Obi" or "of Clan Obi"
-The given name (-Wan, but we'll get to "Wan" in a second) is one to two syllables. All of these names are (according to Wikipedia) actual Scottish names, which I picked from the list mostly based on how well they'd sound next to the clan name.
-The prefix clan name (Obi-) is the interesting part. All children are given the father's clan name as both their first and last clan name. Therefore, Obi-Wan Kenobi, son of Ito-Benneit Kenobi, has "Obi" in both his first and last name. However, upon marriage, the couple swaps their prefix clan names to signify the tie between their clans. Therefore his mother Ito-Ceit Kenito and his father Obi-Benneit Kenobi became Obi-Ceit Kenito and Ito-Benneit Kenobi upon their marriage.
-Originally I was going to do something with the fact that "Obi" means belt in Japanese, such as making the clan names signify professions in the same way "Miller" or "Smith" would in English surnames, but I gave up because Japanese is so different of a language from what I understand that I would have just made myself very confused and everyone who understands Japanese language and culture very mad. So I just went with a vowel-consonant-vowel pattern for all the clan names and called it a day.
-Remember how I said we would come back to "Wan"? Obi-Wan wasn't born Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was born Obi-Owen (Owen is a whole 'nother thing and I decided to just give myself a freebie on it), and his name was anglicized (basic-icized?) upon being brought to the Jedi temple. Not on purpose, but it did happen. So technically the chart above should have him listed as Obi-Owen Kenobi, but I already took the screenshot so this is what we're working with.
-Culturally, it's respectful to refer to someone by their full name (Obi-Owen Kenobi). The full name stands until two people are fairly close to each other, platonically or romantically. The informal, friendly version would be their full first name (Obi-Owen). So you wouldn't call your new friend "Obi-Owen" until you're quite close, even if you're social equals. Technically you could refer to someone by their given name only (Owen), but it's awkward and Stewjonis don't really see a reason for it. All of this highlights the cultural emphasis placed on clans and clan ties in Stewjoni society.
The Family Tree
Starting from the bottom, we have the four Kenobi siblings. Obi-Conn is the oldest, and he marries Yana-Eóin Kenyana, becoming Yana-Conn Kenobi. None of this happens in the story but I wrote it in the chart anyways. Obi-Eóin is nonbinary, which is why their square is white instead of blue or pink.
Obi-Mór and Obi-Pál are twins and approximately four years younger than Yana-Conn. Obi-Mór is ambiguously disabled (she has some form of muscular disability, but the specifics weren't relevant to the story). Obi-Pál is just some guy and I love him for that.
Obi-Owen is the baby of the family. He's twelve years younger than the twins (16 years younger than Yana-Conn) and was definitely an oopsie-baby. I don't need to say anything else because he is also one of the major characters of the Star Wars franchise. You know him.
Obi-Ceit Kenito and Ito-Benneit Kenobi are the Kenobi siblings' parents. I don't have much to say here other than that Ito-Benneit shortens his name to Ito-Ben, to avoid the repeated "eet" sound in his full first name. I'm sure that doesn't affect Obi-Owen's future nicknames in any way!
It is Ito-Benneit fault, by the way, that I made clan prefixes instead of surnames to be switched upon marriage. Culturally, it would have made more sense for the more commonly used first name to hold your birth clan and your less commonly used surname to indicate your linked-by-marriage clan, but I needed Obi-Benneit to marry into the name Ito-Benneit so that I could shorten it to Ben. Goddammit.
Ito-Ben's parents are entirely irrelevant so they don't exist. Sad!
Technically I didn't have to name Ito-Lili Kenuna, but I felt bad having her up there as an unnamed person. Una-Owen Kenito, as you may suspect, is where Obi-Wan's name comes from. I really wanted to highlight his Stewjoni heritage in this fic, so giving him family ties through his whole name was important to me. Obi-Ceit names Obi-Owen for her father because Una-Owen was a strong fighter, and she wants to pass that resilience to her son. Which, uh. Well he sure is resilient to things trying to kill him!
Feel free to come yell at me in the askbox about Stewjon's worldbuilding!
#mads posts#stewjon is space scotland AU#star wars#obi wan kenobi#obi-wan kenobi#stewjon#i have without a doubt spent more time researching for this fic than i have writing it#but honestly thats where im having the most fun#hey can you tell i took a cultural anthropology class last semester and there was a unit in family + naming conventions?#can you tell im taking a linguistics class this semester?#i dont think its obvious. it's probably really super subtle and sprinkled lightly throughout the post right#right? guys? right?#this fic started out as an excuse to write about textiles and its turned into a scots gaelic linguistic deep dive <- this user is autistic#something else about the naming system that I didnt get into the post is that it reinforces a hetero+allonormative society#because marriage is hugely important to naming practices and clan names are based on the father's clan#which presupposes there even being a father in the marriage#or even a marriage#I dont know what yana-conn and Obi-eóin will do with their kids. theyre part of the younger generation and obi-eóin is being nb is a very#strange concept for many of the older generations#given that this is star wars and xenobiology exists i dont think there would be a huge backlash#but stewjon is a human-centric society so they're not as used to non-binary *human* genders#aliens? sure. humans? uhhhh we didnt know you could do that. weird.#obi-eóin's name is never even fucking mentioned in the fic btw im just going insane over here with worldbuilding#long post
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gaystonerdragon · 8 months
sometimes i feel like the people reading black butler forget that the whole premise of the narrative is a boy who saw his entire family and household massacred on his birthday is tricked into forming a revenge pact with a demon that was summoned by the cult that killed his brother after abusing the two preteen boys for weeks on end, to bring equal humiliation, pain, and suffering to everyone responsible for the aforementioned horrors committed against him. “its so dark” like yeah… what gave it away? “the subject matter is so heavy” again… what part of the narrative set up made you think it wouldn’t be? like you know how this is ending, right?
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