stephicness · 7 years
Here’s a random question for you! What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
*clears throat, taps the microphone, and leans closer*
The Amicitia family were supposed to be the bad guys.
But then again, this isn’t necessarily a conspiracy, but more rather some old info from way back in the Versus days. c: In the original drafts of the game, Clarus (AKA the old amber-eyed asshole) was the one to betray Regis and assume the throne. The design was ultimately readapted, I imagine, into Ardyn when Roberto Ferarri started to take on the designs instead of Testuya Nomura. It’s why the Amicitia have the same colored eyes as Ardyn.
It’s also why Gladiolus and Noctis have a falling out in Chapter 10 in the base game. In original drafts, Gladiolus and Noctis were going to have an even worse fight, in which Noctis and Gladio fight and Gladio is killed in the confrontation. c:
But that’s just old drafts of the game. Still fun to think about nevertheless~
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chocobabyporcelain · 7 years
09. Crushes:10. Favorite music:11. Biggest fear:12. Biggest fantasy: (For Astoria!)
Jin! So many hugs!
09. Crushes:
Astoria’s the kind of person who’ll fall for almost anyone who shows her a little bit of kindness. Her crushes typically come and go in the space of a week, but one in particular stayed strong.
10. Favorite music:
She likes really upbeat music typically, but she must confess her love for power ballads.
11. Biggest fear:
Being alone is worse than anything.
12. Biggest fantasy:
Astoria’s biggest fantasy is more of a ‘what if.’ What if her father hadn’t died that night, when she was a baby? What if her mother hadn’t become so fiercely protective? What if she’d gotten to see more of the world as a child?
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ka-za-ri · 7 years
Can I be super selfish and ask for some Blind!Ignis angsty/fluff, with f!s/o. Perhaps dealing with him learning to cook again and s/o helps him out. Or whatever your lovely mind comes up with! I have a huge weakness for blind Iggy.
First! I need to thank you for this request and all the kind support you’ve given _>  Hope you enjoy it! Some suggested listening for your enjoyment: 第幾個100天 (The Hundredth Day) -- JJ Lin 
"I'msorry to have to bother you like this, dearest."
"Ignis,please. It's not a bother. This is the least I can do to help you." Youexplained, bandaging his fingers up from another accident in the kitchen.
Theinjuries had become more frequent lately and you could feel his frustrationmounting whenever his knife slipped or if he knocked something over. Ignis wasnot one to admit he needed assistance, his pride wouldn't let him do such athing. He was determined to make himself useful again, and seeing him breakdown whenever he slipped was more than enough to tear at your heart. Truly, theleast you could do was bandage his cut fingers and offer him reassurance.
Youwatched him as he flexed his hands, testing the bandages and making sure he hadthe ideal amount of mobility. Wordlessly, he got up and was once again in thekitchen, fingers gently tapping across the countertops as he internally countedhis steps and found himself again in front of the cutting board.
"Dinnerwill be a bit late tonight. I'm sorry."
"It'sokay, Ignis. Take all the time you need." You reassured, settling down atthe bar across from him to watch him.
By theend of the night though, the two of you shared a rather solemn meal of reheatedleftovers. While Ignis didn't say anything about it, you could feel thefrustration emanating from his stiff shoulders and the almost hour-long showerhe took that night.
Ignishad memorized the layout of your shared apartment shortly after he came back. Hehad been able to fluidly move about for the most part in every other roomwithin two weeks, except for the kitchen. It pained you to see him shuffleabout awkwardly while his fingers tracing the number of plates stacked in thecabinets. He'd stumble as he tried to memorize the feeling of the kinds ofstemware he owned and cried when he couldn't remember which mug was yourfavorite for hot chocolate.
For allhe did for the word, he had been rewarded with darkness for the rest of hislife. To say it hurt you to see Ignis struggle wordlessly would be unfair tohim. Despite all that you did for him, he shouldered a burden that was heavierthan anything you could imagine. You knew how dear his kitchen was for him. Afterall, the living space you shared was chosen because of the elaborate kitchen itboasted.
Nowthough, it seemed to taunt him daily. Every time he was in there, you ended upbinding up another cut, or helping him sweep up something that spilled. Igniswasn't a person to show his emotions, however, the deep, shuddering breaths hewould take when he cried in his sleep was all you needed to know what he feltabout his whole situation. It tore at you on the inside until one day, youcouldn't take it anymore and did the unforgivable.
"Dearest,where are my knives?"
"....They're where they usually are." You had hoped the momentary pause wouldgo unnoticed. Blind though he may be, he was as perceptive as ever.
"No,they're not. I'll ask you again. Where are my knives?"
As muchas you wanted to lie to him, there was an edge to his tone that prevented youfrom doing so. "I... I put them away." You whispered. You knew hecouldn't see you from where you sat, but still, you couldn't look him in the face.You could only imagine his expression when he heard your confession.
"Why?"He breathed, you didn't need to see his expression to sense that any sadness heheld had turned into hard, steely anger.
"I'mtired, Ignis." you explained, you hadn't realized it, but the tears youhad held back for so long had started to fall.
"You'retired?" He repeated.
"Ican't see you hurt yourself like this."
"Whosaid you could touch my knives."
"Ionly wanted to prot---"
"Who.Said. You. Could. Touch. My. Knives." Every word he said was punctuated bya step in your direction.
Hestopped in front of you, the stare you received from his one opened eye sentshivers down your spine and left you paralyzed. His lips had pressed themselvesinto a thin line and you noticed how tense his forearm muscles were from theclenched fists at his side. The next words that fell from his lips stabbed youdeeper than any knife would ever could.
Threedays into crashing at Gladio's place, your eyes and mind a wreck fromconstantly crying, you had come to the conclusion that everything between youand Ignis had come to an end. No matter how many gentle back rubs and words ofreassurance Gladio offered would set your mind at ease. You were sure youhadn't slept much at all in the last few days. All the crying you did duringthe day hurt your eyes too much to keep them closed for any meaningful amountof time at night.
Fivedays into not seeing Ignis since that fateful night and you were sorely wishingthat you could turn back time to undo your mistake. Rash decisions had alwaysbeen your downfall before and your last one less than a week ago had onlycemented this fact further.
One weeklater and a proper knock at Gladio's door set your heart fluttering. Threeknocks, equally timed and at the exact same pitch. You had run to open the doorbefore Gladio could make it there. There, Ignis stood at the door, his normallyslicked back hair was more than a little messy. Dark circles were visible fromunderneath his visors and your breath caught just a little at how unkempt helooked.
"Comehome, please. I'm sorry for what I said... I wasn't in the right mind when Isaid it."
"No,Ignis, please, don't apologize, I should be saying that for what I did toyou."
"Dearest,let's forget about that for now. Come home with me?"
Youdidn't need words to answer him as you laced your hand into his while yourheart pounded from happiness in your ears. Though it had only been a week sinceyou last saw him, it felt like an eternity had passed since you had last felthis warmth. The entire walk home was silent, but you didn't mind it at all. Tohave Ignis within your reach again like this, you would have been fine if henever spoke another word to you.
"Yourknife cuts are the worst."
"Look,just because I haven't spent half of my life cooking does not mean I have theworst knife cuts." you retorted. Ignis had his arms wrapped around you,hands just ghosting above your own as you chopped vegetables for dinner thatnight. "I'm still doing a lot better than Noctis would have."
"Thatmuch, I can confirm." He said with a soft chuckle. "But that doesn'tmean that your own handiwork is good. You've got a long way to go before you'reas good as I am." His calloused fingers wrapped themselves around yourhand, adjusting your grip slightly. "Come now, you're not even holding theknife correctly." He chided.
"Well,I hope that you'll be here for my whole long journey to being as good as youare." You said with a giggle, getting back to chopping up the vegetablesin front of you while you let his hands memorize the movements and the distanceof your hands from the blade.
"Ofcourse. I wouldn't have it any other way." He said softly, kissing you onthe cheek and resting his head on your shoulder.
Thatnight, the two of you shared a meal cooked with warm hugs and tender whispersof love.
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
More about the Astrals? How about some Shiva headcanons with her interacting with humans? Does she marvel at human inventions or find them foolish? How well would she fit in with the humans if the other Astrals dared her to act like a human for a day and not disguised as Gentiana.
as I’ve said before Shiva is so freaking ENTHRALLED by and in awe of mortals
so understandably she spends more time around them than the other Astrals do
She has more than one typical mortal form that she takes on (meaning besides Gentiana)
the other one is a young boy about 12 years old
having a mortal form like this allows her to experience more new things as a 12 year old boy will have a much different life than the Oracle’s handmaiden
Shiva absolutely adores the inventions of mortals bc while she doesn’t have to use any sort of device to see the stars and other planets, and doesn’t need something to help her breath under water
these mortals do and they’ve found a way to do it
Occasionally Shiva will say something that def makes it sound like she isn’t actually human
idk man probs something about an era long past or something about the universe idk but peeps def end up looking at her with a ?????? sort of expression
If the others dared her to act like a human for a day
it’s Ifrit that dares her tbh dude can’t keep himself from betting people
he bet her a piece from his collection of gold artifacts
he loses the bet and with it his favorite golden helmet
she’d pull it off extremely well ((def better than the others could ever hope to)) and honestly when she’s in a more playful mood she’ll pull pranks on the others by pretending to be a mortal that somehow ended up in the land of the Gods 
it works bc there’s been several times within the last few millennia when a mortal has wandered through those beautiful golden gates
but yeah Shiva is def one of the Astrals up above that’s pro-mortal and goes to all the godly rallies to #SaveTheMortals
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insomniasix · 7 years
For Jin...
A/N: This is for the lovely @itshaejinju , don’t listen to what the anons say. You know what is right and you have people who care deeply about you. People who matter! Hope you feel better soon. <3
And to the anons that terrorise her: Stop pulling shit on people just because you’ve got nothing better to do. You wanna sent hate? I’m right here, see if I give a crap about your opinion. Stop attacking people who don’t deserve it! You don’t know what they might be going through.
Blind!Ignis x Jin SFW
“Something troubles you, my precious?” Ignis was always straight forward with his words. He couldn’t see Jin’s tears but he could feel her troubled soul.
She was sitting on the couch, hugging her knees as she sniffed a couple of times, rising her swollen eyes to meet his milky ones.
“I’m fine!” her voice came out as a whimper, the sound making her break to even more tears as Ignis made his way next to her quick.
“What can I do to make it better, my love?” he asked, not touching her, afraid of what it might bring out in her.
Jin was sensitive, broken because of her troubled past and Ignis knew better than to press her when she didn’t want to talk, but listening to her, feeling her like this, not being able to hug and kiss her pain away; it broke his heart.
“Just stay here” she whispered, exhausted from all the crying the falsely accusations of her ‘co-workers’ had caused. Ignis knew what had happened. He’d heard about it from his friend Gladiolus, who was also mad about the news. Punching people he found responsible while Prompto and his girlfriend Ruby tried to make him see reason.
Gladio himself knew, this was no way to deal with Jin’s problems, but it was the only way he knew how to deal with the rage they’d created, breaking the faces that caused her broken heart.
“That’s it!” Ignis snapped his fingers, making Jin look at him, wondering why the sudden change “I’ve come up with –“
“A new recipe?” Jin laughed as she sniffed again. The tears had stopped falling from her eyes as her heart swell for the man in front of her.
Ignis graced her with a chuckle of his own, running a hand through his perfectly fixed hair; an image that made her smile lovingly as she caressed his cheek “With an idea” he said, voice soft under her touch “How about I fix us a cup of Ebony and you can tell me what troubles you?” he pressed gently.
Jin gave it a thought for a second, her eyes staring into his, feeling the love the man had for her, feeling blessed at the feelings she received “How about you cuddle me and we stay here, in silence?” she smiled.
“Silence is good. But I would also like to stroke your beautiful hair, if it’s alright with you.”
“It would be perfect, Iggy.” She whispered as she moved closer to him, getting comfortable in his arms as he did just what he said. Running his fingers through her hair, only breaking the comfortable silence they shared to whisper sweet nothings into her ear as peaceful sleep fell over both of them.
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rubyphilomela · 7 years
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@itshaejinju and I after our wonderful shopping date! It's definitely prompto worthy in candid-mess
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blondechocobobutt · 7 years
OK, like for real! This beautiful person has inspired my writings further than I could ever have imagined. She is super sweet and such a nice person. I came to her for some advice and she helped me through by questioning the logic of my writings. If something didn’t make sense she would ask me to clarify! Her writings inspire me to go further. If any of my followers are not following her, DO. SO. NOW! I love her to death and I will continue supporting her no matter what! I wouldn’t have punched out so much things if she didn’t give me the confidence! She is a precious bean that I will protect!
Go read her stuff NAO and spread the love to her! @itshaejinju
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tcup-jenni-art · 7 years
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Ok first off, pls take a look at @itshaejinju 's mafia au posts for ffxv because...
HOOOOOLY....this is something i lowkey never knew i needed???
also noct with snakebites????? *faints*
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stephicness · 7 years
Funny story: wearing flats at work that are loose on my feet I was pretending to kick out customers because it’s closing time. My shoe went flying across the room landing next to the espresso bar. I shrieked and ran across the room and grabbed it before anyone noticed. I busted out laughing like a idiot.
What would have made the story even better is if someone noticed your flat and went ‘Is this your shoe?’
And then it would have been the perfect opportunity for you to stick your foot out and say ‘If the shoe fits!’
A cute story nevertheless. c: Gotta keep your shoes on your feets!
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
Yes I'm rather intrigued by the Gladiolus treasure trail mention. I would dearly like to see it and put my hands on it.....
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lady-asuka · 7 years
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my last gift for a while - since I’m starting my exams next week ♥
this is the FFXV OC of @itshaejinju - her sweet  and beautiful Morana ♥
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Cheese and tomato sandwiches FTW! They are so good! I love having my on rye bread and pesto.
Yes girl yes!!! Rye and pesto too dang, a flavor smorgasbord there… what sorta cheese you use? 
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rubyphilomela · 7 years
Headcanon request that will be a slight challenge: The night time get ready habits of: Noctis, Prompto, Gladiolus, Ignis, Cor, Nyx and Ravus. (Doing my traditional set up for HCs, muahaha.)
Cor, Nyx -and- Ravus?? *flail* 
Ok..I’ve got this..
Bedtime Routine Headcannons for the Chocobros
Nyx is no stranger to a few drinks before bed, it helps quiet his mind and keep the nightmares at bay. Nyx also is a big fan of listening to some relaxing music as he falls asleep, he actually has a copy of Enya’s greatest hits on his phone and listens to it most nights before bed. His Pj’s are non-existent, which explains his lack of visitors, after that one time Libertus and Crowe came by unannounced…lets just say she stayed around a few seconds too long before Libertus drug her away.
Ravus is surprisingly unconventional about his nighttime routine. He not only doesn’t regulate his bedtime, he also barely manages to regulate where he sleeps. Not to say he’s promiscuous, he simply keeps going until he can go no longer and then is out like a light on the first semi-comfortable surface available. There may or may not be a few pictures of him sleeping in strange places on Aranea’s phone though she’d deny it with her last breath. Heaven help the mt’s or any other soldiers that happen across a sleeping Ravus, he may look like a fair haired little boy, but he’s a jumpy sleeper and as such if you wake him up in the wrong way..be prepared for a dirty look straight from hell. Even Ifrit would cringe away from a half asleep Ravus. Though, there is a little known rumor that if you bring him a doughnut, preferably homemade to wake him up you not only will escape unscathed you might get half of a smile. 
Cor is the lightest sleeper of the bunch, though this comes at no surprise considering his nickname. You don’t get called the immortal for being a heavy sleeper, especially not when you could be caught unawares and attacked at night at the drop of a hat. Though when he manages to spend the night in the arms of his s/o (because he does love being the little spoon once in a while) Leviathan herself couldn’t wake him. He’s fairly simple and spartan with his routine, no real frills or anything special although he refuses to sleep with socks on, no matter where he is. 
Noctis our sleepy, sleepy prince is definitely the one who struggles the least to fall asleep, during the day. The night however? That’s an entirely different animal, whether it be the stress of the day or just nightmares he struggles to fall asleep and actually stay asleep. This problem makes him no stranger to homeopathic sleep remedies and as such he has a stash of random bits of lavender in the Regalia that the empire themselves couldn’t find. Whether it be a bit of lavender under his head when he sleeps or a sprig in the tea Ignis sometimes makes before bed, Noctis rarely goes to sleep without it. 
Prompto is quite an insomniac, one would think he sleeps fairly well with as much energy as he expends during the day but nope. He’s no stranger to playing Kings Knight well into the night or simply browsing the internet for the latest asmr videos or soothing music. His best method to fall asleep is having someone pressed against his back, for whatever reason whether it be safety or simply the pressure on his skin it helps him fall asleep nearly instantly. While Gladios would never admit it he’s allowed Prompto to use him in this fashion in the past to fall asleep, though as soon as morning hits, hes gone before anyone can say a thing. Prompto is all about comfortable pj’s whenever he can have them and sleeps with a chocobo plush that smells suspiciously of lavendar.
Ignis sleeps fairly well, as long as he remains undisturbed. Which is a type of sleep he rarely finds in the coleman tent that they all share, more often than not he ends up with a Prompto starfished out with his head on his chest or a foot on his head. Though he loves his ebony, Ignis is definitely aware of the near magical properties of a good cuppa tea and as such will usually have a cup of chamomile before bed. Ignis also cannot sleep comfortably on his sides whatsoever, it bothers his back and shoulders (though they never have any issues any other time) so he sleeps directly on his back, staring at the roof of the tent.
Gladios is a walking heater and as the such he gets the most room in the tent when he sleeps, between the heat and his snoring he’s given a wide berth. He can never resist reading a bit before bed when he has trouble falling asleep even though a good story can do quite the opposite for his sleep. When he has the choice he prefers to sleep with no clothes, though refuses to remain uncovered, especially his feet. Gladios is also the stickler of the group about dental hygiene before bed, the first time that came out he nearly gave the group a stroke, and the tooth fairy jokes always manage to come out when they’ve had a few drinks. 
@stephicness @themissimmortal @hypaalicious @themissimmortal @suzunesays @itshaejinju @commodorexaranea @blindbae @stunninglyignis
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zacklover24 · 7 years
Headcanons: How would the Chocobros plus Cor and Ravus (Ardyn if you want to) deal with a s/o who was ashamed of their scars from past abuse (i.e. Self harm and how they would comfort them.
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He sees the scars oneday, but sees how you quickly cover them. He doesn’t know what to do to say toyou at first. He gives you space and respects your need to hide it. When hedoes bring it up, he does it in a way where he doesn’t offend you. You arenervous to explain them, he hugs you and tells you that he loves you. And thatif ever need to talk, scream, vent about this you can rely on him. He won’t letyou suffer alone.
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Noctis sees your scars bychance, it’s during sparing. He locks eyes with the marks on your body and asquick as you can you try to hide them. He stops, you and looks at them. Neitherof you say a word, you almost think that the world has stopped. He asks if it’sokay for him to ask you how you got these. You say no, and he understands. Hegives you a kiss and tells you if you want to tell him he will listen. He won’tjudge you. You tell him, and he does his best to never to bring up the scars. Hemakes sure to let you know that you are loved and welcomed. Do expect a lot ofgifts from him.
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Ignis sees the scars,while you were sleeping. He sees the old scars along your arms and lightly ashe can he traces them. In the morning, he doesn’t say that he knows. He doesstart to make your favorite meals more, has your comfort drink on hand when hesees your feeling down. You find random notes with kind and welcoming words lyingabout. You find little gifts as well, some flowers, some new clothes and someother stuff. When you do tell him, he smiles and kisses you and tells you thatyou are brave he is here for you.
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Prompto, sees them atnight as well. It’s one of the few nights that he can’t sleep and sees thescars. He is in shock and horror. He knows what those scars are and softly ashe can he kisses each mark that he can see and find without waking you up. Morningcomes and he makes you breakfast in bed. You find small notes laying around,find flowers, and candies with those notes. You find out that he is taking yourpicture more. And that he loves you. He hugs you, kisses you and cuddles you atevery chance he has. When Prompto does ask, you tell him. You tell him and heunderstands. He hugs you kisses you.
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Ravus sees the scars oneday while training. He sees them quickly as you hide them. He is in shock. Why wouldyou do this? He stews on these thoughts for a while. But while he does it, hesends you flowers, so many flowers. You start to wonder why. Along with theflowers you find books, plush, and so much more stuff. Ravus comforts you onenight while you were dinning. You are mad, and sad that he knows. But are happythat he didn’t say anything right away. You tell him the why, and Ravuslistens. He tells you that you are strong, and a wonderful person. He showersin affection, to show how much he loves you.
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
☮ You inspire me
☆I relate to a lot of the same things you go through
❁You’re beautiful.
✌ You’re awesome
✖ I would give you the greatest hug. Ahhh hug back to you!
✨ you’ve taught me things. What did I teach you O.O?
™ You’re a cinnamon roll
♪  You’re very talented
thanks for sending these :D
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