itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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I know your working on planning then sabotaging your own New Years resolutions. So here is a healthy snack tip. Keep in mind that when you become aware of these things you make better choices. Don’t wait for the new year, LOVE YOUR BODY NOW! @itsjeannieruiz
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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How can I help others, if I don't accept the past that I’ve endured or forgave those that brought sadness to my life. 
I searched for myself in the mirrors until I found myself in the deepest parts of my eyes. I reached out for her............. the strong woman that I thought was lost forever. I felt for her with the tips of my fingers and I continued to reach out for her in silences, until I could fully grasp her hand. And with all the gentleness that I could find, I pulled her out and embraced her in my heart once again. I fixed her up, dusted her off, wiped the tears from her eyes and swiped the hair off her face. I reached over and whispered in her ear.
“Now it’s time for you to emerge, better, stronger than you were before.”
There are people waiting for you to tell your story. There are people waiting for you to reach out and pull them out of the darkness that has engulfed they’re being.
You are a warrior, you have come to serve your purpose. You have been formed, molded and shredded so that you can be a leader. Your faith kept you safe your prayers never went unheard but, it was not the time. You weren't ready. He kept you, He was always by your side lovingly admiring your resilience.
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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Everything Starts in Your Head.
Do you know that your whole being is controlled by what lies in the deepest crevices of your brain? The darkest part, that you unknowing of its existence believe that it’s lost forever in the past. We have carried it with us throughout all of our generations here on earth. It has shadowed us in silence. At times it tries to peek its head in our dreams, and when we awaken, it is gone. We try so hard to recall what we dreamt but it just hides from us, it taunts and teases us, it plays tricks on us. The bits that we are able to recall we hurriedly try to write down because somehow it slips through our fingers. It is quite the mystery. The few words that we are able to remember and write down are looking back at us as if they hold a dirty little secret. And there our search begins, like some form of a scavenger hunt. We read and research and read and research some more.
What lies within can be a supernatural message from God of guidance or a warning to proceed with caution. That is if you believe in a higher most powerful being or it can be dominated by something unknown or more sinister. It can be the many lives we have lived through our daily transitions into adulthood since childbirth. We have laughed, cried, loved, felt an outer love, felt pain, betrayal, loss, hopelessness, defeat. You know, what I am talking about. Because we all have felt real feelings, not always nice, some not so nice, or some just horrific. We have also felt some wonderful unexplainable feelings. Feeling that we wish would never end or some that just end way too fast.
What I’m trying to make you understand is that, who you are today. Your successes, Your failures, all your decisions, you have created since the very day of your birth. Some, or the majority of these situations were created by some other person outside of our head, your mother, father, siblings, spouse, someone you trusted wholeheartedly. Just other people whether present or through some form of audio, visual or writing. You have been collecting data, good and bad from the very day that you took your first breath.
What is in your head, what is driving you all depends on the information that you have decided to apply to your existence. Your time here on earth. You make the choice. Take a moment grab a pen/pencil and paper. Do not do it on your electrical device (I say that because I feel that you put more thought into things when they don’t come as easy.) When you have to fight for something as simple as just putting words on a piece of paper, you appreciate it a little more. It’s almost like your masterpiece. You write, scribble and erase as if you are being judged when you are actually only judging yourself. For this instruction that I’m giving you, you have to think. You have to think, on which paper your writing will look the best on, which pen or pencil will glide with your every thought and feeling. You would like your words to flow on, to literally show your exact emotion. You will have to think about which words to choose. You almost feel like this secret that you will be secreting onto your piece of paper will one day be found. Seen by other eyes. There are no passwords or secret codes to unlock. It will just be there ready to be exposed to the whole world.
Just typing this to you brings chills down my own spine.
So now to face the skeleton in the closet, the demons that haunt our very existence. Who are you and why do you do the things you do? Take control over every part of you. Stop putting excuses and find a way, find a way out of abuse, find a way out of control. You need to find your own way. Say your name out loud. Say who you are in a loud voice. Define who you are or who you are going to be with total and complete authority. Say it with love and conviction towards yourself.
Remember What lies within your head is your brain and it is always, always listening. What comes out of your mouth is who you will become. So Love yourself enough to begin transforming what is in your head to who you are, who you want to become.
Many leaders do not realize that what is in their hearts comes out or their mouths, in other words, “What is in a man comes out of the man.” If one’s heart is filled with evil, then he will speak evil.”- Proverbs 12:14
According to Guinness World Records, the Bible is the best-selling book of all time, with 5 billion copies sold and distributed -(Quora)
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
It’s me, Jeannie. :)
Hi all, it’s me, Jeannie.
I raised my 3 kids as a single mom, but now I’m happily married. I once was overweight and decided to take control of my life and make  changes to better myself every day. I do Crossfit and barbell, I also do intermittent fasting and keto. I want to be able to connect with you on many topics that have brought me to where I am today.
Please allow me to motivate you so that you can motivate me.
Thank you for your support.
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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No, my life is not upside down.
Mindset! Mindset! Mindset!
That is what can bring about healing and change.
Don’t stop on just accepting to live on meds all your life. Look for alternatives that in combination can bring healing or something close to it.
As for me, Keto has worked wonders in controlling inflammation (no meds for me) I’ve so far added Intermittent fasting and at times up my carb intake. Doesn’t mean that I started eating processed foods. That’s a NO-NO for me.
What has helped me the most has been not letting my problems define who I am. I move to keep everything functioning. I eat to help the healing process and I sleep because that’s my recovery time.
My brain is constantly fighting to keep me a functioning human being.
“Create in your mind what you want your body to become wow I like that. That’s my brain at work.
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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Destined for Greatness
Let’s not let anything negative from the past or the present, determine what we are to become tomorrow. You are all destined for greatness and past decisions and mistakes need to be taken as a school for tomorrow’s success.  We need to take the energy that we find within ourselves and apply it to research and study of our dreams and goals in order to make them grow. Let’s become a light in other lives as in our own. We grow when we get feedback whether it’s something positive or negative. That is why we need to learn to surround ourselves with people that we can use to lift us up. That doesn’t mean that they will be supporting you like a crutch, But they will be there in keeping you focused on your destination. They will be the people that will give you insight and trustworthy criticism. Learn to be a fulfillment in someone’s life and don’t walk around with a chip on your shoulders because that will only drive the aspiring people further away from you. If you want greatness, then think greatness, be greatness and share greatness and all the great things that are destined for you will flow into your life.
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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Thankful While Aging
While practicing to walk and actually paying attention to my surroundings, I realize how THANKFUL I truly am. Thankful for all the beautiful encouraging and motivational birthday wishes that I received. I welcomed 44 with open arms even though I feel 10 years younger. Even though I am one year older I will continue to fight for my dreams with a young mindset. I don’t stop to see what anyone else at my age is doing(44), I want to do what the 24-year-old is doing. I look for the 24-year-old in me that lives life and loves to live it. I wake up every morning ready to keep myself motivated and help others find there motivation. I don’t want to be great by myself so I ask you to be great with me. Make it your point to get up every morning and get out and do something that other people, life or society has told you that you cannot do. Once you accomplished a new goal, come back and make it public, share it with someone. keep in mind that you need to fail in order to grow so it might not be pretty or anywhere near to what you visualize, no matter what the end result might be, remember, it’s your dream, a dream that you have to nurture in order to make that dream grow. No matter what age you are every day, be better than the day before.
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
It’s been way too long....... 235 I’m coming for you 🦾
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
Practice brings Happiness
Consistently practicing is the only way you will achieve what you want. Stop thinking it and start doing it. It doesn't matter where you begin, it’s the end result that you will value the most. 
If you don't dedicate time to your goals and dreams, that is all they will be just plans made and never executed, dreams dreamt and never fulfilled. Will that lead you into the happiness that you deserved or are you going to live with the thoughts of, what could have been? What could have been if you would have dedicated more time, if you would have practiced more, if you would have really taken yourself more seriously.
If you act now and chase after your imagination then your imagination will one day become tangible. You will find happiness, you will never know what could have been, what could have been if you didn't consistently practice and chase after your dream which finally brought you great Happiness.
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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Stop doing that thing……. Stop doing what is sabotaging you.
You want to lose weight? Stop eating the wrong stuff.
You want to get in shape? Add some physical activity to your life.
You want to stop fighting with your friends, siblings, husband, wife, etc. Then stop fighting and start communicating.
You need to start focusing on the important things in life.
So, put your phone down and just pay attention, pay attention to you, pay attention to your body, but most important of all pay attention to the people that surround you.
Listen…….Listen to the sounds that surround you, the sounds that fill every corner of your house. You have gotten so caught up in life that you didn’t realize all that you have been missing or how much you are being missed. You are so consumed that you no longer hear the laughter, the sadness, or even the loneliness that others around you might be feeling.
Please before it’s too late and relationships are lost, children have gone astray or a loved one just isn’t here anymore. Put your phone down and mend the separation that once existed between you and others. Get out of that room that kept you locked away for all that you have missed.
Welcome back, my friend.
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
I cannot stress enough. It’s your habits that will take you to your passion.
What are you spending your time on? Is it wasting your time or is it taking you closer to success?
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
You can’t continue to dream about what you want. It’s time you put in the work and together with your vision you can bring it to pass. @itsjeannieruiz
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
FULL BODY WORKOUT: I sped up the pace so that you can take notes and get to working. Remember to keep a slow tempo and visualize the muscle/ muscles that you are working on to create a mental connection. Let me know how it all goes for you. (Don’t forget your follow me for more life changing post ☺️)
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itsjeannieruiz · 5 years
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Gratitude is the only thing that will bring you happiness. When you really appreciate what you have no matter how meager it may seem. You will see how rich you truly are. Be blessed and be a blessing to others. @itsjeannieruiz
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