#itsss GAY
fluffyspaceball · 6 months
My toxic trait is waking up and thinking about how gay coded Keith was .
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Also he and Lance have way to many moments together close up to be straight and sure bromances are a thing BUT IF EITHER OF THEM WERE TO BE A WOMEN THEN IT WOULD BE A CLASSIC RIVALS TO LOVERS PLOT
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(also I head cannon lance as bisexual cus it lance ofc he's bi)
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damntheyare · 6 months
hiii, what is your favorite radiobelle moment ^^ ?
they're all chef kiss and I love them all, but two I love super hard - this one because that's where I started shipping them, I'm not usually a fan of straight couples and I wasn't a fan of Hotel, but when I watched this episode for the fifth time for a year..then at this point I kind of went to “oh no..this..this is a cute dynamic..” but the objective part of me was like “I’m not going to ship a non-canon het couple on this stupid show, I have standards taste and conscience” but..where are we now.. just give me dance with sparkle where two characters have fun in their own non typical way to have fun (like in pilot it’s a big thing like “eww Charlie sing and dance itsss strange, not cool for hell and alastor just HELLO I LOVE to SING TOO ACTUALLY)
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and all because of this moment that was able to punch my gay preferred ass (does this sound terribly wrong? perhaps).
And this moment..it’s so small and unnoticeable..but it sounds almost sincere..I’m almost ready to believe that Alastor means that Charlie was already able to inspire him once, so she can inspire others AND THIS is wow..that’s what. .sincere compliment? I can’t be 100% sure, but I want to believe it. 🤲😭
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emdabitchass · 2 months
Hi I’m Will here’s all my stuffs👇
age- 16
height- 5,7
bf- Nico @wills-significant-annoyance
sexuality- bisexual
gender- demiboy
Hi I’m Kayla here’s all my stuffs👇
age- 15
height- 5,5
bf/gf- none
sexuality- pansexual
gender- demigirl
hi I’m Austin here’s my stuffs👇
age- 15
height- 5,8
bf- none
sexuality- gay
gender- cis guy
Hi I’m Em (oc) here’s my stuffs👇
age- 14
height- 5,7
bf/gf- none😢
sexuality- pan
Gender- transmasc gender fluid
hi I’m ooc here’s the rest of the stuffs👇
most about me irl is Em because Em started as a self insert but I go by Em, Emmie,Emma, or Emersyn
will Start posting less on 8.12 because my school is starting 😭😭😭😭😭
in the ask box if you wanna ask a specific person put (*character name/ ooc*)
I’m fixing the rest later
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ofallthestarsabove · 11 months
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Ykno the two things i want in this world are awesome sexy badass horns and a way to have everyhing hurt less all the time so if i ever play dnd again my characters gonna b a tiefling w mobility aids n they will live out my dream and be awesome and cool. And kill ppl w hammers. The end goodnight im so tired and my back hurts so much anddd gonna finish off gomens2 tmrw bc yeaaaaa ok
Actually no yknow how sometimes u get like phrases that circulate round n round in ur head yknow. Like. Sometimes itll just be a noise ive heard a lot in the day or w/e. Rn i have like 3. Onebein the charlie slimecicle corn video but specifically the "whats up mother shuckers my name is cornelius cornwall whatevwr the fuck idk man the third" part. Another is some southern old guy sayin "yknow back in my day we didnt have" and then it cuts off there n loops. Another is actually alsooooo fuckinnnn. Its a bitb song itsss wandering around galloway. Its bee playin on repeat like my own custom horror movie bg music except its rlly unfitting for my current situation. And the final thing is amth that is just always circulating my head, and its the conversation err fuckinnn nathan n chloe have in lis rght before nathan shoots chloe fuck ok omg i forgot nathans name 4 a second bc lik i KNEW it was nathan but i was like dude what if im making this up bc of nathan hanover bc his musics in my head rn but nah hes nathan prescott. Got a lotta nathans in my head. Got a charlie and a Old Guy and a nathan and a nathan and a chloe. Wowie. Anyways my heads bein soooo loud rn like i also got rolan deep in on this action talkin abt shoelaces. Ok yea bye mother shuckers im sleepy tired now anddd tmrw i bake cookies w my frienddd anddd watch gomensss andddd maybe watch some more prime defenders oooo i keep typing pride defenders by accident but that works 2 those mother fuckers r gay ashell godnight
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anon that told ya about Naegami and the closet stocks.
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anglesbythestrokes · 3 months
Idkkk like where this camee from honesstly but like i feel likee i gennuinelly find it really attractive when a guy is super preverted or creepy idkk itsss likeee a tooxiicc obsessiion it makes my head fuzzzzyyy any cutee fatt gay men wanna stalk me ????? 🤭
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someonechaotic · 8 months
DAY 1!!!!!! Day on the Town
ITSSS THE FIRST OF FEBRUARYYYYYYYY MY LEAST FAVORITE MONTH i thought i'd take this month to showcase my favorite gay sims 4 couple which originally came from sims 3 after a quick abduction date, a bar date and then a woohoo in the plumbot machine.
Anyway, the lookbook i've decided to do is Shooby's 30 Day Lookbook Challenge, and I'm trying to do edits for all of the looks I create but I am very new to editing and very easily unmotivated, which is why i've given myself a 2 day headstart on this, which might not be enough in the first place
anyway, you're here for the couple
Dumbass has returned!! with his gay alien boyfriend (gaylien, if you will), Arkvoodle
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Arkvoodle is, you guessed it, the guy in the sequin jacket which really just proves how gay I am too aha sweating in 4 sequin jackets in my closet
(some blooper images and funny and link under the cut (it is ALSO where i made the challenge name in bold) just didnt wanna bombard your page)
The link to said lookbook is here too
now onto some funny shit
as soon as i entered my game this rat bastard showed up to the right of dumbass look at his sly fucking face
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i wanna kill this sim so badly because apparently i really suck at sims 4 dates and he dumped dumbass at the bar and since then i've hated his guts but dumbass didn't seem that bothered
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anyway him being a paranoid bitch
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these two flirting so cute
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and yes i DID forget the mechanical arm incase you noticed, i uh
i really dont have an excuse, i genuinely just forgot
see you guys on day two
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the-sad-gay-cactus · 4 years
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Karl Jacobs!!!
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amorsurtido · 5 years
girlsss this thing yall do with posting snippets from mitski lyrics, parts of siken poems and some the raven cycle quote with pictures of some hands or a field or a couple or smth..... girls ...🥺 i love it ... makes me all soft and gay
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beebosbitchh · 7 years
also looking back at myself w long hair is so weird bc most of the time i was ugglie but in the pictures i do look pretty i still just dont see a GiRL i just see a gay kid who could honestly just be anything ?
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pilot-boi · 3 years
Just watched the new doctor who episode!
Saw some yearning lesbians. Now ready to unwind with some soft gay dads (Qrow and Clover).
"Qrow, please hurry" I say as I materialise next to Fenn, helping to drag Clover along. I have interfered too much already, and so my form is weak and therefore does not aid progress all that much. I try and concentrate on keeping Clover alive; he will not die under my watch.
With two of you pulling him, the progress goes much faster. Even with your weak form, it’s easier with two than just one. Clover’s eyes blink open, blue-green squinting up into the fog of sprinklers.
“Itsss… its ssoundss li’e a tea keddle…” he slurs blearily, eyes focusing as well as they can on the twirling alarms. “…we und’r …tack?” Clover asks, confused expression turning worried as he looks at you. “Whers… Wherz Qr’w?”
You swallow thickly. Purple veins peek up over the color of his shirt.
Qrow needs to get here like yesterday.
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thesongoftheirlove · 2 years
Hello, various people!
Cause i have no idea who’s here-
heya!! itsss currently me, sophie, ryuji and viktor!! (although the last two are being gay/lh)
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blondbf · 7 years
A quick update!! I’m #fucking gay as shit
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spootiliousrps · 5 years
Denial (Ineffable Husbands)
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like ineffable husbands.
Stranger: “Oh, Crowley, what a wonderful surprise! We’ve just been talking about you!” Aziraphale chirped, almost proudly, as soon as Crowley had set foot into the bookshop, taking him and several human customers that were in the store by surprise, but before he had time to open his mouth Aziraphale had hugged his arm and kissed his cheek, smiling cheerfully and even smugly, at another person in the room who’d seemingly just come out after Aziraphale from the backroom. “Oh, I don’t think you’ve met before!” Aziraphale let out in mock surprise. “Crolwey, this is Mr. Chiel, one of my business colleagues. Mr. Chiel, this is Anthony J. Crowley, my boyfriend.” he said with a cheerful smile. “Well, Mr. Chiel, as much as I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this chat of ours, I’m afraid you’ll have to leave now. I don’t like having him wait.” he said, smiling a wide smile that obviously wasn’t meant to be apologetic nor good-natured. Mr. Chiel returned an even faker smile, his eyes never having left Crowley since the other walked into the store. “…Mr. Crowley. Glad to finally meet you.” he said with a small sneer and then glared at Aziraphale. “..We’re not finished with the conversation. I’ll be back tomorrow when you’re-“ he threw a dirty look at Crowley, “-less occupied.” The customers in the store were watching this unexpected drama of Mr. Fell’s unfold before their eyes in what they thought was a discreet manner.
You: [reading]
Stranger: ((Thanks!))
You: [Oh Hey! We've rp'd before! I still have the log if you're interested in continuing]
Stranger: ((Oh, well, I'm not sure if it's me, but sure!))
You: Crowley sauntered into the shop as if he owned the place, just as he always had. It wasn’t until Aziraphale’s unusual tone that his pace faltered, the Angel moving to his side and practically wrapping himself around the Demon. Naturally, their friendship had developed over the six thousand years they’d known each other, to the point that Crowley knew immediately something was up. He did his best, however, to hide how the small kiss heated him, his shaded gaze moving to the human man. A foul taste came to his mouth at the feeling of the man, at the way Aziraphale forced a smile towards him. It didn’t take more than a second for Crowley to get the picture, an arm wrapping around the Angel’s waste and pulling him closer. “I’m ssssure.” Crowley replied simply, hissing a bit in his defensive state as he eyed the man. “I, wouldn’t bother, Mr. Chiel.” He warned in a harsh whisper that only the three of them could hear as he passed, gaze still ominous and threatening.
Stranger: Chiel glared at the demon after the harsh whisper, making a face as he did. "I don't think you really have a say in it, Mr...Crawly." he said and then tilted his head a bit to the side, regarding him. "This is between Aziraphale and me, and I'm pretty sure he could do without any further...manipulation." he said coolly and then looked over at Aziraphale whose face was heating up, a quite rare frown present on his features. "Mr. Chiel-!" he started and then was reminded that they were in the middle of his shop, with people present and threw a quick glance around. "..There is no need to be /rude/!" he huffed.
You: Crowley had already made a quick move towards the man as if he were going to strike him (though it would have been far worse than that), when Aziraphale's tone caught him mid step. He didn't bother glancing at the Angel, knowing full well that he would be in an upset state. Instead he kept his hellfire gaze on the man before him (not that it could be seen behind his glasses). "Maybe itsss not." He admitted, voice still low. "But if I find you bothering my Angel again... You'll only wissssh I had brought Hell Fire down upon you." He growled, elongated fangs flashing only briefly as he practically snarled at the man.
Stranger: Barachiel rolled his eyes at that and folded his arms over his chest, mustering up his best bored look to shoot over at Crowley, but his shoulders did tense up at the mention of Hellfire and the very close proximity the demon was currently in. He...wouldn't dare doing anything rash while the humans were present, now, would he? Chiel set his jaw and then huffed. "You don't scare me, snake." he said. "And I'm not bothering Aziraphale, I'm /helping/. Besides, could you drop the act already? It's been far too long for you to still be acting like this. Azira may have fallen for it, but I have not and will not." he said with a frown. "Now do step aside and be reminded of your place." he said, eyes flashing gold for a moment as he glared at him challengingly. "That's enough!" Aziraphale snapped. "Leave. Now." he said, which was a first for him, and looked quite angry. Chiel was startled by that as well as the people in the shop and then sneered. "Huh. You know I'm right. I know, it is upsetting, but you'll come round to it." "Out!" Aziraphale let out again and with one last glare at Crowley the angel was indeed out.
You: "My place is here by his side you pathet-" Crowley began before Aziraphale's order had his jaw snapping shut. He didn't care about the on-lookers, about making a scene. He didn't care about any of it. If he had his say he'd smite the Angel here and now. What he /did/ care about, however, was Aziraphale. He knew the Angel would be upset, perhaps even angry with him if he killed 'Mr. Chiel'. So, he refrained. When the man was finally out of sight, Crowley seemed to relax a bit though his scowl was still in place. "You should have let me smite him, angel... It would be a good deed really." He mumbled softly.
Stranger: Aziraphale huffed and then looked over at Crowley, sighing as his shoulders slumped. "Oh, Crowley.. I am ever so sorry. If it were at a different time and place-" he started and then sighed again, shaking his head as he reached for the other's hand, looking quite upset still. He then turned around, a weak smile on his face. "Ehem- Excuse me? Excuse me! May I have your attention, please? I do apologize greatly, but I'm afraid the shop will be closing earlier today, so I would kindly ask all of you to come back tomorrow." he said and there was a chatter of 'of course's and 'certainly's as the humans left the shop.
You: Crowley's frown turned form one of annoyance and even anger to worry, in an instant. Aziraphale was more upset than the Demon had seen him and quite some time and he didn't like it. "Angel..." He whispered softly as everyone began to shuffle out the door. He stepped closer, obviously worried about his friend, only glancing up when the last person was out the door, giving a flick of his wrist to close and lock it behind them. "What happened?" He asked, attention returning to him. "What did he say? Are they going to force you back into Heaven? Surely they can't do that."
Stranger: Aziraphale let go of his hand and then slumped down into the nearby chair, looking down at the floor. "Oh, they can't really..but that doesn't mean they won't try." he said. "The thing is, they want me to be re-educated." he let out, the word said with a mix of humiliation and resentment. "They think this is all just because I've been away from the light of Heaven for too long."
You: "Re-educated?!" Crowley scoffed. "Well, that's very /human/ of them!" He added with a shake of his head. "It sounds like that idiots that would send their kids off to be 're-educated' because they were gay. Most of them either committed suicide or wish they had! I should know! I guided a lot of them to Hell! Pathetic!" He spat moving to plop down onto the sofa across from him. "If you ask me, Heaven needs to be re-educated." He paused before shrugging. "And why they're at it they should just hand over the keys to you. You're the only one with half a brain up there anyways."
Stranger: The angel winced at that, looking up at Crowley to see him plop down onto the sofa. "Yes, I've noticed it's quite...hypocritical of them." he said. It was still weird, calling angels 'them' and Heaven 'them', but that was how it was, and maybe it would have been for the best if Aziraphale had figured it out long ago. He chuckled at Crowley's idea of Heaven needing to be 're-educated'. "I can't really disagree. Though it's not like I'm amandmant that I'm in the right either." he said with a small shrug of his shoulders. "I don't think I'd do a very good job at being in charge of Heaven. Not in the slightest." he admitted.
You: Crowley seemed to consider it for a moment. "I dunno about that." He finally offered. "I mean, Michael and Gabriel are doing a pretty shit job up there. How hard could it be? If Heaven is suppose to be ruled by love and kindness, they've made a right mess of things. You seem to have enough in a single pinky finger to supply the world for another century. They could definitely learn a few things from you." He teased lightly.
Stranger: Blinking a few times at the unexpected round of compliments, the angel smiled, batting his hand at the demon. "Oh, Crowley..it's not really like that." he said and then shifted a bit in his seat. "I mean, I definitely do have a few complaints..but, well. I don't think I'd really..want that. I'm quite happy here. On Earth." he said, blushing a bit as he spoke. "I think..I quite like humans as they are."
You: "Good." Crowley replied a bit too quickly. "Because I quite like you here." He admitted with a shrug. "It'd be pretty damn boring being the only immortal worth talking to; and I certainly can't talk to myself for the rest of time." He paused as if considering it. "Well... I /could/ but it'd get kinda tiresome after a while. I can be insufferable at times, you know."
Stranger: Aziraphale chuckled at that, smiling over at his dear old serpent. "Yes, I am very well aware." he teased with a proud little smile and then looked over through the shop window. "...They're going to send another angel down here, you know." he said after a bit, playing with his fingers.
You: "Maybe by then they'll figure out how idiotic they're being." He offered. "Instead of 'Shame on you Aziraphale'. It will be 'Please Aziraphale, Please forgive us for our stupidity. Here have the keys to Heaven... The throne too!" Crowley teased before falling silent for a moment and giving a sigh. "Nah... I suppose that is a bit far fetched." He shrugged.
Stranger: Aziraphale chuckled at that as well. He wondered if Crowley was purposely trying to make him laugh. Probably. It was his way of cheering him up. So very kind, as always. "There's no throne in Heaven, my dear. Well, at least not anymore." he spoke and then continued playing with his fingers. "Do you think you'd have been friends with another angel if they'd come down here instead of me?" he asked.
You: "Pfft." Crowley snorted at the question as if it were the most absurd thing he had ever heard. "Angels are stiff necked bureaucrats that use 'God's' message for their own gain. Most Angels would have slaughtered any mortal thing that came near them if they knew Mummy Dearest wasn't watching." He grumbled. "No offense of course." He added as an after thought. "You're different though. I knew that even before the Apple."
Stranger: Aziraphale frowned a bit at that. "Well...not /all/ angels are like that.." he let out. "I mean, if they'd been down here for as long as I have, I'm sure that they've grown to like Earth as well. And well, you offered the Arrangement as a business deal. I'm sure you'd have offered it to them as well. It is probable that you'd have ended up as friends." he reasoned and then looked over at Crowley in surprise. "Before the Apple..? You knew me before Eden?" he asked, eyes widening. Crowley never really liked to talk about anything that was before Eden, or even worse, before the Fall, and Aziraphale knew not to push, but he had always been very curious about Crowley's life before the Fall.
You: Crowley seemed to tense at the question, obviously a bit weary as to where it could lead. "Perhaps, not /that/ far back." He offered, making sure he didn't exactly lie and say no. "/In/ Eden." He clarified. "Before I tempted Eve. I spent a lot of time among the animals there, you know. I had to... Recon and all that." He explained with a shrug, getting a bit more comfortable on the cushions. "When I first arrived, I watched all the Angels... Watched how they interacted with things. West was alright... She, didn't care for the creatures, I think she was disgusted by them but she never harmed any of them if they got to close. North though..." He tisked and shook his head. "Anything got to close to him and it simply ceased to exist. And South just ignored it all, way too indifferent if you ask me." He shrugged. "You though..." He voice turned a bit warmer as he rested his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling, a small amused smile playing on his lips. "I remember you watching this turtle scuttle slowly across your path... And you just... Waited." He chuckled. "Just stood there, waiting for it to get to its destination. You even excused yourself!" He laughed. "Or the time when that Gecko crawled into your robes and you gave it a lecture on inappropriateness." He mused. "No... You weren't like the others."
Stranger: Aziraphale listened to the other and as he did, his face was heating up more and more. He didn't know. Really, he had no idea that Crowley had been watching him before they'd met. And now, all kinds of emotions crashed over him at once as he listened to the other's retelling. "O-oh, how embarrassing.." he let out. "I-I on my part never knew the snake was..well, more than a snake. I was quite startled when you first appeared next to me!" he admitted and then hid his face in his hands. "Oh, dear. Is that why you decided to talk to me?"
You: The reaction had another chuckle escaping him as Aziraphale's embarrassment worsened. "Well, not the only one but it was part of it, yeah." He admitted. "You had me curious. I had never met an Angel like you before." He added with a shrug. "I don't think you've ever considered yourself above anyone or anything else. It was pretty... Refreshing." He sighed. "So to answer your question again. No, angel. I don't think I could have been friends with a different Angel if they were the one assigned to Earth."
Stranger: Aziraphale smiled over at him and then had to look away again, embarrassed. Crowley's words were warming up his heart, really. But they were also reminding him of what the angel had said and the pressing elephant in the room was growing even more. And the ironical thing was that it might after all be only him that saw it, but this visit from Heaven only seemed to push him even more. It had to be discussed at some point, apparently. So Aziraphale steeled himself and took a deep breath but the voice that came out wasn't exactly as strong and confident as he would have liked it to have been. And he wasn't even looking at Crowley. "Are we...just friends, however?" he let out.
You: Crowley's smile vanished in an instant. The question sent a wave of panic though him that not Satan nor God could spur on their own. Was Aziraphale really asking what he thought he was? Were they really going to do this now? Here? And if so, what was he suppose to say? What did the Angel want? Did it really matter? Yes of course it did but... What about the consequences? Crowley had /fallen/ he knew a thing or two about consequences... Knew to look for them always. "What are you asking, angel?" He asked, trying to bide some time.
Stranger: Aziraphale scratched his cheek and then licked his lips nervously. "Well, uh.." he let out and then frowned at the demon, flustrated. "Oh, why did you have to answer with a question?" he let out and then sighed. "What I meant is..well. What are friends, really?" he let out. Oh, dear. "I mean - are we talking in human terms? Friendship?"
You: Crowley sat up, brows furrowing in confusion as Aziraphale began to ramble. "Angel... Are you... feeling alright?" He asked, sounding a bit concerned. "You're not making any sense." He sighed, leaning his elbows on his knees as he studied the other man.
Stranger: Aziraphale's lips pressed together as his face exploded in red even more. Why now, of all times, was Crowley not working with him and taking the lead? Could he not see the quite obvious 'help me' sign Aziraphale was sending. "I'm fine!" he let out. "It's just that - well, you weren't startled back then when I had called you my b-boyfriend, now, were you? T-that is, m-my point is, all the humans really see us as that!"
You: "And that..... Bothers you?" Crowley asked, playing dense. He knew it could be seen as cruel but he was just trying to protect himself... protect Aziraphale. If the Angel was wanting more what could he do? If Crowley told him he felt the same then they could pursue a more romantic relationship and Aziraphale would fall. Crowley would not allow that. However, if he refused then he would lose his one and only friend. He would lose Aziraphale... and while he had never wanted anything more than to be with the Angel he was not willing to destroy him to do it.
Stranger: "N-no! No, it doesn't bother me at all! Quite the opposite, my dear fellow!" Aziraphale let out and then tucked his hair behind his ear. "What I mean to say is..I do care for you dearly. And in a human sense of speaking, a lot more than just friends." he smiled shyly up at him. "That is to say, I-eh..I really would like it if you were my..w-well, my l-lover." he said finally, heart fluttering in his chest. "For real. I mean, I have been thinking it for quite some time."
You: Crowley's heart skipped a beat at the word, breath hitching slightly. He had never expected Aziraphale to put it quite like that. It was something straight out of a corny romance novel. It made it sound as if Crowley really had tempted him. Still, he couldn't allow it and the pain of that knowledge shattered his very core. He hesitated, silence falling between them as he searched desperately for something to say... anything that would bridge the impossible gap. "I..." He began before huffing and trying again. "I think... that I should go." He mumbled, averting his gaze as shame washed through him.
Stranger: A few moments of silence ticked by and Aziraphale was trying to convince himself that it was just Crowley being shocked. Astonished. Yeah, that's it. Definitely not searching for words. However, as he heard the other's words, his smile and face completely fell. "...C-crowley?" he let out, gulping. "Are you- what do you mean?"
You: The pain that filled him doubled with every word Aziraphale spoke. His tone was so anguished, so confused that it cut him to his very core. “I just…” He began, wanting to comfort the Angel… NEEDING it. But he caught himself, jaw tightening against the urge; grateful, not for the first time, that the dark lenses of his glasses hid the fact that he was so near breaking. “I need to go. Give you some space. Let you really think about this….” He explained, moving to stand.
Stranger: Aziraphale blinked at that and then frowned at the explanation. "O-oh, don't be ridiculous!" he huffed, a bit offended. "I have thought about this quite a lot! Oh, I did have my worries, but after the Armageddon, everything did fall quite softly into place." he said and then reached out to take his arms as he halted the other from standing up. "Crowley..what's wrong?"
You: "Nothing is wrong, angel." He reassured, moving to pull gently from the other's hold. "I just... Perhaps you haven't /really/ considered this... Perhaps /I/ hadn't." He offered, barely managing to keep from flinching at his own words. That was it. He was ruining his friendship... Aziraphale would never want to speak with him again.
Stranger: The angel gulped and then looked at him imploringly. "Well...talk to me, then? I mean. I am here. Let's-let's discuss this, then." he spoke, his heart hammering in his chest. "Because I really had considered this. And well, since you...haven't, I guess it's best we talk about this."
You: That look... Crowley hated when he gave him that look. The way it was practically pleading and rubbed him in all the right places. Aziraphale could get practically anything he wanted from the Demon when he looked at him like that. He grimaced, trying to fight the invisible hold the Angel had on his heart and failing. "I'm not sure what there is to talk about, angel." He tried, obviously attempting to side step the conversation.
Stranger: "W-well, tell me then! Do you not feel that way?" the angel pleaded. "If you..really feel for me just as a friend, I-I will understand." he said and then smiled weakly. "Oh dear, I do not mean to push anything on you!"
You: Crowley’s heart, as small as it was, could have broken in that moment with that look. How did Aziraphale have so much control over him? How did he effect him so? Of course he felt that way about him. Every fiber of his being had screamed for this moment every time they were within a hundred miles of each other. He honestly was surprised the Angel hadn’t felt it. What was he suppose to say? "Really, Aziraphale... I think it might be best..." He mumbled before hesitating, scrubbing a hand down his face in frustration. He couldn't answer. He just couldn't. "I'm sure you've had a long day and you should rest."
Stranger: "..Crowley." Aziraphale said, his voice stern this time as he looked at the demon with a resigned expression. "Just...just tell me. Don't make me wait, please. Going just by the way you feel right now, I'm sure you already have your answer." he spoke, his lips pressing together. "It's alright. Nothing will change, really. But I must know."
You: "What does it matter, Aziraphale?!" Crowley snapped, unable to keep his angry at himself in control. "Just by asking that question it /has/ changed." He pointed out. "Whether I do or not everything is ruined! I can't fix it!" He pushed to his feet, obviously annoyed though it wasn't at the Angel despite his tone. "I'm doomed either way."
Stranger: The angel hadn't been expecting that and he flinched, jumping a bit at Crowley's sudden outburst. His eyes widened as he looked up at the demon, unsure for a moment before speaking. "..Nothing really is, my dear. It isn't like I"ll be changing the way I act towards you, as I have loved you for quite some time now." he spoke calmly. "And as for you, I do not expect anything more than you've already given me. It is simple as that." he spoke and then looked up at him sadly. "There isn't anything to fix...what do you think is ruined?"
You: Crowley wanted to rip his hair out. Why did the Angel have to be so understanding?! So, neive! Crowley had loved him for so long… As long as he could remember but… He’d always kept his distance made sure Aziraphale didn’t get the wrong idea. He was so afraid of… Well, of causing the Angel to fall. He couldn’t let that happen. Heaven was far too important to his angel… He would never listen to him. “Do you hear yourself? You talking about falling in love with a Demon… A creature incapable of returning those feelings.” He lied. “Its just… so… /ignorant/.” The words made his hatred for himself worsen even now. How could he have ever even entertained the idea that he could ever be good enough for the Angel when he would stoop to this level?
Stranger: Aziraphale looked a bit hurt at that but also very sad. "..Don't talk like that." he let out then. "You're so much more. You're my dearest friend. Demons are not supposed to make friends, or care, or save angels, and yet here you are. Here we are. Didn't you say it yourself? We're on our own side." he said. "And I do not need for you to love me the same as I do you. I didn't fall in love with you just to have it returned." he said, smiling. "Oh, my dear, do not worry about me. My love for you really is pure. Not even God herself minds. And you really shouldn't either."
You: "What?" Crowley breathed, unable to stop himself as God's name was mentioned, catching his attention. He paused to collect his composure a moment before clarifying. "What do you mean 'Not even God, herself, minds'? When have you spoken to God?" He pressed, brows furrowing once more.
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hubbabubbabaloo · 7 years
alright so the first time i ever went to lush was in spain and the guy who helped me was this super flamboyant gay guy who had the BEST nails and a SUPER heavy accent but i was so nervous and so its like “u-um... do you have.. any shampoo f-for curly hair??” “yEEEeeeessSSS!!! YOU SHOOLD TRY coOOrLY WOoooRRLY itsss GRRAAAAATEEE Fohh cOOORly AYREE!!!!!” and now every time since I’ve gone into a lush since I can’t get that out of my mind and every employee who tries to help me just,, automatically sounds like that
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