edelwoodsouls · 3 years
can you explain why you think Mister Impossible is the perfect title? i just went through the tag and saw your post and I was like what did i miss?
hey yeah of course!
okay so bear in mind that this was not a coherent thought cos it was 2am and ms stiefvater had just shot me point blank in the head
but it IS the perfect title. because it fits so many different characters in the book, and also encapsulates the key struggle that everyone is going through.
at first you think its gotta be bryde, because he's the suave, powerful, confident hero who's going to lead the dreamers to salvation. he's impossible because he's everything they've ever wanted, and because of his general control/power over situations.
but then you get to the reveal and oh! if bryde is impossible then what the fuck does that make ronan. the king of impossibility, the boy who can dream anything and control nothing but is, by the mundane standard, utterly impossible.
you could also say that ronan thinks he is impossible to love.
adam isn't in this book much, but he does a lot in the periphery. he's impossible because he loves ronan so damn much, something that ronan doesn't think possible, especially at the end of the book. his powers make him impossible, and his unknowability too.
matthew, of course, is impossible simply by being a living dream.
but then you have declan! this man - still a boy, really - who is totally impossible because how can someone be so cookie cutter boring and yet completely intrriguing.
which leads me onto the next point - this whole book is about impossiblities. about dichotomies: how the characters perceive themselves, and how others perceive them. who they think they are, and who they want to be.
matthew perceives himself as unreal, thinks everyone else does to, but they don't. matthew thinks he is nothing more than a dream, and wants nothing more than to be real, to feel real, to be free.
declan perceives himself as the adult, the boring one who can keep his family safe by staying in the shadows- but jordan makes quick work of that grey armour and reveals the boy who loves the enigma he's made himself, who has depth and colour beneath. declan thinks he is straight laced, begins the book thinking he wants to be straight laced, but he absolutely doesn't.
adam is an interesting one, because he perceives himself as nothing at all, as a chameleon with shifting faces which others interpret as he wants them too. even ronan falls for it, which is what makes him all the more impossible. he contains multitudes, and he likes it that way- but he wants some form of stability, and ronan, and the world - and that might be impossible, too.
liliana and carmen are impossible in how they define themselves. liliana, the time bending exploding woman who knew all along that the woman in front of her was the love of her life. carmen, the serial killer's sister, actually developing a functioning moral compass and getting positive character growth, unlike the decay and conflict of most of the characters in this book.
i won't talk about jordan because she's possibly the only mentally stable character in this book (good for her! she had her crisis last book and she deserves her growth) but hennessy. who has lived with this impossible, awful thing in her head all this time. who is impossible, but never thought of herself that way because she's been so goddamn tired this whole time. she perceives herself first as uncovering a new, beautiful power, then suddenly as this broken, useless thing. she thinks she must be unloveable and hated, so she goes out of her way to try and make people treat her how she thinks they should.
we don't really get any of bryde's psychology - perhaps we'll get more insight in the final book.
and that leaves ronan. who is an enigma even to himself, who can't quite find his way back to his own goals, own motives. he wants change, wants better, but the world is so much, so impossible. ronan is the ultimate bundle of dichotomies wrapped in a trenchcoat. he perceives himself as always wrong, abandoned, unloved, but also always right, and explosively reactive when challenged. he thinks he's unloveable, but has all these people terrified for him. he wants to save the world; now he's the thing that destroys it. he is, possibly, the most powerful being in the entire world. how impossible is that, a teenage farmboy having all that inside their head? and how utterly, impossibly isolating?
everything about everything is impossible when you look at the right angle. the magic is impossible, the characters believe so many things are impossible - love, safety, freedom. and ultimate, i think that "mr impossible" is ronan, because everything in these books revolves around him. because he creates the plot and the conflict of other characters and has some form of connection to every other key player. because he's the greywaren, whatever that means. because he created the hero and probably the villain, and just dreamt the fire to end the world. because he's the most powerful dreamer we know of and created two of the other main characters out of his own damn head.
but impossible is the key word baked into the very fabric of this book, so it's only right it should be on the cover.
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wie findest du Mannheim und Heidelberg?
Hab ne Cousine, die dort mit ihrer Familie wohnt. Außerdem war dort mein erstes Die Ärzte Konzert in der SAP-Arena. Und 2012 war ich mal dort bei der Musikbörse (als ich noch CDs gesammelt habe, sobald die Flohmärkte wieder öffnen und ich nen Plattenspieler auftreibe fang sammle ich Schallplatten, weil die cooler sind und ich eh keinen CD-Player mehr besitze) und bei ner Ausstellung über die Arbeiterbewegung. Bei besagter Musikbörse habe ich Autobahn von Kraftwerk in meinen Händen gehalten, aber beschlossen, es nicht zu kaufen. Ich denke immer noch daran.
Außerdem haben wir ewig gebraucht, um aus dem Parkhaus Rosengarten rauszukommen, weil das total verwirrend ist. Überall in diesem Parkhaus steht Rosengarten aber nirgendwo steht Ausgang.
Und ein Mal waren wir mit der Schule dort im Luisenpark, irgendwann Ende der 5. Klasse. War nice.
Da war ich ein Mal als unser Gartenverein nen Vereinsausflug gemacht hat. Haben ne Bootsfahrt gemacht. War auch nice.
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notxhisxtrophy-blog · 7 years
But we’re still friends, right?
It had been a hell of a day. A really bad one.
And as Pepper entered her apartment...she felt so tiny, so...alone.
She changed out of her suit and into a pair of pajamas, sitting on her bed. At first, she started reviewing the files for her meetings tomorrow, when she stopped. It was pushing near eleven o’clock that night. And she was still working.
Pepper sighed, pouting slightly at her computer screen, running a hand through her hair. Granted, she was always a dedicated workaholic, but even she was beginning to realize this was unhealthy.
She pulled out her phone, half-tempted to text Tony. Very tempted. She actually had their messages pulled up, her thumb hovering the keyboard. One little text wouldn’t hurt...right?...
In the end, she chickened out and instead pulled up another acquaintance that she hoped was still a friend.
[TEXT: Nat] Hey. [TEXT: Nat] It’s not too late, is it?
( @itsybtsywidow)
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orphan-king-blog · 7 years
a matter of business | closed rp with natasha.
T’Challa is in New York City. A matter of business. He just got out of a meeting with a few financial leaders on Wall Street a few hours ago, to negotiate. Well, he says “negotiate”. People try to trade with Wakanda for vibranium all the time, Wall Street being chief among them. And ever since the Accords, the United States financial market is struggling. 
Wakanda isn’t about to deal with America, though.
T’Challa isn’t sure why he went to the meeting in the first place. 
It was mostly just a good excuse to get to the Bronx. They have good food there. He misses chopped cheese.
T’Challa waits in line at a sandwich shop in South Bronx. He’s wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, nothing that could identify him as the King of Wakanda. Except for his ring, of course. 
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wlwpositivity · 8 years
Tumblr media
selfie ft. the puppy for sapphic sleepover night!
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whatwouldvoldydo · 7 years
So, I went to the theatre two times this week and don’t get me wrong, I loved some of it and appreciated the rest, but my first need when I came home was to watch some really shitty tv-show, because my body can’t handle that much culture without making me feel like shit about being a snob
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general-0rgana · 7 years
oooooh which city????
Either Berlin or Potsdam!!
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solanuuma · 7 years
itsybitsywidow replied to your post: I’m dying squirtle 2: bidoof is on fire  the...
yo was ist los???
ich erfahre am eigenen Körper wie Antibiotika die Schleimhäute - und zwar nicht nur die im mundraum - angreifen können und es bewegt sich momentan in den Top 10 der unangenehmsten Erfahrungen die ich je hatte
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sapphic-sex-ed · 8 years
itsybitsywidow replied to your post “Hi, if I'm a trans gal with a lot of hair around my body (like, a LOT)...”
waxing! it's painful but you don't have to do it often
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notxhisxtrophy-blog · 7 years
Girls’ Night Please?
[Closed starter for @itsybtsywidow]
With pressure from both the Board of Directors and Congressional committees, Pepper was having a huge headache with the Accords. Though certain items she agreed with, like personal accountability (which she personally thought the Avengers and Tony were doing), there were other items that made her skin honestly crawl. Like the implications of a mutant registry. Years ago, Senator Kelly had tried to get that pushed through Congress, but after his sudden change of heart before his disappearance, it had been dropped. Now, under Secretary Ross, it would seem like certain groups wished to bring it back...
The whole thing made Pepper sick.
She needed a chance to breathe, to break away from the stifling situation.
[TEXT: Natasha] Hey, what are you up to? [TEXT: Natasha] Right now.
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bock-auf-kaesetoast · 5 years
@itsybitsywidow (?) I am loving Von Wegen Lisbeth, thanks again for sharing
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general-0rgana · 7 years
holy shit c1!!!! that's so high!!!! good luck!!!!!
thanks! but ohhhh trust me there’s a fuckton i still don’t know and need to study for
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