#iu imagines
momos-realgf · 12 days
Jeon Y/n
the hurt one
(face claim: seo soojin)
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"I don't do this for fun, I do this for money"
Love interests:
Im Nayeon
the underestimated
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"I will prove you wrong."
Hirai Momo
the lonely one
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"I like being alone, not lonely"
Minatozaki Sana
the player
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"you wanna make out?"
Lee Ji-eun
the bestfriend
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"she'd never look at me the way she looks at you"
29 notes · View notes
write-now-ggs · 10 months
IU (Soloist)
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Wc - 19,200 Video
"Love Poem"
"Love Poem"
As the quiet buzz from the air conditioner hummed in the background you were lost in complete thought as your lovely girlfriend delicately traced her finger tips over your inked skin. The two of you were enjoying each other's presence before you had to leave in a few hours for her work schedule. While you were lost in your mind enjoying the feeling of her on your skin, she was scrolling through her phone. You didn’t even have to look over to know that she was reading comments on your shared social media page. 
When it came to said shared social media page, it was all Jieun’s idea. It felt strange considering she was probably one of the most recognizable figures in the entertainment industry but when it came to something she wanted you just couldn’t say no to her. She had proposed the idea of starting the account over two years ago because as she stated, she wanted a place to record the moments of your relationship. At first when she initially brought the idea up you were completely against it, you were worried that someone would find out who she was and that her public image would be ruined because she was dating you. 
Luckily throughout the lifespan of the account no one has figured out who she was thanks to how surprisingly well she was at disguising herself. You yourself had nothing to hide from the public so you were now unofficially officially the face of the account meanwhile Jieun was the real mastermind behind it. With every picture she took and uploaded she wrote a loving caption to go along with it, all the words that were posted all came from her heart and from the feelings she strongly felt about you. Anyone that stumbled across the account could quickly understand how much this woman loved you and how much she loved to write about you. Oh but just what would happen if those same people realized that the same woman that wrote these loving paragraphs about her girlfriend on social media was the same woman, that dedicated many songs to the same girl, had many hit songs that were constantly reaching the top of the music charts all over the country..? 
The account had managed to amass a pretty huge following for it just being a couple’s public love diary, the attention you had garnered from the account had made you feel a bit uneasy. Your experience with social media before meeting Jieun was that it was a place to keep up with family and friends who you hadn’t seen in a while. You never expected to have thousands of people all over the world waiting on the newest picture from your girlfriend. 
When you first started dating Jieun she had tried her best to explain everything about her lifestyle and career to you but that was much different than living it yourself. You were fine at first with supporting your girlfriend  being in the spotlight, but now that you were thrown under one as well, albeit a much smaller spotlight, you couldn't help but feel some uneasiness in life. You were fine with living an ordinary life and working an ordinary job but now you had to deal with the whole new territory that came with social media. You didn’t consider yourself a social media figure in the slightest but you did have to deal with occasionally getting offers from different companies to sign a contract under them. While you hadn’t done that, you, well more like jieun, had accepted a few small gigs for some modeling content. Your most recent gig was for an online shopping mall that Jieun had often frequented, she had snatched that deal for you in an instant. 
But well I guess all this came with dating the woman that made your heart leap out of your chest everytime she looked at you. You would do anything for her and if that meant having to deal with random fangirls commenting about their favorite imaginary “ships” under your post then so be it. It didn’t seem to bother Jieun so you just rolled with it, even when people would comment big names in the industry as being the second half of the relationship in the pictures. You had felt almost flattered that these random people thought you could be in a relationship with all the names in the comments but still, no one was more perfect for you than Jieun. She was the only person that existed in your eyes. 
It wasn’t until Jieun had started uploading videos of you a few months ago that the comments really started to ramp up on the guessing game of who Jieun was. The videos usually just consisted of her poking or annoying you in some sort of fashion throughout the day with your account's signature black and white filter slapped over it. The videos were really nothing extraordinary that would reveal who Jieun was. Well that was up until she uploaded a video where she was laughing in the background. Soon the comments were filled with people saying she laughed just like “Iu”. When you saw that you instantly panicked and you told her to take the video down. Jieun being the voice of reason had told you that taking the video down would only seem more suspicious and to just give it time, people would soon forget about it. You hated to admit defeat but she was right, soon the comments were filled with other people’s names.
Luckily for the both of you, Jieun’s entertainment company already knew about the account and they were completely behind Jieun. If anything were to happen they were prepared with statements for that situation.
“Don’t move…” Her voice was quiet as it broke into your deep thoughts.
“Hmm, okay..” You hummed in response as you did what she said, which was nothing. You stayed still for her.
You heard her phone’s camera make a noise followed by a satisfied hum from her.
“Am I good to move now..?” You spoke without moving your mouth to emphasize your dedication to not moving for her.
She let out a soft laugh, “Yeah you’re free to move now, silly.” She planted a kiss on your cheek before moving back to finish whatever it was she was doing on her phone.
You leaned over to look at what was keeping her occupied, “What are you up to..?” You saw a picture of your new tattoo on her phone as she typed in a caption. 
“I just thought it would be nice to update everyone on your new art piece.” She looked up at you with the sweetest smile. 
“Ahh I see, you better add in there that you helped me settle on this design.” You looked down at your left wrist where your newest addition to your tattoos sat. It was nothing crazy, just a simple outline of all the continents. 
“I did, and…. Posted.” She smiled as she waited for the influx of comments to hit. 
You watched her from where you were sitting, just adoring the way the light of her phone settled on her face, accentuating all the features you loved about her.
“Oh wow, they really like it. Told you it went really well with your other wrist.” She looked over at you before pointing at the tattoo you had on said wrist, it was a heart that had a simple airplane completing the outline of the heart on the right side. 
“Yeah, you’re always right.” You smiled as you thought about both tattoos. You had gotten the heart a few years before meeting her and now with the irony of dating someone who traveled all over the world to perform sold out shows it couldn’t have been any more perfect. You had originally gotten it because when you were a bit younger, you had a job that had you traveling to different countries all the time. 
Jieun let out a small sigh as she leaned her head on your shoulder, “I want one so bad.”
“Easy, then get one.” You leaned your head against hers. 
“No, you know it’s not that easy for me to just go out and get one.” 
“Hmm, why not..? Plenty of people in the music industry have them.” You spoke in genuine confusion.
“But those artists are different than I am. I have a certain image to uphold. You know this.” She closed her eyes as she spoke to you.
“I know that Jieun, but that shouldn’t stop you from doing something you want. You could always just get a small one somewhere people won't see it.” You paused for a minute before smiling, “Well not too small to where it would look like a little mole.” 
Jieun let out a small chuckle before lightly hitting your arm, “I hate you.” 
“Haha I love you too.”
The two of you sat in comfortable silence before Jieun checked the time on her phone. “Hmm we should start getting ready now, he’ll be here soon.” 
“Oh, sounds good.” 
“Are you finished getting dressed..?” You heard her ask as soon as the shower turned off. 
“Yeah, I’m good to go.” You sat on your bed as you waited for her to finish up in the bathroom. 
A few seconds later she walked out with a towel wrapped around herself and another one wrapped around her hair. She stared at what you were wearing before humming to herself.
“What’s wrong..? Do I look bad..?”
“No, far from that. It’s just I have something else I want you to wear.” She walked over to your shared closet and you followed right behind her. She looked around for a bit before finding what it was that she had in mind. “Here it is, try this on instead.” She handed you the piece of clothing before walking out and back to the bathroom.
You did as she said, slipping your other shirt off and putting on the one she gave you. “Oh wow..” You looked at yourself in the mirror and noted the way this shirt exposed your shoulders. 
After a few more minutes Jieun had walked back out of the bathroom in her sweatpants and a random sweater she probably stole from your side of the closet. “Nice, that looks way better than I expected.” She smiled happily like a little girl with a crush. 
“It’s nice, where’d you get it from..?” 
“Oh, you remember that photoshoot you had last week for my favorite online mall..?” 
“Uhm, yeah. Why?” You tilted your head to the side when you couldn’t figure out why she brought that up since she couldn’t go with you to the shoot.
“Well you remember how you took Hanteo with you?” (Her manager) 
“Yeah, you didn’t want me going by myself.” You looked to the side as you tried remembering everything. 
“Well while you were in the middle of shooting, I video called him and he took me on a virtual tour of the set. Then in the back I saw this shirt and I knew it would look beautiful on you. So I had him ask around to see if he could buy the shirt from them. We kept it a secret haha.” She ran her fingers on the fabric of the shirt.
“Oh wow.” You looked down with a lovestruck smile, “Hmm, well why this shirt specifically for today..? You could’ve kept this hidden until we had dinner out together.” 
“Well if you must know, it's because I want to be able to see this whenever I look into the audience today.” She pointed to the tattoo of a paper plane you had on your right shoulder. 
“Oh, I see. Well if it makes my princess happy then I love it. Thank you for the shirt.” You planted a gentle kiss on her lips before pulling away to smile at her. 
Her face immediately flushed red, “Okay let’s go before you make it impossible for me to leave.” She grabbed your hand before pulling you around to the front door. 
You were giggling the entire time she was dragging you to the front door. You put your shoes on then helped her with hers. You both walked out once you had everything you needed. 
Her manager had greeted the both of you when you got into the car.
“Are you ready for today..?” He asked Jieun as he pulled out of your driveway.
“Of course, I always am.” Jieun smiled when you reached to hold her hand in her lap.
“Okay good, well get comfortable the traffic is going to make it a headache to get there.” Hanteo gave the two of you one last smile before looking ahead as he pulled into the road.
The ride to the venue did indeed take longer than you were expecting, luckily you spent the whole trip joking around with Jieun. She kept taking pictures of you from the most random angles while you kept trying to snatch her phone from her hands to take some of her as well. 
After pulling into the back of the venue her manager turned around to tell the two of you that you made it.
“Thank you Hanteo, we appreciate the ride.” You told him before opening your door and holding it so Jieun could step out.
“Of course, that’s what I’m here for.” He stepped out of his own door before walking around the front of the car to take a stack of papers he had in the passenger seat. “I have to go hand these out real quick but you two feel free to head inside.”
“Okay, we’ll see you later then!” Jieun smiled at him before grabbing your hand so you could walk inside together.
“What were those for..?” You asked Jieun about the papers Hanteo had.
“Oh it’s about today's schedule for the show, he has to hand them out to everyone. His email wasn’t working all week so he just decided to physically hand them out. You know how hard headed he is when things don’t work like normal.” 
“Ah I see,” You reached out to open the door to the venue, “After you.” Jieun stepped through the door first and you quickly followed behind her. 
You both walked towards her dressing room, hand in hand, as she told you what she looked forward to the most tonight.
When you both made it to her dressing room she sat in the chair left out for her in front of her makeup station, and you went and sat on the counter near her. You took a few seconds to admire the way she looked at herself in the mirror. When she finally noticed you looking at her in silence she couldn’t help but smile. 
“Why are you looking at me like that..?” She asked you as she looked to see if anyone was around. 
“Like what..?” You smiled at her as your head tilted to the side. 
Her face completely flushed red as she used her hands to cover it. “Like that, stop it.” 
You couldn’t help the laugh that her actions gave you. “Jieun, my love, you’re going to have hundreds of people staring at you in a few hours, what’s the big deal with me just admiring you for a few seconds..?”
“Okay but that’s different, all those eyes don’t even come close in comparison to yours.” She peeked through her fingers to look at you before squealing and closing her eyes shut when she saw you moved to stand near her. 
“Haha so cute…” You leaned down to whisper in her ear, “These eyes have also seen more of you than all those people combined.” You kissed the top of her head before moving to sit back on the counter you were originally relaxing on. 
Jieun removed her hands from her face to look at you in complete shock, her face was as red as a ruby as she stumbled over her words, “Huh.. wha- why would you say that…?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction, “What’s wrong..?” You plastered an innocent look on your face as you watched the way she reacted to your actions. 
She was unable to say anything else as her crew walked into the dressing room, all of them engulfed in their own conversations. 
“Oh,” The lead make-up artist looked at Jieun’s face in confusion before turning to look over at you. “Are we interrupting something here..?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Jieun’s face only got more red with embarrassment. “Haha no no, you didn’t. We were just talking.” Your head tilted to the side as you thought about your actions, “Hmm well more like I was admiring my beautiful girlfriend from all the way over here and she was getting flustered by my amazing compliments.” You plastered that same innocent face from earlier as all Jieun could do was shoot daggers at you with her eyes. Oh those beautiful eyes of hers. 
“Ahh I see, well sadly I’m going to have to ask you to refrain from making her flustered. The red on her face is not going to make this easy on us.” The lead make-up artist joked with you, she often worked with Jieun on many projects so the three of you were pretty well acquainted. 
“My bad, my bad, I’ll try to hold myself back. It’s not my fault that this woman gets easily embarrassed when it comes to me complimenting her even though we’ve been dating for almost five years now.” You rolled your eyes in a playful manner at her. 
Jieun was still glaring at you as she crossed her arms over her chest, “Mmm compliments… sure if that’s what you want to call that…” She mumbled to herself as she held her own little huff and puff party. 
“Oh, is that a new piece..?” The lead make-up artist asked when she walked up to where you were sitting to get some of her equipment, referencing your new tattoo. 
“Oh this,” You held your wrist out to her so she could get a better look at the artwork on it, “It is new, Jieun helped me pick it out.” 
“ooh she did..?” She examined the tattoo before looking over at Jieun, “Well she certainly has a good eye haha.” 
Jieun’s eyes darkened as she looked you in the eyes, “Yeah I do have great taste, thanks for noticing.” 
You met her eyes before laughing to yourself, “Anyways, I’m going to go see what outfit they have prepared for you.” You hopped off the counter and walked over to where she was sitting, “I’ll be back in a little bit.” You planted a soft kiss on her cheek, “You look so beautiful.” You walked away so she could get her makeup done. 
“Ugh the two of you are so perfect for each other it makes me sick.” Jieun’s lead make-up artist said as she placed everything she needed in front of her. 
“Haha, thank you for the compliment I suppose..?” Jieun spoke her response in a questioning tone as she didn’t know if she meant what she said as a compliment. 
“It is a compliment, I promise.” She started to pull Jieun’s hair out of her face before she got started on her perfected craft, “When are the two of you going to finally tie the knot..?” She asked as she finished clipping Jieun’s hair back.
“What..? Well uh, I’m not sure haha.” Jieun once again couldn’t help but get flustered at the question. 
“Wait, she still hasn’t asked the question yet??” She asked Jieun in shock.
“No she hasn’t, why has she said anything about it..?” Jieun looked up at her with all the concentration in the world. 
“Hmm no she hasn't, but I just figured she would have proposed already. I mean the two of you act like you’re already married anyways haha.” 
Jieun looked down at her ring finger on her left hand, “Maybe someday…” 
With Jieun thinking about your future together, you were busy bothering her main stylist about the outfit she was supposed to wear for the event. 
“This is what she’s wearing..? Wow, are you trying to give everyone in the crowd a nosebleed..?” You looked at the beautiful sundress that was hanging on the clothing rack in front of you. 
“You know not everyone in that crowd has as big of a crush on your girlfriend as you do, right..?” Jieun’s main stylist grabbed the dress off of the clothing rack so she could bring it to Jieun’s dressing room, with you following right behind her. 
“Well that doesn’t matter, Jieun herself is just too beautiful for this world so putting that dress on her would give just about anyone a nosebleed.” You answered in a “matter of fact” tone as you tried to keep up with her pace. 
“Listen, all that matters is that this dress fits the theme of her album so we’re sticking with it. If she causes a national uproar in reported nose bleeds then that will be PR’s problem, not mine.” She opened up the door to Jieun’s dressing room so she could walk over and show her what the outfit choice for the event was. 
And with her response you were silenced as you shuffled into Jieun’s dressing room passing by all the new interns working with the hair and makeup crew. 
Jieun was engulfed in conversation with her main stylist as she showed her the dress while Jieun was getting her makeup done. You just observed them all from the back of her dressing room as you didn’t want to get in the way. 
“Oh, excuse me, can I just grab that real quick.” One of the interns you passed by earlier was standing in front of you with a nervous look on her face. 
“Hmm? Oh I’m sorry.” You quickly moved out of the way when you could see how overwhelmed the young girl looked. “Are you okay..?”
“What..?” The young girl looked up at you once she finally grabbed what it was that she needed. “Oh yeah I’m fine haha, I just have to hurry or I’ll get in trouble.” The girl waved the object in her hand at you before scurrying on. 
You stared at where the girl was standing before deciding to go and find her, stopping to grab a water bottle along the way. You hadn’t realized that Jieun had watched your entire interaction through the mirror as all you had in mind was helping out the poor brand new intern. 
It didn’t take long before you saw the young girl scurrying back towards Jieun’s dressing room with a new object in hand. You moved in front of her to get her to stop walking. 
“Oh sorry, excuse me.” She stepped to the side to walk past you but then she looked up at you in shock when you moved over as well to stop her again.
“Hey, stop.” You smiled at the young girl, “Take a break.” You reached for the object in her hand before replacing it with the water bottle you had in your hand. “Slow down young one, don’t overwork yourself. I can take this for you, please catch your breath and relax for a little bit.”
“Huh..?” The girl looked up at you with the biggest eyes that quickly seemed to water up. 
“I’m assuming you were bringing this to Yeonha..?” You were able to assume that this was going to Jieun’s make-up artist given the items. 
“Oh yes, she had asked me to hurry with those brushes.” The young girl answered you with reddened cheeks. 
“Okay well I can take them to her for you, please go catch your breath and relax, there’s plenty of time.” You had been to many of Jieun’s work events to know that Yeonha was a rusher when it came to getting everything done even when she would have plenty of time. 
“Thank you so much.” The young girl slightly bowed her head at you before blinking away at the tears that began to form in her eyes. 
“Haha it’s no problem, I know how Yeonha can be, trust me you won’t be this stressed out all the time.” You smiled at the girl before turning away, you held the object in the air waving it slightly. “I’ll get this to her, enjoy your break.” 
The young girl just stared at you in amusement as you disappeared down the hall. 
You walked up to Jieun and her make-up artist, handing her the object you had in hand. 
“Hey, Yeonha, you need to go easier on the interns.” 
“Huh?” She looked at what you had in your hands in shock, “Where did you get that..?” 
“I got it from that poor girl you have running in laps down the hallway, she looked burnt out so I told her I would bring this to you and that she could take a well deserved break.” You shrugged your shoulders before placing the object down in front of Jieun on the make up counter. 
“Oh uh, thank you.” She looked between you and Jieun, unsure of what to say.
“It’s all good, just try to take it easy on her, interns aren’t used to everything yet, just try and ease them into it.” You gave her a small smile before looking down at Jieun. “I’m going to go ahead and walk out to my seat so you can finish getting ready.”
“Huh? Wait..” Jieun held onto your hand so she could get up from her seat, “Don’t forget this.” She walked away to grab something before coming back with one of her albums. “Gotta fit the part.” She smiled at you before placing it in your hands. 
“Ah right, is this one of your special editions..?” You asked with a joking smile since you knew that Jieun loved writing you random messages and doodles in the albums that she gave you.
“Of course it is.” She let out a small giggle before pulling you into a small kiss. “I’ll see you out there in a bit, just try not to look like you’re too in love with me.” 
It was your turn to laugh at her before leaning in to whisper into her ear, “Why, do I make it hard for you to hold back..?” 
Jieun pulled away to glare at you, “Shut up before I kick you out.” 
You let out a bigger laugh, “Haha well I didn’t hear a no.” You gave her lips a small peck, where you would’ve opted for her cheek but due to her make-up being done you wanted to be nice to Yeonha, “Well, I’ll see you out there Miss IU.” You sent her a wink as you said her stage name before walking out of her dressing room. 
“Ugh that girl…” Jieun stared at you as you walked away with a dumb grin on her face. 
“Okay love bird get over here so we can finish your make-up.” Yeonha put her hands on Jieun’s shoulders so she could turn her towards her seat. 
You walked around the venue for a bit to see if anyone needed a hand with setting anything up before walking to the seat that Jieun picked out for you. You had just gotten done helping the stage crew bring out some decorations for her first performance so now you sat down bored as you waited for the doors to open to the public. 
You figured now was as good a time as ever to look through her new album. You had seen everything from a behind the scene’s perspective so being able to see the final product in front of you was awesome. No matter how many releases you’ve been by Jieun’s side for, you would never get tired of unboxing the newest product of her hard work. You flipped through every single page slowly to admire all the pictures of her and all of her scribbled notes directed towards you. The smile on your face looked like it would never disappear as you flipped through the pages. 
“Oh,” You got to the end of the pages and were now reading her album’s dedication section. “This is a note to the person who is there for me everyday and night no matter what. Whenever I feel lost they’re always there to reassure me that I am on the correct path. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, even the things you don’t know that you helped me with, I hope to one day properly repay your kindness.”
You didn’t notice the way your eyes welled up with tears until you blinked. “This girl.” You smiled as you ran your finger down the page before closing the photobook. 
A few moments later you could hear the sound of people walking in and talking, you looked up to see a line of fans walking into the venue, many of which were carrying huge cameras. You were able to pick up on some familiar faces in the crowd since they would frequent many of your girlfriends events. The rows began to fill up and soon so was your own row. The seat next to you was now occupied by a talkative fan who hadn’t stopped talking about Jieun’s latest album to the girl next to her. 
“Hey, I like your tattoos, they’re pretty.” 
It took you a minute to register the fact that the hyper fan was talking to you, “Oh thank you so much.” You sent the girl a small smile before looking at your phone. 
Jieun had sent you a message so you quickly checked it and made sure no one around could see the contents. “I’ll see you in five minutes.” She attached a photo of her in the dress you saw earlier and you swore that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. 
“Oh, that dress is dangerous.” You replied to her message before putting your phone away.
After a while of waiting in silence a very familiar figure appeared on the stage in front of you and the once quiet room was now filled with loud cheers. After waving at everyone in the crowd she began to perform the first song on her short set-list. 
Unlike everyone else in the crowd you enjoyed her performance without recording anything and you just made yourself comfortable in your seat as Jieun sang to the crowded room. Before meeting Jieun you had only been to a small handful of concerts but none to any artist you were really into, just some random pop up events that your friends would drag you to, but now here you were at what felt like your millionth performance of Jieun’s. You enjoyed every single one of her performances like it was your first time watching her sing. 
She made it through the rest of her set-list without a problem and then everyone watched as the staff brought out a table and a chair. Jieun had her microphone in her hand so she talked to the crowd as she stood at the edge of the stage. 
“Haha did you all like the songs..?” She listened to the crowd cheer in response, “Well I am glad, I’ve been working on this album for the better part of a year now.” The crowd cheered again and everyone watched as she went to take a seat in the chair behind the table. 
The staff of tonight's event soon started to direct the different rows into a line so they could walk up and get their albums signed. You watched in amusement at how she smiled at everyone that stood across from her and the way she easily made small talk with everyone. 
The first two rows on the right side of the room were nearing the end of their turn on stage so now it was your row’s turn to line up. You were always surprised by how well behaved her fans were when it came to events like this. When she first told you about her career and work events you expected everything to be hectic, but to your surprise it was quite the opposite.
You couldn’t hide the smile on your face as you heard the girl in front of you fangirl to her friend ahead of her. You enjoyed hearing the different things all of her fans had to say about her every time you were near them, it was like you were learning a new fun fact about her every event.  
It was now your turn to get your album signed so you walked past all the familiar faces of her staff before placing your previously vandalized album on the table in front of Jieun. 
“Hey stranger,” You sent her a soft smile as your eyes took in her beautiful appearance from up close, “You look gorgeous.”
Jieun’s cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as she listened to your compliment, “Thank you.” She avoided looking you in the eyes as she opted to look down at your album so she could sign it. 
“A lot of people showed up today, were you nervous..?” You asked as you watched her flick through the pages to find an empty one to write a note.
Jieun shook her head before landing on the one page she left free from her graffiti, “Not really, most of the faces in the crowd are pretty familiar by now.” She closed up your album before sliding it across the table to you with a beautiful smile. 
“Ahh I see.” You picked up the album and you returned her an identical smile, “Well I have to go back to my seat now but just a quick tip. Try no to look too in love with me, you’re making it pretty obvious.” 
Jieun rolled her eyes at the cocky grin on your face before plastering a fake smile on her face, “You’re so lucky I love you.” She spoke through her teeth as she waved at you like you were any other fan in the crowd.
You let out a small chuckle, “Hell yeah I am.” You gave her one last smile before walking along the stage. You could feel her eyes on you as you made your way to your seat. Well what you didn’t know was that there were other eyes on you as your familiar face started to make sense to some of the people in the crowd. 
You sat down with your girlfriend's album in your lap and a dumb smile on your face as you watched her from your seat. 
You were zoned out, lost in your own thoughts, up until you felt someone lightly tap on your shoulder. You looked down in surprise when you were met with the eyes of the girl who was seated next to you. 
“Oh, yes..?” You straightened your posture as you waited for the girl to speak to you.
“Hi, I’m sorry to bother you but I just had a quick question to ask you. Would you mind..?” The young girl asked you for permission as her friend peeked over her shoulder. 
“Huh..? Oh sure, go ahead.” You didn’t take any concern with her request as you figured she was probably going to ask you to take a picture of her and her friend. You got these requests pretty often at Jieun’s events. 
“Okay well my friend and I couldn’t help but notice how familiar your tattoos looked so we just wanted to ask if this was you..? You don’t have to answer if you’re uncomfortable, it’s just that both of us are fans of your account.” The girl was holding her phone out towards you with a picture of you and Jieun in it, well your face was the only one anyone could see anyways. 
“Oh uh,” You looked at her phone then back up at the girl's face before looking over at Jieun on stage then back at the phone. You were racking your brain for answers to give the girl, what would Jieun do in your place..? “Yeah that’s me.” You rubbed the back of your neck as you didn’t know what to expect next. 
The two girls looked at each other and shared a gasp once you admitted to being the one in the picture. 
“Oh my god that’s so awesome, can we please get a picture with you..?” The girl's friend asked you.
“Huh..?” You were super confused as to what you were supposed to do, you had never been recognized in public before so for this to happen at one of Jieun’s events was mind numbing. 
“You know, like a picture..?” The first girl said as she made a picture taking motion with her hand. “I’m telling you we’re both big fans of your account.” 
“Oh uhm, sure. Sorry I’m not used to this.” You admitted to the two girls as you let out a shy laugh, “And for the record that account is all my girlfriends work, I don’t want to take any of the credit for it.” 
“Oh my god that’s so cute, I can’t.” The girl opened up the camera app on her phone and then you were standing with each girl on either side of you. “Smile.” The girl said as she took a few pictures. 
“Are they okay..?” You asked her as she checked the pictures. 
“Yes they’re great, thank you so much.” The girl showed her friend the pictures before they both moved to sit back down in their seats. 
You followed along, sitting back down in your own seat, with a bright blush of embarrassment on your cheeks. You let out a small breath as you thought they were done talking to you, but you were quickly mistaken.
“So where is your girlfriend..? Is she here with you..?” The girl asked you as she looked around the venue. 
“Uh well something like that..” You mumbled quietly before shaking your head, “Oh no actually, she’s working today. Uhm she’s a big fan of Ji-” You paused and blinked a few times, “IU, she’s a big IU fan.” You smiled in a way to convince not only the girls but also yourself of your little white lie.
“Awe so you’re here to get her a signed album from her favorite artist..? That’s so cute, the two of you are such couple goals.” The girl and her friend shared a squeal. 
“Haha yeah…” You wiped away some sweat that had built up on your forehead. 
“I know this is going to sound like we’re crossing a line, but can you show us what she looks like..? You don’t know how curious we are.” The girl’s friend asked you. “The two of you just make the cutest couple, even if we’ve never seen her face, just from the words she writes about you we can tell that she is beautiful.” 
“Oh I’m sorry.” You slightly bowed your head to the two girls, “I can’t do that. My uh girlfriend is just really private.” 
“Oh but you said she runs the account, no..?”
“She does, it’s just that if her workplace see’s that she’s dating a woman uhm she can get fired.” That sounded believable right? You asked yourself. 
“Ohhhh.” Both the girl and her friend said at the same time. 
“That makes so much sense, I’m sorry for bugging you over that.” The girl offered you a sincere apology, “Well thank you for taking the time out of your day to talk to us.” The girl smiled at you before the both of them went back to talking to each other. 
“Oh my god..” You buried your face in your hands as you tried to calm yourself down from having a panic attack. 
Once you had managed to calm your breathing down you lifted your head to look up at the ceiling, counting to ten slowly as you breathed in and out. When you finally looked forward, your worried face quickly caught Jieun’s attention. 
“Are you okay..?” She mouthed to you in a subtle way. 
You gave her a slight nod before mouthing back to her, “Later..”
She sent you back a small but subtle nod before turning her attention back to her fans on stage. 
The rest of the event went on fine, but you felt like you couldn’t enjoy it with the big knot that your stomach was now in. You kept catching the girls next to you glancing over so you tried your best to just act like any other fan of your girlfriend but it was just so weird to you. You were sure they could see right through the act. “They know, they know, they know.” Those words repeated over and over in your head. 
Soon the venue began to empty out as Jieun had just finished performing two encore songs and she finished saying her goodbye’s to everyone. Your row was one of the last one’s to empty out as you stayed seated with your head spinning. 
The two girls that were sat next to you had thanked you once again for the picture before walking out. 
Once everyone had made their way out of the venue, you and the cleaning crew were the only people left in the empty room. You finally stood up after your many minutes of pondering thoughts. You then heard small but quick footsteps running up behind you and then you suddenly felt someone’s weight on your back. The quiet giggles quickly gave up the person’s identity. 
You couldn’t hold back your smile as you quickly put your arms around Jieun’s legs to hold her in place on your back. 
Jieun reached over to plant a small kiss on your cheek, “How was it..? How did I do tonight..?” 
You turned your head to look at her, “You did amazing, like always. Everyone in the crowd loved your songs.” 
Jieun let out a small giggle before reaching for her phone, she held it out in front of you as she captured a few pictures. She hid her face behind your hair but her beautiful smile was still visible. Once she felt like she took enough pictures, she jumped off your back and you turned around to face her. She gave you a small kiss before holding your hand in both of hers. 
“You look tired, are you okay..?” Jieun moved one of her hands to place it on your cheek. 
You leaned into her touch as you gave her a small nod, “I’m okay now.” You turned your head to plant a soft kiss on her hand. 
Jieun’s eyes were still filled with concern even after hearing your words of reassurance. “Okay well do you want to head to the back so you can tell me about what had made you look so stressed out earlier..?”
“Yeah, let me just grab my stuff.” You walked away from Jieun to grab your album and then the two of you interlocked fingers as you made your way through the venue and into the many hallways of the back.
On your walk to her dressing room you gave her a rundown of your interaction with the two girls. 
As you made it to the door of her dressing room she suddenly fell very quiet. The two of you just stood by the door in silence as it looked like Jieun was going through an internal conflict. 
Jieun finally looked back up at you, “I think I’m ready to tell everyone about us.” Her voice was very soft and quiet so it took you a minute to understand what she said. 
“What?” You looked at her in complete shock as your body froze. 
Shock, yes such a strange and bizarre emotion but your body was enveloped in it. But then a wave of relief rode over your body as you thought about how you wouldn’t have to hide the biggest secret of your life. But then fear quickly took over every inch of your body. Jieun was the love of your life. What if this decision was a huge mistake..?
“Oh, you dropped this.” You had picked up a phone that had slid on the floor of the bus and then proceeded to hit your shoe. You were handing it back to the girl in the seat behind you since she was the only one it could’ve belonged to. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so clumsy how could I have dropped this.” The smaller girl laughed before reaching for her phone. “Thank you so much, uhm..?” She raised her eyebrow as she gave you the hint to introduce yourself. And so you did, “Well it’s nice to meet you, my name is Jieun.” The smaller girl introduced herself as well. 
“Oh well, it’s nice to meet you, Jieun.” You held your hand out for the girl to take. 
“The feeling is mutual.” The girl gave you the brightest smile as she returned your handshake. 
You finally pulled your eyes away from her mesmerizing ones as the bus came to a stop. You looked out the window and quickly jumped up. “Oh I’m sorry, this is my stop.” You sent her an apologetic smile before grabbing your stuff to rush off the bus. 
The girl smiled before standing up as well, “Well looks like it’s mine now too.” 
“So I’ve given it a lot of thought since we’ve been friends for a while now but uhm.” You paused as you had to look away from her eyes, “But, did you like want to maybe, like you know..?” You made an awkward hand motion as you couldn’t figure out how to put your thoughts into words. 
“Hmm..? Like uhm what..?” Jieun teased the flustered girl that stood in front of her. 
You took a deep breath before speaking your next sentence, “Do you want to be my girlfriend..? It’s okay to say no but somewhere along our friendship I started to get romantic feelings for you and I was just hoping that they would be mutual.” Your face was completely flushed red as you tried to avoid looking Jieun in the eyes. 
Before she responded she let out a little giggle that caused you to look at her, and to your surprise she was nodding her head. “I would be honored to be your girlfriend.” 
You couldn’t believe your ears, you thought you had mistaken what you heard. Jieun then swiftly pulled you into the softest kiss of your life. There was no mistaking what she meant now. 
“Finally, it took you long enough.” Jieun said once she pulled away from your first official couple kiss. 
“Oh my gosh, why do you own so much crap? This is so heavy.” Jieun whined as she carried one of your boxes into her neat apartment.
“Hey to be fair you’re the one who bought me most of this stuff.” You smiled at her antics as you walked in with the heavier boxes. 
Jieun placed your box on the ground in the living room before moving to flop on the couch with a loud grunt. “Oh my,” She let out a small huff, “I don’t think I’ve ever had to…” 
Before she could continue to complain you leaned down over her on the couch and you planted a small kiss on her lips. You felt her smile before she moved her hands to hold your face in a sign of defeat. You pulled away far enough for your noses to still be touching as the both of you smiled. 
“Okay, okay I get the message loud and clear.” Jieun moved her head side to side to rub your noses together before she moved to give you another kiss. This time pulling you on top of her on the couch.
The two of you shared a sweet moment together before you moved to lay next to her on the couch. Your arm was wrapped around her waist and your face lay nuzzled in the crook of her neck. 
“Finally, I’ve had to listen to you complain since we got on the elevator.” You smiled against her neck as you heard her groan in annoyance. 
“Ugh I hate you.” She turned her body so she could face you. 
You let out a small gasp, “You hate me..? Oh no, it looks like I’m going to have to move out before I even got the chance to finish moving in.” You moved to try and get up from the couch but you were soon stopped by Jieun. 
“Don’t you dare leave me yet. At least wake me up with some breakfast in bed or something.” She wrapped her arms around you so you could lay in place with her on the couch. 
You let out a soft chuckle as you surrendered to her touch, “Okay, okay, I won’t leave.” 
“Hey, wake up.” You whispered in Jieun’s ear, “Jieun get up.” You placed down a plate of food on her night stand before moving your hand up to her forehead to play with her bangs.
“Hmm…” Jieun mumbled tiredly as she leaned into your touch.
“Wake up baby.” You planted a soft kiss on her forehead. 
“I love you, but if the building isn’t on fire then don’t wa- wait.” Jieun’s tired voice came to a halt, “Do I smell food.” She opened one of her eyes to peek out at you. 
You couldn’t hold back your smile at how cute she was, “Yes, I made you some breakfast. So hurry and get up to eat before it gets cold.” 
She let out a small groan and then you helped her sit up. “Thank you.” She smiled at you tiredly as you placed the plate of food in her lap. 
“Mhm.” You hummed happily as she began to dig into the food. You couldn’t help but stare at the woman you were deeply in love with.
In what felt like an instant, all of your favorite memories with Jieun replayed in your head as you stared at her with blank eyes. 
“Baby, hey, are you okay..?” You began to hear her voice break through the fog in your mind. She grabbed both of your hands to pull you towards the end of the hallway where no one was around. 
Jieun placed both hands on your cheeks. She held your face in her hands as she looked at you with all the concern she could muster. “Why are you crying..?” She asked you softly. 
“Huh..?” You asked in confusion, “Crying..?” You couldn’t even feel the tears that streamed their way down your cheeks. “Jieun..” Your eyes began to water up even worse as you moved to pull her into a hug. 
“What’s wrong, hmm..?” Jieun hummed against your body as she hugged you. 
You pulled away to look at her, “These are tears of joy, I promise.” You grabbed one of her hands so you could plant a small kiss on her knuckles, “I can’t believe this is happening. My heart, it can’t handle this.” You let out a small sigh, “It only ever beats like this because of you.” You placed her hand over your chest so she could feel the rapid beating of your heart. “You’re the only person that can make me like this.” 
Jieun smiled gently, “So then what are these tears about..? Hmm..?” She tilted her head to the side as she waited for your answer. 
“It’s just, it feels like this is a big step forward for us. It feels unreal.” Your shoulders dropped as you looked down at the ground. “Wow..” You shook your head before continuing, "I've waited for what feels like an eternity to be able to let everyone know we are together. Not because you are 'IU the famous celebrity' but because you're 'Jieun the one girl who can make me feel like no one has before'. I want people to know how much of a beautiful person you are inside and out, how happy you make me, how you take care of me when I'm not feeling the best, how you always reassure me everything will be okay and most of all, I want people to know of the love I hold for you in my heart."
When you looked back up at Jieun you weren’t expecting to be met with her tear stained cheeks. It was your turn to dry her face, your thumb delicately tracing over the small streaks on her cheeks. 
“Are you okay..?” You leaned your forehead against hers as she closed her eyes. 
“Mhm,” She hummed as she took in a deep breath, “I’m fine, it's just you always catch me off guard with your words.” 
You pulled away from her so you could look her in the eyes, “Well they’re not just empty words, they’re my true feelings put into word format. I mean everything that I say when it comes to you. I seriously do love you Jieun, and I’m willing to do any and everything you need me to do.” 
Jieun looked at you for a few seconds as she thought about what to do next. She let out a small breath before smiling at you, “Okay then, let me talk to Hanteo real quick so I can see what we can do.” 
Jieun tried to walk away but you grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving, “Wait.” 
Jieun looked at you in shock but then she decided to let you say whatever it was that you needed to say. “What’s wrong..?” 
“Jieun, I know I’m okay with people knowing about us, but are you one hundred percent sure you’re okay with this..? We live two separate lives, this news coming out wouldn’t hurt me as much as it would your career. Are you sure you’re willing to risk everything for us..?” Jieun had spent her entire lifetime building up her successful career that could quickly fall in ruins at the mention of any news that the public would disagree with. You wanted her to be super sure about her decision. 
Jieun held your hand in both of hers, “Yes, I’m sure.” Three words. It was that simple to her. There was no contemplation on her part, she was ready for everyone to know about your relationship. She didn’t care about anything else, much less the public’s opinion about her relationship. “Whatever happens to my career could never come as close as us not being able to be together. I would choose you over everything else in this world every chance that I get.” Jieun’s tone was as sincere as it’s ever been, she wanted you to know she was serious. “If no one accepts me for who I am and who I love, then what's the point of keeping this career up if I can't be happy.” 
And with that final statement from her, you knew there was no changing her mind now. “Okay then.” You matched the expression she wore on her face, “So we’re doing this..?” 
“Mhm.” Jieun hummed in response. 
“Wow, we’re doing this..?” You repeated your sentence as more of an exclamation as the situation finally resonated in your head. “We’re doing this!” This time it wasn’t even a question, it was more of a cheer. You pulled your hand away from her grip so you could jump up and down in celebration. “We’re doing it!!” You continued to cheer, putting a smile on Jieun’s face, until you felt all the extra energy in your body dissipate. 
“Haha are you okay now..?” Jieun asked once you settled back down from your impromptu cheer performance. 
“Ooh yeah, just a little dizzy.” You placed a hand on your head, your current state being a result from you jumping up and down while spinning in a circle. 
Jieun couldn’t help but laugh at your current state of being. “You’re so cute.” 
It was now your turn to blush as Jieun’s words made their way into your heart. You were used to being the cheesy one in the relationship so you being in this state was a rare sight to Jieun. 
“Ahh so cute.” Jieun couldn’t help the small squeal of excitement she let out when she saw you in your flustered state. “Oh the way I love you is insane.” Jieun wrapped you up in her arms so she could squeeze you. The cuteness aggression she was feeling was serious. 
“Jieun stop…” You couldn’t handle her teasing you like this, so pulling away with a smile you turned away from her. You buried your face in your hands, the warmth on your face was a surprise to your now warm hands. 
Jieun’s eyes widened in adoration, she loved seeing you being so flustered by her actions. She considered this moment as payback for how you were teasing her earlier. She beat you at your own game essentially. 
“Cute.” Jieun mumbled as she moved to hug you from behind. “Come on, let’s walk to my dressing room, I still have to find Hanteo so I can talk to him about all this.” 
It took you a few more deep breaths before you pulled your face away from your hands, “Okay.” You nodded before turning in Jieun’s embrace. “You lead the way?” You asked her as you looked into her eyes. 
Jieun couldn’t hide her smile when she noticed just how vulnerable you looked in that moment. “Mhm.” Jieun released her arms from your waist so she could hold your hand. She led you down the hallway and to her dressing room. The both of you walked in as everyone was packing up all their items. “Wait for me here..?” 
“Okay, but don’t take too long.” Your voice was quiet as you were still feeling shy from her actions earlier. You loved to tease her but when it came to being the one being teased you just couldn’t handle it. 
Jieun’s smile widened, “Mmm okay, I’ll try to hurry.” Jieun spoke with a pout as her voice sounded like she was speaking to a lost child. Jieun cupped your face so she could give you a kiss before walking away. 
You walked to the back corner of her dressing room so you could sit in one of the empty seats. You slowly spun in the chair you were sitting in as you looked up at the ceiling, mind racing about all the possible outcomes of your relationship going public. 
After what felt like an eternity, but was really just thirty minutes, a familiar hand stopped your chair from spinning. You instantly smiled as soon as your eyes landed on the familiar beauty in front of you. 
“Having fun..?” Jieun asked you in a light hearted tone as she moved to sit in your lap. 
You had a small pout on your face as you shook your head, “About as much fun as I can have when you’re not around.” You paused to let out a sigh, ”Which is not much at all.” You responded as you gently wrapped your arms around her while she got comfortable against your body.
Jieun giggled quietly before letting out a small breath, “Hmm well I have some good,” She paused before tilting her head up to look at you, “And some bad news.” She reached up with her hand to place it behind your head, gently tilting your head down so you could look at her. 
“Okay,” You looked her in the eyes as your hand gently traced up and down her side, “What’s the news..?” 
“Oh wait,” She moved her hand away from your head so she could dig her phone out of her pocket. She called over someone in the room, when you looked up you noticed it was the overworked intern from earlier. “Hi, sorry to bother you but would you mind taking some pictures for me..?” Jieun asked the now flustered girl. 
The young girl looked at you and then at Jieun with shock written all over her face, “Oh sure.” The girl grabbed Jieun’s phone from her hand. 
You looked at Jieun while the young girl fumbled with the phone, “You never miss the opportunity for a picture, do you..?” The dumb smile on your face was met with the proud one on Jieun’s face. 
“Of course not babe, you should know this by now.” Jieun moved her face to hide it in the crook of your neck, using your hair to cloak her face. 
You readjusted your hands before looking up at the camera, the intern had been snapping pictures of the two of you since she managed to open the camera application. When you smiled at her she froze before accidentally dropping Jieun’s phone. 
“Oh my I’m so sorry.” The girl quickly reached down to pick up Jieun’s phone before being stopped by Jieun placing her hand on the girl's arm. 
“Hey don’t apologize, it’s okay. Thank you for taking time out of your day to do that for me.” Jieun moved off of your lap so she could pick up her phone. 
The girl quickly bowed her head at you and Jieun. “Sorry.” 
“Hey it’s okay, really.” This time you spoke to the young girl, “Sorry if she held you up from doing what you needed to do.” You gestured to Jieun who was now looking through the pictures that the girl had taken. “She gets tunnel vision when it comes to a photo opportunity.” 
“Oh, okay.” The girl stared at you with big eyes. “I didn’t mind.” 
“Haha okay, well we’ll leave you alone now.” You bowed your head at the girl before placing your hand on Jieun’s back so you could make her bow to the young girl as well. 
“Oh right, thank you so much.” Jieun smiled at the girl once she was upright. 
The girl scrambled off after that so then the two of you moved back to sitting in the chair together. 
“Okay well you got your pictures, are you going to tell me the news now..?” 
“Mhm but wait, look at this one…” Jieun held her phone up to your face to show you a picture. 
“Oh.” Your eyes widened in surprise by how good the picture actually was. You were smiling at the camera but the photo was snapped right at the moment the intern lost her grip on it so it was a little blurry but just in the right way. 
“Right..? It’s my favorite one.” Jieun giggled before putting her phone away. Jieun cleared her throat before speaking again, “Okay so I talked to my company and they told me that as long as I’m one hundred percent sure about my decision then they would stand behind me for everything. They only have one condition, and that’s for us to announce our relationship through a live broadcast.” 
“Oh, so I’m assuming the broadcast is the bad news..?” You asked Jieun after what she said weighed in your mind. 
“Yeah, I just wasn’t sure how you would feel about it. If you don’t feel comfortable about it then we can just cancel this whole thing.” 
“Oh no Jieun, don’t worry. I want to do this just as much as you do.” You smiled at her, “As long as you’re with me I’ll be okay.” 
Jieun admired you for a minute before responding. She knew making that decision was hard for someone in your position. You never cared about being in the public’s eye but now you were essentially being thrown into it because of her career. She would be lying if she said she didn’t feel super selfish for making you make this decision and also super guilty for all the sacrifices you had to make when it came to dating her. She often wondered if you would be happier with just having a normal relationship with anyone not in a public position such as hers. 
“Jieun, are you okay..?” You moved a hand up to hold her face when you saw her having an internal battle. 
Jieun nodded her head as she avoided looking you in the eyes, “Yeah, I'm sorry. I just can’t help but feel like I'm forcing you to do this. I’m sorry for putting you in this position.”
“Jieun, no, you’re not forcing me to do anything. Don’t say that, okay..? I want to do this. I promise.” You leaned down so you could plant a soft kiss on her forehead. 
Jieun finally looked up at you, “Okay, then when do you want to do the broadcast..?”
You shrugged your shoulders in response, “It doesn’t matter to me. Talk to Hanteo and your company, whatever works for them will work with me.” 
“Alright then,” Jieun let out a heavy sigh, “I’m nervous.” She admitted to you in a hesitant tone. 
“It’ll be okay. If anything were to happen I’ll be right by your side.” 
Jieun leaned her head against you before closing her eyes, “I know love, thank you.” 
“Of course baby.” Your voice was gentle when you noticed just how tired she was
Everyone had soon cleared out of the room and only you and Jieun were left alone, a few staff members filtered in and out of the room occasionally. Hanteo had walked up to you to let you know the car was ready for you outside. 
You looked down at Jieun, who had fallen asleep on you a while ago, you slid your arms underneath her so you could slowly pick her up so as to not wake her. You carefully made your way out of the room and towards the car outside. On your journey to the car she had wrapped her arms around your neck as she mumbled something in her sleep. 
You and Hanteo walked to the car together as you discussed Jieun’s decision. He told you he was genuinely surprised it took her this long to come to this decision since he always knew her as someone who always wanted to get everything done as soon as possible, not caring about any of the negativity when it came to something she truly believed in. 
Once you made it to the car, Hanteo opened the door for you so you could slide Jieun into the back seat. You quickly got in so you could lean her head onto your shoulder so she could continue sleeping. Hanteo moved to get into the driver's seat so he could get the two of you home as soon as possible. 
In what seemed like a flash, a week had passed since Jieun had settled on her decision for your relationship to go public. After a lot of back and forth of planning, her and her management team had come up with a fairly simple but effective plan. 
The day after her fan meeting she had uploaded the pictures she had taken when it ended, (The one she took while on your back and then the one where she was in your lap) and in the caption of the pictures she had mentioned that the two of you would be having a broadcast. Then on her own personal account she started following your couple’s account and then she liked the post about the broadcast. These two simple steps led to a huge whirlwind of events. 
Many people in the comments started to speculate about how it was Jieun in all the photos, well for once these delusional guessing comments would be right, and by just having her personal account following your couple’s account the followers completely blew up. Now you weren’t someone who cared about any of the numbers on anything as this page was mostly like a public diary about your relationship, but even you were impressed by how huge the numbers grew. Your account went from where it sat before to having almost half of what her personal account had. Plus a few of her fellow celebrity friends started following it as well which also caused a huge movement of people discovering your account, well Jieun’s account. 
Continuing on with the plan, Jieun had posted a countdown with the numbers sort of being blended in on the pictures she would post to her story. Some people had quickly caught on but the rest had to find out about it through fan accounts on different social media pages. It soon became like a treasure hunt to find the ticking numbers embedded in her photos. Only those ticking numbers matched up with the scheduled live broadcast for your couple’s account. 
It didn’t take long for your own personal account to be found by her fans and the people who followed your couple’s account. You quickly had to move to delete many of your embarrassing pictures from your teenage years as you had barely used the account nowadays. Jieun took it upon herself to help you update everything on it. The theme of your couple’s account soon took over your personal account. 
“You okay, are you nervous..?” 
You looked up when you heard Jieun enter your bedroom, “Uhm, hmm.” You shook your head before speaking again, “Not really.”
“Are you sure..?” Jieun asked as she moved to sit next to you on the bed. 
“Yeah I’m sure Jieun, we’ve been together for nearly five years now, I think it’s time for people to finally know the truth.” You moved to lay your head in her lap, your eyes shined as you looked up at the woman who made your life better every second she was in it. 
Jieun let out a small laugh before placing a hand on your cheek, staring down into the eyes she loved very much. “I think you’re right. It’s time to let everyone know.”
“Just a few more hours to go and we will finally have nothing to hide anymore.” You couldn’t help but melt in her touch as her thumb lightly grazed over your cheek.
“Ugh, I seriously don’t know how I was able to keep us hidden this entire time.” Jieun leaned down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
“Hmm, well I’m seriously surprised no one has ever figured it out yet, especially with the way you look at me in public events.” You had a little laugh at the look she sent you.
“Shut up, I hate you.” Jieun pulled her hand away from you so she could place both hands behind her so she could lean back. 
You wrapped your arms around her waist and moved to nuzzle your head into her stomach, “Oh come on, don’t say that. You love me.” You had a smile on your face as you could feel her laugh. 
“You’re so annoying.” Jieun let out a long sigh, “But I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t true. I think I might even love you a little too much, you turd.”
“Ha, that’s impossible.” You stopped moving your head to look back up at her. “Because I love you way more than you love me.” 
“Oh do you really?” Jieun’s head tilted to the side. 
“Mhm, I do.” Your arms tightened around her waist so you could give her a gentle squeeze. 
“Prove it.” 
“Hmm?” You let go of her waist so you could use your arms to lift your upper body up so your face would be even with hers. “And how do you want me to do that..?” You would be lying if you said the look on her face didn’t give you butterflies. 
“Do you really need me to spell it out for you?” Jieun leaned closer towards you. 
“Not really, but I just want to hear you say it.” Your head tilted to the side as a confident smile took over your features, completely ignoring the warmth that enveloped your entire body. 
“Oh really..?” Jieun raised an eyebrow at your answer. “How long do we have until our broadcast..?” 
“Uhm,” You broke eye contact with Jieun so you could look at the clock on the nightstand behind her. “About three hours or so.” Your eyes locked back onto her now darkened ones. 
“Good, that’s plenty of time.” Before your brain could register anything, Jieun had pulled you down onto the bed with her. 
Ahh Lee Jieun, the only woman who could turn a silly little joke into a crazy competition. Not that you were complaining or anything but jeez this woman drove you insane. 
“Oh, I definitely won here.” More than an hour had passed since your antics earlier and now you were hovering over Jieun’s reddened face. 
“Unfair.” Jieun mumbled before looking away from you.
“What..? Unfair?? How..?” You placed a hand on her warm cheek to tilt her head so she could face you. But before she could answer you let out a small chuckle, “Oh you look so pretty like this, Jieun.” You whispered in her ear before planting a kiss on her now sweaty temple. 
Your voice had sent a shiver down Jieun’s back, she tried her best to conceal it from you but she was very unsuccessful. “You’re unbelievable, you didn’t even give me a chance.” Jieun rolled her eyes at you. 
“It’s okay love, I enjoy loving you more.” You finally moved to untangle your body from hers so you could lay next to her. “I’m going to hop in the shower, you coming with..?” You turned your body so you could face her. 
“Of course I am, just give me a second to lay here for a bit.” Jieun sighed before placing her arm over her eyes, “I need to realign my chakras.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at how random your girlfriend was. “Oh you’re so cute, I love you.” You leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll go get the water started, feel free to join once your chakras are done aligning.” You moved to get off the bed. 
“Wait…” Jieun whined as she threw her arms around your body.
“What’s wrong..?” You turned to look over at your girlfriend. 
All she did was whine before sticking her lips out to you. 
Once again you couldn’t help but laugh at her, “Why are you so cute..?” You gave in to her request as you leaned in to gently kiss her lips before moving on to peppering little kisses all over her face. “Insane Jieun, you drive me insane and I love it.” You smiled as you spoke to her in the softest voice you could muster. 
Jieun’s eyes were filled with all of the adoration in the world as she stared into your own love struck eyes. You finally pulled away from her after what seemed like a lifetime of staring into the others eyes. 
“Okay I have to get up now, we don’t have much time left baby. We gotta wash up, so hurry up with your chakras.” You had a goofy smile on your face as you moved away from your bed and into the bathroom. “Don’t take too long now or else I won’t help you scrub your back.” That was the last thing you said before turning on the water to the shower. 
“I still can’t believe you’re still this bad at drying your hair after all these years.” Jieun complained as she sat next to you on the couch in your living room, towel in hand as she gently dried strands of your hair, 
“Well why would I try to get better at it when I can just have you do it..?” You lifted your hand to place it on hers, stopping her from drying your hair. “It should be okay now, we only have a few more minutes left.” You tried pulling the towel out of her hand.
“Ugh fine, but if you get sick later from your hair being damp I don’t want to hear it.” Jieun let go so you could take the towel from her. 
Once you pulled the towel away you turned to face her, “Well whose fault is it that I needed to take a shower right before the broadcast..? Hmm..?” 
Jieun turned her head to look away as she shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know. Crazy mystery.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the scene in front of you, “Yeah, mhm, mystery indeed.” You shook your head at Jieun before getting up with the towel in your hand. 
“Go put that away, I’ll set everything up for the broadcast.” Jieun finally looked back over at you. “And stop looking at me like that before I kick you.” Jieun grabbed her phone that she placed on the coffee table in front of her. 
“Okay okay, I’m going.” Jieun had placed her foot on your leg so she could lightly push you along. 
Once you put the towel away you walked back into the living room, the sight in front of you instantly making you laugh. You sped up so you could jump over the back of the couch and sit next to Jieun. 
“What’s happening babe, I thought you were the expert in this stuff..?” When you had walked back into the living room you had seen Jieun struggling with something on her phone so you had to take this opportunity to tease her. 
Jieun let out a small huff before looking over at you in annoyance. “It’s not like you would do any better.” Jieun had the phone up to her face. “Oh, ahh!!” Jieun threw her phone on the coffee table in front of you. 
“Huh, what’s wrong..?” You looked at the phone then back over at Jieun. 
Jieun pointed to the phone before whispering, “I accidentally pressed start, go stop it.” 
“Oh, hold on.” You reached for the phone then you were soon greeted with your own face on the screen in front of you. You froze for a second before looking around to screen for a button to end the accidental live stream. “Oh, I found it.” You clicked on the red button up in the corner of the screen then you gave the phone back to Jieun. 
Jieun let out a huge breath as she placed her hand over her heart, “My goodness that scared the mess out of me.” 
“Did they see your face..?” You moved closer to her, putting your hand on her arms to try and calm her down. 
“I don’t know, I was trying to swipe out of the app but I accidentally hit the button and then I just threw the phone. I don’t know if anyone saw anything.” Jieun sighed before shaking her head. “I’m sorry, this might have been a bad idea.” She let go of her phone, letting it fall onto the couch so she could place her hands on her head.
“Jieun, it's okay.” You slipped your hands underneath her so you could turn her to face you. “Breathe baby, it’s going to be okay.” You moved her hands away from her face so she could look at you. “Breathe.” You whispered to her. 
Jieun nodded her head before struggling to calmly intake air. 
You moved her hair behind her ears so you could look at her face, “It's okay, just breathe.” 
You worked with Jieun for a few more minutes until she was finally able to calm down. You hated seeing her panic like this but it also wasn’t something new to you. 
“Better..?” You spoke to her in a gentle voice when she finally looked you in the eyes. 
“Yeah, I’m okay now.” Jieun’s voice wavered as she answered you with a nod. 
“Hey, everything is going to be okay. Don’t be too hard on yourself for a simple mistake. It happens, at least now we know it works.” You spoke the last sentence in a light hearted tone so she would know it was supposed to be a joke. 
“Mmm well I guess you’re right.” Jieun finally cracked a smile. 
“There we go, all better.” You ran your fingers through her hair before giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. 
Jieun’s smile lingered on her face as she watched you, “Did you still want to do it..?” 
“Hmm, what..?” Your head tilted to the side as you questioned what she meant. 
“The broadcast, do you still want to do it..?” Jieun clarified what she meant as she looked into your eyes. 
“Oh the broadcast.” You couldn’t help the smile on your face, “Of course, as long as you’re okay to do it.” 
“Yeah I’m fine now, I’ll just leave this to you.” She placed her phone in your lap. 
“Okay love, we’ll start it whenever you’re ready then.” You took her phone from her to examine the screen. 
Jieun stood up from the couch so she could grab a glass of water from the kitchen. She didn’t want to admit it to you but she was very nervous about this whole situation. She didn’t want you to get hurt because of her and she knew people would be ruthless to whoever she was in a relationship with. As she stood at the edge of the kitchen with her glass in hand, she watched you sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone. 
“Hey Jieun, uhm people are starting to comment about us saying we’re past the ten minute timestamp you posted about on the story thing.” You were scrolling through all the recent comments on the post Jieun had uploaded a bit ago talking about what time you two would begin the broadcast.
Jieun looked over at the clock on the stove and saw that the two of you were indeed behind schedule. Jieun took a small breath in before walking back over to sit next to you on the couch. “You can start it whenever you want, no pressure.”
You looked between Jieun and her phone, “No pressure.” You repeated what she said. “Okay, just a few more seconds then. I think that I’m now the one who needs her chakras realigned.” You flashed her a smile when you referenced what she had said earlier that evening. 
“Oh, it’s actually kind of quiet in here, isn’t it..?” Jieun looked around the living room before standing back up. 
You just watched as she walked over to the smart speaker you had in the living room then she asked the speaker to play some music. You couldn’t help the laugh you let out when she jumped in surprise at how high the volume was at first. 
“Oh, found it.” Jieun whispered as she turned the volume down to a reasonable level. 
Once Jieun sat back down next to you you looked at her phone, finger hovering over the “Start Live” button. 
“It’s okay baby, whenever you’re ready.” Jieun whispered to you before gently placing a kiss on the side of your head. 
You looked over at her with a small smile, “Okay then, this could either be the beginning of paradise or hell, but for you it is worth it.” 
Jieun leaned against the armrest of the couch so she could get out of her phone's camera frame and she watched you with so much love in her eyes it was crazy. “Let’s hope it’s paradise, because that’s how these past few years have felt.” 
You gave her a small nod before focusing on the screen in front of you. “Here we go, 1.. 2.. 3.” You spoke to yourself before finally clicking on the button that you’d been staring at for what felt like forever. All you could do was stare at the screen for the first few moments as you watched people continuously join the broadcast. The number grew way faster than you expected, the shock was evident on your face. You finally began to introduce yourself once Jieun nudged you with her leg to snap you out of your trance. You looked over at her then back at the phone, clearing your throat, you began to speak. “Oh wow, hi.” You smiled shyly at the camera as comments went flying by on the screen. “There sure are a lot of people here tonight haha.” Your head tilted to the side as you read some of the comments. “Okay well let me get started then.” You cleared your throat again before looking at the camera lens instead of the screen. 
“Hello, thank you all for joining in tonight as we have some crazy news to share with everyone, but before we get to all that I just want to say a few words. I apologize in advance if I come off as incoherent or scattered brained, my girlfriend is actually the professional in all this public speaking stuff so please cut me some slack. But here we go, I want to first of all thank you all for being so supportive of this account and our relationship. I know a lot of you have been following this account for a long time and some of you even since the beginning. We both never expected this account to get the attention it got, it kinda just started off as a way for my girlfriend to record our relationship. She’s a very busy person so she loves to record any moments of us together when she can so that’s how this whole account started off. This was entirely her idea so I don’t want to take any credit for it, I’m just grateful that about a third of our relationship is always available for us to look back on.” You looked over at Jieun with a heartfelt smile before looking back at the camera. “Now, I guess I shouldn’t delay this topic any further so let’s get to it. One of the hottest topics about our account is who my girlfriend is and why she doesn’t show her face. Well she’s here to introduce herself to all of you out there, but I just want to give you all a small warning.” You pulled the phone closer to yourself so you could whisper, “My girlfriend is very very beautiful so just be prepared.” You moved the phone back to its original distance from your face. 
Jieun laughed at your antics as she watched you in amusement. 
You looked over and locked eyes with her, “Ready..?” 
Jieun admired you for a few seconds before nodding her head, “Mhm.” 
Your smile grew even bigger then you looked back over at the camera. “Okay, well I’m going to hand this off to her now, she’s kinda the professional in all of this so yeah. Here you go love.” You handed the phone to Jieun. 
She continued to keep her face out of frame until she was ready. Then slowly she moved closer to you, moving the camera to capture both of your faces in frame. Jieun didn’t say anything as all she could do was stare at the way the comments flew by faster than she could read them.
“Gosh Jieun, how do you manage to look even more beautiful on screen.” You spoke your genuine compliment as you looked between the Jieun next to you and the one on the screen in front of you. “Crazy.” You shook your head in disbelief at her beauty.
Jieun began to blush like crazy when she heard your compliment. “I guess it’s my turn to introduce myself, no..?” Jieun whispered to you.
“Mhm, go ahead baby.” You reached for her hand that wasn’t holding the camera. “You got this.” You reassured her with a gentle squeeze of her hand. 
Jieun looked between you and the camera as she built the courage to speak. Then finally she introduced herself. “Hello everyone, it’s nice to finally meet you all on this account. My name is Lee Jieun but a few of you may know that I also go by another name. And that name is IU.” Jieun’s eyes on screen reflected the comments that were speeding by on screen. “I know this may seem crazy, but yes, that has been me in all these pictures on this account. What do you think, did I do a good job at hiding my identity..?” Jieun asked the viewers as she had a small smile on her face. “I just hope that you all now understand the reason behind me being secretive about my identity on this account for the past two years.” 
The two of you sat in silence after her last sentence while you both tried reading some of the comments. You finally decided to speak up to help break the silence. 
“See, I told all of you that she was very beautiful.” You looked away from the screen so you could look at Jieun’s profile, “Very, very beautiful.” 
Jieun placed the phone in your hand so she could move to hide her face in the crook of your neck. “Stop that, you’re making me shy.” She whispered to you which caused you to laugh.
You held the camera up to show everyone watching the scene that was happening between the two of you. “Haha, did you hear that..?” You asked the viewers watching. “She’s shy.” 
After a small while the comments began to slow down and you were finally able to fully read them. You nudged Jieun so she could look at you. “Look, they’re all pretty much positive.” You gestured to the phone in front of you. 
Jieun finally pulled away from you so she could read the comments as well. “Oh wow…” She mumbled as she stared at the screen. 
“Yeah wow.” You agreed with her statement of shock. “I guess everything is going to be okay now, hmm..?” 
“Hopefully.” Jieun spoke in a quiet voice. 
“Hmm,” You looked between Jieun and the screen. “Well, I feel like we should tell them about ourselves, shouldn’t we..?” 
“Mhm, we should.” Jieun nodded as all she could do was stare at you in admiration at how you were able to lead the livestream even though this was your first time doing anything like this. 
Your eyes grazed the comments that were flying by, filled with questions. You read them outloud to yourself before finding one that you wanted to answer. 
“How did the two of you meet..?” You read the comment out loud then you looked over at Jieun, who was still just staring at you. “Do you want to tell the story or do you want me to..?” 
“You can do it…” Jieun answered as she avoided looking you in the eyes. 
“Okay,” You planted a gentle kiss on her forehead before clearing your throat and looking back at the camera. “It was about seven years ago now, and believe it or not we first met on the bus. Crazy right..?” You smiled as memories started to flood your mind. “I was in my first year of university here and I was heading to a study group at a cafe near my campus. I was still fairly new to the area so I had gotten on the wrong bus at first so when I boarded the one Jieun was on, I was already running late. And Jieun, well actually where were you headed to..? You never told me.” You looked over at Jieun.
“Oh, it was my day off so I was just visiting a bunch of different bakeries and cafes around town.” Jieun answered as she moved to lean her head on your shoulder so she could look at you through the screen in front of her. 
“Oh, interesting.” You smiled when you felt her lean on you. “Continuing, she was in the seat behind me and she had suddenly dropped her phone which slid forward, hitting my shoe, so like any other sane person in the world, I picked it up to hand it to her. But man, when I was handing her her phone, the look on her face was unbelievable. The way she looked at me in that moment still gives me butterflies to this day.” You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you continued to tell the story of your first meeting. 
Jieun happily sat with you, occasionally chiming in to help with some of the story telling, she didn’t know if it was the huge amount of weight that was no longer on her shoulders that made her feel even more comfortable leaning on you. You were her happy place and she would never deny that. You had then given the phone to Jieun so you could explain this part of the story with your hands.
“And yeah, all that has led up to here. I can’t believe I’ve had to deal with your crazy self for this long.” You laughed as you looked at Jieun.
“Ha, you’re the crazy one here, not me.” She playfully slapped your shoulder. 
“Sure, as if that’s not a lie.” You had a sly smirk on your face as you watched Jieun.
Jieun glared at you before breaking out in a bright smile, “It’s insane that I love you so much that I can’t even pretend to be mad at you.” 
You let out a joyful laugh before moving to quickly wrap her up in a hug, knocking her phone out of her hand in the process. “Oh, oops.” You leaned over to pick her phone up from the ground, “I’m sorry about that, are you all okay..?” 
While you were talking to the camera Jieun stared at you from behind, “Dummy…” She mumbled in a not so subtle way. 
You turned away from the camera to look at her, “What did you just call me..?” 
Jieun had a mischievous smirk on her face as she answered you, “Dummy.” This time she spoke with way more haughtiness.
“Oh really..?” You stuck your tongue to the side of your cheek as you nodded slowly. “This is how it’s going to be huh..” You had a small smile on your face as you moved forward to lean her phone against a candle you had on the coffee table. “Okay then.” Once you had the camera set up you turned around to face Jieun. “Dummy, is it..?” You asked before moving to jump on top of her. “Say sorry.” You laughed as you began to tickle the squirming girl beneath you. 
“Hahaha, n-no, n-, hahaha, never!” She laughed loudly, barely letting the words out. 
“Say it,” You couldn't help but laugh at how infectious Jieun’s laugh was. 
“No!” She yelled as her laugh got even louder. 
“Say it.”
Say i- woah!” Before you were able to even realize it, Jieun had wrapped her legs around your waist, quickly moving to flip the two of you over. Uh-oh, now she was the one on top. 
“J-jieun,” You let out a giggle, “Stop!! You’re going to make me pee myself!”
“Ha ha, Karma punk.” Jieun now sported that same mischievous smirk from earlier as she tickled. 
By now you had completely forgotten about the camera and broadcast as all your focus was now on getting revenge. 
Somewhere in between your squirming around you were able to grab her arms to stop her from tickling you, you quickly moved to tackle her back down underneath you. “Ha! Got you.” You quickly stood up from the couch and moved to pick her up and throw her over your shoulder, once you had her where you needed her, you began to spin around. 
Jieun was laughing so hard tears began to stream down her face. 
Once you stopped spinning her around, you carefully dropped her back onto the couch, proceeding to throw a pillow at her. Jieun quickly scrambled to sit up so she could throw the pillow back at you.
You caught the pillow as it flew towards you, “Haha loser, I caught it!” You teased, sticking your tongue out at her. You turned around to look for a bigger pillow but then that soon became a big mistake as Jieun took that opportunity to jump on your back.
The two of you continued to play around like children for a while until you finally remembered about the broadcast that was still live streaming your whole play fight. Jieun was currently on top of you on the couch, attempting to do some wrestling moves when you reminded her about the camera. 
“Huh?” She paused in the middle of one of her moves, “Oh no.” She cleared her throat then she rolled off of you to sit down, trying her best to seem normal.
You couldn’t help the huge belt of laughter at the sight of her, “Oh you’re so cute.” You wrapped your arms around her and peppered her in kisses all over. 
Jieun was laughing while trying to free herself from you, “S-stop, haha, the, the, the broadcast.” She managed to get out in between her laughter. 
You finally pulled away from her with the biggest smile on your face. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I can’t help myself. You’re just too cute.” You planted one last kiss on her lips before grabbing her phone off of the coffee table. “Oh wow.” As you sat back down you looked at the number of people watching, it had more than doubled since the moment the two of you started playing around. 
It was now time for the broadcast to end and Jieun was the one who was in charge of that as you now sat asleep hugging her from behind. Your head was leaning on her back as your arms were wrapped around her waist. 
Jieun couldn’t help the smile on her face as she watched you from the screen, man was this girl in love. 
Jieun looked back up at the camera to begin speaking again in a hushed tone as to not wake you up. “Well I hope this wasn’t too much of a shock to my longtime supporters but I don’t regret this decision. This relationship is a huge part of who I am and I just hope that you can all continue to support me for who I am and not because of who or how I love. And I mean that with all the sincerity in the world.” Jieun paused to turn her head to look at you, “I love her a lot, she makes me so happy it’s hard to even put it into words.” Jieun looked back over at the camera, eyes looking over the comments, “She’s someone very special to me. She makes me feel things that I didn’t even know were possible. There’s no one out there more perfect for me than her and she has never made me feel anything less than special.” Jieun didn’t notice how a tear had escaped from her eye as she spoke her truth, “I have to go now, thank you for all of your support. Bye.” Jieun waved at the camera then she cut the broadcast off. 
“Jieun, I’m not sure about this. I’m nervous.” You whispered as you followed her into the dressing room you were now sharing. Yes sharing, not her dressing room, but one for the two of you. 
After the news about your relationship went viral everything quickly changed for you. You had to resign from your job due to people constantly pestering you about your relationship with one of the biggest artists in your time. Then outside of that people with huge cameras began hunting the two of you down everywhere you went and you were constantly getting bombarded by reporters trying to reach out to you. 
The day after the news came out Jieun decided to take the two of you on a vacation to a small village in a secluded part of the country so you could have some form of peace together. Your couple's account was the hot topic of every news outlet in the country so you went from barely being in a light to being on everyone’s phone in the country. 
Once the two of you came back from your impromptu vacation, Jieun’s manager had requested for you at her company. When the two of you showed up both Hanteo and the CEO of her company were waiting for you in one of the meeting rooms with a contract. After a lot of discussion you and Jieun figured this was the direction you were meant to go in, Jieun couldn’t have been happier for you as you signed the contract. Jieun admired your beauty more than anyone else in the world and now you would have an even bigger opportunity to share it with the world. This definitely wasn’t the way you expected your life to go but for Jieun, all of this was definitely worth it. 
So all of that leads to this moment, the producers of the show “Happy Together,” had reached out to Jieun’s manager to ask if the two of you were willing to appear for a special episode they were planning on shooting. You had left the decision up to Jieun and she agreed to it once the two of you had talked about it for a while. 
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. Just be yourself, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about, okay? I’ll be right next to you the entire time.” Jieun reassured you by placing a gentle kiss on your knuckles. 
“Okay…” You nodded in response before letting go of her hand so she could get her makeup done. You sat on the couch in the dressing room as you watched her through the mirror. 
Then soon it was your turn to sit where she was. You definitely weren’t used to the feeling of someone doing your makeup but you had seen Jieun do this a million times so you tried your best to sit still.
After the two of you were made up you sat in the dressing room together just talking. Jieun had begun to post old pictures of the two of you together on both your couple’s account and on her personal account so that was the topic the two of you were talking about.
There was a knock at the door then one of the producers you had introduced yourself to earlier walked in. He informed the two of you that he was going to give you a rundown of today's episode. He walked the two of you through the set as he explained what to do. “So when this door opens the two of you will just walk through and introduce yourselves, then you can walk towards the couch and sit down. If you begin to feel overwhelmed just let us know, this isn’t being broadcasted live.” He spoke the last sentence more towards you.  
It was almost laughable at how opposite both you and Jieun were at the current moment. She was cool, calm and collected as she smiled at everyone around, meanwhile you were on the brink of freaking out and looking like you could vomit any moment now.
Once the producer walked away, Jieun turned to face you. “Hey look at me, it’s going to be okay. Take a deep breath.” She rubbed your arm as you did what she said. “It’s going to be fine, okay..? If you need me to, I can talk for the both of us.” 
“That would honestly probably be the best choice here, I don’t want to embarrass the both of us.” You gave her a small smile. 
Jieun moved in to hug you tightly and you soon felt yourself relaxing in her embrace. 
“You know I love you, right..?” Jieun whispered in your ear. 
You nodded before whispering back, “Mhm, and I love you too.” 
Jieun continued to talk to you in an attempt to calm you down as they began to film. 
After a couple of minutes the door the producer mentioned earlier opened and it was now time for the two of you to walk onto set. Jieun held your hand tightly as she led the way. 
You felt super nervous but Jieun never once let go of your hand, soon all the introductions were over and the two of you sat down on the couch designated for you. 
As the show progressed you were finally able to calm down as you soon noticed how friendly everyone was on set. This was honestly one of your favorite shows to watch in your free time so actually being able to be on set was super awesome. 
At one point Jae-suk had motioned towards you and Jieun while smiling, “The two of you haven’t let go of each other's hand since you walked in.” 
Instead of Jieun you spoke up, looking down at your interlocked fingers, “Yeah I guess we haven’t.” 
You looked up to look at Jieun, her eyes immediately locking onto your own, a proud smile on her face. 
The two of you then shared a laugh when Myungsoo told a dumb dad joke about your situation. 
Towards the end of the show Jae-suk had brought up the topic of the public's response to your relationship. Not in a way that was invasive but more as setting up the discussion for normalizing queer relationships in the country and in the Media. 
“Well,” Jieun began, “There was a huge amount of support from people outside of our country and by people from the younger generations. I ignored many of the unpleasant responses as I know that our relationship is just as valid as anyone else’s relationship, so to anyone out there saying that we’re setting a bad example for their kids then I’m sorry but I have to disagree. If two people in a healthy and loving relationship is a bad example for kids then I’d hate to see what a ‘good’ example would be for your kids.” Jieun spoke in such an eloquent way that helped disguise the disgust she felt to the people who spoke ill of your relationship. 
You just had to take a moment to admire how she sounded so professional to the camera but yet she was essentially telling people to screw off.
The smile on your face wasn’t missed by Jae-suk as he soon asked you for any input you wanted to add. 
You looked over at him and nodded, “Well just like Jieun said, we both care for each other very deeply and this was a huge decision we both agreed on after years of being together. I knew this choice was going to hurt her career in some form or another but I am glad to know that we can show young people that it eventually gets better. That they are normal and there is definitely not something wrong with them. I know if a celebrity I looked up to as a kid had this in common with me then it would’ve made life a lot easier on me. Not saying that my parents didn’t support me, cause they definitely do, it just would've made everything that was going on in my head make more sense. But now I get to wake up to this beautiful face everyday and I couldn’t be happier.” You looked at Jieun. “And as a bonus, Jieun isn’t as stressed anymore about hiding such a big part of herself from her fans. So I want to thank all of her fans that decided to stick by her side. I thank all of you so much for accepting me and our relationship. I promise to take care of Jieun and to always be there for her.” 
Jieun’s eyes began to water as she listened to you, then Jae-suk asked her if she wanted to add on to what you said. 
“Oh sorry, just give me a minute.” Jieun smiled as she turned her face away from the camera. With the hand that wasn’t holding yours, she patted her finger around her eyes. “Sorry.” She apologized to the cast and crew. 
“No, no, don’t apologize.” Jae-suk reassured Jieun with words of encouragement.
“Okay well,” Jieun started once she was able to collect herself, “We really do hope to become a beacon of hope for young people everywhere so that they know they will always be loved and accepted by us. We both know how it feels so trust us when we say we love everyone out there who may feel like they don’t fit in with society's normalized standards. You will all become happy in the future, I wish things didn’t take such a long time but in the end I promise it will be worth it.” 
Everyone on set couldn’t help but get emotional at what the two of you were saying and Jieun wasn’t helping once she said that she was starting an outreach organization to help give young kids resources to help process their feelings. She stated that she had wished that this was something she had around as a kid so instead she wanted to be the one to establish this organization. Jae-suk even chimed in saying that he would also like to help out sometime. You couldn’t have been prouder of the woman sitting next to you. Always so caring to everyone. 
Overall your experience on the show was amazing, everyone from the cast to the crew was incredibly nice to the both of you. You were glad that you were both given the space to share more about your relationship to people out there who still doubted that relationship was anything more than a publicity stunt.
After the cameras stopped rolling you thanked everyone for allowing the two of you on the show and then it was time for you to leave.
You and Jieun walked outside hand in hand following behind Hanteo. 
“I knew you would do an amazing job, I’m so proud of you.” Jieun said once the two of you were seated in the car. 
“Well I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but you being there with me really helped out.” You had a small smile on your face as you talked to her. 
“Then I’m just glad you didn’t have a panic attack.” Jieun kissed your cheek, causing you to look at her, “I’m seriously so proud of you.” She planted a soft kiss on your lips before putting her seat belt on. 
Once you had made it home you had asked Jieun if she wanted to go on a walk to see the sunset. 
Of course she agreed so as she waited for you by the door you ran into your shared bedroom to slip something into your pocket. You quickly rushed out to meet her at the front door, and even though she didn’t say anything, Jieun knew there was something up with you. 
The two of you walked along the scenic pathway you frequented on her days off, hand in hand, talking about everything and anything that came to mind. Jieun would pause occasionally to take pictures, as always, and you couldn’t help the smile on your face as you admired her. 
You had stopped walking once you made it to what you considered the most beautiful spot on the path. 
“What’s wrong..? Are you thirsty..?” Jieun asked in concern when you pulled her aside. 
You couldn’t help the small smile on your face as you shook your head, “No, I’m fine. I just wanted to ask you something.” 
Jieun raised an eyebrow at your strange behavior, “You know you can ask me anything right..? You don’t have to ask for permission.” 
“I know love, but I think I might need at least some permission for this question.” Before Jieun could say anything else you moved to get on one knee. You pulled out a little black box from your pocket, opening it up towards her and it revealed a simple yet beautiful ring. It had both of your initials engraved onto it, and it was topped off with a beautiful but appropriate diamond. “Lee Jieun, will you marry me..?” Your voice wavered with a bit of nervousness as you asked her the big question.
“You can’t be serious??” Jieun’s face was riddled with shock as her eyes began to water up. “Yes, yes of course! A million times yes!”
You couldn’t help but laugh as your own eyes began to tear up, you slid the ring onto her ring finger then you moved to envelope her in a big hug. 
“Finally…” Jieun mumbled before pulling away from the hug so she could kiss you. “You took your precious time with this love.”  
“I know baby, and I’m sorry it took this long. I just didn’t want to ask you before we went public, I didn’t want to pressure you into feeling like we had to go public. I was happy waiting until you were ready.” You held Jieun’s face in your hands as you admired her eyes. “I love you.” 
Jieun’s eyes continued to water, “I love you too.” 
“She’s my fiance, yay! She’s my fiance, yay! She’s my fianc-” 
“Are you okay..?”
“Oh my, Jieun, you scared me!” You had jumped up in surprise when you heard Jieun’s voice behind you. 
It was later that night and you were washing the dishes from dinner as Jieun showered, you didn’t expect her to finish up this fast… so yeah she might have caught you celebrating to yourself. 
“Are you that excited to be engaged with me..?” Jieun wrapped her arms around your neck once you turned around to face her. 
“Are you joking..? Of course I’m this excited Jieun. I’m sure I’m probably the happiest woman on earth right now.” You placed your hands on either side of her waist. 
Jieun had a smile on her face as her eyes looked back and forth from your eyes to your lips, “Well I think there’s probably one woman on earth who is happier.”
“Oh really..?” You raised an eyebrow at her. “And who would that be..?” 
Jieun leaned in closer, “Me.” She whispered to you before leaning in to envelope you in a loving kiss. 
“Oh they’re loving this picture babe.” Jieun smiled as she showed you her phone screen.
“I told you, it’s my favorite one.” The photo on her phone was one of her in frame while holding your hand on up to the camera. You interlocked fingers showing the newly found rings on both of your ring fingers. This was the first picture on your couple’s account that featured just Jieun’s face. 
“I liked the one with both of us in it, but you insisted on this one.” Jieun opened up her gallery to show you the picture she was referencing. 
“Baby you can just post that on your account, no one’s stopping you.” 
Jieun gasped, she stared at you with the widest eyes. “You’re so right, I forgot I could do that.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics, “You’re so cute baby, don’t ever change.” You planted a kiss on her cheek before laying your head on her lap. You looked up at the woman you loved the most and your heart was super content, there was no better feeling than this. 
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nanawritesit · 2 years
Updated List of Kpop Groups/ Artists I Write For
These are all listed in my official guidelines as well as the franchises I write for, but I just thought I’d make a lil post too :)
Tomorrow x Together
Stray Kids
Seventeen (One unit per request)
Red Velvet
Cherry Bullet
Girls Generation
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besosdefresiita · 1 month
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ㅤ       ெ˚❀   Quien lo diria que se podria hacer el amor por telepatia.
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ourdadai · 16 days
✿ hayun ꒰ primrose ꒱ lockscreens !
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ningfly · 3 months
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sosofiaplay · 1 year
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ᥪᥛ᤺ 𝆬 🧁 ⠀๋᤻⠀⠀ ๋ ׅ ♡ 𝗅ꪱ꯭𝗄ᥱ 𝗈𝗋 𝗋ᥱ𝖻꯭𝗅𝗈𝗀 ֵ𓆩⠀ ͜🎀 ⃝⋕֓֓⠀ ๋
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alcoholfreenayeon · 5 months
then can you write headcanons for iu as your girlfriend please? sfw and nsfw!
A/N: Hope you like it anon!
IU Girlfriend HCs
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A bit of a dork, she’ll randomly find out about facts that were supposed to be more or less common knowledge and be so surprised about it. She didn’t even know she had been wrong about her own blood type until very recently.
Will stare at you indignantly when she feels jealous.
Loves to photobomb pictures you try to take. But you secretly love it since it just makes the pictures prettier.
She can be very playful and silly at times, laughing at the smallest things and that’s your favorite thing to hear, her laughter.
She has some niches when it comes to food.
Likes to rest on you, doesn’t matter where, could be your chest, shoulder, lap. She just wants to feel close to you.
Her manager once revealed how she doesn’t stop talking you, like at all. It had come to the point where the manager felt like they were in a relationship with you as well given how well they now knew you.
IU didn’t know her manager was saying all this and walked in mid conversation and froze, completely embarrassed even more so when you looked at her with a happy and teasing smile.
She likes to cuddle a lot. If she sees that you are starting to fall asleep before she’s had enough cuddles, she’ll tickle you to jolt you awake.
Rarely shows you her emotionally vulnerable side. She thinks that you will end up worrying too much about her if she reveals all of her feelings to you.
Prefers to be on top but not necessarily dominant.
She sees her partner’s enjoyment and pleasure as more important than her own but that doesn’t mean she’ll let you leave her unsatisfied.
She beats around the bush a lot when she wants sex, hoping you recognize her advances before she has to speak up directly.
She can definitely be quite bratty at times and will tease you to your limits.
If you end up giving her that freedom, she’ll end up taking over, becoming in charge and she will most definitely not tolerate any disobedience, disrespect or brattiness from you.
She’s big on car sex, always ready to do it whenever you both are going or returning from anywhere. While that’s not really an issue when IU is driving, it turns into one, when you drive and she’s touching you all over. It’s a miracle neither of you have crashed considering what goes on.
IU likes to take care of you after sex, cuddling you, bringing you food and water.
Becomes increasingly more dominant and horny the more busy and stressed she is.
Her dominant side doesn’t turn up very often but when it does, you realize how demanding and insatiable she can be.
She has a bit of a foot fetish but is really embarrassed by it.
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jensbfs · 3 months
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𝐈 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝓨𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐋𝑜𝑣𝑒 / 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟖 ❄
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carameliui · 2 months
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Yes, I deserve a spring - I owe nobody nothing.
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airaibunny · 9 months
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kwon eunbi-
jo yuri-
you can request soloists and trainees not on this list, these are just my personal faves
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine getting suspicious that your boyfriend Hoshi is secretly seeing IU behind your back
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You were one of the first people Hoshi told about his interview with IU because you were both huge fans of hers. You’d worked hard as a trainee in hopes of being half as good as her and fangirled majorly when you first saw her at an award show. So the last thing you were expecting was to regret Hoshi meeting her.
"So how was it?" you cried as soon as he walked through the door after his Seventeen interview with her "was she just as amazing as we always thought?". Hoshi laughed "I just walked through the door, give me a second". You nodded "you're right, sorry. I'll give you a minute". You watched as he slowly took off his shoes and hung up his coat. You followed him into the bedroom and tried to wait patiently as he got changed. When he started folding his clothes ridiculously slowly you burst "oh come on you're totally teasing me aren't you?". Hoshi laughed "no I'm just a little tired, why don't we go in the living room and I'll answer your questions". You led him in beaming and pushed him into a chair "okay so answer my first question, was it amazing?". Hoshi frowned and your smile fell "what? Why are you making that face". Hoshi laughed "I wouldn't call it amazing, it was just fine". You shook your head "why just fine? This is IU!". Hoshi chuckled but just shrugged "well I guess we know why they say to never meet your heroes. Would you like a cup of tea?" and he stood up. However you weren't ready to drop the topic yet. "What do you mean? Did something happen?". "No nothing happened the interview was fine and she was...nice". "The way you said that didn't sound nice". Hoshi shrugged "it was nothing just she's a big star and you could feel that. The second the cameras were off she didn't speak to us and she was kind of cold. That's all". You frowned "ow that sucks...I'm so sorry" and you hugged him. "It's okay, it's not your fault" Hoshi said hugging you back and you nodded "I know but you were so excited to meet her so it must feel crap. Screw the tea I'm making us both hot chocolates with loads of whipped cream. You go sit down and I'll bring them over". Hoshi smiled "you always know how to make me feel better" and with a kiss on your cheek he retreated to the sofa. So when the interview came out you were very eager to watch and see if you could see what Hoshi had told you...but you couldn't. IU seemed as sweet as ever which was to be expected. What did surprise you however was for all Hoshi's talk, he seemed to be interacting and flirting with her a lot. You watched as he hurried to swat a bee away from her calling her a flower and how he nervously presented his dance for her. Even the way he looked at her just showed a lot of longing and it made you uncomfortable. You were aware Hoshi had a slight crush on IU when he was younger and understood somewhat. She was IU for heaven's sake some glorifying was inevitable but after everything he'd told you after the interview, it didn't make sense. Why did he look so fondly at her in the video but to you, he told you he disliked her? You could always tell when Hoshi was being sincere in interviews and the way he was acting with IU seemed genuine. So you came to the conclusion he must've lied to you about IU and the interview but why? What reason could he possibly have to paint her in a negative light?
You couldn't make up your mind about what had happened so you tried to ignore it and move it. A few days later you both had the day off from work and so you planned a nice day out together. The day went well but one thing had bothered you. Hoshi's phone had been going off all day and when you asked about it he said it was work. You worried they were overworking him too and thought sending him constant texts and even phone calls on his day off was a bit much. However Hoshi didn't seem to mind so you just held your tongue and figured he'd say if it got too much. Then when he went to the bathroom the phone rang once again and you sighed. "Hoshi your phone" you called but got no response. You were about to pick it up and tell them he'd call them back when you realised it wasn't his manager calling. It was IU. You paused very confused, you had no idea they'd exchanged numbers or why she'd be calling him. You just held the phone scared to do anything more and she hung up. Hoshi's home screen flashed up and you didn't mean to look but saw three messages from IU on his lock screen. You couldn't see what they said because you were in lock mode but they were dated a few minutes ago and it occurred to you that this must've been who was texting him all day. There were no other messages from anyone else and your feeling of confusion settled into concern. This made it even weirder that he'd lied to you about getting along with IU and you could only think of one reason why he might not want you to know he was friends with her...because he wanted to be more than friends with her. Surely you'd only lie to your girlfriend about a girl if there was something to hide and looking at how frequently they'd been in contact something was definitely going on. Even as you'd been thinking IU sent another text message and you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. You suddenly heard the toilet flush and rushed to put Hoshi's phone back where you'd found it. You hurried into your chair across the table and quickly unlocked your phone and went on Instagram. Hoshi opened the door just as it loaded and you pretended to have been scrolling through your feed this whole time. Hoshi came out and wrapped his arms around you "I love hugging you, you always smell so good" he said nuzzling your neck. You tried to relax and not reveal how tense you were. You laughed as naturally as you could "it's just soap and water. You should try it sometime" you joked but your heart was beating rapidly. "Ha ha" Hoshi said and he let go of you going back to his seat. "Your phone rang" you told him and watched to see his reaction. "Ow really"? he said and he clicked the lock screen. He scrolled through the messages casually and smiled "i'll just nip outside and see what they want". "Or you could call them in here?" you offered "I don't mind" smiling sweetly. Hoshi shook his head "nah you don't have to listen to our boring work stuff. Go get a movie ready and I'll be right back". "Okay" you nodded and then he left. Hoshi didn't mention IU at all and it was driving you crazy with worry. You knew you should ask him about it but you were scared so you just watched him a little closer. Everything with him seemed absolutely normal except for one thing...he was texting a lot. Whenever you asked who he was messaging he'd name a different member and that’s how you knew it was IU. You didn't want to lose Hoshi and he was still as loving as ever so you figured there must be something to save there so you tried extra hard in your relationship. You were more affectionate towards him and told him you loved him at random moments just to make him smile. Hoshi's reaction warmed your heart and you began to wonder if there was really any problem at all. The next day you decided to surprise Hoshi at work with his favourite coffee and cupcake from a bakery you loved to visit. The security guards at the desk waved you past, recognising you and you made your way up to the floor Seventeen were always on. As you stepped out of the elevator you walked up to the receptionist and ask if the boys were busy. You never wanted to walk right in on a busy rehearsal or ruin a take so always checked before going to find Hoshi. The receptionist said he'd find out for you and you nodded glancing around the hall when you spotted something. You could see through the glass doors that IU was here and she was talking to someone. Whoever it was had his back to you but you knew who it was without even having to see his face. You recognised his clothes and even the way he was standing. You felt like your whole world was crumbling and just to seal the deal Hoshi turned slightly and you could see the big smile on his face. "They're all on lunch so you're welcome to go through" the receptionist said and you panicked seeing IU and Hoshi were right there and could turn at any moment. You'd have to pass them to reach the stairs to escape so you nodded and went down the other corridor leading to the recording booths. Your plan was to sneak into one of the rooms before Hoshi could see you, wait for them to go away and then leave but of course they started walking towards you the second you walked down that corridor. Your eyes widened in panic and you quickly opened one of the doors and slipped inside. You slammed the door shut and heard Hoshi's voice as he walked passed outside. You slumped against the door and tried to calm down. "Y/n?" you heard someone ask and turned to see Jun. He was sat at the table watching you with a concerned look on his face. He had his lunch in front of him and was face timing someone. "Jun...hey" you said and tried to get ahold of yourself quickly. "Hey, are you okay? You look upset" and that was all it took for you to burst into tears. Jun quickly hung up his phone and rushed towards you "hey what's wrong? Should I go get Hoshi?". "No!" you cried "don't do that!" and cried harder. Jun nodded "okay I won't get Hoshi and awkwardly patted your back while he waited for you to stop crying. When you stopped Jun frowned "are you okay?". "Do you think Hoshi's cheating on me?" you asked and Jun's eyes widened. "What! Hoshi would never do that!". "That's what I thought too but he's been calling and texting IU for weeks and lying to me about it. He even told me the interview was crap but I saw how much fun he had in the footage. Then to top everything off I come here to surprise him and she's here! You must've all noticed. Be honest with me Jun, is he cheating on me?". "I...No!" Jun said "Hoshi would never hurt you!". "Then why is he with her right now?" you asked just as there was a knock at the door. "Jun? You in there?" Hoshi of all people called and you froze. "Please don't tell him I'm here!" you whispered and Jun nodded "yeah I'm here, why?" holding the door closed. "Did I leave my wallet there? I'm taking IU out for lunch and can't possibly make her pay". Jun's eyes shot to you and you turned away distraught. "Jun?" Hoshi asked when he didn't respond and Jun nodded "yeah I saw it earlier..." he fumbled around and opened the door an inch "here". "Thanks! Also tell Scoups I might be a little longer today". Jun nodded "okay bye" and closed the door. "Y/n..." Jun sighed and you just shook your head "there's no explaining that Jun. It's over. Hoshi doesn't love me anymore". No matter what he said Jun couldn't convince you there might be more to this and to make things worse it was Seungkwan's birthday tonight which you couldn't miss. "You're still coming right?" Jun asked and you nodded "I have to...I helped organise it". Jun nodded "do you want me to speak to Hoshi?". You immediately refused it but Jun promised to be discreet and so you agreed. You arrived at the party a few hours later a bag of nerves. You just wanted to hear what Hoshi had to say to Jun and nothing else was important. You'd avoided Hoshi all night and when you finally saw Jun ask to speak to him your heart began to race. You followed them as quietly as you could and watched them go into a room. You put your head to the door to hear Jun had started taking. "Hoshi...I think you should tell Y/n about IU" Jun said and Hoshi's gasped "I can't! Then she'll know".  Jun sighed "look you don't have to tell her every detail but at least tell her something! She's getting suspicious and I don't think you'll be able to keep it up for much longer". Hoshi sighed "but if I tell her that's it! It's all over and I just need a few more weeks. That's all". Jun sighed "but is it really that important?". "Yes" Hoshi said not even hesitating and you almost made a strangled noise that his affair with IU was so important to him. You decided you couldn't listen to it anymore so you knocked. They both physically jumped and Hoshi smiled widely "hey you". You smiled as best you could "I just wanted to let you know I'm heading off and say thanks for inviting me". "No worries, do you want me to give you a lift? I could stay over for the night and we could watch a movie" Hoshi asked but you shook your head "Ja-Young is picking me up and she's already outside". Hoshi nodded "well text me if you want me to come over after this is finished". You nodded "I will, have a good night" and rushed from the room. Hoshi tried to call you three times that night but you rejected each one. You didn't want to talk to him. It hurt too much and every time you saw him it reminded you he was lying to you. You couldn't take any more of it and you needed a break so you stopped replying to his messages unless you had to and cancelled all your upcoming dates. You used the excuse you were busy with work and didn't even care if Hoshi bought it. When he asked what restaurant you wanted to go to for your birthday later this week you told him you would be busy working so you should skip it this year. Hoshi said you had to do something and sent you a lot of messages confused because he thought you'd booked the day off. You didn't bother replying to him and ignored his calls. You just didn't feel like spending your birthday with him this year of all years and were surprised he’d even remembered with all he had going on. He then started contacting your members but you told them to just ignore him. You were exhausted with the whole thing and decided you'd break it off with him. Your members had to stay to finish filming their scenes but you were done so you headed home alone. You sent the text to Hoshi telling him it was over, blocked his number and booked some tickets to fly home to see your parents for your birthday. You just wanted to get away from everything.  You took a long shower and when you got out saw your phone had blown up. You had several missed calls from your members and wondered what on earth had happened. You called your leader and she picked up quickly "Y/n? Thank god!" she sighed. "What's wrong? Are you all okay?". "Yeah we're fine" she replied and you frowned "so what's all the missed calls? I was worried something was wrong". "Sorry for scaring you but we needed to talk to you about Hoshi". "Hoshi?" you asked "I've decided I'm breaking up with him and flying home for my birthday like we agreed". "But Y/n we don't think that's a good idea". You nearly dropped the phone "what why?". "Just tell me you haven't left for the airport yet?" your leader asked. "No but why would it matter...". "We spoke to Hoshi" she said and you froze "you what?". "He came by the studio because he couldn't get through to you and he explained what happened. Y/n it's not what you think, you need to give him a chance to explain". "To explain?" you asked actually in shock your leader would advocate listening to a cheater "after what he's done? How can you even ask me that? I thought you were my friend" you cried "what is wrong with everyone?" and you hung up. You turned your phone off not wanting to hear from anyone else and packed for the airport. Your flight wasn't for tomorrow but you would just get an early one. You really didn't want to be here when your members got back. You were in a taxi 20 minutes later and arrived at the airport shortly after. You'd had to turn your phone back on to buy new tickets and the incoming messages were relentless. You got your stuff out of the taxi and were booking new tickets on your phone when you heard someone call your name. You turned and saw Hoshi running towards you. You wanted nothing more than to run away but you also wanted this to be over. It looked like Hoshi had come straight from work and despite the cold weather he wasn't wearing a coat. His clothes and hair were wet from the recent rain and you wondered why on earth he'd gone to all this effort to chase you down. "Y/n" he said stopping in front of you "please don't go, just let me explain. There's nothing going on with IU". You rolled your eyes "Hoshi I saw all the text messages and your secret lunch date with her. Don't lie to me". Hoshi shook his head "I'm not! I have been texting her and we did have lunch but not for the reason you're thinking! I'm not cheating on you". "Then why all the sneaking around with her? What other explanation could there be?" you asked. "She's helping me to plan your surprise party!" Hoshi burst and you frowned "what? That's ridiculous". Hoshi shook his head "it's all true I swear look". He pulled out his phone and turned it to you "this is an email confirming the ballroom which I booked for it. This is a text from the caterer, double checking the food order and you can call any of my members and they'll tell you". "But I spoke to Jun and he said...". "I'd sworn them all to secrecy!" Hoshi cried "I told them not to tell you and even your members didn't know. I just told them today after I got your text. Y/n I love you I could never cheat on you. I just wanted this to be a complete surprise but I went a bit too far and scared you. Y/n I'm so sorry but please don't leave me" Hoshi said tears filling his eyes. You were still in shock but one thing didn't make sense "but why IU? Why was she helping you?". Hoshi sighed "it sounds really stupid now I say it but I was going to get her to sing at your party and surprise you. I know how much you like her...or maybe past tense now and she agreed. She was really excited by the idea and it turns out she’s really good at planning parties. So she was helping me and kept coming up with great ideas of things we could do". "So she isn't a horrible person?" you asked. Hoshi shook his head "no. I only said all that so you wouldn't suspect she was involved. I thought it would throw you off the track but didn't realise how suspicious it looked. Y/n I am so so so sorry" he said "please don't go". You took one look at him and burst into tears. "You're such an idiot!" you said and Hoshi cried hugging you back. "I know! I don't deserve you" he sobbed. "No you're amazing you should've just told me" you said "and I shouldn't have jumped to any conclusions! You're the most amazing guy in the world of course you'd never do this to me". "No you're the most amazing girl in the world" Hoshi replied crying even harder. This carried on for several minutes. The two of you, sobbing in the rain yelling compliments at each other as you hugged. Your taxi driver was very confused and a little worried. However on the way back to yours with Hoshi right beside you, you explained it all to your driver and he admitted it was very sweet. Both your phones were still blowing up but you didn't notice until you got home. Hoshi called Jeonghan who was with the guys as soon as he realised they were all having meltdowns ready to charge to the airport to support his story. "Hoshi?" Jeonghan asked "what happened? Did you stop Y/n before she got on the plane?". "You tell me" he replied and turned the camera to show you cuddled up together on the sofa. All the members exploded in cheers making you laugh. Through all the screams you heard a voice "Y/n I am so sorry!" Jun said taking the phone "I so wanted to tell you what was happening but I couldn't and you got hurt!". "Jun it's okay!" you replied "I get why you didn't tell me and none of this is your fault okay?". He nodded looking a little less tearful and Hoshi smiled "bye everyone I'm spending this evening with my girl" and he hung up. After you'd also rang your members and told them it was all fine you turned your phones off and relaxed into one another. "I'm so grateful to have you here with me" Hoshi said for what felt like the millionth time "when I thought I'd lost you I was devastated. You're the love of my life Y/n and you mean everything to me". You smiled "you mean everything to me too that's why when I thought you were cheating on me I took it so badly". Hoshi looked down ashamed and you raised his head so he was looking you in the eyes. "But you have nothing to be sorry for and I know I can always trust you. I love you too Hoshi". He melted and wrapped his arms around you "forever?" he asked. You nodded "forever!".
So I wrote this before IU’s relationship was announced so just pretend we don’t know she had a boyfriend okay? Thanks 
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fixaidea · 6 months
Oh. Ah. So Walking in the Air is like a children's song or summ?
I legit assumed it was a Nightwish original. It's still the best version tho.
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koostarcandy · 2 years
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i give you my heart - jungkook x reader ♡
"darling! oof slow down-"
you jump and wrap your limbs around him, snuggling for his warmth. he curls an arm around you, closing the door shut and locking it for the night. "did you have fun?" jungkook asks softly, trying to get a glimpse of you. you nod vigorously, hands wrapping themselves tightly around his neck. he chokes out a laugh, manhandling you and setting you down on your favourite mattress in the middle of the living room.
"you sit tight, i'm gonna get you some water okay?" quickly rushing to the kitchen, you're left to your own devices. looking around, the fluffy comforter put aside haphazardly catches your eye, grabbing it immediately and wrapping yourself like a last minute wrapped birthday present. when jungkook comes back, the only thing visible is a tuft of your hair, which you're trying to blow away from your face. he sets the ice cold glass down and tucks your hair inside, smiling in amusement. your zoned out eyes are quick to catch on the water, squealing in delight.
"ice water!" you abandon your self-made burrito, hands now gripping the chill glass. "just the one, okay? i don't want a repeat of what happened last month," he says sternly. you had downed one too many cold cans of coca cola, followed by heaps of blueberry ice-cream. your throat went for a toss, much to the dismay of your boyfriend. he put back every bungeoppang you tossed into the basket during your weekly grocery runs, restricting anything cold for a few weeks. you whined and groaned and even cried for abit, knowing he was doing it for your own good.
"jungkook? can i tell you something?"
he whips his head to you, almost getting whiplash. a thousand thoughts are rushing in his head, heart beating faster at the sound of his full name. "y-yeah? go ahead baby," he says, heartbeat going unbelievably faster. "i love you," you say solemnly, "so, so much." jungkook lets out a sigh of relief and pulls the now empty glass out of your hand, pulling you into him. "i love you more," he murmurs into your soft hair, pulling you impossibly closer. the smell of melon soju enters his sensitive nose, scrunching in reaction. "how does a bath sound?" the sparkly eyes looking up at him says its a yes.
"and then we hit the karaoke and i sang 15 songs! isn't that amazing, kookoo?" he chuckles at his new nickname and massages your head with his favourite camellia shampoo, its pleasant smell filling the bathroom. "it is, darling," he agrees, covering your eyes so none of the shampoo gets in and hinders your vision while he's washing your hair. you cover his hand with yours, slipping it down so you could kiss the purple heart embedded in his skin. he smiles at your affection, pulling you out of the bathtub and wrapping you in your sage green bathrobe, tying the knot loosely. you face plant into his chest, letting him dry your hair with your designated hair towel. you were very particular about this step in your routine, never letting yourself sleep with wet or damp hair, no matter how sleepy you may feel.
"koo, can you style my hair and do my eye makeup before i head to work on monday? i promise i'll wake up early!" your starry eyes are looking directly into his, the drunken haze slowly fading away. he fondly smiles and nods, you know he'd do anything he says. you squeal out a "yay!" before heading to his closet, picking out your favourite oversized tshirt and wearing it. "shall we sleep here tonight?" jungkook asks because he knows its been awhile, knowing deep down you'll always love sleeping on a proper bed with a proper bedframe. "there's no sleepy vibes, i wanna go there and be with bamie," you say quietly and zoom out. he's shocked for a second but a smile breaks out on his face, following you out with a "wait for me!"
"he's asleep, darling, you can play tug of war tomorrow," jungkook promises, forcefully yet gently putting your head on his chest, patting your back to rest.
again? why do you keep doing this to his fragile heart? it cannot take so much- "i wanted to say- hey why is your heart beating so fast?" your head is up and now looking at him. plan to finally put you to bed? failed successfully. "what is it that you wanted to say?" he shifts the topic easily, not knowing what to say when it comes to his easily reactive heart. "oh yeah! thank you for this," you say, pointing to the platinum promise ring on your finger, smiling proudly. you sit up on his lap, holding his hands. he smiles with his eyes first and his lips curve into the happiest smile you've given him. he nods, "anytime darling," he says playfully. "i'm so glad we met in that convenience store," you say gleefully, recalling the events with the loveliest smile jungkook has ever seen. "we met," you lift up an elegant index finger, "we chose each other," another finger joins, "and we love each other! doesn't that sound like the best love story ever??" jungkook laughs in happiness and holds the three fingers wiggling in delight, pulling you close and placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
"i'm sorry i don't have much to give you," before he could say anything, you follow up with, "so i give you my heart, koo."
koo feels his heart stutter, looking up at you with tender doe eyes, cupping your face. "darling, i'm-" "i hope i can stay by your side, through the bad and the good days and that these memories aren't something i'll be crying over while listening to all too well, the ten minute version, the short film." you say seriously. jungkook all but giggles, pulling your face to his, so he could give the biggest "mwah!" ever. you giggle with him, finally settling down and yawning against his chest. your beloved pulls the covers over the both of you, rubbing your back in the warmest form of comfort the both of you know.
jungkook hopes and prays the same as you, that the memories he lives out and stores in his head isn't just mere memories, but something he can say when he's old and weary to his grandchildren, like the fairytales they'll always love. he cradles your head, like how he would with your heart, holding it close, with the intention of never letting go.
pt time: @lvoekook ; @joondiary ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki
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yungchaeng · 2 years
songs? my fav song lately is Love You Better by GOT7, I think would make a great love scenario. also iu "can't love you anymore" would make such a great angst!!!! maybe something with sana?? 👀
‘Can’t Love You Anymore (Twice: Sana)
genre: angst,(slightly suggestive)
requested: yes :) - word count: 817
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There is this thing about love. The thing you won’t usually see in the movies, or laid out in song, nor do people like to speak on it.
Love was all about admiring, adoring, touching, excitement. That was what you thought going into it.
Now you wonder if you would have been saved from this feeling if you knew that love could simply fade the way it did.
Would you have cherished every kiss with her? Held her tighter against your chest in bed? Looked into her eyes longer or more? If you knew it would end this way, would you even try at all?
It started beautiful as ever, an innocent fairy tale filled with whispers of sweet nothings, tentative hand holding, goosebumps and butterflies. It all felt significant then, but somehow it only seems like puppy love now. Maybe that’s all you felt for her…or that’s all she felt for you?
You both had told the story of when you first met hundreds of times. So often that you could finish each other’s sentences. You saw her, your Sana, for the first time in the high school hallways. You met each others eyes and the rest was history. It was a story that others admired, envied even. You and her were perfect to each other. Perfect for each other.
Years later you had made yourselves a home. The place where you both found your comfort, snuggling up to each other after a long day of whatever. The place where you both could rest. Where you both could just be together.
But life moves fast and time sometimes vanishes like sand in between your fingers if you don’t pay well enough attention.
Your home, where your hearts would usually meet, slowly turned into a place where you only saw each other on the others way out. Life quickly transformed from you both jumping into each others arms after a long day to giving one another a quick peck goodbye when one of you just came home and the other was just leaving. Texting and joking around with each other while at your seperate jobs was replaced by singular texts of one asking the other to pick up some milk on the way home.
When did it get like this?
In the few moments that you could spent together, you would sometimes give her a look from across the kitchen table - one she skilfully avoided. Her cutlery hitting her plate would be the only sound in the otherwise quiet room, but in your heart you hoped that if you thought it loud enough she would hear you. I don’t feel our love anymore.
Maybe she did. If anything still stayed the same from the past, then she could read you like an open book anyway - but if so, she said nothing.
Only in one of those rare moments in which you both craved intimacy, you’d find any sort of connection to each other. You try to speak, but kissing each other is easier. You try to feel by touch alone.
You would hold Sana down, kissing her and touching her in places that would once make her weak in the knees, just so you could hear those three words from her again in that way, a real way.
Anything would beat the routine “love you, bye.” at the end of a call.
But no matter what you did, those words didn’t come, and you couldn’t blame her. You understood her and understood what was happening between you.
After, you’d go back to your “normal” again. Trying to ignore it, you both went back to a peck for goodbye, a peck for goodnight, silent car rides and quiet dinners. This was all your story had become reduced to.
Whenever she didn’t avoid your eyes, you would see the past in them. You would see yourself, way back then, happier with her or just happy in general. You were confronted with memories that reminded you; you don’t like what this is anymore, you don’t like the person you are anymore…not like this anyway.
You sighed away the thought every time though. It might get better tomorrow, you’d think. We might talk it out in the morning.
Who knows how long you could have kept your downfall going? Maybe a day, a week, a year, or into eternity. But when she finally called you and shakily spoke the words, “I don’t think we’re in love anymore.” You couldn’t help but agree, no tears left to cry anymore.
So there it was. Your favourite person, the light of your life, turned back into a stranger. The woman who was once your crush, your muse and your true love felt a million miles away, even when she slept in your bed.
Therefore the next time, when someone asks you about love, you’ll give them the decency to at least be honest about all of it.
Love fades. Slowly, and then all at once.
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tyhaliburton · 24 days
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