#ivan and helena
lepetitdragonvert · 1 year
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The Firebird and other Fairy Tales
Artist: Vsevolod Niculin
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dalsimoravskyblog · 4 months
ŠTRAMÁCI/ANDY: Vyřazovací kolo
Skupina 9 (do turnaje postupují 3 osobnosti)
Miriam Kantorková | Ivan Mistrík | Helena Anýžová (vpravo)
Jan Kačer | Milena Dvorská
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Propaganda pod perexem!
Miriam Kantorková (1935)
Známá je pro nás asi hlavně z rolí matek a babiček, ale viděli jste, jak vypadala v šedesátkách? O_O
Ivan Mistrík (1935–1982)
Helena Anýžová (1936–2015)
zatím bez propagandy :(
Jan Kačer (1936)
byl pro mě šok zjistit, že ten starej pán z blbejch českejch seriálů, je jeden z nejvíc sexy herců šedesátých let
Milena Dvorská (1938–2009)
Nejblíž, co se asi kdo podobou dostal ke Sněhurce
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renaissance35 · 7 months
Heathan: sorry Helena but I copied you're homework, just playing it safe.
Helena: but I got a D
Heathan: yeah I know I just didn't wanna copy Hallie's this time.
Hailie: I just copy Peter's
Peter: if the science is to hard I copy Ivan's
Ivan: being honest I just copy Iris's
Iris: I never put the answers down on my tests that was all Jared.
Jared: Well that's because I copied Selena's
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manipmadness · 2 years
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galactic-pirates · 3 months
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For @deathtodickens for the 2024 @b-and-w-holiday-gift-exchange
The single shot cracked the air. So close. Myka knew they were in the right place. She charged through the doorway. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Pete fire the Tesla, and the menacing suspect collapse to the ground, but she only had eyes for Helena. Helena who was shivering on the ground, literally blue, with her breath puffing like ice.
Myka dropped next to her, scooping Helena into her arms. She radiated cold. Even her clothes felt frozen. “Artie!”
“The plank. She needs the plank.”
Pete dove for it - literally - and threw it to her. Myka wrapped Helena’s arms around it but nothing was happening. It wasn’t working!
“You can’t die, you can’t! I still owe you. Remember? Your grappler. Nobody had ever actually swept me off my feet before-“
Despairing Myka choked back a sob. Helena was still so cold. Had she been too late? She was always too late. Her eyes flickered to Artie and Pete who were looking anywhere but at them, doing that typical male shuffling that screamed they were uncomfortable. Well, bully for them, Helena was dying and Myka didn’t care if they were uncomfortable.
“Or swept me off my feet at all.” Myka’s throat bobbed, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. “You are infuriating, and charming, and you compel me like no-one else. I love you.”
Helena drew in a shuddering breath. Myka let out a half-cry, half-laugh of relief. Helena’s skin was finally pink, rather than that horrible icy blue. Myka closed her eyes in thanks. When she opened them she saw Pete and her cheeks burned. Awkwardly she moved away from Helena.
The damp cold of an English winter, the sort of chill that got into her bones, was going to feel positively balmy after that experience. Slowly Helena released the plank, ready to scoop it back up and hug it so tight it became part of her if the icy fingers slipped over her again. They didn’t so Helena got to her feet, putting her on equal ground with the two Warehouse agents and… Myka.
Myka who had listened and cared, who had trusted her abilities to save Claudia - had trusted her. Myka was intelligent, and well-read, and strong and more of an equal than Helena had ever known. Myka who was like nobody she had ever met. Myka who had just said ‘I love you’. A sentiment she had inspired a time or two in a paramour, and always seen as a sign to cut ties. But she hadn’t even kissed Myka yet, that was no lust-addled confession it was… Helena peered over at Myka who was suddenly finding her shoes fascinating.
“You told me you loved me.”
“I… I…” Myka stuttered. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. “Yes.”
"While you thought I was dying in your arms."
"Well, I’m still alive. Care to repeat that?"
Myka’s mouth fell open, her eyes widened.
“Although I suppose we could start with a date and see where the evening takes us.” Helena winked, and Myka’s blush somehow deepened. Helena turned and raised an eyebrow at Artie. “What, no sarcastic comments?”
He shrugged. “You did just save my life.” His eyes flickered to Myka. “The Regents will decide what to do with you.” He pressed his lips together. “I’ll need to make arrangements for our Russian friend, and for shipping all these artifacts back to the Warehouse.”
Artie took two steps to the door and then turned. He held out his hand in mute demand. Pete stared at him for a moment before scrambling to give Artie his bag. Pete then dithered before producing a set of cuffs, and hauling Helena’s groggy would-be murderer to his feet.
“Hey, Myk’s-“
“Not now Pete.”
“Yup.” Pete frogmarched Ivan out.
Then it was just the two of them and Artie’s parting shot of the looming threat of the Regents. Still Helena had planned for this. Well not this but a return to the Warehouse. It was a roll of the dice but she was confident they wouldn’t bronze her again, or at least that wasn’t a possibility she had seriously considered. Rebronzing would mean failure, and she couldn’t fail, the plan was all she had left.
Helena swallowed, thinking of Warehouse 2 slumbering under the sand, and of her darling Christina, her shell contained in a much too tiny iron box with a very special handle attached. Then she looked at Myka. Correction, all she had thought she had left.
Perhaps it was time for a new plan. The old plan had never expected Myka Bering. Yes, a new plan, and maybe even a new goal. That better world she had lost hope in ever seeing? Would likely not be found at the tip of a trident.
Also on AO3
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The Crows: Their names if they were the opposite gender
Matthias would be Anastasia
or Ana for short
Anastasia Helvar
the way I am CONVINCED Nina would be Ivan
Ivan Zenik
like come on
that's her
Inej is a tricky one
I think she would either be Samir or Alif
Wylan would have the most boring name if he were a girl
he would be a Johanna, Helena or Caroline
I'm leaning towards Helena
Helena 'Lena' van Eck
sounds about right
Jesper would either still be called Jesper or something completely different
something like Marli Fahey
Kaz's real name is Kazimir which I think he doesn't like
so I think if he were a girl he would also have an 'embarrassing' name and use a shorter version
Veronica - Vera, Roni, Nica
something like this
Roni Brekker
or Ramona
which would be Romy Brekker
I'm not sure on this one please comment
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theophan-o · 8 months
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Bohun's Coins
(Part 3)
Look carefully, this time it is not a Ukrainian coin devoted to Ivan Bohun, but a Polish one, commemorating his Polish, literary "sibling": Jurko Bohun, from H. Sienkiewicz's novel "With Fire and Sword".
This silver coin has been emitted by the Skarbiec Mennicy Polskiej in 2010 as a part of numismatic series commemorating Henryk Sienkiewicz and 8 selected characters from his "Trilogy": Helena Kurcewiczówna, Aleksandra Billewiczówna, Barbara Jeziorkowska, Jan Skrzetuski, Jerzy M. Wołodyjowski, Jurko Bohun, Andrzej Kmicic and Jan Onufry Zagłoba.
All coins have been designed by the Polish sculptor, Beata Wątróbska-Wdowiarska (b. 1960). On reverse: the bust of Henryk Sienkiewicz with a quotation from "Pan Wołodyjowski".
The portrait of Jurko Bohun has been designed after Piotr Stachiewicz drawing from c. 1898:
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rygoespop · 3 months
List of characters that appear in my Thomas and Friends AU
and Rebecca
Donald and Douglas
Bill and Ben
Brent the Ballast Spreader
Arry and Bert
Diesel 10
Bash and Dash
Sir Handel
Peter Sam
Mighty Mac
Harry (Formerly known as Lord Harry and later as Patrick)
Flying Scotsman
Splodge (Splatter and Dodge)
Jinty and Pug
Patriot the Big City Engine
Green Arrow
Yong Bao
Annie and Clarabel
Old Slow Coach
Judy and Jerome
Fred Pelham
The Slip Coaches
The Horrid Lorries
Max and Monty
Big Mickey
And Beresford
Coming Soon:
Duchess of Hamilton
Flying Thistle
Kenji (Maybe)
Ivo Hugh
Ada, Mabel, Jane, and Cora
City of Turo
2007 Prince of Wales
Old King Coal
Hannah (Henrietta’s Sister)
Helena and Victoria
So, there you have it
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inamoment · 5 months
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Vurnik's house, or the former Zadružna gospodarska banka on Miklošičeva Street, is one of the most famous buildings in Ljubljana. With its richly decorated facade, it partly stands out from the framework of its otherwise similarly colorful Art Nouveau colored part of the city. It was built in 1921 by the architect Ivan Vurnik, and it is considered one of the most beautiful examples of national style architecture. The painting of the facade is the work of the architect's wife Helena Vurnik. The geometric ornament in the red-white-blue color combination is complemented by motifs from the rich Slovenian iconography: a stylized Slovenian landscape of spruce forests and wheat fields and vines, among which is incorporated the motif of women in Slovenian national costume. The painter limited herself to the colors of the national flag and added gold to them. The same colors are found on the facade plaster, with the only difference being that gold replaces the decorative pigment. The basic motif on the exterior of the building is a schematized rush flower, such as we know from folk embroideries. ================================= @peter.rajkai thank you for the picture 📸👏
Source: Geografija Slovenije on Facebook
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tumblr nezná 100 filmů! aneb 18. statistika
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Nenasytná Tiffany (2015) : nezná 91,5 %, vidělo 4,2 %
Konec srpna v hotelu Ozon (1966) : nezná 88,3 %, vidělo 5 %
Záhrada (1995) : nezná 86,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
O slavnosti a hostech (1966) : nezná 84,6 %, vidělo 6,2 %
V žáru královské lásky (1990) : nezná 84,4 %, vidělo 6,3 %
Hezké chvilky bez záruky (2006) : nezná 84,1 %, vidělo 1,4 %
Pirko (2016) : nezná 83,6 %, vidělo 1,5 %
Anděl Exit (2000) : nezná 83 %, vidělo 1,9 %
Dívka s mušlí (1980) : nezná 82,5 %, vidělo 4,8 %
Eva Nová (2015) : nezná 81,4 %, vidělo 1,7 % N
nenáhodné poznatky: speciální faktoidní edice
zastoupení filmů podle dekády vypadá takto:
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Tedy nejvíce filmů ze stovky neznámých pochází z počátku tisíciletí, následují roky 2010–19 a na třetím místě máme osmdesátky. Ale pokud se podíváme na všechny filmy z daného desetiletí, zjistíme, že nejméně známe filmy z čtyřicátých let (v absolutních číslech je to pět filmů neznámých a jeden známý, ale neviděný), dvacátá léta nepočítaje. Naopak nejvíce známe filmy z padesátek, což není překvapivé, protože většina filmů z tohoto období, o kterých se hlasovalo, byly pohádky nebo klasiky typu Švejk.
nejvíce neznámých filmů je z roku 1966, je jich... 6 (*devil eyes*)
o těchto filmech v průměru hlasuje 65,93 člověka (dovolím si říct... 66), u všech filmů je to 71,18 osoby a u viděných filmů 76,83
pro jednou se seriózně pobavme taky o žánru:
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Tento lame graf znázorňuje, že 57 filmů je na ČSFD označeno jako komedie, 39 jako drama, 9 jako pohádka, 8 jako krimi, psychologický, fantasy nebo horor, 7 jako romantický, 6 jako sci-fi a pak nějaké další drobné. Nutno podotknout, že kategorizace ČSFD jsou často hodně podivné a nedá se jim věřit.
a nakonec něco o režisérech (hvězdičkou jsou označeni ti, kteří figurují také v žebříčku viděných filmů):
4 filmy – Juraj Herz*, Tomáš Vorel, Karel Kachyňa, Zdeněk Podskalský*, Martin Frič*
3 filmy – Vladimír Michálek, Ladislav Rychman, Jan Švankmajer
2 filmy – Andy Fehu, Jan Schmidt, Jan Němec, Věra Chytilová, Jaroslav Soukup, Dan Svátek, Miroslav Cikán, Josef Pinkava, Jiří Strach*, Jiří Mádl, Martin Kotík
1 film – Martin Šulík, Lucia Klein Svoboda + Petr Svoboda, Jiří Svoboda, Marko Škop, Tereza Nvotová, Jasmina Bralić-Blažević, Aurel Klimt*, Otakar Fuka, Vladimír Slavínský, Martin Ťapák, Martin Hollý, Šimon Pešta, Ivan Passer, Bořivoj Zeman*, Jaroslav Papoušek, Vítězslav Hádl, Jaroslav Balík, František Vláčil, Marek Dobeš + Štěpán Kopřiva, Zdeněk Sirový*, Pavel Soukup, Ondřej Trojan*, Jiří Menzel*, Filip Renč*, Oldřich Lipský*, Miloš Forman, Irena Pavlásková, Jonáš Karásek, Libuše Koutná, Gustav Machatý, Ester Krumbachová, Zdeněk Troška*, Jindřich Polák*, Braňo Mišík, Jaromil Jireš, Miroslav Šmídmajer*, Zdeněk Jiráský, Tomáš Pavlíček, Ota Koval, Kryštof Hanzlík, Václav Marhoul, Milan Cieslar*, Bohdan Sláma, Petr Zelenka, Filip Remunda + Vít Klusák, Jiří Krejčík, Václav Vorlíček*, Helena Třeštíková, F. A. Brabec*
A to by myslím stačilo. Tentokrát to bylo mnoho dat a faktů, málo dojmů. Tak ty třeba zase příště, až něco uvidíte. Všechny filmy mimo top 10 pod perexem. Pá.
Špína (2017)
Babičky dobíjejte přesně! (1983) N
Řád saténových mašlí (2000)
O kouzelném zvonu (1998)
Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy (1978)
Dva týdny štěstí (1940)
Pacho, hybský zbojník (1975)
Dotek motýla (1972)
Tichá bolest (1990)
Prach a broky (2015)
Pražská 5 (1988)
Kráva (1992)
Intimní osvětlení (1965)
Fantom Morrisvillu (1966)
Jídlo (1992)
Hodinu nevíš... (2009) N
Prázdniny v Provence (2016)
Provdám svou ženu (1941)
Ohnivé ženy mezi námi (1987) N
Kam čert nemůže (1959)
Všichni musí být v pyžamu (1984)
Křtiny (1981)
Milenci v roce jedna (1973)
Dým bramborové natě (1976) N
Byl jsem mladistvým intelektuálem (1999)
Smuteční slavnost (1969)
Hra o jablko (1976)
Městem chodí Mikuláš (1992)
Shoky & Morthy: Poslední velká akce (2021)
Lesapán (2015)
Výbuch bude v pět (1984)
Pějme píseň dohola (1990)
Zločin v šantánu (1968)
Klec (2019)
Na vlastní nebezpečí (2007) N
Srdečný pozdrav ze zeměkoule (1982) N
Kočár do Vídně (1966)
Jak ukrást Dagmaru (2001)
Ohnivé ženy (1984)
Smrt talentovaného ševce (1982)
Černý Petr (1963)
Pojedeme k moři (2014)
Valentin Dobrotivý (1942)
Když Burian Prášil (1940)
Skřítek (2005)
Čas sluhů (1989)
Invalid (2023)
Pánská jízda (2004)
Kdo probudí Pindruše...? (1989)
Na střeše (2019)
Erotikon (1929)
Vražda Ing. Čerta (1970)
Deváté srdce (1979)
Andělská tvář (2001)
Ikarie XB-1 (1963)
Roztomilý člověk (1941)
Nikdy neříkej nikdy (2023)
Učitel tance (1994)
Vy nám taky, šéfe (2008)
Případ mrtvého nebožtíka (2020)
Hrdinný kapitán Korkorán (1934)
Dáma na kolejích (1966)
Poupata (2011)
Chata na prodej (2018)
Svatba upírů (1992)
Úsměvy smutných mužů (2018) N
Kočičí princ (1978)
Královský slib (2001) N
Morgiana (1972)
Něco z Alenky (1988)
Anton Špelec, ostrostřelec (1932)
Je třeba zabít Sekala (1998)
Mazaný Filip (2003)
Colette (2013) N
Otesánek (2000)
Instalatér z Tuchlovic (2016)
Sestřičky (1983)
Venkovský učitel (2008)
Knoflíkáři (1997)
Český sen (2004)
Drahé tety a já (1974)
Upír z Feratu (1982)
Jen ho nechte, ať se bojí (1977)
Tři životy (2007)
Vyšší princip (1960)
Metráček (1971)
Kdo chce zabít Jesii? (1966)
Katka (2009)
Kouř (1990)
V peřině (2011)
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otakween · 6 months
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Cyborg 009 BGOOParts Delete (2020) - Volume 5
Finally done with this slog...well at least until it gets translated. I'll probably read this again in English if I ever get the chance because I feel like I missed a lot of what was happening.
Really didn't expect this entire series to just be the Mythos stuff, how lame. Why couldn't they just come up with new material? Oh well...
Ch. 29
Oh boy...more monologuing. It's a monologue off between Hera and Zeus and they just ramble on and on about the creation of the Mythos cyborgs. Zeus says he gave downtrodden, vulnerable people power and Hera's like "no bitch, you just enslaved them!" This whole manga series coulda been an email...
Helena does that weird "gay to be straight" thing at the end. As in, she kisses Francoise so she can kiss Joe indirectly. Okaaay...
Ch. 30
The numbers cyborgs take down the Atlas-type robots Zeus summoned using ~the power of teamwork~
Joe helps Apollon get out of the line of attack and Apollon has one of those "why are you helping me? We're enemies!" Cliche moments. I feel like we've gone through this about a zillion times now.
Ch. 31
I think this artist is horny for Artemis based on the sultry way she's drawn over and over. Also, they may or may not ship Joe x Apollon because there are a lot of tender moments between them. With how pretty they're drawn, it feels like fujoshi bait. (Maybe I'd ship them if they weren't bland, flat characters lol)
Apollon helps Joe take down the Atlas-type robots, Zeus talks about the benefits of robots vs. cyborgs (they don't betray you and aren't emotional) and then Apollon gets obliterated and the Atlas-type robots start attacking each other (because their ability to recognize allies began to malfunction).
Ch. 32
With all other enemies taken out, Zeus turns into his ~final form~ and starts zappin'. Helena gets caught in the crosshairs and the number cyborgs plan their revenge.
I'm kinda confused about Hera's role in all this. She's been judging him this whole time but also not exactly working against him...? I guess she's too weak to do that.
Ch. 33
Okay, so maybe that wasn't his final form lol. More battle nonsense happens and Joe manages to shoot Zeus in the head with his own laser, but then he transforms into Apollon
It really feels like the writer couldn't really think of anything to do with this story, so they just draaaaged out the battle as long as they could. Also, the dialogue continues to be hella repetitive. If I hear Hera/Zeus say "the Mythos cyborgs whose fate is under your control" one more time I'mma snap.
Ch. 34
Zeus monologues some more, transforms into an abomination and then Joe one-shots him with help from Hera's amulet lol. Pretty anti-climactic but I'm glad that's over with.
Prof. Gilmore randomly showed up to be like "I'm worried about Ivan." Thanks for your input, Gilmore.
We get one final Hera monologue and then she puts Prof. Gaia's soul back in his original body so that they can die together I guess.
It's revealed that Prof. Uranus' first name was Tyrone...did they just google "black guy name" for that one? That doesn't seem like a fitting name for his age/time period, but what do I know I guess...
Ch. 35
This chapter was the epilogue and it got all weird and existential. They talked about fighting alternate versions of themselves in other universes and about their minds fusing together to become one being (??). They also referenced an "angel of despair" a few times which reminded me of the angel from 009 Re:Cyborg. This all seemingly came out of nowhere...
Francoise kisses Joe to "pass on Helena's message." She tells everyone to close their eyes, but Ivan tries to sneak a peek. I feel like that was the one cute moment in this entire series lol
For the human characters everything's back to normal and their memories were wiped. The implication is that the numbers cyborgs will keep on keepin' on in the multiverse. Guess this franchise will never die lol.
Obviously, I didn't really enjoy myself reading BGOO Parts, but I'm happy for the real fans out there that they have some new content to chew on. As I said in my previous posts, the art was very nice, but the writing/pacing/story all kinda stunk. Not a lot of interesting character moments either. Onto the next!
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dalsimoravskyblog · 4 months
ŠTRAMÁCI/ANDY: Turnaj pro pamětníky
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Výsledky nominací
Včera se uzavřel nominační formulář. Celkem se v něm sešlo 89 štramáků a štramand, což je opravdu úctyhodné číslo, díky! Z nominací jsem vyřadila cca 2 osobnosti, protože nesplňovaly pravidla (je mi líto, ale Libuška Šafránková začala hrát až v roce 1971). Nominoval* jste také nečekané mezinárodní osobnosti (dál než ze Slovenska), máte se tedy na co těšit.
Do turnaje automaticky postupují všechny osobnosti, které získaly více než jednu nominaci. Jsou to tyto (abecedně):
Josef Bek, Jana Brejchová, Petr Čepek, Michal Dočolomanský, Karel Fiala, Květa Fialová, Marie Glázrová, Nataša Gollová, Karel Höger, Rudolf Hrušínský, Zorka Janů, Jiřina Jirásková, Miloš Kopecký, Oldřich Nový, Vladimír Ráž, Jaroslava Schallerová*, Olga Schoberová, Raoul Schránil, Světla Svozilová, Jiřina Štěpničková, Jan Tříska, Alena Vránová, Blanka Waleská a Jan Werich
* Jaroslava Schallerová byl vyřazena z turnaje z důvodu nezletilosti.
Je to celkem 23 lidí, což je pro turnaj poněkud málo. Rozhodla jsem se, že uděláme turnaj počínaje 64 soutěžícími, tedy 41 vyberete vy ve vyřazovacím kole z ostatních 65 nominací (takže šance, že se váš oblíbenec prorve dál, jsou poměrně velké).
Vyřazovací kolo
Ankety se všemi nominanty se začnou zveřejňovat zítra. Každý den půjdou ven tři ankety o pěti až šesti osobnostech, které jsem (jen pro vyřazovací kolo) dala dohromady na základě data narození. Celkem půjde o 12 anket (všechny pod #vyřazování):
skupina 1: Vlasta Burian | Karel Lamač | Jiří Plachý st. | Čeněk Šlégl | Hugo Haas | Arno Velecký (166 hlasů)
skupina 2: Rolf Wanka | Marie Rosůlková | Anny Ondráková | Olga Scheinpflugová | Ladislav Hemmer (118 hlasů)
skupina 3: Jiřina Šejbalová | Ladislav Pešek | Gustav Nezval | Ita Rina | Ly Corelli | Adina Mandlová (138 hlasů)
skupina 4: Vlasta Fabiánová | Antonín Novotný | Zita Kabátová | Věra Ferbasová | Ljuba Hermanová (116 hlasů)
skupina 5: Lída Baarová | Hedy Lamarr | Hana Vítová | Jiřina Sedláčková | Martin Růžek | Vlasta Matulová (127 hlasů)
skupina 6: Florence Marly | Radovan Lukavský | Dana Medřická | Robert Vrchota | Stella Zázvorková (126 hlasů)
skupina 7: Jozef Kroner | Slávka Budínová | Vlasta Fialová | Ilja Racek | Jiřina Bohdalová (127 hlasů)
skupina 8: Waldemar Matuška | Radoslav Brzobohatý | Eduard Cupák | Josef Zíma | Eva Klepáčová (124 hlasů)
skupina 9: Miriam Kantorková | Ivan Mistrík | Helena Anýžová | Jan Kačer | Milena Dvorská (141 hlasů)
skupina 10: Karel Gott | Gabriela Vránová | Josef Abrhám | Iva Janžurová | Marie Drahokoupilová | František Němec (106 hlasů)
skupina 11: Věra Křesadlová | Ivana Karbanová | Hana Maciuchová | Jitka Zelenohorská | Soňa Valentová (94 hlasů)
skupina 12: Helena Vondráčková | Jorga Kotrbová | Jana Šulcová | Jaromír Hanzlík | Petr Štěpánek | Jana Preissová (96 hlasů)
Pokud vám někdo chybí, je mi líto, další lidi nebereme. RIP Václav Neckář.
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figureskatingfanblog · 10 months
2023/24 International Selection Pool
The International Selection Pool (ISP) includes junior- and senior-level athletes and teams who meet criteria approved by the U.S. Figure Skating International Committee. These athletes and teams are eligible to be considered for assignment to international competitions.    
List as of 8/13/2023
William Annis
Lucas Broussard
Nicholas Brooks
Jason Brown
Lorenzo Elano
Goku Endo
Aleksandr Fegan
Kirk Haugeto
Jonathan Hildebrandt
Tomoki Hiwatashi
Liam Kapeikis
Lucius Kazanecki
Joseph Klein
Kai Kovar
Alexander Liu
Zachary LoPinto
Jimmy Ma
Ilia Malinin
Daniel Martynov
Samuel Mindra
Antonio Monaco
Daniil Murzin
Maxim Naumov
Nhat-Viet Nguyen
Yaroslav Paniot
Camden Pulkinen
Jacob Sanchez
Taira Shinohara
Beck Strommer
Andrew Torgashev
Michael Xie
Robert Yampolsky
Maxim Zharkov
Starr Andrews
Sonia Baram
Mia Barghout
Juliana Barshay
Alena Budko
Annika Chao
Elsa Cheng
Ela Cui
Ting Cui
Sarah Everhardt
Alexa Gasparotto
Lilah Gibson
Amber Glenn
Gracie Gold
Hanna Harrell
Jill Heiner
Hannah Herrera
Sonja Hilmer
Logan Higase-Chen
Athena Huang
Jiaying Ellyse Johnson
Jessica Jurka
Mia Kalin
Ella Kim
Teryn Kim
Katie Krafchik
Josephine Lee
Michelle Lee
Soho Lee
Isabeau Levito
Elyce Lin-Gracey
Hannah Lofton
Cleo Park
Nicole Park
Maryn Pierce
Clare Seo
Katie Shen
Audrey Shin
Phoebe Stubblefield
Bradie Tennell
Lindsay Thorngren
Lindsay Wang
Wren Warne-Jacobsen
Sherry Zhang
Adele Zheng
Ava Ziegler
Emily Chan and Spencer Howe
Olivia Flores and Luke Wang
Ellie Kam and Danny O'Shea
Chelsea Liu and Balazs Nagy
Isabelle Martins and Ryan Bedard
Maria Mokhova and Ivan Mokhov
Valentina Plazas and Maximiliano Fernandez
Anastasiia Smirnova and Danil Siianytsia
Naomi Williams and Lachlan Lewer
Adele Zheng and Andy Deng
Ice Dance
Kristina Bland and Matthew Sperry
Emily Bratti and Ian Somerville
Oona Brown and Gage Brown
Helena Carhart and Volodymyr Horovyi
Christina Carreira and Anthony Ponomarenko
Madison Chock and Evan Bates
Amy Cui and Kenny Ekchert
Julia Epps and Blake Gilman
Isabella Flores and Ivan Desyatov
Caroline Green and Michael Parsons
Jenna Hauer and Benjamin Starr
Kaitlin Hawayek and Jean-Luc Baker
Olivia Ilin and Dylan Cain
Raffaella Koncius and Alexey Shchepetov
Anya Lavrova and Jonathan Rogers
Angela Ling and Caleb Wein
Lorraine McNamara and Anton Spiridonov
Caroline Mullen and Brendan Mullen
Leah Neset and Artem Markelov
Eva Pate and Logan Bye
Elliana Peal and Ethan Peal
Yahli Pedersen and Jeffrey Chen
Katarina Wolfkostin and Dmitry Tsarevski
Emilea Zingas and Vadym Kolesnik
13 notes · View notes
Demasiadas mujeres (Javi Peña mini fic)
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I wrote a little bit today, I'm stuck with "Beg the sea for mercy" and looked for inspo through my phone notes and this came out and I decided to finish it. This is not really a fic, maybe it is a character study more than anything else.
I adore Javier Peña and I think it is a very complex character and I have sooo many thoughts about his relationships with women. Listen I do not think he is a womanizer, I think he adores women and well, this piece maybe is a little weird but that's just fun to get into his head.
Inspiration for this fic is a Spanish rapper song, Demasiadas mujeres (too many women) by C Tangana, art is actually the CD covers from Ivan Floro, you can check out the song here
Warning: talk about prostitution, non-descriptive sex, mummy issues, alcohol, mention of violence, I do not think there's anything else.
He lets the drink down, the yellow liquor sways on the glass, or maybe he drank too much.
The nights at the ranch are quiet, the soft and low hum of the TV, his father breathing heavily but refusing to go to bed. Outside the cattle sleeps, the river and the grass moving to the warm breeze, nothing else for miles, but he feels the end of this town begin to swallow him.
His younger self refused it, fought it and ran away. Now he welcomes it, it’s a warm and tight embrace as that of a mother. The pressure on his back and his chest leaves no space for solitude or loneliness.
Now, many years after, he realized this feeling, this being tucked, feeling calm and at home, somewhere warm and delicate, soft as the sound of the river at night was what he looked out in so many women.
Too many women.
The way their flesh bent to his hands, how they smell in that spot between their jaw and their ears, so soft, so close to their pulse. Feeling it rush, he hoped and made sure it was never out of nervousness but excitement and pleasure.
Being lost in them every night in Colombia made him feel alive. At midnight, he could just be Javi, pick up the phone and call them.
He remembers every one of them, Helena, Gabi, the office girls, so many women. Even the ones he didn’t get a name, not a real one at least.
He remembers their flesh shining, turning, trembling. Their soft voices, whispering, cries that were only his for a tiny space of time. In that bed, he was just a man, naked literally and figuratively, lost inside a woman, naked of clothes and judgement. They knew how it went, how it ended.
Javi thinks about the first. That first time he stepped foot at Calle Naranjos número 4. That beautiful house in Bogotá.
“Best girls in town” somebody had told him, “Too expensive for you, Peña”
He didn’t go asking for sex, he told himself, he just had seen so many terrible men coming and going with girls that work this life and went with a hunch. At first, they didn’t talk, he understood rather easily that a man that comes to a brothel asking for anything than the usual will be looked as weird and not as friendly.
Javi presented a few bills, he thought enough, and the madame smirked and called a girl from the living room where all of them were waiting in various lacy and silks outfits. A young girl stood up, and he regretted instantly coming here. She was scared, grabbed his hand on hers, sweating, trembling.
He remembers her coming in the room. The sun entering through the blue curtains leaving the room in a twilight hue, her trying to undress, him stopping her. In that tiny space where there were just a bed, and a vanity and condoms on a bowl.
A tiny black and white picture on its side, almost hiding behind it. A child seated on the lap of a lady that looked at her lovingly.
He asked for her name, and she told him something fake, he doesn’t remember now. He never touched her once that day, or the next, and the next after that.
Somehow, the sex that was so expected in those meetings was never there at first. But it got mixed as everything else. His personal life, his will and morals deluded in whiskey and too many cigarettes watching the decay and impunity of the men he was after, one after the other escaping between his fingers like sand.
She sat watching him pour another glass, light another smoke and show the pictures once again on one of those dates, they regularly had.
“Nos lo he visto, Javi” (I haven’t seen them, Javi)
Frustrated, he put pressure on his temples, other men would scream, slam the whiskey tumbler to the wall. Violence, he was tired of it. He needed softness, being embraced, velvet and warmth.
As he stopped her from undressing months back, she stopped his self-torture that night and put her much gentler hands on his face and massage his frown, flattening his wrinkled muscles, the soft pressure, her kindness and her fresh perfume.
He promised he would not touch her, but it was her that initiated, he collapsed on her lap, put his head on her belly as he did when he was a child, running, scared to the safest place he has ever known.
“Javi” for a moment he thought it was her. The girl grabbed his face on her palms.
“No te vayas” (Don’t go)
He begged and felt her pulling back delicately. The hour was gone. His hands wandered to her hips and the plush skin there over her dress. He put again his frown on her belly, and his hands got low to the back of her legs.
He used to stop her like that, many years ago.
Me tiene que ver el médico, Javi. Yo ya vengo. (I have to go to the doctor, Javi. I’ll be right back)
He remembers his hands reached just to the back of her knees and his face pressed between her. Maybe if he stopped her legs from moving, she could not go see the doctor, maybe what he was about to say would not arrive, maybe…maybe death couldn’t reach her from here, from the porch of his house, many years ago. Maybe time would have been kinder to his mum, and he wouldn’t be here, far away, trying to catch evil man that benefit from a corrupt system and begging a prostitute to stay with him because loneliness was torturing him.
But those legs, in that flat in Bogotá, stood beside him, for once, a bit longer. She let him breathe her, touch the back of her legs and her hips. She kissed his face first, his eyes, his forehead before his lips. She sat on him, slowly opening his jeans.
The girl rolled her hips, opened herself and let him in, all of him, this tired, desperate and broken man, the one nobody saw. And he was made a new, Javi let go of everything and hide himself on the delicate skin of her neck and let her ride him, peeled him open like a fruit and take what she wanted. He sucked her pulse and her perfume there, helped her when her breath became unsteady, climbing higher and higher, touching her breasts and between her legs.
That night, she refused the payment of the extra time and refused to stay the night, gently kissed his cheeks and got inside the taxi.
She, and the many other women that came after, were able to read him. Watched him intently while he crumbled before them, just Javi. Javi always running, Javi in the nights he was so close to die, Jav, what are you getting yourself into? All the shades he didn’t see of himself were so clear to them.
Sometimes they love him sweetly, sometimes they let him push his anger away.
And their bodies intertwined in his mind now, so many nights and so many women that contrasted so much to the hours he spent in the base, on the streets on meetings trying to act brave, unbothered, stern and cold.
He knew he was an easy joke to their colleagues, if they knew those women saved him. If they knew that it was always a façade. A secret kept between their eyes and him, the many he shared.
And watching the river turn silver under the moonlight many years after in Laredo, he thinks about them and hope this cruel world was gentle to them at the end, and the peace he found in them was finally fairly compensated.
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'There is a moment in NT Live’s Vanya – a one-man version of Anton Chekhov’s 1898 classic Uncle Vanya – where it feels fully possible that Andrew Scott could have cloned himself, and that three versions of him are on stage at once. He’s chameleonic enough that you’d believe it.
Vanya shows how life on a rural estate is completely upended when famous filmmaker Alexander, and his young, glamorous second wife Helena, visit. During this time, estate manager Ivan (Vanya) and country doctor Michael both fall for Helena, and consequently reevaluate their lives. The play stars Andrew Scott portraying all seven characters – including Ivan’s niece Sonya, housekeeper Maureen and local boy Liam – in a powerhouse, multipronged performance. The production enjoyed a sell-out run on the West End last year, alongside a spate of five-star reviews.
In a way, it feels like Scott’s career has been building towards Vanya, so varied are his most celebrated roles. Starting out on the stages of his native Ireland, the West End and Broadway, Scott burst onto our television screens in 2010 as the delightfully unhinged villain Jim Moriarty in BBC’s Sherlock. He gave a playful, terrifying edge to a character who is usually dull and professorial in his ruthlessness. Since then, Scott has been a mainstay of stage and screen, his characters running the gamut from Hamlet to Bond antagonist (Spectre), fantasy hero (His Dark Materials) to droll matinée idol (Present Laughter), the latter of which earned him an Olivier. With every part, Scott conveys a sense of something deeper going on under the surface – unsaid, but clearly legible on his face.
With his beloved ‘Hot Priest’, hired to officiate a family wedding in series two of Fleabag (2019), Scott further demonstrated this facility for internal performances. His clergyman forms a tentative, transgressive romantic relationship with Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s titular tearaway, which simultaneously heals and serves as rock bottom for both of them. Scott brings a quiet confidence to the priest as he flirts with abandoning his vows, trying to do the right thing no matter how much it hurts. It’s terrifically subtle, deeply felt work.
Scott is uniquely adept at holding space for emotion, as seen with Adam, a man dealing with the impact of a lifetime of loneliness in Andrew Haigh’s All of Us Strangers. He brings a guardedness to the character, who discovers that his late parents are alive and waiting for him in the house he grew up in. His visits home become the key to opening himself up to a romantic relationship with his neighbour (Paul Mescal). Throughout the film, we feel Adam’s gratitude and grief as he discovers the love and support he’s denied himself for so long. Scott is a master of smiles that never quite make it to the eyes, of lit-up eyes downplayed with hesitant smiles. His emotions are fluid, never vacillating, never overwrought.
He takes his considerable skills to new heights in Vanya, where he showcases his immense versatility as an actor. One minute, he’s a beleaguered and gossipy housekeeper, and the next – literally, the very next – he’s a bored and depressed doctor. Another moment, and he’s a young woman filled with hope and energy, and, almost in the same breath, he’s transformed into her uncle, whose decline from cringey jokester to an utterly lost man has happened before our eyes.
Scott introduces us to each of his characters slowly: establishing their physicality, their voices, their mannerisms. His transitions between them are more marked at the beginning, when he uses props and leaves space for us to register his change in posture, or physically moves from one side of the room to another. He accustoms us to the characters’ different voices – Helena’s is cold, reserved and posh; Alexander’s slow and scatterbrained; Ivan’s jovial and tense, like something could imminently break. Some characters are linked with certain props: Sonya with her tea towel, Michael with his tennis ball, Ivan, again, with his comedy sound-effects box.
But eventually these visual clues fall away, and we know everyone by their sound and posture. Soon, Scott is setting one character down and picking another up as he rises. He is both the person being blocked and the one doing the blocking, the person being comforted and the one tenderly stroking their head. Even the scenes of sexual intimacy between two characters are made believable, handled in a way so focused and naturalistic they don’t seem contrived or actorly. By the play’s end, Scott is throwing his voice as one character and reacting as another, and we know who is who by the arc of his brow, the curve of his smile or the movement of his hand.
These smaller movements, which would be felt more than seen from anywhere other than the front rows of a theatre, are what give this cinematic version of Vanya its magic. It’s in the way Sonya can handle a tea towel both nervously and with resolve, the way Michael’s slumped posture goes from listless to lustful and the way Ivan slowly crumbles, sloughing off layer upon layer of coping mechanisms. All of the decisions Scott makes as an actor are clearly rooted in a deep empathy for each of these characters. Quite a feat, then, to maintain this dedication for more characters than can be counted on one hand over the course of two hours.
Vanya is an acting masterclass, a beautiful unfurling of Scott’s multifacetedness. It’s a culmination of what we love about him as an actor: his constant, daring shapeshifting. If he was at the top of his game before, then now he is absolutely stratospheric.'
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aiallardyce · 3 months
oc ethnicities and/or (irl) nationalities
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yume - japanese; lives in okinawa 🇯🇵
sarai - hmong; lives in chiang mai, thailand 🇹🇭
aikaterini - greek macedonian; lives in nymfaio 🇬🇷
u - american; lives in los angeles, california 🇺🇸
shayde - xeglanian; lives in acretis kingdom
melody - sudanese arab; lives in kassala 🇸🇩
senalat - oromo; lives in london, england 🇪🇹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
roy - scottish; no permanent residence or homeland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
atajan - turkmen; lives in maine, usa 🇹🇲🇺🇸
galina - serbian; lives in zlatibor 🇷🇸
yudai - ainu; lives in enoshima, japan 🇯🇵
mary-annie - ecuadorian; lives in new york, usa 🇪🇨🇺🇸
eden - ianndelarian; lives in thaekya empire
gia - acrurgan; lives in fliedal
galadriel - xeglanian; lives in acretis kingdom
mi-gyeong - korean; lives in daejoon 🇰🇵🇰🇷
arledge - british 🇬🇧
drake - half-british, half-guyanese 🇬🇧🇬🇾
ilsolvic - guatemalan; lives in florida, usa 🇬🇹🇺🇸
beowulf - inuit 🇬🇱
macbeth - scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
caleb - tanzanian 🇹🇿
talon - igbo 🇳🇬
sadia - cameroonian 🇨🇲
gavin - turkish 🇹🇷
blake - surinamese 🇸🇷
claudius and marcus - venezuelan 🇻🇪
malacoda - italian 🇮🇹
bassel - egyptian 🇪🇬
heera - punjabi, lives in india 🇮🇳
faqeed - kuwaiti 🇰🇼
noir and sommeil - french 🇫🇷
duyao - han chinese 🇨🇳
jermaine - azerbaijani, ashkenazi jew; lives in california, usa 🇦🇿🇺🇸
nikolaos and pavor - albanian; lives in greece 🇦🇱🇬🇷
evander - greek 🇬🇷
severus - breton 🇫🇷
franc - filipino; lives in england 🇵🇭🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
vulcan - maltese 🇲🇹
nrc staff
sargon - swiss 🇨🇭
nova - slovakian 🇸🇰
persinette - half liechtensteiner, half sicilian 🇱🇮
warren - american; lives in tennessee 🇺🇸
lewis - norwegian; lives in england 🇳🇴🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
harlan - armenian 🇦🇲
charles - navajo; lives in utah, usa 🇺🇸
bunky - moldovan 🇲🇩
ellis - british 🇬🇧
ambrosi - french 🇫🇷
fleuri - scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
faunus - cornish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
mist - scottish 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
jibril - arab; lives in iraq 🇮🇶
kahlil - bengali; lives in iraq with jibril 🇧🇩🇮🇶
alvar - german 🇩🇪
denarius, roux, cobalt, jett, beryl, kessler, and larimar - swedish 🇸🇪
hector - greek 🇬🇷
perseus - half macedonian, half persian; lives in greece 🇲🇰🇮🇷🇬🇷
miles - half georgian, half romani; lives in greece 🇬🇪🇬🇷
chryses, castor, thales, theodore, melanthios - dominican; lives in greece 🇩🇴🇬🇷
winston - canadian 🇨🇦
pietro - maya; lives in el salvador 🇸🇻
tristan - czech 🇨🇿
tigre - khmer; lives in cambodia 🇰🇭
otus - estonian 🇪🇪
rsa staff
duke - french 🇫🇷
koen - aboriginal australian 🇦🇺
veredigna - jamaican 🇯🇲
faron - french 🇫🇷
jia-hao - han chinese 🇨🇳
mon - american; other information seems to be classified 🇺🇸
ivan - irish; lives in pennsylvania, usa 🇮🇪🇺🇸
juno - british 🇬🇧
henrietta - spanish 🇪🇸
rosalyn - trinidian 🇹🇹
carmine - argentinian 🇦🇷
emerald - latvian 🇱🇻
imara - wolof; lives in kenya 🇸🇳🇰🇪
zuri - kenyan 🇰🇪
keletso - half filipino, half motswana 🇵🇭🇧🇼
iris - croat; lives in italy 🇭🇷🇮🇹
jessamine and forsythia - danish; lives in italy 🇩🇰🇮🇹
ritika - arab; lives in iraq 🇮🇶
alya - bolivian; lives in iraq with ritika 🇧🇴🇮🇶
leila - palestinian 🇵🇸
ellie - half tibetan, half german 🇩🇪
serenity - luxembourger 🇱🇺
meili - han chinese 🇨🇳
helena and andrea - greek 🇬🇷
maria and deirdre - irish 🇮🇪
sydney - half hungarian, half scottish 🇭🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
daenerys - andorran 🇦🇩
awi staff
headmistress - ???
collector - polish 🇵🇱
vanita - german 🇩🇪
sorceress miriam - british 🇬🇧
yvonna - peruvian 🇵🇪
khaltmaa - mongolian 🇲🇳
bonnie - costa rican 🇨🇷
glynda - colombian; lives in louisiana, usa 🇨🇴🇺🇸
jayda - british 🇬🇧
gautami - tamil, lives in india 🇮🇳
kitch - french 🇫🇷
binx - afghan 🇦🇫
lily - malaysian 🇲🇾
kutaka - congolese 🇨🇩
yuzuki - japanese 🇯🇵
arsulu - half algerian, half malian 🇩🇿🇲🇱
lagan - maldivian 🇲🇻
jin - bedouin; lives in saudi arabia 🇸🇦
thundra - maghreb; lives in mauritania 🇲🇷
kraljica - slovenian 🇸🇮
moroni - italian; lives in vatican city🇻🇦
circe - montenegrin 🇲🇪
angelos - angolan 🇦🇴
chanteur - belgian 🇧🇪
leah - austrian 🇦🇹
maximilian and margaretta - eritrean; lives in germany 🇪🇷🇩🇪
masood - arab; lives in iraq 🇮🇶
yusra - arab; not specific to any nation
tahmina - kurdish; lives in france with duke 🇮🇷🇫🇷
toussaint, serenella, and bene - half kurdish, half french 🇮🇷🇫🇷
joey - aboriginal australian 🇦🇺
rouge - monegasque 🇲🇨
yuehai - han chinese 🇨🇳
ma/zhang - manchu 🇨🇳
long/haoran - half malagasy, half hong-konger 🇲🇬🇭🇰
aponi, odina, and nuka - powhatan; lives in virgina, usa 🇺🇸
virgo - akan; not specific to any nation
pisces - norse; not specific to any nation
jewell - american; lives in texas 🇺🇸
soraya - american; lives in texas 🇺🇸
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nimue - bulgarian; lives in sofia 🇧🇬
yareli - half mapuche, half lebanese; lives in santiago, chile 🇱🇧🇨🇱
kimiya - ryukyuan; lives in kagoshima 🇯🇵
jace - liberian; lives in new york, usa 🇱🇷🇺🇸
camilla - melanasian; lives in kyiv, ukraine 🇺🇦
lenore - dutch; lives in north brabant 🇳🇱
andre - welsh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
hadwin - half finnish, half hmong 🇫🇮🇨🇳
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obey me
eve/adam - korean; lives in yongsan-gu, seoul 🇰🇷
noa/noah - egyptian; lives in alexandria 🇪🇬
ruth/matthew - yoruba; lives in lagos 🇳🇬
deborah/barack - formosan; lives in tamsui, taiwan 🇹🇼
susanna/daniel - half persian, half japanese; lives in suginami 🇮🇷🇯🇵
abigail/david - welsh; current location unknown 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
judith/achior - indonesian; lives in jakarta 🇮🇩
esther/mordecai - half sinhalese, half baganda; lives in colombo 🇱🇰🇺🇬
miriam/aaron - chilean; lives in valparaiso 🇨🇱
lydia/silas - swedish; current location unknown 🇸🇪
priscilla/aquila - italian jew; lives in calabria 🇮🇹
martha/lazarus - vietnamese; lives in birmingham, england 🇻🇳🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
berenice/herod - romanian; lives in bucharest 🇷🇴
tabitha/peter - ghanaian; lives in new jersey, usa 🇬🇭🇺🇸
zillah/lamech - belarusian; lives in lida 🇧🇾
crocell - assyrian; lives in calabria, italy 🇸🇾🇮🇹
legion - jordanian; lives in calabria with priscilla/aquila 🇯🇴🇮🇹
ereshkigal - iraqi 🇮🇶
ishtar/inanna - iraqi 🇮🇶
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asuka - ???; lives in enoshima, japan 🇯🇵
fumio - half danish, half japanese; lives in enoshima 🇩🇰🇯🇵
koyumi - japanese; lives in gion, kyoto 🇯🇵
honoka - japanese; lives in gion, kyoto 🇯🇵
moriko - half south african, half japanese; lives in gion, kyoto 🇿🇦🇯🇵
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vianali - totonac; lives in mexico 🇲🇽
caomint - totonac; lives in mexico 🇲🇽
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kira kira
kuro - japanese; lives in yokohama 🇯🇵
souvanna - half lao, half japanese; lives in yokohama 🇱🇦🇯🇵
katawaguruma - japanese 🇯🇵
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