#ivar the boneless is a god
popcorn1989 · 2 years
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Character: Many, but this is about Reader and Ivar
Words: 5608
Warning: 18+ if you are too young, please don't read it.
Honey, Honey, Honey and Sex
Summary: Ivar has promised Reader to go honey hunting with her. There is something between them, but neither is sure what, but they soon seem to find out.
Note: Been a long time since I wrote an erotic one-shot, but here we are.
I had long thought about whom to use for this. I choose Ivar. But I think I'll write one for the others too. (Maybe)
I just have too many ideas in my head.
*Note: Sorry, no beta reader
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"What a beautiful day" you spoke as you tore open Ivar's room and walked in. A basket full of flowers in your hand. The room was dark and "What, you're still not awake" you say as you looked at the grumbling Ivar, face pressed into the pillow and the blanket pulled over his head. You put the basket on the table and went to the window and, with a flourish, you opened the curtains. The light of the sun flooded the room.
"Get up, you promised me we would hunt honey" as you arrive at the bed, Ivar grumbled again and turned his face to you "Tell me sweetie, how do you hunt honey? I said we were looking for some" he opened one eye and looked at you. "And what in all the gods do you want to walk so early? The honey is still in its place in the afternoon" he asked. You shrug your shoulders. "Only the early people get rewarded" you replied and as you went to grab his blanket he grumbled again.
"Oh come on Ivar, you promised, don't back out now" slowly you walked to the small table and looked at the deceased flowers that were in a vase, on the table. Slightly you shake your head, if you didn't bring Ivar fresh ones from time to time, no flower would ever decorate this room. You change, the bouquet, while you were closely watched by him, you notice his eyes on your back. You put the wilted flowers in the basket and slowly turn to him.
"We could also look for something else first" he spoke softly, you frown, "And what would that be?" you ask in wonder. "Hmm, how close we really are" you let out a short laugh as you grab the end of his blanket and pull it off his body. Blushing slightly as he lay naked in front of you, you throw the blanket back on him. "Forgive me," you say, turning around. "There's nothing to forgive, sweetie," he says, sitting up.
You were uncomfortable, even that he called you sweetie, even if it flattered you inside. You took the basket and slowly walked towards the door. "Where are you going?" he asked in surprise, "I'll wait for you outside until you're dressed. And hurry up, I don't want anything to get in the way. I want my honey today" you smiled slightly as he looked at you with a look of misunderstanding. He tilted his head, "You could help with" - "With what?" - "To dress me" he looked at you with his puppy dog look, but you just shake your head slightly.
"Hurry up, Ivar" - "But it'll be faster if you help me!" he yelled after you as you close the door. You lean against the door and smile broadly. You could hardly escape his charms, but you didn't want to make it too easy for him, after all, you're not like all the other women. You were a virgin, and you wanted the perfect moment for it. "Are you okay?" asked Aslaug, smiling as she walked past you, stroking your shoulder.
You nodded and went after her "He's stubborn, petulant and bad-tempered" you spoke trying to sound a little annoyed, but your smile betrayed you. Aslaug raised her eyebrows, "Hmm, that sounds like my son" she looked at you, and you both laughed. "Come with me, I want to show you something" she spoke and lightly pinched your upper arm. Aslaug was always fair to you, you were a free woman, even if you didn't really know where your path was leading you yet.
One day you wanted to finish swords like your father, but you knew that this craft did not suit you at all. Actually you wanted to be like Aslaug, but you were not born as a princess, but maybe one day you would be lucky and marry a prince. Together with Aslaug, you entered her bedroom, you looked around in amazement, so here she was sleeping and of course Ragnar, whom you always admired. Being here felt like getting closer to them.
"Look, that dress" she pointed to a dark orange dress and smiled at you. You put the basket on the floor, slowly you approached the princess and looked at the dress, it had beautiful embroidery on the collar, sleeves and hem end and the belt was amber. "It's beautiful" you spoke as you slowly stroked your fingers over it "It's yours, I was going to throw it away because it doesn't fit me anymore, but I think it would suit you, and it would be too bad for the dress" you looked at her with widened eyes.
"You're joking, you look just like you did the day you arrived" - "Pregnant?" - "No, no I mean Beautiful and…and…" you say quickly and put a hand in front of your mouth, you were afraid to say anything more that would make you look stupid. But Aslaug just smiled and ran her hand through your hair. "It's alright, if you don't want it then just say so" but again you looked at the dress and lifted it off the bed, as carefully as if it would tear any second.
"It's beautiful, if I may have it, I'll gladly accept your gift" - "Gift?" it came from ivar, as usual, you first looked up where there should be a head, but then you lowered your gaze. "You did it again" you shake your head and blush. Ivar, who was lying on the floor, narrowed his eyes "Of course, I saw it clearly" - "No I didn't" Aslaug started giggling behind you and that made you blush more.
You pressed the dress against your body and hung your head. "I gave her this dress" she spoke and embraced you, she grabbed the dress and held it in front of your body. "Hmm" came it from Ivar "If you would raise your head I could tell you if it looks good" slowly you raised your head, but you had an annoyed look on your face. "Nah, it doesn't look so good, but if you would smile" he said and a soft smile appeared on your face.
"Beautiful" came out of one mouth from Ubba and Ivar, Ivar looked up stunned at his brother who had just appeared in the doorway. "What?" asked Ivar in disbelief "I said Beautiful, look at her, the dress fits her perfectly" The boys started arguing, you rolled your eyes as you heard Aslaug "I told you it would look good on you" she whispered in your ear and giggled softly, she handed the dress back to you "Thank you my princess, thank you so much, how can I repay you?" You asked, she came a little closer again.
"Just do what you have always done for my son" she spoke and walked past the arguing boys, she smiled at you once more before she disappeared "Okay, okay… I get it, yes…. She's yours" you just heard Ubba say. "What?" you ask stunned, "I don't belong to anyone…" Ubba raised his hands apologetically and Ivar, looked at you questioningly, but he smiled.
"Put it on" he nodded at the dress in your hands. "And you, help me with my Greaves" - "At your command" said Ubba and went after the crawling Ivar, but he didn't miss showing you a hand gesture that meant you looked great in the dress. You smiled broadly, but it disappeared when you realized that you were standing alone in the bedchamber of Aslaug and Ragnar. You folded the dress and took the basket, then you went into the great hall, Ivar lying on the furs, by the throne and Ubba, putting on his Greaves.
You grinned as you heard the muttering Ivar and the grumbling Ubba, and decided to go to Ivar's room. No one would bother you, the two brothers were busy, and as far as you knew, Hvitserk and Sigurd were out hunting. At the thought of hunting honey, you grinned widely again. Wild honey was the best, only how do you tell Ivar that you were afraid of bees?
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When you had changed your clothes, you walked unsteadily to the great hall. The basket in your hands again. You looked at the dress that clung to your body, the hem dancing with each step. "Ah, be careful, Ubba," cried Ivar, raising his upper body to look crossly at his brother. But Ubba looked to you and paid no attention to Ivar. He pulled again on the buckle and Ivar cried out another time, worriedly you looked at Ivar who just slapped Ubba one with the flat of his hand. "Huh?"
"I said be careful!" yelled Ivar and then looked at you as well when Ubba didn't take his eyes off you, his mouth was open. "Wow, now that, you should wear that more often than those wide dresses" he spoke and sat up. You smile at him and blush. Ivar looked at Ubba and his grin faded, he nudged his brother's head briefly, "Now don't stare, and close that last buckle"
"Beautiful," this one said and stood up, Ivar looked at him dumbfounded "Hey…" he shouted and pointed at his legs, but Ubba didn't react. He took the basket from you and placed it on the floor before grabbing both of your hands and spreading them out, so he could get a better look at you. Ivar groaned as he stood up "Well, if, Ivar, doesn't want to go looking for honey with you, then I'll be happy to come" you smile sheepishly as you look at Ivar, he had almost reached the two of you.
"I think he'll mind," you say, grinning broadly as Ivar moved to stand beside you, looking at Ubba with raised eyebrows. "Ivar, you didn't want to go out anyway. Outside the sun is shining" Now Ivar dropped his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes "Huh? I'll go with her, and you stay here with your hairy butts" he spoke and pulled your hands out of Ubbas. You grin slightly and put a hand on his forearm, he hasn't acted like that in a long time.
Ubba raised his hands "As you wish" he winked at you and walked backwards "And don't get stung" he pointed at both of you before turning and disappearing. Inside you the sentence caused pure panic, Ivar just laughed, "You're going ahead for a minute? I have to get something, it won't take long" he spoke. But you looked at him questioningly, what did he want now? But then you nodded when he started to smile. Slowly, you made your way out of the great hall. Somehow, you felt abandoned and out of place when Ivar took longer than he promised.
You lean against a wall of the house, looking all the time at the entrance, when you were already thinking that Ivar must have forgotten you, he came out and grinned cheekily. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms in front of your chest, you really wanted to be angry. But when you looked him in the face it didn't work, so you looked away when he reached you.
"Don't be angry sweetie, mother wanted something, I couldn't refuse her request and besides I had to get something" he said and looked around. "Oh, what did you have to get?" you asked angrily. But he smiled at you again, he didn't take you seriously, that made you even angrier, but instead of reacting angrily you smiled too. You could beat yourself up for that. "I'll tell you later, let's go on the … hunt" he spoke and laughed up, now you had to laugh too, honey hunting, just sounded too good.
"I'm warning you" he spoke as you walked together down the road from Kattegat "This is going to be hard" - "What's going to be hard about it Ivar?" he smiled at you before looking back down at the ground watching his every step "If the bees see us they will take the honey, and fly away" you looked at him amazed "They do?"
He looked at you incredulously and grinned broadly "Yes, there are so many, they will all grab the combs and fly away with their precious honey" - "You're not serious" you said, dumbfounded. Again he laughed, "You're pulling my leg, Ivar" you said sourly and saw him nodding. "Of course, the worst that can happen is that they take off your beautiful dress and fly away with it" you looked at your dress and smoothed it.
Actually, you didn't want to encounter any bees. You swallowed slightly and looked at him, you could clearly see his smirk, even if he tried to hide it. "Honestly, Ivar, what can happen if we look for honey? He shrugged his shoulders "The bees could sting us and kill us ... then they eat us" you stopped, and he did the same, laughing again "It was a joke" he said when he saw your startled face. "But they can still sting" - "And that hurts?" you ask cautiously. "A little" again you swallow, no you didn't want to meet any.
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It was beautiful in the forest, wild flowers were everywhere, here and there you caught some bees, Ivar always told you to follow them, they would take you to their honey, but they were so fast that you didn't even see them fly away. But you got a nice wild bouquet in your hand after a few minutes. "If you are thinking of putting them in my room too, forget it" he spoke as you came back towards him from the meadow.
"Well then I'll give it to Ubba, at least he'll be happy" you took a flower from the bouquet and wanted to put it in his hair, but he pulled his head away "What do you intend to do?" You looked at the flower, then back at Ivar, who looked at you bitterly, "She won't kill you" you said and put the flower in your hair. He smiled as he looked at the flower in your hair, and then he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to him.
The sudden closeness to him made your body tremble, but when he tried to press his lips on yours, you backed away. But inwardly, you are annoyed that you reacted that way. He looked rather unhappy, "If you don't like me, tell me" he spoke and continued on his way. For a brief moment you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, so you could suppress your anger at yourself, then you went after him "That's not it" you said softly.
"No matter what I try, no matter how close I am to you, you always avoid it. I don't think you like me, and I'm beginning to wonder why you spend time with me" you looked up apologetically as he turned to you "Oh, I see now, you feel sorry for me. You feel sorry for a cripple" he spoke and his anger shone from his eyes. "No, that's not true Ivar, you are my friend" - "a friend…. Maybe Ubba should have come along better" he spoke and turned around.
"Ivar" you ran in front of him so that he had to stop. You wanted to say something, but you didn't know exactly what. "If you like me, then it's your part to show me now. That was the last try I will do" he spoke and walked past you, "Let's find honey" he spoke bitterly. You pressed your lips together and thought feverishly about what to say. You liked him, more than that, but you were a virgin and your first time scared you more than it should, after all it was the most normal thing in the world.
Slowly, you plodded along after him, your good mood blown away. If you lost Ivar because of your stupid reaction, it would hurt you a lot. "There are a lot of bees here…" he spoke, looking at the meadow as he walked, several bees buzzing back and forth, or settling on the flowers.
You stand next to him and take his hand. "I like you, Ivar. And I'm not around you out of pity, you don't need that" you spoke slowly and unsure. He turned his body to you as you kept talking, "It's just that… I'm…. Well I…" Hoof noises interrupted you and you both looked to the two riders coming towards you. Hvisterk, stopped, behind him on the horse, lay a deer. "Prey" he spoke, slapping the deer's hide. "Sigurd has some rabbits, we want to bring the loot home and then off we go again." Sigurd trotted past you both and made a gesture of greeting with his hand.
"And what are you going to do?" asked Hvitserk, who looked after Sigurd before his gaze fell on the two of you. "Hunting honey" said Ivar letting go of your hand, Hvitserk laughed, "Since when do people… hunt … honey?" - "Since today" Ivar spoke and smiled at you. "Okay, I won't ask …. But try up at our little huts" He pointed behind him and clicked his tongue as he set off to follow Sigurd.
Ivar grabbed your hand again as you looked after his brothers, "What were you going to say, sweetie" you turned to him and blushed, your heart began to pound. Again your body trembled as he came closer and closer to you. "Nothing," you say quickly, walking down the path Hvitserk had shown you. You hear an annoyed intake of breath from Ivar as he followed you. "Is this some honey hut?" you asked, wanting to break the uncomfortable silence.
"No, my brothers and I are there sometimes when we want to learn to take care of ourselves on our own. Or when we just want our peace" said Ivar, his voice emotionless. "But, last year bees built a nest in the cracks, of the wood, so not such a stupid idea, from him" You had thought to arrive there soon, but your way was much longer than you thought. Only in the afternoon you had almost reached the hut, unpleasant conversations and silence prevailed between the two of you.
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You could see the hut from far away as you slowly walked up the mountain. Ivar spoke less and less, "My legs hurt" he said from time to time. "We are almost there, and you can sit down", you said when you suddenly stopped. In front of you stood a beautiful fox looking at you. Ivar, who had been looking at the ground, ran into you. He grabbed your arm so that he wouldn't fall over and looked around questioningly.
"Look, Ivar," you said and pointed your finger at the chance encounter. Ivar smiled as the fox sat down and licked his leg. You turned to him and smiled broadly at him. He looked deep into your eyes as his gaze fell on the fox again, "Look" he spoke and nodded to him. A butterfly had joined him, and the fox began to chase it. Ivar and you started laughing, he let go of you and continued down the path as the fox chased the butterfly through the forest.
You looked at him anxiously, he looked tired and exhausted. "Do you think we'll find honey there?" you asked and looked again at the little hut. "I don't know, we'll find out in a few minutes" - "I'm glad you're with me" you said and looked at him. He smiled and looked up "Oh, say that again" he spoke, "I'm glad you're with me" you said, and you gathered every courage in you and approached him, a little unsure and puzzled he looked at you, but he didn't back away.
Goosebumps appeared on your skin as you looked into his blue eyes. But just before you were about to kiss him, you lowered your eyes. He reached under your chin and lifted it, slowly approaching you. You remained as still as a rabbit in a trap as his lips laid on yours. You had no idea how it worked, but when you felt him open his mouth, you did the same and your kiss deepened.
But this uneasy feeling, the flight you feel, dragged you away from him. But he stood in front of you and smiled at you, his eyes glistening in the afternoon sun. "Why are you so red?" he teased, grabbing the back of your head, again his lips landed on yours for a brief but loving kiss. "Come" he spoke and walked towards the hut. He sat down on the bench in front of the hut and watched you examine everything. The small wooden house stood close to the cliff, various herbs hanging to dry under the small roof.
Slowly you continued on your way, and soon you were looking down the cliff, amazed you looked at Ivar who was massaging his legs with one hand. "Wow, what a view, the sea crashing against the rocks and the little island back there with the big trees" Ivar nodded "You better find the honey, I don't feel like staying here all night" he said showing his best smile. "You want me to look for it?" you asked, confused.
"Of course, I can't stand or take a step anymore" he said, and his smile disappeared. "But… the bees" he looked from his legs back to you, "So? Just say hello to them" you raised an eyebrow, "And then what happens?" Ivar laughed out "Then you ask if you can have honey" he looked to the hut and searched the small wall. "Maybe on the other side, try it" he spoke, twisting his finger as if pointing around a corner. You nodded, inwardly full of panic but not wanting to let on.
"Okay, stay here, I'll be right back" you said as you walked past him and put your wild bouquet of flowers into his hand, "Where am I supposed to run to? Do you really think I'm going to walk home while you stand on the other side of the hut?" Reaching the corner of the hut, you looked to him. "I never know with you," you said teasingly and rounded the corner.
It was in the shade and the cool air made you freeze in your tight dress. Honey, where are you - you thought as you searched the wall, but there was nothing here. You decided to look on the other side. There were bushes everywhere, trees lined up, and various flowers covered the ground. You hear the buzzing of several bees before you even reach the corner, your gaze tracking isolated bees. You circle them at a wide and safe distance. "Hello bees," you call out, waving at them.
"May I have the honey?" you asked them. Ivar dived to the side of the hut, leaned up against the wall and laughed, "You're serious?" - "You told me to do this" you said angrily. "They are bees…. Not people" - "Okay, know-it-all, what should we do then?" he looked at the swarm of bees and shrugged. "I'd rather do nothing," he said, waving for you to join him. You were a little disappointed and angry when you reached Ivar.
"Don't be sad sweetie, harvesting wild honey is not easy and impossible without equipment, let the professionals do it" he handed the flowers back to you. "But I'm sure they would love your flowers" he pointed to the swarm and walked back to the front of the hut. You looked at your flowers and then at the bees, slowly you walked towards them, that meant a couple of steps, then you put the flowers on the ground and quickly walked backwards and ran to the front and looked around.
Ivar was sitting by the cliff, leaning against a rock and looking out over the sea. When you reached him he grinned cheekily, "I think I've found your honey" With your mouth open you looked at the sea and nodded. The setting sun, colored the sea a honey hue, slowly you sat down beside him "Well, no honey, but this sight is still worth it" you said, taking his hand that was resting in his lap. "So you're not mad at me?" he asked, looking at you, you shook your head.
"It was a beautiful day and I got to spend it with you" now he smiled sheepishly. "I'm done for the day, we have to stay here, but we have plenty of supplies" he spoke before his eyes fell back to the sea. "No problem" you said, happy to be alone with him.
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Before it got too dark, you went into the hut. Now you sat together in front of the small fireplace and talked. You laughed a lot, and he told you stories that he had experienced up here with his brother. You looked at him dreamily as he was about to tell another one:
"Hvitserk was so drunk and wanted to take a piss. He stumbled out, and we sat here for quite a while until Ubba looked at me. What is? I asked as he jumped up and ran outside. After a few minutes, he came back with Hvitserk in his arms. He really did fly over the bench outside and just lay there. Ubba then put him on the bed and Hvitserk slept through until morning. I asked Ubba how he felt it, and he just said that he felt it somehow. Really strange" he finished the sentence and looked at you with a smile.
"Brothers feel that" Ivar shrugged "Well, I haven't noticed anything and Sigurd hasn't noticed anything for a long time" you both laughed, but Ivar quickly became serious again "I'm sorry we have to spend the night here" he spoke quietly. You moved closer to him. It didn't bother you at all, in fact you hadn't felt this comfortable for a long time. And you were surprised at yourself as you wiped a strand from his face. There was a long, tense silence between you at your sudden touch.
Then you got up and sat on him with your legs apart, he raised his hands and looked at you, startled. "So… I… You know I…" you put a finger to his lips, "Hush, I just want to be close to you, Ivar." You grabbed his raised hands and placed them on your hips. He looked petrified as he looked at your hip "Ivar, I am a virgin" he looked up, stunned.
"I was avoiding you because I thought I was doing something wrong" you spoke the truth, and he smiled lovingly at you. "And I thought I was the one doing something wrong" you shook your head and put your hands on his chest. He took a deep breath, the fire reflected in his eyes. "You know I like you, I've always liked you" - "I know" you spoke as you moved closer to him and pressed your lips to his, slightly opening your mouth to deepen the kiss, the goosebumps were back with a vengeance, and you notice the desire for him growing.
Tentatively, he tried to feel your tongue with his, and soon they were dancing together. His hands ran up and down your back and lightly pinched your hips when he reached them again.
You moved your hips back and forth, which made him groan from time to time. "I…" you didn't let him say it. You had to bring down the wall inside him, only then would he see that he was capable of it. "I just want to be close to you, Ivar, don't stress you" you whisper in his ear as you hugged him. Your hands loosened his braid, and you ran your fingers into it, his hair was soft, and it smelled good.
A little surprised you notice Ivar's hands finding their way under your dress and up your legs as he suddenly pulled them back "Ohhh, wait…wait" he said pushing your torso slightly away from him "I'm an idiot, I got you something" he said, and you watched stunned as he rummaged in his trouser pocket. "Here" he said and showed you a small Glass, "Honey?" you asked incredulously and took it in your hand. "Oh, you had to get that, and you made me wait so long?" you said, and he nodded.
You looked at the yellow honey with a spice in it, then you started to laugh. Ivar looked at you sheepishly, "I didn't want the day to end without honey" he scratched his head and looked at you. You grinned at him and opened the small jar and smelled it, "Smells excellent" you said, and tapped with your index finger, in the honey. In front of him, you lick the honey off your finger. "Hmm, fantastic" you said as you held the pot out to him.
He swallowed and looked at you with wide eyes, you shrugged your shoulders and put your finger back into the little pot, As you tried to sit comfortably on his lap, you noticed how stiff his member was. Briefly you faltered, but then you slowly licked the honey from your finger, he on the other hand licked his lips. You started to move your hips, which made him groan, "I thought you couldn't" you tease him. You wet your finger with honey again and close the jar.
You put it next to you before stroking Ivar's lips with honey, not stopping to move your hips. His hands wandered under your dress again, leaving goosebumps on every place he touched. "Have a taste" you said softly as he opened his mouth and placed his lips around your finger, slowly you pull your finger out of his mouth and kiss his honey lips.
Your hands slowly moved to his trousers, and you opened them. As you grasped his member he moaned "I… didn't know…" he tried to say something between your kisses, but he quickly gave up. He grabbed your ass and yanked you around, amazed, you lay with your back on the furs. Ivar smiled at you "I want it to be perfect" he said slowly and ran his hand slowly over your breasts, belly and hips, he disappeared from your view.
But soon you notice his hands moving up your legs, pulling your dress up as he did so. He kissed and licked your inner thighs, and then he even a bite into them, and this made you let out a small moan. When he reached your womanhood, he caressed it with all the means he had. You moaned as you felt his tongue on your clit, and you bite your lower lip. "Please," you moaned as he slowly pushed a finger into you, but it didn't hurt, it was even pleasant, and soon you lost your fear and gave yourself to him.
After a while, he put a second one inside you and moved them in a rhythm. He knew what he was doing, you thought briefly, as a wave of sensation hit you. You grab his hair as you groaned loudly. Your body shook, intensifying the goosebumps you had had on your skin all along.
He lay on top of you and smiled at you, you kissed him and reached for his shirt, you wanted to feel him, his skin, his body. He reached under himself and pulled at your dress, you lifted your body to help him take it off. For a moment you felt small when he looked at you like that, but when he started kissing and touching your breasts, you felt comfortable under his strong hand.
He kissed your lips and with one hand he pulled his trousers further down. "Is this what you really want?" he breathed to you as he kissed down your neck. "Yes," you spoke easily. You notice his member rubbing back and forth in front of your womanhood, and it was driving you crazy. You just wanted to feel him inside you.
You reached down, but he stopped you and grabbed your hand "I am careful" he said and as he moved forward you put your hands on his back. Slowly he pushed into you, but soon you notice the pain, with a jerk he pushed into you and lay motionless. You cried out briefly, he caressed your neck and let his hand wander over your breasts. Only after a while, when he was sure that you had calmed down, did he begin to move.
It burned a little, but soon his movements gave you pleasure, and you let your nails run over his back, he moaned and kissed you, your tongues dancing together as he thrust into you again and again, getting faster and faster. You put your head back in your neck as you were about to reach your second climax. He pushed himself off the ground to have more movement. He was so deep inside you and filling you completely, you moan and grab his hips.
His thrusts were hard and well-aimed, and soon you were lifting your head and moaning in pleasure as you reached your second climax. You're trembling and writhing body beneath him made him come too. Exhausted, he lay down on his back beside you. "I… I'm in favor of staying here a little longer…" you spoke out of breath and you both started laughing. "We still have honey," he said, laughing. You lay your head on his chest and close your eyes. This day was more than perfect.
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fragileheartbeats · 2 months
"He's not good for yo-"
YES! but have you seen his eyes???
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fantasydreamland · 1 month
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Ivar the Boneless
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
A Gift From Thor - Ivar the Boneless x Reader
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(Outfit and hair from this imagine!)
Pairing: Ivar the Boneless x Reader
Prompt: Saved by Lennon Stella and my lack of votes from my deleted poll 😂 sad times man
Description: You are a Viking healer, who travels the world to learn all healing techniques. After an unfortunate tumble from a ship you get lost at sea. As Valhalla becomes more certain you pray to Thor for love and boy does he deliver.
Warning: None really apart from use of a few dirty words for a Manhood.😂
“Please don’t let me die here Thor.” You pleaded towards the sky before going under again trying to not swallow anymore water.
“Please don’t let me die here Thor.” You pleaded towards the sky before going under again trying to not swallow anymore water.
When you came back up you realised the storm was spreading around you. You let tears fall down your face as you decided to float on your back for a while. You stared up at the sky suddenly feeling very tired. You tried to fight it but you had been out here for too long.
You knew you wouldn’t survive this despite praying to Thor so you let yourself slip your eyes shut. You hated that you had yet to do so much with your life. You didn’t regret much but you did have one regret swimming through your head as you felt your body slip into unconsciousness.
‘Please let me fall in love once before you take me to Valhalla.’
“Wake up woman! Come on!” You heard someone scream as your body was being shaken. You let your eyes flicker open and the first thing you saw was blue. You thought it was the sea for a second but then realised it was someone’s eyes.
You shot up and backed into a corner anxiously as you looked around the boat your were on. The Vikings on the boat were staring at you curiously as you assessed your dripping wet clothes. You were only in a white night gown which was wet enough to see through making you cross your arms to cover yourself as you curled into a ball.
“What is your name?” The blue eyed man asked with a small glare.
“Y-Y/N.” You stuttered as a cold gust of wind swept over you.
“I am King Ivar.” You stared into his blue eyes and handsome appearance before looking towards the sky with a laugh. Thor couldn’t be serious you thought humorously.
“King Ivar the Boneless.” You chuckled as you shot him a sweet smile. The ruthless Viking that killed his own brother in anger, conquered England and Kattegat.
“You’ve heard of me.” Ivar snorted before staring you down as if trying to read you.
“Yes the ruthless Viking Ivar the Boneless you are a legend. I also know a lot about your condition.” You muttered pointing to his legs.
“I used to treat someone with the same problem.” You whispered softly with a polite smile.
“So you’re a healer?” He asked with a glare almost like he didn’t wish to talk about his illness.
“I have traveled the world learning every kind of healing knowledge I could. My goal was to be the best healer in the world. But it appears Thor has made my fate known.” You chuckled as you recalled your prayer to Thor.
“And what fate would that be?” Ivar asked curiously as he moved closer to you.
“I think I am here to take care of you.” You muttered shyly as you avoided his eyes.
“Maybe you are right. We’re almost at Kattegat, get some rest.” Ivar snorted before throwing his own furs over you as well.
He didn’t say anything and you chose to just accept the unusual kindness with a smile as you drifted off to sleep. You barely registered when your head leaned onto his shoulder but he made no move to remove you so you fell into a peaceful sleep.
Ivar watched you as you slept thinking about how beautiful you were and kind. You hadn’t even been scared of him when you found out who he was and that made him more curious about what kind of woman you were.
He also justified his fascination of you by telling himself you were a healer and could help him manage his pain, but he knew that was a lie. He wanted to get to know you. Find out everything about you and maybe even test your loyalty to him.
Once you had arrived at Kattegat Ivar shook your shoulder gently, rousing you from your slumber. You stood up before bending down to help Ivar stand with the help of his crutch. He gave you a nod before being lifted off the boat.
You followed closely behind as he walked to what you guess was his throne room. He smashed the door open startling the people inside of the room and he was approached by 3 men who looked at him with various emotions.
“Brother thank the gods your finally back.” The one with the same piercing blue eyes said as he approached Ivar with a hug.
“Yes and it appears the gods may favour this young woman here too.” He chuckled as he guided you by you hand to stand in front of him.
“This is Y/N she’s a healer that has traveled the world.” He explained slowly and his brothers looked you up and down. There was a small amount of lust in each of the brothers face which made you step back into Ivar’s space so you were stood in front of him your back pressed against his chest.
“Get your eyes off her brothers she not a slave she’s a free woman who will be my personal healer.” He huffed irritably as his arm wrapped around you waist. His touch was comforting and if made your heart race which was unexpected but you leaned into his touch and his eyes widened a little at that.
“I would like to wash up before we talk about anything else. If that is okay with you my King.” You muttered softly as you turned in his grip, your face was barely a hand width from his, your face flushed which seemed to amuse him.
“Of course love.” He muttered softly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear sweetly.
You giggled softly at the new pet name, ducking your head shyly as he asked his slave to help you prepare a bath in his room. You were shocked he was allowing you into his room but you nodded as you followed the slave.
Once you had bathed you were dressed in the nicest dress you’d ever seen and the slave braided parts of your hair but left the rest hang loosely around your back. Your dress was pure black with blood red lace wrapped around the sleeves, they also gave you a long fur coat that made you feel like a queen.
You smiled down at your clothes before getting dragged back to the great hall. The slave had barely spoke to you which was a little awkward but once you saw Ivar again you felt more relaxed. He looked you up and down before giving a nod.
You approached him slowly and he pulled a stool up next to his seat at the head of the table. You sat down without a word, laying your hands on your lap as you waited for your next instruction. Slave were bringing in the food when someone finally addressed you.
“I have a question if you don’t mind?” Bjorn asked scepticism clear in his voice.
“Please ask away Bjorn Ironside I have nothing to hide.” You gave him a sweet smile which only seemed to make him more sceptical.
“You know of all our stories?” He questioned slowly and you just gave him a nod.
“Are you not scared of any of us? Even Ivar? No offence but you’re a healer not a shield maiden yet you have no fear of us.” He seemed confused but his question had you laughing which made everyone look at you.
“As you know I was stranded in the ocean when King Ivar found me.” They all nodded and waited for you to continue.
“Before I felt myself drift into unconsciousness I begged Thor for something before I died. It appears he listened.” You added with a giggle.
“What did you ask for?” Hvitserk asked with excitement in his eyes.everyone began eating as they waited for your response.
Bjorn and Ubbe were drinking their mead and Hvitserk and Ivar were eating a piece of meat when you finally spoke up. Let’s just say everyone was shocked by your next sentence.
“To fall in love.” You muttered casually as you vegans to eat your own food.
The drink in the two eldest brother mouth was spat everywhere in shock, Ivar dropped his meat and his mouth fell open and Hvitserk started laughing almost choking on his food as he did.
“You think the gods brought you here to meet someone you will love?” Ubbe asked as he coughed awkwardly.
“No I think the gods brought me here to love Ivar.” You answered simply giving Ivar a sweet smile who flushed a little but his eyes were full of amazement.
“Ivar?” Bjorn asked humorously as he began eating his food.
“Why is that so funny?” You huffed angrily suddenly feeling very offended by how they were treating you.
“Yes, why is that so funny?” Ivar asked irritably, his hand coming down to give yours a reassuring squeeze.
“Because you cannot…you know…” Ubbe muttered awkwardly and you shot a glare his way.
“Because you cannot satisfy a woman.” Hvitserk blurted out and you stood up so fast making everyone jump.
“I can imagine you don’t do a great job at doing it either!” You screamed throwing a cup in Hvitserk’s direction hitting him square it the head. He stood up to retaliate but Ivar stood up in warning.
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Ivar growled as he pulled stroked your hair gently making you smile to yourself.
“I apologise I lost my temper but you should not talk about things you do not understand.” You muttered with a pout.
“He is our brother we know more about him than you.” Ubbe huffed in annoyance.
“Yes about him but not his illness! I have treated another person like him and his cock works just fine from what his wife said. In fact last I heard his wife had given birth to their 4th child.” You snorted as you remembered the joy of the first time his wife managed to conceive.
“How?” Bjorn asked curiously as he leaned his chin on his intertwined fingers.
“The first step is actually getting the person walking and seeing as that has already done all he needs is a special herb from China and a woman to warm his bed.” You answered honestly though the last string of words caused your heart to ache at the thought of another woman enjoying him.
“Kattegat has a few Chinese traders who pass through here maybe one of them has it.” Ivar responded with a small amount of excitement in his voice.
You nodded softly as you stared at your hands and tried not to think about the lucky woman who would be held by this beautiful man. Suddenly you heard Hvitserk laugh at your eyes shot up at the sound.
“And you want to be that woman.” He snorted with a smirk and you frowned.
“I would never presume that a King would want to bed me. I said I was sent by the gods to love Ivar I did not say he was to love me. I will spend my life serving him as his healer and loving him silently.” You muttered with tears in your eyes before standing up and walking out of the great hall.
You could not bare anymore snide comments or horrible things being said about Ivar. How could brothers be so mean to their brother. Not to mention he is their King they should show respect despite being blood.
You were strolling round the markets when you came across what looked like a Chinese trader. You gave him a nod before asking in Chinese if he had the herb you were looking for. He gave you a shocked grin at your perfect Chinese before passing you a bag of the herbs. You inspected it and gave him a nod before telling him you’d be back with gold for him.
You slowly strolled back to the great hall with a small smile but as you entered the hall to see the brothers now drinking around the fire you smile dropped and you walked past them to Ivar.
“I found the herb but I have nothing to trade for it.” You mumbled awkwardly as you avoided his gaze.
He stood up, making his way to his bedroom, you followed him slowly and as you stood in front of him he passed you a bag of gold coins. You gave him a nod and turned to walk out the room but Ivar’s hand grabbed your hand spinning you back around.
“Do you truly believe the Gods sent here to love me?” He asked quietly as he locked his eyes into yours.
“Yes. I feel a connection to you. I feel so calm when I am near you.” You answered him, his hand came up to caress your cheek and you leaned into his touch involuntarily.
“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I find it hard to believe you have never loved a man.” He chuckled as if the thought was ridiculous.
“I have spent my life travelling I have never even bed a man before.” You muttered shyly as you averted your eyes from his now wide ones.
Ivar nodded and released you so you quickly ran back to the market and received the herbs. Hopefully this worked because even if it was not you he chose to bed you hoped it would make him happy. His happiness was your only concern right now.
Once you returned you passed the herbs to Ivar who looked at them with a raised brow. His brothers came over to the throne and gave there brother a sign to hurry up. You nodded at Ivar as you took the bag from him.
You took the meat leg in Ubbe hand with a cheeky smile before ripping off a piece of meet and coating it with green herbs. You picked up the coated meat and passed it to Ivar.
“It called Yin Yang Hou. It’s a Chinese herb.” You stated as Ivar threw in his mouth nervously. You waited for what felt like years but really it was only 20 minutes before Ivar’s eyes widened.
“It works.” Ivar laughed as he stood up.
“Yes we can see that.” Ubbe laughed as you all looked at his noticeable erection.
“Very clearly.” You giggled as you looked at his size through his pants.
Ivar hobbled over to you with a smile before he pulled you in for what felt like a hug from a lover. One hand was in your hair while the other was very low on your back. You actually felt his hardened member pressed against your stomach as he held you.
“Thank you.” He whispered in your ear before stepping back.
“So who shall I bring to your room?” Ubbe asked joyfully as he patted his brother back.
“No one.” Ivar answered and your eyes shot to his.
“But you are finally able to bed a woman.” Hvitserk laughed evenly as he frowned at Ivar.
“Y/N would you excuse us for a moment.” Ivar spoke, you gave him a nod before leaving the Greta hall and waiting outside. Ivar watched as you walked out before turning to his brothers with a smile.
“You’re going to bed her aren’t you?” Bjorn snorted with an approving nod.
“No I am going to make her my wife.” Ivar grinned and his brothers laughed and congratulated him.
Later that night there was a meeting called by Ivar, saying everyone must attend. You were already by Ivar’s side as everyone started pouring into the great hall with chatter. You could here people asking each other if they knew what was going on but no one seemed to know except Ivar and his brothers.
Ivar stood up and everyone stopped talking, listening to whatever he was about to say. You bowed you head in respect before lifting it to watch him address his people.
“I have brought you all here to inform you I have found a woman that I wish to make queen.” You stomach dropped as the words left his mouth. Your heart squeezed painfully as you looked down to hide your tears.
“Her name is Y/N and she is a healer.” Your eyes shot up to him who was staring down at you. The tears that had escaped seemed to shock him and he approached you carefully.
“What is wrong my love?” He asked gently and you wiped your eyes with a smile.
“I thought you were going to marry some random beautiful Princess or something.” You sniffled with a pout and he just laughed before cupping your cheek and leaning down.
When his lips touched yours it was like a million sparks exploding behind your eyes. It felt like the most amazing thing you’d ever felt. It was your first kiss and you wished it would never end. He pulled away to look at his people who were smiling.
“Meet your future Queen of Kattegat!” He cheered heartily before leading you to the queens throne. You blushed as he made you sit down.
If someone would if told you as a year ago that you would one day be a queen you would’ve laughed. Yet here you were with the most beautiful man you’d ever seen holding your hand as he tells you he wishes to marry you.
“I am shocked you wish to marry me my King.” You whispered to him as he laced your finger together.
“Why? You are beautiful, kind and know how to handle my legs among other things.” He smirked as he brought your hand to his lips with a lustful gaze. You flushed under his gaze but gave him a smile to show him you were happy.
“I wish to make a sacrifice to Thor as a thank you to him for leading me to you.” You chuckled happily and he nodded his head in agreement.
“And maybe to Freya so she might bless us with a child.” He added making you giggle returned his nod.
You could not believe everything that had happened and how quickly you fell in love with this man beside you but no matter what you knew your life together would be adventurous and for that you could not wait.
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realskyrimsimmer · 2 months
"Power is dangerous. It attracts the worst and corrupts the best. I never asked for power. Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up" - Ragnar Lothbrok
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synintheraven · 10 months
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I lied guys this is my new favourite drawing by me 😭
+ a few close ups under the cut because I love the details and everyone should see them (;
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livingwithvikings · 1 month
Bjorn Ironside
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alexhogh7137 · 2 years
The way that I will make these two in my upcoming story will satisfy everyone’s needs..that’s all I’m gonna say. Get. Fucking. Ready.
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I have an ongoing story that I haven’t posted for in a while but I may put that on pause to start this one😈let me know your thoughts!!
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teamivankaye · 3 months
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🥚Easter egg search🥚 Tap to find the best company for the weekend! 😄👑 Which character is it? Happy Easter/Ostara/Eostre to all who're celebrating! 🐰🥚🐣
#IvanKaye #HappyEaster #KingAelle #Vikings #IvarTheBoneless #HammerOfTheGods #LudovicoSforza #TheBorgias #Bryan #TheGreenGreenGrass #TheGreatAlphonso #ApocalypseClown #MickSturrock #TheCoroner #TedButton #SisterBonifaceMysteries #SamSaturday #Pesca #TheWomanInWhite #MrDelaney #WeddingSeason #ReubenStarkadder #ColdComfortFarm #Yankee #GunpowderMilkshake #Patrick #ForLoveOrMoney #Adonijah #Solomon
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not-that-syndrigast · 2 years
No one asked, but i will do it anyways, Kattegat in lego + the people from kattegat! No spoilers and its bad but oh well.
Disclaimer: i am broke and untalented and have only started this like 2 months ago for myself and theres barely any viking age lego so i tried and we all know the characters have hard hairs
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i've got a forge to finish but i have no time! Maybe i will update this when i done more
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A cry echoed through the dark forest, loud and full of despair. The little boy, whom his father had laid on the icy ground only a few minutes before, was afraid. He longed for his mother, the source of his warmth and safety. But she didn't come to hug him close to her chest and soothe him in a gentle voice, and so he continued to scream as loud as his fragile lungs allowed him to.
His voice, filled with pain and anguish, reached neither his beloved mother nor his remorse-stricken father, but Odin could not ignore the wailing cries. He knew that this little boy was special, carrying a major duty imposed by fate, and that he had to be protected.
Odin orders Fenrir, as a kind of punishment, to take care of the weak human child, and so the mighty wolf goes off with his pack to take care of him.
Ivar, as his mother was still able to name him, grows up in the pack, along with other mystical and godlike figures who all take care that he lacks nothing despite his handicap and grows up to be a reasonably strong teenager.
In the meantime, the Christian plague continues to move across the country, spreading and infecting even Ragnar, who has become king in the meantime. The gods are furious, fearing their downfall, and so one day a war breaks out.
A war between gods and mankind.
A war in which Ivar first encounters his own kind, whom he loves to slaughter, driven by the gods' upbringing and indoctrination, until one day he learns the truth about his parents and he faces his brothers on the battlefield.
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
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Summary: Floki and Helga adopted you, and he calls you little white bird. You are different from the others and are therefore ostracized. Your dark thoughts haunt you, but Floki does everything to protect you from others and from yourself. But you only wanted to belong. Ivar seemed to be the only one who understood you, and He helps you, with your Plan.
Warning: Depression, Exclusion, Pain and Betrayal
Words: 8474
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White Bird
The water was lapping in small waves towards the beach. The wind had picked up and left goose bumps on your body, you looked up as you heard the birds fly past you, only faintly could you make out their outlines. Since birth, you have had a visual defect, and in other ways you are different from other people. You speak little, your white skin would not tan even in the strongest sun, and your hair was a white color. You were stroking the light sand and letting the small grains of sand glide through your fingers when you noticed someone behind you. A smile stretched across your lips as you recognized the deep inhalation. It was Floki, he always came to check on you when you were sitting here alone, but he never spoke to you.
You looked across the water, the sun reflected on the small waves and made the water glisten. "My little white bird" Floki said softly and came up to you, stroking your hair. "Don't you feel like doing something?" you slowly shook your head, a little surprised that he was addressing you today. "You know Ivar promised to do anything that came to mind with you?" You nodded in reply, a smile appearing on your lips again, before you pointed to the view before you. "You look out to sea for days, white bird," he said lovingly, again you nod, it wasn't that you wanted to go out to sea. You enjoy the peace, the solitude and the view your over eyes show you. "Okay, but remember, you are very special" He took your head in both hands and kissed your forehead.
When he stood up, you looked at him, he had these sad eyes since Helga's death, and whenever he looked at you, you saw very clearly that he was sad, that you had dark thoughts. "It's all right, me, here," you said, you were happy with Floki, he smiled and turned around. For a long time you watched him go, until your eyes failed you, but you knew he was nearby, building one of his ships. You are not his biological daughter, but he still treated you like one. You didn't know much more, only what he and Helga had told you. When you thought of her, your heart became heavy. Helga taught you to talk, at least as well as she could. You lay down on your back and tried to think back.
"I'll give you a good price, she seems to be blind, can't talk and is quite weak" your eyes recognized a handsome man kneeling in front of you. He had a blonde woman at his side who smiled lovingly at you, when the man tried to touch your face you flinched. "She is scared, what have you done to her?" the woman asked angrily, but the man raised his hands apologetically, "Nothing, nothing, I promise you. I got her from another trader, she was already like that there" "Floki, let's…" - "No, Helga. We just lost our daughter" but Floki didn't take his eyes off you and even smiled at you a little.
"I'll give you a good price, she won't be able to do heavy work, but she'll last as long as she lasts" You saw the man Floki's face contort into an angry grimace, and you cried out as he pulled the axe out of his belt and pushed the man against the wall, the axe close to his neck "She's not an animal, and she's not an object!" he shouted, most of the people around him ran away in panic, but your eyes looked at Foki in amazement. Helga knelt in front of you and wanted to take you in her arms, but you managed to wrest yourself from her hands and made yourself as small as possible, holding your arms around your head for protection. "My lord, please let me give it to you like this, it's hardly worth anything and I have better ones," the merchant said and rummaged in his pocket for the key.
From here on, you could only remember confused stuff. People screaming, the trader lying on the floor bleeding. The children who were freed and ran away. But you, you did not run away, because you had taken up your protective position, where you were sure that you would not be seen. But you were seen, even very well, by Helga and Floki. How they managed to get you to their home, you had no memory. Still you smiled and looked at the boats, their flags waving in the wind. You could see their color clearly. Floki cried out "damn it" it came from the boats and your smile widened, he probably hit his finger again.
The wind blew and left a rustling in your ears.- Look, look… Sits here doing nothing… Has no friends. - You shake your head to make the voice disappear, but it didn't - I am good for nothing. You put your hands on your ears and began to whimper. "Leave, leave" you spoke softly as you pressed your chin to your chest. - Ugly - "Floki" you scream and hear the hammer land on wood, then the rustle of his clothes as he came running towards you. He put his hands on yours and rested his forehead against yours. "It is your own voice, white bird, your own," he said, stroking your head, but you just shake your head. "Yes, yes… she won't hurt you if you don't let her. Tell me what she says" he lifted your head.
Your tears ran down your face, and you wiped them away. "Ugly," was all you said. Floki shook her head and kissed your forehead. "No, little white bird, you are definitely not ugly. Come, come with me" he said and pulled you to your feet. I don't believe him, you thought, but he took your hand, and you followed him to the water. "Look into it," he said and squatted down, pointing to the water. When you didn't move, he looked up at you, he took your wrist and pulled you closer to him. "Look into the water," he said pleadingly. Slowly, you knelt down, your white dress soaked with water. "Do you see what I see?" he asked, and you slowly shook your head as you looked at the blurred reflection.
"Then I told you what I see, if I may" as a tear fell into the water you raised your upper body and looked at Floki and nodded. He wiped your face, "I see a beautiful face" again you shook your head. You yourself didn't think it was beautiful. "Yes it is, and your white hair matches it beautifully" he smiled as he ran his hands through your white silky hair, just as Helga had always done. Briefly, your heart grew heavy again. "And your eyes, no one has eyes like that, it makes you special" Floki spoke, and again you looked into the water, white eyes looking out at you. Floki once said that bright blue was in them when the sun shone in. You smiled and tilted your head, the voice was gone, but the thoughts remained. Still, you felt better, and you hugged Floki, in thanks.
"As long as I am here, I will protect you from everything that is coming, my little white bird," he said softly and put his head on your shoulders and hugged you closer. You wanted to help him feel better too, but you didn't know what you could do. "I am invited tonight, you will accompany me" you shook your head, you didn't feel like going anywhere, there were people there and even since you were a child only a few treated you well. "Yes, I'll be there, nothing can happen to you. Besides, Ivar is there, maybe you can talk a little and see what you can do together" you didn't like the idea, it wasn't because you didn't like Ivar, he was always nice to you, but there was only one person you could really trust and that was Floki.
"Do you want to help me? I can't do all this alone" he said and helped you to stand up. You looked at the boats and nodded with a big grin. "Love to" You both made your way to the boat Floki was working on, and it wasn't until you were closer that you could really get a good look at it, you climbed into the unfinished boat and looked around. Actually you had no idea what to do here, but you found the hammer he had dropped earlier, and you tapped him on the shoulder as he searched for it "Ah, thank you" he spoke, raising his eyebrow briefly and pointing to a tangled mess of ropes "Can you untie those, I don't have the nerve" You looked at the ropes and groaned, always the same with him, or he does it on purpose, whatever it was you were glad to be able to help him.
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In the evening
Slowly, you walked behind Floki as you went to the longhouse. Again and again he looked at you and smiled, sometimes he stopped so that you would walk beside him, but his steps were so wide that he soon walked in front of you again. "You'll have fun, believe me," he said, but you weren't so sure. You only wanted to be at home, maybe do some sewing, but you definitely didn't want to go to the longhouse with all the people. Besides, it was noisy and that always stressed you out and gave you a headache, but for Floki's sake you pulled yourself together. In front of the entrance, several groups of men and women were already standing together and talking. Some greeted Floki when they recognized him.
Together with him, you entered the large hall, several tables were set up, the room was lit by several candles and torches. But your dull eyes could only see the people who were really standing with you. Laughter and shouting reached your ears, and you were about to turn and leave when you ran into Hvitserk. "Oops, sorry" he said and grinned, then looked at Floki "Are you leaving again?" you notice Floki put his hands on your shoulders and squeeze a little "No, we just got here. Do me a favor Hvitserk and look after her please" he reached over you and grabbed Hvitserk by the collar and pulled him closer to you and himself. You felt a little uncomfortable standing between them like that and looked away as Hvitserk grinned at you. "But don't you dare…" - "All right Floki, nothing will happen to her" he said, raising his hands.
Hvitserk grabbed your hand as he was let go by Floki and pulled you behind him, you looked pleadingly at Foki, but he just smiled lovingly and nodded, then he was hidden by the crowd. Slowly you turn forward again and looked at the long braided hair of Hvitserk. You close your eyes for a brief moment and breathe deeply, please let this evening pass quickly, you thought. Arriving at a table, he let go of your hand, but you stay behind him. You didn't want to be here, and you didn't want to see who was here. But you recognized many by their voices "Oh Hvitserk, what have you brought?" said Bjorn "Floki said she should hang out with us a bit" said Hvitserk and looked to the left and right, when he didn't see you he turned around startled and put a hand on his chest in relief when he saw you.
He came a little closer and whispered "Don't do that to me, Floki will kill me if you run away" he pulled an empty chair from the table and pointed to it. "Sit down" he said when you didn't react "Come on, I won't bite" said Ivar who was sitting next to the empty chair, he pointed to it and smiled at you. "Well, I'm not so sure about that" said Ubba who was sitting in front of him and laughed out loud. You saw how Ivar's face was distorted for a moment, but he didn't take his eyes off you. Unable to do anything else, you reluctantly sat down. "And who are you?" asked Bjorn, leaning forward, he crossed his arms on the table and grinned cheekily. You were about to open your mouth to answer when the girl next to you started to speak "Oh that's the crazy one from Floki" Bjorn raised his eyebrows and some laughed.
"She's not crazy," Ivar said, stroking your back, but you couldn't take your eyes off the girl. She had brown hair and a mole at the corner of her mouth, her eyes were a bright green. She laughed and pointed at you while talking to her friend next to her. You looked at Ivar, he shook his head slightly, he took your cup and filled it. "And what do you do?" Bjorn now asked, why does he care, you thought to yourself, but again the girl beat you to it, and now you knew how you knew her "Oh she doesn't do anything, she can't do anything" again her friends laughed, you noticed that Bjorn and Ivar were not laughing, Hvitserk and Ubba as well as Sigurd were busy with themselves and paid no attention to the girl's words. You sat back when she did not stop talking badly about you, when it became clear to you again what she had done to you.
"Jump, jump, you don't dare," cried the little brown-haired girl with the birthmark on the corner of her mouth. You were standing on a tree, because the girls had bet that you couldn't make it anyway. But now you were standing here and all you heard was to jump. "Then we... are friends?" you said, and the girls started laughing. "Sure, you'll be our friend. Come jump, and you are our friend" said the blonde girl, she had a scar on her lower lip. She looked at the third girl laughing, she had fox colored hair and freckles. "Come jump," the girl with the birthmark shouted and let her hand whiz from top to bottom. Your eyes looked down at the ground, from up here it didn't really look that deep, but still your heart beat faster, and you started to sweat. This was your chance to finally belong.
You gathered all your courage, blocking out the girls' laughter and concentrating on landing safely on your feet. Slowly you crouched down and jumped, your foot snapping away as it hit the ground, and you fell hard to the side, hitting your head. The girls' laughter grew louder, the girl with the birthmark kicked you in the stomach "You will never be one of us you freak" she shouted, and the others laughed "Come" she said and left, but the other two girls did the same and kicked you before disappearing. You lay on the floor crying, your head and feet aching, you didn't move and thought about what it would be like to be a normal girl, but the gods don't mean well with you, even if Helga always said otherwise, you don't believe it anymore.
"Shut the fuck up" Ivar shouted and threw his cup in the girl's direction, the splashes of the drink flying in your face snapping you out of your thoughts. "He's right, enough" Bjorn spoke, and the other three brothers also looked at the girl. "She can't do anything, really nothing, nothing even archery. When the autumn festival was, we saw that she can't do anything" the autumn festival, you thought back to it, you had tried all the stands for Helga's love, archery, axe throwing and much more, nothing really succeeded, but you had fun and Helga was happy. Your heart bled when you thought of her laughing face, and you became sad. Ivar must have seen it and probably thought you were sad because of her words, "I'll teach her" he said softly, not taking his eyes off you.
You looked at him and smiled, actually that was not a bad idea, so you could show him that you were willing to learn something. "But only if you want to" you nod slowly "It's not worth the time Ivar" the girl spoke, "I think you sitting here is not worth his time. Go" Bjorn said and stood up to express his words. The girl looked at you crossly, but she said nothing more, she stood up and took her plate in her hand. She threw it into your lap and disappeared, you watched her go, then looked at the jealous faces of the other two before they too left the table. Hvitserk stood up, took a cloth napkin and came towards you, Ivar and he helped you to clean the food remains from your dress, but there were still stains. The white dress that Helga gave you, you hoped you could clean the stains.
"We have to do something" Ivar said to Hvitserk, and he just nodded, he put a hand on his shoulders and grinned broadly "Let me do it, but promise me to keep an eye on her, otherwise Floki will make me a head shorter" Ivar nodded before he sat down again, you looked after Hvitserk, actually you didn't want him to do that, it would only cause twice as much trouble again. When you noticed a hand being placed on your forearm you looked at Ivar "Let them talk. They have no idea" - "That's right. They are young and naive" Bjorn said and put a piece of meat on your plate. The evening went quietly, and you spent most of the time listening to the boys talking excitedly about what it was like at sea and how they were going to take you next time, so you could see more than you did Kattegat, or Floki's hut. You always made them laugh when you responded by shaking your head vigorously, you were happy at Floki's hut and in Kattegat, even if you didn't like being here so much because it's far too big and far too many people.
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Two days later
Since you were in Kattegat, you felt exhausted and tired. You didn't leave the hut, even though Floki really did everything to make you feel better. But you didn't want to, you didn't want to be here or anywhere else, in fact you didn't want anything, you didn't even enjoy sewing. The stains on your dress hadn't come out, but you didn't want to throw the dress away either, it was the only thing you had of Helga. The anger that grew inside you like an ulcer gnawed at your bones, you wanted to get back at the girls, but you didn't know how. Even if Hvitserk had thrown pig manure at them, that was not enough for you. But you realize that you were not only angry at them, but at all of them, at Helga for leaving you alone. At Floki for adopting you, at Ragnar's sons, but you couldn't think of the reason. And last, but not least, at yourself for being the way you are.
You held the fabric close to your face, so you could see where to place the needle as Floki entered. He looked at you and smiled, but you didn't smile back "Little white bird" he spoke softly and came slowly towards you, stubbornly you looked at your needle again. "Ivar is here again" - "Then…. Send away" you spoke, "I…. Not going" Floki gave a short giggle and stroked your open hair. "He doesn't want to pick you up" he said and stood back up, slowly you directed your gaze to his face. "I'll tell him you need a little time" he turned, at the door he looked at you again, then left the hut. You listened and could hear two voices from outside. The fire crackled as you looked startled, you could see Helga for a moment. No, you were not angry with her. You thought back to the evening when she lovingly embraced you.
You lay your whole body against hers as she hugged you. "Oh sweetie" she said and smiled. She let go of you, and you put your little head on her lap so that you were looking into her face. "One day you will become very special" she spoke and stroked your forehead. She ran a hand through your hair, you laughed out "No really, I can tell" she spoke "I think a warrior, or a loving mother. Or both, it's possible" - "I think the gods have a way for you too" Floki spoke, sitting at the table eating. Helga laughed, "That's what I said, I just left the gods out of it and do you know why?" she asked you. You shook your head and looked at her with wide eyes. "Because we choose our own path, become what you want, blacksmith, tanner, warrior or boat builder" she looked at Floki and smiled as he slowly turned around.
"Nevertheless, the path is determined by the gods," Floki said and Helga mimicked him, which made you laugh. "Still, he is right, our feet are guided by the gods" You looked into her big eyes and thought about what you once wanted to be. "I can teach you to build the best ships" Floki spoke and smiled in your direction. "Big ones" you spoke, holding your small hands apart, "Even bigger than that" Floki giggled.
The door was pushed open and Ivar crawled in, he sat down in front of you and breathed heavily "Enough sitting around and …" he pointed in circles at your fabric "Whatever, you're doing" you tilted your head and looked at him thoughtfully. Ivar was here often, so you actually knew him very well, but he always had new sides to him that surprised you. "Floki?" you asked, sure that he was probably here for him. "What do I want with the crook-legged one?" he asked, grinning, "I'm here because I promised to teach you archery" you thought back to the evening when he had offered it to you, but you were sure he would forget again. "I have everything ready" he pointed to the wall "Outside, you don't have to go anywhere" he said looking at you questioningly. - He doesn't really mean to - you close your eyes for a moment. Then you nod, simply not to give the voice in your head a chance to keep telling you lies. - But what if it wasn't lies? -
You stood up and smiled, at least you could see his smile. Ivar crawled towards the exit, you stopped at the door and tried to see what he had prepared. You saw Floki blurry, something round hammering on the trunk. He slapped Ivar on the shoulders as he sat down on a small barrel, he reached beside him and took his bow and arrows. "Let's see what you can do" he held it out to you the two items but only reluctantly did you take them. Since you had held a bow before, you knew how to hold it, even how to apply an arrow, but hitting was difficult for you. You pulled the string and looked at the round wooden target, Floki had painted a dot on it with black paint, but you only saw it dimly "Wait no, no, if you are going towards the opponent, you don't need a bow, come back" Ivar said as you took a few steps forward.
"Ivar" spoke Floki, who was standing behind you, "No, you old ass. I know she can't see, at least not much, but" he looked at you "then she should trust her feeling, I know you can" he finished the sentence. Feeling? Does he mean the feeling that has made you *see* your whole life? You close your eyes and take a deep breath. Before you even opened your eyes again you let go of the string, you couldn't see the arrow, but you could hear it, you had hit "Yes" Ivar shouted and Floki rejoiced. "Not able to hit the target, but hit! Not bad for a first try" said Ivar and clapped his hands, Floki hugged you from behind and patted your shoulder as he let you go again. "Again in a moment" he said and fetched the arrow. You watched him, he reached a few feet above the round target. - Further down - the voice spoke into your head, and for the first time it was on your side. A feeling of happiness came over you.
You trained with Ivar for a long time that day, and soon it was getting dark. "Last arrow, I can hardly see, and I think you feel the same?" you nod and put the arrow on "Wait a minute" he said and called Floki "What? Ivar the Boneless, calling me like a dog" - "I would never presume to treat you like a dog, only I had a question" - "what's question?" - "It's getting late, can I stay at your place tonight?" You had overheard the conversation, only fleetingly, you concentrated on your feeling, for you could hardly see. "When she hits," Floki spoke, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Slowly, you looked in Ivar's direction, but you still pulled on the string a little. "Don't let a cripple crawl around in the night" he said, and you notice his eyes resting on you. You smiled as you noticed the arrow vibrating, when you aimed a little to the right it was no longer there.
Still looking at Ivar, you sought the vibration again and let the arrow fly, a loud thud sounding. "No" said Floki and ran past you. Ivar looked at you stunned "Floki?" he asked quietly, "Hit, She hit" yelled Floki and came running towards you both with the target in his hand. "She hit" exclaimed Floki happily. You could only see Ivar grinning broadly, but he said "Maybe it's just a fluke, but maybe she's got the hang of it" he laughed briefly and then looked victoriously at Floki "Anyway, we'll keep training and I want a soft bed" You didn't know what it was, but something inside you had grown and become stronger.
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A few weeks later
You were hardly able to get away from the bow, and the desire to use it as well as someone who could see grew. Ivar said you were better than anyone he knew, even better than he ever was. But you wanted more. Many objects stood before you on a wooden trunk and grew smaller and smaller, a vase, a glass, small carved wooden figures that grew smaller and a small glass sphere. "I have to go to Ragnar, he wants something from me" Floki said and kissed your forehead, as he was about to leave you grabbed his arm. "Coming" you said. You took an arrow and put it on, Floki watched you proudly, and for a long time his eyes shone like they did then. You aimed and focused on the small glass sphere "Can you see it?" asked Floki skeptically, you shook your head, you knew where it was, that was all you needed. Feeling the attraction and the vibration, you let the arrow fly.
When the iron tip hit the bullet, the ball flew out of its place and the arrow got stuck in the bark. Floki chuckled briefly and put a hand on your shoulders "You hit it, I didn't expect anything else" he said, then he became serious again "Are you sure you want to come?" you nodded, you had never felt so sure as today. "Come on then, we'll take the boat" he said, and you walked behind him, from a distance you could see the outline of the small boat as Floki turned to you "No, you leave him here please" you looked at your hands, actually you wanted to take him with you, you felt safe with the bow. But when you saw Floki's face, you smiled and nodded. "Boat" you said, and he nodded too, "If you leave him in the boat, it's no problem for me". During the trip to Kattegat, you stroked the bow Ivar had given you and thought back to when you first met Ivar.
Floki came into the hut, holding a little boy in his arms, "Look, this is Ivar" he said, placing the little boy directly in front of you. He smiled cheekily at you, but you narrowed your eyes when you saw his deep blue eyes "He's just as special as you are" Floki said, stroking your hair. You surveyed the boy's cheeky face and backed away slightly as he came crawling towards you. You had wondered that day why the boy didn't get up and just walk. Floki only explained this to you in the evening when you asked. The little boy snatches the piece of wood that was carved as a figure out of your hand. But you grabbed it and wanted to snatch it back from him, but he was strong and didn't let go.
He pulled so hard that you fell forward, he let go of the toy and grabbed your hair. He held it in front of his eyes, and the strands of hair ran through his little fingers as you moved away from him again. He grinned cheekily again and wanted to grab the toy you held tightly to your chest, but you slapped him with the flat of your hand. But instead of crying, he just looked at you for a long time. He reached into his pocket and took out a small glass ball and held it in your direction, "Swap?" he asked. You didn't know what it was that connected you, but he always treated you like a normal person.
"Ivar" you spoke as you got out of the small boat and Floki giggled "Yes maybe he is there, you can look for him, I have to go to Ragnar" Floki spoke, and together you walked through the streets of Kattegat. Hvitserk just strolled out of the longhouse and greeted you, you grab Floki's arm and point at him "Run along little white bird" he smiled at you as you run after Hvitserk and grab his shoulder. "I… come with you?" you asked as he turned to you in surprise. At your question he looked behind you for a moment, and you turned, you could just see Floki's sign he was showing Hvitserk and you laughed. He had his thumb running over his throat and was pointing at Hvitserk, he gulped and then nodded at you. "Sometimes the old one scares me," he said, and you both laughed.
When you both arrived at his brothers, Ubba looked at you questioningly, and Ivar was also surprised to see you. "No Hvitserk, she can't come" said Sigurd, who was already sitting on a horse "Sigurd" said Ubba angrily, he came up to you and cleared his throat "We can't take you with us, we want to go hunting, and we can't look after you" You looked sadly at the ground "I'm sorry" said Ubba as he looked at Hvitserk for a moment and raised his eyebrows. Hvitserk put a hand on your back, "Sorry" he spoke and left you standing as he walked to his horse. Ivar smiled at you sympathetically "Another time gladly, I will schedule you next time!" he promised and was helped onto his horse by Ubba. "It's okay," you say, turning to go to Floki. You notice the looks of the boys on your back, and there it was again, that feeling of not being needed for anything.
Floki was standing with Ragnar and the two were talking, you had the feeling that they were arguing. You decided not to ask or say anything and just stood there. Ragnar looked at you questioningly after a long time and Floki turned to you, he looked angry. "Not now!" he shouted, shooing you away with his hand. "Wait for me outside" he spoke and turned back to Ragnar. You took a deep breath to keep the tears from rolling out of your eyes. He had never been like this to you, had never sent you away. Had you done something wrong? Your steps were quick, and soon you were standing outside looking around. Many people walked past you and looked at you in wonder. Some even stopped and glared at you. - Looking at you because you are ugly - you put your hands on your ears, no, the voice was gone, but now it was back - You are useless - Now the tears ran down your cheeks, and you crouched down, so you were invisible, like when you were a little child.
But then you got up, no, not today, you thought to yourself and looked around. You wipe your tears from your face with your sleeve and walk away. If no one wants you, then you won't wait. You knew the way home and decided to go alone, Floki could go home by boat. Anger gripped you, but it was for you alone, anger that you were not like the others. You could see the gate leading out of Kattegat from afar when you heard three girls laughing at a house on the right. But your vision did not allow you to see who it was or what they were laughing about. But when you had passed them, were they following you, or did they just want to get out of Kattegat? An uneasiness spread through you, and soon you felt followed, and your feeling never betrayed you.
On the forest path you looked around briefly, the three figures were still behind you, and they started laughing as you turned forward again. Your steps quickened, you looked to your left, there the trees were close together, then you looked to your right, there were very few trees here and most of them were clinging to the slope by their roots. And below you saw nothing but the sea. Your heart began to beat faster, and you tried to calm it down by telling yourself that no one wanted to harm you, you felt warm and began to sweat, you felt like you could hardly breathe. Briefly you were annoyed with yourself that you hadn't just waited, you were about to insult yourself and finish yourself off when someone grabbed you by the shoulder and spun you around. "Well, well" You looked into the girl's face with the birthmark at the corner of her mouth, "Who do we have here?"
You also recognized the other two girls when they started laughing and circling you. "A nothing," they said out of one mouth. The girl in front of you pushed you so hard that you fell backwards, you take a step backwards and flew over the foot of the girl with the red hair and freckles. As you lay on the ground, they laughed again and without saying another word, they kicked you, the kick in the pit of your stomach made the air escape from your lungs. The kick of the girl with the scar on her lips hit you directly in your ribs, and you screamed out. She couldn't help it and kicked the same spot three more times. A kick to your head, cracked your lip, again you screamed out and tasted blood seconds later. You looked up as the girl kick again and broke your nose with a single kick. The girl with the mole kicked you in the pit of your stomach one more time before she stopped the others from kicking you further.
"Wait" she spoke, you coughed and held your ribs, trying to get air. "Lift her up, I have an idea" she spoke and all three of them pulled you to your feet "There" she shouted and nodded towards the cliff. "No… Please" you started begging as you looked down the cliff, at the big and small rocks that lay in front of the sea. "You wanted to be one of us, maybe the gods are so kind" the girl spoke and laughed, the others didn't laugh, but they didn't seem to want to say anything against it either. "But I don't think even the gods want you" she said and pushed you, you turned around and wanted to grab one of them, but your feet lost their grip and you fell backwards down the cliff, the laughing faces watching you. You turned on your side as you fell, hitting the smaller rocks hard.
You were alive, you noticed how your ribs, legs and right arm were broken, they were twisted between the stones. You had bitten your tongue on impact, and blood was flowing from your open mouth as you tried to catch your breath. Your gaze turned to the water, the waves did not reach you, they beat lightly against the rocks on which you were lying. You reached out your left hand and put it in the water, maybe I'll die here, then I'll soon see Helga again, poor Floki, will be all alone. Something died in you at that moment and something else grew, should I survive this, revenge will be mine. Then your body released you into unconsciousness.
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Two months later
Ivar sat in front of you in the hut, "And you really want to do this?" you nodded, you had tried to explain to him the plan you had been planning for a long time in your recovery. It wasn't easy, but he knew you and what you meant by the few words you told him. It didn't surprise you for a long time, because you were sure that he could only do that because you had grown up with him. "You know that if anyone even sees you doing this, it will be punished?" You nodded. But your gaze was fixed and emotionless as you thought of the three girls. Floki had found you and brought you home, he had cared for you and healed you. Again and again he asked who had done this to you, but you told him nothing.
But you needed someone to refine your plan, and you knew Ivar was smart, he looked at you and exhaled deeply, "Oh man, why are you telling me this? Why do you trust me? I could go and tell everyone" you tilt your head wondering if he might consider it but if anyone saw you it wouldn't matter either, you shrug. "That's … would be the ultimate punishment, probably burning alive or a blood eagle" he thoughtfully cut a piece off his apple and then looked like he had an idea. He popped the piece into his mouth when suddenly the door opened and Floki walked in. He smiled at you and then looked questioningly at Ivar, who shook his head slightly. Floki squatted in front of you and stroked your head, "You can tell us, who did it, white bird. So that they get their just punishment" you looked at Ivar, who looked at you and then turned his gaze to the ground, but he said nothing, even though he knew everything.
Floki took a deep breath, looked from you to Ivar, he probably knew that Ivar knew everything, but he did not ask. Again you smiled at him as he stood up. "Oh, Floki" Ivar spoke and looked up "I invited her to sleep with us for a few days" Floki put his hands on his hips and looked at him questioningly, you also looked at Ivar questioningly. "Not with me, you old bow-legged donkey" you had to stifle a laugh as you saw the warning face of Floki. You nodded as he looked at you, "If she thinks it's okay, then she can go with you. But…" Ivar raised his hands in reconciliation, "I'll take care of her" Floki left the hut, and you looked at Ivar questioningly again. "It's important that you sleep with us" he crawled over to you and sat close to you "Your plan is good, but I have another idea, how about …."
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Two days later, in the night
Slowly, you walk through the streets of Kattegat. Wrapped in a long black coat that Ivar had given you. You pulled the hood far in your face so that your white hair would not betray you, a smile on your lips, you saw nothing, but you felt your steps being guided. Ivar had found out where the girls lived, he had helped you with so much, and you didn't know how to thank him until now. You saw a burning torch lying in front of a house. He had kept his promise, you were ready to start. You stopped by the torch and looked around, not that you saw much, but you wanted to make sure that no eyes were on you. Only then did you approach the door and open it quietly, as he said, it never locks. Slowly, you stepped inside and shut the door behind you, so it wouldn't slam shut. You reach under your coat and pull a small dagger from your belt. Slowly you continued on your way, you look in every corner, but you couldn't find her.
It was only when you reached the room and looked in that you saw an outline lying on the bed. Your grin returned as you walk towards her. You took the flint from your pocket and lit the candle next to the bed. You put the stone next to it and took the candle in your hand and held it right in front of the sleeping girl's face. She had red hair and freckles. The warmth in her face made her wake up, slowly she opened her eyes, and you put your head to the side. You saw her fear when she recognized you, before she could scream you rammed the dagger into her throat. She opened her eyes and tried to say something.
As you pulled the dagger from her throat, blood spurted in all directions. Slowly, you approached her face and says, "The gods won't want you. You will not belong and sit at the table with Odin" You grin broadly as you place the candle back on the small side table. You put the dagger back on your belt and sit down beside her on the bed, your eyes watching as the life slowly flowed out of her. Her eyes did not leave you as she began to cough and soon lay rigid on the bed. Something inside you died with her. You slowly got up and made your way outside. She lived alone and Ivar said she would be the lightest of all and therefore the first to receive her fate. You looked around and made your way to the second destination.
Once there, Ivar grinned at you with a torch in his hand. "Done?" he whispered, and you nodded in reply "Good, here" he said and took a bow that he had leaned against the wall of the house and pressed it into your hand. "And this" he handed you an arrow "This one is carved differently" amazed you took it, then you looked at him questioningly "Don't ask me, must be a quirk of hers, you only have one shot, go up" he spoke and looked up, you climbed on top of the barrels and looked at him again, but he didn't see it because he was looking around. You decided to thank him later as you continued your way up to the roof. You bend down and take easy steps, you walked across the roof so as not to wake the owners. Once on the other side, you looked down. Ivar was slowly limping past the house. He looked up at you and grinned, "Don't hit me" he said and then went to the house opposite. You could faintly see his shape thanks to the torch in his hand, don't worry Ivar, I would never shoot you, you thought and smiled.
You wrap yourself up for safety, tighter in your cloak, and wait for him to implement the plan he had hatched. Ivar took one last look around before knocking on the door, you couldn't see who was opening the door, full of anticipation you put the arrow on the string and readied yourself, but you heard a male voice "Ivar, what in all the gods are you doing at our door so late at night?" - "Sorry Erikson, it's about her daughter, she said she was waiting for an answer from me, no matter when or how late it is. I could come to her" Ivar said, so lovingly you believed him yourself and briefly felt he had forgotten what he was actually up to. "Oh, in that case. Frieda will you please come, there is someone here for you" Ivar looked briefly at you as the man went back inside. You couldn't make out his face, but you felt the victorious smile he had thrown at you.
"Ivar?" came the voice of the girl with the scar on her lower lip. "Hi, will you come with me please? I um…" he looked into the house, "Don't want everyone to know" he said and left the doorway. The girl giggled and closed the door before running after him. Ivar stopped between the two houses and took the torch in his other hand, holding it close to his face. He didn't speak until the girl was standing in front of him "You asked me once if I wanted to be with you" You hear the girl speak, but you focus on the feeling as you aim. "Oh Ivar, of course I want to…." that's as far as she got as your arrow lodged in her head. She died instantly, and something inside you died with her.
Ivar did not catch her, he looked at you and indicated that you should disappear. Quickly, but with silent and sure steps, you ran to the other side of the roof. Inwardly, you were counting. When you reached 10, you were already on your way to the great hall. But you could hear Ivar shouting "Help, somebody helps" You smiled and hoped that Ivar was not suspected. It took a long time until Ivar came into his room. He looked exhausted, but when he looked at you, he smiled "It all worked out" now your worry gave way, and you started to smile too.
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The next morning
You hadn't been able to sleep at all, Ivar had been tired, but you both had talked all night, he wanted to distract you, but you didn't need that. And when Ragnar called a meeting early in the morning, you were relieved. "I told you it would work," Ivar said as you made your way into the great hall, you stood with him in the crowd and looked around, Floki came running up to you and took your head in his hands, he looked into your eyes for a long time, then became serious and nodded. You didn't know what it was, but you had a feeling he knew what had really happened. Two men brought a girl inside and stood her in front of Ragnar, she was crying pitifully. Her lips twitched, and it looked as if the mole at the corner of her mouth was bouncing. Floki let go of you and slapped Ivar on the shoulders as he stood behind you.
Ragnar stood up and took a few steps towards the crying girl, "You know why you are here?" he asked, looking at her urgently. The girl shook her head. You looked behind her, a man and a woman were in each other's arms, crying. You couldn't tell if it was her parents, or Frieda's, but you were happy about it. "I didn't do anything," the girl said through her tears. Ragnar took an arrow from one of the men who had brought her in. "This arrow is yours, is it not?" The girl looked at the arrow and nodded slightly, "Yes. But I didn't kill anyone" - "She's lying" the crowd shouted, a woman screamed "She killed my daughter because she was jealous" the girl turned and shouted "No, no I didn't! They were my friends" Ragnar walked to the chair and sat down. "I have heard from several that you were always mean to anyone who had more than you" the girl shook her head "No", The crowd booed and some shouted "Yes she was".
"Since no one saw who did it, but we have evidence against you, we will vote if you are guilty", the girl looked into the crowd, her gaze was on you for a long time "She!.. It was her" she shouted and pointed at you. Floki put a hand on your shoulders and Ivar started to laugh "That's not possible, she was here all the time" a man took a step forward "But you were with us last night, you weren't with her all the time" he pointed at Ivar and then looked at Ragnar. Your heart began to leap faster in your chest. "That's true…" shouted Hvitserk from the other side "I was with those two, when Ivar left I was with her, we were here all the time" You looked at Hvitserk in surprise who nodded at you. You didn't know why he did it, you looked briefly at Ivar who nodded and then looked back at the man.
"You see" Ragnar spoke, "It wasn't her, besides she is almost blind and where would she have got the arrow from if she had nothing to do with the girl?" the man nodded and got back in line with the people. The girl started begging "I beg you, I didn't do it, I had an arrow stolen a few days ago" Ragnar started laughing "We'll vote" he shouted and stood up. The majority were in favor of punishment. You smile as Ragnar stood in front of the girl, "You will be punished, and I am kind enough to let you choose your own punishment. Burn alive or the blood eagle" the girl got down on her knees and cried, her parents tried to get to her, but they were held by the bystanders. "Which do you choose?" asked Ragnar.
There she was, tied to the pyre, and the fire was reflected in your white eyes. Something died inside you with her, but something else grew, never again would you let yourself be treated like this. Not by anyone.
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