#ive been almost exclusively reading it in the train and only little bits at home. ive been out a lot the past few days so. had to make do
5-pp-man · 2 years
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yeah Seigi. sure. the ring.
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love-carries-on · 5 years
Love Carries On: Chapter IV
The next morning, Logan and Virgil left early in the morning to go to the doctor, while the other three took off for the local dog shelter and then to the training facility. The second they walked into the shelter, something about Diego changed. They had filled him in on the plan, but when he walked in, his eyes went flat. He furrowed his brow, teetering on his feet and almost crashing into Roman. Patton reached out and grabbed his shoulder, helping him to stay upright. He blinked a few times, before the look cleared and he smiled brightly.
“Doggies.” He whispered, looking around at them all with wide eyes.
“Yes, D. Doggies.” Patto responded. He looked around at all the different dogs, he saw a few that caught his eye, larger dogs with a playful look in their eyes. But none of them seemed right.
The woman who was helping them with a dog walked behind them, gesturing to dogs and providing information about them. Roman walked away from the other two so that he could think without the woman talking to him. That’s when he saw her. She was sitting laying in the middle of her kennel, panting, but at the appearance of Roman; she sat up, her ears pointed at attention. When Roman was about thirteen he had hyperfocused on learning everything he could about dogs, and from what he remembered, she appeared to be pure-bread. She was a long haired German shepherd, her fur was black and what could only be described as orange or golden. She watched Roman, either waiting for some type of command or waiting for him to pet her.
The woman hurried to catch up to Roman. “That’s Stella, really a sad story. She was brought in after her last owner died. The people who brought her in said she used to be a service dog, and that she might not go well because she wasn’t exclusively a pet.” She leaned towards the fence, like she was fond of Stella. “We’re a nonkill shelter, and quite frankly she’s a sweetheart.”
Roman bounced excitedly, This is the perfect dog for Logie. “Pat, D! I found the dog for Logie.” he gestured them over, clapping his hands.
They came over, and after relaying the information he learned about Stella; they were fully prepared to adopt her. Roman texted Virgil about her, and waited for his go ahead. They wanted everyone to love her just as much as he did.
Virgil received the text as soon as they had stepped into the doctor’s office. It buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled out his phone just as Logan tapped him on the shoulder to say something.
“How’s the dog shopping going?” He asked carefully.
He couldn’t see the shock on Virgil’s face but it wasn’t hard to assume that he was surprised. “You are aware that Roman is rather loud yes? Besides, you’d have to tell me at one point, I would need to be present when the dog was being trained.”
Virgil sighed, and had his phone read the message to Logan. “We found a dog! Her name is Stella and she’s really pretty! I’ll send you a picture. The lady said that she was training to be a service dog, I bet Logie will love her.”
Logan laughed, and pulled out his phone. “Call Roman.” He spoke to his phone, and the phone started ringing.
He answered after two rings, trying not to sound like he was covering for something. “Hey Lo, how’s the doctor’s going?”
“Roman, I know you’re trying to find me a dog.”
“And while I thought it was a bad idea, and I still think it might be a bad idea. Patton was right; I should make use of every opportunity I may have to help myself.” A lie, he was only truly accepting the dog to make Patton and the rest of them happy, he didn’t really want a dog because of how people might look at him.
“I’m glad you’re on board.” Roman smiled in excitement.
“Well you’d need me to train her anyhow.”
“Mr. Hollow.”
“I’ve got to go Ro, but get Stella, and we and we can talk about her training when we get home.” He hung up, and reached out for Virgil’s hand to lead him to the door.
Roman closed his phone and turned back to the other three. “Logan knew we wanted to get him a dog.”
“What did he say?”
“He said that we should get the dog so that he can help us train her and take all advantages of anything that could help him.” He shrugged, but turned to the woman. “How does this all work?”
“You’ll sign some papers, there are a few fees that need to be paid. After that, you have a few things you should do for your dog; but nothing that comes with me.” She opened the kennel door, and let Stella out.
Stella sniffed at the three standing there, and then sat down and waited for them to pet her. Roman moved towards her first, petting her ears and her neck, smiling when she pushed against his hand. The woman brought over a leash and clipped it to Stella’s collar. She handed the handle to Roman, and then led them back towards the front room.
“I’ll get the papers so that you can sign for her.” She slipped into a back room, coming back with a paper. “It’ll be a $25 dollar adoption fee and a signature here and then she’s yours.”
Roman nodded and reached into his pocket for his wallet while Patton signed for Stella. He pulled out the money and set it on the counter. The lady took the money, looked over the paperwork and then bid them goodbye. As soon as they were out to the parking lot, they started to figure out how to fit everyone in Roman’s red 2000 Taurus. He drove, and Patton sat in the passenger seat. Dorian (who it appeared Diego had switched to) insisted on sitting next to the new dog.
He spent the entire time they drove home petting Stella, and cooing at her. As soon as they got home (deciding that the first order of business was to go home so that she would know where she was living and she could explore), Roman made a call to the veterinarian clinic in town. He found out from the person who had answered the phone that they had an open spot in about an hour. He set up the appointment, glad that Logan and Virgil should be home by then so that Logan could meet Stella.
They got home fifteen minutes before Roman wanted to leave to take Stella for a checkup. The minute they opened the door, she went from panting on the floor, her head in Dorian’s lap, to sitting up stiffly, her ears perked and eyes trained on the door. Virgil saw her immediately, and recalling what his parents had taught him when they had a dog, he patted his thigh.
As if waiting for this silent command, Stella bounded over to him, wagging her tail excitedly. He did the hand command for sit, and she followed his commands with ease. He grabbed Logan’s hand and led him down towards her. He seemed briefly confused, and then he felt the dog and a smile broke across his face.
“Hi Stella.” He murmured, and he couldn’t see it, but her tail started wagging.
“Do you want to see if she knows voice commands?” Roman translated Virgil’s signs as he came over. “Or that’s what Virgil asks anyway.”
“Uhm, okay.” He cleared his throat, before turning towards where he thought Virgil was (based on the hand on his, towards his left). “What should I say?”
“Well she’s already sitting. So maybe lay down, or see if she knows how to heel.”
“Okay, umm, down.” He used a firm tone, and despite the fact that he had been petting her seconds before, her fur disappeared from underneath his fingers and he assumed that she was laying down now.
He stepped away from Virgil and more towards the center of the room. “Stella heel.”
He felt her brush up against him, and then the feeling of her sitting down, it was clear that she knew most commands. He reached down and pet her. “Good girl.” His tone was warm. He had been hesitant about getting a dog simply because he was unsure how much love he had, he loved four men, surely that was all his heart could hold, but this dog had already secured a place in his heart.
“Well, I need to take her to the vet so they can do a checkup and make sure she has her shots.” He grabbed his keys off the table. “Want to come along?” He could tell that Logan was already attached to her. “And then afterwards we’ll go shopping to get her all of her things.”
“I would like to go yes.”
“Excellent, we need to leave like right now though.”
“I see.” He walked back towards the door, standing in front of it. He couldn’t hear Stella near him, so he put out his hand just a little bit. “Stella, come.”
Immediately he heard her claws against the floor, and then felt her head against his hand. “Let’s go.” He directed the comment at Roman, stepping back to let him open the door so that they could go get in the car.
Logan opened the back door and patted the seat; waiting for Stella to get in and lay down. As soon as he felt her shift the seat, he closed the door; walking around to the passenger side. He could only tell the difference because Roman directed him around, shouting out the window to direct him.
As soon as he was seated, and buckled in, Roman started the car. It was a short drive into town. The arrived a few minutes early and seated themselves in the waiting room. Stella laying at Logan’s feet. She’d clearly picked her favorite even though she had her head rested on Roman’s foot.
The nurse came out, and seeing as Logan, Roman and Stella were the only people in the waiting room, she gestured them back. They got Stella up on the table, and Logan and Roman stood near the door awkwardly.
Thankfully the appointment went well, the man (who’s name was Dr. Martins) could see nothing wrong with her, she seemed to have a lot of energy and would need some definite exercise, she was about two years old. Nothing out of the ordinary, because the files the lady at the shelter had provided didn’t have a list of shots, he gave her a rabies shot, along with her distemper, parvo, and adenovirus shots. Then, he billed them for it and sent them on their way.
“I’m glad she was in good health.” Logan commented as they went back out and got into the car.
“Yeah so am I.” Roman started the car. “I guess on to Walmart we go, then we’ll make a call to the service training facility.”
“There’s one in town?” Logan couldn’t recall any mentions of that place in town, and if there was he didn’t remember it.
“No, but the closest city has one, and it has really good reviews. I assume they’ll train Stella very well.”
“I presume I will be making the call.” He raised his eyebrow, turning to face him.
“It’d be best yeah.” He paused to navigate a turn. “She’s your dog.”
“Roman, she may have been meant for me but she’s all of ours dog.” He reached back, seeking out her head so he could pet her. He could hear her tail hitting the seat and the car panel.
Finally, he felt her under his hand, and gave her head a warm pat. “Can you get the number pulled up then so that I can dial and you can drive?”
Roman handed him the phone after a couple minutes, and he could hear it ringing. He held it up to his ear; just as someone on the other line picked up.
“Hello, this is Crystal, how can I help you?”
“Hello, my name is Logan Hollow.” He paused to consider what to say. “I would like to talk with someone about setting up a consultation or a time when I can talk to someone about training a service dog.”
There was a pause, like someone was writing something out, or maybe checking something. “We’ve got a lot going on today but tomorrow might be a good time to come in and we can meet you, meet your dog.”
“That should work out,” He paused again, not entirely sure what he can say. “Thank you.”
“We have nine in the morning and noon open if you’d like to pick a time.”
“Noon should work.” He knew how his boyfriend’s were about waking up. “Alrighty.” There was a pause as the woman entered that into the computer. “Thank you, I’ll see you tomorrow at noon Logan.”
“Okay, thank you.” There was a beep as the woman hung up, just as Roman pulled into the parking of Walmart.
“Do you want to come in with me? Or stay here with Stella while I get all the things?”
“I’ll go in, we can crack a window for Stella.” He didn’t want to say it, but Roman tended to be forgetful, so it wouldn’t surprise him if he forgot something important while they were shopping.
“Okay, should I leave the car on then?” He paused before turning the key.
“No, I believe that if we roll the window down she should be okay.” He reached back and hit the button.
He finished rolling it down a little bit and opened his door, allowing Roman to turn off the car and get out. They walked into Walmart, Roman’s hand on his wrist to guide him inside and make sure he didn't get hurt. As soon as they were inside, Roman grabbed a cart and they assumed their usual positions; Logan resting against the handle of the cart while Roman stood near the front with his hands on the cart, guiding it around.
“Where to first?” Roman said it as quietly as he could, stepping closer to Logan as he spoke.
“The pet aisle. We need to get bowls, food, toys, treats, probably a harness, pet bags just in case. A bed or somewhere she can sleep.” He paused his movements. “Which means, no dogs on the furniture.” He meant it, he knew how the rest of them were about their love for animals, and he could already hear the disagreement that him and Patton would get into over whether or not Stella is allowed on the furniture.
Roman led him over to the aisle. “What all should I grab?”
“Metal bowls, treats, a leash and harness, color doesn’t matter. If they have pig ears as a treat grab a few of those too.” He paused to think about where everything would be in Walmart.
“Are the dog beds and kennels in this area?”
“Yeah, do you want me to get the big ones?” Even after he asked it he felt like he asked something stupid.
“Of course Roman, those would work best.” HIs tone was sort of flat, no judgement or confusion, just a simple statement.
Roman grunted as he set down the dog kennel in the cart, settling other stuff on top of it. He had grabbed everything that Logan told him to, except for the pig ears because there weren’t any but he did find a bone instead that looked alright. He had grabbed a red harness and red leash (his favorite color) as well as two metal bowls and some green bags should they be needed. He looked down the aisle but couldn’t see any dog food.
“Uh Logan, what about dog food?”
“Try the next aisle over.”
He went over, dragging the cart and Logan with. As soon as they were over there, he saw that the entire aisle was full of different animal foods.
“What kind do we want for Stella?” There were a lot of options and he felt a little overwhelmed.
“Purina dog chow should work, a rather large bag so that it lasts for a while.” He paused to think about what size. “Maybe like a twenty six pound bag. Let me know if you require assistance.”
“No, I got it.” There was the sound of someone straining to pick something up, and then a thump as he set the bag down in the cart.
“That should be all we need, Patton didn’t send us with a shopping list and I believe that you grabbed everything we need for Stella.”
They went to the front of the store and Logan paid for all of the stuff, helping Roman load it into the trunk. Stella was doing fine, in fact, when they got in the car, she was asleep in the back.
They went home, opening the door to let Stella out to go to the bathroom. As soon as she was done, she trotted to the door, and waited for them to let her in. When they did, they smelled the smell of Patton cooking something,
Virgil got up off the couch as soon as he saw the door open and helped to get all of the bags. AS soon as they were all inside, Virgil set up the dog kennel in their bedroom, setting the dog bed inside of the kennel. He put the bowls in the kitchen and put the bag of food in the pantry; just as Patton finished cooking.
He dished everything up and called them all to the table, kenneling up Stella so she wouldn’t come beg at the table. Dinner was a casual affair, and afterwards, they each went their own separate ways to their bedrooms to spend some time just by themselves doing their own preferred things.
Roman was just lounging around as Patton played with his hair; Logan was listening to an audiobook, with Virgil right next to him listening to music, the only person who was being active was Dallas, who was playing with trucks on the floor. They had moved Stella’s bed out to the floor so that she could be a part of the family happenings.
They just hung out and relaxed for hours, before they all retired at different times. First Logan, who was leading Dallas with him so that he could get some sleep, then Virgil with Stella in tow. Finally, an hour or so later, Roman and Patton went to bed, tucking themselves in around D. Just before falling asleep Roman had one thought; Tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter.
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minah-delacroix · 4 years
At any price (Part IV)
Universe: Dynasty AU
Characters: Minah, Sungjae, Tyler, Tara, Ashleigh, Daniel, Lucas
Word count: 4,3 k
The blind spot
“The Lee Corp gift strategists are on their way, should I set them up in the study room?” Lucas, Tyler’s very handsome mentee, said as the two of them walked into the golden room on the second floor of the Lee Manor. It was just another morning at the Lee’s, and Lucas ever so helpful was running through Tyler’s day’s schedule. Coming from one of the richest families in town, Lucas Zhang was surely one of a kind. He possessed the killing looks of a pop star —or at least that was how Jane described him to anyone willing to listen—, the good manners of the only son of a very traditional, old money Asian family and the ability to memorize Tyler’s schedule by heart and put up with his oftentimes ridiculous demands.
“Please, do,” Tyler said, practically snatching the cup of coffee one of the maids was about to serve to Lucas before sitting at the head of the curved glass table where Tara usually hosted her reading club soirées, but that had been set up for yet another majestic breakfast that morning.
Living with the Lee siblings was quite an experience and despite having spent nearly a month under the same roof, Minah was not used to their extravagant way of living yet. Even for someone like her who’d grown up surrounded by otherworldly luxury and wealth, some of Tyler’s habits seemed over the top at the very least. Minah had uselessly tried to convince herself that having her clothes washed and ironed with lavender water imported exclusively from Provence for that purpose or having breakfast at different sections of the house every day were just little quirks, but some of the house’s codes made her frankly uncomfortable. Having Tyler’s maids following her around and offering to perform even the most common and simplest of the tasks was one of them. She still recalled the time one of the housemaids offered to undress her and brush her hair before taking a bath. According to Tara, it was just the royal pampering they had been trained to give, but Minah still found it odd. Royal court training or not, she didn’t want any woman touching her intimately.
Then there was the excessive food and the grand buffets each meal turned into. Minah herself was not too much of a foodie, so she considered the exaggerated amount of fine cuisine a waste of resources. That morning was no particularly different and a spread of breakfast classics laid out on the table: exotic fineries like British tea mixes Minah had never heard of before, macarons from Tyler’s personal patissier, small cakes with the Lee family’s coat of arms —two dragons intertwined by a cross flory over a per saltire field—, silver dollar pancakes with red fruits, toasted English muffins, four different types of yogurt, you name it.
“Good morning, Miss Delacroix”  Minah couldn’t help but smile that little satisfied grin of hers she reserved for men of his kind when Lucas sat across the table, bowing at her the slightest bit. Breakfast had suddenly become ten times more fulfilling with a man as beautiful around.
“Did you sleep well, darling?” Tyler cleared his throat, directing a fleeting, charming smile at Minah, who sat to his right dressed in a luxurious champagne peignoir that hugged every curve of her body. Then he eyed Lucas, pointing at the iPad with a very detailed schedule glowing on its screen.
“After the meeting with the-“ Whatever Lucas was planning to say, it was disrupted by his phone loudly ringing in the pocket of his Anderson & Sheppard jacket. He picked the call and almost immediately mouthed a “they’re here” to Tyler. Lucas pushed the chair back and stood up excusing himself with Minah with another bow before disappearing through the arched entrance.
“Is Mr. Choi up yet?” Tyler ignored the little pout Minah’s lip stuck out in and asked to no one in particular, though if Minah had to guess, he was talking to Mrs. Chu, his elderly Singaporean nanny.
“I’m afraid not” She replied, barely looking up from her phone. She was lounging on a chaise long, focused on her favorite mobile game. “He said he needed to catch up on his sleep,” She said before muttering to herself “As though he didn’t sleep enough already”.
“Well, please let him know I’ll be in the study room with the gift strategists in case he needs anything” Tyler reached to grab a pitcher of orange juice, but one of the maids standing nearby pounced forward to serve him.
“Gift strategists?” Minah asked, blowing softly on the surface of her cup of pine nut and apricot tea.
“Gifts for our clients” Tyler replied naturally “I mean, my family company’s” he corrected himself as the maid placed a bowl of fruit and greek yogurt in front of him “We are sponsoring The Royal Exchange's annual tree lighting ceremony this year. I thought we’d hand the gifts there-” He trailed off, a slightly concerned expression of disbelief crossed his face  “Don’t tell me, you forgot the year-end business presents for our company”
Minah shook her head fervently although Tyler was not mistaken. With the stress of dealing with her family and her mind occupied by thoughts of Sungjae, she’d completely forgot about the business presents she was supposed to prepare. “What do you take me for?” She chuckled “Of course Maison Envoûté has something in the works."  
“Do I get one of these gifts too?” Daniel Choi swept into the impromptu breakfast room and sat down across from Minah, admiring the food waiting for him.
“No, your life has been one big Christmas morning since you arrived” Minah faked a sweet smile at Tyler’s friend, who was meant to be visiting from New York for a week, but who’d already prolonged his stay a couple of times. Minah thought she had reasons to worry about him and how much of a distraction he’d represented since he set foot at the Manor. Tyler would often forget appointments because Daniel was around doing God knows what to keep him off his duties.
“You two behave, I’ll be in the study room,” Tyler said trying not to giggle at the way his business partner and his best friend looked at each other —as though they were planning each other’s funeral. “See you at the office, Min” Tyler gave Minah a quick soft kiss on the forehead before exiting the room, causing Daniel to fake retching noises.
“So what are you gonna do?” Daniel asked once Tyler was gone. Minah looked  over at him with a serious and inquiring face, so he added “About the client gifts you don’t have?” With an eye roll.
“Like I said it’s in the works” Minah glared at Daniel so forcefully she was surprised he didn’t retreat then.
“Tyler might’ve bought your act, but he’s nice and he gives people more credit than they deserve” He sneered as one of the maids offered him a basket of pastries. He picked a croissant. “I’ve been here two weeks and I already know you have a blind spot when it comes to thinking about other people” He looked like he was going to add something else but he thought better and simply forced himself to smile at Minah
“I have no blind spots. I see all spots.” Minah picked a strawberry and took a bite “Just like I see you eating your croissants while you may be desperately trying to claim a seat at this table” Minah watched satisfied the way Daniel’s face tensed up  “But you need to know that unless you’re a Lee or make business with a Lee, no one cares what you think” Minah popped the rest of the strawberry into her mouth, chewing slowly, her mouth twisting into a smirk as she stood to leave “Especially not me”
Daniel’s eyes followed Minah when she walked out of the room, a strange smile gleaming across his face as he piled mini croissants onto his platter.
“Hey, I need a shopping partner or an assistant whichever you’re in the mood to be” Minah called, walking into Sungjae’s house
Somewhere in between the charity football game and the present day Minah and Sungjae had a conversation that allowed them to get some things off their chest and agree to try and be friendly to each other. After all, they’d known each other for a long time, and ignoring each other’s existence was as uncomfortable as it was inconvenient, considering Minah still helped Aurelie with some of her family’s minor companies. That’s why Minah thought there would be no problem if she paid a quick visit to her new “friend”.
“A ride at the very least” she suggested, fixing the chain of her shoulder bag. Just as she reached his room, the door opened and Ashleigh walked through it. She didn’t seem surprised to see Minah, instead, she was fastening her belt with a hundred-watt grin crossing her lipstick smudged lips.
“Oh, I see someone already got one” Minah scoffed, trying to look unfazed and unaffected by the fact Ashleigh never seemed to leave Sungjae’s side.
“Have you ever heard of knocking?” Ashleigh asked,  walking out of Sungjae’s room and picking her bag from the console table in the hall.
A jab of jealousy nailed Minah in the gut. She could remember personally picking that table for Sungjae in one of the many home decor shopping sprees they went on when he first moved into the Delacroix property.
Suddenly the awful realization that it never was just sex swept over Minah. Sungjae meant a lot more to her than she ever admitted.
Obviously, now it was too late.  
“Oh, you mean I can’t just walk in like I own the place?” Minah questioned with a thinly veiled smirk. “Because newsflash, I do”
Ashleigh purposely ignored Minah’s words and reached to pick her coat.
“So how is the job going? Heard Mr. Rausing wasn’t too pleased after finding out you rejected our contract. Now he’s been chasing after us, desperately trying to get us to sign with him, offering us a bargain price for your textiles” Suddenly feeling vindictive, Minah said despitefully. "I guess I should thank you after all"
“The only job I want to talk about is the faux job you pretended to give my boyfriend” Ashleigh frowned. It was the first time the two of them met face to face after Envoûté’s launch party, so Minah wasn’t exactly shocked to find out Sungjae’s girlfriend was still furious at her. After all, she’d made her cry and leave the party early.
“Faux job?” Nevertheless, Minah feigned obliviousness “Wow that’s pretty classy, Ash” Ashleigh cast an exasperated glare at Minah, so she gave in “You know you could argue that me pretending to blow Sungjae was a good thing, you two came out stronger than ever-”
“Are you high on something?” Ashleigh forced a laugh. As if on cue, Sungjae step into the hall.
“What is going on?”
Minah shrugged innocently and Ashleigh, though still fuming, only turned to face her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him on the mouth.
Minah looked away, feeling an unpleasant twinge of jealousy.
“I was about to leave” Ashleigh put on her coat as Sungjae looked over at Minah questioningly “Maybe you should change your locks” The blonde woman gave Sungjae a peck on the cheek before walking out of his home.
There was a brief silent moment where Sungjae continued to look at Minah as if asking for explanations, but she had already started to walk toward the kitchen.
“Minah“ Sungjae called with a weary sigh, making her turn on her heel and look at him with those large Bambi eyes of hers that apparently had long ago lost their effect on him. Sungjae stood looking at her with his arms crossed over the chest, eyes hard as he regarded her with a raised brow.
“I would say she isn’t getting enough of you-know-what, but knowing you-“ Minah was interrupted by Sungjae’s severe sounding voice.
“Minah you can’t just barge in here without respect for boundaries,” Sungjae said, his lips twisted in disapproval.
“Boundaries?” Minah asked, eyelashes fluttering “I thought you agreed to be my friend”
“Yes, but Ashleigh doesn’t want to be your friend” Sungjae’s voice softened “Nor she wants to be reminded we were friends”
“I think you’re using friends as a euphemism, but I mean actual friends” Minah pursed her lips and then stared at Sungjae with something that resembled to pleading eyes, for a brief moment. But of course, Minah was a Delacroix, so her expression shifted automatically, turning a tad reproaching.
“Minah, you can’t expect Ashleigh to be cool after all you put her through”
Minah rolled eyes at that. What about what Ashleigh had put her through?
“You need to give us some space” Sungjae didn’t look amused, nor he’d sounded so serious ever before.
Minah took it as a cue for her to leave.
Sungjae’s Christmas present
“What is all of this?” Tara asked following Tyler into his office. The room smelled like an odd mix of cigars, fine chocolate, and scotch so she regarded Minah, who was sitting at her desk with an arrangement of colorfully wrapped gifts, with wariness.
“It’s the season to show our clients how much we appreciate them” Minah handed a list to Tara and Tyler as they sat across from her on a recently shipped Grand Model Sofa from Le Corbusier. “And to show our competitor’s clients what they’re missing out” she smiled proudly.
“Are we hosting another party?” Tyler asked confused, without even sparing a glance at the list.
“People forget parties as soon as their hangover fades” Minah was probably speaking from her own experience at the launch party but Tara nodded in agreement. “If we can butter up my family’s clients with a memorable present, maybe some of them will be willing to meet with us”
Tyler and Tara shared skeptical looks, but Minah was too busy sorting through the gifts on her desk to notice.
“Now, if you look through the list you can see some of the options-”
“Tara will help,” Tyler said giving a quick glance and losing interest the moment he noticed there were like 20 items on it “Choosing presents is exhausting, I can only deal with it once a year”
“Fine” Minah shrugged, concealing the disappointment in her voice quite well. She’d been under the impression Tyler wanted to pick the gifts for their clients himself, but she figured out the meeting with the gift strategists that morning hadn’t gone quite as planned. “Anyway, my family usually hands the gifts at their Tree Lighting Ceremony, so I guess we could send ours next week at the latest” she added, discarding all the items she’d been planning to show Tyler and putting them back in their respective bags.
“So you’re going to the Lighting Ceremony?” Tyler stood up and asked “casually”, which earned him an eye roll from his sister.
“Of course I am, I’m a Delacroix after all” Minah said distractedly.
“Wanna go together?” Tyler’s invitation made Minah and Tara stop on their tracks and slowly turn to look at him with matching looks of disbelief.
“Well…” Minah started, clearly flustered “I usually go with Sungjae” Tyler’s obvious reaction was to roll eyes while Tara’s face morphed into a grimace that looked like a charade clue for the WTF expletive. “But I figured out his girlfriend wouldn’t like that” Minah went on, picking her bag from the ottoman next to her desk as a new realization hit in. “You know what? I got the best idea for Sungjae’s Christmas present this year” She jumped to her feet enthusiastically.
“Space?” Tara asked, giving Minah a slightly cold judgmental look.
“No” Minah shook her head “I am going to make a new friend”
“Who?” Tyler blinked confused.
“Please don’t say-“ Tara started.
“Ashleigh,” Minah and Tara said in unison, their voices differing in tone.
It took Minah an hour to navigate through London’s traffic and make it to Ashleigh’s office on the 30th floor of some North London tower that once upon a time had been considered one of the ugliest architectural pieces in the city, but it had been revamped with vertical gardens that made an important ecological statement as much as they helped it to save face.
Minah had to take a deep breath before walking through the doors of IN-Eco Corp and remind herself that she was only there to show Sungjae how much she actually cared about him and that she was willing to do anything to keep him in her life. She would go as far as to call a truce with Ashleigh. Even if that implicitly conveyed a sign of weakness.
When Minah stepped into Ashleigh’s office she was on the phone complaining about a sponsor drawing back from a contract and how it would affect the company’s organic cotton farming project in Peru, but she was quick to finish the call as soon as she saw Minah.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt” Minah apologized insincerely. Actually, she’d meant to and she was glad Ashleigh picked the hint. “But, I brought you an invitation to the Annual Delacroix Tree Lighting Ceremony” Minah flipped her hair over her shoulder with one hand and pulled a red envelope from her clutch with her other.
“The Tree Lighting might be hosted by your family, but Sungjae is an employee and I’m going as his date, why would I need your invitation?” Ashleigh said, getting up from her desk. “Why are you really here, Minah?” Minah didn’t miss the way Ashleigh pronounced her name —the way someone would pronounce some offensive word.
“Sungjae is my friend and you’re his girlfriend” Minah started, trying not to react at the way Ashleigh moved her hands as if encouraging her to go on and stop repeating the obvious. “So it stands to reason that you and I are gonna run into each other a lot-”
“Is that a threat?” The blonde cut Minah off.
“No” Minah heaved a sigh, thinking about the lengths she’d go to make Sungjae happy with a strange sense of concern and mortification. “I'm just saying we all should be friends for all of our sakes”    
“So in other words, you want me to make it more convenient for you to spend time with my man?” Ashleigh raised her brows incredulous. Minah almost let out a chuckle at the fact Ashleigh referred to Sungjae as “her man”, but she had the sense to stop herself.
“Ashleigh, listen, this is not just about Sungjae” Minah offered her a fleeting smile “I would be the first one to admit that I could use a girl friend” Ashleigh laughed as though she couldn’t believe her ears. “Come on, Ashleigh, you’re making things more complicated than they need to be” Minah went on “It’s not like Sungjae and I were even in love” Ashleigh expression hardened upon registering those words “It was just office sex and booty calls”
“Tell that to him” Ashleigh glared at Minah
“Wait, what? Did he say it was more than sex?” Minah attempted to sound casual but was quick to realize Ashleigh wasn't fooled by her cool exterior and was picking up on her lingering excitement.
“And that is exactly why we can’t be friends” Ashleigh fumed, opening the glass door for Minah to leave.
Trying to move on
“Why are you still bothering that poor girl?” Tara inquired sternly, looking at Minah through her pair of frameless Chopard glasses. For someone as lenient as her, Tara seemed quite exasperated
“Well…“ Minah, sitting on the Pierre Frey rug, supported her left elbow on the sofa and placed her hand upon the chin. The two girls had been sitting in one of the lounge rooms on the second floor, supposedly working, but of course, they’d lost their track after Minah decided to share her visit to Northern London with Tara. “I thought that if I tried to be friends with her-“ Minah looked up from the list in her hands, sincerity radiating from her big hazel eyes, something Tara would’ve given Minah credit for if she had not been too busy frowning at her.
“Let-it-go, Min” Tyler’s sister clicked her tongue as though Minah had not spoken. “Close the door and let’s focus on this before Tyler gets back here. We’ll talk about this later when I have Jane backing me up”
Minah rolled her eyes. Tara was really not fun at all ever since she started hanging out with that Mark Yang boy.
“Well, Envoûté is supposed to be super innovative and eco-friendly” Tara started
“Well, if we go with tech it has to be cutting edge, something everybody wants” Minah meditated, her eyes straying briefly to the strong fire blazing in the fireplace
“So why don’t we give them that headphone-headband hybrid, but we make it couture?” Tara suggested.
“Here’s a tip, you can never go wrong with rum,” Daniel said entering the room, a glass with something that looked like a Negroni in his hands.
“Tell that to your parents, Daniel” Minah scoffed. “Look, this is a work zone, for people with jobs”
“Jobs where you can wear pajamas all day?” Daniel said, eyeing Minah up and down and looking at her silk set with reproving eyes. “Sign me up”
“Charlotte Casiraghi wore this last week!” Minah explained to Tara, almost scandalized Daniel was suggesting she was wearing pajamas. “You’ve clearly picked Americans’ bad taste, assuming you ever had it, of course,” Minah spat angrily.
“Whatever, I didn’t come here to comment on your clothes” Daniel started, eyes narrowing to slits “Though I would absolutely change before meeting the cutie that’s waiting for you downstairs” He shrugged before turning around ready to leave.
“Wait! Who is it?” Tara asked curiously.
“I think his name is Seojun” Daniel didn’t deign to look back at the girls before walking away.
“Sungjae?” Minah and Tara exchanged incredulous looks.
Ten minutes later Minah walked down the marble staircase into the entrance hall of Tyler’s home. It was a given that Minah Delacroix was always beautiful without even trying, but she looked almost ethereal dressed in white ruffled silk shorts and a bodice with thin straps that barely held the piece of fabric in place and showed more cleavage than her family would deem appropriate for someone of her status. Then there was the fact her hair gleamed against her clothes, spilling down her shoulders in loose waves.
Sungjae had to gulp and look away when she stood in front of him, eyes boring into his.
“What are you doing here?” She questioned, still feeling bitter about their last meeting.
“Well, you don’t seem to understand boundaries, so why should I?” Sungjae’s voice was tense as if he were keeping himself contained within his body. “Why did you go see Ashleigh?” His jaw clenched.
Minah snorted. “I was adulting. All I did was inviting her to the Tree Lighting Ceremony and she kicked me out of her office” She said, giving slow steps, trying to draw closer to Sungjae.
“I told you to give us space and you tried to sabotage my date?” Sungjae shook his head, tongue in cheek as if he couldn’t believe Minah was as tone-deaf.
“What?” Minah’s snort was equal parts confused and offended, she stared at Sungjae, eyes widening and mouth pressed into a fine line. “Wait, you’re taking her to the Tree Lighting?” Her voice was accusing and momentarily she allowed herself to look hurt. “But that’s our thing. I mean-” Of course Minah briefly forgot there was no such a thing as “we” —as in Minah and Sungjae— any more and by extension, there were no traditions for them to keep either, but the thought was so painful that she still went on. She needed a clear response “We always go together-” she trailed off.
“Minah, these boundaries aren’t just for Ashleigh” Sungjae said gravely, “They’re for me” He took a few steps forward, the heels of his dress shoes slightly clicked against the marble floor and before he noticed, he was standing face to face with Minah, so close she could even count his lashes. “I can’t keep doing this every day” Minah recognized the same tone he used the morning after he slept with Ashleigh. “I think about you when I shouldn’t and I need to get you out of my head before we fall back into what we had”
The tension between them was so thick Minah almost felt she couldn't pull air into her lungs. Sungjae’s words echoed through the ample hall and its almost 30-foot ceilings, causing Minah to shudder ever so slightly.
When she finally gathered the courage to speak, Minah felt like facepalming herself. Her breath shook as she parted her lips. “Would- would that be so wrong?” she asked, her hand moving to hold Sungjae’s before her brain could even process what she was doing.
“Yes” Sungjae watched their hands and briefly squeezed Minah’s in something that was probably meant to be a comforting and warm touch, but that only made Minah’s heart tremble in ache. “I’m trying to move on”
And with that Sungjae stormed out of the Lee Manor.
Meanwhile, Minah remained in the same spot, her stomach twisting in pain as she swallowed once, trying to keep the tears at bay.
“You startled me” Just when she was about to indulge in tears, the doors of the manor flung open and Tyler strolled in, clearly surprised to find Minah there, all dolled up. His eyes automatically settled on the curves of her breasts and the glowy skin of her cleavage.
“I- I was-“ Minah heard herself stammer “I was waiting for you to come home” she blatantly lied.
“Why?” Tyler licked his lips almost unconsciously
“I figured out I never gave you an answer” Minah smiled at him fondly, but he looked a bit confused, so she clarified “Do you still want to go to that Tree Lighting together?”
Tyler raised a brow for a fraction of a second, but then he threw a furtive appreciative glance at Minah and smirked, nodding his head.
Why would she ask such obvious questions was beyond him.
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trinuviel · 6 years
I really liked your addition to the meta about Sansa's relationship with Ned. You write in the last paragraph that Sansa is very different from her siblings and doesn't really interact with any of them which i found really interesting since Arya (and sometimes Jon) is always thought of as the 'outsiders' at Winterfell. Do you think it's maybe more fair to say that Sansa was the outsider in the family in a way despite her adhering to and being praised for her proper, ladylike behaviour?
You pose an interesting question that is also hard to answer because there is hardly any canon material about how Sansa interacted with all her siblings at Winterfell. Of all the Starklings, only Jon is really a bit of an “outcast” because he’s a bastard and that has a very real effect on his place in the family and how he’s treated. Arya may feel like an outcast because she doesn’t conform to gender expectations but she only appears to have a contentious relationship with Sansa - and that has to do with their differences and Arya’s low self-esteem. And when you add Ned’s obvious favouritism of Arya over Sansa, which Sansa noticed and resented, then you get a volatile brew.
She does have a fond memory of a snow ball fight with Arya but not much else though we do know that both Arya and Bran thought her romanticism stupid. A lot of fans seem to think that Robb and Sansa had a special relationship but there’s actually NO textual evidence for this whatsoever! Her relationship with Arya was contentious for several reasons I think - they are very different people with different interests and we do get a few hints that Sansa would have liked that her sister also had an interest in the things that Sansa likes. Another reason that their relationship is conflict-ridden even at WF (though it gets so much worse after the Trident) is partly due to Arya’s low self-esteem because she’s not good at the stuff Sansa is good at and in this respect we mustn’t overlook the part that Septa Mordane played in this. That woman is the root of Arya’s self-esteem issues. I do recall something about Sansa being closer to Bran but it’s been a while since I’ve read her chapters. We don’t know much about her relationship with Jon but most assume that it is distant because she calls him half-brother. I do think that there’s some truth in this but it is also notable that he has fond memories of her - and it is just adorable that she at some point instructed him in how to talk to girls. 
We hardly get any examples to examine the sibling dynamic of the Starklings as a whole. However, there is one example that may be somewhat illuminating:
Suddenly Arya remembered the crypts at Winterfell. They were a lot scarier than this place, she told herself. She’d been just a little girl the first time she saw them. Her brother Robb had taken them down, her and Sansa and baby Bran, who’d been no bigger than Rickon was now.
Robb took them all the way down to the end, past Grandfather and Brandon and Lyanna, to show them their own tombs. Sansa kept looking at the stubby little candle, anxious that it might go out. Old Nan had told her there were spiders down here, and rats as big as dogs. Robb smiled when she said that. “There are worse things than spiders and rats,” he whispered. “This is where the dead walk.” That was when they heard the sound, low and deep and shivery. Baby Bran had clutched at Arya’s hand.
When the spirit stepped out of the open tomb, pale white and moaning for blood, Sansa ran shrieking for the stairs, and Bran wrapped himself around Robb’s leg, sobbing. Arya stood her ground and gave the spirit a punch. It was only Jon, covered with flour. “You stupid,” she told him, “you scared the baby,” but Jon and Robb just laughed and laughed, and pretty soon Bran and Arya were laughing too. (AGoT, Arya IV)
Both Bran and Sansa are pretty scared - Sansa so much that she runs away. But while Arya gets mad, she only gets mad on behalf of Bran - and neither Robb nor Jon, who oare the oldest, bother to run after Sansa to reassure her. The result of the prank is a lot of laughter in the end - and here Sansa is excluded from the sibling camaraderie because none of them bothered with her. It is rather sad when looked at from Sansa’s POV. It is only one incident and thus we should be careful to generalize but it could indicate that Sansa was indeed isolated from her siblings.
I do think that there are several factors in play that results in Sansa being somewhat isolated within her own family when it comes to her siblings. I’ve written about this in the first essay in my Winterfell’s Daughter series so I’ll just quote myself:
Sansa is very much a child that conforms to the expections that accrues to her gender and her social status. She is a conformist and obedient child and yet she is also a bit of an “outsider” within her own family. This “outsider” status is visually articulated from the very beginning of the story. When we first meet the Starks, Ned, Catelyn and all they boys are outside in the castle courtyard. On the other hand, the audience meet Sansa and Arya in an indoor space, engaged in the art of embroidering, which is coded as exclusively feminine. However, Arya quickly leaves the confines of the sewing circle and runs outside to engage in archery with her brothers. Sansa’s difference from her family is further emphasized when the Starks line up to meet the King. All of the Starks are clad in fur-decorated cloaks. However, unlike the cloaks of her parents and her siblings, Sansa’s cloak is of of a light blue colour that matches her dress. Visually, she sticks out like a sore thumb.
From the very start, Sansa is singled out as different from the rest of the Stark through purely visual means. It isn’t something that the show (or even the books) delves very deep into but part of Sansa’s isolation within her own family is tied to her gender. Like all other highborn children, boys and girls are educated differently in the Stark family. The distinction between inside and outside spaces encapsulates the gender divide in the very first episode.
The lives of highborn girls are proscribed by a number of restrictive social conventions – almost all highborn women in Westeros are forced to engage in compulsory femininity. This is not a problem for Sansa since her interests and talents conform to the social restrictions placed upon her gender. Arya, on the other hand, doesn’t conform. She rebels and engages in activities normally reserved for boys. In that sense, Arya shares something with her brothers that Sansa doesn’t. In fact, Sansa’s feminine world is very much cut off from the sphere her brothers inhabit. Thus, Sansa conforming to gender norms also marks her as a bit of an outsider in a family of four boys and one tomboy. Therefore, it shouldn’t be that surprising that Sansa is eager to leave Winterfell – even if it is her safe and loving home. She desperately wants to find a place where she “fits” in a way she doesn’t “fit” in at Winterfell.
This analysis is show based but I think it holds true for the books as well. Both interests and gender norms played a part in separating Sansa from her siblings - gender dictated differences in education, most notably when it comes to weapon’s training for the boys and sewing and music for the girls. Interests also matter - and it is noteworthy that there’s very much an inside/outside divide between Sansa and her siblings when it comes to their interests. Sansa likes doing embroidery, reading, singing and playing an instrument and writing poetry. All indoor activities whereas the rest of her siblings favour outdoor activities. 
So yes, in this sense, Sansa is a bit of an outsider in her own family - she is really the “odd one out” since none of her siblings really share her interests - and both Arya and Bran find the things she likes stupid. Because Arya and the boys prefer outdoor activities, they share something that Sansa is excluded from. It really isn’t very surprising that Sansa so eager to leave Winterfell and find a place where felt that she would “fit in” at the beginning of the story. 
Thanks for the ask and sorry about the late reply.
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 years
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The Infinity Saga is over. The MCU is moving forward into uncharted waters. Disney+ has pushed back certain shows and moved up WandaVision. Black Widow finally has a well deserved movie, postmortem. The future is wide open but, before we get on a brand new pain train, i wanted to take a look back and talk about some of my favorite movies from the first eleven years of the MCU.
Avengers: Infinity War
This movie, man, is probably peak MCU. There are better films in the series but you’ll be hard-pressed to find a film that walks the line of comic book and cinema to deftly. This is the penultimate tale for that first decade and what a f*cking climax it was. Holy sh*t! There was just so much good in this film, from character development to visual flair to legitimate stakes. I’m a massive Marvel fan and i am well aware of the Infinite Gauntlet saga in the comics but seeing this sh*t? Seeing Thanos actually Snap? I never though in a million years that would happen onscreen. And then it did. It was at that point i absolutely knew the MCU was about that life. I knew to expect the unexpected because , with the wealth of the Marvel universe to draw from, they were going to craft some motherf*ckers of stories.
Like, I f*cking cried when Pete got dusted. I shed legitimate tears and I’m not even embarrassed to say it out loud. For a film to move me like that? and it’s not Forrest Gump? Motherf*cker had to be on point, for sure. The entire theater was silent as those strings hummed and Thanos sat on his farm, smiling contently. I had never experienced that before The entire auditorium - completely silent. We were in disbelief. We were in mourning. I saw Infinity War in theaters four times and literally every time, the same thing happened. In two hours and some change, Marvel had gave a theater full of people straight emotional trauma. Your movie has to be absolutely on point for that to occur.
Speaking of Thanos, yo, how was this big ass purple grimace looking motherf*cker one of the best antagonists of film, period? How was this cat written so well? I lost my sh*t when they teased him at the end of Avengers and that little bit we got of him in Guardians was cool but i was not prepared for how goddamn formidable he turned out to be. Josh Brolin brought this character to life but the writing gave me real agency. I was flabbergasted by how great this character turned out to be. Thanos felt real. He felt flawed. He felt legitimate. Id have to put him up there with The Dark Knight Joker and Hans Landa as one of the best antagonists ever.
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Spider-Man: Homecoming
I adore Spider-Man. Ive written at length about that love. He’s the reason i even picked up that Marvel comic all those years ago. I’ve seen every cinematic iteration of Webhead and i mst say, this portrayal is the truest to the source material i have ever seen. Cats get on the MCU about making him Tony Stark jr. but most people don’t understand that’s where he was going anyway. Most people don’t know that, in the comics, he’s basically Reed Richards jr. and since the MCU has no Reed, Tony is a pretty smart substitute. But that argument is inconsequential because the core of who Spider-Man is, the actual spirit of the character, has been captured so perfectly by this version of Pete, it’s borderline miraculous. I love Tobey McGuire’s take in Pete because he was the first to do it. Kind of like how i have such nostalgia for the 89 Batman. That version of Spider-Man felt like the old Lee/Ditko version from the 60s. Andrew Garfield was adequate. He didn’t get a fair shake though, mostly barbecue the writing in his run was so goddamn terrible. But this new kid? This casting was as perfect as RDJ was to Iron Man.
Tom Holland kills it as Spider-Man. His version of the character feels right. It feels modern. It feels like Ultimate Pete but grounded in the spirit of the 90s cartoon version. He’s this massive geek, this kid really, granted power in tragedy and it feels so goddamn authentic, i couldn’t believe it. The second he showed u in Civil War, i absolutely knew Underoos was about to be a star in these films and that is saying a lot considering how loaded this cast has become. Homecoming was the first film we got to see Pete stretch his legs and it was f*cking brilliant. Everything about this movie is what a great Spider-Flick should be and the MCU nailed it! if i never got another Spidey appearance, this movie was more than enough to sate my appetite. Homecoming is my second favorite MCU movie. I loved every second of it!
Also, how about that Aunt May stinger, though?
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Look, i love the Dark Knight. For me, that is the pinnacle of a capeflick. That movie was a great crime thriller first, a Batflick second. Nolan approached it with a grounded sense of reality that left you, as an audience, breathless. It is one of the best films i have ever seen in my entire life and Ledger gave one of the most brilliant performances ever captured on celluloid. There is nothing as good as that film in the MCU. The Winter Soldier comes f*cking close, though. This movie made me sit up and realize that the MCU had some teeth. Until this thing came out, i thought we were going to get a bunch of flamboyant costumes and snarky Wedonisms. I wasn’t mad, mind you, Avengers was dope, but Winter Soldier took all that campy bullsh*t out back and murdered it. This movie was the MCU growing up and almost everything afterward has been brilliant. The Winter Soldier forced everyone to step their game up with how goddamn brilliant it turned out to be. I can’t say there were any performances as great as Ledger’s Joker but i can make the argument the overall writing was better than The Dark Knight, and that is stupid high praise.
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Guardians of the Galaxy
This film has no right to be as good as it is. I went into this thing on a whim, mostly because I thought it was going ti be filler like Ant-Man or something, and then it wasn’t. It was great. Legitimately great. I had no idea the MCU could take a C-rate team like the goddamn Guardians and uplift them so beautifully. James Gunn took those characters and wrote the best Star Wars film since f*cking Empire and I didn’t think that was possible, not with this wayward branch of Marvel History. Seriously, if you do even a minuscule amount of research on who the Guardians are, they’re a joke. I mean, they have a f*cking talking Raccoon on the team! Gunn had the wherewithal to lean into that and he produced one of the best in the entire MCU. He took these loser clowns and injected so much emotion  and humanity into them, you couldn’t help but love their rag-tag asses. This was the first MCU movie to move me to tears. That stuff about Quills mom? I felt that. Both times. On an extremely personal level. I was the young Quill. I watched my grandma, the only person who i believe loved me unconditionally up to that point, die just like Quill’s mom; Cancer and everything. I was about his age when it happened, too. That sh*t f*cked me up. To this day, i have nightmares about it. Seeing that sh*t so accurately captured in a capeflick was the most for me and I legit had to leave the theater until the first part of the movie passed. To this day, i can’t watch that scene. I can just barely make it through the Dance of to Save Th Universe, but that opening gambit? No way. It hits way too close to home for me. Still, for a comic book movie to solicit such a response? It has to be special and Guardians is one of the best.
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Iron Man
Boy, we’ve come a long way since Tony Stark uttered those fateful word, “I am Iron Man.” But none of these other films would even have the opportunity to exist if he hadn't said them. Iron Man had the tall order of being the first, proper, MCU film AND compete with The Dark Knight. N one thought a film about B-List superhero, narcissistic billionaire, and straight up lush, Tony Stark, would amount to anything. How wrong everyone turned out to be. I knew, from that second i saw the teaser and concept art by Adi Granov, that Marvel was taking this sh*t crazy serious. Then there’s the casting of Robert Downey Jr. That sh*t was a boon, for real. The entire cast of this first film was impeccable but RDJ makes this movie. He IS Tony Stark. Even before he got comfortable with the character like in the later films, fresh out the box with the scripts, you can tell he knows how to bring this tinkerer to life. You had to nail that aspect in order to have any chance to  build something great and Marvel hit a goddamn bullseyes, for sure. Revisiting this flick, Iron Man isn’t as good as the later films in the Infinity Saga but it still holds up against the vast majority of entries and that’s saying something.
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I love these films, man. As a geek growing up reading these stories, reenacting them with their action figures, sitting glued to the television every Saturday as their cartoons aired, I never imagined id see such a berth of fantastic media brought to life on the silver screen. Seriously, some of my favorite interpretations of these characters appear exclusive in the MCU. War Machine, Thor until recently, Ant-Man, f*cking Hulk? i never gave these assholes the time of day in the comics but in the MCU? They’re fantastic! And it has everything to do with how well written they are in-universe. There are over twenty films in this run an i love all of them to varying extents. Spider-Man: Far From Home, Black Panther, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Ragnarok, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 all could have made this list. For sure, they’re 6 - 11 or whatever, but that speaks to the sheer depth of the MCU. I’m not even counting flicks i would consider B-tier like Captain Marvel or Avengers or Iron Man 3 or Doctor Strange; All of which are still dope in their own right.
There is just SO much great in these films and i can’t wait to see where we go next. With Disney acquiring Fox, Marvel finally has the full toy box to play with and i am absolutely a tizzy with the potential arcs they can adapt. Secret Wars? Annihilation? Age of Apocalypse? Avengers Disassembled? Dark Reign? F*cking Onslaught?? I have no idea where we are going but i am, for sure, jumping on this pain train once again.
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smokeybrand · 5 years
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The Infinity Saga is over. The MCU is moving forward into uncharted waters. Disney+ has pushed back certain shows and moved up WandaVision. Black Widow finally has a well deserved movie, postmortem. The future is wide open but, before we get on a brand new pain train, i wanted to take a look back and talk about some of my favorite movies from the first eleven years of the MCU.
Avengers: Infinity War
This movie, man, is probably peak MCU. There are better films in the series but you’ll be hard-pressed to find a film that walks the line of comic book and cinema to deftly. This is the penultimate tale for that first decade and what a f*cking climax it was. Holy sh*t! There was just so much good in this film, from character development to visual flair to legitimate stakes. I’m a massive Marvel fan and i am well aware of the Infinite Gauntlet saga in the comics but seeing this sh*t? Seeing Thanos actually Snap? I never though in a million years that would happen onscreen. And then it did. It was at that point i absolutely knew the MCU was about that life. I knew to expect the unexpected because , with the wealth of the Marvel universe to draw from, they were going to craft some motherf*ckers of stories.
Like, I f*cking cried when Pete got dusted. I shed legitimate tears and I’m not even embarrassed to say it out loud. For a film to move me like that? and it’s not Forrest Gump? Motherf*cker had to be on point, for sure. The entire theater was silent as those strings hummed and Thanos sat on his farm, smiling contently. I had never experienced that before The entire auditorium - completely silent. We were in disbelief. We were in mourning. I saw Infinity War in theaters four times and literally every time, the same thing happened. In two hours and some change, Marvel had gave a theater full of people straight emotional trauma. Your movie has to be absolutely on point for that to occur.
Speaking of Thanos, yo, how was this big ass purple grimace looking motherf*cker one of the best antagonists of film, period? How was this cat written so well? I lost my sh*t when they teased him at the end of Avengers and that little bit we got of him in Guardians was cool but i was not prepared for how goddamn formidable he turned out to be. Josh Brolin brought this character to life but the writing gave me real agency. I was flabbergasted by how great this character turned out to be. Thanos felt real. He felt flawed. He felt legitimate. Id have to put him up there with The Dark Knight Joker and Hans Landa as one of the best antagonists ever.
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Spider-Man: Homecoming
I adore Spider-Man. Ive written at length about that love. He’s the reason i even picked up that Marvel comic all those years ago. I’ve seen every cinematic iteration of Webhead and i mst say, this portrayal is the truest to the source material i have ever seen. Cats get on the MCU about making him Tony Stark jr. but most people don’t understand that’s where he was going anyway. Most people don’t know that, in the comics, he’s basically Reed Richards jr. and since the MCU has no Reed, Tony is a pretty smart substitute. But that argument is inconsequential because the core of who Spider-Man is, the actual spirit of the character, has been captured so perfectly by this version of Pete, it’s borderline miraculous. I love Tobey McGuire’s take in Pete because he was the first to do it. Kind of like how i have such nostalgia for the 89 Batman. That version of Spider-Man felt like the old Lee/Ditko version from the 60s. Andrew Garfield was adequate. He didn’t get a fair shake though, mostly barbecue the writing in his run was so goddamn terrible. But this new kid? This casting was as perfect as RDJ was to Iron Man.
Tom Holland kills it as Spider-Man. His version of the character feels right. It feels modern. It feels like Ultimate Pete but grounded in the spirit of the 90s cartoon version. He’s this massive geek, this kid really, granted power in tragedy and it feels so goddamn authentic, i couldn’t believe it. The second he showed u in Civil War, i absolutely knew Underoos was about to be a star in these films and that is saying a lot considering how loaded this cast has become. Homecoming was the first film we got to see Pete stretch his legs and it was f*cking brilliant. Everything about this movie is what a great Spider-Flick should be and the MCU nailed it! if i never got another Spidey appearance, this movie was more than enough to sate my appetite. Homecoming is my second favorite MCU movie. I loved every second of it!
Also, how about that Aunt May stinger, though?
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Look, i love the Dark Knight. For me, that is the pinnacle of a capeflick. That movie was a great crime thriller first, a Batflick second. Nolan approached it with a grounded sense of reality that left you, as an audience, breathless. It is one of the best films i have ever seen in my entire life and Ledger gave one of the most brilliant performances ever captured on celluloid. There is nothing as good as that film in the MCU. The Winter Soldier comes f*cking close, though. This movie made me sit up and realize that the MCU had some teeth. Until this thing came out, i thought we were going to get a bunch of flamboyant costumes and snarky Wedonisms. I wasn’t mad, mind you, Avengers was dope, but Winter Soldier took all that campy bullsh*t out back and murdered it. This movie was the MCU growing up and almost everything afterward has been brilliant. The Winter Soldier forced everyone to step their game up with how goddamn brilliant it turned out to be. I can’t say there were any performances as great as Ledger’s Joker but i can make the argument the overall writing was better than The Dark Knight, and that stupid is high praise.
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Guardians of the Galaxy
This film has no right to be as good as it is. I went into this thing on a whim, mostly because I thought it was going ti be filler like Ant-Man or something, and then it wasn’t. It was great. Legitimately great. I had no idea the MCU could take a C-rate team like the goddamn Guardians and uplift them so beautifully. James Gunn took those characters and wrote the best Star Wars film since f*cking Empire and I didn’t think that was possible, not with this wayward branch of Marvel History. Seriously, if you do even a minuscule amount of research on who the Guardians are, they’re a joke. I mean, they have a f*cking talking Raccoon on the team! Gunn had the wherewithal to lean into that and he produced one of the best in the entire MCU. He took these loser clowns and injected so much emotion  and humanity into them, you couldn’t help but love their rag-tag asses. This was the first MCU movie to move me to tears. That stuff about Quills mom? I felt that. Both times. On an extremely personal level. I was the young Quill. I watched my grandma, the only person who i believe loved me unconditionally up to that point, die just like Quill’s mom; Cancer and everything. I was about his age when it happened, too. That sh*t f*cked me up. To this day, i have nightmares about it. Seeing that sh*t so accurately captured in a capeflick was the most for me and I legit had to leave the theater until the first part of the movie passed. To this day, i can’t watch that scene. I can just barely make it through the Dance of to Save Th Universe, but that opening gambit? No way. It hits way too close to home for me. Still, for a comic book movie to solicit such a response? It has to be special and Guardians is one of the best.
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Iron Man
Boy, we’ve come a long way since Tony Stark uttered those fateful word, “I am Iron Man.” But none of these other films would even have the opportunity to exist if he hadn't said them. Iron Man had the tall order of being the first, proper, MCU film AND compete with The Dark Knight. N one thought a film about B-List superhero, narcissistic billionaire, and straight up lush, Tony Stark, would amount to anything. How wrong everyone turned out to be. I knew, from that second i saw the teaser and concept art by Adi Granov, that Marvel was taking this sh*t crazy serious. Then there’s the casting of Robert Downey Jr. That sh*t was a boon, for real. The entire cast of this first film was impeccable but RDJ makes this movie. He IS Tony Stark. Even before he got comfortable with the character like in the later films, fresh out the box with the scripts, you can tell he knows how to bring this tinkerer to life. You had to nail that aspect in order to have any chance to  build something great and Marvel hit a goddamn bullseyes, for sure. Revisiting this flick, Iron Man isn’t as good as the later films in the Infinity Saga but it still holds up against the vast majority of entries and that’s saying something.
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I love these films, man. As a geek growing up reading these stories, reenacting them with their action figures, sitting glued to the television every Saturday as their cartoons aired, I never imagined id see such a berth of fantastic media brought to life on the silver screen. Seriously, some of my favorite interpretations of these characters appear exclusive in the MCU. War Machine, Thor until recently, Ant-Man, f*cking Hulk? i never gave these assholes the time of day in the comics but in the MCU? They’re fantastic! And it has everything to do with how well written they are in-universe. There are over twenty films in this run an i love all of them to varying extents. Spider-Man: Far From Home, Black Panther, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Endgame, Thor: Ragnarok, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 all could have made this list. For sure, they’re 6 - 11 or whatever, but that speaks to the sheer depth of the MCU. I’m not even counting flicks i would consider B-tier like Captain Marvel or Avengers or Iron Man 3 or Doctor Strange; All of which are still dope in their own right.
There is just SO much great in these films and i can’t wait to see where we go next. With Disney acquiring Fox, Marvel finally has the full toy box to play with and i am absolutely a tizzy with the potential arcs they can adapt. Secret Wars? Annihilation? Age of Apocalypse? Avengers Disassembled? Dark Reign? F*cking Onslaught?? I have no idea where we are going but i am, for sure, jumping on this pain train once again.
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agilenano · 5 years
Agilenano - News: 20 Of My MOST Favorite Things {January 2020}
Can I tell you a secret?
Ive been planning and looking forward to todays post for MONTHS!
After almost 7 years of sharing my favorite things on the blog each month, I went back through ALL my previous Favorite Things posts and hand-selected 20 of my MOST favorite things to share with you for the start of 2020!
These are the cream of the crop. The products I use daily (even 7 years and 3 more children later). They are products I recommend regularly on the blog and in real life. They are my most favorite and worth every penny (in my opinion!)
Im also using a new format this month one that I hope will make the post more readable and more easily shoppable. Simply click the button link under each description to be taken directly to the sales page on Amazon (or whatever website the product is available through).
And if youre interested in reading my original review of each product, Ive included that too. Just click the dated link directly under each picture.
Ex: Originally shared in September of 2016.
DISCLOSURE:None of these products are sponsored; however, some of the links below are affiliate links which means that at no cost to you, I may get a smallcommission. Please know thatI use these products dailyin my own home and life. Readmy full disclosure policyfor more information.
Also, check out myAmazon Marketfor all my favorite things.
I wont make you wait any longer
Here are 20 of my MOST favorite things!
(In no particular order.)
USA Pan Bakeware
Originally shared in April of 2019.
The USA Pans are so fantastic, I recommend them for any kitchen and any cooking style. They are 100% completely non-stick, super heavy-duty, and cook very evenly. Plus, they are made in the USA!
I have the 8" loaf pans, the mini loaf pans, the XL sheet pans, and cookie sheets -- and I'm always looking to grow my collection as I use them all on a weekly (sometimes daily) basis.
I honestly cant say enough good things about this brand!
NOTE: Here's how I prep, store, and reheat all my roasted veggies.
Shop USAPan Bakeware on Amazon
Wet Brush Hair Brush
Originally shared in April of 2015.
Many years ago, after mentioning Nora's extreme sensitivity to having her hair brushed, many of you recommended the Wet Brush... I am forever grateful!
Literally, the very first time I used the brush on Noras hair, she was a completely different person. She didnt whine, complain, and cry ouch the ENTIRE time I brushed. Instead, she just sat there and even made the comment this brush doesnt hurt my head!
We now have 3 Wet Brushes (one in each bathroom) and 2 Mini Wet Brushes for traveling.
They are, hands-down, the best hair brush I've tried -- perfect for children and adults, straight or curly hair, thin or thick hair, wet or dry hair.
NOTE: Here's a link to my homemade hair detangling spray, and here's a post about my favorite hair styles for little girls.
Shop Wet Brushes on Amazon
Velvet "Huggable Hangers"
Originally shared in October of 2013.
Our family uses velvet hangers exclusively for all our closets (we use heavy-duty plastic hangers in the mudroom).
I have adult size hangers for our closet, kid size hangers for the older 3, and I even found baby size hangers for the nursery.
They are so slim and they really "hold on to" the clothing so well.
We have had a handful break over the years -- but that's a byproduct of 4 children who like to pick their own clothing out!
I've always recommended velvet hangers for all my organizing clients, and I will continue to use them in my own home.
NOTE: Here's a link to all my posts about clothes clutter!
Shop velvet hangers on Amazon.
The 5 Love Languages Book
Originally shared in February of 2018.
I first read The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman when I was in college, after Dave and I got engaged. He read it too, and we quickly realized we have very opposite love languages!
Since then, I've reread this book many times.
I think both Dave and my love languages have morphed and changed a bit (Im totally acts of service now, and I used to be more gifts) but I cant tell you how valuable it has been for us to not only learn the other persons love language, but also realize that we both have very different love languages.
I think it saved us lots of frustration in the early years of our marriage and even still today.
I highly recommend this book to all dating, engaged, and married couples, as well as any of the other books in the growing "5 Love Languages" collection.
NOTE: Here's how I make more time for reading (even with a very busy home and family!) And here's one of my simplests "secrets" for a happy marriage.
Buy This Book on Amazon
Gecko-Loc Shower Hooks
Originally shared in July of 2017.
Several years ago, I replaced all our suction shower hooks with Gecko-Lock Super Suction Stainless Steel Double Hook, and we LOVE them!
They are so easy to install and VERY strong. Plus, the stainless steel looks so much nicer with our Chrome shower fixtures than the plastic hooks I previously used.
We've never had any issues with them losing suction or falling down and if/when I want to move them, I just unscrew the knob and the hook immediately comes off the shower wall with no pulling or tugging on my part.
NOTE: Get the recipe for my homemade shower cleaner (it's one of the most popular posts on my site!)
Buy These Hooks on Amazon
got 2b Hair Products
Originally shared in October of 2016.
Dave and I both use the got 2b hair products every day (for years and years)... and we have no intentions of switching to anything different.
He uses the got 2b Styling Glue.
I use the got 2b Spiking Wax and the Glued Blasting Freeze Spray.
They hold amazingly well all day long, they wash out easily each night, and they are extremely frugal compared to salon products!
NOTE: here's a video tutorial of how I style my short hair!
Shop Got 2B Items on Amazon
Topseat Child's Toilet Seat
Originally shared in January of 2018.
I'm certainly not an expert when it comes to potty training. However, I have found some really great tools to help simplify the process a bit!
The Topseat toilet seat has been a life-saver for our busy bathrooms these past several years. It's such a simple, convenient way to always have a child's toilet seat available when needed -- and out of the way when not needed.
It's much cleaner than removable potty seats, and it looks a lot nicer in our bathrooms too!
NOTE: Here's a before/after look at the kids' bathroom upstairs.
Learn more about these seats.
3 Citrus Face & Eye Cream
Originally shared in March of 2013.
This was in the very first Favorite Things post I shared way back when... and I still use this exact same product every single night after I get out of the shower.
I've been using the 3 Citrus Face & Eye Cream from Prairieland Herbs since 2010, and I just LOVE it!
We also use their Ultimate Healing Wand for all minor cuts, burns, bites, rashes, etc. It's the best and works SO well.
Their all-natural products are all hand made in small batches by a mother-daughter team, and I just love supporting their work through my purchases.
NOTE: They have offered an exclusive discount to my readers!! Get 20% off your entire order from their Etsy Shop with the code PAMPER (now through 2/29/20)
Visit Prairiland Herb's Shop
Vera Bradley Crossbody Wristlet
Originally shared in September of 2018.
I've used a Vera Bradley Wristlet as my main "purse" for probably close to 10 years now, and although I'm not one to be brand loyal, I REALLY love these wristlets (and I researched several other brands).
They can be pricey, but considering I'm only on my 2nd one in 10 years, they are worth it for me.
I love that my phone fits inside (along with everything else I need to carry around) and that there's a clip for my keys. Plus, I can wear it as a wristlet OR a cross-body bag depending on which strap I use.
It looks like my polka-dot fabric isn't available on Amazon right now, but there are TONS of other really fun (or simple) fabrics to choose from.
NOTE: Here's how I use this wristlet in conjunction with our diaper bag.
Shop VB Wristlets on Amazon
Presto Electric Griddle
Originally shared in July of 2018.
I use our electric griddle almost daily... and this one is HUGE! I can easily make 12 pancakes or 9 grilled cheese sandwiches at one time!
I love that this specific griddle is a square (not a longer rectangle) so it fits in my kitchen cabinets better.
I've taken this griddle on many family vacations, and even thought about trying to smuggle it in my suitcase when we fly! It's probably my most-used small appliance.
NOTE: These are our favorite whole grain oat pancakes... and these sourdough pancakes are the perfect use for leftover sourdough starter.
Buy This Griddle on Amazon
Big and Easy Colouring Books
Originally shared in November of 2018.
After years of coloring with little children, these Big and Easy Coloring books are still my most favorite (and my kids' favorite).
Even the older kids love coloring the extra-big, simple pictures!
We've given SO many of these as gifts, and oftentimes, the parents text or email me to ask where we found such a nice coloring book!
NOTE: Here are 10 of my favorite NON-MESSY crafts for toddlers and young children.
Shop Big and Easy on Amazon
Nutrimill Artiste Mixer
Originally shared in December of 2019.
The Nutrimill is the one and only mixer I use for everything from homemade whipped cream and butter to whole grain bread dough -- and anything in between.
Its so powerful and has a huge mixing capacity, but its much more compact and lighter-weight than KitchenAid Mixers so its easier to store and lift and carry around my kitchen.
NOTE: Here's my recipe for 100% whole grain bread dough, and my recipe for monster cookies (a HUGE batch that I've never been able to mix in anything other than my Nutrimill!)
Learn more about the Nutrimill
Britax B-Agile Single Stroller
Originally shared in May of 2018.
After almost a decade of pushing babies and toddlers around in various strollers, bike trailers, etc. my most favorite single stroller is the Britax B-Agile.
This is the stroller I use most often for the last 2-3 years as it's very light-weight and SO easy to push around.
The wheels glide everywhere and turn on a dime. Its technically considered a jogging stroller, but you know I dont jog! I just really do like having 1 wheel in the front as its easier to push.
We are nearing the end of our need for strollers -- but I have a feeling I'll keep this one around for a few years in case we have baby visitors who need to be pushed around.
NOTE: Read about all our favorite strollers and bike trailers, learn how to clean strollers and bike trailers, and see how we organize all our kids' gear in the garage.
Learn more about this stroller
Preen Weed Preventer
Originally shared in July of 2016.
If I could onlypick one product to use in my garden all year long, Preen would be it.
Year after year, Preen continues to save me hours upon hours of pulling weeds because it STOPS the weed seeds from germinating, which means there arent many weeds to pull!
I apply Preen to all my planting beds 4 times every season:
1. Mid-March, right after the weather starts to warm up.
2. Early May, after we spread mulch
3. Mid to late July
4. Late October, to hopefully prevent weed growth in early spring.
In May and July, I use the Preen + Fertilizer, and then I use the regular Preen in October. The added Fertilizer is great for perennials, annuals, shrubs and trees, and even in vegetable gardens.
The only caution is that you do NOT want to spread Preen in your veggie garden until all the seeds have germinated as Preen PREVENTS seeds from germinating.
NOTE: Here are a few more of my favorite weed-fighting tools (pictured above). And here's a post about our sort-of crazy way to prevent weeds in our vegetable garden (since we don't always use Preen around our veggies).
Shop Preen Products on Amazon
MAM Baby Products
Originally shared in June of 2016.
I first got hooked onall the amazing MAM productsway back when I FINALLY got my almost-2 year old, Nora, to drink water from a MAM sippy cup. She previously refused all sippy cups, bottles, water bottles, etc. so it was a BIG deal!
Since then, we've used the MAM brand of bottles, pacifiers, teathers, and sippy cups exclusively for our babies and toddlers.
I also still use the MAM bottle cleaning brush to clean all our water bottles and other long, skinny kitchen items. That thing is the best!
We give MAM goodies to all our friends and family members who have new babies!
NOTE: Here are several more of our favorite "Kids' Kitchen Gear" items -- as well as how I store and organize them all in our kitchen and pantry.
Shop MAM Products on Amazon
OLUKAI Footwear
Originally shared in July of 2018.
As many of you know, I buy the vast majority of all our family's clothing from local thrift stores for pennies on the dollar.
And I rarely ever spend anywhere close to "full price" on anything.
However, one thing I'm willing to pay a bit more for is good quality footwear (especially since I've had lower back problems for the majority of my adult life).
The OLUKAI line of women's footwear is one of my favorites -- I live in their flip flops in the summer and their slippers in the winter (slippers pictured above).
Their shoes are SO supportive, so comfortable, and actually pretty stylish too! I've had mine for years and they still look brand new!
Shop OLUKAI Footwear on Amazon
Originally shared in June of 2013.
This bouncy seat is one of my most-used baby items EVER! I used it daily for all 4 babies -- and honestly, Clara still uses it now (at 27 months).
It is THE BEST bouncy seat around... the only downside is the price tag.
Thankfully, I was able to find my Baby Bjorn used on Craigslist before Nora was born... and it has served us well for over 8 years now. This bouncer is one of the very few baby things I plan to keep for whenever babies visit our house (and if I'm willing to hang onto something we don't necessarily NEED, you know I really really love it!)
I love that the fabric easily comes off to wash, and that it folds completely flat for storage. I love that it doesn't require batteries or installation or assembly. And of course, the fact that even small infants can easily bounce themselves in this chair is just the icing on the cake!
Start looking for a used one, or splurge on this amazing bouncer for yourself (or a new parent in your life). You will not regret it!
NOTE: Here's a list of things I'm SO glad I had for my babies... and another list of things I wish I had found/purchased sooner.
Research these bouncers here.
Glad Press'n Seal Wrap
Originally shared in July of 2013.
If youve ever been frustrated with plastic wrap that doesnt stick or sticks too much you definitely need to make the switch to thePress'n Seal wrap.
I use this every day in many different ways obviously to cover food dishes and plates, but also to line my paint trays, wrap paint brushes, and many other random things all over our house.
This wrap sticks amazingly well with just a little bit of firm pressure and (at least in my experience) it can be used over and over again without getting ruined or getting jumbled up into a sticky balled mess (can you tell I absolutely hate traditional plastic wrap?)
NOTE: here are 10 clever uses for Press'n Seal Wrap.
Buy Press'n Seal on Amazon
Originally shared in January of 2018.
I've been using a Personal Planner for 7-8 years now (Dave uses them too) and it's still my favorite.
I love that there are so many customizable features and the fact that it always seems to function perfectly for my schedule, my family, and my life.
Since I remember best when I write things down, my planner is an invaluable tool to help me simplify and better organize my life!
There might come a day when I switch to a digital system, but for now, you will always find a Personal Planner sitting on my desk!
All my Personal Planner Posts
Wsthof Knives
Originally shared in July of 2019.
I am not a professional chef, nor do I aspire to be one but having GOOD knives to use in my kitchen has made a huge difference for me over the years.
Ive slowly switched almost all my knives (and kitchen scissors) over to the Wsthof brand, and I can honestly say Ive never once been disappointed. They are super sharp, they feel amazing in my hand, and they cut, slice, and chop better than any other knife Ive used.
Heres a short list of the 3 knives I would recommend starting your collection with (all pictured above):
1. Micro-Serrated 4.5-inch Utility Knife
2. 6-inch Serrated Utility Chopper Knife
3. 10-inch Classic Bread Knife
I use these 3 knives EVERY single day usually washing them in between meals as I use them SO regularly!
Shop Wsthof Knives on Amazon
One runner-up item was my braided rugs but I cant find them on the website anymore, so I didnt include them in my list.
Whew you made it!
I hope you find at least one item on my list youd like to try.
Also, SO many of you tell me these posts are some of your favorite posts is that still true?Im trying to decide if these posts are something I should continue writing each month or not your opinion is very helpful!
As always, check out my previous months favorite things and let me know if youve tried any over the years!
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The post 20 Of My MOST Favorite Things {January 2020} appeared first on Andrea Dekker.
Agilenano - News from Agilenano from shopsnetwork (4 sites) https://agilenano.com/blogs/news/20-of-my-most-favorite-things-january-2020
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