#ive been trying to get into knitting and it is. very hard.
vicbutnotactually · 1 year
PLEASE give me any world building ideas you have for the caseynardo au!! That art was gorgeous, I’m so curious about it now 👀
Pssst ive got your Elder Gays fix >:]
First off, some lore on various phases in the Husband’s lives courtesy of @lucatea
- The guys have their own loose knit clan of scavengers, but that clan also has an enemy clan, competing with them over territory mainly. This other clan has a tendency of being violent, yes they’re basically the evil dudes in this AU.
- in a tasty parallel to Splinter’s human life, this enemy gang does burn down the boy’s first home, with Leo getting trapped in the burning house and almost dying, for some context a tangent:
- The Gays have a divorce era >:] 💅 it was inspired by rewatching Road to el Dorado and the melodramatic gay breakup in the movie with a song by Elton John ft The Backstreet Boys (slay.) After some time stranded in this new dimension, Leo starts to think that no one is coming for them, while Casey holds on to hope, they are pretty young here but they have already started scavenging. This entire time, they have been mainly looking for portal tech in order to try to get home (the tech does exist, but it’s very very difficult to find and there are just tiny fragments, which makes it very difficult, especially since these guys have no idea what they’re doing.) Leo falls into dispair and grows tired of searching for tech and wants to give up, while Casey wants to keep looking; so they fight, and split up, which is the first time they’ve been in their own, since they stuck together the entire time they were there. Tangent over, back to the fire 🔥
- They spend some time bitter but also worrying about each other. Meanwhile, the enemy clan has noticed that Leo is on his own now and has decided to take him out, cue housefire. Meanwhile, Casey decided to come back, realizing that they need to stick together, and while he’s not far from their house, he’s pacing back and forth, deep in thought, trying to figure out what he’s going to say to Leo and doesn’t notice the orange glow in the distance and the smoke rising from where their house is. When Casey runs through the woods towards the house he goes from the dark and calm woods to looking up at a raging inferno. He runs in and tries to get an unconscious Leo out, but part of the house collapsed and is pinning him down, with most of the weight on his right leg. With the flames closing in and the house filling up with smoke, Casey makes a heat of the moment decision and cuts off Leo’s leg at the knee (which wasn’t too hard since the bones were mostly reduced to shards.) He gets them both out alive (barely,) and manages to stop the bleeding. During the ordeal, Casey sustained many burns (but Leo not so much, the brunt of the flames hadn’t gotten to him, just the falling rubble,) mainly on his arms and back from shoving away the burning rubble.
Casey barely has time to breathe when he has to take Leo and make a run for it, since he can hear the enemy clan coming for them. Adrenaline is the main thing that gets him out of there, considering he’s trying to carry a still unconscious Leo on his back. He flees for who knows how long, trying tend to Leo’s wounds and being paranoid that he might die or that the enemies are still after them. Eventually, they come across an abandoned base, which becomes the home in that painting I did.
Leo pulled through, but Casey felt incredibly guilty about cutting his leg off, so he hyperfocuses on trying to make him a prosthetic which leads to:
- Casey made Leo’s prosthetic. I think that after a learning curve, he’d actually figure out how to make stuff out of the ancient tech, since he is kinda mechanically inclined in the show, with fixing cars and making himself gear and stuff.
He’d be running around putting himself in danger to find parts and worrying the hell out of Leo. But he’d have to constantly worry whenever he’s away that something might happen to Leo (who’s still at the base,) like he’s going to come home and find the place on fire.
- The boys have pets. This world has a domestic Horse-sized dog species. At some point, Casey finds a stray and brings it home, Leo disapproves but Casey does puppy-dog eyes and gets to keep it. But are you ready for the best kind of pet?
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Grabcrabs are very smart chihuahua-sized crab creatures and are the most common type of pet. They are child-like and very empathetic, as well as handy. Grabcrabs often have hobbies or jobs, and can be taught to do most things, but are not capable of language. Grabcrabs like accessories and normally wear something reflective of what they like to do. Grabcrabs are often helpers and therapy animals at places like hospitals (they wear little nurse hats.) A Grabcrab cannot be bought or chosen by a person, a Grabcrab chooses you. They can be very mischievous too, but never cause real harm because they feel bad when they do. They are pure little guys and it’s despicable to hurt a Grabcrab. The relationship to these little guys is different depending on what society they’re with; they can have genetic differences because when inside a city, their populations are mostly isolated, and their social roles can be different, with some cities even considering them equal to people while others even worship them.
At some point, they notice a little crab creature following them and after trying and failing to get him to go away, Casey names him Ricky and they now have a crab toddler. Ricky learns basic first aid, and he likes to garden so he has a little sun hat.
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Ricky is the best boi. He plays a big role in saving Leo from the fire. When Ricky saw that Leo was trapped, he ran out for help and alerted Casey to the fire by freaking out and running circles and tugging on his pant leg. And when Leo is alone at the new base, Ricky tries to stand guard with a little stick, but Casey eventually gives him a knife. Ricky loves mischief but is also very protective and caring
Ok enough Ricky, we need some angst:
- At some point, Casey gets kidnapped by the enemy clan and he is held prisoner / hostage for some time (a month or two maybe?) during which Leo is losing it. He is furious and will stop at nothing to find him. Over the time Casey is missing, Leo starts to fear that he’s already dead or that they’re hurting him (since these bad guys are very much evil assholes,) so when he finds the enemy base he rips that place up and goes on a rampage beating the crap out of everyone there. He finds Casey chained up in a cell with all his gear gone and in poor condition.
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After they escape, Leo takes care of him and he seems to be recovering before he takes a sudden turn for the worst. It was the point where he was walking around normally before he suddenly collapses. He gets very sick and gets close to the brink of death. He makes it but he gives Leo a good scare.
Random tidbits:
- the guys go on date night inside the cities, most often the restaurants or festivals. The cities hold different kinds of festivals yearly, and Casey drags Leo there.
- Casey is better with tech than Leo is.
- The way their house is depicted in that one painting I did it looks very peaceful. That’s because they’re above the treetops, but everything below is a jungle/forest hellscape. They have a massive barrier or electric fence of some kind surrounding their house to keep things out, specifically dangerous animals. In this world, the higher up you are, the safer you are, cities are often built high up in mountains or trees, although some take the other route and try to go underground instead. Most of the dangerous megafauna lives at sea level.
- around that world, you can find ancient remnants of various kinds of tech, mostly being giant destroyed mechs made for fighting. There are also rare labs and facilities that can be found (most are buried underground.) in these facilities is where most kinds of advanced tech can be found, as well as power source crystals (like the Kraang Crystals but smaller,) while the above-ground tech are mostly just rusted hunks of metal.
- the most peaceful times outside of the safe zones are the daytime, mainly early morning or afternoon. Night time is the most dangerous, with midday being close second, since most predators hunt at these times. Midday is also dangerous since it’s when the weather becomes the most extreme, with intense heat waves in the summer.
- Casey kept up his graffiti and now likes to do murals in their house.
- The jungles where they live have many Cenotes and underwater cave systems. The issue is that there is a species of vin that grows across these in a thick mat, covering them completely. It’s easy for someone who isn’t paying attention to fall through the vines and into a cave/cenote/pit, basically any hole in the ground, the boys fall into these a lot when they first get there.
I you have any questions or ideas, don’t hesitate let me know!
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foolinafable · 1 month
iv. genesis
SYNOPSIS: He doesn’t know how to love. You know this and yet you would still give everything just to be with him- even for just a moment. Or the story of how you and Keith finally get together. PAIRING: Keith Kogane x Altean reader WORD COUNT: 4.9k TAGS: Slowburn, Angst, extreme cannon compliance, fighting SERIES LINK: a love as cold as ours
── ✧
You aren't sure if this could get any worse, sat in the control room of the Castle of lions which has completely shut down because Shiro put in a kill protocol, Pidge was able to turn it off but the castle has lost significant power and the battle with Lotor is far from finished so you needed to keep your energy and strength.
Everything happened so fast, early on today you, Lotor and Allura had just made it into the quintessence field, all of your hard work had paid off and you were so happy and now- now you struggled to know how to feel. Your heart hurt from Lotors betrayal as he had become a very close friend, a brother almost in the time you spent together but you were sure that wasn't the only reason you were feeling this way. Keith's sudden return has sent you spiralling all the emotions you locked away after your confrontation during the Kral Vera have been thirsty to the surface leaving you upset and angry. It hurts you to know that while he was one of the most important people in your life he just saw you as a nuisance. You have come to terms with the idea that you did love him, it wasn't just some factless infatuation that went away when he did and even now when you would rather be face to face with Lotor than with him, deep down you still love him and you hate yourself for it greatly- I mean there is nobody else to blame it’s like he told you he can’t love and even if he could he really doesn't want to. You were stupid to think that maybe one day he would change his mind, especially for you of all people who he clearly just want to leave him alone.
“You still bleeding” Lance huffed from behind you, hand on your shoulder to make you aware of his presence, you simply turned to him in confusion eyebrows knitted together as he pointed to the nash on your forehead from when Shiro knocked you out your eyes brightened in recognition smiling in thanks but before you could get around to fixing yourself up Keith appeared on the comms, you averted your gaze when it seemed like he staring right at you and simply blocked him out as you used your powers to heal your forehead letting Lance and Allura take control of the situation- not that he would want your input anyway. You simply skimpier off towards the lions when he shows Lotor’s location to prepare yourself and the rest of the lions for another altercation not even bothering to say anything. 
You didn’t like Allura’s plan. Not one bit trapping Lotor in the quintessence field would probably not only kill him but also any chances of finding a permanent source of natural quintessence a clear way to bring peace to the Galaran empire and stop this war. If you break the entrance we would never be able to return meaning all the work put towards this would be for nothing. Alas, Allura was correct that this was the only way to stop Lotor. 
“Lotor will be here any second, what's the plan?” Pidge asked, looking at the destruction the lions had just created. 
“Well, the castle of lions has broken down. So there's no help there.” Allura spoke her thoughts aloud trying to find a pathway for the group. “The black lion isn't with us, so we can’t form Voltron. We are just going to need to do what we can” she finished sounding dejected.
“Got it, attempt to survive,” Pidge replied 
“Last time we fought Lotor, we had six ships and Lotor had two and he still kicked our butts. This time he has three ships while we have five ” Hunk reminded us you simply took a shaky breath before speaking  “Well it was never going to be easy”  while Lance, annoyed, responded “We don't have time for your maths equations hunk! Especially ones that result in us taking a beating” the rest of the team went quiet as Allura spoke to Coran. When you saw the three ships appear, you tried to control your breathing as they got closer and you tightened your hands on the lion's controls. 
“We need not fight today, We are all on the same side” you heard Lotor speak over the comms tears filling your eyes as you thought about everything he had done- all the innocent lives he had taken and found yourself quickly filling with rage at the idea that he would ever be on the same side as you again- if he ever truly was. “I know what you all must think of me now that you know my past. It doesn't have to change our future together. The truth is I want to harness the power of the quintessence field to better the universe, just like I said. Nothing has changed” you quickly interjected “Everything has changed” your voice so sharp you heard him inhale in shock.
“You enslaved countless Alteans harnessing their life source for your personal gain. How many innocent lives did you destroy?” Allura raged at him “Allura-” he tried to interject but she didn't let him “How many?” 
“It’s true many alteans perished in my quest to unlock the mysteries of the quintessence. But I protected thousands more, and I rescued their culture- our culture. Both of you must understand I've given everything I have to plumb the depths of King Alfor’s knowledge, to unlock the mysteries of Oridane. We have come too far together, surely you can see the greatness we have accomplished and the greatness we have yet to. Join me, we are on the same side.” 
“No, we're not!” Allura roared as she sent a laser beam towards Lotors ship which he quickly dodged. You braced yourself knowing that now the real battle was about to begin. 
Everything was a blur, Lotor’s words afterwards and Alluras bites the only words echoing in your head were his “destroy the lions” the way he said it so easily, as if it was of no consequence to him and maybe it wasn't but it sent you spiralling barely able to dodge incoming attacks from Lotor and his generals and consistently missing your targets. You knew Coran was able to get the castle working but only due to it nearly crashing into you and Lance. Lotor was constantly trying to hit you and Allura raged in a way you had never seen before something crazed in the way he spoke about ridding of you all even the galra a fact that shocked not just you but also his generals who tried to escape when learning of his plans only to be ejected from there ships leaving them in space while the ships joined knot his to create a large robot similar to that of Voltron.   
“What is that thing?” Pidge questioned as the five of you looked up at the robot “he's created his own voltron.” Lance spoke your thoughts aloud 
“That is why he was using us- using me” Allura concluded 
“We helped him build this” you announced shock evident in your voice 
“Well the good news is it’s now four on one” Hunk spoke recalling his earlier words but before any more words could be spoken Lotor came rushing towards the group
 “Watch out” Allura shouted as you all quickly tried to disperse but he was too quick catching you and Lance with the robot’s fingers sending you flying and whipping Hunk backwards with its tail, Pidge tried to fire at the robot but it quickly dodged 
“it’s way faster than us” she hollered out as you all tried to get a hit in before being quickly body-slammed by the robot. Coran was able to get a shot in from the castle of lions but Lotor quickly sent one back sending the ship into a panic 
“Impossible, Lotor’s weapon has completely repelled the castle's attack!” Pidge screamed,
 “Coran shoot it with the cannon again!” Lance pleaded
 “I can’t” Coran replied the ship was now completely out of action 
“Pidge get out of his line of sight!” Lance screamed as she nearly got hit only for you to push her lion out of the way with your own causing the rest of them to scream your name in worry as you let out pained noises “What are you doing?” Lance shouted at you as you moved once again into Lotors sight in the hope he would hit you again 
“If I can absorb enough of his power-” you stopped to grunt in pain as he hit you again “I might be able to give it back” Lance made a noise of confusion
 “What do you mean- you going to get yourself killed” as he tried to move you lion away with his own
 “I gave his ship the ability to do this so I must be able to do it myself” is all you replied as you once again moved towards Lotor
 “but it's not safe” Lance pleaded 
“What other choice do we have- just sit around and let him destroy us all?” you shouted back when a choked gasp came from you once you were hit again sending you flying forward your  head hitting the console of your ship, you simply gritted your teeth as the team called out to you in worry but they were quickly all grunting and screaming themselves as Lotor locked onto them 
“We can’t take this much longer!” Allura shouted fear evident in her tone while Hunk was shouting for Lance as he went flying from Lotor’s impact. Before you could gather enough energy to send something his way all the lions had shut down, seemingly unable to fight any longer and the paladins were completely out of options
. “It didn’t need to end like this, but you have made your choice” Lotor spoke as he went to deal the final blow when the black lion finally appeared- it seemed that the fight was far from over. 
“Keith, how did you get here so fast?” Lance questioned, clearly astonished 
“I had some help” was all he replied “Now hurry we don’t have much time. Form voltron!” Keith quickly sent a space pod with Shiro's body inside towards the castle “Coran you’ve got incoming” and he couldn’t have gotten Shiro away at a better time as Lotor quickly sent a blast towards Voltron but Lance and Pidge quickly activated the shield protecting you from the blast “Hunk form canon” Keith commanded 
“You’ve got it” the yellow paladin grunted as he activated his weapon, sending a blast towards the Lotor who quickly moved out of its path even as the laser chased him not once did it hit his robot. 
“He’s too fast!” Lance called out alarmed 
“Then we will have to get in close, form a sword” Keith responded, his voice sounding raspier from all the shouting. You quickly formed the sword and in retaliation, Lotor’s robot formed its own swords, one for each hand and came bounding towards Voltron causing the robot to move backwards due to Lotor’s robot’s momentum swords clashing against each other like a moth drawn to a flame. Lotor sent you all flying back with a whip of his robot's tail as Pidge called out
 “We can’t touch him, he's still too fast!”
“We need to stop him moving around, back him into a corner or something” Hunk strategised 
“Hunk is right, we need to eliminate his speed advantage, and limit his movements” Keith agrees. You all turned your heads to take notice of a large asteroid to the left of you “There” Keith announced as you flew towards it hoping the curvature of the rock would allow you to trap Lotor within “Now we lure him in close” and luckily Lotor took the bait following you right into the trap sending a blast towards you which you used the shield to block pushing you into the rock below solidifying your position and his continuous blasts caused the area to fill with ash from the rocks making him unable to see you anymore, he circled back trying to attack from behind “wait for him” Keith spoke softly as you heard him getting closer from behind the rock “let him build up speed” you could hear the whirring of his engine get louder and faster “Now!” Keith screamed as you moved the Voltron as quickly as you could as Lotor crashed into the rock from behind leaving an explosion of ash in his way. Before he could realise what was happening you quickly threw Voltron in front of him firing both arm cannons right the robot’s body sending him crashing backwards as the middle of the asteroid caved in due to the weight and power.
“Where'd he go?” Hunk questions when you look into the hole as you see nothing. You all move the robot around looking for him when Pidge calls out worriedly 
“he’s behind us!”
Keith, quick to take action, calls out “Hunk, Hit him with the shoulder cannon!” to which the yellow paladin responds before preparing a blast “Fire” Keith called out as Hunk sent the shot but as it got closer to Lotor he disappeared. 
“Did we get him?” Lance questioned 
“I don't know” Hunk responds hastily 
“I think we got him” Lance smiled 
“It looked like he just disappeared” Pidge spoke eyebrows furrowing in confusion
“Yeah! We got him!” Lance sounded out overjoyed
“I’m not so sure” Allura complained 
“That was too easy, that can’t be it” you spat out hand whirling with ideas of where he could've gone and how you heard Keith make a noise of unease through the comms as your head turned to the side when you saw a hole open up with Lotor inside as he quickly sent a punch towards Voltron sending you flying back a strange purple hue surrounding his spaceship. 
“Is everyone okay” Keith grunts as he tries to recover from falling backwards into a rock
“How is he moving so fast?” Pidge interrupts 
“We’ve gotta get up and attack” Keith responds sending Voltron hurtling back towards him but he disappeared again before you could get close 
“Okay, so that time we definitely didn't get him” Lance says confused but before anyone else could speak you gasped out as Lotor appeared once again sending you backwards and then again appeared behind you sending another hit to the robot and then another causing you all to grunt in pain as he kept hitting you around like a ball on a ping pong table expect he was the only player. He disappeared again, not immediately coming back when Hunk next spoke “How can he keep disappearing like that?” to which Allura responded clearly shaken up “He is, entering the quintessence field- at will!” causing you to take a shocked intake of breath while the other continued to question her idea “how is able to do it?: you heard Pidge chime to which you responded “I gave his ships the ability didn't I?” to which Allura sighed telling everyone that you were correct but before anything could be said Allura grunted as Lotor reappeared sending the ship backwards as you stayed the ship the shield quickly had to be activated as Lotor sent an extremely powerful blast towards you, much stronger than the ones previous sending the robot backwards due its sheer power causing a large explosion completely knocking down Voltron before disappearing once again into what you now released what the quintessence field.
“We have to go after him” Keith spoke clearly exhausted “Getting power from the quintessence is the only way we can match his strength”
“Can we do that” the yellow paladin questioned
“If he can, so can Voltron right?” Pidge asked you 
“My father did it once, but it was extremely dangerous” Allura called out
“Well I don’t think we have much of a choice princess” you called out 
“There right allura, we have to try” Keith agreed with you sending annoyance to curl up into your being but now isn't the time to be upset- you could be upset if you make it out alive.
“I might be able to guide us in, but I don’t think I’m powerful enough” Allura concluded 
“Then I will do it just tell me what to do” you replied solemnly hoping that you were strong enough for this, that Alfor was correct to keep you alive in that sleeping pod instead of himself. 
“I will need everyone to focus their energy” Allura commanded “while you need to picture the quintessence field” You closed your eyes quickly picturing the abyss you had seen only hours prior when you could feel the energy of the paladins right next to you, guiding you. You opened your eyes as a bright light appeared “Form sword” you heard Allura call out as you flew towards the light hitting it in the centre with your sword causing light to reflect everywhere as the hole grew, your vision clouded in the brightness. 
You could hear the astonishment of the paladins as you began to open your eyes, in disbelief that you were here- the quintessence field “I did it” you mumbled to yourself in relief but before you could bask in the beauty of the area you saw him, standing opposite you in the field, swords drawn both robots flew towards each other ready to engage in another battle purple meeting blue once more as the robots fought against one another. 
“We took a major shot, but I feel fine” Pidge comments to which Allura responded 
“All this quintessence is keeping us at full power” a comment that made you still worry
 “It’s more than that, can you hear your lions talking to you?” Keith asks and he was right you could feel your lion purring in the back of your head commanding you on what to do “Voltron is capable of more than we imagined” he finished sending a laser towards Lotors ship while your hands and body were buzzing with power glowing even without you thinking about it an idea that amazed you but also made a feeling of dread appear in my stomach but you weren't sure why. But you didn’t have enough time to voice it as Lotor came rushing back “Attack!” Keith shouted and you went flying back into him sending shot after shot at him but you felt as if time was going too fast, barely able to keep up with what the other paladins were doing, a fog seeding to haze over your mind as your body began shaking and flinching. 
“Let's end this!” you heard Pidge scream
“Finish him!” Lance responded 
“Let's destroy that guy!” Hunk exclaimed 
“We have to get out here!” you heard Allura shout as she called out your name in worry at your lack of response while the other paladins sounded out confusion at her words
 “What are you talking about” Keith asked 
“This is exactly what happened to Zarkon! Exposure to all the quintessence turned him into a monster!” Allura shouted 
“She's right” you spoke breathlessly a lot quieter than normal “There’s too much of it everything- I don't know how much longer we have” but before anyone could question you more you heard Lotor’s voice calling out mockingly “Poor alteans, all the power of the universe at your fingertips and your too afraid to use it!” then he flew towards you again 
“They are right we are out of control” Lance stated 
“All our systems are overloaded” Pidge called out 
“I know the feeling” you grunted out as the power signed through your body your sensitivity to quintessence was greater due to your power
“Here comes Lotor” Keith warned as you flew Voltron away from him now trying to escape him rather than fight him. 
“How do we stop this?” Hunk questioned 
“We give Lotor all the power he wants” Allura concluded as she pulled Voltron backwards to face him. 
“All this excess energy, I will just give it to him” you called out to paladins blocking away any of their worries as you closed your eyes and focused on the power within you, the connection to your lion caused you to also channel the burning power exceeding from Voltron causing a large beam to shoot out of lion chest right into Lotor robot that was still trying to inch closer to you, as the blast died down you could see Lotors robot was down sizzling and defeated as the haziness withdrew from your being, no longer shaking from all the quintessence your body was trying channel.
“Let's grab Lotor and get out of here” Keith announced as the alarms blared within the robot 
“No, we can’t! We need to leave now” Pidge responded and she was right there was only a matter of time before the quintessence got too much again
“We have to try!” Allura pleaded 
“Pidge is right, if we stay in here much longer and Voltron is done for” Hunk announced when a large crackle of energy hit Voltron sending you all groaning in pain 
“But we can't just leave him!” Allura argued as the ship was starting to sway electricity jolts electrocuting you all 
“Allura we have to go now” Lance pleaded 
“There isn't anything we can do for him anymore Allura” you spoke guilt wracking your voice that you were going to leave him here to die, a man you thought of even still as a brother
“Lotor made his choice. Let's get out of here Allura” Keith reasoned and Voltron finally moved away from him blasting out of the quintessence field through the hole you had created. 
“If we had stayed in the quintessence field, we would've kept fighting until we destroyed ourselves” Allura theorised “Just like Lotor.” 
“What did you do to him?” Keith asked you, his face appearing on your comms but you refused to look at him. “I transferred all the excess energy from myself and Voltron, it’s a technique I learned on Oridane, thanks to Lotor.”
“Thank you, you saved us” Lace replied solemnly as you stared at all the holes Lotor left into the quintessence field “Not just us, the entire universe” Hunk concluded as the castle of lions drew closer behind you “Oh! Your back” Coran declared relieved 
“Lotor is no longer a threat” Keith spoke mournfully 
“Right I’m afraid we face a bigger threat now” Coran began “All of Lotors jumping in and out of the quintessence field has created multiple growing rifts in the fabric of space and time”
“What does that mean?” Lance questioned dejectedly 
“It means unless we do something fast, those tears will continue to expand until all of existence as we know it has been destroyed” Pidge answered
“There has to be something we can do” Keith announced and he was right everything couldn't end here 
“Scanning the rift for any strand refabrication possibilities” Pidge announced 
“I’m running a few different models to see if there's any chance it can close on its own” Hunk added but both came up empty-handed. 
“How long do we have?” Keith asked 
“Well based on the way those rifts are expanding I’d say about 15 doboshes” Coran theorised 
“Allura, is there anything either of you can do?” Lance questioned
“I don’t know” Allura started “I just don’t have that alchemical knowledge” 
“The only thing that could possibly pull that rift close would be a source of gravity more powerful than a supermassive black hole” Pidge called out 
“Allura, Coran” you spoke hesitantly as an idea was brought forth into your mind “The teleduv” 
“What about it?” Keith questioned 
“They’re right, to make wormhole jumps, the teleduv creates a brief flash of infinite mass. There might be a way I can overload the reactor to seal the rifts. If one of the flashes went off on the rift it may be enough to close it- do the job” Coran answered for you and despite him not being able to see you you smiled slightly in thanks, glad to know your idea wasn't crazy and that you didn't need to speak to him more than you needed to. 
“But that would mean, sacrificing the castle of lions” Hunk realised gloomily
“Well, what choice do we have? Either way, the castle would be wiped out.” Pidge reminded him
“But still” Hunk began pausing for a moment in contemplation “it’s been our home”
“I hate to say goodbye to my grandfather’s creation” Coran called out wistfully “The last piece of the real altea”
“That's not completely true- we are the last pieces of altea coran don’t forget that” you attempted to comfort the older man
“Coran begin preparations” Allura called out “Everyone else start unloading the castle, we need to evacuate immediately” You quickly transformed back into the lions and made your way for the last time into the hangers collecting items as you made your way into your rooms and other various location surround the castle collecting personal items but also weapons and technology that you could need. Subconsciously you tried to stay out of Keith’s way just in case he tried to speak to you. The idea of having a conversation with him makes your throat feel tight and a pit arises in your stomach, your body trying to warn you away from him for safety, something it used to draw you towards him. Luckily he seemed disinterested in speaking with you at this moment, very busy clearing up and getting Shiro situated with his mother and space wolf within his lion. You stood with Coran as he said goodbye to the castle waiting with him before he entered your lion with you “Goodbye old friend” he called out as he initiated the teleduv before running with you to your lion and then rushing out the way with the rest of lions praying that this would work you looked at him with tears in your eyes as he touched your shoulder going to hold his hand as he stared at you with the same pain in his eyes. You all grunted at the impact of the rift closing before it all disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.
“It worked” Hunk called out cheerfully 
“You did it Coran” Allura called out over comms as you looked at him again smiling sadly at him 
“And look” Hunk commented going closer to a blue light where the castle once was 
“What is it?” Keith asked 
“It’s a diamond” Hunk responded as his lion opened its mouth to take the crystal “The pressure crushed the castle of lions into this little crystal” You all smiled that the castle survived into something that Coran would always have- his grandfather's last surviving creation far from gone.
“Well, we saved all realties everywhere, what do you guys wanna do now?” Lance questioned glum 
“We need to find someplace to land,” Keith began, “and see if there is some way we can help Shiro.” so you all went flying forward looking for somewhere safe. 
You landed on some sort of destroyed rocky planet and got Shiro out of the healing pod, Keith lay him on the ground as you all looked at him woefully “This body is barely living but Shiro’s spirit is still alive. It’s inside the Black lion, I've heard him talk to me.” Keith told you all
“He-he tried to tell me but I didn’t realise” Lance realised falling to his knees as tears shed from his eyes “I’m so sorry Shiro. I-I didn’t know. I- I could’ve-” Lance sobbed feeling defeated as you came up behind him to try and comfort him but he only stopped crying once Allura came up to the two of you grabbing your hand and moving you towards Shiro and the black lion while she touched Lance’s shoulder with the other, you immediately understood what she knew you could do. You quickly connected with the black lion, hands glowing as you did, the black lion outlined in your purple quintessence as it’s eyes glowed. Your body quickly became purple like the lion as it transferred Shiro's soul to you. You walked towards Shrio’s hands on his head as you began to transfer his soul into this body, the glow transferring to him making his hair go white. Everyone held a berated breath as they waited for something, anything to happen and then his eyes opened- Shiro was alive. He quickly sat up coughing before he once again collapsed into Keith but the black lion roared in happiness causing the rest of the lions to roar in response causing a smile to grace your face as the others cheered and cried. “You found me” you heard Shiro speak quietly to Kieth using all his strength “We’re glad you’re back Shiro” was all he replied while Allura came up to you “Rest,” she said directed at Shiro but you knew from how her eyes drifted to you it was meant for you also, she could take it from here for the time being. 
“So what are we going to do?” Hunk questioned “The castles been destroyed” 
“There is only one place that has the plans necessary to build a replacement” Pidge announced “Coran gave them to my dad” 
“We’re going home.” Keith announced.
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odysseys-blood · 17 days
ive been having fun looking through the cards on the intimacy page and seeing what all i can understand/intepret from them and i just wanna ramble a bit about each so thats going under the cut (currently i have owyn, delos, xiel, mishe and heigl so just them until i get the others. also a little bit spoilery ofc)
no particular order so starting w/ mishe
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his has the most obvious pieces i think. cityscape with a clock tower when he was raised in one after being taken in by his grandfather. books on shelves surrounding him because thats how he preferred to live etc etc. i think the stars in the inner circle could represent the sky that he loved to watch at the top of the tower during the evenings dotted with stars with everything still and calm. * i think what im most interested in is the outer ring (w/ the zodiac symbols) bc it looks a little like a magic circle and might be a nod to where he was originally from also hes got a very calm and neutral pose but i dont think theres much to glean from that
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even with how much time has passed and heigl knowing his wife is dead and gone it still looks like hes waiting for her. which is funny considering her name which i have been ao sad about for days. If you didnt know, her name was Laica (which im sure is supposed to be said like laika. yknow the dog that was sent to space on a one way trip) and she left one day (on their anniversary no less) and didnt come home. but hes still there and he looks like hes thinking hard, probably about all the time he missed spending with her in favor of work. theres ofc also the gravestones at the bottom and the candles for a vigil. also did a quick look because i noticed the roses in his hand and scattered around the edges, and 3 (in his hand) can mean "i love you" and 8 (around the borders) can be a symbol of appreciation. also the roses in the border look like theyre on textile and from his backstory laica seemed to enjoy sewing and knitting.
ok from here i have a bit less to say/its a lot less concrete continuing:
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owyn's looks the most peaceful to me tbh. out of all of the ones ive seen hes the only one thats smiling and seemingly content. what i will point out though are two things: one being the eagle, which im wondering is just a bird he might know or if its the one that was the messenger between helsinf and whoever it was that was warning him about people pursuing beastmen like owyn, and the other being the flowers in the border. unlike with heigl's theyre kind og hidden behind the border designs which feels to me like it represents his past with experimentation (and from what i can tell it was probably experiments eith the vialis curse). i wonder if he still thinks about it at all
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i think the first thing i noticed is just how. empty delos' feels. like its still just as elaborate as the others so i dont mean that it LOOKS empty..but it FEELS like it is. despite how confidently he appears for the most part in the actual story here it looks like hes trying to hide. he doesn't want to be seen and i think its a mix of not wanting to take on his father's duty as the zarketh yet (mix of not feeling worthy of the role as well as feeling that if he takes it then its the same as writing off his father as dead which u see in the current event) plus feeling shame for not being the protector he swore he would be even if nothing that happened to his family is his fault. because at the end of the day he was supposed to be there for them no ifs ands or buts. and while the ocean is an important part of zarcove and a symbol of it i think you could also take it for the feeling of him drowning in his own insecurities and grief and lonliness
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i forgot who i saw point it out or if it was on here or twit ill look late but i really didnt notice at first that he isnt smiling. i guess bc it looks so close to his actual sprite and he has a small smile there but it rly is a blink-and-you-miss-it detail i like. honestly to me his feels a bit empty like delos' just instead that "emptiness" is filled w/ a pretty background that screams opulence but like. it means little to him because thats just what he was expected to inherit. honestly while it has a church look to it (which i wouldnt understand much rn how that would fit in anyways i havent unlocked his last room) it does also remind me of a bird cage a little and i wonder if the floating pages have anything to do with all of the books and general entertainment he just couldn't have while growing up
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tweakerist · 7 months
I'm reading your new fic and like, every sentence is just so mesmerising. I'm trying to get better at writing lately so I've been really paying attention to all the fics i read and your writing is just phenomenal. that sounds so dramatic but like, every sentence starts and ends differently and never really starts with he/she/they (something I'm terrible for) like you say things in the most incredibly unique way without sounding like a try hard. like you take words that everyone knows but you use them differently and we're all like wow how did they do that.
'There's a napkin in his hand, extending across the table, before Tweek can start wiping his dirty hand on his knitted sweater and having to walk around school with his clothes dirty until the last bell'
LIKE WHAT?? it would've been so easy to say 'craig passed tweek a napkin' but you did thattt. im only about 200 words in but your crazy and a brilliant writer and i hope u know that honestly
literally got tears in my eyes reading this im not making it up thank you so much for appreciating my writing you don't know how much it means to me :') ive been writing (in spanish) since i was very young and i was constantly frustrated because i felt like i wasn't as good as someone i knew who also made fun of my stuff, but instead of quitting i just started writing in english to avoid his mocking. i put all i have in my heart into everything i write, no matter how short or silly it might be, and i do it because i love it more than anything, writing has always been my biggest passion but apprehension usually kept me from sharing anything i wrote for a long time. it wasn't until i got into this fandom that i decided to work to lose my fear of posting my work because i felt like i belonged and that at least one person would appreciate it. every single comment and kudo means the world to me, but this particular one just drove straight to my heart and i will cherish it forever. thank you so so much.
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man. thinking about how the survivors all desperately need new hobbies
like. okay. sonia’s a great example. off the top of your head what are her hobbies? probably learning about and researching true crime and the occult, and watching j-dramas/anime, right? but if you really think about it, her fascination with japanese culture very much feels like her just desperately wanting to fit in and massively overcompensating. so while i do think she probably enjoys those shows, theyre definitely not as popular in her kingdom as she claims (not that im saying she’s lying on purpose, just that. well, when you feel embarrassed about someones reaction to you liking something, sometimes you’ll try to make an excuse for why you do yknow), and plus, its not like they have access to a lot of entertainment media for a while post program. as for the occult/true crime stuff…
look me in the eye and tell me junko did not use that against her. do you really think junko enoshima would not see a girl obsessed with the study of serial killers and not try and warp that into a fascination with her?
i think that stuff leaves a bad taste in her mouth now. and after committing and being complicit in the committing of the kind of crimes she used to be fascinated by, its kind of hard to find the joy in that anymore, yknow? the occult stuff could maybe still be enjoyable, but with how often it feels like there are ghosts lurking around every fucking corner and her dreams are filled with screaming corpses its kinda hard to be fanciful about that stuff.
so. girl needs some new hobbies.
its not much better for the others, either. akanes hobbies were basically working out, doing parkour, eating, and sleeping. the first two are downright impossible for the first several months after waking up, and for the foreseeable future any kind of physical activity is going to be, to an extent, difficult just due to how much chronic pain and weakness she’ll probably suffer the rest of her life. she can get to a healthier weight and a stronger muscular build, but its not going to change the fact that she gets out of breath and sore much faster than before. as for eating… well. thats gonna be a sore subject for a while. so all she has left is sleeping, and sleeping all day is, as ive been told by many people, kind of a depression symptom? and theres no way the others would sit back and let her do that.
girl needs some new hobbies!
kazuichi, from what we can tell, had a few more normal hobbies. in game you can find him gaming with chiaki, and he seems to enjoy coming up with schemes and plans for silly stuff, but overall he just loves his tinkering. he may be the ultimate mechanic but first and foremost he just loves fucking with machines and engines and finding out what makes them tick. but even that isnt gonna work anymore. sure, he could game. if they had any fucking consoles. or a working computer network. or any games. but none of that is happening for a while, if ever. as for his tinkering, it’s gotta be a similarly sore subject to sonia’s training and tutoring as a princess. its too closely linked to what he did as a despair, too closely linked to his talent, to not make him feel like screaming when he smells machine polish. i think he definitely could get back to a point where it genuinely brings him joy again, and before that he definitely forces himself to use his talent and knowledge because they need it, but. its a complicated problem.
the guy needs some new fucking hobbies.
and of course… fuyuhiko.
fuyuhiko… doesnt have any hobbies.
like okay can you think of a single thing from the game (or fuck even the anime) that implies that he has anything he actually does For Fun. he has a sweet tooth. hes dedicated to his clan. he went to the zoo with peko one time. he got in fights at school. thats… those arent hobbies. fuyuhiko doesnt have any hobbies!!! someone get this boy some fucking knitting needles or a book to read!!!! please!!!!!!!!!! i think it would genuinely help him a lot to have something to do instead of just sitting and stewing in his own trash fire of a brain speaking from experience. learn to sew, read some fantasy novels, learn to play the guitar, something. im begging you.
and hajime is his own fucking can of worms.
he probably had hobbies before the Horrors. right? he probably played some video games, maybe liked martial arts films, maybe sketched in the margins of his notebooks. rode his bike sometimes. but now? nothing keeps his interest that long. everything becomes monotonous after a while, and sure, sometimes thats the draw. with stuff like fiber crafts the point is sometimes making it muscle memory so you have something to do with your hands. but other times its not. and his ability to basically excel in most things you put in front of him has to be so fucking boring after a while. a lot of the point of having hobbies is that you arent perfect. the draw is learning, is getting better. even reading can become nothing when any nonfiction book has knowledge in it you already know and any fiction book you can intuit the ending from the first few pages. he probably reads Lightning Fast now too, so it cant hold his interest for long.
he probably has to constantly be switching hobbies and outlets. cant stay on one thing too long, or the ennui starts to set in. that sounds miserable.
someone get these kids some hobbies, man
#personal#meta#danganronpa#sdr2#neo survivors#MAN. YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW MISERABLE THE SURVIVORS ARE AT FIRST#BECAUSE I DO!!!!!!#personally i think sonia gets into painting. i think its fun if she specifically gets into mural painting#and starts decorating the facilities walls#i think she also gets really into helping build stuff and working with her hands because she never did that as a princess!!!#fuyuhiko i think gets into fiber crafts. specifically i could see him doing embroidery and shit#and reading. i think he develops a very embarrassing love of romance novels#but mostly he likes detective and mystery fiction yknow#kaz of course figured out how to make tinkering work for him again. he has to#but i think they also get into like. soldering as an art thing too#sculpture and stuff!!#and they and sonia are both really into fashion stuff so when the foundation sends them more clothes#and more materials#they both go ham making new clothes and outfits and shit#the two of them both learning how to sew <3 bonding experience.#akane definitely also figures out a way to get working out to work again. just slightly different from before#more stretching and stuff. i think she could also benefit from some meditation techniques! maybe she gets into yoga#and of course when they all finally get shipments of movies and tv shows from before the tragedy they all eat that shit UP#OH and akane LOVES taking care of the animals. like yeah a lot of them are probably gonna end up getting eaten eventually#and she definitely is a benefitter of that. but that doesnt mean she cant care for them now!!!#she takes point on feeding and caring for their livestock and chickens and stuff <3#hajime of course. uh. jumps around. he does a lot of stuff.#anything to keep the darkness at bay ykwim!!!! haha#i do think he reads. and i think he does do art too because even if you have the ultimate artist in you#its always gonna turn out a little different
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mulligansstuff · 2 months
I was gonna make the suggestion that if possible to extort the character models to Blender to get a proper hight figured out. Game theory did something similar then they were trying to figure out how big Whalelord the pokemon really is or if it’s lighter then air…. But upon rewatch they already had the preestablished hight and weight to work with then it comes to mathing out the volume and mesh of a character model, and Inky’s design doesn’t exactly allow much room for simplicity rip
The ink demon being crouching as well in his character model doesn’t make things the easiest thing either. Hard to blame the guy those giant horns and his huge stature already in general make it already difficult for him to traverse old cramped office spaces
Idk if extorting both Inky’s and Audrey’s character model to be side by side is possible for an accurate comparison? Like if that doesn’t work… there’s always like finding items that will always have a certain size to them
like idk if that “submarine” door could work for that maybe? Like the first place we see the ink demon in person bridging chapter 1 and 2. Sorry I couldn’t think of anything more helpful rn :(
Knitted demon spawn
That’s very helpful actually, thank you!
Ive been wanting to do something like this! I have no clue where to start but I want to learn how really really bad. I think it would be extremely helpful with my sculpting hobby too!
How hard can it be to figure it out though? Tiz what the internet is for! I’m going to do some digging into this and see how hard it would be to export the models.
I’m on a mission now to draw an accurate size chart not just a rough estimate.
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6ftkyle · 1 year
not really sp related but what got you into crocheting? is there any other types of crafts that you do or would like to do? :3
ive always been interested in it, esp amigurumi in particular, but i had a very hard time self-teaching. i had also at some point when i was younger tried to teach myself to knit and i could NOT figure it out, so for years i just assumed yarn crafts and i were not meant to be. i could figure out how to chain but i really couldn't get any further than that.
but in late 2019, i started having dinner with my grandma once a week, and to give us something to do after i cooked for us, i asked if she'd teach me to crochet. she's taught other family members and friends, and i thought maybe i'd learn better with a live demo and someone to tell me what i was doing wrong. she taught me the basics, i got really into making simple blankets when the pandemmy hit in 2020, and then i fell out of it pretty quick.
then earlier this year, i decided to get back into it on kind of a whim. i had a lot more free time and i bought a kit for making a crocheted flamingo, figuring it could help me learn now that i knew the basics. it did NOT! it was more confusing that guides i had seen online.
but i realized i had never bothered trying to watch a youtube tutorial for it, which is like, almost embarrassing, because i am learning shit from youtube all the time. i watched and crocheted along with this video
and was able to make a successful ball and from there i just went nuts. i was able to finish the flamingo (a gift for my mom, flamingos are her ~mom animal~) and found the aradiyatoys south park patterns and decided to give them a go as something to keep me busy while mal was at work when i was visiting them. i'd kind of like to redo them now that i'm better at crochet, but the last thing mal needs is duplicates of stuff ive already made orz
as for other crafts i do, i was doing figure painting on 3d printed guys for a while, as well as bedazzling them (where my icon comes from, actually), but i haven't touched that in a while. i also have a button press ive been getting a lot of use out of lately and i like to make keychains with shrink plastic (be kind, my art is 4 years old here). for a short while i was doing shaker keychains with resin as well. i also took a studio art class where i learned how to make paper, do embossing/debossing and how to carve plaster. i would LOVE to do another plaster carving but i don't have the materials at home.
i do this thing where i fall in love with a craft, get deeply obsessed with it for a few weeks, then see a youtube tutorial for something else and move on to a new craft. the fact that ive stuck with crochet this long, is a bit of a surprise to me, but im just very deeply in love with it right now and i think its here to stay for a while.
im also adept at sewing plushes! and i'd like to get back to that, i haven't sewn anything in a long time (i dont even have any examples of my plush work to show, it's been that long 😭) but first i need to reorganize my work space so i have room to lay out fabrics and cut them. i have a couple projects i'd really like to sew, but i need to figure out the pattern for them first.
im also upping the level of detail i can get on my crochet dolls, by incorporating needle felting! my friend sent me this video and while i'm not felting over entire dolls like this, it's been a godsend for adding small details. i'm working on a commission with tiger striping right now and needle felting has completely changed how i decided to approach that project and it looks much better for it.
i've always deeply respected crafting, and i LOVE to see people doing fandom related crafts. like don't get me wrong, i also deeply respect illustrators and authors, but there's something really uniquely special to me about seeing someone channel their love of a piece of media into crafts that are written off as like 'granny activities'.
for crafts i'd like to learn, i am so so so into the idea of customizing dolls. it's basically an amalgamation of a lot of crafts and skills i've already done, and at the end of it i'd have a dolly of my special little guys (i am constantly rotating the idea of making a doll of my next gen oc CC. shes so special to me). i did 3d print a doll and string it. i got as far as making & inserting the eyes and making a wig cap, but i never finished the wig because i lost my straightener so i can't make wefts for it.
as of right now, i'm really only focused on crochet though! it's my income at the moment, so i can't afford (literally haha) to get distracted from it
a huge thank you and a lot of love to anyone who actually sat there and read thru this whole thing lmao. i love crafting so so so much and i am always willing to talk about it with anyone who will listen. esp other crafters! please show me your crafts, show me your wips, tell me about your processes, i cannot emphasize how much i love hearing about it all.
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ofdetonation · 1 year
@starshinc ╱ from here. ( moving to beta ! )
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how ironic that he speaks of deku and he appears. he looks worse for wear, if anything ╱ beaten and bruised, one hand in a cast and numerous bandages elsewhere, it's a surprise that he managed to drag himself out of whatever room they had him in to come here. ( and right when he thought that deku not showing up was a miracle. figures ; he did always like to prove him wrong. ) he'd snap at the other boy, scorning his presence, only to ⸺
ah. cold nose, light thwacking on the side of the bed. dog ? his mind recalls there being a dog with them, though the memories are locked behind a fog and trying to dig into it only makes that fog worse. carmine glances down to the animal. golden retriever, clearly happy to be saying hello ...
katsuki raises his brow at first before very slowly turning his palm to let the dog sniff him properly, hesitantly moving to pet through the long fur. he doesn't quite recall the dog's name ╱ he swears he heard it before, but it falls flat and never leaves his mouth, lost to the recesses of his fractured and fogged mind. but the fur is soft. and he seemed unscathed, which might explain his instant approach, even while everyone else keeps their distance from him.
when he lifts his gaze to izuku again, he watches the fingerspelling, brows knitting together with a scowl crossing his face. what ⸺ ?
he remembers izuku speaking, however brief. it's hard to remember the exact tone, the inflections, but he could've sworn that the boy actually spoke ; so why was he signing now ? some way of taunting him ? his headspace flicks between two scenarios ╱ on one hand, it tells him that izuku has always been like that and it's annoying but bearable ... but the other, it says that the boy just wants to rub it in further, laughing behind closed doors at his misery and enjoying the irony that it was him to get the blond back. he can't discern the truth.
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❝ why the hell do you care, huh ? ❞ katsuki feels horrible. he's sick to his stomach, absence of his quirk leaving a void, mind torn in two while everyone stares like he doesn't belong ⸺ and maybe he doesn't. but he didn't want scrutiny from strangers. ❝ tch. you're just actin' cocky 'cause you know i ain't got a way outta these restraints and no way to take out this stupid goddamn ⸺ ugh ! ❞
he tugs at his restraints, glare turning to the iv in his arm. he hates this. he hates being here. he hates that deku's just ... standing there, mockingly so.
❝ so gloat all you want, deku. go on ! sign it. tell me all about how you're the self-sacrificing little brat who had to come save my ass instead of lettin' the pros do their job. tell me all about how that makes you just as much a hero as the rest of us with our quirks, stage is yours. ❞
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sunnysheep · 2 years
played around with a stick and puck for the first time ever today!!
so i checked out a new rink (as one does), and the open skate ended up being a few older guys who like to shoot pucks around and stuff. they bring out a net and those cool bumper pass things and some cones and pucks, and so i was like puck!! puck!! puck!! and was kicking around a puck in the corner having the time of my life, and this one guy was like "hey, do you want to try my stick?" and i was like omg yes pls
so then i tried his stick and i was like this is so cool and so he went found me a stick from the lost and founds (wayy too short like it was definitely made for kids) and!! it was amazing!!
dudebro chatted with me about stickhandling and taught me how to pass - so cool!! like i can't say how excited i was!! these men were so friendly and so nice and inclusive and i loved it!! like it was apparently a pretty tightly-knit group without many newcomers and they were so welcoming!
i've been on the fence about trying out playng hockey because it's such a big investment to get all the gear to even try having a puck and stick in hand (all the rinks ive been to require full equipment to even be on the ice with a puck so ive never gotten the chance before). But! now i have gotten a taste of the wonders of hockey!!!
and now a few things i noticed as a complete newbie stickhandler:
it is very hard to even do a crossover while still keeping control of a puck. like you think, "oh i can do crossovers with my eyes closed, this will be easy." No. No it will not. my hand-eye coordination is absolute shit so it was a struggle to do any type of sharp turn without losing the puck entirely despite my pretty decent skating skills
it is also not easy to just kick a puck around. pucks are wild little beasts that just want to go everytery where you are not. my respect and awe of players who use thier skates to bounce the puck onto their stick has increased tenfold
two (2) guys asked me very seriously how i hold the shovel when i shovel snow. do you know how hard it is to visualize your own grip on a snow shovel out of hte blue? i have shoveled snow. i have shoveled snow Recently. and yet i completely blanked like idk man i just shovel it. Anyways, this is apparently a the way you determine if you are a righty or lefty for stickhandling (i think i am a righty but idk)
i did not know that sticks had a curve on the blade.. i mean objectively i knew that different sticks were different but i never made the connection until i was staring at a bunch of sticks up close
you don't have to know jack shit about what you are doing!! i had an absolute blast just shoving pucks around! you won't see me doing any sort of wild puck handling moves (or even skating very fast with a puck lol), BUT you will see me having an absolute blast!!
All in all, it was an amazing experience, and i felt like i needed to document it somewhere bc i am nothing if not a sucker for looking back on first impressions!
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chasingpj · 2 years
can i have a **bow and arrow emoji** please? she/her, cabin 6 (athena cabin), no powers but preferred weapons are throwing knives. uhh idk what else to say, ig im pretty intelligent and very, very sarcastic?? ive also been told that im funny, and in terms of mbti im an estp, enneagram type 8, and a capricorn if any of that helps lol. tysm, and congrats again!! oh yeah and i have adhd, which is one of the reasons why i love pjo sm loll <3 tysm!!
HEYYY! Thank you so much!
okay first of all, you being a capricorn and then reading your personality type matches up so well lmao anyways, i hope you enjoy this!
i can see the athena cabin is a very tight knit group because you guys can truly regard each other as like-minded individuals
with that being said, i think your closest friendships are with your siblings
judging from your personality though, i think you and annabeth would be pretty close! 
annabeth is the one who does your orientation and sets you up with everything you need 
at first the two of you were very neutral to each other as you settled in 
the beginning of your friendship started in mythology class when Chiron asked about a myth you really enjoyed
you raised your hand at the same time as annabeth did and chiron took a moment to decide who he was going to pick 
he picked you
it only felt right since this was your first time in class... 
annabeth had already spoken plenty this year
you shared some details and answered his question flawlessly
but annabeth, of course, had to chime in
suddenly, you were in this back and forth with her. a silent competition on who knew more about the topic 
you won, obvs...
and annabeth is a sore loser
from then on, you and your sister had started your friendly, but not so friendly competition and slowly, it did bring you closer to her
Finding your Niche
you found your preferred weapon from your competition with annabeth as well 
even though you just arrived, you confidently sparred with her after some lessons 
you got beat up a few times
actually, a lot 
but it only motivated you to get better
at some point, you kinda felt turned off by the whole sword fighting thing
it didn't feel right and when you told annabeth, she suggested maybe you should try archery
you had some impressive aim
the apollo kids were quick to claim you as their surrogate sister
with some training, you were doing well with a bow and arrow but after a while, it didn’t feel right either
it wasn’t until you took it upon yourself to head to the armory
you figured that maybe looking at the many options would help since the first few times you were in there, you had quickly decided on a sword or the bow and arrows 
nyssa saw you at the displays of weapons  
as time passed and you were still there, she decided maybe she could help you
you say it was fate because in her hands was a sling that was designed to hold four small daggers across your chest 
something in your brain just clicked and she was more than willing to give it to you, happy you were so excited for something she made
It was history from then on, you picked your daggers with care and soon you were flinging them at bullseyes with precision 
Reputation at Camp
everyone knows you and Annabeth are best friends
at some point, in your early years at camp, there wasn’t a time where someone saw you two apart
as you flourish into your own person however, i think you’d be recognize for your leadership skills, and your humor
i think the Stoll's would have a good time around you
the banter would be unmatched and your snarky, witty remarks definitely keep them entertained
with the younger campers, you’ve volunteered enough for programs and events at camp so they all know you 
a lot of them look up to you, hoping they’d be as confident and as good as a fighter as you
especially during SOM when the borders where down, you played a big role  
capture the flag was hard for you to participate at first because you can’t really throw knives without impaling people
beckendorf gave you a solution though and made you replicas of your daggers but they’re completely plastic and blunt
so you’re also known at the girl who throws plastic daggers at people during capture the flag lmao
the best part is that some of the campers will make a scene as if they’ve actually been impaled and throw themselves on the floor
it’s always fun 
still training in the archery fields, you’ve established yourself with the apollo campers pretty well 
they’re always a fun crowd to hang out 
they make you participate in karaoke, always 
also reprimand you when you’ve been up studying, or reading all night 
fletcher makes a comment on your eyebags, literally all the time, even if you’ve had a good night's rest
overall, you’d be well acquainted with everybody
being close with annabeth means you took on many projects together and it helped setting your reputation 
your first quest would be a few years into camp 
unlike annabeth, you weren’t as eager but a part of you knew you were ready
you were strong and capable in your weaponry and fought plenty of monsters at this point 
you fought annabeth pretty often and recently, you’ve been kicking her ass so you were definitely a lot more confident 
the quest was to retrieve Athena’s aegis breastplate 
It was a pretty big deal 
Especially since you were specifically chosen for it 
Annabeth was excited for you, willing to go but she was caught up with Percy’s stuff
Chiron told you to choose wisely about who would come with you but you already had two in mind
Bringing your brother, Malcolm was a no brainer 
After you and Annabeth he was the best fighter in the cabin and being older, he had a lot of knowledge that could be useful 
Your second? 
Connor Stoll
It was only right 
Who would understand a thief more than a thief himself?
Connor was also so hype to get on a quest
Overall, it was pretty smooth 
If you ignore the few hours you were trapped a cell 
Which could have been completely avoidable if Connor had noticed the bobby pins in your hair sooner 
By the end of the quest, Malcolm was sick of you two 
Between you and Connor feeding off each other’s energy causing you two to be absolute menaces and then bickering on top of that? He was so ready to get this done
After a long journey out west and then a long journey back to NYC, you had returned the shield 
Athena had thanked you and a few days later, you were gifted a breastplate that was identical to the one you retrieved for her 
Annabeth was a little jealous 
But couldn’t help and geek out with you about how cool it was
Your quest really set you on the map
I mean, you have a really bad ass piece of armor that you wore all the time 
The face of aegis right on the front of your body, it’s intimidating 
You helped lead in the wars as well 
In the Battle of Manhattan, you were leading the chunk of CHB on the other side of the city and wiped out plenty of monsters
All in all, you have the reputation of being a great leader and soldier 
The younger campers in your cabin and even the campers that will come years later will know your name along with Annabeth 
Plenty of them strive to be recognized by your mother and hope to receive such an honorable gift such as your breastplate 
When you leave for New Rome and retire from the demigod life, you can be proud of the reputation you left behind 
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vamptastic · 2 years
i think primarily the problem with me is that i would like to fix everything. i see communism primarily as like The Big Answer, the Right Way Forward, and i think in reality a true communist system would be better in most ways and better in terms of what i personally value (better wellbeing and happiness for all, equality and egalitarianism, the inherent goodness and value of human life), but much, much harder to implement.
the way i (in my extremely uneducated view ive like barely read the communist manifesto im 17 please feel free to talk about this with me but know i indeed have not read theory and mostly come up with shit on my own via unhinged rants) see it there are essentially two ways to achieve communism:
1. you establish an authoritarian government, one that is probably well-intentioned, but still at the mercy of a few people's capabilities. this is, thus far, the only way it has been done, and like any centralized government with few checks and balances you can get a lot of shit done very quickly. the problem, of course, is that individuals are highly susceptible to corruption and logistics are fucking hard, especially in a country that was likely in a VERY bad state to incite revolution, both agriculturally and industrially, and also has the powers that be actively trying to sabotage it. this is how you end up with resettlement programs, lines for bread, and catastrophic famine. it is also how you quickly give the homeless homes, establish supply lines and public transport, and give everybody a job. you also probably have to shoot some people in the head, ranging from monarchy and billionaires to college students who cannot resist the urge to dispute propaganda. i honestly feel the more i learn about political science the LESS qualified i am to evaluate how much of this is because of authoritarian government, in no small part because american polisci classes seem to hinge on democracy = good and evaluate from there (tbf, democracy usually rocks, but i would like to get into WHY a bit, you know?). i will say that i think a lot of the biggest failures in communist countries have come from a national decision that has catastrophic effects on local areas, which could be averted with less centralization. just realized i am essentially just advocating for a mixed federalist system fucking ap us government and politics is poisoning my brain dude. eventually i will achieve my life's work (a minor in political science) and will know the One True Answer to this.
2. you rely on the idea that people just like, will do communism on their own. the issue with this idea being that they havent. from the (again, not exactly rigorous) reading ive done, this is kind of what marx was going for, in that he believed communism was the inevitable result of industrialization and that it would happen no matter what, but should be sort of hastened along (you can blame this perspective on the foreward to my copy of the communist manifesto, which i fall back onto in times of need when i cannot understand the pamphlet itself, and its utter conviction that marx was a romantic). there is some validity to this in that a lot of pre industrial society was much more communal, ranging from indigenous agricultural towns to like, salem sharing their rye, or the many successful small-scale communist projects that have been created since then. and i do think that small groups of people, tight knit communities, embody the spirit of communism better than an entire nation working towards producing more coal. the problem, of course, is that if you got rid of nationalized infrastructure and just let everyone do their own thing our quality of life would drop significantly. you need things like pharmaceuticals and an energy grid to keep up our current lifespan and quality of life for the elderly, disabled, mentally ill, children, vulnerable people in general, which is kind of what communism is all about: that the QOL for the lowest rung of society is indicative of society as whole. also for how much this is predicated on the idea that people just will become communist on their owns if things get shit enough it does seem that outreach and education and distribution of propaganda are important even to people who believe strongly in anarchism. there's definitely an answer here i think i just need to Read More and Think Harder.
both of these methods are the Only Good Method, and both suck. communism, however, is pretty good. i am yet to reconcile this.
a neglected component here is also my deranged idea that it's my personal responsibility to figure out how to fix the entire world, or indeed that that is possible to do. i also think it is important to care about things and that too many people don't care about things beyond what brings them pleasure or greater quality of life as an individual. it would feel wrong to simply accept that i can go about the rest of my life being financially stable if i just stop caring about other people. i think the answer here can probably be found in that 'first they came for jews, but i did not speak out because i was not a jew' poem, firstly because i AM a jew, and because like, i kind of AM the Other People in a more general sense. but on the other hand it would be really easy to just stop giving a fuck and go get my free college degree in whatever is easy and makes me money and never care about any of this ever again, which many will tell you is the inevitable fate of happy people. sad people are like the old revolutionary in disco elysium, sitting on an empty island in utter conviction of their moral rightness and pursuit of am unachievable goal. they are also sometimes assassinated.
the use of metaphors is signaling that the point is REALLY getting away from me so i will be calling it a day on this one i think. if anybody has the definitive answer to how we Do Communism Right please let me know and maybe tell me what books i read to find out the answer as well.
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wlwreader · 1 year
hey idk how new u are to knitting but
try just getting a rlly good grasp in the stitches, like find a project thats simple and repetitive just to have then nailed
if u want to make beanies, or like, any similar clothing type stuff, try to learn double pointed needles soon. they seem rlly hard but if u find a good video (theres a bunch on youtube, look for the old lady ones) u can get the hang of it and honestly thats like,, one id the hardest hurdles lol
also for yarn, personally id recommend finding some thinner condensed yarn rather than the kind that is kinda loose, i think it makes the stitches easier but yeah
for patterns, ravelry is rlly great. start w some rlly easy stuff before going for a beanie or smth. beanies aren’t terrible but its fun to make little soft toys and stuff
im not anything Close to an expert on this, but i do know how to knit and this is what id want to know. yeah have fun w the knitting tho!
im still really new, taught myself how to cast on and do the basic knitting and ive been practicing that by just knitting like a scarf to get the motion down better but i cant keep my rows very even (this is my second “scarf” lmao) some rows are looser and some tighter. but now that you mention it, i dont have the best yarn to knit with, its not very condensed lat all, v v easy to untwist it so thats probably not helping with my lil issue lol
but thank you so so much for all the advice, literally going to screen shot this and save this for future reference ☺️
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fraener · 2 years
the crows congregate earlier in the winter, its 2 now and im seeing flocks overhead move west. in winter their daylight hours are short and they spend less time alone. ive been spending very little time alone, too. ive been less scared. the other day we had some undercooked chicken and i was very afraid i was going to get sick but i trusted him to look after me and i felt ok and didnt have a full attack and didnt end up getting sick. his sort of adopted brother died the other day, and his little brother is very sick. everyone has taken it very hard, especially lyle. my intuitions have been strong recently. im trying to lean into listening to them better. the biggest were i dreamt the town flooded and when i woke the next day i got a text from simon asking if i was alright because the sea had risen so high it flooded the streets nearest to the bay. the other was today, i had the sensation that my first ex was back at the edges of my life again for some reason and i went looking for them a little. then minutes after i stopped my friend posted that they had in fact returned. the sky is pretty and dark today with threads of pale yellow and silver sunlight coming through the heaviness of the clouds. i got my knitting machine and i ordered a couple of pattern books to try. theres a big sale at the online yarn store so i might get some to practice with. in just a couple of days were headed for the islands and then itll be back to school for me. ill have to face up against a lot of people i dont like but itll be worth it to work the earth again. mom has covid again but seems stable mentally. hans and i talked a little about love in the car. i talked with susan about love a little in therapy. i am afraid i will grow to love less as i filter through people more quickly. i dont know if that will feel good or feel bad. i really miss o. i dont think im done grieving or feeling that. i dont know that hans is in love with me but i do know he loves me deeply as a friend and companion. im sort of glad i dont know right now because i dont know either. i think my heart is still a bit too sore
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
Ahhgg, car trips can be a drag sometimes 😭 I'm pretty sure I haven't taken one since I've graduated so about 3 years tbh, I'm always driving these days so I get a little more car sick as a passenger. But I used to enjoy them a lot when I was younger! 😩
I think your hobby list is so good 💪🏼 ah but I feel the same way... Ooh fanfic 👁 do you have any particular favorite kind of genres you like to read? Oh and I've been looking at switches lately because they seem like a lot of fun! I've been trying to get into more fun games since breaks will be coming up from school 🤩
Video essays sound like a lot of fun ngl - I wish I had the attention span for that long 😩 that's super cute how excited you got for a 9 hour video omg but also it's skyrim so I can understand 😂 knitting! That's so cool, my mom was lamenting how she wanted to learn 😂 😂 😂 😂
I don't do much either 😭 I always feel so busy or tired to do things but I like to run my silly little tumblr blogs with content (gifs, fics, spamming the dash 😅) but I like to read all kinds of things (fics and books) but I haven't had as much time as I'd like 😔 maybe once I graduate, it'll free up some more hours in my day!
i don't actually drive so im always a passenger dhdhdhddh so really i just play pretend at being a navigator but like we using a gps so-
oh im a fantasy lover i love magic and monsters and scifi stuff too! bonus points if the protag is a black girl and double points if shes black and gay but thats my criteria for regular books when its fanfic i like sickfics and injury ones like im an angst girl i love me a major character death and i want my fave to suffer... on the lighter side i like fake dating like so much like SO MUCH i still like magic aus too but ill read alotta stuff as long as nobody pregnant and like the fic has to BE SUPER well written for me to even THINK of touching a kid fic with a 10ft pole
like when i get into an ao3 tag i got a full blown system like first i do my favorite character depending on the size of the archive ill either filter it to just angst or the specfic type then read thru back to front once being selective then twice with lower standards and then a third time with desperation. then once ive done that i take off the angst tag and just leave all my exclude this filters on and just do the above with their entire archive. after that i do the same with the relationship i have identified as my favorite
its a proven system i miss very lil fics that way.... anyway
switches are fun! i actually have quite a few games onnit its nice to have a portable console and when u get games like botw onnit u can have good time sinks that are worth the money spent on it and btw.... u can get skyrim on it dgsnszhdn p sure
ehe~ there are video essays that are still really good that are under 40 mins or 30 mins even if several hours is really hard to do. i like ToonrificTariq he does cartoon analysis and theyre normally on that shorter side!
i wasnt necessarily good at knitting like i was really baysic at it tbh i just taught myself the very baysic knit stitch and i think how to do the reverse purl one maybe im still unsure if i actually did it.... funfact i taught myself while i was binge watching game of thrones (when it was still cool) so i missed the entirety of the first season cuz i was focused on my knitting but by the time i got to s2 i could knit reliably with out looking so i actually started watching the show.
:O ur a fic writer??? thats so cool! its amazing that u can write stories i cant wait to be able to see some of your writing 👀 and a studious homie!!! very fancy!! what are u studying if u dont mind me asking?
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toomanyyesterdays · 2 years
I’m feeling quite stressed
Because I have a lot of dear friends who are going through hard times, but I also am going through a hard time? and i have so much fucking shit to do all the time now? like nursing school is no joke and having a husband is a lot different than having a boyfriend for no specific reason other than like... the “you and me together” becomes the “us” and your circle of concern is you and them and that means making sure theyre safe and happy and healthy and all good before youre worried about anyone else. Plus now we’re moving my very demented grandma to ann arbor and fighting with other family members who don’t want that and its been a hard fucking year like i lost both of my grandfathers and we dont have any money because of school and we had a very traumatic living situation and like i feel like a horrible friend and sister and daughter because im just trying to get through school to take care of myself and my husband but i don’t know how to be available for everyone all the time. 
plus in school im doing very well (yay) for once. This is a new thing. I am horrible at school. I should just be happy that i am doing well, but i feel like the biggest goddamn fraud. Like the only reason I know things is not because im a good student. The reason i know things is because im a paramedic and yes i had to learn all those things at one point, but Ive been learning them for like 4-5 years. My classmates are learning this shit for the first time and not getting any of the recognition and im answering questions we havent covered yet just because I know it from non nursing stuff. I feel like im scamming them. Then my clinical instructor is like wow you know this stuff im going to give you harder patients and im like no please dont do that I SECRETLY KNOW NOTHING. 
and like the only things i can do in my free time are cook (which thankfully is one of the things i love to do) and watch tv with my husband and attempt to have some quality time because hes been working his ass off too. I don’t get to read... or bake fun things... or hang out with friends... or knit.... or watch movies. 
I feel like im just whining but i just feel so shitty and overwhelmed and like i cant do anything right and im letting everyone down. 
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berryunho · 2 years
LOL sorry omg i really died. like am still dying. i spent all day yesterday crying over my coursework and shit but i talked to that guy and he really knocked some sense into me and told me to not be so hard on myself... so now im crying internally and not externally 😭
ive been thinking about it now and i think i might switch majors for the sake of my sanity bc real talk the amount of work is insane and i cant properly function it's crazy out here idk how people do this... i was thinking maybe health sci since i already have most of the credits for the degree and ive always wanted to be involved in the healthcare field... im gonna see my academic advisor on monday and see what they say because holy guacamole i want to be able to enjoy school w/o crying every time i think about it
omg that got long but those have been my thoughts for the past few days BUT ANYWAY that's so good!!!! im so happy for you big brain energy we love to see it!! ive got a biochem midterm this week (which is the cause of my mental breakdowns BUT KLSJFRG) and ochem is in 2 weeks but as i said might change majors and ochem is not necessary... so i'll prob drop it haha
the last season was so good. i found it a bit slow in the beginning but once it picks up it's going like i could not stop watching it!! i havent watched bcs but i heard it gets better near the end again?? ive watched el camino tho
that's how i felt abt crocheting at first like im the type of person to try something for a little bit and then give up right after but honestly!!! it's so fun because you can make all kinds of different things like clothing, bags, accessories and it's so fun!! i've been picking up knitting too and i've made some socks and i'm working on a sweater rn
WOIEFJWE that man is so wonderful like i feel like he really understands me and !!!!!!!!!!! i feel like he really balances out the "negative" parts/thoughts of me and is so reassuring IM WHIPPED LOL
omg yes i had a bad cold too like a week ago (no covid as well) and i think i might be good now knock on wood!! what a slay im glad your classes are going so well for you! i dont follow hockey (gasp) but i can see the thrill of it!! hopefully they can win the next game!
highly enjoyed the break. have a great weekend too!! <3
no no no worries lol i totally get being busy and everything <33
but omg :[[ im sorry that school has been so overwhelming and stressful for you aaaaa yeah if its at the point where you're upset everyday and completely overwhelmed and don't like school then i definitely agree w changing your major.... you don't want the rest of your life to be like this lol health science would be interesting for sure !! there are so many ways to be involved in health care and the health system without being a doctor/nurse/etc so im sure you'll be able to find something that works !!
?!*%*$???($*@)? you're taking ochem AND biochem at the same time ?!!?($*@)@ i understand the breakdowns wtf id lose it fr but lol fingers crossed changing your major works out so that you don't have to take that ochem exam
fr i definitely understand why breaking bad is considered like one of the best shows of all time ... the writing was so good and the story was so compelling and even when it got to the point where you were like 'wtf thats sick and messed up' you couldnt stop watching bc you were in so deep lol but !! ive yet to watch el camino ... hmmm
oooo man thats so cool !! you're so right like i always see crochet tutorials on tiktok for like the most random things ever and you can make like. anything. its amazing. hehe maybe ill try it out once i have more free time :]
YAAAYYY FOR THE MAN!! im glad that he's good for you :] its very nice that he's sticking w you through all of your stress and helping you out!! hehe have yall gone on any fun dates or are you just ~talking~ ?
tis the time of year for colds lol this one i think is just about done ... my cough is significantly better today but i can't decide if its actually better or if its just bc i havent been talking today .... lol ig ill see tomorrow! KFLJDSKFJ [gasp] a canadian that doesn't follow hockey ... an incredible find ... hehehe im joking but yes fr hockey is so crazy compared to other sports like even though its kinda like soccer its still so different and sooooo entertaining to me lol ty for the support for my team they definitely need it [muffled through fake coughing] they're bad [more fake coughing]
yay! i hope this week of classes goes better! tyyyy <3 <3 <3
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