#ive gaeul angst
fillinforlater · 1 year
Male Reader x Kim Gaeul
Length: 4646 words
Tags: non-smut, story heavy drama, angsty, best friends, young love, looking for paradise
TW: to avoid spoilers, assume all trigger warning apply (I promise nothing sexual!)
Inspiration: "Paradise" by Coldplay (I love that song. Others have inspired me as well e.g. "Clocks" but this is THE one).
(A/N: Happy Anniversary to me <3 fricking 2 years since y'all had to read my first fic. Thanks for all the support! Enjoy this fic that means a lot to me. @firagaarmor, this ones for you too!)
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“Can you tell me what paradise is?”
You raise your eyes over the sharp edge of your book, your mind still lost in the adventures of a young sailor, trying to make a name for himself and fighting with the deadly, dark blue sea and the temptation of strong liquor. He’s a brave man, firmly gripping the loose end of a rope to hold the sail steady while a thunderstorm makes his life seem defenseless, fragile, miniscule. The book is too tense, too captivating to stop now!
But then you continue to look past all the letters on old, yellowed paper, straight to her face. Feel her strong gaze grab you and freeze you in place with nothing but softness and innocence. Suddenly, the meaning these words had on you evaporates; the capturing story is nothing but a hallucination you experience while staring at them. You are not hallucinating now. She is here, she is real—and she is absolutely gorgeous.
“Paradise?” you sum up her question in a rather uncertain whisper, Gaeul nods nonetheless.
“Yes!” her eyes beam with thrill and she closes the gap between you and her on the couch. Usually, the two of you leave some space on the worn-out, white sofa, with you reading in one corner and Gaeul resting in the other. It’s rare for her to be this close; it makes you trip up and drop the book on your chest. “Tell me all about it.”
“Well it’s… simple, yet also very complex, you know?” You scratch the back of your head and avoid her face. Straight brown hair frames her soft features, puts a stark contrast between dark beauty and pale beauty, while every nook and cranny on it is just flawlessly carved—you’re red now.
“You need to tell me everything!” Gaeul insists.
“F-fine. Paradise is the place that we go to after we die. We of course don’t know if it’s real or not or if we have to do something or believe something to get in it. Maybe it’s guarded by angels, gods or titans! Maybe it’s just something we tell ourselves to feel better about what death might be: just nothingness. Sometimes people imagine heaven to be this overwhelmingly marvelous forest, where everything is in harmony. Sometimes they see it as a golden gate with everything perfect and beautiful behind it. Sometimes people just call some place on earth paradise.”
“Why?” Gaeul asks, her ears twitching but not really twitching. She is just excited to listen to you, probably. “Where is this place?”
“Well, uhm,” you mutter and scratch harder. Surely you’ll find an answer that will satisfy her. “I think you need to find this place yourself. Like I said, everyone thinks paradise is something different.”
Gaeul nods with the eagerness and naivety of a child. She still possesses this deeply rooted innocence, this greed for knowledge and finding new things. All these years of school could not squeeze it out of her, no belittling, no bullying, nothing can break her spirit. You adore her for it, you envy her for it.
“Paradise,” she says and returns to her original position. “Paradise, paradise.”
She smiles.
“I want to see it with you.”
Gaeul and you are stuck to each other like glue. God put this glue on you from the very beginning. Gaeul was born seventeen days after you, in the same hospital, and grew up in the same street, in the same town as you. You’d always meet her at the playground and from wordlessly playing with her in the sand to fighting and hating her, you felt every emotion towards her every day for all those long kindergarten days. 
In school, it was more or less the same. Other people were always interesting for Gaeul, but she kept them at a distance, unlike you, who she never ignored or turned down. You were a bit more difficult back then, frankly, the teasing from the other boys about her was annoying, but you got over it the day you found out she liked the same songs.
“Seventeen?” she chirped when you mentioned their debut track. “You like Seventeen?”
“Well, yes. This song sounds very… nice,” you whispered, phone in hand, eyes on the pavement.
“Do you know all their names?”
“Ha, no way! There is like so many of them.”
Gaeul grins and grabs your hand. Triumphantly, she announces: “I know all of them, all thirteen! I guess I’m smarter than you!”
“Pah, I-I was born seventeen days before you. I’m older and I’m smarter!”
The bickering made you bond, while the fantastic songs of Seventeen drowned out all foreign criticism. You found more and more things to like and dislike about each other, which made every day spent together worth it. Be it playing games together, preparing food (let’s be honest, you mostly just tried mixing random ingredients and had her mom save it in the end) or just chilling on the couch—it never got boring.
It was about a year ago when you noticed that she had these long phases where she just did nothing. Her small body was positioned on the couch, always the same way on the same spot, and then she would look into nothingness. You wanted to tease her for it, for being a daydreamer, someone who spaces out and drools while doing it, yet you stopped.
She is so pretty.
You admired her. There was no drool, no dumb, mindless dreaminess in her eyes. She was in her own world, thinking of something so incredible, it made her beam with life. Her eyes were like orbs, set ablaze by golden light. Movies could never get her attention and admiration for this long—movies could never get your attention and admiration for this long. You were the one staring, you were the one drooling over how everything about her is just so flawless—you still do.
This was the day you noticed you liked her. 
Seventeen days later came the day she asked about paradise.
That was the day she stole your heart.
Today is the day a cruel devil came to smash it into pieces.
Being friends with Gaeul for almost twenty years, it is only natural that her parents would inform you as soon as possible. You dropped your phone as the words left the speaker, it’s smashing on the floor goes unnoticed by you. Seconds later, you’re already on the street, on the run, straight to her parents’ house. You didn’t need to ring, her father wordlessly held the door open and pointed to her room. 
She sits on her bed, her lower body tugged in a blanket, her back against the wall, her eyes… shut. You look at her mother, a mess of tears and snot; it’s not yet on her face but the moment she looks at you it, the dams break. Her knees unstable, she walks out of the room into her husband's arms. 
“Gaeul, I—”
You look at her again. Her eyes are open, focused on the opposing wall, the sparkle of life, wonder, joy still strong, but it’s slowly getting drowned in this puddle of tears that glisten in them, a stain on her that you can’t bear to see. So you kneel down, reach for her hand and watch her leave whatever world she tried to escape into.
“Gaeul, I-I’m sorry,” you stammer out, your hands the ones shivering more, though you’d love to think that you’re strong and she is the one folding. 
“It’s not your fault, dumbo,” she semi-laughs, semi-sighs. Then she rasps: “Nothing you can do about it.”
“I-I know… and I hate it.”
Silence. You look at her chest, slowly heaving up and down in a rhythmic cycle, gently increasing when you squeeze her hand and she looks down on it. Gaeul cracks a small smile, a smile so full of pain, every second you look at it is sending daggers to your chest. 
Rage is building up inside you. Feel it creep up every limb, every toe, every finger, up to your head where you imagine the cruelest things you could do to the devil or deity who let this happen, no, who made this happen. They are a devil, and you will go down into the depths of hell to make them suffer for eternity. 
How could they do this to her? What did she do? She doesn’t deserve this! 
And you don’t deserve this either. What did you do, to see pain and horror like this? What did you do to hold a warm hand soon to be cold? What did you do, to see the love of your life become nothing but ash and dust, buried somewhere in the ground, forgotten in two generations, a life too short, too cruel to even call it that?
“Do you remember,” Gaeul suddenly asks, her voice soft and calming, like the wonderful, nostalgic wife you never had, you never will have. “The day I asked you about paradise?”
“Of course I do!” you blurt out, voice a bit hoarse. You could never forget the day you fell in love with her.
“You said that people can find paradise here on earth,” Gaeul starts. “I know I should probably go look for it myself but… can you go with me and show me paradise?”
The tears she held back in her eyes must have found their way to yours. Your vision is all blurry, your voice barely registers, but you are certain she hears you and knows what you're saying. You would never let her down, and in this moment, no feeling could be stronger.
“Of course, Gaeul. A-anything for you.”
You have only heard of cancer from these dramatic movies that people watch and then cry. Maybe somewhere in the news or a documentary, but then it was usually older people, not young and youthful spirits—those who don't think that a tragedy is right around the corner, waiting to rip apart their bodies, souls but first of all, their dreams.
Gaeul’s condition got worse rapidly. For the first two weeks, Gaeul’s mom would call you every other night because something seemed to be up. She was throwing up, had a high fever, the doctor was late, she didn’t respond—some of them were clearly only in the head of Gaeul’s mother who started to smoke again, the butts of cigarettes soon littering the tiled kitchen floor.
You’re not at all better though. Every time the phone rang, you ran over to her; throughout all other seconds of the day, you were frozen in place. Like a puppet, you sat on your bed, blankly staring at the wall and into nothing. Your body is perfectly fine, nothing hurts or is out of place yet everything feels agonizing in its meaninglessness. 
You can’t even light up this tiny, simmering flame you always see in Gaeul’s eyes when you enter her room. It has not faded, no tears, no vomit, no painful breaths, nothing has put it out. It’s remarkable, beautiful, it’s the only thing that rids you of your agony for a moment. 
When she was just a girl, Gaeul expected the world to tell her everything, to the minutest of details to the broadest of concepts. She sucked it all up like a sponge and let the mechanisms in her small, pretty head work with it for hours. Now it’s about to fly away from her reach in a cruel race where the world might only be jogging, but Gaeul legs are literally withering away under her tiny weight.
Yet you see the dreams in her eyes. She will not relent until she has—
Not even past the door frame, you drop the backpack to the ground. Gaeul jumps a bit and smiles at you in confusion. Your expression must be bewildering, funny, but she has no idea with what conviction your heart is finally urging your stupid brain to get going.
“Hey, what’s up? You alright?” she asks.
“Gaeul.” You reach for her hand, down on your knees to be level with the small, bedridden girl. “I’m going to look for it.”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“I will look for it and find it! A-and then, I’m going to take you there, I promise!”
Gaeul looks at you funny, her free hand pushing away your torso in a playful gesture. A coughing fit interrupts her initial chuckle. “You’re playing around, talking weird stuff. But it’s funny.”
“No, I mean it—
“Paradise, Gaeul, I’m going to look for it—and I will find it for you.”
Early in the morning, the sky is still more dark, navy blue than anything else, you stuff whatever you might need into your backpack. Long forgotten and unnecessary are those school books and pens; you’ve not lost a thought about that in weeks. Frantically, you replace them with snacks, some water bottles, a map, a book, a phone, a towel, a shovel and a pocket knife. No dehydration, no getting lost, no boredom will prevent you from undertaking a journey to—
Where to, you wonder. The compass on your phone points in directions, probably the right ones, but it’s meaningless, useless. The correct route to paradise has to come from your heart. Your heart has already embedded its needle in the magnetic field that is Gaeul, now all you need to do is feel in which direction it points. 
On the calm streets of this town you walk, along pretty houses which were always the start to all of yours and Gaeul’s games and adventures. It never ended here however. The two of you were always drawn to what's beyond the tarmac, the stones, the plastic. It all changes, quickly blurs to a mix of brown and green, every color in between, on this spectrum. On the soft soil of the forest underneath your feet, mixed with crunchy leaves and crunchier twigs, your adventure continues.
You might be closer, but this is definitely not yet paradise. Beautiful, but you can find it elsewhere equally as beautiful. Without second thoughts, you march on, deeper into the woods towards the pull. Gaeul’s magnetic field has this tendency to swirl off the main road. Suddenly, you find yourself in between thick bushes and young trees that make walking through them quite challenging. 
Some plants wrap themselves around you like vines trying to hold you back. Slash them with the knife, bite into an apple and don’t stop for nothing. Soon, you find parts of the forest completely unbeknownst to you. The green looks darker, sunlight is a bit sparse and more animals run through your field of view. Bird, mice, dear, they all seem to look at you and when you hush and look back, it’s—
Peaceful. A piece of heaven, of paradise?
Though this spot may fill you with wonder and calm your heart, it's not yet paradise. It's all fleeting; the animals jump at your first motion, all it takes is a single cloud blocking the sun and its soft, faint rays are gone as well. You have to move onwards, past the mushrooms and moss, the deepest you have ever been in this forest.
Thousands of steps later, the dryness in your throat and the hole in your stomach force you to take a break. In midst all the tall, blooming trees you find a patch of grass, a glade, untouched by man. A perfect resting spot for the wild life, unbothered, untouched beauty. You feel a bit out of place, but you won't deny that it's a privilege to just sit down and take a breather.
You quickly down sandwiches and the water, realizing that both are not enough to quench your hunger and thirst. The sun is barely visible from here—how long has your adventure lasted until now? At some point you need to turn around, find your way back; thank God for phones and Google Maps, otherwise you'd be lost forever.
Amongst all of nature's sounds, you suddenly hear the splattering of water, probably in a small creek nearby. You grab your things and move closer to the source. The splattering gets louder and louder, oh, what you would give for the water to be clean and drinkable. 
Uneven terrain and bushes block your way, but you can see the sun bursting through small gaps in between branches. You find an angle, with less thorns and stinging nettles and cut your way through it. Feel your heart throb in excitement, even when nature tries to resist you. There is something behind this, and now you are free to—
Close your eyes, because this cannot be real.
A picture before you, beautiful drawn, everything perfectly decorated, yet it cannot explain the stunningness of the sight before you. A wide open cliff gives you a perfect view of the entire forest and the lake in its middle. To your left, the outskirts of the city, only a couple of streets with both a school and hospital in sight. To your right a miniscule waterfall, fueled by the aforementioned creek. Everything is overstimulating, yet absolutely coherent in both its vibrantness and peacefulness. 
Best of all, above a small rock overhang along this cliff, a pair of butterflies seem to happily dance around each other, blissfully unaware of the steep fall below them. No, they just love each other. Both swing their colorful wings to their own rhythm, not caring if someone sees, not allowing anyone to disturb them. 
You carefully step towards their overhang, take a look down and see that it might be a dangerous fall, but you don’t feel any danger in this place. It is cozy, relaxing and quiet. There is nothing to fear, not even boredom. There is unlimited adventure and excitement amongst these gigantic trees, they embrace you with their twigs and tuck you in with their leaves. You can stay here for eternity, in fact you almost want to.
But not without Gaeul.
“I think I found it,” you’ll tell her. “I think I found paradise.”
“Gaeul is in the hospital.”
Your mothers first words when you return from your trip. The strain on your muscles, your back, your hands; they fade into the background the moment you realize what might be happening.
“What, why?”
“Her health has been… rapidly declining the last two days,” your mother says and urges you to sit down. You do not. “At some point, I could hear her scream from across the street, she… she has to be in so much pain.”
“A-and then?” You can barely stand standing around and not being by her side.
“They came like two hours ago, took her to the lake-side hospital. Her mother is—”
“I’m going there,” you say, drop your backpack and turn on your heels. Your mother sighs, deeper than ever. There is tears and misery in her eyes.
“I… don’t want you to go. You shouldn’t see this.”
“Mum, I will go. Why would you stop me? I need to be there; I can’t leave her now!”
Your mother stands up. You watch her reach for a cup of tea and drink the entire thing. Maybe it wasn’t tea. Maybe she needed some strength right now. This strong woman has never looked so vulnerable to you. She reaches for your hand.
“Okay… I’ll drive you.”
“You came,” Gaeul whispers, her voice hoarse, her eyes puffy, her skin pale. Well, she has always been quite the pale girl, but now her skin is rivaling snow in terms of whiteness. You push away a doctor and a relative or two and reach for one of Gaeul’s fragile hands.
“Of course I did. I’m never not there.” You smile.
“There you go, saying silly things again.” Gaeul smiles.
This is where you lose yourself in her eyes, those deep brown marbles, like bitter yet sweet chocolate—fitting to the overall mood in this hospital room. While you continue to stare into Gaeul’s dreams, the people around you go through all those stages of grief in front of the doctors, their powerless deities. Denial in her fathers voice, anger in the way her mother grabs her brother, they are bargaining, well onto their way into depression.
But Gaeul is still right there. She is still breathing. She is still breathing, even after they all leave the room. You stay by her side, long after midnight and most of the time, you just listen to her breath. Weak and shallow, but enough to keep her going. Then it starts to rain.
“Did we play in the rain back then?” you ask, looking out through the window into the dark clouds and the impending torrential downpour. 
“Once or twice for sure,” Gaeul responds. You feel her eyes in your neck. “We should have done it more often.”
“Yeah, but only when the rain is warm.” Caress her knuckles. Gaeul sighs.
“Then I could have seen paradise in the rain.”
Feel a rush of excitement run down your spine when you turn to her.
“Gaeul, I think I found it. I found paradise! It’s not far from here. Let’s go there tomorrow or the day after—”
“Y-you did?” Gaeul suddenly squeezes your wrist tightly. “Where is it?” 
“Near the lake, secluded in the forest. It’s beautiful—I’ll show it to you.”
“C-can we go now… please?”
Your eyes widen, your breath quickens. Someone has a belt wrapped around your chest and gradually tightens it. It’s as if there is poison in the air draining your life. This can’t get to you—no, it cannot be true. All the dreadful thoughts, you push them to the side, though they sink into your heart like the pointiest of knives. In your turmoil, you forget to answer.
Gaeul props herself up and stretches her arms out.
“Take me there, please.
“I want to see it tonight.”
No matter how much your heart bleeds, you find a way to work. For your best friend, the childhood love, the—current love. You easily pick up the thin girl and she finds the strength to secure herself on your back. She is light and heartbreakingly weak. Everything falls on you now.
“I don’t know if I’m strong enough,” you hiss when you piggyback carry the girl out of the room and quietly sneak her out through the fire exit. “But I’ll try my best to be your hero, Gaeul.”
“Don’t be some hero from your book,” Gaeul whispers, her lips right on your earlobe. “Just be you, that’s cool enough already.”
The rain is worse than you expected. Thick droplets a plenty make all colors of the quite illuminated town blurr. You just know you have to run away from them, towards the forest. There the roof of leaves will protect you from getting more soaked—which is not possible. After only a hundred meters, both you and Gaeul are two human sponges, drenched in heavenly water.
“It’s warmer than I thought,” Gaeul croaks as you sprint down the final street where the trees finally start. “Let’s play in this rain.”
“S-sure,” you grunt through gritted teeth, your exhausted legs barely keeping you upright. At the first tree, you take a breather. “But let’s get to paradise first.”
“How long is it?”
“About a kilometer. Can you hold my phone?” 
Gaeul grabs it, the faint light showing a messy hill with a hundred reasons to doubt that you can carry her up there. Worriedly, Gaeul clings onto you stronger than before. 
“Isn’t this too steep?”
You smile and adjust Gaeul, the friend on your back and take away all of her doubts by marching onwards, into the mud. Soon your legs are all covered in the heavy mixture of dirt, leaves, twigs, a couple of bugs, some plastic—it’s almost impossible to lift your legs over the taller roots breaching through the ground.
“Sorry that you have to carry me,” Gaeul murmurs, her face sunken into your back. The wind whips above the trees, their tips shake and you get showered in pine needles. You pause for a second, then laugh.
“Look at this mess! Mother nature is really playing with us tonight.”
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t—”
You pull a couple of needles out of Gaeul’s short, muddy, messy hair. In the faint light of your phones’ lamp. She looks like a ghost with barely lit eyes. God, it hurts to see her like this… but you will never deny that she isn’t drop dead gorgeous. The flame in her eyes hasn’t faded yet either. No matter how much fucking water the clouds above you pour down, they burn and they burn into your heart.
“Gaeul,” you say with confidence and unbridled determination as you take the first step on your final surge up to paradise. “Don’t be sorry. Don’t be sad. We are almost there. Hold onto my shoulders and you’ll be fine.”
Gaeul quietly sniffles into your thoroughly wet t-shirt, only a few tears, yet each of them is like a waterfall and adds to the weight of the most water you have ever seen in your life. Not even the oceans can compare to whatever mother nature has decided to unleash onto this area. If this is what it takes to get Gaeul to heaven, you will swim through it.
Again and again, until the end of time. And then you’ll still do it.
A bush brushing over your bodies, its evil thornes piercing your skin. You don’t feel it. Your hand shelters Gaeul, before pushing away the final branches of a familiar oak tree. There it is. Your heart skips a beat. You sink to your knees.
“Hey! Hey, are you okay?” Gaeul shouts, then she looks ahead. In this exact moment, a miracle: a lightning bolt in the distance, bright and wide, hits a far away field. Everything is illuminated, the ridiculous beauty of paradise visible in the middle of the night—for your best friend to see.
“What do you think?” you ask, out of breath and smiling brightly, brighter than the lightning. Gaeul has gotten off of your back and her weak legs carry her towards the overhang. The visual is impeccable, epic on so many levels, it’s like the grand finale to the universe:
Gaeul, the love of your life, looking at her paradise. It should be impossible, but she stands there. What might her face look like right now? You don’t need to see it to know. 
Suddenly, she turns back around and sinks down on the floor. You try to catch her. A second to late, all you can do is prop her back up, shake the collar of her hospital gown. Her eyes are barely open, her lips tremble. You hug her tightly, not caring about the mud below you.
“Gaeul… no!”
Lying underneath the stormy skies, the only thing holding her in this world are your arms underneath her. Gaeul stretches out her pointer towards the horizon.
“I know the sun will rise.”
Her voice is but a whisper in the downpour, quieter than even the waterfall of tears running down your face—but it’s powerful enough to pull a single, all illuminating beam of sunlight from the edge of the world. In a final, painful but infinitely freeing breath, Gaeul says it all:
“This could be… you could be… no—
“You are my paradise.”
“Gaeul, I love you!”
As if to say ‘I love you too’, she puts her cold lips on yours a final time and flies away, forever. You hold her forever, kiss her forever, love her forever while the strongest gusts of wind don’t feel like anything. Gaeul is in your arms, looking so alive with her closed eyes and peaceful smile; but it’s all not true.
You decide to fall 
faster than the rain drops, 
faster than the waterfall 
and then meet her; 
for she is your paradise.
364 notes · View notes
gangplanksorenji · 1 year
I. Apotheosis
Pairing: IVE Gaeul x Male Reader
Word Count: 10,660
A/N 1: Hello Orenjideul! I probably think this is late but it's better than never! The end was written a bit rushed and not further proofreading but I hope y'all like it! It's my special birthday fic for IVE's beautiful and captivating leader, Kim Gaeul! Wishing her the best day of her life and enjoy reading this angst, smut and fluff-filled fic!
A/N 2: Also, featuring someone at the end, hehe...
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“Love can be the sweetest venom you can take.”
It certainly is, well, maybe, according to your experience.
You cursed yourself to never love again for the fact that it's more than unbearable to see your lover in someone's arms, comfortable, like your relationship never existed with her.
It hurts to see her go, to let her go—it fucking hurts, but, you needed to do what you need to do because you don't deserve her.
Strings of broken melodies played the piano when you cried, a symphony unfinished and cacophonous sounds ensued.
You bawled when that day came and you wanted to forget it, absolutely. Yet, simply, you just can't forget her like she never existed because you loved her so much that you gave your world to her but in the end, she annihilated yours and your heart…
Broken pieces and a scar left to you is all you had now and it still hurts to think about her. Your mind is clouded with her and her only and it hurts that you can't bring the past back.
It hurts to think about it…
It hurts.
No one can probably mend you—make you smile genuinely like she did, make you laugh like she did—no one can.
You wanted to move on, but the venom stays throughout your soul and you'd be damned to even think of getting it out—letting everything out because you still want her—
“Is everything alright, sir?”
A voice echoes around your ear, the soft tone lingers around you as you are woken up onto the reality of life that you wanted to end.
“You're like bawling your eyes out for like an hour now—”
“Isn't it obvious?” your tone harsh and laced with venom as maybe, the obliviousness of the girl is not your type of tolerating it. If you can't even tolerate the burning sensation of the alcohol scarring your throat then what more about the petite girl beside you?
“I'm s-sorry, sir. I'm just a little bit concerned about you—”
The girl's eyes glistens with fear as your tone does scares her, but she want answers and she's willing to do whatever it takes to make you comfortable in the best way possible—
“Hey, why don't you just give me a favor, hm?”
She leans her head down slowly, her senses perceived as she tries to hear the coarse, broken tone of your voice. “Okay, s-sir…”
“Why don't you just moved back and leave me the fuck alone, do you understand? Because I have no time for your reassuring bullshit—or just whatever you want to do, okay?”
The girl just nods and faces back away from you, doing what you've said. You didn't feel bad for her as you didn't care about anything and everything in this world, now.
It sucks to be heartbroken—at your lowest point with no one to lean on.
And maybe, someday, you'll regret the reckless and selfish disposition you've introduced to that girl—but who cares, anyway?
This is just a tough night to fight with, and it's not easy as the demons inside your head lures you into the abyss of unwanted vices.
Drink. Gulp. Exhale. And it repeats, constantly.
You weren't like this but you'll do everything just to forget everything that scarred you even if it means for you to risk your life. You can't bother to think of anything other than uttering her name and the broken sounds of discomfort as tears run down your cheek slowly.
Drink more and drink another—the burning sensation down your throat makes you groan yet the sweetness of the liquid possibly contradicts the pain you’re feeling. It probably scars down your throat, at least not adding more to your broken heart.
The remnants of the broken melodies of her voice still lingers around your ear, hearing her voice and it hurts you even more. You slam down your curled fists—the strength not enough to cause a dent nor hurt you—onto the wooden table as you let out hints of contained anger and frustration from the earlier quarrel. You even wanna drink more to give yourself to the neverending wormhole of nothingness—bending the laws of nature just to get out of the agony you’re feeling right now—yet it’s not worth it to spend couple of bucks just for another bottle of alcohol that won’t even make you let her go.
It is not worth it; you should just go home.
It’s definitely not.
You then place the glass down and course your way out of the bar, just wanting to go home and commit into a deep slumber for your body to take a rest from this strenuous day.
Drowsiness controls over your enervated body and so is the dizziness affecting the way you act. You’ll go home no matter what happens and it starts with just a single flick of the key, starting the engine of you car then closing your door—
An arm stops you from that latter advance, making you furrow your eyebrows in disbelief before looking at the petite figure that’s been stopping you from closing your car’s door.
“Don’t sir, you’re drunk. You shouldn’t drive—”
You recognized her face with just a flash of your eyes towards her. You may be tipsy and heartbroken, but you’re not stupid nor easy to be manipulated as annoyance changes your demeanor.
“You again? Gosh—what do you want from me? Why do you even fucking care—”
“Please sir—” the petite, black-haired girl stops you from closing the door as she further extends her arm, leaving you immediately furious from her attempts. “—it's not worth it and you’re drunk. Please just call an Uber or something—”
“Let. go. of. it. Now. I swear to god—just leave me alone!”
The girl is stubborn as you ever expected and you hate it. You just wanna push her off in order for everything not to be halted but she's practically a stranger to you—you never wanna cause a fight of hurt with people you don't know, especially with a girl this beautiful and modest—
“No, sir. You may even get to an accident if you—”
“Just stop—” With no other choice, you flick your finger hard onto her arm, hurting her as she lets go, the pain making her rub all over the red spot in order to ease the pain. You immediately closed the door as soon as she freed herself from the imaginary restraints. You drove off hurriedly yet carefully, leaving the girl stranded on the parking lot as you can see her wince in pain as she caresses her arm to ease the burning sensation—she probably even glared at you because of what you've done but you didn't care because you just want to go home.
This is probably risky considering how you're feeling afloat because of the alcohol but that didn't stop you from your advances of getting home and thankfully, your apartment isn't that far enough and you can drive safely and carefully without wasting so much time. 
Thank god it was just like a fifteen-minute drive and thanks to little-to-no traffic, you got home faster than you expected—probably even safer, considering that if your body became so depleted that you slept and crashed onto something or someone. It is not a great sight to see as you could just imagine how your day will be worse if that did happen.
Thankfully, it didn't and you came home safe and sound.
But yet there’s no other sound that can’t be heard other than your silent cries of need—in need, of her.
You loved her so much that you almost gave up everything just for her.
You loved her so much that she's been your entire world and you’re almost into nothingness without her.
Speak of the devil, you’ve foreshadowed yourself into diving down onto the dark path of oblivion. Some may point out the obsessive form of love you have with her (in which, probably, you have) but the truth is, she made you better. Better in a sense that you became a better person today than what you are from the past and you absolutely thank her for that.
She made you the man that you are today, building up the foundations that made you stronger and such willpower that can reach even the farthest mountains yet it all went downhill, a landslide rupturing and annihilating the foundation that has been built slowly throughout the years now that she's out of your life.
You hated that you loved her, now you do.
She's your core memory you wanted to forget but you simply can't—because she's more than special.
It cuts like a knife seeing her go but there's nothing you can do to get her back.
“Why did she do that to me?” you muttered to yourself again, questioning the reality of a sin she's done that was impossible at first but now, was more than close on being possible.
While you bawl your eyes out, bottling out the deeply-contained emotions that has been kept inside you, you reach on your brown leather jacket, wanting to get your phone yet something caught your eye immediately—a note latched by a transparent adhesive onto your jacket that says: “김가을(Kim Ga-eul)” and then, possibly her number below it.
You already assumed it's that annoying girl that owes you everything and you just want to brush off that fact but you can't. Wanting to throw away the not-so-important note, you reflected on yourself and thought that she just wants to help you genuinely after all but why you and how did she know you’re going through something? If it's the others, they won’t bother talking to you nor do anything to mess with you—if you look like you always want to start up a fight, who will bother?
You know something is up with her and your gut is telling you so. Not to mention how comfortable she looks talking with you despite the possible fear evident on her countenance—it feels like she knew you a long time ago which is peculiar, to say the least.
You gotta know her more and her small actions of concern and uncanny relation to something you can't fathom just piqued your interest towards knowing her more.
*phone buzzes*
“Come on, come on—pick up….”
Every second brings a faster beating of your heart as it races intrepidity and anticipation. You became sober as the alcohol didn't have any effects on you anymore and the longing emotions of desolation makes you invulnerable for the liquid to take over you.
Clearing your mind, you now feel regret for being too harsh with the girl you’ve dealt with earlier—which is probably the person named “Kim Ga-eul”. You never wanted to act rude on the first place, yet there are two things that caused that sudden vexation within your demeanor: firstly, the passive-aggressive approach towards strangers as you need to be cautious whenever someone approaches you because you may get in danger and lastly, and probably the best reason of your demeanor, is because of you being not in the mood for everything because of a heartbreak.
There’s still heart in you even if you’re totally broken and lost and you need to apologize to her—that’s your current goal to do as you can’t scar yourself with another grudge that will make you guilty until the end of times.
“Come on—”
“Hello? Who is this?”
Her voice and its tone—it’s definitely the girl you’ve been looking for and a sigh of relief escaped your breath as she answered the phone.
“Hello—look, I know I’m too rude earlier and I’m sorry for that. I shouldn’t really—”
*phone beeps*
The line disconnects and you’ve never felt so gloomy and disappointed with yourself (possibly a metaphor since you’re already feeling down and worthless). You could’ve done better but you let out the rage inside you and you hate it. Now you feel guilty of what you’ve done to her and possibly may scar her since she may not trust any strangers from now on because of what you’ve done.
No, you’re going to apologize to her no matter what—you’ll mend the broken link that she made with you, even though it’s fragile at the moment but her giving your number and her name says something that she’s probably interested in you.
She’s maybe interested in helping you too…
A girl like her can probably combat the depression you’re feeling as of now—she may also mend what’s broken on you and possibly, fix you.
Sighing in defeat, you gave up on calling to her as she possibly ignores the past three calls you’ve made because of fear yet you’re not giving up just like that. Leaving a text to possibly reassure her, you faintly smile as the girl that you fought with earlier is now clouding your mind, even though you met her in a not-so-special way—possibly, a regrettable day for the both of you yet a memorable one. 
Your enervated body can’t keep up to open your eyes or move a muscle as you fall and give in to your drowsiness, slowly closing your eyes and getting yourself into a deep slumber.
Sets of multiple chirps from the birds outside your apartment woke you up as it's loud enough to be your makeshift alarm clock yet those are way more peaceful than the ones you're used to. You slowly open your eyes only to see the dishevelment of everything around you—the sofa pillows dispersed around the vicinity of your couch, the crumpled tissues and cans around the coffee table, your jacket on the floor as it was probably made as a makeshift blanket in the earlier hours of your sleep.
You regain energy for a couple of seconds and rise up from the couch, reaching for your phone after as you're anticipating to read the possible reply of the girl you've made contact with and to your surprise (not really), she didn't reply.
Yet. Yet.
Well, there's still a chance of a reply later or the next day—all you know is that she'll respond to your possibly desperate attempts of assurance towards her and that you'll never give up until you get that desired choice of words from hers, even if it only flashed within those blue pixels on your phone.
You sigh heavily thinking that it's maybe over yet the optimistic side of you says that yes, she'll reply anytime. 
She inevitably will and that's the thought buried inside your mind.
Yawning as the post-sleep drowsiness is still all over you, you power yourself through rejuvenating and stretching your muscles and arms. Not so long after, you clean up everything that's a mess and prepare yourself to make a simple breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs with spring onions, some toasted eggs with butter and lastly, some freshly-brewed coffee with a hint of sugar as the cherry on top.
Munching onto the egg-filled bun, you scroll your fingertips down to your phone and just within a minute of surfing through social media, a familiar name with a message pops up as a notification and it makes your heart skip a beat from the utmost anticipation.
김가을 (Kim Gaeul) on 7:48 - “Sorry for bothering you too…”
Five words yet thousands of emotions can be felt coursing through your veins as you feel butterflies after reading such a short message. It's a relief knowing that the girl is not utterly scared for her life because of you but you're still feeling skeptical considering what you've done wrong to her as a first, not-so-accidental approach.
You'll do everything to further reassure her as you don't want to scar yourself  into thinking that she'll hold that grudge until her hair grows white so with an immediate action, you text her if she's down to meet you up on the same bar the both of you first met up. Of course, the adrenaline and the tension of your knees can't bear to be hidden in every word you type. You really wanted to apologize to her badly and to clear your name towards her yet a reflection hit you—what if she takes this negatively? Like, she might feel uncomfortable meeting up with you after what happened yesterday?
Sudden reflections with a hint of doubt hit you as your approach throughout the situation might be eccentric to nature yet it’s a gamble—a risk worth more than playing a deck of cards; a risk worth remembering or worth forgetting.
It's not like you're going to lose anything if the two of you didn't end on good terms with each other—the both of you are just strangers after all with a relationship fragile than a fiber of hair; a bond more shallow than an acquaintance.
It's not like that easy to let her go despite the situations said above because there's something within that made you captivated with her charms and the uncanny thought of her possibly knowing you before. 
You swear to god you haven't met her once in your life yet, but… is it not the same boat on her side?
It may or may not, you don't care because at the end of the day, you'll aim to figure this out with her and possibly, be friends with her.
You swear to god you won't love anyone again other than her but she may break the short-living curse you swore until your deathbed. 
If you can just send more pleas close to a hundred towards her even through text you absolutely would yet it's a hyperbolic exaggeration. But like, applying more bandages onto the wound won't help it heal faster, so, you just waited for her reply hoping that she's down and to your surprise, she agreed to meet up with you.
You smiled like an idiot, full of delight yet not that bright. You hurriedly prepared yourself to look as presentable as possible—decently dressed and neat and not looking like a lowlife in distress.
Locking the doors and securing everything on leaving with necessities, you hop onto your car right away and go straight to the bar the both of you first met.
Hopefully, this ends well on a good note…
Tapping and fidgeting your fingers onto the wooden surface of the table, you sigh slowly full of nervousness and utter excitement as every second counting feels heavy. Time ticks as you wait for the beautiful girl to meet you and as soon as you saw her walking her way towards the glass door, time felt eerie and slow—not frightening but more likely uncannily strange—as her modest walk sends you heart beating triple times, her inching closer towards the table you're in. You fix your posture and your demeanor, hoping to have a better “first” approach than what you showed her yesterday which is clearly embarrassing and unacceptable, to say the least.
You then opted to take the chair out as a gentlemanly move but she insisted, saying that it's just alright if you don't do it and she's not used to boys acting like a gentleman. You just nod but she still thanked you for your sweet, little actions. Despite the awkward moment, you take a look at her flawless features sculpted perfectly by the gods themselves—probably an angel in disguise, distinctable right from her beautiful, brown eyes up to her porcelain skin—god, she’s drop-dead glamorous.
A faint voice escapes your lips, your tone softer than a feather as she responds with a bow and greeting you softly too. The awkward silence was broken with a single word uttered from the girl’s lips, smiling faintly as she felt charmed with your looks.
You smile from her response as you make eye contact with her, in a sense of total seriousness and aim to let her forgive your reckless actions yesterday.
“Uhm, I’m really sorry about yesterday. I was just like, not in the mood for anything.”
“I’m also sorry too—”
“No, no—” you interrupt her unnecessary apologies towards you as you wanted to tell her that it’s all your fault and not hers.
It wasn’t, but with a pure heart like her, she still found a way to apologize to you which made your heart flutter yet it also makes her vulnerable for deception. Acceptance is a must, but you don’t find any way that she should accept the fact that it’s her fault, so you reassure her thoroughly and let her feel comfortable with you.
“—I’m clearly on the wrong side here. I shouldn’t really act like that towards strangers and also, I appreciate your concerns towards me but—” her eyes glistens with anticipation, ready to discern everything that’ll escape from your lips—
“—it’s not really none of your business but, yeah. I dearly appreciate your concern towards me yesterday. I was just too lost and controlled by my own emotions…” you bow down your head in dismay as you remember the moments of quarrel between her and you again—where everything went downhill and possibly, the lowest point of your life.
“Hey, hey, it’s going to be alright. I just tend to have the urge of helping people when they feel lost or in need of guidance or something—like, I can sense it…”
She’s so pure and innocent—she’s like the closest epitome of a saint. You can’t look her in the eyes anymore but she does, and she looks intently at you; her eyes gleaming in awe and anticipation.
“It’s going to be alright, trust me…”
You smile faintly at her. It's purely genuine this time as her reassurance heals you slowly, mending your broken heart.
“Thank you, genuinely.”
“N-no problem—by the way, can I know your name? I—uhm, just felt weird that we instantly talked to each other without me knowing y-your name…”
You huffed as you got shy from her sudden actions as you softly replied to her, your tone still audible in a way yet soothing and deep.
“Uhm—my name is Wooseol and you’re… Gaeul, I suppose??”
“Y-yes, my name’s Gaeul. Kim Gaeul and I suppose you already knew my name because of t-the note?”
 You scoff as your hand sheepishly scratched the back of your neck, feeling shy towards her. “Y-yeah… I also just assumed it was your name because you were the last person I talked with and the note wasn’t there on my jacket before I met you.”
“But you could never assume that always, right?” Gaeul giggles as she teases you with no harmful intentions, making you sheepishly laugh at her mischievous remarks.
“Yeah—but is it really your name? Gaeul?”
“Yeah, *giggles* I was just teasing you…”
Both of you smiled at each other as you felt comfortable talking with her, her playful and clever attitude checking the boxes of your ideal type. As much as it hurts to let her go and your unconditional love still shouting out her name, Gaeul is probably the one that’s destined for you and the kind of girl that is loyal and will love you passionately like how you loved her.
Maybe it’s just because Gaeul has been clouding your mind since yesterday and your emotions are taking over you, again—who knows?
You still don’t want to take things way too fast with her and you need a moderate pace for upping the relationship with her but establishing a good bond with her will be a great move, so, you asked her something and this time, you felt more confident than the earlier timid approach.
“Gaeul, m-may I ask you something?”
Her eyebrow furrowed, her gaze fixated onto yours, leaving you breathless before responding a simple, “Yes?”
This is your chance now so go and take it.
“Can we b-be friends? At least… *scoffs*”
God, it’s so awkward and all of a sudden—you muttered to yourself as you feel off while saying that but nonetheless, Gaeul blushed and took it as a nice initiative from you. She didn’t hesitate to nod immediately, signaling that you can be friends with her. This feels like you’re going to your old high school days, asking someone to be friends with them and it’s like rolling a dice because you’ll never expect if they will say a rejuvenating “yes” or a heart-breaking “no”.
But it doesn’t matter. Knowing that everything’s fine with Gaeul makes this day a lot better, making you feel delighted than ever and possibly, healing the wound she caused on your heart.
It seemed strange how everything unfolded and the sudden acceptance of apologies, but it's just going to get better from now on and everything's holding you back to where you were—a strong man being healed by an angel. 
“Also, may I ask one thing with you, Gaeul?”
“Yeah, what is it?”
“Are you younger than me or not? Because I was born in 2002 and I was thinking that it’s a bit disrespectful not calling you with honorifics—”
Her eyes lit like flames, full of desire as she’s shocked that she’s the same age as you. 
“Woah—no, it’s alright Wooseol-ie… I’m born in the same year too! You don’t need to address me as a noona *giggles*.”
You lightly giggle at her response, also shocked by the fact that she was born at the same year as you and you didn’t expect that. You continued talking with her and actually got to know each other’s personalities more. That doesn’t come with a bit of bickering and small laughs which is the cherry on top of every fun and engaging conversation. Not so long after, she asked for your number and unhesitantly, you typed your number on her contact and it comes with a bright smile of hers that captivates you more, falling onto her spell slowly.
Boisterous laughs full of joy and stupid memories, teak-jerking moments from the past that were poignant to feel inside and a lot more was shared with the beautiful girl beside you as the hours went by. It felt like you’ve started all over again as the undying feeling of ecstasy fueled you into a good mood today and of course, the feeling of love coursing to your veins can be felt again. You don’t want to rush things with her, like engaging in another relationship or something crazier than that but you can’t help yourself to feel that way. Who are you to blame if an angelic, heaven-sent girl came down and be friends with you? You’re absolutely not to be blamed here.
Well, even with the inevitable happiness you’ve felt with her earlier, there’s still a feeling of guilt and sadness that’s corrupting your heart slowly, breaking it into pieces. Why so? Because you still love her.
They may say that you must move on as the past is already buried in the past, but you want to write your own, brilliant future with her but you need to do what you must do. The pain is agonizing to deal with, but you’ll believe in saying that whenever there’s pain in your life and you’ve endured, you’ll be rewarded with a good cause and really hope that it’ll be true.
Let those pessimistic thoughts fade away as you’re only investing your interest towards Kim Gaeul only and only her.
It’s getting dark and the sun will set soon as the orange skies can be seen onto the horizon, another day ending yet there’s nothing near an end when you’re still with Gaeul.
Probably, the two of you may consider this a date on how much you’ve bonded over the hours. This may feel surreal and out of the blue yet you won’t complain as everything feels enchanted and you want that feeling.
“Want me to order another drink, Seol-ie?”
“Oh, no, I’m already good, Gaeul. Thanks though…”
The both of you wander over the horizon under the pine tree, taking a gulp on the sweet beverage you both love. It doesn’t come with a deep sigh in every gulp and your eyes wandering down to her angelic features. The both of you still converse with each other, sharing and reminiscing the core memories from the past and how you’re grateful and regretful having to experience those. 
The both of you became so comfortable with each other that you began to empathize with her and that never felt this good. 
Sure, it really boosts up your mood and morale within the given time as you feel open to someone you're comfortable with but talking with Gaeul feels way different. Maybe it's just a certain feeling of affection and love towards her and your biased thoughts yet who are you to blame?
“Thank you for these things, Seol-ie… I never shared this much with someone and I—felt s-so—I don't really know how to describe it—”
“I can't describe it either and I also feel the same way, Gaeul… I s-still can't believe all of these happened just within a single day…”
It does feel too fast yet you won't complain any further because at the other boat, Gaeul's enamored countenance possibly comes to a conclusion that she liked talking with you.
“This feels unreal, yeah—I feel that way too and I—uhm—s-sorry for being like this Seol-ie. It's just been awhile since I talked to someone like this…”
Gaeul faces you and you face her, making eye contact as you can see flames of passion igniting beneath those lovely, brown eyes of hers. You smiled at her and reassured her to not apologize since this is completely normal to feel because you feel the same way too.
Butterflies on your stomach—that's the best description of what the both of you are feeling right now! Yes, yes it is.
“It's alright. It's normal to feel butterflies in these situations.”
You put down your drink at the wooden seat of the bench as you gently course your hand to brush against hers, feeling her soft, porcelain skin touch yours is genuinely captivating.
“I also want to thank you for listening to me. It was hard breaking up with her but like, I had to do it. Thank you for that, Gaeul.”
You faintly smile as the coarseness of your voice becomes evident once you mention her. 
Gaeul knows deep down your heart that you still love her—she can see it in your eyes; how your pupils dilated and widen every time you mention alongside a hint of tear running down your cheek, in which, to her response, wipes it down with her finger.
“Hey, hey, it probably hurts but, I guess we should take our time to move on and accept it. It's probably letting her go but if you knew it was the best for you, then you made the right choice.”
Gaeul inches closer to you and smiles at you, her reassurance definitely healing the wound that’s been scarring you for the past week.You then thanked her with all your heart because of her listening to you and being understanding to the current situation you’re in. 
You never thought how pure and down to earth Gaeul is and that’s the beauty of it. Hearing her deep, soothing voice while talking just puts you in tranquil, in a state where everything just feels right and peaceful with her and you love it.
You probably fell into her spell now—falling in love with her and just her only.
“Thank you for the kind words, Gaeul. I—really owe you because of this—”
“No, it’s really fine, Seol-ie! I’m just like—you know, giving you advice for the better you to possibly come back.”
And she’s just making you fall in love with her even more and there’s the venom that you’re going to take. A venom because of the fact that you still love her but Gaeul’s just captivating your heart even more at this moment, and you would like to up the ante.
“Uhm, Gaeul, may I ask you something?”
“Uhm, sure!”
You sigh, regaining the confidence and the will to say this to her as you anticipate something that will make you smile in delight or will break your heart.
“I really, really appreciate everything you’ve said and I just wanna really say that I really like you, Gaeul.”
A momentary pause breaks the noise and the tension between the both of you, your eyes anticipating a response for her and Gaeul herself a bit shocked yet flustered with your sudden confession.
“You know, Wooseol—I really like you too and it’s genuine but…”
She sighs as she gains the courage but a sudden realization hit her, responding to you with an amicable tone and brushing off the intrusive thought she has in mind.
Or is it…
“—N-nothing, really. It’s just—I’m a bit shocked I guess, you know? Not really used to this feeling…”
“It’s fine, Gaeul. I really liked you from the beginning but I was just scared of being rejected because of what I did yesterday and honestly, you’re perfect.”
The word resonates around her ears as it felt enchanting to hear the seven-letter word to be directed to her. She hides her face in embarrassment because of your heartfelt compliment towards her as you giggled softly because of her adorable, little actions.
“Yah~ Seol-ie. D-don’t make me blush like that—”
You then catch her gaze again, your eyes fixated on looking at her only as you let your thoughts win and confessed everything to her.
You’re so mad in love with her right now and you’ll let her know that.
“But I’m for real, Gaeul! You’re beautiful, down-to-earth—you’re perfect to my eyes. I feel so assured and I feel loved because of you, Gaeul—I love you…”
Cupping her cheek with your palm and inching closer to her, she was flummoxed with the sudden action of yours but doesn’t complain as she’s feeling the same towards you—the feelings are mutual and there’s no one that’ll stop the both of you from letting everything out.
Gently and slowly, you caress her cheeks and let everything out—
“I l-love you too, Seol-ie—you probably don’t k-know this but—”
As soon as you heard the word, it triggered something in you resulting in a deep, captivating kiss onto her lips. She reciprocated slowly as you felt the love and the sweet taste of the flesh brushing off against hers. She tastes incredible as the strawberry lipstick makes you feel insatiable towards her, kissing her passionately. You immediately pulled out as you felt guilty for being too rushed onto an anticipating climax. The both of you exchanged breaths as the short, enthralling session made the both of you feel butterflies into your stomachs (of course, it’s figurative).
“W-woah… Getting too excited, Seol-ie?” she giggled as punches your chest lightly, in a state of shock and awe as your actions definitely moved a muscle on her hibernating heart—a beast being woken up from its long slumber.
“Sorry about t-that, Gaeul—I c-can’t help it—you made me feel this way. I’m sorry about t-that…”
“There’s no need to—the f-feelings are mutual.”
You flash another smile to her, letting her know how much you love the feeling of insatiability towards her as you anticipate more or none.
“Yes, Gaeul? Is there anything wro—”
She shushes you with a single finger brushing onto your lip as she adorably captivates you, “There’s nothing wrong, Seol-ie. I just w-want you—now, please…”
She wants you for now? What does that even mean—oh…
Yes, and you knew what she’s feeling right now—the absolute need for you and to feel your love.
“Gaeul—” you inch away from her a little bit as you ask her if she’s serious about it and there’s no games being played. “—what do you mean by this? Are you in need of—”
“Just you, Seol-ie—just you, please.”
It’s the glint on her eyes, tears being held back from the emotions she’s about to unshackle—the uncontained feeling of need, unable to be restrained anymore with just a hair’s width of chains holding it together. She demands you and it’s evident on her eyes and her hands naturally—and possibly involuntarily—caressing your thigh for further encouragement.
You know that this is not the place to take action upon her request and needs, so, you had a better plan in store for the both of you that she’ll surely love.
“Let’s just take this on to my place, shall we? Because I don’t want people to see us like this in public.”
She knows you have a point and she doesn’t want to get caught up and get embarrassed so she eagerly nods as the both of you stood up on the bench while the both of you were sitting and got your unfinished drinks. 
The eyes—specifically her eyes seeking venture towards the promised land. She is brave; she is brilliant; she is her. You knew how adventurous she can be as she shared how bold and vocal she is whenever she wanted to do something but this was probably over her bucket list of wants. 
The both of you then went to your car, readying yourselves to go onto your place and you can’t wait how everything will unfold once this day closes its own chapter.
Traveling down the breeze of the wind is sure enthralling and the both never felt so comfortable to be in touch with nature’s finest. There were little to no cars to be seen on the streets as probably, the roads are busier onto the other side of the metropolis and that’s the wonder—you went back home safely and faster than expected as traffic was non-existent. The lack of possibly heavy traffic during these busy hours is surprising yet you’re not complaining.
“Aaaand we’re here in my humble home!” your cheerful tone rejuvenates the earlier silent aura around the apartment as she was in awe of how good your apartment looks, almost so cozy to live in and probably, her ideal place to rest with.
“Woah… Your a-apartment looks really nice, Seol-ie. It’s like—it probably feels cozy to live here!”
You sheepishly laugh as you scratch your head, feeling flustered about the compliment she said on how tidy and invigorating the cleanliness of your apartment is. You’re also just a big fan of cleaning stuff and organizing things and it’s just wholesome seeing someone appreciating your aspects—possibly your personality too.
“This is just something simple—nothing really much, heh—”
“Oh come on, Wooseol—your place looks really good and neat but other than that—”
You definitely know where this will go yet you still want to have her own ways and not yours. As much as she wants to appreciate everything, she can’t let her needs unattended as you pin her slowly onto the couch, letting herself rest on it as your face is now just centimeters close to her, almost kissing her in the process.
“Why is Gaeul getting proactive? Really want me, hm?”
“Stop—but I do, I really do want you even b—” she paused for a moment as you were caught off-guard, stopping yourself from your playful antics with her.
“What, Gaeul?”
“N-nothing, Seol-ie—I just become nervous about these kinds of things…”
You cup her cheek as you look her in the eyes, assuring her that everything will be fine and she just needs to be confident with herself. You can see the passion burning behind those glowing orbs of hers and the feeling is really mutual between the both of you. After a smile enunciating the final signal, you let yourself fall onto her spell as you latch your lips onto her slowly, her immediately reciprocating on the kiss that was so torrid since the start and you absolutely love it.
The clashing of both the velvety-red flesh never stopped but intensified as every second fades, the dueling between the both of you let each other know how much you want each other. 
The unstoppable force meets the immovable object and both are really the great epitome of that paradox—but there's no such paradox if everything is evidently true and the lust between each kiss explains everything well.
“God—Gaeul—you're such a talented kisser."
“No, you are, Seol-ie—mmph!”
You continue barraging her lips with your own delightful act, each kiss dominating her as she moans softly while eagerly reciprocating. Her hands then roam around your neck, your abs and your chest, caressing the clothed skin softly as she feels the tension between the both of you.
“Gosh, you're so insatiable, Gaeul.”
You kiss her again, and again, yet this time, there's more burning passion and assertive dominance as you add a little bit of tongue for spiciness.
And to no surprise, she reciprocates on your lustful actions by doing the same, both of your tongues dancing and battling for dominance and neither can win nor lose.
She let herself be free and so did both of your saliva seeping out of your mouth, the vehemence on each torrid, lustful kiss sendong serotonin down your veins. 
After a hot minute of kissing, you pulled out of her seemingly tight suction of her lips as she whined a little alongside her moans, wanting to feel more yet oxygen is to blame here.
“T-too g-good, Seol-ie—that w-was great—ohh…”
“You k-kiss me so well too, Gaeul. Have y-you done this b-before?”
Almost getting in a state of trance, you invigorate yourself by distracting your eyes onto her immaculate features and your hands haphazardly caressing and roaming down her waist. She subtly moans as she tries to think of an articulate answer but really can't.
 “M-maybe just once, Seol-ie. It's also a g-good experience but yours is b-better—you're a better kisser than h-him…”
You're perplexed that she already had a good experience with this kind of scenario yet you didn't mind that—it's maybe written the stars on how talented she is and that's the beauty of her.
Despite the little talk, you still want her and to feel her, just like how she wants you. With that in mind and being the gentleman that you are, you ask her permission for something you want to do, anticipating for a “yes” escaping her luscious lips.
“May I, Gaeul?” 
Brushing off the little hair that's been covering the pristine skin of her neck, you wanted to latch onto those soft flesh but you waited for her permission. Of course, knowing how much she wanted you, she never hesitated to nod as she knew exactly what you wanted to do with her.
She unbuttons the two buttons on her oversized long sleeves, making you peek onto her sharp hint of collarbones and the porcelain skin if her neck as you gently meet your lips onto the musky scent of her flesh, suckling on it as she moans full or fervor yet it's still soft.
You pepper her skin full of kisses as her moans just reverberate around your ear, making you up the ante the intensity of your kisses. You don't want to mark her but probably you will considering how much the suction is being felt between both worlds yet she doesn't complain but rather helps you out—herself positioning comfortably for you and guiding your left hand onto her waist to further feel her affection.
“Gosh—m-more please, Seol-ie—ahh, right there!”
Latching onto her collarbones now, she feels the kryptonite running down her veins as she succumbs onto submission, fully submitting herself onto the sea of kisses that you initiated and her drowning herself into her absolute desires.
“Please, Seol-ie—I can't t-take it anymore—I want to do something m-more than this…”
“But I'm still not done kissing you, baby.”
God—the pet name—she did not see that coming.
It doesn't matter because deep down, she likes it and you can see it in her eyes—her eyes don't lie.
“But please—”
You stop peppering her as she whines almost inaudibly onto your ear, Gaeul feeling the soft flesh detach onto her neck. At this moment, she’s nigh-insatiable as you couldn’t contain anything that you’ve been unshackling since the day you met her. This escalated quickly but you didn’t care anymore—you just want her and her only and that is what matters.
“What do you exactly want from me, hm? Enlighten me, Kim Gaeul…”
You smirk as you mock her, making her squirm quietly as she can’t help but feel the absolute delight of her whole life because of you. The sudden foreplay is working, you can’t just be damned to do that forever as your animalistic urges take over you yet still control it as you don’t want to get harsh on Gaeul.
A sudden ring on her phone distracts you but her hands directed your chin, making you look at only her and nothing else.
“Eyes here, Seol-ie—please—”
“Don’t you want to answer that? That’s probably important, no? Or I’ll just go and check it—”
“No!” Gaeul yelps as she grabs your wrists, pleading and insisting you to not further check it because it’s nothing important. She then grabs her phone and puts it on “silent” so the both of you won’t be further distracted. 
“It’s just one of my friends calling. I’ll call them later whenever we’re done—so, please, just—”
You inch closer and closer to her again, until your faces are just a hand’s width away from each other.
“Tell me, Gaeul—what do you exactly want?”
“Y-you—to feel you, Seol-ie.”
You course a hand onto the waist then onto her hips, caressing it slowly as she moans because of your sudden actions.
“Be exact, Gaeul. Enlighten me more and let it all out. After all—” you inch your lips near her ear, the hot breath tingles her as you whisper, “—it’s just the both of us here.”
You now face her with a smirk that further lures her into her own profanities. You know where this is going but you wait for her to be addressed first before yours because she’s all that matters today.
“I w-want y-you to—f-fuck me, Seol-ie… I want t-to experience that—I want y-your cock to—gahh-ahh!”
You brush your fingers slowly onto the clothed crotch, making her squirm and her legs tremble in delight. She’s getting bolder and daring as she addresses her lustful profanities to you, and it’s only a matter of time for those earlier wishes to be fulfilled.
“Tell me more, Gaeul. More of it—”
And there she goes, succumbing to the sea of lust and letting everything out.
“W-want your cock to plunge d-deep into my tight, little p-pussy—gahh—a-and f-fuck me hard and f-fast—ga-ahh!”
She can’t articulately think of words to describe what she needs as you quicken up the pace of your teasing onto her clothed crotch. You can feel the inevitable wetness being released from her reservoir as the teasing and the overgoing feeling of serotonin making her brain go haywire.
“Tell me more, Gaeul—you’re almost there.”
“W-ant y-you to fuck m-me fast and h-hard until I s-scream in p-pleasure and c-cum all over yo-your cock—g-ahh—and I—fuck!”
“That’s enough, baby.” you stop teasing her as she falls onto the couch, comfortable and relaxed yet uneasy as her thighs are still quivering because of the sudden cause of pleasure.
“I think we should go to my bedroom, Gaeul and do what you want with me…”
Her mouth shivers as she stutters because she can’t help but still feel the aftermath of the things you’ve caused her—you swear to god she almost came all just from that teasing and that’s why she’s struggling but deep inside, you know she loved it.
You still keep asking her if she’s really up for this but she’s really pushing for this and is no stranger to anything like this as she wants to fulfill her fantasies with you.
This is gonna be one hell of a night…
“God—I knew she would do this! How am I so stupid!” The girl shouts furiously, frustrated at herself as she’s not having the time of her life because another missed call from possibly hundreds of failed calls from her friend.
She half-expected this to happen but she’s just paranoid to think about anything related to vice in her vocabulary but she can’t do anything, yet…
“We’ll have a bad time tomorrow, Gaeul…”
“Seol-ie, please—w-want to feel you…”
“Baby, you gotta be patient—I don’t want to hop onto the climax immediately.”
She keeps kissing you fervently, tongues battling around each other as you pull out again from her vacuum, wanting to teach her something and let her know something.
“I a-also wanted to try something that you'll surely like too…”
“What is it, Seol-ie?”
You sat down onto the bed, spreading your legs wide as you stole a gaze to her, smirking at the thought of what you’re about to enlighten her.
“Have you imagined sucking a dick, Gaeul? Like, I assume you already know what that means—”
“Y-yes, Seol-ie. I’ve always wanted to try that for real and not always in a dildo.”
What a girl Gaeul is, truly. Outside, she is an angel, a pure-hearted girl with everything on her—the nigh-epitome of perfection—yet it’s all like in a disguise.
The angel in disguise and the devil in her eyes. 
You never expected her to be this kinky and dirty, yet you didn’t care about that as you wanted her as much as she wanted you—and again, that’s all that matters. Kneeling down with her face just inches between your clothed erection, her eyes burn with lust as her tongue licks the caldera of her mouth, preparing on what she’s about to take and you, yourself, preparing what sin’s about to happen.
“Please do the honors, baby…”
She tugs the side of your hips, unbuckling your belt hurriedly and unzipping your pants. Her hands are trembling slightly but you assure her with a pat on the head. It definitely works as she feels way more confident than before, now dropping the first layer of your clothed defenses against your crotch. Her eyes lit up in awe as she saw how hard you became and it made her blush knowing that it’s her cause. Now taking a deep breath, she yanks down your boxers as she was met with your rock-hard erection, standing tall and dripping with a little bit of that colorless liquid. She massages your balls gently and stroked the base of your shaft, earning a subtle moan from you because of her good handwork.
“God, baby—that’s good—do I need to teach you or you’ll do it all yourself?”
She keeps her moderate pace between her strokes as she looks you directly in the eyes, “Let m-me do everything, Seol-ie—just relax yourself…”
And there she goes, diving in and plunging her lips onto the tip of your shaft in which, in response, you squirm uncontrollably as her warm mouth meets the raging mushroom tip as her tongue circles around the slit, collecting the pre-cum that has been leaking out. She moans in delight as she finally tastes you—one step until she obtains your primordial seed.
She dances her tongue onto your frenulum and up to the corona of the tip as you squeal because of the sudden hit of pleasure. She just insists on sucking the tip just to give you a tease on what she can do and surprisingly for a first-timer, she’s not doing bad—maybe just the serrated culprit making the pain a little bit unbearable but nonetheless, she’s doing a magnificent job.
“God—what a good girl y-you are—you really are a good girl, Gaeul. Fuck! Keep d-doing that…”
And she didn’t stop pleasuring you, stealing glances and making eye contact too from time to time as her adorable face contradicts the act of sin she’s dealing with between your legs—you don’t why, but it’s so fucking hot.
Now engulfing more inches of your shaft, she starts to gag a little bit because of your girth activating her reflex but she didn’t quit and further bobbed her head with a pace that’s moderately pleasurable. Her tongue working in tandem with her mouth to increase your libido is the breaking point and the dexterity of her hands fondling your balls gently is just crossing a line, in a pleasurably good way. She now takes almost full of your shaft, her pace immediately quickening as you moan uncontrollably, another symphony being composed as you grip her hair, making a makeshift ponytail to fight the excessive pleasure coursing down your veins.
When she looks up, she looks ruined as her make-up is now a mess, tears running down her cheek and the saliva seeping out of her mouth in every thrust she does with face onto your raging length. 
She’s way too great to be an amateur or is it just the fact that your head is ultimately clouded with pleasure that you can’t think straight to judge her skills—but it doesn’t matter as long as you’re getting the pleasure you’ve been wanting to experience for a long time and Gaeul having a good time sucking your dick—that’s all that matters.
She still continues to bob her head down frantically, your brain now feeling the familiar knot in your loins which signals the near denouement of the play—the dam breaking loose, signaling your release.
“I said stop, Gaeul!”
She pulls out of your shaft, strands of saliva connected down her mouth and onto your slit as her eyes convey fear. Her puppy-like, brown eyes went uneasy and the furrowing of her eyebrows lets you know how scared she became once you furiously shouted that.
“I-is there a-anything wrong, Seol-ie?” Still catching her breath from the lack of oxygen, she asks you with a tone that distinguishes fright.
“N-no, Gaeul—I j-just want to fuck your pussy now. You d-did a brilliant job sucking m-me off. I’ll feel that until later…”
A sigh of relief escapes her lips knowing that you’re not disappointed or frustrated with her performance but rather enjoyed it.
Now getting up from her previous position, you guide her towards the bed as you completely undress yourself. She strips her clothes slowly, as you watch in amusement, your dick still twitching in need as her full body is on display—petite breasts, small waist, plump butt, mouth-watering thighs and to top it all off, her dripping, wet holes.
“Sorry if it’s not too—”
“Oh come on, Gaeul—it’s perfect just the way it is.”
You then pin her slowly on the bed, kissing lips passionately as she smiles because of your compliments. You then pepper her collarbones with kisses, causing her to moan in need as she’s asking you something that will rile you up for sure.
“How would you w-want to fuck me, Seol-ie, hm?”
A daring question but you’ll immediately answer—
“I’d like to take you from behind, baby. Wanna see this plump ass get pummeled and your holes get wet with my dick.”
“I’d love to be the guest of t-that—hihi~”
She now positions herself in all fours, her arms supporting her body and her face being buried against the mattress. You can see the wetness on her core and it’s oh-so mouth-watering to be feasted on—as much as you want to eat her pussy up, you don’t want to waste time as you want to fuck her and feel her heat. 
You brush your fingers against her wet folds, earning a squirm from the petite lady on all fours. You tease your leaking slit onto her labia which causes her to beg for more and moan sexily, her lewd tone ringing around your ear.
“P-please, j-just put it in to me—just w-want to feel your—oh, fuck!”
Surprising her, you insert your tip onto the entrance of her heated core as you groan on how tight it is—much tighter than what you expect. After all, it was an unclaimed pussy so you weren’t surprised either.
“Gosh—so fucking tight, Gaeul! So, so, fucking tight—arghh, I’m pounding you real good…”
“Please d-do—ahh, you’re stretching me out!”
“It’s just my tip inside you, yet. Wait until you feel it all—the real one…”
And you unleash the beast inside you by bringing in a moderate pace, fucking her with a force that’s not too hard yet not too lacking either. It’s a great pace for and you and her to get used to each other as you gently fuck her—just withdrawing with the tip inside and then slamming back in, balls-deep into her tight, little cunt.
Within a minute of intimate, moderate sex, exchange of lustful moans adding up to the sea caused earlier and passionate kissing, you start to pummel your whole length into her harder and faster, the pace quickly building up as she can feel it to, moaning uncontrollably as her pussy constricts around your length, gripping hard because of the sudden course of pleasure. You groan in pain on how tight she is but because on how wet she is, it wasn’t an issue to fuck her like an animal.
With your whole shaft going inside her in every thrust you make, you inevitably moan in delight as the serotonin you’re feeling is insane and it just fuels you to protrude your whole length into her without letting her catch a breath. You grip her hips and fuck her relentlessly, your aim is to make her feel good and make her feel the best sex of her whole life as every clash of your bodies makes a dissonance to the symphony of moans the both of you are composing—the oxymoron (contradiction) probably making things spicier and better.
“God—S-Seol-ie! You’re fu—mmph!”
“I want to hear you, Gaeul.”
After burying her head onto the mattress because of how she’s feeling so good, you gained the courage to support herself on getting up so you can hear her profanities once more.
“You’re f-fucking m-me too well—ahh—gosh, you’re treating me l-like a toy and I—gahh—love i-it! Please p-pound my cunt!”
“Don’t w-worry, Gaeul—I’ll give you the best sex session of your whole life and you won’t forget this day until the end of times. God—you’re pussy is so fucking tight and I l-love it. So fucking tight—so fucking ruinable…”
Bringing in pandemonium of thrust, the harmonious moans that once filled the air is now a dissonant maelstrom of groans and of course, moans, as you fuck her like an animal—your animalistic urges taking over you and winning. On how much she’s messing the sheets because of her cunt dripping like a broken faucet, you know that she’s about to cum, her first of the night and want to make it one hell of a first orgasm. So, with all the energy your hips can give, you grip the side of her hips and fucked her until her legs almost give out, giving everything you got as announces her near high, resulting you to quicken the pace up and fucking her harder.
“I’m gonna c-cum, Seol-ie! All over your c-cock—fuck, fuck—I’m cumming!!”
And you slow down and let her ride her high as her pussy constricts around your cock, almost suffocating it as she came harder than you expected, her body quivering as she moans (almost screams) in absolute state of bliss. 
You swear to god, you’re going to be cleaning your bed after the both of you are done.
The both of you were a mess yet you wanna add up more than just a mess as you slowly pick up the pace of your hammering thrusts, earning a silent cry from the blonde-haired girl.
“P-please, Seol-ie—please f-fuck me harder—gahh!”
“Aren’t you still sensitive, baby?”
Concern filled your tone as you wanted to give her some breathing space but it seems like she doesn’t care about your frantic actions on using her pussy at your will.
“J-just please—fuck me hard and f-fast again, please!”
If she insists, who are you to resist? 
It wasn’t even out of the choice, not when your tip is still in her, bringing in a leisurely slow pace as she cries and begs for you to hammer her pussy again. You wanted to chase your own orgasm too so you’re in the same boat with her right now and course, you’ll be the one who’ll do the fucking…
What in the world did you make Gaeul be so cock-drunken? What spell did you cast on her to make her impure?
Those were the questions not even science can answer in the right time, only you can but probably, you’ll never will. Increasing the pace immediately, you pound her like it’s your last but unlike the last time, you now lean onto the nape of her neck, resting your head onto it as you pepper her with kisses that add up the intensity and the passion that has been ignited since the start. It’s like gasoline being thrown to the flames of lust and need as you are definitely fulfilling her needs and there’s just one more step towards the apotheosis of this session.
Suckling onto the porcelain skin of her shoulders while you fuck her, it’s really a sigh to behold and a feeling you can’t help to be involved, truly. You weren’t far off reaching your intense climax as you can feel her core pulsating around your raging length, also signaling her near orgasm too.
“God—I’m fucking close, Gaeul. Where do you want it—”
“Inside me, please.”
“But are you—”
“Please, Wooseol! Let’s cum together.”
The silent mewl of desperation lingers around your ears as she cries in need, in need of your seed being deposited inside her, filling her up to the hilt—right towards her womb. Wanting to savor the last moments before the end of the climax, you pull out of her immediately and commanded her to face you as she does, inserting your length with no time to waste as you look deep in her eyes—those eyes that captivated you, lured you into wanting her, loving her, fucking her—those beatiful, brown eyes—
It felt surreal and your thoughts were just head-empty full of her as you kiss her lips as soon as you feel it breaking loose—and there it is—
You kiss her passionately as you unload everything inside her cunt as the love between the both of you surpass the heavens above and everything—every thick spurt makes her moan in need as her thighs quiver in response, also marking her second orgasm of the session. You didn’t stop kissing her as it became more heated but as soon as your orgasm died, you pulled out of her snug core slowly and so is detaching of your lips onto hers. The both of you exchanged smiles and laughs, both in your own euphoric trance and in the paramount of happiness. Once you pull out, you can see how much you’ve come inside her and creampied her well. She thanked you for that yet the worry settled in knowing that you came inside her and scared if she’s going to be—
“Pregnant? Oh c-come on, Seol-ie—I’m perfectly safe today, that's why I want to feel your seed inside me. Gosh—it feels so warm and thick—ahh, thank you.” Gaeul hugs you and kisses your cheek as a big thank you on fulfilling to live on earlier fantasies now turned into reality. You shared another kiss with her and this time, it’s just slow and delicate, full of love and passion.
“This feels enchanting, Seol-ie. I never felt this good in my life—woah… Oh my~”
“And I’m happy to make you feel that way, Gaeul.”
Another kiss on the forehead for further assurance as all she needs to giggle silently again. 
“Gosh—I t-think we should clean up, together, Seol-ie…”
“If you insist, I’ll help you out—I need to clean up myself too.”
And yes, this night will go down to your own history books and hers too—
It doesn’t just get better than this—opting to clean up in the shower and end up having another intimate session is probably the best way to end this remarkable day. It was going all to well until you saw a notification on her phone while she was away—
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elryuse · 6 months
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The city lights blurred past the taxi window, a kaleidoscope of neon mirroring the turmoil within me. Each raindrop hitting the pavement echoed the hammering in my chest. Wonyoung was gone, not physically – she still shared our apartment, a ghost haunting its familiar walls – but emotionally, her heart stolen by a cruel mirage.
Sunghoon. The name felt like a curse word on my tongue. He was everything I wasn't – loud, flashy, the center of attention. Wonyoung, my sunshine, my Wonyoung, had been lured by his supernova glow, leaving me in the cold, desolate space he left behind.
We were the perfect couple, or so everyone thought. Public appearances, stolen kisses on award shows, our social media a testament to a love people envied. But behind the curated feed, cracks had begun to show. Her lingering glances at Sunghoon, the whispered conversations during interviews I couldn't decipher.
I buried my head in the sand, clinging to the illusion of our happiness. Until the day I saw the message. A careless text left open on her phone, a single sentence that shattered our carefully constructed world.
"Meet me tonight, baby. Can't wait to see you again."
The phone slipped from my grasp, crashing onto the coffee table like a gunshot. The once-sweet scent of her perfume in the air turned suffocating.
Days bled into weeks, a hollow space where Wonyoung used to be. Calls went unanswered, texts ignored. The guilt gnawed at her, I knew, her apologies echoing in a phone call that replayed on a loop in my mind. But the words, laced with a desperation I no longer recognized, rang hollow.
My saving grace, my lighthouse in this storm, was Gaeul. Wonyoung's best friend, always a presence on the periphery of our relationship. Now, she was the constant by my side, a silent pillar of support.
Nights were the worst. Sitting in the living room, the echo of our laughter bouncing off the walls like a cruel ghost. Gaeul would sit beside me, a warm presence against the chill that enveloped me. Her hand, a grounding force.
One night, as sobs wracked my body, a flicker of something new sparked in her eyes. Not pity, but a hesitant understanding. A silent confession we both acknowledged but couldn't yet voice.
Wonyoung returned, a broken bird with tear-streaked cheeks. Her apologies were a torrent of words, a desperate attempt to rewind time. But the pieces of our love were scattered, impossible to reassemble.
My heart, once overflowing with love for the girl with sunshine hair, was now a barren landscape. The thrill she craved had left her empty, the excitement a fleeting mirage.
Gaeul was different. Her love was a quiet flame, a steady warmth in the storm. Her eyes held a depth I hadn't noticed before, a quiet strength that complemented my own.
As Wonyoung packed her things, a ghost leaving the life she'd built, a flicker of hope ignited within me. It wasn't the same fierce love I once held for Wonyoung, but it was a spark nonetheless.
Looking at Gaeul, her hand resting on mine, I finally found the words that had been lost, choked by sorrow.
"Gaeul," I whispered, my voice hoarse. "I think… I think I might be falling for you."
The rain outside had stopped, replaced by a sliver of moonlight peeking through the clouds. A new beginning, fragile but hopeful, stretched before me. The love I once had for Wonyoung, a vibrant flower, might have wilted, but from its ashes, a different kind of love bloomed. A quiet love, a steady flame, waiting to be nurtured.
The scent of jasmine, once a sweet reminder of Gaeul's calming presence, now made my stomach churn. It clung to the air like a ghost, a stark contrast to the cloying perfume that filled the apartment when Wonyoung reappeared.
"Y/n," she breathed, her voice trembling like a teardrop. She stood in the doorway, my name a soft plea on her lips. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. The Wonyoung I knew, the vibrant sunshine girl, was gone, replaced by a fragile wisp of a woman desperate for redemption.
"Wonyoung," I mumbled, unsure of what to say. Gaeul was away for the weekend, visiting her family. A selfish part of me, a flicker of the love that still flickered like a dying ember, welcomed this unexpected visit.
"Can I come in?" she pleaded, her voice a mere whisper. I hesitated, the image of Gaeul, her hand intertwined with mine, flashing in my mind. But Wonyoung's watery eyes were too much to bear.
"Just for a bit," I muttered, stepping aside.
She moved like a wisp, collapsing onto the couch I used to share with Gaeul. The scent of jasmine mingled with the heavy perfume, creating a suffocating mix.
"I miss you, Y/n," she confessed, her voice barely audible. "I miss us."
My heart clenched. The memories flooded back – stolen kisses in backstage corridors, whispered secrets under a blanket of stars. But that time had passed, replaced by Gaeul's quiet strength, her unwavering support.
"Gaeul..." I started, but she cut me off.
"Gaeul is kind," she said, her voice laced with something bitter. "But she doesn't understand you like I do."
She took a step closer, her hand brushing against mine. The touch sent a jolt through me, a betrayal of the fragile peace I'd found with Gaeul.
"We could try again, Y/n," she whispered, her voice husky. "Forget Sunghoon, forget everything. We can be like we were before."
Her words were a siren song, a desperate attempt to rewind time. The Wonyoung I once loved stood before me, but the ghost of Gaeul's hurt loomed large.
"Wonyoung..." I began, searching for the right words.
Suddenly, the door creaked open. Gaeul stood there, framed by the entrance, a dark cloud behind the veil of her hair. Her face, usually radiating warmth, was set in a mask of cold fury.
"Gaeul," I stammered, the air thickening with tension.
Wonyoung, sensing the shift in atmosphere, whipped around, her eyes widening in surprise.
"What's going on here?" Gaeul asked, her voice devoid of its usual gentleness. It was a voice I'd never heard before, a low growl that sent shivers down my spine.
Wonyoung, flustered, stammered an explanation. But Gaeul cut her off, her gaze fixed on me.
"Y/n," she said, her voice a chilling whisper. "Is everything alright?"
The question hung in the air, an accusation disguised as concern. The possessiveness in her voice, the way she clung to the words "everything alright" like a lifeline, was unsettling.
"Yes," I lied, my voice thin. "We were just… catching up."
Gaeul's gaze never left me. It was an intense scrutiny that made me feel like a bug pinned under a microscope. The jasmine scent, which once offered solace, now felt like a suffocating prison.
Wonyoung, sensing the hostility, opted for a graceful retreat. Mumbling a quick goodbye, she practically flew out of the apartment, leaving an unsettling quiet behind.
Gaeul turned to me, her eyes filled with a storm of emotions. The love, the possessiveness, the anger – it all swirled together in a terrifying cocktail.
"Don't let her manipulate you again, Y/n," she hissed, her voice tight with barely concealed rage.
I opened my mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. The Gaeul I knew, the comforting presence, seemed to have vanished. In her place stood a woman I didn't recognize, a woman consumed by a love that had turned possessive.
The night that followed was a blur of accusations and justifications. My apartment, once a haven of peace, became a battleground. The love triangle that had started with Wonyoung's infidelity had now morphed into a suffocating web of possessiveness, with Gaeul as the spider at its center.
As the sun peeked through the blinds, casting harsh light on the wreckage of the night, I knew things couldn't go on like this. My once cozy apartment, filled with shared laughter and the scent of Gaeul's jasmine tea, now reeked of tension and the cloying perfume Wonyoung had worn.
Gaeul sat on the couch, her back ramrod straight, arms crossed tightly across her chest. Gone was the gentle touch that used to comfort me, replaced by a cold, unyielding demeanor.
"Gaeul," I started, my voice hoarse. "We need to talk about this."
She finally looked at me, but not in the way I craved. Her eyes, usually sparkling with warmth, were hard and calculating.
"What is there to talk about, Y/n?" she spat. "Wonyoung just waltzes back in after breaking your heart, and you're ready to fall for her all over again?"
"No," I said, trying to defend myself. "I just... I don't know what happened last night. It was wrong, and I'm sorry."
Her lips turned into a thin line. "Sorry doesn't fix things, Y/n. You need to make a choice. Me or her."
The ultimatum hung heavy in the air. The Gaeul I knew wouldn't have issued such an order. This possessive stranger felt like someone I barely recognized.
"Gaeul," I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "We haven't even…"
"Haven't even what?" she snapped. "Haven't confessed our feelings? We've been there for each other through everything, Y/n. Isn't that enough?"
Her voice cracked on the last word, a flicker of vulnerability breaking through the facade. But the possessiveness remained, a dark cloud clouding her love.
The truth was, it was enough. Gaeul's unwavering support had been a lifeline during the storm of Wonyoung's betrayal. Yet, the way she was acting now felt suffocating. Did I love Gaeul? In the aftermath of Wonyoung's heartbreak, maybe it was a form of gratitude, a comfort zone I'd settled into.
"Gaeul," I tried again, "I need time."
Her eyes narrowed. "Time for what, Y/n? To run back to Wonyoung's arms the moment she bats her eyelashes at you?"
"No," I said, more firmly this time. "Time to figure out what this is, between us. This possessiveness… it scares me."
The anger in her eyes flickered momentarily, replaced by a flicker of sadness. "Is that all I am to you, Y/n? Just a possession to be claimed or discarded?"
My heart ached. The Gaeul I knew wouldn't have spoken like this. The love that bound us, now twisted by her possessiveness, threatened to unravel completely.
"Gaeul, you're not just a possession," I said, trying to reach her. "You're my friend, my support system. But… but this isn't healthy. We both need space."
She stood up abruptly, her movements jerky and tense. "Fine," she spat, the word laced with hurt and anger. "Have your space, Y/n. Just don't come crawling back to me when you realize you threw away the good thing you had right here."
With that, she stormed out of the apartment, leaving me alone with the ghosts of the night and the deafening silence in its wake.
The following days were a blur. Neither Gaeul nor Wonyoung contacted me. The space I'd craved felt more like a desolate wasteland. The apartment, once a haven, felt empty without the comforting scent of jasmine tea or the familiar warmth of Gaeul's presence.
As the days turned into weeks, a strange realization dawned on me. My feelings for Wonyoung, once a passionate inferno, had dwindled to embers. The betrayal had left an indelible mark, a permanent scar on our relationship.
What about Gaeul? The possessiveness that had initially scared me, now felt like a twisted reflection of the love she held for me. A love that, however distorted, was genuine.
One evening, I decided to take a chance. Armed with a bouquet of jasmine flowers, I stood outside Gaeul's apartment, my heart pounding a nervous rhythm against my ribs.
After a long wait, the door creaked open. Gaeul stood there, her eyes puffy and red-rimmed.
"Y/n?" she said, her voice thick with surprise.
I held out the bouquet, the jasmine flowers radiating a comforting scent. Gaeul's gaze softened, a flicker of recognition replacing the initial shock.
"Gaeul," I began, my voice rough with emotion. "I messed up. Big time."
She didn't say anything, but her eyes held a silent invitation to continue.
"I was scared," I confessed, taking a deep breath. "Scared of losing you, scared of letting go of the comfort you offered. But my fear twisted your love, turned it into something unhealthy."
The vulnerability in my voice seemed to resonate with her. A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a glistening path down her cheek.
"I don't want Wonyoung," I continued, my gaze meeting hers with newfound clarity. "The woman I miss is the one who brought me jasmine tea in the mornings, the one who held me through the night when my heart ached. The woman I love is you, Gaeul."
A hesitant smile bloomed on her face, as beautiful as the first flower peeking through winter's frost. She stepped closer, the scent of jasmine mingling with the warmth of her body.
"Gaeul," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "Can I… can I kiss you?"
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Her eyes fluttered shut, a silent permission. As our lips met, a spark ignited, a gentle flame rekindled by honesty and second chances. The kiss wasn't fiery or passionate, but filled with a quiet understanding, a promise of a future built on trust and love.
The weeks that followed were a whirlwind of apologies, forgiveness, and cautious exploration of this newfound love. We talked for hours, peeling away the layers of fear and misunderstanding.
One evening, as the city lights twinkled outside our window, casting a warm glow on the apartment once filled with tension, I knelt before Gaeul, holding a small velvet box.
"Gaeul," I said, my voice thick with emotion, "You were my friend, my rock, and now you're the love of my life. Will you marry me?"
Tears welled up in her eyes, a radiant smile breaking through the dam. "Yes," she whispered, her voice choked with happy tears.
The following year, surrounded by friends and family, we exchanged vows. The jasmine scent filled the air, a symbol of love, comfort, and a second chance. As I looked into Gaeul's eyes, brimming with love and joy, I knew I had found not just a wife, but a partner who understood the complexities of love and was willing to work through them.
The love triangle that had threatened to tear my life apart had ultimately led me to the one person who truly mattered. And with each passing year, the love we shared, nurtured by honesty and trust, only grew stronger.
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firagaarmor · 1 year
IVE Gaeul x Male Reader?
TW: Depression, Mentions of suicide, Dark themes
Note: I wanted to try writing angst. This wasn't meant to be a Gaeul fic but I think it's fine. Also, happy birthday to the bestest girl Kim Gaeul
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Breaking News
Tragedy has struck the Bupyeong-gu district of Incheon City seemingly overnight. Approximately 100 people were massacred in cold blood, including the Mayor, Sa Gikkun. Police speculate that this massacre was done by the crime syndicate known as 늑대의 형제애 (The Wolf Brotherhood). The police are still investig -
I turned the TV off. I knew the police would suspect the local crime syndicate, 늑대의 형제애. That’s why they’re the perfect scapegoat. I slowly stood up from the sofa and went to the bathroom. I took one last deep breath as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Drops of blood were still dripping down my fingers and onto the barrel of my pistol. I stood up from the sofa, staining the wood as I made my way to the bathroom. I washed my hands and dried them, along with my pistol. Afterwards, I grabbed a piece of paper, writing something on it. I then made my way to our room…well it wasn’t our room anymore was it. A bitter smile appeared on my face. I opened my vest and took out a photo of you. As I stared at you, tears began falling down my cheeks and the memories overflowed my brain. 
“We were happy right?” 
I still remember the day I met you. You just moved in next to me and asked for my help. I had just finished a “job” that day and was pretty tired. My mind said to just ignore you and go to my apartment. And yet…there I was, helping you move your things inside. Afterwards, you thanked me and introduced yourself. I told you to forget about me but you insisted. When I told you my name, you complimented it, saying it was a beautiful name for such a kind hearted person. You seemed surprised at my silence. What you didn’t know was that something inside of me reacted to your words. For the first time ever in my life, I felt…warm, but I brushed it off and stood up to leave. To my surprise, you grabbed my arms and glared at me. You said that I didn’t have any manners and told me to start over. You held your hand out and reintroduced yourself as did I. Afterwards, I asked if I could leave and you smiled. As I was about to leave your apartment, you did something that would impact my life from that point on. I was so surprised my body became frozen. For reasons that I would find later in life, you gave me a hug. Afterwards, you hurriedly pushed me outside. I was beyond puzzled by your actions. I walked back to my apartment and slept for the night, well…I tried to. My brain couldn’t fathom why you’d hug me so suddenly. It kept replaying that scene over and over. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And I also noticed. Did you cry a little when you hugged me?
The next day I woke up to knocking on my door. I didn’t have a good night's sleep for once and felt a bit of headache. I stumbled to the door and opened it. It was you once more, standing there with a smile and holding a plastic bag. It was filled with some bread and a lunch box. My mind grew suspicious of you. Were you a spy? An assassin? A hired mercenary? But something just doesn’t feel right. After receiving an object from a stranger, I would immediately start checking it carefully. The object could be poisonous, deadly, toxic or any other means to eliminate me. And yet here I am, inside my apartment, eating the bread you bought with you watching me from across the table. I never allowed anyone inside my apartment unless they went through a thorough inspection. And yet I welcomed you inside without much thought. After finishing the bread, I asked you who you really are. My cold emotionless face turned to worry as I could see you smile bitterly. The eyes are reflections of the soul and yours…it’s filled with much sorrow and loneliness. Yet…there was still hope. After what seemed like an eternity, you asked me for, to my surprise, a dinner. My eyes perked up and my mind warned me that this is 100% a trap and I’ll die tonight if I went to that dinner. But yet again…I agreed on it without much thought. 
Throughout that day, I was acting very strange. I felt…enthusiastic. I spent the entire afternoon preparing to look my best, and not to prepare my best. My mind was slowly filled with thoughts of you. And somehow…fragments of memories of you and I. Have I met you before? I put aside those thoughts and went to your apartment. As you opened the door, my breath was taken away.
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You wore a beautiful blue sparkling dress and you complimented it with a blue silk outer. It wasn’t very fancy at all. And yet I thought to myself at that moment ‘She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life’. We walked to the parking lot together and I drove you to a fancy restaurant. My “job” paid so well that I could retire now and never worry about money ever again. I never thought of retirement until…I guess until I met you. We ate dinner in silence that night until you told me about a special place that you wanted to show me. I agreed and we drove there afterwards.
This special place was certainly not what I was expecting. You got out of the car first and I followed shortly after. You stood by the building with that same bitter smile. I asked if you were fine but you answered me with another question ‘You don’t remember anything do you?’ I just looked at you in confusion and you sighed. We went inside and stood by the door. To my surprise, you grabbed your necklace and at the end of it was a key. You unlocked the door and told me to follow you. We went inside the house and upstairs towards a bedroom. I started to feel a sharp pain in my head. Flashes of memories kept coming to me. Memories of you, this place and… of us? As we went in front of the room, the pain in my head kept getting worse. You noticed this and asked if I were fine. I told you I was and you opened the door. There were two beds and some drawings on the wall. You told me to sit down on the left bed as you sit on the right. You started to tell the story about us. How we were both orphans that relied on each other. We lived on the streets until we found this abandoned house. Well, at least we thought it was abandoned at first. You told me that after a few months, some people with black suits came to the house and kidnapped me while you slept. As you finished telling this story, the pain in my head escalated to the worst it’s been. My mind showed me memories of my childhood. How I was kidnapped and brainwashed until I became like this. I remembered how I was electrocuted in the head to the verge of death. As I began to get calmer, I held your hand and said to you that I remember everything. As tears streamed down your cheeks, you lunged to hug me but I held you back. I told you everything about my job. I was a mercenary for hire. The best in the industry. I had 100 contracts and 100 confirmed kills. I had killed many people before being a mercenary. Bad. Good. Guilty. Innocent. None of it matters. I killed whoever I was told to kill. I thought that you’d be mortified. But then I felt that your lips were on mine. After that you held both sides of my head and our foreheads met. You told me that it isn’t too late to back away from this life. With tears streaming down, I made a promise to you that I would leave everything behind and change. For you. For us.
After that day, I did one last job and quit. I stopped being a mercenary. It was hard imagining these hands that were used to harm, being used for something else. But there you were. In every step that I took to change my life, you stood by me with patience and kindness. I thought that my story would have a happy ending. I was very naive. After about a year, tragedy struck. I was just coming home after buying the ring. It should have been the best day of my life. But it was the complete opposite. As I opened the door, I dropped the plastic bag containing the ring. There was blood everywhere. Everything was wrecked. But the worst was yet to come. I rushed to our room and found…you.  Lifeless on the bed and in pieces. In the middle of the bed was a video tape and a letter on it. I opened the letter and there was only one sentence on it. ‘You will always be the 저승사자.’ Rage was slowly building up inside me but I tried to stay calm. I picked up the videotape and played it. And that was what made me snap. Once the video was over, I went outside and downstairs to the basement. I stood by a metal door. The door I swore would never open again. I entered my passcode and entered the room. I turned the light on and looked at all the weapons and firearms inside. There were enough weapons here for a small army. From that day on, I swore vengeance on the people that did this to you.
For one whole year, I poured everything that I had to find the people responsible for your deaths. What I found was so much bigger. Decades of corruption in this town. All the suffering, pain and struggle that people had experienced was because of one man at the top, Sa Gikkun. I had suspected from years ago that the mayor had been doing something fishy behind the scenes. Turns out my hunch was correct. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, theft, corruption, murder, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. The people that killed you were just henchmen of Sa Gikkun. He wanted me back in the game. Back to be the 저승사자. Well…he’s gonna get what he wants. 
After one whole year of preparation, I executed it on the eve of September 23rd. I had tracked down the locations of every single person connected to Sa Gikkun. Lucky for me, most of them had met up for some celebration. All I had to do was set off a bomb and kill the survivors. After that I went to more locations, killing off stragglers that didn’t come for the celebration. It was almost 3 am when I arrived at the mayors’ house. It was really easy. Kill off the guards from a distance with my sniper rifle then sneak inside. The house didn’t have any sensors. The doors weren’t even locked. I sneaked inside and walked to his bedroom. I fired off my pistol, startling him awake. I lunged at him and put my gun to his temple. He was scared for dear life and offered me anything he could. None of that mattered to me and I said to him ‘You wanted the 저승사자 back right? Well you got it.” I pulled him off the bed and slammed him to the floor. After that, I broke him piece by piece. First I broke both his arms and legs. Then I punched him so hard, his jaw dislocated. All the rage that I had built up over the course of one year exploded that night. After one punch, came another, and another, and another, until I could only see red. That was when I stopped. I wiped the blood covering my eyes. To my surprise, Sa Gikkun was still alive. Well that wouldn’t be for long. I got out of his house to my car and grabbed a canister of gasoline. I went back inside and poured it all over the house. Once that’s done, I poured the rest of it all over his barely alive body. I knelt down in front of him and pulled his hair up to whisper “I’ll see you in hell”. Afterwards, I got out of the house and threw a molotov inside. I stood by the house and watched as it began to engulf in flames. After some time, I could hear his screams of pain and suffering. I lit up a cigarette and went home.
I didn’t deserve to live after everything that I did. There was so much blood spilled by these hands that I knew how this must end. I wiped my tears with my other hand, and cocked the pistol. I brought the pistol to my temple, ready to end everything and reunite with you. Hell was where I belonged but even if I got just a glimpse of your face and that beautiful smile, I’d spent an eternity in those fiery pits. But just as I was about to finish it all, my phone rang. I wanted to ignore it but I couldn’t. Something was pushing me to answer the call. I sighed and wondered who the caller could be. As I picked it up, tears streamed down once again. It was your half-sister, Jiwon or as she likes to be called, Liz. She called and asked how I was doing. That warm voice, laced without malice or evil, only kindness. She reminded me of you. As I continued crying, she comforted me by saying “Come on oppa, Gaeul-unnie won’t like seeing you like this. She’ll probably come down from heaven and beat you up if you don’t stop crying.” For the first time in a year, I let out a laugh. She continued and said “Come on oppa. Stop crying and let’s pay unnie a visit, okay?” I said yes and disconnected the call. I wiped my tears off and closed my eyes. As I took a deep breath, I decided for myself that I have a new purpose. I’m going to keep living and protect the angel you sent to save me. I’m going to keep Jiwon safe for all eternity.
Side Note: Hey guys. Yes I'm still writing XD. Been through a lot these past 8 to 9 months. Hopefully this is one of many fics to come
Side Note #2: 저승사자 (Jeosung saja) means Grim Reaper in Korean and the mayor's name, Sa Gikkun can be translated to a crook, cheater or a fraud
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dollfacedsl1ut · 11 months
Yandere prompt #43 + Gaeul 💙
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content : drugging, needles
prompt + “stop whining they’ll hear”
a/n : finally back from a semi Istillpostedbutitwasntfrequent hiatus
Tears rolled down your cheeks as gaeul pinned you to the bed with her weight, your arms were bruised and sore from the amount of needles that she had inserted inside you just so you’d shut up for once, your cries got louder as gaeul inserted another syringe filled with a clear liquid it was the same one she used those other times, you wanted to move but your body was too sore and tired, it felt like sleep paralysis but everything was actually, the sharp needles pierced your skin as you cried out, gaeul’s hand slapped over your mouth as she giggled, your visions started to blur as you mumbled against her hand “stop whining they’ll hear” she motioned towards your door, your roommates shuffling around outside of your door oblivious to what was happening in your room, your mind started going blank as your whines ceased, a soft kiss was placed on your cheek as your eyes closed your heart beating at a rapid pace as gaeul just smiled at you, caressing your face the last thing you heard was a unzipping sound and a numbness overcome your body.
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keehomania · 27 days
skool luv affair (상남자) — kim namjoon (김남준)
✧.* 18+
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✧.* genre: rom-com, college au, smut
✧.* cast: kim namjoon, (y/n) (l/n), yu jimin (karina), kim seokjin, kim gaeul, jeon jeongguk, jackson wang, kim taehyung, park jimin
✧.* they'll always tell you to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. they'll never tell you about the ones in the middle.
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ponlibrary · 5 months
✿ The Princess Owns You ✿
> A Kim Gaeul x Jang Wonyoung story <
Rumors are going around that IVE is going to be disbanded and when an invitation to Jang Wonyoung to debut as a soloist became public, the members start to suspect that the future of the group is uncertain. However, Wonyoung promises to stay and to do everything to keep the group alive if and only if the girl everyone thought she disliked, Kim Gaeul, accepts her dark proposal.
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In the last evening of January Liz, Rei and Gaeul were hanging out at a karaoke, Liz and Rei were having a great time, Rei took the time to show some J-pop classics from her childhood to her friends, the three of them were smiling and kind of singing on beat, however even with the disco illumination of the room the eyebags below Gaeul’s eyes were still noticeable. The song ended, Liz jumped to pick the next song, but Rei tried to intervene and pick something she wanted, Gaeul lowered her head trying to ignore the playful fighting of the other two. 
"Ok what if just this once, we pick one of our songs?" Said Rei pointing at the screen.
"Ugh, ok but which one?" Replied Liz rolling her eyes
"What about Love Dive?"
"Oh! yes it's been a while since we don't do that one just for fun," Liz replied, then she looked at Gaeul "Also I remember that unnie loves to sing Wony’s parts." 
Gaeul almost screamed, "No." The joyful expression of the girls disappeared. 
"Unnie, are you ok?" Asked Rei, Gaeul squeezed her eyes and used her hands to avoid being seen almost crying.
"Excuse me, I'll meet you outside." Gaeul left the room. 
Gaeul stepped on the street, some people were passing by but none of them recognised her. A chill air brushed her face while she was staring down at her phone’s screen ––3 missed calls from Yujin ––. The girl unlocked her cellphone and took a deep breath just before she looked up and saw on top of a building across the street, a massive billboard adorned with Jang Wonyoung’s face. She clenched her jaw but her eyelids started to quiver, finally found a release throwing her cellphone in the direction of the billboard landing just a few steps from where she was.
"Fuck you!" Gaeul screamed trying to find some relief. Tears began to pour out of her eyes, just a few seconds later Rei and Liz came out giggling from the karaoke, just to witness her friend and unnie curbed down in the sidewalk crying. 
“Gaeul!” Quickly Rei helped the crying girl to stand up and comforted her with a hug.
"What's happening?" Asked Liz while Rei was using her hands to brush Gaeul’s hair back into shape. 
"No-nothing," she said, still stuttering from the crying.
 "Oh unnie, your mobile." Liz went to retrieve the device, she lifted from the floor a cellphone with a smashed screen, unresponsive to her attempts to make it turn back on. Liz hummed confused, then looked up and saw the same billboard that made her unnie rage out, it was from a pretty famous makeup brand, but Liz understood what was happening just by looking at the model. The girl looked back at her group mates, only Rei stared back at her.
 "Um, Gaeul unnie," whispered Rei, trying to sound as soft as possible. 
"Do not tell this to Yujin," said Gaeul, separating herself from her bandmate.
"Come on unnie it's important–."
Gaeul interrupted, "Please, I’ll explain it to her, later, but she was trying to call me, she must be worried."
"Yes she was, but she called me just a bit ago, it’s all ok, but we have to come back to the dorm," Interjected Liz.
 "Why? it’s not even that late" Asked Gaeul with a hopeful glint in her eyes.
 "Well—.” Liz hesitated to continue“—You-know-who, is finally coming back."
 "Oh, it’s her," Gaeul replied with a dry tone "Call our chauffeur or something," said while plucking her broken cell phone from Liz’s hands, she continued "Oh right, they don’t have those for us anymore," before walking a couple of steps away from her group mates. 
Rei reached for Gaeul’s shoulders from behind and softly said, “Unnie we can wait a little bit here, there is no need to rush.”
Gaeul joined one of her hand’s with Rei’s, and said, “If Yujin needs us to come back, we must come back”.
Rei tried to protest, “But you–.” However she was interrupted by her unnie.
“I’m fine!” Gaeul then looked for her other bandmate, “Liz?”
"Right, I’ll call a taxi," said Liz. The trip back to the dorm went pretty silent.
—  —  —
When they arrived at their dorm, there was no one waiting for them, they removed their shoes and then they noticed sounds coming from inside Wonyoung’s room. Gaeul stared terrified, was Wonyoung already waiting for them?
“Oh sorry, hello everyone! I was hoping you would take a bit longer," said Yujin happily, coming out of the room with an empty plastic bag and wipes. Gaeul, being the shortest, fell back so she could hide behind her group mates,“I was just making sure her room was squeaky clean." The trio saluted her back.
“Yujin unnie, is she really coming back today?” Asked Rei looking at the time on her cellphone. 
“Yes Wonyoung is on her way here, so we need to—," said Yujin getting close to the trio, “—what happened?” Asked in a serious tone when she noticed Gaeul’s eyebags and red eyes. 
“Sorry I- I fell yeah," murmured Gaeul lowering her head. “Excuse me," she said, leaving the rest of the cliche and going inside her shared room. Yujin stared down at Liz, who simply shook her head. 
Gaeul entered the room and found Leeseo putting some makeup on their shared secretter, the youngest member of the group was listening to some music, oblivious to the oldest, who decided to gain her attention by quickly poking Leeseo’s shoulders. The girl flinched scared.
“Sorry!” Said Gaeul, almost laughing.
"Unnie! Hello! How was the karaoke?” Replied Leeseo, taking out one of her airpods but still looking at the mirror, barely glancing at the other one.
“Not as good as I hoped for, hey are you preparing to welcome Wonyoung?” Asked Gaeul while taking off her jacket.
“Yes! I’m so excited, as her favorite group member I have to look the prettiest!” Said Leeseo, almost dancing to her own words.
“That’s nice of you." Gaeul came closer to the side of her younger bandmate and said, “Hey, does it bother you if I hug you for a bit?"
“Not at all! Come here unnie." Leeseo moved towards Gaeul, finally noticing her face, “Oh, unnie?” The oldest slided her arms under Leeseo’s, and hid her face inside the soft embrace. "Unnie is everything ok?'' said Lesseo, just before Gaeul started to sob, quietly.
“I don’t want her to come back."
Leeseo started to look around the room, confused about what to do now “I'm sorry," quietly said in her unnie’s ear, she then raised her voice carefully to not shout too close to her friend, “Yujin unnie, please come in!” An affirmative response was barely audible from outside the room.
“Is she—” Questioned Yujin just entering the room, but she stopped at the sight of her unnie looking back at her not only crying but also angry, still embracing the youngest member of the group.
“What do you want now?!” Screamed Gaeul back at her. Yujin just nodded in silence, then exited the room for a moment, just to come back with a cup filled with water. When she came close to the oldest girl, she made a gesture so Leeseo moved back. When Gaeul looked up, she was met by a splash of cold water, leaving her dripping wet. “What the heck!” Gaeul shouted.
“Les, could you leave us here alone for a moment? I really need to talk with our unnie." After hearing Yujin, Leeseo complied, took her makeup palette, and left the room. Once the girl left, Gaeul gained back her composure and looked back at Yujin, brushing to the sides her soaking wet hair. 
“There is nothing to talk about, you all can easily welcome the princess without me,” said Gaeul.
“No. I can’t let you do that. We are a group, remember?” Said Yujin.
“What are you talking about? We are barely a group anymore, it’s been weeks since the company has called us to do anything about IVE," reproaches Gaeul, pointing at the group leader, “Besides, you know that she and I. We always hated each other."
“You don’t know that!” Said Yujin, followed by a frustrated sigh“I guess you have seen the rumors that are going around," continued, she then took a sit on the bed of Gaeul and asked, “Please sit," She complied while Yujin kept explaining, "Unnie, you once told me that you would do anything and everything for this group to work."
“Yes, I danced, I sang, I rapped, I took care of Leeseo. I did everything that was asked of me. I know I had always been far from the best but—," Gaeul got interrupted by Yujin who grabbed her face by the chin.
Yujin pleaded looking into her unnie’s eyes,“Please Gaeul, just. One last time."
Gaeul moved away from Yujin and complained,“I don’t understand why it is so important that I welcome Wonyoung."
“It’s not only that, today when she told me on the phone that she was coming back, she asked for you, and—."
“Shut up, that can’t be true," interrupted Gaeul in a raised voice.
Yujin wrapped Gaeul with one of her arms and explained,“Listen to me unnie, she asked for you to cook something for tonight, she loves that Steak Au Chocolat that you made for her birthday."
“She didn’t say that when I gave it to her," murmured the oldest, then looked Yujin back in the eyes to ask,“If I say hi, fake a smile and cook her meal would you all stop bothering me?”
—  —  —
Gaeul dried her hair and tried her best to cover the eyebags, they could have looked better but time was running out so she decided to prioritize the cooking. Unfortunately Steak Au Chocolat is a dish that takes quite a while to get done. She picked that recipe from the interweb just some months ago, when she was still comfortable with unconsciously obsessing with Wonyoung to the point to search for a meal with the girl’s two favorite things, chocolate and beef. And then making it over and over until all the other members were sick of chocolate but she was confident that the dish at least was ‘good enough for Wonyoung’. 
Sadly during Wonyoung’s last birthday, just like every other time she came back from a long time working outside the dorm, she was pretty tired, so she barely ate that magnificent Steak Au Chocolat and went straight to her room to sleep. That memory was clouding Gaeul’s mind, making it difficult for her to even concentrate, obsessing that it would happen all over again, then all of the sudden she felt a sharp pain. The girl confused tried to pull herself back from the images of that last August, just finally looking down at the cutting board. A tiny canal of blood was oozing from her index finger, she had slipped while cutting shallots. 
While the rest of the dorm was moving pretty fast, 4 girls scrambling around trying to get ready, Gaeul quietly contemplated her wound. She played with it for a moment, relishing the pain, until she managed to move on to find a bandage to envelop her finger. Once her wound was covered she watched the kitchen full of skillets and pots, a lot was already done, but the meal was really far from being ready.
The girl took a deep breath, and muttered to herself, “Come on Kim Gaeul, just one last thing, and you will not have to put up with her— her pretty face ever again," she covered her face with her hands “I won’t see her pretty face ever again,” she stomped her way back to the kitchen and started chopping shallots again, a single teardrop, unnoticed by her, runned down her face, leaving marks on her fresh makeup.
While the rest of the girls were still getting ready, Rei came to help Gaeul, making sure she finished the dish on time, until she noticed "Unnie, you have been crying again.”
“No I haven’t!” Gaeul covered her face just to make sure. Rei took a napkin and got close to her, gently cleaning the marks the tears left on her makeup, she then softly whispered “Thank you.”
Both girl’s faces were just a couple of inches from each other, Rei said,“Please don’t forget about me, no matter what happens today, you can always count on me.” Right before Gaeul could mutter any word, the doorbell rang, both girls flinched and they separated, with nothing else said, Rei approached the door, the short girl gained focus once again, just to realize that the now chopped down beef was still raw.
—  —  —
Jang Wonyoung entered the dorm, looking flawless but at the same time, just a little bit casual, “Heyo everyone! I missed you!” Yujin helped Wonyoung with her logging while she was one by one hugging and greeting each of the members of the group.
“How was your trip Wony unnie?” Leeseo asked.
“Pretty nice! I ate some peanuts on the plane, but I'm a bit tired," said Wonyoung, and for a moment looked over the heads of her bandmates, “Girls, where is Gaeul unnie?” The tall girl stepped inside the dorm’s living, and heard the sizzling of beef. She watched Gaeul finish the beef for the dish, and made a big smile. 
“She is preparing what you asked for," said Yujin, and then conducted Wonyoung to the kitchen bar.
“Smells really lovely!” exclaimed Wonyoung sitting on the bar.
Gaeul hadn't looked at Wonyoung or greeted her yet, until she rotated towards the bar, placed the perfectly cooked beef on top and then poured the chocolate salsa. Finally with the help of a pair of thongs she prepared a portion. Once the plate was done, she almost threw it towards Wonyoung accompanied with a pair of chopsticks, “I hope you are hungry” said the girl in a hostile tone, barely audible from the ruckus the plate was making against the tabletop.
She was preoccupied with preparing other portions when Wonyoung quietly said “Hi unnie, won’t you hug me?” The short girl stalled for a moment but finally placed the thongs down and came close to her taller bandmate. 
“Of course, sorry I forgot." While Gaeul was beginning to wrap her arms behind the taller girl, Wonyoung was already pressing her body against her, forming a tight embrace.
“Thank you," whispered Wonyoung into Gaeul’s ear.
“No, thank you."
Yujin tried to avoid looking towards her friends hugging, meanwhile Liz came close to her and quietly asked “Hey it’s ok if we just go to our rooms to eat?”
“It’s ok, I need to talk only with Wonyoung anyway” Whispered back Yujin.
Gaeul separated from Wonyoung, both girls were clearly flushed, “Sorry” said the shorter girl, “Liz, you and the girls also want beef?”
“Yes please!” 
Gaeul started serving some other portions, Wonyoung took her chopsticks and finally had a bite of the Steak Au Chocolat, her face contorted in a weird smile and liberated a small pleasureful hum. The oldest finished serving beef, passed the last plate to Yujin, and grabbed hers,“I think I’m going to excuse myself too," said, trying not to glance at Wonyoung or Yujin.
“Yes, thank you unnie," answered Yujin, but before taking another bite, Wonyoung glanced at Yujin with a worried expression.
“Can’t she stay?” Pleaded Wonyoung.
Gaeul winced her eyebrows into a frustrated expression as she heard Yujin say “Sure, Gaeul unnie can you please stay with us?”
“Okay." The shorter girl sat in the stall beside Wonyoung.
“Thanks for the beef, this is so good!” Said Wonyoung while eating at a faster pace.
“Really this is the best meal I had in a long time!” 
“Glad you liked it."
 The rest of the meal went pretty silent until Wonyoung asked,“Did you girls do anything fun today?”
“I stayed here catching up with some dramas," said Yujin. Wonyoung then stared towards her unnie, waiting for an answer, until Yujin interjected, “Also Liz, Rei and Gaeul went out to a new karaoke."
“Oh! Really! How was the karaoke unnie?” said Wonyoung to her unnie.
Gaeul stalled for a bit until she answered,“It was good, I had fun until Rei wanted to sing Love Dive and—” she looked away trying to hide her face from the stare of her bandmates, “—And then they mentioned you Wonyoung, so I just ran outside but you were still there, in a billboard —"  The girl’s voice started to crack while speaking”—And I saw you, and I didn't know what to do, so I threw my phone up in the air, trying to hit you." Almost unable to speak, finally muttered, “But I broke my cell phone, and for nothing."
“Why? Unnie, are you mad at me?” Asked Wonyoung, getting closer to Gaeul.
Gaeul placed her hands in the bar, tilted her head down and muttered,“I don't know, but I heard some things that really hurted me."
Wonyoung reached one of the girl’s small hands and reassured her,"Unnie, those rumors are not real."  Gaeul, with tears in her eyes but a glint of hope in her pupils, stared back at Wonyoung, just before she clarified, “It’s all fake, I’m not dating anyone."
“What? No, I’m not—" Almost crying, Gaeul pulled back her hand from Wonyoung’s grasp.
Yujin grabbed one of Wonyoung's shoulders and pulled her while ordering,“Enough, Jang Won-young, we need to talk. Privately."
“O-ok," nervously replied Wonyoung. Yujin took Wonyoung inside of the latter’s room, leaving Gaeul alone at the kitchen bar.
—  —  —
Gaeul checked the oven’s clock and estimated that 15 minutes had passed. Then she noticed on the reflection of the surface that tears were running down her face, without even realizing that she had been crying this time she tried her best to clean her face with some napkins. She was just about to enter her shared room when she started hearing muffled screaming, coming from Wonyoung’s room. Gaeul got near the door when the door was slammed open, Wonyoung pushed Yujin out of her room.
 “Get out, I don't wanna talk with you If you are going to be this rude," said Wonyoung in an unstable voice, right before shutting her door.
“What happened?” Asked Gaeul.
A defeated Yujin said, “Seems like the rumors are true, Hybe is offering her to be a soloist, even trying to help any contractual issue."
The older girl insisted, “And she said…?”
“She is still thinking about it," explained Yujin while sitting back in the kitchen.
“Thinking about it?!” Said Gaeul, raising her voice.
Yujin let out a sigh, and replied, “Listen, the company has been waiting for this to get—  a resolution, before they start giving us more work, with or without her."
“And you are not going to do anything about it?” 
“There is no need, I believe, no— I know that we could work out just the five of us," said Yujin.
Gaeul grabbed her leader by the collar of her shirt and said“So you are not even going to try to convince her?!”
The leader hesitated to answer but she gave up,“I-I just can't, ok?”
“What do you mean?! Are you not her best friend?!” said Gaeul, then she walked close to the entrance to Wonyoung’s room, “It's fine, doesn't matter."
Yujin standed up and closed her distance to her unnie while asking, “Wait, what are you doing?”
“You asked me to help you one last time, so I'm doing that," explained Gaeul, while grabbing the handle of Wonyoung’s room door. 
Yujin just stood there, watching Gaeul enter Wonyoung’s room, uninvited.
—  —  —
Gaeul peeked inside Wonyoung’s room, it was the first time she ever looked inside, she took a moment to look at the sober yet cute decoration, glancing at everything except the bed that was just a few steps from her.
“Gaeul unnie? What are you doing here?” Wonyoung asked the girl, forcing her to finally take a look at Wonyoung’s bed. The taller girl had an upset expression, while laying down just beside a big Cherry plushie, however her arms were wrapped around a Dal-E plushie, the one based not on Wonyoung herself but on Gaeul.
Gaeul replied calmly “I just want to talk with you."
“Ok you can come in, but please make sure to close the door after you."
Gaeul thanked her and entered the room, while Wonyoung changed her posture into a sitting one, but still caressing her Dal-E plush. “Hey, I'm really sorry from before, I shouldn't have been so mean to you." Said the older girl,  just nearing the bed of Wonyoung, who then made a gesture inviting her to sit beside her.
She took a sit at the edge of the bed, pretty close to Wonyoung, who said, “It's fine, I understand now what was happening, sorry If I misunderstood your feelings” Wonyoung hugged her Dal-E tightly and added,“But you are not longer mad at me aren't you unnie?”
“I wasn't even mad," said Gaeul, reaching out and grabbing the Cherry plushie, she continued, “I was just hoping that you would stay with us."
Gaeul hugged the plushie based on Wonyoung’s likeness and answered,“I heard that you may debut by yourself, pretty far from this dorm and band, but I think that we need you."
“I just wish we had more time to get closer," said Wonyoung, putting down her Dal-E.
 “So are you really going to do it?” 
“I’m not sure, but unnie, my life is currently a mess, I don’t have time for my family, my friends, myself, not even time for all of you, the ones I depend on the most," said Wonyoung standing up. Once she was a couple of steps away, and not facing her unnie, she continued, “I love being an idol but my life could get better if I was just alone, I would lose all of you yes. But maybe it’s a good thing, it’s not fair that we are a band and I can pick and make big decisions but the rest of the time I’m just tending to other responsibilities." 
Gaeul stayed in silence for a couple of minutes. Hiding her face in the plushie, finally said, “Seems pretty cut and dry, why don’t you just say yes to them?” 
“So you really want me to be gone, don't you unnie?” Quietly muttered Wonyoung.
“Maybe. I don’t think we ever liked each other that much, but I’m sure you will stay in contact with the rest of the girls. So why don’t you just leave?”
“You are confusing me because, well—," said Wonyoung, her words started to come out slowly. “I heard you say one time that you would do anything and everything to keep IVE working. is that true?”
“Yes I said that.”
Wonyoung said in a frustrated tone, “Then why are you not trying harder to convince me not to go?” Finally facing Gaeul. 
“Maybe IVE doesn’t need you and—” On the verge of tears the shorter girl said, “I can’t help you reach the comfortable life you deserve. Leaving looks like the only option."
“Oh dear. But there is another option," whispered Wonyoung right before she quickly walked towards her unnie and pushed her all the way into the bed until her tall body was on top of the small Gaeul, moving the plushies away so their bodies could feel each others warmth,”You just don't want to give it to me."
“What are you doing?!” Said Gaeul, her lips quivering just by feeling Wonyoung’s breath.
“Would you still do anything—?” Asked Wonyoung, who then took both of Gaeul’s hands and pinned them down over her head, leaving the smaller girl at her mercy.“For me?”
“Any-thing," said Gaeul, almost tasting the words.
“Then I will do everything I can to keep IVE together, but I want you to take care of me. To cook for me, to listen to me, to just be there for me at any time I need you. I want you to worry about me, I—," begged Wonyoung, getting her face even closer to Gaeul’s,“I want you to be mine."
 A blushing Gaeul turned her head away and protested, “Why are you playing with me like this? It’s obvious that you hate me."
Wonyoung squeezed the smaller hands and whispered to Gaeul right into her ear, “No, you are the one that hates me, but I don’t care how you feel about this. There never was another option for us, so now. Answer me!"
Gaeul stared directly into Wonyoung’s eyes and in a burst of joy said,“Y-yes, I-I’m yours, you own me now." 
“Wait unnie, did you—!” Said Wonyoung, her severe expression became a wide smile. Wonyoung freed the small hands, and wrapped her arms around her unnie’s neck tightly hugging her. Before Gaeul could embrace Wonyoung too, the one on top realized in which position they were. Wonyoung rose until she was sitting on top of her hips. Aware of this the girl on top excused herself, “I'm sorry” and completely flushed, dismounted, and went back to sitting on the edge of the bed.
Gaeul looked at Wonyoung, disappointed. Then she also moved down to the edge of the bed, “Don’t you want this?” said, and joined one of her hands with Wonyoung’s hands.
“I wasn’t prepared for this, you actually said yes," said Wonyoung.
“I would have always said yes to you,” whispered the older girl, finally being honest.
“Did you–” The taller girl felt blood rushing to her head, confused, tried to find other words and kept caressing the smaller girl’s hand��� "Unnie did you cut yourself?” Wonyoung grabbed Gaeul’s hand and moved it closer to her face, staring at the bandaid.
“Yes I did, it happened while I was chopping some vegetables for your beef."
“But you're the best at cooking, what happened?” Wonyoung let her unnie's hand go.
She explained, “I was overthinking— believing things would go like your last birthday. And you would simply ignore me and my efforts."
Wonyoung’s voice started to crack when she explained, “I’m sorry, on my birthday, I worked all day, when I came back, I was a mess and–”
The smaller girl placed her wounded finger on the model’s lips and calmed her saying, “Shh, I understand," The model answered by enveloping the finger with her hands and giving it a soft kiss. Then both girls got lost in each other's eyes for a moment, until finally Wonyoung threw herself at Gaeul and their mouths connected on a passionate kiss. 
Wonyoung quickly pushed Gaeul back into the center of the bed, she was getting comfortable on top of her unnie, when suddenly the small hand’s of the other girl grabbed her by the hips and reversed the position, the smaller girl was now on top. She then grabbed Wonyoung’s hands and pinned them on top of her head. The tall girl, now drunk with desire, looked at the dominant girl with her eyes wide open and said, "Gaeul wait."
“Shhh, you just have to tell me when to stop," reassured Gaeul to her owner.
“But I want to hug you” asked the girl at the bottom, the smaller girl let her hands go, Wonyoung embraced Gaeul very tightly and they started to kiss again.
Gaeul never slept again without her owner, Wonyoung.
The end.
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wonybaee · 29 days
Soooo, ummmm.... what are we thinking..?
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rd0265667 · 10 months
Gaeul x Reader: A Modern Day Love Story(As told in 9 parts)
What hurts most is how fast people can go from people you know to people you don't Permanent Taglist: @cwpiqwon@justme-idle
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19 notes · View notes
cwpiqwon · 8 months
once a cheater, always a cheater- Kim gaeul
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summary- gaeul finally got everything she wanted, or did she?
warnings- angst, yujin being the worst gf ever AGAIN, cheating, yujin deserves to get slapped, crying, not edited.
Author's note- pt. 2 of the yujin fic for my pookie @flolio
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gaeul knew what she did was wrong. yujin was never meant to be hers. she already had a girl at home, waiting for her with her heart on her sleeve. gaeul knew it all and yet it didn't stop her from seeking yujin's love.
she remembers the first time yujin kissed her. it was a stormy day and they were both stuck outside the office due to the heavy rain. her clothes were wet and so were her hair and yet yujin remained the most beautiful girl in gaeul's eyes.
gaeul couldn't help herself, her eyes gently trailed up and down the girl's body. from her slightly tan skin which was partially visible through her soaked white top, to her soft lips which looked too enticing to the girl.
gaeul knew it was wrong. she shouldn't be having feelings for someone who already has a partner but the second she saw yujin's eyes trail down her body in the same manner, all the righteous thoughts seemed to leave her mind.
all she could think about was yujin's lips on hers and hands on her waist. and by the way yujin kept staring at her parted lips, her feelings didn't seem one sided anymore.
as yujin reached down to finally connect their lips, gaeul remembers thinking that this was probably just a one time thing. oh how wrong she was. so delightfully wrong. it had made her so happy that she was wrong.
the forbidden kiss turned into kisses and planned dates were soon to follow. she remebers how yujin would ignore yn's call and lie to her about work all while laying on gaeul's bed with her arms around her waist.
it was wrong, but it made gaeul happy. seeing yujin choose her over her girlfriend made gaeul feel like she was more important, like she was worth lying about.
as the days continued, yujin's attention completely lifted from yn and shifted to gaeul. gaeul remembers feeling slight guilt but yujin was quick to kiss it all away.
she remembers asking yujin to come clean to yn and finally break up with her. she was hurt when yujin straight up refused but yujin kissed all the hurt away. she always did.
the day they were caught by yn was probably the best day of gaeul's life. all her self doubts and insecurities vanished when yujin once again chose her over yn.
the following year felt like their honeymoon phase. they took a trip to their favorite places, had multiple dates and showed their devotion to each other every night. gaeul was on cloud nine. but as they say, nothing lasts forever.
the honeymoon phase soon lifted and they were back to their mundane lives. their was no more thrill of sneaking out to meet either. gaeul thought her life was finally stable like she always wanted. she had an amazing girlfriend, a well paying job, an apartment to her name. what more could a girl want?
just when gaeul thought she reached her happily ever after, things began to change. yujin wasn't as affectionate as she used to be, the kisses and "I love you"'s kept getting lesser and lesser and they barely spent any time together.
yujin would wake up early and head off to work without even eating breakfast. this could be normal behavior if it wasn't for the fact that gaeul worked at the same office and saw yujin arrive AFTER her everyday. "maybe she was just planning a surprise for me?" was the only thought that kept gaeul sane during this whole ordeal.
gaeul thought it'll get better soon but once again, she was wrong. yujin got even more distant and was barely around anymore. she would leave early and come back at ungodly hours.
she always had a smirk when typing on her phone and her white shirt smelled like some expensive perfume that didn't belong to either her or gaeul.
if gaeul wasn't so familiar with this setting, she could've easily chalked it up as a coincidence but she knew what all this meant.
the unfamiliar scent on yujin's shirt was once hers and the shaky hands holding the shirt were yn's. gaeul felt her heart constrict.
was this karma? gaeul already knew the answer but alas, sometimes choosing to remain in the dark hurts much less than seeing the truth.and so gaeul ignored all the signs and continued to delude herself into believing her life was just as put together as it was a year ago.
she knew she couldn't choose to remain blind forever and her thought was confirmed when one day she walked into a new Cafe while grocery shopping, only to see her girlfriend making out with choi yena.
yena was a good friend of yujin's even before yujin and yn got together. they were very close to each other. yena knew everything about yujin and vice versa. yena knew about yujin and yn's relationship, she knew about yujin cheating with gaeul and she also knew about gaeul and yujin's new relationship. yet here she was, passionately kissing her.
it was familiar in a sense, gaeul was once in yena's place. she was once the "other girl". she thought that phase got over when yujin finally got rid of yn. she finally got to be the main character of her love story, just to be replaced by Choi Yena. she was once again, just the "other girl".
with a sigh, gaeul turned her back to the two, tears clouding her eyes. she let out a silent sob as she walked out of the Cafe. that day gaeul realized one thing, "once a cheater, always a cheater" isn't just a phrase, it's a reality that managed to ruin gaeul.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 2 months
Fluff Smut Angst
All Night
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fillinforlater · 1 year
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33 notes · View notes
shuxiii · 2 years
Intoxicated love
Jang Wonyoung x Gn reader
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note: this was written fast ngl so it might be bad.
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You were up at 2 a.m. as usual, gazing at the ceiling, as there was always one person on your thoughts at this time. Wonyoung, ever since you professed your feeling to wonyoung she since given you these mix signals; one moment she gives you hope, the next she gives you the cold shoulder. The more you held out that wishful thinking she'd always be the cause of its faltering, you've always tried to understand her but the more you do the more it hurts you.
Your friend, Gaeul has repeatedly warned you to forget her; you've tried, but you can't seem to help but have a little faith in the tall girl. Once you did try to call it quits with her but as expected she'd say the right words to have your heart right up her fingertips again.
You stood up from your bed and walked downstairs, sighing as your insomnia worsened. You slouch down on your living room sofa, turning on the tv, distracting yourself until you can eventually sleep, half an hour passed, feeling the drowsiness finally kick in just as you were about to lay down on the couch you heard the door knock, feeling annoyed you lazily stood up glancing up at the clock "Who would be knocking at my door at 3:20 a.m in the morning." you muttered, making your way to the door  feeling quite anxious as many possible thoughts came rushing to your head, mostly bad ones.
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You hesitantly opened the door, anticipating to be robbed or worse, murdered right there and then, but instead were greeted by a tipsy Wonyoung quivering slightly.
''Wonyoung? '' your eyes widen slightly, shock to see the girl who's been running on your mind all day standing Infront of your doorstep.
"Hey," she said. Your hand reaches for your nose as you grimace at the heavy alcohol odor emanating from her.
"Are you drunk? "You took a step back, motioning for her to come in, feeling awful for making her stand in the cold night. She accepted your gesture as she walked straight in, stumbling in the process.
"Why are you here, wonyoung? crossing your hands across your chest, feeling upset seeing as she ignored you all day, leaving you wondering what you did to make her avoid you.
"Nothing, I just miss you," she said, approaching you wrapping you in a sloppy embrace within her arms, her head resting in the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled against your neck, making you shudder.
''I'm sorry, for not speaking with you all day..I just really had a busy and stressful time." You sighed giving in with her excuse hugging her back as she tightens the hug. You just wished she was like this when she's sober, missing you the way you miss her.
"I love you," she slurred, you stiffened at the words, the swelling sadness rising up your chest, there it is again, those three words she says whenever she's never sober, those three words you've always hoped she meant, but she never did.
"Wonyoung, your drunk you don't know what you're talking about." You let go of her grasp as she frowns at the sudden movement.
"What do you mean?" She stutters as you take a few steps back, peering back at her brown eyes, having gotten enough of this emotion being too much to handle.
"Let's stop this, whatever this is," you said, looking down at the floor, hiding your tears threatening to flow.
"You confuse me, you know? You give me hope that you could genuinely like me back, and then you take it away," your voice shaking as the tears finally fell.
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"But I do love you," she said, trying to pull you back into her arms, only to be pushed away.
"That's the point, you only want me when you're drunk!" Your abrupt raise of voice startled her, as she was taken aback by your unexpected burst of confession.
"I-I don't get it," she stammers, glancing at your disheveled hair.
‘‘Of course, you don’t get it, you never do.’‘ you mumbled, silence engulfing both of you making you more dejected at her lack of response.
"I'll call Yujin-unnie to pick you up," you sighed, taking a few steps away from her, accepting her silent response as the final call for the two of you.
"But I really do love you, yn." she held your wrist, preventing you from taking another step away from her, her grip tightening as she feared you'd push her away.
"Is it love..." you hesitated. "Is it love when the only time you think of us is when you've had a little too much to drink?" You remained still, starring into her inebriated eyes, feeling overpowered by her sheer presence.
"Tell me Wonyoung, is it love if the only time you ever love me is when you're intoxicated? You gaze down at her hands, whose are clutching yours, knowing full well that she would never look at you the way you do.
"Wony, you don't get it. You don't want me like I want you...so please stop, it's hurting me too much." As tears fell on the polished floor, you felt her hold weaken a little, eventually releasing yours.
Your glistening eyes darting everywhere, fearing that one look on her face would have you crawling back to her.
wiping the tears across your cheeks, ‘’ I’ll call yujin-unnie.’’ walking away this time she didn’t try to stop you.
‘‘I'm sorry.’‘ you hear her mumble; you stop on your track you're back facing her.
‘‘It’s fine, I can't make you love me the way I love you.’ ‘
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hoonvrs · 1 year
CIGARETTES — s. jaeyun smau
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PAIRING jake x fmr
SYNOPSIS where university student jake develops a little crush on the girl he sees with a cigarette between her lips in the smoking area and decides he needs to impress her. how else would he do that except calling his smoker friend to teach him how to smoke ( spoiler: it doesn’t go so well. )
GENRE smau, fluff, crack, sprinkle of angst if you read it upside down, golden retriever x black cat duo
FEATURING ( enha ) all, ( ive ) gaeul, yujin, ( nct ) chenle, jisung
WARNING smoking [ don’t smoke kids ], swearing, kys/kms/suicide jokes, friendly bullying, dirty/sex jokes ( more will be added if necessary)
STATUS completed
S. NOTE JAKE MY MANNN ( hoon look away ) as an 02z girl i finally have an smau for each bias so i feel v complete
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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virgin mary’s | smoking HAWT | privs
01 BI yourself
02 we found love in the smoking area
03 life is roblox
04 you white whore
05 jake you beautiful bastard
06 are we rush houring rn
07 it’s the dawg in me
08 yuh :3
09 the brit
10 what if i was suicidal .
11 here comes christian bale
12 i don’t trust him. weird fella
13 give us another sonnet english boy
14 bros from yapan
15 he thinks he’s a 90s babe
16 i’m just a girl
17 i’m sat.
18 go piss girl
↳ extra: did life360 tell you that.
19 i got my peaches out in jojo
20 okayy little miss poet
21 i’m built different
23 i want you
24 why are u bricked up
26 jake in his flop era
27 this is getting too homoerotic
28 they go low i go lowER
29 inshallah he will eat
30 hello ross lynch
31 filthy omega
32 u r sobir. die (+written 0.8k)
33 she shoiodv be inde clubbb…..
34 when he makes you his girlfriend
35 can’t take me anywhere
36 noo you’re so sexy haha
37 no. (+written 0.7k)
38 i feel so kawaii today
39 come home fat
40 wasn’t very dabatayo of you jay.
↳ extra: it’s actually dattebayo*
41 ur man can’t drive manual
42 i Want you so bad
43 hawk putuh
44 okay blondie
45 though shalt not fail, but prevail
↳ extra: random
EP1 upset my girl. i’m gonna Kms
EP2 im not smoking that shit
EP3 OUR girlfriend ☭
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copyright © hoonvrs 2023 all rights reserved
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silquids · 2 months
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PAIRINGS park sunghoon x fem!reader
SYNOPSIS choi yn always had a easy life, she got things handed to her and could easily get boys, but her major problem was that - she falls in love to quickly and falls out of love just as quick but with new transfer student - park sunghoon, she's ready to settle down and get a serious boyfriend.
GENRE smau, college au, strangers to friends to lovers trope, minor angst, crack.
FEATURING enhypen's hyung line! i'chillin e.ji as y/n faceclaim! ive's gaeul! kep1er's chaehyun! riize's wonbin! &team's euijoo! triples' sohyun!
WARNINGS there will be swearing, drinking, sexual jokes, kmy/kms jokes, friendly bantering/bullying, hyung line being lil fruity towards sunghoon.
STATUS started on 081024. completed on 091124.
TAGLIST closed! @onlyhyunjin @sol3chu @clampclover @cheridiaries @i03jae @istglevi-gotmesimping @sumzysworld @miszes @jentlecoeur @enhaz1 @heelovesmeknot @dissoc1ating @danielleism @dollydigital @getoxo @viagumi @yunjinhuhjennifer @hooneverse @prized-jules @jjhyn @kpislby @onlyjungchan @who-tf-soddhi @gothgyuu @hoonatic @onlyseung @pharaways @304files @orimuraa @luvvhaerin @miniature-tragedy @gqthicghoul @jakeflvrz
NOTES my first time posting an au so please bare with me, please ignore any typos and timestamps! i will not be uploading a profiles chapter! they take too much time :[ please send an ask if you wish to added into the taglist! thank you! ♡
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01. zoo wee mama!
02. twin and i always locked in 🤞
03. he's our hoon
04. not ur strongest soldier
05. let's just 🎲
06. genius jake
07. are you calling him ugly
08. chat is this real
09. girl thingz
10. friendly hang out
11. a new foe
12. sus 🤨
13. gang frfr
14. sohyun's approval
15. for fun
16. ate that!
17. bye bye bye
18. very demure
19. pretty boy
20. manifestation in the works
21. be in situations
22. not the flop comeback
23. wake up and kiss!
24. date
25. officially official
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flwrstqr · 2 days
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synopsis: after years of living abroad with a perfect job and an even more perfect fiancé, you return to korea, overwhelmed and in need of a fresh start. back in your hometown, you meet with sunghoon, your childhood best friend who is now a successful architect admired by everyone. as the two of you spend more time together, old feelings and memories resurface, blurring the lines between friendship and something more. with sunghoon right next door, you start to wonder—was the love you've been searching for always right here?
pairing: childhood best friend!sunghoon x fem!reader (feat. hyung line of enhypen, chaewon from lesserafim, gaeul from ive )
genre: short written series, fluff, angst, childhood friends to lovers, romance
warnings: profanity, kissing, parties, more tba . . .
danielle note: happy birthday to my dearest jennifer ! this is my small birthday gift for you >3< mwah mwah love you so much, i hope you have the best birthday ever! + this fic based on lovenextdoor (SINCE both of us are watching it ㅠㅠ)
taglist: OPEN (send an ask or ask in comment to be added) @nenesz @cloud-lyy @rubyreblogs @loveyhoons @mitmit01 @lolznoelle @haechsworld @mioons @laurradoesloveu @miumura @starcandybby @roryirl @jaeyunluvbot 
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OO1. can't remember how to say your name
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