#why does w wor no
livesincerely · 8 months
i was just reading back through your writer’s desks and remembered how much i loved the slideshow au! no pressure but do you have anymore thoughts on it? it’s just one of my faves <3
The outline/notes for that one are still in the very early stages but I’m happy to share what I’ve got so far!
He’s waiting for Tony to come back from the bathroom, the next episode of Crime Scene Kitchen queued up on the tv, when his phone vibrates with a text from Jack.
this prod meeting is running long, probs won’t be back until late. Go ahead and watch w/o me
Everything ok?
ya but part of the set got busted during a scene change so I gotta figure when/how to fix it before tomorrow night
I’ll put your takeout in the fridge and save you some egg rolls
and that’s why you’re my favorite
Say hi to Medda for me
of course
“Jack’s not going to be home until late,” Davey announces as Tony wanders back into the living room. “He says we should start without him.”
“Dave,” Tony says, sighing deeply. “Why am I looking at a PowerPoint titled, “Jack Kelly + David Jacobs: A Comprehensive Argument for Maintaining Equilibrium.”
Davey pins him with a scathing look. “It’s a Google Slides presentation, you godless heathen.”
“What the fuck?” Tony asks, ignoring him, clicking rapidly through the screens. “When did you even make this?”
Davey shifts in his seat. “I mean, it’s more of a living document, so it’s never really finished—“
“A couple years ago, I guess,” Davey says. “Give or take.”
Tony squints at the computer screen. “It’s saved on your old university account.”
“Okay, or maybe it was three months into junior year!” Davey admits, crossing his arms over his chest. “It was a stressful semester and I was super nervous about failing my animal science midterm and Jack was out on a date with that PoliSci major that lived upstairs and— And the when isn’t the point! The point is, according to my research, telling Jack isn’t worth the risk of ruining our friendship.”
“What are these graphs even measuring?” Tony asks, staring at one of the slides. “‘Overall Happiness, Jacobs v Others’?”
“Well, your math is absolute shit, for one thing,” Tony says, frowning at a graph entitled ‘Art Pieces per Subject’. Davey’s name is sitting in dead last. “There’s no way these numbers are right. Jack draws you literally all of the time.”
Davey frowns right back at him. “No, he doesn’t.”
“Uh, yeah he fucking does,” Tony disagrees. “You’re, like, one of his favorite things to make art of, period. He spends about half his time bitching about how copic doesn’t make a marker that matches your eyes—at this point I’m pretty sure he’s got more drawings of you than actual pictures.”
“I think I would’ve noticed if Jack suddenly started drawing me,” Davey scoffs, shaking his head. “It’s not like he’s subtle when something’s caught his eye. Plus, he lets me flip through his sketchbooks whenever he finishes filling one and I’m almost never in them.”
“Which one?” Tony asks.
Davey blinks. “Which one, what?”
“Which one,” Tony repeats, oddly intent. “Which sketchbook does he show you?”
“What do you mean, which one?” Davey asks, irritated. “The only one! The one he always— it’s not like it’s some big secret!”
Tony stares. Then Tony sighs.
Very quietly, Davey hears him mutter, “…pair of fucking morons.”
“Okay, but, riddle me this,” Tony says. “Why don’t you just tell him? What’s the worst that could happen?”
“What’s the worst that could— I literally just went over all the reasons why that’s a horrible idea!” Davey exclaims. “It would ruin everything!”
“I really don’t think it would, Dave,” Tony says. “You and Jack… will ya at least think about it?”
“I’ve done nothing but think about it,” Davey says, and to his horror, he can feel his eyes starting to sting. “I can’t.”
“Want me to do it?” Tony offers, and he says it like a joke but Davey knows him too well to think that he’s anything but absolutely serious.
He jolts forward, arms outstretched as if to preemptively cram the words back down his throat. “Don’t you fucking dare, Tones, I am so fucking serious—“
“Okay, okay!” Tony says, holding up his hands in surrender. “I won’t snitch on your neurotic ass, even if it’d make you happier in the long run. My word as my bond or whatever.”
Davey huffs out a laugh, and it’s only a little teary. “Fuck you, my neurotic ass is the reason you made it to graduation, shithead.”
“Hey, can I borrow your laptop?” Jack asks. “Mine’s dead and I left my charger at the theater.”
“Yeah, go ahead,” Davey absently responds.
“Davey,” Jack says, voice straining. “What the hell is this?”
“What is what?” Davey asks.
“This.” He turns the laptop around and— oh shit. It’s The Argument.
He feels his blood run cold. “Oh,” he says. “That.”
“Dave,” Jack says, his mouth set in a hard, thin line. “Did you make a fucking PowerPoint about me? About us?”
Davey swallows. “…It’s actually a Google Slides presentation,” he says weakly.
“You’re telling me this is nothing?” Jack demands, incredulous. He tilts the screen back to show Davey the current slide, which is just an enlarged photo of Jack’s handsome, smiling face, surrounded by a halo of red arrows and the caption, ‘JUST LOOK AT HIM,’ written in boldfaced text. “Nothing? Nothing at all?”
“Maybe we can stop looking at it now,” Davey says, loudly. He leans over the back of the couch, making another panicked grab for his laptop, but Jack dodges out of the way, clicking to the next slide.
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george228732 · 1 year
Fylass In Wonderland - Chapter Twelve - It Cracks Through
Fylass opened their eyes, with a headache resembling a migraine, and a back that was hurting, due to the surface that they were in.
"...Wha…?" Fylass was confused about what happened, as they saw the concrete ceiling above them; they were in a different place, they were in a cell, and Fylass confirmed these suspicions when looking at the metal bars that kept them locked, and out of freedom.
"...W-Wait, where am I?!" Fylass tried to move as fast as they could to reach the locked door, and even if their back felt a horrid pain, they reached the bars to look at their surroundings, and they seemingly were underground, as the lone hallways of this medieval prison left nothing but a feeling of hopelessness in the air.
"...What happened…?"
The penguin started to remember fragments of what happened beforehand, even though it was a point where they didn’t want to remember at all; that medical report, that reunion, everything that occurred up until this point; memories left behind by someone that wanted to deny, forget, and start over.
"Thou art awake, at last." A voice in the distance could be heard, as scurrying steps were heard, going towards the cell Fylass was located in. They were able to recognize the source of the sound, when they looked at the shadow of it, a white creature with four legs resembling a spider, a gray-ish cape with those four familiar symbols in Wonderland, and a floating sword in place; there was no doubt of it.
"...Dero?" Fylass said, with Dero right in front of the metal bars that lock Fylass in this room.
"Thou know my name, oddly enough."
"P-Please! Get me out of here!"
"...I am afraid that is something I cannot do."
"W-Why?! And where am I?!"
"Thou art at the chambers of the Queen of Hearts, and thou art her prisoner." When Dero said those words, Fylass instantly remembered the last thing they did before ending up here, and yet again, that medical report came into mind, as Fylass started to feel a crushing feeling of fear into their heart.
"P-Please! Get me out of here! I want to go home!"
"...I doth apologize, but I can’t doth such a request. Ever since I made that promise, I’ve sworn eternal loyalty to her."
"W-What did I even do to deserve this, though?! What?!" Fylass yelled, as their cry for help echoed in the chambers.
"...I do not know, but The Queen wants thee head, and I sadly can’t doth much in this scenario-" Dero was interrupted by the sound of cracking glass, and when he and Fylass looked at the left, both could the that the chambers were starting to shatter.
"..." Dero sighed. "I’ve been living in this land for who knows how long, ever since Wonderland was founded, and I can guess that I will be standing still when Wonderland falls apart in agony… I doth apologize; if thou art lucky, The Queen will finish the court session for thee, and thou will get a humble demise at the hands of the guillotine, before this world falls apart, although I doth not know which of these fates would be the less twisted."
"I must save my friends! I must go home! I just want to live! Please! I don’t want to die by her hands! PLEASE!" Fylass begged and begged, but Dero, with a grip on his heart, couldn’t help him.
"...Please, forgive me. For thee, and for her…" Dero said, as he left the scene, and sure enough, Fylass could hear the door of the jail area close in the distance, as the cracks of the place started to spread even more, even to the point of reaching the cell Fylass was in.
"...Why…? Why does this keep happening? I just wanted this to be real, I just wanted a wor-" The door seemed to open once again, or at least, it sounded like it, as more footsteps were heard, and it sounded like they were of many different people walking at once. 
"FYLASS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" A voice was heard, and Fylass recognized it. "L-Lucid!? I am here! In one of these cells!" Fylass yelled, as the sounds of the footsteps became closer, and at last, the group of the regulars, along with their new found members, were standing at the other side of the cell Fylass was locked in.
"G-Guys! Please open this cell!" Fylass requested, as a silent Singularity came, and opened the door with a rusty key they had on their hold. The cell made a creaking sound as it was opened, and Fylass ran as fast as possible out of it.
"T-T-Thank you! So much!" Fylass said with relief. "But… Why did you, out of all people, help me?" The words seemed to be directed towards Singularity, which didn’t change expression at all.
"...If I did not help you, this story would’ve ended up being a mediocre one, and there are little things I hate most, other than stories with mediocre endings." They said, with a monotone voice that was characteristic of them. Fylass couldn’t help but be a bit thrown off at that sentence. Fela was probably about to say something, and considering how they act, it was probably for the best for the other White Rabbit to interrupt them.
"...Well… Now what? The Queen might at this point kill all of us when she finds out!" He said.
"Even after all this time you are still loyal to her, huh?" Selene said, with an aggressive voice that was uncharacteristic of her. 
"...You know I had my reasons, Selene… No need to be this aggressive after all this time."
Selene seemed bewildered by that statement and right before she said something else, was interrupted by Lucid, since this apparently was so common.
"No need to discuss now, we need to get ourselves out of here and bring this kid home, wherever that is, and we need to do that fast, before this place collapses."
"Wait, THAT was your plan?! I thought you had something else in mind! What are you, their protector?!" Chaos said aggressively, and immediately after, he seemed to regret that, and went silent. "...What happened?" Fylass said confused, since many of these guys' attitudes seemed even more out of character than before.
"There’s no need to worry about that specifically; The Queen is almost done with the court session for you, and I think that we all know what will be your verdict, and we don’t want to see your head resting on a bloody basket before this world breaks. I’ve failed this world, but I won’t fail you." Ades said, and it seemingly was as if Lucid was about to say those words, but was caught off guard with Ades saying them first. 
"...We’re all dead." Wisp said with a gloomy disappointment.
"Well, at least we aren’t cowards like you." Selene said, and the comment seemingly hurt Wisp, but didn’t want to say anything.
"I know you’re loyal to her, and knowing you, you might just send us all into the cells again as this world falls apart, since you are that devoted to her in every single way…"
The group left the area, with Wisp at the tail of it, with a face of ultimate regret.
"...I just wanted to speak so we could’ve been closer to each other… I am so sorry…" He murmured.
The group silently went towards the chambers, with Artemeta, Dolly, Fettuccine and Soliera waiting on the entrance for the rest; they were nervous, but that nervousness faded away as they saw the group coming closer with Fylass with them, and let’s just say that someone was a bit too happy to see them.
"BEST FRIEND!" Dolly yelled with joy as she ran towards Fylass and hugged them.
"Eh, h-hi Dolly…! Haha…"
"...Well… in all honesty, I don’t remember…" That was a lie. "But what matters is that we need to get out of here, and in my case, find the way out of this dr-... world." Fylass seemed to know something, but they weren’t willing to say it.
"Yeah! We need to get you out. This door will leave us right inside the spade room, and from there, we can escape."
Fylass could see a mirror alongside Fetty that was reflectionless for the most part, but there was a weird silhouette on it, however Fylass didn’t think too much of it, maybe it was hers or something.
"Got it. Let’s get going."
The gang used the door, and from the other side of it, there was a cold ladder that served as a passage towards a studio that seemed to belong to the hatter, Chaos. The path was narrow, but sure enough, they got to the other side of it; the studio was messy and abandoned, as the cracks of the area started to leak in, so they had to be fast in getting Fylass out of here.
Door opened, the hallway crossed, room found, and even more traversing through this labyrinth of a floor, the group was able to get to the entrance, which Fylass saw when going to the top floor; it was decently lit, with a lot of hats and teacups on the floor, along with a small throne that had an interesting tapestry on the wall behind it.
"...Wait… What’s that?" The tapestry contained strange imagery, with things resembling porcelain, clocks, teacups, and chalk, which were surrounding Chaos, or at least, a distorted version of him. The title of the artwork was "The Chaos of Wonderland".
Chaos and Lucid had a gloomy face, but then decided to turn back. "There’s no time to look at paintings; we need to leave this place now." Fylass and the rest obeyed those orders and silently left the room, and took the stairs towards the bottom floor, which was now different; the layout was the same, although it now resembled a courtroom, with the seats of the juries, among all of the things necessary for it, although, there were things as chandeliers, golden staffs, and right next to the judge’s seat, there was a clean looking guillotine, with a basket below it that was reeking with the smell of iron, and Fylass knew exactly what that meant.
"...We need to get going."
The steps were quiet, and the door of the entrance of the castle was closer and closer, and when Lucid was about to open it, the group heard something that they feared they could hear.
"Oh! What do you think you are doing?" The Queen said; she was there, standing right infront of the seat of the judge, with her royal outfit still with her, and she looked intimidating, even though she seemingly was smiling.
"...Oh no..."
"Well, isn’t that dandy! You brought the kid in here! Here, here, place it right in that seat." She pointed at one specific seat, as if inviting Fylass to sit there.
"U-Uh, we were actually-" Dolly tried to say something, but then, all of the guards of The Queen surrounded the place to prevent someone from escaping, even if they tried their best on doing so.
"Sorry, what were you going to say?" The Queen said, still with that gentle voice; she was clearly mocking their escape attempt, and she wanted things to go her way; it was surely a desperate situation for Fylass and the rest. Fylass felt as if they were not in control, to the point where they started to walk to their designated seat, without saying a word. 
"F-Fylass! What are you doing?!" Dolly said with concern, and Fylass couldn’t stop walking towards the seat, only looking behind as they walked with a scared face, as if they didn’t know what they were doing; the rest of the group seemingly wasn’t able to move either, so no one was able to save them, and soon enough, Fylass was on his seat.
"Wonderful!" The Queen giggled. "You also have the permission to take a seat, my people, and my… hatter." The rest of the group started moving out of the blue, without control, and they also took their respective seats. Chaos, Dolly, Ades and Genesis though, took a seat on the jury’s seats.
"Pretty well… White Rabbits, stay by my side." Wisp and Singularity did as such, but they were seemingly doing so out of their own volition; Selene never felt so betrayed in her entire life.
"So, let’s start." 
"We are here reunited to decide the accused’s fate; whether to get out scot free, or by being beheaded by The Queen’s mighty guillotine." Fylass felt cold feet; they weren’t able to move, nor speak, and they didn’t know why.
"T-The s-subject is accused of vandalism, murder, perjury, c-complicity with several criminals r-responsible for m-many atrocities of Wonderland, among many o-other crimes. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" Wisp said. 
Fylass wanted to say something to defend themself, but no words came out of their mouth; as much as they tried, nothing could be said.
"N-No? Well, what does the jury say?" Wisp said, as he looked towards the jury, and The Queen seemed to have done something odd, but Ades seemingly was able to speak again.
"Your Honor, thanks to all the evidence that was provided to you, I can safely assume that the accused is indeed… GUILTY!" Ades said, although he didn’t want to say the last thing; it wasn’t even in his mind to say it; it was like he was forced to say it.
"INDEED! THEY ARE GUILTY!" Chaos said afterwards; also not meaning the things he said.
"GUILTY!" Dolly said; all of them were astonished by the things that came out of their mouths; they were forced to say them, surely, but even then, they felt so bad for saying them, so did the people at the seats, and so did Fylass.
"...I doth apologize…" Dero mumbled, standing in front of the entrance door, along with Verin, Twilight Knight, and Ava; all of them with faces of sadness in their faces.
"W-W-Well, if there is nothing else to say, and the accused seemingly doesn’t want to defend themself, it is clear without a shadow of a doubt that the accused is indeed…" Wisp said.
"Guilty." Fylass was sweating and panicking; they failed…
"Well, you heard that, people; bring the Club to the guillotine! Off with their head!" The Queen said, as Verin and Twilight Knight came towards Fylass, and grabbed them to lead them to their demise, at the hands of the guillotine.
"...Well, now you have done it, Wisp." Singularity said as the whole ordeal was happening. "You seemingly do not realize what you are putting yourself into, and the catalyst of the land you are standing on is going to be the one that pays the price."
"...Shut up." Wisp said.
"Well, if that is the path you are willing to use, I suppose that I cannot do anything to stop you. I hope you are happy with what is going to happen next. A broken friend, a dead kid, a realm that will forget you, and people that will hate you for eternity." Wisp didn’t say anything, but he slowly walked away, grabbing one of the golden staffs that were on the floor nearby. What was he planning?
Fylass was right in front of the guillotine, and looking behind, they could see the sad faces of the knight, and the relieved face of The Queen. "...No… Please no…" Fylass thought to themself, as their head was resting on their demise, and Dero came closer and closer to activate the guillotine. Everyone at the seats were seemingly at the verge of tears; even the cats. Unsurprisingly not Fela though.
"...Farewell, Club… Please, forgive me in the Afterlife…" Dero said as they tried to use the sword to activate it, but before that happened, a blunt hit was heard, and afterwards, cracking glass and a scream of Somnia; when that was heard, Fylass felt as if they were able to move again, and so, they got out from the guillotine before Dero could activate it, and when they turned back, they could see an enraged Wisp with the staff in hand, and right next to it, The Queen was on the floor, trying to stand up, and Fylass could see her gem; it was on the back, it was heart shaped and had severe cracks.
"I AM TIRED OF BEING YOUR SERVANT! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME, I WON’T LET YOU TAKE MORE THINGS!" Wisp said, yelling, and Selene couldn’t be more shocked at the scene; Singularity was oddly amused, and just walked away a little to see what was going to happen next.
"You… " The Queen said, as she saw her broken weapon on the floor right next to her; a wand. Maybe that was the reason why no one could talk about the things they wanted
"GUARDS! GET RID OF THESE TRAITORS!" As if it was clockwork, all the guards were coming towards Wisp and Fylass to kill them, but before they could do that, they were stopped by the group. "FYLASS! TAKE THESE!" Pleiades said as they threw Fylass’ shears right next to them, Wisp and The Queen; Fylass didn’t know that they'd lost them, but they had them again. The Queen stood up, and took one of the golden staffs and tried to attack both Fylass and Wisp, which attacked back, and the battle began.
Genesis, Soliera, Damian and Fela were around all of this, and seeing all of the disaster that was going on, Genesis remembered something; the contracts. 
"Guys, we need to get to the contract room; we need to destroy them before she can do something with them." Genesis said, as they left towards the right hallway, and the other three followed. The windows were cracking; so did the ground and skies around the castle, and the lights of it were not working anymore. Singularity was there as well, which silently guided them towards the contract room; the door was small, but behind it, rows and rows of paper were around, all of them being contracts.
"...So these are the things you were looking for…" Fela said, and Genesis nodded.
"And how are you planning to destroy these?! The guards are soon to find us and I am sure that we won’t be able to destroy even half of them!" Soliera said.
"...We are lucky that someone lost a lighter." Genesis said as they pulled out a lighter from their coat, and used it to burn the contracts; the fire was strong; maybe even stronger than the one in Dull Glass, but all of the contracts were burned, as the quartet went back into action.
Meanwhile at the Tea Party, everything was on the verge of shattering, and the four knights already had accepted their fate, until the table that they had in front of them, quickly transformed back into her original form; a hungry pseudopuff that wanted to eat everything she came across.
"...No… Celesta…" Those were the last words of Tenebra Knight as Celesta ate her prey as fast as possible, and with rage in her eyes, went towards the Card Castle to have revenge on The Queen.
The battle was fierce; every painting and window was already destroyed by the battle, as Somnia, Fylass and Wisp kept the battle going, and the guards were being defeated by the group, but The Queen was not going down, and Wisp was starting to become tired by this, and couldn’t be able to keep the battle going; then they remembered was Ades said back then.
"...I have that too, but it’s a Club instead… What happens if it shatters?"
"...Then you shatter as well…"
Fylass realized what they had to do, and things became clearer when they looked up to see a chandelier right above them, hanging from a golden rope that seemed fragile. The Queen hit them hard with the staff, and when she tried to shatter Fylass’ gem, they found the strength to push her away for Wisp to stop her for enough time; Fylass focused on the target, and with impeccable precision, they threw the shears to cut the rope of the chandelier, and it fell; Fylass backed away as fast as possible from the chandelier, as Wisp and The Queen were still below it; Selene noticed what was about to happen, and rushed to the two.
"WISP! NO!" Selene yelled as they pushed Wisp away with her, as the chandelier fell towards The Queen; the crushing sound was loud; and everything went silent; the knights and the gang were too shocked to speak, but Dero was the first to go aid The Queen, to see if she was okay, let alone alive, but when Dero used his sword to life the chandelier, there was nothing but a shattered gem, and scattered pieces of glass.
"...Is… it… over?" Fylass said, but immediately after, Celesta broke the main door, and went towards Fylass to eat them, confusing them with The Queen, due to how frenetic the situation was, and Fylass didn’t react in time to move but close their eyes, but even when they already felt their head inside her mouth, they could hear a shattering sound, and when Fylass opened up their eyes, she was gone, only seeing scattered pieces of glass around them.
"Kid! You’ve done it! You’ve defeated The Queen-" Another shattering sound was heard, and Ava was no more, being replaced by more shards of glass, and then more sounds came and came, with all of the guards shattering into glass without reflections.
"...Oh no." The ground was shaking, as cracks and cracks of the world surrounded the room, with holes leading to the void of agony appearing in all directions, and immediately after, Blossom Dee shattered into more glass. "BLOSSOM-" Ades did as well. 
Fylass was terrified by what was happening, as all of their friends shattered into more glass, only leaving Dolly left.
"I DON’T KNOW! PLEASE! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HE-..." Dolly shattered.
"...No. No, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!" Fylass was devastated, and they backed down in fear as the world around them fell apart, and at one point, Fylass felt as if the ground below them shattered as well, and so… Fylass fell to the void.
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Hand in hand, two little boys walk down the dusty Texas backroads.
They’re almost identical, except the boy with the wine colored birthmark across his left cheek has his choppy hair in a tiny braid, while his slightly taller brother, who is like his mirrored opposite, has his dark brown hair hanging loose and messy.
The tiny baby they carry with them, in an old potato sack with straps attached and holes cut in it for his legs, looks almost the same, though his hair curls are different, and his top lip permanently curls up to show his gums and budding little teeth.
Just the three of them are running away from home.
It’s hot, but it’s always that way out here in the middle of nowhere Texas, even in the pitch darkness they’re currently navigating. The twins have grown used to it, their priority mostly giving the baby a bit of water on his head every now and again to keep him cool.
That, and one of them, the twin that walks a little more stiffly, and carries a knife with him everywhere, just in case, his goal is to make sure they aren’t being followed.
Every few feet he turns and walks backwards, looking behind them at the long and dark stretch of road.
“Y-You sure does wor-worry a lot, there Nu-Nubbins.” The shorter brother chimes out of nowhere, though that’s not to say that he’s been quiet before per se. He’s been humming and singing and laughing at nothing the whole way, noises the way he shows his excitement.
The one called Nubbins speaks fast and frantic, like he’s desperate to be understood, “C-C’a’int help it, Bobby. A-Ain’t ya scare..scared?”
“Nope.” Is Bobby’s simple reply, his nose turned up high in the air with confidence that has his brother jogging for a moment to keep up with.
It embarasses Nubbins, to think that maybe he’s the problem. His twin is his idol, and he wants nothing more than to be like him. His little brain rationalizes that there’s got to be a reason why they feel differently, “It’s.. it’s cause you ain’t c-carryin’ the baby.”
But Bobby misunderstands what he means, “Yer’ scared ‘a lit-little B-Bubba?”
Nubbins takes it personally, bad at reading tone, especially over the sound of all the darned cicadas and crickets and katydids chirping away in the fields and trees they walk past.
“I w-wish you weren’t so me-mean to..t-to me.”
And now, caught in a cycle, Bobby takes that personally.
“H-Hey now listen p-pipsqueak. I ain’t mean. I-I’m the best brother. Th-The best.”
If it wasn’t for baby Bubba snoozing on Nubbins’ chest in the homemade bag, he’d have turned and started picking a fight with his brother. Meanness and hatred and spite are all they know. Bloodshed and mayhem and hiding under the bed from their big brother. Squeezing their eyes shut and crying so so quietly while they listen to their twin being beaten just across the room, or down the hall. It didn’t matter. Violence was everywhere.
It’s why they’re leaving now. Nubbins feels kind of bad for thinking about tearing out Bobby’s hair in patches, or biting him on the arm, or kneeing him in the chest over and over and over ‘til he coughed up blood. Actually, really bad.
He looks over at Bobby, with his balled up fists, and reaches out with words, tries to make a connection from a different place, ‘cause he loves his twin. “Can..can you t-tell me what I-I oughta do?”
Bobby doesn’t need guilt to change his mind, he needs to vent. He kicks some dust up and punches the air for a minute, and then he answers all calmly, “‘Bout what?”
“I ‘unno. D-Don’ want Drayton t’ fi..find us.” Nubbins worries aloud. Usually he isn’t this nervous, usually he loves adventures! But this one is extra scary, and they’re only so small, and-
Bobby doesn’t share his fears.
“A-As if! You..You ‘n me both knows ‘at o-old fart won’ e-even know we’re g-gone ‘til tomorrow mor..mornin’ at least.”
“O-Oh alright… But..but if we get in tr-trouble I’m’a gonna be r-real ma-mad at’cha.” Nubbins threatens, a smile growing on his face as relief sets in. If Bobby says things will be okay, then they will. He just knows it.
“Deal.” Bobby agrees to accept his brother's future fury, quickly forgetting the topic and moving on to his next subject of interest, “Gimme..gimme Bubba!”
Happily. Nubbins takes off the makeshift baby carrier and helps his twin get into it, loosening the straps since Bobby’s got slightly bigger shoulders. Drayton always said that he was a parasite and sucked all of Nubbins’ life away when they were in mama’s womb.
Drayton would swear, with his fists or a broomstick raised up over his head, that that’s why he was so weak.
They work together to get the baby carrier in place, by now Bubba awake in there and reaching his chubby little hands up for attention. Bobby heaves him up by his diapered bottom and exclaims, “Shee-oot, B-Bubba’s gettin’ he-heavy!”
It reminds Nubbins of something else their big brother used to say. He was always commenting on Bubba's weight or making mean faces when the baby would steal a little fistful of food. That was always too mean for Nubbins. The baby was just that. A baby! Just a little six month old guy!
He loves him, almost as much as he loves Bobby, and wants to take care of him.
There’s just one problem. “How.. How we gon’ f-feed ‘im?”
Bobby thinks about it, skipping excitedly when an idea hits him, “I-I know! He-He really likes th-them funny lookin’ p-purple berries that grows by.. behind the gas station! O-On them little bush-bushes! A-An’ Drayton’s always s-sayin’ ~get the-them things out yer’ m-mouth boy!~ an’ make-makes Bubba spit em’ out! B-B-But we can fee-feed ‘im as many as..as he wants!!”
All that rambling inspires Nubbins.
They’ve gotten this far, why not! It’s up to them to seize fate and leave behind their isolated farmhouse. They won’t let little Bubba hurt the way they have.
“Y-Yeah alright!! Just.. jus’ gotta f-find some!”
“I-I th-think ther’s some dow-down by the str-stream!!” Bobby remembers, taking his brother by the hand, and taking off running.
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alternias-madness · 6 months
Tasteful Serving
Truly, Vicnet couldn't think straight.
A quiet sigh as he stood on the balcony of his hive, a cigarette in between his fingers as he can faintly hear the restaurant chatter below him. Thankfully his balcony was facing away from the front, so no one could see the owner smoking like this.
His eyes gazed over to his phone, thinking of that one message, what does it mean? Of course Roddie would be working right now... Right? He hasn't gone down yet to check but-
Oh who is he kidding. He scowled, placing his cigarette in the ash tray as he pushes himself away from the balcony, readjusting his clothes before walking down the stairs to his restaurant.
He ignored the greetings of his employees as he walked around aimlessly, observing the place quietly. Though it didn't take a while for his scowl to get even worse, his feet swiftly moving towards towards the other waiter, grabbing him by the wrist.
ox[]::::> Emilio, where is Roddie? His shift started hours ago. <::::[]xo
The indigo scoffs, rolling his eyes, replying casually,
Wors↟ case scenar↡o, he's dead ↡n a d↡↟ch somewhere.
Before trying to pull his arm away, before he felt the grip on his arm tighten, and as his gaze turns towards his boss, a strike of fear went through him as he stares at angry red eyes, before he frowned, scared, responding back properly,
↟o answer your ques↟↡on, ↡ haven'↟ seen h↡m, don'↟ ↟h↡nk he even clocked ↡n. Probably e↡↟her la↟e, sk↡pp↡ng work, or, yknow,
His eyes gazes away, not sure if its a good idea to finish his sentence, sighing in relief when Vicnet removed his hold on them, hand reaching to rub where Vic gripped,
↡f yer ↟ha↟ despera↟e to f↡gure ou↟ some↟h↡ng, ask M↡ssfy, she probably knows sh↡↟ ↟ha↟ ↡ don'↟. Hell, why no↟ fuck↡n message h↡m yourself?
Vic stared at the other, before sighing, lightly pushing the indigo,
ox[]::::> Get back to work. Thanks. <::::[]xo
Emilio rolled his eyes, quickly turning to grab the tray of food before quickly running out, lightly cursing Roddie due to other leaving him to do all the work. Meanwhile, Vic pulled open his palmhusk, sending a message to Roddie while he walks around looking around for that stupid blueblood of a cleaning lady, knowing her, she's probably-
He slams open the door to the back area of the restaurant, eyes scanning the area before his eyes land on a familiar tuff of neat hair, putting his palmhusk back in his pocket before walking up to the blueblood, grabbing her by the scruff.
ox[]::::> Missfy. <::::[]xo
A big singular eye blinks up cutely at the purpleblood, before giving a wide wide grin
B⨀ss! B⨀ss! H⨀w nice t⨀ see y⨀u! Did y⨀u need s⨀mething? Need s⨀mething cleaned? Need s⨀mething disp⨀sed-?
ox[]::::> Not now, Missfy, I just wanted to ask something about Roddie. <::::[]xo
⨀⨀⨀H The cute br⨀nze boy y⨀u hired, right? Yeah I haven't seen him all night which is a shame really-
Vicnet listened to her ramble for a moment longer, before sighing, moving to place her down
ox[]::::> Thank you, Misst- <::::[]xo
⨀h! Th⨀ugh last shift I think I saw him talking with a funny indig⨀ guy!
He stops, pulling her back off of the ground, with a raised eyebrow as he nods, letting her continue,
Yeah! He had h⨀rns like this- And had a bunch ⨀f piercings, ⨀h ⨀h! And had hair ab⨀ut this length!
As she rambled, her made her hands form how the horns look, and then moves her hands to around her shoulder area with a wide grin on her face, making Vic scowl,
He was cute but he tracked dirt everywhere s⨀ I d⨀n't like him all that well-
ox[]::::> Thank you, Missfy, I think I know enough. <::::[]xo
Vic growled, dropping the blueblood onto her feet, watching her fact turn into some sort of excitement before he turned around to leave,
⨀⨀⨀h! Is s⨀me⨀ne in tr⨀uble?! Can I c⨀me-?
He shuts the door behind him, keeping his emotions in check, of course it has to be that fucking asshole, Jai, who fucking else would it be, fucking with his goddamn employees... And the fact they'd stoop so low to kidnap one.
His heel digs into the floor as he stops to a halt, hands twitching, before his frown deepens, turning again to Emilio, who was waiting for a dish.
ox[]::::> Emilio. I'll be out for a bit, you keep watch. I have some business to take care of. <::::[]xo
Wh-? Aaand he's already gone, grea↟. Alr↡gh↟, ↡ can deal w↡↟h keep↡ng wa↟ch...
Roddie Lamare - @windy-trickster
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gayspock · 2 months
qhwat is it a ploy to make sense for once i dont know but notihng works nothing ever works and feelsfucking crazy and people alwas just say the same shit to you over and over again until all your faces are blue and they dont lsiten its ironicits so easy its so so easy just talk topeople andi think of all the times ivedonethat in any type of fucking context and how thigns dont seem todo anything but make me feel bad or to make everyr single fucking situation drastically fucking wors e . do this do that the professional helpmakes ti worse every time its a nigghtmar etrying to do anyhting makes it worse everything is unfeasible and impossiblethats wh y . you cant say oh its os fucking hopeless even when it is i woudl be fuckingfine with it if there seven something i could fcking nearly fucking try but what is there tell me i thinkim nver going to get that answer i know imbeing fucking childish for the million fucking platitudes, the "theres alwyas hope"s and "it gets better"s wher eisit . what caniactually do and why am i sitll alive when there no sense to it and no oens ever had a serious fucking answe r to that because there is none and nothing will ever woek cuz there is no solution and im not crazy or mentally ill im just fucking . reasponding rationally. like yes fucking kill yourself its what makes sense . what els eis there to doifeel nuts i feel alone i am alone dont care again its the platitudes is liek i genuinely fucking want to punch people it jsut feels mean and its fucking horrible how youre meant to take it or youre the cunt and you deserve whar you fucking get butfuck me man fuck me do you ever wonder for the ten billionthings its just nasty as shit to hear . something something you can do something you can go somewhere but whatisthere theres nothing and for allthe time syoure told youre not alone but thats all you ever hear some surfacelevelk bullshit, and when it comes down to it what happens when its real whathappens when its actualwhat happens ifeel ufcking sick i just feel like crying because people cant even say more than that. do you kno w what i mean. i say platitudes i mean its clinicalitsnothing its everything in a greeting dcard i hatehearing it but i dont matter enough for that to count becauseits whatever itnever makes sense it never applies to you you can just slip out of itim trying not to be mean im triyng not to be acunt how itshard fuck me because its no one elses fault its on no one elseand no one else is ever goingtocare so why is it eer pertinent becauseat what else is there to say theres nothing to say or do its as i said its the right ufcking answe r the only thing there ever is going tobe and sometimesyes i wish someone coul d ucking help me and chang emy mind but i thinkthat wuld just be me being a differnet persn amognst howufckingimpossible it is and i jsut .
my otherhting im goingcrazy btw wakeup go to work i cantsleep at night what happensin the inbetween but fuckignd read and sickness and fuckingspinning your wheels i suck at work im stupi d andi dont think they take me seriously and wat hten its over and youre at hoe and im alone andi exist there ijn the most corporeal form andits patheitc and ic omehome and its wosre ijm so so so fuckign tired i i endup hating everything i start going nuts i regret it everyday i regret not fucking diynghwen i was younger and i cantunderstand wat was going through my fucking srtupid head to ever fucking believe anything woudlever work out because i KNEW then and I KNEW it badly bt i just fucking loh my godd does anyone els ehate themsleves i fuckign hate everything i do and i fucking hate triyng to pretend i dont and i fuckinghate being told not to when thats just the fucking reality of it like why why do i changethat i tryto change it genuienly but if thatswhat it is im not going to lie tomyself i cant i fucking cant and eveyrbone else keeps lying to me and I FEEEEEL CRAZYYYYYYYY DO YOU UUUUUIM GOING TO GO HAVE ANOTHER EDIBLEEE BECAUSE THIS CLEARLYISNT WORKINGGGGGGGG TONIGHTTTTT
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liarian · 2 years
The last thing Taka would have imagined was seeing Sato kneeling at the foot of his bed begging him for everything to stop. Nothing that had come out of his mouth in the last ten minutes made the slightest bit of sense but the terror was evident on his face.
"I don't know what you think I can do for you." Taka stared at him, leaning against the headboard of the bed.
All he wanted was for Sato to leave his room and finally forget about his existence. Taka was too tired to care in the least about anything he had to say.
"I can't sleep, I can't think, it's staring at me all the time! I know it's there, I can feel its presence."
"'What,' what's supposed to be there? Do you think I've cursed you? That an evil spirit haunts you even while you're sleeping? I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy." Taka couldn't help but laugh at such an absurd idea. "Do you really think I have that kind of ability? I'm not like you, I don't need to make anyone's life miserable to feel better than anyone else."
"But it all started with that friend of yours! And that crazy psychic you work for! I know it was them! It's their fault that it's chasing me around all the time!" Sato began to cry. "Please, just ask them to make it leave me alone. I'm sorry I didn't believe you before. But please. Please, Reigen. I'm going crazy, I can't take it anymore."
"Kageyama-san and Serizawa?" Taka couldn't help but laugh again. The idea was so absurd that it didn't even compute in his mind. "They would never do something like that. Why should they bother with someone like you? I can't do anything for you."
Sato stood up. His eyes were bloodshot. Taka had the impression he was looking in a mirror, the dark circles under his eyes brown and his skin a sickly color. Serizawa didn't even know who Sato was, there was no reason for them to have met, and Kageyama-san... The idea that he might have something to do with it turned his stomach.
"Just talk to your boss. You won't have to hear a word from me again. If I have to, I'll swear in front of whoever I have to, but please. Reigen, please."
"All right," Taka sighed. "But I can't promise you anything."
"I-I understand. Just thanks for trying. I've been a jerk. Y-you didn't deserve it."
"Spare me your apology" Taka cut him off before Sato could engage in a string of endless pleading again.
"I'm sorry. I understand!" Sato stood up and paused in the doorway for a moment. "W-when we were little... Mogami was there. Y-you hadn't made that up, had you?"
"Does it matter?" Taka replied sharply, his gaze fixed on Sato's face. "Seven years is a long time."
Sato opened his mouth and closed it again as if he were a fish gasping out of water. Completely lost and scared he was just another pathetic kid. Maybe they weren't so different but Taka didn't owe him any explanation.
He didn't even owe him forgiveness for the months and months he had treated him as a liar and just an attention seeker. Nor for the years he had managed to make sure that in class no one spoke to him for fear of finding themselves amongst the outcasts. At that point he no longer cared. Even if the rest of the world had kept hating him, Taka had enough knowing that Serizawa was still going to be there.
Taka had lost count of how long he had been locked in his room but seeing the street again and smelling the smoke from the cars was comforting. The doctor had forbidden him to set foot on the ground yet but after a few stumbles with the crutches it seemed he was finally getting the hang of it.
"Are you sure this is a good idea already?" Serizawa fluttered nervously around him. "Isn't it too soon?"
"If I have to stay home one more minute, my mom's going to end up driving me crazy." Taka arched his eyebrow.
The day was warm for autumn and it wasn't as if Taka intended to start running a marathon. It was just going to the park near home. It was barely two blocks. After nearly three months in a cast, that's what he had to be able to get to. And if the worst happened, Taka could always swallow his pride and let Serizawa carry him home again.
"You know, something really weird happened the other day." Taka bit his lip concentrating on moving forward with the crutches. "A classmate came to beg me for forgiveness. He's convinced he's cursed. The last thing I expected was for him to mention you. You and Kageyama-san. I didn't know you knew Sato."
"S-sato?" Serizawa stammered as he fiddled anxiously with his fingers. "M-maybe we had a little incident."
""Little!" Taka stopped in the middle of the street, too stunned to continue moving forward on his crutches. "Sato was on the verge of an anxiety attack!"
"Serves him right." Serizawa frowned. "They were saying outrageous things and... and... and... they had no right! They shouldn't be able to say whatever they want!"
"So you were allowed to have fun torturing him? Is that it?" Taka didn't even know what he was supposed to feel. Disappointment and anger were mixing in his chest and he didn't know where one began and the other ended. "Sato's a jerk but to stoop to his level-"
"Having fun torturing him? Really?" Serizawa stared at him as if Taka had backstabbed him. "I know it's not right! But it's not always so easy to control him when...when.... And Kageyama-san managed to stop me before anything grave happened! Sometimes I'm not able to understand you! Why would you defend someone like that? And you didn't even intend to tell me what was going on! What if it had been worse?"
"I don't need you to defend me! It's not like I'm not used to it!" Taka yelled. "What would I have gotten out of telling you that at school no one talks to me?" All his anger seemed to deflate completely. All at once he felt too tired. It would have been so easy to just disappear. "I didn't want you to feel sorry for me. And in the end they always get bored. It's not so terrible. Sato and his buddies laugh for a while and then forget about my existence altogether. If I wasn't a complete moron, this time wouldn't have been any different."
"The Valentine's Day letter" Serizawa seemed to have tied up ends at last.
"It was impossible for it to be real but I didn't want to listen to the little voice in my head telling me it was all a sick joke. I'm pathetic, aren't I?" Taka laughed unhinged.
Serizawa slowly approached him until he completely invaded his personal space.
"I'm not proud that I lost control. Someone might have gotten hurt, but nothing serious happened. I promise you nothing serious happened. Kageyama-san completely shut down my powers before things could get any worse."
"Sato wasn't talking about telekinesis. Whatever you're doing, you have to stop. He really thinks he's cursed."
"Do? It was just that day. Kageyama-san just wanted to make sure that something like what happened the other day didn't happen again. I-it's hard to see you like this and not do anything. I-I care about you a lot. W-we care about you a lot." Serizawa closed his eyes for a moment, a blush tingeing his cheeks "Kageyama-san does too. When he asked me for help, I c-couldn't say no to him. If it hadn't been for Kageyama-san things could have ended very badly b-but nothing happened. I promise you nothing happened. If Sato thinks he's cursed, it wasn't our doing."
"It's okay." Taka closed his eyes for a moment and let his forehead touch Serizawa's shoulder. "I'm sorry I thought that."
"It's okay." Taka noticed a shiver as he felt Serizawa's fingers stroking his hair. "You weren't so wrong either. I'd do anything to keep you safe."
"Don't talk nonsense." Taka tried to disguise the lump in his throat.
Having him around was enough but many times, even that seemed too much. Taka still wasn't able to understand how he could deserve to have someone like Serizawa in his life.
Serizawa's words were still spinning in his head.
Anything was a dangerous term in the hands of people like Serizawa and Kageyama-san. The last thing Taka wanted was to be the one to blame for two of the people he cared about most not being able to look at themselves in the mirror when they woke up in the morning.
"You don't think Kageyama-san might have done something foolish?" Serizawa seemed to have read his mind.
"N-no." Taka hated not being sure of his answer.
When he had no one, Kageyama-san had always been there. Even when he was nothing but a nuisance, Kageyama-san had merely sighed and let him get on with whatever it was he was doing. At any moment he could have kicked him out of the office. It wasn't as if Taka had anything to do in the face of an ESPer. It was hard to imagine that someone who had offered him a place to belong when he had nothing could do something like that to Sato.
It all had to be a terrible coincidence.
Sato really believed he was cursed but it all had to be his imagination. Kageyama-san would never have been capable of something like that. It was impossible, wasn't it? Uncertainty seemed to want to gnaw at his gut. Taka hated to doubt Kageyama-san, but it wasn't as if he didn't have the power to make Sato's nightmares come true.
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part seven}
Genre: Mixed
Character profiles for the Mc’s featured in this series
WC: ~4k
CW: swearing, anxiety, depictions of anger and verbal aggression, sarcasm, joking about poop, SUGGESTIVE, some hurt, self-deprecation, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, pining, spoilers for season 1&2!
Part six  <<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>    Part eight
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©️ artwork commissioned by @vivi8bit ©️  
“W-wait a second! Satan, I-” Mammon yelped, being pulled down aggressively from the crater he had created in the ceiling. As he collapsed onto the floor, covered head-to-toe in blaze-orange dust, the classroom erupted into a fit of laughter. 
“Mammon, what the hell is wrong with you?” Satan hissed. “You could have killed Storm!”
“Eh?!” Mammon whipped around with worry enveloping his entire expression, nearly falling over himself in the process. “Where is she!? Is she okay??” 
“Lucifer’s taking her to the infirmary.” Satan sighed, crossing his arms in frustration. “I mean seriously though, are you that much of an idiot? Storm never mixed a potion in her life and yet she knew better than you.” 
“She hasn’t even been back for a full 48 hours and Mammon already injured her.” Belphie sighed. “You’re really gonna be in for it when Lucifer comes back.” 
“I didn’t do it on purpose!”
“Of course you didn’t.” Belphie rolled his eyes. “You were just trying to impress Storm by acting like a genius, which we all know you’re not.”
Mammon’s face burned behind the orange hue painting his cheeks. He turned his head away, mumbling under his breath. “I ain’t tryn’a impress nobody...’specially not S-Storm...”
Satan shook his head. “No, you totally were. What did you think would happen? She would fall head over heals for you just because you could grind some ingredients into paste better than anyone else?” 
“Wait a minute,” Sarah grinned evilly, “you really do have a crush on Storm, don’t you, Mammon!?” 
Mammon scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. “No I don’t! S-she’s just some lousy human, just like the rest of ya!” 
Sarah leaned forward, now much more interested in the developments of today’s class. “Ooh, you gotta spill. Have you asked her out yet? Or dropped some hints that you want to...you know...” Sarah raised her eyebrows suggestively. 
“Oh please.” Vivi rolled her eyes, scribbling on the corner of her lab report. “We have all already seen him following her around like a duckling and staring at her when you think no one is looking. Plus, you wouldn’t shut the hell up about her before she even got here.” 
“Ha, yeah. You think she hasn’t noticed by now, Mammon?” Belphie snickered before nuzzling his head back into his folded arms. 
Mammon’s blush darkened as he tried to mumble out an excuse. “W-well! She’s at least nicer to me than you guys! So yeah! It makes sense that I get along better with her...at least a little bit- I mean, uh- no, that’s not what I meant. I meant to say-”
“I’d hate to intrude on your riveting conversation,” the professor remarked coldly, standing behind Mammon with an angry aura wafting off of him. “But I’d like my class to get back to order. Since all of you are so keen on making small talk, I assume that means your project is complete and you can help Mammon clean up this room.” 
Before any of them could protest, the professor dropped two arm-fulls of cleaning supplies around the group. After sparing annoyed glances at the 2nd oldest, they all cleaned the room under the watchful eye of the professor. 
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“Why does Diavolo want Storm here?” Beel pondered aloud after seeing Storm enter the Student Council Chambers, tailing closely behind Lucifer. 
“You’ll find out in time. Take your seats.” Lucifer snarled, clearly still annoyed from the chaos that took place earlier today. 
“I suppose with all of the brothers and Storm here now its time to get started!” Diavolo grinned. “I call this officer’s meeting to order.” 
“We will be discussing plans for the school festival today.” Lucifer noted, scribbling words quickly onto the parchment in front of him. “First though, we must select a leader for the committee.” 
Mammon groaned. “Hard pass.” 
“Don’t worry Mammon.” Levi snickered. “There’s no way you’ll end up getting chosen.” 
“Especially not after today.” Satan chuckled, eyeing the remnants of orange dust still visible under Mammon’s collar. 
“Hey! What’s that supposed to-”
“Maybe we should just draw straws like last year. That’s the most reasonable way, right?” Now fully ignoring Mammon, Satan sat up in his chair, looking poised. 
“But Beel got it last year, remember? And we all know how horrible that turned out...” Asmo sighed, remembering how Beel had managed to consume all of his stage make-up for his singing performance. 
“Don’t remind me...” Beel sheepishly sank in his seat, fiddling with his large fingers. 
“Agreed. We cannot have a repeat of last year’s festival- especially with such important guests in attendance.” Diavolo glanced toward Storm, giving her a warm smile. “We’ll do something different this year. Instead, I am going to be appointing the head of the committee myself.” 
The brothers all collectively groaned, each not wanting the task pushed onto them. 
“With that said...Storm, I assume I can count on you to fill that role?” 
“Me?” Storm blinked back her surprise, darting her eyes across the brothers to try to convince herself she had misheard. “Why me?” 
“Because I want it to be you.” Diavolo beamed at her as she nervously avoided his gaze. 
“B-but...I’m not sure I’m cut out for something like that...” 
“Surly you are joking.” Lucifer stated pointedly. He shook his head after being met with her confused, unblinking stare. “Your entire job in the human world was event planning, was it not? In addition, you are innately well organized, and have an incredible ability juggle multiple tasks- so much better than anyone in this room,” Lucifer paused, clearing his throat nervously, “...myself included.” 
Storm was surprised at the sudden praise, almost wondering if she had heard him correctly. 
“Well, it’s decided.” Diavolo folded his hands in front of him, his smile growing larger as he met Storm’s eyes. “I look forward to seeing what you can do.” 
“Ya hear that? That’s the spoiled royal in Diavolo speakin’.” Mammon murmured quietly under his breath. 
“Maammonnnn...” Lucifer growled, eyes shining a dangerous red as he glared across the table at his younger brother. 
Mammon cleared his throat, averting his eyes from the eldest. As if to look at something passing overhead, he began staring at the ceiling, whistling to himself. 
“Storm...” Diavolo lowered his voice, attempting to comfort her anxiousness. “There’s no need to overthink it. Just do your best.” 
Storm nodded, still uncertain in Diavolo’s confidence in choosing her. She looked among the brothers, many of whom looked simultaneously relieved that they didn’t get the task assigned to them, and excited to work under Storm’s command for the festival preparations. 
“Now then, your first task will be to prepare something for the student council to do in the festival. Just like any other student organization or club, we participate in our own event at the festival. Last year, we hosted a talent show. But the question for this year is what exactly we are going to do.” Diavolo tapped his pen on his planner, tilting his head to rest on his fist. His eyes shimmered as he watched Storm’s eyes shift to him, seemingly taking his words in carefully. “I’d like to hear the best ideas at our next meeting, Storm. Naturally, you are welcome to bring in ideas from the human world. The rest of you are welcome to discuss your thoughts with Storm, but she will be presenting what she deems the best of what you all come up with.” 
The brothers began excitedly chattering amongst each other, already debating their ideas credibility. Diavolo dismissed the meeting, noting that the festival leadership was all that was needed to be discussed at the meeting. The brothers began packing up their belongings, trying to already bombard Storm with their ideas for the festival. Before Lucifer could qualm their erratic behavior, Diavolo stopped him, placing a firm hand on his shoulder.
“By the way, Lucifer.” Diavolo leaned down, murmuring the words in a volume only he could hear. “It seems we are one officer short today, aren’t we?” 
Lucifer’s face drained in color and he immediately glanced around the room, taking stock of who had showed up. Diavolo was right- Belphie was nowhere to be seen.
Diavolo chuckled. “Perhaps Belphegor had more pressing business to attend to? He has been getting closer Fern- maybe their forgetfulness has rubbed off on him...” 
Lucifer swallowed hard, feeling a mixture of shame and frustration bubble in his chest. How could he not have noticed that Belphie had not shown up? Maybe if he’d been less focused on his excitement of Storm being there...
“Well then, I’ll be off.” Diavolo patted Lucifer’s shoulder. “Take care, everyone.” 
Lucifer gritted his teeth as Diavolo strolled out the door. The room was tensely quiet; the increasing feeling of impending doom for the youngest brother rising steadily. 
“So...Belphie missed the meeting without giving any notice...” Lucifer growled, slamming his portfolio closed without care. “I cannot believe he would embarrass me in front of Diavolo like that. Does he have a death wish?” 
Storm approached, picking up some loose parchment that had fallen on the floor. She handed the papers to him hesitantly, flinching when he snatched them from her hands and shoved them into the portfolio. “Do you really think he’d just decide to skip? Even if Belphie didn’t want to come, he would have at least known it would piss you off, right?”
Lucifer sighed angrily. “Even if so, I wont let it go unpunished.”  
Storm gave him a sympathetic look as he collected his belongings. “I’ll go find him.” 
“No,” Lucifer shook his head. “I want my brothers to go find Belphie. He isn’t your responsibility, Storm. Who I want you to find is Fern. They definitely have something to do with this.”  
“What?!” Mammon’s jaw dropped. “Ya can’t be serious?”
Satan scowled. “Why us?” 
Lucifer clenched his fists, fighting the urge to yell with Storm standing right in front of him. “Either you find him and send him to my office, or you’re all skipping dinner tonight. Do I make myself clear?”
The group groaned, sulking out of the council chambers. Storm followed behind at Lucifer’s side, trying to think of a way to calm him down. She thought for a moment about holding his hand, but suppressed the idea after seeing how tightly wound his fists were. She figured he would have to sort this out on his own, rather than try to convince him to go easy on his brothers. 
Lucifer parted ways after crossing the threshold to the chambers, storming off to his office further down the hall and slamming the door behind him. As the search for Belphie and Fern began, each brother peeled off from the group, insisting they had better things to do than worry about the whereabouts of the youngest brother. All that remained was Beel and Storm, left to find the pair on their own. 
“Storm, I can’t miss dinner tonight. I’ll die.” Beel whined, holding her hand in his. “Can we search for them together? If we find Belphie first, I’ll help you find Fern! Please, Storm!!”
Storm chuckled, patting his hand reassuringly. “Relax, Beel. I was going to help look for him anyway.”
Beelzebub gripped Storm into a tight embrace. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”
She smiled, hugging him back. “Of course, Beel. Let’s get searching.”
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“Hey, Belphie.” Fern yawned, rubbing their eyes sleepily. “What time is it?” 
“Dont know. Dont care.” Belphie rolled over, nuzzling his head into their shoulder. “Gonna go back to sleep now. Night.” 
Fern felt around for their DDD. “Didn’t you have a council meeting though? Lucifer’s gonna be pissed if you’re late again.”
Belphie scoffed. “Since when do you give a shit about that?” 
Fern finally found their phone, shooting Belphie a pointed glare. “Since you blamed me for you being late the last time and pissy older brother hung me upside down from the ceiling with you for 3 hours.” 
Belphie snickered, remembering how Fern had screeched at the top of their lungs about needing to be let down use the restroom. It wasn’t until threatening to shit on Lucifer’s desk that he finally allowed them down. 
Fern looked at their DDD, seeing it was well past the end of the class period they shared together. “Looks like we slept through class.”
Belphie grunted in response, turning over again to cling to a large pillow. Fern shook their head snuggling back into place next to him. They wouldn’t have imagined becoming so close to the youngest given his calloused demeanor upon their first meeting, but after learning his thirst for chaos was just as strong as theirs, the two became nearly inseparable. They rested their head on his back, basking in the moment until a loud buzzing from underneath the mountain of pillows caught their attention. 
“Belphie, that’s your phone.” 
The sleepy demon merely groaned in annoyance, pulling another pillow over his head. 
“Hey! You Punk! What if it’s important!” Fern poked Belphie’s sides, causing him to squirm. 
“Don’t care.” 
“Belphie, come on.” Fern scowled, getting a middle finger in response. “Fine, I’m gonna answer it and pretend to be you.” Fern lowered their voice into a mocking tone to how Belphie usually talked. “Look at me, I’m Belphegor. I like to fart in my sleep so much that one time I trusted one that I shouldn’t have and got caught by Lucifer when I tried to wash the evidence away in the kitchen sink.” 
Belphie’s eyes snapped open and whipped the pillow off of his head, glaring angrily at Fern. “Hey! I told you that in confidence!” 
Fern stuck out their tongue, accompanying the action with a loud fart noise. Quickly, the once peaceful nap escalated into a wrestling match, with insults thrown back and forth at the other, including Fern calling Belphie a “Little poopy diaper boy” and Belphie calling Fern a “Snot-haired freak.” The wrestling match ended with Belphie staring down at Fern, both breathing intensely and the tension growing thick between them. 
Ultimately, the phone was left unanswered. 
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“It’s no use.” Beelzebub whined as he and fern crossed the threshold to the House of Lamentation. “I’ve tried texting him and calling him and he wont answer me.” 
Storm rubbed Beel’s back in an attempt to sooth his anxiety. “Don’t worry, Beelie. We’ll find him.” 
Beel whined once more, uncertain of if they would actually be able to find Belphegor. Missing dinner would not be good, and would ultimately land him in more trouble after destroying the kitchen on a hunger rampage. What’s more, it put his favorite human in harms way; the fear of losing control over his gluttony ringing like an alarm bell in the back of his mind. 
“He wasn’t anywhere at RAD in his usual sleeping areas, nor in the unusual ones. He wasn’t in the park...so he has to be here, right?” Storm tapped her chin thoughtfully as Malice ran into the corridor to greet them. “So...if I were Belphie...Where would I go to nap if I wanted to ditch school early?” 
Beel paused for a moment, ruffling the fur on Malice’s head. “Well, the two places he would usually be napping would be in our room, or in the attic.”
Storm nodded. “I’ll check the attic, you check your bedroom.” 
Beel fumbled with his hands, nodding slowly in response. As Storm turned to leave with Malice in tow, Beel grabbed her by the wrist. “Storm...What if something bad happened to him?” 
Storm’s eyes softened, taking his large hand in hers. “I’m sure he’s fine, Beel. Don’t worry.” 
Beel gave her a weary smile, still unconvinced, but accepting of her optimism. The two parted ways, going to search the areas where they hoped the youngest brother would be. 
It took some time for Storm to finally reach the attic, having to pause and stretch out her back a couple times due to the lingering pain from having fallen on her back one too many times over the past few days. After stopping to catch her breath at the top of the spiral stairs, she quietly peered into the attic. For a moment, a flashing memory of releasing Belphegor from his confines played in her brain, the consequences of which lead to her demise. She shook the memory away as she moved forward, trying to forget the incident that she still had lingering nightmares about from time to time. 
Storm breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Belphegor curled up in the mess of pillows and blankets. Clutching him for dear life was Fern, who’s hair looked like it had been whipped through a tornado. Their shirt was missing, as was Belphie’s, causing Storm to raise an eyebrow. 
“Hey, Lovebirds.” Storm called, teasingly. She prodded Fern with her foot, earning a groan in response. 
“5 more minutes...” Fern murmured, nuzzling their face into Belphie’s hair.
Storm smirked. “Fine, but you guys are only gonna prolong your suffering. You’ve really pissed Lucifer off, ya know?” 
Belphie’s eyes snapped open, and he shifted his awareness to Storm. “What do you mean?” 
Storm sighed, shaking her head. “You missed the council meeting.” 
“Oh...Shit...” Belphie groaned, sitting up and stretching. Fern reluctantly got up as well, grumbling about how Lucifer was a “wack ass.” 
“Seriously, guys. He’s pissed.” Storm noted, her tone more serious. “Were you both literally just up here screwing around?” 
The two furrowed their brows, before sharing a confused glance. Upon seeing their disheveled state of dress, their faces fell, becoming embarrassed after having been caught after their recent activities.
“W-we weren’t doing anything...” Fern tried to defend themselves, throwing on their shirt. “We were just trying to nap...comfortably.”
“Right...” Storm nodded, rolling her eyes. “Well...napping then? You really think that’s a good excuse to skip out on class and student council meetings?” 
“Duh.” Belphie scoffed, rising to his feet. “My last class was advanced Seductive Spellcraft. Do you know how much energy that takes out of me?” 
Storm shook her head. “Well, have fun with the consequences then.” 
“C’mon, Stormy.” Fern pleaded. “Don’t be a narc.” 
Storm ignored Fern’s begging, pulling out her phone to text Beelzebub that she had found the pair. Immediately after, she texted Lucifer, informing him she had found Belphie in the attic. Having just gotten home, he requested she bring him down to the common room to face punishment.
“Come on you two, let’s go.” Storm motioned for them to follow, being met with groans. Storm crossed her arms, the pair clearly having no intention on moving. Putting her foot down, Storm decided to assert herself for the benefit of the rest of the family. She invoked the power of the pact, the purple mark on the back of her neck. “Belphie, grab Fern and follow me to the common room. Now.” 
“Wait, Storm!” Belphie tried to stop himself, but the pact was too strong. He tossed Fern over his shoulder, following Storm down the stairs to the common room. The entire way down, the two shouted their protests, trying to get Storm to relinquish her pact power. Fortunately, the two were still too groggy to know that Fern could have used their own pact to over-ride her invocation. 
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“Thank you for the work you continue to do with my brothers, Storm.” Lucifer handed her a demonus glass, finally able to rest after the hellish day he had. The bottle rested on the table, as if to signal an empty glass could be refilled if she would only stay with him.
Storm smiled, taking a sip from the glass. “It’s no problem. I’m glad you agreed that extra chores was a better fit for the both of them rather than hanging them from the ceiling again. ” 
Lucifer returned her smile, settling in next to her. “I suppose I can’t have Fern threatening to defecate on my belongings again. They’re so unpredictable that I believe they may attempt it.” 
Storm laughed heartily, causing Lucifer’s heart to flutter in his chest. They continued to talk about her time away and the behavior of his brothers since her absence, how they’ve each been doing in the time spent apart, ideas for the student council’s activity in the festival, and things that had been planned out thus far for the festival. After a few drinks, the conversation moved into a comfortable silence, the noises of the others moving about the house- filling the space between them. He slyly shifted his arm behind her on the sofa, questioning whether to drape it over her shoulders to see how she would respond. 
“It’s nice being back here.” Storm sighed, tracing figures on the seat of the couch. “I missed you guys a lot.” 
“Despite the problems they seem to always be involved in?” Lucifer smirked.
Storm giggled. “Yes, despite all of the chaos. I love being around you all. It makes me feel like I have a normal family.”
Now it was Lucifer’s turn to laugh. “Oh, my dear Storm. We are far from a normal family.” 
“Yeah I suppose so. But it’s not like my other family was normal either. This is definitely preferable, even if I keep getting thrown into walls.” She smirked back to him, finding joy in her ability to relax and be playful after the past few days.
“While that may be true, I feel as though your willingness to get involved in my family drama results in more pain than it’s worth sometimes.” He chuckles, “I’d be damned if I didn’t have you around, though.”
“Well, I try my best to be useful. I don’t have much else to offer other than that.” Storm gave a small laugh. When Lucifer didn’t give any response, she turned to him. His face was now twisted into a concerned frown- drastically different from the playful smirk he dawned before.
“Storm...” He sighed, shaking his head. He almost didn’t want to entertain such a ludicrous thought. “You don’t actually believe such a thing, do you?” 
She was taken aback by the question, used to using the deprecating humor against herself, or having it used against her, and laughing along with it. She chewed her lip.  “Uhh...I mean...I guess? I’ve never really found anything else about myself worth praising.” 
Lucifer furrowed his brow, finding himself feeling angry at who in their right mind would convince her of such a thing. 
Storm shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “Uh- well...It’s not like, that huge of a deal. I’ve made my peace with it, and I like doing things for others, so-”
“Storm.” Lucifer stated sternly, placing his hand delicately on her knee. “You have worth beyond what people can use you for.” 
Storm blinked, her eyes widening in surprise. “I-” 
“I’m not finished.” Lucifer noted, squeezing her leg delicately. “I could go on for hours about the things that I admire about you. While your willingness to help in stressful situations is one of those things, I assure you that it is definitely not the only thing worth feeling fondness over.” 
Storm looked away, only for her cheek to be captured by his palm. He turned her face back toward him, inching his face closer to hers. She felt her heart rate increase, as he stared into her eyes, seemingly trying to find something to say. Lucifer ran his thumb across her cheek slowly, narrowing the gap even further.
As their lips met, Storm felt her heart skip a beat in her chest. For someone who was standoffish about his feelings earlier in the day, he seemed to be laying his heart on his sleeve now. Perhaps it was the alcohol, or the building tension between the two, but the stress of the world seemed to fade away into the ether- leaving only their hearts behind, beating in-sync.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months
Johnny Cash - Hurt
i hurt myself today.  to see if im real.  and yeh dave had him do it...and his finger. not bad.  pain. doesnt like it.  runs it.  and he is a monster.   lost it all. f amily and more.  no but left.  had to.  and hates all for it true.  tons of his died. his kids.  and his wife cant hold it togheter...sounded ok was not.  were mad ppl.  angry insane.  and no not good he is  too smart dangerous. and freddy mercury said it his character.  macs planned it.  and jc knew it.  we intercept him. nad stop him now. tons will. heard enough.
johnny cahs feels it too. hate. fear. loss.  and wants others to die and to live.  and per jc and macs.  too aweeful.  the pain too bad.  and sickness yes.  hatred.  we sto it now.  and our son is in  a mad house has us knows it never forgets b ut heck does not want to besnowed under and is.  not as ba as before.
and yes he want to live still good and that is jonny cash and ana lagous to our son.
says lookat your own song h e is a giant.  and mean smart lethal has you say it due to his own condition and he laughed wow.  a bruiser. yup. full of heart..but now for whom bt him grosseshim out.
our son has seen it.  and said it i will be there for you like mom and dad.  and ok he left hapy no hates them now. is mean. out.
and a  pyarmid appears on Jupiter tons look need to know why awaken him the meany
Thor Freya
we are worred w e doublethe guard now
the sory is good we use it now
0 notes
supa101 · 10 months
The Amazing Story ( Chapter 2 )
Supa : Guys...
Supa : *sad sniff* Yeah :(
*Supa shape shifts normal but him eye stays how it is*
Supa : Yeah yeah I know but she gave me a necklace that i tap she will just spawn here?
Nameless : But that won't wor---
Sleep Demon : N-nothing!
Nameless & Mike : Nothing!
NULL : Supa... Why are you covering you're eye..?
Supa : N-N-No R-Reason..
*Supa Reapetedly pressed the button but nobody came*
NULL : take you're hand down NOW!
*he takes his hand down*
NULL : You're eye... WHY IS IT LIKE THAT!
Supa : Uhmm. I Drank a LIWJ$U08%^U$W potion from SomeonE*#@%IUWlk
*Everyone in the room gets frozen besides supa who gets sunk in lava*
I... Uhm-- How?!
null : *sigh* You are gonna remove me later please
Null : ughh do it already. One last question Who does everyone like.
*deep breath* supa likes zAy Mike likes sleep demon Nameless likes no one Person likes no one Mini supa Could like someone but he waits for someone to like him
Null : No one can here this right?
No one can hear they can't here
Null : Good it would.. yeah
If zAy was here she would be blushing so hard heh...
NULL : Alright send me on my way
*null gets killed but no body no blood no nothing*
*everything turns back to normal*
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sunny6677 · 2 years
SUMMARY: The following are real audio tapes of tapes left by an animator at the forgotten studio Joey Drew Studios. Please ensure that you are ready to listen with these with caution, dear listener. What you may hear may cause you to never want to hear again. What you may picture may make you never want to see again. Please be aware of the consequences you may have if you do not have permission to listen to these tapes. If not permitted, then [REDACTED]. You have been warned.
(This is fiction btw, so no worries-- I know some people with anxiety issues might think this is real so this is just a clarification.)
TAPE #4.
W: "Okay, get this— so I'm walkin' around and doin' my rounds like I always do, right? When outta the blue, Sammy comes outta nowhere and starts hollerin' me as if I ain't already 2 feet away from 'em! I says, "Jeez, pal! What's got you in a twist?" He says, "These damn ink—..." What was that?"
W: "Hey, hello?"
W: "Oh, ay, pal— what'aya doin over there?"
A: "Eh, I'm on break, what el—"
W: "What— what's all the garbage doin' in those hands o'yours? Ain't that my job?"
A: "Yeah, yeah, but I ain't gonna let ya clean something as crazy as this shit. You'd think these guys are raccoons with how messy they are, I'm tellin' ya!" [ANDREWS VOICE BECOMES SLIGHTLY LOUDER.]
W: "Bu— buddy, ya ain't have to do all that! I can take care o' the garbage myself! Here, come— come over here, pal."
A: "Oh—pal, I picked these up myself— I'm not makin' ya do all the shit just 'cuz your the janitor 'round here. I feel okay with helpin' a pal out every once and a while, ya don't have to worry too much."
W: "Well, yeah, I know! But'cha ain't gotta do my job for me. Sure, your kinda makin' my job a lil' easier, but ya ain't gotta do it all for me. I'm sure it ain't exactly easy for ya either, bud."
A: "I'd assume it ain't easy for you either, though— so even so, I'd say it's worth it."
W: "Wha— okay, pal, that ain't how it wor—"
A: "Oh, yeah, speakin' o' which, I wanna get to know ya more! So I'm invitin' ya down to that local diner down town, my treat!"
W: "Wha— this soon! Bu— buddy, hey, we haven't even—"
A: "Oh, nonsense, you'll love it! It's never too late to get to know someone, especially when they're cool as hell like you, man!"
W: "Co— cool as—"
A: "Yeah, pal! Your pretty fuckin' awesome— especially considerin' ya deal with this shit everyday! I mean, if I were in charge o' cleanin' duty, I'd practically fuck everythin' up no matter how much I was tol—"
W: "Heh, I can tell.. n— not to sound rude or an—"
A: "Oh, I know, don't worry! I suck at cleanin', it's pretty obvious! Can't rely on me to clean shit, I'd probably be the worst butler or janitor to ever live if I ever became one! Which is why—"
A: "I became an animator! Cuz I sure as hell can do that as better than I can clean."
W: "Huh, well— I'd like to see your animations sometime, buddy. But ya gotta believe me, pal, I might not be able to—"
A: "Anyway, I'm gonna be goin' now, probably gotta get back,to my animatin' before Joey hollers after me like I ain't already 2 feet away from 'em. Uhh— I'll make sure this shit ends up in the garbage where it needs to be, I'll let ya know if there's any more later."
W: "Wh— bu—"
A: "Toodles!"
W: "I, uh.. [sigh].. ya know, if peoples 'round here don't stop interruptin' me, I'm outta here."
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chrisbangs · 6 years
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our dorky leader 🥰
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cowboy-like-mee · 4 years
please, just say it
summary: harry fucked up and you’ve had enough
warnings: little bit of smut at the beginning, lots of angst
word count: 2k
a/n: hi! hopefully this isn’t awful lmao. i had fun writing this. sorry it took a bit for me to finish. i kinda hate the end but it’s fine. please reblog if you like!!! and leave me feedback or requests here!!!
and consider buying me a coffee here <3
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"Fuck, Y/N! Just like that, baby." Harry moans out as you bounce up and down on his cock. Your legs were burning and you honestly weren't that close, You just weren't as into it tonight as you normally are with him. You can tell he was enjoying himself though- his head was thrown back on the pillow behind him and his mouth was open in pleasure. His hands are lazily rested on your ass, not helping you move on and off him at all. 
"Shit, a-are you close?" He speaks out to you, pulling you out of your trance. You think for a second, not knowing if you wanted to lie just to get this done with or if you wanted to make him work to get you off. 
"Not really." You shrug, continuing to grind yourself onto his cock, feeling the coarse hairs around the base of his cock digging into your clit. 
Not expecting that answer, his head snaps up to you as he tries to bite back his moans. 
"Shit, I'm sorry. What do you need me to do?" 
"Um, can you get on top? And rub my clit?" You say shyly, despite the number of times you have done this together.
He flips you both over in one swift movement and begins railing into you, hitting the spot inside of you consistently. His hand reaches right above where you're connected and rubs tight circles into your clit. You can feel a small orgasm building up quickly.
"Is that better, baby?" He says into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine because of the huskiness in his voice. You nod and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to force your release. 
"Come with me, Y/N." Harry groans out, his hips stuttering. You feel a small bubble release in your belly, spreading warmly throughout your lower body. He pulls out as soon as he's done releasing inside of you. He plops down on the bed next to you, his arm resting on his abdomen as he catches his breath. You turn over onto your side and curl up under the covers, feeling extremely vulnerable and small. 
Your throat burns, tears stinging your eyes. You sniffle quietly to yourself, hoping Harry can't hear you. You can't believe you've let yourself get to this point. You're disgusted with yourself. Silent tears spill down your cheeks. You swallow down the sobs bubbling in your throat. You wish you could disappear right now. 
The bed dips next to you, signaling Harry's departure. You're quick to wipe the tears off your face. Harry pulls his clothes on quickly. "I'm gonna head out," he says. When you don't reply he gently shakes your body. "C'mon, I know you're awake." You're frozen. This could be the moment when you finally let him in.
"Alright, whatever. I'll text you when I need you-" He says, but quickly cuts himself off when he sees you roll over to face him with puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. "What's wrong?" He furrows his eyebrows at you as he sits down on the edge of the bed.
You sit up and pull your legs into your chest. "H... can we talk?" You speak lowly. He sighs, almost sounding annoyed. Even though you've known each other for a few years, you don't think you've spent over two hours together in one day in a year. This is pushing the imaginary time limit he set for you two. You know Harry, and you know he likes to fuck you and leave, or fuck you and send you on your way if it was at his place. 
"Sure." He shrugs. "What's up?"
You take a deep breath to prepare yourself for the words you're about to spill out of your mouth. "I don't think I can do this with you anymore." You spit out so quickly it's almost inaudible. He immediately reels back in shock. 
"W-what? Why? Is it something I did? Are you not satisfied? I-I know I can do better. I mean sometimes I don't always try. Have you been faking it? I promise I'll do better-" He rambles on and on and you just sit there in silence as he worries more about his ego than the way tears are welling up in your eyes. You clench your jaw at him.
"Harry!" You yell at him. "Listen to me!" He slowly nods his head. "I...I just-" You sigh, trying to think of the right thing to say. "I just haven't been that into it lately and... I just have a lot of stuff going on in my life right now." Tears spill down your cheek as you speak.
"I can help you-" He tries to intervene.
"No, Harry. You don't understand. It's nothing you can fix. I just need to be left alone. I've had a lot of fun with you, but I think it's best for both of us right now." 
"But how? How is it better for me? I need you." He tries to reach for you, but you flinch back. 
"You don't need me." You mumble under your breath, hoping he didn't hear you. 
"What?" He says, cluing you in on the fact he just heard you say that. 
"You don't need me, Harry! You need my fucking pussy!"
"What the fuck does that mean, Y/N?" He says while clenching his jaw.
"Apparently, I'm only good enough for a quick fuck, Harry." You say mocking the tone he just used on you. 
"Well, that's all we agreed to, is it not?" He raises his eyebrow at you. 
"We agreed to hook up with no feelings! Not using me for your own pleasure every god damn day! You never even greet me or ask how I'm doing! You just push me up against the nearest wall and kiss me! What if I didn't even invite you over for sex and you kissed me without asking, huh?"
"Well, fuck, Y/N, I didn't realize I was supposed to be your therapist before I fuck you! And you ever invite me over for anything other than sex anyway!" He screams out.
"God, you're such a fucking asshole! I'm not saying that! We used to be best friends and now I can't even remember the last real conversation we've had. And I never explicitly say I want you to come over for sex! I just ask for you to come over and you assume that every time. Maybe I just want to hang out with my old best friend!" You scream out. 
His jaw drops in shock and he's quick to defend himself. "You can't put this all on me! It's on both of us, Y/N! You could have tried talking to me too, and if you want to hang out without fucking you should have said something."
"I have tried! You never fucking listen to me, Harry! Everything I have said to you in the past year has gone in one ear and out the other." You scream.
He stares at you in silence, not knowing what to say. He knew he hasn't been the best to you the past year, but he didn't realize it was this bad.
"You fuck me and then leave two minutes after we're done, or should I say when you're done! You can't even look me in the eye when your dick is inside of me. What did I do wrong, Harry? I just miss how we used to be. I want to go out to eat with you again and have movie nights and paint each other's nails. I just want us to be how we used to be! Before we even began hooking up. You never stay over for longer than two hours. It's like your not physically capable of it. Am I that terrible of a person you can't even stand to be around me anymore? You used to be my best friend and now I don't even know if I can qualify as a friend." You say choking back your sobs. 
He tugs on his hair and sighs. "Fuck." He says to himself. "I never thought it would get to this point, Y/N."
You roll your eyes. "What does that mean?" 
"How do you expect me to have sex with you multiple times a week while continuing being your best friend without catching feelings for you!"
"What's so bad about having feelings for me, huh?" You say looking him in the eye with the most heartbreaking look on your face.
"Nothing is bad about that, I just don't need a relationship right now." He explains.
"You're the one that initiated the first kiss between us, Harry. You knew I had just gotten out of a relationship. You knew how sad I was. You took advantage of me."
You stare at him hoping he would say something. You stared at him hoping he would admit that he kissed you that night because he liked you as much as you liked him and not because he felt bad for you. You hoped he would own up to everything he's done to you, apologize, and confess his love for you, or else you might as well just pass away right there
When he said nothing, you continued, "And just because you have feelings for me doesn't mean we have to be in a relationship. I don't understand. You've made me feel like shit just because you don't have time for a relationship right now? Have you ever noticed that you've been doing this or are you just as clueless as every other straight man on this planet?" 
"Of course I didn't notice. I would never purposely make you feel that way! I'm not a complete dick." 
"I just..." You trail off, unsure if you should tell him your next thought.
"What? Tell me, Y/N." He says 
"I just wish you wanted me as much as I want you." You say sadly, letting your head fall into your hands.
"Y/N, I-I don't know what to say." He says sadly grabbing your hand in his larger one. 
"Tell me you don’t want to leave. Say I’m enough to make you stay. I know it’s not true, but please just say it."
"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please, don't leave me. I-I will be better. I s-swear. You are enough. I'll stay. I miss how we used to be too. We can go back to how we once were. I swear. " He sniffles, tears welling up in his eye.
"Harry..." You whisper.
"Y/N..." He whispers back.
"I need you to leave." You say as strongly as you can manage.
"W-what? But, I thought y-you..you just said" He stumbles over his words, letting several tears slide down his cheeks. He stands up and looks at you.
"Please, Harry. I can't do this anymore. I need to move on. I've been waiting for over a year for you. You had your chance. You broke my heart." You shake your head as you speak, trying to hold yourself together.
When he stares at you saying nothing with silent tears streaming down his red cheeks, you continue. 
"And you wanna know what the worst part of this is?" You choke out a fake laugh through your hot tears. "You're the one I would usually run to after something like this, but you're the one that did this to me."
You stand up out of bed pulling your t-shirt back over your head along with a random pair of sweats on the ground, not bothering with panties. You quickly make your way to leave your house, before turning around at your bedroom door. You turn around to look back at Harry, he's standing there looking at the spot on the bed where you just were. You shake your head and sigh loudly.
"And please be gone by the time I get back." You say and make your way out of the house, getting in your car and speeding off to clear your mind. 
Fuck him. 
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morioh-killer · 2 years
Ok theres a few groups of staff
The owners (diavolo and doppio and co owner giorno and his dad dio)
The doctor (cioccolata)
The caretakers (staff who look after livestock for a week to get them settled in)
And other staff (farmhands)
The owners are pretty self explanatory. They own the joint. Giorno scares dia and eventually will take over the farm
The doctor cioccolata. Cio scares everyone but he does an exceptional job and most importantly whatever diavolo tells him to do. Administers your usual healthcare like vaccines and assists in births but also does plenty of messing w aphrodisiacs, putting on chastity belts, etc. Definitely molests livestock
The caretakers look after livestock for a whole week. Mostly for training: teaches them to use all fours, to stop speaking human language, etc. Caretakers are also a sign of protection for the week, so any livestock picking fights w New livestock gets punished more severely. This is a greater relief for new cows as cows are forced to breed and make milk and calves for the farm, but for a week w their caretaker they will not be bred
And farmhands are farmhands. Most are hired to do your usual stuff. Some are volunteer. Some are sleazy and molest the livestock, you get it.
The livestock has a few groups
Race horses, work horses, (guard) dogs, cows and bulls, rams and ewes, chickens and ducks, and lastly goats.
Livestock is obtained either through kidnapping (the farm has a group of farmhands usually go out looking for people with traits they need such as gender to snatch off the street in a huge van), being born onto the farm, from unruly staff, from being sold onto the farm, or from volunteers
The farmhands, when recieving new people from kidnapping, being sold, etc basically anything that isn't being born into farm life do an evaluation to choose what animal they are. Those with beautiful, full hair are sheep, those with fertile bodies, huge breasts, etc are cows, those with large frames and muscle are work horses, those with particularly sharp teeth are dogs, you get the gist
Sometimes if someone qualifies for two or more animals, they'll choose the animal based on what they need most. If they have enough of all the animals thr farmhands may choose the animal or in rare cases kill them, take them home for free, etc. But again its rate they have enough of every animal and choose those options.
All livestock gets an ear tag with different colors telling staff immediately what they are.
Caretakers i have noted are: bruno, risotto, prosciutto, lisa lisa, rohan, and a few more i can't remember
Farmhands I've noted are: Abbacchio, Hol Horse, Ghiaccio, Melone, Steely Dan, Mariah, Suzi Q, Weather Report, and more
Livestock I concluded:
Work Horses: Jonathan, Wamuu, Esidisi, Kars, Santana
Race Horses: Will, Johnny and Speedwagon
Bulls: Joseph, Caesar
Rams: Jotaro, Kakyoin, Anasui, Straizo, Akira
Dogs: Secco (cios personal pet), Hazamada, Josuke, Jolyne, Narancia
For the others i havent thought abt it yet but there are more for every group ive mentioned in staff and livestock
Let me state the farm is fucking massive like half a county massive. Diavolo runs a fucking empire here. Also its a stand-less hamon-less au.
The farm usually isnt open for visitors and when it is it's a small area with the most well behaved livestock meant to farm money off kids and their parents
The farm is only open to those who are "buisness partners" such as kira who often buys his girlfriends for cheap there when he needs em
Within society this is a very well liked farm and considered the best in the country. In this society everyone does see the humans in the farm as livestock and as only animals- but on a different level than that of animal animals like iggy. They're still animals just a lil closer to human. This is why some farmhands see no issue with sexually abusing livestock: theyre human "enough",
Kira is one of the only people who sees them as people, his viewpoint is horrifically rare in this world
There is one kind of animal thats its own thing and its foo shes a phrog
They had nowhere to put her when they found her so they just gave her a little mini pond in one of the farms corners and called her a frog. She does fr eat bugs too
They try and keep breeding within the same species that was chosen for them, but there are plenty of cases of crossbreeding and cross romance, some crossbreeding goes undetected and some gets found out it rlly depends on how obvious it is
An example of cross romance is anasui who's yknoe a ram who really wants to fuck jolyne whos a dog
Uh cant remember anything else lol
OH DEAR LORDDDDD--- this is so detailed and im HIGH KEY OBSESSED HELLO-
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
House Rivalries
Request: hi! i have a request if you're interested in writing for cedric!! i was thinking about a cedric x reader where they're in a relationship & prefects at the same time (preferably slytherin reader). i think it's fun to imagine how young hufflepuffs and slytherins would feel about the relationship and cedric w/ a slytherin would be a nice dynamic :) cheers if you choose to write it!
A/N: I loved this request! Thank you so much for requesting it! I hope I have done it justice! There’s a flash back in this, I’ve written it italics and it’s bordered by asterisks. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Reader
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Word count: 1.8k
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You lay across the brown leather couch in the Hufflepuff common room; resting your head on Cedric’s lap, smiling as he runs a hand through your hair. You shift in his lap, pushing your head further into his hand. Cedric smiles down at you, happily obliging, now scratching your scalp.
A Second Year Hufflepuff crinkles their nose at you. She has been watching the scene for a while now; looking between the mustard yellow of the common room and the emerald green of your robes and prefect badge.
“What?” You ask, a smile on your face, “Do I smell bad?”
“No… you’re a Slytherin.” She whispers; her eyes wide as if worried she’ll be caught speaking to the enemy.
You chuckle, sitting up from Cedric’s lap.
“I am. House rivalries are strong especially when it comes to Quidditch, but it’s important to have friends in other houses – you never know when you may need them. Plus…” You continue, pausing for dramatic effect, leaning close to the young student, “Your future partner might be in a different house.”
“I don’t have time to think of love,” The young girl says, turning her nose up at the very idea of it.
You chuckle, “You’re only in Second Year; that’ll change by Fourth Year, I can assure you.”
“Is that how you felt with Cedric?” She asks, her eyes flickering between the two of you.
You bite your lip, glancing at the bronze-haired teenager sat next to you. He’s pretending to act uninterested in the conversation, instead, focusing on the book now in his lap. But you know better; having known him long enough to know that all of his attention is now on you and whatever words are to come out of your mouth.
“It took a while for me and Cedric to get to where we are.”
The Second Year Hufflepuff furrows her eyebrows, “Why?”
You sigh, nudging Cedric with your elbow, bringing him into the conversation. “We’d always been friends with feelings for each other; we just didn’t have the nerve to tell the other.”
“Why didn’t you tell each other?”
You raise an eyebrow at the inquisitive youngster who blushes from the look on your face; feeling thoroughly admonished despite no words having been uttered.
“I’m sorry,” She stutters, “I hope you don’t mind all the questions.”
Cedric slings an arm around your shoulders; dropping a kiss to the side of your head before replying. “We don’t mind at all: what do you want to know?”
The young Hufflepuff straightens from the attention of her prefect. “How long did it take for you to tell each other how you felt?”
Cedric looks down at you with a soft look on his face, “I think we dodged the subject for a year or so.”
“A year?” The girl cries, “That long?”
He chuckles at the girl’s reaction. Nodding, he replies, “I was too scared to say anything on my end in case it ruined the friendship.”
You nod along with his words, “It was the same with me. We’ve been friends since Second Year, I’d fallen for him by Fourth Year but it wasn't until Fifth Year when something happened.”
“But you both felt the same?” She asks, eyebrows furrowing as she tries to understand how it could someone so long to confess their feelings to the one they love.
You fiddle with your fingers for a moment. Until Cedric takes your hand in his, tangling your fingers together.
“Are you sitting comfortably?” Cedric asks the younger student. At her nod, he continues, “Then we’ll begin.”
House rivalries at Hogwarts had always been strong, ever since the founding of the school over a thousand years ago. Salazar Slytherin being an island unto his own compared to the other three founders who had banded together in unity. Yet, despite the unity, rivalries grew strong over time; separations becoming more defined by the characteristics that enabled students to join their houses.
The Sorting Hat sat on your head for three minutes before deciding upon housing you in Slytherin. It had deliberated between Slytherin and Ravenclaw before settling on Slytherin, deciding that your determination outweighed your need for academic success. You had a plan and you were sticking to it no matter what.
The Sorting Hat barely needed to touch the flyaway hairs on Cedric Diggory’s head before calling out Hufflepuff. He was the epitome of the house; fiercely loyal and kind.
The friendship started in Second Year; he ran into you as he left Quidditch practice, knocking you to the ground. You huffed as you hit the ground, the wind being knocked right out of you.
“Are you okay?” Cedric practically shouts, holding a hand out to help you up.
You take in a couple of breaths, blinking away the tears, “I’m okay,” you gasp, grabbing his outstretched hand.
“I’m so sorry,” Cedric apologises, pulling you up.
You take your hand from his, brushing the dirt from your uniform. “It’s okay, no harm, no foul.”
Cedric smiles at you, “That’s good. I’m Cedric by the way.”
“I’m (Y/N).”
“It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
You laugh, “It’s nice to meet you too, though I need to get going, and I think you need to get changed.”
Cedric laughs, looking down at his Quidditch uniform, “I do. I’m sorry again,” he says before turning away from you.
“It’s no problem,” you whisper, watching him walk away.
After that initial encounter, you started seeing Cedric everywhere you looked. It was as if your mind had switched to a radar where it was only aware of where he was. You’d spot him in classrooms; in the Great Hall; on the corridor. He’d be everywhere, and every time he spotted you, he would smile so widely, it knocked you breathless for a minute – just like he did when he knocked you over.
The friendship started when he sat next to you in the library. You had noticed how often he frequented it, but he had never sat next to you until one morning in March. You didn’t notice he had sat next to you, too caught up in your Potions essay for Snape, until he cleared his throat. You jumped at the sudden sound in the silent room, but relaxed when you saw the Hufflepuff, smiling at you from across the table.
“I like you, (Y/N).”
“You what?”
“I like you; I think we could be great friends.” He states.
And that was that. Cedric Diggory was good at reading people; he knew who was good and who was bad, and he could tell from the get-go that you were an innately good person at your very core. So he wanted to be friends with you; he wasn’t bothered about houses, he couldn’t care less. He just wanted to be friends with someone he could like, and that was you.
The friendship continued through your formative years, Cedric picking you out of a crowd – meeting you outside classrooms. He’d even join you at meal times; either sitting with you at the Slytherin table or dragging you over to the Hufflepuff table. Your friendship was questioned by a lot of people; curious as to why Cedric would make friends with a Slytherin, but they didn’t need to understand the friendship. It wasn’t for them to understand.
He made you happy. You made him happy.
And why should that be the subject of gossip for the student body at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry?
It was inevitable that you’d fall in love with him; three years of friendship and you’d fallen in love with him. Everything about you screamed for him. He was like the sun, and you were a simple planet in his orbit. You gravitated towards him and your heart fell for him over a simple smile shared in the library. That was all it took; a secret smile – one you knew he reserved only for you and you were a goner.
After that, you couldn’t ignore your feelings for the Hufflepuff. Your heart raced in his presence; your palms got sweaty when his touch would linger on your shoulder or your waist. He affected you all the time; he had eve started to feature in your dreams where he would press you against a wall and kiss you senseless. Those dreams had you waking with your hand touching your mouth, as if you could still feel the pressure of his lips; as if they were swollen from his kisses. But you didn't dare say anything for the fear of ruining the friendship you treasured more than anything in the world; for now, you were happy to keep your feelings hidden in the shadows. 
Fifth Year began with the stress of OWLs and the appointment of Prefects. Both Cedric and you being appointed with the great honour. Dumbledore smiled at you as he handed the badge for you to pin your robes.
Leaving the Headmaster’s office, Cedric takes you into his arms, hugging you. “Look at you, Slytherin Prefect!”
You grin, “Who’d have thought it?”
“I did, I had every confidence in you,” he says softly.
You nudge him with your elbow, “You are a sweetheart… and a Hufflepuff Prefect!”
He grins down at you; the smile so big it crinkles his eyes in the corners. It sends your heart into what you’re sure are palpitations; it knocks you breathless, as Cedric so often does.
Over the course of your friendship, the library had become the place where you could find Cedric, no matter the day. He would always be found in the same place; three stacks from the back, sat at the table to the right.
It’s where you find him as the countdown to OWLs gets smaller and smaller.
You sit down next to him, “How are we today, Ced?”
“OWLs are kicking my arse.”
You gasp, “Cedric Diggory, language!”
He chuckles, “I apologise. OWLs are kicking my butt.”
“You’ll do amazing, Ced. You’ve been revising for months.”
Cedric bites his lip, worry crossing over his features.
You sigh; worry was going to be the thing that killed Cedric. 
“How about this,” you propose, “you get the grades for your OWLs and I’ll take you to Hogsmeade for a Butterbeer?”
You shock yourself with the words; the confidence to ask him on a date surging from you and out of your mouth in a collection of sounds that sounded like so much like a proposition. You clap your hand to your mouth; stopping yourself from babbling anything else.
Cedric raises an eyebrow, “Are you asking me on a date, (Y/N)?”
You laugh, the shock wearing off into something else, “You know, I think I am.”
Cedric joins your laughter, “Alright. I’ll get the grades and I’ll go out with you to Hogsmeade.”
You hold your pinkie finger out to him; he wraps his around yours, “Pinkie promise.”
On results day, Cedric gets the grades.
He celebrates by pulling you in for a kiss.
“So you’ve been going out since then?” The Second Year Hufflepuff asks.
You nod; your hand wrapped tightly in Cedric’s. “Almost eighteen months now.”
“So Slytherin’s aren’t all bad?”
You shake your head, chuckling, “No, Slytherin’s aren’t all bad.”
“And you love Cedric?”
You nod, “Very much.”
The young girl nods satisfied with your answer. Until she asks, “Do you think you’ll get married?”
You choke on your saliva; eyes wide. You turn to Cedric, letting him take this question. He laughs at the expression on your face, “Who knows? Maybe one day.”
You grin at his words; warmth flooding your body matching the happiness coursing through your veins. Cedric returns the smile with just as much feeling; pecking your lips before turning his attention back to the young girl who is practically bouncing in her seat.
“What do you think of house rivalries now?” You ask, curious to see whether you’ve changed her mind.
The girl blushes, ducking her head slightly, “I don’t think they’re so bad now.”
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen​ @obsessedwithrandomthings​ @harrypotter289​ @dreamer821​ @kalimagik​ @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @nebulablakemurphy​ @the-hufflefluffwriter​ @figlia--della--luna​ @bforbroadway​ @idont-knowrn​ @summer-writes​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @black-lake-confessions​ @annasofiaearlobe​ @imboredandneedalife​ @levylovegood​ @mytreec​
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ask-charlie-emily · 2 years
i a m so ba d at talkin g to the m. it come s ou t all broken a nd i t hurt s them . h ow d o y ou d o it how do y ou talk to th em. it is on ly gettin g wors e. and i k now he i s jus t ignoring m e i hat e it w hy won t he lis ten why won t h e jus t liste n to m e ???
- cassidy
Ghost stuff effects all of us differently, unfortunately. I, somehow, lucked out and haven't found a severe problem with my ghost programming, and I'm sorry for that. If I could take away my abilities to help you function easier, I would. And who knows, maybe I can... But I haven't figured out a way.
Grief... grief can make people act in stupid ways. From what I know, my mom and brother left because my dad was acting horribly after I died. I think... I think Staff-Jeremy knows, deep down, that you're gone, but he doesn't want to acknowledge it, because if he acknowledges that then it means he has to acknowledge the feelings that come with it. Despair, guilt, fear... if he believes the truth, then he knows those will come to hit him full force.
And it sucks. A lot. But I suspect they're still here now, though much smaller than they will be. But you have to push through these feelings, and once he does, he'll be able to hang out with you. It's a problem of actually acknowledging it, though...
I don't know how exactly to tell him, and if he won't hear it from Michael then he definitely won't hear it from me... I hope that he'll realize it himself, sometime soon.
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sharkneto · 3 years
Prequel Five almost killing himself on some bad math. I love the good whump. :)
This is what I get for sending you everything lol. Specific Requests. You're only getting a chunk, this whole scene is like 4k words lol
As Sarah works on typing up yet another grant application, she listens to the snippets of Megan and Five's discussion that float through her open office door.
“…but what if we treat space as time then…”
“…even hear yourself that’s literally the dumbest…”
“…better? Go on this thought adventure with me, Five…”
“…a potential. Hang on. Not the same entity but entwined…”
“…hear that, Amanda? I need you to mark this historic moment where Five said I was right…”
“…not completely but the concept you brought up does have an interesting potential if…”
“…can space whisper its secrets to you in a more concrete fashion…”
“…don’t think it’s wrong but I also know that’s not right…”
“…an integer? I’d take a single number as an explanation why I’m not right but not wrong…”
“…but if it does work this way it would quadruple my jumping range let me just try…”
A scream snaps Sarah’s attention to the trio, her feet moving before she’s even fully registered anything has happened. She nearly runs into Amanda as she turns towards the students’ workspace, her eyes huge. “Five! Sarah holy shit Five he- I don’t know but oh man, Five he- oh my god,” Amanda babbles at her and tugs her arm towards Five and Megan’s station.
Megan is even paler than usual, fair skin a chalky white. She’s doing her best to support Five, slowly losing the battle with gravity and Five’s taller frame and sinking with him to the ground. Five is absolutely covered in blood, and Sarah can’t see where it could possibly be coming from as it coats his entire front in a dark, glistening layer. His whole body convulses and it’s more by accident than anything that Megan gets him turned to the side in time to avoid the fountain of vomit that erupts from him.
Sarah kneels by the duo, helping Megan prop Five back up. Up close, she can see all that blood – holy fuck so much blood – is gushing out of Five’s nose. “Megan, what happened?” she asks curtly, working to position Five so he’s leaning forward and using her own hand to pinch the bridge of his nose to try and stem the flow of all that dark, dark blood. He blinks at her dumbly, his own hand clumsily trying to take her hand’s place at his nose.
“W-w-we were talking about a new angle to treat space and time as a singular entity, see what the math did then. Or, wait, not exactly that. Five got mad at that description, he said it’s more, more, more like they are intertwined to appear to be singular? But I don’t understand how that’s functionally different--” her voice trembles and she’s making a herculean effort to stay composed to help as much as she can.
“Dsn’t wor’ li’ ‘at,” Five mumbles. Sarah ignores him.
“Focus, Megan,” Sarah says. “Tell me about the theory later. What happened that got Five here? Amanda, go get ice from the kitchenette for his nose.” Amanda rips her eyes from the blood so much blood still streaming from Five’s face and quickly scampers off.
“He thought something about the theory would make his spatial jumps easier, so he tr-tr-tried an experimental jump and, oh Sarah it was awful. It was like he slammed into a wall but also stuck halfway through? It looked so weird and wrong. And then it kind of just, chucked him back out and into me and I was going to make a joke but then there was blood and he wasn’t responding and I don’t know what happened or if he’s ok--”
“’M fine,” Five mumbles again, making a stronger attempt to replace Sarah’s hand on his face. His words are further muddled thanks to the iron grip she has on his nose. “Now we know tha’s no’ how it works. A’ all.”
Amanda races back in, braids whipping behind her and a baggy of ice in her hand that she practically launches at Five’s face. “Is he going to be ok?”
“If we don’t get this bloody nose stopped soon we’re going to have to get some professional help,” Sarah says. It’s hard to tell if the flow is slowing at all with how much there already is all down Five’s front. And her front. And Megan’s arms. She doesn’t have high hopes that this won’t require a hospital visit.
“Is fine. I’ve ha’ worse.”
“You know, Five, that’s not comforting,” Sarah sighs. “Do you have a concussion? I don’t know enough to know how worried I need to be. You threw up and you’re bleeding from orifices on your face, those aren’t good signs.”
“Tha’s normal.”
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