#ive had these as wips in my folders for SO LONG
devildaisies · 1 year
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nasty man. love him
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reksigh · 5 months
Just wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore your lunafreya art, especially the ones where she's in the ocean, I literally dedicated an entire folder to your artwork, it's amazing.
I'm so happy that you like Luna and lunoct cause I remember back then it was so common to hate on her and insult anyone who likes the ship (it's not as much now but it's still there), so tysm for all the art you've drawn <3
;_; OHH MY GOSH THIS IS SO SWEET?? THANK YOU!! i really really appreciate you saying so, i love her soo dearly. ive had a similar experience? women in fandom really get ripped to shreds but i feel like luna especially does because she doesnt fit into stereotypical final fantasy tropes or even mainstream recognizable tropes. shes SO interesting and why i've been able to draw her for so long is im still interested in her story and themes. i have some lunoct wips that i probably wont finish any time soon that you might like!
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hawnks · 5 months
mints do you think its necessary to have some kind of education in order to be good at writing?
like im not saying ya gotta have a phd in english, but sometimes i feel really plain and like my ideas and styles are not complex bc i never had proper higher education even though im well into my 20s.
ive always loved learning and read a lot in my spare time, but school has always intimidated me and was a big source of anxiety so i never went back (also, no funds/time atm).
I just wanna write for a little audience like friends and moots, but even with them i get really self conscious in the end i dont let them into the worlds i curated for us. as if its not good enough to share so they stay tucked away in the wips folder forever.
any advice or consolation? sorry this got long and winded 😭 i appreciate you just reading this to the end tho ❣️🌷
As someone with two degrees in writing, let me tell you: you don’t need it.
When I lead workshops, I like to remind writers that they are capable of writing a Good Story as they are now. Do not hold the story you want to tell out of your own reach because you’re waiting for some nebulous future, where you are worthy of writing it.
It’s yours—it’s in your hands already.
It seems like you have some stuff written already, so my main question for you is: what are you asking of your work? Do you want more stories about your specific interests? Do you want fame? Do you want to find a community? Do you want to vent your deepest darkest secrets? Do you want to share your love of something?
Whatever it is you’re looking for, you can’t find it by hoarding what you make. I know moving forward is scary — but entropy is scarier.
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dispatchvampire · 8 months
Accidentally In Love (Chapter 2)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x FemaleOC
Warnings: Potentially lethal levels of fluffiness right now, potential for smut later. A little blood, canon levels of violence potentially. Plus size female OC, body descriptions.
Rating: PG-13 (right now for language, but look for this to change)
WC: 2600-ish.
Echo's living a normal life in NYC, a 911 dispatcher, the most excitement she gets is from the calls she takes. And then love comes crashing in one day when she's riding her bike through Central Park.
Steve and Bucky weren't looking for anything on their daily run around the park besides fresh air and exercise. The streak of purple eye candy on a bike that lapped them pretty regularly was a nice addition but not mandatory, at least until some impromptu roughhousing results in some civilian casualties in the form of the most beautiful woman either of them had seen in a long, long time.
A/N: AU, Post CACW, Bucky’s Chill and we have always lived in the Tower. Just call this a throwback to the found family, everyone lives in Stark Tower fics.
This is supposed to be a super-fluffy love story. Still undecided if I'm gonna keep this one going but posting now for giggles and grins. It's got some CSI:NY characters crossing over because why not.
I'm just messing about and playing in my WIPs folder. Not Beta'd: we die like men! (honestly, I tried but if you catch something I missed, let me know)
Chapter 2
Blinking, Echo arrived back on the current plain of consciousness in a very bright room that smelled vaguely of antiseptic and orange slices. Blinking, she groaned a little as she took in her varying pains that hadn’t been evident before, including the stiffness in the elbow where her IV was installed. 
“There she is.” 
She turned her head toward a voice she recognized very well. Lindsey Messer, Danny’s wife and her friend from the job and her building, sat at her bedside holding her hand. In her pants suit and fuschia blouse, wearing her work badge, it was clear the tiny blonde had come straight from the crime lab. “Hey Linds. I hope Danny didn’t make you worry. I’m fine. My head’s too hard for any lasting damage.”
The blonde snorted and slid a plastic cup with a straw in it over to her. “That’s what I told them.” 
It was good to know her friend had her back. “What am I doing here?”
“They said you had a concussion and lost consciousness at the scene. Apparently you hit your head when you went into the stream by the bridge. Plus you got some stitches in your nose and chin and have a hairline fracture in your wrist.”
“Oh.” It was so much worse than she feared. Looking down at her wrist she saw the bandage and closed her eyes on a sigh. “Well, this sucks.”
“It does,” Lindsey agreed. “It seems you have some interesting friends, though.” 
Echo sipped her cup of water as she mulled over the strange transition. “We have the same friends, Linds.” Working in law enforcement made for a large extended, and occasionally dysfunctional, family, and since they hung out together, the majority of the people in their lives were shared friends and acquaintances. 
“Funny, because I don't remember you bringing those two superheroes you crashed into on the bike path today out for drinks with us.” She leaned back in the chair, looking nonchalant as she pulled a bottle of water from her purse to sip. 
Superheroes? What? “What are you talking about?” Shifting to sit up further in bed, she found herself tired and reclining back on the pillows behind her. She had one thing she wanted to make clear, though. “And I didn't crash into anyone. I ditched out so I wouldn't crash into anyone.” 
Lindsay smiled slyly. “You’re too nice, that’s why you crashed.” 
Looking around to make sure there were no little ears to overhear she snarked at her friend, “Vaffanculo,” complete with the associated hand gesture. 
Of course that's the moment when Danny decided to come into the room carrying a bottle of water and some white daisies he laid on the table next to her drink. “Ay, yo! You kiss your mother with that mouth?” he asked with his ever present grin. He’d clearly cleaned up and changed into one of his signature tight t-shirts and jeans. He made hipster chic look good with his wire-rim glasses and skinny jeans.
Rolling her eyes hurt but she did it anyway. “Whatever, Danny. When do I get outta here?”
The thin man winced and pushed his glasses up his nose. “Well, see that's the problem. Both the girls have ear infections, and they’re with my mom right now, but there's nobody to look after them for us, so we can look after you. And well unfortunately, between us and Flack, Donnie is going outta town with Trish for the weekend. So the docs wanna keep you overnight.”  
“But…” she whined pitifully. The idea of spending the night alone in the hospital sounded as appealing as shaving her legs with a dull razor and lemonade shaving cream.
Lindsey’s lips twitched. “You know we have toddlers, right? We’re immune to such things,” she laughed.
Lower lip in full pout, she replied, “And that's just unfair.” Echo reached onto the table and then rummaged around in the sheets over her before reaching into her bloodstained bra and the pockets of her bike shorts. “Where's my phone?” Surely she could find someone to look after her at her place so she didn’t have to stay in the hospital.  
Danny cringed as he grabbed the other visitor’s seat in the room. “Yeah, about that... your phone’s out getting fixed right now. Unfortunately it and your sunglasses met the creek bed and experienced a similar fate as you.”
“Oh no.” She winced and reached up to touch the bridge of her nose involuntarily as her hopes for escape dwindled in front of her. “This is bad.” 
He nodded, conceding her point. “Yeah, yeah it is, kiddo.”
“So, I have to stay.” It was a statement of resignation more than anything and she was beyond displeased, but knew two things: first, this wasn’t her friends’ fault, and second, she couldn’t do anything about this.
“Unfortunately.” Messer nodded again. Seeing her dejected expression, he rushed to assure her, “Just for tonight though. They’ll let you go in the morning. Hopefully your phone will be back here by then, good as new.”
“Wait…” Her mind was still a little fuzzy, but Echo was pretty clear that phone insurance wasn’t nearly that prompt. “Who's got my phone?”
Lindsay looked at Danny with a pointy glare. “You didn't tell her?” 
“She just woke up! You were here!” Danny held out a hand hoping to show that he was unarmed and not one to take her fire. He pulled the chair over to the bed to be closer to Echo. “Do you remember the two guys you crashed into?” 
“I didn't crash,” she corrected, rolling her eyes coming much easier this time.  
“Your face and bike would disagree,” he supplied diplomatically, with only the barest hint of a grin.  
His eyes narrowed as he looked at her, assessing. “You really don’t remember?” 
Shaking her head hurt, but she tried anyway. “Help me out here, Messer. I got nothin’.” She had vague recollections of the two hot guys from the path, but considering she saw them daily, those were not memories she trusted. “Were those the ones you and Flack had your guns on?” 
Lindsay's eyes grew very large and she pinned Danny down with a very pointed glare. “You had your gun on Captain America and Sergeant Barnes?” 
“It was a very fluid situation,” he gritted out through his clenched jaw. “It took a minute to get it all untangled.”
“I'm sorry, what?” The headache that had been dancing around the edge of her vision grew to full force causing her to rub her face. “What? That doesn't even make sense.” How in the fried fuck did the fricking Avengers figure into this? “How—? What—? I don’t understand—”
Danny cringed at her questions and pushed to his feet. “Well I think we've done enough damage here. Linds will get the girls and we'll see you tomorrow morning.”
Echo’s eyes popped open as she reached for him when he stepped away to put the chair back. “Wait! No! You don't get to just drop a bomb and leave like that.” 
Likely attracted by her beeping monitor, the nurse came in to see her blood pressure spiking. “You have to go now. The patient needs her rest.” 
Lindsey and Danny leaned over for quick hugs before heading toward the door. “This will make sense in the morning, E, okay? You’ll be fine,” he assured her. 
She whined again, dropping her head into the pillows. “Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.” 
“Yeah, you will,” he replied with his trademark toothy grin. 
Right before he and Lindsey walked out the door, she asked, “Hey, who has my bike?”
“Hopefully that’ll be here with your phone.” 
The way Danny’s smile turned secretive before the nurse closed the door was concerning, but her head hurt too badly to really give it too much thought. Honestly, she was tired again and since it seemed she had nowhere else to be, she figured it was a good moment to take a nap. 
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“We should have brought the bike up.”
“And put it where, genius? In the hallway where it’d just be in the way? In here? It’s a hospital, not a subway platform.”
“I just think—”
“And that’s your problem right there, Stevie.”
“I just don’t want her to think we took it or anything.”
“Steve. Really. Come down off the cross; we need the wood.” 
Echo woke to the sound of grumbled whispers and some sort of mechanical noise. Her dark eyes opened to the overly bright room, only to slam shut again at the vision before her. It was clearly a concussion-generated hallucination, because there, seated at her bedside were the two sexy mofos from the bike trail. A flimsy wisp of a memory danced across her mind of the blond one fetching her from the creek by picking her up, but… that wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be; she was too heavy for that. She hadn’t been picked up since childhood, and certainly was not one to invite the casual touch of strangers.  
Cracking her eyes open the barest hint, she watched the two men, giants, both of them, arguing back and forth softly beside her. She’d never given thought to their size before beyond their muscles, considering her bike gave her a height advantage, but damn if they weren’t enormous, still dressed in their too-tight t-shirts and jeans that encased their thighs closer than clingwrap.  
Her soft whimper at the sight brought their argument to a halt as both of them reached for her hand. 
“Hey, beautiful,” the longhaired one greeted her with a soft smile as he delicately touched her fingers. His own fingers were cold, and when she looked to see why, it appeared they were made of some kind of metal. In her mind, she’d always assumed it had been some kind of tattoo when she’d seen him in passing, so the metal was a bit of a shock. 
“Howya feelin’, sweetheart?” the blond one asked as he laid his hand over her same wrist. 
She closed her eyes for a moment, just absorbing the absurdity of this moment. “Best. Hallucination. Ever.” 
Her eyes snapped open at a bark of laughter followed by the mostly silent wheezing giggles that overtook Hotness 2. He threw his head back, shaking out his unbound hair in full chortle, a bubbly infectious sound that made her feel like she’d been infused with sunshine. The way his nose crinkled made her want to hug the hell outta him. 
“Babydoll,” he choked out as he brushed away tears from his cheeks before patting her knee with a warm smile. “We’re as real as it gets. I promise.” 
Blondie’s grin at his friend was a mix of affection and unruffled resignation. “Ignore Chuckles over there. How are you feelin’?”
“I’d feel better if I knew who you were,” she said softly. It was a strange feeling, a sensation of familiarity and absolutely no idea why she might know them. Not that she didn’t appreciate the attention, but it was disconcerting that they seemed to know her and she had no active memory of them beyond their occasional encounters on the trails and paths in Central Park.
“I’m James and this is Ste—Wait, you really don’t remember us?” The brunet went from amused to stricken in a breath when she shook her head, his free hand—it was a metal hand—scrubbing down his face and pulling his features taut before clapping his hands. “Right then. I’m James—my friends call me Bucky, and this is Steve. I ran into you on the trail yesterday.”
Eyes rolled to the ceiling, the giant blond then directed an annoyed glare at his compatriot before folding her hand in both of his massive paws. “What Buck means is he ran into you on the bike path. By the Glen Span bridge.”
“Oh! Jeez!” Thinking back, all she could see in her mind was the blue shirt and then everything goes kind of hazy until… “Guns? My friends had their guns on you?” 
They both held their hands up, shaking their heads. “A misunderstanding. It all got sorted out pretty quickly, despite Smartass over here trying to get us killed,” James grumbled in Steve’s direction, even as a smirk curled around the corners of his mouth. 
The blond winced at his friend’s description of the events but didn’t correct him. “Anyway, we wanted to come and apologize for all the upheaval we caused for you.”
“And your stitches and things,” the brunet added as he tucked his long bangs behind his ears. Looking down in his lap, he jerked as he noticed the bag by his feet. It was purple and glittery and had tissue paper sticking out of the top and he pushed it into her hands like it may be virulently contagious. “Here. From us.” 
Immediately suspicious, Echo held the bag at arm’s length. “Okay? What is it?”
Steve rolled his eyes with a little huff of impatience. “Telling you ruins the surprise. We went to the trouble of wrapping ‘em—”
“Well, Wanda did,” Buck leaned over to stage-whisper conspiratorially. 
“We went to the trouble of having ‘em wrapped,” the blond corrected with an impatient glare at his friend, “so open it.” 
A little embarrassed at having their eager eyes track her every move, she dug past the mountain of glittery paper to pull out a shrink-wrapped, brand new Stark Phone in the signature red and gold box which she set on the bed next to her. Everything about this situation was so goddamn weird, it was hard to make all the pieces fit together in her head with any kind of coherence. 
“Tony promised me he got all your stuff transferred over,” Steve offered eagerly as he poked the box a little closer to her. 
“Pictures and things,” Buck clarified over his friend’s shoulder. They both seemed greatly invested in her taking the gift.  
She held the box up in one hand while pawing through the bag with the other. “Okay?” Her fingers brushed against another box, this one textured and obviously expensive cardboard and almost as hefty as her phone box. 
Echo’s eyes widened as she pulled out the black box with the distinctive gold writing on it. “Is this…?” she trailed off as she observed the two men closely. Steve nodded encouragingly, so she opened it, almost afraid of what could be inside. Inside was a hard leather case, with gold lettering that matched the exterior box. “You got me Versace sunglasses?” She couldn’t decide if she was happy or mildly horrified. 
The blond nodded vigorously. “Yeah, yours were in pieces from where I stepped on them getting out of the water.” His cheeks flushed as he looked more than a little ashamed. “Tony assured me that you’d be okay with the replacement.” 
“Stevie’s underselling it. Stark said you’d appreciate the upgrade.” 
Upgrade? Shit… she was a city employee and made nowhere near the kind of money that this pair of sunglasses cost. They were likely more expensive than all the clothes in her closet. “I… thank you?” 
“Here.” James nodded at the bag next to her. “There’s more in there.” 
At the expectant looks on their faces, she set the black box aside and turned her attention to the bright yellow envelope just inside the bag. “‘Sorry we broke your stuff, please accept these replacements with our humblest apologies,’” she read, wary of their hopeful expressions when she finished. “'Replacements?' Plural? There’s more?”
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borealopelta · 4 months
hello I would like to hear about the guard dog of all your fever dreams (from your wip folder) (i think i have a hunch on where this is going)
fully forgot to answer this lmaooooo anyway my beloved guard dog fic is!!!! dark ralathor!!!! aka ralathor's thousand year long con of earning the trust of the mcfife family and generally all of dundee and then using his insider knowledge to free zargothrax for fun and profit. why wait until chaos wizards attempt it when you (eldritch wizard being) can wiggle around dundee until they put you in charge of building the triton containment unit thus giving you free reign to build in as many blind spots to aid your eventual Guy Heist as you want. i have so so little of it done but here's a snippity snippet:
Ever since Fife’s expansion beyond the limits of Earth began with Crail’s relocation to Triton under the rule of Dundax III, interest in Earth had been on a steady decline. Sure, Dundee was still technically the capital of the Empire, but most kings since Dundax IV’s time resided on Mars. Because of this, when Ralathor’s plan had inevitably bumped into the problem of where he would store the wizard he stole from the fortress of Crail, the only logical choice turned out to be that they go straight back to Earth. Everyone would search for Zargothrax in the most hidden pockets of the multiverse, it wouldn't occur to anyone to look for him right under the nose of the empire.
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pinkkittysaw · 8 months
wip tag game
rules : post the names of all the files in ur wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send u an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
i come up with my titles absolutely LAST so my apologies for so many untitled projects. also if i post snippets not all of them will be juicy and enticing as some of these projects only have a paragraph to their name (or lack thereof)
THANK YOU FOR THE TAG SAINTYY!!!!!!! @saintokkotsu i did not realize how many wips i actually had until now ummmmm 😅
no pressure tags!!: @cryptictongues @drabblesandimagines @meownotgood @mrsackermannx
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MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE? (18+) (series)
knight! clive rosfield x princess! reader
anthony bridgerton x reader
desc: anthony makes love to you four times during your wedding night
BLOOD OATH (18+) (series)
clive rosfield x priestess! reader
barnabas tharmr x reader
UNTITLED II (suggestive) (series)
cidolfus telamon x priestess! reader
desc: the beginning of the end
barnabas tharmr x priestess! reader
HOLIDAY BLUES (temp title) (hurt/comfort) (fluff)
clive rosfield x reader
UNTITLED IV (18+) (completely forgot i written this)
leon kennedy x vampire! reader
clive rosfield x pregnant! reader
clive rosfield x reader
desc: “the bitter chill of the midnight air has me longing for the warmth of your embrace”
UNTITLED VII (18+) (series)
noctis lucis caelum x reader
clive rosfield x reader
clive rosfield x puppy hybrid! reader
clive rosfield x reader
desc: body worship with clive
clive rosfield x vampire! reader x barnabas tharmr
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cricketnationrise · 11 months
Weekend WIP Around
so. i'm bad at responding to tag games at the best of times. and then i worked 11 days straight and lost all sense of time and space. but! ive had several days off now, my head is screwed on relatively straight again, so here we go. thanks to: @cha-melodius @three-drink-amy @inexplicablymine @affectionatelyrs @dumbpeachjuice @welcometololaland @celaestis1 @indomitable-love @14carrotghoul @rmd-writes @doggernaut @sherryvalli @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin and @read-and-write- for the MANY tags over the last two weeks! have some words! 💜🦗
I'm using @welcometololaland's 20 question game for writers and artists (thanks Lola, this is so fun!)
1. WIP List: (from my "Active WIPs" folder otherwise we'd be here 5eva) Game Changer (Noise Boys) Tortall AU [FTH] rwrb assassination attempt AU [FTH] jon/alanna Tortall canon-divergence [FTH] an incomplete list series going platinum sequel jack's off-season wishlist series rwrb kiss-cam omgcp say yes to the dress au
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest? Game Changer AU ~2.4k
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest? eventually an incomplete list series since it has the most parts planned, but the going platinum sequel has more than a little potential to explode on me
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why? I am SUPER enjoying writing the Game Changer AU right now, it's really fun coming up with all the prompts!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why? jon/alanna canon-divergence. hands down. it's not a pairing i usually seek out, and i want to write them believably, especially since it's for charity
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why? see above.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why? probably everything on this list will get a beta pass, actually. kiss cam will depend on how long i end up making it/if it actually gets a whole plot XD
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block? jon/alanna has less of a writer's block and more of a starting block, but i'm hopeful that once i figure out the plot the writing will come fairly easily. kiss-cam au I paused on purpose because i was writing The Mummy AU and Going Platinum at the same time and a third wip was driving me crazy.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them? none of them have OC's at this time
10. Which WIP is the sexiest? Going Platinum sequel 🤝 Jack's Off-Season Wishlist
11. Which WIP is the angstiest? rwrb assassination attempt AU, for obvious reasons
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)? well, i hope all of them!
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)? ditto from above
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on? as of today, Game Changer Tortall AU
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why? Going Platinum sequel. I cut a lot of ideas from the original fic because they didn't make sense with the hiding identities I had going on, so now that they're together, I'm really excited to figure out how alex's job (and henry's support of it) lets their relationship evolve and grow
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs? not about any of these, but while I was writing the Mummy AU I watched the movie so frequently that I would regularly dream about that one.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't? Going Platinum sequel - choreography complications since they still aren't showing their faces on the streams Game Changer Tortall AU - working within the framework of the show itself, possibly coding the whole thing to look like a script
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour? Game Changer AU for sure.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process? not right now!
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs. say yes to the dress au - Bitty as Randy, but it's a Nurseydex endgame fic AND a bonus snippet from the Game Changer Tortall fic to make up for all the 6/7 sentences/wip weds i've missed :D
“Tonight’s guests: coming in fresh from a shower: it’s Merric Hollyrose! Looking around for somewhere to tie his horse: Owen Jesslaw! Tallest, oldest, last – and certainly not happy about it – it’s Neal Queenscove! And your host, me! I’ve been here the whole time.” “Welcome to Gamechanger, the only game show where the game changes every show. I am your host, Kel Mindelan, and I’m joined today by these three lovely contestants. Now, you all understand how the game works?” Merric shakes his head. “Nope.”  “Haven’t the foggiest,” says Owen cheerful as always in the face of the unknown. “You haven’t explained a dratted thing.” Neal pouts and Kel feels the last wisps of nerves melt away in response. Kel knows how to do this – getting Neal to hit peak dramatically grumpy levels is as natural as breathing. She throws Neal a cheeky grin before turning back to the camera. “That’s right! Our players have no idea what game it is that they’re about to play. The only way to learn is by playing, the only way to win is by learning, and the only way to begin is by beginning, so without further ado – let’s begin.”
Consider this an open tag to play along!
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geometricalien · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
awww thank you for including me. this has just been sitting in my box for the past couple of days but HERE I AM- in no particular order:
This doesn't really have a name... It's just called Merman AU
and it's not a 'fanfic' it's half a collection of headcannons for this AU and half snippets from this idea that I posted on tumblr at @haikyuu-aus-cuz-i-cant-write (oops look who has actually written now jfdksalf) basically this is a cross between the little mermaid and the monkey's paw. I really liked this but it was wayyy too big of an idea for me to write and you can see that I stopped after writing Suga's wish which is reallly funny considering this whole idea spawned from wanting a mermaid/human bokuaka AU and i was not near to getting to the meat of the story at all
Things That Hold Us Together: Steel Bolts and Tender Hearts
yes i just recently posted this, yes i've had this in my folders for like 3 years. this one... this was spawned from an old friend - who i don't speak with anymore - offhand comment that a fanart looked like akashi was an android. four hours after they said that i had half of this fic, and they said it was the best writing i ever shared with them. they encouraged me to expand it but i kept hitting a wall and then we had a falling out and through out the years ive been coming back to this trying to add and edit and i decided to reclaim it as my own and publish it. the idea is that it's an introduction to a lighthearted sitcom/romcom between decommissioned war android akashi and engineer who fixed him up furihata
Language Barriers
i cyclically get star trek brainrot and this time it had a dash of akafuri, i really like how i described things in this one since furihata doesn't think in words but emotions and images instead, idk it was a good writing exercise
Horror wip
ive been hemming and hawing at it for literal months now because i have one central driving image behind my eyelids that i want to get to. its just been... harder than usual to get to it. i've rewritten like 3 times trying to get it write. i've currently landed on 2nd person narration with some thrown in spices of 1st person to signify that we are in the being- akashi's- point of view haunting furihata (the you) and its giving me an opportunity to make the reader feel akashi's destroying love from the front seat. my other goal with this is to write some surrealistic imagery soooo yeP
I Will Follow You Down Through The Gates of Hell
i cant not include this. this damn fic/series/idea has been brewing in the back of my mind for so damn long if it was a human child it could hold a fucking conversation. the imagery. the themes. the depth of emotion- AND WE ARE BARELY GETTING INTO THE WAR!? ITS BEEN 50K+ WORDS AND ITS JUST GETTING STARTED (or ending, if you wanna look at it that way) idk its... its been so long since i wrote part 1 that that fic doesn't feel like "mine" anymore? idk but it always makes me smile seeing an email saying that someone else liked the fics too.
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blazesartbloglmao · 1 year
call them brothers
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okay so prefacing this by saying i really have no interest in dsmp stuff anymore, ive moved on to other stuff. like, i still keep track of some of the stuff going on in mcyt but beyond that, im working on my own projects. that being said, this particular piece has been a bit of a sore spot with me.
i started working on this back when doomsday happened on january 6th of 2021, with every intention of finishing it. at the time though, it felt like nothing looked right. not the shading, not the characters...everything felt clunky and wrong and i just couldnt force myself to finish it. so there it languished in my WIPs folder, collecting dust as i worked on other stuff and eventually moved on.
then of course, as we all know, technoblade died and i felt like id been punched in the gut even harder. id only gotten into his videos because of dsmp but i loved everything he put out. listening to his streams was of great comfort to me while working on other things and i used to put him on when i was upset about something. i knew he liked to look through fanart the community made, and id originally started this thinking "maybe techno will see it!" of course, as we all know, he never did.
i still finished it though, back in november of last year. i had better designs for the characters, a better understanding of how csp worked and felt it was more up to the task of finishing this than medibang had ever been. this thing actually almost killed my laptop! it was insane lmao it didnt even have that many layers at the end.
and im proud to see it done. im glad to see it finished because even if technoblade cannot enjoy it, you all can and i can, and that's worth it in the end, i think.
sorry for the long tirade. i normally try not to get so personal on this blog (or any blog really) because this is the internet and beyond sharing what i make, i dont really like sharing things about me. but this little story felt too important not to share alongside the art. theyre intrinsically linked to each other and to only share one would feel disingenuous to me.
hopefully, you all enjoy :) blood for the blood god, always
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shortmage · 1 year
Hello! I’ve got a couple from the fanfic author questions I would like to ask you here ❤️
4, 11, 29, 43, 49, 58
65. If you wrote a sequel to [Struck with Devastating Affection] what would happen in it? (I swear I’m not angling for anything here 😇)
And 72? ( Feel free to cherry pick if that is a way too long list of questions there ^^;)
ah, thank you thank you for letting me ramble ❤️❤️❤️
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
im honestly not sure, its really whichever idea/wip that my brain latches on to long enough for it to get finished. if its an idea i really really want to do, it'll get done sooner or later cause i'll spend more time just staring at doc until something comes loose but really anything that has it's own dedicated doc in my folder, even if it's completely blank with just the title/the line or idea that inspired me, i fully intend to write it at some point. so tl;dr i intend to/choose to write all the fics that come to me
11. Do you write scenes in order, or do you jump around?
oh i jump around SO BAD, even my big bang fic which had a general plot outline for pacing, i jumped back and forth between chapters. i dont think ive written a fic in order EVER
29. What’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
i think just improving since i started back writing creatively two or so years ago now. like re-reading back to those first few i published and what ive published recently, i feel really proud of my improvement!
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
im not certain, i think maybe a werewolf fic cause that feels like such a ubiquitous fandom thing but i do have a wip for that, it's just a matter of actually getting it written
49. What fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
oh.... now that is a difficult question. i think sfw it might be 'the maker won't mind' or 'i want us to eat well', cause they both came from such places of love for the characters. nsfw, hee hee, i think that might be 'who we belong to' cause i think i really popped off in that fic, lol.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
i think it might be the din talking about his mother's dessert in relation to boba in 'struck with devastating affection' cause im really proud that the feeling i was aiming for got across but also because i didnt even notice that i made a vampire feel like something tasted like sunshine to them, LIKE sometimes when i write i just do things just right when my overthinking brain shuts off and just lets the writing brain take over
65. If you wrote a sequel to [Struck with Devastating Affection] what would happen in it?
oh angle all you like, truly. i mean i do really really really want to write a sequel at some point, and i think it kind of planned that from the beginning. or if not the immediate start then not long after it was finished, cause i just really got caught up in what worldbuilding was there and i think there's places to go with it. and if nothing else, ive somehow amped up the sexual tension in BOTH of the vampire fics ive written and then cut to black, so i should really give them a nsfw follow-up in some degree, lol.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
i honestly love every single comment and compliment i get and i hold them so dear but any time someone says they feel that i've gotten a character's voice right just really gives me the warm fuzzies. OR, speaking of, any time someone has said a fic feels like a warm hug to them! MAKES ME SOB TBH
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atlantis54 · 1 year
2 3 19 and 21 for the writers asks!
2. well, at first, but after a while i think i'd just give up lmao. that plus i tend to be pretty disorganized so unless im keeping it in a folder or smthn that wip is going straight to the shadow realm /j
3. hmm... i guess it'd have to be having a brainrot about my wip ideas over the course of at least a few days and then losing all motivation when i actually sit down to try and make it real. it happens a lot-
21. probably not. ive been into writing since i was little, and its a hobby thats stuck to me for years, so having to quit something i enjoy doing so much sounds like a nightmare... that being said, im always welcome to take breaks from writing. a hiatus is fine but flat out quitting is a no
and finally, ask 19, which is really, really long, so ill just put it under a read more for the sake of everyone lmao
19. i started when i was really little. what age? cant remember. i had a very early love of reading and writing, so i decided to start writing stories! i originally started on paper, writing stories about whatever scenario came to mind. it didnt matter if i finished them or not, i still enjoyed it, yknow? however, the thing i loved most was making comics which combined my love of art and writing.
after a long while, i stopped with the random scenarios and started focusing more on developing coherent stories that were tied together. surprisingly, i didnt start writing online until i was around 8 or 9. it started in powerpoints of all things where i rambled about the ideas i had for my OCs and (again) random scenarios, as well as getting my friends to do roleplays. i still miss the pokemon rp me and my friends made in 3rd-4th grade ;w; good times
eventually, i moved on to the much more sensible word documents (this was when i was 9, 10 or 11 i think) where i began the creation of my Kirby fanon universe. the fanon lore that ive made for Kirby is probably the most headcanons ive ever had for anything (as Kirby was my first fandom), so this is like the beginning of a legend to me.
finally, i signed up for Fandom Wikia with the goal to share my stories with the internet. i began my migration all over the place, going from Fandom Wikia to Wattpad, then to Tumblr, then to Comic Studio, then BACK to Tumblr... its been a crazy ride. but no matter where i went i made sure to share my stories.
now, im trying to improve on my writing skills. upon rereading my older fanfics, i realized they were... well, not the best. currently, my writing to-do list is to finish the Daily Life section of my Danganronpa multiverse crossover fic, begin writing an idea for an owlbit fic, and to begin the rewrites of 2 of my older works. its a little daunting of a task, but im sure that i can do it! besides, my fanfics arent particularly popular (i only have 27 followers on wattpad rip) so i dont have to worry too much about people begging me to get on w/ the chapters heh
anyway, thank you for the ask! have a duck as an apology gift for having to read that big wall of text :D
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he got the. hat
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jettiebettie · 2 years
confession: i think i have read that one erasermic fic you made like 3 years ago about 50 times and i’m 90% sure i could recite at least three scenes from memory alone. you just write them so Good and i am so tempted to get into the fandom you currently are in purely to enjoy more of your writing bc it is so. just. Nice. the dialogue is so fun and the characters feel so Genuine idk how else to explain it but i have been obsessed with it ever since. no other fic will live up to it, from plot to premise, its my favorite thing ever. tyvm for writing it. also this is a tumblr ask so i think i ought to? actually ask a question? ive never used tumblr before haha Okay question: are you still keeping up with mha? thoughts? if not uhhh whaatts your wriiitting process?
This is so incredibly sweet! I'm thrilled that something I've written is something you enjoy and remember fondly. This really made my day to hear, thank you so much!
I have not been keeping up with MHA, but not for any reason against it. I simply had a shift in hyperfixation and haven't rounded back just yet. I do intend to continue it at some point, maybe after the manga has finished. I have heard some interesting, nail-biting things about Aizawa, my beloved, that went down and I am Deeply Intrigued. I'll hop back in one day!
My writing process for the past few years has been something like this: I have one or more scenes in particular that I really want to write about. Unfortunately, it's difficult for me to write only those scenes on their own and present them as is, so I build a narrative around them in order to bridge the gap and form a full story. I call this the "connective tissue," it's all the stuff between the bits I really want to write.
Now, sometimes this works really well; Heroism and Other Infectious Diseases is actually mostly comprised of this connective tissue, but it still ended up being a pretty coherent and cohesive piece that I'm really proud of. Sometimes this doesn't work very well at all and the story can feel like it's a bit disjointed or leave some scenes feeling out of place or unnatural.
I'm a very hit or miss writer, I'm afraid! And the truth is, sometimes I just get so sick of looking at a piece that I tend to force a stopping point if I get tired of a project. And since I don't like leaving something in a wip folder for too long (since I'm worried it will be doomed to die there and all the work I put into it will go to waste), I'll post it even if I'm not very happy with it or confident in its current state. This has become a terrible habit that I need to stop doing lol!
But I hope that answered your questions! And thank you again for reaching out! <3 It was a wonderful birthday present~
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crisp-art · 2 years
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I totally thought cloud was going to get kabobed the first time I saw this scene in remake 👀
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The gang is ‼️ Flabbergasted ‼️
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maybe-your-left · 2 years
Will You?
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Welcome to the content dump, where I'm clearing out my WIP folder from my YEAR of writing fanfic... so be ready for a bunch of random posts that don't fit together and have no central plot other than me wanting to write a one-shot that was so specific I had to just get it out.
Supreme Leader garbage, order up.
TW/CW: mild NSFW, mention of injury, lite-angst, fluff is there too, this is sappy shit, established relationship, Kylo doesn't enjoy telling people his personal information, female reader insert, swearing.
Here is the Mega Masterlist, the Kylo Ren Masterlist, and the Supreme Leader Masterlist (this is currently my hyperfixation) :)
“Hey…could you come down to the medbay for a little bit? We’re having a situation.” 
You sat up in bed, tablet squished between your shoulder and ear. “Yeah what’s going on?” 
A sigh, “Look, just come down and I’ll fill you in when you get here.” 
Hanging up, you rolled off the bed. Walking to your closet, pushing past all of Kylos robes to find your clothes. You made a mental note to have a droid come down and remove all his stuff. Since you kicked him out yesterday evening, you weren’t expecting him to come back. You threw on some black leggings, boots, and a long-sleeve black shirt. Ruffling your hair so it didn’t look like you had just laid in bed and cried for 14 hours. 
When you arrived at the bay everyone was scattered around. Nurses and doctors shuffling patients all over the place. You made it to the front desk, patiently waiting for Kate and Christopher. Your old coworker, and an ex-boyfriend. It had been about 6 months since you ‘resigned’ from working, which was all Kylos doing. He didn’t like you not being available for him 24/7. 
Kate turned to you, a thick file in her hands. She looked exhausted, chewing on the inside of her cheek as she looked at you. Chris was no better, glaring at you while he had his arms crossed. Both of them looked very pissed off at you. 
“Look,” Kate sighed, rubbing her temples with her free hand, “I’m going to be blunt, and I need you to answer honestly. Are you dating the Supreme Leader?” 
Your eyes widened, mouth gaping as you tried to think of a response. Kylo had never called you his girlfriend, he referred to you as his ‘cum bucket’ ‘little girl’ or even the occasional ‘princess’ if he was feeling nice. He definitely didn’t want people knowing he was fucking you daily. Saying that he didn’t want to put you in danger, but he barely gave you affection that wasn’t a ploy to get inside you. You swallowed, crossing your arms defensively, “No. I’m not dating, or have ever dated the Supreme Leader.” 
“Okay,” she groaned, “Well I need you to come with us.” 
You trailed down the hallway, everyone staring at you as you followed. Mostly faces of pity, and fear, especially the closer you got to the issue. Kate paused in front of the doorway, turning to you again. 
“So here’s the issue,” She stared you down, “The Supreme Leader was admitted this morning, after collapsing on the bridge. He was brought in kicking and screaming while bleeding profusely from a wound on his side. He also sustained a significant amount of damage from his fall and a recent combat he returned from yesterday evening.” 
You nodded along, waiting to see where you came into this. 
Chris cleared his throat, “They also believe he broke his knee, but he won’t let anyone touch him. He’s attacked three medics and keeps ripping out his IV.” 
“And,” Kate mumbled, “He also threatened to kill Chris, because ‘he was the reason you dumped him’.” 
“When he came in he was begging for someone to go get you, and began to get violent when we told him unless you were his emergency contact we couldn’t involve an ex-medic.” 
Suddenly the door slid open, revealing a very angry Kylo Ren. His chest was rising and falling in shallow bursts, face red and sweaty. Blood seeping through his armor, he immediately hissed at the two medics. “If you even so much as touch me I will rip off your limbs one by one-.” 
“Kylo Ren!” You shouted, moving around Kate and Chris. Standing directly in front of him, scowling up to his face. “Is that how you fucking talk to people? Hmm?” 
His eyes immediately dilated, taking in a short wet breath. Shoulders dropping in defeat, “No.” He wiped his nose, sniffling away small tears that slipped through. “I didn’t think you’d come.” 
“Well,” you shrugged, “I didn’t know you were so injured. Now get back in that bed and let them help you.” 
Kylos hand reached out, attempting to grab your wrist. But you ripped away from him, walking into the room. Standing directly next to the bed, face neutral as he watched you avoid him. 
“Come here,” you growled through your teeth. 
He slowly limped over to you, his own face now holding a scowl. Sitting down loudly next to you, his eyes not leaving your face. You looked over at your friends, who were still out in the hallway, “So, we aren’t dating. We never have-.” 
Kylo butt in, “Yes we are.” 
“No, we aren’t,” you groaned, “You have specifically told me that under no circumstance am I to tell people that we were sleeping together.” 
He clicked his tongue, “Well I’m not the one who kicked me out of our shared chambers...” 
“Oh my god, I’m not doing this right now with you. Let’s get you out of your robes so they can assess you.” 
Kylo glanced at the others, glaring at them, “Get out.” 
Once they left the room he stood again, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you to the bed. “We are dating or were until yesterday. Just because I never said it doesn’t mean you weren’t my lover.” 
You groaned, “I know I was your lover, but you never said I was your girlfriend! You’ve always said the opposite of that!” 
He leaned back, chewing his cheek as he thought. “Well, will you?” 
“Will I what?” 
“Be that.” 
“Kylo, use your words,” you rubbed your face in frustration. 
He looked down at the ground, mumbling as he spoke. “Be my girlfriend or partner, or lover, or whatever the fuck will make you happy.” 
Your eyebrows shot up, reaching for his face so he would look at you. “If I say yes will you let them reset your knee and stitch you up?” 
“As long as you take care of me,” he whispered. 
“You do realize that you have to do boyfriend things like give me affection if we are going to actually date.” 
He rolled his eyes, “I already give you affection.” 
You shook your head, “Sticking your dick in me isn’t the affection I’m talking about.” 
Kylo leaned back on the cot, eyes wandering over your figure as he hummed at your accusations. Pawing at the hem of your shirt, “I tried to come back last night, but you deleted my pin for the door.” 
“I did do that.” 
“I couldn’t sleep without you,” he whispered into your neck, placing a light kiss as he tried working your top off. “I missed laying next to you.” 
“Oh yeah?” you smiled, nuzzling into his neck. Even though he was sweaty and gross, you wanted to be close to him. You really did enjoy being with him, even when he insisted that you weren’t together, he would still give you moments of pure devotion. Kylo began pushing you down on the bed, caging you with his frame. “I know what you’re doing, Supreme Leader.” 
“Mmm,” he mumbled, maneuvering your legs so they were wrapped around his waist. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
You began to push him off, giving him soft kisses as you leaned forward. His lips wrapped around your earlobe, lightly sucking on the skin as he tried to push you back down. You groaned, squeezing your legs into his ribs. Causing him to jolt up with a hiss in pain. 
“Sorry,” you cringed, “We really need to get you stitched up.” 
Kylo whined, pressing his forehead into your chest, “Can’t you just do it from home?” 
You sighed, pushing his shoulders so he would maneuver against the bed. Ignoring when he winced in pain, his ribs were probably hurting. Kylo collapsed, whimpering as you began to undress him. Ripping his boots off first, pulling apart his tunic, you tried to stop yourself from gagging. He was soaked in blood, each article clinging to him. 
There was a knock at the door, you mumbled a ‘come in’ even though Kylo hissed. Kate handed you some scissors to cut off his underclothes. Along with ripping down his pants, “Don’t bend your knee,” you whispered, pinning the limb down since he tried to shimmy away. 
After you undressed him, you held out a black scrub gown for him to wear, "Arms up."
You scowled, earning one matching back at you while Kate groaned in the corner. Typing away on the computer to ready him for an x-ray and eventual surgery.
"Come on," you held it up again, "You can't just be naked while they operate on you, so you need to wear this."
"They aren't going to operate on me."
Kylo raised his brows at you, pouting like a child in just his briefs and smeared in blood and bruises. God, he looked terrible, but the attitude was worse. You couldn't let him win this, "Yes, they are." you motioned to his fucked up knee cap, pushed in the wrong direction.
How did he even walk on that, and how didn't you notice it last night?
"Look at your leg, Kylo," you sighed, grasping his wrist that he tried to keep away from you. Struggling away in the process of threading his arms through the holes and pushing his chest towards his legs to tie in the back.
"Stop moving me, you're a very mean nurse."
You smiled, "Well, I'm not your nurse, I'm just your mean girlfriend."
TAGLIST 2022 FORM: @finn-ray-nal-beads @thepalaceofmelanie @moonyscardigans @ghoulian13 @botnasty @xxgarden @pop-rocks-and-skittles @historyandfandoms50 @doggycompiex @daydreamsofren @millenialcatlady @ladyjade83 @mariesackler @eagerforhoney @celes @emi11ie @caillea @uncle-eggy @loganluckylover @emeritusemeritus @cornmousequeen @shesakillerkween @insufferablelust @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @zimmermansbrat
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astronomical-bagel · 2 years
🍂 leaves: what does your editing process look like? how does your wip typically change as you work on it?
!!!!!! my guy i am SO glad you asked. i LOVE my organization of my fics. this will probably be a very long ramble LMAO
so: my first step to Actually writing a fic that i am planning on finishing, is laying out the plot in an outline, usually in this form:
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If it's not planned out enough to do that, then i need to go back to the Idea stage (aka listening to music and staring at my ceiling for hours) to figure out What Happens. Either that, or i ramble about it on my google docs or at one of my siblings.
after figuring out major plot details, I start mapping out chapters. In my Pirate au from Jan. 2021, I worked on an train-of-thought outline that ended up to be over 20k long, (over 50k if you count the side stories i outlined and the character sheets and everything) and took me several months. That was really fun! but horrible for actually writing the story. It'll probably never get posted, aside from when I get nostalgic and infodump about it. So nowadays, i keep my outlines very simple, and only use train-of-thought for fleshing out an already thought-out plan.
Usually, the pattern goes: Idea stage -> Outline -> Train-of-thought -> Refine outline -> start on a chapter -> listen to music and get more ideas -> have a burst of inspiration at 12 am and train-of-thought an entirely new arc into the story -> try to refine the outline but end up having to start the outline over -> continue to chip away at the most concrete chapters while putting a hold on the more nebulous ones -> repeat the cycle several more times until you are finished writing.
the trick is that, after every time i refine or remake an outline, the changes get smaller and smaller until i have everything locked down in a way that I can write without making shit up as i go. I also dislike writing in order, because that makes me focus too much on wordcount and gradual changes, and ends up spoiling the real heart of my work. i also tend to work on a lot chapters at one time.
I am currently on the third installment of my original outline in my TMA au: this one feels very concrete, unlike the last ones where it was hard for me to visualize an order. I'l give you an idea of what it looks like:
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this is just the list of chapters-- i have a nother with notes next to it where i list the general gist of what goes down in it, but i didn't want to spoil too much XD
with my actual *writing* i like to have lots of different docs, all organized into folders. In my priate fic, the project was so big i divided the fic into four quarters to make folders for, and organized the snippets I wrote by determining what quadrant of the fic they were from. I also had a separate folder for my shootoff stories, that all had their own four quadrants, and so on and so forth.
My Tma au isn't as big as the other project was supposed to be, though; i have a folder for my outlines and train-of-thoughts, for my wips, and for my finished chapters.
anyways, ive rambled about this for a suprising ammount of time (I've!!! barely scratched the surface of my amazing fic organizing skills tho!!!btw!!!!jsyk!!!!! and im sleeby now so goodnight
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mostlymaudlin · 3 years
writer tag game wooooo
thanks @palimpsessed and @captain-aralias for the tags!!
a few tags.. @urban-sith @snowybank @tea-brigade @seducing-a-vampire @xivz @facewithoutheart @unseelieseelie @motherscarf @stillmadaboutpetra but as always i love reading these so lie and say i tagged u if u wanna do it!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 17, 15 of which are for simon snow series What’s your total AO3 word count? 97,953 How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? ive published for three! simon snow, check please, and one direction. ive also written some steve/bucky that never went anywhere. What are your top five fics by kudos? In black ink my love may still shine bright Want to mark you up (e-rated part two to "In black ink.."!) Nothing Equals the Splendor a bully and a snob and a complete arsehole Light Me Up
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to but if too many come in at a time i get overwhelmed haha. that's only happened a few times tho, toward the end of my multi-chap when people were subscribed and ready. i love replying to comments bc i write a lot more than i post — if something makes it to ao3, that means i really like the story! and if people want to talk to me about it, that's like.. the best thing ever.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i was gonna be like "oh i always give them a happy ending" but then ao3 told me — that's not true! Yellow was a lil deleted scene thing i did abt simon buying his yellow breakup stationery, so obviously the ending is big owie. and my humdrum fic, Hunger of the Shadow... i mean its a humdrum fic lol. idk which is angstier, its different types i guess.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i got a comment that bothered me once that was like sort of judgmental abt a bit of my plot, and they were like "you should have done __ instead." and i was like ummmmmm... but not HATE i suppose.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i wrote smut on my own once (Want to mark you up). i mostly wrote this one to capitalize on the horny momentum of In black ink my love may still shine bright, in which simon and baz go out to a bar, etc. also i wanted to make a joke about lamb hahahah.
then i did a few smut pieces with some pals via Frantic Fanfic. One of them, A for Effort, is actually technically my second most-kudos-ed fic, but it didn't feel right to claim it because Kay (xivz) did the heavy lifting on that one!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just the Frantic Fanfic stuff!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
i wanna say snowbaz because im elbow-deep in it right now, but i don't know! i've definitely written most for snowbaz, but i think that's just because i'm more confident of a writer now than i was in my other fandoms. i think ill always be a slut for a certain 1d ship that really embarrasses me but i like..... can't get over it lmfao. also steve/bucky comes back to haunt me quite often
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
i have a lot of wips that im determined to do, but it might be a while. i have one wip that is heavily rooted in a new england summer setting that i recently moved to my Graveyard folder on google drive because i was like... i don't think i can write this as well now that summer's over. the first sentence in that doc (which is entirely scrambled outline) is "this fic should smell like sunscreen." i will probably revisit next summer if im still around because im super invested in it. it's a childhood friends>rivals>friends>lovers with copious new englandisms, ghost hunting, simpard, explorations of guilt that are like super catholic (again: hello new england), queer identity stuff. i think shepard is a trans dude in that one too which was fun. idk!! this answer got long. it makes me more certain i will return to it lol.
What are your writing strengths?
hmmm probably like - earnest descriptions of emotion? like, if the character is going through something, im going to take you through allll the stages. i personally think im funny, which is what matters to me as my own reader lmfao. and i think i like to break them out of the usual settings and plotlines! i really like setting as a literary tool, thinking abt the obstacles that come wherever your characters are. im in the ideas stage of a road trip fic and i think that's going to be a really good way for me to flex there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes dialogue, sometimes not. Elaborate plots that can't be tied to character development. I've said this before, but I find my writing to be quite plain in terms of syntax/word choice/etc... this is usually fine but sometimes my writing can get very like "action, thought, action, though, action, dialogue." idk. i dont know that i have a word for this, am open to suggestions.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
i can only write in english!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
one direction lol
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
pshhhhh....... i like really love everything ive published for the simon snow series so idk. im most emotionally invested in my multichap, Nothing Equals the Splendor. But also i had the most fun writing both Jump Up, Chosen One! (where they get stuck in a mario game lmfao) and Light Me Up (my stoner fic). theyre all my favorites for different reasons lmfao.
if you read this whole thing i love u. i put the read more cut in at the top and then i was like 'i can wax on as long as i want now" hahaha. i love talking abt writing and idc if it makes me self-absorbed i love my fics 😂
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