#ive just blown it
ribbonbonny · 2 years
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You gotta wonder if Mr Grizz discussed anything at all w the other two fuzzy mammals left alive right
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indulgnc · 2 months
btw until getting on snzblr i just assumed sneezing more than a couple times from a cold was like. idk. a media troupe. like. made up for dramatic affect i just didnt think it was real. i am recently finding out, no, people do catch colds and just sneeze throughout the day from them. what!!!!! !!!!! how does it feel to be the hottest on earth Huh.
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nocterish · 1 year
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“And he smiles. He smiles like this is the first time he’s ever heard the name and recognised it as his own. Your heart clenches in pain, in unspoken emotions. It only eases up when he reaches out for your hand and suddenly it starts to beat faster than ever before. You close your knife and put it back into the pocket of your dungarees, then accept his hand in your paint-stained one. Once you feel the soft leather of his gloves against your skin, you relax against the window frame” -I Knew Nothing But Shadows: chapter 5 - The Last Line of the Picture
Finally got to draw my favorite scene from @writingjourney's fic because it's just so beautiful- I had to draw it! Please check it out! Worth a read!
Close up of Copia (because it's better seeing it up close with his smile)
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ffc1cb · 1 year
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a little character exploration comic inspired by the champions of the just quest
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sea-buns · 5 months
Forgive me if I'm a bit nervous about Gorgug this season. It's just that the last Zac Oyama pc was Colin Provolone, who was arguably one of his greatest D20 performances, if not the greatest.
Zac always does great with every pc he plays, but Colin was something else. He came out swinging with actions and words that were teeming with unspoken emotional baggage. The way Colin's presence affected the other pcs; there was this level of depth that I don't think I've seen in any of his other characters. It was understated and quiet in that signature "just a guy" way that he tends to be, while still captivating everyone instantly with just how raw it was.
Not to say we haven't seen emotional depth in Gorgug. It's just that, compared to the other Bad Kids, Gorgug's journey and progression as a character has been very... impersonal? Like, yes, he found his birth parents, and he found friends who appreciate him, and he faced his insecurities about his intelligence, and he navigated relationship troubles, and his trial through the claustrophobic bug-tunnels was a horrifically-uncanny parallel to how he's spent his entire life trying to make himself as small as possible.
But how much of that has actually changed him from the Gorgug we started with? I would agree that he's definitely happier with his life, given all the loving and supportive people that have been added to it when it used to be just him and his parents. And he's certainly grown into himself and become more self-assured in his abilities, even if he's still, and always will be, our anxious little guy. And there's nothing wrong with that. I've always liked how Gorgug was a representation of all the little things. The subtle acts and kindnesses that don't seem like much to most, but to some are everything.
We don't need another Bad Kid living in fear that their mouth could be shit-in at any moment. We've already got one-too-many.
All that being said, I just feel like Gorgug's personal story beats are much easier to sweep under the rug than everyone else's. He has the same soft and understated quality that Colin held, but they lack that extra oomph that pushed Colin over the edge from being just another guy in a series of dudes, to a character that the vast majority of us could not get out of our heads. He took someone who was anxious and softspoken, who ultimately never wanted to be violent— someone who is remarkably similar to Gorgug in many ways— and maintained that demeanor and core in Colin's character while still hitting us in the feels with character development at max velocity at every turn.
I think Zac gets better and better at this with every season that goes by. With each new character, there is always something that leaves me stunned in awe. And it's been, what, three? Four years since we last saw Gorgug?
I'm just,,, I'm cautiously optimistic but also going into a bit of a worry about what violence this man may inflict upon us
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i need people to start writing scientists as completely batshit. none of us are normal. the “uptight and logical and rational” stereotype is a facade
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Guys wait I realized! Its finally the Miami GP this wknd...Fernando needs to recreate those Renault pictures...
Collages I wish I could send to Aston as "reference":
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wraithsoutlaws · 6 months
you know i had a fun little vp idea i wanted to do for the cyberpunk anniversary but i haven't had the energy to even touch it recently so i'll just settle with saying that this game impacted me in ways i never thought it would when i first picked it up 3 years ago. i knew i would enjoy it, i had been looking forward to it for a long time, and despite a ~controversial~ launch, i had a fucking blast from day 1 (on ps4 no less). regardless of bugs and memes and public dunking, the story grabbed me like nothing else could at the time, and it reignited so much of my passion and motivation for art that i had lost in the clutches of mental illness and i'll always be grateful for that. it introduced me to so many wonderful people (some whom i carry very close to my heart), and maybe most personally surprising, it gave me an outlet to understand parts of myself that i had been too afraid to acknowledge for a long time, the courage to accept and embrace myself as non-binary, and allow myself to just BE without trying to convince myself i'm crazy. that's not what i expected from the get-go but it's been a really fun journey to be on ngl
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atryoshka · 5 months
Gator Tillman is so Tragic (5x9 Spoilers)
I think what happened to Gator in the last episode makes him such a tragic character when you consider that he saw his father turning his back on him as something worse than getting his eyes gouged out.
We have Dot's belief that Gator could have been good person if he wasn't raised by his father, providing some insight and backstory for the first time in the episode "Linda". She knew him before his mother left and saw how growing up with Roy after all those years changed him for the worst. Telling him the truth about what his father really thinks of him, how Roy saw Gator as a disappointment from the moment he was born, only for Gator to see it as a lie, already says a lot about his warped perspective and how it influences his actions.
As the episodes passed, it became more and more clear that Gator's whole personality was centered around being someone his father could be proud of, regardless of what he himself actually cared about or believed. His entire life, unbeknownst to him, has been aimed towards meeting an impossible standard while constantly being enabled by the cult like community of the Tillman Ranch.
He doesn't see the things he does as wrong, even though he knows others do, because he really doesn't care about anyone's opinion other than his father's.
He's had multiple chances to change, but never took them. His misguided sense of loyalty to Roy had him making the same bad choices over and over with the only goal of getting his approval. You could see there were moments when he knew he was doing something wrong, and even seemed a little reflective, but then he just pushes past any unease because the ends justify the means in his eyes. He'll be a terrible person, do and say things that cross the line, but to him, it's worth it if he can be useful to his father.
So when he stumbles back home, blinded and useless, begging for some comfort from the man he devoted himself to, only to be ignored and told to shut up, he's truly in shock. Like I think that's when it really hits him how little his father actually cared about him as a person. He was able to dismiss the warning signs and evidence from others before this because he had such blind faith in him. It makes sense that what Dot said about why he was named Gator messed him up so badly. He he may have wondered why he was different than his brothers, may have even told himself that he was special because of it, but Dot's revelation struck a nerve because it was plausible. It made him doubt his father for a moment, which made him angry enough to lash out at Dot with words he knew would cut.
That moment revealed his worst fear, that he wouldn't be loved if he wasn't useful. That he was always a loser and a disappointment to his father. To have that fear validated when he was left alone and vulnerable in the field definitely broke something in him, and I believe that final dismissal will become Roy's ultimate downfall.
Gator has shown that he can't let things go, especially when his pride is hurt, and considering he's basically lost all hope of being someone in his father's eyes, he'll probably be a key witness to all of his father's crimes over the years. He won't be doing this as a way to redeem himself, because again, he doesn't actually care about getting forgiveness for anything he's said or done, but because he's hurt and vindictive enough to implicate himself as long as it means that Roy's life will be ruined forever too.
He's never taken the opportunity to be a good person, so I doubt he'll start now. He's also never responded well with being disrespected and once the shock wears off, he probably won't think twice about fucking over his father in any way he can out of spite. I wouldn't be surprised if he straight up lies and says he was forced to commit those crimes on his father's behalf out of fear of death, or claiming that his father was the one who blinded him while shamelessly playing the sympathy card.
Gator Tillman is both a terrible and tragic person, so whatever happens, the fallout is going to be so interesting to watch in the upcoming finale.
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lumberjerk · 29 days
im so overworked my boss literally ordered me to not come in today and turn off my phone so work doesnt bother me and it was nice of her i guess but i kinda feel like im in the witness protection program or somethin
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the-kneesbees · 4 months
does anyone know where I can get a good portable charger? if I get from from amazon or smth is it gonna blow up?? should I just go to best buy?
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echokelly · 3 months
okay so like im super stoned so lmk if im cooking or just saying absolutely nothing but I feel like we're kinda seeing a renaissance of mainstream youtube if that makes sense. like we've been living in a mr beast hellscape for too long, and now we have like the sturniolo triplets, jake and johnnie, tarayummy, sam and colby too doing spooky stuff, and like brittany broski is getting super popular too,,,, idk i feel like specifically mainstream youtube that everyone kinda watches is genuinely good for the first time in awhile
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jalboyhenthusiast · 2 years
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13eyond13 · 1 year
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callia-evergreen · 4 months
ahahaha i hate how every attempt to start a project begins with a massive anxiety overthinking essay in my head
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krispyykrab · 4 months
there is really something cruel and strange and fucked up about switching between thinking youre the center of the universe and thinking youre completely invisible 50 fuckin times a day. like do you have a god complex or an inferiority complex make up your mind
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