#ive only JUST gotten this dialogue so im sure more shit will go down and it wont necessarily be sweet but still.
iguaners · 1 year
Got distracted in the middle of my lecture today thinking about Franziska von Karma....
The way she shows up all intimidating and Phoenix and Maya assume she's there to avenge her father but it's because she wants to see Edgeworth who she sees as a brother ❤
The way she refers to him as her little brother when he's 6 years older than her.
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Peak sibling behaviour.
The way both her and Edgeworth clutch at their sleeves when they're tense and take little bows when they're showing off in court 😭
In conclusion: They're siblings your honor 🥺❤
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
so i had the bright idea of rewatching s1 today whilst im working from home, now knowing what i know about s2, and so i can ruminate a little more on s1 with the additional context. ive barely made it past five minutes
im pretty sure ive gotten most of the frames accurate from this bit, and im sure it might just be a bit of demonstrative cinematography (which ya know, *chefs kiss*) but at the same time i love going into full year 9 english teacher mode about this shit, and i think there is something to comment on (which someone already might have done but w/e). in any case, this bit of dialogue is very noticeably layered with shots of crowley and aziraphale, but intercut with the shots of adam facing down the lion:
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like, i can't help but feel that there is some symmetry in this and either other people have spotted it and im very behind, OR we havent spotted it and s2 spoilers have helped unlock it✨
so who is meant to be who here? for my money it would be that adam is mirroring aziraphale, and eve is mirroring crowley - in so much that at a really shallow level, aziraphale is a platoon leader, a guardian, fought in the war etc. crowley, regardless of his rank, is a starmaker, and let's face it the boy has the structural integrity of a strand of dried linguine. so we could look at it on that level (ignore the lion for the moment ill sort of explain that if it isn't already obvious)
but also we now know that this scene is not their first meeting, and that aziraphale and crowley do in fact remember each other and know that they have met, and in aziraphale's case is probably the teeniest bit shy bc damn heart eyes as an angel, heart eyes as a demon 🥵 but my point is that this is after the fall. after (as far as crowley tells it) crowley fell for 'just ask[ing] questions", and "just hung around the wrong people".
now i have my thoughts on why crowley fell: tldr because it would require another post - both reasons he gave above are bullshit and obvs conflict with each other, so i think that he doesn't actually know why he fell and has just guessed his transgressions so he can rationalise it, that god actually never had an issue with him asking questions, and instead it was actually god's plan to make him fall so he could represent the 'evil' side of free will on earth, as aziraphale's counterpart, and essentially ensure that humankind stays eternally 'in balance'
ANYWAY so the fact that in the lion sequence, 'crowley' is being shielded by 'aziraphale' against an unknown entity; but does this mirror a flashback, or is it foreshadowing? again, id put my bets on the former visually, but the latter... lyrically? idk the word but regardless take the dialogue:
"What if I did the right thing;
with the whole 'eat the apple business'?
A demon can get into a lot of trouble;
for doing the right thing."
so let's rephrase this:
"Was it the right decision to fall;
was I right to choose this for myself?
to choose the right to choose?
Because i feel like i could live to regret it."
so is crowley in essence already asking if aziraphale is on his side? is he asking if falling was the right thing, the good thing, to do (regardless of whether god gave him any choice in the matter)? But was he given the choice, first true free will? did aziraphale try to protect him during the fall, so crowley could get out in time (but ultimately fail? or at least bought Crowley enough time to find a back staircase and fall gently and peacefully, 'saunter vaguely downwards'?), and then get assigned to earth to be the 'good' side of the coin for humanity?
and is crowley asking if aziraphale will continue to be with him? in whatever romantic, platonic, acquaintance context you want - is he asking aziraphale if aziraphale will fight for him again, for them both? aziraphale made his decision, enacted his free will, in giving the humans a sword, and thus brought the concept of war and horror to earth, even if that was never his intention - so now swordless, and now only condemned to watch humanity as it strides out on its own (or was this the plan all along?👀), is aziraphale willing to do it? does he have the power, the strength, the will? would he stretch his finger over the line to fight on their side?
maybe im asking the wrong kind of questions, but all ill say is that in the above sequence? at the end of the dialogue? adam kills the lion.
i think 'their side' began in the job minisode, yes maybe, but also maybe the idea of it, the understanding of it, was planted here.
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jaetyun · 1 month
blog reccs.
i'm sure these ppl w thousands of followers do not a shoutout but this isn't a charity case i just rlly like these blogs!! life is too short to not appreciate blogs whose writings styles deserve appreciation
make no mistake this is NAWT just bc it's luan and he's arguably one of my bsfs... we both started this shit tgt and he deserves as much attention as i've gotten if not more
now i don't pick favorites cause that makes for parasocial relationships... however if i DID pick a favorite it would be heesdreamer! i'm gonna be fr rn idk their pronouns they just came back from hiatus and those fics r some of the most jaw droppingly delectable things ive ever read and they're probs the only blog i consistently go back to reread their stuff
you can literally tell how much thought goes into every work and it always pays off so well. for me at least i think i'm the worst at making a strong beginning but every single exposition from him is genuinely so impressive like one thing you can always count on from him is he knows how to make a HOOK
one of the first ppl i started consistently lurking on their blog and each time she releases something new it never fails to impress me! there's such like a cute tender quality to all of her stuff i feel so giddy reading them cause it truly feels like she's describing something that happened to me i didn't know about
i know everyone on engeneblr (is that the name for it?? enhablr?? idk..) already knows how good her smaus are and don't get me wrong alice knows hiw to WRITE AN SMAU!!! but her written stuff is just as good like the jake spiderman au was my first introduction to her blog. she's also so fucking funny i feel like at some point ive probably quoted a fic of hers i wouldn't even be surprised.
i used to have a ss from win one win me for like over a year that i deleted cause im an IDIOT but that's how much it stuck out as sum special to me GOD i love her writing style. a lot of people don't know how to write dialogue and make their characters say shit that nobody actually says but everything is so natural it sounds like a convo rin overheard and written down that's how good it is
even though i no longer write/read for zb1 i'm morally obligated to say misa @keita-terazono and venom @zerobaseonefics are still some of the most delectable writers here and also so funny and genuine PLEEEASSEE check my zumblr bffs out !!
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okthatsgreat · 5 months
3, 23 and 76 (lgowab) for the ask game?
3. describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic nothing TOO out there i dont think...... usually i have a very VERY loose outline of like. here is how the fic starts and here is how it will end, here is how these characters start and here is how they will end. yknow. and sometimes that outline doesnt even happen until a few chapters in LMFAOOOO sometimes i really am just making shit up on the fly !!!!!!!!!!!! i didnt have a set second protagonist in mind for lgowab until that fifth chapter lmfao!!!! IM A FRAUD
but THEN once ive gotten into the rhythm of it i usually write down ideas for further chapters/further dialogue down in an empty discord server, so while its still disconnected there is still SOME organization!!! which means i have a general idea of how these next chapters should go :)
23. best writing advice for other writers? ooooooo there are a few tips i would suggest! one of the more obvious is learn when to use line breaks definitely. don't just make it one big chunk of text! hurts the eyes and makes it less appealing for any new readers that are just chiming in!! also learn a bit more on writing dialogue, and remember that you don't have to add a name tag after every sentence of dialogue!! the readers are smart enough to know who is talking (ESPECIALLY IF ITS ONLY TWO PEOPLE) so constantly going back and forth between Person A said, Person B replied, Person A said, Person B replied gets repetitive!
and then one final piece of advice i TRY to follow for multi-chapter fics is the rule that the character whose pov we are reading from shouldnt be the exact same at the end of the chapter as they were at the beginning of the chapter. for example, if i wrote makoto to be tense at the beginning of the chapter, then the end of the chapter could have him more relaxed. if i wrote miu as confident in the beginning of the chapter, i could write her as unfulfilled and irritated at the end of it. this change can be subtle!!!! its a good tip for preventing stagnant characters/action as you move forward from chapter to chapter :)
76. did you have any ideas that didn't make the final cut of lgowab?
a really REALLY early draft of the scene where makoto calls out a bunch of names had shuichi replacing kaede!! ultimately decided on kaede because it made a LOTTTTT more sense with mius story for her to be called, but i knew that i wanted somebody important from season 53 to be nominated in that scene and shuichi was chosen bc he was friends with himiko
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korekiyo was also nearly on the list!
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there was another danganronpa theatre event planned! i only wrote the title down so im not super sure about any details, but i thiinnnkkkkk this might have been an alternative scene to the himiko danganronpa theatre event we got (the one with rantaro). it would have starred the below characters and they would have been playing some kind of card game in the hospital. scrapped because the other event made a lot more sense for himiko
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and then of course theres a whole bunch of dialogue thats just floating around LMAO
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seijch · 3 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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greatchaosgentlemen · 4 years
I think that its great to enjoy the characters and the stories that are told within the Skamverse. Discovered the OG in 2017 and was like whoah this shit is really  cool. Coming from the UK we already had the tales of Skins (great show check it out for British teenage life) but Skam is like life Monday-Friday and then Skins is more like the intense crazy weekend experience. Sorry if no one gets that analogy.
But basically I just think sure it is fine to comment on the shows and say what your liking and what you most definitely don't. It’s all art and I feel like we should all expect and accept that. But just don't stress out too much guys, sometimes I see so much anger and like i don't know if you guys are actually that angry irl but I don't know i hope not because that shit must be so bad. Skamverse is great but hey remember that these are just fictional characters and we shouldn't be loosing ourselves to them and forget to live our own lives. and of course some versions are better than others with their storytelling, acting, cinematography, score, representation etc. and some are just cringy af. Don't know if that to do with translations (shoutout to all the translators out there, Skam is one big reason that I've gotten in other language films and tv, you all do such an amazing job so thanks). But i just want to say I hope that we all remember that we can be the change and work towards creating the right dialogue in which any tom, dick and harry can feel happy and discover an art form (film, tv, book, poem etc) where they feel represented. 
just basically im just like saying A LOT MORE RESPECT NEEDS TO BE GIVEN PARTICUARLY TO THE ACTORS because some of y’all are T-H-I-R-S-T-Y and it ain’t cute. and like there's a difference being critiquing and being annoyed or being angry and expressing that normally; whereas some of you are just really dam rude to people. 
basically i think we all should just be happy that such a good show exists, and take all the positive and negatives that come from living at such a time where the Skamverse exists ( albeit this time is weird because CORONA !!!! Hope that everyone is safe and is practicing social distancing. We will eventually defeat this). We are all so talented and no matter what I want to reinforce that belief that truly you are loved no matter what your race, skin colour, sexuality, belief in religion, whether you forgot when your uni assignment was due and thought you had a weekend but actually it was due on the Friday so you had to spend 12 hours in the library (whoops just me ?!), thoughts on climate change (im just saying that to be inclusive because the science is there and if you don't believe that well im sorry your being ridiculous and i think you should be concerned about mother nature and that we should be fighting the 1% who truly control everything, your academic prowess and a million more things that frankly i can't be bothered to write down but the intention is there
and heck if you want to vent your frustrations just let them out of course because they shouldn't be bottled in, in my opinion. go and talk to someone irl and say how ridiculous you think this thing is that you think happen. or if you don't feel like you have one then hell message me because i LOVE to talk and in particular at this point in the world i got all the time in the world. personally i also like making my own retellings and writings of the Skam stories where i make it better (hahah ;)) and if you want to do that then heck do that and ill be more than happy to read it 
basically those are just some thoughts i had and because my fingers are beginning to hurt im just going to list what im feeling about the shows 
sidenote - i think capitalism sucks and that money and views have to be taken into account by companies etc because i really think all of the four og stories should just be told automatically by all versions. let them stories and actors shine babyyyy
skam usa - bro like being a fellow english speaker yours is the one i can follow obviously the easiest so why are you just so kinda i don't know different and blah. is skam really just an european thing ? i don't know but i think an argument could be made 
skam og - nei vilde. what a ride and what a vibe. your basically iron man and have spewed the Skamverse. in my opinion great actors and great stories, in particular for me my first introduction to someone who follows Islam. also your soundtrack is smashing. though who is perfect ya know and obviously would have loved for you to have continue up to graduation 
skam france - oooo la la la. i do like the french language so its cool to help me learn and stuff but i really feel like you guys have got hit with a lot of bts drama and rules and order so i just don't know. your original seasons i don't know yet. still its only a story so i mean it is what it is. but like also people around this cast need to be a hella more respective of the actors *sips tea*
skam espana- hola amigos. you the edgy one that got everyone on their toes. I like that and i tip my hat to you. just i don't know sometimes i feel it sometimes i don't. shout out for so far being the only wlw representation (don't know if that's the right acronym, so please don't hate me. but i hope that women found some positives there) and with norando i like totally get it with the story told there but still i love to love and just like sad to miss out on the on screen growth of the relationship but still its cool
skam italia - ciao bella - some of you is hot some of you is not. i think the story is good but i don't know i just want more italian flavour. still thats from a foreigner view and in fact maybe it is very italian. hopefully your season 4 will be good, exciting with all this Netflix additions ooooo 
druck - danke- you cool bro just going powering on through. like your a bit of juggernaut really and im like whoah. actually do like a lot of your vibe and stylistic choices. its tres cool. also very exciting about this new season etc that has broken, really vibing a possible skins similarity with the set up. fingers crossed 
skam nl - eskild you crossover legend - ticking all my boxes just so sad for your premature closure. didn't know much about netherlands so cool to experience language and culture. maybe you'll come back to the skamverse again like Hawkeye as he buggered off for first of infinity war. sending you good vibes 
wtfock- yes yes yes. not going to lie so far you are my favourite.overall good vibes and everything. hopefully its good vibes and the proper belgian kids like it. just good stuff and so innovative to discuss lockdown and everything. exciting times and exciting for season 4 when it drops 
basically all of this came from one beer so yolo, still out here living my best life and one day hoping that the UK gets a Skam version. so many ideas so many possibilities
and like if ive offended anyone then i am sorry wasn't my intention. just writing down my thoughts and im sure you will get over it because were all amazing. Just keep it chill and honestly like i wont give any negative stuff the time of day anyway so don't waste your time heheh *sips tea* 
also most importantly i am very sorry for my grammar and punctuation and everything. honestly i am just being lazy and cannot be bothered to go over and rectify it. also sorry for making a very confusing message that probably really doesn't make sense at all. haha 
still alt er love everyone 
*renegades away from the computer*
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incarnateirony · 5 years
S15 Spec/Discussion
So when the SPHT came out we all got to talking and I had some Thoughts(tm). Some of it is wildly speculatory but potential and interesting. I love the thinkie beans in my server. 
I love our little roundtable of speculation and meta that routinely crops up, sometimes I feel like we should record it and make a podcast.
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:34 PM
IM YELLING SO MUCH YELLING “you cant do this to the fans!” “i can do anything. im a writer.” FUCKING CHILLS
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:36 PM
Jared's evil smirk has murdered me
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
So we have Sam in a white suit MoC
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:38 PM
btw chucks lame ending is hilarious
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:38 PM
The colt
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:39 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
I came out of aladdin to that
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:39 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Adam and most likely Michael taking in a diner Talking
CastielYesterday at 9:39 PM
Psfuck what anybody says the new aladdin is amazing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:39 PM
Scruffy endverse Dean
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
I jave never Ever Seen such masterful seaming of cartoonverse cgi To real actorsHoly fuck me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:40 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:40 PM
Leaf is a kittyYesterday at 9:41 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Yeah i intend to watch on pc when i canIm mobile rn
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:41 PM
And of course the crypt door being held shut with a screwdriver As direct14.10 parallel
CastielYesterday at 9:41 PM
Like we literally just left aladdin hence the yelling Yes yes Ive got him Im the cage Etc
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:42 PM
GlorifiedFanboy Is that not what I said friggin months ago?!
CastielYesterday at 9:42 PM
On brand a+ dean from whoever wrote that Ill guess Bobo or buckner For glorified fanboy line
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
What? Do they read our tweets?
Charlie BreadbutteryYesterday at 9:43 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
Bobo reads mine a lot?
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:43 PM
I stg I heard that line and almost screamed
CastielYesterday at 9:43 PM
I never did upload his nerdy video to me in hindsight
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
Interesting that they didn't use a single shot of Alex
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:44 PM
No AlexAt all
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:44 PM
So it's not gonna be just a hallucination with burnt out eyes No Billie either
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:45 PM
No empty
CastielYesterday at 9:45 PM
No its full on chuck villain framing its my sound of war vid with s15 footage dhdhdhd
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Yeah well it all blended into inky black at the end But that's hardly conclusive
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
Since that happens a lot in trailers
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:46 PM
Maybe that’s for later in the season Or Maybe it’s a big secret
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:46 PM
10 bucks says they abandoned the Cas deal And that's the hill I die on
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:47 PM
Bc that’s how they fight Chuck? They can’t abandon that already It’s too fresh
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
To me it read as a gateway to the Empty getting Jack
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Placing bets now. Ep 1-3 is deancas tension over mary and jack and feeling distanced from the winchesters leaves eps 4 and 5. We know he works with sam at least briefly in 6. Deancas reunion in 7 midseason scheduled for 8 or 9. Deancas resolution then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
Before they knew for sure
CastielYesterday at 9:48 PM
Midseason finale whatever theyre keeping in the door
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:48 PM
That it was their final season To possibly stretch the plot accordeon
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Maybe final battle is with the empty and not chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:49 PM
But now they've lost the need for a middle man ie Cas Nah
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Id need more than a promo trailer to figure out if resolving cas is midseason or endgame
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:49 PM
Is amara coming back?
CastielYesterday at 9:49 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Dabb confirmed it's early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
And deans weird old friend
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:50 PM
She wasn’t there either
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Yeah 15.02 I think Or 04? Very early
CastielYesterday at 9:50 PM
Its as much a mood piece as a trailer
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:50 PM
Was that Becky talking to Chuck?
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
I think so
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
You cant do this to the fans
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:51 PM
It sounded like her
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
It’s her
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
We knew she was coming back Well
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:51 PM
Speculated educatedly
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
I’m so mad! I was just about to go to bed!
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:51 PM
When even the crazed fangirl looks sane by comparison
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
And they dropped this
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah I’ll never sleep now
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
Nah I'll head to bed in a few
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
No. No sleep
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I’ve gotten no sleep the past three days
CastielYesterday at 9:52 PM
Points if they still frame it for a swipe at the bronlies like all the other becky jokes
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:52 PM
I find the fixation on the fan angle a bit weird
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:52 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
It seemed framed that way to me Min
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:53 PM
All the bronly jokes pls
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But maybe I’m just reading it with my own bias
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 9:53 PM
But it's only 2 pieces of Chuck dialogue so
CastielYesterday at 9:53 PM
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 9:54 PM
And he’s a melodramatic fuck
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:54 PM
I’ll forever want to refer to him as “glorified fanboy” Put it on a shirt
CastielYesterday at 9:55 PM
God imagine chuck bringing back kevin as his prophet to take down his word as the gospel of winchester is designed to end only in being felled, and only by the glory of god. He cant finish off his own book to print the new gospel
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:56 PM
Here to say fuck you chuck
CastielYesterday at 9:57 PM
What if we big bounce and he dubs adam the new michael since we saw jack. Can convert humans to angels
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:57 PM
Megalomaniacal Michael?
CastielYesterday at 9:58 PM
Kicking down the castles in his own sandbox as revelations told before, before men found the new gospel of the glory of god. Revelations might not be a prophecy. It may be history.
Lissa JoYesterday at 9:59 PM
CastielYesterday at 9:59 PM
Wildly speculatory and just playing but
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:00 PM
Oh the adam Michael idea
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:01 PM
I'm very glad about Chuck being in early episodes Adam is 100% gonna be Michael Cause all the summaries made it sound Like they weren't utilizing him
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
It does sound like OG Michael is gonna be a real issue and it makes sense for it to be Adam
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:03 PM
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CastielYesterday at 10:09 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Yeah but he'd still be Adam and not Michael Just
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
if michael is useless to chuck as is, which he may or may not have been lying about MAKEA NEW
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Archangel Adam
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:10 PM
Oh Doesn't fit with the pic above tho
CastielYesterday at 10:10 PM
Find another Eve. Oh look universal big bounce and I have a new mythology jazz hands Or better a Lilith Also this is literally unstoppable force immovable object logic if chuck can't destroy the human soulzapping the winchesters to death is just a stall game of exhausting futility they've proven they will inevitably doorkick down every afterlife or wherever they're cycled to what if there's like a hilariously extreme mystery spot where you see mini adventures out of whatever afterlife but eventually justtruncated to ridiculous extremes Chuck: -_-
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:18 PM
Like that's a given with all the scattered bits. Either Lucifer Sam and MoC Dean etc become big plot points Or they're part of Redux Mystery Spot
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
side eyes hidden mytharc uh
CastielYesterday at 10:18 PM
I really hope we didn't get the MOC Dean thing too close rip
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:19 PM
Why did you have to connect those two promo subplots for meW h y
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:20 PM
Also Cas next to that burnt up body I hope it isn't just Victim Of The Week
CastielYesterday at 10:20 PM
I'm wondering about the "arrogant betrayal" promo line on ep... 3 is it?
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
Is it gonna be meaningful or is this like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
bringing back Sergei
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
PR vagueblog
CastielYesterday at 10:21 PM
from his Byzantium bullshit
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:21 PM
The BL ep is 15.02 tho
CastielYesterday at 10:22 PM
authors sometimes soak up impact of -- oh no
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:22 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:23 PM
okay so let's pretend say, bobo or whoever wanted to finish up buckleming's plot point, or at least partially since it's the tie up season, but they knew they had to write misha out for a few episodes and with deancas tensions driving Cas away already, throwing out a Going For Revenge That Will Backfire spin before storming out for a few eps
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
But then it would be Dean not being able to forgive the "betrayal"It's gotta be something else Watch it be like
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
the betrayal vague blog is about sergei in that thing
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:24 PM
Kevin working for Chuck
CastielYesterday at 10:24 PM
it's the phrasing "arrogant" that catches me
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Most vague summaries hardly fit the actual plot points anyway It's just to sound mysterious
CastielYesterday at 10:25 PM
no but it would be easier to simply not apply an adjective "Castiel deals with a betrayal" is still vague
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:25 PM
Yeah but adjectives give oomph
CastielYesterday at 10:26 PM
arrogant is an odd idea for even the vague bloggiest vague blogger to tilt towards after skimming the content so I really doubt it's like kevin being forced to betray them or something like thatso unless it's about chuck himself, unlikely just too early for that level of RAAA
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
Oh right didn't Misha say Cas struggles with this new Chuck reveal
CastielYesterday at 10:28 PM
well yeah thats kinda a duh
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:28 PM
I think the arrogant betrayal is in reference to Chuck
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
So maybe it's just oddly phrasing that Yea
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:29 PM
It’s a kinda weird phrasing imo
CastielYesterday at 10:29 PM
like on the one hand cas knows Chuck isn't father of the year so I think on a personal level it's not surprising, it's more the existential level for him previously chuck was a shit dad that was just trying his best in a world far too easy to do his worst, even as god, thinking he was generally trying to be inherently good
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:30 PM
I hope Megatron comes back :)
CastielYesterday at 10:30 PM
that last scrap of faith is also kind of critically attached to his very existance because if god is evil and part of this cruel design what has his entire pre-winchester existence been, and even waxing and waning through it in his time with them
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
Yeah I think deep down part of his core sense of self is the idea that he comes from the side of good
CastielYesterday at 10:31 PM
the fundamental loss of "god is good" is kinda quantifiably huger to him, whereas the humans more will have to grapple with "What is free will, did we ever have it"
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:31 PM
And this rips that away
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:32 PM
Unrelated but the promo sorta Nulls the early human Cas idea
CastielYesterday at 10:32 PM
yeah I noticed that, but it was odd
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Yeah I agree
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
i'm putting down at least foreshadowing then
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Unless they pulled all of the Misha footage From like ep 1 and 2
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
or chuck playing with the light switch for shits and giggles
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
He does still have that shotgun
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
we know cas has his coat back in like
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
Watch Cas come back from his sabbatical
CastielYesterday at 10:33 PM
idkwe've seen him with it back
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:33 PM
With his grace ripped out
CastielYesterday at 10:34 PM
put it in a karambit i mean what
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
NOT SURE MISHA CAN HANDLE THAT Like on a pure choreography level
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:34 PM
Are you suggesting Misha isnt grace itself?For shame
Dean WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
Not at all COUGH He has a cat-like agility
Mary BADASS WinchesterYesterday at 10:35 PM
CastielYesterday at 10:38 PM
KSJDFksjdf I think younger misha could have but knowing he's always at risk of blowing out his hip probably not so much now like I feel that limitation in my soul
GarthToday at 6:17 AM
Okay so I don't think Amara is a made up character. I think she is Chuck's sister for real (or whatever they claim as siblings) but he used his story to trap her. Help fuel his plot.
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:17 AM
Like to me personally the option of Amara being made up has the best potential for an IC Chuck plot twist Esp since I still hold the idea that he lied about the universe going splat with his death"Writers lie"/"I'm a writer, I can do anything"
GarthToday at 6:18 AM
Well he did admit he's a liar rubs hands together This is gonna be so much fun
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:19 AM
And that would be a Dabb level retroactive canon ramification Which is sorta his thing
GarthToday at 6:19 AM
Mwahahahaha and he said said to Becky while she went on about "you can't do this to the fans!"
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:19 AM
they make sense at least
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:20 AM
But I'm not sure they wanna go the route of Stripping a female character of her entire agency for male pleasure But I don't see a whole lot of options on how they take Amara out of the playing field Unless Chuck deadass eats her for the joint Godhead
GarthToday at 6:21 AM
Honestly he just might
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:22 AM
But that's like DBZ power level bullshit
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:26 AM
AU!Dean who's a baddy pls
GarthToday at 6:26 AM
Damn trailer successfully tripping us up
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:27 AM
Deadass just have pull the jackass from the 5.04 reality Maybe that's why Lucifer Sam is tied to a chair as well Like Chuck just put him in white clothes to paint a big target for endverse!Dean And it's actually just Sam
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:28 AM
yeah that was my thought too
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:28 AM
GarthToday at 6:28 AM
We're just throwing things out there and laughing It looked like it might be
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
But the new building is throwing it off
Charlie BreadbutteryToday at 6:29 AM
GarthToday at 6:29 AM
Something else could have been built thoIt's been yrs
Dean WinchesterToday at 6:29 AM
12 notes · View notes
t0ngue-tech · 5 years
A Whirlwind Summer
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“’You’re y/n, right? Jisoo’s friend.’ Taehyung asked nonchalantly.
‘Yeah, I am and you’re Taehyung.’ You replied, placing two dollar bills and a small cluster of coins on the palm of his hand.
‘That’s me.’”
↠highschoolAU(obviiii) fluff n’ angst, lots of dialogue if yall dont mind huhu↞
word count: 15k oh my god
a/n: THE LAST TIME I UPLOADED WAS IN DECEMBER HOLY BALLS IM SORRY LOL. ive been writing this on and off for about two months and im so happy to have finally finished it. i hope you guise like it ^-^
Summer was supposed to be two months filled with late nights and lots of leisure reading. You had plans to finally finish a book series that you started at the beginning of the year and of course, you made sure to make time in your busy schedule to hang out with Jisoo.
It was two weeks into summer and you didn’t touch the series you planned to read because your mother thought it would be a good idea to come home from work one day with a bunch of applications for a summer job. You told her that you wanted to start working in college where you were allowed to work on campus and she didn’t mind at all, so when she handed you the stack of applications, you were confused.
“It’s only for the summer, sweetheart. And after this you have some work experience.” Was her reasoning and you knew you couldn’t say no.
After filling out the applications and going to a few interviews, you ultimately decided to work at a cozy ice cream parlour that was located across the park you frequented.
It was early evening which meant there weren’t as much people coming into the parlour. Jisoo was waiting with you to finish because she was going to sleepover at your house. You didn’t drive, so Jisoo was also your ticket home instead of you making the fifteen minute walk back to your house.
“Lighten up, y/n. Sure, your summer may have been ever-so-slightly ruined, but you get free ice cream, so who’s the real winner here?” Jisoo turned a page from her book and sipped on a rootbeer float you prepared for her.
“I have books I’d rather read.”
“But you’re getting paid now! And more money means more books!”
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, Jisoo was right. Instead of verbally admitting it, you took away her rootbeer float and with that, you two jokingly bickered over your slight stubbornness.
The familiar jingle from the entrance door rang and a boy you both knew walked in with three kids who seemed over-excited to be there.
The boy was Kim Taehyung and the only reason why you knew him was because Jisoo had mentioned him a few times and how his friends were always hanging out near the bleachers, blastic music through speakers during lunch and after school. You never spoke to him and you’ve never really gotten in close proximity with him until now. He mumbled something to the kids he was with and strided over the Jisoo who seemed less enthusiastic about the conversation. The kids ran up to the glass that shielded the ice cream flavours and they easily distracted you from focusing on whatever he was talking about with Jisoo.
“At least just think about it.” Taehyung slowly walked towards the register where you were punching in his total.
“Five dollars and thirty-two cents.” You squeezed into his one-sided conversation.
Quietly, he reached into his wallet and brought out the exact change, recounting the cents over and over just to make sure it was correct.
“Jisoo, just think about it and if not, I’ll just relay the message to him—thank you.” He gently plucked the receipt from your hand and gathered the kids who were happily eating their dessert.
“Fine.” Jisoo sighed, not looking up from her book. Taehyung breathed a quiet thank you to her and motioned the kids towards the door.
Before you could even ask, Jisoo answered your question for you.
“I swear, Seo Joon needs to run his errands himself instead of making Taehyung do it.” She slammed her book shut. “I already told him that I don’t want to get back together.”
“Didn’t you two break up like two months ago?” You asked.
“Yes! Since he thought it was a good idea to ‘fake break up’ with me as a dare or whatever, then he’s going to have to deal with the consequences.”
“Spicy.” You commented.
“Exactly. Now, another refill on that rootbeer float because god knows I need it.”
A new week, yet the same routine. You woke up that morning, did your usual morning rituals, and walked down to the ice cream parlour with an audiobook playing through your earphones.
Hours ticked on and families came and went, looking for a cold oasis in the heat. You were on the floor with your manager that afternoon and luckily you got along just fine with him.
An elderly woman who introduced herself as Mrs. Song was a regular at the parlour since she was a teenager. So, when she saw a new face, your face in particular, she was elated.
She came into the parlour with her caretaker every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. They sat at the same seats near the counter and ate the same flavour every visit; mint chip for the caretaker and neapolitan for Mrs. Song.
Mrs. Song was a sweet old lady who easily forgets a lot of things. Whenever she saw you and Jisoo, she would always refer to you two as “sweetheart” or “deary”; you loved it whenever she called you that.
The parlour wasn’t as busy except for a few members from the city’s little league came in with their parents. Mrs. Song was reading through a newspaper and her caretaker had her nose inside of a book. You had just finished sweeping from behind the register when the bell of the entrance door rang when a familiar dark haired boy walked in with three younger kids who seemed high in spirits.
Taehyung was a stranger to you, so you weren’t looking for any sort of conversation with him. But you did have a feeling that he was probably going to ask you about Jisoo. The three kids sat on the remaining counter seats, waving sweetly at Mrs. Song who seemed excited to see them.
Taehyung approached the casing where the tubs of ice cream were and you were hoping your manager was going to take his order, but after a quick look around the room, he wasn’t present.
Good grief. You set aside the broom and glided towards the ice cream flavors.
“Hello, how can I help you?” The tone of your customer service voice disgusted you.
“Yeah uh, can I have three small cups of cookies and cream, chocolate, and rocky road.” Taehyung hummed as you reached for three cups. “What flavor do you recommend?”
You stared at the flavors for a moment before grabbing the ice cream scooper. “I personally like chestnut praline and brownie crunch.”
He nodded his head and chewed on the inside of his cheek, still indecisive on what flavor he wanted.
“Would you like a sample of both?” You asked.
“Hm, sure.”
You grabbed two plastic spoons and scooped up a tiny portion of each flavor for him to try and as he pondered his choices, you finished up the kids’ orders and set it in front of them.
“I’ll just take brownie crunch in the medium cup, please.” Taehyung spoke whilst throwing away the spoons in the nearby trash can.
As you were scooping the amount into the cup, you glanced at Taehyung who was pulling out a couple of bills out of his wallet. He looked over at the kids who were having a great time listening to Mrs. Song tell a story.
“That’ll be seven dollars and seventy-two cents.” You handed over the cup with a napkin wrapped around it.
Taehyung handed you two five dollar bills and took a bite of his ice cream.
“You’re y/n, right? Jisoo’s friend.” Taehyung asked nonchalantly.
“Yeah, I am and you’re Taehyung.” You replied, placing two dollar bills and a small cluster of coins on the palm of his hand.
“That’s me.” There was a brief moment of silence between you two as he lazily stuffed the change into his pocket. “Well, I’ll see you around. Let’s go guys.”
The three little boys waved goodbye to Mrs. Song and her caretaker. Her eyes lit up as she watched them leave the parlour. She then turned to you and said with a smile, “your boyfriend works well with kids, sweetheart.”
There was no point in telling her otherwise because she was probably not going to remember who Taehyung was the next time she was going to see him. So, you just smiled politely and wiped down the counter with a small towel.
Your day offs never seemed to recharge your battery to its fullest capacity, but it was enough for you to wind down with a book and an iced tea.
Although today wasn’t one of those days.
It was a warm and slow late afternoon. You were sitting on a stool behind the register, reading one of your books and drinking a milkshake your manager made for you. You were heavily invested in your book that you almost didn’t hear the door open.
To your surprise, Taehyung walked in with his head down and his shoulders dipped forward. As he walked closer to the counter, you noticed multiple splotches of dirt and grass all over his clothes. There was also a fresh gash the size of a golf ball on his knee.
“Holy shit, what happened to you?!” You snapped your book shut with your bookmarker almost sliding out. He was going to take a seat at one of the stools at the counter but you guided him to one of the tables so he has back support.
“My cousin had little league practice and a some of the kids’ chaperones and I decided to have a little game of our own.” Taehyung explained and slowly lifted his injured leg to rest on the second chair you pulled out for him. “I was going for home base and slid towards it as if my life depended on it—I mean, my team won, but at what cost?” He winced as he adjusted himself in the chair.
“Hold on, I’ll get a first aid kit.” You disappeared in the back room and quickly returned with a large white box.
Cleaning up cuts and scratches was a norm for you because of how much time you spent watching your little cousins at the park. It happened so often that it became it habit to carry band aids and alcohol pads in your bag.
“So, where’s your cousin?” You crouched beside him and rummaged through the box.
“He already had plans to play video games at his friend’s house after practice so he went there and I...ended up here.” Taehyung explained squeezing his eyes shut.
“And what brought you here?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. I was just walking and—ow! Fuck!” His entire leg flinched at the sudden contact of his gash and the alcohol pad touching.
“Shit, sorry! I should’ve warned you, I’m so sorry!” On instinct, you blew on his gash to cool down the stinging of the alcohol--something you did for your cousins.
“It’s uh, it’s okay, sorry. You can continue.” Taehyung tightly gripped the hem of his shirt and looked away to brace for impact, so with caution, you proceeded to clean his wound.
There were broken hisses coming from him and he squeezed his hand tighter and tighter until his knuckles ghosted white. You glanced up at him once in a while and pressed your lips together to keep yourself from smiling. This sight was a complete 180 from what you see at school; he walked around with confidence seeping from every pore and right now all confidence disappeared.
“I don’t think there’s any bandage that’s big enough for this.” You moved around some of the objects inside of the first aid kit. “I’ll just patch it up with some gauze okay?” Taehyung weakly nodded his head, still not looking at his knee. In less than five minutes, you had his knee all patched up and ready to go.
“There you go. Just don’t forget to remove the gauze and clean your cut later.” You stood up, trying to not fall over from being crouched over for so long.
Taehyung nodded and when you returned from the back room, he thanked you for coming to his aid. He limped over to where the ice cream was and pondered his choices before ultimately choosing chestnut praline in a medium sized cup.
“Did Jisoo mention anything about Seo Joon?” He asked.
You thought about a few days ago when Jisoo ranted about how she was over Seo Joon and that he wanted nothing to do with him, but you bit your tongue knowing this wasn’t any of your business.
“No, nothing new.” You handed Taehyung his ice cream over the casing.
“Well, if you don’t mind, could you tell her to lay down the line with Seo Joon please? I swear it feels like I talked to her way more than he did.”
You weren’t sure if Taehyung meant to say that outloud because this really wasn’t your business. He stabbed around his ice cream and hopped over to the counter seat. Ever since Jisoo mentioned it, you were curious yourself, so you took the chance to ask him.
“Why does he make you do it instead of doing it himself?”
Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck and you began to regret asking in the first place.
“I don’t...really know why. He asks me to do it and I just do it, I guess.” He simply stated. The tone of his voice sounded hesitant, but you decided not to dwell on it.
You hummed and made sure to receive Taehyung’s payment for the ice cream. You also hoped that this was going to be the last time you were going to have a conversation with him.
Of course, your hopes were shot down in one blow.
Two days after your encounter with Taehyung, you were working during a mild heatwave. The parlour was busier than normal, but thankfully it was nothing chaotic.
You had just served Mrs. Song her second cup of ice cream and your manager blended you a chocolate banana milkshake, telling you to take a break. The excitement in your eyes was hard to contain as you untied your apron and sat one seat away from Mrs. Song.
She was invested in putting together the same fifty piece puzzle she brought with her every other week, so you scrolled through your phone letting her be.
“Hey.” Taehyung’s voice came from out of nowhere, startling you. “You’re off today?”
“Hi.” You squeaked. “Just on break.”
He set his phone and wallet down in front of the seat next to you and took a five dollar bill as he walked to the register.
Not even five minutes passed and Taehyung slid onto the seat and stuffed his wallet with whatever change he had in his hand. Just at quick glance, you could already tell he ordered another cup of chestnut praline ice cream. Without saying another word, he took a bite out of his dessert and he mindlessly stared at the menu of other items that were sold at the parlour.
You took another quick peek at Taehyung who had the front of his hair tied messily into a short ponytail on the top of his head. The tank top he wore was slightly damp on the backside and his shoulder glistened whenever the sun or the ceiling lights hit it at a certain angle. The weather outside was scorching and you were grateful for being in a closed air-conditioned space.
The milkshake you were drinking was already halfway through and you didn’t even realize it. You were too focused on whether or not you should talk to Taehyung. It still felt awkward for you to start a conversation with him because, to put it simply, you really didn’t know how.
Conversations with Taehyung only happened by chance and out of pure convenience, but this time you weren’t behind the counter to serve him ice cream and he wasn’t writhing in pain from some sort of injury.
Duh, ask about his knee.
“How’s your knee?” You asked shly. Talking to him was also not necessary, but you felt compelled to do so.
He looked down which made your head automatically tilt downward; a layer of what looked to be fresh gauze was wrapped around his right knee.
“I have to limp around because of the gauze but other than that, it’s alright.” He twisted his leg to showcase his bandaged injury. “Thanks again, by the way. My mom thought nearly fainted when I got home.” Taehyung laughed as he said that which gave you leeway to laugh as well.
“She thought I got into a fight during my cousin’s practice especially because of all the dirt on my clothes.” Taehyung laughed with his entire body, almost falling over. “She look mortified. So we went out to buy gauze that night.”
“Your mom sounds like my mom. My mom tends to overreact even when it’s slightest injury.” You smiled to yourself.
“I know what you mean. They’re a bit dramatic, but they mean well.” Taehyung mixed around his ice cream. “It also doesn’t help the fact that I’m an only child, so I’m always getting the lecture ‘Taehyung, you’re my one and only baby blah blah blah.’”
The look on Taehyung’s face looked rather relaxed than annoyed as he said those words. It was a bit scary how you could relate because again, you two were polar opposites. Although, honestly, it was comforting in a way.
“I feel you.” You sighed. “But Jisoo is basically treated like family in my house, so I share those lectures with her.”
Taehyung left the plastic spoon in his mouth for a brief moment before speaking. “It must be great Jisoo has that relationship with your family.” He hung his head as scooped up a small portion of his ice cream.
“But you have Seo Joon, Minho, and the rest of your friends.”
“I--I don’t really invite them over.” He explained quietly and your eyes widened.
“Why not?”
Before Taehyung could answer you, your manager called your name to take over the register because of a conference call he had to take. You purse your lips together and apologized to Taehyung for cutting your conversation short. He waved it off with a smile and continued to feast on his dessert.
As you returned to the register to take an order for a family of five, you side-eyed Taehyung who was leaned towards his right, whispering and smiling with Mrs. Song. Unfortunately, you were too busy focusing on punching in numbers to focus on what they were saying and with Mrs. Song’s memory and imagination, their conversation could’ve been about anything.
Your next day off fell on the perfect day; the summer heat was bearable so you decided to get yourself a free refreshing milkshake from the ice cream parlour and read a book under a large tree at the park.
Music played through your earphones as you crossed the street with a chestnut praline milkshake in your hand. The summer dress you chose to wear was a peach color made up of a very light material to keep yourself cool; it was also your favorite clothing item.
The park wasn’t overly crowded which was perfect. There were some families having picnics, kids were running all over the playground, and there was a group of people off in the distance. Near the entrance was the most exquisite looking tree that provided the right amount of shade in all angles and you automatically gravitated towards it.
You packed a large blanket in your satchel and as well as a second blanket to cover your legs if you decided to lie down because even if you were wearing safety shorts, you knew better. The slightest breeze, a perfect tree, a milkshake, and a good book made up your day off and you couldn’t be any more happier.
After switching your position a thousand times, you decided to sit cross legged to keep your dress pinned down with your milkshake in between your thighs. You mindlessly played with the tassels that surrounded your blanket and continued to read your book.
The sudden drop of a heavy object next to you scared you out of your wits and the milkshake you secured almost spilt all over your blanket. Heart racing, you looked up to find Taehyung looking down at you with a boxy grin plastered on his face. A skateboard was the object that had dropped on the grass beside you and he then stripped himself of the flannel he was wearing to cover a spot on your blanket for himself to sit on.
“A warning would’ve been nice.” You sighed, placing a hand over your chest. “And you could have just sat on my blanket.”
Taehyung slid his shoes off to imitate your position and sit cross legged as well. “I’m probably covered in dirt. My cousin had practice down there and we decided to have another baseball match.” He moved his limbs around for you take a look at his skin. “No injuries, just dirt.”
“Good.” You smiled and tried to focus on your book, but Taehyung continued to distract you by ripping out the grass beside him. The one thing that didn’t sit right with you was how did Taehyung spot your from all the way on the other side of the park? And even if he was able to recognize you, why was he sitting with you?
“Is that book for school?” He asked, taking a peek at the cover.
“No, just for the joy of reading.” You closed the book realizing there was no way you could stay focused. “Is the little league still practicing?”
“They should be done right about now. The team is going to the community pool and my cousin is sleeping over a friend’s house after.” Taehyung explained. “I was about to leave and then I saw you sitting all the way over here--why are you all the way over here?”
You laughed and took a sip out of your milkshake. “It’s a nice tree to sit under, wouldn’t you agree?”
Taehyung stole the condensated cup out of your hand and proceeded to drag out a long sip of your drink making your jaw hang.
“Yeah, it’s a good spot.” He nonchalantly said before leaning back to lie down. “And that’s a really good drink. Since when could you turn chestnut praline into a milkshake?”
You clenched your fist to stop yourself striking his stomach. “It’s literally on the menu, Taehyung. ‘Turn your favorite flavor into a milkshake.’”
Not a single word was breathed out by Taehyung for about two minutes, which was odd. Maybe it was the right time to continue reading.
“You know,” Taehyung started.
Or maybe not.
“I don’t know why, but it sounded different when you said my name.”
“How?” You scrunch your eyebrows together because what he said made no sense. It was his name. Why would it sound any different? “Did you want me to call you something else?”
“No, no, y/n. ‘Taehyung’ is fine.”
Taehyung never mentioned anything else after that. He laid there with his eyes closed and you didn’t know when, but he fell asleep at some point. You glanced back and forth from your book to him just to check and make sure he was still sleeping. It was difficult to not be hung up over what he mentioned, but if he wasn’t going to expand more on his thoughts then maybe it wasn’t important.
You stayed at the park for almost an hour; you even finished your book. It was tempting to not wake up Taehyung because he looked too peaceful to disturb, but it had to be done. After shaking his leg a few times and quietly calling his name (you were now feeling self conscious about the way you said his name), Taehyung woke up in a hazy state.
Taehyung assisted you in folding up your blanket and before gesturing you to leave first, he said, “see you.”
No “see you tomorrow” or “see you next week” just a plain “see you.” When were you going to see him again? Who knows.
“Are you sure you don’t need a ride, y/n?” Jisoo handed you a paper bag and you handed her a rootbeer float in return.
You had thirty minutes till 9 pm which meant thirty more minutes till you could finally lock up and go home. Since you worked a long shift, Jisoo agreed to pick up a book from a bookstore that you preordered.
“Yes, Jisoo. It’s a nice night. It’s perfect for walking.” Jisoo blew her bangs upwards, obviously concerned about you walking home so late. “All of the late-night restaurants on this block are still open and I have my emergency whistle.”
You were stubborn, of course, Jisoo knew that first hand. So, she reached over the counter to squish your cheeks together. “Okay, fine. But you better text me when you get home!”
“I-prom-ise.” It was your turn to reach over and squish Jisoo’s cheeks.
“Okay. I have to go.” She released your face and held yours hands instead. “If anything happens—“
“Call you, yes, mom.” You gently pushed her away and laughed. “Just go, Jisoo.”
As Jisoo stepped backwards, she pointed towards her eyes and then towards yours indicating I’m watching you. But she meant that in the most endearing way possible. She was the sister you’ve always wanted, but god knows your mom wouldn’t know how to properly handle the both of you. So being friends was the best thing the world could offer.
Right before Jisoo’s entire body left the entrance, she was speaking to someone at the door and you could already tell who it was in your peripherals; none other than Taehyung. He waved at Jisoo then turned on his heel to greet you. You weakly waved at him because you were too distracted by Jisoo flailing her arms and giving you a thumbs up before fully skipping out the door.
“Hey.” Taehyung handed you a five dollar bill and at this point you didn’t need to ask him about his order. “Are you closing?”
“Yeah. My manager had to leave early because his babysitter couldn’t stay long today.” You handed him his chestnut praline ice cream in a medium cup. “What brings you here?”
He shrugged his shoulders and took a large bite of his ice cream. “It was a nice night, decided to go for a walk.”
“A walk?” You questioned. “To the ice cream parlour.”
“Not exactly. Just, you know, around. Then I saw Jisoo through the glass and then I saw you.”
His words were casual, but he was everything but. He stared at the menu, indenting crescent shaped marks into the peaks of his ice cream with his spoon. You were trying your hardest to not make the atmosphere weird between you two, but Taehyung was already way ahead of you.
Taehyung sat quietly at the counter as you wiped around the register until he offered to help you clean up the parlour after he scarfed down his ice cream. You protested, reminding him that you were the employee but he kept his hand out, waiting for some sort of cleaning instrument; it takes one to know one, so you knew he was going to be stubborn if you didn’t comply. You eventually handed him a broom and dustpan to sweep up dining area while you took care of the areas behind the register and back rooms.
Cleaning with Taehyung felt almost therapeutic because he turned played some piano jazz from his phone to keep a gentle ambience for cleaning. He cracked jokes here and there but majority of the time was spent tidying in comfort.
“I guess I have to pay you now for helping me.” You joked, getting ready to lock up.
“I’ll take half of my payment in the form of free ice cream tomorrow.” He said quickly.
“And the other half?”
Taehyung turned the open side around to read closed and pondered his options. “I get to walk you at least halfway to your house since it’s late and all.”
You had to admit, you were grateful that Taehyung offered to walk you only half way because you didn’t feel comfortable revealing your home to him just yet. You were also convinced that Jisoo probably put him up to it since they spoke a little at the door, but when you brought it up to Taehyung, he denied the assumption.
“Hm.” You bit the inside of your cheek. “Okay, but only halfway.”
Taehyung trotted down the sidewalk beside you with his arms gently swaying at his sides. All the street lights were all working properly and just as you told Jisoo, the restaurants and pubs along the walkways were also quite lively; this made the walk a little less awkward.
But talking won’t hurt either.
“Did Seo Joon talk to Jisoo yet? Because she hasn’t mentioned him lately.” You asked.
“I honestly don’t know. He hasn’t said anything about her either.” Taehyung kicked a rock off the curb. “In my opinion, I think he’s wasting his time.”
You threw your hands up in the air in relief. “Exactly! Jisoo and I say that all the time. We don’t know why he’s always making you guys constantly ask Jisoo to give him another chance when she said no many times.”
“Yeah. No means no.”
A cyclist with a headlight was approaching ahead of you and on instinct, Taehyung tugged you by the hand to make more room for the man to pass through. As he biked past, he quickly yelped out a thank you and sped off into the night.
“At least he had the decency to say thank you.” Taehyung whispered.
“Y-Yeah.” You tried to stifle the stutter in your voice as you wriggled your hand out of Taehyung’s.
He could have easily grabbed your forearm or even simply tell you to move to the side. Instead, he boldly took your hand into his and even held onto it for about five more seconds after the cyclist biked past.
For the rest of the way, you two remained silent only increasing the awkward tension. Even after thanking him and saying bye, you couldn’t stop think about holding his hand. It was annoying because you had no reason to be thinking about it this hard. It annoyed you so much to the point you called Jisoo as soon as you got him because god, you felt like you were going crazy.
“I can’t say I’m that surprised, y/n. When I asked what he was doing at the parlour he said he wanted to see you.”
You quickly sat up on your bed and practically yelled, “really?! But why?!”
“Who knows and I don’t mean to offend you in any way, I promise but, isn’t that kind of weird?”
“No, I know what you mean.” You scratched your head and fell back against your pillows. You obviously didn’t know Taehyung as long as Jisoo had, but you never saw him flirt much with other or even just hang around with other people besides his crew.
“If he’s trying to flirt with you, he’s doing a bad job.”
Jisoo laughed in your ear. “I’m kidding, y/n. But honestly, Taehyung is nothing like Seo Joon’s dumbass, but just be careful.”
Maybe talking to Jisoo was a bad idea. The whole day at work you couldn’t stop thinking about holding hands with Taehyung and hearing her words be careful. She was just being protective of course and you weren’t going to stand there and lie to yourself and say that Taehyung isn’t a good guy. You only thought that way in the beginning because he hung around Seo Joon, but so far, Taehyung has been nothing but nice to you. But Jisoo was right, you had to be careful.
You drummed your fingers against the countertop. There had been multiple moments where you zoned out because of your own thinking. It had to stop.
“Hi, y/n.”
But how could it stop when you owed Taehyung free ice cream.
“Hey, Taehyung. Your ice cream is ready and waiting.”
He sat patiently at the counter and you caught him smiling at you while scooping the ice cream into a cup.
“Are you closing again today?”
You looked at the clock behind you.
2:32 PM
“No, I opened, so I’m getting off at five.”
Taehyung mouthed the word five and took a large bite out of his ice cream. He sat in silence while you cared for other customers that came in. He even smiled and waved at one of the toddlers who shyly hid behind her father’s leg. Taehyung cooed for her to give him a high five and after making some embarrassing faces, she emerged from her hideout and skipped over to give Taehyung a high five.
You couldn’t help but smile. Taehyung outside of school was a whole new person. He seemed more independent and gentle rather than the rowdy demeanor he gives off at school.
Why was someone like Taehyung hanging around a jerk like Seo Joon? Seo Joon had an inflated ego and believed he could have anything he wanted. Taehyung, on the other hand, was the complete opposite--although, you couldn’t say much because you never spent a significant amount of time with him.
God, y/n. It’s sounding like you want to spend more time with him.
“Are you busy after work, y/n?” Taehyung wiped his mouth with a napkin and inched closer to the register.
You gave it some thought. “No…? No, I don’t think I am. Why?”
“Well…” He started off quietly. “The little league is having a late practice and I was wondering if you wanted to come by and watch.”
Just when you were thinking about spending time with Taehyung, the universe read your mind. It was a very tempting offer and this would give you a chance to get to know him better--in a friendly way of course. So, you happily accepted and he gave you instructions to where he would be at the park for you to find him.
“I’ll see you later then, y/n.” Taehyung discarded his trash and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah.” You breathed. “Bye Taehyung.”
As Taehyung started to walk out the door, he looked back to wave and the smile he wore looked genuine, making you smile unknowingly.
The next few hours flew by in a blink of an eye. One second you were refilling the sugar cone stack and next you were walking out of the parlour with two chestnut praline milkshakes in each hand. The milkshakes were a last minute idea, plus a ziploc bag of snacks in your satchel.
The dim rays of the sun hit your skin, but it wasn’t as hot as noon time. You passed through area of the park where most families were stationed--near the playground and bathrooms. Just beyond that was an open area where you spotted the dugout and playing field.
The closer you got, the sight of children running around with their baseball gloves and their parents watching from the side. You walked around the large diamond, past the dugout and found Taehyung sitting cross legged on the lush grass. He was cheering on the team and in the midst of that, your presence caught his attention.
“Y/n! Hey!” He called out with a boxy grin.
“Hi.” You waddled over and handed him his milkshake before sitting beside him.
“Thank you, but you really didn’t need to.” Even if he said that, he excitedly took a long sip out of his refreshment.
“It’s still warm out so I thought this would help while we watch--oh! I also packed some cookies.” You pulled out one of the ziplocs filled with a mixture of oreos, chocolate chip, and shortbread cookies. “We crush them for toppings.”
Taehyung smiled gratefully and proceeded to pull out an oreo. He then pointed out his cousin and explained their current game plan. You had little to no knowledge about baseball and Taehyung patiently answered your questions to the best of his abilities.
“Wow. So did you play baseball too?” You asked.
“No. I actually didn’t play much sports. I just learned from my cousin’s dad because he coached a little league team on the side before his firm skyrocketed.” Taehyung told you stories about his childhood and how he was intrigued with baseball despite never being on a team. He laughed while telling you that the reason why he never joined his uncle’s little league team was because his mom didn’t want him to get hurt.
“And apparently she still carried on the same ethic as you went onto high school.” You joked.
“Yeah, yeah she did.” Taehyung let out a deep chuckle. “How about you? Any sports?”
You scrunch your nose and shook your head. “I was, and still am, a bookworm.”
The parents and other spectators began to cheer and on an instinct, you and Taehyung did the same even if you two had no idea what was going on with the game. After the cheering died down, Taehyung smoothly continued the conversation.
“What kind of books do you like to read?”
“I like young adult fiction and psychological thrillers.” You answered shyly.
Taehyung raised his eyebrows and popped a shortbread cookie into his mouth. “I would have never guessed that you liked to read psychological thrillers.”
“Do I look that much of a goody two shoes?”
“N-No, of course not. It’s just that...uh…” He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to fish for words that wouldn’t offend you.
“I’m kidding, Taehyung.” You snickered. “I know I don’t look like it, I own a lot of psychological thriller books. It’s unbelievably captivating. ”
“Well, maybe you could recommend a book for me. I don’t read much and you seem to know what’s good.”
Naturally, your eyes lit up. Jisoo didn’t prefer psychological thrillers because she got nightmares easily and your other friends weren’t as much as a bookworm as you were. “Yeah, of course. I’d probably have to look through my selection to find something that’s not too scarring for you to start with.”
Taehyung settled his his milkshake in between his legs and fiddled with his fingers. He stared up into the cotton candy sky for a brief moment. “Maybe we could, I don’t know, exchange numbers so you could let me know when you found a book?”
You weren’t going to sit there and lie to yourself and say that his request didn’t make your heart skip a beat. Things weren’t being rushed, right? It was just his phone number. It’s not like he was asking you out on a date on the spot.
“Sure, yeah.” You gave him your number and within seconds, you received a text that contained a string of book emojis. “I guess I’ll start looking through my bookcase when I get home later.”
After that early evening at the park, you and Taehyung texted almost everyday. He still came by to visit you at the ice cream parlour. Most days he came with his cousin and his cousin’s friends and other days, he came by on his own. Whenever he visited when you worked the closing shift, he always walked you halfway home; it sort of became a ritual.
This type of connection with a boy didn’t always come by, so it was something you gladly and cautiously shared with Jisoo. You expected her to be hesitant about the whole thing, but she was completely on board the ship. She was still reminding you to keep yourself guarded, but she promised to be supportive no matter what was going to happen between you and Taehyung.
You lended Taehyung three of your books since then and after he completed a book, he would rant to you about the plot, certain characters he disliked, and he even told you that he was a slightly paranoid for two nights; you did warn him about that.
The air was oddly cooler that evening which made it a pleasant walk home. Your dad was picking out a bottle of wine out of the mini fridge in the dining while you were splayed lazily on your sofa, returning texts from Jisoo, Taehyung, and your dad--as a joke.
“How was work, sweetheart?” He asked.
“Kind of slow, but I got to try out some flavours that the parlour is going sell during the fall.” You flipped over onto your side and scanned his bottle choice. “Why don’t you go with chardonnay? It’s mom’s favorite and she’s been working long hours this whole week?”
Your dad stared at the bottle of cabernet and nodded his head. “You know, your knowledge about wine is concerning.”
“You and mom are wine drinkers, of course I would know.” You laughed.
Jokes were exchanged between you and your dad while the smell of garlic and basil floated throughout the room. You were having a great time teasing your dad that you almost didn’t noticed your phone vibrating on the sofa.
“Hey, y/n. Sorry, are you busy?”
“No, no, Taehyung.  I’m just at home. What’s up?”
Taehyung never called you, so this was a curveball.
“I’m actually going to sleepover my cousin’s house tonight and tomorrow, so I wanted to return your book and borrow the next one before I head over there; just so I can have something to do to pass the time while I’m there.”
“I--uh,” You glanced at your father who was mixing what looked to be like a pasta salad. “Yeah, you can stop by. I’ll text you my address and just let me know when you’re here.”
This would be the first time Taehyung would be anywhere near your house. He always walked you halfway, never two-thirds or three-fourths of the way. You were nervous, probably for no reason since he was only dropping off a book.
Ten minutes, you received a here text that was accompanied by a smiley emoji. You already informed your dad, so you skipped outside to find Taehyung standing awkwardly next to your mailbox.
“Hey, did you walk all the way here?”
“Nah, skateboard.” Taehyung moved to the side the reveal his skateboard that was planted on the patch of grass surrounding your mailbox. “Here you go.”
Taehyung handed you the novel in exchange for the next book.
“So, how’d you like it?”
Taehyung blew out a breath and shook his head. “That...was quite the read. I wasn’t expecting her to be the cult leader’s daughter like what?!” He expressed his shock by flinging his hands out in front of him. “And that chase? I was clenching my ass cheeks reading that part.”
You laughed, recalling how your entire body seized up reading that exact same scene. “Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. I finished this novel in one day.”
“Damn.” He breathed. “How about this one--The Dead House? How is it?”
“I guess you’re going to have to read it to find out yourself.” You smiled slyly at him and he scoffed with a similar smile.
The sound of a car pulling in caught both of your attentions. Your mother waved at you through the windshield and exited the car. On the inside, you were desperately praying hard for your mom to not embarrass you in any way.
“Hi honey.” She slipped a swift kiss to your cheek and stuck her hand out towards Taehyung. “And you must be Taehyung. Y/n tells me that she’s been recommending you books.”
Taehyung nervously wiped his hand at the bottom of his shirt before making contact with your mother’s. “Y-Yes, ma’am. That’s me, I’m that Taehyung.”
Your mom smiled sweetly at him and then turned to face you. “Well honey, why don’t we have Taehyung for dinner? Unless you have somewhere else to be.”
Your jaw hung open and you exchanged glances between your mom and Taehyung. You shrugged your shoulders and nodded your head towards him. “Are you busy?”
He also shared anxious glances towards you and your mom before answering. “No, n-no. I’d love to stay for dinner.”
Anxiety built up as you watched Taehyung shake hands with your dad. They knew he wasn’t your boyfriend, but the only reason they were this excited was because you haven’t had a single guy come over for dinner since your freshman year. There were fifteen minutes left on the oven, so your mom, being as sweet as she was, instructed you to show Taehyung your bookcases.
Taehyung scanned the walls of your room that were splattered with a pale yellow and white paint that were designed in vertical stripes. The floors of your room were a mahogany wood that was consistent with your entire house and in the middle of your room was a pearl white coffee table sitting on top of a large dark gray circular rug.  There were two bean bag chairs surrounding the table and small stack of magazines on top.
Beside your desk in the corner of your room were two large off-white bookcases; it looked as if you were almost in desperate need of a third one. He tiptoed over and gently ran his finger over a couple of the spines of a row of books.
“I never pictured your room to be like this.” Taehyung commented.
“And how did you picture it?” You sunk down onto one of the bean bag chairs and he followed in suit.
He shrugged his shoulders. “Bigger? And maybe...light purple?”
You threw your head back and laughed. “I like things comfy and cozy. When we first moved here, my parents wanted me to take the office room down the hall, but apparently I threw a tantrum because this was the room I wanted.”
“You threw a tantrum? Now that is something I have to witness.”
“No, no it’s not.”
For the next fifteen minutes, you answered Taehyung’s questions about your room and even shared stories from your childhood when you first moved in. He learned that you’ve lived in this house your entire life, but only started attending your current high school at the beginning of freshman year because your dad switched office locations.
“Do you miss your old friends?” He asked quietly.
“I do, but I mean, we still talk frequently so it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be.” You explained. “And plus, I’ve made amazing friends at our school.”
Taehyung flashed you the shyest smile before hiding it behind the back of his hand. Your statement was meant for your girlfriends, but Taehyung was silently woven into it too. You had to admit, he was a great friend. Ever since you started texting him almost everyday, talking to him was so much easier; conversations weren’t forced anymore and you breathed fine around him.
Your dad called you two from the door and apologized for not asking Taehyung if he was vegetarian at the beginning. Of course, you knew he wasn’t.
The menu was baked chicken with rice and mixed vegetables. There was also a bowl of pasta salad which Taehyung become quite fond of; your dad ended up packing a small serving of the pasta to take home with him. To add on the constant generous gestures, he even offered to drive Taehyung home since the sun had gone down, but Taehyung politely declined, stating that his home was just a ten minute skateboard ride away.
“Your parents are great.” Taehyung walked down the driveway after shaking your parents’ hands and thanking them for dinner.
“They’re just being that way because you’re here.” You giggled and handed him the styrofoam bowl of pasta you held for him.
Taehyung sighed into the night sky and ruffled his hair. “Tonight was one of the best nights I had in awhile. Thanks again for having me.”
“It’s no problem at all. I’m glad you had a nice time.”
He placed his skateboard on the sidewalk and took a step forward towards you. He extended his arms outward and enveloped you in a hug which caught you completely off guard. Although, the slightest hesitation, you wrapped your arms around his torso and heard his deep laughter vibrate near your ear.
“I’ll see you later then.” Taehyung whispered, slowly letting you go.
It was difficult for you to function for the next few days all because Taehyung gave you a hug. This wasn’t fair. How were you supposed to focus on your books and your job if you were so preoccupied with a measly hug.
Jisoo was ecstatic about the idea. She teased you about it because it had been way too long since you’ve been worked up over a guy. You almost didn’t tell her because you knew how she would react, but Jisoo was your best friend so you had to tell her.
The parlour was just starting to die down and you were listening to Mrs. Song passionately talk about her late husband and how he always brought home at least one kind of flower whenever he came home from work. Her caretaker probably heard these stories over a hundred times, but she listened and smiled as if it were her first time hearing it.
“He sounds like a great man, Mrs. Song.” You said with the brightest smile.
“Oh, deary! He was an amazing man. Find yourself a gentleman who is never afraid to show you off and show how much he cares for you.” As Mrs. Song said that, she reached over to grasp onto your hands.
“Of course, ma’am. I will.” You squeezed tightly onto her frail hands and felt your chest cave it. Meeting Mrs. Song was one of the greatest things to ever happen in your life.
Mrs. Song’s caretaker tidied up the ice cream cups and newspaper that she brought which indicated that it was time for them to head back home. They both waved you goodbye and Mrs. Song took small steps with her walker towards the door.
Just on time, you spotted Taehyung through the glass and he rushed to the entrance door to open the door for Mrs. Song. She held onto Taehyung’s hand and they exchanged a few words which were too hushed to hear from where you were. But as they were departing, Taehyung caught you staring and shot you a smile before you shyly turned away.
“You know,” Taehyung began. “Staring is rude.”
You let out a sarcastic laugh and provided him with his usual order. “Yeah, yeah.”
“Oh, can I order tubs of ice cream in advance?” Taehyung asked.
“Uh, yeah. But only in these flavours.” You rummaged through some papers that were stashed inside a compartment.
He plucked the paper out of your hands and read through the list. “I’ll take a gallon of rocky road, neapolitan, and--sucks there’s no chestnut praline.” You both chuckled and Taehyung continued to stare at the list. “And a gallon of vanilla.”
You punched in numbers into the register and Taehyung already had his card out waiting to pay.
“Having a party?” You questioned and ripped out the receipt. “Just bring this receipt whenever you come in to grab the ice cream.”
“The little league is having a celebration on Thursday because gameday is on Wednesday and the coach said win or lose, they’re going to celebrate no matter what.” He folded up the receipt and slipped it into his wallet. “My cousin begged me to order ice cream from here.”
If the two of you didn’t start texting, maybe you two wouldn’t be making jokes and having easy conversations at the moment. Taehyung had such a lovely personality hidden beneath his bad boy persona and it bothered you that he didn’t act this way in school. Would Seo Joon not want to be his friend anymore? Because that’s what high school was--a hotspot for teenagers to do whatever they could to fit in and find friends. Thankfully Jisoo’s eldest sister gave the two of you a talk about being never turning yourself into someone you’re not just to make people like you.
If only Taehyung got the same talk.
“Hey, the summer night festival is next week friday, are you going?” He asked you softly.
The summer night festival was a one night community shindig that was held the last friday before all the kids went back to school on the Monday of the following week. It had been a tradition for as long as you could remember and your family never missed the event.
“I totally forgot about that, but yeah I am. I go every year with my parents.”
Taehyung nodded his head and fidgeted with his hands. “Well, if your parents don’t mind, could I steal you at some point during the festival?”
Like a date?
The words in your head made you stop breathing for a few seconds and you were hoping your cheeks weren’t reflecting how hot they were feeling.
“I--uh--” Taehyung chuckled at the flustered look you had on your face. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure they won’t mind you stealing me, but they would probably mind if you didn’t say hello.”
“I promise I’ll say hi to your parents.” Taehyung stood up and tucked his hair back underneath his hat. “I’ll see you then.”
Out of nowhere, Taehyung slid his hand against the counter and curled his fingers around your own. He gave you a light squeeze and proceeded to walk out of the parlour.
You tried your hardest to suppress your smile at the simple touch of his fingers. It wasn’t just the touch of his fingers that sparked your smile. It could easily be a text message, seeing him enter the ice cream parlour, or sharing eye contact with you. He made you laugh easily with stories he tells and even his laugh alone was contagious. You had difficulty in controlling the butterflies inside of you every time you saw him, but granted, you were doing a fairly good job at doing so.
It was terrifying and as much as you didn’t want to admit it, you liked Taehyung. You really did.
“Thanks for bringing me along, mom and dad. I wish my parents didn’t have to finish late tonight.” Jisoo had her arm linked around yours as the four of you trotted down the pavement into the town.
“Of course, sweetheart. Just don’t forget to bring your dad some of the grilled corn this time.” Your father reached out to gently tug on a lock of Jisoo’s hair.
You had already told Jisoo about meeting with Taehyung so she wouldn’t think you’re going to ditch her out of nowhere. She, without a doubt, understood and made you promise to call her if anything went wrong. You were expecting that kind of response. It was Jisoo.
The festival had already begun. Children were walking around with their parents holding sticks of cotton candy and a balloon animal in the other. Teenagers were swarming around some of the games to win large stuffed animals for their significant others and there was also a dunking booth that the teachers from the different high school were running. The intoxicating smell of food filled the air and you could already taste the chocolate funnel cake in your mouth. After promising your parents that you would link up with them soon, Jisoo dragged you to the deep fried twinkies booth.
For the next two hours, time was spent with Jisoo eating and trying to not spend a lot of money on games you had zero skills in. Jisoo walked back to the bench you two were sitting on with two cups of iced sweet tea.
“Did Taehyung call you yet?” She asked excitedly.
“Not yet--why are you so excited about this?” You laughed and snatched your drink away from her.
“Because this is exciting! You don’t agree? But anyway, he’s probably not even here yet. I saw Seo Joon and his boys when I was in line, but I didn’t see Taehyung with them.”
On an impulse, a sigh escaped your mouth. Thankfully, Taehyung didn’t stand you up or at least you hope he didn’t.
“Did Seo Joon see you?” You asked.
“No, thank you god. I haven’t heard from him in a while so I guess I owe Taehyung one--speaking of the devil.” Jisoo pointed towards your phone that had Taehyung’s name displayed across the screen. She nudged you to answer and you hated how nervous you were feeling.
“Hey, y/n. Sorry, I couldn’t leave my house until my dad got home. Where are you?”
You looked around the crowd to see if you could find him before he found you. “I’m sitting with Jisoo near the sweet tea and peach cobbler booths. I’m wearing a red shirt.”
“Red shirt...peach cobbler… I can’t see--oh, there!”
You whipped your head around and Jisoo did the same. Taehyung flailed around in his white graphic t-shirt and scurried along with sidewalk with his phone still pressed to his ear.
“Hi, hey, Jisoo.” Taehyung greeted while taking deep breaths.
“Hi, Taehyung.” Jisoo returned the greeting and stood up. “Before I go and link up with your parents y/n--thanks Tae for whatever you did to get Seo Joon off my back. It has made my summer a lot more relaxing.”
Taehyung cocked his head and smiled. “I, uh, I don’t really know what I did either, but you’re welcome. Maybe he just got tired of chasing? But whatever happened, it’s good to know that he’s out of your hair.”
They exchanged a few more words and you smiled at the both of them. It was comforting to know that Jisoo was able to get along with Taehyung at the moment. You remembered when you first encountered Taehyung in close proximity, Jisoo was barely communicating with Taehyung and when she did speak to him, she spoke to him in a cold manner. Now, Jisoo was laughing and making direct eye contact with the same guy.
“Geez, y/n.” Jisoo squished your cheeks together. “If I have something on my face, just say it.”
“You seriously have a bad habit in staring.” Taehyung added in.
“She does, doesn’t she?”
“Okay, okay. Don’t gang up on me.” You playfully swatted Jisoo’s hands away and jabbed a finger at each of their legs. “But, we’ll accompany you to wherever my parents are. Taehyung is going to say hi to them.”
After a few calls, your mom finally picked up and directed you three to some sort of game booth where your dad was struggling to win at least one game. Your parents exchanged greetings as soon as your dad landed a win. They briefly spoke, asking if Taehyung’s parents were around the festival too and if he had eaten.
“My parents weren’t able to come tonight and not yet, sir. I was going to buy something for y/n and I.” Taehyung was obviously still nervous around your parents, especially your dad, but it was only natural.
“Well, you two have fun. I’ll call you if we decide to leave early and don’t forget that Jisoo is here too.” Your mom squeezed Taehyung’s shoulder and Jisoo pushed you to stand next to him.
“Okay mom and yes, I won’t forget about Jisoo.” You waved goodbye with a rapid beating heart. This wasn’t your first time spending alone time with Taehyung, but this was the first time you were going to be alone with him knowing that you admitted to yourself that you like him.
Everything was going to be fine as long as you acted normal around him. This meant no stuttering and no over-selling your normality. But could you really pull this off?
“You alright?” Taehyung poked your side, making you flinch.
“Y-Yeah. I’m all good.” You answered fairly quickly.
Of course, you couldn’t pull this off.
“By the way, are you sure you just want breadsticks? The pizza here is top notch.” Taehyung swept your behavior under the rug which you were grateful for.
“Yeah, Jisoo and I ate a little too much desserts. I swear that girl can eat desserts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
Taehyung stepped to side to swiftly retrieve his order and you were able to catch a whiff of his cologne or body wash or something; it was an earthy citrusy scent that tickled your nose. After returning to you, he helped guide you through the crowd with a careful hand on your lower back making sure not to lose amongst the sea of people.
“If only the ice cream parlour was open. I could go for a milkshake.” He commented.
“Yeah, we closed early because of the festival, sorry.” You looked around the area. “They have rainbow lemonade? That sounds interesting, I mean, it’s no milkshake but still.”
You offered to make the purchase for the both of you but Taehyung constantly pushed you to let him pay for the drinks. Ultimately, he took the win for that.
The festival was still at its peak, so there were still large amounts of crowds which made it difficult to canvass the nearby spots for a bench. The park lights were still on, so Taehyung made the executive decision to park yourselves there to eat. It wasn’t as hot as most nights which made sitting at one of the picnic tables under a lampost more enjoyable.
The garlic and basil breadsticks Taehyung ordered for you were scrumptious and he even let you have the first bite of his pizza  to show you what you were missing out on. He told you about how he meant to be at the festival earlier, but his mom was still at work and his dad wanted him to wait for him so someone could be at home to watch their dog.
“Aw, you have a dog?” Your eyes lit up and you clasped your hands together.
“Yeah, our neighbor’s dog gave birth recently so he’s still a puppy.” Taehyung showed you his lock screen to present an adorable ball of fluff with the largest grin on its face. “His name is Yeontan.”
You squealed and stole his phone out of his hands. “He is the cutest! I’d give him the world if I could.”
“I wanted to bring him out for you to meet him, but we have yet to finish up his shots.” He explained, smiling at you.
“Maybe next time?”
“Yeah. Of course.” He took his phone back and stared at his lockscreen for a few seconds. “Or you could come over some time? Just so Tannie doesn’t have to leave my house.”
“I’d…” You started. “I’d love that.”
Going over to Taehyung’s house would mean that there was a chance you would meet his parents. It made you wonder if Taehyung talked about you just like how you talked about him around your family. You thought you were a genuinely good person and you haven’t done anything to hurt Taehyung at some point for him to say anything that could tarnish his parent’s first impression about you.
It wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?
“By any chance, does your parents know about me?” You cautiously asked.
Taehyung smiled bashfully and nodded his head. “My mom was pleased to know that you’re a reader and you were the one who helped me get patched up that one time. Thanks again, y/n.”
“It’s no problem. I’m pretty sure your mom would’ve had a meltdown if you went home without any bandages whatsoever.” You laughed, thinking about the times Taehyung would shake his head yet speak about his mom endearingly.
“That’s definitely true.” He agreed. “My parents are dying to meet you though, so maybe on your next day off or when you finish early, you could stop by.”
“It’s a date.”
Both of your eyes widened and you choked on your saliva realizing there was no way you could save yourself from that one. The words came out automatically and you were already used to saying it towards Jisoo and your other girlfriends, but with your feelings towards Taehyung, this time was different. You couldn’t help but think that you screwed everything up at that moment because you couldn’t distinguish the look Taehyung had on his face. You couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or disgusted.
“Y-Yeah,” Taehyung mumbled, trying to hide his face behind his hand. “It’s--It’s a date.”
It felt as if your heart was about to beat right out of your chest. You tried to justify everything by telling yourself that he was jokingly agreeing with you, but on the inside, you were praying that he meant it the same way you did.
A brief moment of awkward silence washed on shore and it almost sealed the deal in making you think that you really did screw up big time. Taehyung cut the silence in half by clearing his throat and then scooting closer to you.
“You know, y/n,” Taehyung gulped loudly and planted his elbow on top of the table, resting his cheek on his palm to look at you. “I never imagined myself spending the summer reading and constantly visiting the ice cream parlour.”
“I never expected to be working at all this summer. My mom was the mastermind behind my employment.” You chuckled and rolled your eyes.
“Well, I’m glad she encouraged you to work.” Taehyung held his gaze with you. “I got to meet you.”
How could Taehyung look at you the way he was at the moment and say I got to meet you. Your face was probably beet red and you couldn’t control your smile at that point. There was a lot you wanted to say to him like I love hanging out with you and something corny like we should go thank my mom then. But you stared at him, with your words stuck in your throat and a stupid smile plastered on your face.
“I spent a lot of money on ice cream, but it was worth it.” Taehyung continued with his words, making your heart rate spiral out of control.
“You’ve become a loyal customer.” You joked, making a deep sound of laughter bubble from his throat.
“Yeah, yeah I have.” He said in between laughs. “You’re to blame though.”
“I haven’t done anything.”
“No , no, you did a lot, y/n. Trust me.”
“And what exactly have I done, Taehyung?” You asked with a mischievous tone of voice.
Taehyung moved a couple of inches closer to you and you remained still. “First of all, you patched up my wounds. You introduced me to a new flavour of ice cream, you let me borrow your books which blossomed a new interest of mine.” You listened intently as Taehyung’s eyes grew softer. “You made me smile and laugh until my stomach hurt. You also understood my weird family dynamics. I feel less lonely and a lot happier nowadays and you’re to blame, y/n.”
Each word that fell from Taehyung’s lips turned you closer and closer into mush. You were denying the obvious which was mutual feelings because your worlds were similar yet different. There was no way someone like Taehyung could ever feel an ounce of anything towards you. This was usual assumption until you got to know him personally and see what kind of boy he really was. However, naturally, you were still in denial.
“You do know what I’m saying, right?” Taehyung asked and you just slightly parted your lips, scared to say what your heart was pushing you to say. “I’m saying… I like you, y/n. I really like you.”
The oxygen inside of you became trapped inside of your chest. Out of all the things Taehyung could have said, you would would choose for him to say those words again and again. Your hands felt clammy and the rapid sound of your heartbeat was deafening in your ears.
“I just ruined things, didn’t I?” Taehyung snapped you back into reality and you noticed that he scooted a few inches away from you.
You frantically shook your head thinking that your silence ruined things. “No, Taehyung. S-Sorry, I’m just surprised that’s all.”
He nodded and blew out a shaky breath. Judging by the look on his face, Taehyung seemed as nervous as you were and you knew what you had to do to ease the tension.
“I...like you too, Taehyung.” You replied softly.
Taehyung raised his eyebrows. He then poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, exerting a breath of air. “R-Really? Are you sure?”
You laughed and lightly shoved his shoulder. “Yes, I’m sure you dummy. I’m awkward around a lot of people, especially boys, but not with you.” It was Taehyung’s turn to listen with his undivided attention. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately a-and you don’t even know how excited I get when I see you walk through the doors of the parlour or when you text me. My parents like you, it seems like Jisoo is becoming quite fond of you, and it’s so scary because  I don’t even think I’m your type so I hope you understand why I’m so shocked. I’m too quiet, I talk to myself sometimes--”
“Y/n.” Taehyung blurted your name out with a chuckle. “Just breathe for a second, okay? I don’t have a type. I don’t care if you talk to yourself or if you think you’re too quiet or whatever else you were going to say. I like you and that’s that.”
Taehyung cautiously cupped the back of your hand with his and looked at you as if you painted the stars in the sky with your own two hands. It was an odd feeling to have him look at you the way he did and yet, it was a reassuring feeling to know that he felt the same as you did.
The stars you apparently painted with your own hands were aligned perfectly. You twisted your hand around to have his palm up against yours until he eventually laced his fingers in between yours. Taehyung giggled softly as he gently caressed the back of your hand with his thumb.
Out of all the events that happened throughout the entirety of summer, this was easily one of your favorites.
“Oh my god! So, how cute is his dog?” Jisoo squealed.
“Ten out of ten such a good doggo and soooo adorable!” You showcased the photos you took on your phone. There was a large section of your gallery of Yeontan in multiple angles, some were blurry from him moving around too much,  and some had you and Taehyung in the photos. Jisoo gushed over the cutest little ball of sunshine and constantly made remarks about how lucky you were to have met Taehyung’s dog.
“You’re so lucky, y/n. Taehyung is sane and has the cutest dog son in the world. I wish my parents allowed me to have a pet other than a fish.” Jisoo said as she pulled into a parking stall at school. “Remind me to get a new parking pass after school.”
You two arrived at school forty-five minutes before the first tardy bell would ring and this was for the sake of student parking. With a lot of the current seniors taking their driver’s test over the summer, it was most likely the parking lot was going to fill up rather quickly.
Before heading onto campus, you both just sat in Jisoo’s car listening to music and chatting about how exciting senior year was going to be for the both of you. Senior year meant college campus tours, college fairs, senior getaway and prom. Not only was there going to be a lot of stress involved, you made a promise to yourself to not be as stressed as you were during junior year.
“I can’t believe we’re seniors, y/n.” Jisoo sighed. “And if you’re going to senior prom with Taehyung who the hell am I going to take couple pictures with?!”
“Whoa, whoa, stop right there, Kim Jisoo. I think you’re getting way ahead of yourself.” You patted her hand.
Jisoo laughed and rolled her eyes. “Okay, whatever, but the boy likes you. Before you know it, he’s going to ask you to be his girlfriend in the most cheesiest way possible!”
The idea of Taehyung doing that was adorable yet embarrassing and plus, Taehyung knew that you didn’t like show-offy events like it; the thought of it made you feel uncomfortable.
“You’re crazy.” You laughed. “But I don’t want to get my hopes up, Jisoo. It’s a new school year. It’s possible for Taehyung to meet somebody new in his classes and I can’t force him to just stick with him.”
Jisoo squinted her eyes at you and folded her arms across her chest. “God, I hate it when you’re right.” She reached for her backpack and turned off her car engine. “Well, enjoy what you have now, y/n and let me enjoy teasing you about Taehyung.”
She stuck her hand out and you laughed while shaking it. “Deal.”
Throughout the whole morning, Taehyung only texted you a good morning message and you were thinking he probably fell back asleep right after. You asked him if he had eaten breakfast yet in your reply and by the time you left your house, he still didn’t respond. Honestly, you wanted to ask him if he wanted to meet someone on school grounds, but it felt like it was too much of a gesture; maybe it was all in your head--the feeling of it being too much.
You stuck with Jisoo for majority of the time. She planned on taking you around the bleachers where Seo Joon and his crew hang out during lunch, but a lot of the new clubs were having welcome booths and the literary club was calling your names.
“Come on, y/n!” Jisoo gently tugged on your hand, heading towards the football field and bleachers.
It was ten minutes after the final bell rang and you told Jisoo about Taehyung only texting you once throughout the day and she found it suspicious. She continued to nag you to check if he was on campus, but you wanted to just leave it alone. It was probably your gut talking to you and as much as you knew you had to trust your gut feeling, you didn’t want to listen.
“Jisoo, I don’t know, I don’t…” Your voice trailed off and you stared at the tips of your shoes.
“Y/n.” Jisoo squeezed your hand and stared deep into your concerned eyes. “You know you have to. And because I love you, I’m going to go with you.”
At this point, you didn’t realize that your body was gravitating towards the football with Jisoo still holding tightly onto your hand. You didn’t want to look up from your feet and when you did, all oxygen inside of you became trapped inside of your lungs.
Taehyung was sitting with the cluster of his friends at the bleachers, laughing and he even quickly checked his phone. There was a possibility that he was too caught up in catching up with his friends to text you another time or maybe he thought he replied to you but didn’t--it has happened a few times and he apologized when it happened. You were hoping for Jisoo to not say anything to get his attention, but Seo Joon called out before you could even tug her back towards the campus.
“Oh, hey, Jisoo.”
All at the same time, the group of friends turned towards you two and instantly, Taehyung’s eyes met yours. Jisoo continued to walk towards the bleachers not letting any of their stares bother her.
“We’re not here for you, Joon.” Jisoo snapped harshly at him and then stared down Taehyung. “Really, Taehyung?”
“Jisoo, stop.” You whispered.
All of Taehyung’s friends panned their heads from you and Jisoo to Taehyung. There was a look of panic on his face and already said everything that you needed to know. You wanted to run but your feet felt as if it was stapled to the ground. The air that was trapped inside of you was now released with one single blow.
“You’re friends with them?” Seo Joon questioned and first looked at Jisoo then back at you with a raised eyebrow.
You watched as Taehyung’s facial expression change from panic to sadness within seconds. “I--I don’t--” He stammered and slowly shrugged his shoulders.
Jisoo squeezed your hand tighter and she pointed an angry finger towards Taehyung. “Kim Taehyung, you fucking--”
“Jisoo, let’s go, please.” You interrupted Jisoo and hung your head down. You didn’t want to be there. You didn’t want to look at Taehyung. You just wanted to leave.
It took a lot for Jisoo to not cuss out Taehyung, you knew that. Instead, she complied with your request and took the lead in guiding you out of the football field and back to the parking lot. She didn’t say one more word and never let go of your hand the whole way there.
“THAT PIECE OF SHIT!” Jisoo threw her bag onto the concrete of your driveway. “Was he seriously going to stand there and look at you like you were a stranger?! Some fucking nerve he has!”
You sat on top of the hood of Jisoo’s car with your knees hugged to your chest. Thankfully, your parents were both still at work which meant you had the whole house to yourself, but you couldn’t bring yourself to walk inside.
“Maybe we’re taking this the wrong way, Jisoo.” You mumbled.  It was dumb to justify the look on Taehyung’s face.
“I’m sorry, y/n. But that’s bullshit. You know that I know what Taehyung’s face looked like.” Jisoo raked her hand through her hair. “He obviously didn’t tell his friends about you and I hate that I know why.”
There was a stinging sensation in your eyes and you blinked it away. You also had a feeling why he wouldn’t tell his friends. It was your worst nightmare and it was all coming true. You buried your face between your knees and your chest, wanting to disappear.
“Hey, hey, not another step! Go away!”
You poked your head up and found Taehyung stuck dead in his tracks with Jisoo walking to stand by your side.
“Jisoo, just let me explain--”
“I don’t think so, Taehyung. We get it. She gets it.” It was sweet of Jisoo to stand up for you, but honestly, you wanted to hear it from Taehyung himself.
“It’s okay, Jisoo. I’ll be fine.” You whispered whilst climbing down from her car.
She changed her glances between you and Taehyung before sighing. “Okay. I’ll be in your room then,” She held her hand out and you planted your house keys onto her palm. “I won’t be nosy, I promise.”
After giving Taehyung a deadly gaze, Jisoo scooped up both of your backpacks and disappeared inside of your house.
Taehyung walked towards you with hesitation weighing in every step. The hurt in your eyes was obvious and it made looking at you hurt even more because he knew he was the reason for it.
“Y/n...I can explain…” Taehyung began taking deep breaths. “I didn’t tell them...about you…”
There were tears filling up your eyes and you tried to blink them away, but one single tear managed to trickle down your cheek.
“I didn’t tell them anything b-because…” Taehyung’s words fell like stones, dropping slower and slower. Your chest began to tighten and your cheeks started to flare up.
“Because you were embarrassed?! Is that why?” Your words shocked you just as much as it did for Taehyung but it was the reason that was blaring inside of your head the most and you had to put it out there. “I read books, I’m quiet, I’m obviously not the type of girl who would be seen with you.”
Taehyung let out a breath of air and tried to reach for your hand but you pulled away. “That’s not...that’s not the reason, y/n.”
You clenched your jaw and wiped the tears from your eyes. “Look me in the eyes and tell me, with confidence, that that’s not the reason why you didn’t tell them.”
He tilted his head back and combed his fingers through his hair. “Seo Joon mentioned once that he didn’t know how you and Jisoo became friends because you seemed different from her and--”
“And you didn’t want to tell him because you were afraid if you told him, he would make fun of you and tell you that you probably deserved better. Got it, Taehyung.”
“Y/n...Seo Joon is a fucking dick, okay? And he wouldn’t have let me live if he found out that I was involved with someone that he--he thought--” Taehyung watched as your tears resurfaced and he took in a sharp breath. “Y/n, I like you. You don’t know how much I fucking like you, isn’t that enough?”
There was a moment of silence before you answered. “You’ve been in my house and you met my parents. I know your little cousin and his friends, I met your parents and your puppy. Why is Seo Joon’s opinion so important to you, Taehyung?”
He grit his teeth and sighed. “I don’t know, y/n. But I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Me too.”
You wiped whatever tears were stained on your face then turned your heel to walk away. He called out your names and each time he called for you, tears welled and you covered your mouth to stifle your sobs. From your driveway to your front door, you never once looked back.
Was it wrong to think you didn’t deserve this? Every girl deserves someone who wasn’t afraid to be with them and this included you.
It almost didn’t occur to you that you arrived in your room until Jisoo said your name. You dragged your feet to your bed and slumped your body down against the mattress.
“It would...It would’ve been too embarrassing…” You sniffled. “...too embarrassing if Seo Joon knew…”
“Y/n, I’m so sorry.” Jisoo immediately joined and curled up next to you, letting you bury your face into her shoulder to cry it all out. She stroked your hair, listening to you wail and question this had to happen to you.
Even with Jisoo in your room, you had never felt so alone.
Instead of quitting after summer, you decided to keep the job at the ice cream parlour because of the relationships you gained with your coworkers. Plus, when Jisoo told you that “more money meant more books,” it stuck with you.
The week stretched out a lot longer than you would’ve liked and as much as you wanted to relax on a Saturday, you were scheduled to work the afternoon shift. Even after sleeping in for a bit, you were feeling a bit groggy because your exhaustion caught up with you, but talking to Mrs. Song was making all exhaustion dissipate.
“School is just a mere distraction, deary. Marry a millionaire and you’ll be fine.” Mrs. Song instructed and her caregiver laughed and reminded her that you were still young and that you still had a lot to do in your life.
“Well, you do that, but don’t forget to marry a good man--have I told you about my late husband, sweetie?” Her caregiver smiled and winked at you.
“No, Mrs. Song. I’d love to know about him.” You smiled back at her and listened with your undivided attention. No matter how much times you’ve heard the stories, you would never get tired hearing how romantic her husband was with her. Even while you took care of other customers, she still talked about her life with him and you listened and asked questions so she knew that you were listening.
“So, he wasn’t a millionaire, Mrs. Song?--thank you, have a good day.” You handed a customer his change.
“Not at all, dear. But our time together was priceless.”
The entrance door opened and in came the last person you wanted to see, although it couldn’t be helped. When Taehyung walked in, his cousin and his friends came running in through the doors first and he followed with his hands in his pockets.
Mrs. Song greeted him as you tended to the kids with a smile. The last time you spoke to Taehyung was on Monday. He tried to reach out to you, but you didn’t bother to return any of his calls or texts. He only ever contacted you through phone and never at school which gave you the idea that he didn’t tell his friends anything.
You wanted to disappear into the back room, but you were already assisting his cousin and his friends.
“Hi, y/n.” Taehyung greeted quietly.
You gave the last cup of ice cream to one of the kids who then ran over to Mrs. Song.
“Hi.” It was instinct the way you grabbed a fourth cup to fill it up with chestnut praline ice cream. How were you supposed to enjoy this flavour when it now gave you bittersweet memories of summer?
“Y/n, I know you’re mad at me and you don’t have to say anything, but at least just listen to me.” Taehyung followed you from the other side of the counter as you walked from the ice cream casing to the register. “I let my pride get in the way because I didn’t tell my friends about you. It’s always been that way with Seo Joon and it’s so fucking annoying how I can’t put my foot down when it comes to him. Saying that makes me sound like I’m his bitch and I guess I am.”
You plucked the ten dollar bill out of his hand and listened, just as he instructed.
“I haven’t told him...yet…which is stupid, I know. You’re important to me and I haven’t been feeling like myself lately all because we haven’t been talking at all. It’s killing me, y/n.” Taehyung spoke as softly as possible, just enough for only you to hear. “I still really like you and I swear I’ll tell Seo Joon because you’re right, his opinion shouldn’t matter.”
You took the change out of the register and you didn’t even realize it, but you blinked away tears that surfaced at your water line. Words were getting caught up within your throat, threatening to burst out all at once. But now wasn’t the right time.
You laid his change out on the palm of your hand and as Taehyung took his change, his finger lingered to trace the lines that veined throughout your palm. He hung his head and failed to hide the sound of him sniffling.
“I admit my mistake and I’m just so sorry, y/n. I hope for you to forgive me one day.” Taehyung crumpled up his change inside of his receipt and stuffed it into his pocket. “Have a good day.”
“You too, Taehyung.” Your words were barely audible, but he still heard you.
With a blank expression, Taehyung gathered up his pack of children and made sure to give Mrs. Song the most cheerful smile he could muster up.
Not even a couple of feet away from Mrs. Song, Taehyung’s cousin asked Taehyung to retie his shoe laces because they were beginning to become undone. You walked over to Mrs. Song who was gently folding her napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth.
“You know, dear,” she began. “How about you try your chances with that young man who came in with his little friends? He seems like a nice boy.”
There was no point in explaining everything to Mrs. Song, so you just hummed and smiled at her. “He is, Mrs. Song.”
Without looking up from the counter, you could see Taehyung stand back up and you could feel his eyes burning towards you.
“How about it then, deary? I’ll introduce you two.” Mrs. Song suggested with confidence.
It difficult to hold back your tears in front of the ever-so-innocent Mrs. Song, but you had to grit your teeth and bear it.
“It’s okay, ma’am. I don’t think he’s interested in me.” You said sadly.
As much as you didn’t want to look at him, you finally lifted your chin to make eye contact with the regretful stare of Taehyung’s eyes. The intense contact was broken by his cousin, shaking Taehyung’s hand and telling him that they wanted to go to the park already.
As he turned his back to you, you physically felt the pain in the atmosphere. Who knows, maybe you were taking it to heart much harder than it needed to be. But if there was one thing that you knew for sure, it was that you were incredibly hurt about the fact that Taehyung had to hide your existence. He stared into your eyes as if he had no idea who you knew were.
You were furious, betrayed, and, with the lack of a better word, so fucking hurt by what happened. Being who you were, you also knew that there was no way you could stay mad at Taehyung forever. There was a sliver of hope for you to forgive him, but now wasn’t the time.
Taehyung was more than an entire summer of memories. He was an unexpected occurrence, like rain in a drought. He was your first text in the morning and your last text before going to bed. He became the reason for you to be excited to head to work, hoping for him to show up.
But the rain will stop falling, texts don’t get sent, work becomes a chore, and eventually, seasons end.
♡ rae
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squidshadow · 5 years
2, 4, 11, 12, 13?
this got long bc i hate myself, here
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
patchwork, hands down. what a shitshow lmao
4) favorite character you’ve written
mmmm even though patchwork Bad, boko and sunlight were two of my favs for very similar reasons. theyre fun to write imo. outside of the pw realm, maybe dana? or… dana as she appears in eight adapts, is a better way to say it. (patchwork Bad)
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
i guess grammar… maybe pacing? and characterization, to a lesser degree. 
12) your weaknesses as an author
i feel like my word choice is often kind of odd? not odd in a quirky cool way but odd in the way that optical illusion of obama is where his eyes are flipped upside down and you cant quite figure out whats wrong with it. i also notice my stuff is often incredibly dialogue-heavy and im bad at dealing with especially heavy scenes. or… i can write my way into a heavy scene but im emotional constipation squared so im really bad at digging my way out of it. again with word choice, its bland and i find myself reusing the same actions over and over again. im trying to fix that but…
im scared im also just recycling the same plotthreads over and over again, if that makes sense? or just reusing the same personality for all characters, leading to them seeming especially 1d. im sure they already seem one-dimensional but i doubt the lack of variety is really helping much.
im bad at thinking of beginnings and endings to a chapter due to my writing style of Chunks.  i think in a chapter those are my two weakest parts
im sure the plots of chapters ive written seem kinda flimsy or “saved by an ungodly amount of coincidence!” which again isnt great. anyone with more critical thinking skills than a box of crayons can probably tear apart works ive made to shreds in seconds.
and i think that my plots are sort of recycled a lot as well, only within the story. a character will develop and then cycle back to square one all over again.
i fear im not creative either and that im simply just stealing from more successful people. eight adapts is really just a glorified op24 knockoff tbqh, im surprised at the reception its gotten. i think its sort of undeserved.
grammar is another thing i struggle with despite being a native english speaker and a monolingual one at that. my grammar is good enough to get by but there are mistakes there that i shouldnt be making if i ever want to actually go anywhere with writing which, again, i doubt i will. you really just have to be the best at something to make it anywhere in an art field, you know? its a silly dream for me. ive never taken a writing class and i cant meet deadlines worth shit (which you all know). everything ive learned is just self-taught since i can count the amount of friends i have on my nipples and i dont want to annoy them more than i really do. its a hobby and a way for me to just fantasize and vent really.
OH ACTUALLY THAT LEADS ME TO A NEW POINT w similar chars. i just project super hard onto them. im sure they seem immature because of that. it doesnt matter how mature i THINK i am, im really still 16 and i dont know much about the world at all. another thing to add on the “horrible at dealing with emotions” list i guess. you should write off experience, i guess, which i do, kind of. but all of the romantic happy bits are just hopeless fantasy. i dont see them getting any better nor do i see myself ever dating anyone. im kind of a mess you see but at least ill have more time to write barely decent fics about homosexual squids.
i dont know. i dont think im a bad writer, but im nowhere near good. im just decent. thats all.
13) your strengths as an author
im scared of really saying anything here because no matter what i think im good at theres going to be someone better than me, you know? theres no point in claiming youre good at something unless youre the best, otherwise youll just be getting peoples hopes up.
if i had to choose, i think dialogue, but only about 55% of it. humor to a much lesser degree since im not really that funny but its one of the few parts of my writing i can sort of tolerate.
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teashadephoenix · 5 years
11 Questions
I got tagged by @pomegranate-belle <3 I'm sorry this took for fucking ever?!!??
I’ll tag @lioness--hart @fox-in-the-library and @whitegodiva if you guys want to do it? And anybody else, obvi <3
1. How long have you been writing?
Actually sitting down to type stories out? Eight years old. I've been making shit up since I could talk. I have it on good authority I am entertaining to listen to.
2. What are the major themes of your current wip(s)? LONG ANSWER
omg I really dont know. I spent several hours over several days banging on this question in my head both in front of the computer and away from it only to come to the horrified realisation that I Don't Know. *gay panic*
I know the things I like to write about. I like to write about free exchange of culture, of mutual respect and fraternity with your fellow humans (which leads to themes of unity, unconditional love not only of people but of the world, and the gray area of what it means to protect those things without giving in to hate, indifference and intolerance. THE GRAY AREA IS WHERE I THRIVE.)
I like to write about intergenerational relationships (which leads to themes of obsolescence, changing of the guard, and how people, in general, not individuals, never really change. Like, there's For a Good Time graffiti on the walls at Pompeii. That is HILARIOUS.)
I write a lot about family, both born and found. (Everybody has a place and everybody is loved.) I write about mental illness and being queer (which all by itself leads to themes of not knowing your place in the world even if you have one. Frequently comes up against the previously mentioned theme)
So yeah. I don't know. My big WIP, the Aalee Rise series, is about a young woman on the cusp of adulthood going out into the world for the first time. It's her idealism vs reality. The other main characters in that cast are all foils re: various facets of societal structure and ideologies. One challenges her idea of government, another her idea of religion. She falls in love, her loyalties to her brother and parents are tested, she makes mistakes, she fights monsters and saves the world. A lot.
tldr; It's my sandbox and I just wanted to build castles in it. I don't really know if the castles will mean anything when I'm done. I hope they do.
3. What do you want people to take away from your story once they’ve read it?
My greatest ambition is that I could ever write a hero as beloved as the heroes I read about growing up, figures that reminds not to give up hope, to get back up when we're down, that the dark times ahead of us will come to pass.
At best, if I've done that, I'll be ecstatic and satisfied.
At worst, as long as you had a good time, if you didn't throw the book across the room in disgust, I'll take it.
4. Would you be excited if people write fanfiction about your wip(s)?
YAAAAS. I would literally never read it because Im terrified of accidentally absorbing someone's ideas and making them my own bc Christ alive that's a legal nightmare, but yes that would make my life.
And you can have my firstborn if you send me fanart.
5. What’s your go-to writing beverage?
Tea. Really strong and sweet. I make a fresh quart each morning and usually go through it by the end of day.
6. Who is your favorite oc? Tell me about them!
Aalee Dering is the eighteen-year-old protagonist of my Aalee Rise series.  When we meet her in volume one (Worldwalk) she and her twin brother are setting off on their coming-of-age journey around the country. Her people, the Noruahai, have defended humanity for generations from unearthly creatures called asmic, and if she wants to become a licensed Marshal like her famous mother (and wow, she really, really does) she'll have to prove herself on her Worldwalk.
Aalee thinks with her heart first and always. She loves beautiful things, and all things are beautiful to her. She's quick to cry and struggles with anger, as well as distraction; she has trouble keeping focus. Good for getting into trouble. Not so good when it comes to being a responsible adult.
It would probably be easier if she wasn't of two minds on every single decision she has to make. She empathises with everyone, which can be paralysing-- how can she fight someone whose point of view she gets?
7. Do you feel that mistakes are important learning tools in the writing journey?
Mistakes are learning tools of life, darling. In writing they generally aren't the types that will destroy friendships, health, financial status, etc, which means they're generally easier to bounce back from. Unless you commit career suicide in some way...
8. Rank your ocs by their capability in a footchase (either running after or from smth, your choice)
1. Fall from the Aalee Rise series. He's a complicated human. Without getting into the context of the world he's from, he's hard to explain; but the short version is he's half-ghost so he can basically turn himself into the wind.
2. Rosie Frey from Color of the Stars but only when she's a lion. In her human form she's pretty normal.
3. Lynn Blythe (or any of the other vampires) from Echoes of Eden, because they're cheating cheaterfaces who use mystical vampy powers to be stronger and faster than humans
4. Sendmarshal Henley from the Aalee Rise series. Probably the fastest regular human. Imagine the most beautiful, tall, leggy black woman you can, all lean muscle and elegant grace, and now imagine her scooping you up and zipping out of danger with an easy smile on her face... *fans self* I stan.
5. When running headlong into danger to save someone? Aalee Dering. When running away? Frustratingly, satirically slow. She's one of those idiot heroes who stops to make sure everyone got away okay so Fall's always running back to grab her ("MOVE, IDIOT" "But that little old lady--" "FIRE-BREATHING MONSTERS. MOVE.")
9. Does your wip have romance? tell me about it!! if not tell me about a friendship/important relationship in your wip!! MORE LENGTHY BLAH
Relationships are the driving force of my writing. How one loves or is loved by other people, how they relate and engage with others, is how one grows, in real life and in fiction. There are a number of relationships in all my series that I'm fond of for various reasons. (For instance, even though she cannot STAND him, I'm eager af to write Eden and Lynn's relationship in Echoes of Eden because of how complicated it is.)
And as a rule all of my characters are queer or questioning unless otherwise stated, and I ship everybody with basically everybody else, and almost everybody has a love story in their history. (at least, their parents certainly do because I am a gross vile romantic and these fuckers came from somewhere.)
That having been said, for the sake of brevity I'll stick with Aalee Rise and limit myself to the Big Three: Aalee and her brother Elles, Aalee and her best friend Norah, and Aalee and Fall.
FAMILY: Aalee and Elles are twins. Born together and never separated, which stands out in a world where families are broken up by chaotic circumstances and random death on a regular basis. Aalee is easily distracted and has difficulty communicating her thoughts, so she tends to act on impulse; Elles is forever the cool head and the hand grabbing her by the back of the shirt to stop her from walking into danger. And after eighteen years of this... he's tired of it. He loves his sister, but he longs to see the world on his own terms, walk his own path. And Aalee doesn't share that sentiment. Not only doesn't share it, but is blown away when it comes into play. Her partner in crime wants to break away, and she does not take it very well. The first volume (Worldwalk) explores how their relationship suffers, grows, and changes due to this break.
FRIEND: Aalee's best friend of ten years is Norah. They met as little girls in a monster-ravaged town; Norah was entertaining the youngest orphans with a story and Aalee joined in. The pair of them spent a long night keeping civilians from panicking while Marshals battled asmic beyond the walls of the bunker. They exchanged addresses and became penpals over the next few years, since both of their parents travelled and they were rarely in the same place at the same time. That changed suddenly when Norah lost her father. Since then, Norah's family and Aalee's have lived in the same town. Norah is her warm hand in the dark, her shoulder to cry on, the first person she tells any good news. for Norah, Aalee is the only person (at the beginning of the story, anyway) with whom she can be her real whole self. They love each other no matter what.
ROMANCE: And then there's Fall. Aalee meets Fall when she rescues him from being murdered in a back alley-- except, oops, turns out it was a sting operation to catch the killer because he's not actually the helpless filthy vagabond she assumed he was; he's actually a powerful Marshal who was on assignment. Stuck together for various reasons, he becomes a mentor to her on her worldwalk, while she blatantly digs into the mystery of who he is, which turns out to complicate their lives, the lives of their friends and families, randos they happens across, their enemies, and also God's. To say they fall in love with each other is an understatement of cosmic proportions. They choose each other.
10. Do you believe in the advice kill your darlings?
Yeah but I take the advice as intended; which is not, as most assume, kill your fave characters, but to get rid of that which does not work, even if you love it. That pearlescent line of dialogue, or that golden bit of allegory? Doesn't matter how much you love it and how proud of it you are, if it does. not. work. it HAS. TO. GO. (save it in a new file to reread when you feel down and scrap that shit from the main file.)
that said re: killing characters, in my youth I was very much of the George RedRum Martin camp of "KILL THEM ALL" but as Ive gotten older my main focal point has been "What purpose does their death serve?" Death is not the only sacrifice worth writing. So while I am not afraid to kill my characters, I do take the nature of their deaths in the writing very seriously. There has to be a point.
11. Do you prefer plotting or worldbuilding? Why?
WORLDBUILDING MANYEXCLAMATIONPOINTSGOHERE! Plotting is like the maths of writing. It's measurement, it's brickwork, it's demolition when the wall you put up last week is three feet too long and now you have to scrap it and start over. Vital. But not my favorite part.
Worldbuilding is the art. It's the music your OCs hum and the stories that they treasure and the faith that holds them up when the crap you throw at them might tear them down. It's the story behind the jacket they wear and it's the reason they nod to the altar when they enter a place of worship and it's the meaning of their names. It's the magic. How the world works, the little details that make it real to the reader because it's real for your characters, is my favorite part of writing.
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etherealrj · 6 years
can you do a fic like 5 times richie and eddie get caught? i am a sucker for those.
all the small things
A/N im sorry it took me so long by long I mean ive had it for almost two months in think, my depression has once again defeated my weak ass but here is this. I’m sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind nonnie !
literally no dialogue and pretty much unedited
The first time they got caught didn’t come at all a surprise to Eddie. He knew making out in the Denbrough bathroom when all their friends were ‘asleep’ just one room over was never going to end well. But to his surprise it was but the youngest member of the household who had caught them in the act.
Eddie and Richie were the only two losers who had survived the movie night. Richie more so than Eddie who was only really awake because of the annoying six foot being who stood in front of him, wouldn’t shut up . Eddie had gotten up to brush his teeth, and Richie being Richie decided to follow the small boy into the pristine bathroom of the Denbrough residence.
Eddie glared at Richie’s reflection in the mirror, toothbrush in hand, eyebrow raised. Turning around to meet the face of the older boy, toothbrush now set aside, Eddie noticed a  mischievous glint shining in the eye of the boy who never  seems to slow down.
With his back against the edge of the white sink, Richie placed his hands upon Eddie's hips. He stared into the hazelnut coloured eyes of the taller boy, his own hands laid upon the collar of Richie’s dark shirt. Standing on the tips of his toes he brought his lips toward Richie’s own, waiting for the other boy to meet him halfway.
Richie’s palm lightly rested against Eddie’s jaw as he brought his own lips to meet his. Chapped lips collide with soft ones in a slow, tantalizing battle for dominance. Nothing was rushed, there was no tongue and no hideous amounts of saliva being swapped, just the tight reassuring press of Richie’s lips upon his own. Eddie had relaxed into Richie’s light hold and melted underneath the boy, with lips upon lips Eddie was floating within a dream.
That was until the two boys heard a quiet panicked shriek, making them break apart. Eddie felt his face flush as Richie glanced over his own shoulder toward the door, while Eddie hide his own face within Richie’s shirt.
Eddie felt Richie’s chest rumble, and heard the soft sounds of his quietened laughter before opening his big mouth and say,
“Hey Georgie, Bud. How about keeping a little secret for me, yeah?”
Richie and Eddie had a free period just before all the other Loser's had lunch, so as you could imagine, the secret couple were sat side by side, their backs against the wall and their legs underneath the picnic table, books splayed out in front of where Eddie sat. Their table was located on the outer side of the cafeteria, which meant they were pretty safe from any prying eyes other than the rest of the Loser's themselves.
Richie had one hand above the table, tapping his fingers against the metal of the bench top while Eddie had the opposite hand rested on the edge of his book. Surprisingly no words were passed between the two, and Eddie couldn't find it in his heart to tell Richie to stop tapping, he appreciated the effort the boy was putting in, as he knew he was trying his damn hardest to be quiet as possible so  Eddie could finish the chapter in his history book without any interruption.
Every now and then Eddie would rub his thumb in circular motions against the back of Richie's hand. It always seemed to calm the boy because Eddie would take notice that the tapping had succeed, the air was quiet for a few moments before Richie couldn't contain it any longer, and the sound echoed Eddie's ears once again. Eddie didn't mind.
He liked the small moments they had while alone in public. They almost made him feel like they were an actual couple who weren't hiding their relationship from the world. Even if it was only just as small things such as holding hand underneath the lunch table.
Eddie turned to the last page in his textbook, as he heard the approaching noises of the rest of his friends. He bookmarked the page, knowing once they had arrived their was no hope in him actually finishing the page. Richie gave Eddie's hand a reassuring squeeze, making the smaller boy glance up to his face. Richie sent him a small smile as Eddie retracted his hand from the book and placed it on top of their already laced fingers. He felt Richie's gaze linger on him for a bit longer than necessary, not even the loud echo of Bev smacking her books down upon the metal table made him flinch away.
Eddie had directed his gaze to Bev now, her eyes were squinted in accusation, eyeing the unknown location if both Eddie and Richie's hands. Eddie noticed the appearance of Ben and Mike, who seemed to have trailed behind the fiery red haired girl. Eddie squeezed Richie's hand one last time before, unlacing his from Richie's low digits and placing them on top of the table top.
Bev would be lying if she said she didn't see the defeated look that flashed through Eddie's eyes, as his hands came back into her vision.
Ben had been waiting for Mike to show up at the Aladdin. It was a Friday night and he and Mike had made plans to see, 'Shakespeare In Love.’ None of the other Loser's would be making an appearance claiming the movie was all too 'lame and boring.' Allowing Ben to have had rolled his eyes at their accusations, but Mike being the nice guy he is, said he'd loved to watch it with him, claiming that he too had been interested (which Ben knew was a lie, but he took it anyway.)
So here he was, leaning against the edge of the building arms crossed over his chest, subconsciously hiding behind the side of the wall on the look out for his friend. He held the tickets tightly in his hand, as he carefully watched his surroundings afraid that Bower's and his gang was to show up at any second and beat the living shit out of him.
He saw Mike in the distance and let out a breath his didn't know he was holding in. As the taller boy approached, they greeted each other as Mike set his bike down beside Ben's own, after chaining them together they headed inside the cinema complex. Following the instructions of the valet, they headed down to the furthest cinema door, the room was black as they entered.
Movie had yet to begin, but they followed the seat numbers along and found their chairs, as they sat and made themselves comfortable, they spoke small talk amongst one another, speaking about Ben's newest art project, nothing too serious as they wouldn't want to get interrupted when the movie begins. But as Ben, had opened his mouth to tell Mike about his project and how he was nervous to ask Bev to be his subject, he felt a slap on his shoulder.
He glanced over to Mike who was staring past the boy with widened eyes, he followed his gaze over the aisle and two rows down and snorted. He through his head back in amusement and sunk down into his chair before whispering to Mike,
"Is that?" He questioned, gaze never leaving the two dark figures. He saw Mike nod from his peripheral vision before continuing, "And he has?" Mike nodded again before speaking,
"Yeah, that's uh- Yeah, That's definitely them." One aisle over and two rows down two polar opposite boys were sat.
Richie and Eddie seated, in the chairs closest to the wall, Richie's arm thrown around the back of Eddie's chair, his hand threaded through Eddie's short hair. The smaller boy sat with no usual complaints, head rested upon Richie's board shoulder, a half eaten popcorn sat in the middle of the two.
Mike and Ben, silently vowed they would never tell anyone about what they'd seen as they watch their two friends, stand hands loosely rested within one another, and they continued to watch as their hands separated when walking toward the exit of the cinema.
And it made Ben just a little sad.
Eddie had been staying the night at Richie's place over the weekend, his Mother had left town to visit his sick aunt and the poor boy hadn't wanted to be left alone in his own house and because he knew Richie's parents were never coherent enough to see what was going on he knew this was the perfect time to stay at Richie's.Without the overly large presence of his Mother within the walls of his family home, Eddie felt a whole lot more exposed than he ever had.
It was early Sunday morning and both boys were lying fast asleep, wrapped within Richie's covers. The sun shined through the partially opened curtains and beamed a small light across the floor of Richie's room and finishing at the small bag Eddie had brought over, containing his belongings. The smaller boys shoes laid neatly beside his backpack which was leant against the forever unused desk in Richie's room.
They had plans to meet up with the Loser's at the quarry at eight am sharp like every other weekend.
The Loser’s thought nothing of it when the time had become ten past eight, because knowing that Richie was always late, he had probably dragged Eddie down to get ice cream (a thing they still did that none of the other Loser's could quite understand) but as another twenty minutes had passed, Bill had begin to worry so he and the rest of the Loser's had split up in search of their unreliable friends.
Bev, Ben and Mike had headed toward town with the task of checking the ice cream shop, along with both the arcade and the chemist while Stan had made his way toward the Kaspbrak residence and Bill to the Tozier place. All with their own selected walkie talkies, as to be sure to keep in contact with one another.
As Bill walked along the driveway of the Tozier residence he had received a response from both Stan and Mike. Neither boys were at Eddie's place or the arcade. So he proceeded to make his way through the front door, (knowing that Richie's parents never locked the thing) he made his way up the stairs and toward the door at the end of the hall.  The house was quiet, he heard no noises in sign that anyone other than himself was in habiting the dull house at this current moment. His hand landed on the doorknob and twisted, pushing open the door to Richie's disaster he calls a room.
Bill felt his breath hitch and a small smile spread across his lips at the scene in front of him. His two friends laid with limbs entangled within one another, Richie's arm rested around Eddie's shoulders, Eddie had thrown his arm across Richie's bare chest holding on for dear life at Richie’s spare hand. The blanket pulled up and rested just under Eddie's shoulder, leaving Richie bare chest on display, Bill couldn't even pretend to be disgusted as he knew the oversized shirt Eddie was wearing was very much so not his own. It only made Bill smile at the couple even more.
The two boys looked peaceful, lying in each other's embrace. Bill not wanting to disturb them he slowly backed out of the bedroom, quietly shutting the door in the process before speaking into his walkie talkie as he walked back down the stairs.
He told his friends that he had found the two boys while reassuring them that they were fine. He informed the Loser's that they wouldn't be seeing neither Eddie or Richie for the rest of the day, because something important had come up. It was a small white lie but it was one he was willing to tell.
Richie stood leant up against the locker beside Stan's own, he watched as the Jewish boy pulled his books from the open compartment. Droning on about something Stan wasn't paying all too much attention to, occasionally rolling his eyes in response to something he’d heard. When all of a sudden Richie was off, Stan heard him a yell out a brief "i'll see you in math' but as he turned around to ask him where he was going, he saw the last glimpse of the boy racing around the corner and then the hallway felt all too empty, the halls full of students seemingly oblivious to the Trashmouth’s disappearance. It was as if he was never even there.
Stan was slightly more concerned than he let on, hoping the boy he had been best friends with was okay. Slamming his lockers shut, books in hand, he pushed through the crowd following what he assumed was Richie’s path. There was nothing much down this corridor of the school, three classrooms and lockers lining the walls in between, and a staff bathroom right at the end.
Stan glanced in through the windows of each classroom, noting each and every one was void of any human inhabitants. He couldn’t clutching his books to his chest as he approached the last door on the right.
He had hoped, Richie at this moment was not getting his head flushed down the toilet by Henry and Stan was casually strolling in to join the party. He stood face to face with the ugly blue door, glancing down the empty hallway before reaching his hand and pulling down the door handle. He pushed open the door a smidge and glanced in the tiled room, two toilet cubicles lined the back wall, hand drys on the one across from Stan and too his left a large mirror spread across the wall, sinks sat beneath them.
Leaning forward into the sanitary room just a little more, preparing himself to check the suspiciously quiet cubicles for his curly headed friend. A muffled laugh had halted his progress, narrowing his eyes he glanced to his left. Stan rested his hand over his mouth, hopefully muffling the unexpected gasped he had let out as he stared directly at the back of Richie Tozier’s head.
The taller boy was leaning over, pressing his own Trashmouth lips into the ones of an unknown figure. All Stan was able to see was the small legs wrapped around Richie's waist as the taller boy leant over the figure who was sat on the bench. Stan glanced at the long white socks wrapped around Richie's black shirt, narrowing his eyes sensing a familiar sensation at the sight of the socks.
Stan flinched as Richie leant down to kiss along the jaw of the figure. If he were in any other place Stan would have slapped himself for being dumb, because of course it’s Eddie. Who the hell else would want to purposely kiss Richie Tozier. He glanced back at the couple Eddie’s head thrown back slightly, eyes shut with his hands laced within Richie’s hair. Stan heard laughter from Richie muffled into Eddie’s neck. Richie slowly stepped back, covering Eddie’s figure once again from Stan’s view. He watched as the taller boy lean his head forward, Stan figured he was resting his forehead against Eddie’s own.
Stan stepped backwards to make his way back into the hall, he slowly shuts the door in hopes to not create any obnoxious noise for the rusty screws. One step before entering the hall, he heard soft words echo off the walls of the small space he was leaving behind.
I love you Eddie.
I love you too.
Stan clenched his eyes shut feeling as if his own heart was going to melt. For the rest of the day Stan had to force away the small smile from his face whenever he saw the pair together.
+ VI
Eddie's 18th birthday just so happened to be the night of prom. None of the Loser's had dates, and we're all going stag or as far as they were aware. It had come time for the Loser's to enter the building but they were still missing two members. Nothing had changed the past five years, Richie still showed up late to everything and Eddie was always the poor soul who got dragged along.  
Bev was leant against the tree, cigarette in hand, taking long drags from the cancer stick, her other hand rested on her hip, which was covered by the material of pale pink homemade prom dress which finished just below her knee.  Mike and Bill stood to the side passing a football between themselves, while Stan and Ben rested against the bike racks, small conversation passing between the two.
The night was young, students were still piling their way into the school gym through the front doors of the school. The parking lot was full of shitty cars all alike, and students all seemingly come together for one of the most important night of their young lives.
The loud noise of an engine entered the ears of the present Loser’s, the stereo from said truck was blaring The Summer of 69’ by Bryan Adams as the vehicle rounded the corner. Bev dropped her cigarette to the grass, standing on it with the twist of her foot as she walked to stand adjacent to the bike racks. Not long after Mike and BIll followed and the car came to a stop, in the only available parking spot across from where the Loser’s were stood.
Within the car,  Richie held Eddie’s hand across the console of the car, hand over the gear stick as he put the vehicle in park. Richie glanced over at Eddie nodding in question as the own smaller boy took a deep breathe before returning the nod. He smiled and bit his lip as Richie let go of his hand. The taller boy, jump down from the driver's seat and jogged around the back of his truck, throwing a short, quick wave in the Loser’s direction. Rounding the passage side, standing before the door, hand on the handle, he exhaled a deep breath pulling down the handle and step out of the way for the door.
Richie was wearing a long bright pink button up shirt, tucked into some black slacks (which Eddie made him wear) suit jacket in hand and black worn out converse on his feet. He extended his hand for Eddie take, as the smaller boy jumped down from the seat. Richie watched the smaller boy, stepped down on the concrete. Cladded form head to toe, in formal attire. Black slacks, paired with a black blazer and bright pink corsage pinned onto the blazers right pocket.
Richie held onto Eddie’s right hand with his left hand, Eddie shutting the door with his other. Eddie squeezed Richie's hand as the begun to walk toward the location of the Loser’s.
Stan snorted as he spotted the pair, shaking his head, a smile spread across his face. Bev let out a low whistle, Bill, Ben and Mike clapped their hands and let out a cheer at the sight. The couple approached their friends, Richie hand squeezed Eddie’s own as they came to a stop before them. He ducked his head down and pressed a chaste kiss upon Eddie’s forehead. The smaller boy had been staring at his own feet, he felt his face flush a the contact of Richie’s lips and shyly glanced up to meet the eyes of his friends.
Eddie felt his nerves dissipates when he saw the smiles on every single one of their friends faces, a warm feeling entered his chest when he watched Bev open her mouth and say,  
“Come on Loser’s, lets go fuck up prom.”
A/N 10 points to Gryffindor if u can spot where tf I gave up
IMPORTANT-ish // I fucked up my tag list so now like the loving someone taglist and the normal one have merged so if ur in it and don't want to be tagged in everything I posted just tell me and ill delete youuu x
taglist :  @colinmorgay @its-ya-girl-mercy @tastes-like-cherry-coke @netzoflix @bitch-its-youknowwho @prkrptr @ladycataztrophe @whoisjjacob @eddies-inhaler @stenbroughh @eddierichietozier @scienceyyy @randvmfandoms @letgoofmygreggo @liadfh @smol-and-annoying @trashmouthloser @acourtofbooks @richiedenbroughs @reddie-sett-go @spooksbeverly @puddlewing @howellhxlic @mypenguinlife @livsig @weirdkawaiitentacles @denbruhh @toshitophchan @january-emb3rs @httpsalien @richiedenbroughs @ri-chietozier @richietoaster @birdbabestan @goshdarndiddlyheck @trash-baby-edge-lord @eddierichietozier @sassyclassysatan @darklovies @anothergoldenratio @exceededexpectations @loserichie @get-fcking-reddie @sseolace @just-an-akward-fangirl
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sophrosynic · 6 years
Okay, I have A Lot Of Thoughts about Star Wars:
1) The movie was way too fucking long for what happened in it. They could have cut back on a whole bunch of stuff and still had a decent movie but nooooooooo Ryan Johnston INSISTED on cramming all that shit in there like sardines. Because who ever needs subtlety right? 2) If you honestly walked away from this movie thinking that the Kylan Roe Redemption Sequence actually made him look like a good person and not someone who has a repeated & consistent pattern of being a horrible fucking human being, then you were watching the wrong movie lol. 3) Speaking of which, the best fucking thing about the rest of this movie series is the fact that Kyaln Row's story line has finally been set up so that he's the final villain. Like, we have gotten the shitty failed redemption arc crap out of the way now and there's no more turning back sooooooo can't wait for ReysGonnaWreckHisAss2k19 4) Anyway the good stuff 5) LUKE LOWKEY DISSING OBI-WAN KENOBI AND THE JEDI ORDER THOUGH LIKE :ALKSDJF:DLKJF:SDLUORUDSKJ:DSKF 6) OBI-WANS PROBABLY SCREAMING OFF IN THE DISTANT VOID LIKE 7) "SHOULD HAVE FUCKING LEFT YOU IN TATOOINE ASSHOLE!!!!!" 7.5) (When Luke dies and becomes one with the Force, Obi-Wan legit follows him around DEMANDING royalties for the "if you strike me down" shit) 8) Also, I WAS RIGHT ABT REY'S PARENTAGE I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT I WAS RIGHT AND I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT HOW RIGHT I WAS 9) Because the whole POINT of Star Wars has always been about found families. 10) WHICH, speaking OF, is yet another damning indictment against Klo RowRow. Because family doesn't mean shit. Because choice is everything. Choosing the goodness within yourself is what matters the most. Because no one is born with inherent light or inherent darkness within them--they choose these things as they go on and it's those choices that matter. 11) WHICH LEADS TO YET ANOTHER POINT BECAUSE FINN!!!!!!! REY!!!!!!!!! POE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12) THEY HUG 13) "FINN NAKED LEAKING WHAT?????" 14) "HELLO IM POE." - "I'M REY." - "I KNOW IVE HEARD" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15) IDC IF THATS WRONG OR NOT WHAT THEY SAID BECAUSE FUCK YOU 16) REY!!!!!!!! LOOKING AT FINN!!!!!!!!! BEING KIND TO ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16.5) (OT4!OT4!OT4!OT4!) 17) ANAKIN SKYWALKER'S LIGHTSABER BROKEN INTO TWO DAMN PIECES IS THE BEST WAY FOR IT TO GO 18) (SOMEWHERE OUT THERE IN THE FORCE HE'S HEAVING A LEGIT SIGH OF RELIEF AND PADME GIVES HIM A HUG) 19) (LEAVE THE POOR BASTARD ALONE HES DEAD) 20) THE SUBTLE AND INCISIVE CRITIQUE OF CAPITALISM AND WEALTH AND WAR AND IMPERIALISM, ALL IN ONE SINGLE SENTENCE THOUGH. 21) Hux is SUCH a fucking LOSER like WHAT THE FRUFKC klajd. 22) (Honestly this is just gonna make all the shippers so much MORE annoying tbh!!!!!) 23) HONOURABLE MENTION 1 GOES TO: Luke tossing the lightsabre over his shoulder and rolling his eyes and walking away LIKE THE DRAMA QUEEN HE IS  (There are no more honourable mentions after this one.) 23.5) (SOMEWHERE OUT THERE IN THE FORCE VOID ANAKIN IS CHEERING IN DELIGHT) 24) Listen. LISTEN. It is in fact an intergalactic resistance meme by this point to make fun of Hux at any given opportunity, in as many increasingly bizarre and surreal ways as possible. 25) Galactic social media is just filled with shitty Hux memes 26) Most of them are just variations of "Uh hello??? I need to speak to Hucks? With a K? Rhymes with Fucks, as in, I'm all out of fucks to give abt the First Order????" 27) (Poe may or may NOT have ripped it off of a Resistance fan Twitter, but can you BLAME him when so many people are so damn creative???) 28) THAT ONE MOMENT WHEN HUX MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BECOME A GODDAMN INADVERTENT HERO BUT NO. NO. FUCK YOU!!!!! 28.5) (Shitty TLJ AU where he DOES shoot pylon rowboat and becomes an accidental-but-totally-on-purpose-for-the-lulz posterboy for the Resistance & they manage to bring down the whole First Order by just refusing to take Hucks seriously) 29) "Do you think you got him???" 30) Ok, I'm reading through this list and there isn't enough appreciation for Rose, so here goes: 31) ROSE STOPPING FINN WHEN SHE THINKS HES RUNNING AWAY AND THEN JUST CASUALLY MENTIONING THAT SHE ZAPS DESERTERS INTO OBLIVION WHENEVER SHE COMES ACROSS ONE 32) ROSE FEELING FOR THE BIG HORSE THINGIES SO DEEPLY 33) ROSE HATING CAPITALISM!!!!!!!! 34) (IN A MOVIE WITH AT LEAST ONE CRITTER THAT WAS SPECIFICALLY DEVELOPED FOR MERCHANDISING PURPOSES ONLY) 35) SAVING FINNS LIFE WHEN HES TOO CARRIED AWAY TO DO IT HIMSELF 37) (Just also want to mention briefly that Obi-Wan is also lowkey pissed that Luke just copied his shitty Old Man Day Drinks Himself To Oblivion in Solitude aesthetic, ALL THE WAY DOWN to the badly written George Lucas dialogue like HOW and WHY but most importantly HOW DARE YOU) 38) (But he will give him points for the whole "every word in that sentence was wrong" bit) 39) (He's also happy that at least SOMEONE picked up the Kenobi instinct for wrecking people by shade alone) 40) Anyone who mistakes Rey's efforts to bring that undeserving fuckwit back into the light as anything EXCEPT the actions of a pure, wonderful delightful human being who is committed to goodness and NOTHING ELSE watched the wrong movie 41) I'm sorry but you did 42) I'll probably scream abt that in a different post tbh 43) In summary: Ryan Johnston got mildly lucky and I'm prety sure the movie would have been ten thousand times worse but there was just so much stuff there that there was enough stuff to make it partially worthwhile so yeah
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