#ive set Wednesdays to be the day I do the least amount of work
Let's catch up, shall we?
So... sometime Tuesday I came down with a migraine from hell. I attributed it to looking up at the fireworks the night before and working front desk that morning. Well, Wednesday that migraine progressed into a full body flare of every symptom I have. My skin broke out in hives, I couldn't hold down any food or water, every single inch of my skin hurt and my joints literally burned.
I spent all day Wednesday in the hospital due to a kidney infection that put my autoimmune system into hypersensitive setting. I got iv fluids and antibiotics and figured I could just go home and deal with the rest of my issues from there. Honestly, I'm a veteran to the kidney issues, so I generally just self care once I get the antibiotics to kick the crap.
That was the wrong idea. I went back to the hospital that night and was admitted. I got out late yesterday afternoon.
When I came home, I got the mail. A large envelope from social security letting me know I "do not qualify for disability under the definitions of disabled conditions, and there is no reason why I can't find suitable work given my conditions." Weird, because every single thing I've been diagnosed with, and continue getting diagnosed with, are all listed in their qualifying disorders. The disability advocate group that took on my case probono seems to think they can help me out, so it just means i get to wait til we appeal and battle it out. At least I have someone to help, and they aren't trying to stick their hand out for profit.
I had to work this morning. Don't know why when the majority of the morning was spent watching the boss train the new chick how to do morning routines. Oh well, it's $44, and right now, that's a whole lot.
The boyfriend has a problem and we are headed to the cherokee nation hospital where he has coverage to get his shit checked out. It's a hard thing to talk about as a dude, but... he's had a lump on his testicles and has played off like no big deal. Until it became a painful lump, and now it's looking like an emergency surgery to repair some damages. He's done Jiu-jitsu and mma for the last 17 years, at the very least. The amount of damage he's taken to that area, well, it likely contributed to the issue thats going on. Anyway, the local dr didn't want him to waste any time getting this figured out, so, that's what's next.
I'm working tomorrow. My daughter lost her job and smashed her phone in the same day, so her luck is about like mine. I feel so bad for her, but what can I do??? I told her if she could make the drive here, she could have one of my older samsung phones. But, as it is, gas isn't cheap and her car hasn't had an oil change in FOREVER.
If I played the lottery, I'd be praying to get just a tiny chunk of the win, like $6k. Enough so I could pay my bills, stock my fridge, take care of my daughter so she isn't without a phone, pay for my son's gym membership (the best mental health the kid could ask for), get my truck serviced, and maybe buy some new fucking underwear.
The irs owes me around $10k over 3 years in returns. Like... 2 years of the returns were filed late, and I get that they are short staffed. But, how entirely awful is it to know that I've got that kind of money out there, but I can't touch if til the irs deems it worth their time. Imagine the penalties I'd pay if I owed them money for years??
Oh yeah... and since I was in the hospital, the orthopedic dr put off my appointment for another week. I've been sneaking my arm out if the splint from time to time over the last 2 days...my skin couldn't handle the restriction while I was so sick. The nurses that were doing my iv screwed up so bad, I have 9 bruised punctures up and down my arm. They only had the one arm to abuse thanks to the splint. But, I look like hell. I don't even know how I'm gonna dig out of this shithole.
Here's hoping for some good news to roll in. I could use a silver lining.
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wizisbored · 3 months
im curious what the .6 au could possibly be, but I also wanna know about the rest of the 44. Can you list them? Thats a whole lot of aus, presumably for more than just one fandom?
ohh i have been waiting for this day. i keep a list so i dont forget myself. these are not strictly in order of creation because i started the list after i started writing fics and for the purposes of this list ive seperated the fandoms. not all of these are things im actively working on, sometimes i have an idea and i put it on the list so i dont forget about it so i can come back to it later. yes i do have other fics not on this list but post-canon stuff doesnt go on the count
1 - i'm going to live twice (#igtlt fic) / ragdoll (#tinky!zaz) (ive mentioned a couple times that these were intended to be in the same universe. i kept quiet about it while i was more actively in the hatchetfield fandom but eh, fuck it) 2 - wildfire (#wildfire fic) 3 - laboratory four (#lab 4 fic) 4 - smoke and feathers (#sf fic) 5 - double e au (#double e au) 6 - nasty emma (#half-infected!emma) 7 - little firebringer (#lfb fic) 8 - teacher's pet (#teachers pet fic) 9 - feral-infected paulkins (#feral-infected!paulkins) (ive written a oneshot set in this universe)
10 - the hitchhiker and the herd (i thought id talked about this one more on here but i could only find this) 11 - centaurworld western (i only found 2 art posts for this one heres the first, heres the second) 12 - armour amor (pretty sure i only ever talked about this on discord. it was about an armour maker and a horse armour maker collaborating on centaurs) 12.1 - the taurnado takes more than souls (and we've gotten to the deciamals! i came up with the initial idea for this au but it was very collaborative. the '.1' count is based on no actual maths i just figured that was about the amount of claim i really have over it)
13.1 - bugebroph (#bugebroph) 14.1 - birdbath series (#bitb fic, #bitb2 fic) 15.1 - the firstborn (#firstborn au) 16.1 - little black dragon (#dragon au) 17.1 - snake oil (#snake oil au) 18.1 - accidental possession (#ah shit bj got in the meatsuit) 19.1 - blood of the covenant, water of the womb (#changeling twins au) 20.1 - the paranormal investigative society of dormitory four (haunted school au) 21.1 - stupid cat for stupid mental health (posted abou this one Once before putting it on the list so i didnt forget about it and then promptly forgettign about it) 22.1 - beetlejuice media multiverse (#3 lydias what crimes will they commit) 23.1 - in case of emergency, break glass (#ghost jars au) 24.1 - netherborne (#netherborne au) 25.1 - lydia gets stuck in a netherworld office job (i definately posted about this at least once but cant find it) 26.1 - the infernal children (#infernal children au) 27.1 - worm ranch (could only find a meme about this one) 28.1 - ten paces (#ten paces au) 29.1 - heritance of an occultist (#overcooked homunculus au) 30.1 - graverobbing (again i KNOW i posted about this maybe once before towwing it on the list to bookmark it but i cant find it now) 31.1 - the running iorn (railway taurs au) 31.6 - uh oh i came back wrong (#goddamit i told you not to come back wrong) (the rest of the collabs are listed as .5 because theyre shared with one other person. this ones with @blueskiesandstarrynights) 32.1 - fucked up ranch (i think i mentioned this maybe once on my blog but @maitlandmischief has more. it has since bloomed into a multiverse of rps but i dont want to have to think about how the fuck to log that in decimals so it stays .5 for now) 32.6 - piracy time (collab with @bunnys-beetlejuice-blog that mostly exists on discord)
33.6 - anarchy's apprentice (#crocodile beetlejuice hours) (beetlejuice & centaurworld) 34.6 - blue beetles (#hf/bj au) (hatchetfeild & beetlejuice) 35.6 - strange hill high & beetlejuice (#shh/bj) 36.6 - starkid & bbc ghosts (sk ghosts au) 37.6 - choir incomplete (#bj/rtc au) 38.6 - wednesday & beetlejuice (#wd/bj au) 39.6 - until we wake (#family bonding via dying in the wilderness timeloop) (beetlejuice & the red lantern) 40.6 - beetlejuice & cult of the lamb (#cotl/bj au) 41.6 - severavnce & beetlejuice (#severance/bj au) 42.6 - the worm hole (#the worm hole au) (the owl house & beetlejuice)
43.6 - a bunch of fookin shite that happened (silly lil fnaf comic i made to show my friends in secondary school. put it on here because i was going to 'novelise' it and throw it on ao3 for a laugh and then forgot all about my intention to do that) 44.6 - carnival ghosts (#carnival ghosts au) (ride the cyclone)
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Organized Ejactulation
Organized Ejactulation is me just writing everything out. Below it's not exactly a diary but also a step by step guide.
Part I : The Start of Seductive Chaos
I Need time to think, i need time to breathe. There is a dark underside with coming to terms with reality. I Feel like i'm being torn apart with thoughts, like i'm about to gamble with a chance i risk everything.
I'm no longer looking in one direction. I'm remembering the phantom lingering of idea's. As i work on one project my mind is also figureing out at least five idea's in the background. It's the feeling of stuffing yourself at the holiday's. Having all this food and wanting to eat it all.It feels like i'm being torn apart with thoughts, needing the mass amount's of knowledge. It has not made me unstable, it's made me full when before i was unclear on my intentions and only focused on one situation.
Part 2 : The Streaming Abduction
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I'm closer to my twitch stream debute with a personal name change goal. Martha is creating my vtuber, i have talked to cynda about emotes, iv been doing the stream graphics. Fuck, i have not worked this hard on anything previously in my life. It's impossible this will crash and burn. Just hope it's perceived well. Temp stream times
Monday : No Stream
Tuesday : 6pm
Wednesday : 6pm
Thursday : No Stream
Friday : 6pm
Saturday: No Stream
Sunday : No Stream
If there are streams on my day off they will be around me editing graphics, video editing or multiplayer gameing. As for the emotes i want to take Aura's ballgag muffin further. Have a set of food or fruit with a twist.
Part 3 : The Mindfuck
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Thursday is my doctor and the first time i'm going to speak. I Feel like i'm going to be at the doctor staring at the floor until she comes in and when i look up tears will start coming. This is very personal for me, this is me at the most raw. "You may not understand, but you are fucking with my fucking life" i scream. People don't seem to understand the severity of being so fucked in my head. I Don't want to be him, i'm not him and never was. I Was mishandled and i'm fucking tired of it. I'm dispressed, i'm sparatic, i'm tired of being so fucked up. Tired i'm not worth the lick of a split to fuck, might as well slit my wrist. Even nick who used to use my birthname only now does it in conversations with other's. It took 5 years but river has taken hold. It feels like i'm jumping on a grenade and the audience is looking on as they gasp. They can't understand why someone would be willing to risk everything to be free.
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theamazingannie · 3 years
Bought myself a planner and some colored pens so this semester better fucking go well
#@god I’m making an effort cut me some slack#I started making a plan for when I’m going to do what homework#I have four days off work a week to work on stuff#ive set Wednesdays to be the day I do the least amount of work#so I have somewhat of a relaxing day#I’m only taking three classes right now so I can focus on each one#Mondays are gonna be my busy days cuz I have class and sga meetings#and I plan on also doing homework#we’ll see how well that goes#Sunday is dedicated to my online class#so I can study and take my weekly quizzes#will probably also do some readings and other work that day but we’ll see what happens when we get there#I am determined to make this a good year#I have some new furniture arriving early next week to help me organize my room better#gonna get some poster boards so I can finally work on my puzzles#(cuz my table got bumps on it that make it too difficult to do it and the cardboard from work is too small)#ive been reading more#gonna buy a new water bottle and make sure I’m drinking more#already have plans to go hang out with some work friends coming up so hopefully that works out🤞🏼#progress can definitely still be made but I’m doing all I can with what I have#also I bought a new first aid kit so my hypochondria will be at rest for a bit#all I need is a proper clothes shopping spree and I will be perfect#next step is working on befriending my roommates and maybe one of them also likes thrift shopping#idk man I’ve been having constant breakdowns cuz of stress but I think I might be in a good place right now#of course tho it’s welcome weekend and I work so maybe I’ll feel differently by Sunday
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fweasleyswhore · 3 years
hello my love! have you been taking care of yourself lately? mwah, i’m worried about you <33
i- i am thank you very much
trying at least!
schedule got messed up, i thought yesterday was monday (it wasnt!) and so i slacked a bit in a class and today after realizing it was wednesday i had to do an entire unit of work and test in unit same day lmfao big sweat
i got off schedule with my meds bc ive been so stressed and then that just didnt help anything at all - my eatin been wack kinda bc of my meds not bein regulated and im either starving or repulsed by food 🕺💃
but in spare moments ive had ive done tiny amounts of work in my fics for breathers and lil escapism moments which is quite nice so i have a few drafted rn they arent complete just gettin there
this is all poop fart timing tho bc i hit a big number in the followers and i wanted to do a sleepover but i havent been able to draft event details or even set a time bc idk when im free
other than that baybee im ok mind kinda shut off after i melted it for all its goo while workin today
but fank yew for checkin up on me it means a lot really does im trying
my goal for tomorrow is to clean my depression cave
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youcantkillamutant · 6 years
The Mystery of the Golden Fang: Part 1, The Collision
Author: youcantkillamutant
Fandom: Marvel (Black Panther)
Pairing: Erik Stevens/Killmonger x Black!OC
Summary: A girl stumbles into another world. A baby disappears. A private investigator wonders if this will be the case he can’t solve.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, cursing
Words: 4.5K+
A/N: So…here’s another one of those AU’s that absolutely no one asked for! I only own my original characters of course, Marvel don’t sue me I’m broke.
Listening to: December 2914 by James Vincent McMorrow, Suite IV: Electric Overture by Janelle Monae, and Teeth by Lady Gaga
Part 1: The Collision
There are worlds outside our own. Alternate realities tucked into the consciousness of animals, universes scattered across the floor like marbles, otherworldly creatures tipped into mugs of tea. There are worlds that mirror each other, worlds that run alongside one another, worlds that twist and curve around each other. And then there are the worlds that collide, converging at a point so powerful every piece of life around falls into its orbit.
Earth Stream 245: September 30, 2040
The town of Ortega is a small one. Expensive in most parts, its residents the relatives of CEO’s and sons of lawyers. Mostly dominated by suburbs, the town has one large center. It’s home to a small mall of boutiques and specialized shops, even housing a small spa and gym. Which is where Hazel Fay finds herself. At work in the care center of that exclusive spa, watching the kids that are left by their parents for an hour or two of relaxation.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home Hazel?” Hazel and Trish had just finished their shift at the care center. With all the kids gone home and everything clean the duo flicked off the lights and made their way to the exit. The door to the cheery room locked behind them, they chatted as they made their way down the hallway.
“I’ll be fine Trish, it’s only a 15 minute walk. And I make it every Wednesday and Thursday.” Trish didn’t look convinced, but nodded along with the younger woman. She’s old enough to make her own choices, besides, she’s been doing this walk since she started at the center two years ago.
“Just text me when you get home.”
“You got it. Drive safe!” Hazel slipped a headphone into her ear and set off into the night, pausing for a moment to take in the bright, full moon.  
After admiring the moon for a moment longer, Hazel set off. It had been a busy night and she was nearly dead on her feet. The sooner she got home, the better. She made her way through the business center, dodging trash cans and sneaking more glimpses of the moon. Hazel pulled out her headphone as she passed the closing shops. Waving to their owners as she passed by and shouting a few remarks. She promised to stop in and make conversation the next time she had a shift, but Hazel was just too tired to think of anything but her warm, soft bed. That is, until she heard the telltale whines of a baby.
She had just made it past the entrance to the Golden Fang, a bar Hazel refused to even think about considering its less than PG clientele, and heard the baby’s muffled whimpers from the alleyway to the right of the building. For a second Hazel thought she might be going crazy. This wouldn’t be the first time she’s heard cries that weren’t there. Working with kids day in and day out give you the entirely unhelpful ability to hear phantom cries everywhere you go.
Hazel almost continued walking past that dark alley, pointing her feet in the direction of home and bed before she reconsidered. She’d never be able to sleep if she knew she might have left a baby in the alley next to a seedy nightclub. Passing the blinking neon sign of a curved fang, Hazel travelled down the alleyway with caution. Keys laced between her fingers and pointed outwards like claws, phone flashlight on and ready to dial 911 if need be.
By the time Hazel got to the baby, cuddled in a black leather jacket with a bright golden jaguar glittering on the back, she pocketed her phone and dropped her keys in her bag with relief. At least the baby was real.
“What are you doing out here all alone bug?” Hazel scooped the baby up from the ground and cuddled the baby close, blocking the sudden breeze that whipped over them.
Earth Stream 947: September 30, 2040
The Metropolis is the biggest VampCity in the country. Gleaming with flashing lights and glutted with humans and vampires alike it is the birthplace of Vampire law and order. After vampirism swept through nurseries of the poor and wealthy alike centuries ago, human lawmakers became nervous about the demographic they had no information about. There was no data to mine until the groups aged out of childhood, infancy protecting that first group of vampires for barely a decade before they were tested and experimented on.
It only took a few more years for Vamps to get their rights, most of the humans in power were easily persuaded or replaced. It was even easier to tilt the laws in their favor when the human population began to drop a century ago. Growing outnumbered, the human faction became even more adamant about the evolution of the laws, so that they might find more protection in their twisted system. Humans claimed to need protection from the bloodthirsty beasts, creating a registry and curfew for humans and vampires alike.
Vampirism is nothing more than a genetic mutation; strengthening the muscles, slowing the aging process and of course leaving those affected with a particularly strong bloodlust. It was at sanguine societies, bloody boulangerie’s and blood clubs where those voracious vampires could sate their appetite. N’Jadaka Udaku owns The Golden Fang, the longest standing and most popular blood club in the Metropolis.
The vamp’s have been around longer than he’d care to admit, whoring, dancing, and drinking from the daintiest necks around the world. Still he always found himself drawn back to The Golden Fang. His first and only baby. Back in the day he had spent nearly a year constructing the club; laying slick marble floors, lacing the walls with mirrors, hanging an obscene amount of crystal chandeliers…He remembered the day of the opening, when he hung the solid gold jaguar head above the door, jagged lettering beneath it welcoming all to The Golden Fang. N’Jadaka reveled in every piece of this club, each piece built by his own hands and paid for by his own coin.
Inhaling deeply, N’Jadaka prayed he could take in enough of that sweet bloody scent to tide him over until tomorrow night. Given how high the moon stood in the sky, it was probably past curfew. He pushed the last human out of the door, holding her neck and groaning. Business was booming at the club, but he still had to follow the laws.
No blood clubs open after 10PM. N’Jadaka checked the clock, clucking his tongue when he saw it read 11:03PM. Well, rules have always sounded like more of a suggestion to N’Jadaka anyways. Still should have sent her through the back door. Terra, N’Jadaka’s sleek golden jaguar padded up to him, licking around her mouth with a satisfied purr.
“Sounds like you found a few mice out back, T.” The cat’s golden eyes slid to N’Jadaka’s brown ones lazily.
“Fat ones?” Terra bared her teeth in a wicked feline grin and N’Jadaka smiled.
“Alright, alright. You’re the baddest cat around.”
N’Jadaka rolled his eyes thinking of the antiquated laws his kind had to follow to appease what remained of the human race. It’s not like the stupid laws made a difference anyways. Humans and vampires will do what they what. They always have. Sometimes that means a human loses a few pints of blood, or a vampire loses their head. That’s just nature.
N’Jadaka made his way out back for a quick smoke. He still had to clear out and clean up before the Keepers make their rounds. Bast forbid he doesn’t have their payment ready for them. He needs those nosy neighborhood guards to stay out of his business, and keeping them paid up is the easiest way to get some peace and fucking quiet in this town. He was interrupted the second his cigarette caught a spark.
“Uh hi. Is this your baby?” N’Jadaka should have known he wouldn’t get what he asked for. He never does.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He said this after a long pull from his cigarette, only turning after he was ready to exhale.
After the cloud of smoke dissipated, it revealed a coughing girl and a sleeping baby. Studying the girl and the black leather bundle she held close to her chest he wondered what fucking parallel universe he just walked into. Everyone in this town knows N’Jadaka hates children. Maybe not hate but he sure doesn’t like them.
It was only when he breathed in that he discovered her true nature. A human. In this town, if a human was out after dark that meant the only things they were looking for were danger or death. Still when N’Jadaka gazed at the girl before him, he didn’t see a trace of that reckless listlessness most humans held in their eyes after dark.
“This baby, uh…Is she yours?” The girl stumbled over her words as she took in the tall stranger. Hazel knew anyone who hung out in the back alley of The Golden Fang was bad news, but she couldn’t stop herself from staring. The man wore black leather pants, and chains glittered on his textured chest. Dreads tickled his brows and he looked strong enough to snap her neck with a flick of his wrist.
“Nah.” Erik stubbed out his cigarette and circled the human.
“Oh, uh…”
“But I am curious to know what a human like you is doing out after dark.” Before Hazel could answer, a crash sounded from inside the club. The man let out a curse she couldn’t understand, and Hazel jumped, jostling the baby.
N’Jadaka checked his watch. 11:10PM, Shuri is right on time for the scent cleaning, its just a shame he found two humans out back. There’s no way to explain this one. N’Jadaka hoped Shuri brought all of her tools. If he was going to hide the scent of two humans, he’d need the powerful shit.
“Cousin, where did you find a human and a…” The younger girl leaned forward, giving the bundle in Hazel’s arms a sniff. “wolf pup? Seriously?”  
“I didn’t go looking for them. They just showed up here.” There’s no way in hell N’Jadaka would seek out humans. With the laws now, keeping a human is more trouble than the fresh blood is worth.
“Well where’s her registration number?” The slender girl lifted Hazel’s arm and dropped it, peered at her neck like she expected something to be there. “No chip either...”
“I already told you Shuri. I don’t know.”
“N’Jadaka, brother will not be happy about this.”
“Well it’s a good thing he doesn’t own this club” N’Jadaka bared his teeth at the girl and Hazel wondered at the flash of gold in his mouth. She grew even more intrigued as the girl, Shuri, replied in earnest; Silver fangs glinting under the fluorescent light. She watched the pair, wrapped in leather that glittered with zippers, buttons, and fasteners wondering what exactly she had walked into.
“If anyone finds it about this— you harboring humans, it’ll ruin his campaign. He’ll be furious.”
“I ain’t worried about your brother Shuri. Just help me scrub their scent before the Keeper’s come.” A knock pounded at the door and Hazel clutched the baby closer to her.
“Too late.” Shuri was already on the move.
“Hide them and then get the door. I’ll take care of the rest.” The man, N’Jadaka pushed Hazel and the baby backwards, into a ruby red room and under a large circular mattress.
“Don’t make a sound.” Hazel wanted to protest, just to inform him that babies don’t really care about keep quiet, but he was gone in a flash. Literally, she blinked, and the man was gone. Strange.
Back in the front room of the Golden Fang, N’Jadaka opened to door to two Keepers. Both men, both severely out of shape, and both werwolves. He could smell the fur on their backs, the scent of wet dog emanating through the room. He cringed, scrunching his nose in the process.
“Gentlemen.” The Keeper’s barely nodded his way, instead following the scent trail the human and wolf pup left. Shuri, what the hell are you doing?
“It smells like a human in here.” N’Jadaka waved this off, doing his best to look around for Shuri discreetly. She said she would handle this crap, but the PO’s were still sniffing the air like rabid dogs.
“We get all kinds of creatures in this club. You know the law.” The Creature’s Rights act was passed a few decades ago, ensuring that no business could deny services to any creature, human or otherwise. It was the one law N’Jadaka didn’t mind following, if only because it made him more money.
The Keeper’s had already made it to the door where Hazel and the baby hid, pushing it open so hard it slammed against the wall and jumped back towards its assailants. N’Jadaka was this close to ripping their heads off, Keeper’s had no sense of propriety or respect for his things, when a strange odor filled the room. It was soft, so gentle N’Jadaka barely noticed it. The Keeper’s didn’t seem to notice it either, though it did throw them off track. Shaking their heads, they exited the room where Hazel hid, sniffing the hallway instead.
The Keeper’s finished their sweep in 10 minutes, holding their hands out for their payoff. They knew N’Jadaka never closed on time, hell everybody knew it. That’s why most creatures came to his bar. Still the Keeper’s loved to dangle their minimal power over his head, and he could stand to lose a few hundred bucks to keep making thousands every night. The Keeper’s went on their merry way, and N’Jadaka sighed in relief. Whatever Shuri had concocted, N’Jadaka wanted ten.
“You can come out now.” N’Jadaka called out. Hazel jumped at the sound of his voice, jostling the sleeping baby. The little one thankfully stayed asleep as Hazel made her way out to the front of the bar.
“Now, how the hell did a human like you get here?”
“I was walking home from work and I heard—Wait a second, why do you keep calling me a human?”
“Because that’s what you are…” N’Jadaka wondered if this human was just stupid. That would explain how she ended up out alone after curfew.
“Well what are you?” Hazel cocked an eyebrow and hip at his patronizing tone, and stood her ground. N’Jadaka on the other hand, grinned. His fangs dropped, gleaming gold from top to bottom.
“Me? Well I’m your worst nightmare.”
Earth Stream 328: September 30, 2040
Calawuga is a mountain town. It rests at the base of the Calawat mountain range. Shops and bars and little wooden houses dot the desert landscape making a home where dust and decay thrive. There were rumors of wild animals and lingering spirits roaming the rocky mountainside but that wasn’t what the people of Calawuga had to fear.
The people of Calawuga only had to fear the magic they couldn’t control. It sparked in the air and lingered in the water, changing its residents in more ways than one from the moment the first settlers made it to the plains. There were more beings in the tiny town than anywhere in the country. The government had even tried to set up shop at the base of the mountain, but the gangs drove them out.
Well the government called them gangs but to the residents of Calawuga, they were the four founding tribes. The Golden Jaguars, Great Gorillas and Black Panthers were the strongest in number, the magic crackling through the town having changed over half of them into shapeshifters. The Vibranium Babes were witch doctors of a sort, mining the land for its magic and exporting it for a penny prettier than any of the townspeople could have hoped.
A town like this drew all kinds of drifters, from witches to fairies and even a banshee or two. The rogue magical creatures in this town never usually affiliated with the tribes, preferring to keep to themselves, but one or two might integrate to make a living. Which explained why Harley, a young powerful witch, found herself in a Golden Jaguar cut within the first week of her arrival in the dusty desert town of Calawuga.
Harley, originally Hazel Vasquez, hadn’t come to Calawuga to join any tribe. She only came to get away from the city where everyone saw her as a freak of magical nature. The magic coursing through was more than anyone in the city could even begin to comprehend. When she heard of Calawuga she worked her way across the Southwest. It was easy enough to leave home, here siblings were well taken care of, they were normal. She never had many or any friends, word of her powers was enough to terrify anyone within a 2 foot radius and keep Hazel isolated.
It took 3 long months before Hazel rolled into the town of Calawuga on the heels of a burning hot summer. She had arrived in one of the Vibranium Babes’ shops looking for a crystal to calm and clarify. The shop was a sort of apothecary turned laboratory owned by a wraith of a woman named Shuri.
With no previous tribe affiliation, she probably would have been snatched up by Shuri and the VB’s if she hadn’t been so distracted by the baby that crawled into the shop on all fours.
The baby girl wore a tiny leather jacket with a sparkling gold jaguar embroidered on the back. Her head bobbed as she lifted it, dark curls bouncing as she gave a gummy smile. Hazel couldn’t resist sweeping the girl up and pulling her close.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Hazel was only half listening to Shuri, most of her attention on a completely one sided conversation with the giggling baby girl in her arms.
“Get your witching hands off my kid.” A stranger burst through the door of Shuri’s shop so violently Hazel almost dropped the kid.
Shuri rolled her eyes as Hazel took in the man. He was tall, taller than her at least. His beard was almost grisly, but his scowl broke when his eyes settled on his daughter.
“Relax cousin. ‘Yana likes her, see?” The baby girl nuzzled into Hazel’s neck snuffling quietly.
“I don’t give a shit Shuri. I don’t need a dirty witch anywhere near my kid.” Killmonger, known to the local tribes as KM or ‘Monger, knew what witches wanted with shapeshifter cubs. Witches in this region were notorious for snatching up the younglings and using them for all kinds of ritual magic.  Now Killmonger had never seen this witch around before, but all of those creatures are the same. Power hungry, reckless monsters.
“Considering the fact that your infant crawled in here alone, I’d say you’re lucky to have anyone watching your kid. You clearly ain’t.” Hazel didn’t need a shifter of all creatures shitting on her for the magic that ran through her veins. She didn’t hold back her sneer while she spoke, nearly baring her teeth at the asshole.
“She’s clearly a better babysitter than you are cousin.” Shuri turned to Hazel. “Are you looking for work? ‘Monger pays well for that little trouble maker.”
Hazel had a hard time believing this cutie could cause any trouble, but she knew kids could be deceiving. The shifter named killmonger sputtered disagreeably, but Hazel ignored him, accepting the job offer. Within a week she become Ayana’s favorite girl and The Golden Jaguar’s favorite baker. With the whole tribe drooling after her pound cake, Killmonger excluded, it didn’t take long for Hazel to be invited to join the Golden Jags. As the leader ‘Monger wasn’t pleased with the vote to invite the witch, but he ain’t a dictator. The tribe votes for what they want, and apparently they want the witch. So three months after leaving home Hazel Vasquez became Harley of the Golden Jaguar Tribe.
It was smooth sailing for a while, Ayana and Harley finding an easy routine. The pair had just returned to the Golden Fang, a favorite spot of the Golden Jaguars because it was owned by a few tribesmen themselves. Harley admired Killmonger’s sparkling golden bike with a sigh, coveting the black and gold beauty. When Harley arrived in the town of Calawuga, she had never even had an errant thought of the motorcycles that kicked up dust and roared like wild animals. Nw, she was saving all she could to get her own.
Ayana and Harley had had a busy day, going to the park and then the local library for story time. Harley had hoped Ayana would be tired, she sure as hell was. The sun had already dipped below the mountains, casting everything in a pink haze, but the little shapeshifting cub only giggled for more action as they entered the creaking wooden floors of the bar.
Most of the tribe was present filling the booths and milling around the bar, Killmonger included. after finding a space near the ancient jukebox, Harley tossed Ayana up in the air. They had played this game plenty of times before, it being Ayana’s favorite after all, always leaving her shrieking with giggles. Things were different today though. Harley tossed Ayana into the air, smiling as she shrieked with laughter, arms out to catch her. Just as she was about to come down, Ayana vanished with a pop.
“Ayana?” Harley called out cautiously. The bar had gone silent, but Harley kept looking. Magical children had a way of manifesting and manipulating the electrical energy in the air. Get one kid a little too excited and he turns blue, another might turn into a toad. This could just be something like that. Harley prayed it was something like that. Seconds passed with no answer and a sick lump settled in Harley’s stomach.
“Where the fuck is my daughter Harley?” Killmonger looked just as furious as he had the day she met him but she didn’t flinch, too busy trying to work out what the fuck had just happened.
“How the fuck should I know ‘Monger?” Harley’s voice was frantic. Even as a witch, nothing like this had ever happened. She’s never seen a kid vanish in thin air.
“You were holding her ass! Everybody saw it!”
“Yeah and everybody saw her dis-a-fucking-pear too!” Harley waved her arms wildly, sweeping across the room. The Golden Jags were silent and stoic and for the first time since she started rolling with the Jags, Harley felt unwelcome
Killmonger couldn’t believe this shit. He barely even hired the witch and now his kid is just gone. For a moment he had actually thought they might be able to get along. The girl is quick as a whip and her pound cake is to die for. Now Killmonger wanted to kick himself for even imagining that he could trust Ayana with anyone but him.
“I don’t know what you did witch, but you better get my daughter back or that cut you’re wearing is going to be on a corpse.”
Harley barely registered the threat, mind going a mile a minute drawing up all kinds of answers to explain Ayana’s disappearance.
Earth Stream 245: October 1, 2040
Erik Stevens is the best at what he does. He knows that. The cops know that. Hell, that bumfuck of a president even knows that. None of that knowledge has helped Erik live in anything other than a shitty apartment, paying shitty rent, in the shitty town of Ortega. And the coffee sucks too. Well that might be dramatic. Ortega is a nice town, and the coffee might be more of Erik’s fault than anyone else’s, but every nice place has its dark side. It’s a good thing he loves what he does.
Jules Fay spent twenty minutes loitering in her car outside of the office building. She spent another five gazing at the directory searching for the man she prayed would fix her problems. Another two minutes were wasted with her hand poised in front of the door, ready to knock. Before she did, she read over the name on the glass one more time. Erik Stevens, Private Investigator.
Erik welcomed his 4:00 appointment in at 4:16, noting her clenched fists and gnawed lip. He gestured for her to sit, taking a seat of his own behind his desk. He didn’t even get a chance to offer her water before she spoke hurriedly.
“Detective Stevens, sir—”
“Please m’am, I’m not a part of the police force, just call me Erik.” The woman nodded reluctantly, but didn’t quite manage to change his moniker completely. Erik didn’t bother to offer the woman his shitty coffee, he didn’t want to make her day worse.
“Mr. Stevens sir, my daughter is missing.”
“How long has she been gone?” Erik’s pen was poised for her answer, already in work mode. He’d solved plenty of missing persons cases. Not all of them ended in happy reunions, but at least the families didn’t have to worry any longer than necessary.
“A few hours.”
“Call me Jules, please.” Erik nodded and checked his tone. The woman was clearly frantic, but if it’s only been a few hours…It could be anything.
“Jules, if it’s only been a couple of hours, how can you be sure she’s missing?”
“She didn’t text me last night after work. She always tells me when she gets home after work. She never did. She didn’t show up for work today and she’s not answering any of my texts or calls.” The words tripped over themselves on their way out of her mouth, and her fingers tapped an unrelenting rhythm on the arm of the chair.
“Did you two have an argument?”
“No! That’s what I’m trying to tell you. There is no reason for her not to respond to me.”
“And you haven’t gone to the police beca—”
“It hasn’t been long enough for them to start an investigation. Besides, the cops aren’t going to do shit, and I heard…Well I heard you are the best at finding our missing girls.” It was true, Erik had singlehandedly brought home 12 kidnapped girls for his community and a few more with the “help” of the police. At this point, it is what he is known for. Finding the children the cops so conveniently “forgot”. He still hesitated to take the case. What if this is the one I can’t solve?
“Mr. Stevens, please. She’s all I have. If she ran away that’s fine, you don’t have to bring her back, I just need to know she’s okay.” The words tumbled out of her mouth, the same as before.
‘One day there’s going to be a case you can’t solve Stevens.’ Erik pushed away the voice of his old captain and shoved his worries aside. This woman needed help, and that’s why he got into the business anyways. To help. He swallowed a gulp of his lukewarm coffee with a grimace.
“I’ll find her.”
A/N: So…uh…..yeah…..there’s gonna be like…3 Erik’s in this. (yikes) This is a complete departure from anything I’ve ever done so…this is purely experimental. I think one day I��d like to turn it into a TV show but who knows?  It’s definitely the biggest idea I’ve had for a fic. It will be four parts and I’ll release a new part every Friday so stay tuned for more next week!
This all started cause I read The Bookstore by @wawakanda-btch and wanted to write a Vampire!Erik fic...remember this post? Yeah, that was for this fic. I’ve been cooking this up for months lol. I’m just going to say that this is what happens when you watch Orphan Black and Vampire Diaries and True Blood and Sons of Anarchy and Rick & Morty in one lifetime...inspiration lol
Let me know what y’all think! You know I love your comments! Thanks for reading!
The Mystery of the Golden Fang Mood Board
A Map Made in Heaven
Taglist: @princessstevens @muse-of-mbaku @k-michaelis @queenamaniii @thatrandomfangirl98 @dreadedphilosphy @killmongurl @thelovelyliterary @elaindeereads @thedom223 @bidibidibombaclaat@thatrandomfangirl98 @panthergoddessbast @nemesispawn @writingmarvellousimagines @someareblindtoitsbeauty @jozigrrl @iamrheaspeaks @thadelightfulone 
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areiton · 6 years
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I read a lot of fic this year. Like an obscene amount of fic. But here are the top 17, in no particular order. (Also because I read too much, a list of honorable mentions at the bottom!)
1. Strive Seek Find Yield | Spirk
Spock is heir to the Federation throne, Jim is Prince of America because his fucking brother abdicated, and the Klingons are on the verge of blowing shit up--a love story.
2. Blue Fields | Spirk
In his thirteenth year James Kirk ends up on Tarsus IV with his aunt and uncle. During the famine he takes refuge with a six year-old named Kevin Riley and a young half-Vulcan.
3. Like Moses & Batman & James Dean  | Destiel
dean used to turn tricks. over a decade later, he met cas.
4. The Real Meaning of Idioms | Johnlock
After two weeks away, John finally texts Sherlock. He doesn't expect Sherlock to respond. He doesn't expect Sherlock to keep texting him. And he really doesn't expect things to spiral out of control so rapidly.
5. A Turn of the Earth | Destiel
Dean’s your typical half-orphaned, monster-killing 22-year-old until a trenchcoated stranger crashes into his back windshield one September night, claiming he’s an angel that knows him from the future and that he’s on the run.
Frigging fantastic.
(Or, in which Castiel gets stuck in Dean’s timeline preseries and Dean kind of hates it—until he doesn’t.)
6.   Magpie | Spirk
Spock met Jim when he was 7 and Jim was 6. It has since been generally agreed that this was a mistake (or: the one where they grow up together and things are simultaneously better and worse for it).
7. Switch | McKirk
The life and times of Leonard H. McCoy MD/PhD …
If Leonard McCoy's life could get any fucking weirder, it would be … Jesus, he didn't even want to think what that could possibly mean, because it's already been too fucking weird to make any kind of rational sense.
A Starfleet Academy story, set in the ST:XI universe.
8.  For Gladness of You  | Spirk
In which shit goes down in no particular order: Jim almost starts a war, Spock gets tortured, Jim gets kidnapped, Jim gets tortured, Spock gets not-quite-kidnapped, Jim takes the Enterprise joyriding, and mysterious Vulcans with their even more mysterious leader hop a ride for a few weeks. But that’s not what the story’s about. It’s about this: Jim was always going to fall in love with Spock – boldly, recklessly. He just didn’t expect to stay that way. A story about getting over all that.
9. children of a bad revolution | sterek
Far away and long ago, the only companion Derek has, the only friend and enemy he's known since he was young, is the chain.
Then Stiles happens.
Then the crows.
Then the end of the world.
10.  with bloody feet across hallowed ground | Sterek
There were no last words. No more pleas, no more screaming. Just the sound of Stiles squeezing the trigger, the explosion of a second shot rocketing out of the revolver, and the hunters bursting through the open doorway just in time to see the bullet slam squarely into the center of Derek’s chest.
11. (sacred) in the ordinary | Sterek
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time.
Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious.
Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles
12. give me back my bones | Sterek
Derek meets Stiles on a Wednesday. He comes in for his usual cup of coffee and somehow walks out with hot chocolate, cinnamon on the top, and no idea what just happened there.
13. sell your body to the night | Sterek
"No," he repeated impatiently. "I'm not a cop. I'm someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work."
"I, uh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up--the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. "Yeah, I am. I do that."
14. the payoff pitch | Sterek
Derek is on the cusp of his second season with the LA Dodgers, and as the reigning runner-up Rookie of the Year, the pressure’s on him to become the team’s star pitcher and lead them to the playoffs for the first time in five years. He’s trying to deal with the burden of expectations and really has zero desire to spend any extra time or energy on anything that isn’t baseball.
But then he meets Stiles.
15.  between dogs and wolves | Sterek
"This is…not four million in cash,” remarks Stilinski.
“Isaac. Did you fail to get my money back and decided to pick up a stripper on the road to bribe me? Because let me make this perfectly clear: this would totally work. Well done.”
The mafia!AU where the Hales owe four million to the Stilinskis, Laura rents Derek (but not as a stripper), Stiles gets a new favorite, Derek gets a new boss, a new puppy and a new family.
Sometimes they break people, but mainly, they just snark at each other.
16. those are the days that bind us | Sterek
His father wasn’t stupid. He was an officer of the law, trained to look for patterns. He confronted Stiles about werewolves and they shouted and Stiles tried to explain but his father was so, so, so mad, more mad than Stiles had ever seen him, ever in all his life and then his father looked at him and said,
“It’s like you’re not my son anymore.”
And Stiles broke.
17. fixer upper | Sterek
After the events of 5a, Stiles is estranged from Scott--and by association, the pack. Derek is off finding himself, or, at least, Germany and some other places. There's a lot of texting and post cards and then Derek comes back to find Stiles missing. Worse, nobody seems to remember Stiles existing.
Honorable Mentions
the world forgetting, by the world forgot*
we knew the hands of the devil*
the lighthouse keeper*
painted wooden letters*
come with me and walk the longest mile*
the lure of the moon*
A Crooked Way to Fly*
The Blood Blooms Clean in You, Ruby*
Here Comes Trouble*
The Waves that Rolled You Under*
Wolf in the House*
Hide of a Life of War*
Spark, Smolder, Catch*
Hold the Door* - Supernatural crossover
Forgive Yourself for Not Being Ready*
love always wakes the dragon*
don't fuss over me*
Star Trek RPF
flightless bird, american mouth*
A Passage that Sings*
Star Trek
When I Grow Up I'll be A Monster*
(This entire series is fucking AMAZING)
Turning Point*
The Cold Fusion Job*
Beyond the Weight of Submission*
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alisamaefawn394 · 3 years
Hello and welcome to another #alisa rants about school , because I’m LOSING IT.
Some of my teachers are doing fuck all. Others are setting us WAY TOO MUCH. Find a happy medium and stick to it.
My 1h45 minutes of french has been trimmed down so much that my wednesday lessons are barely worth going to because with connectivity issues we get nothing done.
Whereas we have 2 and a half hours SOLID of English on a Thursday where were constany working and sharing, more than we used to in class because then at least we had a break. Then she sets us heaps of work.
My one teacher is coming on for 10 minutes in a Thursday to tell me ive done something wrong and give me more work, and on a Monday she’ll either do the same or bother me for 2 and a half hours.
My supervisor hasn’t replied to my fucking emails about a progress meeting so I can’t do that. The teacher who is working is boneless has pissed me off beyond compare by ignoring me in form and asking me for assignments I turned in MONTHS ago and telling me I need to ‘do better’ when I’m top of the class and have extra work done and I’m getting As on my essays.
Then my other two teachers are chill. They make Tuesdays - my worst days - better. My French teacher in the morning sits on call with me for an hour and doesn’t set me too much work but just goes through it leisurely with me, and then sets me a reasonable amount of homework. My English teacher in the afternoon lets me present my work and is always praising me, and she only keeps us for 90 minutes to an hour 45, and even in that gives us breathing time and chats to us.
In all fairness my other french teacher can’t help the timetable and hands she’s been given. 3 of us in different years and schedules for coming into school. And my Tuesday teachers are fab. The other three need to get it together or I’ll be complaining very soon.
0 notes
ktrsss1fics · 7 years
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There is a saying that says, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
In order for something to happen in Vegas, Georgina Ferguson needed to get to Las Vegas. She should have been getting ready for brunch with the girls but she wasn’t. She was currently stuck in a window seat on an overcrowded Delta plane at LAX. They had been stuck at the gate for the past forty-five minutes. She was on her way to meet her friends to celebrate Mags’ birthday and to watch Niall perform at the iHeartRadio festival.
At that very moment, she regretted her decision to book the flight. Her original plan was to drive out after work Friday night. She could have slept on the floor in Brittany’s room and enjoyed an extra night out with her friends. The universe had other plans for her. Georgina didn’t get out of the office until half past eight. By the time she finished packing, she’d be driving through the desert in the dead of the night. Too many dangerous hypotheticals had filled her brain so she decided against it.
Since arriving back from Aruba, she tried to be more of an active participant in her social life. She tried to not let work consume her. She spent a few nights a week bouncing between the homes of her friends. Most of those nights were filled with food and laughter. On the nights she wasn’t trying to change her friends’ perception of her, Georgina was sat in a theater room with a bottle of wine and a curious puppy.
Niall’s adoption of Scout had been beneficial to the entire group. They had something to occupy their time while he was gone. Scout took day trips with Britt and Dave, stayed the weekends with Mags and Jamie, and spent the rest of her time at Georgina’s flat. The little chocolate lab was a constant reminder of their Irish best friend. Everyone tried to spend as much time with her as possible.
When the plane finally was up in the air, Georgina used her time to mentally prepare for the weekend. Her itinerary included a little bit of gambling, some fun by the pool, and a good amount of alcohol. She had no issues with those plans. She had actually been looking forward to them all week.
There was one thing that she was worried about.
It was going to be the first time she’s seen Niall since he left.
They texted every day and FaceTimed when he could but things were different. She’d get to see him in the flesh for the first time in a month and she was nervous about it.
She was nervous that things were going to be different. She was nervous that him being away would change where things were headed. She was nervous that he had found someone new.
She knew it was her insecurities poisoning her mind. She hadn’t been in this phase of a relationship in a very long time. The last time she had a serious crush on someone was when she was thirteen. The last time she wanted to get to know someone better she still had posters of Take That on her walls. She felt like the rusted Tin Man in the forest and Dorothy hadn’t found her yet.
By the time she came out of her thoughts, the plane was ready to make its final descent. She hadn’t realized how quick the flight had been. She made a mental checklist of what she needed to do as soon as she got off the plane. When she headed to baggage claim, she turned her cell phone back on. A flurry of notifications flew across the screen. There were a few messages from work and a voicemail from her mother. The rest of the notifications were from her friends giving her a hard time for being late. She watched a series of videos on Snapchat of Niall and the boys giving her a lecture. Hearing his laugh, seeing his face, and realizing in a short few hours she’d be able to be in his presence made her nerves start to fade.
Her luggage came around the conveyor belt quicker than she anticipated. She was in the middle of setting up a ride on Lyft when the llama luggage tag her brother gifted her last Christmas caught her eye. As she went to grab her bag, a text message came in. Apparently, there was a car waiting to pick her up. She was so surprised by the gesture that she didn’t pick her bag up in time. She took a deep breath as she waited for it to come around again. She needed to get it together.
With her luggage in hand, she made her way towards the exit. A dark haired man, waiting by a black town car, held a sign with her name on it. Niall always thought of everything. The man was from Texas and reminded of her father’s brother. He made a few jokes as they fought through airport traffic. She sent the girls a message letting them know she was on her way.
Jenna’s aunt had helped the group get a block of rooms at a discounted rate at the Cosmopolitan. From the pictures that were sent, the rooms were nicer than all of their homes combined. It was going to be a good time.
As the car turned onto Tropicana, a wave of electricity shot through her body.
She made it.
She was in Las Vegas and she was ready for whatever the weekend had in store.
As soon as she got to the hotel, Georgina checked in and headed straight to her room. She wanted to change out of her flight clothes and into something more comfortable before she saw her friends. She pulled out two birthday cards from her carry-on bag. The one for Mags was filled out within a few seconds. She gushed about their friendship and how much she appreciated the older sister influence Mags brought to her life. The second card was left blank.
She didn’t know what she wanted to say -- not yet at least.
She grabbed one of the wrapped gifts from her luggage and her purse before leaving the room. Almost instantly, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She had put a ban on all work business for the weekend. When Debra’s name appeared on the screen, she knew that ban was a good idea. She hit ignore as someone catcalled her from down the hall. She looked up to find Jamie standing with a smug look his face and a bucket of ice in his hand.
“Does your lady know you’re catcalling other women?” Georgina asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Ehh, she won’t mind it.” He smiled as he waited for her to catch up.
Georgina picked up her pace until she met him. They shared a brief embrace before falling in stride with one another.
“You fly the plane here yourself, Ferguson?” He teased as they stopped in front of a room.
“Feels like it.” She sighed.
“You just missed Ni.” Jamie said trying to get his room key out of his wallet. “He had to go do soundcheck or an interview or something official.”
Georgina took the ice bucket trying to help, “Oh. How was brunch?”
“Bit overpriced if you ask me.” He shrugged. “But it was nice. Right now we are trying to make a plan. The um girls were thinking about going to the pool. The lads and I were going to start drinking. You are welcome to join either group.”
“Good to know.” She smiled. “How’s she doing?”
“Countdown to thirty has already started.” He said shaking his head.
“Is she mad I missed brunch?” Georgina asked slightly worried.
Jamie looked surprised. “No way. She totally understands. She had a meltdown Wednesday night because she didn’t think she’d get everything done on Thursday. Work comes first.”
“I feel so guilty.” She sighed. “I’ve been doing good lately. I just don’t want you guys to go back to disliking me because I work all the time.”
“Fergie, you need to cut yourself some slack. You’re doing your best and it shows. No one hates you.” He said stroking her back gently. “No one ever has.”
“But in Aruba…” She started to say but stopped when he turned to open the door.
“That was Keith being a twat.” Jamie shook his head. “We might give you shit but it’s because we love ya.”
Georgina faked a smile stepping inside the room, “If you say so James.”
“Who’s there?” Brittany’s distinct voice called out as she leaned towards the door. “Hey babe!”
“Fergie!” Mags squealed as she stepped out of the bathroom.
The two women pulled each other into a tight embrace.
“I’m so sorry I missed it.” She whispered in the older girl’s ear.
“Hush! You’re alright love.” Mags squeezed her a little tighter. “Didn’t miss much.”
“First rounds on me tonight, yeah?” Georgina said as she pulled away.
“Not gonna argue with that.” Mags winked before motioning towards the bar. “Help yourself.”
“Thanks.” She smiled before handing over the gift. “Happy Birthday!”
While Mags read her card, Georgina walked around the room greeting the rest of her friends. Brittany had gotten up to refill her drink. She filled up an extra flute of champagne and handed it to her best friend. Georgina placed a kiss on her as a sign of gratitude.
“Flight from hell?” Brittany asked with a laugh.
“You have no idea.” Georgina said taking a small sip from her glass.
“Did ya have a fucking layover in Wolvo or what?” Dave teased bringing over a container of orange juice for the blonde to add to her drink.
She put out her glass for him to fill. “It feels like it.”
“What took so long?” He asked topping it off.
Georgina tapped her glass against his as a thank you.
“Apparently, planes need fuel to fly.” She said dryly.
“You don’t say.” He replied in a faux posh accent.
“Shocking, I know.” She replied mimicking his tone.
“Ferguson, I love you!” Mags called from the room caressing a bottle of sherry.
“Love you too, Sister Mary Margaret.” Georgina teased making everyone in the room laugh.
“Who wants Bristol Cream?” Mags called out opening the bottle.
Brittany got up and headed across the room to fill up another cup.
Georgina felt Dave move closer to her. He raised his drink to cover his mouth but she couldn't understand what he was trying to say. He scanned the room. No one would notice if they slipped out onto the balcony.
Dave nodded towards the door and made his way outside. Georgina followed behind him. Once outside, she sat down on the chair in the corner. Her eyes trailed off to the sun soaked Strip as he sat down beside her.
Dave sipped on his beer slowly. Georgina took her eyes off the road and focused on him.
“What's up?” She asked nudging his leg.
“He's nervous.” He said keeping his eyes on the street.
It took a moment for Georgina to realize who he was referring to. Once she did, she didn't know how to respond.
“He's like really nervous.” He repeated.
“I would be too.” She stated deciding to play it cool. “I mean two performances in one day and all those people to sing too.”
“No babe. He's not nervous about that.” Dave said turning his attention to her. “He's done all that before. He’s used to playing massive crowds. He's nervous because he's going to be performing for you.”
She tried her best to fight off the blush that wanted so badly to form. “What?”
“You haven't seen him solo yet. He's worried he's not going to impress you.” Dave smiled.
“How do you know that?” She asked shyly.
“Told me during our cuddle this morning.” Dave said placing a hand on her leg.
Georgina’s face lit up. “Your what?”
“Britt went to Jenna’s room to help her with her hair so we just had a little cuddle and talked about the day.” Dave explained. “He just mentioned he was a bit worried that you wouldn't like it. You're the last one of the group to see him perform.”
She couldn't help but smile. Niall Horan was probably the sweetest boy she'd ever met. He always wanted to please his friends. He was such a perfectionist. If one of them wasn't pleased with something, he would try his best to fix it. He wanted them to like his music and so far he had succeeded.
Dave squeezed her leg, “Are you two together?”
She shook her head finishing off her glass. His straightforward approach took her by surprise.
“Really? He's more smitten than usual.” Dave said surprised. “I figured maybe you came to your senses.”
“We’re just friends.” She said glancing up at him.
Dave nodded. “Oh.”
“But like not like before. Like actual friends.” Georgina admitted softly.
“So you aren't being a dick to him anymore, that's good to know.” He teased making her blush. “That's probably why he's a lot happier.”
“He uh cares a lot. I couldn't do that to him.” She admitted. “I mean he's Marcus but he's not Marcus, ya know?”
Dave looked confused before it hit him. “Fuck. He's Marcus.”
She nodded slowly. “That's why I hated him.”
“But he's like top shelf Marcus,” Dave replied. “Like top shelf top class non-cheating Marcus.”
“So basically he’s not Marcus. He’s Niall.” She laughed making him smile.
“Yeah. Niall’s Niall.” Dave said.
“The reason I was looking for him that day was because I felt bad for being mean to him.”  She explained. “Our last dinner in Aruba made me realize everyone thinks I'm a bitch so I've been trying to fix it.”
Dave rolled his eyes. “Fuck Keith. His opinion doesn't matter.”
“Yeah well it put things into perspective.” She sighed. “So when I couldn't find him, I thought he left for Ireland already and I had been mean to him so I wanted to fix things.”
“And you fixed them. Kid still thinks you shit rainbows and butterflies.” Dave teased.
Georgina shoved him playfully. “Fuck off.”
He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “I didn't tell Britt and I won't tell her about this either.”
“Why not?” She asked watching him finish off his drink.
He shrugged. “Like keeping secrets with you.”
“Just like primary school.” Georgina said patting his leg. “Never did tell Britt you had a crush on her.”
“No but fucking Sophie did.” He grumbled.
“Can't say anything around the women in that family unless you want everyone to know it.” Georgina said as the balcony door opened.
“You convince her to make out with Ni, yet?” Mags asked with a smirk.
Dave’s eyes lit up as he scanned between the two women. “What?”
“Nothing!” They sang in unison.
He narrowed his eyes at them. “Don’t believe ya. I’ll be keepin’ my eyes on you two today.”
Mags rolled her eyes dramatically. “Wastin’ your time love.”
“It’s girl talk.” Georgina said patting his leg. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Fergie Ferg, we are going shopping at Caesars.” Mags said. “Wanna come?”
“Sure.” She smiled as she stood up.
“Georgina, if you want to make out with him, he’d let you.” Dave said patting her leg as she walked past him.
Mags and the rest of the girls started laughing loudly. Heat rushed to Georgina’s cheeks.
“Oh fuck off, all of ya.” She rolled her eyes as she headed inside.
The best thing about Las Vegas is the mentality that rules don't matter. What happens there, stays there. The possibilities are endless. A person can openly drink a cocktail, smoke a cigarette and gamble all while waiting for their morning breakfast. Naked women are sprawled across the streets of the Strip while men from Australia strip for bachelorette parties full of intoxicated women. Buffets of surf, turf, and everything in between are accessible twenty-four hours a day. Alcohol is served in bowls, pyramids, and even the Eiffel Tower. It's every wild child’s paradise.
Georgina was trying her best to live up to that wild child persona. So far she had won fifty dollars playing roulette, bought a Celine Dion shirt for her mother, and watched Mags spend too much money on a pair of shoes. She even splurged on some Taco Bell on the way to the arena where the concert was being held. She was already enjoying this trip a lot more than the last time she was in Sin City -- and she hadn't even seen Niall yet.
She felt good and that in itself felt good.
She currently stood beside Jenna in an overcrowded line at a concession stand. Britt and Mags were right behind them. The boys had sent them on a beer run. They were only a few songs away from when Niall was due on stage and the boys wanted to do a celebratory toast in his honor.
Georgina couldn't deny that she was a bit nervous. The fear of the unknown was always something she struggled with. Being that this was the first time she'd get to see Niall by himself, she didn't know what to expect. She knew he was a great performer. But he wasn't going to have those four moving parts around him and that was a scary thought. The rest of their friends had already seen him perform on more than one occasion. They made it to Wango Tango, they caravanned down to see him in San Diego, they made the trip out to be at Summertime Ball, and they scheduled their life around the LA date of his current tour.
She couldn't do that. Her job wouldn't allow it.
She fit a tinge of guilt when she thought about watching him sing. It had nearly been a year since he released his first solo single and she hadn't taken the time to see him sing it live. She knew that he understood. Her work schedule was hard to plan around. But there was something inside her that made her feel like a terrible friend for waiting so long.
That's part of the reason why she needed to get her hand on a pint before he came on stage. She needed something to calm her nerves.
By the time the girls got back to their seats, Ryan Seacrest took the stage to amp up the crowd before announcing who the next act was. As soon as Ireland left his lips, it was pretty obvious who it was going to be.
A boisterous chant began as the lights went out. High pitched squeals and mind-numbing screams filled the air. The lights went out. A drum beat started to play as Georgina held her breath.
This was it. The moment she was waiting for.
By the time the rest of the band kicked in, a spotlight shone brightly on center stage. A charismatic boy from the midlands of Ireland stood with a guitar and a beaming smile on his face. As soon as the first note left his lips, Georgina and the group of women standing in front of her were done for. They had perfect reason to be. His voice sounded even better in person.
Two songs in, Georgina almost couldn’t believe her eyes. Niall Horan was the ultimate performer. The way he moved around the stage and interacted with the audience was electric. His dedication to his craft was admirable. Everyone in the stadium could tell that he genuinely loved what he was doing. He had grown so much since she’d seen him last. He wasn’t just the fourth member of a boy band. He was a confident (and incredibly sexy) independent artist with a story to tell. She watched the group of women in front of her melt over the boy who was so drunk at Jamie’s 30th that he sang a potted plant to sleep.
His set was short but the songs he chose were memorable.With one song left, Niall rested an arm on his mic stand while taking a sip from a bottle of water. The cameraman focused in on his face. A mischievous glint shone in his eye. That look was infamous amongst the group -- especially was booze was involved. Georgina didn’t know what was about to happen but she knew it was going to be good.
Niall grabbed the mic off the stand and put the bottle on the floor. “Oi Vegas!”
The crowd cheered in response.
“Mr. Cameraman, can you put the camera on the spot that we discussed earlier?” He asked with a smile.
Georgina watched as the camera scanned the crowd. It wasn’t long until her face was being projected across the jumbo screen. Brittany and Dave erupted into laughter.
“Oh look it’s Fergie! Hey Ferg.” Niall cheered into the mic.
Her eyes went wide as all eyes focused on her. She raised her pint in front of her face trying to hide but it didn’t work. Niall’s infamous laugh erupted loudly through the sound system. Georgina shook her head. She could feel her entire body getting warm from the attention.
“Why ya – why ya shakin’ your head at me? Is it the attention? Am I embarassin’ ya?” He asked with a  cheeky grin. “If any of you want to know any facts about flowers, Fergie’s your girl.”
Georgina casually flipped him off making the rest of her friends laugh. The group of women in front of her were quick to shoot dirty looks in her direction but she didn’t care. Niall was proving that things were going to be fine between them.
The smile on Niall’s face grew even bigger. “Fat Tuesday later?”
Wolf whistles escaped the lips of Jamie and Dave causing Georgina’s skin to grow pink.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He winked. He cleared his throat. “Anyways, we have to go over one more person. Op! There were go. Ladies and gentlemen, this is my friend Mags.”
Maggie dramatically took a bow making him laugh.
“Today is her twenty-ninth birthday.” He said making the crowd scream.
“You see the handsome devil on her left? That’s her fella Jamie.” Niall explained. “When the last song I’m gonna play tonight first came out, he was obsessed with it.”
“What is he doing?” Mags asked not knowing what was going on.
“Sang it in the shower, at the gym, on his way to work.” Niall laughed looking directly at his friend. “He sang it so much that little Miss Mags banned him from singin’ it.”
He jutted out his hip and started to mimic Mags’ accent. “If you aren’t Niall, you aren’t singin’ it.”
His entire group of friends keeled over in laughter. His impression was spot on.
“Anyways, if it’s alright with Miss Margaret, the last song of the night will be a little tune called ‘This Town’.” Niall said with a smile. “Is that alright with the Birthday Girl?”
The small brunette sent a double thumbs up towards the stage. The crowd cheered happily.
With a nod of his head, Niall placed the mic back on his stand as his drummer counted him in. The folky song about falling in love in a small town engrossed the audience. Brittany linked her arm around Georgina’s as a soft sing-along took form.
Jamie started off the song in perfect sync with Niall. By the time chorus came around for a second time, his singing stopped. No one really noticed though. No one saw him pull a box out of his pocket and get down on one knee. Mags gave him a confused look as he tugged on her hand. He started to speak but the sounds of the crowd made it hard to hear.
He realized his plan wasn’t working so he put a new one into place. This caught the eye of everyone around them. Tears formed in the eyes of Georgina and Brittany as they saw what was happening. Jamie opened the box to reveal a large diamond ring.
Without a second thought, Mags agreed. Jamie stood up and pulled her into his arms. A sweet embrace was shared between the newly engaged couple as the song came to an end. Niall peered into the crowd looking for his friends. Before thanking everyone for watching his play, he called out Jamie’s name hoping for good news. The cameraman panned the crowd until their group appeared once. Mags held up her hand showing off the ring that had just been put on. With a large smile on his face, Niall let out a small cheer before hopping off stage.
The lights went out and everyone prepared for the next performer to come on stage. Jenna worked her way over to the other girls. She pulled them into a group hug. Congratulatory kisses were placed across Mags’ face as her ring was inspected. They couldn’t believe what just happened. Their friends were engaged and the entire world got to see it.
Before the next performer went on, Georgina and the gang headed back to the hotel. They grabbed a few boxed meals from Taco Bell and a couple bottles of alcohol on their way up to Jamie and Mags’ room. A feast fit for a frat house commenced as they waited for Niall to join.
“Jim Jam, you take a loan out for that rock?” Georgina asked taking a sip of her mixed drink.
“I know Daddy Warbucks.” Jenna joked patting his back.
“Very funny.” Jamie rolled his eyes. “It was six months of overtime actually.”
“It’s stunning.” Brittany said grabbing Mags’ hand. “Absolutely stunning.”
“Way to put the pressure on mate.” Dave said. “We’ve got to compete with an entire planet.”
“Size shouldn’t matter.” Georgina said.
“We’ll uh let Ni know you think that.” Mags winked making the other girls laugh.
Heat rushed to Georgina’s cheeks as the boys started to join in on the teasing.
“I mean we aren’t sayin’ that’s an issue with him but uh it’s nice to know, right?” Keith said.
“Why do you guys always get naked together?” Brittany rolled her eyes.
Dave shook his head. “What we do by ourselves is none of your business.”
“You are all idiots.” Georgina said as a knock came to the door.
“Yeah yeah but you love us.” Jamie said as he left to answer it.
Standing with two magnum bottles of champagne and an excited look on his face was the group’s favorite Irishman.
“Nialler!” Brittany and Jenna cheered as he stepped inside.
Mags made her way towards him. “You are a little shit Niall Horan.”
“You loved every second of it..” Niall said with arms wide open.
“You’re right.” She whispered pulling him in for a hug. “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
“Congratulations babe.” He said placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Let’s get those bottles opened.” Keith said getting plastic cups ready.
Niall handed the bottles over before going around the room saying hello and thanking his friends for coming to see him play. With a half eaten taco in her hand, Georgina watched Niall joke around with Dave. He looked happy -- like genuinely happy --  and that made her happy.
He casually slipped away from Dave and made his way towards her. She put down her food and stood up from her spot on the couch. The light in his baby blue eyes grew a little brighter as he saw the smile on her face. He opened his mouth to thank her for coming but she stopped him.
“You’re a little shit Horan.” Georgina said shaking her head.
Niall just laughed before pulling her into his arms. She sighed as he held her close.
He whispered in her ear, “Have I fucking missed you…”
“Can’t say the same.” She said as he tightened his grip on her.
Niall pulled his head away from her confused. “Why?”
Georgina stood back and hit him in the arm. “Four fucking people asked me for flower facts before we left!”
Niall giggled trying to defend himself from her. “Fergie! I’m sorry. I thought I was bein’ funny.”
“You do know a lot about flowers, G.” Brittany said eavesdropping.
“Yeah well that doesn’t mean the whole world needs to know.” She said shyly.
“Ferg, you bring those black heels for me?” Jenna asked from across the room.
Georgina turned her attention towards her friend. “Yeah have ‘em in me room.”
“I need them before we leave.” She said taking a sip of her champagne.
“What are we gonna do?” Jamie asked. “Like what’s the game plan?”
“First we are going to toast to the happy couple.” Dave said raising his cup in the air.
“Oi oi!” Niall said slinging an arm around Georgina’s shoulder.
“Out of all of us, we knew it’d be you two first. Congratulations to Jamie and Mags.” Brittany said as the rest of the group finished their drinks.
“Now that that’s taken care of, we need to get fucked up.” Dave said casually. “Only logical.”
“Why don’t the ladies get ready while us men head downstairs and pillage the tables?” Jamie suggested.
“Sounds good to me.” Mags nodded. “Ferg, did you bring your big curling iron?”
“Yeah in me room.” She said. “And Britt, I brought the lipstick you asked for.”
“Girls trip to Ferg’s room.” Jenna said heading for the door. “Bye boys.”
Georgina turned towards Niall. “I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Ni, you gonna come with us?” Dave asked as the rest of the girls made their way to the door.
“I need to get a quick shower in first. Kinda sweaty and need to calm down after all that.” Niall said. “But I’ll meet you down there when I’m done.”
“Sounds good. We’ll see ya there mate.” Jamie said. “You two change your shit and let’s go.”
The group headed their separate ways. The boys got dressed and headed down to have a few cigars at the bar. The girls made their way to Georgina’s room in search of things they needed to get ready. When she opened the door, a surprise was waiting for her.
Sitting on the dresser near the television was a gorgeous floral arrangement.
The group of women couldn’t believe it. These weren’t the run of the mill arrangements bought at the farmer’s market. These were top-dollar boutique flowers. Georgina had a feeling about who they came from but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
“What the fuck?” Mags whispered. “Georgina! Who are they from?”
“There’s no note.” Georgina said smelling them.
“You’ve got a secret admirer, G.” Brittany nudged her.
“I wonder who they’re from.” Jenna said touching a few of the petals.
Georgina turned to look at her friends. “You guys did this. Didn’t you?”
Jenna, Mags, and Brittany looked at her confused.
“If this is you three sending these pretending to be Niall so I will make out with him, I swear to God I’m going to lose my shit.” Georgina said with a sigh.
Mags cackled loudly, “That would be fuckin’ brilliant.”
“If we were pretending to be The Baby, we’d leave a note.” Jenna said crossing her arms over her chest.
“And we wouldn’t spend this much money on ya.” Brittany winked.
Georgina rolled her eyes. “You three are such bitches sometimes.”
“We are only jokin’ babe. Bit of banter.” Mags said softly. “We love ya too much to be that cruel.”
Georgina’s cheeks grew a little warm. Maybe there were from Niall after all.
“Maybe there were for Mags and they got delivered to the wrong room.” Jenna suggested.
“Or it could be that new guy at work. What’s his name Ferg? Nasty Nate?” Brittany asked.
“Nathaniel?” Georgina said running a hand over the top of the arrangement. “I hope not.”
“What if it was Marcus?” Brittany teased.
“You can fuck right off Brittany Anne.” Georgina glared.
“I'm only joking. He wouldn't be able to afford anything this nice.” Brittany said heading towards Georgina’s luggage.
“Whoever sent it has good taste.” Jenna sighed.
“Why ya sighin?” Georgina asked stroking Jenna’s back lovingly.
“Just bein’ a jealous sad sap.” Jenna shrugged. “I think I need to get drunk.”
“That's our cue to get this show on the road.” Mags said linking her fingers with Jenna’s.
Brittany grabbed everything Georgina had brought for her friends. “Thanks for this babe.”
“Yeah no worries. Are we meeting back at Mags?” She asked heading for her bag.
Mags nodded. “Whenever you're ready.”
“Brilliant. See you then.” Georgina said as her friends headed back to their own rooms.
She barely got a shower in when a knock came to her door. With a toothbrush in her mouth and a towel on her head, she answered it. Standing in a button up shirt and a nice pair of nice jeans was a very tired looking Niall Horan. His hair was freshly tousled and his cologne was doing its best to reel her in.
“Sorry, your kind isn't allowed round these parts.” She said dryly.
“Why's that?” He asked shoving his hands in his pockets.
Georgina shrugged. “Don't really like your face.”
Niall rolled his eyes and walked past her. She headed back into the bathroom to finish brushing her teeth.
“Why aren't you going down with the boys?” She asked before splashing water on her face.
“Just wanted a few minutes to myself.” He called back from the other room.
“But you aren't --” She mumbled into the towel she was using to dry herself.
“You know what I mean Ferg.” He sighed.
“You spent too much time with them already.” She called back as she plugged in her hair dryer.
“Kinda. Just needed some time to regroup after all the chaos of today.” He explained.
“Understandable.” She said throwing her wet towel on the floor. “Not gonna be able to hear you for a bit so don't say anything important.”
“Won’t profess me undying love for you, don't worry.” He mumbled dryly.
Georgina rolled her eyes as she ran a comb through her hair.
He was such a little shit.
As he waited to spend some time with the one girl he’d been missing the most, Niall laid down on her bed and closed his eyes. It wasn’t even ten o'clock yet and the pop star wanted nothing more than to go to sleep. The past week was finally catching up to him -- the anticipation of seeing his friends, the excitement of performing in front of that large of a crowd, the travel, the night of drinking the night before. It was all too much for the twenty-four year old.
He needed a recharge but he knew it wasn’t going to happen any time soon.
They were in Vegas after all.
They were in Vegas. He really couldn’t believe it. He had been waiting for this day since he left for tour. They were finally reunited, even if it was for a night. Just knowing Fergie was going to be in the same vicinity as him boosted morale.
Georgina had unfortunately missed his show in LA. He knew she tried her best to be there but as usual her job got in the way. He was disappointed but there was a small part of him that was relieved. The amount of pressure he had put on himself to be perfect was ridiculous. The amount of pressure he put on himself to be perfect for Georgina was even worse.
He wanted her to like him. He wanted her to like his performance, his songs, his stage persona. She had always been a tough critic. Unlike their friends, she’d tell him the truth no matter how much it hurt. In the industry he was in, he needed those type of people in his life.
When he heard the dryer turn off, he knew he had two options. He could get up and be proactive about finding out her opinion or he could wait for her to come to him. He chose the latter.
“Ni?” Georgina called from the bathroom. “Do you know what clubs we are going to?”
“Omnia, I think.” He said trying to remember if the girls had said something earlier. “Maybe XS.”
“Hopefully not Hakkasan.” She said quietly.
The corners up his lips turned up into a smile. “Why not?”
“Niall Horan, you know the answer to that!” She exclaimed.
“Fergie, everyone’s forgot about that.” He laughed. “No one even saw you fall.”
“Clearly, that’s a lie!” She said stepping out of the bathroom.
“I know it is.” He laughed.”But I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“Alright Mr. Life of the Party.” Georgina teased. She smiled at the sight she saw. He was curled up in a ball ready to fall asleep.
“You like the flowers? I did some research and did you know that striped carnations--” He started to say.
Georgina quickly interjected. “Mean I miss you.”
“Of course you knew that.” He mumbled shyly.
“Thanks for not including a card.” She said sitting beside him on the bed. “Sherlock, Watson, and Agatha were havin’ a field day trying to figure out who they were from.”
A deep belly laugh escaped his lips as he opened his eyes, “Really?”
Georgina nodded. “I tried to make them feel bad by saying they sent them as a  way to convince me to make out with you.”
“Why is the thought of us making out such a horrible idea?” He asked softly.
She shook her head before laying down beside him. His arm immediately pulled her closer.
“Us making out isn’t the issue.” She whispered. “It’s doing it in front of them.”
“We’d get shit for days.” He sighed kissing her forehead. “I know baby girl, I know.”
Georgina sighed nuzzing into his neck. “Let’s take a nap.”
“You’re supposed to be the disciplined one.” He whined.
“We can take twenty minutes.” She yawned. “Then you need to leave and go be a lad.”
“I want to be the old man of the group.” Niall yawned in return closing his eyes.
“You can’t. You’re the baby.” She said. “Speaking of, I got you a gift. You want it now?”
“There isn’t enough time for a nap and a blow job, love.” He deadpanned.
“Fine.” She grumbled in mock annoyance.
He peered out of one eye, “Wait, are you being serious?”
“You rejected my offer so the world will never know.” She smirked.
Niall leaned forward and placed his lips to hers, “You’re a brat Ferguson.”
She didn’t say anything. She just leaned in a little closer and kissed him.
This was the kiss that they had been waiting for. The kiss that had been building since the day that he left. The kiss that savored good morning snaps and good night texts. The kiss that had been on his mind all morning. The kiss that she had been wanting to give the moment she saw his face.The kiss that sent a shock through his entire body and woke him up.
He snaked his hand through her hair holding onto the back of her neck. The slow and intimate kiss turned into a few quick pecks as his lower lip got caught between her teeth. He took this as a sign. In one fell swoop, Georgina was on her back and his body was rested on top of hers.
The sexual frustration that had built up was finally being released. His hand made its way down to her hip. He held on tight. He was going to appreciate every inch of her body while he got the chance. As his lips worked against hers, she arched her back pressing herself against him.
It happened quickly. Flesh was bitten, a few moans escaped, and as soon as she felt his hardened member press against her, she knew it was on. Her hands slid down his midsection heading for his belt. It wasn’t until she got it undone that he pulled away.
“Ferg.” He panted. “We-we can’t.”
Georgina sighed. “I know.”
Niall nudged her nose with his own. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She mumbled into his lips. “Was fun while it lasted.”
He peeled himself off of her and rolled onto his back. A deep rooted sigh left his lips.
She patted his stomach gently. “Night’s still young kid.”
“Yeah but Jamie is going to want to get obliterated.” He said as she rested her head on his chest. “And that means it’ll be a no-go.”
“Just ‘cause they are doesn’t mean you have to.” She said looking up at him.
“Right.” He said sarcastically. “Like that’ll work.”
“Well I’m not going to drink that much.” She declared.
“Like that’s going to work, love.” He tickled her playfully.
“Stop.” She giggled. “Niall! Stop.”
He interlocked her fingers with his.
“I’m just gonna blame it on work.” Niall decided. “Which isn’t lying. I can’t drink that much.”
“Don't forget you owe me a drink from Fat Tuesday.” Georgina whispered.
“I know.” He kissed her forehead. “Maybe two.”
“Ooh, someone’s doin’ well for ‘imself.” She quipped in a posh accent.
He blushed. “Fuck off Georgina.”
“Niall Horan, I will deny this if you ever bring it up in front of anyone but I’ve missed this.” She admitted looking up at him. “A lot.”
“Missed what?” He asked.
“This.” She motioned towards the two of them. “The banter. Hangin’ with ya. Us.”
“So really you just missed making fun of me? That’s real great Ferg.” He rolled his eyes.
Georgina nuzzled into his neck. “Can you please say that again in your whiny voice?”
Niall squeezed her hand gently. “I think I hear Davey callin’ me.”
“Hey! Don't go.” Georgina pouted. “I was only joking.”
“Stop being so cute. It’s gonna make leaving even worse.” He sighed.
“No.” She said fiddling with one of his fingers. “Not allowed to talk about that yet.”
“Well what do you want to talk about then?” He yawned.
“The fact that you’re a bloody magician.” She said softly.
“How so?” He asked confused.
“You can go from Mr. Chill Irish Man Child who’s all about golf and Guinness and making your friends drive all the way to your house because you don’t want to ever leave it...” She said dryly.
He just laughed at her backhanded compliment.
“...to Mr. Charismatic Musician on stage. It’s quite impressive.” Georgina admitted.
“Trust me it’s taken years of practice.” Niall said.
“Well it shows.” She said running her fingers around one of the buttons.
The room got quiet. Niall ran through different ways of asking the same question. He didn’t know how to approach it. Lucky for him, Georgina already had the answer he was looking for.
“So you know that I liked when you were in the band. Those guys were great -- especially Louis.” Georgina paused. “But I like you by yourself so much better.”
His skin grew warm. “Really?”
“Yeah, it just... fits you so much more.” She explained. “It’s so you.”
“Ye-yeah?” He stuttered before clearing his throat. “You think so?”
“You were worried for nothing. I was thoroughly impressed.” She whispered making his cheeks turn pink. “The song from Aruba is even better live, in case you were wondering.”
“Thank you.” He smiled. “That means a lot.”
The room grew quiet. Niall revelled in the fact that she actually enjoyed the show he put on. She liked his show. She liked his music. She liked him. That made all the pressure he had put on himself to be perfect worth it.
“So um what are you gonna do with those rugs when tours over?” She asked trying to be as casual as possible.
“Nice try, weirdo.” Niall laughed knowing where she was going.
“What the fuck? First it’s the chair in Aruba and now the rugs, why can’t you let me have nice things?” She whined playfully.
“If I let you have those things, then how will I get you to come over to my place? I know the chair is a prime selling point for all friend functions at my house.” He said softly.
“Hmm...you do have a point.” She said in a teasing tone.
“That's just plain rude.” Niall flicked her shoulder.
“You've got Scout and I've grown accustom to watching Project Runway in that theater of yours.” She said with a smile. “So I think you can give up the chair already.”
“Speaking of Scout, how's the ol’ girl?” Niall asked interested.
“She’s fabulous. She's spending the night at Keith’s. His roommate Phil is watching her.” Georgina explained. “She's really loving puppy school. Bit of a class clown -- just like Dad.”
“How are my other children?” He asked nervously.
“Everything but the bougainvillea is dead.” She said with a voice full of sorrow.
Niall wasn't buying it. He let got of her hand quickly, “You are shit at lying.”
“Fine.” She sighed. “They are all alive and accounted for.”
“Your mum was right about you.” He mumbled as he took a strand of her hair between his fingers.
“What was she right about?” She asked glaring at him.
“You're a major pain in the arse.” Niall explained.
“I don't like the fact that you hung out with my mum in London.” She said embarrassed. “It's not very fair -- you two ganging up on me ‘n that.”
“S’been four years of absolute shit from you. I needed to bring in reinforcements.” Niall said.
“She thinks you two are proper mates.” She looked up at him. “Every conversation after the London show has ended with ‘our boy Niall.’ She always has remind me to remind you to take your vitamins and get your rest. You might be young but sleep is important.”
“I love Mama Ferguson.” Niall smiled.
“She really appreciated you inviting her. As cringey as this might be, Slow Hands is her favorite song now.” She said shyly.
“A lot of the older ones like that song.” Niall blushed.
“Fit young boy singing about sex...hmm I wonder why they would like it.” She said dryly.
“Didn't ask for that sass, Ferg.” He mumbled.
Georgina sat up slowly, “My deepest apologies.”
His phone started to ring in his pocket. Georgina knew what it meant. She got up off the bed and headed for her bag. Niall answered the call and quietly talked to Dave about where to meet.
“I'll be down in five.” He said as he watched her walk towards him with a gift in her hand.
“Don’t read the card while I’m in the room. I was a little bit buzzed while I wrote it so I’m sorry if it doesn’t make any sense.” She blushed handing him his present.
“You know you didn’t have to get me anything.” Niall said holding onto the bag.
Georgina just rolled her eyes and motioned with her hand to open it.
His eyes lit up as he pulled out a massive book. It was an encyclopedia of every plant species in existence. He skimmed through it and couldn’t believe his eyes. Color photographs and paragraphs of information of plants from all around the globe covered the pages.
“It’s the latest version. I figured it’d be something fun to read on the road.” She said shyly.
“This is amazing Fergie.” He said glancing up at her.
“I saw it and thought of you.” She said tucking some hair behind her ear.
“I absolutely love it.” Niall said standing up. He kissed her. “I really, really do.”
“Good.” She smiled. “What’d Davey say?”
“They are going to go play a game of poker and they want me to join.” He sighed.
Georgina nodded. “I need to get ready anyways.”
“Want me to open this now?” He asked reaching for the card.
“Up to you.” She said before nodding towards the bathroom. “I’ll be in there.”
Niall sat back down on the bed as she walked into the bathroom. He slowly opened the orange envelope and pulled out a card. A birthday pun covered the front. As he read what she wrote on the inside, his eyes got a bit glassy. The words that she wrote were the words he needed to hear.
Niall always felt bad when he had to leave his friends for tour. But this time around was the first time he actually felt guilty for it. The day he left Los Angeles was probably one of the worst days he has ever had. The look on her face as he left her flat was etched in his memory. It always found a way to make an appearance on the nights he felt the most alone.
He felt so bad for leaving her. She was just discovering her feelings for him. She was finally allowing herself to open up and be vulnerable. She was finally letting him in and he just left. Niall didn’t want her to resent him for leaving. He didn’t need Fergie regretting her decision.
The words that she wrote made everything okay. He didn’t need to hold her hand through this. She was doing fine on her own.
He read the paragraph once more trying to soak up everything she had said. He deserved to be happy. He deserved to be touring the world doing something he loved. He didn’t need to worry because she was going to be there for him when he got home. This small sign of reassurance had refilled his tank and he knew the next couple months were going to be just fine.
He got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. She had a curling iron attached to her hair. Noticing his presence, she let the strand of hair fall. Turning towards him, she noticed his baby blue eyes were a bit shiny. Before she could ask what was wrong, the young man engulfed her in a hug. He didn’t say a single word. He just held her tight.
This was the hug she had needed since the day he left. The hug that told her everything was going to be alright. The hug that was more important than sex or making out or holding hands. The hug that meant they were going to make it through the next few months unscathed. The hug that showed how he really felt. The hug that was going to hold them together until they were reunited again.
“I know if this goes further, it’s not going to be easy.” He whispered in her ear. “My job, your job, our friends, the public… but just trust me when I say this... it’s going to be worth it.”
“I know.” She whispered back. “I’m ready for it.”
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rileypark · 7 years
Ships In The Night Ϟ Self Para
TIME: July 28th to August 6th.
GENERAL NOTES: After the last events in Riley’s life, she gets to spend the week by herself, a great opportunity to think of what’s ahead.
COMMENTS: Riley’s feeling/thoughts are so hard to write because she won’t even share them with me, so this was fun. It wasn’t.
The fundraiser extends long past 3am, and it’s such a wide success for Riley that she can’t imagine being able to sleep any time soon due to all the emotions and the adrenaline of the night. She doesn’t see Daina for the rest of the event, even when she catches herself trying to find the woman in the sea of people. She’s never been more thankful to have great, competent assistants reminding her of her itinerary, because she seems to still be in a haze after that kiss. Pathetic, really, she chastises herself mentally. Daina’s probably soundly asleep by the time Riley finishes saying goodnight to all the guests, thanking them for their donations. 
The silence in her bedroom is usually the most welcoming enviroment in her life, the one place she can just be herself, and not this persona she’s crafted so perfectly for her job. But silence this time means her mind is running wild with thoughts she would like to ignore at the moment. She shifts constantly in her sheets, questioning whether to go over Daina’s room and wake her up to discuss everything while emotions are still on the surface, or if she should let her rest considering her early trip in the morning. Her rational side, as usual, beats what her heart desires, but the punishment for it is not being able to sleep until 5am, plagued by unwanted thoughts and haunted by blue eyes.
What would Daina and her together would even look like? she ponders over her brunch on Saturday. Her wife was already gone by the time she woke up, and for once, she’s relieved by the fact that she has a moment to herself, just like old times. Her and Daina together would mean nothing but banter, and bad times, she’s sure of it. Now that she’s had a moment to go over everything that occurred between the two, she’s not sure physical attraction is enough to sustain a marriage. That’s all there is at the moment, right? She is mistaking the thrill of the tension between them for something with more depth. She’s more and more certain that, when the time comes for the talk, she’ll be able to stand her ground and decide they’re better off in this awkward semi-friendship state they’re in, instead of risking it all at the chance of a real relationship.
By the time she goes to bed, however, her position has shifted in 180 degrees. Objectively, she’s clearly grown fond of Daina, even if she despises how cliche and predictable the whole situation is. She’s not looking forward to the endless waves of ‘I told you so’ she’ll receive if she chooses to take the opportunity with Daina. She feels her frustration weigh in her throat, a heavy lump, as she usually does when she’s faced with strong emotions and situations she can’t control. When her eyes finally flutter close, all she’s sure of is that she’s been proven once again, that her decision of staying out of serious relationship her whole life was right all along. Everything else is up in the air, including, whether or not she’s ready to venture into something more with the woman she’s married to.
On Sunday, she takes Bailey out for what she initially believed to be a quick walk around the block, but turned into an unexpected morning jog. She had never realized just how much energy was contained inside that beast until she was the one being pulled by the leash, ending up miles away from her home. They make it to a small park eventually, and she lets her free to play with the rest of the dogs, keeping the promise she had made Daina to give her some recreational time. As the woman passes through her mind again, she debates whether to call her, or message her, anything after two days of radio silence. What would she even say? she fights back, because she wouldn’t be able to pretend like nothing’s changed between. A nonchalant message would feel anticlimatic when they are due for a long conversation when she’s back. It’s all too much pressure, and Riley’s had trouble relaxing any time she’s reminded of it. She’s thankful for Leila’s husband, Sam, and his timely interruption, joining before she can act on her impulse. They chat for a while then, and it’s nice enough to vanish any thoughts of the blonde from her mind.
The week is easier to survive, as she buries herself in her work, feeling much like herself again, in power, her mind sharp making the most pertinent decisions regarding business, with that critical thinking she can’t seem to translate into her personal life.  
Her and Daina just make sense, it’s the thought on Tuesday, and it’s either thought number 7 or 20 regarding this whole situation. She’s sort of losing track already. They’re both intelligent, hardworking, goal oriented, beautiful women. They would be a power couple, in all aspects. She’s attracted to her, without a doubt, and if she were to try and open up just slightly, there’s a chance that things could be good for them. Great even. After all, she’s a risk taker at work, why would her personal life be any different? She can feel the excitement bubbling up, convincing her she should go for it. That all sounds ideal, except when she’s reminded that she’ll have this woman prying into her deepest secrets and feelings, seeing her at her most vulnerable, and suddenly she remembers why she’s so against it in the first place, her heart tightening at the thought, arms moving closer to her chest in a subconscious attempt to protect herself. It’s not as if she hasn’t dated for long periods of time in the past, she’s not incompetent. She managed to last a good amount of time with her previous girlfriend, but even then, they were both in agreement that their relationship was temporary and completely focused on having fun for the time being, with no promises of a future together. On the other hand, there’s obviously a big, obnoxious, neon sign with the words “forever” attached to her and Daina. It makes all the difference.
She walks past her music room on the way to the library on Wednesday, when she stops in her tracks, suddenly noticing the piano in the corner, the same piano Daina is so drawn to. It gives her an idea, and before she can talk herself out of it, she makes the right calls to ensure her plan is set in motion. She’s not confident Daina would even approve of her spending so much money on a surprise for her, their money issues seem still unsolved, like everything about them. But she can’t think of a better peace offering, that much she’s certain of. She wants that, more than anything. Whether they end up falling in love with eachother or not, they need peace for the challenges to come.
It’s late on Thrusday, and she’s feeling uneasy, struggling to get some sleep again, when she pulls up her phone, helpless to get any rest. She goes over her extensive contact list, filled with business related people, until she finds the name she’s looking for. She feels her heart pound faster, not only because her mind wanders off briefly to San Francisco, but because she’s embarrassed by the mispelled name she hasn’t changed since that horrible first encounter. That’s how terrible she's been acting because of a stupid unfair law. She couldn’t take back all those unpleasant moments, even if she wanted to, but she knew the future could look different if she tried just a little harder to not be a complete bitch. Finally, she changes her wife’s contact from “Diana” to “Daina”, a small gesture, and she feels completely ridiculous for doing it --though she’s more embarrased for keeping it for so long out of spite-- but she thinks it’s a start. She’s not sure what stops her from texting her about it, but when she wakes up in the morning she’s particularly happy for her restraint.
Saturday is filled with a sense of dread, she’s been counting the days until Daina comes home as if she was counting down to her death. She busies herself with Bailey again, who’s obviously missing her mom and is acting especially clingy with her substitute mother. She takes her to the scheduled vet appointment she promised Daina she would go to, before they kissed senseless in the middle of her kitchen, of course. She knows, thanks to one of her maids, that Daina’s been facetiming her dog, so at least it’s a reassurance that the blonde is very much alive and coming home to have this talk sooner rather than later. The dog behaves like a saint with the vet for her check up, thankfully, and she feels weirdly proud of a pet than isn’t even hers to begin with. Riley on the other hand, paces uncomfortably at the sight of needles for the duration of the appointment. As they drive back home, the idea of potentially spending time with both Daina and Bailey in the future passes through her mind. Perhaps hiking would be an activity everybody would enjoy. Her hand rests atop Bailey’s back, drawing lazy patterns as she’s catches herself smiling at the thought. It doesn’t so too bad, after all.  
The news of her firm establishing a business deal overseas comes on Sunday, and it makes for the perfect night of celebration. She hasn’t been able to stop reminding herself of the impending conversation she’s going to have with Daina in a few hours, when she’s back from San Francisco, and she’s not going to say no to an opportunity to clear her mind and ease her anxiety. The Marquee Nightclub is one of her favorite places and the perfect venue to do so. It’s past 2am, and the party is in full swing when she’s alerted by a friend that her phone is vibrating in her bag. Her annoyance grows, fumbling inside her purse to find the phone, wondering who could possibly be calling so late at night. 
She stares at the screen while her phone vibrates in her hand, freezing as the name of her wife --rightfully spelled this time-- lights up in front of her. Thinking of their time difference, she wonders briefly if it would be smart to answer a call someone’s making so close to midnight. Bad things happen in night calls, people can get embarrassingly clingy and sad when it’s their bed time. She wasn’t ready to deal with that side of Daina, especially when she’s had a few drinks and she’s less likely to remain in control. Her thumb ghosts over the button for a couple of seconds, and against her better judgement, she slids her finger to accept the call, excusing herself from her group of friends, to find a better place to talk. Bringing her phone to her ear, she can hear a similar enviroment coming from the blonde’s end, and she furrows her eyebrows in confusion before speaking. “It’s late” she states bluntly, making her way to the bathroom. The distress she can hear coming from Daina’s voice make her stomach twist in the most uncomfortable way, and she’s completely bothered by the fact that she’s let this woman affect her in such way already. “Are you okay?”
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longlivemystories · 7 years
Moonlit Strolls
     4 a.m.
    Rigorous questioning from the police had left me exhausted, but now that I was home and in clean clothes, I found I had some problems sleeping. I kept thinking about everything, really, but the gun shot was clearest in my mind. It was so loud and so sudden that every time it would suddenly rear up, I physically jumped. Begrudgingly, I crawled out of bed and into the kitchen. Tea would probably make me feel better.
    So would some intense research.
    Once I had a cup of my favorite Linden tea, I curled up on the couch with my laptop. The poor thing hadn't been used in a little while and it was a damn shame. I spent a lot of money on it some time ago and barely had any time to use it due to work and being so fatigued from the day.
    Okay, okay... so, what were somethings that could cause red eyes? No, not that kind of red eyes... I tapped my chin, trying to find a better way to word the question. What could cause red irises? Quite a few search results came up with albinism. I mean, maybe, if that tall guy didn't have black hair... Okay, what could cause glowing red eyes? I choked a little bit on my tea, although I honestly should have expected it.
    Okay, yeah, that was nuts. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This whole thing seemed a little crazy to be honest, but what else could it be? So, yeah, fine, I'd delve into this mostly ridiculous idea. There was so many different tales and fables on vampires. Narrowing down my search, I added London to the search engine. Suddenly, news reports were coming up. The attacks? Apparently more and more people were trying to say it was vampires causing the attacks and honestly that didn't seem so far fetched considering the growing amount of evidence.
    Another thought crossed my mind and I looked up that guy, Frank Jillian. He was pretty famous, it seemed. Some sort of billionaire with magic, disappearing cancer. The guy hadn't seemed so sick, but the news reports were saying there was no trace of the cancer in the autopsy. How does stage IV cancer suddenly just disappear?
    I yawned and rubbed my eye tiredly. 5 a.m. now. I had to be up in an hour, so maybe another, colder shower would wake me up.
    "I'm so sorry, Ollie," Jake apologized quickly and loudly as soon as I came through the door to our floor's office.
    "Er... it's fine, Jake," I mumbled, downing the last of my coffee. "It's not like you knew that would happen..." I added, walking towards my office.
    "But I was the one who pressured you into going last night. I really am sorry, Ollie," Jake added, a small whimper in his voice.
    "Jake, please... It's... okay... Besides, he was there."
    "He? As in... As in Hottie McHotStuff?" Jake inquired, perking up at this news. "How do you know? Wait a minute was he? Was he the crazy gunman?" he asked with a gasp.
    "I don't know about crazy, but he was definitely the gunman," I told him, turning on my computer. "You didn't happen to get a good look at him, did you?"
    "No, sorry, darling," Jake sighed softly, leaning against my door frame.
    "What about that guy who was shot?"
    "You mean the one who bought you a drink?" Jake clarified, tapping his chin. "Now that you mention it, no, I didn't... I only saw him after uhm... well, you know."
    "That's okay..." I replied, hanging my head somewhat. "I just wasn't... well... nevermind, it's not important."
    "Ollie, darling, you don't look like you got a wink of sleep last night," my friend commented, moving over to the desk. "Are you sure you shouldn't go home today?"
    "No chance," I snorted. "There's just too much going on this week and Ms. Jillian would probably cut my throat if I wasn't here to get shit done."
   “At least let me buy you a coffee or something. You look like you might pass out."
    "Yeah, okay..."
    I watched my taller friend leave, spacing out for only a moment before my phone rang. Here goes nothing.
    "The wicked bitch can stand one morning of confusion, Ollie," Jake told me impatiently, watching as I clearly had no intention of stopping my work to leave for the day.
    "You know she can't, Jake, now get out of here or else it'll be Sammy who's confused," I said, glancing up at him before finishing my written thought.
    "You shouldn't stay so late and you know it," he mumbled, arms crossed. "Just... well-lit streets, okay?"
    "Of course, mom," I responded, waving at him until he left my sights.
    He was right, though. I wasn't getting much sleep, if any at all, and it felt like it was taking a toll on my performance. Surprisingly, Ms. Juniper hadn't said a word about my slacking, so maybe she did have a heart after all.
    About an hour later and I finally finished the work. I laid the stack of papers on her desk and, like usual, locked the door behind me. I felt so exhausted that I might actually get to sleep tonight. The cool air hit my face again and I shivered, tying my scarf tighter around my face. At least I remembered my boots for once.
    Oh shit.
    I groaned, turning and heading back into the building. I had to be freaking kidding me. Of course I'd forget the notes. She'd kill me if she had to read through the thick version of my assessment that was just filled with a heavier syntax to distract the higher ups from the fact that everyone seemed to be overspending this quarter. I took the steps two at a time, the elevator having been turned off since it was after 5 p.m. I unlocked the main office door once I reached our level and hurried in.
    I passed the hall to go into the bullpen and stopped. What the hell was that sound? I shivered, the suckling and squelching noises causing my stomach to churn. Did I really want to investigate? With what happened the past few times, my mind told me no, but my curiosity was apparently relentless. I slowly turned and made my way down the short hallway and into the bullpen, full of desks and chairs. There were two people at Jake's desk. One seemingly sitting on the other's lap. They were close, locked together as though locked in a very private moment. I knew I should have turned back, fearful of interrupting something personal, but there was just a feeling of wrong here.
    A head whipped towards me and glowing red eyes stopped my heart. Oh... Oh yeah, I'm regretting coming into work today. I took a few steps back, chest heaving uneasily. I let out a whimper when I backed into something, or rather someone judging by the feel. I looked up to see a grinning man with fiery sunglasses staring down at me.
    "Good evening, Red," he greeted. "I thought we might meet again."
    "Alucard," hissed the other, who started to stand now.
    She wiped her face and I shuddered. By the light of the moon, I saw that was my boss, Ms. Juniper. The only physical difference I could tell was her eye color had changed, but there was a weird aura coming from her and it froze my blood. My eyes flickered to the person in the chair and I felt a lump form in my throat.
    I pressed up against the man, wanting nothing more than to just run away from the situation. My eyes were stinging and it was becoming harder to see.
    "My reputation proceeds me," responded the tall man, still grinning a sharp-toothed grin.
    "Step away from the boy and we won't have a problem," she told him rather suddenly, moving closer to us.
    "And here I thought I'd actually have a challenge," Alucard sighed wistfully, bringing his gun up to aim it at Ms. Juniper. "I wouldn't go to work tomorrow," he whispered down at me, sunglasses tilting so I could see his eyes.
    Before I had time to respond, he took my arm and moved me aside so he could advance, gun already shooting. I covered my ears, heart racing again as I tried to decide what to do. Finally, I decided on running out of the bullpen and towards the exit. Holy shit this was really happening. I tripped over my own feet and down I went. Thank God, too, because a bullet whizzed passed where my head would have been. I looked back in time to see my boss's face contorted and snarling, clawed hands reaching out towards me before her head was blown apart. Blood and other organic matter splattered my yet again and I scooched away from where she landed.
    "Half breeds," Alucard muttered, moving closer now and putting a bullet through her chest. He looked back up at me now and grinned again, holstering his weapons. "My Master would like for you to come back with me, to have tests done."
    I sat silently for a minute, eyes wide and breath shallow. Suddenly, I jumped up and burst through the door to the stairs. My foot slipped on the edge of one of the stairs and I closed my eyes shut, waiting for the impending pain, but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see the floor, about a foot away from my feet. Alucard lightly set me down and turned me around.
    "Are you done?"
    "W-What do they want with me?" I sputtered, taking a few steps backwards.
    He started to lean in, but when I took another step backwards, I tripped and fell onto the stairs. The red-eyed man stared at me intently for a moment, before just grinning.
    "Who knows?"
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It’s been what, two weeks? One week?
A surprising amount has happened since my last post, idk where to start. So much has been on my mind as well
Last I had said was my last time I saw J I think, which was last Wednesday, the 18th. After that we had just snap chatted for a while. This past Friday I actually had another date with a guy I met on Tinder that I’ll call G, he was a close call to J. So I had told him on Thursday the night before I was going to meet him up in Easton that I was already also talking to another guy. I just wanted to be honest with him because I didn't want to just lead him on and then disappear after the date if it went south. He said that he respected my honesty and that not many guys would do that. So all in all Friday came and we met in Easton at Barnes and Noble. He’s really cute actually, a bit cuter than J but I wasn’t going off that I was going off personality. We ended up spending quite some time at Barnes and Noble talking about comics and books we’ve read and a few other random things. After that we went to get some food at Chipotle and sat outside and talked. We had talked for hours really until it got dark. We got along really well actually, we had so much in common. Books, the way we thought about things, movies and video games. He was like a walking meme too it was fun. But I just didn't feel a spark. Im not sure why I didn’t. Was it because I was already so invested with J? I had been talking to J for about a week longer than G but like I said J was a little more aggressive. G seemed like me, he was softer, gentler and passionate. After we finished talking I had drove him home since he went to college at OSU in Columbus, I didn't want him to have to take the bus home that would’ve taken forever when I could just drive him. I dropped him off and that was the night. I went back home and we said goodnight on snapchat and that was that. The next afternoon he was asking if I had made a decision between him or J and I had chose J because like I said, I for some reason just didn't feel a spark with G. Idk why. I said Id still like to be friends of course because I mean he’s a pretty cool dude, I like him. But since then we’ve talked a little less which I mean is understandable as well. We keep our streak going and make a little talk but thats about it. I hope he’s doing well, I saw today that he had unmatched me on Tinder.
That day though, Saturday I had managed to finally pay off 5,000 that I had owed my college that I went to out in Portland Oregon. I am so so so relieved now, Ive been working so much since this past June to pay off that debt because since I owed them 5,000 they wouldn’t release my transcript which meant i couldn't apply to transfer to a college back here. But now that its paid off I can set all that up this week because I believe my deadline to apply for spring classes is the 30th of this month. 
After that day, I had picked up a shift on Sunday because my friend C was actually going up to Cleveland to see a guy HE’S been talking to on Tinder as well so that was fun. I worked Sunday, C got back that afternoon, he said it was an really good time. The guy he is talking to is 23, a musician and finishing his masters in Cleveland. They fit together really well he had said. Im glad, C had never really had a relationship before and I hope this goes well for him. He hasn't had the best of luck with guys or girls really in the past. Just a lot of hookups, which I guess works for him, whatever floats his boat. Im glad he's met someone though. But so I picked up his shift on Sunday, gone to the Band Competition back in my hometown because two of my friends were helping set up for their high school band who were preforming at my high school. So I got to go around see a bunch of my old friends again which was so nice. Ive missed seeing all them in high school and that. After the band perfomance we had a work meeting that night at the bowling alley downtown, then I left and went back up to Columbus to see J. He had really been wanting to see me, and I had missed him a bit. 
So I got up there about 9, we got in bed and played on our laptops until about 3am. We had talked the week before to go to the botanical gardens the next day, possibly head out to Easton and go to one of his coworkers house for a cookout. Well none of that happened because I didn't sleep well that night so I woke up about noon but I didn't want to wake him up yet because I wanted to let him sleep. Plus whenever I say with a friend or anyone and I wake up first I feel terrible because I feel bad waking the other person up. What if they’re not ready to wake up? What if they didn’t sleep well either? What if they are a heavy sleeper and don’t wake up? Will they be grumpy when I wake them up? Will they actually be awake when I wake them up or will it take then another half hour to actually get out of bed? But so I didn't end up waking J up until about 3pm which of course he didn't like because we didn't end up having time to do anything. We had gotten a shower together, gone out to town because he was hungry and also wanted to return this game he had gotten. Well we get out to town, he began to get annoyed because he couldn't make up his mind one which game to trade it in for then didn’t know where he wanted to eat. I felt back because he was getting so annoyed at himself and it was my fault because I should've waken him up earlier so we had time to do stuff. Because also that day I had to go down to Athens at 7 because I was signing a least for a house with C, and another one of my friends we’ll call Jo. So J took us back to his apartment I grabbed my stuff and left for Athens, signed the lease, came back up to Columbus, went to the cookout with J, met some of his coworkers, they were fun. I felt a little out of place because of how young I was. Everyone else was over 21 and some were married couples with kids. It was still a good time, I had a few jello shots which I was a little disappointed they didn't get me anywhere even buzzed. But we had left about 2 hours in, got home about midnight and I watched J play Fallout 4 until about 2am, we had drank a little back at his place too but I still didn't even get tipsy. When I drink I drink to get drunk, because when Im drunk the most that happens is I get a little off balanced. I can still talk and think straight its just my center of gravity is a bit off and it makes things fun to me. But so we had gone to bed then. I got up today about 9am, we took a shower and I left and went straight to work.
So much has happened this past weekend, so many good things as well. Nothing ever usually goes this well for me. Me and C felt the same way and were joking that something is just gonna come crashing down on us, because life has never been so nice, me him and Jo are all talking to someone, we got a house, I paid off college. Everything is just going to smoothly. Part of me like I said is waiting, something is going to happen I'm afraid. Something bad but I don’t know what or when. But part of me is also thinking you know what if this is it? Have I finally got my life on track? After years of struggle and trial have I got things going the right way? But what do I do about J? I still have this feeling with him. Am I just enjoying the romantic attention and dealing with his aggressiveness for the sake of the romantic attention? Could I do better? Am I just holding onto him until I make it down to Athens? I just still have so many doubts about things
0 notes
Joe’s Weather Blog: We’re going to need a bigger shovel-maybe (WED-2/13)
Happy Wednesday! The good news is that we’ve got a breezy and milder day heading this way with highs into the 50s. Get out…enjoy it…do whatever…but get out of the house because regardless of how much snow we get from these systems that are coming through over the next week…it’s going to get cold. Thursday will be the transition day…and we’re into the cold on Friday with alternating snow chances and sticking snow likely. As I mentioned yesterday we won’t get blasted by the full-on effects of each potential storm but at least one get us…and the one that I’m most concerned about at this point is the one for Friday afternoon>evening.
Today: Lots of high clouds around…turning windy in the afternoon with highs 50-55° or so. Winds possibly gusting to near 30 MPH
Tonight: Milder with fair skies and lows well into the 30s
Thursday: A cold front will move through with variable clouds. The timing of the front appears to be near or after lunch. Highs may reach about 50° (colder north>warmer south) before dropping into the 20s in the evening with teens as wind chills.
Friday: Snow developing with accumulations likely. Highs 20-25°
First of all…as usual thanks for reading the weather blog. Yesterday it was the #1 item on our web page which is always humbling. It still amazes me the comments on FB I get about this “outlet” for me. So many mention that they learn about the weather and like the whys and whatfors about these storms…set-ups…whatever. A darn weather blog. Still amazes me.
Won’t bother with today or tomorrow as that is pretty straight-forward. The issue for Thursday is when the cold air is injected into KC from the north. My thought is sometime around or after lunch with the 50° weather turning into 30° weather by the time evening rush is done with…and colder with the wind chills.  There could be a few sprinkles with this but not much is expected rain-wise.
OK now the elephant in the room. I think by now everybody knows about the snow potential over the next week. 3 storms through next Wednesday. As I mentioned yesterday I’m not in the mindset that ALL three give us crazy amounts of snow. Last night there was a rather significant change, in at least one model, for the weekend system and the one next TUE>WED.
So to try and simplify things…let’s refer to Friday’s system as storm #1…Saturday night’s system as storm #2 and then the TUE>WED AM system as storm #3. I still worry that we may be vulnerable to other “things” beyond that but IF I start talking about that possibility I’ll need security guards in the grocery store (kidding not kidding)
So my confidence level about the 3 storms is “somewhat” strongest for what’s ahead of us…storm #1. Storm #2 and #2 I have less confidence about…especially #3 at this point because…well it’s about a week away. Storm #2 is somewhat problematic as well…I think we’ll get something from that…but I’m not sure if we get the “big one” from that.
Then there is storm #1 (the one due in Friday).
I want to show you some of the data from the newest weather satellite that became “operational” just yesterday. It’s the GOES 17 satellite that is more focused on the western part of the country and the central and eastern Pacific Ocean.
  Pretty shots…but there are issues with the satellite. There are some problems with the equipment up there and in particular with a cooling fan. Remember this satellite is way up there…some 22,000 miles up…the Space Station is 254 miles up…so it’s not as if we can send maintenance up there. They’ve come up with some workarounds, which is still amazing to me for something that is orbiting the Earth and so far away…but for several hours each day during certain times of the year when the sun heats up the satellite too much…pictures won’t be usable. Regardless there is still a LOT of good data coming down the pipeline towards us.
So with that said…Storm #1 is still off the western US…off the coast of CA.
It’s that mass of clouds on the far right hand side…hopefully when daylight comes the US borders will become more evident.
That storm right now at least is in a few pieces (yellow flag in my mind) and when it comes ashore in CA tomorrow afternoon and crosses into the Rockies Friday morning…we’ll see what kind of shape it’s in.
That yellow flag is one of the problems I have with this set-up right now. The storm is going to be a fast mover it appears when it gets into the Plains and I’m still not sure how well put together it’s going to be when it flies through KS on Friday afternoon. Let’s go up to about 18,000 feet and show you the 3 storms. The one is KS is storm #1. The map shows areas of “vorticity”. These areas are where the atmosphere shows cyclonic tendencies and ahead of these features you  get “lift” (good for precipitation) and behind the features you get sinking air (good for clearing). These areas have varying intensity…big storms generate lots of lift…weaker ones…less lift.
Here is wayyyy more information than you want to know about the above map.
So the rough idea of a “transition zone” between rising air…lift…and sinking air…is the axis location of the “U” dips in the above map. With me so far? Notice as well the size of the “U” dip. For storm #1 it’s not overly “dippy” compared to storm #2…do you see that.
Less “dippy” storms tend to move fast. So the time that we’re in the “favorable” zone of lift is shorter than when the dips are deeper in size. Still with me?
Now that is up there at around 18,000 feet. We have to look at the entire atmosphere though as well. That smaller dip will be bringing some decent moisture with it and tapping into some sub-tropical moisture coming up from western TX…and that moisture will be one of the keys for us to get significant snow. IF that moisture isn’t as impressive or it gets pushed a bit farther east or south of here…we may NOT have a big snowstorm in KC on Friday. Nuisance snows yes…I think that’s unavoidable at this point (nuisance meaning 1-4″ or so) …it could be a sign that the wave is moving too fast or isn’t strong enough and this has to be at least looked at right now and NOT discounted at this point.
Then there is the matter of a building southwards area of high pressure…this is the cold air maker for us…BUT it’s also a dry air maker too. So the feed in the lower part of the atmosphere is of drier air…and that too can chew on what falls for awhile. Too much dry air and decent snowmakers can turn into blah snow makers. I may be making too much of a deal on this BUT it’s in the back of my mind as well.
Right now I think the odds of all this happening and ALL of this just turning into a “nuisance event” is around 55% and 55% should NOT be discounted at this point.
If you want something more significant (meaning in my weather head…4″ or more) you would like to see that moisture source be 1) real and 2) have that wave a bit more focused and “sharper”. That helps maximize the lift a bit more…that lift then works in concert with the moisture coming northbound…and as a result you get more impressive swaths of snow moving through the area.
There are some so-so favorable jet stream dynamics at play with this as well…for conciseness I won’t get into that right now. Not the greatest set-up and I’ve seen better over the years.
The new data slows the onset of sticking snow to the afternoon Friday. That makes sense and I can see how the dry air flow from the north is sort of working against the snow as it tries to come eastbound. However I also see how the snow out west is coming together better later in the morning and that snow would then come along the I-70 corridor in the afternoon…the issue remains how well it holds together as it comes eastbound along I-70.
You can see the conundrum. Dry air…sort of a disjointed broken up wave moving through the Plains…lift in the atmosphere that isn’t exactly super focused and a snow window that may be only around 6-8 hours or so…and some of that may be chewed on by the dry air.
This is the reason why we want to hold off on how much snow will fall from this. I know many are seeing all sorts of numbers on their various apps and with other sources…last night I mentioned that there was potential of over 4″ on Friday. That is still there certainly BUT I’m not sure how much over 4″ we will get at this point and that’s why I don’t want to do any snow maps yet with more precise information.
Trust me I know you want all the answers but for those who DON”T want a ton of snow…consider the early data today a better trend for your side. I don’t want to throw a 4-8″ amount out there at this point because my confidence isn’t there for something like that right now. The dry air scenario chewing at the snow because the wave coming in is sort of a mess needs to be factored into the equation. IF that dry air is “less” dry and IF the wave is better put together then yes over 4″ is VERY doable…again though lets try as we can to keep the horses in the barn for a bit longer.
There is still all sorts of potential with these 3 storms…and I won’t be surprised by some significant snow on the ground in a weeks time but let’s try and deal with them one at a time.
Takeaways from this…
Snow arrives after lunch Friday and sticks right away
The evening rush hour may be a mess
A LOT of schools are NOT in session anyway because of in-service conference days ahead of the 3 day weekend anyway
The dry air seeping southwards may “chew” on the snow as it comes eastbound
The wave needs to be better organized with more focus to tap into the moisture trying to come northwards and also to act as a better “tug” on that moisture
The weekend system bears some watching as well as does the one next week. Still WAYYYY to early to worry about forecast accumulations with that one.
OK that’s it for now. I’ll get an afternoon update out on FB by 3PM or so.
Our feature photo comes from ‎Sharon Griff Holloway‎ outside of Trenton, MO
Michelle and Karli will have more information as the day moves long on FOX 4.
    from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/02/13/joes-weather-blog-were-going-to-need-a-bigger-shovel-maybe-wed-2-13/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/02/13/joes-weather-blog-were-going-to-need-a-bigger-shovel-maybe-wed-2-13/
0 notes
A Parisian Holiday
As I write this post, I am listening to the mourning doves coo, as the sun rises across a pasture near Mont St. Michel.  While Josh and I thoroughly enjoyed Paris, we were happy to escape the bustle and heat (hello historic European heat wave!) for a more pastoral northern Normandy retreat.  While in the city, though, we did our best to soak up as much of Paris as possible.
On Wednesday morning, we strolled to a small local bakery, starting the day right with Quiche Lorraine and plenty of optimism.  One of my favorite characteristics of Josh is the wonder he brings to traveling a new city; it seems that no matter where we go, he always notices the beauty in details, such as the perfect crust of our quiche.  Fortunately, this crust was so perfect that we American-style wolfed each piece down in about 3 minutes; I regret nothing.
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Breakfast Quiche
Sandeman’s Free Walking Tour  Having finished our “leisurely breakfast” in record time, we decided to catch an early free walking tour of the city.  The tour company, Sandeman’s, is present throughout Europe and has been a long-standing staple of our vacations; we love the perfect mix of humor and history as we gain our bearings on a new city.  Strolling through the city, we saw a sampling of it’s finest sites: Notre Dame, Sainte-Chapelle, the Louvre, Pont Neuf, and even the Arc de Triomphe de Carrousel
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Meeting at Fontaine Saint-Michel for our walking tour 
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Bumping out in front of a statue
Fun fact: the Arc de Triomphe de Carrousel is a miniature but still sizeable Arc De Triomphe built by Napoleon between 1806 and 1808, as the real arch was taking too long to build and dang it, he wanted to celebrate his victory by marching through an arch!  Anyone who has ever settled for less than their ideal while decorating for a birthday party will understand his motivation...after your arms get tired from hanging decorations, suddenly minimal decorations are totally what you envisioned all along!
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Arc de Triomphe de Carrousel
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This guy really understands how I feel about running out of purse snacks
But I digress.  We finished our walking tour by the Louvre, and decided to take a quick opportunity for a snack under a bench, because pregnancy has turned me into a ravenous wolf, until I start eating, and then into a squirrel, because I can only eat a moderate amount before my real-estate-lacking-stomach registers as full.  I think you all can imagine a wolf-squirrel eating a snack by the Louvre, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this blog; it was charming.
The Louvre Following said snack, we entered the Louvre, where once again baby bump magic tried to work it’s wonders; unfortunately, as my babydoll-style shirt suggested that I may just be ambiguously chubby, or perhaps due to the shortness of the line, we were told at this site that we had to wait in the normal line (10 minutes).  Spoiler warning: this was remedied by the next day’s outfit and has not happened since: baby-bumping the line is serious business in Paris’ busy season!
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Ready for the Louvre
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The Raft of Medusa by Géricault (which we enjoy far more than the Mona Lisa)
The Louvre was tremendous.  We prioritized French and Italian romantic painters, as they are my favorite, but also had an opportunity to take in sculptures and artifacts from around the globe.  While the Mona Lisa was a site to behold, it’s fame created a crowd that was less than enticing. Interestingly enough, it’s fame above Da Vinci’s other pieces is largely due to the fact it was stolen in 1911.  A media frenzy around the world tracked this caper, which was not actually so daring, as the piece was not as beloved at the time (Hint: it took a day for them to even notice it was missing!). Headlines world wide sensationalized the loss; people came to the museum just to see the pegs where it originally hung, and by the time the painting was returned, everyone knew it’s name.  And now, everyone wants to see it, hence the crazy line and throng of people.  True story: we actually many other works better!
Following the Louvre, we returned to our lovely air-conditioned room for a quick siesta and outfit change, awaking refreshed to continue our adventures.  
Sainte-Chappelle  Given that it was a cloudless sunny day, the lighting was perfect to take in the splendor of Sainte-Chappelle, a gothic-style royal chapel with one of the most extensive 13th century stained glass collections world wide.  Baby-bumping the line, we were allowed instant admittance to this stunning place; words cannot do it justice, so I’ll let the pictures below speak for themselves.
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Climbing Notre Dame Following our Sainte-Chappelle adventure, we strolled by the Conciergerie, a former prison that held Marie Antoinette and others during the French Revolution, and headed back to Notre Dame.  Although we’d enjoyed the cathedral nave the day prior, we couldn’t leave this city without climbing to the top, pretending to be gargoyles, and yelling “sanctuary!” at the bells.  We really know how to blend in at historic sites.
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Jardin du Luxombourg Having conquered all 387 steps of Notre Dame, along with the previous walking tour and Louvre, admittedly this girl was tired.  Fortunately, the Jardin du Luxombourg was close at hand.  This gorgeous green space is open the public, featuring an iconic fountain, tree-lined soft grassy lawns, and loads of flowers--in other words, we were strolling in a napper’s paradise (and yes, I hope you read that a rhythmic way like “Livin’ in a Gangster’s Paradise,” because that’s how I said it).  The garden was created in 1612 by Marie de Medici, King Henry IV’s widow, to imitate her native city of Florence--needless to say, it didn’t disappoint.
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Lounging in the grass at the Jardin
Dinner and a miracle? After a sizeable rest, we awoke to realize that we were ravenously hungry; fortunately, cafes and restaurants lined nearly every block in the surrounding Latin Quarter of Paris, so we figured it couldn’t be too tricky to find a bite to eat.  Admittedly, by this point, I was a bit...how shall we put it, hangry?  So when we were seated in our first restaurant, with a mouth-watering menu, and the people around us started to smoke, this tired mama-to-be was not having it.  “Josh, I have smell aversions and this is bad for the baby.  I just can’t eat here,” I said in a not-whiny-at-all-voice. It’s true that in my current state, the smell of fish, smoke, or nasty body odor can currently bring me to my knees.  Josh brought up that I’d said that I was very hungry, and I agreed that I was hungry, but not hungry for cigarette smoke.  A new appreciation for non-smoking patios in Minneapolis bloomed.  No less than 30 seconds later, we sheepishly got up and left in search of a restaurant that wouldn’t take my breath away...at least not in that sense.
Fortunately, strolling around the bend, I spotted a gem of a restaurant that appeared to be serving pasta, at least if my gawking eyes saw the patron’s plate correctly. “Here, Josh, this one is perfect, it’s Italian, I’m just going to love it!’  We strolled up to the entrance, and with hesitant bonjours were granted a small window-side table, despite lacking a reservation.  Unfortunately, in a squeeze to get around the  table, my derriere managed to knock over the salt and pepper shaker on our neighbor’s table, but they pretended like it didn’t happen and so did we.
The setting was intimate, but there were no smokers in sight.  The stage was set for a perfect pasta meal.  While the menu was entirely in French, this girl was too tired for any sort of translation.  Spotting what appeared to be basil tomato pasta, I confidently pointed and ordered my craving--it was on!  A few minutes and a ton of baguettes later, the waiter arrived with my much awaited for dish: clams over a light bed of basil tomato pasta.  Clams?  Who knew?!   At this point, all I could do was laugh at swapping my smoke aversion for a seafood averson, making me look a bit manic to the surrounding tables.  In fact, all of the surrounding tables were eating fish, crab or lobster and the decor was nautical--course this was a seafood rather than the Italian restaurant I anticipated.  That said, when in Rome...err Paris, and served clams over pasta, one can eat clams over pasta.  And you know what?  Even though it wasn’t at all what I expected, it turned out to be delicious and I can cross one more aversion off my list.  Paris, no wonder you’re one of the food capitals of the world!
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The only shot of the clam extravaganza
0 notes
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"disability insurance quote aflac
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance with a permit?
so i have my permit, and i can now start driving on the road, so i was wondering if i need insurance for me. the car i'm gonna be driving is already insured, so do i need insurance for myself.""
What is the process to buy insurance for a new car?
When and how do you buy insurance for a new car? Say I buy a car today and drive it out the dealership. Do I need to have insurance all set up before buying this car? Let's say I go get a quote from an insurance website and proceed to buy a package. Do they have to mail something to me, like a card or a certificate or something? Or can I just write down my policy number or print a receipt? Because I'm wondering, if it's the former, then what do I do between the time I drive the car out the dealership and the time it takes for the insurance mail to arrive? Thanks!""
What is a good cheap dual sport motorcycle for starters?
im looking for a dual sport motorcycle 250cc. i need something that is cheap and easy to learn on, good on insurance (yes a dream bike) im turning 16 in august and cant wait to get my first bike. im partialy getting a dual sport because they are easy to learn on but because i live in canada and if im going to have a bik im not letting it sit in the garage for 6-7 months of the year. also if there are any good suggestions for good cheap gear (gloves helmet and jacket) im 16 5 ft 11 and about 180 lbs. im not looking for an extreme bike just something that can handle a some rain and snow and get me from home to school and work. for the bike i am not willing to go over $4000. right now i am considering yamaha xt250, suzuki dr200se (does anyone know if they make a 250? i couldnt seem to find one) yes i fully understand the dangers of riding thats why im only looking at 250cc cuz i dont plan on using highway but i still need a bike i can use for the test which has a highway portion. and are there any suggestions for good motorcycle schools? right now it seems the closest one is at durham college ( i live in pickering ontario)""
How to get health insurance for my wife.?
Just found out my wife is newly pregnant. I just switched jobs and am not eligible for insurance for 90 days (at which time I'll add her). Unfortunately though, we obviously need to get to the doctor before 3 months from now and have the preliminary check-ups and stuff. Is there anything I can do?""
Motorcycle insurance is not required in florida. But can i ride a florida motorcycle in Virginia?
I live in Florida and am planning to get a motorcycle license from Florida. But I'm probably not going to get insurance because it's my first bike in the US, and it's going to be a 600 or a liter bike. (I've in riding in another country, so i do have the experience, but that doesn't count in the US). Florida doens't require me to have motorcylce insurace, but will I be able to ride this bike occassionaly out of the state without insurance? Will I be restricted to riding within the state?""
What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?
What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?
Where can I get an information of car insurance??
I am 18 years old and I want to get a car insurance... where can I get the CHEAPEST but safe car insurance??? THank you... how much is the car insurance for 18-year-old boy???
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
Car insurance question. UK only please?
Me and my husband went bankrupt in NOV 2010 (long story) and basically, the things like car insurance and cable and internet and energy companies were fine as there were no credit checks as we were already with them. But now we have had a car insurance quote from our company to renew in mid-May, and it has gone up from 37 a month to 60 a month. So firstly, I wonder if the bankruptcy may have affected this new quote? And also, if we try and move to another company, will our bad credit caused by the bankruptcy and home repossession make companies refuse us? I don't see why, as our credit score is irrelevant to our driving, and we have never made a claim in the 20 years of driving, and have many years of no claims bonus. But someone we know said some companies may refuse us car insurance! Help anyone? Thank you.""
""In Texas, do you need Liability Insurance (if you don't own a car) to obtain a valid drivers license?
Do you need liability insurance if you don't own a vehicle?
Health insurance?
do you need a ss# or be legal resident to have health insurance?
""When people stop buying insurance because of cancellation and non affordable to renewal,will insurance co. go?
Car Insurance for a 17 year old!! ?
Is anyone else struggling to find at least a reasonable price for car insurance? The cheapest quotes i am getting is 4,900 on a 206!! Am I doing something wrong, i've checked multiple car insurance sites and can't find anything jus below 5 grand. How the hell do insurance companies think 17 year olds can afford this? It's daylight robbery?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I'm 20 and I'm with Allstate they have me paying $1000 each 6 month for Insurance too much money they killing me help.
Anchor general insurance?
ive made a claim on my car 2 weeks ago. an adjuster came out to take pictures of my car last week on wednesday. i havnt heard from them since everytime i call my insurance and they transfer me to claims i end up waiting 30 mins plus just so they can drop my line. im wonderinf if they are even gonna get back at me? should i keep calling them has anyone had any problems with anchor general before?
Wow does anybody else have insurance this cheap?!?!?!?!?
I just bought a2005 Suzuki GSXR 600 Sportbike ( high powered). I got my insurance and They quted me $7.65 every 6 months for liability and 75.68 for fukll coverage, which I got. I know some people that are paying 800.00 every six months for this bike. I have been with the company (State Farm) since I was 16 and have nothing on my record. I am 25 now. Anybody getting this good of a deal???""
Young motorcylist trying to get car? Stupid insurance?
I want to swap my motorcycle for a car, as I need to drive to university one day a week and I want a car for the motorway (Safer during gusts & ICE). But..... the stupid insurance companies take no notice that I've been driving for two years, and want to charge me 3500!!!!! For an 800cc CAR!!! WTF?! For a 600cc bike, it'll cost me 450! Let's compare: 600cc BIKE (0-60 in 2.5 seconds, tops out at 130mph, worth 2000) 800cc CAR (0-60 in 17 seconds, tops out at 82mph, worth 850) Which one do YOU reckon should be cheaper?!!!!?? So, how do I get an insurer to actually realise that I've been on the road for two years, have a full motorcycle license, and that my insurance shouldn't be so STUPIDLY, RIDDICULOUSLY expensive?! Without fronting on my dad's policy :P BTW, adding parents as a named driver only reduces it by 300...""
A better way acquire an affordable health insurance to cover my family?
if I work for, say Pizza Hut as a part-time while I earn $65K/yr full-time job? I dont want to spend too much monthly payments on health insurance?""
I want to file a complaint about two health insurances.?
I went on the Internet to try to get health insurance, this company called alliance for affordable service called me and told me that my percriptions would only cost in the neigbor hood of $10- to &50 dollars. I spoke to my Dr. and he told me that there was none of my medicines that he could change to the lower prices. I contacked the company and told them what the Dr. told me. I asked for my money back, they told me to send a letter, which I did. They sent me one back aqnd told me that they would not give me my money back. I dropped the insurance. I contacked another insurance on the internet. They called me. I sepicifity asked if they covered preexisting conditions and he asked did I mean, I told he that the Dr. wanted to do surgery on me left foot. He told me that it would cover any preexisting preplanned surgeries. The Dr. office called them and they told her that they would not cover any suegery inpatient or out. This company was Sure Care.""
Can my grandmother add my car to her auto insurance policy?
I have a car that's in my name, with no insurance. I wanted to know if my grandmother could simply add my car to her policy. I'm a 19 year old male, if that makes any difference.""
How much insurance would a 1977 Camaro be for a 16 year old?
My dream car has always been a Camaro. Recently me and my dad have been looking for project cars to fix up and stuff. We found a 1977 Camaro that only needs cosmetic work, so I've been asking him about it. He says the insurance would be around $5000 a year. We could get the at around $2500 dollars. The Camaro has a 350 V8 engine and a T350 transmission. I'm 16 right now but I turn 17 in 2 months. I've had my license for 10 months with no tickets or accidents. I've had 2 cars already, a 1997 Nissan Altima and a 1998 Chrysler Sebring (Which I pay about $90 a month for.) I am on my parents' insurance, but I still pay for the car I drive. I know I won't get a perfectly accurate amount without asking our Insurance providers, but is my dad right when he says it would be $5000 a year?""
How much does it cost a mo for auto insurance when your 18?
On a 2005, sport compact. Texas""
How much is car insurance.?
what car insurance for a new driver ,lady 27 .for a 6 seat car ,value 1.000 . from a small nottingham town ng177JEM""
Who has the Cheapest libility Car Insurance in Chicago?
I want some libility Insurance under $50.dollars, not over $49dollars.""
disability insurance quote aflac
disability insurance quote aflac
""How much will my insurance premium go up after a speeding ticket, I'm 17?""
I am a 17 year old male whose car insurance is roughly $200 a month from Travelers. My parents (unlike me, haha) are perfect drives and have had no recent violations. On the other hand, I got pulled over in MASS for doing 86 in a 65. It won't happen again. I live in CT. How much do you think this will increase by? and when I renew could my insurance company decide to not run my DMV record?""
In dire need for cheap car insurance!?
So, I have recently passed my driving test and purchased a new car ('03 Renault Clio) and therefore need to insure it. This is where the problem lies. I have checked multiple compare sites, insurance sites, phoned them, asked my friends who they had their insurance under blah blah blah. The lowest quote I have had was 4000!! This extortionate amount is even with my pass plus certificate, saying I keep the car in a garage and having a low annual mileage (up to 6000). I really need some help here! If the car isn't insured for any time longer, and is just sitting in the garage I think im going to murder someone! Any good companies out there???????? Thanks a lot :)""
Why did the health insurance for my employees just go up 32% for next year?
Thanks Obama, Pelosi and Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. BS""
Criminal record for driving without car insurance???
I would like to know whether an individual who plead guilty for driving without a car insurance (UK) get his name put on criminal record list. It seems to me unlikely because people normally get points of their licenses and a fine.
Will average insurance cover this?
i have cherry angiomas it isnt deadly or bad. The only way to remove it is to get it lasered do you think average insurance will cover it. If not how much would it cost to get like 3/4 of an inch circle lasered off my skin
Drink driving & car insurance?
Does anyone know of any car insurance dealers that are kind(er) to drink drivers? All my qoutes are high and I just don't have the money to be forking out on car insurance. I have just bought my first flat and have a baby on the way...I wish they could see that circumstances have changed!!!
Where are gender therapist in Michigan that's affordable or that take medicaid?
trying to seek help but my funds are kind of low and I have medicaid insurance and I live in Clinton, Michigan can anyone help I really need help please""
Im confused about car insurance process?
Does any body know if its standard for the other person car insurance company to know the social security number of the not at fault person? Also, can they deny paying all the medical bills for the accident? Thanks for your inputs.""
Best ways to lower the car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Hiya. :) And yeah, this is a lovely situation, lol. :P I'm aware that no matter how I look at this, the price is going to be a punch to the head. But I'm in need of a car ...show more""
I'm auto insured in CA but not in NY how do i get insured in NY?
Hi I have auto insurance in california that's where i live and the car is registered in Ca also. The company that I have doesn't cover my car in NY it only covers for 10 days while I'm there in NY, But I'm going to be in NY for a while I might move there. What do I have to do to get insured in NY? And also the car is not in my name. What Do I DO?""
LoJack on a motorcycle or comprehensive insurance?
I just bought a brand new bike and I live in Florida where bike theft is very big. I want to get some protection as soon as possible. Comprehensive insurance which would cover theft will run me about 730 per year with a 500 dollar deductible. The Lo Jack unit will cost me about 800 installed and it is a one time fee, no monthly payments and it lasts forever. The recovery rates on a bike with lojack are very good from what I've read, I just want to see what everyone thinks. These are the two options and please only answer if you have good knowledge of lojack and how well it works. The only problem is that it doesnt cover things such as damage during theft, storm damage, and things that the insurance would (Then again it still has that 500 or 1000 dollar deductible). An alarm would possibly be an option but I'm leaning towards the two I discussed above. Just let me know what you think because I dont want this bike leaving without me on it.""
""Buying a car, do I need my own insurance to have the title signed over to me?""
My youth pastor is selling me his 2004 Dodge Stratus, and we're planning on going to the DMV tomorrow morning to have the title signed over. Currently, my mom pays for my car insurance every month, and the car I've been driving is in her name. If I want to put the new car in my name, can my mom still pay for my insurance or do I have to be able to pay for it in order to have the title signed over to me?""
Female car insurance companies?
does any1 know any good cheap female car insurers?
Teenage Car Insurance?
What can we expect for a 16 year old having to pay on a monthly base if he has his OWN insurance (as in not co-insured with the parents). This would be in Texas. I am pretty sure that there is a great difference. Just trying to familarize myself with the whole deal and trying to figure a ballpark amount. Any tips you might have are very much welcome. Thanks!!!
What kind of insurance plan covers theft of a vehicle?
I live in Los Angeles and I will soon be getting a 2005 Subaru sti i have been saving up for, but there's a lot of stolen cars in my area so I wated to know what insurance is good and cheap and that covers if my vehicle gets stolen. (I know that if it covers a stolen vehicle it's not going to be so cheap but 20 dollar a month less wownt hurt lol) (I've had my license for 1 year and 1/2 I'm 5 moths from being 18, so I'm still a minor. I've gotten 1 speeding ticket but has been taken care of in traffic school). thanks in Advance.""
Car Insurance and an accident?!?
So my parents are wanting me to get my own car insurance plan. Here's my question though. I got into an accident last December but my car insurance is under my dads name. Does this accident show up in my name when I ask for a quote from other insurance companies?
Is there anyway to get health insurance for a part-time student in Massachusetts?
I'm a part time student in Massachusetts and I need health insurance. I was wondering if anyone knows of any affordable health insurance that covers part time students. Thanks in advance!
Health Insurance?
I'm shopping for health insurance and am a bit confused by all the terms,Can someone tell me the difference between HMO's,PPO's,Network's,And Indemnity's and which is better?""
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student.
How much is teen auto insurance?
i normally have bs and as and rarely cs for school. About how much would auto insurance be?
Sent a fake transcript to a car insurance for good student discount?
So me like an idiot sent a transcript from my college to Geico car insurance and it was altered. I thought that in the next semester, i can be able to make it all up. the altered transcript had 2 C's 2 A's and 1 B. What can i do now? I am really afraid because I really don't know what to do anymore. I feel like committing suicide because of this. What should i do? My original gpa for the transcript was 2.50""
Proof of insurance?
My friend wants to use my car for his driving test here in california. I know the DMV will ask for proof of insurance. I have the insurance card in my glovebox, and am under my parents insurance, but im not the actual insurance holder with my name on the card. Im just a driver under there insurance. Is my friend still able to use my car, even though im not the primary insurance holder, just a driver on the policy? Do the parents have to be there in order for it to take place?""
Cheapest car to insure for 17 year old male in Toronto?
Im looking to buy a car and i live in the toronto area. Insurance is not the cheapest here. I was wondering what my best bet was in terms of insurance. Im looking for cars, not minivans,suvs, trucks...etc""
Can any one tell me which health insurance is good and affordable?
my mom and dad don't have health insurance, and i would like to get insurance for them so i will be paying out of my pocket can anyone tell me which insurance is best please thank you""
""What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
What is the pros and cons of 3rd party,fully comp and no insurance?""
disability insurance quote aflac
disability insurance quote aflac
What is an easy and cheap way to get a supra up to around 300-400bhp?
i know it wouldnt be cheap but as cheap as possible..also no more than 400bhp yet as the insurance will be sky high i'm 21...i don't want it to be an absolute monster yet but i want it to be able to keep up if you know what i mean..i have about 10,000..why have you got so much at 21 you ask? my dad died when i was 9 and when i turned 18 i got 45,000,, remember i dont want to spend more than 10,00 but will be willing to go a little over.""
Where can I get the cheapest car insurance?
I live in Toronto, Ontario Canada and I am looking to buy cheap car insurance. I have been driving for 30 years, any ideas, good websites, great companies? Your help is greatly appreicated.""
Im getting my first car but my mom says 2 dr car insurance is more expensive than a 4dr is that true explain.?
i love my mom but i wanna pick what i drive i want a two door car because if i get a 4 door car ppl are gonna leave there trash in it and im gonna be pissed off. My great great grandfather told me that the driver don't pick the car the car picks the driver and i understood him i want a car that is suitable to standards the most important thing it has to have is a sunroof/moonroof cd player and all power options. my mom just doesn't understand me or my life can someone please help me just a straight shot of info which car insurance is more expensive a 2 door car or a 4 door car.
What is the average time taken by an Insurance company to pay out on a car claim.?
I suppose it would depend on the nature of the damage to ones car and also who was at fault. However in my case, my car caught fire from what I believe may have been an electrical fault. It is now a total write off. I realise the insurance company has to carry out it's investigations but how long should this take and how soon would one expect to receive an offer. I made a claim 6 weeks ago and am still being fobbed off with the explanation that the investigations are on-going.""
Insurance for young drivers?
My son passed his driving test this week, he is 17.5 yrs old. I phoned our insurance company to let them know and his insurance has now jumped to over 2,000 - this is not including the 951 I had already paid to add him as a named driver when he got his provisional licence. I have been on price comparison websites but all are quoting huge amounts. As he is an A level student and plans on going to University he does't actually drive much. Anyone know what I can do to get the insurance reduced, if not now for in the future when the insurance comes up for renewal. Thank you.""
Question about first insurance quote for a young driver?
Last week I used autotrader to search for numerous quotes and found one for around 1450. Today I passed my driving test, and went back to the quote but it had to be renewed since last week which is fair enough. The lowest value today was 1576 which I am alright with. I refreshed the page a while later to find that quote had disappeared and the cheapest was 1620, with the company for that quote (elephant) at the bottom with an unable to find a quote detail. I thought it would come back soon, so I refreshed the page and then suddenly the price increased to 2950 minimum and many of the cheaper companies were now listed as unable to find a quote. Strange, but perhaps the websites are too busy to send data. An hour on though and the price is still 2950. Did anyone else have this problem? If so when was it fixed, the same day or next day? Thanks""
Car insurance question about my 17 year old.?
I want to get a second car and let my 17 year old drive it. I am trying to find a car insurance company that will let me have every thing in my name and have her as the principal driver of my second car. The problem I am having is she is moving down the street. I can not find a car insurance company that will let me have what is called a different garage adress on the car I am wanting to let her use. I am in the state and I have tryed all most all the car insurances companys around here and online. I have even tryed to have things put in her name but it would cost her around 300$ dollars a month to insurance it. And that is just the basic insurance. That is why i want to just keep everything in my name Any idea's would help. And not I not going to lie and just have her drive it and move and not let the insurance company she is driving it.
2010 camaro car insurance for 16 year old teen???
So ever since I saw te first transformers movie I have loved the look of the camaro, and after 7 years I'm deciding if I should get one as my first car. Im a major gear head, especially muscle cars. So I've been looking at some 2010 models that are around 14-16 grand. I make on average of 350-400 dollars every two weeks at my job, and I have enough to put around 5000$ down, now more or less ill be paying some where around 180-230$ a month. Now what worries me is the insurance cost.... I know for a first time 16 year old teen it's a bit expensive, so basically on average how much would the insurance be a month? Just an estimated cost would be perfect, and please don't tell me it depends, just a General estimation please and thank you, ps I have a 3.6 gpa and never been arrested, don't know if that helps lol""
Where can I get the cheapest motorcycle insurance quote for a brand new VESPA?
I'm 20 years old and looking into buying a vespa to use in Toronto! Looking for the cheapest insurance possible!
Is my newborn covered under my insurance plan?
my baby was born on 7/2/09 and was in the NICU for 9 days. Yesterday we received a statement stating that our insurance company has not paid our claim, do they usually pay for something like this or are we responsible to pay?""
How I Know Credit Card Insurance?
I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....""
How much does your insurance go up after getting a underage?
does anyone know how much the rates will go up? I didn't have my license when i received the underage and i still don't. I've never drove a vehicle. i don't have my license yet and im most likely not going to because my parents have told me the car insurance goes up now. I've looked online and it says that rates can double or triple. thank you for your answers.
Does anyone know what the cheapest insurance is?
i need insurance for a 2000 mercury cougar v6 2 door. any ideas?
How to convince parents to let me have auto insurance?
I've had my license for a little over three months now. However, I have no insurance, and therefore cannot drive (in California). Their reasoning is that I am an unsafe driver which I disagree with because I quite easily passed my driving test at the DMV and always think before I do anything when I drive. However, they seem firm on their decision... It's a bit frustrating having my license for so long but still being unable to drive. I'm tired of having to always ask friends for a ride or my parents; I just want a taste of independence. Of course, I'm not trying to be too arrogant or stubborn, I've respected my parent's decision, it's just bugging me a bit now haha. I offered to do a six-month plan instead of a year plan since I'm heading off to college in Septemberish. I'm about to turn 18 in a couple weeks also. Does anyone have any advice?""
Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?
Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?
Insurance - Cheap Car?
hello, my sister has just passed her driving test & she's wanting a cheap little run around. a ford ka 1997. She's seen one for exactly 300, and they're allowing her to go view it tomorrow. the reg is - 13 jan 1997 it's a petrol engine size - 1,299 cc does anyone know how much insurance will cost on it? & how much tax/mot costs on it? thankyou..""
What would actually be the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 2011 challenger srt8?
I need to find out what car insurance company located near Covington, Louisiana sells the CHEAPEST full coverage car insurance that would be paid in full every 6 months for a fully loaded Dodge Challenger SRT8 with an automatic 5 speed transmission with the fuel saver technology feature? Any suggestions?""
Can anyone tell me of an affordable health insurance for self employed people?
Can anyone tell me of an affordable health insurance for self employed people?
What is the cheapest insurance company?
ok so im an 18 year old guy and i just bought a 98 mustang. i also got my g2 recently.i am thinking of putting the car under my moms name and me as a secondary driver. what is the cheapest company you can recommend?
Which car insurance have you got the cheapest quote from for a 1.0 car?
my family is looking to buy a new car. My mum would be the main driver...my father the additional driver and me as another additional driver my mum has had her license for 15 years my dad has had it well over 30 years and i just passed a week ago any suggestions for the cheapest car insurance company ive been to gocompare but some sites dont show up any result....well quite alot frankly that i cannot go to each one individually to find a quote
How much can i afford for a car including full insurance on it..?
I'm 20 almost 21 never needed a car, so never had my drivers license. until i joined the air force. I make 1100 a pay check.. 400 dollars are taken out each paycheck for rent and bills.. so that leaves1400 dollars a month to spend.. 300 on food a month so 1100 dollars to spend on financing a car and the insurance for it.. what im getting at is i know nothing about cars and i want some advice on what amount should i be looking for when i look at cars...what can i afford and how much will the estimated insurance be?? thanks to all who answer this... sorry grammer is bad, on my mobile device""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
im interested in getting a bike (CF Moto V5), and i was wonder what would be a close estimate to the yearly cost? thank you.""
Car insurance black box (auto saints)?
I am going to have my car insured with a black box soon from auto saints, because it's much cheaper than any other insurance that I have looked at. My question is, after the second year does the insurance go down a lot with a years of no claims bonus (my friends say it doesn't) . So is it worth it? and do I have to keep the black box for the second year as well or is worth it changing insurance company after the second year?""
Small Business General Liability Insurance rates for premiums and audits?
The small business that I work for is currently shopping for a GL carrier and in getting quotes, questions are coming up that I just cannot find the answers for. Our current GL company basis our premium on our policy year payroll. However, one company that we are getting a quote from is basing the quote on the policy year gross income. Now, these two numbers are VASTLY different and I don't know why one is basing my premium on one item and another company on another item. Another question is Audit Rates. The audit rates between these two companies, (again based on different item dollar amounts,) differs also and I was wondering what a standard audit dollar amount would be, or maybe an average? If it makes a difference, my company does subcontract low voltage work. Thanks!""
Is Bike insurance cheaper then Car?
thinking of getting a bike cause where i live i dont really need a car and would love to have a bike but i dont got that good of a paying job im also 20 years old and i heard people under 25 have there bike insurance much higher then cars is this true
disability insurance quote aflac
disability insurance quote aflac
Where can i get the cheapest motorbike insurance?
Hello, am currently 16 but very soon will be 17 and i am going to get my full motorbike license so i can rid a 125cc motorbike. I have been looking around for insurance quotes and so far all have been very expensive even third party only at around 900. The motorbike i want to get is a yamaha r125 yzf and am wondering if any of you have some advice?""
Phoenix Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Phoenix? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Car insurance question? Under parents name?
Hi all, I recently got my drivers license when I turned 17, and am now looking to buy a car. I'm looking at a Foxbody mustang 5.0. Before the omg 17 get a civic comments, I can drive, I seldom speed, and when I do, its on an empty road in the middle of the night. I have track experience and know how to control a car, don't try to convince me otherwise. Now, my problem. Obviously mustang insurance for a 17yr old will be nuts, but right now I'm on my parents insurance policy so I can drive their car(1 car family), and a friend of mine told me I could just insure my car under my dad's name and claim that I drive it occasionally. So I realize I could claim my father is the primary driver and I'm just an occasional driver, but if I am actually the only one who is driving it, and something does happen where I get into an accident or get a ticket, what could happen? Would I be covered in case of an accident? Can they say no and not cover me if they find out I'm the primary driver? I'd be the only person driving it whatsoever, my dad can't even drive a stick, so I'm wondering if this is even possible or not. Thanks.""
How much would car insurance be..?
BALL PARK figures, if anyone knows how much car insurance would be for an Acura LSX 2014? MSRP is in the $30k I guess the record would be clean however I am only 21. Would it be good to also add my mother if that helps lower the cost? I haven't had a new car before and it's all new..""
Camera insurance with comet!?
6 or so months ago I bought a camera and had it insured with comet, if you don't know yet comet is having a break down and stores are closing all over the uk including the one near me. My next payment is due in December and then I have a final payment to make next year. If something happened to the camera it is come who would have had to replace it... So what happens now? Can I still insure my camera or will comet stop taking the payments or will they charge me for my insurance and give nothing back? Thanks for the help!""
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
What's the best option for changing cars and insurance?
Ok so I got my Service/MOT, Insurance and Road tax at the end of the month, I've been driving for 1 year now and touch wood I wont crash by the end of the month to get my 1st year no claims. I currently have a Renault clio 1.2 However in about 6 months I would like to change to a Audi A3 1.6 as my insurance will be cheaper with the 1 year no claims. (Had to get a 1.2 for the 1st year as Insurance would be crazy) I am currently getting quotes from Admiral and Diamond insurance for a annual fee of about 670 or Monthly installments that come to 1000, so Ideally I will just pay the full year off. But as I said in 6 months ill change cars and by the time Ill sell and buy a new car there could be 2 months where I'm not even driving, and don't want to pay for insurance for not even driving about. I can't find on these dam insurance sites about if i can put my insurance on hold (Admiral). Not sure if I will get charged if I put it on hold or not, as all these insurance company's are very sligh. and Should I pay the Road tax for the whole year or just the 6 months? Also what's the best place to buy/sell cars? ebay / auto trader? (I bought mine from the Motorline Renault garage)""
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
What is the best lowest cost insurance for a first time driver?
ok. i just got my learners permit. i had wondered what would be the best car insurance company too look to for getting my actual license. and has the lowest monthly rate, with the best coverage. i will never get a dui since i will never drive drunk. i have never had a ticket, i have excellent credit, i do not own a home so i don't want a insurance bundle, i'm in north carolina, i drive a volvo, i have never had a wreck . so i'm looking to good driving discount minus the privacy invading snap shot from progressive. and no dui discount. and good credit discount. exc anyone know of the best insurance company to look to?""
Cheapest California health insurance plans?
I don't make a lot of money
If you have two insurances...?
We have two medical insurances on our children. Should there still be a copay? Should having 2 insurances cancel out the copay?
Who here doesn't have health insurance and doesn't want it?
Everyone, which of the following do you fit it: (1) I have health insurance and want to keep it. (2) I have health insurance, but plan to get rid of it. (3) I don't have health insurance, but wish I had it. (4) I don't have health insurance and don't want it. I think that covers all possibilities.""
Is it better to repair cars with insurance company or known mechanic?
I met with an accident the other day where a drunk guy hit me at the rear end of my totyotal avalon. there is considerable body work to be done. i dont know if there may be any ...show more
What are the pros and cons of getting motorcycle insurance in Florida?
I'd like to save on the cost of insurance. However, I was wondering if it would be harder to get cheap insurance if I happen to get in a crash (with no insurance at the time).""
How much is car insurance?
I am in Delaware. I am starting grad school and I will have very little money. But I am considering getting an old car just to get around and save some time. I'm a 26 year old girl so I know I'm not in the worst catagories. I just want a basic idea of whether or not it will break the bank to consider a car.
How much does it cost to add a teenager to a car insurance policy?
Teen in question has a 4.3ish GPA and is involved in many extracurriculars.
Good Car Insurance?
My dad is insured by Allstate and pays around 580, and now i have a license and want to get insured as well, but it would cost us around 1150. Does anyone know of a better car insurance for the both of use to go under for cheaper then 1150? We live in Maryland. thank you""
What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid?
Any low cost health insurances out there?
What car insurance is the best?
Ive seen plenty of ads all claiming they are the best, but which one is the best? Please do not speak about an insurance company if you don't have experience with that company.""
Cheap insurance for a 16 year old boy?
My first car is gonna be allot more expensive then the average first car because its a Lincoln aviator, the only problem is that even though the truck is $7000 (after safety and etest and all that needs nothing else) witch i can afford, the insurance is $1000 a month witch i can't afford! is there anyway to possibly go under my parents insurance or something like that? if so how would i do that?""
Cheapest insurance for a 05 ford mustang?
am 19year old and have my licenses for 2 years. a also financing the car.
What are some cheap auto insurance companies in florida for teenage drivers?
I am 17 years old. I currently have liberty mutual insurance with my parents for $5,901 annualy (about $550 per month for three cars). Is there any cheap car insurance?""
About how much would it cost per month for car insurance? i'm 16 and i would be driving a 10 year old minivan.
About how much would it cost per month for car insurance? i'm 16 and i would be driving a 10 year old minivan.
How to get Insurance on a permit and without owing a car?
how to get Insurance on a permit and without owing a car and 25 years old in north Carolina
How much do you pay for teen car insurance per 6 month?
We have 2 cars 01 camry and 98 nissan. I am 18 , dad is 54 and we pay 35004+ for 6 months . Is that high?""
disability insurance quote aflac
disability insurance quote aflac
0 notes
anovel70 · 7 years
December 4, 2017
I had work today, which means I didn't do much. I worked on my script for my video I'll release on Wednesday with all the major talking points.
I also spent a good amount of time thinking about Pokemon games. I have a Nintendo 3DS, but no specific games to go along with it. I was thinking of getting Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. I would also want a Kirby and Mario game. I'm definitely not getting any of the 7th generation Pokemon games. I might get the 6th generation Pokemon games under certain conditions.
I was thinking of downloading an emulator to play Pokemon HeartGold, White 2, X, Alpha Sapphire, Sun, and Ultra Moon, just to experience the main storyline and repeatable content. If I feel that it is fun, then I might buy X and Alpha Sapphire. I'm definitely getting White 2, but I keep running into spoilers for the story. I just want to see what the story is, and speedrun it on the main game. When I get White 2, I also want to buy Dream Radar for $3 for the hidden abilities and the Landorus and Thunderous. I heard that you have to pay $5 per year to transfer Pokemon from the 5th generation to 6th generation, which I am not paying. I'm also not a big fan of Mega Evolutions, which Generation 6 introduces.
So Generation 5 is probably going to be my last generation of Pokemon. Part of me wants Alpha Sapphire for the nostalgia and to wrap up my Pokemon hobby. I can say: It started with Ruby and ended with Sapphire. Sounds like a good ending, right? Besides, $5 to transfer Pokemon from the 5th generation to 6th generation isn't bad, as long as I do everything within a year. I'm in no rush to transfer them either. I just want my level 100 Emerald Rayquaza to kill everything and everyone. It's EV trained too!
I was looking through my Black game to see if there were any evolutionary lines of Pokemon I was missing. I found I was missing Snivy, Pansage, Panpour, Tirtouga, Zoura, Solosis, Stunfisk, Pawniard, Boffalant, Rufflet, Terrakion, Virizion, Thundurous, Landorus, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Genesect. I can get Pansage, Panpour, Stunfisk, Pawniard, Boffalant, Terrakion, and Virizion in Pokemon Black, so I'm going to do that in the next couple of days. Snivy is a starter Pokemon. Tirtouga is a fossil, so I'm going to choose that in White 2. The good news is that I can get all the ones I didn't mention in Pokemon White 2 when I buy it, except Thundurous and Landorus. I will pay the $3 for Dream Radar to get them. Oddly enough, I received a Zekrom from trade back when it worked. I wish I had gotten everyone else while I was at it, especially the Thundurous. Then I wouldn't need Dream Radar, but I guess Dream Radar is good because it allows you to get hidden abilities of other Pokemon. Plus I might be able to restart and get more Thundurouses. Hopefully getting those Pokemon won't take long.
Getting Dream Radar and White 2 wouldn't be so bad. From my understanding, I have a chance to obtain a Giratina and Palkia if I insert a 4th generation catridge in the DS slot. I can also get the rarer evolutionary stones, which I can always use.
In Pokemon Black, I'm having problems motivating myself to play. I can catch all the 5th gen Pokemon. Pansage and Panpour in Pinwheel Forest with a 10% rarity when the grass is Shaking, Stunfisk by surfing in Route 8 with a 100% chance (wow, I am very lazy), Pawniard in Route 9 with a 20% rarity, Boffalant in Route 10 with a 20% rarity. With Terrakion and Virizion, I think I killed them, so I have to beat the Elite 4 again to make them reappear. And that is my plan on catching the remaining Pokemon.
Another motivation is to get a special Darmanitan. I want to get it, along with Terrakion and Virizion, with good IVs, which is untrainable once they are captured.
There are trades I want to do as well. Nacrene City (my Cottonee for a Petillil), Driftveil City (my Minccino for a Basculin), Route 7 (my Boldore for an Emolga), Route 15 (my Ditto for a Rotom), and Undella Town (my Cinccino for a Munchlax) has trades. I'm not sure if I want to do the Undella Town one, since a Minccino requires a stone to become a Cinccino. That's too much of a sacrifice. The rest are all expendable. Plus I can only do it in the summer, so I have to wait 6 more months.
Other motivations for me is doing the daily events. I can sell to item collectors, battle Cheren and Bianca, Battle Subway, Sports Dome, Royal Unova (4-7, especially on weekends), check out Unity Tower, see if I'm eligible for trade gifts in Castelia City, see if I'm eligible for Pokemon Fan Club gifts in Icirrus City, Berry Clown in Castelia City, Driftveil City Heart Scale, Cynthia battle, Gamefreak Battle, Black City trainers, Weather Stones (go between 5-8), Twist Mountain Fossils (make sure I have all of them), Route 13 Treasure Hunter, and Anville Town items (weekly). (This is all for my reference)
For my 3rd generation games, I'm only going to focus on getting the Lucky Egg. I literally looked back at my Probability notes, just to see the probability of me getting a Chansey with a Lucky Egg. Apparently, if I catch 60 Chanseys, I am 95% likely to obtain a Lucky Egg. So far, I think I caught at least 20 over the past few years. I know this because I looked at my storage boxes in Pokemon Black and saw I had at least 8 Chanseys lying around. My plan in Firered is to catch at least 3 Chanseys every day until I get the Lucky Egg. I want it to be a 2017 thing, but it'll most likely be procrastinated to 2018.
To figure stuff like that out, I used Bernoulli's theorem, which gives you the probability of occurance for binary outcomes. Assuming I catch a Chansey, the chance of me getting a Lucky Egg is 5%. The probability of failure is 95. Let's say I want a 95% chance of getting a Lucky Egg in my first "x" captures, which technically means I'm going to get a Lucky Egg. Setting up my Bernoulli equation, I get .95 = 1- xC0 * 5%^0 * 95%^x. Reducing this will give me 0.05 = 95%^x. x = ln 0.05 / ln 0.95, which is around 60 if we round to the nearest 30 (30 is the number of Pokemon in a storage box). If I repeat this with a 99% chance of getting a Lucky Egg within x captures, I get x = ln 0.01 / ln 0.95 = 90.
I'm not looking to improve anything in my 4th generation Pokemon games at the moment. I feel I already have everything I want in them. Or at least I feel that there's nothing to do in those games. My interests in Pokemon are Generation 3, then Generation 5. Generation 4 is just low priority.
My December goals: dating, school preparation, job search, stock market, sell textbooks, read IEEE magazines, organize stuff on my USB drives, Neopets, Kim Possible Season 5 story, Agario, Runescape, clean my room, play with my new technology, Nintendo stuff, Youtube videos, and work.
0 notes