#ivy sweet-thompson
hislittleraincloud · 6 months
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Greg, Cairo, and Ivy (Sweet) Thompson, 2007 & 2008
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pluckyredhead · 9 months
My Favorite Comics of 2023
Sometimes I think I should review all the comics I read as I read them. Then I realize I read like...40 comics a month and decide to not do that. But I figured I could at least round up my favorite books of 2023!
So as not to bury the lede...
My Favorite Comic of 2023: Green Arrow
Was there ever any question? All I have ever wanted for like 20 years at this point is Arrowfamily shenanigans, and this book has been all about reassembling the gang and letting them romp through the DC universe. This is an Ollie who is overflowing with love and bad ideas, and that's perfect. Every character and relationship has gotten a chance to shine so far, and I can't wait until they bring the girls in. I especially love how clear it is that Roy is Williamson and Izaakse's favorite. ME TOO, GUYS, ME TOO. The fact that this is now an ongoing instead of a limited series is the best gift DC could have given me.
The rest of my faves...
Alan Scott: The Green Lantern: I did not expect to be as moved by this book as I am. The overall plot is a bit hard to follow, but that's not really the point of the comic. What blows me away every issue is how unflinching and occasionally brutal the book is in its portrayal of 1940s-era homophobia, including Alan's internalized self-hatred, and yet how simultaneously incredibly kind the book is. The love and validation, especially in #2 and #3, is so generous and beautiful. Also, it's the best and most beautiful I've ever see Cian Tormey's art look - he gives everything such a hazy, heartbreaking softness here. Please read this book.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest: This continues to be one of the most enjoyable books DC is putting out right now. Mora is one of those artists, like Doc Shaner, who draws the DC universe exactly 100% the way it looks in my hindbrain, and Waid is absolutely in his sweet spot of classic heroes, Silver Age lore, and extremely comic book-y adventure. Plus, Tamra Bonvillain is doing that thing she does with colors that taps directly into the happiness center of my brain - they are so rich and sunny and joyful.
Birds of Prey: I love everything Kelly Thompson writes and I'm so glad we finally have her at DC. She is the absolute perfect writer for this book, too - she gives such good superheroine. The banter! The action! The way she mixes and matches her cast in such fun combinations! Leonardo Romero's layouts are so kinetic and fun, and Jordie Bellaire's colors, YOU GUYS, JORDIE BELLAIRE'S FUNKY SEVENTIES COLORS! I can hear the soundtrack of this book. Love love love.
The Flash: To be clear, I mean the Jeremy Adams run that ended earlier this year with #800. I will forever be salty that DC canceled this delightful book, which was all of the action and humor and heart and love of continuity that I crave in comics, in favor of the so far completely mid Spurrier series. RIP Adams run, you were too good for this world.
Fire & Ice: Welcome to Smallville: This book got off to a slightly slow start, in my opinion, but every issue just gets better and better. It is so funny, and I want Natacha Bustos to design every outfit I ever wear for the rest of my life. Plus, Tamra Bonvillain is doing the color thing here, too! I want to live in her world.
Poison Ivy: I trust G. Willow Wilson with my life. This is such a good, complex, nuanced take on Ivy. (Also messy and poly and queer.) I have no idea where this story is going but I'm on this ride 'til the end.
And finally...
Favorite Backlist Title: Starman (1994): You guys. YOU GUYS. I mainlined all 80 issues of this series this year at an absolutely blistering pace because I did not want to stop reading it for even a single second. It's everything I love about comics: truly serialized storytelling with a huge cast and lots of intertwining subplots, tons of twists and foreshadowing that pay off in immensely satisfying ways, a deep dive into continuity that's still accessible to people who know almost nothing about Starman (me), a love letter to a fictionopolis, and one funky little dude trying his best at the center of it. I am BEGGING you to read Starman. Please.
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🦇 Morbidly Yours Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
❓ #QOTD What do you want people to remember you for? ❓ ⚠ Trigger Warnings: Grief, Death, Car Accident, Ableism, Bullying, Body Horror, Child Death
🦇 Painfully shy Callum Flannelly would rather dive into an open grave than take a stranger to dinner. But he can only inherit the family undertaking business under one condition: He must marry before his 35th birthday. Texan animator Lark Thompson moved to Galway, Ireland, to restart her life and career, not be reminded of losing her husband by moving in next to a funeral home. Can Lark help Callum find The One, or has she been standing right in front of him all along?
💜 Ivy Fairbanks has done a wonderful job at developing vibrant, realistic characters who will, no doubt, steal your heart. Despite the grief and guilt weighing on her, Lark is a ray of sunshine, and there's no discounting the charm Callum is hiding behind his seemingly dark exterior. Initially, I worried they were TOO different for chemistry to spark between them, but the progression is easy and natural, the two of them bringing light to one another despite coming from very different, dark places. The little moments between them truly build into romance, making their friends-to-lovers progression both realistic and raw. You'll fall in love as they fall in love, feel your heart ache as their hearts ache, and watch both characters grow with every page. Beyond that, Fairbanks directs readers directly into Ireland, the setting's natural beauty and rich history seeping out of the page until you can't help but breathe in the scent of flowers blooming after a heavy rain. This book is a journey, both through Galway and its intense character growth. Callum's stutter is well-represented, as is his ace/demisexual orientation. As someone who is in love with a demi-goddess (hehe), I was glad to see it depicted so richly and honestly. Lark researching to understand Callum better was all too sweet.
💙 Normally, I have limited interest in a marriage of convenience plot, but it really works well here. You feel the pressure Callum is experiencing without it seeming like a hokey plot device. I also appreciate that both characters have both internal and external conflicts they need to resolve. That being said, I do think Lark's enemy comes off as a one-dimensional villain, when so many other characters live off the page. I've encountered coworkers who are willing to take credit for another person's work, throw someone under the bus, and bully to feel powerful, but honestly, there's usually a deeper reason motivating them. I also think we should have experienced more panic from Lark when she realized how Callum planned to fix the marriage problem. Instead we skip that scene and go straight into her finding a solution.
🦇 Recommended for fans of Tessa Bailey, Hanna Bonam-Young, and Tara DeWitt.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 🪦 Dual POV 🌻 Contemporary Romance/Romantic Dramedy 🪦 Marriage of Convenience 🌻 Set in Ireland 🪦 Opposites Attract 🌻 Ace/Demisexual MMC (w/ a Stutter) 🪦 Forced Proximity/Neighbors 🌻 Friends-to-Lovers 🪦 Open Door Spice 🌻 First in a Series 🪦 Debut Novel
🦇 Major thanks to the author @IvyFairbanksBooks and publisher @putnambooks for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book. #MorbidlyYours
💬 Quotes ❝ Lark’s vibrance made me fall for her. Stifling it would be akin to plucking a wild, rare bloom, only to watch it wither under a bell jar. ❞ ❝ To love was to accept risk. In all honesty, the half-century old scooter was a thousand times safer than giving anyone my heart—and I’d done that months ago. ❞ ❝ My heart thumps like a drum, with the taste of your lips, the sweet breath in your lungs. I tried not to fall, but I had to succumb. ❞ ❝ Swear on this life, beside you I’ll stand. ❞ ❝ “Mo chuisle? It means ‘my pulse.’ I never quite understood it before, what it meant to have another person be the d-driving force behind the pump of your blood, but it’s true. Lark, your smile saved me like an emergency transfusion. Your laugh is the song my every blood cell dances to. Your touch revived me from darkness. You are my pulse. You make me feel alive even when I’m surrounded by death.” ❞ ❝ “I can’t b-b-believe you named my character Plague Rat.” “What can I say? You inspire me.” She shrugged. ❞ ❝ “Illusions aren’t lies. They’re gifts. They give the audience something to believe in,” she replied. “Help me put a little magic in the world.” ❞ ❝ “You’re absolutely gorgeous,” he murmured. “You say that after I take your glasses off?” I smiled. “I don’t need them to see you.” My heart swelled. He did see me, and it felt so right. ❞ ❝ In an interview, my animation hero Hayao Miyazaki once said that he strived to portray love as a relationship where two people mutually inspire each other to live. ❞ ❝ We would cherish the light and honor the darkness, together. ❞
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Hi Grace!! What did you think of S4?
So *claps hands* here's the thing. I loved s4 and it had some incredibly special moments and conversations that I think are so important in media. Here is an exhaustive list of storylines/moments I loved, in no particular order: Fabiola saying fuck it to the Ivies and going to an HBCU, all the model UN conflicts and Devi and her friends handled them, the model UN in general I loved this season, Devi having a little bit of fun with Ethan, Devi and Paxton finally closing the door, Paxton finally letting go of high school and figuring out the best career path for him, Ms. Thompson being beautiful stunning and amazing, Trent proposing to Eleanor in the worst possible way, Devi realizing that she might burn out in college and she and Ben comforting each other, Nirmala serving sassy line after sassy line, Dr. Ryan admiring how far she had made in her progress and Devi leaping across the room to hug her, Nalini telling Devi that it wasn't that she didn't believe in her, it was just that she knew life was unfair because of her experience immigrating to the U.S., Devi saying "Sorry you came to America for nothing" when Devi didn't get into college, Devi's college essay about her Dad, Devi's connection to Princeton BECAUSE of her Dad, Devi screaming you're not real to the imagined figure of her Dad and Nalini coming in and comforting her, Nirmala telling Nalini that she was lashing out at Devi because she didn't want her to leave, the final Nalini/Devi scene, Kamala's storyline about being afraid to be away from her family, Devi's final prayer scene, Eleanor realizing she didn't want to be like her deadbeat mom (fuck Joyce) and going to prom with her girls!, Ben and Devi in the final episode!
Now here are what I had issues with:
The BIGGEST issue I had with this season was with Ben and Devi's storyline. It felt like stalling to me. No, it was stalling to me. Because basically the writers said, oh, okay Devi is ready to go and is In Love with Ben and want to be with him. They should have just gotten them together because at that point, Ben had admitted he didn't want Devi to go and confessed to her that he liked her at Paxton's graduation, but nooooo they added all this stupid conflict on Ben's end that made absolutely no sense. I would have been FINE if they had touched on Ben being afraid to be hurt by Devi again, because he cheated on her in the past, etc. etc. Or at least explained why he said what he did in the parking lot, why he chose to stop talking to her, etc. But nope! They just moved past it, no explanation.... okay??? Then what was the point of that? And where did the "insecure and too competitive" comment even come from? It made no sense. And I maintain it was a dick move to ignore her after they slept together, I don't care about the intent, I care about the impact, and it was an awful thing to do to Devi.
I really liked the scenes they had of Ben and Devi together, but there weren't enough of them. And they were all scenes of them being so sincere, and in my opinion, there wasn't enough hyper-specific Ben and Devi banter/snark. Everything between them was very sweet, which I somewhat enjoyed, but it was missing that special Ben and Devi sauce. I feel like the entire season was riding on knowledge of their dynamic from previous seasons, rather than their actual conversations/interactions in the present. They never really spoke about their issues, and all their conversations were just them supporting each other. Again, fine, but like I was craving more complexity I guess?
My last gripe with D/B people are going to come for me but while I loved them in the final episode, and I love the Mindy Kaling style of rom coms, their love confession felt a little generic to me and I felt like I had seen it watching other Mindy Kaling shows. Again, I wish there was more hyper-specificity, like saying I love you in their graduation speech shading each other, or going on their Cheesecake Factory date, or going to Malibu for some reason. I love they broke back the model UN sign, for instance. I did love that they rode the scooter to Ben's house, and people paralleled it with Mohan and Nalini, but I didn't really understand the significance of the scooter other than that? This is me being extra picky just because the show is so good because Maitreyi and Jaren's acting was stunning in the entire episode.
I didn't like Margot. She was mean to Devi, and to Ben, and I would have been fine if they cut her out.
Andres was cute and I was happy Nalini was happy but he underwhelmed me, especially because I loved Dr. Jackson.
Aneesa served in every scene she was in, but there wasn't enough of her. There also wasn't enough of Trent! And I think of Eleanor as one of the funniest characters, but honestly she didn't really have many funny lines this season?? Fabiola cracked me up though.
Also the outfits didn't really hit for me this season? Every single one of Devi's outfits ate in s2 and s3 but I was underwhelmed in season 4 with them. Again, I'm being PICKY.
Overall, I really enjoyed the season and it was really emotional for me. But idk for some reason I feel like it kind of had this forgettable quality to me and I am not sure why. It could be because I didn't get everything I wanted (particularly from Ben and Devi). I honestly would have been fine if season 3 was the last one because I thought it was PERFECT and s4 ruined that image of perfection for me. Still, there was so much that I love and the series and characters will always have a special place in my heart.
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sullivanxshaw · 1 year
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“ I don’t wanna be me anymore “
Welcome to Aurora Bay, [SULLIVAN “SULLY “ SHAW!] I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [ROHAN CAMPBELL]. You must be the [TWENTY-FOUR] year old [DELIVERY AT SWEET NOTHINGS BAKERY ]. Word is you’re [PROTECTIVE] but can also be a bit [ANXIOUS] and your favorite song is [I DONT WANNA BE ME BY TYPE O NEGATIVE ]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS ]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
Tw: Death, Anxiety,Physical Abuse, Alcoholism Drug addiction
Step Father: Nicholas Stephensen(deceased )
Mother: Annie Shaw (deceased)
Biological Father: Peter Shaw
Sister: Summer Shaw (21 yrs old)
Half Sister: Selena Shaw (15 years old)
Half Sister:Sera Shaw (6 yrs old)
Coworkers: Liza Levin, Noelle Driscoll
Friends: Emerson Cassidy, Kylee Anthony, Sage Williams, Aubrey Carson
Former Crush On: Liza Levin
Exes: Sage Williams
Current Crush On: Sage Williams
Someone With Crush On Him:UTP
Former Friends: UTP
The Bad Habit Connection:
Mentor Figures: Noelle Driscoll, Ann Thompson, Calin Sava
Raised on Aurora Bay Drive, Sullivan Shaws family seemed perfect from the outside. His mom owned a small business in town and was a large part of the community. Everyone knew the Shaw family and everything seemed idyllic to the untrained eye. Sully graduated high school near the top of his class and was saving up money for the next couple of years working in town and attending the local college so that he could go to med school. He was the oldest of four and felt like he had to set the standard; especially considering that their father was a horrible drunk who had a tendency to disappear for days on end; leaving his mom to not only run her shop but to leave her raising four kids. Sully wasn’t the type to sit back and let things happen though and began helping his mom with work. It was aways instilled in him to take care of those who needed it most and he was why he wanted to also attend med school. He also had the grades to make it pretty far in life, but wasnt in a rush to leave and attend an Ivy League school yet.
Whether it was helping one of his sisters with school work or stepping in the middle of a bullying situation, Sully felt like he was always supposed to offer his help. He wasn’t a very confrontational person naturally though and would only ever step in based on impulse to protect the people he never wanted to see hurt. That was quickly followed with the realization he was in over his head and about to get beat up. Which happened a fair amount. But as long as his family was safe he would always step up for them.
Sully always felt like he always had to be the the one to keep things together, especially in response to his dad. For most of his early life he felt like being the big brother was something to always take seriously. And when he got into it with his biological father he came home and saw the man attempting to hurt his mom, Sully acted in pure impulse and stood up to him. Despite getting a broken nose for his interference, Sully made it perfectly clear that he wasn’t going to let anyone hurt his family. From his mom to his littlest sister Eloise everyone was going to be safe from his dad. His dad wasn’t required in their family to be complete and the man finally walked out on his mom officially. Eloise was only a couple of months old at the time, but none of it mattered when your father would rather throw a punch and ran off to find himself at the bottom of a liquor bottle. He sent nothing but divorce papers as a goodbye to the Shaws and Sully finally felt like things were going to be okay.
His mom struggled a bit to find her footing for a couple years but eventually fell in love again with a longtime friend and remarried. The man was someone that had gone above and beyond what so many others wouldn’t do and took on dating a single mother of four and treated them as his own. It didn’t matter that Sully was already a legal adult by that point, he still wanted to feel like they could be one big and happy family. He wasn’t scared anymore that someone could hurt his mom like his bio dad had, but he still felt this need in his family to look after things when he could. Sully was just relieved he could finally let his guard down and start to focus on what he really wanted to do in life.
The world had a habit of changing so fast though.
His oldest sister was helping keep an eye on Annalise and Eloise, while Sully was out at work all night at his moms shop. His mom and step dad had gone out for their anniversary and the oldest Shaw siblings were helping out with the family obligations. When he came home and noticed the police cars that surrounded his home he knew something had gone horribly wrong. It was a drunk driver on the road and his parents died on impact. Sully was beside himself over what had happened and before he could really process any of his grief, they had to bury his mom and step-dad
In the months that followed, Sully felt like he wasn’t really existing; instead just going through the motions of his life and unable to truly let himself fall apart. He would just smile and accept other’s condolences and hope to God they would stop talking to him about his dead parents. He felt incredibly overwhelmed and in over his head but he was trying to keep it all together. He had to stay a strong front for his siblings though. He had to make sure they could come to him even though he was trying hard not to spiral. He couldn’t let him see himself slipping. After all he was always going to be the protector, whether it was standing up to their dad or their bullies, Sully would always be there for them.
He was the oldest.
He was the big brother.
He had to keep it all together.
He had no choice.
When the town decided they were done morning the Shaws and moved on with their lives it was both frustrating and a relief. Sully hated being reminded of his families loss, so he was more than grateful to stop hearing “ Sorry about your parents “ but it did frustrate him that just because they were done mourning for his family it didn’t mean the Shaw kids weren’t done mourning their loss. People say a lot of pretty and nice things when it is right in front of them, but they move on rather quick; especially when things started to go south for the Shaw family. Those helping hands that were once offered were nowhere in sight.
And as the Shaw family had to close down the business, and CPS came and tried to split up the family or send his sister to live with their dad. None of the well wishers had tried to intervene on their behalf. It was all on Sullys shoulders and he had to act fast. He went to the few people in town he knew could help him and tried to build a case to be granted him custody of his two youngest sisters. With his oldest sisters help and a few faces he held dear to him on the outside he went to court and fought for the legal guardianship of his sisters Eloise and Annalise. When his father walked in and tried to portray himself as a good man and not the abusive alcoholic he really was; Sully had enough and stood his ground. It was emotionally taxing but by the time they had reached an agreement, Sully was granted custody of his two youngest sisters with his other sister staying with them to help out. He also vowed if he ever saw his father back in Aurora Bay, he would make sure he never saw his kids again.
While he was out of the woods in some ways, a whole new battle was taking place. Without the income of the shop, the legal fees, and four mouths to feed, the money left from his mom and step dad was drying up fast and, in order to save money, the four moved to Ocean Crest and both Sully and his sister took jobs in town to help.
It’s been a couple of years and even though the Shaws aren’t living the way they used to, they were as happy as they could be considering the circumstances. His sister Annalise might be in her angsty teen years and his little sister Eloise seems to think Sully is her dad, but they’re making it all work. He likes to think he’s doing the best job he can, but his issues with anxiety started to magnify ever since the death of his mother and step dad. He’s never had a moment to breathe since the accident and it’s only building up in him and had nowhere to go. The mourning he never did, the anger he felt toward his dad, the overwhelming sense of having to always appear perfect so he doesn’t lose his siblings, it was all starting to weigh down on Sully. It never ended. It never slowed down. And he just always smiled through it and hoped they didn’t see the ball of nerves he’d become. At a certain point Sully had started to be unable to sleep at night and would chemical ways to help him just so that he was able to get through the day. He was never going to touch alcohol because of his dad, and because of what had killed his mom, but Sully is aware he’s playing a dangerous game as he slowly slides into addiction and is hoping someone can give him the help he’s always been too scared to ask for his whole life. He was always going to be a protector, but what do you do when you can’t protect yourself ?
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Starter call! In particular, for the muses under the read more. I don’t have many/or any at all for some of these characters, so would love some more!
All muses are bi, open to any almost muses and are good for fluff, angst, 🔥 and more (I’ll have a look at your blog/wanted tags to see what you might like.
Like this post for a starter or two, comment if you have a muse preference 🩵
ALLIE JORDAN | early twenties | lifestyle & make up influencer | submissive | halle bailey fc ➡️ sweetheart but a bit of a bimbo
AVERY POWELL | mid twenties | professional dancer | submissive | maude apatow fc ➡️ talented and sweet, a little quiet and timid off stage.
BIRDIE BENNETT | late twenties-early thirties | toystore owner | submissive | melissa o'neil fc ➡️ kind, down to earth girl next door.
BRIA RADLEY | mid forties | animal shelter owner | switch | rose byrne fc ➡️ kindest soul, prefers animals over people, definitely adhd vibes.
DARCY RODRIGUIEZ | early twenties | college student & babysitter | younger half-sister to kaitlyn | switch | olivia rodrigo fc ➡️ sweet girl, some family issues, just wants to be appreciated? tries hard at life.
FLORA HARRIS | late twenties | maid / helps run her mother’s cleaning company - au or modern | switch | simone ashley fc ➡️ kind, quiet but doesn’t take any shit, works hard.
HAZEL WEST | late twenties | social worker | younger sister to harper| submissive | katherine mcnamara fc ➡️ ultimate sweetheart but sensitive and wears heart on her sleeve
HUDSON PHILLIPS | mid twenties | social media rep & daughter of famous football coach | switch | mimi keene fc ➡️ flirty, bratty, fun, daddy’s little girl, spoiled, doesn’t always care about consequences.
ISABELLA BAILEY | early twenties | pop star | switch | rachel zegler fc ➡️ America’s new sweetest popstar who is struggling a little with new level of fame
IVY WINTERS | mid-late twenties | teacher | submissive | taylor swift fc ➡️ sunshine angel teacher who has deals with ex boyfriend trauma & anxiety. happy to discuss her issues.
JEMIMA EDWARDS | mid twenties | pastor’s daughter & teacher’s assistant | older sister to tabitha | submissive | camilla morrone fc ➡️ kind hearted, wants to see more of the world, religious guilt - very much still a virgin.
JULIET HAWKE | late twenties-early thirties | founder of a non for profit | submissive | eiza gonzalez fc ➡️ kind, charitable, loving, super caring.
KAITLYN RODRIGUEZ | early forties | psychiatrist | older half-sister to darcy | submissive | melissa fumero fc ➡️ wants to fix other people but has her own issues happy to discuss
MADELINE LAWRENCE | mid twenties | princess - AU or modern | switch | taylor swift fc ➡️ kind but stubborn, loyal but a little bored of her life, a daydreamer.
PAISLEY THOMPSON | early twenties | dance teacher + sugar baby | switch | rain spencer fc. ➡️ fun, flirty, sweet, sometimes gets herself into unexpected situations.
SASKIA HART | early thirties | children’s tv presenter/entertainer | younger sister to yasmin | switch | taylor swift fc ➡️ talented, sweet, sunshine, black sheep of the family, struggles with people not taking her seriously sometimes
SAVANNAH COOPER | early twenties | lifeguard | submissive | madelyn cline fc ➡️ not the brightest but she’s very genuine and does her best. has some learning issues.
SIENNA TRAN | late thirties | lawyer | switch | gemma chan fc ➡️ work, work and more work? Sienna can be fun and likes to unwind but she’s bossy, work oriented and easily annoyed.
TALIA SINGH | early twenties | australian exchange student + casual babysitter | switch | ayesha madon fc ➡️ fun and friendly, misses home!
YASMIN HART | mid thirties | owner & ceo of Hart Cosemtics | older sister to Saskia | switch | brooklyn decker fc ➡️ mommy and daddy’s favourite, judgemental, bossy, work oriented.
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idrinkinkstories · 2 years
Word Prompt One: Holiday.
Major Holidays as if they Were People, Part One.
Valentine’s Day.
She’s so sweet she'll give you cavities. When ordering dessert, you order your sundae with those awful fake cherries, just for her, because she loves them.
She always makes sure your selfies are flawless and continues to snap them even when she looks perfect herself in them.
On nights out, she's a shoulder to cry on for the drunk girls in the bathrooms at the clubs and despite a reputation for an obsession with love, she will tell them to dump the f*boys as she’s fixing their mascara. Her litmus test for men is Gomez Addams, and she will ask them every time, “Would Gomez Addams find this acceptable?”
Unfortunately, she likes picnics.
Her favourite Jane Austen character is Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility.
That Love Stinks scene in the Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler, actually makes her giggle.
She will tell you to order your grande Love Bug Frappuccino with cookie crumble crunch, and raspberry and vanilla bean syrup, for goodness sake, and own your Basic Bitch™ already. This will probably start her ‘self-love is a political act’ rant. It starts to trail off by the time she gets to ‘the world will always crush what you love, so be brave and wear your heart on your sleeve anyway’, but it’s endearing, and honestly, she’s not wrong. So order your damn drink.
She can’t figure out how to use Tumblr.
Contrary to popular belief, red roses are not her favourite flowers. Big, bright gerberas are. Also, she knows the language of flowers fluently and in a single well-crafted bouquet she can either express all the true love in the world, or destroy any hope for any sort of affection and stomp a dream to pieces. At whim she can be the breaker of hearts. 
She will belt out Roxette’s It Must Have Been Love a little too hard at karaoke and you side-eye her and wonder if she’s okay.
She hates the movie Love, Actually and will never be over Alan Rickman cheating on Emma Thompson. This is a big source of contention between herself and Christmas Eve. 
Don’t get tattoo advice from her, she will tell you it’s a great idea to get your current lover’s name etched on you forever. Don’t get Brody’s name on you. 
She ships Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. They are her #couplegoals
Valentines and Halloween are girlfriends. I don’t make the rules.
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treescape · 3 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @marycontraire and @tomicaleto !
favourite colour: Always, always blue!
currently reading: Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland (print), Chaos Rising by Timothy Zahn and narrated by Marc Thompson (audio book).
last song: ivy (Taylor Swift)
last series: I’m watching The Book of Boba Fett right now on my own, and my roommate and I are on season 2 of A Discovery of Witches.
Last Movie: I honestly cannot remember; lately I watch a lot of shows instead because I do not have the focus for anything longer. Even though half the time I end up watching 2 or 3 episodes of something anyway LOL.  But probably this means it’s The Mummy (1999). That’s always a fair bet with me.
Sweet, savoury, or spicy: Sweet!
Currently working on: I’ve been struggling bad. I’m jumping around between a bunch of things right now--a part of to have and to hold, a quick High Republic one shot, a couple recent prompts that I love, an old quiobi fic that I hoped would help my writer’s block, a bunch of other things. Mostly I’m just too exhausted to write much these past few weeks because of work.
Tagging whoever wants to do this!
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mrhyde-mrseek · 3 years
“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” Songs
•”Creatures of the Night” by Janet Devlin
•”House of Cards” by Janet Devlin
•”Wonderful” by Janet Devlin
•”Witch” by Karliene
•”Believe” by Mumford and Sons
•”West of Words” from Alice By Heart
•”Down the Hole” from Alice By Heart
•”Wicked” by AViVA
•”Run” by Wildwood Kin
•”Ready to Question” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Your Heart” by RaeLynn
•”Lonely Call” by RaeLynn
•”Beauty in Your Brokenness” by Wildwood Kin
•”Time Has Come” by Wildwood Kin
•”long story short” by Taylor Swift
•”Strange” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Kintsugi” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”So Far So Good” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Keep On Walking” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Crystals” by Of Monsters and Men
•”Lakehouse” by Of Monsters and Men
•”Renegades” covered by Whitney Woerz
•”Adore (Acoustic)” by Jasmine Thompson
•”King” by Lauren Aquilina
•”Wonder” by Lauren Aquilina
•”Deer In the Headlights” by Owl City
•”The Wolf” by PHILDEL
•”Lucky Stars” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Breathe” by Lucy Spraggan
•”You’re Not Alone” by Marie Miller
•”6-2” by Marie Miller
•”Sleepwalker” by Of Monsters and Men
•”Graveyard” by RaeLynn
•”Insecure” by RaeLynn
•”Careless” by RaeLynn
•”Riptide” by Vance Joy
•”Fire and the Flood” by Vance Joy
•”mirrorball” by Taylor Swift
•”invisible string” by Taylor Swift
•”Until the Sun Comes Up” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Home” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Cecilia and the Satellite” by Andrew McMahon
•”Canyon Moon” by Andrew McMahon
•”Maps for the Getaway” by Andrew McMahon
•”Things We Lost in the Fire” by Janet Devlin
•”I Of The Storm” by Of Monsters and Men
•”Ahay” by Of Monsters and Men
•”Roots” by Imagine Dragons
•”Ophelia” by The Lumineers
•”Nobody Knows” by The Lumineers
•”Spirits” by The Strumbellas
•”Funeral Bell” by PHILDEL
•”Union Stone” by PHILDEL
•”Someone” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Wedding Song” from Hadestown
•”Over My Head (Cable Car)” by The Fray
•”The Zombie Song” by Stephanie Mabey
•”Top of the World” from Tuck Everlasting
•”Good Girl Winnie Foster” from Tuck Everlasting
•”Just A Kiss” by Lady A
•”Home” by Nick Jonas
•”Hide and Seek” by Janet Devlin
•”Delicate” by Janet Devlin
•”Slow and Steady” by Of Monsters and Men
•”Sloom” by Of Monsters and Men
•”Idea of Her” by Whitney Woerz
•”Home/Dirty Paws” by Gardiner Sisters
•”Fools” by Lauren Aquilina
•”Sinners” by Lauren Aquilina
•”Lilo” by Lauren Aquilina
•”Fireflies” by Owl City
•”The Hanging Tree (Duet)” by Juggernound1 & Karliene
•”Walk with the Devil” by Karliene
•”Scarborough Fair” by Roxane Genot & Karliene
•”Holes in Your Coffin” by PHILDEL
•”Afraid of the Dark” by PHILDEL
•”Tea & Toast” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Come Little Children” covered by Erutan
•”Trigger” by RaeLynn
•”Praying for Rain” by RaeLynn
•”The Apple” by RaeLynn
•”Diamonds” by RaeLynn
•The entire “Tarrytown” cast recording
•”the 1” by Taylor Swift
•”cardigan” by Taylor Swift
•”the last great american dynasty” by Taylor Swift
•”august” by Taylor Swift
•”illicit affairs” by Taylor Swift
•”this is me trying” by Taylor Swift
•”betty” by Taylor Swift
•”peace” by Taylor Swift
•”willow” by Taylor Swift
•”gold rush” by Taylor Swift
•”’tis the damn season” by Taylor Swift
•”no body, no crime (feat. HAIM” by Taylor Swift
•”ivy” by Taylor Swift
•”Panic Cord” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Please Don’t Say You Love Me” by Gabrielle Appin
•”Human” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Losing Me” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Invisible” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Evaporate” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”High Dive” by Andrew McMahon
•”All Our Lives” by Andrew McMahon
•”See Her on the Weekend” by Andrew McMahon
•”Black and White Movies” by Andrew McMahon
•”Driving Through a Dream” by Andrew McMahon
•”Halls” by Andrew McMahon
•”Rainy Girl” by Andrew McMahon
•”Valley of the Dolls” by MARINA
•”How to Be a Heartbreaker” by MARINA
•”The Disappearance of the Girl” by PHILDEL
•”Love Back” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Together” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Anybody Out There” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Skeleton” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Fools Love” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Light Up the Dark” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Sweet Nothing” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Shallow Love” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Hurt” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”What Did You Do?” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”This Side of the Moon” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Coffins” by Bohnes
•”Salvation” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Hello, Little Girl” from Into the Woods
•”I Know Things Now” from Into the Woods
•”Agony” from Into the Woods
•”It Takes Two” from Into the Woods
•”On the Steps of the Palace” from Into the Woods
•”Ever After” from Into the Woods
•”Any Moment/Moments in the Woods” from Into the Woods
•”Your Fault/Last Midnight” from Into the Woods
•”No One is Alone” from Into the Woods
•”Live Like This” from Tuck Everlasting
•”Everlasting” from Tuck Everlasting
•”The Story of Winnie Foster” from Tuck Everlasting
•”Home” from Wonderland
•”Home (Reprise)” from Wonderland
•”Once More I Can See” from Wonderland
•”One Knight” from Wonderland
•”Heroes” from Wonderland
•”The Moon” from Once
•”Afternoon” from Alice By Heart
•”Winter Blooms” from Alice By Heart
•”Willow” by Jasmine Thompson
•”Bluebird” by Sara Bareilles
•”Like You Say You Do” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Nothing Really Matters” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Magic” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”Dear Happy” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”How to Save a Life” by The Fray
•”seven” by Taylor Swift
•”Miss You” by Gabrielle Aplin
•”mad woman” by Taylor Swift
•”Car Crash in G Major” by fanclubwallet
•”Backyard Boy” by Claire Rosinkrantz
•”Water Fountain” by Alec Benjamin
•”Out of My League” by Fitz and the Tantrums
•”Hold On” by Chord Overstreet
•”Someone To You” by BANNERS
•”Electric Love” by BØRNS
•”Hide and Seek” by Imogen Heap
•”Out of the Woods” by Taylor Swift
•”Gone, Gone, Gone” by Phillip Phillips
•”This Town” by Niall Horan
•”Graveyard” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”Get over Yourself” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”Roses” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”In Between” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”Accidentally In Love” by Counting Crows
•”End of the World” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”I Think I Fell in Love Today” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”High School” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”Unapologetically” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”Fun and Games” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”Glorious” by Adam Friedman
•”Dear You” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Hey William” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Puppy Dog Eyes” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Today Was a Good Day” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Love Is the Best Revenge” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Modern Day Frankenstein” by Lucy Spraggan
•”Ghost Adventure Spirit Orb” by chloe moriondo
•”We Fell in Love in October” by girl in red
•”White Horse” by Taylor Swift
•”The Glass Ghost” by PHILDEL
•”Love Song” by Sara Bareilles
•”I Choose You” by Sara Bareilles
•”Chance” by Hayley Kiyoko
•”Not Alone” by Sara Bareilles
•”Chasing the Sun” by Sara Bareilles
•”Creep” by Ember Island
•”Love Me Like You Mean It” by Kelsea Ballerini
•”Need You Now” by Lady A
•”Love Story” by Taylor Swift
•”Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy” by Queen
•”Black Horse and the Cherry Tree” by KT Tunstall
•”The Witch’s Daughter” by Ashley Serena
•”Lullaby of Woe” by Ashley Serena
•”Every Song (feat. Mia Niles)” by Gamma Skies
•”Hurricane” by Julian Moon
•”Briggs” by Mike Mains & The Branches
•”Greek Tragedy” by The Wombats
•”Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer
•”Mean” by Taylor Swift
•”Poseidon” by Julianna Joy
•”Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac
•”The Woods” by Ellise
•”Seven Devils” by Florence + The Machine
2 notes · View notes
etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
Run To You - Chpt.3
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Summary: Steve & Bucky are finally going to get a second date after several long weeks of working around their schedules. The best laid plans don’t always go as they want them to, though, and after a few unexpected hurdles Bucky finds himself at his breaking point.  Master list is HERE :)
Content Warning: Bucky worrying over Becca who he finds out might need glasses. 
Word Count: 3.5k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I promise this chapter isn’t nearly as sad as the last one, but honestly it’s not exactly “happy” either. This isn’t turning out to be one of my super fluffy happy fics so I feel like this is just gonna be par for the course. It is sweet though, so hopefully that redeems it a bit for you. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Three
“Bucky, where’s your mug?” Becca asks, frowning at him over her bowl of cereal. 
They’re sitting at their little kitchen table while Becca eats breakfast, though she’s mostly just chattering about her friend Emmy who is bringing in cupcakes for her birthday on Tuesday. Bucky is trying to pay attention enough to respond but also trying to nail down a time to meet up with Steve. It doesn’t help that Becca rambles the same thing over and over again when she’s excited.  It’s his sixth time hearing her ideas of what flavor the cupcakes might be, and poor Steve has been left on read for ten minutes. They had planned to meet for coffee after he dropped Becca off at preschool but now needs to meet with the director at Becca’s school when he drops her off. Chaos, thine name is parenthood. 
“I’m getting coffee after I drop you off.” He explains, realizing he hasn’t answered her question.
“Ooh! Like for special?” Becca asks, bouncing in her seat.
“Becs, don’t spill your bowl. And yes, like a special treat.” He cringes, thinking back to his college days when getting a cup of coffee out was a normal, regular occurrence. Flash forward five years and it’s such a rare occasion Becca thinks it’s a special treat. He’s learned how to make a killer pour over, but there’s something to be said for not having to make it yourself. 
“Why’s today special?”
Bucky sighs, trying to think of a way around the conversation he isn’t quite ready to have. “I’m going to go see a friend who I haven’t seen in a while.” It’s true too. The first time they made another date, Steve had gotten called away on a mission and was gone for a week. Then Bucky had non stop rotations, catching up to meet his required 140 hours for the month after calling out while Becca was sick. Then Steve had been called away again. Luckily, Steve is pretty well adept at texting for a senior citizen. They text daily, calling when they have free time too. Bucky enjoyed getting to know the real Steve over the past month. The constant communication through calls and text have helped them grow closer than they would otherwise. Bucky finds himself thankful for the time they’ve had to really get to know each other even though he’s really looking forward to seeing Steve in person again.
Becca stares Bucky down as she crunches through her cereal. “Is it Auntie Nat?” 
“No,” Bucky replies cautiously. His little girl is far too smart for her own good.
“Uncle Clintasha?” 
“No, and don’t call him that. I was just teasing when I called him that. You should still call him Uncle Clint.” Bucky feels a little guilty for the nickname. But really when is the guy gonna get his head out of his ass and make a move on Natasha already?! It’s been six years! 
“Okay. But who?” Becca’s brow furrows, a little wrinkle forming between her brows that Bucky knows matches his own when he makes that face. 
“Just a friend. Now, let’s get your teeth brushed, Becca-bug. You have to be at school soon.” 
Becca grumbles in the exasperated way only four year girls can manage and places her bowl in the sink before heading down the hall to their bathroom. 
“I’m checking on you in two minutes, do a good job!” Bucky calls after her. He washes up the dishes before going to check on her and then helps her with a few spots she always misses. She’s very independent for her age but still needs some guidance. Bucky helps her pick out an outfit, trying to steer her towards something that remotely matches, and then crosses the hall to his room to get himself dressed while she dresses herself. It’s just a coffee date but he hasn’t seen Steve in over a month; he wants to try and look his best. 
Bucky is fixing his hair in the bathroom mirror when Becca prances in, happily not wearing what they’d agreed upon. It’s going to be one of those days. 
“Okay, little miss.” he scolds, “Go put on the shirt we picked out. You can wear your Moana shirt tomorrow, I promise. I just need to wash your leggings that go with it.” 
“Ohhhkaaay.” the little girl huffs and rolls her eyes but heads back to her room to change. 
Bucky rolls his eyes once she’s out of sight, that girl is 100% him.   
They make it to Applegate Academy with only three minutes to spare, but they make it. Bucky had worked so hard to get her into the prestigious school and he wants to keep in their good graces. Especially considering the only reason Becca can go there is because of a scholarship program. He has to reapply every year, but she’s good from pre-k through 6th as long as he still meets the criteria. After that she’ll have the option to transfer to one of their sister schools for 7th through 12th. Dropping Becca off with her homeroom teacher, Bucky hurries across the building to the main office for his meeting. 
The main office is all rich tones and dark wood. Something you would expect from an ivy league university, not an elementary school. It screams of wealth and power, making Bucky shift uncomfortably while he waits. He wonders, picking nervously at his nails, what his life might have been like if he’d gone to a school like Applegate Academy. Would things have been easier, or would he have had the same issues just with different scenery? He hopes desperately that school will be different for Becca. 
“Mr. Barnes?” A tall, thin, black woman calls out. She’s dressed in a smart navy blue suit and Bucky vaguely remembers seeing her picture out in the hallway. He’s fairly certain she’s the director.
“That’s me.” Bucky jumps up from his seat and shakes her hand. 
“Welcome, I’m Ms. Thompson. Please, come this way.”
Bucky follows her down the hall and through the door at the end. The school nurse, Miss Green,  is sitting in one of the plush leather seats and Ms. Thompson gestures for Bucky to take the other. Definitely the director then. 
“Mr. Barnes, I hate to bring you all the way down here but we need to get your consent in writing. Some of Becca’s teachers have noticed an issue with her vision and we have concerns.” Ms. Thompson explains.
“We don’t know anything for sure,” Miss Green is quick to jump in, “But with your consent, we’d like to give Becca an eye exam. It’s hard to identify vision problems with children so young but Becca is exhibiting some of the signs we look out for.”
“What, uh,” Bucky clears his throat nervously, “What sort of things do you look for?” He can’t believe he’s missed something wrong with her.
“She does a lot of squinting when trying to look at things farther away than a few feet. She’ll tilt her head trying to focus in on something. Frequently after she’s looking at something farther away she’ll rub her eyes a lot. She’s missed out on a few things during ‘eye spy’ too that she should have been able to identify. Have you noticed any of this at home? Sometimes kids will exhibit symptoms on the playground or while watching TV.”
“Not really,” Bucky shakes his head. “We don’t do a whole lot of playgrounds this time of year because of her allergies and asthma, and our living room is tiny so it’s not like the TV is that far away.” Bucky’s chest tightens, a never ending stream of you missed this, you failed her, flowing through his head. “When can you test her?” he finally manages to ask. 
Miss Green nods, understanding. “As soon as you sign the forms we can pull her from class and do a basic eye test. You, as her legal guardian, have the right to be there when we do the test. It’s not necessary, though. We can always call you after with the results.” 
“I’ll sign.” Bucky takes the paper Ms. Thompson is holding out and signs it without even reading it. He needs to know, the sooner the better. “I can stay if you do it now. I’d like to be here when you do it.” 
“Not a problem.” Ms. Thompson takes the signed form back and makes a quick call to Becca’s homeroom for her to report to the nurse’s office. 
Bucky follows the two women down the hall, the sound of their heels click clacking on the tile is deafening. He puts on his poker face when Becca comes flying in, greeting the nurse with a big smile and asking if she can have a cherry cough drop. She feels okay but they’re her favorite. The nurse chuckles but turns her down, offering her a sticker instead which Becca happily accepts. 
“Bucky? Why’re you here?” Becca asks, suddenly noticing him.
“Bucky is gonna watch you practice your letters for me, isn’t that nice?” Miss Green deflects easily. Bucky’s grateful for the woman’s diversion. 
“Yeah! Bucky, I know ALL the letters now!” 
Bucky nods, forcing a smile, “That’s great, let’s see!”
Miss Green leads Becca over to the little hallway where an eye chart is taped up at the end. She guides Becca through the lines, making notes as she goes. Bucky can’t stomach looking to see if she’s getting them right or not, but the way her answers come slower the further along she gets fills Bucky with dread. The nurse praises Becca when she’s all done and sends her off with another sticker for good effort. 
Once the little girl is off Bucky let his guard down. “It wasn’t good, was it?” 
Miss Green shoots him a sympathetic smile, “It wasn’t what it should be for 20/20 vision. She’s likely going to need glasses, but she’ll need a full exam from a pediatric ophthalmologist to diagnose that. I know of two great ones here in the city if you want their names and info.” 
“That would be great, thanks.” Bucky says to be polite, but he doesn’t really mean it. They’re going to be at the mercy of wherever they accept Becca’s insurance. He sends Steve a quick text asking if they can reschedule for later while the nurse writes down the information for him. Bucky needs a little time to process the news and make some calls to get things figured out. He always feels better when he has a plan in place. It doesn’t really matter what’s going on, if he has a plan, he doesn't have a problem. 
Three hours later Bucky’s voice is hoarse from all the talking, but also from the strain of keeping his tone calm and not shouting at people. Healthcare in America is a joke. Thankfully, Steve was understanding about rescheduling, and is taking him out to lunch instead. Bucky walks into the brightly lit cafe, eyes scanning the room for Steve, and feeling completely at odds with the cheery space.
Steve waves a hand to get Bucky’s attention, like he can’t spot the giant adorable blonde in a room of small white cafe tables and wicker chairs. He rises as soon as Bucky gets close, pulling the other man into a hug. “It’s good to see you. Finally.” Steve says as they embrace.
Bucky lets himself hold on for just a beat longer than necessary, needing the hug more than he’s willing to admit. “You too. I’m sorry I had to reschedule, I wasn’t expecting my morning to go like that.” 
“It’s okay.” Steve brushes off the apology easily and hands Bucky a menu. “I think this worked out better for me anyways. Now I get a whole meal with you instead of just coffee.” 
They take their time scanning the menu and have their orders ready by the time the waitress drops by. “I’m so glad they have iced coffee.” he admits to Steve after getting the largest possible iced coffee with a disgusting amount of vanilla syrup and cream. 
“Is it still coffee if you put all that stuff in it?” Steve teases. 
“Of course it is, it just tastes a hell of a lot better. Honestly though, I’d drink it black at this point.” 
“Tough morning?” Steve’s expression shifts to soft concern and Bucky can’t handle the gentleness. “Did everything go okay at Becca’s school?” 
The rigid walls Bucky keeps up, protecting himself and showing the world only what he wants it to see, start to falter. He shakes his head, not trusting his voice. 
“Is she okay? Do you need to leave?” Steve panics, hoping he’s not keeping Bucky from something important. 
Bucky swallows, clearing his throat. “I’m good. She, uh, she’ll be okay. Just something unexpected came up and I’m still trying to figure out how we’re gonna handle it.” 
“I’m sorry, Buck. If there’s anything I can do to help just say the word. Seriously.” 
“Not that simple but thanks. Remember we talked about things that aren’t quite the way they make it seem in the news?”
“How could I forget? It got me my first date with you.” 
Bucky tries not to melt a little at the sincerity in Steve’s voice. “It’s one of those things. What do you know about health insurance?” 
Steve thinks for a moment. “Well, I know that at some point doctor’s crazy prices got even crazier. And now people pay for insurance so that they can afford to go to the doctors.” 
“Okay, so you have the general idea. But what they don’t tell you is, the copays people have to pay are still too much for a lot of people. And sometimes the insurance itself costs so much that people can’t afford to have it in the first place. Even worse, insurance companies have people working for them specifically trying to find reasons to deny people’s claims, so that even if you have insurance there’s no guarantee it’ll cover what you need. And policies exclude things all the time.” 
“That sounds awful. How is that even legal?”
“Corporate greed, plain and simple. Is the show Breaking Bad on your ‘to watch’ list?” 
“Yeah, Sam added it on there I think. Why?”
“It’s about a high school teacher who has cancer and even with his insurance the treatments to save his life cost so much money he ends up becoming a drug dealer to pay for his cancer treatments so he doesn’t bankrupt his family. It sounds fantastical but things like that have happened.” 
Steve looks like he’s gonna be sick. “That’s not okay.” 
“It’s really not.” Bucky agrees. 
Their food arrives and Steve is grateful for a moment to process the new information. They both take a few bites of their food, the silence heavy between them. He realizes that he still doesn’t know exactly what happened with Becca and he worries for the little girl that he hasn’t met. Bucky talks about her so much that he feels like he knows her but they haven’t gotten to that point yet. “So, what exactly happened with Becca? Is her insurance not covering something?” Bucky sets his fork down and the pained expression on his face has Steve backpedaling. “You don’t have to tell me, of course. I just… I care, is all.” 
“She needs glasses.” Bucky says, unable to meet Steve eyes. He knows what he’ll find there. Compassion, sympathy. He just can’t bear it. “The insurance she has won’t cover anything vision related. She has insurance through the state because of all of her medical issues, we couldn’t have afforded even half of her medical bills with the insurance plan the hospital offers. The plan she has is supposed to be comprehensive but apparently vision isn’t included, just medical and dental. We’re out of the enrollment period at work now so I can’t get her vision insurance through there until next year. She’s been having trouble at school so they did an eye exam this morning.The nurse is certain she’s going to need glasses and I just don’t know how we’re making it happen yet. I can’t believe I missed it before. I should have noticed it somehow.” 
Steve’s heart breaks for several different reasons. He’s saddened that Bucky’s little girl now has another issue to overcome, that Bucky can’t get the help that he should be able to get, and that the world is set up in such a way that makes basic human needs unobtainable. “Can I get them for her? Her glasses and whatever else she needs with them?” 
Bucky looks up at Steve, the outrage radiating off of him in waves. Definitely not the reaction Steve expected. “Steve, no.” Bucky’s tone is sharp. 
“Why not? I’m happy to help.” Steve offers again. 
“She’s not your responsibility and we don’t need your charity. I’ve been making sure she has everything she needs for the past four years and I’ll do it again now. She’s my kid, and if she needs glasses, I’m the one buying them for her.” Somehow, his brain unhelpfully adds. 
“Hey, no, it’s not charity. I care about you, and her. If I can make things easier on you, I want to. Besides, I have more money than I know what to do with these days, I can….”
“Good for you, Steve.” Bucky cuts him off, his words biting. “But I don’t need a sugar daddy. This was a mistake. I’m sorry, I gotta go.” Bucky balls up his napkin and places it on his mostly uneaten stack of pancakes. They’re chocolate chip and he wishes he could have them boxed up for Becca. They’re so good, she’d lose her mind. But Bucky needs to make a hasty retreat so he bolts from the cafe as Steve calls his name behind him. 
Steve calls, but Bucky declines the call. 
Steve texts, but he’s left on read. 
After four hours Bucky finally texts back. I need space, Steve. 
Steve cries and then heads to the gym. Two hours later, Tony is going to need to replace six boxing bags and Steve doesn’t feel any better. 
Becca is a handful that night, whiny and exasperated with the world. It’s like she can sense Bucky’s bad mood and is infected by it. His outrage at Steve’s offer only lasts until about ten minutes after tucking Becca in for the night, then the sadness comes. He lets himself have a good cry, eats a pint of triple chocolate ice cream, and then sets out to research low cost vision centers nearby. It takes an hour but he finally finds two places where he can keep the total below a thousand dollars, but just barely. He checks appointment times versus his work schedule and finally gets her in at the closer of the two places for that coming Friday after she gets out of preschool. 
Bucky checks his bank accounts and they’re as thin as he expected. Checking has just enough for groceries and a buffer to meet the account balance minimum. Savings has enough to cover the glasses but he’s been saving up for months, tucking a little bit aside every week in hopes of saving enough for a down payment on a better apartment. Now that he’s not paying daycare every week and her tuition is paid for by the scholarship, Bucky has been dreaming of allocating that extra money for rent on a better place. He knows he’s overpaying for the apartment they’re in, but it came with no credit check and no down payment. At the time, that was like a golden ticket for them. Now, he has good credit and can afford to pay a little more in rent, he just needs the money to put down a deposit, plus first and last month's rent on a place. He’s only half way there and her glasses are going to put a major dent into the savings. Not back to square one, but damned close.
Closing the lid of his laptop, Bucky tries telling himself it’ll all look better in the morning. He knows it's a lie but he’s too worn out to care. He stares at his phone after setting it on the nightstand, wondering if Steve has tried texting him again. The nerve of that man, trying to just throw money at him. Like Bucky can’t take care of his own kid. Like he’s a charity case. Bucky huffs and tries to distract himself so he doesn’t get worked up again and prevent himself from getting some sleep. He thinks of the next week and what groceries he’ll need, maybe adding pancake mix and a bag of chocolate chips to the list. He falls asleep making his grocery list and dreams of warm, melty chocolate and bright blue eyes.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
In Touch, March 8
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Kanye West's tell-all will destroy Kim Kardashian
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Page 1: Contents
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Page 2: Beauty News -- update your makeup bag -- these new beauty buys are destined for heavy rotation -- Lucy Hale
Page 4: Scott Disick debuted a bold new platinum hairdo and even the Lamborghini he was driving couldn't distract fans from noting how completely uncool he looks and while the dad of three is not quite middle-aged it looks likes he's having a midlife crisis and it seems that dating so many young women like his current girlfriend 19-year-old Amelia Gray Hamlin has made 37-year-old Scott start to feel his age and he's overcompensating but he's clearly gone too far
* They Went Blond, Too But Looked Cool -- Brad Pitt, Justin Bieber, Ryan Gosling, Adam Levine, Riz Ahmed, Zac Efron, Jared Leto, Kanye West, Zayn Malik
Page 5: Salma Hayek fights against prejudice of all kinds even when the victims are insanely wealthy -- there is discrimination against rich men, she said of the struggles her husband French businessman Francois-Henri Pinault has faced while maintaining his $43 billion fortune and she said you think because somebody's rich, he might not be a good person, doesn't have values or doesn't deserve it and even Salma gets judged like everybody said she married him for money, but after after 15 years together, she's not even offended
* Number of the Week -- 76,000 is the dollar cost of a pair of Kylie Jenner's new Birkenstock sandals made from Hermes Birkin bags, Man Candy of the Week -- Max Ehrich cooling off in Miami, Clapback of the Week -- Mindy Kaling said she wrote the episode the gif was from when an internet troll used a gif from The Office to express their dislike of her, EXBFF of the Week -- Larsa Pippen on her rift with former friend Kim Kardashian
Page 6: Crib of the Week -- The Weeknd's Hidden Hills hangout, Winners of the Week -- Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds donate $1 million to Feeding America and Food Banks Canada three months after giving $500,000 to both charities, Loser of the Week -- because of production delays Tom Cruise is forced to scrap plans to film Mission: Impossible 7 and M:I 8 back-to-back
Page 8: Up Close -- Nicole Kidman on Instagram thanked actor and theater artist Kevin Zak for his altered photo of her The Undoing character Grace with lots more hair
Page 9: Zooey Deschanel embraces her DIY side for Valentine's Day decorating balloons with sweet affirmation using her Cricut, Shawn Mendes kissing Camila Cabello's foot because he loves her, Paris Hilton celebrates turning 40 by accepting an enormous emerald-cut diamond engagement ring from beau Carter Reum
Page 10: 23-time Grand Slam champion Serena Williams gets eliminated from the Australian Open semifinals, Tayshia Adams and Zac Clark take a loved-up selfie at the Empire State Building, Emma Roberts celebrates turning 30 at a backyard pool bash
Page 12: Fur Babies -- Kathryn Newton's dog Lady Bird yawning, Miranda Lambert snuggles with one of her dogs, Maude Apatow's cat Dolly conks out in her lap, James Van Der Beek and his dog
Page 14: Jimmy Fallon celebrates his seven years on The Tonight Show at home with his daughters Winnie and Franny
Page 16: Rebel Wilson does her best Cruella De Vil impression for her new TV show Pooch Perfect, Beyonce shows off more than just her new Adidas x IVY PARK collection, Thomas Rhett celebrates daughter Lennon's first birthday along with wife Lauren and daughters Willa and Ada
Page 18: Naked Chelsea Handler covering herself with books while standing in snow, Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston, Chrissy Teigen has a swollen lip due to an allergic reaction
Page 20: Princess Eugenie and husband Jack Brooksbank share a photo of their newborn son August Philip Hawke Brooksbank, Rihanna striking a seductive pose with her new release The Rihanna Book: Queen Size which retails for $1215.70, Katy Perry flaunts her curves in a purple bathing suit and fiance Orlando Bloom flaunts his muscles during a getaway in Hawaii
Page 22: Kate Gosselin sold her house in Wernersville in Pennsylvania that she bought in 2008 with then-husband Jon Gosselin because she desperately needs cash these days -- the girls Cara and Mady are off to college, she doesn't have a show on the air anymore and her legal bills in her custody war with Jon are through the roof -- to stay afloat she's had to cut back on many perks including her trusted bodyguard Steve Neild -- she's just holding out hope for a new reality show about her and her kids now
Page 23: Brad Pitt has been spotted hanging out in Jennifer Aniston's trailer on the set of her series The Morning Show and things are getting serious again -- he's been at her house on the weekends and they're hooking up -- Jen has set ground rules for her ex including that they can date other people because Jen is also seeing a man she met through her Morning Show co-stars Reese Witherspoon and Mark Duplass so Jen's keeping her options open
* Cheryl Burke teamed up with Kroger to host the Healthy Heart, Happy Mind wellness experience to bring awareness to women's heart health during Heart Health Month
Page 24: Cover Story -- Kanye West's revenge on Kim Kardashian -- Kim and Kanye's marriage is over but the war is just beginning -- the world will be shocked by what Kanye has to say about Kim
Page 26: As Kim's love life falls apart again, her sisters are happier than ever -- Kourtney Kardashian is talking marriage with Travis Barker, Khloe Kardashian is back on track with Tristan Thompson, Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker go public with their love
Page 28: True Crime -- Dubai Princess Latifa Al Maktoum: My family is holding me captive -- three years after she vanished, a billionaire's sheikh's daughter pleads for someone to save her
Page 30: The Bachelor: It's Worse Than Anyone Knows -- Chris Harrison's controversial exit sparks a racial reckoning in Bachelor Nation
Page 32: Meghan Markle to Queen Elizabeth: I'm Never Coming Back -- Meghan closes the door on returning to the U.K. and doesn't regret it one bit -- because of Meghan's decision, the queen may never see Archie again
Page 36: The Big Interview -- Olivia Newton-John and Chloe Lattanzi -- we inspire each other -- the Grease star and her daughter share an unbreakable bond and a lifetime love of music
Page 42: Animal Overload -- My dog looks like Charles Bronson
Page 45: Double Take -- Brie Larson rocks tie-dye at the supermarket in L.A.
Page 46: Horoscope -- Pisces Lupita Nyong'o turned 38 on March 1
Page 48: Last Laughs
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 26, 2021: Love Story (1970) (Part 1)
Why Love Story? I mean...to be fair...
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Yeah, anyway, it is a love story, and this is Romance February, so...yeah, kinda need to watch this one for that reason alone. And, unsurprisingly, this film is considered one of the best romance films of all time, landing number 9 on the AFI list of best romances, and being nominated for Best Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Original Screenplay, and Score...and winning ONLY Score. GODDAMN, that’s a hell of a loss! What did it lose to for Best Picture?
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OOOOOOH, Patton? Yeah, that’ll do ya. Haven’t seen that movie yet, but it’s on my list for this year. OK, what about Director? Oh, that’s Patton, too. Actor? Also Patton. Actress? Women in Love. Huh. Never heard of that one. OK, Original Screenplay? ALSO PATTON? Jeez.
One more thing before I start. How the hell is Taylor Swift’s “Love Story” that popular on this site?
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Because finding GIFs for this movie has been HAAAAAARD. Geez. But OK, let’s get started, shall we? Let’s see if this film is indeed a Love Story that’ll last until the end of time! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
We open with a beautiful piano score, and a question: what can you say about a 25-year-old girl who died? Well, I can guess where this is headed.
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We start with an interaction between Harvard “preppie” student Oliver Barrett IV (Ryan O’Neal) and quippy, working-class, Radcliffe student Jennifer “Jenny” Cavalleri (Ali MacGraw), as they argue about a book, which immediately segues into a coffee date.
It is at this point that the GF decided that she loved this relationship, as it’s basically the tsundere-loves-tsundere story that fuels her. Which I get, because the two very quickly fall in love with each other, and I also like it. He invites Jenny to a college game against Dartmouth, and she ends up accepting the invitation. I have comments on Harvard and hockey, but I tend to go off on tangents, so I’ll keep it calm. I mean, it’s not like they’re going up against Cornell, my alma-mater.
...Oh wait. Yes, they are. WELL LET’S DO THIS
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Cornell and Harvard have a legendary relationship in general, but especially in terms of hockey. Look, take this from a Cornell alumnus: we SUCK at sports, but hockey? Oh, we’re fuckin’ GREAT at hockey. But that comes with a price: rivalries. Back in the day, the biggest one was with Boston University, and another major one with Colgate, but no, no, the rivalry that takes the cake is our rivalry with Harvard, those preppies.
See, the oldest and youngest Ivy League schools have an old-ass rivalry, most owing to elitist principles from Harvard students of days olde. They thought that Cornell had lower academic standards, and were a lower-quality school, WHICH WE ARE FUCKING NOT, ya grade inflationary...anyway. In 1973, a game took place at Harvard between the two, and a chicken was thrown onto the ring. This chicken was a symbol of Cornell’s agricultural and life sciences school, now called CALS (WHICH I WENT TO), as it was a publicly funded institution, rather than the private schools. Dude threw it at a goalie, and Cornellians were RIGHTFULLY PISSED OFF.
So, what did the Big Red boys do?
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Oh, yeah, they threw a BIG OL’ DEAD FISH at the next home game. A BUNCH of them, actually Some thought that it was a commentary on the fact that Harvard was close to Boston, a harbor town, or a connection to the New England fishing industry at large. But, uh...no...they did it because fish are smelly. Not exactly a red-letter moment for the intellectual subtlety of Cornelians, BUT NEVERTHELESS. 
This began a tradition. Amidst the chants and glorious taunts thrown back and forth between the two teams and their fans, chicken and fish would be thrown on the rink during and after games, and it got SO BAD that they legit check you for fish when you enter a game at Cornell. Joke’s on them, though; I threw Swedish fish. HA! Also, somebody still managed to get away with a fish at every game, and they were always BIG-ASS fish, too. Never been to a Harvard game at Harvard, though. One of these days...I’ll make it to represent the Big Red. There’s far more to this rivalry, but you can read about it right here if you want.
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Anyway, back to the movie. Cornell wins (HA! GOO STAAHT THE CAAAAAAAAAR!!! Sorry, that’s...that’s an anti-Harvard chant made by the Lynah Faithful. That’s the name for Cornell Hockey fans. See, Lynah - I’ll shut up now). At the game is his father, Oliver Barrett III (Ray Milland), and they don’t have the best of relationships. He’s trying to push Oliver to go to law school, be it at Harvard or Cornell (and we have a fantastic NOPE. SHUTTING UP).
Back at Harvard, we also get a glimpse of Jenny’s relationship with her father, whom she calls by his first name, and their relationship is FAR better. He reveals to her his contempt for his father and his expectations. They study together, which turns into a discussion about Jenny’s reticence to admit her feelings and attractedness towards him, although Oliver’s already done so. 
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That turns into a tender moment where Jenny admits her feelings, and the two kiss. Said kiss becomes a night together, and she compares him to Bach and Mozart, and the Beatles. We also learn that she’s not very religious, believing that a world that gives her music and Oliver couldn’t be surpassed. Which is...a beautiful sentiment, goddamn.
They continue their relationship, to the mild annoyance of Oliver’s housemates (including a young Tommy Lee Jones), and she tells Oliver that she loves him. They frolic in the snow together, in yet another wonderfully sweet montage.
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After one of her piano recitals (she’s a music study major), she reveals that she’s got a scholarship to go and study to Paris, which upsets Oliver greatly, Their short argument reveals that Oliver wishes to marry her one day soon, which delights her, me, and the GF. But she’s worries that their clashing economic backgrounds will divide them too much, as well as their potentially different paths. Still, she accepts his proposal, and they become engaged.
Soon enough, he drives her through Boston to meet his parents, who live on a BIG-ASS ESTATE, GODDAMN. It’s a lot, seriously, holy shit. The mansion is HUGE. And dinner goes...well, Jenny thinks that it goes all right, but Oliver can see that his parents are looking down on her and her socioeconomic status.
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Jenny sees how much Oliver genuinely dislikes his father, and questions whether or not Oliver wishes to marry her because he’s rebelling against his father. He denies this, but his father would seem to agree. At a private dinner with his father, it’s confirmed that he’s been accepted to law school. However, his father threatens to cut him off of his inheritance if Oliver marries Jenny. Oliver, enraged, leaves the dinner.
This causes a massive issue, given the fact that Barrett’s going to Harvard Law School, which is NOT CHEAP. He speaks to the Dean (Russell Nype) about getting a scholarship, post-disownment. After much struggling and confusion, they make a deal about the whole situation.
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Next up is a visit to Cranston, Rhode Island, to visit Jenny’s father Phil Thompson (John Marley). His father loves him pretty much immediately, and is enraged by Oliver III’s actions in disowning his father. On a related note, I love Phil. He seems like a great guy. There’s a bit of a clash when they reveal that they’re both atheistic at this point, and don’t plan to have the ceremony in a church. But he accepts it pretty quickly.
The two get married at the college, with very few attendants. They recite poetry to each other, with Oliver reciting Walt Whitman, and with Jenny reciting Elizabeth Barrett Browning, who was mentioned in an earlier conversation between the two. They’re married, and the GF is in love with the whole movie at this point. I’m inclined to agree.
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Halfway point! See you in Part 2!
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Awwww my friend @flo-nelja tagged me, so even if I stole this meme the last week 🤣, I will do it, because the answers are changing a little !!! 
Plus you know my weakness for memes (we are not friends for ten years for nothing after all 👌)
Top 4 ships :
at the moment
Harley/Ivy (Harley Quinn DC animated)
Killua/Gon (Hunter x hunter)
Richie/Eddie (IT movies)
Oswald/Ed (Gotham)
of all time
Matt/Mello (Death Note)
Richie/Eddie (IT movies)
Dean/Castiel (Supernatural)
Oswald/Ed (Gotham)
Last song I listened to :
Ahem....well....it was the musical theme of Mortal Kombat 11
What ? Don’t judge me ok ? 😁
Last film I watched :
I’m watching a LOT of movies at home recently, because I don’t feel guilty anymore to stay at home without doing something “useful” 🙂
I’m currently making my culture by watching the Jason Voorhees saga (13th the friday you knooooow, the dude with the hockey player mask). The last one I saw was the third (and the quality is a little better, even if the actors are still...really bad).
Right now, I’m watching Men in Black International. The beginning is pretty cool ? I didn’t expect a lot about this but it’s actually kind of fun ? I watched like 30min for now and I saw so much aliens and technologies, it’s pretty cool, and Tessa Thompson is really funny, she is a little naive but still very VERY competent (she did FBI formation) and it’s really refreshing for a female lead to have humor AND badassery without even kick ass yet. She’s a novice but is still convincing. I hope they will not make her clumsy in the rest of the movie...
Currently reading :
I...I didn’t open a book since the last week ^^’
Currently craving :
The rest of a good Reddie (IT movies) fanfiction I was reading since this morning. It’s an ongoing fic, in english, I’m in the end of the 7th chapter, it had actually 18 chapters (and 20 chapters predicted so it’s almost finished) (I hate to start to read a fic and never have the end because the author stops it in the middle) (I do that sometimes and feel great shame lol I don’t judge the authors, I totally understand the struggle)
By the way, this fic is about Richie and Eddie meeting in a bar BEFORE the Derry events in IT chapter 2, so they don’t remember each other, but still feel an instant connection. Eddie divorced his wife and is renegociating his life with himself, questioning his sexuality (the fic is from his POV). Richie is still in the closet just like in the movie, struggling with his entire acting career being based on his heterosexual persona. Eddie wanna make this fling just a one night stand but he can’t, neither Richie, because it’s too good to be together, the sex, but also...the fun  👌
I love these tropes, like it’s the destiny, they can’t stop to love each other even if they decided it was just sex. I don’t really like when the story is just about sex (well not for my OTP). Even if they don’t remember they were best friends (and in Richie’s case, his first love) in their childhood, they are attracted to each other, like some magic bond tying them together. I reaaaaaally love this shit. I love how they are casual about that, no big drama, they fall smoothly in love, being all close and butterflies and sweet nothings, without noticing. Plus the smut is really great, very hot, I love a bossy Eddie, the multiple porn situations and tropes (ex : almost caught, shower sex, phone sex, dirty talk) and Richie wanting so much being overwhelmed by Eddie 👌❤️ 👌
If people are interested, the fic is a strange sense of familiarity by @katranga​
And because I crave it, I will post it quickly, so I can continue my reading 😉
0 notes
Audio & Playlist for February 8, 2020: Smiling
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3 hours of songs about smiling, can you believe it?
link to downloadable audio Playlist: Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night Heavenly - Smile
DJ speaks over Brother Jack McDuff - The Shadow of Your Smile
The Shop Assistants - Fixed Grin (Peel Session) The Everly Brothers - No One Can Make My Sunshine Smile Hot Chocolate - A Warm Smile
DJ speaks over Spacemen 3 - Just to See You Smile
Lou Reed - I Love You The Cure - Happy the Man Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerard - The Sweetest Gift a Mother's Smile Ronnie Burns - Smiley Operation Ivy - Smiling Son House - Grinning in Your Face
DJ speaks over War - Smile Happy
Protex - Smile and Say Goodbye The Tigers - Mona Lisa no Hohoemi The Paragons - Only a Smile Peter Ivers - Happy on the Grill Nitwitz - Artificial Smile My Bloody Valentine - Sunny Sundae Smile
DJ speaks over David Kilgour & The Heavy Eights - Swan Loop
Patience and Prudence - A Smile and a Ribbon (demo) Elastica - Smile Southern Culture on the Skids - Smiley Yeah Yeah Yeah The Louvin Brothers - I'll Be All Smiles Tonight The Carpenters - Sweet Sweet Smile Blatz - Learning How to Smile Gary Numan - Remind Me to Smile
DJ speaks over Family - Crinkly Grin
The All Night Workers - Why Don't You Smile Now? The Sunshine Company - Just Beyond Your Smile Depeche Mode - Happiest Girl (Jack Mix) Regulations - Hollywood Smile Brain Handle - Smiling Again
Bee Gees - Sea of Smiling Faces Quasi - Smile The Epileptics - What've You Got to Smile About? The Bolshoi - Crack in Smile
Chicago - Make Me Smile The Primitives - Smile Jimmy & Tammy & Their Friends - Oops! There Comes a Smile The Accused - Grinning Like an Undertaker Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me Sometime) Darling Buds - Hit the Ground Acme Sewage Co. - Smile and Wave Goodbye Richard Thompson - Bathsheba Smiles
Dan Melchior Group - Plz Luv Yourself Grant Tracy - A Painted Smile DOA - Behind the Smile Shirley Temple - You've got to S-M-I-L-E to be H-A-double-P-Y Max Romeo & the Upsetters - Smile Out'a Style
The Corley Family - Give the World a Smile Sagittarius - Lend Me a Smile Motorhead - Smiling Like a Killer Riot/Clone - Air Smiles The Fun and Games - The Way She Smiles
The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces Sometimes
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indigopixiedreamgal · 4 years
Winter bedding plants
Top 10 winter bedding plants provides structural foliage or a welcome splash of color when few other plants are in bloom. 1. Pansy A stalwart of winter displays, pansies easily out-bloom any other winter flowering bedding plant. Although they prefer full sun, pansies also thrive in semi shade making them the ideal plant for filling winter hanging baskets and containers, as well as plugging gaps in your borders. Look for bright colors like purple, blue, red, orange and yellow, or go for a selection like pansy matrix mixed which, with its compact sturdy stems, withstands winter wind and rain without too much trouble.
2. Viola A hardy bedding plant that likes sun or semi shade, violas produce an abundance of dainty flowers on neat compact growth for a subtle but colorful winter display. As versatile as pansies, try a dwarf upright variety like Viola 'Sweeties' or a spectacular trailing viola like 'Allspice Mixed' which is ideal for winter hanging baskets. Many violas often have a delightful sweet fragrance too, which makes them perfect for hanging outside your kitchen window, or planting in pots by the back door.
3. Primrose Available in a dazzling array of colors and sizes, modern primroses offer improved flowering, especially during the winter months. Primrose 'Husky Mixed' start producing their rosettes of flowers from mid-winter on wards providing a riot of color to brighten winter beds, borders, window boxes and containers. Harden off your primroses before planting out on bright frost free days, and water sparingly until the roots are established. Avoid over-watering containers because damp soil and chilly weather encourage rot.
4. Polyanthus Compact and bright, polyanthus plants look very similar to primroses except that the flowers bloom in umbels – clusters – atop short, sturdy stems. Just as colorful as their cottage garden cousins and with long-lasting flowers, polyanthus make superb winter bedding plants for beds, borders, window boxes and containers. For a fragrant display this winter, try Polyanthus 'Most Scented Mix' which flowers from January through to May. Plant in sun or semi shade, and deadhead regularly to encourage flowering.
5. Wallflower Renowned for their sweet spring fragrance, wallflowers are a rustic favorite with a more relaxed habit than other winter bedding plants. Traditionally planted in the autumn for flowers the following spring, varieties such as Wallflower 'Sugar Rush' also bloom right through to late autumn, even squeezing into early winter if the weather’s good. Able to thrive in even the poorest of soils, wallflowers look great in beds, borders, containers and window boxes, providing long-lasting color and a delightfully fragrant display.
6. Sweet William A much-loved winter bedding plant, these neat, upright biennials produce large, ruffled, strongly fragrant flower spikes from mid-spring through to mid-summer. Overwintering as a rosette of leaves, stock plants provide interesting winter foliage and burst into life as the weather warms in spring. Try 'Autumn Perfume Mixed' garden ready for color and scent that lasts well into the winter months. For maximum impact, plant your stocks in large drifts through beds and borders, or in containers on the patio. Available in an array of pretty pastel colors, stock flowers are fantastic for cutting and will fill your house with a delicious sweet fragrance for up to a week.
8. Forget-me-not This pretty winter bedding plant erupts with an abundance of dainty flowers in the spring, making it the perfect partner for spring bulbs. Traditionally blue, forget-me-nots are also available in pink and white. Try myosotis sylvatica for masses of tiny button flowers in blue pink and white, to create a frothy effect in beds, borders and containers. Forget-me-nots like well drained, reliably moist soil in full sun or semi shade and will happily self-seed for a continuous display in the garden every year.
9. Bellis Neat and compact, these hardy perennial daisies produce round, quilled blooms in pink, red or white, and are just the thing to brighten up your late winter garden. Grow on plug plants until big enough to harden off for outdoor planting during the autumn. For a really eye-catching variety try Bellis 'Bam Bam Mixed'. These neat little Bellis Daisies feature large red and rose blooms on neat, bushy plants. They light up autumn borders and often produce a second flush of flowers in spring.
10. Cyclamen coum A true winter-flowering plant, cyclamen coum fills your garden with color even on the dullest January and February days. Low maintenance, cyclamen looks great in a woodland setting, providing excellent ground cover which self seeds to create a carpet of blooms each year. For a subtle winter-flowering bedding plant, try cyclamen hederifolium which with its dainty nodding flowers and attractive marbled leaves, pairs well with snowdrops and evergreen grasses, as well as box and trailing ivy. Whether you’re planting for autumn color or a burst of interest in early spring, our top ten winter bedding plants should guarantee a successful display.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 22 July 2019
Quick Bits:
A Walk Through Hell #12 concludes what has been an excellent horror tale from Garth Ennis, Goran Sudžuka, Ive Svorcina, and Rob Steen with another trip into existential terror as we’re given a glimpse of what this is all about and what’s coming.
| Published by AfterShock
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Action Comics #1013 keeps a lot of plates spinning as it works through elements of “Year of the Villain”, Event Leviathan, the ongoing Invisible Mafia story thread, and the Rose and Thorn revival. It’s kind of impressive as to how it remains entertaining and engrossing with as much going on.
| Published by DC Comics
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Age of Conan: Bêlit #5 is another ending this week, as we finish off Bêlit’s coming of age origin story, as she confronts the Stygian priest and lays claim to her title of Queen of the Black Coast. Great art from Kate Niemczyk, Scott Hanna, Andrea Di Vito, and Jason Keith.
| Published by Marvel
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Amazing Spider-Man #26 introduces us to the new Sinister Syndicate fully as they plan an attack on Boomerang. It’s kind of funny to see him still getting into trouble even now that he’s trying to stay legit. Great art from Kev Walker and Laura Martin.
| Published by Marvel
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Ascender #4 gives us a few surprises in the fight between the vampires and the resistance. The grey washes, with mixes of red, from Dustin Nguyen on the vampire’s throneworld is very impressive.
| Published by Image
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Batgirl #37 launches the new creative team of Cecil Castellucci, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Jordie Bellaire, and AndWorld Design with part one of “Oracle Rising”. There’s a nice battle with Killer Moth, emphasizing what some villains are doing in order to try to get noticed by Luthor to receive the offer, while playing up the expense that goes into crimefighting. Also, the Terrible Trio unleash something probably not too good.
| Published by DC Comics
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Dark Red #5 concludes the first arc as Chip and Evie try to fight off an army of Nazi vampires. It’s good, with some nice funny moments. Great art from Corin Howell and Mark Englert.
| Published by AfterShock
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Detective Comics #1008 is a straight-forward single issue story of Batman and Joker at the circus from Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, Dave Baron, and Rob Leigh. It’s a refreshing change of pace from the extended arcs, even as it sets up a new threat in the “Year of the Villain” offering.
| Published by DC Comics
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Dial H for Hero #5 gets a little meta as we dive into the Multiverse, the Heroverse, and the Bleed from Sam Humphries, Joe Quinones, Scott Hanna, Jordan Gibson, and Dave Sharpe. The use of breaking through panels, reproductions of old comics scenes, and a variation of styles just deliver phenomenal storytelling.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish #2 continues to fill in the backstory of the adventurers’ time with the White Sails, introducing us to the pitfalls that harried them, before giving more hints in the present of the nightmare that tore them apart. B. Dave Walters, Tess Fowler, Jay Fotos, and Neil Uyetake are delivering an entertaining fantasy tale here.
| Published by IDW
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Fearless #1 is a new three-issue anthology mini-series spotlighting a number of the women of Marvel, both characters and creative talent. This first issue leads off with a continuing lead feature from Seanan McGuire, Claire Roe, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Janice Chiang, as Sue Richards, Carol Danvers, and Storm prepare to visit a girls camp as motivational speakers. There’s also an entertaining Mille the Model back-up from Leah Williams, Nina Vakueva, Rosenberg, and Chiang. And a very funny Jessica Jones story from the Captain Marvel team of Kelly Thompson, Carmen Carnero, Tamra Bonvillain, with Chiang. Though short, that last story is pretty much worth the price of the issue alone.
| Published by Marvel
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Five Years #3 sees Tambi meet with Ivy and Julie to discuss that various nations around the world are dangerously developing Phi-alloy technology. Also a surprise appearance of people we thought were out. Great art as always from Terry Moore.
| Published by Abstract Studio
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The Flash #75 delivers three stories for this extra-sized anniversary issue. The lead concludes the “Year One” arc. This is some of the best art that I have ever seen from Howard Porter, he and Hi-Fi just deliver amazing artwork here. There are also two back-ups, one hinting at things to come in the future for Barry and the other tying in to “Year of the Villain” as Captain Cold receives Luthor’s offer.
| Published by DC Comics
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Guardians of the Galaxy #7 begins the second arc, “Faithless”, from Donny Cates, Cory Smith, David Curiel, and Cory Petit. It really introduces us to the new Universal Church of Truth as they take out an entire squadron of the Nova Corps and then worse things happen as the Guardians go off to investigate. I love the name for the Guardians’ new ship and that final page is one hell of a shock.
| Published by Marvel
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History of the Marvel Universe #1 is an interesting project from Mark Waid, Javier Rodríguez, Álvaro López, and Joe Caramagna. It’s framed as Galactus telling Franklin Richards (at least I think that’s Franklin Richards) the history of the universe before it dies and the next is reborn. As expected, it’s dry facts, but it’s fascinating in how it’s comprehensively presented and the artwork from Rodríguez and López is jaw-dropping gorgeous. There are also annotations in the back to show where these events come from. It’s well put together and I highly recommended it to die-hard Marvel fans.
| Published by Marvel
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Invisible Kingdom #5 concludes the first arc with an almost entirely one-sided battle between the Sun Dog and a Lux battleship. G. Willow Wilson, Christian Ward, and Sal Cipriano elevate the tension nicely through this issue and give a few surprises when everything seems grim and it looks like the end.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Killer Groove #3 wonderfully showcases one of Jackie’s cases as it intertwines with the music scene and criminal underworld. Ollie Masters, Eoin Marron, Jordie Bellaire, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou are doing a nice job with this series of crafting one larger story out of many separate smaller tales.
| Published by AfterShock
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Lazarus: Risen #2 is another dense read. The series has always been hefty, but this new format has elevated things further, doubling up comics content and adding a prose short story, the letters pages, and extra content like gaming material and the usual in-world advertisements. I’m loving it. Greg Rucka, Michael Lark, Tyler Boss, Santi Arcas, Simon Bowland, Adam Christopher, and Crystal Frasier are definitely giving you your money’s worth and more here. Excellent comics content as the war between Carlyle and Morray/D’Souza heats up.
| Published by Image
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Livewire #8 pits Amanda versus Jada for a final round. It’s still interesting how practically everyone is trying to portray Amanda’s actions as harmful and villainous. Great art from Kano.
| Published by Valiant
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Martian Manhunter #7 sees J’onn and Diane uncover some of the results of the experiments that have been going on with the kidnapped and missing people, it’s horrifying. Incredible and haunting artwork in this one from Riley Rossmo and Ivan Plascencia. 
| Published by DC Comics
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Marvels: Epilogue is a short, but sweet, coda to the Marvels series from Kurt Busiek, Alex Ross, John Roshell, and Richard Starkings. It spotlights events from X-Men #98 through the eyes of Phil Sheldon and his daughters, capturing some of the awe, wonder, and terror that Sheldon experienced during the main series. The book is filled out with an interview with Busiek and Ross on their experience with the series and what it’s like to look back on it 25 years later, as well as interviews with the editors who worked on the book.
| Published by Marvel
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Middlewest #9 sets out a new quest for Abel as he comes across the Nowak people. Skottie Young, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and Nate Piekos are continuing to make magic with this series. The art is beautiful and the story is endlessly captivating.
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Psi-Lords #2 continues to investigate these four captives, changed for whatever reason by the Psi-Lords, and the habitat of their prison. An interesting jail hierarchy of gangs is revealed and a bit of a memory of the four’s lives before being captured. Gorgeous art from Renato Guedes.
| Published by Valiant
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Star Pig #1 is weird. Very weird. Delilah S. Dawson, Francesco Gaston, Sebastian Cheng, and Shawn Lee give us the story of a kid on her way to space camp whose ship is struck and destroyed by an asteroid, saved by a space pig and a scavenger energy ball. It’s probably one of the more unique tales I’ve seen in a while.
| Published by IDW
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Sword Master #1, like Aero before it, features two stories. In the first, Greg Pak adapts into English a tale from Shuizhu and Gunji of the titular hero, Lin Lie, and his quest to find his missing father. It’s an interesting start and the artwork from Gunji is gorgeous. The back up original story pairs Shang-Chi up with Lin in a story from Greg Pak, Ario Anindito, Rachelle Rosenberg, and Travis Lanham. It follows up on their appearance in the New Agents of Atlas tie-in to “War of the Realms” and presents an interesting antagonist on their trail.
| Published by Marvel
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Valkyrie #1 is a wonderful debut from Jason Aaron, Al Ewing, CAFU, Jesus Aburtov, and Joe Sabino. We get some continued supporting cast from Jane Foster’s time as Thor, although with a new status quo, and an interesting hook in trying to track down Dragonfang, the former Valkyrie’s sword. The art from CAFU and Aburtov is beautiful.
| Published by Marvel
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Warlord of Mars Attacks #2 continues this crossover of John Carter and Mars Attacks. It’s interesting how it incorporates Edgar Rice Burroughs’ stories as actual things in this world and explains how Mars as a dead planet and one as teeming with life as Barsoom could exist simultaneously.
| Published by Dynamite
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The Weatherman Vol. 2 #2 gives us more of a look at the nightmare that has consumed Earth as the crew attempt to find the doctor who might be able to fix everything. It goes about as well as could be expected. The monster designs and execution from Nathan Fox and Moreno Dinisio are incredible.
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Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1 is another one-shot catching up on the wider world of Venom as we barrel headlong into Absolute Carnage. Cullen Bunn, Joshua Cassara, Alberto Alburquerque, Jay David Ramos, and Clayton Cowles give us a great story checking in with Andi Benton, the former Mania and occasional sidekick to Flash Thompson’s Venom.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Woman #75 continues “Return of the Amazons” from G. Willow Wilson, Xermanico, Jesus Merino, Vicente Cifuentes, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Pat Brosseau. This arc basically brings Wilson’s run around full circle to deal with some of the elements that kicked off her first issue as Diana faces off against Grail. Some really nice double page spreads with border art from Xermanico.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Archie #706, Archie vs. Predator 2 #1, Bone Parish #11, Books of Magic #10, Clue: Candlestick #3, Curse Words #23, Doctor Strange #16, Farmhand #10, Freedom Fighters #7, Grumble #8, House of X #1, Justice League Dark #13, Lumberjanes #64, Magic: The Gathering - Chandra #3, Magnificent Ms. Marvel #5, Marvel Action: Avengers #6, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #41, Night Moves #5, Redneck #22, Secret Warps: Arachknight Annual #1, Shuri #10, Star Trek: The Q Conflict #6, Star Wars #69, TMNT: The Rise of the TMNT - Sound Off #1, Tony Stark: Iron Man #14, The Wicked + The Divine #44
Recommended Collections: Black Panther - Book 7: The Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda Part 2, Go-Bots - Volume 1, Harrow County: Library Edition - Volume 3, House of Whispers - Volume 1: The Power Divided, James Bond: Origin - Volume 1, Lodger - Volume 1, Lumberjanes - Volume 12, Savage Sword of Conan - Volume 1: The Cult of Koga Thun, Self/Made, Star Wars Adventures - Volume 6: The Flight of the Falcon, Thor of Realms, William Gibson’s Alien 3
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d. emerson eddy might well be a space lord.
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