#ivy update some posts earlier today
askivyalexandria · 2 years
Log Entry Earth Date 4/12/2022
Jonny on mercury poisoning: “not fun? but also fun. you can like feel yourself dying? it’s strange. hurts. hurts a lot actually. overall 7/10 would do again”
A stowaway called Nastya and Tim cats.
Jonny was not having a good time. Impromptu group chill time with Ivy, Nastya, Tim and Brian. Ivy brought some of the books Jonny likes. Jonny and Tim end up cuddling.
Raphaella has been holed up in her lab today. Hopefully she’s doing alright.
Another stowaway threatened to blow up the moon again.
Someone deemed Ivy trust worthy enough for suggestions of concert videos to watch. Go check out that post.
The octokittens would like a “meow translator.”
The Toy Soldier has been absent today… this is concerning to say the least.
No updates from Lyfrassir recently.
The Aurora is going.
Tim was warned against reading Warrior Cats.
There was a slight smell of smoke earlier… hopefully Ashes isn’t “up to things” again.
Brian and Ivy speak octokitten.
The octokittens got Jonny’s goggles again.
Doctor Carmilla transforms into a cat like how “most” vampires turn into bats. They’ve been nicknamed “Catmilla.”
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millerflintstone · 2 years
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This poor sweet kitter. Boy is roaming the night. He did get caught in the rain and was damp.
He didn't fight me picking me up and putting him on that chair. He got some catnip and was more interested in kibble than playing or resting in the chair
Gigabyte's old cardboard stairs are currently out there just because I needed space for her ramp. Since he was hiding and playing under them earlier, I set out an old pyramid cubby bed for him too. Similar to the one below
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He wasn't around last night. Not sure if his crappy people are back.
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pinkhairedlily · 4 years
The Spring He Came Back
Summary: Momo found herself face to face again with her childhood best friend after he left town ten years ago in the middle of winter. She waited every spring and fervently hoped for his arrival.
Set in an alternative universe where Soul Society is a normal town, and Momo and Hitsugaya are normal adults. 
Author’s note: Hello Tumblr! I’m back to posting fanfictions again. Thank you to @rays-of-fire-and-ice​​​ for hosting HitsuHina Day and being the most loyal blog out there! 
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It’s spring again. Hinamori took in the sight of the budding dogwood trees against the backdrop of the setting sun as she rode her bike on the way home. Ten spring seasons, but why am I counting? She sighed, dejected at the trail of her thoughts.
A lot of things have happened within that span of time - the town that was once a cozy enclave of memories has become an escape for the younger, rowdier bunch. This encouraged the rise of businesses that eventually took over natural spaces, like the meadow of daffodils where they used to hide from household chores, the riverfront where they tried to catch fish but they ended up falling anyway, and the hill where they used to stargaze well after the lights were out.
They. Hitsugaya and her. Hitsugaya, the scrawny kid with an ever irritated disposition.
Despite this, she thought herself the same. She had the same hobbies, went to the same market, bought her fruits from that one vendor, ordered her usual in the cafe by the corner of her flowershop which she bought just two years ago. Yet she found herself still waiting.
The next day
Her black tea went cold on the counter. Again. She was so busy updating the accounting books. It was fortunate that customers were scarce today. Just as she was stretching her arms from too much typing, the door to her shop opened.
“Shiro-kun?” His turquoise eyes levelled with her sight, and his face mirrored her shock.
“Hello?” The silver hair caught her eyes first, and then she saw him. The youngest postdoctorate professor of the town. He was featured countless times in major scientific journals and magazines. The most notable, Nobel Prize, just might do a piece on his work on physics.
And yet to her he was still her childhood best friend who disappeared during winter.
Hitsugaya gave a small smile and took a few steps closer to the counter. “Rangiku said this place is the best flower shop. I didn’t know you’re the owner.”
Probably because you went off the deep end when you left at 15. “I didn’t know you’re back.” Hinamori’s hands tried to grab scissors and some ribbons, but they all fumbled from her grasp. “So what flowers do you need?”
He did not reply to her earlier sentence, just stood there awkwardly with his hands inside his jeans’ pockets. She noticed he was a few inches taller than her, his hair quite longer, and his face more angled than what she remembered. He also wore glasses...which was weird because she knew he had a 20/20 eyesight.
“Are you busy? Can you show me around?” He asked instead. Hinamori wanted to shout in response. Why should I have to?
“I don’t think it’s rational that you can come right here and then ask me to give up a day’s business to be your tour guide,” she replied and eventually sighed. “But I guess you can be an exemption."
They walked together in fragile, awkward silence, held together by noise of the crowds. She showed him the top sights in town, reacquainting the stranger with the streets he once frequented before. Eventually, they arrived in front of the library.
“It’s still here, huh?” Hitsugaya stiffened his stance ever so slightly.
She was still the library’s dedicated visitor and reader but not for reasons in the past. While the haunting feelings lingered, I no longer felt guilt and pain, only regret for my younger, naïve self who didn’t know better. That person also left ten years ago. He plagiarized published works, and she was his willing assistant. Teenage shrieks broke through my reverie.
“Dr. Hitsugaya!” “He’s here! He’s the real deal!” “I can’t believe you came back to your hometown. Will you do consultations here?” “Can you sign my copy of your book, Professor?”
Hinamori took a few steps back, wavering from the newfound popularity surrounding Hitsugaya. When the little commotion died down, they found themselves again in company of the fragile, awkward silence. She was wondering if he wanted to go here to spite her.
“Do you despise me?” Momo suddenly blurted out. She kept her gaze on the library building, on its red brick walls, and the ivy leaves trailing its surfaces. On her periphery, she thought she saw pain flicker on his face. He left in the middle of winter, when nightmares were the strongest and ghosts were the loudest. She drowned in guilt and self-pity for a long time. Until she decided to take back her spring.
Hitsugaya sighed and ruffled his long silver hair. “Momo I-” He sighed again, probably phrasing the words in his head on how to deliver this to her in the best way possible. That was the academician’s training unlike his younger version where he can just say anything. “I’m sorry for leaving that way. I needed to.”
“I disgust you.” Momo knew this dulling pain. It was her most fervent fear, and it was coming true.
She felt him touch the locks of her long hair, and that made her look at him. He held her gaze. “You’ll never disgust me, Momo. It’s just.....you were so lost that time, and I thought you needed to heal on your own terms without me hovering and dictating what you should have done.”
Her eyes were brimming with ten winters’ worth of tears and worry. “But....I needed you, Shiro-kun. I was so lonely. I was ridden with guilt. My association with Dr. Aizen threatened your acceleration to the university because I was your friend.” It was the first time she said his name since the fiasco. And then it dawned on her. “They thought all your works were plagiarized too.”
“And I cannot put you through all that again. It was better for us that way, wasn’t it?”
“You left for me?”
“If I stayed, they would have called you multiple times for grueling discussions. Your communication was also tracked so I didn’t write to add to your burden. Besides, it was easy to find other better universities outside of town. I’m sorry I did not push through with our dream to study and graduate together.” A hint of a smile crept on his face. “I had the urge to replace him quickly, so this was the result.”
Momo reached out to touch his glasses. “No, please, Shiro. You are not him.” They were not graded lenses. “You are Hitsugaya, and you are more than him.”
She suddenly reddened with her statement. “Oh um.. So why are you looking for flowers earlier?” Wow nice change of topic, Momo.
“I asked Rangiku where you were and she gave me the address of the flower shop. I guessed I would find her in a bar, and I was right. But I couldn’t guess where you were.” Hitsugaya took off his glasses. He looked like he was flushing. “I was looking for you, Momo.”
"You’re so straightforward now.” Hinamori tried to laugh off this observation. It was true. He tiptoed around her before, avoiding any topic concerning feelings or emotions. She should meet him halfway then. “And I waited for you.”
Like spring blooming right after the harsh winter, Hitsugaya smiled at her reply. "To compensate for our lost time, would you consider it too fast if I asked you for a date?”
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a-deadly-serenade · 5 years
The Shield and the Sword: Chapter 3: Blue Sheets & Family Mystique [Alucard/Reader]
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You’re a witch that is skilled in herbology, one that has been persecuted by the church for practically your entire life. In spite of this, moving throughout different towns has allowed you to pick up some chatter about a woman in a village called Lupu. She is supposed to be a wonder when it comes to medicine, and this immediately perks up your interest. So after plucking up some courage, you’ve made it to her door… hoping that she takes you as her apprentice.
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16724856
~ Click here for the masterlist.
tag list: @pastelteabubbles, @heartwards, @top-notch-shitposting, @2-many-fandoms-2-count, @theotakufairy, @illiniana
if you want to be added to the tag list, please send me a message and i will tag you in every update!
“Here we are!”
Lisa pushed open the door to your bedroom, and your heart swelled at the sight.
It was almost as big as the family room of your childhood home, and it was covered in celeste blue wallpaper that had a pattern of tiny silver lily’s etched into it. Two large windows stood on either side of a beautiful antique desk, and a framed painting of a quaint countryside hung above.
A large ornate bed sat against the wall, and its dark wooden bed posts reached nearly to the ceiling, even the headboard took your breath away.
An intricate carving of a fairy brought a smile to your face. Her head rested against her forearms, eyes downcast and serene as she looked at the flowers and vines that spiraled and curled around her. You recognized them as plants that helped with sleeping, such as chamomile, english ivy, gardenia, and jasmine.
You reached out to touch the bed and were delighted to find a thick, blue cotton comforter with white satin sheets underneath. A frayed white bed skirt surrounded the entire frame, which made it look almost as if you were sleeping on a cloudy blue sky.
A thin, almost translucent veil fell from the tops of the bedposts at the end of the bed, and you guessed that the sheen would be able to obscure your sleeping form, if you chose to keep it closed.
There was a small, pitch colored nightstand to the right, and you gaped at the sight of the nearby armoire. It towered over you, and you admired the craftsmanship, the impressive curves and edges of the wood being quite the sight to behold.
It was absolutely lovely, and the thought passed through your mind that you were undeserving of such a lavish space. But you knew that Lisa, and now Vlad, would fight tooth and nail till you accepted it, so you swallowed your doubt.
“Well? What do you think?”
The discovery of a door hindered you from answering Lisa’s question, and when you pushed it open, you found that you had your own personal bathroom as well, and it was just as extravagant as the bedroom.
You turned back to Lisa, and wiped away a tear that had managed to escape (much to your chagrin). “This…. this is all so much Lisa, I can’t thank you enough.” your voice is slightly hoarse, and you melt under her touch as she walks over to give you a hug.
“Like I said, you are a part of my family now,” she stroked your hair and bopped the tip of your nose with her finger. “And my family deserves the best.”
She hummed softly to herself before she took a firm grip of your hand. “It’s getting late, darling. Why don’t you get some rest, and we can begin our studies in the morning?”
With all of the excitement that had happened in one day, it was only then that you realized how utterly exhausted you were. You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hands, and heard Lisa chuckle.
“See? Mother’s intuition,” she joked, and gave your hand one final reassuring squeeze before she started to trek towards your bedroom door.
She said one last goodnight, before you heard the door shut with a quiet click.
You let out a huff, and dug through the contents of your satchel, all the while mumbling of how much of a mess it was.
Your elated cry rang out through the quiet room as you found what you had been looking for: a lavender scented candle, homemade, of course. You shrugged off your stuffy shawl and went to throw it on the floor, before you decided to not be a complete slob, and instead placed it inside the wardrobe.
“Huh… right,” you muttered, when greeted by a completely empty armoire. “I don’t actually have that many clothes….” an irritated sound rumbled in the back of your throat, but you settled to deal with that issue in the morning.
You crawled into bed, and your assumption from earlier had been right. It did feel like laying on clouds. With a snap of your fingers the candle was lit, and the waves of fresh lavender quickly lulled you to sleep.
Bright white light unexpectedly streaming into your room is what finally managed to rouse you from your deep slumber.
You let out a loud groan, and made quick haste to duck under the blankets to protect your sensitive eyes from the harsh morning glow of the sun.
“Rise and shine!”
Your head peeks out from under the sheets to find Lisa standing at the foot of your bed, hands on her hips.
She had a determined look in her eyes, and clapped her hands together. “Come on! It’s time to get up!”
You groggily sat up, slightly dazed from being woken up so abruptly. “What time is it?”
“The sun has been up for almost two hours now. It’s time for you to eat something so that we can get started on the day.”
Right. You were to begin studying today.
Lisa cleared her throat and brought your attention back to her, for she had moved to stand in the doorway. “Freshen up if you’d like, but you better be quick about it. I don’t want your breakfast getting cold.”
With that, she disappeared down the hallway and you fumbled out of bed to get ready as fast as possible.
As you stumbled into the bathroom, you were shocked to find anything and everything that you could ever need from a hairbrush to soap to fresh towels. When did those get there?
No matter. You splashed some water on your face and brushed through the tangles in your hair, trying your best to look at least presentable. A grimace formed on your lips when it dawned on you that none of the clothes you had brought were very clean, nor did they seem to fit the posh fashion everyone inside Castlevania sported.
You nervously nibbled on your thumbnail while you began to pace around the room. It wasn’t the end of the world if you asked Lisa to borrow some of her clothes. You doubted that she would be bothered by it… it would just be temporary, until you found the time to make them yourself.
Your footsteps came to a halt in front of your armoire, and you thought it best to take out your dirty clothes that you had shoved in there so that they could at least be washed.
You count yourself lucky that you were currently the only one in the room the moment you opened those doors, for the expression you made would certainly be one that any sensible person would never let you forget.
It was filled with vestments, and not just the extravagant dresses you assumed families of this stature would wear. You spotted an array of lovely tops and pants, and you thanked the stars that was the most common outfit inside. When you reached out to touch them, you assumed they were made of cotton, and discovered a few dresses amongst it all, alongside scarves, shawls, gloves, and several pairs of unworn shoes.
You were absolutely baffled . Where had all of this come from? You could only assume it had been Lisa, but it was impossible for you to fathom that she just happened to have such an assortment of unused garments.
Still in mild shock, you grabbed a pair of brown pants and a yellow long-sleeved shirt and gave them a curious sniff. They smelled of daisies and crisp, fresh water, with just the hint of grass. You remained in utter disbelief as you put it on, mind abuzz with so many questions that you hoped Lisa would answer over breakfast.
You shut your bedroom door with a gentle tug, and as you began to walk down the long hallway, you silently hoped that you’d be able to rely on your memory to make it back to the front entrance of the castle.
However, you found yourself getting distracted by the many paintings that hung on the walls. They were all encased in ornate gold frames, and a variety of motifs graced the canvases. Some were small portraits, some were of landscapes found around Romania, and others were of towering, detailed figures that you could only guess were relatives of the family.
One in particular made you stop in your tracks.
It was easy to recognize Vlad in the middle, but… you could tell that he looked slightly different, almost a little younger. You hadn’t the faintest clue who the women standing beside him were, although the woman to the right’s golden eyes caught your attention, and it was then that you realized she had been in the other painting you spotted on the way to the library yesterday evening.
Even though you weren’t one to make assumptions, you could only guess that she had to be related to Vlad somehow, seeing as she had long black hair, and golden eyes like Adrian. The dress she wore for the portrait was beautiful, a dark red that clung exquisitely to her form, and her long nails, painted a startling silver color, shimmered like knives in the morning light.
The other woman was much older, her hair the color of starlight and eyes as rich as the beryl’s adorned around her neck and fingers. A white sheer shawl was wrapped around her shoulders that accentuated the slim golden dress she wore, its long sleeves draping across the side of the chair that Vlad sat upon.
You noted, with some amusement, that despite her intimidating expression, golden wreaths dusted with sapphires danced amongst the strands of her long hair, adding just the right amount of whimsy to her depiction.
“I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten lost.”
A gasp trapped itself in your throat as the unexpected greeting caught you off guard, the palm of your hand pressed against your chest in an attempt to steady the erratic beating of your heart.
You felt your cheeks heat up as Adrian laughed, obviously finding your embarrassment entertaining. “I’m curious as to what you find so amusing.”
He wore a smirk on his lips and said nothing, his arms folded across his chest while he gazed up at the portrait. “They are quite the pair, are they not?”
“Was it presumptuous of me to assume that they’re all related?” His eyes glittered, a look of surprised satisfaction shining in the mirthy gold. “You’re quite astute. The woman with the black hair is my aunt, Stefana. She’s a rather spirited individual, but she’s always treated us kindly.”
“She’s very beautiful.” “Don’t tell her that,” Adrian chuckled. “She might snatch you up if you do.”
“Keen for compliments?”
“Let’s just say she has a soft spot for the female form.”
You smiled, happy that Adrian felt comfortable enough around you to talk about his family life. “And who’s on the left?”
“Father tells me that she is his cousin, so I believe she would be my first cousin once removed. It’s kind of a convoluted mess when I really think about it.”
“I know how that feels,” you replied. “Back home, my mother or grandmother would say that someone was related to us in a way, even though I’m positive they weren’t.”
“Why would they do that?”
“I suppose it was just so I could feel closer to them, give me a reason not to shy away from those I was unfamiliar with in my coven. It worked, we all held each other in our hearts… as though we were just a large family…” your voice trailed off as melancholy drew its wings around you, saddened by the connection you had just made.
A jolt travelled through your body as Adrian placed a hand on your shoulder, almost as if you had been shocked. The action was so sudden, and so unexpected, that you almost drew away from him, but you managed to stop yourself.
“I apologize if this discussion upset you in any way. You looked as though you desired answers while you gazed upon this painting, so, I thought–”
“No! It’s alright!” you blurted out. “I was interested! I just… I just got a little caught up in the past is all, don’t worry about it.” you gave the hand on your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, bemused at his almost flustered reaction.
“Yes… well, like I was saying,” he drew his hand back, opting to put the both of them behind him as he resumed his explanation. “She is my first cousin once removed. Her name is Dumitra, and she is… how can I put this delicately?”
“An absolute horror?”
The both of you whipped around to find Lisa at the end of the hallway, her hair up in a high bun and sporting a white apron dotted with stains.
“Honestly, I leave you alone for ten minutes, expecting you to make your way down to eat some breakfast, and where do I find you? Musing over some paintings.” she gave an exasperated sigh, before a smile slowly found its way back onto her visage. “Well, I suppose it’s not a total loss,” she joined the two of you under the towering stares of the three vampires. “This is a beautiful painting. Look how handsome my husband looks.”
Her comment caused her son to let out an annoyed groan, to which she just laughed at in response.
“You interrupt me to gush over father?”
“Why shouldn’t I? He looks dashing in this portrait.”
You could not help the giggles that managed to escape you at the charming display between Adrian and Lisa. It was innocuous moments like this that you had missed since living on your own.
“Stefana looks wonderful here too. It’s been a mo’ since she’s come ‘round to visit.”
“You know how busy she is, having to look after Caliacra. Not to mention, father tells me that she’s found a new beau.”
“Really?” Lisa gave a delighted little hum. “It’s about time. I thought that other woman she’d been with was simply dreadful.”
“As dreadful as Dumitra?”
“Oh no,” she scoffed. “It’s impossible for anyone to be as unbearable as her.”
“Lisa,” you interjected. “Why do you hate Dumitra so much?”
She froze for a moment, as if collecting her thoughts, before she tried to wave off the question. “Oh, darling, I do not wish to bore you with familial semantics.”
“That’s unfair, mother.” Adrian said.
“How so?”
“You said that she’d be a part of the family now, isn’t that right?” Adrian’s fangs gleamed in the sunlight as his voice lilted with a teasing tone.
“I… yes, I suppose you’re correct–” “So shouldn’t she know why Dumitra is so insufferable?”
“Since you’re so eager to talk to her, maybe you should explain?” Lisa challenged back, her own smirk finding refuge on her face when she saw Adrian’s cheeks tinge a slight pink.
He quickly regained composure however, and turned his attention back to you. “Dumitra is… an ancient vampire. I remember asking her when I was much younger how old she really was, and father had to intervene before she gave me a right good slap.”
“Yes, I remember that,” Lisa muttered to herself, mouth contorted into a grimace.
“Did you get an answer?” you joked, and Adrian gave you a playful look in return.
“My father has lead me to believe that she’s even older than he is, which I find exceptionally terrifying.”
“I was told that Dracula was where all vampires came from?” you question. “At least, that’s what I’ve read in some books.”
Lisa shook her head. “No, my husband is simply a vampire–albeit a very well lived and powerful one.”
“Dumitra could have beaten my father during her glory days,” Adrian mused, and moved his hand to point at her. “They are not visible here, but she has an array of scars on her back that she displays proudly. She totes them as a trophy of surviving one of the first vampire hunters.”
“Vampire hunters? I never knew such a thing existed.”
Adrian nodded. “Oh yes. There’s a particular clan that tends to give our kind some trouble. Even Stefana has scars on her arms from holy water burns. Although, I believe they’ve been covered up by some lovely henna work done by one of father’s generals. What was her name?”
Lisa bit her lip in contemplation before her face lit up. “Raman! Oh she is such a sweetheart. I saw her a few weeks ago!”
“You don’t say? Nevertheless, being such an… old fashioned woman, Dumitra has had a problem with not only me, but my mother as well.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering how anyone could possibly dislike Lisa in any sort of capacity. “Why is that?”
“Well,” Lisa replied, before she shrugged her shoulders. “She is not exactly a fan of the fact that I am human.”
“Is that bad?”
“Certain vampires,” Adrian interjected. “No, let me amend that: most vampires only see humans as fodder, food for the supposed superior race to feast on.”
Your stomach turned at the thought, but it made you remember how much some of your coven hated vampires. A specific memory came to the forefront of your mind, of some younger girls expressing their outright fear towards them. They had shown you the amulets and charm bags that they had created for the sole purpose of repelling these creatures of the night, and that their mothers had even gone so far to inscribe magical runes onto the walls of their home.
“You appear as though you’ve had experience with these types of vampires.” Lisa said, which snapped you out of your train of thought.
You shook your head no. “Fortunately I have not, but I do recall several younger witches being deathly afraid of them. I am always one to judge something myself, especially when it comes to supernatural beings; they must be treated with respect. But I cannot deny being especially careful when it came to walking through the nearby woods on my own.”
Adrian let out a delighted little hum as you said this. “Your intuition is quite remarkable, mother. I cannot think of a more suited person to work with you.”
The compliment caused you to blush, and your eyes darted back to the painting to refrain from looking at the both of them.
“Look how flustered you made her, Adrian!” Lisa jokingly chastised, before she wrapped her hand around yours and gave it a gentle tug.
As you looked up at her with wide eyes, she gave you a delighted smile before she leaned down to whisper, “He’s right you know.”
“Lisa,” you whined, and she burst into laughter.
“Alright, alright, I’ll spare you from any further embarrassment,” she began leading the way down the hallway, both you and Adrian following her long strides.
It was only slightly humiliating that the distance between your bedroom and the kitchen was not only in the opposite direction that you had initially walked, but that it was insurmountably closer than you had originally anticipated.
The kitchen was equally as beautiful and wondrous as the rest of the house, with large windows that allowed for the sunlight to warm even the most northern brick that dotted along the floor. A large wooden table with plenty of luxurious plush chairs around its perimeter stood in the middle of the room and it was covered in a decadent array of food, from eggs to sausages, to bread and the finest local cheeses, to a very delicate tea set steaming with a fresh batch of what smelled like lavender tea.
Even the tea cups were magical, the most delicate of porcelain that had hand painted watercolor roses as their motif. A thin line of gold graced the rim, and made up the handle, a tiny plate with tiny pink roses lining the outside being its accompanying piece.
You were awestruck, your eyes as wide as the saucers in front of you. This looked like a feast fit for kings, and it was merely breakfast!
Lisa pushed you down into one of the chairs before you could begin berating her with thanks and telling her that she, “shouldn’t have done all this for you!”
The meal was as delicious as it looked, but something that surprised you more than the bountiful breakfast in your plate, was that Vlad was enjoying food with them as well, albeit, a much smaller amount than his wife and son.
You were a bit puzzled to say the least, as you had always heard that Dracula could not bare to be the sunlight, and you thought it was common knowledge that vampires get sick eating regular human food.
Vlad appeared to read your thoughts, a devilish smirk on his face as he took a sip of his golden goblet. “You seem to have several questions buzzing around in that head of yours, little one.”
You flushed, and averted your gaze, as you shoved a piece of bread into your mouth.
“There’s no need to be so bashful. I enjoy a curious mind.”
You looked over at Lisa for reassurance, and she gave you a kind smile and a nod of her head. Swallowing the bread you nearly choked down your throat, you took your attention instead to the bright morning sun that grazed his sharp features.
“I read that vampires cannot stand being in the sunlight?”
He hummed to himself. “Ah yes, a particularly popular rumor… I think Helsing had something to do with that,” he mused, but turned back to you after his moment to himself. “I can say that spending too much time in the sun could be harmful, but, sitting here, just barely out of its direct rays will not harm me.”
“I see,” you mumbled, and then focused on Adrian. “So, since you’re a dhampir, you can go in direct sunlight thanks to your mother, yes?”
“Exactly.” Vlad answered. “I like this one. She’s keen to pick up things.”
“I told you that she was a worthy apprentice!” Lisa sang as she gathered up the empty plates and cups. She placed them the large sink, using a large pump to get water to start running across them.
You walked over to her, offering your assistance, which Lisa greatly accepted. She decided to clean all of the dishes, and then hand them to you to dry.
As she held out a dripping plate for you, she gave you a nudge and a playful smile. “Once this is all cleaned up,” her eyes twinkled with excitement. “It’s about time that we head to the library and start studying, don’t you think?”
author’s note: hello everyone!! i’m BACK. i did not plan on having such a long break between chapters, but spring semester kicked my ass. but guess what? i Graduated Y'ALL. so guess who has time to work on a fic? this bitch. anyways, tysm to all of the new followers this has garnered in the past couple months. it really helps me stay encouraged to work on this, knowing that people like it so much!! i hope this chapter was worth the wait <3
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twentyseveninc · 3 years
Evolution of the PR World
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It is a common misbelief that Public Relations (PR) is a new profession that came to the fore only a couple of decades back. In reality, however, the practice of PR can be traced back to the early Greek and Roman civilizations. Traditionally, PR constituted primarily of communication and disseminating information through press releases or other modes of linear communication. Today, PR is spearheaded by a transformed digital landscape, with brands taking to online media platforms to establish connections with clients and have actual conversations with a more involved consumer base.
History of PR
Some of the oldest influencers of public relations include Aristotle, Julius Caesar and Socrates, to name a few. They laid the foundation of PR and emphasized the need for effective communication between the public. Before the Greek and Roman era, priests played the chief role in influencing the public and persuading them to act according to their interests. The rulers used the medium of writing to sway history in their favor, shaping the mass opinion as they preferred. While this power earlier lied either with the priests or the rulers, the Greek era saw a change with the gradual shift of this power into the hands of non-religious or secular forces. Public opinion became primarily influenced by such emerging leaders who distinctly separated themselves from the church. People were free to voice out their views and perspectives without much oppression from the higher authorities, unlike before.
With the invention of the telegraph, communication became more effectual and soon, other innovations like the telephone, phonograph and radio communication lined up. But it was only in the year 1903 that Public Relations was given recognition as a profession for the very first time, as Ivy Lee was made advisor for John Rockefeller. After this, PR gained popularity at a great pace and evolved as we see it today.
As we can see, while PR has seemingly undergone a rapid metamorphosis, its pillars – information, persuasion, and building trust – and its roots remain intact.
“What exactly changed then?”
Here are three distinct trends that have significantly contributed to the evolution of PR.
Role of the PR Professional
As the PR industry continues to evolve, the role of the PR professional, clients’ demands and what the industry entails, in general, has also changed. The focal themes for PR Week 2015 were “integration, convergence, and the ramping up in the importance of digital and social media.” Declining revenues from earned media have foregrounded paid, shared and owned media – and the skills required to profit from them.With real-time marketing becoming taking over, PR agencies are focused on creating digital content. This change has fortified the demand for a revised modus operandi in PR and an updated skillset in its professionals. Businesses will hire PR agencies mainly to provide strategy, expertise, and creative thinking. Surveys indicate that PR’s value can be optimally augmented by demonstrating how it helps achieve measurable business goals.
Ascent of Influencer Marketing
Earlier, journalists and other publications were, more often than not, the sole source of earned media within PR. Post digitalization, the number of people with sway over social media has exponentially increased. Influencers like bloggers, celebrities, business analysts, or other trusted buyers greatly facilitate a decent outreach on social media. The colossal shift in eMarketing to influencer marketing brings up just one question: “How can we employ social media to better our PR strategy?”.
Keeping a close tab on insights of networking sites on which you can interact with your audience is imperative. Trends being followed, hot topics etc., help attract viewership. The new-age PR calls for an increased focus on fostering relationships with your clients and your target audience.
Digitalization of Journalism
Whilst traditional features of PR like press releases, by-lines and whitepapers are used presently as well, PR has primarily become digital. GQ's insight and strategy editor conducted a survey to gain insight into 'social media trends impacting journalism'. The survey proved that journalists are more likely to read the posts of people they follow socially and prefer to communicate with the public via social media.
Source:- https://twenty7inc.in/evolution-of-the-pr-world/
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
20 Great Lessons You Can Learn From Silk Flowers | Silk Flowers
Deepkamal Kaur
Tribune News Service
Jalandhar, June 10
Post lockdown, beginning flowers accept absolutely vanished from the shelves of best florists in the city. Known for their accumulating of beginning flowers and packaging, the buyer of Meera Flower World has now been accomplishing it all with bogus flowers.
Be it a rose stick or a boutonniere or car adornment work, about aggregate is now actuality done with bogus flowers which accept absolutely a affinity of absolute ones and accept become added adequate these days. “Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the appeal for beginning flowers has appear bottomward to about zero. No one wants to booty annihilation that exchanges so abounding hands. Since bogus flowers are washable and accept a best shelf life, the appeal has switched over to these from beginning flowers, say Harinder Singh, who runs the accepted Meera Flower World in Lajpat Nagar Market here.
“The affection of bogus flowers has added so abundant that they attending about like absolute ones. The array is additionally wide. One can go for small-potted plants, bushes, foliage, creepers, hangings, etc and accept these arranged in such a way that we commonly do for the absolute plants. Roses, lilies, bougainvillea, palm, araucaria, ficus, etc, about all varieties which are in appeal in beginning collections,” says the owner.
Asked about the supplies, he says: “These are all China-made items which were accessible in Delhi markets. But now food from China accept stopped. So we are additionally not accepting any added of these. In their place, we accept displayed some allowance items in our accumulating now — mugs, clocks, photo frames, teddy bears, etc. If not flowers, bodies
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
Simple Guidance For You In Nursery Wall Transfers | Nursery Wall Transfers
Shop this nursery look!
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Jungle Decal, Baby Girls Safari Wall Stickers, Blush Pink and Grey .. | nursery wall transfers
Crib: Graco Bryson 4-in-1 Convertible Crib
Glider and Ottoman: Stork Craft Hoop Custom Glider/Ottoman
Wall decals: Lambs & Ivy Yoo-Hoo Bank Appliques
Crib bedding set: Lambs & Ivy Yoo-Hoo 4 Piece Crib Bedding Set
Nursery blanket: Lambs & Ivy Yoo-Hoo Blanket
Mobile: Lambs & Ivy Yoo-Hoo Musical Mobile
Lamp: Lambs & Ivy Yoo-Hoo Lamp with Shade and Bulb
Block letters: New Arrivals 8 inch Fabric Letter Blocks
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Nursery & Baby Wall Stickers – nursery wall transfers | nursery wall transfers
Mattress pad waterproof cover: Babies R Us Fully Quilted Waterproof Crib Mattress Coverall
Crib mattress: Safety 1st Heavenly Dreams Crib Mattress
Changing pad: Summer Infant Contour Alteration Pad
Changing pad cover: Babies R Us Deluxe Alteration Pad Cover
Mark: My name is Mark and this is my wife, Michelle, and our son, Noah. And this is our -to-be baby, Luke.
Michelle: We absolutely aloof confused into this home about a ages and a bisected ago, and up until actual afresh accept been active out of boxes, and this nursery was our accumulator area.
The Experts: Melisa and Pam from Project Nursery
Melisa: Okay, so how do you booty a allowance abounding with boxes and about-face it into a nursery?
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Pam: Well, it’s absolutely a good-news story, because you can actually alpha from scratch.
Melisa: Oh, they are starting from arena zero.
Pam: And gender neutral. You apperceive what? I adulation gender aloof because it’s fun. You can acquaint a story. Pick a affair or article that inspires you.
Melisa: Right, I anticipate that’s a abundant idea.
Pam: And what about the appliance selection?
Melisa: Oh, accumulate it small, accumulate it tight. So maybe a abate glider that doesn’t booty up too abundant space.
Pam: Yeah, in a fun pop or a color, a chevron, article you can absolutely comedy in some arrangement there.
Melisa: Great.
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Boys Grey yellow owl wall decals, nursery Wall stickers, Nursery .. | nursery wall transfers
Michelle: I anticipate appropriate actuality is fine.
Mark: Okay.
Michelle: Aloof in this accepted area.
And our aboriginal abstraction was to acrylic a bank or an emphasis bank in the nursery, but we both assignment full-time. Decals were an abstraction that I saw online.
Mark: Enough? Appropriate here?
Noah: Yeah.
Mark: Appropriate there?
Michelle: To accomplish it a little bit added babyish friendly, we absitively to absorb carnival animals in the theme.
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Nursery Wall Stickers – Enchanted Interiors – nursery wall transfers | nursery wall transfers
Mark: Ooh.
Michelle: It was absolutely important for us to accomplish abiding Noah was allotment of every footfall of the nursery artistic process, because this is a big affair for him as well. He’s activity to be a big brother.
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The post Simple Guidance For You In Nursery Wall Transfers | Nursery Wall Transfers appeared first on Painter Legend.
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Humanities › Religion & Spirituality Faerie Lore - The Fae at Beltane
Do you believe in the Fae?.
by Patti Wigington
Updated September 03, 2016
For many Pagans, Beltane is traditionally a time when the veil between our world and that of the Fae is thin. In most European folktales, the Fae kept to themselves unless they wanted something from their human neighbors. It wasn’t uncommon for a tale to relate the story of a human being who got too daring with the Fae -- and ultimately paid their price for his or her curiosity! In many stories, there are different types of faeries.
This seems to have been mostly a class distinction, as most faerie stories divide them into peasants and aristocracy.
EARLY MYTHS AND LEGENDS In Ireland, one of the early races of conquerors was known as the Tuatha de Danaan, and they were considered mighty and powerful. It was believed that once the next wave of invaders arrived, the Tuatha went underground. In hiding from the Milesians, the Tuatha evolved into Ireland's faerie race.
Typically, in Celtic legend and lore, the Fae are associated with magical underground caverns and springs -- it was believed that a traveler who went too far into one of these places would find himself in the Faerie realm.
Another way to access the world of the Fae was to find a secret entrance. These were typically guarded, but every once in a while an enterprising adventurer would find his way in. Often, he found upon leaving that more time had passed than he expected.
In several tales, mortals who spend a day in the fairy realm find that seven years have passed in their own world.
In parts of England and Britain, it was believed that if a baby was ill, chances were good that it was not a human infant at all, but a changeling left by the Fae. If left exposed on a hillside, the Fae could come reclaim it.
William Butler Yeats relates a Welsh version of this story in his tale The Stolen Child. Parents of a new baby could keep their child safe from abduction by the Fae by using one of several simple charms: a wreath of oak and ivy kept faeries out of the house, as did iron or salt placed across the door step. Also, the father's shirt draped over the cradle keeps the Fae from stealing a child.
In some stories, examples are given of how one can see a faerie. It is believed that a wash of marigold water rubbed around the eyes can give mortals the ability to spot the Fae. It is also believed that if you sit under a full moon in a grove that has trees of Ash, Oak and Thorn, the Fae will appear.
There are a few books that cite early cave paintings and even Etruscan carvings as evidence that people have believed in the Fae for thousands of years.
However, faeries as we know them today didn’t really appear in literature until about the late 1300s. In the Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer relates that people used to believe in faeries a long time ago, but don't by the time the Wife of Bath tells her tale. Interestingly, Chaucer and many of his peers discuss this phenomena, but there is no clear evidence that describes faeries in any writings prior to this time.
It appears instead that earlier cultures had encounters with a variety of spiritual beings, who fit into what 14th century writers considered the archetype of the Fae.
So, do the Fae really exist? It's hard to tell, and it's an issue that comes up for frequent and enthusiastic debate at any Pagan gathering. Regardless, if you believe in faeries, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Leave them a few offerings in your garden as part of your Beltane celebration -- and maybe they'll leave you something in return!
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
what ifs; adam page [five]
Part 5, as promised. And again, I wanna say that I will get this updated, I swear to God. I just... haven’t been in much of a writing mood lately / haven’t been having an easy time focusing. But it’s coming, I swear. [ part four] if you missed it, I got you. 
Angst, holy shit, so much. Adam and Ivy are stuck running errands. A flashback. And maaaybe hints of kind of an understanding, albeit a strained one for the time being?
alcohol tw, mentions of stripping, exotic dancing.. angst, holy shit the angst. sexual tension.
Adam Hangman Page x OFC, Ivy Barlow
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Header made by me. Images from google. If you didn’t make it, don’t take it.
“Stupid fuckin car.” Ivy swore in frustration as she shut the hood. She glanced back up the driveway towards her father’s farm and sighed, shaking her head. Her father’s gentle teasing about her trading it in for a newer and safer model came rushing back and she couldn’t help but give a soft laugh as she started to walk back up the long dirt drive.
She was about halfway between her car and where it sat at the end of the drive and the farmhouse when she heard an all too familiar sound. And despite the fact that it was pouring rain now and Ivy was soaked and cold, she tensed because the last thing she wanted to do was get in the truck with Adam Page.
That’s assuming he even stops, I mean… he has gone off and gotten all famous and shit. He says I’ve changed. I’m not the one drinking like a fish drinks water. I’m not the one whose so bitter that I have to take it out on the people around me. The thought fell to the wayside as she heard the truck slowing down and then idling beside her right as a loud clap of thunder rattled the sky above.
Adam saw her old Mustang sitting sideways at the end of the drive and he grumbled, briefly glancing at the sky through his windshield right as the bottom truly started to fall out. Despite having no desire to listen to her sharp tongue or fight with her today, he also couldn’t just drive past and let her keep walking back to her father’s farm.
It’ll only be a minute or two tops, Adam reminded himself calmly as he slowed his truck to a stop beside her. He hit the button on his side for the window and rolled it down just as thunder rolled in the darkening sky above and leaned across, hollering out to her.
Ivy tried to pretend not to hear him calling her name and keep walking, but Adam only called it louder. The next clap of thunder was closer; louder. Enough to lightly rattle the ground. Ivy hadn’t ever liked storms, not even a little.
Oh but Adam had always had this way of making them so much more tolerable back then, Ivy found herself slipping into her own thoughts for a few seconds.
“Shit!” Ivy gasped out the word, clinging to Adam and hiding her face in his shoulder as soon as she’d turned to face him. The storm was getting more intense and Adam could tell Ivy was panicking a little, she’d never really been fond of bad weather. Chuckling, he wrapped both arms around her tighter, groaning as her stirring around in his lap had him strained against his favorite pair of Wranglers. “Darlin, c’mon. It’s just a lil storm. It’ll pass. Look at me, baby.” Adam coaxed, getting Ivy to raise her head and look up. He leaned in, mouth conquering her own, bucking against her casually from below when she rubbed herself against his lap a second time and gave him that little lip bite. “You wanna go up to your room n’ find somethin to take your mind off the storm?”
“Mhm.” Ivy giggled, taking his face in her hands, pulling him into a deep and heavy and needy kiss that tasted like the chocolate chip cookies she’d made for him earlier in the afternoon during home ec.
The horn was being laid on. Ivy gave Adam a dirty look and the next clap of thunder sent her scurrying for the passenger seat of his truck whether or not she really wanted to in the first place. Once inside, she focused intently on the passenger window. So intently that she totally missed Adam’s question the first two times he asked it.
She just.. Didn’t want to stop thinking about the happier memory she’d been thinking about. Lately since she’d come back to town, if she opened her mouth, it was grounds for a fight. The truck was silent, the only noise was the dim hints of a storm raging on outside the truck that the truck’s sturdy interior didn’t keep at bay.
Adam cleared his throat and tried to speak up again. “Car break down again?”
“Doesn’t it always?” Ivy answered quietly, not bothering to tear her eyes off of the passenger window and look at him. She sighed and muttered a quiet thank you for the ride almost as soon as the farmhouse came into view and Adam’s truck was slowing to a stop beneath the carport.
Adam stopped her. “Where were you headin?”
Ivy eyed him, a brow raised and her head tilted to the side just slightly. “Into town. To the store and to the post office to pick up somethin that came in… Why?”
Adam tried like hell to stop himself, but it came out before he could. “If you want me to, I could take ya. I gotta go down to that parts store and pick up some stuff for dad.”
Ivy eyed him warily. Finally, she sighed and nodded. “You sure? I don’t want to be right under you.” she mimicked what he’d snapped at her the day before when they’d both been trying to repair a fence line out in the east pasture out back. Adam winced because he hadn’t really realized just how harsh he’d been with her the day before and he sighed, raking a hand through his hair. The rain was pouring down harder now, soaking through the thin gray shirt he wore in seconds and he grumbled.
“Either ya do or ya don’t.” Adam mumbled, staring her down firmly. Ivy’s shoulder’s sank and she clenched her fist, grumbling to herself. “Fine.”
“It’s called a thank you!” Adam called out to her as she took the part he’d bought by for her father’s second tractor and sat it in the storage room beneath the carport, closing the door behind her just long enough to lean against it and take a few deep breaths.
Counting to five didn’t work with that man.
Trying to avoid him didn’t either, because either her sister wound up sending her right into his path or he wound up seeking her out, just to be an ass. Ivy was just tired. Worrying about her dad, knowing the farm was probably one late payment and bad harvest away from foreclosure…
And I can’t forget, Ivy’s mind chose that exact second to chime in, I still feel something towards  him, even though he apparently hates me and has made up his mind about me. Adam was calling her name through the door impatiently and Ivy threw it open, stepping out, walking past Adam and getting into the passenger seat of his truck again. “Let’s just get there and back. Pretty sure you don’t want me around one second longer than I gotta be.”
“Right back at ya, hon.” Adam snapped, equally as tense and frustrated.
The thunder continued to roll overhead and at one point, it was so loud that Ivy flinched and tensed all over. Before Adam could stop himself, he was reaching over the console, grabbing for her hand, resting his over the top as he shook his head and laughed softly.
“It’s a valid fear, Adam.” Ivy grumbled, poking out her tongue, giving a soft laugh after a few seconds and one long intense silence. He was still holding onto her hand and despite her, trying to ignore the fact, it still felt every bit as calming as it did back then.
“It is, but you do realize that as long as we’re in here, nothin can happen.. Right?”
“Yes, I know this.” Ivy pouted and stared ahead, sighing when her cell phone rang.
“Crappy reception all damn day until this motherfucker wants to call and start his shit.” Ivy grumbled as she powered down the phone and shoved it back into her pocket and out of sight. Adam eyed the way she did it all and after a few seconds, even though he really didn’t want to even… Think about her having been seriously involved with -and possibly still being involved with, another man in Florida, he couldn’t help but ask the question. “Who’s that?”
“Ty, my idiotic asshole of an ex. Thinks that if he holds my shit hostage, it’s gonna make me cave and come back to him. Apparently, he doesn’t think I can just get copies of all the documents and stuff he took out of the stuff I packed when I left.”  Ivy wasn’t even sure why she was telling Adam what was going on. When Adam’s hand tightened ever so slightly around her own, she bit her lip and muttered a quiet apology. “I shouldn’t have said anythin.”
“No, it’s fine.” Adam took a deep breath, training his eyes on the road ahead, trying to keep his mind off of this other asshole and the strong surge of jealousy, the strong protective urges that seemed to rise to the surface any time Ivy Barlow was concerned.
Just like they always had.
“I asked.” Adam reminded her and Ivy shrugged, staring down at her lap. “Still shouldn’t have just dumped it all out like that.”
“Anybody know what he’s doin’.. With your stuff, I meant.” Adam asked, gaze settling on Ivy as the truck pulled to a stop outside of the post office in town.
Ivy nodded. “Constance. But I got it handled, okay? I’m a big girl, Adam.”
“You don’t have to remind me, Ivy.” Adam muttered in a tense tone, trying not to let his mind wander back to the past three nights, watching her dance at that damn club. Or watching her handle the sick cow earlier today. Or any of the other things she’d been doing since their paths started to cross almost daily upon her arrival back in town.
Ivy got out and ran into the post office and Adam sat there, staring up at a darkened sky, waiting on her to get back in the truck. And while he did that, he couldn’t help but reflect on the differences between Ivy back then and Ivy now.
He might have thought he’d fallen for her back then, but now… Now she was different. Stronger. Not quite the same but not totally different either. And as much as he hated to admit it, he’d never gotten over her. He’d tried and failed a thousand times.
All he could do now was just fight it as best as he could. Keep telling himself that sooner or later, her daddy would be back to operational strength and she’d just leave again. Sticking around, that probably hadn’t ever been part of her plan. It hadn’t been part of his either, he could admit that now.
But her, Adam thought to himself.. She’s always been a big part of my life and the plans I made… What if everything had gone different back then? What if she hadn’t had to leave?
Just the thought that sooner or later, he’d have gotten restless and that might have well been the end, if she hadn’t wanted to leave… Adam wasn’t sure how he felt about it, because one way or another, it just felt like they were destined to end.
He didn’t like it.
A sigh escaped his lips and he leaned his head back against the headrest of his seat just as Ivy emerged, carrying a box beneath her arm, lingering in the doorway long enough to say something to the little old lady who ran the office. Once she was inside the truck again, Adam sat up and cleared his throat. “Where to now?”
“Just the grocery store.. You said you had to go to that parts store too.” Ivy muttered, eyeing Adam carefully. Just like back then, she was still good at reading his moods. He’d gotten better at hiding them for the most part, but right now, she could look into those baby blues and tell that something was really bothering him.
“Everything alright?”
“Huh? Yeah, yeah.. Everything’s fine. Just got myself a headache, that’s all.”
Ivy bit her lip and refrained from pointing out that it wasn’t a headache, it was a hangover and that she was worried about him. Because then they’d only fight. Like earlier when she casually mentioned that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to drink 5 of 8 beers while working on the fence. Or at all, not that close together. That he hadn’t been like that before.
His response had been to glare at her and grumble something about her minding her own business, going back to his part of the fence row quietly and work for the next three hours in total silence.
Just like then, the silence between them was thick and heavy. Ivy almost felt like she couldn’t breathe. “So when you have to go back out… Where are you heading?”
She’d asked the question mostly just to get herself out of her own mind. Adam shrugged and sighed. “Depends on what venue the owner can book.”
“So it might be pretty far away, huh?”
Adam shrugged again. “Maybe. What about you? Any plans to go back to Florida?”
“I’m fucking done with Florida. Fuck the sunshine state. I never… Nevermind.”
“You never what, huh?”
“I never actually wanted to leave in the first place. But mom, she raised hell at Daddy and Daddy made us go. Said it might do us good to get out and see the world beyond our own little corner..” Ivy was staring out the window, watching the shops lining their main street go by slowly. She took a deep breath and then found herself watching Adam out of the corner of her eyes when he was too busy driving to notice. “I realize you don’t believe me.”
“Don’t matter now.” Adam’s voice came out more tense and irritated than he intended and Ivy went quiet as he turned into the parking lot of the parts store, killing the engine of the truck, preparing to get out. “What happened, it happened.. It’s not like we can just forget it did.”
As soon as he was out of the truck and the door was closed behind him, Ivy sighed and shook her head, watching him disappear into the store. “I wish it hadn’t happened. I really wish it wouldn’t have happened. But if not me leavin, somethin else would’ve gone wrong.” she muttered to herself as she stared out into the parking lot and tried not to do it all over again, pick it all apart, try to find some scenario in which their lives magically worked out and they could be happy right now.
Because she could do it all day, but every alternate situation she came up with presented it’s own problems and given how strained things were between them right now, she just wasn’t really sure if they’d have made it through any of them if she were being totally honest.
And she absolutely fucking hated that.
It just wasn’t fair.
All she’d ever wanted was to be with him. You still want that now, at least admit it to yourself, Ivy thought almost bitterly as she watched him hurrying back across the parking lot to his parked truck. She tried to shove the thought out of her head.
But this time, it just wouldn’t go. Lately, it was getting a whole lot harder to fight it.
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
Five Great Lessons You Can Learn From Easy Potted Flowers | Easy Potted Flowers
Garden adept Jim Duthie tells us added about geraniums, forth with some accessible tips on how to accumulate them adorable great.
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Easy Handprint Flower Pot Craft for Mothers Day | Crafts .. | easy potted flowers
BOISE, Idaho — Geraniums are some of the prettiest and best accepted flowers for home gardeners. They appear in a array of colors and attending abundant as accents in containers and blind baskets.
Garden adept Jim Duthie tells us added about geraniums, forth with some accessible tips on how to accumulate them adorable great.
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easy DIY black and white striped flower pots | DIY Ideas .. | easy potted flowers
Among my admired alembic flowers are geraniums. They add a nice access of color, and they advance in pots and containers, authoritative them a abundant advantage for decks, patios and window boxes.
Geraniums are a admired amid home gardeners because of their adorable leaves and ablaze black flowers that blossom throughout the growing division in shades of red, pink, maroon, apricot and alike white.
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How to Mod Podge Flower Pots: Easy DIY Gift Idea – easy potted flowers | easy potted flowers
The best accepted are zonal geraniums. They’re alleged zonal, because of the bands, or zones, of blush in their leaves. They aftermath an upright, brawl shaped annual head. These are the ones that you’ll acquisition best readily at garden centers.
Then there are ivy geraniums, with their ivy-like leaves. They’re additionally alleged abaft geraniums, and they are best for blind baskets. Their flowers are a little bit smaller.
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10 Easy-to-Grow Plants for First-Time Gardeners | Mental Floss – easy potted flowers | easy potted flowers
There are additionally ambrosial geraniums. The aroma isn’t so abundant from the flowers, as from the leaves, that may aroma like roses, citrus, mint, or assorted spices. Addition array is the regal, or martha washington geranium. It produces the better annual heads, generally in two-tone colors.
Regardless of the blazon of geranium, they’re all
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Easy-to-Update Potted Border | Landscaping with rocks .. | easy potted flowers
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Easy Container Combos: Vegetables and Flowers – Bonnie Plants – easy potted flowers | easy potted flowers
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Cana da Índia – Capachos – Common Garden Canna, Canna X generalis, Canna lily (Canna generalis) 007 – 10 – easy potted flowers | easy potted flowers
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2019 /Bag Fittonia Verschaffeltii Seeds, Easy Planting .. | easy potted flowers
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Five Easy Tips on Potted Hibiscus – easy potted flowers | easy potted flowers
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50+ Easy Summer Container Garden Flowers Ideas – HomeDecorMagz – easy potted flowers | easy potted flowers
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Five Easy Tips on Potted Hibiscus | Hibiscus, Chemistry .. | easy potted flowers
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Fuschia Flower – easy potted flowers | easy potted flowers
The post Five Great Lessons You Can Learn From Easy Potted Flowers | Easy Potted Flowers appeared first on Flower Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/five-great-lessons-you-can-learn-from-easy-potted-flowers-easy-potted-flowers/
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fayeburnsus · 6 years
New blog post documents incredible lives of first female barristers
Chronicles their lasting legacies
The incredible lives of some of the country’s first female barristers have been documented in a new blog.
The post, The Portia effect: Early women law students and their legacy, recounts the story of Helena Normanton, the first woman to practise at the bar, and her pioneering colleagues. It was published on the University of London’s Leading Women blog to mark Equal Pay Day (10 November).
The blog explains how Normanton was a remarkable woman known for achieving a number of “firsts” in her legal career. She began as a history lecturer and, while teaching, gained a first-class degree from the University of London. Having been called to the bar in 1922, she became the first woman to practise as a barrister. A committed feminist and a staunch advocate for divorce reform, Normanton later became the first woman to obtain a divorce for her client, the first woman to lead the prosecution in a murder trial, and, in 1949, one of the first women to be appointed King’s Counsel.
The 2019 Chambers Most List
Written by Open University PhD student Laura Noakes, the blog also tells the story of Ivy Williams, the first woman to be called to the bar — narrowly beating Normanton by a few months. Williams never practised but became an academic, the very first woman to teach law at a British university.
So what of their legacy? The blog explains:
“These women were variously involved in the campaign for women’s suffrage, national and local politics, academia and reforming the law to improve women’s lives.”
Normanton’s legacy continues today. In September, we reported that 218 Strand Chambers, a London-based set which launched earlier this year, is set to rebrand as Normanton Chambers in January 2019 — a century after its namesake became the first woman to join an Inn of Court. In a letter to The Telegraph at the time, joint head of chambers Andrea Barnes, said:
“[Normanton] was a pioneer and a rule changer and went on to have a remarkable career opening doors that many thought were firmly closed.”
The post New blog post documents incredible lives of first female barristers appeared first on Legal Cheek.
from Legal News And Updates https://www.legalcheek.com/2018/11/new-blog-post-documents-incredible-lives-of-first-female-barristers/
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Crypto Markets Stay Mostly Stagnant Despite This Week’s Major News for Industry
Saturday, Oct. 6: crypto markets keep remain fairly stable on the day, despite this week’s major news in the industry, including institutional investments and an update from the SEC on their highly-anticipated Bitcoin ETF decisions.
CNBC’s CryptoTrader host Ran Neuner commented on Twitter today that all of this week’s “good news” – such as retail brokerage firm TD Ameritrade and Ivy League U.S. university Yale moving into crypto – are “related to investment & speculation.”  Neuner suggested that perhaps such news was not moving the market because the market is now geared toward a narrative “of adoption and  mass real world usage.”
Indeed, Bitcoin (BTC) has recently shown uncommon price stability over the past month, hovering comfortably between $6,300 and $6,600 starting from September 6, according to Cointelegraph’s Bitcoin Price Index.
All top coins, with the exception of Ripple (XRP) are also showing little change, namely over the past 24 hours, as data from Coin360 shows.
Market visualization from Coin360
Bitcoin has been trading around $6,600 threshold for the majority of the day, with an intraday high of $6,643 and low of $6,566. The major cryptocurrency is trading at $6,597 at press time, seeing almost no price fluctuation over the past 24 hours, with growth of around 0.2 percent.
As shown on the one-year price index of Bitcoin, Bitcoin has been actually hovering around the same levels starting from mid-June this year roughly, when the cryptocurrency was trading at $6,500. However, Bitcoin has also seen some spikes during the period, with its price breaking the $7,000 point three times, on July 17, August 28, as well as Sept. 1.
Bitcoin one-year price chart. Source: Cointelegraph Bitcoin Price Index
Ethereum (ETH), second cryptocurrency by market cap, is up slightly, around 0.39 percent over the past 24 hours to press time, trading at $224. Looking at the coin’s one-year chart, the leading altcoin is just recovering now from recently hitting this year’s lowest point so far at $175 on September 12.
Ethereum one-year price chart. Source: Cointelegraph Ethereum Price Index
Ripple (XRP), the third largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has seen much more dramatic price movement on the day then its fellow coins, dropping 7 percent over the past 24 hours and posting almost 15 percent losses on the week.
However, the major altcoin is still significantly up over the past 30 days, surging around 80 percent over the day on September 21 and bypassing Ethereum to move into second place by market cap. Ripple is holding around 60 percent of its gains over the 30 days period now.
Ripple 30-day  price chart. Source: Cointelegraph Ripple Price Index
Total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies amounts to $217.8 billion at press time, having surged to over $220 billion earlier in the day. Daily trade volume is at $11.4 billion at press time, after surging above $17 billion on September 28.
Total market capitalization 7-day chart. Source: CoinMarketCap
Binance Coin (BNB) and NEM (XEM) are seeing the largest losses – although still quite mild – across the top 10 to 20 coins by market cap over the past 24 hours. Binance Coin is down around 1.8 percent, trading at $10.44, while NEM is down 2.35 percent, trading at $0.103. Earlier this week, NEM had seen significant growth, followed by a second day of gains. At press time, NEM is still 8 percent up over the week.
In terms of the most growth among the top 20 coins over the past 24 hours, Tron (TRX) has seen the biggest gains at press time. The coin is up 2.46 percent, trading at $0.023.
Alongside the major institutional investment announcements by global institutions this week, on Oct. 3, the Winklevoss twins’ Gemini exchange obtained insurance on custodied digital assets.
Later in the week, the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) set a deadline for reviewing proposed rule changes related to a series of applications to list and trade various Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) – a highly discussed topic in the industry.
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olumina · 7 years
Why This Year’s Apple Event is Unique?
Technocrats and audiences are waiting with baited breath for the announcements expected by Apple on its iconic iPhone’s tenth anniversary on September 12th, 2017. besides the new product launches expected, the event also has great significance for Apple from business point of view.
Apple Up for the Challengers
Post-Steve Jobs, Apple fell into a slump and fell to the third spot among the top-ranking mobile vendors. Trade analysts speculated that its products weren’t competitive enough and it is losing the cutting edge it had maintained from nearly a decade. Shrinking sales are not a matter of concern for Apple; it has enough cash to outlast long slumps. But the message it wants to convey to its loyal customers and rivals through this spectacular keynote, is that Apple is here to stay!
Another reason behind Apple’s palpable nervousness for this event is that it needs to match and outshine Android’s industrial designs, especially the super-thin borders around the screen. If John Ivy’s design team has done its job well, the iPhone’s devoted users shouldn’t feel envious of Samsung’s high-end devices and Andy Rubin’s Essentials phones, etc. Apple’s executives have always been sold out on Augmented Reality but they are yet to show its full potential to iPhone users. the Event is expected to witness some jaw-dropping demos on Apple’s AR Kit that the Android can just not match up.
The event is also seen as a step by Apple to access elusive audiences that have been less than receptive to it in the past. For instance, China has largely been an impenetrable market for Apple. The iPhone is still considered a luxury brand there. iPhone X could be the apt relaunch for the company in the Chinese markets that is one of the biggest on the globe.
Splendor of Apple Park- The Venue
The event with the tagline “Let’s Meet at our Place” is the first to be held in the Steve Jobs Theatre in the Apple Park Campus in Cupertino, California. Although the campus is slated for completion by 2017 end, major construction work has been fast-tracked for the much-awaited occasion. Earlier the Apple Park was named the “Spaceship Campus” owing to its unique structure. the 175-acres campus will accommodate 12,000 Apple employees. the Steve Jobs theatre having a capacity of 1,000, is a prime attraction and the likely venue for all product launches. it is located atop a hill, the highest point in Apple Park. the mesmerizing campus is expected to cost a neat USD 5 billion and the shareholders are not too excited by this.
Steve Jobs envisioned Apple Park not just as a workplace, but a motherland of innovations and inspiration for corporates for years to come. Its eco-friendly and sustainable credentials are  a model for all. The workplaces and parklands are arranged so that the entire campus will run entirely on renewable energy. nearly 7,000 trees are planted to lend it a lush, green look. Solar panels are implanted atop the building. Recycled water fed by 13,000 feet of pipelines from Cupertino will feed the campus water requirements. Apple has hired renowned arborists from Stanford University to landscape the campus. The campus will have just four floors to reduce elevator use.
Fosters+Partners, who designed the architecture, were inspired by the idea of a London square with houses around a park. Apple Park resembles the vision. The open-plan layout was created where workers from all departments sit around large tables instead of isolated cubicles. The aim is to improve employee engagement and collaboration. The 500 or so tables in the main area, if placed end-to-end, will be longer than the National Mall in D.C.!
The Apple Park also includes a Visitor Center, an Apple Store and a Cafe , all open to the public. For employees, there’s a state-of-the-art 100,000 ft. fitness center, 300,000 ft. research and development facility and a 2-mile green walking and jogging trail criss-crossing the campus. Electric golf carts and shuttles ferry people around. 1,000 bikes are available for maintaining pollution-free environment.
Product Launch News
The iPhone X & 8, Apple Watch with LTE, Fifth-generation Apple TV with HDR, new MacBook Pros, Apple Refresh, which will it be? Rumors are rampant but we have the latest scoops, from reliable sources, to a complete rundown of what to expect on the big day.
Sure-Shot Announcements
New OLED iPhone X
Apple is set to unveil the next-generation flagship iPhone with a whopping price tag of USD 1000. And we also know what it will be called- iPhone X! let us ease the suspense on its features too- edge-to-edge OLED display without a Home button; a notch at the top for the earpiece and a great camera; advanced 3D facial recognition technology (“Face ID”) that will most likely replace Touch ID for secure login; new animated emojis (“animojis”). The body will have a glass back and a stainless steel border; wireless charging; USB 3 Lightning support for quick charging; and a dual-camera array.
The absence of the Home button demands new updates on the iOS. Apparently, it will require users to swipe up from the screen to invoke multitasking and return to home. It’s been hinted that an enlarged button can be pressed to invoke Siri. The launch date is not clear as of now. Since Apple manufactures its software in-house, that’s all the information we have for you folks right now. Stay tuned for event highlights later in the day.
New LCD iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus
Apple is also planning to launch iPhone 7’s successor, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. These too will sport glass backing and wireless charging features. Unlike iPhone X, these new models will retain the Home button and act largely like their predecessors. The Home button will be welcomed by iPhone loyalists who have loved iPhone’s consistent look and feel from 10 years. Historically, Apple has named subsequent models in a series by adding an “s” at the end, but it’s bucking the trend now. So, those of you who betted on the new model christened ‘iPhone 7s’ have lost big money- it’s iPhone 8 for now!
Release Dates of iOS 11, Mac OS High Sierra, Watch OS 4, TV OS 11
New iPhones mean new iOS release, iOS 11 will probably launch a few days before the iPhone8 goes on sale. We’re betting on September 19-20. Other updates such as Mac OS High Sierra, Watch OS 4 and TV OS 11 are also expected to launch alongside iOS 11, before the month end.
Apple watch ‘Series 3’
Apple will announce the launch of its “Series 3” Apple watch with the same look as the earlier “Series 1” and “Series 2” models. But, there might be big changes hiding within. The most significant being a separate LTE radio enabling the watch to receive notifications, invoke Siri, and stream music without the iPhone in the vicinity.
The watch will be released in two colors- Ceramic Gray and Blush Gold starting at USD 1249 apiece. But don’t take our word for it- a watch with an LTE radio is bound to be higher priced than its predecessor that doesn’t sport one. Our leaks suggest some data providers might offer a month’s free data to encourage new users to try the Apple watch. Let’s wait and watch on this!
Probable Announcements
Fifth-generation Apple TV
A new Apple TV with support for ultra-high resolution 4K video content and advanced HDR support can be Apple’s new offering. Additionally, Apple is planning comprehensive 4K and HDR support so that it can showcase capabilities of its new streaming box. A new cord cutting TV subscription deal has been on Apple’s mind from years, but let’s not bet on that , given that such deals almost always leak beforehand.
New EarPods
Truly wireless headphones in a clear charging case are next on the cards. Apple has been struggling to meet demands for its EarPods since they launched in 2016, so they finally gave in and plan to launch EarPods for new iOS 11 today. The dot on the casing shows the point where users can flip it open to check charging station without completely opening the case. There could be more advanced sensors or control functions, but we’re not certain yet.
Less likely Announcements
New MacBook Pros
The MacBook Pro was updated in June this year. So, don’t count on a new MacBook any time before 2018.
iPad Refresh
Unlike Apple’s MacBook Pro, the iPad is typically updated yearly basis. Moreover, Apple launched a modest USD 329 entry-level iPad this spring, so there’s little reason to expect a new entrant anytime soon.
A new iPhone SE
There are some rumblings of a new iPhone SE with newer processor and better camera, but till now, there’s no concrete evidence of that happening. The iPhone SE still has the same A9 processor and no 3D touch display. The capacity was maxed out to 128 GB in spring 2017.
Sneak peaks
Glimpse of the new Mac Pro
While the new Mac Pro desktop won’t see daylight till 2018, Tuesday’s event might give us a sneak peak. It will be modular to support upgrading and swapping components.
Details on iMac Pro and Home Pod
We might be lucky enough to see a glimpse of Mac OS High Sierra ahead of its big launch. There are also whispers of a new Magic Keyboard with Touch Bars to use with the iMac Pro. Finally, Apple’s Home Pod that is tightly integrated with the iPhone might also find some stage time at the event.
Apple’s Tuesday Curtain raiser will be eventful, to say the least. Watch this space or follow our blog at http://ift.tt/2eRD0Ru for event highlights.
The post Why This Year’s Apple Event is Unique? appeared first on AppInventiv.
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mobileexpressnow · 7 years
Why This Year’s Apple Event is Unique?
Technocrats and audiences are waiting with baited breath for the announcements expected by Apple on its iconic iPhone’s tenth anniversary on September 12th, 2017. besides the new product launches expected, the event also has great significance for Apple from business point of view.
Apple Up for the Challengers
Post-Steve Jobs, Apple fell into a slump and fell to the third spot among the top-ranking mobile vendors. Trade analysts speculated that its products weren’t competitive enough and it is losing the cutting edge it had maintained from nearly a decade. Shrinking sales are not a matter of concern for Apple; it has enough cash to outlast long slumps. But the message it wants to convey to its loyal customers and rivals through this spectacular keynote, is that Apple is here to stay!
Another reason behind Apple’s palpable nervousness for this event is that it needs to match and outshine Android’s industrial designs, especially the super-thin borders around the screen. If John Ivy’s design team has done its job well, the iPhone’s devoted users shouldn’t feel envious of Samsung’s high-end devices and Andy Rubin’s Essentials phones, etc. Apple’s executives have always been sold out on Augmented Reality but they are yet to show its full potential to iPhone users. the Event is expected to witness some jaw-dropping demos on Apple’s AR Kit that the Android can just not match up.
The event is also seen as a step by Apple to access elusive audiences that have been less than receptive to it in the past. For instance, China has largely been an impenetrable market for Apple. The iPhone is still considered a luxury brand there. iPhone X could be the apt relaunch for the company in the Chinese markets that is one of the biggest on the globe.
Splendor of Apple Park- The Venue
The event with the tagline “Let’s Meet at our Place” is the first to be held in the Steve Jobs Theatre in the Apple Park Campus in Cupertino, California. Although the campus is slated for completion by 2017 end, major construction work has been fast-tracked for the much-awaited occasion. Earlier the Apple Park was named the “Spaceship Campus” owing to its unique structure. the 175-acres campus will accommodate 12,000 Apple employees. the Steve Jobs theatre having a capacity of 1,000, is a prime attraction and the likely venue for all product launches. it is located atop a hill, the highest point in Apple Park. the mesmerizing campus is expected to cost a neat USD 5 billion and the shareholders are not too excited by this.
Steve Jobs envisioned Apple Park not just as a workplace, but a motherland of innovations and inspiration for corporates for years to come. Its eco-friendly and sustainable credentials are  a model for all. The workplaces and parklands are arranged so that the entire campus will run entirely on renewable energy. nearly 7,000 trees are planted to lend it a lush, green look. Solar panels are implanted atop the building. Recycled water fed by 13,000 feet of pipelines from Cupertino will feed the campus water requirements. Apple has hired renowned arborists from Stanford University to landscape the campus. The campus will have just four floors to reduce elevator use.
Fosters+Partners, who designed the architecture, were inspired by the idea of a London square with houses around a park. Apple Park resembles the vision. The open-plan layout was created where workers from all departments sit around large tables instead of isolated cubicles. The aim is to improve employee engagement and collaboration. The 500 or so tables in the main area, if placed end-to-end, will be longer than the National Mall in D.C.!
The Apple Park also includes a Visitor Center, an Apple Store and a Cafe , all open to the public. For employees, there’s a state-of-the-art 100,000 ft. fitness center, 300,000 ft. research and development facility and a 2-mile green walking and jogging trail criss-crossing the campus. Electric golf carts and shuttles ferry people around. 1,000 bikes are available for maintaining pollution-free environment.
Product Launch News
The iPhone X & 8, Apple Watch with LTE, Fifth-generation Apple TV with HDR, new MacBook Pros, Apple Refresh, which will it be? Rumors are rampant but we have the latest scoops, from reliable sources, to a complete rundown of what to expect on the big day.
Sure-Shot Announcements
New OLED iPhone X
Apple is set to unveil the next-generation flagship iPhone with a whopping price tag of USD 1000. And we also know what it will be called- iPhone X! let us ease the suspense on its features too- edge-to-edge OLED display without a Home button; a notch at the top for the earpiece and a great camera; advanced 3D facial recognition technology (“Face ID”) that will most likely replace Touch ID for secure login; new animated emojis (“animojis”). The body will have a glass back and a stainless steel border; wireless charging; USB 3 Lightning support for quick charging; and a dual-camera array.
The absence of the Home button demands new updates on the iOS. Apparently, it will require users to swipe up from the screen to invoke multitasking and return to home. It’s been hinted that an enlarged button can be pressed to invoke Siri. The launch date is not clear as of now. Since Apple manufactures its software in-house, that’s all the information we have for you folks right now. Stay tuned for event highlights later in the day.
New LCD iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus
Apple is also planning to launch iPhone 7’s successor, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. These too will sport glass backing and wireless charging features. Unlike iPhone X, these new models will retain the Home button and act largely like their predecessors. The Home button will be welcomed by iPhone loyalists who have loved iPhone’s consistent look and feel from 10 years. Historically, Apple has named subsequent models in a series by adding an “s” at the end, but it’s bucking the trend now. So, those of you who betted on the new model christened ‘iPhone 7s’ have lost big money- it’s iPhone 8 for now!
Release Dates of iOS 11, Mac OS High Sierra, Watch OS 4, TV OS 11
New iPhones mean new iOS release, iOS 11 will probably launch a few days before the iPhone8 goes on sale. We’re betting on September 19-20. Other updates such as Mac OS High Sierra, Watch OS 4 and TV OS 11 are also expected to launch alongside iOS 11, before the month end.
Apple watch ‘Series 3’
Apple will announce the launch of its “Series 3” Apple watch with the same look as the earlier “Series 1” and “Series 2” models. But, there might be big changes hiding within. The most significant being a separate LTE radio enabling the watch to receive notifications, invoke Siri, and stream music without the iPhone in the vicinity.
The watch will be released in two colors- Ceramic Gray and Blush Gold starting at USD 1249 apiece. But don’t take our word for it- a watch with an LTE radio is bound to be higher priced than its predecessor that doesn’t sport one. Our leaks suggest some data providers might offer a month’s free data to encourage new users to try the Apple watch. Let’s wait and watch on this!
Probable Announcements
Fifth-generation Apple TV
A new Apple TV with support for ultra-high resolution 4K video content and advanced HDR support can be Apple’s new offering. Additionally, Apple is planning comprehensive 4K and HDR support so that it can showcase capabilities of its new streaming box. A new cord cutting TV subscription deal has been on Apple’s mind from years, but let’s not bet on that , given that such deals almost always leak beforehand.
New EarPods
Truly wireless headphones in a clear charging case are next on the cards. Apple has been struggling to meet demands for its EarPods since they launched in 2016, so they finally gave in and plan to launch EarPods for new iOS 11 today. The dot on the casing shows the point where users can flip it open to check charging station without completely opening the case. There could be more advanced sensors or control functions, but we’re not certain yet.
Less likely Announcements
New MacBook Pros
The MacBook Pro was updated in June this year. So, don’t count on a new MacBook any time before 2018.
iPad Refresh
Unlike Apple’s MacBook Pro, the iPad is typically updated yearly basis. Moreover, Apple launched a modest USD 329 entry-level iPad this spring, so there’s little reason to expect a new entrant anytime soon.
A new iPhone SE
There are some rumblings of a new iPhone SE with newer processor and better camera, but till now, there’s no concrete evidence of that happening. The iPhone SE still has the same A9 processor and no 3D touch display. The capacity was maxed out to 128 GB in spring 2017.
Sneak peaks
Glimpse of the new Mac Pro
While the new Mac Pro desktop won’t see daylight till 2018, Tuesday’s event might give us a sneak peak. It will be modular to support upgrading and swapping components.
Details on iMac Pro and Home Pod
We might be lucky enough to see a glimpse of Mac OS High Sierra ahead of its big launch. There are also whispers of a new Magic Keyboard with Touch Bars to use with the iMac Pro. Finally, Apple’s Home Pod that is tightly integrated with the iPhone might also find some stage time at the event.
Apple’s Tuesday Curtain raiser will be eventful, to say the least. Watch this space or follow our blog at http://ift.tt/2eRD0Ru for event highlights.
The post Why This Year’s Apple Event is Unique? appeared first on AppInventiv.
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Starting the day off with a bad night of sleep isn’t exactly a good start. But I’m super glad we booked all of our flights. Just need to book our hotels now and then do some research on what we should do. I think HK we should be good? Cause I know a few places and you can also take me around. I’ll probably look for a few places in case we are interested. Taiwan I think is the one we need to look up. But for sure we should go to Din Tai Fung and Taipei 101
Today was super fun because I got to do 3 of my favorite activities: pool, badminton, and bowling. I met up with Van at Hue because we didn’t get any banh beo last time. I think we have satisfied his craving. We had a lot more food than what is in the picture. Hue is definitely one of my favorite Viet restaurants. After lunch, we were supposed to meet Peter Nguyen and Mindy for some pool at the Student Union. They came late so I didn’t get to see Peter play. I had to leave for club by the time they came because I was worried about how they would start club. Kinda disappointed with pool tho; I wanted to see Peter play cause apparently he’s really good and better than Van? Maybe another time.
Club was pretty smooth. Randy is trying to see if we can get off work earlier so that he can make it to club. Aliza, CJ, and I basically did the normal routines: introductions, policies, registration, setup, and getting everyone on the court. Just like always, the beginning of the semester is always crowded. Hopefully the numbers don’t drop too early. A lot of potential from the freshmen this year. They might not be good enough for the 1 and 2 spots, but they’ll put up a fight. I’m settled on playing doubles with Van this year (as if that was surprising) and I think I’m only going to play 1 event just like before. Apparently there’s a really good looking guy on our team? Aliza, Gloria, and Van agreed. His name is Jeffrey, a transfer from Canada. He’s probably the best out of the new people. Eric Lui (Ivy’s bf) is also here.
Went to Gongcha after club. We did announce it with 1 hour left of club but only 4 people joined us and I don’t even remember their names except Vincent Thach. 2 of them are from Logan and American. Idk about this one girl. It was super chill because there were about 12 of us and we were all playing games and laughing. We had chess, cards against humanity, and card games like BS/thirteen going. Played until 8 and I asked him anyone wanted to go eat before I leave for bowling. That’s always the problem in group hangouts. No one wants to suggest anything but will always say no to what people say. Especially Aliza. 2nd time Randy mentioned something convenient (this time Iguanas) and she said no cause she wants Asian food. In the end, everyone dipped cause we settled on Sweet Tomatoes next week. I ended up going to Burger King by myself before bowling.
At bowling, it was super nice of the guy at the desk. So I remembered last time when we got to Bowlero, the lanes were all packed cause they changed the starting time to 8? But I may have mistaken for another day other than Friday cause although I was late, Kevin told me the guy said it doesn’t start till 10. But since Kevin and his group were there already, he just gave them a free game with my name included. He also said later when it hits 10, just come straight to him so that we can skip the line and we can keep the lane we were playing on. NICE! Saved about 30-45 minutes of waiting. And Kevin/Dylan taught me how to bowl while playing poker. Gets pretty intense and really gives you an incentive to play well. Basically, each strike you get 2 cards, each spare you get 1 card, and each gutter (missing doesn’t count) you lose one card. You can’t look at your cards till the end of 10 frames and each time you lose a card, you add it to the bottom of the deck. The more cards you have, the better chance you can make a good 5 card hand. Really interesting and fun. We also played teams: me/ Kevin vs. Dylan/Alyssa/their friend Josh. Kevin and I kept pushing for a higher handicap and obviously the other team was trying to push it down. What really sucked was we kept losing so the handicap kept going up....and when it goes up Dylan/Alyssa score higher and higher...damn that couple....
That’s was my day! I’m still pretty upset I forgot to take a picture of club and gongcha. I will definitely try to focus more on taking more pictures and include some selfies here and there. AND try to keep Tumblr updated on time so that you can post yours immediately with no stalls. Sorry bb!
I love you so much! Can’t wait to see you!
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
The Reasons Why We Love White Flower Design | White Flower Design
Who doesn’t adulation a boutonniere of fresh-cut flowers? It’s like bringing the garden into your home, bushing it with admirable blush and fragrance.
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If taken affliction of properly, the boutonniere can aftermost for days.
You can actualize a attractive adjustment for your home or addition appropriate with aloof a few items. Alpha by allotment the architecture appearance for the piece. Whether you are creating a aerial adjustment of pinks, purples, whites and babyish dejection or article close with alien bulb material, the choices are endless.
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Imágenes, fotos de stock y vectores sobre Green and White Flowers .. | white flower design
Your architecture can be baby and bunched architecture or apart and wild. Accomplish an appulse by application a distinct annual type, such as all tulips, hydrangeas or roses. Or accomplish it a monochromatic alternative and use all white or all amethyst flowers. Go academic and adventurous with red roses, or accomplish it a added rustic or close arrangement.
Flowers are readily accessible at grocery and broad stores. There you’ll acquisition aggregate from calla lilies and carnations to daisies and dahlias, gerbera daisies, orchids, roses and sunflowers. You can additionally acquirement accompaniment greenery such as baby’s breath, accretion of Ireland, arenaceous miller, eucalyptus, fern, Italian ruscus and ivy to add adjustment to the adjustment and ample in.
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Succulents and White Flowers Watercolor Clipart with Greenery – white flower design | white flower design
The admeasurement of your adjustment depends on the admeasurement of the vase. Put baptize into the vase. If your flowers came with a bactericide solution, add it now. If you don’t accept any, you can use a few drops of achromatize to annihilate any bacilli and accumulate the flowers fresh.
A acceptable aphorism of deride is to accomplish your boutonniere about one and a bisected times taller than the alembic or boutonniere that it will be placed in. For a accurate look, antithesis the amplitude and the height. However, don’t be apprenticed by rules. Accomplish the greenery college on one ancillary while absolution it discharge over on the added to accord your adjustment some aberration and interest.
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Flowers white roses with green leaves. Natural pattern to design. | white flower design
To align the flowers, alpha by abacus the better flowers aboriginal and again assignment in a circle, axis the boutonniere and abacus flowers as you go. Cut the stems at an bend about an inch from the basal with garden shears to acquiesce stems to booty up added water. Studies accept apparent that acid the stems beneath active baptize helps them booty up baptize appropriate away. Remove any foliage beneath the waterline.
Layer in the abutting array of annual and echo until all flowers accept been added, and accomplishment the adjustment by abacus greenery, baby’s animation or berries.
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Succulents, White Flowers and Greenery Design Set – white flower design | white flower design
Of course, it’s admirable to cut flowers from your own mural for arrangements. Some flowers that will abound able-bodied in Louisiana and accomplish abundant cut flowers for alignment accommodate sunflowers, ageratum, roses, arenaceous miller, allium, zinnias, gerbera daisies, asters,
The Reasons Why We Love White Flower Design | White Flower Design – white flower design | Welcome in order to my blog site, on this period I’m going to demonstrate with regards to keyword. And today, this is the very first picture:
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Beautiful floral element. Black-and-white flowers and leaves. | white flower design
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Black-and-white flowers and leaves design element – white flower design | white flower design
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Black And White Flower png download – 13*13 – Free Transparent .. | white flower design
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Black white flower lace eyelets design element – white flower design | white flower design
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Beautiful floral element Black-and-white flowers and leaves. | white flower design
The post The Reasons Why We Love White Flower Design | White Flower Design appeared first on Wallpaper Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/the-reasons-why-we-love-white-flower-design-white-flower-design/
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