#iz zads
celestial-sprouts-art · 5 months
aHey man do u have any zadf headcanons or just any hcs for dib or zim
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Literally so many, have you seen that one post between me and @kittynugg we have like over 500 hc combined but I’ll give you some of my favorites yes
1. As someone with a chronic disability, I project onto zim and headcanon he gets pak errors that can put him out of commission for days, leaving him in bed and shit and like super bad fevers, dib before they were friends would make fun of him, but after he’ll make sure he’s okay and check on him and make sure he stays hydrated and what not or if he needs food or a blanket, etc etc
2. Platonic cuddles ❤️
3. When zim sleeps he has to lay on a nest of pillows or his Pak will make his back hurt (fun fact: I actually wanted to test that theory so I taped a metal bowl to my back and tried to find the best way to lay down, on the side, tummy or having your head more elevated to where it’s comfortable works best)
4.Zim eats food the same way someone with lactose intolerance would. Eat now, consequences later.
5.The tallest shut off Zims Pak after a while of his exile, so it’s like at 50% capacity
6.Zim presents himself as “Shimvader shmim” more often when he wants attention, since he’s actually a pretty popular artist like that, and likes showing off his sculptures made of scrap parts and whatnot
7.Dib steals GIR sometimes because he wants a dog without the allergies
8.^^Almost always regrets it tho cuz he smells so bad
9. Dib is a AWFUL liar and dogshit at keeping secrets, you could ask him to lie and he’d tell someone secrets about shit he shouldn’t even be knowing.
10. Zim and dib love fighting because they get to blow off some steam and they both know it’s for fun and games
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sapphorror · 9 months
I’m an older fandom person and haven’t been in the tumblr space for a while… what does ZADP stand for?
Zim and Dib Pairing, which would be a catch-all for ZADR, ZADF, and ZADE. It's entirely my own patent, just because I don't want to do a critical emotional analysis of every piece of fanart I reblog in order to tag them 'accurately' + my blog tags are largely for my own sorting convenience, and I would much rather have just one comprehensive tag for when they're in a space together being, y'know. Complicated and multitfaceted and open to a variety of interpretations, like they do. While I very much do self-identify as ZADR Trash™, I am just a little too autistic and arospec to define ships strictly by a romantic element, whatever that even means. I do use the same format for other IZ ships as well, there's just a lot less of those on my blog.
Or to summarize: I'm insufferable and cannot adhere to a well-established system of categorization to save my life, it will absolutely happen again
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treel · 2 years
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Nullified! Chapter 35 is up!
With that, the fic is officially over. That’s not to say there won’t be more drawings/one-shots/spin-offs/sequels/whatever, but the story I started two years ago is finally finished. 
I want to thank everyone who has read and liked and commented, it truly means so much to me and your support and motivation has kept me going the entire way! I am immensely grateful for the love people have shown for the fic and the characters. Thank you so much. 🙏 
Feel free to drop any questions or comments or even sketch requests in my inbox, I will try to get to them when I’m able! 
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kittynugg · 10 months
im more hyperfixated on the idea of them being family than the entire show and i KNOW THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO FEEL THE SAME
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vivid-badsquad · 1 year
triple baka pozting :( zome of my fav bitz / bitz i juzt generally wanted 2 make az gifz
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nightlist · 1 year
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diverzity win!! man having break down over finding hiz dead friendz body (that he kind of killed) to the ace flag colorz!
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tranz-regent · 2 years
new wildbow blog :D
prozhipperz dni: :/
like. ur gonna judge ppl for reading ztuff w abuze incezt and rape and then make a blog for the bookz with canonical abuze incezt rape nazi z and age gapz?? do u HEAR YOURZELF??
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rblxguest · 2 years
zobbin i juzt remembered i uzed to hv a zhtwt/3dtwt acc
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garblixdligzoog · 1 month
Geez, I hope Xillian iz okay...
I juzt got a ztatuz update that xiz parentz are officially dead...
And I wanted to meet them, how zad...
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aggressivelyelegant · 5 months
Lizt of zcammerz (that i know of)
@fuzzyyouthcreation (banned/blocked me)
@nightpeacemaker (banned/blocked me)
@maddiemartines (banned/blocked me)
@shtunbsing (banned/blocked me)
@happilydopepirate (banned/blocked me)
@naomiglowy (banned/blocked me)
@reallyatomicinternet (banned/blocked me)
@scentedwinnerlady (banned/blocked me)
@severepandacomputer (banned/blocked me)
@oneahamdihamed (banned/blocked me)
@tenaciouspiratetyphoon (banned/blocked me)
@clearcoffeeview (banned/blocked me)
@type1diabeticqueen (banned/blocked me)
@stevenmwitas-blog (banned/blocked me)
@zanybaloonpeacee (banned/blocked me)
@generouslovewolf (banned/blocked me)
@massivepersonagardener (banned/blocked me)
@delightfultragedyllama (banned/blocked me)
@shyflowerunknown (banned/blocked me)
@sweatytimemachinepost (banned/blocked me)
@devotedlyhabib (banned/blocked me)
@radyouthpeanut (banned/blocked me)
@marymartinss (banned/blocked me)
@peacemakerr (banned/blocked me)
(added on 5/1/2024) @valiantlightwizard (banned/blocked me)
(added on 5/1/2024) @jovialtrashfestival (banned/blocked me)
(added on 5/1/2024) @sparklyphilosopherharmony (banned/blocked me)
(added on 5/2/2024) @naomigloriaa (banned/blocked me)
(added on 5/10/2024) @mecksterling (banned/blocked me)
(added on 5/26/2024) @stevenmwitas (banned/blocked me)
(added on 5/26/2024) @stickyjellyfishgarden (banned/blocked me)
(added on 6/5/24) @massiveruinsbird (banned/blocked me)
(added on 6/22/24) @burningvoidbird
If there are any I've mizzed, do tell me zo I can add them! Thiz lizt iz long, and it'z actually zad how many zcammerz are in thiz lizt, ezpecially the onez pretending to be paleztinians to zcam people. Zome of the people here are gone, probably banned.
However, do keep in mind, not **all** mutual aid poztz/azkz are zcamz. I'll pozt a guide to zpotting a zcammer zoon, and link it in my intro!
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 6 months
my thoughtz abt teh drama now
remember iz juzt my opinion plz don't harazz me over it
well I find thiz drama waz very zhitty,I thought alex waz problematic,groomer n' pedophile bc I believed on doc I don't actually read it in grain of zalt alzo my friend zaid 2 me it that iz not fake n' I believed her,but I zaw teh ppl debunking teh doc that might 2 be fake I became neutral until alex rezponzez teh doc
i could like 2 apologize 4 jumping teh gun before alex rezponzez it waz zhitty on my part n' I zhouldn't 2 believed that doc n' that my friend zaid it
tbh I think alex iz innocent,not fully bc in fact he waz bad partner n' irrezponzible 2 their fanz I'm glad he take accountability of it but he iz ztill innocent
i think teh rezponze waz good rezponze I'm glad he takez accountability of that he did n' teh mozt thingz of teh doc waz fake
if r zaying "that abt teh other docz?" alex don't have 2 review all of them alzo theze r debunked by kirby_PPG on twitter
how I hated ven did that bullzhit doc he went tranzmizogyniztic n' ableizt on that doc n' mizuzed teh word "groomer" n' "parazzocial" damn he did that doc juzt bc they got butt hurted by alex,abt teh relationzhip needz 2 be rezolved IN PRIVATE NOT IN PUBLIC,damn I agree thiz lookz like a high zchool drama 💀 alzo thiz iz other reazon why dating on internet don't alwayz workz
alzo I hate that alex got harazzed n' doxxed,calling him with tranz zlur thiz iz dizguzting,zame if teh doc iz 100% u zhouldn't 2 do that u r putting him n' hiz family in rizk,doxxing iz not n' never will be juztifiable of it I'm glad that dumbazz who doxxed alex got taken down on Twitter but unfortunately teh commentz from hiz yt pozt not...
I'm zad that martin (iz very dizappointing bc I am teh walten filez fan),chezzkidz,teh modz who waz working on TMC FNF modz,blackMEZ,alex kaizo n' etc jumped teh gun before alex rezponzez n' zided teh "victimz" (they ztill zidez with them) n' they literally actz like immature kidz,which thiz iz very unprofezzional tbh (mainly on chezzkidz) I find thiz iz very upzetting
alzo I think mozt VAz (except thorne ig) left iz bc they want 2 zave their azzez from harazzment,doxxing n' zhit,ppl thinkz if u r neutral which meanz u r horrible perzon
i feel bad of alex he don't dezervez that...
twitter iz a huge zhitty platform which everyone hatez each other,harazz ppl n' doxx them too,tell ppl 2 kill themzelvez n' alot of zhit alzo cancel culture iz a huge cancer tho
alzo I might get hated of thiz,but I will zupport alex bc she lozt almozt everything like friendz,employeez,fanz n' etc...I hope they recoverz that...
i hope everything will be fine n' move on teh drama thiz waz very wild...
n' again don't harazz me bc of my opinion iz very zhitty 2 do
n' don't harazz alex,"victimz" n' anyone they never dezerve that.
TLDR;teh drama iz very zhit,I thought alex waz a problematic bc of doc,but after I zaw ppl debunking teh doc I became neutral until alex rezponzez,I think alex iz innocent,not fully but ztill that ven did iz terrible,iz dizguzting that he got doxxed n' harazzed i'm zad that internet horror creatorz that ztill ziding teh victimz,i think mozt of VAz left bc they don't want 2 be attacked twitter zuckz n' I will zupport alex bc of that he zuffered.
alzo I'm zorry that my Englizh iz zhitty,bc iz not my firzt language
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POV: you are me filtering out ZADR and RAPR on A03 (I want a found family focused fic) and I watch OVER HALF of the fanfics disappear
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nichiperi · 1 year
Ya know, I've been seeing a lot of stuff for the hc of Zim and Dib as found family lately, and something about it was actually bugging me a bit. Like, I really like zade, zadf, and zadr, and I just couldn't understand why I couldn't really get behind zads.
And then I realized it's ENTIRELY because of Professor Membrane.
I do not like the idea of Zim being absorbed into the Membrane family dynamic, because in the show (the IZ source I'm most familiar with) Professor Membrane is a really shitty parent, and there is nothing satisfying to me about Zim just hanging out at that house with Dib and Gaz, adding another sibling to an already fairly miserable household situation. Sure, they can support each other. But what is the point of keeping them stifled in that environment if Membrane is not present and being a parent?
BUT, consider the alternative: Dib and Gaz saying 'fuck this shit I'm out', and spending more time with Zim at his base. Eventually they just go off on space adventures or something because why not? Found family in space! No shitty dad! Maybe if you reeeeally want a parental figure, you could throw in a dash of the dad-nar hc in there for some extra spice. And THEN you could have Zim deal with his feelings about HIS 'parental' figures. If Lard Nar starts being a real dad to this group of ragamuffins, how does that reframe the way Zim feels about the Tallest? How does Dib feel about the fact that an alien could (most likely) be a better dad than his own father? How do the two of them react to getting positive attention they've never received from a parental figure before?
And when I started thinking of it that way, I saw the potential. I still don't think it's my favorite. I think I definitely enjoy more room for flexibility and ambiguity with Zim and Dib, and making them view each other as siblings almost boxes them into that role a bit. But I can see the potential for a really interesting story there!
Provided Membrane is out of the picture.
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aftonsparv-bugzz · 5 months
tumblr deleted my azk thiz iz zo zad, mrow </3 well im back to tell you to have a good day again ehehe, ruff!! >:3
:33 < tumewblr was r33lly silly bur gafurr it baclaw to sli so it ork !! :33 ahhhhshwhwhuquwudjw furrknzkskiziwz !2!1!2!3!2! x3333 fueeats sos sw33t ofurr mew /genuine ahhssududuwu
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kittynugg · 1 year
hey if anyone's a fan of invader zim and gives a shit
i made an ask blog of Dib if anyone wants to check it out, i dont know how else to get anything to happen on it than like uh saying something so uh its @not-dibshit and ima try to be active on it so go check it out if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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vivid-badsquad · 1 year
PLZ I HAVENT WATCHED ZINCE LIKE I THINK TT GOT ELIMINATED MAYBE PB IDK WHO CAME FIRZT😭😭😭😭 I HAVENT BEEN IN2 II FOR MONTHZ NOW idk... whatz happeneing w tpot az well like r the zillt gay ppl ztill around... WAZNT THERE LIKE AN EXIT THING IN 1 OF THE RECENT EPZ??? bro, im going down the object zhow brainrot hole again
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